STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Shadows and Symbols" #40510-552 Written by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler Directed by Allan Kroeker THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1998 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION July 15, 1998 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Shadows and... " - 07/15/98 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Shadows and Symbols" CAST SISKO/BENNY WEYOUN KIRA JOSEPH ODO DAMAR/WYKOFF BASHIR CRETAK O'BRIEN MARTOK WORF ROSS QUARK SARAH ALIEN EZRI SIANA JAKE BAJORAN CREWMAN Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "Shadows and... " - 07/15/98 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Shadows and Symbols" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE CAPTAIN'S OFFICE TYREE - DESERT KIRA'S QUARTERS CARDASSIA PRIME WARDROOM DERNA OPS SISKO'S RESTAURANT/ALLEY PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL MONAC FOUR'S SUN RUNABOUT KLINGON BIRD OF PREY BAJORAN SHIP WORMHOLE BRIDGE ROMULAN SHIPS KLINGON BRIDGE RUNABOUT DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM SISKO'S RESTAURANT KITCHEN PATIO ISOLATION WARD DS9 - "Shadows and... " - 07/15/98 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Shadows and Symbols" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE AUDRID ODD-rid CURZON KIHR-zahn EMONY EM-oh-knee JORAN juh-RAN KELDAR KEL-dar KOSST AMOJAN COST uh-MOJE-un LELA LEE-luh MONAC MO-nak PAH-WRAITH PAH-rayths PAR'MACHKAI par-MAHK-eye RAKTAJINO ROCK-ta-GEE-no STO-VO-KOR STO-vo-kor TOBIN TOE-bin TORIAS tuh-RYE-us DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Shadows and Symbols" TEASER FADE IN: (90 second recap of "Image in the Sand.") 1 INT. SISKO'S RESTAURANT - DAY Moments later. SISKO is still trying to grasp the fact that his old friend, DAX, is standing before him -- albeit, in a different body. JAKE and JOSEPH stand nearby, well aware of the awkwardness of the moment. SISKO Dax? I can't believe it... EZRI I can hardly believe it myself. But I'm Dax... I mean, I'm not Jadzia Dax. I'm Ezri Dax. But I have all of Jadzia's memories. Not to mention Lela's, Tobin's, Emony's, Audrid's, Joran's, Curzon's... (a beat) Am I forgetting anyone? SISKO Torias? EZRI Right. You're probably asking yourself -- who is this person? How did she get the Dax symbiont? Do I even want another Dax in my life? Does she always talk this much? These are all good questions. (a beat) I wish I had good answers. SISKO The answers can wait. Right now, I'm just glad to see you. EZRI (fighting back the tears) Really? That's so nice of you to say. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: EZRI (Cont'd) (collecting herself) I'm not usually this emotional. Must be the Emony in me. (shaking her head) At least I think it's Emony... Hi, Jake. JAKE Hi. EZRI You seem taller. Or am I shorter? (to Sisko) You know, none of this is my fault. I never asked to be joined. JAKE Then how'd you end up with the symbiont? EZRI It was an accident. JOSEPH Some accident. EZRI I was on the Destiny when the Dax symbiont was brought on board to be taken back to Trill. Halfway through the trip, it took a turn for the worse and had to be placed in a host immediately. SISKO (putting it together) And you were the only Trill on board. EZRI (nodding) I laid down on the operating table as one person and woke up a different person... actually, eight different people. I wasn't prepared for any of it. You're supposed to go through years of training and preparation before being joined. All I got was a fifteen minute lecture from the ships's surgeon. And he wasn't even a Trill. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I'm starting to see the problem. Ezri sits and takes a deep breath. EZRI I can't tell you how much better I feel... being here with you, Ben. SISKO What about the Symbiosis Institute? Wasn't there anything they could do for you? EZRI I did meet with the Evaluation Board several times. SISKO And? EZRI They gave me some books to read... some counseling... but once the host and the symbiont are joined, there's really not much they can do. (a beat) My parents, my friends, my crewmates... it's like they don't know me anymore -- which is understandable since I hardly know myself. (a beat) That's why I took a leave of absence and came here. If anyone can help me through this, it's you. SISKO I'll do all I can, but the truth is, we're leaving for Tyree... EZRI Fine. I'll come with you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV-08/11/98 - TEASER 4. 1 CONTINUED: (3) JAKE You don't even know why we're going. EZRI It doesn't matter. Sisko and Jake exchange a look -- they can't argue with that logic. EZRI (to Sisko) When do we leave? 2 CLOSE ON SISKO as he realizes that he's gained another traveling companion. SISKO Today. EZRI Great. It'll be like old times. (a beat) Except different. Sisko and Jake can't argue with that either. And off this moment, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 3 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) To see a Klingon Bird of Prey docked at the station. 4 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE The lights are even lower than usual. A solemn O'BRIEN and BASHIR stand alongside GENERAL MARTOK and the KLINGON BRIDGE CREW. All eyes are on WORF, ceremoniously standing before a makeshift altar, flanked by large votive candles. WORF (in Klingon) Jadzia Dax Vond Shoo-vwee Dun Mahh- kekh Huh-Koo-Vahm Jeh Yin-Moj Mah- Mukh. Sto-vo-kor Pah-Dahkh-tin Baht- leh el-eegh-cha yay-moj. (We dedicate this mission and our lives to the memory of a great warrior, Jadzia Dax. Through our victory, she will enter the sacred halls of Sto-vo-kor.) Worf unsheathes a long d'k tahg. The other Klingons do the same. And after a moment's hesitation, O'Brien and Bashir each pick up a blade that has been set before them. 5 ANGLE ON THE DOOR to see QUARK ENTER, carrying a travel bag. QUARK Quark, son of Keldar, reporting for -- Quark hesitates as he sees everyone staring at him, holding knives. QUARK Did I come at a bad time? O'BRIEN What are you doing here, Quark? QUARK Same thing you are. I'm volunteering for this mission. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 6. 5 CONTINUED: MARTOK Why? You're a bartender, not a warrior. QUARK True, but I loved Jadzia as much as anyone in this room. (off Worf's look) With maybe one or two exceptions... (getting back to the point) And I'm willing to pledge my life to see that she gets into Sto-vo-kor. MARTOK (pleased with Quark's words) Perhaps there is some Klingon in you after all. QUARK I wouldn't go that far. So why all the cutlery? MARTOK We shed our blood to prove we are not frightened of death. And with that Worf, Martok and the other Klingons slice the palms of their own hands. O'Brien and Bashir exchange a look, then they too cut their palms. Everyone looks to Quark. QUARK Can't you just take my word for it? Martok grabs Quark's hand and quickly slices his open palm. QUARK Oww! That hurts. O'BRIEN It's supposed to hurt. 6 ANGLE ON WORF as he steps over to the bulkhead and smears his bloody palm across it, anointing the ship. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 7. 6 CONTINUED: WORF (in Klingon) YuWee-modge. Baht-leh-modge. Yay-Dodge. (Blood. Honor. Glory.) 7 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Moving at warp. 8 INT. RUNABOUT CLOSE ON Ezri, seated at one of the side consoles, looking a bit out of sorts. Sisko applies a hypo to her neck. EZRI This is so embarrassing. ADJUST to include Joseph and Jake standing nearby. SISKO Don't worry about it. It's not your fault. EZRI I'm a trained Starfleet officer. I have no business getting space sick. But ever since I was given the symbiont, warp speed makes me a little queasy. JAKE (an understatement) A little queasy... ? Sisko's look silences Jake. JOSEPH The main thing is that the control panel's all cleaned up... so if one of you would like to get back into the pilot's seat, it would sure make me feel better. Sisko nods and sits back down in the pilot's seat. JOSEPH Not that I don't trust the computer. JAKE You just prefer the human touch. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 8. 8 CONTINUED: JOSEPH That's why you won't find a food replicator anywhere in my restaurant. EZRI Please -- let's not talk about food. JOSEPH Do you need to lie down? EZRI I'm fine, really. Joseph smiles, pats her on the shoulder. JOSEPH Well, it's time for my nap. With that, Joseph EXITS into the aft section of the ship. 9 ANGLE ON JAKE AND EZRI JAKE You're sure you're all right? EZRI (nods) But I wish I could stop thinking about Torias. JAKE Torias Dax? He was one of your previous hosts, wasn't he? EZRI (nodding) He died in a shuttle accident. I still remember those last few seconds before the crash... (more to herself) Maybe I don't belong in Starfleet anymore... (faux cheeriness) Aren't you glad I came along? Ezri gets up and moves towards the food replicator in the back. Jake follows after her. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 9. 9 CONTINUED: JAKE Actually, I am. (with a glance over to his father) My dad seems a lot happier since you showed up. EZRI (to the Replicator) One iced raktajino. 10 ANOTHER ANGLE as the replicator prepares the drink. EZRI I know you've been worried about your father, Jake... but he's going to be all right. JAKE What makes you so sure? EZRI Because I've known him a long time. Besides, it's my job to know these things. I'm a ship's counselor -- actually, an assistant ship's counselor. JAKE You're a therapist? EZRI Is it that surprising? JAKE A little. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: EZRI You know I wasn't always so... confused. Before I was joined I was considered a very promising young officer. Ezri takes a sip of the raktajino and almost gags. EZRI That's horrible. I hate raktajino. JAKE Then why'd you order it? EZRI Because... (trying to sort it out) Curzon liked it... JAKE So did Jadzia. EZRI Well, I don't. I have to learn to control some of these urges. And off this moment.. 11 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE CLOSE ON ADMIRAL ROSS, hands clasped behind his back, looking out into Ops through the closed door. His back is to KIRA, who is seated at her desk. ROSS I want you to know, colonel, I'm as outraged as you are. Ross turns to look at Kira. ROSS The Romulans have no business placing weapons on Derna. KIRA I'm glad we're in agreement. So what do you suggest we do about it? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 10A. 11 CONTINUED: ROSS The Federation has already sent a strong protest to the Romulan Senate condemning their action. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 11. 11 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA That's a start. What happens next? ROSS They've already issued a formal protest of our protest. (a grim smile) Politics. KIRA You still haven't answered my question. ROSS Don't worry, colonel. Eventually, the Romulans will remove those weapons. KIRA When? Are we talking days, weeks, months? ROSS (shrugs) I don't know -- but it will happen. KIRA Now you're starting to sound like a politician, admiral. ROSS (sees the irony) Maybe so. The Admiral steps up to the desk. ROSS But facts are facts, colonel. There's no way the Bajorans are going to drive the Romulans off Derna. Not without help, anyway. And the Federation isn't going to provide that help. Not now. (pointed) Is that clear? KIRA We're just not as important to the war effort as the Romulans. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 12. 11 CONTINUED: (3) ROSS That's a harsh way to put it. KIRA The truth often is. Ross offers her a supportive smile. ROSS I really would like to help you, colonel, but my hands are tied. Kira gets up from behind the desk and crosses over to face the Admiral, eye-to-eye. KIRA Well, luckily, mine aren't. ROSS Meaning what? KIRA Our scans show that the weapons aren't fully operational yet. They're still missing launch sequencers. I'm going to make sure those sequencers never reach Derna. ROSS How? KIRA I'll set up a blockade. ROSS Colonel, if you do that, you're going to have a fight on your hands... a fight you can't win. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 13. 11 CONTINUED: (4) And with that, the Admiral EXITS. WE HOLD on a thoughtful Kira for a long beat. 12 EXT. SPACE - TYREE (OPTICAL) The Runabout in orbit around a harsh, desert planet. 13 INT. RUNABOUT Sisko and Ezri work the control panels. Joseph and Jake are seated in the back. SISKO We've entered orbit. Prepare to beam down. JAKE Why can't we use the ship's scanners to find the Orb? EZRI There's too much ionization in the atmosphere. It'll interfere with our sensors. SISKO (to Joseph) You sure you don't want to stay here and wait for us? JOSEPH And miss all the excitement? Not a chance. SISKO All right. But make sure you're carrying plenty of water packs. (to Ezri and Jake) That goes for you, too. It's dry down there... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 13A. 14 CLOSE ON SISKO as he hears a VOICE just at the edge of his consciousness. VOICE (O.S.) Doctor Wykoff, please report to Isolation Ward Four. Sisko looks around, trying to pinpoint where the voice is coming from. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 14. 14 CONTINUED: VOICE (O.S.) Doctor Wykoff, to Isolation Ward Four. Immediately. SISKO Did you hear that? EZRI Hear what? It's clear nobody but Sisko heard the voice. SISKO Forget it. And as they prepare to beam down to Tyree -- 15 EXT. THE DESERT OF TYREE - DAY (OPTICAL) (LOCATION) As Sisko, Ezri, Jake and Joseph MATERIALIZE. The team should be wearing some kind of lightweight poncho with a hood for protection from the beating sun. But even with the protection, they're hot. EZRI (looking at a tricorder) If there's an Orb buried around here, my tricorder's not picking it up. SISKO It's out there someplace... I know it. That's why the Prophets sent me here... Ezri shuts the tricorder and puts it back in her pack. EZRI Did they give you any hint which way we should go? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 15. 15 CONTINUED: Sisko does a slow 360, gazing off at the horizon, trying to decide on a direction. SISKO (picking a point at random) That way. Without waiting for a reaction from the others, he starts walking. JAKE The Prophets have spoken. EZRI I hope he heard them right. And with that, Ezri, Jake and Joseph follow after Sisko. And as the four seekers begin their trek through the desert, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE 14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 16 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) Traveling at warp, Martok's Bird of Prey cloaks. 17 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Martok is in the Captain's Chair, Worf stands beside him. Quark is seated near O'Brien and Bashir. O'BRIEN -- once we're close enough, we can fire an EM pulse at the sun. QUARK The sun? I thought we were trying to destroy a shipyard. O'BRIEN We are. QUARK (to Bashir) Do you understand what he's talking about? BASHIR Always. QUARK Then you explain it. 18 ANGLE ON WORF who speaks up without looking at them. WORF We're going to fly toward the molten heart of the sun, so close that our ship will glow like a flaming comet. BASHIR Hopefully, we won't have to get that close... O'BRIEN Just close enough to trigger a solar plasma ejection. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and..."REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 17. 18 CONTINUED O'BRIEN (Cont'd) The explosion should incinerate anything within a hundred million kilometers. MARTOK Including the shipyard. WORF It will be a glorious firestorm that will illuminate the gates of Sto-vo-kor itself and provide a fitting welcome for Jadzia. Quark thinks about that image for a beat. QUARK The things we do for love Worf looks over and glares at Quark for a beat, then looks away. 19 NEW ANGLE FAVORING QUARK with O'Brien and Bashir. QUARK Did you see that? O'BRIEN See what? QUARK The way he glared at me. BASHIR He always glares at you. QUARK Well I'm sick of it. We're risking our lives to help Jadzia get into Sto-vo-kor. The very least Worf could do is show us some appreciation. I mean is it so hard to say "thank you?" BASHIR Thank you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 18. 19 CONTINUED: QUARK Nice try, doctor, but I want to hear it from him. It's clear to all three men that Worf can overhear this conversation. O'BRIEN (a warning) Quark -- don't do this... QUARK (building up a head of steam) Do what? (standing up) All I'm asking for are two little words... With a sudden flash, Worf lunges at Quark, grabbing him by the collar. WORF Be quiet. QUARK (scared) That's two words all right. Just not the two I was hoping for. Worf shoves Quark back into his seat. WORF Why should I feel any gratitude toward you? I owe you nothing. When Worf speaks, his words are meant for O'Brien and Bashir as well. WORF You're not here to help Jadzia get into Sto-vo-kor -- you're here because you wish to convince yourselves that you were worthy of her. (a beat) But the truth is, none of you could ever hope to be worthy of Jadzia Dax or even understand the kind of woman she was. (to Quark) It's you who should be thanking me, Ferengi. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 19. 19 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (Cont'd) For allowing you to come on this mission and pay honor to her memory. And with that, Worf turns his attention back to his duties. We hold on Quark, O'Brien and Bashir as they share an uncomfortable look, then we go to -- 20 EXT. TYREE - DESERT - DAY Sisko, Ezri, Jake and Joseph are on the move through the parched landscape. Though this is by no means a stroll in the park, the heat has yet to take any serious toll on them. Jake keeps glancing at Joseph. JOSEPH (eyes straight ahead) I wish you'd stop doing that. JAKE Doing what? JOSEPH Looking at me like you expect me to keel over any second. Jake smiles. JAKE You'll probably end up carrying me before this is over. JOSEPH You're damn right. (a beat) But I'll tell you one thing... if there's a hell, I bet it feels a lot like this. 21 ANGLE ON SISKO AND EZRI walking side-by-side. Ezri has heard Joseph's last remark. EZRI Think we're getting close? SISKO I have no idea. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 20. 21 CONTINUED: EZRI (trying to take it in stride) But we're headed in the right direction? SISKO I hope so. EZRI (nods) Audrid loved to walk. Of course, she preferred the woods... nice shady glens, cool breezes, cold streams... SISKO What are you trying to say, Dax? EZRI We've been keeping a pretty fast pace... it might be a good idea to give your father and Jake a chance to rest. SISKO If anyone needs to take a break, they can go back to the runabout. EZRI I think we should stick together. SISKO Fine. But we're not stopping. EZRI Are you sure that's wise? Sisko looks back towards Joseph. SISKO How're you doing back there, Dad? JOSEPH Never better. Sisko looks to Ezri as if there's no need for further discussion; Ezri decides not to press the issue. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 21. 22 EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME (MATTE) (OPTICAL) Establishing. 23 INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - DAY CLOSE ON a wall monitor displaying an interstellar map of Federation and Dominion troop positions around the Chin'toka system. DAMAR (O.S.) ... it's only a matter of time before we break through the enemy lines. ADJUST to include DAMAR standing beside an attractive CARDASSIAN FEMALE, SIANA. They are both sipping glasses of kanar. DAMAR Once that happens, we can drive the Federation-Romulan Alliance out of Cardassian territory. Damar offers Siana more kanar. DAMAR A little more kanar? SIANA Please. Damar refills her glass. DAMAR To victory. (looking her over) On all fronts. Siana looks at Damar, smiling flirtatiously. They both drink. 24 ANGLE ON THE DOOR to see WEYOUN ENTER, he's got business to discuss. WEYOUN Damar, have you seen the latest -- Weyoun stops short, as he realizes Damar is not alone. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 22. 24 CONTINUED: DAMAR Weyoun, this is Siana. We met last night at the dinner honoring Legate Hovat. WEYOUN Damar, you and I have things to discuss. Things your "guest" doesn't want to hear. DAMAR And why's that? WEYOUN Because if she does, I'll be forced to have her executed. SIANA (to Damar) I really should be going. DAMAR (to Siana) Until tonight. Siana smiles in agreement. Taking one last look at a threatening Weyoun, she puts down her glass, and quickly EXITS. 25 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) to see Weyoun smile victoriously. WEYOUN What a pleasant woman. Weyoun crosses over to the wall monitor and taps a panel. The image on the screen changes to display a large orbital shipyard. WEYOUN It's imperative that we increase production at the Monac shipyard. We need more assault ships to retake the Chin'toka system. Weyoun realizes that Damar is not at his side. Damar is still by the table, struggling to keep his temper. WEYOUN Damar... are you listening to me? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 23. 25 CONTINUED: Damar forces himself to shake his gloom and approach Weyoun. DAMAR Increase production... yes, I heard you. By how much? WEYOUN Fifteen percent would be ideal. DAMAR That won't be easy. WEYOUN I'm sure you'll find a way. You're very resourceful. And as Damar is given this small bone to chew -- 26 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Re-establishing. 27 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS It's late at night. ODO is sitting on the couch while Kira brings over a cup of tea from the replicator. ODO A blockade? How many ships are we talking about? KIRA Twelve impulse ships. That's all the Council of Ministers could spare right now. ODO How effective do you think those twelve ships will be against even one Romulan warbird? KIRA You sound like Admiral Ross. Kira sits down on the couch next to him, nestles into his shoulder. ODO I was hoping our relationship was going to be a long and happy one. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 23A. 27 CONTINUED: ODO (Cont'd) But I suppose I'm willing to settle for short and exciting. Kira looks up at him -- KIRA What's that supposed to mean? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 24. 27 CONTINUED: (2) ODO I take it you're going to be commanding the blockade? KIRA That's right. ODO Well, then I'm going to be there with you. Kira's touched by his support. KIRA You don't have to do that. ODO Yes, I do. KIRA Well, I wouldn't start writing our epitaphs just yet... ODO All right, I'll wait until the first wave of Romulan ships decide to run the blockade. KIRA Don't worry, I don't intend to get into a firefight with a squadron of Romulan warbirds. ODO You mean you're bluffing? KIRA (nodding) If the Romulans fire on us, it'll jeopardize their Alliance with the Federation. I'm hoping that's a risk they won't want to take. ODO And I'm hoping they don't call your bluff. And as they both contemplate this thin hope, we go to -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 25. 28 EXT. TYREE - DESERT - DAY CLOSE ON Sisko, his face sand-streaked and wind- bitten, moving forward with relentless determination. 29 CLOSE ON EZRI feeling as drained as Sisko, but resolved to keep pace with him. Unlike Sisko, Ezri keeps looking behind her, worried about -- 30 JOSEPH AND JAKE who are having a very difficult time of it. Jake supports his grandfather with each step, but even so, the older man is struggling. JAKE Grandpa -- you sure you don't want to go up to the runabout? JOSEPH We started this together, we'll finish it together. I owe it to Ben. Jake sees that this is one argument he's not going to win. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 26. 31 WIDER to see just how scattered the group has become as they are dwarfed by the vastness of the desert surrounding them. Sisko is far ahead of Ezri, while Jake and Joseph bring up the rear, a football field behind him. 32 ON THE HOT SUN beating down relentlessly. DISSOLVE TO: 33 BACK TO SISKO still on the move. Without stopping, Sisko takes off his backpack, leaving only the shovel strapped around his shoulder. He reaches inside the pack and takes out his baseball, then tosses the pack away, getting rid of the extra weight. Gripping the ball in his hand, he continues his march. 34 ANGLE ON SISKO'S DISCARDED PACK Ezri's hand reaches into frame and picks it up. Ezri looks out toward Sisko. Clearly concerned by his behavior, she reaches into the pack and takes out the water pouches, stashing them away in her own pack. DISSOLVE TO: 35 NEW ANGLE to see Joseph and Jake, moving slowly up a sand dune. Having fallen far behind, there's no sign of Sisko or Ezri. As Jake and Joseph struggle up to the top of the dune. 36 JAKE AND JOSEPH'S POV of the desert stretched out before them, no end in sight. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 27. 36 CONTINUED: Far ahead of them, we can barely make out a figure -- Ezri -- several sand dunes ahead. And far ahead of her, another figure -- Sisko. 37 TIGHT ON JAKE AND JOSEPH struggling to catch their breath. They exchange a look, too tired to voice their fears. They know they have no choice but to keep walking. As they take their first step, we -- DISSOLVE TO: 38 EXT. ANOTHER PART OF THE DESERT - DAY Later. One moment, Sisko's moving with relentless determination, the next, he's at a dead halt. He looks around to see -- 39 SISKO'S POV of the landscape, which looks very familiar -- it's the same terrain he saw in his vision. 40 BACK TO SISKO knowing he's arrived at his destination, but unsure as to where to begin digging. VOICE (O.S.) Doctor Wykoff. Sisko looks around trying to determine the source of the voice. VOICE (O.S.) Please come to Isolation Ward Four immediately. Doctor Wycoff... Sisko spins around again. VOICE (O.S.) To Isolation Ward Four. EZRI (O.S.) Benjamin. A startled Sisko turns to find Ezri, having caught up with him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and" - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 28. 40 CONTINUED: EZRI Is this it? SISKO I think so. Sisko works the baseball in his hand with increasing frustration. EZRI Benjamin, that's not good enough. But Sisko's only response is to continue working the ball. EZRI Ben... Frustrated, Ezri snatches the ball out of his hand and tosses it as far as she can. EZRI Are you listening to me? 41 ANGLE ON SISKO watching the ball as it flies through the air -- 41A ANGLE ON THE BALL as it lands in the sand. 41B CLOSER ON SISKO staring at the ball. We push in on his face -- 41C INT. SISKO'S RESTAURANT (FROM "IMAGE IN THE SAND") to see the ball roll off the piano and come to rest on the floor. 41D BACK TO SISKO IN THE DESERT coming to a realization. He points to where the ball rests in the sand. SISKO There. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT TWO 29. 41D CONTINUED: EZRI Where? SISKO That's where we start digging. Sisko immediately heads to the spot. EZRI Why there? (suddenly concerned) I wasn't aiming at anything. But Sisko's mind is made up. He arrives at the spot, unslings his shovel, and begins to dig. 42 ON EZRI as she watches Sisko work. EZRI Ben, maybe my memories are playing tricks on me... but were you always this strange? But Sisko just keeps on digging. And off this disturbing image, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 43 EXT. SPACE - DERNA (OPTICAL) A blockade of Bajoran ships surround the moon. KIRA (V.O.) Ship's Log, Stardate 52152.6. We've set up a blockade around Derna. So far, no Romulan ships have tried to challenge us. 44 INT. BAJORAN SHIP - BRIDGE Kira is sitting in the Captain's Chair... Odo is standing beside her. There are BAJORAN CREWMEMBERS where necessary. Kira is looking at a PADD, shaking her head, a small smile on her face. KIRA "Kiss me Deadly"... interesting title. ODO And the book isn't bad either. I think you'll enjoy it. KIRA I'm sure I will... but is this really the right time to start reading a book? ODO Maybe not, but I know how much you hate all this waiting. Besides, Mike Hammer has certain qualities you'll appreciate... I think. KIRA Such as? ODO He's as tough as they come and he hates waiting almost as much as you do. KIRA I like him already. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 31. 44 CONTINUED: A BAJORAN CREWMAN reacts to something off his console. BAJORAN CREWMAN Colonel, there's a priority one transmission from Deep Space Nine. It's Admiral Ross. KIRA Put him through. 45 ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN - WARDROOM (OPTICAL) to see Admiral Ross and Senator Cretak. ROSS Colonel... Senator Cretak has just informed me that four Romulan warbirds are on their way to Derna. CRETAK They'll be arriving in eight hours with much-needed medical supplies for the hospital complex. INTERCUT: KIRA Since when did the Romulans start using warbirds to deliver medical supplies? CRETAK We want to make sure they arrive safely. KIRA If they try to make it past the blockade, they're not going to arrive at all. ROSS That kind of talk isn't going to help matters, colonel. I would think you'd want to avoid a confrontation -- not provoke one. KIRA I wouldn't call those Romulan ships a peace offering. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 32. 45 CONTINUED: ROSS (with a disapproving glance at Cretak) I wasn't exactly happy to hear about them either. (to Kira) We only have a few hours to reach some kind of a compromise. After that, people are going to start dying. KIRA You can talk about compromise all you want. But any ship attempting to break through the blockade will be fired on. CRETAK Colonel, do you seriously believe that your antiquated collection of impulse ships stand a chance against our warbirds? KIRA (smiling back) We'll find out soon enough, won't we? Kira nods to the Bajoran Crewman, who ends the transmission. 46 ANGLE ON KIRA as she turns to Odo. KIRA How'd I do? ODO Mike Hammer would've been proud. And off her smile, we go to -- 47 INT. WARDROOM where Admiral Ross is staring out the window, but there's no answers for him there either. Cretak eyes him carefully. CRETAK You're concerned. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 33. 47 CONTINUED: ROSS Aren't you? CRETAK Not really. The colonel is brave woman, but she's not stupid. She's bluffing. We hold on Ross as he tries to convince himself that the senator is right. And off this -- 48 EXT. TYREE - DESERT - DAY CLOSE ON a brutally fatigued Jake helping Joseph to the ground. ADJUST to include Ezri, not far off, watching in numb silence as Sisko continues to dig. Sisko's pace may have slowed, but he works with unwavering resolve. 49 NEW ANGLE Seeing Joseph's condition, Ezri reaches into her pack and takes out the last water pouch. She moves over to Jake and hands it to him. JAKE (to Joseph) Here, Grandpa. Holding his head, Jake helps Joseph take a swig of water. 50 ON SISKO DIGGING VOICE (O.S.) Doctor Wykoff... please come to Isolation Ward Four. Doctor Wykoff to Isolation Ward Four. But Sisko continues his digging. SISKO I wish he'd get there. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 34. 50 CONTINUED EZRI Who? SISKO Doctor Wykoff. They're waiting for him at the isolation ward. EZRI (making up her mind) You have definitely gotten stranger. And as Sisko continues digging -- 51 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Worf and Martok are in the midst of a discussion. MARTOK What about me, Worf? Would you rather I hadn't come on this mission either? WORF That's not what I'm saying. With you, it is different... you are a Klingon -- Jadzia was a member of your House. 52 NEW ANGLE to include O'Brien, Bashir and Quark ENTERING the Bridge. MARTOK And these men were her friends. They honor her with their presence. QUARK (to O'Brien and Bashir) Gagh for breakfast, gagh for lunch, gagh for dinner... am I the only one who thinks Klingon menus need to have more variety? O'Brien and Bashir sit at their stations. O'BRIEN You want to complain about the gagh, that's fine with me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 35. 52 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (Cont'd) But next time, don't complain in the mess hall when we're sitting at a table surrounded by a dozen Klingons. QUARK All right, all right... I get the point. BASHIR Good. QUARK But I'm telling you, I think some of those Klingons agreed with me. Before Bashir can respond, he feels the presence of someone looming over him and Quark. 53 ANOTHER ANGLE to see that Worf, looking very unhappy, has stepped over to them. BASHIR Look, Worf -- if this has anything to do with what happened in the mess hall... WORF It doesn't. QUARK What's the matter? Come up with a few more insults to throw at us? WORF (trying to control his temper) Shut up, Ferengi. I wish to apologize. QUARK I'm listening. WORF I know Jadzia meant a great deal to all of you. (a beat) And you meant a great deal to her as well. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 36. 53 CONTINUED: It costs Worf a lot to talk about this, but he forces himself to go on. WORF Many times... over dinner, when we discussed our day... (to Bashir) Jadzia would repeat something amusing that you had said to her... (to Quark) ... or describe in endless detail the intricacies of some new scheme of yours... (a beat) She often talked about you both. It seemed that even when we were alone together... one of you was always with us. QUARK (excited) I get it! You were jealous -- because she liked us better than you. BASHIR Would you please be quiet, Quark. WORF Jadzia was my wife... my Par'machkai. I did not like having to share her affections. O'BRIEN (realizing) That's why you didn't want us to come on this mission... you wanted to get her into Sto-vo-kor without our help. WORF It was to be my gift to her. QUARK Go on... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 37. 53 CONTINUED: (2) WORF There's nothing more to say. Except... I'm pleased you're here. And with that, Worf walks back to his station and begins working his console. O'BRIEN I don't think I've ever seen Worf apologize to anyone. QUARK I don't know about you, but I was hoping for something a little more... intriguing. BASHIR Such as? QUARK You know... that Jadzia used to talk about me in her sleep... or wanted to name her first child after me... 54 NEW ANGLE to include Martok looking at the viewscreen. MARTOK Chief -- O'Brien, Bashir and Quark turn to see -- 55 ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) -- a large Dominion shipyard complex. Think of a half-dozen Deep Space Nine stations strung together around half-completed Jem'Hadar battle cruisers, Cardassian warships, etc. It's an awesome sight. MARTOK (O.S.) The Monac shipyard. An impressive sight... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 38. 56 RESUME as they all stare at the viewscreen. O'BRIEN It's certainly big. MARTOK (to Klingon Crewman) Display our target. The Crewman taps his console before we go to: 57 ANOTHER ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) displaying Monac's fiery sun. QUARK (O.S.) Looks hot. 58 RESUME MARTOK Very hot. (to Worf) And very dangerous. WORF I would not have it any other way. BASHIR Neither would I. A beat, then Worf looks over at Bashir, acknowledging his statement of solidarity -- 59 EXT. TYREE - DESERT - DAY CLOSE ON SISKO as he continues digging. Suddenly, his shovel strikes something solid. He throws away the shovel and then, with his bare hands, he scoops away the rest of the sand. 60 ANOTHER ANGLE as Ezri, Jake and even Joseph peer over Sisko's shoulder with anticipation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 39. 60 CONTINUED: JAKE (a dry croak) Dad, what is it? Have you found something? 61 ON SISKO brushing away the sand off what appears to be an Orb ark. SISKO (an order) Stay back. EZRI What are you going to do? SISKO (after a beat, softly) Open it. And with that, he reaches out of frame to open the doors. But suddenly he frowns in confusion and pulls his hand back. 62 CLOSER to see Sisko holding a twentieth-century pencil. WYKOFF (O.S.) Mister Russell -- put it down. EZRI Benjamin -- what's wrong? Benjamin -- MATCH CUT TO: 63 CLOSE ON THE PENCIL in Sisko's hand. PULL BACK TO REVEAL: 64 INT. ISOLATION WARD - DAY BENNY RUSSELL, dressed in all white, stands looking at the pencil, surrounded by the padded walls of his cell. The walls are covered with intricate writing. Benny has stopped writing on the wall in mid- sentence. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 40. 64 CONTINUED: WYKOFF (O.S.) I said, put down the pencil. 65 WIDER to include DOCTOR WYKOFF (Damar without the makeup) standing with an ORDERLY near the doorway. WYKOFF Put it down, Mister Russell. BENNY But I haven't finished my story. Captain Sisko has found the Orb of the Emissary... 66 CLOSE ON BENNY'S FACE as he studies his writings on the wall. BENNY But he hasn't opened it yet. And as Benny ponders his next sentence, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 67 INT. ISOLATION WARD - DAY Wykoff slowly walks along the wall, carefully reading what Benny has written. Every now and then, he shakes his head in thoughtful disapproval. Benny stands nearby, waiting patiently for him to finish. WYKOFF Mister Russell, you promised not to write on the walls... BENNY No one will give me any paper... WYKOFF I thought we had agreed you weren't going to write at all... that you needed to rest. BENNY I don't want to rest. I want to tell my stories. Wykoff stares at Benny, clearly not happy with the direction the conversation is taking. WYKOFF You were doing so well, Benny. Making real progress. We were all so proud of you. BENNY I want to go home. I don't belong here. WYKOFF And we're going to send you home... as soon as you're well. BENNY I feel fine. WYKOFF But you're not fine. People who are fine don't write on walls. BENNY Then give me a typewriter. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FOUR 42. 67 CONTINUED: WYKOFF You're not listening. The stories have to stop. They're too dangerous... BENNY Dangerous? To whom? WYKOFF To you. This world you've created... Deep Space Nine, Captain Sisko, Kira and all the others... none of it is real. BENNY It is to me. If I don't finish my story... if Sisko doesn't open the Orb box... he can't contact the Prophets... WYKOFF It doesn't matter, Benny -- the Prophets don't exist either. They're all figments of your imagination. Get rid of them... it's the only way you'll ever get well... (a beat) Now give me the pencil, Benny. BENNY But my story... WYKOFF It's over. Let it go. And as Benny ponders what to do... 68 EXT. TYREE - DESERT - DAY CLOSE ON Sisko lost in his vision, his hands clutching the Orb box. EZRI (O.S.) Benjamin! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FOUR 43. 68 CONTINUED: ADJUST TO REVEAL Ezri and Jake nearby. EZRI What are you waiting for? Open it. That's why we came here, right? JAKE He can't hear you 69 WIDER (OPTICAL) Jake reaches over his father to open the box, but the moment he touches it, he's THROWN BACK as if shot out of a cannon. 70 ANGLE ON EZRI rushing to Jake's side. EZRI Jake! 71 ON SISKO still staring at the Orb box, oblivious to what's going on around him. As we push into his face -- 72 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Bajoran blockade around Derna. 73 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as the FOUR ROMULAN WARBIRDS approach the blockade. KIRA (V.O.) Ship's Log, Supplemental. Senator Cretak said that the Romulan warbirds would be here in eight hours. She was wrong. They're two hours early. 74 INT. BAJORAN SHIP - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Kira and Odo watch the approaching Romulan ships on the viewscreen. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 74 CONTINUED: ODO (off a console) They'll be in weapons range in eight minutes. KIRA (to a Bajoran Crewman) Open a channel. The Bajoran Crewman works a panel, then nods to Kira. BAJORAN CREWMAN Go ahead. KIRA (to the com) This is Colonel Kira of the Bajoran Militia. Any ship that comes within transporter range of Derna will be considered hostile and fired upon. ODO They're not responding. KIRA Kira to all Bajoran ships. Prepare to engage. The Crewman reacts to something on his panel. BAJORAN CREWMAN (to Kira) Sir -- Admiral Ross is asking to speak to you. KIRA Put him through. 75 ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Admiral Ross and Senator Cretak appear on screen speaking from the Wardroom. ROSS Colonel, I'm appealing to you one last time to end this blockade. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FOUR 45. 75 CONTINUED: KIRA You know I can't do that, admiral. CRETAK Be aware, that I'm authorized to use whatever force is necessary to see that our medical supplies reach their destination. (a beat) However, I'm also authorized to seek a negotiated settlement... KIRA My government has made its position quite clear. There will be no negotiations of any kind as long as there are Romulan weapons on Derna. ROSS Damn it, colonel -- if you open fire on those ships, we all lose. The only way to beat the Dominion is to keep our Alliance intact. CRETAK Besides, I would hate to see you throw your life away. KIRA Your concern is touching, senator. But I'm not dead yet. Kira hits a panel to end the transmission. 76 NEW ANGLE as Kira turns to Odo. ODO At least not for another six minutes. Kira and Odo exchange a small, tense smile. 77 INT. WARDROOM Ross and Cretak are also feeling the pressure. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FOUR 46 77 CONTINUED: ROSS You still think she's going to back down? CRETAK She has to... because I'm not. And off this tense moment -- 78 EXT. SPACE - MONAC'S SUN (OPTICAL) Looking large and molten. 79 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Worf, Martok, O'Brien, Bashir and the Klingon crew are all focused on the viewscreen displaying the sun's image. They all look hot and sweaty. Quark is busy toweling off the sweat from his brow. QUARK (more to himself) Take me out of the oven, Moogie. I'm cooked. O'BRIEN (to Martok) General, I've found it -- a magnetic instability near the sun's equator. BASHIR Excellent. Let's trigger the solar eruption, and get out of here. O'BRIEN It's not that simple. We have to make sure that the eruption has the right trajectory to destroy the shipyard. MARTOK And how do we do that? But Worf doesn't see this as a problem -- in fact, he's looking forward to it. WORF We have to get closer. Much closer. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FOUR 47 79 CONTINUED: Everyone looks to O'Brien. O'BRIEN (an admission) He's right. Worf, Martok and the other Klingons appear ready to meet the challenge. O'Brien and Bashir exchange a look as Quark speaks for both of them. QUARK Sto-vo-kor... here we come. And off that... 80 INT. ISOLATION WARD - DAY CLOSE ON an open bucket of white paint as it's placed on the floor near Benny's feet. ADJUST TO REVEAL Wykoff offering Benny a paint roller. WYKOFF Take it, Benny. BENNY What for? WYKOFF I'm offering you an opportunity few people ever get... you can wipe away all your mistakes. BENNY You want me to paint over my story? WYKOFF They're just words... meaningless words that no one cares about. Get rid of them and you can walk out of here a free man. Wykoff dips the roller in the white paint and places it in his hand. Benny looks over at Wykoff who offers him an encouraging smile. 81 CLOSE ON BENNY as he looks back at the wall. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FOUR 48. 82 BENNY'S POV of the writing on the wall. WE PUSH IN on the last written words: Sisko reaches for the Orb box and... 83 ON BENNY still holding the roller at his side. Wykoff steps up behind him -- WYKOFF Go ahead. Save yourself. Sisko lifts the paint roller and holds it inches from the wall. His hand begins to shake, as he struggles to make up his mind. 84 EXT. TYREE - DESERT - DAY Sisko begins SHOVELING sand onto the Orb box. SISKO Got to cover it up... bury it... 85 ANGLE ON EZRI as she rushes over, followed by Jake who's still feeling the effects of the jolt he received from the Orb. EZRI Benjamin! What are you doing? She tries to grab his arm but he shoves her away, knocking her to the ground. 86 ON SISKO as he continues to shovel sand on the Orb. And off this disturbing image of Sisko trying to re-bury the Orb, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 87 INT. ISOLATION WARD - DAY CLOSE ON Benny holding the roller, his hand shaking violently, still only inches away from the wall. Doctor Wykoff continues to stand at his shoulder, urging him on. WYKOFF It's for your own good, Benny. Wipe away the words. Destroy them before they destroy you. 88 EXT. TYREE - DESERT - DAY as Sisko keeps shoveling sand on the box. EZRI Ben -- stop! But Sisko keeps shoveling relentlessly. 89 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Romulan ships draw ever closer to the Bajoran blockade. 90 INT. BAJORAN SHIP - BRIDGE Kira, Odo and the crew as before. ODO (off a panel) The Romulans have powered their weapons. I think they're calling your bluff. KIRA Auxiliary power to forward shields. (to com) Kira to all ships. Hold your positions. Odo turns to Kira -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 50. 90 CONTINUED: ODO (sotto voce) Nerys... if you're going to end this, I suggest you do it now. Kira is definitely feeling the pressure to give in, to call off the blockade. She's one breath away from giving the order -- 91 INT. WARDROOM Ross and Cretak study a monitor. ROSS (more to himself) Time to fold, colonel... 92 EXT. SPACE - MONAC'S SUN (OPTICAL) A closer view. Looking even hotter and more molten than before. 93 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Everyone, including Worf, is battling the heat. Everything on the ship; the control panels, the bulkheads, the chairs -- are all getting too hot to touch. O'Brien works his console gingerly, trying not to burn his fingertips. O'BRIEN (ouch) Damn it. (off his console) We're ready, general. MARTOK (an order) Decloak and prepare to fire... (a gift) ... on Worf's command. 94 EXT. SPACE - MONAC'S SUN (OPTICAL) The Klingon Bird of Prey DECLOAKS dangerously close to the sun. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 51. 95 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE CLOSE ON Worf staring intently at the viewscreen. This is the cathartic moment he's been waiting for: WORF Fire! 96 EXT. SPACE - MONAC'S SUN (OPTICAL) To see the ship fire the EM pulse directly into the sun. 97 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE (OPTICAL) A long beat as everyone waits for the solar plasma to erupt off the sun's surface... but nothing happens. MARTOK It didn't work... QUARK Oh, well -- we tried. Time to go. WORF (to O'Brien) No, not until we complete our mission. O'BRIEN We need to increase the magnetic gradient... I'll recalibrate the deflector. BASHIR (off his console) We might not have time. Three Jem'Hadar ships are approaching bearing zero-zero-five mark one- nine-zero. MARTOK I suggest you work quickly, Chief. 98 EXT. SPACE - MONAC'S SUN (OPTICAL) To see three Jem'Hadar Ships headed for the Bird of Prey. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 52. 99 EXT. TYREE - DESERT - DAY Sisko continues to throw sand on the Orb box. With desperation and rage coursing through his system, Sisko lifts his shovel over his head ready to smash the Orb box when suddenly, Ezri steps between him and his target. EZRI No! Sisko hesitates, the shovel raised over his head. SISKO Get out of my way... EZRI You came here to find the Prophets -- remember? SISKO Move. EZRI (adamant) You promised Jadzia you'd make things right. Well, now's your chance -- Sisko tenses his grip on the shovel, preparing to strike. Ezri steels herself -- she's not going to move. EZRI Open the box. Sisko's arms start to shake and the shovel drops out of his hands -- MATCH CUT TO: 100 INT. ISOLATION WARD - DAY -- the paint roller falling from Benny's grip, splattering paint on the floor. 101 WIDER to include Wykoff, his face contorted in anger. WYKOFF No! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 53. 101 CONTINUED: Benny takes the pencil and moves towards the wall where the last sentence of his story remains unfinished: Sisko reaches for the Orb box and... 102 NEW ANGLE as Wykoff pulls at Benny's arm, knocking the pencil out of his hand. Benny pivots and decks Wykoff, knocking him to the ground. The Orderly lunges at him, but Benny takes him out as well. 103 ANOTHER ANGLE to see Benny pick up the pencil and step up to the wall -- 104 CLOSE ON THE WALL as Benny completes the sentence with the words: ... opens it. HARD CUT TO: 105 EXT. TYREE - DESERT - DAY Sisko falls to his knees in front of the Orb box and opens it. 106 CLOSE ON SISKO (OPTICAL) as he's bathed in the bright glow of the Orb. 107 ON THE OPENED ORB BOX (OPTICAL) to see an INTENSE WHITE ENERGY VORTEX. It shoots out of the Orb and heads straight for the sky -- 108 NEW ANGLE to see Ezri, Jake, and Joseph looking up to see the VORTEX disappearing into the heavens. 109 CLOSE ON SISKO (OPTICAL) staring into the Orb, bathed in its light. We hear the beating of his heart and a moment later, a bright, white light fills the screen -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 54. 110 WHITE SCREEN (OPTICAL) Sisko is alone in the white limbo. SISKO Show yourselves. I've come to speak with you... But all he hears in response is the sound of his own heartbeat. 111 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. We see the ENERGY VORTEX pass by and just as suddenly, disappear. 112 CLOSER (OPTICAL) on the point of disappearance to see the wormhole BURST into view. 113 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL An excited crowd has gathered at the windows. The Bajorans among them are thrilled to see the rebirth of the Celestial Temple. 114 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) To see the Bajoran ships await the Romulan onslaught. 115 INT. BAJORAN SHIP - BRIDGE As Odo looks to Kira -- they've run out of time. ODO Do we stand down, colonel? But before Kira can respond -- BAJORAN CREWMAN Sir -- we're getting a transmission from Deep Space Nine. The wormhole... it's back. KIRA On screen. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 116 ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) to see the open wormhole. 117 RESUME on Kira staring at the viewscreen with awe and surprise. ODO (still awaiting an answer) Nerys? But Kira's attention is still on the wormhole -- 118 EXT. SPACE - ON THE WORMHOLE (OPTICAL) to see a stream of RED VORTEX ENERGY EXPELLED out of the mouth of the wormhole. Once outside the wormhole, the red vortex momentarily GLOWS INTENSELY just before it EXPLODES. After a beat, whatever is left of the Vortex fades away into the void of space. 119 INT. BAJORAN SHIP - BRIDGE CLOSE ON Kira, her resolve hardening. KIRA (to the Crewman) Open a channel to all Bajoran ships. (to the com) Hold your position and prepare to fire on my command. Kira looks over at Odo, who smiles with support. 120 INT. WARDROOM Ross and Cretak remain focused on the monitor. CRETAK I'm afraid the colonel has run out of time. And as Ross reacts to her ominous words -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 56. 121 INT. BAJORAN SHIP - BRIDGE Kira sits in the Captain's Chair. KIRA Lock targets. BAJORAN CREWMAN Targets locked. KIRA (to Odo) Still glad you came along? ODO (without hesitation) I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Then, something on the viewscreen catches Odo's attention... ODO (with amazement) Nerys... 122 ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) to see the Romulan ships suddenly changing course and moving away from the Bajoran blockade. ODO (O.S.) They're pulling back. 123 RESUME The crew SHOUTS in triumph. BAJORAN CREWMAN (off his console) Colonel... Admiral Ross would like to speak with you. KIRA Put him through. 124 ON THE VIEWSCREEN - THE WARDROOM (OPTICAL) to see Admiral Ross, alone. Cretak is nowhere in sight. Ross smiles, but he still looks like a man who's been under a great deal of stress and knows he's in for a great deal more. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 57. 124 CONTINUED: ROSS You can blink now, colonel. You've won. (a beat) Senator Cretak has agreed to remove the weapons from Derna. INTERCUT WITH: KIRA What changed her mind? ROSS (a modest shrug) I told her that if she didn't remove them, I would. KIRA And what changed your mind? ROSS You did, colonel. Remind me never to play poker with you. Kira gives a small nod to acknowledge the compliment. And off this moment, we go to... 125 EXT. SPACE - MONAC'S SUN (OPTICAL) The three Jem'Hadar ships swoop past the Klingon Bird of Prey as both sides open FIRE. 126 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE as the ship is ROCKED by a phaser hit. The heat continues to be oppressive. MARTOK Well, Worf... did I not promise you a glorious battle? WORF It is all that I had hoped for. The ship is ROCKED VIOLENTLY again as O'Brien finishes working his console. O'BRIEN EM pulse ready, general. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 58. 126 CONTINUED: QUARK (blurting it out) Then what are you waiting for? Fire! MARTOK (to O'Brien) By all means, Chief. Fire. 127 EXT. SPACE - MONAC'S SUN (OPTICAL) The Klingon ship dives back toward the sun and FIRES another EM pulse directly at the sun. This time, a huge roiling ball of solar plasma begins forming on the sun's surface. 128 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE As before. BASHIR (off his console) It's working. QUARK Great. Now can we leave? The ship takes another HIT. WORF (to Helm) Full impulse. 129 EXT. SPACE - MONAC'S SUN (OPTICAL) The Klingon Bird of Prey breaks orbit away from the sun. The three Jem'Hadar Ships turn to follow. 130 VARIOUS ANGLES (OPTICAL) as the burning, solar plasma is flung out from the sun in a wide arc. The Bird of Prey barely clears the oncoming plume, which destroys the Jem'Hadar Ships. The giant fireball sweeps through space and CRASHES into the shipyard, incinerating it. 131 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE as the Klingons all react with Klingon jubilation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 59. 132 ANGLE ON O'Brien, Bashir and Quark, who are too exhausted to join in the celebration. QUARK I hope Jadzia appreciates all this... BASHIR I think she does. WORF (O.S.) (in Klingon) Lohm-Ict-lihj posh-Machh-lodge Sto-vo-kor... (Open your gates, Sto-vo-kor... ) 133 ANGLE ON WORF eyes closed, chanting. WORF Jadzia pay-lodge pah-dock-Lih Dun. Shoo-vwee-vahm baht-leh pay- lodge. Pay-lodge Poh-Hokh-Vahd Sto-vo-kor. (Welcome Jadzia to your halls... welcome this honored warrior... welcome her, Sto-vo-kor, for all eternity.) And with that, Worf opens his eyes and -- for the first time in a long while -- allows himself a smile. 134 WHITE SCREEN (OPTICAL) Sisko is still in the white limbo. Suddenly, the sound of his heartbeat is transformed into the sound of a PIANO playing the tune from "Image in the Sand." Sisko turns toward the sound of the music, only to find himself -- CUT TO: 135 INT. SISKO'S RESTAURANT - NIGHT (OPTICAL) -- seated at the piano, playing the piece himself. The restaurant is empty. On the piano mantle is the baseball, which falls off and rolls away, just like before. Sisko follows the ball with his eyes -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 60. 136 SISKO'S POV of the ball rolling to a stop. After a beat, a WOMAN'S hand enters frame and picks up the ball. WE ADJUST TO reveal SARAH SISKO, or should we say a Sarah alien? (Note: though she still possesses the strange, otherworldliness of her people, this wormhole alien is definitely more accessible and seems to be talking to Sisko rather than at him.) SARAH ALIEN The Sisko has completed his task. Sisko stands to face the alien. SISKO Sarah? SARAH ALIEN The Kosst Amojan no longer threatens us. All has been restored. SISKO You mean the Pah-wraith? It's no longer in the wormhole? SARAH ALIEN I have cast it out. SISKO (putting it together) Is that why the Prophets sent me to Tyree? To release you from the Orb? SARAH ALIEN The Kosst Amojan tried to stop you with a false vision. But you did not waver. You fulfilled your destiny. SISKO My destiny? You make it sound like my life's over. SARAH ALIEN The Sisko must still face many tasks. SISKO I don't suppose you're going to tell me what they are... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 61. 137 EXT. SISKO'S RESTAURANT - ALLEY - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Sisko is seated on his stool next to a bag of clams. The Sarah alien stands in the doorway. SARAH ALIEN The Emissary is corporeal. Linear. SISKO Linear or not, I need some answers. SARAH ALIEN The Sisko is intrusive. Sisko stands and approaches the alien. SISKO Are you Sarah Sisko? Are you my mother? For the first time, we see a wormhole alien hesitate, apparently unsure of how to answer. SARAH ALIEN Sarah Sisko was corporeal. For a time, I shared her existence. 138 INT. SISKO'S RESTAURANT - KITCHEN - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Sisko finds himself behind the counter. SISKO You took over her body -- (putting it all together) -- made sure she married my father... so that she'd give birth to me... SARAH ALIEN The Sisko is necessary. SISKO And once you didn't need her anymore, you left her... no wonder she walked out on my father. She never chose him, you did. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 62. 138 CONTINUED: SARAH ALIEN The Sisko would prefer different answers. 139 INT. SISKO'S RESTAURANT - PATIO - NIGHT (OPTICAL) 139 Sisko is now seated at a table across from the Sarah alien. SISKO What you're telling me isn't easy to accept... you arranged my birth. I exist because of you. Sisko is trying to absorb all the implications of what he's learned. SARAH ALIEN The Sisko's path is a difficult one. SISKO But why me? Why did it have to be me? SARAH ALIEN Because it could be no one else. And with that, the screen WHITES OUT -- 140 EXT. TYREE - DESERT - DAY (OPTICAL) Sisko finds himself kneeling before the Orb. He slowly closes the door. 141 NEW ANGLE to see Jake tending to Joseph. ADJUST to find Ezri near Sisko. EZRI Benjamin? Sisko looks over at her and smiles. EZRI That must've been some Orb experience. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 63. 141 CONTINUED: SISKO I'll tell you about it... someday. 142 OMITTED 143 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 144 OMITTED 144A INT. PROMENADE Sisko, Ezri and Jake step out of the airlock to be met by a throng of celebrating BAJORANS. The crowd swarms around the Emissary, enveloping him in a wave of affection. AD HOC greetings: "Emissary!" "Welcome home," "Thank you, Emissary," "Thank you," "Walk with the Prophets, Emissary," "Bless you, Emissary," "You gave us back the Orbs." These shouts continue throughout the scene -- 144B NEW ANGLE to include Kira, Worf, Quark, O'Brien, Bashir and Odo in another part of the crowd, waiting for Sisko's approach. Sisko tries to stop in front of them. WORF Welcome back, captain. O'BRIEN We've missed you, sir. KIRA Thank you -- I knew you'd bring the Prophets back to us. SISKO I hear you've all been pretty busy yourselves. But before they can answer him, Sisko is swept away by the crowd. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 64. 144C ANOTHER ANGLE as Ezri passes by Kira and the others. EZRI Nerys! Julian! Odo! It's so good to see you. Worf -- we need to talk --! But Ezri is also swept away by the crowd. BASHIR Who's that? Kira shakes her head, she doesn't know. Neither does anybody else. Then Jake moves past with the answer: JAKE (smiling) That's Dax. WORF (stunned) Dax? JAKE That's right, Ezri Dax. Incredible, isn't it? And then Jake is pushed past them as well. 145 NEW ANGLE on Worf and the others as this information sinks in. WORF It cannot be... QUARK (stunned) She's so much... shorter. And as they try to catch another glimpse of Ezri in the crowd, Odo sums up their feelings. ODO Just when you thought things couldn't get more interesting... And off this, we: FADE TO BLACK. END OF ACT FIVE THE END