STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Once More Unto the Breach" (fka "Untitled Klingon") #40510-557 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Allan Kroeker THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1998 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION September 8, 1998 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Once More Unto the Breach" - 09/09/98 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Once More Unto the Breach" CAST SISKO KOR KIRA MARTOK ODO DAROK BASHIR KOLANA O'BRIEN SYNON QUARK WORF EZRI JAKE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "Once More Unto the Breach" - 09/08/98 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Once More Unto the Breach" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE QUARK'S KLINGON SQUADRON WORF'S QUARTERS TRELKA FIVE KLINGON WARDROOM ATMOSPHERE - THREE KLINGON CORRIDOR SHIPS CAPTAIN'S OFFICE OPS PROMENADE KLINGON BIRD OF PREY BRIDGE MESS HALL READY ROOM CORRIDOR QUARTERS DS9 - "Once More Unto the Breach" - 09/09/98 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Once More Unto the Breach" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE DAROK duh-ROCK KOLANA ko-LAH-nuh SYNON SIGH-non NUQ'NUH NUK-neh T'NAG tuh-NAG SHEVA SHE-vuh SHUVAY, SHOE-vak RENAVI reh-NAH-vee KETHA KEH-tha CH'TANG cha-TANG CALEB KAY-leb CHRONOS KRO-nos DAHAR da-HAR CHAH VEH CHA-veh MALPARA mal-PAR-uh SLIVAN SLEE-van ORANTHO O-ran-tho LURKAN LUR - kan DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 11/04/98 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Once More Unto the Breach" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing the station. 2 INT. QUARK'S O'BRIEN and BASHIR are having a drink at the bar. WORF is two chairs away at the bar, having a drink and trying to work on a PADD. But the argument is clearly distracting him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Come on. Santa Anna didn't care about the "rules of war." If he'd executed Davy Crockett at the Alamo he would've considered it a point of pride. BASHIR All right. Try this: in Eighteen thirty-six Crockett is forty-nine -- quite old by the standards of the time. His days as an Indian fighter are well behind him. He's just an ex- Congressman... all reputation. He's not going to be the man who fights to his last breath. When it's clearly hopeless, when the ammunition is gone and Mexican soldiers are swarming over the Alamo's battlements, Davy Crockett would surrender. It's logical. O'BRIEN I'm not saying it couldn't have happened, I'm just saying there's no proof. Worf has finally had enough. WORF You are both wrong. (beat) The only real question is whether you believe in the legend of Davy Crockett or not. If you do, then there should be no doubt in your mind that he died the death of a hero. If you do not believe in the legend, then he was just a man... and it doesn't matter how he died. Worf gets up and heads for the door. O'Brien and Bashir consider that for a beat. BASHIR Well. I guess that settles that. O'BRIEN I guess so. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR Shall we talk about something else? O'BRIEN Sure. (beat) The line in the dirt? BASHIR The line in the dirt. Now, I suppose you're going to tell me "Well, there's no evidence Travis didn't draw the line." But, in fact, there's a great deal of evidence to suggest that the story was invented by... CUT TO: 3 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS A short time later. Worf unhooks his baldric and drapes it across the back of a chair. He starts to take off his uniform jacket when the door CHIMES. WORF Enter. The doors open and he is surprised to see KOR. WORF Kor? KOR Nuq'nuh, Worf. (Hello.) It's good to see you, my friend. Physically, the old Klingon warrior hasn't changed much since we saw him in "The Sword of Kahless" but some of the bravado is gone and the swagger is missing from his step. WORF (formal) I welcome you to my home. Kor finally ENTERS. WORF May I offer you refreshment? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: KOR I would be honored to share a bottle of bloodwine with the Son of Mogh. Worf gets a bottle and pours them both a drink. KOR I heard the news about Jadzia. WORF She died a warrior. KOR I expected nothing less. Worf hands him a glass and they lift their glasses. KOR To absent comrades. They drink to that. Kor savors the wine. KOR (re: bloodwine) Twenty-three oh nine. Very good. (beat) The war goes well for you, Worf? A long list of victories to your credit, I trust? WORF I have been... fortunate. KOR The way of the warrior is not a humble path. Show some pride in your accomplishments! You've earned it! WORF I will... try. (beat) And does the war go well for you, Kor? The smile fades from Kor's face... there's a darker, sadder quality to the man now than we've ever seen before. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: (2) KOR No, Worf. It does not go well for me. It seems my services are not required in the present conflict. That catches Worf completely off-guard. WORF But... you are Kor -- a Dahar Master, the man who held the Korma Pass against T'nag -- your reputation alone should've assured you a command. KOR (rueful) I also have a reputation for... a certain ruthless quality toward those who would stand in my way. Mind you, it is not entirely undeserved -- in truth, I rather enjoy being feared by my fellow officers. (beat) However, there is a price to be paid for such... singledminded devotion to one's ambition. I made enemies... perhaps more than were necessary. For a moment, Kor seems to be weighed down by regrets, but then he shakes it off and faces Worf. KOR I have no influence left in the Empire. Even as our entire race grapples with the Dominion... there is no place for an old man with too many enemies and not enough friends. (beat) That is why I have come here tonight. It is not easy for me to beg for help... but I have nowhere else to turn. (difficult) Help me fight again, Worf. Help me end my life as I lived it -- as a warrior! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - TEASER 6. 3 CONTINUED: (3) Worf is deeply moved by the old man's plea. He stands up and goes to him. WORF Tomorrow I will go to General Martok and find you a command. I can give you an officer's commission immediately. So as of this moment, you are a soldier of the Empire once again. Worf offers his hand and Kor takes it, grateful beyond words. CUT TO: 4 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 5 INT. KLINGON WARDROOM This room is Martok's headquarters on DS9 and it has been customized with Klingon furniture, tapestries, food, battle trophies, etc. A large desk commands one end of the room while a round conference table sits at the other end. MARTOK is working at his desk with a short, elderly Klingon aide -- DAROK -- when Worf ENTERS. Martok tosses a PADD down on the desk. MARTOK (irritable) How many more reports does the High Council require? DAROK As many as last time. (hands him another PADD) And Starfleet is still waiting for your signature on these repair requests. MARTOK There will come a day, Darok, when your services as my aide may no longer be required. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - TEASER 7. 5 CONTINUED: DAROK (acerbic) I look forward to that day with great anticipation. Until then... He pointedly shoves the PADDs toward Martok. MARTOK Ah, Worf, good to see you. (biting) Darok, thank you. Darok gives him a curt nod and EXITS. MARTOK (re: Darok) A pity Captain Sisko frowns on summary executions. What can I do for you? WORF Kor, the Dahar Master, came to see me last night. He has been unable to find a command and I -- Martok's reaction is so swift and fierce that Worf is caught completely off-guard. MARTOK Tell me you're not going to ask me to give that man a ship! WORF (surprised) I had hoped that-- MARTOK Then your hopes are in vain! That man is not welcome in my house and I will certainly not have him commanding a ship in my fleet! Martok picks up a PADD, leaving Worf standing there stunned for a moment. Worf waits a beat, then decides that he cannot leave matters like that. WORF General... Kor is a friend and I have already -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - TEASER 8. 5 CONTINUED: (2) Martok fairly explodes out of his chair. MARTOK Not another word! Do you hear me? Not a word! Now get out before I forget that we are brothers! Worf stares at him for a moment... then EXITS... 6 INT. CORRIDOR Worf ENTERS and stops just outside the door. OFF the shocked look on his face... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: 7 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Martok and SISKO are discussing strategy in front of the wall monitor, which is displaying a MAP of the front lines. Martok is in a good mood, eager for battle -- the confrontation with Worf has been pushed to one side. MARTOK (pointing to map) I plan to attack the Trelka Five Starbase, then push deeper into Cardassian territory. (pointing them out) I'll hit the Manora Shipyard, the Jem'Hadar breeding facility on Sheva Two, the supply depots in the Borias Cluster... SISKO (dubious) It would take half the Ninth Fleet just to destroy Trelka Five. MARTOK I don't intend to destroy the base, just damage it -- throw them off balance and then move on to the next target. Imagine the chaos we'll cause once we're behind their lines. SISKO A cavalry raid... (off his look) Ancient Earth soldiers mounted on horseback. They had the speed to charge behind enemy lines to stir up trouble and the mobility to keep from being caught. (beat) How many ships will you take? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 10. 7 CONTINUED: MARTOK Five birds of prey. The battle cruisers are too slow and unwieldy for this kind of mission. SISKO Do you want to take the Defiant? MARTOK Perhaps the Defiant should remain here, protecting the station -- in case the Jem'Hadar try their own "cavalry" raid. But it may be prudent for the Defiant and a dozen or so other starships to be waiting for us when we return. SISKO You mean you might be bringing company back with you? MARTOK (grins) I'm sure you'll be ready to welcome them? SISKO With phasers charged. They grin at each other and shake hands. CUT TO: 8 INT. OPS Darok is waiting in Ops with several PADDs when Worf ENTERS from the turbolift, looking for Martok. DAROK The general is still with Captain Sisko. (beat) If you're going to anger him again, can it wait until after he's approved these personnel transfers? Worf shoots him a look, but then Martok ENTERS from the captain's office. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 11. 8 CONTINUED: MARTOK (eager) Worf! I'm glad you're here. We're about to embark on an epic journey into the very heart of danger! Darok clears his throat irritably, but Martok does his best to ignore him as he leads Worf toward the turbolift. MARTOK Come with me. I want to inspect the Ch'Tang; she may be my next flagship. Darok follows them into the lift. DAROK And what good is a flagship without a crew to man her? MARTOK You'll be the death of me, Darok! All right -- give me the transfers! The lift sinks out of sight. 9 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Where a BIRD OF PREY is docked. 10 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE CUT TO: Martok is being guided around the Bridge by a tall, powerfully built female Klingon commander named KOLANA. Martok is signing PADDs one after another as Darok hands them to him. Worf is hovering nearby, impatient to speak with Martok. Several N.D. Klingons are making repairs in the b.g. KOLANA Our disruptor targeting sensors need to be replaced as well as the guidance system relays. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 12. 10 CONTINUED: MARTOK (to Darok) Make a note of that for Chief O'Brien. He should give the Ch'Tang first priority. Darok nods and works a PADD. Martok waves Worf over. MARTOK (to Worf) Quick -- speak to me now before Darok buries me in another blizzard of paperwork. Worf looks around, this isn't exactly where he wanted to have this conversation, but he has to take the opportunity while he has it. WORF (quiet) I wish to speak with you about Kor. I know that you have strong feelings about this but-- MARTOK (to others, a roar) CLEAR THE BRIDGE! The other Klingons are startled, but they quickly EXIT, leaving the two men alone. MARTOK (tight) I did not expect to hear anything further on this subject from you. WORF (not giving an inch) And I did not expect to be forbidden to speak with you on any subject. Have I become a mere shuVak (servant) to be ordered about like Darok? MARTOK Of course not! (beat, then reluctant) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 13. 10 CONTINUED: (2) MARTOK (Cont'd) Very well. Talk and be done with it. WORF He came to me, asking my help as a friend. Kor is an old man. He has no family, no influence left in the Empire. He asked nothing except for the chance to fight and die as a Klingon warrior. I told him I would speak with you about finding him a command in the fleet. MARTOK I would not give that man the gnawed bones of my last meal, much less command of a ship. WORF But why? There's no blood feud between our Houses. And Kor told me he's never even met you. Martok moves around the Bridge, old and bitter wounds prodding him with every step. MARTOK You can wound a man without ever seeing his face. (beat) When I was a boy, my family still lived in the lowlands of Ketha Province. We had very little, but it didn't matter -- we were a family of warriors. Fifteen generations had served the Empire as soldiers. My father had higher hopes for me -- he wanted his son to become an officer. It took a great deal of effort, but eventually he found someone willing to sponsor me. I passed the entrance exam on my first attempt. All that remained was final approval by the oversight council -- a simple formality. (beat) But my application was rejected by one member of the council -- Kor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 13A. 10 CONTINUED: (3) WORF Why? MARTOK (it's obvious) Why? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 14. 10 CONTINUED: (4) MARTOK (Cont'd) Kor's family descends from the Imperial Court itself. Kor is "of the blood" -- born to rule by the divine will of Kahless! And what was I? A boy from the Ketha lowlands. He couldn't bear the thought of someone like me joining the elite officer ranks. So to my father's embarrassment and my everlasting shame, my application was denied. And with the mark of Kor on my record I couldn't even join as a common soldier. (beat) So I spent five years as a civilian laborer aboard General ShiVang's flagship. (beat) As fortune would have it, the Romulans made a foolhardy attempt to board that ship, and I earned a battlefield commission. Unfortunately, my father did not live to see that glorious day. But if Kor'd had his way, I would still be a civilian on that ship... cleaning the officers' mess. A long, quiet beat. Worf understands the depth of Martok's feelings, but he's already committed himself. WORF I... understand. (beat) However... I must tell you that using my own authority, I appointed Kor an officer in the Ninth Fleet. Martok turns and looks at him with a pained, betrayed expression. MARTOK Made him an officer... just like that. That's the difference between his name and mine -- his opens doors, mine closes them. WORF I did not anticipate that you -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 15. 10 CONTINUED: (5) MARTOK It's done. Your "apology" is not sought. (beat) But know this, Worf -- he is your responsibility. I want nothing to do with him. Martok holds Worf's eyes for a moment, then EXITS. CUT TO: 11 INT. PROMENADE Worf is walking down the Promenade, then sees EZRI and Kor having lunch at the Replimat. Worf hesitates... nearly goes back the way he came, then charges ahead. KOR Do you remember breaking into the Duke's harem on Renavi? EZRI (laughing) How could I forget? It's one of Curzon's favorite memories... She looks up and is happy to see Worf. EZRI Hi. WORF (stiff) Hello. KOR Join us, my friend. But Ezri knows how awkward this is for Worf. EZRI I'm on duty. I'll see you later. She claps his shoulder like an old comrade. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 16. 11 CONTINUED: EZRI (continuing) Good to see you, Kor. Then she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and EXITS. Worf sits down. KOR (re: Ezri) Still the same old Dax... and yet not. WORF General Martok will not give you a command. KOR Kesh! (a curse). Did you tell him that I am still capable of -- WORF It has nothing to do with your capabilities. It is personal. (beat) He says that you struck his name from an officers list because his family comes from the Ketha lowlands. KOR Did I? (thinks) I don't recall... of course there were so many officer lists... I suppose it's possible... WORF It is an unworthy reason to bar a man from serving the Empire. KOR Worf, you've been living among this democratic rabble for too long. I know your bloodline -- we both come from noble Houses. Among our people that still counts for something. If Martok is a true Klingon, he should appreciate that. WORF He does not. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 17. 11 CONTINUED: (2) KOR Bah... (beat, then worried) Did he... revoke my commission? WORF No. You will serve aboard the Ch'Tang as Third Officer. KOR Third... ? Well, no matter. I've overcome greater obstacles. (beat) Thank you, Worf. You are a true friend. WORF Report aboard at oh-seven hundred. And... stay out of Martok's way. KOR He will not even know I'm there. Worf gets up to leave and Kor sits back for a moment and smiles. Suddenly a look of confusion comes across his face. KOR Worf! (Worf stops) What was the... name of the ship... ? WORF The Ch'Tang. KOR (quickly, overlapping) Ch'Tang! Of course. See you there. Worf EXITS. CUT TO: 12 EXT. SPACE - BIRDS OF PREY (OPTICAL) FIVE BIRDS OF PREY are orbiting the station in a tight formation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 17A. 13 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Worf is checking various consoles around the Bridge, while Darok methodically forces Martok to deal with various PADDs and reports. Kolana is at the tactical console. SYNON -- a very young Klingon woman --is at the helm. Several N.D. Klingons man the various stations, and there's background CHATTER as they go about their duties. KOLANA (to Martok) Transporter room reports that our last crewmembers have beamed aboard. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 18. 13 CONTINUED: MARTOK Very well. (to Kolana) Signal the squadron -- prepare to get underway. (to Worf) Stand by to cloak. WORF Aye, sir. MARTOK (to Synon) Helm, set course three two five, mark zero zero three. Full impulse until we clear the outer marker, then go to... Martok trails off as he suddenly notices that everyone is looking at something o.s. Martok turns around to see... 14 KOR has just entered the Bridge. The entire crew is staring at him with unabashed awe. SYNON (hushed) The Dahar Master... Kor holds his head high and walks toward the command area. The N.D.s stand out of respect when he passes. KOR (to Martok) Third Officer Kor... reporting for duty. Martok turns away from him without a word. Kor is actually a little amused at his reaction. WORF (calm) Take your station. Kor humbly nods and proceeds to his console. The N.D.s quickly step out of his way. Even Darok and Kolana are awed by the legendary warrior. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 19. 14 CONTINUED: MARTOK (barks, to all) Return to your duties or I'll find a crew that can! Helmsman! I gave you an order! The Bridge crew scramble back to their stations. SYNON Chah-Veh! (Yes, sir!) Synon works. 15 EXT. SPACE - THE KLINGON SQUADRON (OPTICAL) wheels in formation and heads away from the station. As they head away, they all CLOAK simultaneously. 16 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. The ship is now CLOAKED. The viewscreen shows the stars as they begin to streak by at warp, the crew go about their jobs with a professional precision. Martok is steadfastly refusing to look at Kor, but Darok is staring at him with stark admiration. DAROK Kor... here... on our ship... MARTOK (growls) Don't you have something to do? DAROK No. MARTOK Find something. Darok nods absently, still staring at Kor. He heads off. Martok takes a moment to steal a glance at Kor... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 20. 17 MARTOK'S POV Which shows Kor working a console at the back of the Bridge. Darok, then Kolana, and then an N.D. Klingon come over to him, shake his hand, smile with excitement as they greet the Dahar Master. 18 RESUME MARTOK As he turns around and his scowl deepens... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 21. ACT TWO FADE IN: 19 INT. QUARK'S KIRA and Ezri are having drinks at a table. KIRA So what did Kor say when he met you? EZRI The usual. I have the same conversation over and over again. Everyone's shocked at first, then they immediately start scanning my face for signs of the person they knew as Dax. "I don't believe it. Is it really you? Oh, I see a little Jadzia in your eyes... a little Curzon in your smile." KIRA Isn't there always a period of adjustment that joined Trills have to go through... when people are comparing them to previous hosts? I'm sure it'll pass. EZRI (sighs) You're right. The last five Dax hosts went through this. (beat) That wasn't bad. You'd make a pretty good counselor. Want to trade jobs? KIRA Oh, people would love bringing their problems to me. "You dreamed about what? You're crazy. Now, get out of my office! Next patient!" DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 22. 19 CONTINUED: EZRI Funny you should mention dreams. Ever since my conversation with Kor, I've been having the most intense dreams about him. KIRA Like what? QUARK approaches them with a new round of drinks. EZRI Being on a Klingon bridge together... going off into battle... drinking bloodwine -- which still makes me gag, by the way... singing songs... (beat) Part of me wishes that I was out there with him now... Quark is about to leave, but stops when he hears this -- he thinks she's talking about Worf and he can't believe it. EZRI I hope he's all right. I mean, I know I'm sort of contradicting what I just said about trying to set myself apart from my previous hosts, but... the memories I have of being with him are so vivid... I can't bear the thought of losing him. I'd give almost anything for one more chance for the two of us to be together again... side by side... just like it used to be. Quark is staring at her now and Kira notices. KIRA Do you need something? QUARK No. Nothing. He heads off with a stunned look on his face. EZRI So what's your professional opinion? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 23. 19 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA You're crazy. EZRI Next patient! They both laugh. 20 QUARK arrives at the bar, still with a shocked look on his face. ODO is there. ODO What's the matter with you? Someone forget to leave a tip? QUARK It's Ezri. She... she... I can't even say it. ODO Try. QUARK She... wants to get back together with Worf. OFF the stunned look on Quark's face... CUT TO: 21 INT. KLINGON MESS HALL Martok, Worf, Kolana, Synon, Darok and N.D.s as needed are gathered around the table eating dinner. MARTOK ... and before the Cardassians realized we were even there, we'd destroyed the entire camp and the relay station! Heads nod and smiles all around. KOLANA (lifts her glass) To General Martok -- victor of Felton Prime! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 24. 21 CONTINUED: ALL Q'apla! They all drink to that while Martok waves away the toast. Kor ENTERS. At the sight of him, Martok's tales of battle are forgotten in a flash and everyone (except Worf and Martok) jumps to their feet. KOLANA (to Kor) Let me have the honor to welcome the Dahar Master to the humble mess hall of the Ch'Tang. KOR Sit, sit. You do me too much honor. On this voyage I am but the third officer -- I expect no special treatment. They make room for him at the foot of the table. Worf notices Martok fuming quietly and he tries to change the subject. WORF (to Martok) Have you settled on an attack plan for the starbase on Trelka Five? The attention of the table naturally returns to Martok when the subject of combat is brought up. MARTOK (nods) I'm going to send the Malpara and Ning'tao in ahead of the rest of the squadron. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 25. 21 CONTINUED: (2) MARTOK (Cont'd) They'll make a single strafing run on the base and then head out of the system. When the enemy sends out repair crews to assess the damage, then the rest of the squadron will decloak. Eager grins go around the table. MARTOK (continuing) With any luck, we'll catch them with their entire damage control effort underway. KOR Excellent! An excellent plan, general. MARTOK I'm glad you approve. KOR Of course. It's the same tactic Kang and I used against the Federation during the battle of Caleb Four. KOLANA You were at Caleb Four? DAROK Of course he was! (to Kor) Forgive the ignorance of these children. KOR I was a young officer once; I know how irrelevant the past can seem. KOLANA We would be honored if you would tell us about Caleb Four. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 26. 21 CONTINUED: (3) DAROK SYNON Tell the tale. Yes, tell us! Kor hesitates for only a moment. KOR There's not much to tell really... the battle was over almost before the Federation knew it had begun. (beat) I commanded the first division from the Klothos -- one of the old D-Five cruisers -- while Kang commanded the second division. As Kor launches into his story, Martok pushes back from the table and silently fumes. Worf knows that there's trouble brewing on the horizon... KOR (continuing) Now, you must remember that in those days, the cloaking device was a new piece of technology... there were only a handful of engineers in the Imperial Fleet who knew how to operate them. So before we left Chronos, I spent three days in the engine room... CUT TO: 22 INT. KLINGON READY ROOM Worf is trying to do damage control, while Martok silently watches him. WORF It is not the fault of the crew. They are... not used to serving with a legendary figure like Kor. Martok stares at him for a long moment, and Worf is unsettled by the calm, piercing look. Fortunately for Worf, the Com Voice finally saves him from the oppressive silence. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 27. 22 CONTINUED: KOLANA'S COM VOICE Bridge to General Martok. MARTOK Yes? KOLANA'S COM VOICE We are approaching Trelka Five. MARTOK Set defense condition one. KOLANA'S COM VOICE Understood. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 28. 22 CONTINUED: (2) The ship goes to RED ALERT and Kolana's Voice is heard over the com system. KOLANA'S COM VOICE Defense Condition One. All hands to battle stations, repeat, all hands to battle stations. They EXIT to the bridge. CUT TO: 23 INT. KLINGON CORRIDOR The RED ALERT is flashing and Klingon N.D.s are rushing through the Corridors to their duty stations. Kor comes charging around a corner, races up to a doorway, reaches out for the wall control to open the door, then stops. A look of confusion comes over him... he looks back the way he came. A long moment passes as Kor seems completely lost and uncertain what to do. KOR (groping) I'm... supposed to be... somewhere... Synon runs up, heading for the same door. She stops next to him, not sure what's going on. SYNON Dahar Master... ? Kor realizes he has to cover and has to do it fast. KOR (demanding) Where are you going, lieutenant? SYNON (surprised) To... the bridge. We're approaching Trelka Five. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 29. 23 CONTINUED: That's all it takes. Kor snaps back to the here and now. KOR The bridge! SYNON Are you all right? KOR Of course! What are you waiting for -- report to your station! SYNON Chah Veh! She opens the door and EXITS. Kor is angry with himself for the lapse. KOR Concentrate... He takes a moment to shake off the frustration, then plunges through the doorway after her. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 24 EXT. SPACE - TRELKA FIVE (OPTICAL) A close shot of the planet as seen from orbit. Suddenly TWO KLINGON SHIPS DECLOAK and dive down toward the planet, FIRING all the way. 25 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Bridge crew is watching the two Klingon ships as they head down into the atmosphere. The viewscreen shows the view from high above as the ships race toward the base on the surface. Worf walks the Bridge, checking readings on the consoles. 25A EXT. ATMOSPHERE - TWO KLINGON SHIPS ROAR toward the base and FIRE. The disruptor blasts cause an EXPLOSION to erupt from the base. 25B INT. KLINGON BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. The viewscreen shows an overhead view of the explosion. SYNON (hushed) Kai the first blood! MARTOK Planetary defense report. KOLANA (off console) Their shields are down to sixty- five percent... three Cardassian cruisers are in spacedock orbiting the far side of the planet... two of them are getting underway. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT THREE 31. 25B CONTINUED: KOLANA (Cont'd) (beat) The Malpara and the Ning'tao have completed their attack... 26 EXT. SPACE - BIRDS OF PREY (OPTICAL) The two Klingon ships are heading out of the atmosphere -- a CARDASSIAN ship is rounding the planet at the same time, giving chase. One of the Klingon ships EXPLODES. 27 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. KOLANA The Malpara... is gone. No survivors. Ning'tao is heading out of the system... the Cardassians are pursuing. MARTOK And leaving the base unprotected. (to Synon) Helm, take us in. Synon works and the image on the viewscreen begins RUSHING toward the planet. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT THREE 32. 27 CONTINUED: MARTOK (to Synon) Bring us to a hover three hundred meters above the base. (to Worf) Stand by to decloak on my command. SYNON (works) Holding at three hundred meters! MARTOK (to Kolana) Scan the base. KOLANA They've dispatched damage control teams... two defense batteries are down... (beat) ... and they've just dropped their primary shield grid. MARTOK (with relish) Decloak the ship and open fire. Worf moves to a console. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT THREE 33 28 EXT. ATMOSPHERE - THREE KLINGON SHIPS (OPTICAL) DECLOAK in mid-air. All three ships unleash a BARRAGE of FIRE and DIVE down toward... 29 THE CARDASSIAN BASE (OPTICAL) which takes heavy fire. The base FIRES BACK. 30 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE The ship is now being HIT and it SHAKES and ROCKS throughout. Worf has now moved down near Martok. KOLANA Shields down to eighty-five percent! WORF Reroute emergency power to the secondary shield emitters! MARTOK Fire torpedoes! Helm, lay in an escape course! SYNON Aye, sir! There's an EXPLOSION near the command area that fills the Bridge with SMOKE and FIRE. 31 KOR peers through the smoke and sees Martok and Worf lying on the deck, unconscious. Kor realizes that this is his moment... he steps into the breach. KOR Continue firing! Target their primary reactors! KOLANA Chah Veh! (Understood!) KOR Bring us around for another pass! SYNON Coming about! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT THREE 34. 32 ON THE DECK Worf is still unconscious, but Martok is struggling to remain awake, with blood flowing down his forehead. MARTOK (dazed) No... no... only one... pass... 33 EXT. ATMOSPHERE - THREE KLINGON SHIPS (OPTICAL) Wheel in formation and begin another pass at the base. The FIRE from the base is even fiercer. 34 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE As before. The ship is ROCKED again and again. Consoles are EXPLODING now. Martok has raised himself to a sitting position against one bulkhead, but he can go no further. Worf is just regaining consciousness. MARTOK (weak) Leave... system... Kor bends down and puts a hand on Martok's shoulder, which only infuriates Martok further. KOR (to Martok) Do not worry my friend, all is well. MARTOK (struggling) Old... fool... KOLANA The Orantho reports their captain and first officer are dead... and they have a hull breach on their port quarter! Kor steps away from Martok. KOR Instruct them to continue firing! (to Kolana) Open a channel to Kang! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT THREE 35. 34 CONTINUED: KOLANA (confused) To... Kang? KOR Tell him we've succeeded, and that the Federation outpost on Caleb Four will be taken within the hour! Kolana is shocked, she looks at Synon, who's also turned around in surprise. KOLANA Sir... Kang's been dead for years... But Kor isn't listening to her. He's ready to press ] home the attack and he moves to Synon. KOR (overlapping, to Synon) Prepare a boarding party. We're going to take the base! Synon turns around in shock just as Worf makes it to his feet and tries to focus. SYNON But sir... they have a garrison of ten thousand... MARTOK (labored, to Synon) By the... hand of Kahless... get us out of here! Synon isn't sure what to do, she looks back at Kolana in confusion, as the ship ROCKS and SHAKES. Kor is in his own world. KOR Victory is ours! The Federation will rue the day they dared to challenge the might of the Klingon Empire! We will take Caleb Four and raise our banner above the smoking ruins of their outpost! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT THREE 36. 34 CONTINUED: (2) The following happens very quickly: -- Martok reaches for his knife. -- Worf steps between Kor and Martok. -- Martok FLINGS the knife toward Kor. -- Worf CATCHES it out of the air, then turns and HITS Kor in the jaw with his elbow, knocking the old man to the deck. -- There's a shocked beat on the Bridge. WORF (to Synon) Escape course! Now! Synon works frantically. 35 EXT. ATMOSPHERE - THREE KLINGON SHIPS (OPTICAL) As they head up and away from the Cardassian base. 36 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE As before. Kor is picking himself up off the deck, just as Worf helps Martok back into the command chair. MARTOK (ragged) Engage... cloaks. The LIGHTING CHANGES and the shaking and bouncing STOP. KOLANA The Slivin and the Orantho have cloaked... no pursuit from Trelka Five. Martok nods and sits back in his chair, breathing heavily. While the ship returns to normal, Kor stands up and realizes that he's made a mistake. Kor slowly walks back to his station. MARTOK (labored) No... time to waste... proceed... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT THREE 37. 36 CONTINUED: MARTOK (Cont'd) ... proceed to rendezvous... then on to... the Manora shipyards. Warp seven. WORF (to com) Medical team to the bridge! MARTOK Worf... get that man out of here. The entire Bridge crew turns and looks at Kor. Kor cannot meet their eyes. He EXITS. 37 INT. KLINGON CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Kor ENTERS from the bridge and stops for a moment. What has he done? FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 38. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 38 INT. QUARK'S After hours. Quark is sitting at the bar pouring out his heart for a change. JAKE is playing bartender to him, with a towel draped over his shoulder as he tries to mix drinks for the forlorn Ferengi. QUARK I'm not a bad man, Jake. I don't hurt people. I don't steal from them. I don't even overcharge them much. In a universe filled with pain and suffering I offer people an oasis. (beat) I offer them love. But does anyone offer love to me? No. JAKE Come on. I've seen you with women. Jake pushes the drink toward him. Quark glances at it and sends it back. QUARK Too much rum, wrong garnish. Jake frowns, consults a PADD and then throws out the drink before starting over. QUARK Of course I've been with women. But none of them were Jadzia. She was perfect. She played tongo. She had a sense of humor. JAKE She was tall. QUARK (loves it) And she was tall... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 39. 38 CONTINUED: JAKE Well, you did have your chance. Jadzia was here for three full years before Worf showed up. QUARK I was playing a deep game. I'm not the kind of man who just rushes in and declares himself. I like the chase. But then Mister Today-is-a-good-day-to-die shows up and spoils everything. (beat) And now, it's going to happen all over again with Ezri. New body, new personality, but she'll make the same mistake. Jake pushes over another drink. QUARK Too much syrup. Can't you read? JAKE (off PADD) It says two fingers. Jake puts his fingers alongside the outside of the glass. QUARK That's not two fingers. He grabs the jar, sticks two fingers into the syrup, and shakes off the syrup into the glass. QUARK That's two fingers. JAKE (gross) Oh, God... QUARK Some bartender you'd make. Can't mix drinks and can't dispense advice. JAKE You want my advice? Okay. You think Ezri's making a mistake? Tell her. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 40. 38 CONTINUED: (2) JAKE (Cont'd) Sit her down, look her right in the eye and tell her that you think Worf is the wrong man for her. QUARK She won't listen. JAKE Then she won't listen, but at least you'll have tried. If you don't say anything and they do get involved... QUARK I'll hate myself. JAKE And enough people hate you already. Why add to the list? QUARK You know what? You're a really bad bartender. (beat) But... I think you're right. Thanks, Jake. He heads for the EXIT. JAKE No tip? CUT TO: 39 INT. KLINGON QUARTERS Worf is sitting at the tiny desk, working on the computer when the door CHIMES. WORF Enter. Kor ENTERS. He's subdued, chastened by what happened on the Bridge. For the first time, Kor suddenly looks his age. There's an awkward beat between the two men. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 41. 39 CONTINUED: KOR Worf... I just wanted to say... that I regret what happened on the bridge yesterday... WORF What's done is done. Let us not speak of it. Kor accepts that, but had hoped for more from Worf. KOR You're right. We should put it behind us. It was a... momentary lapse. It will not happen again. Which brings us to the reason I'm here. (beat) I would like to... resume my bridge duties. Worf feels bad for him, it troubles him to see a great man like Kor brought low. But at the same time, Worf cannot help him at this point. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 42. 39 CONTINUED: (2) WORF I must think of the safety of the ship. That stings. KOR You don't believe in me, do you? You don't think I can serve as a soldier of the Empire any longer? Worf looks away. KOR If that's what you think, at least have the courage to look me in the eye and say it! Worf didn't want to do this, but Kor is forcing his hand. He steels himself and looks Kor right in the eye. WORF I do not believe you are up to the challenge. The words cut through Kor like a knife. He seems to deflate right before our eyes. After a long, wounded beat... he turns and EXITS without another word. DISSOLVE TO: 40 INT. KLINGON MESS HALL Kor is sitting at the end of the table by himself, eating a bowl of soup, lost in thought, when Martok, Darok and Synon ENTER. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 43. 40 CONTINUED: MARTOK ... and find out what's wrong with the Ning'tao. I know Captain Lurkan is young, but he needs to realize the importance of... Martok catches sight of Kor and stops. Kor avoids their eyes and keeps eating. MARTOK (continuing) ... keeping formation. Martok actually is pleased to see his hated rival in this state. He grabs a flagon of bloodwine before sitting down at the table. Martok has waited a long time for this and he's going to enjoy himself. MARTOK I've been thinking about our next objective. Perhaps we should go after a bigger target... something more threatening to our forces. (beat) What about the base on Caleb Four? Kor's spoon stops halfway to his mouth, but he still won't look up. Darok frowns, uneasy with this baiting of Kor, but Synon is following Martok's lead. She smiles and looks eagerly down at the old man to see how he'll react. DAROK If you'll excuse me, I have duties to attend to... Darok begins to stand, but Martok stops him cold. MARTOK Your duties are right here. Darok sits back down and that evil grin returns to Martok's face. MARTOK Someone was just telling me about the defenses on Caleb Four. Now, who was it... ? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 40 CONTINUED: (2) SYNON (enjoying it) I believe it was our third officer, general. MARTOK That's right! (to Kor) Third officer! Tell us about Caleb Four. Is it manned by Jem'Hadar or Cardassian troops? KOLANA'S VOICE I thought it was a Federation outpost. They turn to see that Kolana has ENTERED and is leaning against the doorway, enjoying the spectacle. Kor is surrounded by wolves. MARTOK But how can that be? The Federation is our ally. Surely Kor is aware of that. Martok gets up and moves down toward Kor. SYNON Perhaps he's confused. MARTOK Confused? The Dahar Master? Surely not! We must be the ones who are confused! Martok takes a seat next to Kor. MARTOK Enlighten us -- who mans the base on Caleb Four? Federation or Dominion? KOLANA I think he's forgotten. SYNON (laughs) I think he's asleep. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 45. 40 CONTINUED: (3) MARTOK Stop it, both of you! Don't you have any respect for one of the Empire's greatest heroes? He's thinking it over. Give him time... the last son of the House of Kor should not be rushed. KOLANA How long should we wait? SYNON Perhaps we should ask Kang. Kolana and Synon laugh and Martok chuckles, but the laughter subsides as Kor pushes away the soup and stands up with all the dignity he can muster. As Kor heads for the door, Martok glowers at him, frustrated by Kor's refusal to be baited. MARTOK Well, say something old man. Or have you lost your tongue as well as your mind? Kor stops and looks directly at Martok. Then one by one, he looks each of them right in the eye. His steady gaze slightly unnerves his tormentors. KOR Savor the fruit of life, my young friends. It has a sweet taste when it's fresh from the vine. But don't live too long... the taste turns bitter... after a time. Kor EXITS, leaving a now silent Mess Hall behind. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 46. 41 INT. KLINGON READY ROOM Martok is working on a PADD, but seems more subdued than usual. Worf ENTERS. He, too is downbeat as he hands Martok a PADD. WORF The new personnel roster. Martok looks it over. MARTOK You've removed Kor from active duty. WORF I saw no other choice. MARTOK Still. You're his friend. It must've been difficult for you. WORF A friend would not have put him in this position in the first place. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 47. 41 CONTINUED: A long beat. MARTOK I've hated his name for almost thirty years. I've dreamt of the moment when I'd finally see him stripped of his rank and title... when he would suddenly find himself without the power of his birthright and without a friend in the world... (beat) I had that moment. But I took no joy from it. A long, sad moment... MARTOK (awkward) Have you thought about what... will become of him when we return to Deep Space Nine? WORF I plan to speak with Chancellor Gowron and try to... find Kor an assignment on the homeworld. MARTOK (beat) I will... put in a word with Gowron as well. KOLANA'S COM VOICE Bridge to General Martok. MARTOK (to com) Yes? KOLANA'S COM VOICE Pardon the interruption sir, but sensors have detected a large body of enemy ships. MARTOK On my way. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 48. 41 CONTINUED: (2) Worf and Martok head for the Bridge. 42 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Kolana and Synon are on duty when Martok and Worf ENTER. MARTOK Where are they? KOLANA The warp signatures are bearing directly astern. (beat) They're Jem'Hadar fighters... and they appear to be pursuing us. MARTOK How can that be? Worf works a console. WORF (off monitor) Their lead ship is using some kind of long-range tachyon scanner to penetrate our cloaks. SYNON (shocked) Does the Dominion possess such a device? MARTOK (grim) They do now. WORF How many ships? KOLANA I've identified... ten vessels so far... and sir, they're gaining on us. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 49-49A. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 43 OMITTED 44 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE (OPTICAL) A few minutes later. The Bridge crew is watching the viewscreen, which shows an aft view of the pursuing JEM'HADAR SHIPS. Darok is now on the Bridge, watching from an out-of-the-way corner. WORF How long until we're within their weapons' range? KOLANA (off console) Two hours, twelve minutes. MARTOK Helm, have you located the Defiant? SYNON Yes, sir. They're waiting for us in the Kalandra Sector, with seven Federation starships. It will take us... (works) ... three hours, forty-five minutes to reach them. A grim beat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 50. 44 CONTINUED: Worf is beginning to get an idea. WORF (thinking out loud) If the Jem'Hadar could be forced to drop out of warp for only ten minutes... they would not have time to catch up with us before we rendezvous with the Defiant. MARTOK A fine theory, but how do we execute it? Another beat and then Worf has his plan. WORF We could disrupt their warp fields with an inverse graviton burst. That would force them to drop to impulse until the gravitons dissipated. KOLANA We would need to generate a massive burst to disrupt the warp fields of a fleet that size. WORF A single bird of prey could do it by diverting warp power to the main deflector. MARTOK How long would that delay them? KOLANA They could reinitialize their warp cores in less than two minutes... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 50A. 44 CONTINUED: (2) WORF But if I engaged them in battle while they were still at impulse, they would be delayed longer. (confident) I know I can do it. Martok looks at him in surprise. MARTOK What do you mean, you can do it? WORF The Orantho's Captain and First Officer are dead. The Slivin's deflector is damaged and can't generate the graviton burst. And the Ning'tao's Captain is too young and inexperienced. I am the logical choice. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 51. 44 CONTINUED: (3) Martok knows he's right, but hates this option because it means Worf's certain death. As a Klingon, Martok can't simply admit his true feelings out loud -- he struggles for an excuse. MARTOK (sotto) But Worf, this means... that you... you would be sacrificing... (can't say it, has to say something else) ... the entire crew of the Ning'tao. WORF (sotto) I have thought of that. We can beam most of the crew off before I take command. I will need only a half-dozen volunteers. Martok searches his eyes for a moment... struggles with it... then realizes that there's really no other choice. He sits down heavily in his chair. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 52. 44 CONTINUED: (4) MARTOK Send a signal to the Ning'tao... tell them to prepare for a change in command... Worf EXITS. Hold on Darok, who's heard the entire exchange, and is beginning to come up with a new plan... CUT TO: 45 INT. KLINGON QUARTERS Kor is lying on the tiny bunk, staring at the ceiling when the door CHIMES. KOR Yes? Darok ENTERS, carrying a tray with food (there's also a PADD on the tray). Kor barely glances at him. KOR I'm not hungry. DAROK The food is for me -- I haven't eaten in hours. Darok sits down and begins eating. DAROK Men of our generation never stood on ceremony. We ate when we were hungry, we fought when we were angered -- I miss the simplicity of those days. KOR I miss a great deal about those days. DAROK The warriors on this ship... they don't know what they missed. But such is the way of children. They often let the promise of the future obscure the glories of the past. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 53. 45 CONTINUED: KOR Is there a point to this nostalgic indulgence? DAROK Only that they are children. Even Martok -- who, for all his flaws, is a great warrior -- even Martok is but a child compared to you or me. They are quick to judge and slow to forgive. They still have much to learn. (beat) We are being pursued by a Jem'Hadar fleet. Worf believes that he can stop them with a single ship. Kor sits up. KOR How? Darok hands him the PADD. DAROK It's a good plan. But it has one flaw. It depends entirely on Worf successfully engaging the entire enemy fleet, if only for a short time. As Kor reads the PADD, he gets a gleam in his eye. KOR It can be done... the key is to confuse their sensors in the opening moments with a spread of torpedoes... DAROK Perhaps. But, it would take a man with three times his experience to accomplish such a feat. Darok leans forward, fastens Kor with a direct and searching look. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 53A. 45 CONTINUED: (2) DAROK (continuing) But such a man would have to be certain of his abilities. Beat. KOR Such a man would only take the job if he were certain. That's enough for Darok. He stands. DAROK It has been an honor serving with you, Kor son of Rynar. Kor stands and the two old men shake hands, then Darok EXITS. OFF Kor's face... CUT TO: 46 INT. KLINGON CORRIDOR Worf is heading down the Corridor toward the Transporter Room. Kor's voice stops him. KOR'S VOICE Worf! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 54. 46 CONTINUED: Worf turns to see Kor coming toward him with a big smile -- Worf really doesn't have time for this. KOR Leaving for the Ning'tao, I take it? WORF Yes. KOR I wanted to wish you well. I look forward to seeing you at the gates to Sto'Vo'Kor. WORF As do I. He turns to go, but Kor stops him again. KOR Do you have any message you want me to convey to Jadzia? Worf looks confused for a beat, then Kor slaps a hypospray on his arm and INJECTS him with a drug. Worf slumps to the deck, unconscious. Kor bends down over him for a beat. KOR When I reach the halls of the honored dead, I will find your beloved and remind her that her husband is a noble warrior... and that he still loves no one but her. Good-bye, my friend. Live well. Kor EXITS to the transporter room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 54A. 46A INT. KLINGON TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Kor taps a couple of controls on the console, then stands on the transporter pad. He looks around for a moment. KOR Long live the Empire! He DEMATERIALIZES. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 47 EXT. SPACE - BIRD OF PREY (OPTICAL) DECLOAKS at warp. The ship drops out of warp... 48 ANGLE (OPTICAL) as the Bird of Prey swings back around and heads back the way it came, then goes back into warp. 49 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Martok is lost in thought in his chair, while the others works their consoles. Darok approaches the command area with a large bottle of bloodwine. MARTOK (re: wine) On the bridge? DAROK If they succeed, you can drink to their courage, and if they fail... you can still drink to their courage. KOLANA The Ning'tao is closing on the enemy... she's initiated the graviton burst... Everyone tenses as Kolana watches her console. KOLANA Their warp fields are destabilizing... (excited) They're dropping to impulse! MARTOK By Kahless's hand... how many? KOLANA (beat) All of them! Worf ENTERS quietly as the Bridge crew listens to Kolana. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 56. 49 CONTINUED: KOLANA The Ning'tao has dropped out of warp. She's engaging the enemy... MARTOK (quiet) Die well, Worf. WORF Today... was not my day to die. Martok turns in surprise. MARTOK Worf! Martok's pleasure turns to shock as he realizes what this means. MARTOK But then who... ? Kor! WORF (nods) He surprised me outside the transporter room with a hypospray. MARTOK I hope that old fool understands what he's doing. (to Kolana) How goes the battle? KOLANA We're approaching the limit of our sensor range... but it appears that the enemy formation has collapsed... the Ning'tao is maneuvering rapidly... she's taking heavy fire from the Jem'Hadar... (reacts) I've lost contact. Beat. MARTOK One ship against ten... it doesn't seem possible. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 57. 49 CONTINUED: (2) WORF He will succeed. He is Kor -- the Dahar Master. Off their tense expressions... CUT TO: 50 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 51 INT. QUARK'S Quark and Jake are at the bar, when Ezri ENTERS and takes a seat at the end. Quark and Jake exchange a look -- Jake nods to him with a "go for it" expression. Quark braces himself, then strides over to her. (Jake should be within earshot, but not right next to them.) EZRI Hi. I think I'm in the mood for -- QUARK Wait. I have something to say. Now, you may think it's none of my business, but someone has to speak up and I've decided that someone is me. (beat) So. Here it is. I'll just say it. Right now. EZRI Okay. QUARK You're making a mistake by pursuing another relationship with Worf. EZRI Excuse me? QUARK You heard me. I know how Jadzia felt about Worf... but that was her life not yours. You're Ezri Dax. You need to give yourself a chance to explore other relationships. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 58. 51 CONTINUED: QUARK (Cont'd) There's a whole universe out there full of men and women -- why limit yourself? You're young and beautiful and full of life. Why go after a man who's only a memory to you? Ezri is getting amused at this point. EZRI I don't know. QUARK Now, I've had my problems with Worf, I'll admit it. But this isn't about me or my feelings. This is about you. And Worf has done nothing -- and I mean nothing -- to deserve you. Shouldn't you try to find someone who's willing to... win your heart, not just inherit it? You deserve better. In fact... you deserve the best. (beat) There. I've said my piece. EZRI Can I say something now? (off his nod) I'm not interested in another relationship with Worf. I care about him -- and I probably always will -- but he's moved on with his life... and so have I. Beat. QUARK Oh. Well. Good. EZRI And I'd also like to say that what you just did was one of the kindest, dearest -- and for you, one of the most embarrassing -- things I've ever heard. (gives him a kiss) You're a real sweetheart. Quark is stunned, relieved, excited... and speechless. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 59. 51 CONTINUED: (2) EZRI Can I order now? (off his nod) A Moscow mule. QUARK Coming right up. Quark moves down the bar, close to Jake. QUARK (sotto) Did you hear that? She-- she called me sweetheart. JAKE Yeah. So? QUARK She loves me. Quark starts mixing a drink. JAKE What? QUARK "Sweetheart." JAKE You're certifiable, you do realize that? QUARK (blissful) She loves me... Quark is fiercely stirring the drink. JAKE (re: stirring) You're bruising the vodka. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 60. 52 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Martok is pacing the Bridge. Kolana reacts to something on her console. KOLANA He's done it! (to Martok) The Jem'Hadar have run out of time. They can no longer overtake us before we reach the Defiant. MARTOK How? How did that pompous old man hold off an entire Jem'Hadar fleet with one ship? WORF Does it matter? Martok regards Worf for a moment, then realizes one further gesture is called for. MARTOK Darok. Give me that bottle. Darok hands it to him and Martok pulls his knife and smashes the top off. MARTOK To Kor, Dahar Master... and noble warrior to the end. He pours some of it in his mouth as Darok begins to SING... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 61. 52 CONTINUED: DAROK (sings) "My-cho kara, end-do keela... " Martok hands the bottle to Worf, and he drinks some and as they pass it around the Bridge, they all drink and sing to the memory of Kor... KOLANA "Bay-do chum, ka ree-do meela.. " ALL "Stum-pa rip-to maaah-la ee-cho ree-ka!/Ree-ka!/Ree-ka!/Maaaah, so fah ka-lee te cho-pah, mee-to/ Ko-cha veh tah lee eh-mah sah-loh moh... " FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END