STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Covenant" (fka "Untitled Kira/Dukat") #40510-559 Written by Rene Echevarria Directed by John Kretchmer THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1998 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION September 28, 1998 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Covenant" - 09/28/98 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Covenant" CAST SISKO DUKAT KIRA BRIN ODO FALA BASHIR MIDWIFE O'BRIEN MIKA WORF BENYAN EZRI QUARK Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "Covenant" - 9/28/98 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Covenant" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE KIRA'S QUARTERS EMPOK NOR QUARK'S DEFIANT DEFIANT MESS HALL EMPOK NOR AIRLOCK AIRLOCK CORRIDOR CARGO BAY DUKAT'S QUARTERS GUEST QUARTERS HABITAT RING CORRIDOR INFIRMARY KIRA'S QUARTERS PROMENADE TEMPLE DS9 - "Covenant" - 09/30/98- PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Covenant" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BENYAN BEN-yen FALA FAW-luh MERU muh-ROO NERYS nar-EES RANJEN RAHN-jen VEDEK VEH-deck VILIX'PRAN vih-LIX-pran MENINGEAL meh-nen-JEE-uhl DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - TEASER STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Covenant" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S We FOLLOW QUARK through a CROWD that includes fewer than our usual number of BAJORANS. He moves to a table where ODO is sitting with BASHIR and EZRI. QUARK What can I get for you? EZRI A Til'amin froth for me. BASHIR Romulan ale. Quark is about to move off when Odo orders -- ODO A glass of springwine. QUARK Since when do you drink springwine -- or anything else, for that matter? ODO It's for Kira. She should be getting out of services any minute. BASHIR Here she is. We see KIRA ENTERING the bar, part of a small CROWD of Bajorans. Quark moves off to get their drinks, and Odo stands to greet Kira. ODO How was it? KIRA Beautiful. (taking a seat) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - TEASER 1A. 1 CONTINUED: KIRA (Cont'd) Ranjen Telna gave a very moving sermon. EZRI What was it about? KIRA How important it is to be able to forgive people who've wronged us. ODO Two hours on forgiveness? BASHIR It's a big subject. KIRA (seeing Odo's face) What's wrong? ODO Nothing. It's just... you spend so much time in services. Sometimes it makes me wish I was a believer so we could go together. EZRI That's so sweet... Odo shoots Ezri a look -- KIRA I'd love for you to come, but you wouldn't get much out of it if you don't believe in the Prophets. ODO Maybe if I had an Orb experience... ? Kira's touched by Odo's intentions, and doesn't know how to tell him he's got it all wrong. KIRA That's not the way it works. Faith has to come first. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: (2) ODO (musing) Too bad. I have a feeling it must be very... comforting to believe in something more powerful than yourself. BASHIR If you really feel that way, there are other faiths. EZRI (to Kira) Would it bother you if Odo became a believer in... (picking something) -- Klingon religion? KIRA Not as long as he gets something out of it. BASHIR (gently teasing) He'd get to eat the hearts of his enemies. EZRI And go to Sto'Vo'Kor when he dies. ODO (stopping them) But I wouldn't get to go to services with Kira, would I? And that's the whole point. EZRI (unaccountably moved) That really is so sweet... Off Odo's glower as he covers his embarrassment -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - TEASER 3. 2 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. 3 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) where Kira is having some TEA before bed. A CHIME at the door. KIRA Yes. The door OPENS to reveal VEDEK FALA, a Bajoran monk in his fifties. A vigorous and energetic man, he breaks into a grin when he sees her. (NOTE: His EARRING will not include the symbol of the Pah- wraiths until Scene 10.) KIRA (surprised and glad to see him) Vedek Fala... FALA Nerys. He pulls her into a big hug -- KIRA I can't believe it. What are you doing here? FALA (what else?) I came to see you. KIRA Come in, sit down. Let me get you some tea. She moves to the replicator. KIRA I contacted the University a few months ago -- they said you were on some sort of spiritual retreat? FALA (nods) You know me -- always searching for answers. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: KIRA (bringing the tea) That's what makes you different from other vedeks I've known. For you, Faith is a journey. FALA One that never ends... A beat as they take in the sight of each other. FALA So you're a colonel now... (off her smile) It seems like only yesterday you were just a little girl, squirming in her chair during instruction. KIRA (smiling as she corrects him) There were no chairs in the camp -- we sat on the floor. FALA Which was good for discipline -- it made me seem more imposing. KIRA As if you needed help. (in a stern teachers voice) "Nerys, what are the three keys to enlightenment?" FALA And the answer? KIRA Charity, humility and faith. FALA You remember. KIRA You were a good teacher. Without you, I'm not sure I would've survived that camp. Fala smiles gratefully -- FALA I brought you something. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: (2) Fala reaches into his SHOULDER BAG and produces a small object wrapped in CLOTH. Kira unwraps it, and finds a small CRYSTAL -- as she holds it up, it starts to GLOW. KIRA What is it? Suddenly we hear a strange SOUND and -- 4 KIRA (OPTICAL) begins to DEMATERIALIZE in a Dominion-style transporter effect. She looks at Fala in shocked amazement, and he watches her disappear with a look that tells us he's trying to convince himself he's doing the right thing. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - TEASER 6. 5 INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE (OPTICAL) (A RE-DRESS of Quark's bar. The bar, tables and chairs are gone, and an ALTAR sits where the dabo table usually is. Atop the altar rests a CENTERPIECE displaying what we'll come to recognize as the SYMBOL of the Pah-wraiths. The backlit mural has been refitted with a BANNER displaying the same symbol. Most of the light comes from CANDLES placed throughout the room.) Kira RE-MATERIALIZES in the center of the room with the crystal in her hand. She finds herself amidst a group of about SIX BAJORANS, who seem to have been expecting her arrival and regard her with welcoming smiles. All wear the distinctive RED ARMBANDS that identify them as members of the Pah-wraith cult. One of them, a man named BRIN, steps forward. BRIN Welcome to Empok Nor... Kira reacts to hearing her location, can't believe she was transported such a great distance. KIRA Empok Nor? That's impossible. BRIN I know it's a long way from Deep Space Nine -- (taking the crystal) This transponder allowed us to beam you here. Her eyes fall to the Pah-wraith symbol on the banner, then to the red armbands -- we see a shiver of recognition cross her features. KIRA Those armbands... you belong to the cult of the Pah-wraiths... BRIN We worship the True Prophets, yes. This is blasphemy to Kira's ears, and she can't quite keep the edge from her voice as she replies. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - TEASER 7. 5 CONTINUED: KIRA Why did you bring me here? BRIN That's a question best answered by the Master. KIRA And who, exactly, is "The Master?" A VOICE answers from off-screen -- DUKAT'S VOICE I am. Kira turns at the sound of the familiar voice, and sees -- 6 DUKAT standing in front of the banner. KIRA (stunned) Dukat... ? To add to the shock of the moment, Kira sees that he's wearing Bajoran-style CLOTHES and a BAJORAN EARRING. Off Kira's stunned reaction, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 7 INT. EMPOK NOR TEMPLE As before. KIRA (shocked amusement) You -- you're the leader of the Pah-wraith cult? Dukat smiles -- as always, he enjoys her fieriness. DUKAT I'm sure you have many questions, Nerys, and I intend to answer them all. Dukat turns to the others -- DUKAT Leave us, please. Without hesitation, the others begin to file out. Kira bristles at the sight of Bajorans taking orders from Dukat, keeps a wary eye on him as he steps down off the podium and approaches. DUKAT First of all, let me apologize for bringing you here without your permission. KIRA (dry) It's all right, I've always wanted to see Empok Nor. (looking around) Is the Dominion aware you've set up a... "temple" here? DUKAT The station has been abandoned a long time. They have no reason to object to our making use of it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT ONE 9. 7 CONTINUED: DUKAT (studying her) Your hair... you changed it. KIRA (sardonic) Your ear... you pierced it. DUKAT (touching the dangling chain) A symbol of the Covenant I've made with my new family... KIRA (amazed by it all) Your new family... (come to think of it) Well, I guess it makes sense that these people would choose you as their leader -- they worship evil. DUKAT (smiling sadly) The Pah-wraiths aren't what you think. And neither am I. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT ONE 9A. 7 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT (Cont'd) (beat) Let me ask you something. Have you ever wondered why the Prophets stood by and did nothing when the Cardassians took over Bajor? Have you ever asked yourself why they would allow your people to suffer? Dukat is posing a difficult theological question -- if there's an all-powerful God, why does he allow evil to exist? There's only one answer Kira can give, and it's the answer given by people of faith throughout the ages. KIRA The Prophets have a plan for us -- but it's not always easy to see what it is. DUKAT (smiles) Even as you say those words, you must know how hollow they sound. There's a better explanation. One that makes perfect sense. (with conviction) The Prophets aren't the true gods of Bajor, the Pah-wraiths are. Dukat sees Kira shake her head dismissively, but continues undaunted. DUKAT They were cast from the Celestial Temple because they wanted to take an active role in Bajoran life. Their only crime was that they cared about your people. But they weren't allowed to help you because they lost the battle for heaven and were forced to flee. KIRA (with sarcasm) I guess the Ancient Texts have it all wrong, then. DUKAT We both know that history is always written by the victors. But rest assured, there'll be another chapter. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT ONE 9B. 7 CONTINUED: (3) DUKAT (cont'd) The Pah-wraiths are determined to regain their place in heaven. KIRA And how would you know that? DUKAT They speak to me in visions. (beat) I am their Emissary. Kira chafes at hearing Dukat use the word -- KIRA I don't know if you believe what you're saying, if you're faking it, or if you're just insane. DUKAT I was touched by the hand of a god. I'm a changed man. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT ONE 10. 7 CONTINUED: (4) DUKAT Oh, I admit, when I allowed myself to become a vessel for the Pah-wraith, I did it for self- serving reasons. I wanted to help it enter the wormhole so it could force the Prophets out. It was nothing more than a way to exact vengeance on Sisko. (still amazed by it all) But I had no idea the effect it would have on me. It was only inside me for a short time, but it opened my heart. KIRA (disdainful) Would that be before or after you killed Jadzia? DUKAT That was most unfortunate, but it couldn't be helped. The Celestial Temple itself was at stake, and she was in the way. Dukat can see that Kira's not buying his tale -- DUKAT Nerys, I wish I had the words to describe what it was like to have the Pah-wraith within me. I could feel its love -- for me, and for the Bajoran people. it made me realize that I still had a role to play in Bajor's destiny. KIRA You mean besides overseeing an occupation that killed tens of millions? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT ONE 11. 7 CONTINUED: (5) DUKAT You have no idea how much it pains me to know that I caused so much suffering. But I'm not responsible for the Occupation, the Prophets are. KIRA (clenched anger) You have no right to say that. DUKAT They abandoned Bajor. I was only walking the path they laid down for me. (beat) Now I walk with the true Prophets. Dukat pauses for a moment, takes a gentler tack. DUKAT I'm building a community here, Nerys. I brought these people to Empok Nor so we could purify ourselves in preparation for the day the Pah-wraiths reclaim the Celestial Temple. KIRA And what's supposed to happen when that day comes? DUKAT The Pah-wraiths have a plan for Bajor. When the time is right, they'll reveal it to me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT ONE 12-13. 7 CONTINUED: (6) KIRA Something tells me their plan is going to involve you becoming ruler of Bajor again. DUKAT (smiling sadly) You're still so full of anger toward me. I can only hope that in time, you'll let it go. I brought you here because I want you to be part of our community. I want you to share in the love these people have for each other -- in the love they have for me. KIRA These people don't love you. You have some kind of hold over them, but love? (shakes her head No) Dukat approaches her, his features softening as he takes in her face. DUKAT Open your heart to me, Nerys. (gently) We're bound together by destiny. You belong at my side. Kira looks into his eyes and sees that he believes this with all his heart. Off her face as she realizes she's in the hands of an unbalanced man, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 8 INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - KIRA'S QUARTERS SISKO and Odo look on as O'BRIEN scans Kira's Quarters with a TRICORDER. SISKO When did you realize she was missing? ODO This morning -- she usually comes by my office before she goes to Ops. SISKO (indicating the door) Did you check the entry log? ODO She had a visitor a little after nineteen hundred hours. Whoever it was only stayed about ten minutes. The door OPENS and WORF ENTERS. SISKO Anything? WORF According to the Ops report, only one ship has left the station since last night -- the morning transport to Bajor. (glancing Odo's way) Kira was not aboard. O'BRIEN (off tricorder) Sir, I'm picking up traces of tachyon energy. ODO A transporter beam? O'BRIEN (nods) With a Dominion signature. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 15. 8 CONTINUED: ODO Is there any way to trace it? O'Brien shakes his head grimly. O'BRIEN Afraid not, the signal's already dissipated. Something on the floor catches O'Brien's eye -- it's the CLOTH the crystal was wrapped in. As he moves to retrieve it, Sisko turns to Worf. SISKO Their transporters operate over longer distances than ours -- what's their maximum range? WORF If a homing transponder is in place, up to three light years. O'BRIEN There was a homing transponder, all right. All eyes turn to O'Brien, who's scanning the cloth he found. O'BRIEN It was wrapped inside this. A grim beat. ODO Three light years... for all we know, she could be deep inside Dominion space by now... Off Odo's helplessness... 9 EXT. SPACE - EMPOK NOR (STOCK-OPTICAL) Establishing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 16. 10 INT. EMPOK NOR - GUEST QUARTERS where Kira is pacing the SPARSELY FURNISHED and DIMLY LIT room. (NOTE: Her combadge has been taken from her by this point.) Empok Nor is running on limited power, and there's a small HEATER to provide warmth. Kira moves to the door panel, works it for what must be the dozenth time. Nothing. She moves away in frustration, crosses to the heater to warm herself. A moment, then the door OPENS and Vedek Fala ENTERS. KIRA I had a feeling you'd turn up sooner of later. FALA I know you're angry with me -- KIRA Angry? I feel sorry for you. Letting yourself be duped by Dukat into joining this cult. FALA I was a member of this "cult," as you call it, long before Dukat. Kira is taken off-guard by this admission -- she can't believe she never knew. FALA I came to it toward the end of the Occupation. It's helped me make sense of the suffering we all had to endure. KIRA In the camp, you kept us together -- it was your faith in the Prophets that got us through. I can't believe that you -- of all people -- would turn your back on them. FALA They turned their backs on us long ago. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 16A. 10 CONTINUED: KIRA The path they've laid out for us may not be easy, but that's no reason to turn to hate and fear. FALA "Hate and fear" -- do you know how often I've heard those words used to describe us? Nothing could be further from the truth. KIRA The Pah-wraith cult tried to kill the Emissary. FALA Dukat had nothing to do with that. The boy who attacked Captain Sisko was acting out of his own misguided beliefs. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 17. 10 CONTINUED: (2) FALA (cont'd) We're peaceful people. KIRA Prove it. Let me go. FALA Nerys, the Master brought you here because he cares about your spiritual well-being. KIRA The "Master" -- he's using you. He's taking your beliefs and twisting them to suit his own purposes. FALA (impatient) You're so stubborn -- that's always been your problem. KIRA Your problem is that you've always been too trusting. FALA When Dukat first came to us, I didn't want to accept him. But I came to realize that the Pah-wraiths had taken this man of evil and washed him clean. What could be more wondrous than that? KIRA How can you forget all the friends we lost during the Occupation? How can you forget the millions Dukat murdered? FALA You disappoint me. Of all the things I tried to teach you, the most important was the need to forgive. Kira is stopped in her tracks -- Fala did try to teach her this, as did Vedek Porta in his sermon just the other day. KIRA There are some things that can't be forgiven. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 17A. 10 CONTINUED: (3) FALA Nerys, let me show you how we live. I want you to see the community we're building here so that you'll know that you have nothing to fear from Dukat -- or from us. A beat, then Kira acquiesces -- not because she's interested, but because it seems like her only chance to get out of this room and find a way off the station. 11 INT. EMPOK NOR - PROMENADE (OPTICAL) We start CLOSE on a man wearing protective GOGGLES and using a BAJORAN PHASER to WELD metal. We PICK UP Kira and Fala as they pass -- her eye takes in the phaser, but she knows she'd never be able to get her hands on it. All around them, people are carrying CRATES, repairing windows and light fixtures. They work with enthusiasm, with a sense of communal purpose. There are cooking STATIONS set up, and we see evidence of PRODUCE and other foodstuffs. A few SPACE HEATERS are visible, with knots of people warming themselves around them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 18. 11 CONTINUED: BANNERS bearing the symbol of the Pah-wraiths span the bridges of the upper level. (NOTE: There's no Bajoran Temple on Empok Nor's Promenade.) FALA -- only one of the fusion generators is operational, so we don't have power for things like replicators. Kira indicates a woman passing with a BASKET of fruit. KIRA Where do you get your food? She asks this idly, though what she's really wondering is if they have supply ships. FALA We've turned several of the lower levels into hydroponic bays. KIRA What about things like medical supplies -- do you bring them from Bajor? FALA We have a few cargo shuttles. (knowing smile) We're well aware that you might try to leave us. You should know that the docking bays are being guarded. As is the transporter we used to bring you here. KIRA As long as we're on the subject, am I free to move around, talk to people? FALA Of course. It's the Master's hope that you'll come to see this as your home. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 19. 11 CONTINUED: (2) Fala stops to talk to a young pregnant woman -- MIKA -- walking the other way. FALA Mika, this is Nerys. MIKA (friendly) Welcome. KIRA (re: her belly) You're getting close. MIKA (nervous smile) It could be any time now. Fala smiles reassuringly, then he and Kira move on. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 20. 11 CONTINUED: (3) FALA (proudly) Mika and her husband have the honor of being the first to receive the Master's blessing to bear children. KIRA (taken aback) You need Dukat's permission to have a baby? FALA (nods) Vows of abstinence are part of our Covenant with him. Exceptions are granted only when he sees that a wife and her husband have demonstrated a true spiritual bond. Kira can't believe the extent of the control Dukat has over their lives -- KIRA I see... FALA You don't approve. (off her look) In ancient times, Bajorans understood the value of denying worldly pleasures. (smiles) Ironic, isn't it, that a Cardassian would lead us back to the old ways? KIRA Especially a Cardassian who's appetite for worldly pleasures is legendary. FALA That was a long time ago, before he felt the kiss of the Pah-wraith. KIRA Must've been some kiss. And off this moment... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 20A. 11A INT. EMPOK NOR - CARGO BAY Fala has brought Kira to see something -- a LARGE PAINTING depicting Dukat in a heroic pose, flanked by Bajoran cultists -- a man, woman and a child. The piece is almost Soviet-Realist in its inspirational tone. The artist, BENYAN, is an intense young man in his late twenties. He looks up from his work when Kira and Fala approach. FALA (to Kira) Striking, isn't it? Kira says nothing because she can't get past the subject matter. The truth is, Benyan doesn't need her to tell her how good it is, he knows he's talented... though he's happy to play modest. FALA Benyan is Mika's husband. KIRA Congratulations. (can't resist) I understand it isn't easy to get... permission to have a baby. Benyan turns from his work, his features tight. BENYAN The Master told us you wouldn't approve of our ways. He said we should be patient with you. From his tone, Kira can tell that he's only being polite because he's been asked to. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenantff - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 20B. 11A CONTINUED: KIRA Don't go out of your way. BENYAN (taking her permission) I don't understand why he brought you here. FALA (be nice) Benyan -- KIRA No, it's all right. BENYAN We've all worked hard for what we have. We don't need you or anyone else to approve of us. KIRA Fair enough. BENYAN Don't misunderstand. I hope you come to feel the love of the Pah-wraiths. But if you don't... that's your loss. (beat) No offense. KIRA None taken. In fact, I've always found that people who try to convince others of their beliefs are usually trying to convince themselves. Kira shoots Fala a look as she says this -- BENYAN (simply) I know what I believe. KIRA That's what scares me. (beat) No offense. And off this moment... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 21. 11B INT. EMPOK NOR - PROMENADE Kira and Fala are part of a CROWD heading toward the Temple -- they pass a BAJORAN sounding CHIMES, calling everyone to worship. 12 INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE Kira and Fala stand near the back of the gathered crowd, which includes Brin, Mika, Benyan and a Bajoran woman who we'll come to know as the community MIDWIFE. Kira listens uneasily as they CHANT in Bajoran -- it's hard for her to hear homage being paid to entities she considers evil. ALL -- ba'ja kor'ek, no'la ba'lani, pah'nom ko'se plusso ma'kora. Ba'ja kor'ek, no'la ba'lani, pah'nom ko'se plusso ma'kora. Dukat EMERGES from behind the banner, and his appearance sends an almost electric current of joy through the crowd. DUKAT (a greeting) Kosst no'valt Amojan, my children. (The love of the Pah- wraiths be with you.) ALL Kosst no'valt Amojan. DUKAT Let us open our hearts and pray. ALL Ba'ja kor'ek, no'la ba'lani, pah'nom ko'se plusso ma'kora. Ba'ja kor'ek, no'la ba'lani, pah'nom ko'se plusso ma'kora. This is not a solemn chant, but a blissful one. All around her, Kira sees people with their eyes shut, smiles on their faces -- some even have tears of joy streaking down their cheeks. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 22-23. 13 KIRA As the chant continues, she notices the man she saw welding on the Promenade, standing a few rows up from her, his eyes closed in rapt attention as he chants. Her eyes fall to -- 14 THE PHASER hanging from his belt with his goggles. 15 KIRA glances at Fala, who like the others is absorbed in prayer, and decides to make her move. In a quick motion, she steps forward, jostling past a few people, and snatches the weapon. The man reacts, takes a step toward her, but Kira trains the weapon on him. KIRA Don't. She swings the weapon around in a threatening arc, and people in the vicinity move away to give her room. KIRA Dukat. The chanting stops as everyone in the crowd senses something's wrong. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 24. 16 DUKAT opens his eyes and sees that Kira has her weapon trained directly at him. KIRA Stay where you are. Panicked looks and jostling from the crowd -- it seems that there's no way to get to her before she gets off a shot. KIRA (to all) The rest of you -- get down on the floor. A few people comply out of fear for the Master, but others hesitate. KIRA I said on the floor. A few more people comply, but Benyan sees another option. 17 BENYAN lets go of Mika's hand and steps up on to the podium where Dukat is, effectively blocking Kira's shot. He holds up his arms, offers himself as a target. KIRA (taking aim) Move aside. BENYAN No. Kira takes a step over to get a clean line of sight on Dukat, knowing it's the only thing that's keeping the others from rushing her. The Midwife steps up onto the platform to shield Dukat, as well. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 25. 17 CONTINUED: Kira tries to line up a clean shot, but ANOTHER BAJORAN steps onto the platform, then ANOTHER, and ANOTHER. FALA Enough, Nerys, unless you're willing to kill us all. 18 KIRA as she realizes the extent of their devotion to Dukat. Defeated on this front, she slowly lowers the weapon. She starts to back away, trying to get to the Promenade -- and somehow, to a ship -- but a man steps in to block her path. She trains the weapon on him, but another man is able to step up behind her and deliver a knockout blow to her back that sends her unconscious to the floor. 19 DUKAT steps down off the podium and approaches her. The others move away to give him room, and he kneels down to crouch by Kira's still form. DUKAT (softly) Now do you understand how much they love me... ? And off the beatific smile that plays on his features, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 20 INT. EMPOK NOR - DUKAT'S QUARTERS - CLOSE ON KIRA Her eyes are closed as a HAND gently applies a COLD COMPRESS to her forehead. She stirs, her eyes flutter open, and she looks up to see -- 21 DUKAT his face close, a tender smile on his features. Kira sits up quickly, bats his hand away, then WINCES from the pain in her back. DUKAT Careful, no sudden moves. She finds herself wearing her SLEEVELESS SHIRT, which is partly unzipped down the back, revealing a BRUISE near the base of her neck. With a shudder, she realizes Dukat partially undressed her while she was unconscious. DUKAT (indicating her JACKET lying nearby) I removed it so I could tend to your bruise. Kira glares at him, reaches back and zips up the shirt, then stands and grabs her jacket. We see that unlike the rest of Empok Nor, Dukat's Quarters are well appointed, though not exactly luxurious. He even has two or three portable HEATERS to keep the room at a comfortable temperature. DUKAT (indicating a nearby TRAY) I had a meal prepared for you. Kira's undeniably hungry, but she doesn't want to give him the satisfaction. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT THREE 27. 21 CONTINUED: KIRA I'm not hungry. DUKAT Go ahead, you haven't eaten since you arrived. Kira looks at the tray, sees -- 22 A KNIFE AND FORK and the thought occurs to her that the knife could be used as a weapon. 23 DUKAT senses what she's thinking, smiles. DUKAT I know what you're thinking. But really, what good would it do to try to kill me? Even if you succeeded, it wouldn't get you off Empok Nor. You'd only be making me a martyr. KIRA You're right. I don't want anything to happen to you -- not until your followers have a chance to see what a fraud you are. DUKAT I love these people, Nerys. And they love me. I'd think that after what just happened in the temple, you'd realize that. KIRA It always comes back to that, doesn't it? Your desperate need to win the love of the Bajoran people. You've never understood why we don't appreciate you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT THREE 28-29. 23 CONTINUED: DUKAT If it wasn't for me, the occupation would've been much worse. KIRA (incredulous) And you want a thank you? (beat) You were working people to death in the ore processing centers, but that didn't stop you from strutting around Terok Nor, picking out Bajoran women to take to your bed. And actually believing they wanted to be there. DUKAT Your mother wanted to be there. KIRA (controlled rage) You took her away from her children. She did what she had to in order to make sure we survived. DUKAT She loved me. KIRA Maybe she convinced herself she did -- and that's a very different thing. Dukat seems genuinely pained to hear this. A long beat, then he makes a difficult admission. DUKAT Perhaps you're right. And if I caused your mother any pain, I regret it. Kira is taken off-guard by this moment of self-knowledge from Dukat. DUKAT Just as I regret many other things I did in those years. Thankfully, the Pah-wraiths have given me an opportunity to redeem myself in the eyes of your people. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT THREE 30. 23 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA How? By recreating some idealized version of the Occupation? Because that's exactly what you're doing here. You have your station back, Bajorans to serve your every whim. And the best part is, this time they really do love you. As misguided as it is, they love you. If Kira's rattled Dukat's cage, he's not going to show it. He turns to her, smiles tenderly. DUKAT I'm so glad you're here, Nerys. Dukat's gentle demeanor is so out of context it throws Kira off. DUKAT You embody everything I admire most about the Bajoran people. Your passion, your spirit. I see now why the Pah-wraiths want you at my side. KIRA And why's that? DUKAT Because if I can open your heart to them, then surely I can open the heart of any Bajoran. (musing) Yes, your anger is a challenge. But I welcome it. Because in the end, it will help me better serve the Pah-wraiths. Kira stares at him, struck by the apparent sincerity in his voice. It's unsettling, and she can't help wondering if he believes what he's saying, or if he's just the best actor she's ever seen. A CHIME at the door interrupts the moment. DUKAT Yes. The door OPENS to reveal Brin, Dukat's right-hand man. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT THREE 31. 23 CONTINUED: (3) BRIN (excited) It's Mika. She's gone into labor. Dukat breaks into a smile. DUKAT Come, Nerys. I want you to be a witness to this blessed event. And off this moment... 24 INT. EMPOK NOR - INFIRMARY/PROMENADE As Kira watches, Dukat stands with Benyan, the expectant father. Outside on the Promenade, an excited CROWD has gathered to wait for news of the birth. Vedek Fala and Brin keep them at a discreet distance. DUKAT I've been told Mika is on her way out. This is a great day for us, Benyan. You should be honored to have fathered the first child born to our community. Movement from the hallway leading into surgery. Mika, reclined in a BIO-BED, is WHEELED in by an older Bajoran WOMAN -- the midwife. Mika carries her CHILD in her arms, wrapped in a BLANKET. She wears a shaky smile, one that we might attribute to the delivery. Benyan steps over to the bed with anticipation, and Dukat follows right behind him. Mika offers the bundle to her husband, but as he reaches for it, he stops in mid-motion. 25 BENYAN his eyes wide at what he sees. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT THREE 32. 26 THE CHILD which we now REVEAL to be half-Bajoran, half-Cardassian. 27 MIKA as she tears her eyes away from her husband's stricken features and looks over to -- 28 DUKAT wasn't expecting this, but he's not completely surprised either. He gives Mika a look that says keep-your-mouth-shut, then steps forward and takes the child in his arms. DUKAT (with wonder) The Pah-wraiths... they've sent us a sign... He moves to the door of the Infirmary, holds the child up for the crowd in the Promenade to see. A collective gasp of confusion comes up from the assembled group. 29 KIRA as she reacts, realizing immediately that Dukat is still up to his old ways, taking young Bajoran women to his bed. DUKAT My children, something wondrous has happened. This infant -- born of the love between Benyan and Mika -- was transformed in her womb into a living symbol of the Covenant I've made with you. (through tears of joy) What a blessed day this is -- there can no longer be any doubt that the Pah-wraiths are smiling upon us. The confused looks of the crowd give way to awed expressions of devotion. DUKAT Let us give thanks and praise. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT THREE 29 CONTINUED: Brin begins to CHANT, and others soon fall in. ALL Ka'li bor'ek, no'ma ten'su, fah- jah nori bentu'sa. Ka'li bor'ek, no'ma ten'su, fah-jah nori bentu'sa. (etc.) 30 KIRA is stunned at Dukat's hold over these people, and sickened by his hypocrisy. She turns and looks at -- 31 BENYAN as he looks into his wife's eyes, then turns to stare at Dukat, fighting to believe that what he's claimed is true. 32 KIRA catches Mika's eye, and the girl looks away, a flicker of shame crossing her features. Mika returns her gaze to Dukat, composes a smile, and begins to chant with the others. 33 DUKAT turns as he holds the baby for all to see, and his eyes catches Kirals. Off her face as she resolves to break his spell over these people, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 34. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 34 INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE Kira and Fala are alone in the Temple. The Vedek is trying to light a candle and say a prayer of thanks, but Kira's not making it easy. KIRA You're an intelligent man. How can you believe Dukat's story? It's obvious he's the baby's father. FALA What's obvious is that you hate him so much, you can't even entertain the possibility that a miracle occurred. KIRA Are you so blind you'll believe anything he says? FALA I have faith. I would think you'd understand what that means. (beat) Nerys, is it so beyond the realm of possibility that the Pah- wraiths sent that child to us as a sign? They have powers beyond our understanding. Your Prophets made an entire fleet of Dominion ships vanish into thin air! What's one child compared to a miracle like that? Fala makes a good point, but Kira knows she's right about this and takes another tack. KIRA You know what the miracle was? That Mika was able to keep from breaking into tears in front of her husband. She was terrified he wouldn't believe Dukat's little performance. I could see it in her eyes. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 35. 34 CONTINUED: FALA You saw what you wanted to see. KIRA If you really believe it was a miracle, then you won't mind if I talk to the happy couple. Kira sees Fala hesitate -- KIRA What's wrong? Are you afraid to find out the truth? FALA I know the truth. I just don't want you making unfounded accusations. KIRA I'll be discreet. Off Fala as he gives in, knowing it's the only way to get Kira to give up her allegations... DEEP SPACE NINE: -Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 36. 35 INT. EMPOK NOR - CARGO BAY Benyan -- his face a mask of concentration -- is working on his PAINTING, doing detail on Dukat's chest and arm. After a beat -- FALA'S VOICE (off-screen) It's coming along nicely... 36 BENYAN turns and sees Kira and Fala nearby. She watches him work for a moment, then lobs a loaded question his way. KIRA Maybe you should make one of the children half-Cardassian? Benyan stiffens, turns and looks at her. KIRA (innocently) To commemorate what's happened. Kira can see that he's trying to hold on to the idea that the child's birth was indeed a miracle. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 37. 36 CONTINUED: BENYAN (even) If I'd known, I would've. Benyan turns away and tries to get back to work, but his hand's a bit shaky. Kira senses that he's struggling to hold on to his faith in order to stave off the humiliation of what he fears really happened. KIRA (neutral but leading) It must be quite an honor to be part of such a miraculous event... BENYAN It is. KIRA Obviously Dukat did the right thing when he gave you permission to have a baby. BENYAN We prayed together many times... he wanted to be sure. KIRA (carefully) Did you ever pray with him alone? BENYAN Yes. KIRA Did Mika? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 38. 36 CONTINUED: (2) BENYAN (what of it?) Yes. Before Kira can continue, Fala interrupts pointedly. FALA Nerys, we should let Benyan get back to work. Kira backs off, honoring her promise to the Vedek. With a nod to Benyan, she turns to go. Off Benyan's face as he watches them leave... 37 INT. EMPOK NOR - PROMENADE as Kira and Fala make their way along it. It's clear as we cut into their conversation that they have different interpretations of what just happened. KIRA You saw his face. FALA He was angry -- he knew what you were implying. Kira shakes her head in frustration, but before she can counter she catches a glimpse of Mika on the far side of the Promenade, approaching the Airlock. KIRA There's Mika. Kira loses sight of her in the crowd, runs ahead to try and find her. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 39. 38 THE PROMENADE AIRLOCK as Kira comes to a stop near the airlock door and looks around. Mika's nowhere in sight. FALA (approaching) When we find her, I trust you'll be more discreet than you were with Benyan. Kira almost smiles to hear him scolding her the way he did when she was a child. She nods, and they start into the airlock. 39 INT. EMPOK NOR - AIRLOCK CORRIDOR #1 as Dukat walks along, looks to see if anyone's around, then ducks into -- 40 INT. EMPOK NOR - AIRLOCK Dukat approaches Mika, who's nervously waiting to talk to him. Through the glass in the airlock door, we see STARS hanging in space. MIKA (scared) I'm sorry. DUKAT Why didn't you tell me the baby was mine? MIKA I didn't know. I was hoping it wasn't. Dukat accepts this, but he knows he has a problem on his hands. DUKAT Mika, I'm so sorry about what happened that night. I was weak... and you were so beautiful. MIKA (trying to hold on) I've forgiven you. You know that. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 40. 40 CONTINUED: DUKAT Have you told anyone? MIKA No... DUKAT Not even Benyan? MIKA (shakes her head) He wants to believe it was a miracle, but I know he has doubts. If he ever asks me, I don't know if I can lie to him. 41 DUKAT we see his eyes grow hard as he considers whether he can risk this or not... 42 INT. EMPOK NOR - AIRLOCK CORRIDOR #2 as Kira nods her thanks to a BAJORAN MAN she's stopped in the corridor, turns to Fala. KIRA He says he saw her come this way. As Kira and Fala head off... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 40A. 43 INT. EMPOK NOR - AIRLOCK Dukat studies Mika's face, and we can see that he's come to some internal decision. DUKAT Don't worry, everything's going to be all right... She nods, determined to be strong. DUKAT Wait here until I'm gone, then go back to you quarters and pray for strength. He squeezes her shoulder reassuringly, then turns and EXITS. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 41. 44 INT. EMPOK NOR - AIRLOCK CORRIDOR #1 as Dukat stops, turns and looks back at Mika. A beat, then he reaches out and works the CONTROL PANEL -- the Airlock door between them starts to SLIDE SHUT. 45 MIKA her features falter, she's not sure what he's doing. 46 DUKAT works the panel and the airlock door behind Mika begins to OPEN to the vacuum of space -- 47 MIKA is thrown back toward the opening door by the rush of WIND -- her body smacks against it, and a SCARF she's wearing is sucked out the still opening door. As the last of the air vents out, she desperately grabs hold of something to keep from being pulled out as well. 48 DUKAT watches as Mika falls to the ground, reaches out to him imploringly. Suddenly from off-screen -- KIRA'S VOICE Mika? Dukat reacts, realizes that Kira's about to come around the corner and see him 49 OMITTED 50 INT. EMPOK NOR - AIRLOCK CORRIDOR #1 as Kira and Fala round the corner, Dukat is nowhere in sight. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 42. 50 CONTINUED: Kira sees an ALARM LIGHT FLASHING on the airlock control panel, rushes forward, and looks inside the airlock to see 51 MIKA gasping for breath near the open door leading out into space. 52 KIRA KIRA Mika. Kira quickly works the control panel, and the airlock door begins to slide SHUT. 52A NEW ANGLE revealing Dukat hiding just around the corner, a look of barely controlled panic on his features. 53 INT. EMPOK NOR - INFIRMARY/PROMENADE The Midwife is bent over Mika's unconscious form. The girl's skin is PALE, and she has faint HEMATOMAS on her cheeks and neck. Kira and Fala stand a few paces away from the bio-bed, watching with concern. MIDWIFE You got to her just in time. Dukat ENTERS, pushing past Benyan and Brin, who are standing near the entrance to the Infirmary with a small group of worried BAJORANS. Kira stares at him, suspicious that Mika -- the only person besides Dukat that knows the truth about the child -- would so conveniently have an "accident." DUKAT How is she? MIDWIFE The depressurization caused swelling in her meningeal tissues -- I'm going to keep her sedated until morning. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 43. 53 CONTINUED: DUKAT But she's going to recover? MIDWIFE She'll be fine. Dukat moves to Brin, who's standing near the door to the Infirmary with the others. DUKAT Seal the docking ring and have all the airlocks inspected -- let's make sure we never have another accident like this. KIRA Accident? Shocked stares and murmurs of protest from the group. KIRA What happened, Dukat? Was she going to tell everyone that you're the father of her child? FALA (warning her off) Kira -- KIRA Is that why you tried to kill her? FALA Enough. DUKAT It's all right, Fala. Nerys is obviously upset. She doesn't know what she's saying. KIRA Mika won't lie for you anymore. DUKAT (to Brin) Take her to her quarters. She needs to rest. Brin and another man move to take Kira by the arm -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 43A. 53 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (to Benyan) Don't let him near her -- Once Kira's gone, Dukat turns to his followers and tries to defuse the situation. DUKAT Let us pray for Mika's recovery. He bows his head and begins to pray in Bajoran. DUKAT Ka'la mo'sek, teru-benso, Kosst Amojan golis rej. The others join in, and we see that despite the close call, Dukat has his people behind him. 54 OMITTED DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 55 EXT. SPACE - EMPOK NOR (STOCK-OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 56 INT. EMPOK NOR - DUKAT'S QUARTERS It's dark, and we find an anguished Dukat kneeling in front of the small Shrine in his quarters. DUKAT I failed you. Forgive my weakness. Forgive me for letting temptation obscure the path you've laid out for me. (desperate) When Mika awakes -- and I pray she does -- your children will learn the truth. (pained) They'll turn away from me... they'll turn away from you. The Covenant will be broken. Don't let that happen. Tell me what to do. Please. Dukat bows his head and sobs quietly. Off this moment... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 45. 57 INT. EMPOK NOR - PROMENADE A BAJORAN sounds the CHIMES calling everyone to the temple. 57A INT. EMPOK NOR - KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira is warming herself by the heater when she hears the CHIMES over the com-system. 57B INT. EMPOK NOR - INFIRMARY where Benyan is sitting at Mika's side as the Midwife tends to the still unconscious girl. She's now in a patient's GOWN, and the hematomas are still visible on her face. They both react to the sound of the CHIMES, puzzled that they'd be called to services at this hour. MIDWIFE It's not time for services... BENYAN I'll stay with her if you want to go. MIDWIFE You go. With a last look Mika's way, Benyan heads for the Promenade. 58 INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE The CROWD has gathered, and there's a sense of anticipation in the air because they've all heard that an announcement is going to be made. Brin, Benyan and Fala are present. Finally, Dukat emerges from the back. DUKAT Kosst no'valt Amojan, my children. ALL Kosst no'valt Amojan. DUKAT Tonight, while I prayed, the Pah- wraiths sent me a vision. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 46. 58 CONTINUED: DUKAT (Cont'd) They told me it was the last I'd ever receive from them. Worried whispers are exchanged -- 58A INT. EMPOK NOR - INFIRMARY as the Midwife listens to Dukat over the com-system. DUKAT'S VOICE There's a reason for this... a wondrous reason. 58B INT. EMPOK NOR - KIRA'S QUARTERS DUKAT'S VOICE My children, the Pah-wraiths have asked us to join them in their Holy quest to reclaim the Celestial Temple. Kira listens, sensing Dukat is building to something. 58C INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE Excitement courses through the gathering -- DUKAT To become warriors in this great battle, we must transform ourselves... our corporeal bodies are not suitable for the task ahead... so we must leave them behind. An awed hush comes over the crowd -- DUKAT In a few hours, at the start of the new day, we'll gather together here for the last time. We will shed the flesh that ties us to this world... 58D INT. EMPOK NOR - KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira reacts as she realizes what Dukat is planning. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 47. 58D CONTINUED: DUKAT'S VOICE And deliver ourselves into the waiting arms of the Pah- wraiths... 58E INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE People are choked with emotion; many are crying, but their tears are tears of joy. 58F DUKAT smiles upon them, his features peaceful. Fala steps forward and begins a CHANT of thanks and praise. FALA Ka'li bor'ek, no'ma ten'su, fah- jah nori bentu'sa. The crowd falls in with him -- ALL Ka'li bor'ek, no'ma ten'su, fah- jah nori bentu'sa. 58G INT. EMPOK NOR - KIRA'S QUARTERS as she slams her hand against the closed door in frustration. She listens to the CHANT, knowing full well what it means -- they're all willing to kill themselves as Dukat has asked. Off this disturbing moment, we... 59 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 60 thru OMITTED 62A 62B INT. EMPOK NOR - KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira's pacing in frustration when the door OPENS and Dukat ENTERS. DUKAT I sent a message to Deep Space Nine. They should be able to get someone here for you within a day or so. Kira studies Dukat for a beat. KIRA I know you're desperate to keep your followers from turning against you. It doesn't surprise me that you're willing to kill them. But I can't believe you're willing to die yourself. DUKAT You don't understand, Nerys. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 49. 62B CONTINUED: DUKAT (Cont'd) The Pah-wraiths are calling me home. You should be happy. Kira doesn't know what to make of his apparent sincerity -- KIRA Happy? Fifty people are going to die. DUKAT I assure you, our deaths will be painless. He produces a small CAPLET, fingers it thoughtfully. DUKAT Promazine. It was developed by the Obsidian Order for its operatives to use in case of capture. Not only is death swift, it reduces the body to dust within hours, making it unidentifiable to the enemy. (musing) Dust... that's all that'll be left of my passage through this misbegotten universe. But it doesn't bother me. Because I know that I'm going to be with the Pah-wraiths. For the first time, Kira doesn't doubt Dukat's sincerity. KIRA (softly) You really believe that. DUKAT (smiles) Good-bye, Nerys. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 49A. 62B CONTINUED: (2) And with that, Dukat turns and EXITS. The last thing Kira sees before the door closes is Dukat motioning to her guard that they should go to the temple. Off Kira's face as the door shuts, trapping her inside... 63 EXT. SPACE - EMPOK NOR (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 50. 64 INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE The crowd has gathered, including Brin, Fala and Benyan. BOWLS containing POISON caplets have been set up on small ceremonial STANDS near the podium. The crowd is CHANTING softly as they file up to get them -- as they move away, they hold them cupped in their hands, almost as if they were sacred objects. 65 BENYAN his child in his arms, comes forward. We see him reach into the bowl and get TWO caplets, one for him and one for his infant. Off this chilling moment... 66 OMITTED 66A INT. EMPOK NOR - KIRA'S QUARTERS where Kira is working on the door control panel, which is OPEN to expose CIRCUITRY. Frustrated by her inability to trigger the lock, she slams her fist against the door and moves off. Her eyes fall to the Heater glowing in the corner. She moves to the device, OPENS a panel, and inspects the circuitry inside. Off Kira as she begins to pull some optical CABLES from inside it... 66B INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE As the last few people in the crowd get their caplets and return to stand with the others. 67 DUKAT emerges from behind the banner and the crowd falls silent. All eyes are on the Master as he scans their faces. DUKAT My children, the time has come for us to leave this world behind... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 50A. 67A INT. EMPOK NOR - KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira has connected the heater's optical cables to the circuitry inside the door control panel. She works the unit and it starts to OVERLOAD -- giving off a high-pitched SOUND that builds in intensity. Kira moves to the far side of the room as the SOUND builds... a tense moment, then -- 67B THE PANEL SPARKS 67C THE DOOR unlocks and slides OPEN a few inches. Kira hurries over, pries it open the rest of the way, and EXITS. 67D INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE DUKAT -- as we embark on this journey, our hearts are not heavy, but joyful. Because we know we'll be together in the holy light of the Pah-wraiths. 67DD INT. EMPOK NOR - PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL as Kira moves to the railing and looks toward the temple. DUKAT'S VOICE (in background) This is a great day for us... 67DDD INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE DUKAT We have proven ourselves worthy of them. They're calling us home. Dukat raises a hand, and we see a CAPLET held between his thumb and index finger. DUKAT This is the means of our deliverance... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 51. 67E NEW ANGLE revealing Kira on the UPPER LEVEL surreptitiously watching. DUKAT Kosst no'valt Amojan, my children. ALL Kosst no'valt Amojan. 68 thru OMITTED 69 70 KIRA realizing she has to do something -- anything -- to stop Dukat. 71 DUKAT raises his hand into the air, holding the capsule up for all to see. DUKAT Don't be afraid... I love you all... 72 THE CROWD follows suit, the moment of truth is at hand. Suddenly Kira's VOICE shatters the moment -- KIRA Dukat. Dukat looks up to see -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 52. 73 thru OMITTED 75 76 KIRA as she LEAPS from the Upper Level -- 76A DUKAT as Kira lands on top of him and they both go careening to the ground. 77 A CEREMONIAL STAND as their tumbling bodies knock it over, causing the bowl of capsules to spill to the floor. 78 thru OMITTED 79 79A KIRA gets her bearings, turns to face the crowd -- KIRA Don't you see why he's doing this? Brin and another Bajoran rush to grab hold of her. 80 DUKAT as Fala and another Bajoran move to help him. KIRA'S VOICE He doesn't want you to find out the truth! Dukat picks through the capsules on the floor, a look of alarm spreading on his features. 81 KIRA subdued by Brin and the other man, watches Dukat -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 53. 82 DUKAT stares at the spilled capsules with a stricken look. FALA (helping him up) Are you all right? Dukat looks at Fala uncomprehendingly, as if he doesn't even register what he's saying. 83 KIRA realizing what Dukat's expression means. 84 THE CROWD as Fala steps forward to calm them. FALA Everyone, please. Let's not allow anything to disrupt this holy moment. Fala takes a capsule from one of the ceremonial stands and offers it to Dukat. Dukat looks down at the capsule in the man's hand, but doesn't reach for it. KIRA What's wrong, Dukat? Take it. Dukat stares at her like a deer caught in the headlights -- KIRA Go ahead. They're all the same, aren't they? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 54. 84 CONTINUED: Dukat ignores her, turns to the restless crowd. DUKAT My children, listen to me. KIRA Tell them, Dukat -- tell them you never had any intention of dying with them. DUKAT My time here is not finished. Uneasy murmurs from the crowd as they realize Kira's right -- DUKAT The Pah-wraiths want me to continue bringing others into their light. More confused wallah from the crowd -- 85 BENYAN steps forward, his eyes demanding the truth. BENYAN This is your child, isn't it? That's why you tried to kill Mika. Dukat can't deny it -- Benyan angrily throws the two capsules in his hand at Dukat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 85 CONTINUED: DUKAT (desperate to explain) The Pah-wraiths have forgiven my sins. They've given me their absolution. A chorus of angry shouts greets Dukat's admission -- 86 DUKAT (OPTICAL) as a storm of capsules rains down on him, thrown by the crowd. DUKAT (anger flaring) Who are you to presume they're wrong? Who are you to judge me? But Dukat is shouting into the wind -- the crowd has turned on him once and for all. DUKAT (enraged) Then it's done. Our Covenant is broken. Dukat tears the EARRING from his ear -- we see a dab of BLOOD start to form in the torn skin. DUKAT None of you will ever know the love of the Pah-wraiths. None of you! And with a last look of bitter disappointment their way, Dukat touches his wrist and DEMATERIALIZES in a Dominion transporter effect. A hush falls over the crowd as their anger gives way to stunned silence. People move to comfort each other. Some fall to their knees in prayer, asking for guidance. Kira sees Fala sobbing quietly by himself, shattered by what's happened. He reaches his hand toward his mouth and she realizes he's holding a capsule in it. KIRA Fala, no. She pushes past people to get to him, but it's too late -- he's swallowed it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 55A. 86 CONTINUED: As the poison takes effect, she cradles him in her arms. KIRA Why? FALA Faith, Nerys. Faith... And with that, he dies in her arms. Off Kira as she looks down at him, staggered by what he's done... 87 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it travels at warp. 88 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL Kira and Odo are sitting at one of the corner tables. In the background, we see a handful of former cult members sitting quietly at other tables, their faces somber. They no longer wear earrings, or the armbands they once bore so proudly. Among them are Benyan and Mika -- the girl's face has returned to normal, and she's rocking her baby to sleep. Benyan is facing away from his wife, lost in his own thoughts. ODO I'm sorry about Vedek Fala... Kira nods ruefully... KIRA I keep going over what he said when he died. I don't know if he was trying to tell me that he never lost his faith... or that he felt betrayed by it. ODO I suppose you'll never know... (looking around) One thing's for certain, these people were betrayed. And now they have to find a way to pick up the pieces and move on. Kira takes a beat, trying to make sense of it all. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 56. 88 CONTINUED: KIRA I thought Dukat was just claiming to share their faith because he wanted them to love him. (this scares her) But it was more than that. He's changed. ODO Has he? If you hadn't stopped him, he would've killed them all, and no one would've known that his body wasn't among the remains. That sounds like the same old Dukat to me. KIRA I know this is going to sound crazy... but I think he convinced himself that he was doing what the Pah-wraiths wanted. ODO (troubled by the thought) Who knows, maybe he was. KIRA Either way, he believes. And that makes him more dangerous than ever... And off Kira and Odo as they contemplate what the future may hold, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END