STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" (fka "Untitled Baseball") #40510-554 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Chip Chalmers THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1998 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION August 3, 1998 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" CAST SISKO ROM KIRA NOG ODO KASIDY BASHIR LEETA O'BRIEN SOLOK WORF ANNOUNCER'S VOICE QUARK EZRI JAKE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. VULCANS STAR TREK: DS9 - "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE AIRLOCK CORRIDOR BALLPARK/ CAPTAIN'S OFFICE DUGOUT INFIRMARY STANDS OPS PROMENADE SECURITY OFFICE SISKO'S QUARTERS WARDROOM QUARK'S DS9 - "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" - 08/04/98 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE T'KUMBRA tuh-KUM-brah SOLOK soh-LOK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE(OPTICAL) Where the Federation Starship USS T'KUMBRA has docked at the station. 2 OMITTED CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - TEASER 2. 3 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE SISKO is sitting at his desk, working on a PADD. KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to Sisko. SISKO Go ahead, colonel. KIRA'S COM VOICE Captain Solok of the Starship T'Kumbra is here to see you. Sisko's entire body seems to tense and his jaw clenches automatically. It's an effort to put the PADD down and keep his voice even. SISKO Send him in. He gets up and braces himself for a beat. CAPTAIN SOLOK ENTERS, carrying a PADD. Solok is Vulcan and looks to be about Sisko's age. For someone skilled in the Vulcan disciplines of emotional suppression and control he manages to convey both superiority and arrogance without saying a word. For his part, the muscles in Sisko's jaw are working overtime even as he forces a smile on his face. They do not shake hands. SISKO Welcome to Deep Space Nine, captain. SOLOK Your welcome is acknowledged. Beat. SISKO Have a seat. They sit. SISKO Been a long time. SOLOK Ten years, two months, five days. SISKO You mean you don't know it to the minute? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - TEASER 2A. 3 CONTINUED: SOLOK Of course I do. But humans are often irked by such precision. (beat) Especially the more emotional humans. For some reason, Solok seems to delight in pushing Sisko's buttons and Sisko has to struggle to keep from reacting -- he won't give the Vulcan the satisfaction if he can help it. Solok hands him the PADD. SOLOK (re: PADD) Our repair list. Sisko looks it over. SOLOK I understand that you were recently honored with the Christopher Pike Medal for Valor. Congratulations. SISKO Thank you. (grudging) And congratulations to you. I heard you received the Medal last month. SOLOK My second, actually. The T'Kumbra has been in combat for over six months. Spending time behind the lines will be a welcome change. Sisko looks up sharply. SISKO This isn't exactly a safe harbor. We've seen our share of action. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: (2) SOLOK Of course you have. Sisko clenches his jaw and goes back to the PADD. SISKO We can upgrade your ship's inertial dampers by the end of the day. But we can't begin to overhaul your warp core for at least a week. SOLOK That is most inefficient. SISKO War's an inefficient business. SOLOK A somewhat unprofessional attitude. However, I have come to expect a lack of professionalism and efficiency on starbases run by human officers. SISKO You're welcome to take your ship to a Vulcan station -- I think the nearest one's about fifty light years away. (hands back the PADD) If you plan on staying with us here "behind the lines," my chief of operations will see to your requests. SOLOK Very well. There is another matter not listed on the formal report. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - TEASER 4-5. 3 CONTINUED: (3) SOLOK (Cont'd) (off his look) I need use of a holosuite. The T'Kumbra holodecks are currently under repair. SISKO You'll have to arrange holosuite time through Quark -- he owns the only ones on the station. SOLOK Then I will speak to Quark. I created a special program for my senior staff and they are quite eager to resume using it. SISKO (couldn't care less) Really? SOLOK Yes. In fact, you might find the program to be of some interest. (beat) It's based on an Earth game. SISKO (whatever) What game would that be? Solok has been waiting for just that question. He raises an eyebrow and comes as close as he can to actually smiling in anticipation. CUT TO: 4 INT. OPS A few minutes later. KIRA is still on duty when Solok ENTERS from the captain's office, a somewhat smug look on his face. Sisko comes out behind him, a stern, determined expression on his features. Solok EXITS and Kira looks at Sisko. SISKO Colonel. Assemble the senior staff in the wardroom. Now. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - TEASER 6. 5 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 6 INT. WARDROOM A short time later. Kira, NOG, WORF, BASHIR, O'BRIEN and EZRI are all gathered around the table. Sisko ENTERS carrying a large box. There's a thundercloud on his brow, and everyone waits to see what crisis has befallen them. SISKO As you probably know, the Starship T'Kumbra is currently docked at the station. What you may not know is that their commanding officer considers his crew -- an all-Vulcan crew, by the way -- to be the finest in the fleet. Now, I happen to think the people sitting around this table comprise the finest crew in the quadrant. A few looks go around the table. EZRI (wry) You're not going to get much of an argument from this group. SISKO I didn't think so. So when the T'Kumbra's captain challenged us to a contest of courage, teamwork and sacrifice, I accepted on your behalf. WORF We will destroy them. SISKO Exactly the reaction I was hoping for. BASHIR So when is this clash of the titans? SISKO Two weeks from today, in Holosuite Five. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - TEASER 6A. 6 CONTINUED: KIRA What's the contest? Sisko reaches into the box and tosses a BASEBALL GLOVE onto the center of the table. SISKO Baseball. Off the surprised looks on their faces... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 7 INT. OPS Worf, Nog and Kira on duty. Each of them has a PADD in their hands, which they're reading intently. The Ops table has an OKUDAGRAM of a baseball diamond on it. KIRA (reading) "The infield fly rule is invoked in instances where, with both first base and second base occupied, or with first, second and third base occupied... " WORF What if there's a runner at home? NOG There's never a runner at home. KIRA Okay. "... and fewer than two outs, and the batter hits a high fly... " They all look up "fly." Worf finds it first. WORF "Fly: the term for a batted ball while it is in the air." KIRA (remembering) Right. Uh, "... fewer than two out, the batter hits a high fly which in the judgment of the umpire can readily be caught by an infielder or the pitcher or catcher inside fair ground. The batter is then called out regardless of whether the ball is subsequently caught or not." NOG That seems simple enough. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT ONE 8. 7 CONTINUED: KIRA (uh-oh) "An attempt to bunt, however, under the conditions noted above, which results in a fair fly shall not be regarded an infield fly." (beat) What's a bunt? 8 INT. QUARK'S Where Ezri, Bashir and O'Brien are sitting at a table. A PADD is sitting on the table and Ezri is quizzing the other two. BASHIR (confident, from memory) A bunt is a ball which has been deliberately tapped into the area between the pitcher and the catcher in an attempt to force the fielding team to throw out the batter and allow a runner to advance. EZRI Right. Chief, what's a grand slam? O'BRIEN Uh... a home run hit with the bases crowded. EZRI Right -- but it's "bases loaded." Now... what's a Fancy Dan? O'BRIEN A what? BASHIR You made that up. EZRI I most certainly did not. Bashir and O'Brien trade looks, then Bashir picks up the PADD with a skeptical look and O'Brien looks over his shoulder. ROM and LEETA come by the table. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT ONE 9. 8 CONTINUED: LEETA Jake told us about the game against the Vulcans. It sounds very exciting. EZRI You should come watch. BASHIR (reading) "Fancy Dan -- a fielder who puts an extra flourish on his movements while making a play in hopes of gaining the approval of the spectators." Ezri smiles smugly. In the b.g. QUARK delivers some drinks to a nearby table. LEETA Actually... we were thinking of doing more than watching... ROM If we can. That is... if there's still room for... other... potential... players to... possibly... try and... LEETA We'd like to try out. They all look up in surprise. Quark has overheard this and can't believe it. ROM Nog always talks about how Captain Sisko and Jake play baseball and how it brings them closer together. Since Nog and I haven't seen much of each other lately, I thought... this might be a good way of spending some time together. LEETA And I decided to make it a complete family outing. EZRI That's so sweet. LEETA Isn't it? Quark steps in. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT ONE 10. 8 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Idiotic, is what it is. (to Rom) You'll make a fool out of yourself. ROM I will not. QUARK (to Leeta) And you can barely spin a dabo wheel, much less kick a ball around a field. LEETA Shows how much you know. You don't kick the ball. (to Ezri) Do you? Ezri shakes her head. QUARK You won't make the team. ROM At least we're trying out. What about you? QUARK I haven't got the slightest interest in this Hew-mon game. LEETA And you know why? Jake said it's a game that takes heart and you sold yours a long time ago. Come on, Rom. Leeta and Rom EXIT. Quark glares after them for a beat. QUARK What time are tryouts? O'BRIEN Thirteen hundred. Holosuite Four. Quark nods his head and EXITS. The others exchange a look. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT ONE 11. 9 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 10 EXT. BALLPARK - DAY A beautiful day in this recreation of a twentieth century Earth ballpark. The would-be members of Sisko's team are milling about on the in-field -- Kira, Worf, Bashir, Nog, Quark, Ezri, Rom, Leeta and O'Brien. They all have gloves, and the Starfleet officers are hanging their uniform jackets on the fence. Sisko and JAKE walk onto the field, each of them wearing caps (with twentieth century Major League logos), and carrying gloves. The would-be team gathers around Sisko, who's in full coach mode. SISKO First day of practice! It's an exciting time! Am I right? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT ONE 12. 10 CONTINUED: He's greeted with a few wan smiles and some tentative "Rights" and "Can't waits" from his crew. SISKO There we go, there we go! That's the spirit! All right! (beat) Now, let me introduce you to our pitcher and secret weapon -- Jake "Slider" Sisko. Jake bounces a ball off his inside elbow and tugs at his cap. JAKE Howdy. SISKO Every other position is open for tryouts. (beat) Everyone here today has watched at least one baseball game with me in a holosuite... and I know that it looks simple -- you throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. But it's not that easy. It was a difficult game to play for seasoned professionals who'd spent a lifetime practicing. We have less than two weeks to build a team and take the field against our opponents. (beat) Now, some of you may be thinking, "How can we beat the Logicians, they're all Vulcans! They're stronger and faster than any one of us -- except for Worf." But baseball is about more than physical strength. It's also about courage... faith... and most of all, heart. And if there's one thing our Vulcan friend lacks -- it's heart. (beat) I think we can beat them. I know we can beat them. And we are going to beat them. Am I right? They nod silently. SISKO I can't hear you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT ONE 12A. 10 CONTINUED: (2) ALL Yes, sir! SISKO I still can't hear you -- am I right? ALL YES, SIR! SISKO Are we going to beat the Vulcans? ALL YES, SIR! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT ONE 13. 10 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO (claps his hands) Now, let's play some baseball! First thing -- I want you to pair off and play a little catch. Spread yourselves out -- at least ten meters apart -- and just have fun. Throw and catch, throw and catch... nice and easy. Jake passes out some baseballs from a nearby bag and they pair off. 11 VARIOUS ANGLES As the team tries to play catch. It's not a pretty sight. Just catching the ball with the unfamiliar gloves turns out to be much harder than any of them anticipated. In only a few seconds, they're chasing dropped balls all over the diamond, some people are getting hit and some balls are sailing way over their heads. 12 JAKE & SISKO Jake is watching with growing dismay as their "team" warms up. Sisko, on the other hand, is watching with growing determination to win at any cost. JAKE These are going to be two long, hard weeks. SISKO Jake, I don't care how long and hard the next two weeks are, I am not going to lose a baseball game to Solok. (beat) We' re going to win. Sisko says this with such forceful determination, that Jake is taken by surprise. Off Sisko's grim and determined look... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 13 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Sisko has a PADD and is talking to ODO. ODO Umpire? SISKO That's right. Will you do it? ODO (hesitant) Wouldn't a holographic umpire be more... accurate? SISKO I don't want some computer program calling a baseball game. That's the kind of thing Solok would do. I want a person behind the plate, not some collection of photons and magnetic fields. I also want someone who can be completely impartial, and I can't think of anyone I'd trust more. ODO That's... very flattering. SISKO It's the truth. Will you do it? ODO (hesitates) All right. Sisko hands him the PADD. SISKO Outstanding. Here're the rules. I'll be in the Infirmary with the team if you have any questions. ODO The Infirmary? SISKO We had a few... problems at practice today. Remember -- the game's in less than two weeks, so you better start working on your moves. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 15. 13 CONTINUED: Sisko EXITS. After a beat, Odo wonders what that meant. ODO My "moves?" He picks up the PADD and starts reading. CUT TO: 14 INT. INFIRMARY The team did not fare well in their first practice. N.D. Nurses are treating cuts, bruises, torn ligaments, etc. on Ezri, Rom and Quark. Ezri and Rom are in chairs, while Quark lies on the bio-bed. Jake is looking on with a sympathetic expression. A Nurse finishes with Ezri's knee. EZRI I can't believe this. I used to be an athlete... at least I remember being an athlete. My third host -- Emony -- was an Olympic gymnast. Ezri gets to her feet and gingerly tests the knee. EZRI I kept expecting my legs to react like hers did, but I fell all over myself. It's like I don't know my own body anymore. Kira ENTERS from Surgery, flexing her wrist and fingers. QUARK I don't know what you're complaining about. At least you didn't require major surgery. KIRA Knitting a couple of bones together isn't major surgery, Quark. QUARK It is if the bones are in the back of your skull. (to Rom) I hope you've learned your lesson. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 16. 14 CONTINUED: ROM (sheepish) Always look behind you before swinging a bat. Ezri and Kira head for the door just as Sisko ENTERS. He's upbeat, refusing to acknowledge any difficulties. SISKO So -- how're my casualties holding up? KIRA We'll live. EZRI If you believe Julian. Personally, I'm not sure I'm going to make it. SISKO That's the spirit, old man. Don't lose your sense of humor. Ezri gives him a thin smile as she EXITS with Kira. Bashir and O'Brien ENTER from Surgery. JAKE How's the shoulder, Chief? BASHIR He's out, I'm afraid. The rotator cuff was badly torn. Sisko really isn't happy to hear that. SISKO Can't you repair the damage? I need him on third and he's anchoring the second half of the lineup. BASHIR I've repaired the rotator cuff, but the ligaments need time to fully knit with the clavicular joint. I'm sorry, but I can't allow him to play. SISKO Damn! Everyone's a little surprised at Sisko's attitude. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 17. 14 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Sorry, sir. I was really looking forward to the game. SISKO I know you were. It's not your fault. (beat) There's an old saying, "Those who can't -- coach." As of now, you're our batting, pitching and first base coach. O'BRIEN Great. (beat) Which one was first base? Sisko takes a deep breath, tries to not to get depressed. SISKO We'll... go over that again later. (to all) Practice tomorrow is at oh-seven- thirty. Don't be late. O'BRIEN We'll be there. Sisko EXITS and Jake goes with him. BASHIR If you'll excuse me, I have to finish realigning Worf's zygomatic bone. ROM Tell him I'm sorry. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 18. 15 INT. PROMENADE Sisko and Jake heading away from the Infirmary. JAKE We could move Ezri over to third... SISKO No, I need her in center. (suddenly realizes) I know who we can get... I'll have to pull a few strings, but I think I can do it... JAKE Who? CUT TO: 16 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Where a BAJORAN FREIGHTER is docking at the station. 17 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Sisko is waiting outside the Airlock, carrying FLOWERS. The door rolls OPEN and Sisko smiles broadly as KASIDY YATES ENTERS. DEEP SPACE-NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 19. 17 CONTINUED: SISKO Welcome home. KASIDY Music to my ears... Sisko takes her in his arms and they embrace. KASIDY Does this mean you missed me? SISKO Like a piece of my heart was missing. She notes the flowers. KASIDY Sweet words and flowers too? Are you feeling all right? SISKO Now that you're back, I feel outstanding. KASIDY I could get used to this. SISKO You should. Are you going to be here long? KASIDY As a matter of fact, my next three cargo runs have been reassigned. SISKO (innocent) Really? KASIDY (shrugs) Bureaucrats. Who knows why they do anything? SISKO Who knows? They begin walking down the Corridor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 20. 17 CONTINUED: (2) KASIDY (suggestive) So, what should we do with all my time off? SISKO I have a few ideas... KASIDY I bet you do... SISKO So tell me... how's your throwing arm holding up... ? As she looks up at him in confusion, they round the corner, and we... CUT TO: 18 EXT. BALLPARK - DAY Kasidy is playing third when a hard-hit ground ball rips down the baseline. She scoops up the ball, plants her foot and fires a shot to Worf at first. The ball is dead on target. 19 NEW ANGLE Where we can see Sisko at the plate hitting balls into the field of play, Kira at shortstop, Bashir at second, Worf on first, Leeta in left field, Ezri in center, Rom in right, Nog playing catcher. Jake, Quark and O'Brien are watching from the dugout. O'Brien is chewing gum. SISKO There we go, Kas! That's what it's about! She tugs her cap in acknowledgement. Nog hands Sisko another ball as Worf throws the first ball home. SISKO All right, people, heads up now. There's a runner at first, and one away. He smacks the ball high out into right. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 21. 20 ROM sees the ball. ROM I got it! I got it! I got it! He stands in place, holds his glove up over his head and waits. The ball drops to the ground a good twenty feet behind him. 21 SISKO & NOG react. SISKO How many is that? NOG (reluctant) Today? I think he's missed... ten. SISKO (disgusted) Ten. 22 ROM tries to throw the ball to Kira... but it only makes it halfway to her. Rom runs to pick up the ball and throws it again... then has to run to pick it up and throw it again. 23 SISKO Can barely stand to watch this fiasco. SISKO (to all) Batting practice! CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 22. 24 EXT. BALLPARK - DAY A few minutes later. The Niners are selecting bats and taking practice swings. Sisko is watching Worf as he practices his stance. Leeta notices something up in the stands. LEETA What's he doing here? Sisko follows her look and sees... 25 SOLOK Sitting calmly in the stands, watching. 26 RESUME SISKO as he reacts. SISKO He's scouting us. WORF (pleased) If he is taking the time to conduct reconnaissance, he must be worried. SISKO He should be. Next week, on this field, that man is going to get a painful lesson in humility. Worf and Leeta grin. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 23. 27 JAKE & NOG Who have been warming up. Jake signals to his catcher that he's ready. NOG Batter up! Rom steps up to the plate. ROM (to Nog) Today... I'm going to hit the ball. Just you watch... Nog nods hopefully. Rom settles in... Jake goes into his windup... there's the pitch... and Rom swings wildly, spinning himself around in the process. 28 thru OMITTED 29 DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 24. 30 SOLOK raises an eyebrow, seems pleased. 31 SISKO is very aware of Solok's presence and doesn't like having Rom represent his team in the Vulcan's eyes. SISKO (impatient) Remember what we talked about -- don't take your eye off the ball. Watch it all the way from the pitcher's hand to your bat. 32 ROM Nods and tries again. This time he swings so hard that he actually FALLS DOWN. 33 LEETA winces. LEETA Oh... Rom. 34 SISKO can feel his blood pressure rising. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 25. 34 CONTINUED: SISKO (irritated) Come on, Rom! Rom gets up. ROM Sorry. LEETA You can do it! BASHIR Hang in there, Rom! Rom appreciates the encouragement and settles in again. Jake lobs another ball in there and Rom takes a mighty swing... and the bat sails out of his hands, narrowly missing Jake. 35 SOLOK watches the bat sail away with an amused expression, then decides he's seen enough. He EXITS. 36 SISKO sees Solok heading out. With Solok gone, he marches over to Rom. SISKO That's it. You're done. ROM I'll do better tomorrow, captain. SISKO No, you won't. You're finished. Gone. Off the team. A shocked beat. NOG Sir, can't you give him another -- SISKO Is anyone talking to you, ensign? That shuts Nog up. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 26. 37 THE NINERS react in shock. No one can believe that Sisko's actually throwing Rom off the team. 38 OMITTED 39 SISKO, ROM & NOG still at the plate. ROM I... I can't play? SISKO (furious) That is the smartest thing you've said all week. You -- can't -- play! (beat) Now get your gear and go. Rom walks away from the plate, stunned and humiliated. SISKO Worf -- you're up! Worf hesitates for only a moment, then walks toward the plate. Rom passes through his former teammates, picks up his glove and heads for the EXIT. The rest of the team look at Sisko with disbelief, but no one wants to challenge him. On Sisko's angry and determined face... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 40 INT. QUARK'S A short time later. Rom is sitting at a table, looking miserable. Leeta and Nog are sitting next to him, trying their best to comfort him, but to no avail. Even Quark is here to support his brother. (Everyone is still in their cleats and T-shirts and some are still wearing their caps.) ROM Captain Sisko hates me. LEETA He doesn't hate you, Rom. QUARK Sisko was just blowing off steam. He'll get over it. NOG That's right. I'll go talk to him in the morning, maybe he'll change his -- ROM No! I don't want him to kick you off the team too. NOG I don't care about the team. If you can't play, I won't either. LEETA That goes for me too. QUARK And me. O'BRIEN'S VOICE And us. They turn to see O'Brien, Kira, Bashir and Ezri approaching them from the staircase. EZRI Benjamin was way out of line today, Rom. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 27A. 40 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN This is supposed to be a friendly game -- not a life or death struggle. BASHIR So we've decided to quit unless he reinstates you immediately. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 28. 40 CONTINUED: (2) ROM No! Please! KIRA Rom, we're on your side. ROM I don't want to make the team like this. I had my chance... but I wasn't good enough. Let's face it -- the captain's right. I'm hopeless. I don't deserve to be on the team. You play, you've earned it. NOG Playing baseball doesn't mean anything to me. ROM But it should. You're good at it. (to Leeta) So are you. And I want to see you play. (to others) I want to see all of you play. I want to see our team beat the Vulcans... even if I'm only watching from the... the uh... NOG The stands? ROM Right. They exchange looks -- they're not sure. ROM Please. KIRA If that's the way you want it. He nods and Kira, Ezri, O'Brien and Bashir head off. LEETA Rom... there are moments when I know exactly why I married you. She wraps her arms around him and Nog grabs his Dad's hand. As they share this moment... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 28A. 40A INT. PROMENADE Ezri and Kira head one way down the Promenade, while O'Brien and Bashir head the other. O'Brien is still chewing his gum, and Bashir's curiosity finally gets the best of him. BASHIR What are you eating? O'BRIEN I'm not eating, I'm chewing. BASHIR Chewing what? O'BRIEN Gum. It's traditional. I had the replicator create some. BASHIR And they just... chewed it? O'BRIEN They infused the gum with flavor. BASHIR What flavor did you infuse it with? O'BRIEN Scotch. (offers him a stick) Try it? Bashir begins chewing away. BASHIR (yummy) Mmmm. DISSOLVE TO: A SERIES OF SHOTS: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 29. 41 INT. WARDROOM Sisko giving a lecture on strategy to the team (Kira, Bashir, Jake, Kasidy, Nog, Ezri and Quark). He's using the large wall monitor to illustrate what to do. SISKO ... there's a runner on first and second, one away. Ground ball hit to the second baseman -- Kira what do you do? KIRA I go for the double play, unless the runner on third is already on his way home, in which case... MUSIC TAKES OVER, and NO FURTHER DIALOG IS HEARD... 42 INT. OPS O'Brien working at his console -- his mitt sitting nearby. Worf comes over to talk to him about some station business -- he's absentmindedly playing with a baseball. WORF There seems to be a problem with the secondary transtator relay in the deflector matrix... 43 INT. INFIRMARY Kasidy giving Bashir tips on his stance -- Bashir pantomimes having a bat and swinging. KASIDY Keep your weight on the balls of your feet... back elbow up... 44 INT. QUARK'S After hours. The Ferengi Waiters are throwing glasses down to Quark from the Second Level. QUARK Faster! Come on! Faster! He catches them rapidly one after the other, faster and faster... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 29A. 45 EXT. BALLPARK - DAY Bashir and Ezri in the outfield, go for the same fly ball -- then each pulls up short thinking the other one has it. The ball drops to the grass. They start yelling at each other. EZRI BASHIR You called it! That was Don't look at me! You yours all the way! Oh, could've gotten that -- I come on, Julian! was out of position! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 30-30A. 46 INT. INFIRMARY Jake is having his elbow treated by Bashir. 46A thru OMITTED 47 48 INT. PROMENADE/SECURITY OFFICE Kira is walking past the Security Office. She glances in, keeps going... then stops and goes back to look inside. 49 ANGLE - THROUGH THE DOORS Odo is practicing his umpire moves with his back to the door. ODO Out! Safe! Out! Safe! Kira can't help but smile. After a beat, she decides not to interrupt and she continues on her way down the Promenade. Odo keeps practicing. ODO Out! CUT TO: 50 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Where Kasidy is giving Sisko a shoulder massage. He winces in pain. SISKO Oh! KASIDY That's quite a knot. SISKO Yeah. KASIDY Your back is like a minefield of bruised muscles. SISKO Tell me something I don't know. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 31. 50 CONTINUED: KASIDY You're lifting your foot at the plate. SISKO What? She comes around and picks up a bat and tosses it to him. KASIDY Take a swing. Sisko sets up and goes through a slow swing. KASIDY Stop! Right there. Look -- you're lifting your foot in the backswing. It's been messing up your whole rhythm. He sees that she's right and he reacts with fatigue and depression. KASIDY It's not that bad. Clearly disturbed by more than just his stance, Sisko roams the room for a beat, idly testing the weight of the bat in his hand. KASIDY I know that look. It's the I'd- really-like-to-smash-something- but-she'll-think-I'm-crazy look. Well, don't let me stop you -- they're your quarters. Smash away if it'll make you feel better. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 32. 50 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO The only thing that'll make me feel better is beating Solok tomorrow. KASIDY So do I get to hear the Solok story now? And before you say no -- you better consider the fact that if you don't tell me, you won't have a third baseman. Kasidy takes a seat, crosses her arms and adopts an unmovable "I'm waiting" attitude. Sisko isn't eager to tell the tale, but he knows when it's useless to resist. He starts pacing again, swinging the bat idly. SISKO We were in the same class at the Academy. One weekend I was with some friends at a bar off-campus -- the Launching Pad -- and Solok came in with a group of Vulcan cadets. (with distaste) Said they were doing "research"... on illogical human bonding rituals. We didn't take too kindly to that. KASIDY And you'd had a few drinks... SISKO One or two. (beat) We got into a... debate. Solok said that Vulcans were naturally superior to Humans and other "emotionally handicapped" species. I took the opposite point of view. So there I am... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 33. 50 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO (Cont'd) ... drunk and debating logic versus emotion with a smug -- and very sober -- Vulcan. (beat) Well, to make a long story short, I decided the best way to prove that Humans were every bit the equal of Vulcans was to challenge Solok to a wrestling match. KASIDY (are you crazy) Wrestling? SISKO All I wanted to do was wipe that arrogant look off his face -- so in the heat of the moment.... I challenged him. KASIDY And.. ? SISKO I ended up in the Infirmary with a separated shoulder, two cracked ribs and a bruised ego. Kasidy has to laugh a little. KASIDY Oh, Ben... I don't mean to laugh, but... what did you expect? A Vulcan has three times the strength of a Human. SISKO And they're faster too. But you're right -- I got what I deserved. And if it had ended there, it would've been fine. But it didn't. (beat) Solok took every opportunity to remind me of the match. He'd point me out whenever I'd walk across campus. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 34. 50 CONTINUED: (4) SISKO (Cont'd) He wrote five psychology papers on our match. I became the living embodiment of why Vulcans were inherently superior to Humans. KASIDY You don't mean he was gloating? A Vulcan? SISKO That's exactly what I mean. He may have hidden it beneath that Vulcan calm, but he loved every minute of it. (beat) You'd think it would've stopped once we graduated... but no. Over the years, he's written over a dozen papers on Human/Vulcan comparative profiles -- and every paper begins with an analysis of that damned wrestling match! KASIDY (realizing) And now he comes to your station and announces that he's put together a baseball team... SISKO He doesn't care about baseball -- he's just trying to rub my nose in it one more time. But now he wants to do it with my game! KASIDY You should tell that to the Niners. They don't understand why you're so caught up in this. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 35. 50 CONTINUED: (5) SISKO No. I'd rather they think I'm just caught up in a baseball game than admit that I'm pursuing an adolescent rivalry. KASIDY Just tell them the truth. They'll understand. They need to know how personal this is to you. SISKO No. I mean it. And you can't tell them either. Promise me? KASIDY (beat) All right, I promise. CUT TO: 51 INT. WARDROOM Kasidy is talking to the team -- Worf, Kira, O'Brien, Bashir, Leeta, Quark, Nog, Ezri and Jake. KASIDY And he made me promise not to tell you, so you have to keep this under your hats. EZRI Curzon and Jadzia always wondered why Benjamin hated Solok... but he'd never talk about it. KASIDY He's embarrassed. He keeps calling it an adolescent rivalry, but Solok's the one who's kept this thing going. O'BRIEN And now he's trying to beat the captain at his own game. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT THREE 35. 51 CONTINUED: WORF It is a dishonorable motive. NOG I'm beginning to hate him myself. QUARK So what do we do about it? KIRA I'll tell you what we do -- we go out there tomorrow and put that Vulcan in his place. We win it for the captain. BASHIR And for all our "emotionally handicapped" races. O'BRIEN Now there's something worth fighting for. Come on -- O'Brien puts his hand out and the others gather around, putting their hands on his. KASIDY Niners... ALL NINERS!! FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 52 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 53 EXT. BALLPARK - CLOSE ON CAP - DAY which is emblazoned with a stylized DS9 logo. MUSIC is playing in the b.g. We PULL BACK and see that the cap is being held by Sisko. He's holding it across his chest and he's wearing a brand-new BASEBALL UNIFORM. Across the chest it says "NINERS" in big, bold letters and across the back it says "SISKO" in equally proud lettering. The Niners -- Sisko, Ezri, Kira, Worf, Bashir, O'Brien, Nog, Kasidy, Leeta, and Quark -- are lined up on the third base line. The Starfleet officers put their caps over their chests, while the others merely hold them respectfully in their hands. Odo is standing behind home plate. 54 THE LOGICIANS are lined up on the third base line, caps over their chests. Their uniforms feature an IDIC symbol on the caps, the word "LOGICIANS" across the chest, and their names (in Vulcan letters) on the back. Everyone is looking at.... 55 THE FEDERATION FLAG flapping in the breeze while the UFP ANTHEM plays. 56 ROM is standing in the bleachers along with the CROWD, listening to the anthem. He looks down at his former teammates with a trace of longing. 57 WIDE (OPTICAL) And we can see that the stands are FILLED WITH PEOPLE. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 38. 57 CONTINUED: When the anthem ENDS, there's a tremendous ROAR from the crowd and a palpable excitement in the air. The Niners take the field and begin warming up: Jake- Pitcher, Nog-Catcher, Sisko-2nd, Worf-lst, Kira- Shortstop, Kasidy-3rd, Bashir-Left Field, Ezri- Center, Leeta-Right Field. O'Brien paces the dugout, watching the team and chewing his gum. Quark is riding the bench. Odo is at home plate. 58 SISKO glances up at the stands and then heads over to talk with Solok. SISKO Let's dispense with the crowd. (off his look) My team's never played in front of people before. Solok raises an eyebrow at Sisko, but complies. SOLOK If you wish. (to com) Computer -- eliminate the spectators. 59 thru OMITTED 60 61 ODO (OPTICAL) With the crowd still roaring behind him, Odo shouts out the command to play ball -- as he does, the CROWD VANISHES and Odo ends up SHOUTING into a vast emptiness. ODO Play ball! His voice ECHOES through the now empty park for a moment. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 39. 62 ROM suddenly finds himself completely alone in the empty ballpark. He catches Leeta's attention in the outfield. She blows him a kiss. He gamely catches it, but there's a definite sadness to Rom today -- he wishes more than anything that he were out there. 63 THE NINERS settle in at their positions as Vulcan #1 steps up to the plate. SISKO Let's hear some chatter! NINERS Hey, batter, hey batter now, no batter, no batter, etc. The first pitch -- -- and Vulcan #1 HITS A LONG FLY BALL OVER LEFT. Bashir watches the ball sail far over his head. Home run. Vulcan #1 trots around the bases and Nog goes out to the mound. NOG Don't worry, you'll get the next one. Okay? (beat) Okay? JAKE Okay. When Vulcan #1 goes to the dugout, he is met with calm nods of approval by Solok and the rest of the team. 64 THE SCOREBOARD changes to Logicians 2, Niners 0. Then changes to Logicians, 3, Niners 0. Then to Logicians 4, Niners 0. (We should not see the hits & errors section of the board in this shot.) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 40. 65 IN THE NINER DUGOUT The Niners file in, frustrated by their inability to stop the Logician onslaught. Sisko isn't pleased with his troops. SISKO You're making mental errors out there! Stupid mistakes! Think about what you're doing. Kira -- charge the ball, don't wait for it to come to you! Ezri -- you're playing too deep! He stops Jake. SISKO You got rattled. JAKE They're pretty good. SISKO (harsh) What kind of talk is that, "they're pretty good?" You better stop admiring them and start striking them out! Jake stiffens, but says nothing. A silence falls in the dugout. ODO'S VOICE Batter up. O'Brien trots out to coach at first and Kasidy heads over to coach at third. Bashir quickly grabs a bat and heads for the plate. QUICK CUTS: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 41-42. 65A BASHIR strikes out. 65B KIRA strikes out. 65C WORF strikes out. 65D SISKO slaps his hat against the dugout wall in anger. The team begins filing out toward the field. CUT TO: 65E THE SCOREBOARD It's now the top of the fifth inning. 1 out. Logicians 7 runs, 9 hits, 0 errors. Niners 0 runs, 2 hits, 3 errors. The count is 1 and 2. 65F A VULCAN BATTER is at the plate. There's a Vulcan Woman on 1st. The batter hits a grounder to Sisko. 66 thru OMITTED 76 77 SISKO now makes a spectacular DIVING catch, rolls up and fires the ball to -- 78 OMITTED DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 43. 78A KIRA who makes the catch, but the Vulcan Woman SLIDES INTO Kira, taking her down and preventing her from making the throw to First. Kira jumps to her feet, and gets right in the Woman's face. The Vulcan gives her a smug, self-satisfied look. Kira glares at her for a moment. KIRA You want to try that again? SISKO Colonel! Keep your cool! Don't do something that'll get you thrown out. KIRA (still glaring at the woman) I wouldn't dream of it, captain. (to Vulcan) You're out, by the way. The Vulcan raises an eyebrow and heads off the field. 79 IN THE DUGOUT A few minutes later, as the Niners come off the field. It's Kira's turn at bat. She grabs a bat with fury and heads for the plate without a word. NOG Was that slide at second legal? KASIDY 'fraid so. BASHIR Didn't seem very sporting. JAKE These guys are playing to win. "Sporting" doesn't enter into it. Sisko throws his glove in the dugout in frustration and looks up to see... 80 OMITTED DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 43A. 81 SOLOK playing second base, catches Sisko's eye. The Vulcan captain glances up at the scoreboard, then raises an eyebrow at Sisko. It's as close as a Vulcan can come to actually gloating. 81A SISKO reacts -- Solok's gloating sticks in his throat. Suddenly there's the CRACK of a bat hitting a ball. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 82 KIRA has hit a solid shot far into left field. She rounds first and heads for second. 83 THE NINERS Cheer. NINERS Yeah! Way to go, Kira! All right! etc. SISKO It's about time! Kira slides into second, and the Vulcan Woman she went toe to toe with early misses the tag -- she's safe. Kira gets to her feet, spits out some dirt and gives the Vulcan woman a cool look of victory. 83A WORF steps up to the plate and settles in. -- Swing and a miss. ODO Strike one. Quick cuts: -- outside, ball one. -- Low, ball two. -- Foul tip, strike two. -- Inside, ball three. Worf steps out of the box for a second, tries to concentrate. 84 THE SCOREBOARD Emphasizing the full count. (Bottom of the 5th. Two outs. Logicians 7 runs, 10 hits, 0 errors. Niners 0 runs, 3 hits, 3 errors.) DEEP SPACE.NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 45. 85 IN THE NINER DUGOUT Sisko and most of the Niners are on their feet now. Kira is taking a healthy lead off second... the Vulcan pitcher eyes her coolly. SISKO Good eye, now Worf! Good eye! Don't reach for it! If it's not there, let it go! ODO (to Worf) Let's go, batter. WORF Do not rush me. He finally steps in. The windup... the pitch... it's close... Worf lets it go by, and starts to jog toward first. ODO Steeeee-RIKE! WORF WHAT!? The Vulcans begin coming off the field, but Sisko explodes out of the dugout and comes at Odo. SISKO Are you blind!? That was low and outside! WORF It was clearly a ball! Sisko gets right up into Odo's face and Worf keeps at him too. Odo refuses to give ground and his own temper begins to rise. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 46. 85 CONTINUED: WORF SISKO That was at least half a What the hell are you meter outside! How could talking about? You can't you call it a strike! tell me that was over the Reverse the call! plate! You must've been regenerating! ODO (overlapping) It caught the outside corner. WORF SISKO The outside corner! The The corner, my foot! corner of the dugout That was a ball and you perhaps! Maybe the know it! We should have corner of the stadium! two men on! But not the corner of the plate! ODO Gentlemen, you're trying my patience. Worf backs down at this point, but Sisko takes another step closer, getting right in Odo's face. Sisko's anger only seems to be increasing as he vents his frustration all over Odo. SISKO (points at him) You stole a run from us! And now Sisko makes a fatal mistake -- as he's gesturing at Odo, he touches him with his finger. SISKO Stole it just as if you'd reached up and tore it off the scoreboard! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 47. 85 CONTINUED: (2) ODO YOU'RE OUTTA HERE!! That stops Sisko in his tracks. SISKO What? ODO "No player shall at any time make intentional contact with the umpire in any manner." The prescribed penalty for the violation is immediate ejection from the game. Rule four point zero six, subsection (a), paragraph four -- look it up. (points toward the stands) But do it in the stands. You're gone. Odo turns his back on him. Sisko is stunned. He looks around, lost for a moment, and catches the eye of Solok. The Vulcan captain touches the brim of his ballcap in salute -- "You're out and I'm going to win." OFF Sisko's face as he realizes that he's just lost it all... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 48-49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 86 EXT. BALLPARK - DAY A few seconds later. Sisko walks off the field and into the stands. The Niners are still in the dugout and seem unsure what to do for a moment. BASHIR (sotto, to O'Brien) Miles... O'BRIEN Yeah? BASHIR I think you're in charge now. O'Brien suddenly realizes he's right. O'BRIEN That's right. (to Niners) What're you standing around for? Never seen a man thrown out of a game? Get your gloves and get on that field, let's go! Quark, wake up, you're in right! Julian you're on second, Leeta you're in left! Move! We got a game to play here! The Niners move out. 87 IN THE STANDS Still fuming, Sisko finds a seat. He looks over and sees Rom watching him from the next section over. Rom turns away as soon as he sees Sisko's gaze land on him. CUT TO: 88 EXT. BALLPARK - DAY Later. The scoreboard tells us it's the top of the 9th. Logicians 10 runs, 13 hits, 0 errors. Niners 0 runs, 5 hits, 4 errors. One out. The count is 3 and 2. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 50. 89 thru OMITTED 93 94 A VULCAN BATTER at the plate. NINERS Hey batter, hey batter, swing batter, no batter, etc. Jake delivers the pitch and the Vulcan HITS a long fly ball into center. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 51. 95 JAKE reacts -- it looks like a home run. 96 EZRI (OPTICAL) in center, has her eye on the ball... then she suddenly grins and runs straight for the fence... she RUNS UP THE WALL, LEAPS high into the air, CATCHES THE BALL before it can go over the fence, executes a BACKFLIP and then lands on her feet perfectly. She raises her hands in the air like a gymnast and smiles broadly. 97 OMITTED 98 WIDE As the Niners applaud and cheer. 99 SISKO finds a grin forming on his face despite himself. SISKO ROM (jumps up) (jumps up) All right! All right! The two men react and look at each other -- Rom feels guilty for some reason. He stops clapping and moves farther away from Sisko. Sisko is beginning to feel bad that Rom's so clearly afraid of him. 99A BASHIR (FORMERLY SCENE 97) smiling and laughing. BASHIR Now that's a Fancy Dan! 100 A FEW MINUTES LATER Vulcan #1 is on first. Vulcan #2 is at bat and hits a ball deep into right, along the baseline. 101 VULCAN #1 is heading for third. The Vulcan third base coach calmly gives him the signal to go home. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 52. 102 QUARK scrambles for the ball. He throws it to... 103 WORF who relays the ball home. 104 VULCAN #2 holds up on third. 105 NOG fields the ball from Worf, turns, tries to get the Vulcan, but misses the tag -- at the same moment... 105A THE VULCAN'S FOOT - INSERT just misses the plate. 105B NOG doesn't realize this, however, and he reacts in frustration. Vulcan #1 turns around, finds Nog on the plate, and elects to go into the dugout. Odo has seen the whole thing and doesn't put his mask back on and stays away from the batter's box. Nog suddenly realizes that something's up. NOG What's wrong? 106 O'BRIEN looks puzzled as well. He glances up at the scoreboard, which still reads Logicians 10, Niners 0. (Top of the 9th. Logicians 14 hits, 0 errors. Niners 5 hits, 4 errors. Two outs.) O'Brien puts it together after a beat. O'BRIEN He didn't touch home. Nog, he didn't touch home! NOG (to Odo) Is that true? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 52A. 106 CONTINUED: Odo can't say and he simply clears his throat and glances over at the Logician bench. NOG What do I do? WORF Find him and kill him! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 53. 106 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Just tag him out! Go! Jake, cover home! Jake moves for the plate as Nog heads for the Logician dugout. Nog keeps a wary eye on Vulcan #2, who's holed up on third, but Nog could easily throw him out if he made a move toward home. Nog reaches the dugout, but hesitates when he looks inside: 107 IN THE DUGOUT where all the Logicians are sitting on the bench, looking very, very much alike. NOG (to Odo) Which one? Odo averts his eyes. KASIDY Tag 'em all! Nog climbs down into the dugout and touches the first Vulcan with the ball. He looks back at Odo, who shakes his head. Nog moves onto the next Vulcan -- Odo shakes his head again. 108 THE NINERS are beginning to grin and a few are laughing at the sight of Nog carefully picking his way among the stoic Vulcans. JAKE Come on, Nog. Hurry up! But Jake is starting to laugh -- the absurdity of it all getting the better of him. 109 SISKO is smiling up in the stands, starting to laugh. Rom is grinning broadly too. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 54. 110 NOG is almost to the end of the bench. He reaches out for a Vulcan -- but this one gets up and runs out of the dugout from the back end! 111 JAKE however, has turned around and is looking at O'Brien, sharing a laugh. 111A NOG screams and throws the ball to Jake. NOG Jake!!! Jake suddenly has to pull it together in a hurry. The throw is high and wide, Jake barely snatches the ball and has to dive at the Vulcan, who SLIDES... ODO You're out! The Niners CHEER and LAUGH. Jake stands up, holds the ball high over his head and takes a bow. 112 SISKO up in the stands, finds himself laughing too. He looks over at Rom. SISKO Did you see that? Rom nods. SISKO That's what I love about this game -- every situation is different, you never know what's going to happen next. ROM (brave smile) It... it looks like a lot of fun. Sisko suddenly realizes that he's treated the Ferengi way too harshly. Sisko gets up and goes over to Rom as the Niners get ready to take their turn at bat. He looks down at Rom for a moment. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 54A. 112 CONTINUED: Rom swallows hard, still a little afraid of the captain, but not wanting to show it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 112 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Let's go, Rom. Sisko heads for the exit. Rom hesitates for a moment, then decides to follow him. ROM Where're we going? CUT TO: 113 EXT. BALLPARK - DAY A few minutes later. The big 0 in the Niner run column is still there. (Bottom of the 9th, Logicians 10 runs, 14 hits, 0 errors. Niners 0 runs, 5 hits, 4 errors). But the Niner dugout is a happy place to be. People are laughing and joking amongst themselves. 114 NOG SLIDES into third -- he's safe! Kasidy claps for him from her position coaching third base. 115 IN THE DUGOUT Everyone applauds and cheers. They have a man in scoring position! (Ezri is now the first base coach.) Jake is on deck. He takes a few practice swings. NINERS Come on Jake! Bring him home! You can do it! Etc. SISKO'S VOICE (a whisper) Chief? Chief! O'Brien cranes his head out of the dugout and sees Sisko leaning over from the stands, trying not to be seen by Odo or Solok. SISKO (sotto) Call time out. O'BRIEN Why? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 55A. 115 CONTINUED: SISKO (sotto) You're making a substitution. O'Brien hesitates for a beat, then sees Rom enter the dugout wearing a Niner uniform. O'Brien is surprised, but smiles at the sight of Rom. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 56. 115 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (to Odo) Time! ODO Time out! O'BRIEN Rom, you're up. QUARK You've got to be kidding! We've got a man on third, we can score. O'BRIEN (firm) Sit down, Quark. (to Rom) Go ahead, Rom. Leeta hands Rom a bat. LEETA You can do it. He nods and the rest of the team is on their feet, hoping against hope. 116 SISKO takes a seat, then looks around and gets another idea. SISKO (to com) Computer... 117 ROM (OPTICAL) is approaching the batter's box when he hears... the VOICE of an announcer. ANNOUNCER'S VOICE Your attention, please. Now pinch hitting for Jake Sisko... number thirteen... Rom. Suddenly there's the CHEER of a CROWD. Rom looks up to see that the stadium is now filled with a CAPACITY CROWD, which is going WILD. DEEP SPACE-NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 57. 118 SISKO who suddenly finds himself surrounded by a CHEERING CROWD. 119 OMITTED 120 NOG standing on third, tries to look hopeful. NOG Come on, Dad... you can do it. (to himself) I hope. 121 ROM steps tentatively into the box. The first pitch -- right over the plate. Rom doesn't swing. ODO Strike! Rom swallows hard, tries to calm himself. Nog is taking a sizable lead... the pitcher keeps a wary eye on him... O'Brien and the Niners call out encouragement... Rom takes a mighty swing at the next pitch... ODO Strike two! Rom steps out of the box for a moment, tries to relax. He looks over to his wife -- she's cheering him on. He looks to his son -- he's cheering him on. Rom takes a deep breath. 122 O'BRIEN suddenly remembers something. O'BRIEN Julian -- what was that thing called when you just... tap the ball down the baseline? You know -- a, uh... BASHIR A bunt? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 57. 122 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN That's it! A bunt! We have to give him the sign! 123 ROM is just stepping into the box. O'BRIEN ROM! Rom looks up in time to see the entire Niner team all making the "bunt" signal -- right hand slapping the left bicep and then tugging the ballcap. Rom has no idea what they're trying to tell him. ROM What? They keep signalling frantically... he leans closer, peering at them in confusion... still doesn't get it... he takes a step closer... and accidentally puts his bat over the plate lust as the third pitch comes in. 124 SLOW MOTION -- The ball hits Rom's bat. -- Kasidy waves Nog toward home. -- Nog takes off for the plate. -- The ball dribbles down the first base line -- a perfect bunt! -- O'Brien and the Niners yell and motion for Rom to run. -- The Vulcan catcher goes for the ball, the pitcher moves to cover home. -- Rom runs for first. -- Nog slides. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 59. 124 CONTINUED: -- The catcher grabs the ball, makes the throw. -- It's very close... but he's -- 125 NORMAL TIME ODO SAFE!!! The CROWD GOES WILD! The Niners come running out of the dugout. 12 SISKO can't believe it. He jumps to his feet and starts shouting and yelling at the top of his lungs. 127 ROM is being hugged by Nog and Leeta as the rest of the Niners swarm all over him. 128 THE SCOREBOARD finally changes -- Logicians 10, Niners 1. (Bottom of the 9th. Logicians 14 hits, 0 errors. Niners 7 hits, 4 errors.) 129 THE NINERS are carrying Rom around the field on their shoulders. CROWD (chanting) ROM! ROM! ROM! ROM! ROM! ROM! ROM! ROM! ROM! ROM! 129A SOLOK comes up to Odo, who's watching the parade with an amused look. The crowd noise is deafening. SOLOK (shouting) This is completely improper! The game is not over! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 59A. 129A CONTINUED: Odo looks at him in puzzlement -- not sure what he said. Solok puts a hand on his arm, to pull him closer, but before he can repeat his shouted objection... Odo looks down at the hand on his arm. Solok suddenly realizes that he's made the same error as Sisko, and he can't believe it. Odo just silently points toward the stands, then walks off. Solok is as crushed as is possible for a Vulcan. He watches as... 130 ROM is still being carried around the field. Rom lifts his cap to the cheering crowd and for this moment he must surely consider himself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth... DISSOLVE TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 60. 131 INT. QUARK'S The Niners are celebrating and most have commandeered tables or barstools. The Vulcans are nearby, watching the Niners with curiosity. Kira is going around from Niner to Niner, handing them something that we can't see (later, we'll realize that she's having the baseball signed by the team). Sisko is congratulating Jake near the bar. SISKO A helluva game, Jake-O -- a helluva game! JAKE I gave up ten runs. SISKO Don't you know that Vulcans are stronger than we are? If they were humans you would've held them to two or three. JAKE Well, when you put it that way... Jake smiles and Sisko hugs him. Then Sisko sees Rom getting a well-deserved kiss from Leeta. SISKO (to Jake) Excuse me. Sisko goes over to Rom's table, who is still a little intimidated by the captain. (One of the Vulcans is sitting nearby, observing the entire exchange.) SISKO I think I owe you an apology. ROM No. (beat) Unless you really want to. SISKO I'm sorry. ROM Apology accepted. SISKO When you have some time, maybe you can teach me how to bunt. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 60A. 131 CONTINUED: ROM Sure. Sisko heads off toward the bar. ROM (to Leeta) What's a bunt? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 61. 131 CONTINUED: (2) She just kisses him again. The Vulcan raises an eyebrow at Nog. NOG (with pride) That's my dad. 131A SISKO is getting a drink at the bar. Solok approaches him. Erzi, Bashir, O'Brien and Kasidy are sitting at a nearby table, close enough to hear the following conversation. SOLOK I fail to see why you are celebrating. The Ferengi's bunt was an accident. And you still lost the game. SISKO You're absolutely right. And you know what -- I couldn't be happier. (to Quark) Quark -- a round of drinks for the house. on my tab! QUARK I'm way ahead of you. Applause and cheers as Quark passes out drinks. Solok looks around in irritation. SOLOK You are attempting to manufacture a triumph where none exists. KASIDY I'd say he succeeded. BASHIR (lifting a glass) To manufactured triumphs. Bashir, Erzi, Kasidy and O'Brien clink glasses. NINERS Here, here! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 61A. 131A CONTINUED: SOLOK (a little put out) This is a typical human reaction, based on emotionalism and illogic. SISKO Is that irritation I hear in your voice? SOLOK Certainly not. BASHIR (to O'Brien) That sounded positively defensive to me. O'BRIEN With a hint of anger. QUARK Plus a touch of jealousy. KASIDY And a lot of bitterness. EZRI (to Solok) Are you always this emotional? Solok knows he's being baited and doesn't like it. SOLOK I refuse to engage in this... human game of taunting. Ezri and Quark look at each other. EZRI Did I forget to wear my spots today? QUARK All that intelligence, and he still doesn't know what a Hew-mon looks like. Solok struggles not to fume and Sisko smiles. KIRA'S VOICE Captain! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 62. 131A CONTINUED: (2) He turns to see Kira across the bar. KIRA Here's something else for your desk. She throws him a baseball. (At this point, the underscore becomes "Take Me Out to the Ballgame.") 132 ON THE BASEBALL which is signed by every player on the Niner team. 133 SISKO smiles proudly at the ball in his hand. SISKO Look at that. (to Solok) Solok... would you like to sign it? The look of consternation on Solok's face is so priceless that Sisko can't help but laugh out loud. Solok EXITS without another word and Sisko only laughs louder. In a moment of pure joy, he TOSSES the ball up in the air and gives it a slight TWIST... 133A THE BALL rises up toward the ceiling, spinning horizontally on its axis. As it reaches the apex of its journey upward, we SLOW DOWN the ball and then it becomes... DISSOLVE TO: 134 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The station spinning slowly in space. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END