STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Profit and Lace" #40510-547 Written by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler Directed by Alexander Siddig THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1998 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION March 9,1998 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Profit and Lace" - 03/09/98 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Profit and Lace" CAST SISKO ROM KIRA ZEK ODO ISHKA BASHIR NOG DAX BRUNT WORF LEETA QUARK NILVA ALUURA Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES MAIHAR'DU URI'LASH MORN STAR TREK: DS9 - "Profit and Lace" - 03/09/98 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Profit and Lace" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE QUARK'S QUARK'S QUARTERS OPS AIRLOCK CORRIDOR ROM'S QUARTERS INFIRMARY HABITAT RING CORRIDOR NILVA'S QUARTERS DS9 - "Profit and Lace" - 03/10/98 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Profit and Lace" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALUURA uh-LURE-uh CLARUS CLARE-us EELWASSER EEL-vahsir GAILA GAY-luh HYPICATE HIP-eh-kat IRTOK ER-tahk LEK LECK LOBEKINS LOBE-kins LUMBA LUM-bah OO-MOX OO-machs URI'LASH YURI-lash ZEK ZECK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Profit and Lace" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS CLOSE ON QUARK reading a PADD and shaking his head in amazement. QUARK I'm truly impressed. ADJUST TO REVEAL a beautiful, Amazonian, young dabo girl, ALUURA, seated in a chair, drinking up Quark's praise. QUARK And I'm not easily impressed. In all my years as proprietor of Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade, I have never seen such a glowing employee performance report. I mean look at this -- Quark holds the PADD up for Aluura to see. QUARK -- in three months, no customer has filed a single complaint against you. You haven't spilled a drink or mixed up a food order or shortchanged a bill. ALUURA I take my job very seriously. QUARK And yet you always manage to wear a friendly smile. ALUURA That's because I like my work. I'm happy to be here. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED QUARK It shows. The customers love you, your fellow dabo girls love you -- even the Ferengi waiters sing your praises. And you know why? Because you're nice. ALUURA I try to be. QUARK You're nice to the customers, to the dabo girls, to the Ferengi waiters. You're nice to everyone. (a beat) Almost everyone. That catches Aluura's attention; she can't think of who she could possibly have insulted. ALUURA You mean I've offended someone? A distressed Aluura rises from the chair. QUARK Look closely, Aluura. Can't you see the pain in my eyes? She stares at Quark. ALUURA But I'm always nice to you. Quark shakes his head regretfully. There's a long beat as the coin drops. QUARK I think you could be nicer. ALUURA (concerned) How much nicer? Quark reaches over and hands her another PADD. ALUURA (reading) "Oo-mox for Fun and Profit." DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 2A. 1 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK It's a quick read. ALUURA Oh. You want me to be "nice." DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK Let's face it. The customers, the dabo girls, the Ferengi waiters... they didn't hire you. And they can't fire you. 2 OMITTED 3 NEW ANGLE as the door OPENS and a frantic ROM comes racing in. ROM Brother! We need to talk. Quark's eyes remain glued on Aluura. QUARK Go away. I'm in the middle of a meeting. ROM But it's important. QUARK So's the meeting. ROM It's about our mother. QUARK How many times have I told you not to mention Moogie when I'm... (indicating Aluura) ... you know, working. ROM Sorry. (proceeding) But I tried contacting her this morning, and I couldn't get through. Quark returns his head to Aluura's chest, clearly unperturbed by this news. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: QUARK She's probably off "visiting" the Grand Nagus. ROM I tried the Tower of Commerce. There was no answer there either. QUARK They're probably on vacation. Now leave me alone, I'm trying to concentrate. ROM Brother, you don't understand. I can't get a hold of anyone on Ferenginar. Not Cousin Gaila, not Lek... I tell you, something's very wrong. That gets Quark's attention. QUARK (to Aluura) We'll continue this later. In the meantime, you've got some reading to do. Having said what he came to say, Rom finally notices Aluura. ROM Hello, Aluura. (looking at the PADD) Good book. Quark grabs Rom by the elbow. QUARK Let's go. As Quark leads Rom away, Rom looks back at Aluura. ROM She's so nice. QUARK We'll see. And with that, he hustles his brother out of the room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 4A. 4 INT. OPS SISKO and KIRA stand at the Ops table with Quark and Rom. WORF and DAX are at their stations. SISKO A Dominion invasion of Ferenginar? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit.. " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: ROM Think of the terrible repercussions to the Alpha Quadrant. WORF I can't think of any. KIRA (to Quark and Rom) How could the Dominion invade Ferenginar without first conquering the systems surrounding it like Clarus and Irtok? ROM (to Quark) Brother, did you hear that? They've captured Irtok as well. KIRA That's not what I said. WORF (to Sisko) There are no reports of Dominion activity anywhere near that sector. QUARK Then why can't we get through to Ferenginar? ROM Moogie, the Nagus, Cousin Gaila... Rom buries his head in Quark's shoulder. ROM ... they're all dead. QUARK We don't know that. (to Sisko) But something's definitely wrong on Ferenginar. SISKO We'll see what we can find out. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Captain, a Ferengi ship is approaching the station and requesting permission to dock. (off her console) It's Grand Nagus Zek... (to Quark and Rom) ... and your mother's with him. ROM (excited) They're alive! (to Sisko, impressed) Nice work. 5 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR The airlock door OPENS to reveal GRAND NAGUS ZEK and ISHKA holding hands as they step out of the airlock. Though both Zek and Ishka seem quite jovial and content, MAIHAR'DU, Zek's faithful Hupyrian servant, seems as if he's carrying the weight of the world on his broad shoulders. (Note: the Nagus should NOT be carrying his familiar cane.) ZEK Quark! Rom! PULL BACK TO REVEAL Quark and Rom waiting for them. ZEK It's good to see you boys. QUARK It's good to see you, too, Nagus. Rom rushes up to hug his mother. ROM Moogie! I was so worried... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 7. 5 CONTINUED: ISHKA (to Rom) You're a good son. QUARK I was worried, too. ISHKA (to Quark) And you're a good liar. Rom suddenly realizes something: ROM Moogie... do you think it's a good idea to be wearing clothes in public? QUARK He's right. What if one of my Ferengi waiters sees you? ISHKA I hope they do. Tell them, Zekkie. ZEK No, you go right ahead, my dear. ISHKA (insisting) It should really come from you. QUARK (impatient) Would somebody please tell me what's going on? ISHKA It's one of those good-news-bad- news type of things... (nudging Zek) Give them the good news first. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 8. 5 CONTINUED: (2) ZEK If you insist. Three days ago, I added a new amendment to the Ferengi Bill of Opportunities giving females the right to wear clothes. ROM (shocked) In public? ISHKA Anywhere we want. QUARK That can't be the good news. If Ferengi females can wear clothes in public, they can leave their homes. If they can leave their homes, they can go to work. If they can go to work, they can make profit. ISHKA What's the matter, Quark? Afraid of a little competition? QUARK (to Zek) You're sure that's the good news? ROM (smiling) It sounds good to me. ISHKA (to Quark, re: Rom) Now do you see why I like him best? ZEK Face it, Quark. It's good business. For thousands of years, Ferenginar has allowed a valuable resource to go to waste. QUARK Females? A valuable resource? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 8A. 5 CONTINUED: (3) ZEK They make up fifty-three point five percent of the population and contribute virtually nothing to the gross planetary income. I say it's time they started pulling their own weight. QUARK You better tell me the bad news -- it might cheer me up. ISHKA I doubt it. ZEK The moment fully clothed females began appearing on the streets of Ferenginar, financial chaos erupted all over the planet. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 9. 5 CONTINUED: (4) ROM That explains the communications blackout. ZEK There was so much buying and selling throughout the Alliance that the entire planetary communications grid shut down. QUARK If there's trouble on Ferenginar, what are you doing here? ZEK I've been deposed. I'm no longer Grand Nagus. QUARK Then who is? ISHKA Who do you think? QUARK (the light dawns) Brunt. ROM (a horrifying thought) Grand Nagus Brunt? ZEK Acting Grand Nagus Brunt. ROM (to Quark) Brother -- we're in trouble now. Brunt hates us. ISHKA Don't start panicking. The Ferengi Commerce Authority hasn't confirmed him yet. ZEK And they won't for three more days. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - TEASER 10. 6 ANGLE ON ZEK as he puts his arms around Quark and Rom. ZEK (nodding) Boys, together we're going to reconquer an empire. (a beat) Or die in the attempt. And as the Nagus's words sink in, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT ONE 11. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 7 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS Quark leads the Nagus, Ishka, and Maihar'du into the room. ISHKA What lovely quarters you have, Quark. (a beat) Small, but lovely. ZEK (a pronouncement) As of this moment, I declare this site to be the headquarters of the sole legitimate government of Ferenginar. Maihar'du starts CLAPPING enthusiastically, then stops when he realizes no one else is joining in. QUARK I still can't believe Brunt is the new Nagus. ZEK Acting Nagus. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT ONE 12. 7 CONTINUED: QUARK For three more days. Then it becomes official. ZEK I'm not worried. I have a secret weapon. Zek puts his arm around Moogie. ZEK Your mother. Now listen closely -- one, we contact every F.C.A. Commissioner and invite them to the station for a meeting. Two, Ishka runs the meeting. QUARK (dry) They'll love that. ZEK Maybe not at first, but she'll win them over. Using her vast financial knowledge and keen instinct for profit, she'll prove -- once and for all -- that allowing females to wear clothing is the first step toward a healthier and more prosperous Ferengi economy. And three... (a beat) What was three again, my dear? ISHKA The F.C.A. Commissioners reinstate you as Nagus. ZEK And you can't ask for a happier ending than that. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT ONE 13. 7 CONTINUED: (2) ISHKA But that's only the beginning, lobekins. I predict that one day, a female will enter the Tower of Commerce, climb the forty flights of stairs to the Chamber of Opportunity, and take her rightful place as Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance. The Nagus and Quark exchange a look of uneasiness. QUARK Don't look at me -- it was your amendment. 8 ANGLE ON THE DOOR as it OPENS to REVEAL Rom, LEETA and NOG. Rom proudly leads them into the room. ROM Nagus -- you remember my son, Nog, don't you? He's the first Ferengi to join Starfleet. ZEK I'll try not to hold that against him. ROM And this is my wife, Leeta. LEETA (to Zek) I've heard so much about you. Zek finds Leeta very attractive. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT ONE 14. 8 CONTINUED: ZEK Would you like to hear more? Ishka sidles up to Zek. ISHKA Remember -- she's Rom's wife. ZEK Meaning what? ISHKA Meaning she's broke. ZEK She doesn't look broke to me. ISHKA (a warning) Zekkie... ZEK Just having a little harmless fun, my sweet. (all business) Quark, you and your brother, get rid of some of this furniture. (to Nog) You, get three subspace transceivers off my ship and set them up in here. (to Maihar'du) And where's my beetle snuff? Maihar'du, having anticipated the request, hands Zek the beetle snuff right away. 9 CLOSE ON ZEK as Quark, Rom and Nog go to carry out their orders. ZEK Grand Nagus Brunt... baaah! Zek takes a pinch of the snuff and SNEEZES violently. 10 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS - LATER All of Quark's furniture has been removed, replaced by three desktop monitors at which sit Quark, Rom and Nog. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT ONE 15. 11 CLOSE ON QUARK speaking to the monitor. (NOTE: Throughout this sequence, we never see the people being spoken to on the monitors.) QUARK Good afternoon, I'm calling on behalf of Grand Nagus Zek... 12 TRUCK OVER TO ROM speaking to his monitor. ROM The Nagus summons you to a meeting here on Deep Space Nine... 13 ENDING UP ON NOG speaking to his monitor. NOG He's counting on your support. CUT TO: 14 CLOSE ON QUARK QUARK You'll be presented with some very interesting financial data... 15 CLOSE ON ROM ROM ... there's profit to be earned... 16 CLOSE ON NOG NOG ... and the Nagus wants you to share in these lucrative opportunities... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT ONE 16. 17 ON ROM ROM Yes, I'm talking about the Grand Nagus -- 18 ON QUARK QUARK No, not Brunt -- 19 ON NOG NOG -- Grand Nagus Zek. 20 ON QUARK QUARK Who said he was dead? 21 ON ROM ROM Wait -- don't end the transmission! 22 ON NOG NOG Hello? Hello? (to himself) Where'd he go? 23 ON ROM ROM I'm calling on behalf of Grand Nagus Zek -- 24 ON QUARK QUARK I know all about the ninety-fourth Rule of Acquisition -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT ONE 17. 25 ON NOG NOG I know... "Females and finances don't mix," but that can be interpreted in many different ways... 26 ON QUARK QUARK Hello? Hello? 27 ON ROM ROM That's not a very nice thing to say about the Nagus. 28 ON QUARK QUARK (taken aback) I beg your pardon! 29 ON NOG NOG There's no need to be insulting. 30 ON ROM ROM Hello? Hello? 31 ON QUARK QUARK That female happens to be my mother! 32 ON NOG NOG Hello? Hello? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT ONE 18. 33 ON ROM ROM Hello? Hello? 34 ON QUARK QUARK Hello? Hello? SMASH CUT TO: 35 INT. QUARK'S CLOSE ON Grand Nagus Zek. ZEK (holding a PADD) Are you sure you contacted every Commissioner on this list? 36 ANGLE TO INCLUDE QUARK, ROM AND NOG They're all exhausted and seated at the bar as Maihar'du serves them drinks. Ishka stands near the Nagus. QUARK All four hundred and thirty-two of them. ZEK And you could only convince one of them to attend the meeting? ROM Maybe if we made some follow-up calls... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT ONE 19. 36 CONTINUED: ZEK (re: the list) I helped every one of those people earn a fortune -- and this is how they repay me? NOG What a bunch of ingrates. ISHKA The news isn't all bad. Everyone turns to look at Moogie. ISHKA The Commissioner who's agreed to come... it's Nilva. QUARK The Chairman of Slug-o-Cola? Ishka smiles as she nods. ISHKA He's a very influential voice within the F.C.A. ZEK Unfortunately, he's a very influential voice for the status quo. ROM (agreeing) I don't think Slug-o-Cola has changed their advertising slogan in three hundred years. ZEK/ISHKA/ROM/QUARK "Drink Slug-o-Cola -- the slimiest cola in the galaxy." QUARK Why would Nilva agree to come to the meeting? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT ONE 20. 36 CONTINUED: (2) ISHKA I don't know. But if I can convince him to support Zek, other Commissioners might follow. ZEK It's a start. ISHKA See? I told you it was too early to panic. Quark, Rom, Zek and Maihar'du sigh with collective relief. BRUNT (O.S.) Care to place a wager on that? 37 NEW ANGLE as BRUNT, holding the Nagus's gold-headed staff, ENTERS and approaches the group. He's followed by URI'LASH, a Hupyrian servant every bit as tall and broad as Maihar'du. ROM Grand Nagus Brunt... ZEK Acting Grand Nagus Brunt. 38 ANGLE ON ISHKA as the smile has disappeared from her lips. ISHKA Now you can panic. And on the their expressions of doom, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 21. ACT TWO FADE IN: 39 INT. QUARK'S As before. Brunt leans on the bar. BRUNT (to Quark) I'll take an Eelwasser. No ice. Quark, who has been worriedly cleaning the bar with a cloth, begins to fill Brunt's order. In the background, Brunt's servant, Uri'lash, storms around the bar to be met by Maihar'du. The two Hupyrians square off, eyeball-to-eyeball. (Note: these two will stay in this threatening posture throughout the scene.) ZEK What're you doing here, Brunt? BRUNT That's Grand Nagus Brunt. ISHKA Acting Grand Nagus. Brunt shies his eyes away from Ishka. BRUNT Would someone please tell that female to take off those clothes -- it's disgusting. Ishka positions herself into Brunt's line of vision. ISHKA (re: her clothes) Get used to it, limp lobes. This is the future. BRUNT Over my dead body. ZEK If that's what it takes. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 22. 39 CONTINUED: ROM I don't suppose you're here to reminisce about the time you helped my brother and I rescue Moogie from the Dominion. BRUNT You're right. That's not why I'm here. (a malicious smile) Though I do find it ironic that helping to rescue your mother was the first step on my road to becoming Nagus. ISHKA Don't remind me. ZEK (to Brunt) I never should've given you your job back with t'he F.C.A. BRUNT (gleeful) But you did. And as a Liquidator, I was able to bribe my way back into a position of power. ROM (finally getting it) That is ironic. BRUNT Face it, Zek, it's over. You're finished. Bankrupt. (with finality) I'm going to liquidate you. Brunt turns to Maihar'du, still locked in a stare-down with Uri'lash. Quark shows up with an Eelwasser. BRUNT Cancel that Eelwasser and get me a Slug-o-Cola instead. (pointed) On second thought, I'll just wait for Chairman Nilva to get here. I'm sure he'll be happy to provide his new Nagus with all the Slug-o- Cola I can drink. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 23. 39 CONTINUED: (2) That gets everyone's attention. ROM How did you know Nilva was coming here? BRUNT Because it's my business to know. (to Zek) Go ahead, have your little "meeting." Whatever you offer Nilva, I'll double it. That knocks the wind out of everyone's sails. Quark makes a quick decision: QUARK (to Brunt) That's it. Get out of my bar. BRUNT You dare to threaten your Nagus. QUARK Acting Nagus. You may liquidate us tomorrow, but right now, this is still my establishment. Now get out before I kick you out. Brunt and Quark are face to face, staring each other down. BRUNT I'm going to make you a pauper. QUARK (to Uri'lash) Out. Brunt breaks the moment by turning to the bar and calling out: BRUNT Uri'lash. We're leaving. Say good-bye to all these poor people. Imperiously, Brunt EXITS, followed by Uri'lash. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 24. 40 ANGLE ON ZEK stepping up to Quark. ZEK My boy, I'm proud of you. ISHKA So am I. ROM Me, too. Even Maihar'du steps up and lightly pats Quark on the top of the head. But Quark looks anything but triumphant. QUARK I just threw the Grand Nagus out of my bar. ZEK/ISHKA/ROM Acting Grand Nagus. QUARK Whatever. (a beat) I need to lie down. And off this moment, we go to -- 41 INT. ROM'S QUARTERS And indeed, a depressed Quark is lying down on Rom's couch when Ishka ENTERS, smiling. ISHKA You busy, Quark? QUARK Busy? Me? Nah. I'm just lying here wondering if it's not too late for me to start a new life somewhere. ISHKA Oh, Quark, there's nothing wrong with your life. (clapping her hands) Come on, on your feet. Zekkie's waiting for you at the bar. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 25. 41 CONTINUED: QUARK (worried). Now what? ISHKA (matter of fact) He feels like playing a game of tongo. QUARK We're all facing banishment from Ferengi society and he wants to play tongo? ISHKA He wants to play tongo, I want to have a late night snack, you want to lie here feeling sorry for yourself -- we all deal with stress in different ways. (looking around) Any fresh tube grubs around? QUARK How can you eat at a time like this? ISHKA It's simple. You put one end of the tube grub between your front teeth, and suck 'em right up. Quark gets up and building a head of steam, steps over to a cabinet. QUARK You want tube grubs? Fine. Quark opens the cabinet and grabs a jar of tube grubs and thrusts it at his mother. QUARK Here. Enjoy. Ishka opens up the jar, disappointed. ISHKA These are minced. I wanted fresh. Quark can't hold his feelings back any longer. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 26. 41 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK You know this is all your fault. ISHKA It's my fault you don't have fresh tube grubs? QUARK I'm not talking about tube grubs. I'm talking about Ferengi females wearing clothes and earning profit. I'm talking about Grand Nagus Brunt. ISHKA Acting Grand Nagus Brunt. QUARK You're not fooling me, Moogie. You've been plotting this all along. Ever since you met Zek, you've been working on him. Manipulating him. Whispering things in his ear... things like -- (disgusted) -- "equality for females." ISHKA (rising anger) What's wrong with that? QUARK I'll tell you what's wrong -- you've ruined Zek's life, your life, Rom's life -- ISHKA As if you cared about any of us. It's your life you're worried about. QUARK You bet I'm worried. No one else seems to care what happens to me! You come here to my station, take over my quarters, make me a part of your subversive schemes -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 27. 41 CONTINUED: (3) ISHKA What's the matter, Quark? Afraid you've picked the wrong side? You can always go crawling to Brunt -- beg his forgiveness. QUARK I don't want anything to do with Brunt. I want my old Nagus back... I want Zek to be the way he used to be -- before he met you... before you twisted his thinking with your feminine wiles. Quark's words hit their mark. ISHKA Before he met me, Zek was a lonely, unhappy man. QUARK But he was rich. He was the most powerful Ferengi alive. Now what is he? A puppet. And you're the one pulling his strings. Making him dance to your evil, feminist tune. You're the worst thing that ever happened to him. You're the worst thing that ever happened to me. In fact, you're the worst thing that ever happened to the entire Ferengi Alliance. Ishka's anger boils to the surface. As Ishka speaks, her body quivers as if she's too angry to get the words out. ISHKA Maybe I am, but at least I'm not like you. A selfish, spineless, ungrateful... Ishka stops, her hand still pointed accusingly at Quark. QUARK Is that the best you can do? ISHKA You are... you are... you really are... you... you... you... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 28. 41 CONTINUED: (4) QUARK Go ahead and say it! ISHKA You... Suddenly her voice cracks, her eyes widen, and with a look of total surprise on her face, she falls back like a plank onto the floor. 42 ANGLE ON QUARK whose anger has instantly dissipated, quickly approaches his mother's body. QUARK Moogie? A beat as Ishka doesn't respond. QUARK Moogie? (guilty) Uh-oh. 43 INT. INFIRMARY A solemn Quark is seated beside a quietly seething Zek. Maihar'du stands near his employer, clearly worried that Zek is about to blow his top. Meanwhile, a distraught Rom paces around the room. ROM (feeling her pain) Moogie... please don't die. QUARK (trying to convince himself) She's not going to die. She's going to get better. ZEK I hope so. For her sake, for my sake, for the sake of the entire Ferengi Alliance... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 29. 43 CONTINUED: ZEK (Cont'd) (a threat) ... but most of all, I hope she gets better for your sake, Quark. Because if she doesn't... QUARK What did I do? ZEK That's exactly the question I keep asking myself -- what did you do to her? QUARK I told you, she said she was hungry and I gave her some tube grubs. She thanked me then she collapsed. (with feeling) I wish you'd stop making me relive it. ROM Are you sure you didn't do or say anything that might've upset her? QUARK I don't want to talk about it anymore. ZEK What's the matter, Quark? Your conscience bothering you? QUARK I haven't done anything wrong! BASHIR (O.S.) That's not what your mother says. 44 NEW ANGLE as DOCTOR BASHIR ENTERS from the examination room. Everyone gets up to meet him. ROM Doctor, how's Moogie? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 30. 44 CONTINUED: QUARK (anxious) Will she live? BASHIR She'll live. She needed a new heart and it's functioning normally. But she's going to need complete rest for a few days. (re: Quark) And that means keeping her far away from him. Before Quark can answer, Zek jumps in to ask: ZEK And why is that, doctor? BASHIR I'm not sure exactly. All I know is that Ishka keeps repeating the same phrase over and over -- "It's all Quark's fault. It's all Quark's fault." All eyes turn to Quark. QUARK (the bold denial) I wonder what she means by that? But no one's buying it and Quark knows it. 45 INT. QUARK'S A minimal crowd. Zek and Rom are at the bar listening to Quark unburden his soul. QUARK ... and then I accused her of being the worst thing that ever happened to the Ferengi Alliance and she clutched her chest and collapsed. (a beat) Moogie and I argue all the time -- it's our way of showing affection. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 31. 45 CONTINUED: ZEK Well, if you ask me, Quark -- the worst thing that ever happened to the Ferengi Alliance is you. QUARK I'm sorry. ROM I suppose we should contact Nilva and tell him the meeting has to be postponed. ZEK We can't postpone the meeting. In two days, the F.C.A. is going to confirm Brunt as the new Grand Nagus. A long beat as they think this over. ROM Boy, when things go wrong... BRUNT (O.S.) ... the only thing to do is get down on your knees and beg for mercy. 46 NEW ANGLE to include Brunt and Uri'lash, who've just come down from the holosuites, looking very pleased with themselves. BRUNT Who knows? You might find me in a charitable mood. ZEK By the time I'm through with you, you're the one who's going to need charity. BRUNT Such brave words, yet so empty. (to the brothers) I was very relieved to hear that your mother is going to be all right. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 32. 46 CONTINUED: BRUNT (Cont'd) (to Zek) Of course, that's not going to do you much good. Nilva will be arriving tonight expecting to meet a "brilliant" Ferengi female. Do you know any -- I mean besides Ishka? I certainly don't. Zek tries to get up from his seat and lunge at Brunt, but Maihar'du holds him back. BRUNT How pitiful. One day you're the Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance, the next you're nothing but a common barroom brawler. (to Quark and Rom) See what happens when you put your faith in a female? And with that, Brunt and Uri'lash walk off. 47 ANGLE ON QUARK, ZEK AND ROM sinking into deeper depression. ROM What about Leeta? QUARK What about her? ROM Maybe she can meet with Nilva. She handles my finances and she's a female. ZEK And a very beautiful one at that. But Nilva's expecting to meet with a Ferengi female. QUARK We'll never get one here in time. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 33. 47 CONTINUED: ROM We're doomed. ZEK (shaking his head) No, we're not. You think Ishka would give up if she were here? ROM If she were here, we wouldn't have a problem. ZEK That's not the point. Your mother would never accept defeat. If she couldn't find another female, she'd... she'd... (thinking) she'd... ROM She'd what? ZEK (triumphant) She'd make one! Neither Quark nor Rom know what he's talking about. QUARK You mean a hologram? ZEK Better than a hologram. Quark and Rom still grasp for the answer. QUARK What could be better than a hologram? ZEK You. And off Quark's look of surprise and growing apprehension, we go to -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 34. 48 INT. INFIRMARY Once again Rom paces the room while the Nagus waits patiently, Maihar'du standing nearby. ROM He's been in there an awfully long time. ZEK It's a delicate procedure. ROM (thinking it over) I'll say. 49 NEW ANGLE as Bashir emerges from surgery, still wearing his surgical gown. ROM Doctor -- what is it? Did something go wrong? BASHIR (thoughtful) That depends how you look at it. ZEK The operation -- was it a success? BASHIR I suppose you could say that. ZEK That's good. BASHIR (not convinced) I hope so. Bashir calls back through the doorway. BASHIR You can come out now. 50 ANOTHER ANGLE After a beat, Quark, wearing a surgical gown, steps out into the room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 35. 50 CONTINUED: His lobes are smaller, more petite; his chest larger and more feminine; in short, Quark has been surgically altered to resemble a Ferengi female. ROM Brother, you look... beautiful. Quark starts WEEPING uncontrollably. BASHIR He's a little emotional... his endocrine system needs some time to adjust to its new hormonal balance. Quark WEEPS even harder. BASHIR He'll be all right in a few minutes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out how I'm going to enter this into my medical log. Bashir EXITS, leaving Zek, Rom and Maihar'du to stand there watching Quark weep. 50A CLOSE ON QUARK as he looks at his fellow Ferengi. When Quark speaks, his voice pitch wavers wildly -- from low to high and high to low. QUARK Does anyone have a handkerchief? Maihar'du tentatively hands him a handkerchief. Quark takes it gingerly and dabs his tears. QUARK Where are my clothes? I want to go back to my quarters. Zek nods to Maihar'du, who lifts up a gift box. ZEK Try this on. The Nagus opens the box and takes out a Ferengi dress which he holds up for Quark to see. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 36. 50A CONTINUED: Quark takes one look at the dress and starts BAWLING again. ROM Must be the wrong size. And off this moment, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT THREE 37. ACT THREE FADE IN: 52 INT. ROM'S QUARTERS Rom, Leeta and Maihar'du are hovering around Quark, obscuring him from view. Zek is seated to one side, watching the "preparations". (NOTE: Quark's voice continues to fluctuate between high and low, low and high.) QUARK (O.S.) (masculine voice) Oww! That hurts. LEETA Oh, don't be such a baby. They're just earrings. QUARK (O.S.) (feminine voice) They're heavy. ROM You'll get used to them. QUARK (O.S.) I hope not. LEETA Would you stop doing that. QUARK (O.S.) Doing what? LEETA Looking down. Now hold still, I'm almost done. (a beat) There. Rom, Leeta and Maihar'du step back REVEALING Quark to Zek (and to us.) Quark is dressed in full Ferengi female regalia. QUARK (needing reassurance) How do I look? LEETA You look... nice. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT THREE 38. 52 CONTINUED: QUARK Nice? That's all? ROM (sincere) Very nice. Quark looks over to Maihar'du, who nods confirmation. ZEK You may look like a female but you've got to do something about that voice. QUARK (low) I'm trying. (then high) I mean I'm trying. ZEK Well, try harder. Quark nods as he looks at his chest again. LEETA And stop looking down. QUARK I need to see what I look like. Someone get me a mirror. Maihar'du has anticipated the request and rolls in a full-length mirror. 53 ANGLE ON-QUARK as he stares at his reflection. ROM You see, brother? You're lovely. A beat, then Quark breaks into tears. LEETA There go his hormones again. ROM You mean, her hormones. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT THREE 39. 53 CONTINUED: Quark's SOBS increase, his shoulders shaking. Maihar'du offers him a handkerchief to wipe his eyes. As Quark wipes away the tears, he looks down to his chest and his sobs turn into a HAPPY CHUCKLE. But then after a moment, he looks up at the others and begins SOBBING again. QUARK (re: the mirror) Take it away, take it away. Maihar'du does as instructed as Quark tries to get control of himself. QUARK I'm sorry. It's just that I feel so... (looking at his chest) ... different.. LEETA Would you stop staring at your chest. QUARK I wasn't staring at my chest -- I was staring at my hips. Aren't they too big? ZEK Your hips are fine. Now let's get down to business. Zek takes out a PADD and offers it to Quark. ZEK These are your mother's notes for her meeting with Nilva. Study them carefully. QUARK (off the PADD) "Female apparel -- a new source of latinum for a new Ferenginar." Quark scrolls through the PADD. QUARK "Hypicate cream -- for smooth skin and healthier profits." DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT THREE 40. 53 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (Cont'd) (a beat) All these facts and figures... it's too much to remember. ZEK Nonsense. You just need a little time to practice your presentation. Quark paces the room as he studies the PADD. LEETA And while you're at it, you need to practice your walk. QUARK What's wrong with my walk? LEETA You're lumbering. Quark breaks into TEARS again. QUARK This is never going to work. ROM Don't cry, Brother. Here, let me show you. Watch carefully. Rom "walks" across the room. ROM You see? It's more of a glide. LEETA (re: Rom) That's good. Rom's confidence is building. ROM (demonstrating) And when you sit -- be sure your knees are touching. And don't forget to relax your shoulders, but keep your bottom tight. Rom sits there quite comfortably, his body language quite feminine. After a long beat, Rom realizes that everyone is looking at him silently. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT THREE 41. 53 CONTINUED: (3) ROM What? QUARK (to the Nagus, re: Rom) He's the one who should be wearing the dress. ROM Why me? Leeta sits down next to Rom and cuddles him. LEETA You're so adorable... and complicated. QUARK (to Rom) Maybe it's not too late. Come on, I'll take you to Doctor Bashir -- 54 NEW ANGLE Quark grabs Rom, but Maihar'du blocks his escape. ZEK Forget it, Quark. Rom may make a better female than you, but when it comes to business, you're the better Ferengi. QUARK (to Rom) Looks like your stupidity has saved you again. ROM (smiling) It comes in handy sometimes. Quark looks down at the PADD, begins pacing again. QUARK (trying to convince himself) I can do this... its only for one meeting. I can be a female for one meeting. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT THREE 42. 54 CONTINUED: QUARK (Cont'd) (to Leeta) Can't I? LEETA Not if you're lumbering. QUARK (petulant) I'll conduct the meeting sitting down. Quark sits down to demonstrate. ROM Tighten your bottom. Quark struggles to hold back the tears. The Nagus leans over and pats him on the knee. ZEK I think you're doing wonderfully, my dear. I'm proud of you. Zek smiles benevolently. Quark looks down at the Nagus's hand, still clutching his knee, then back at the Nagus. ZEK Sorry. (removing his hand) You may walk like a man, but you make a very attractive female. (a beat) Confusing, isn't it? QUARK Not to me. He moves farther away on the couch. 55 A NEW ANGLE as Nog comes bursting into the room. NOG He's here -- he's on the station! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT THREE 43. 55 CONTINUED: ZEK Who is? NOG Nilva. QUARK But he's not supposed to arrive until tomorrow. ZEK (smiling) That Nilva. He's a tricky one. But he makes a good cola. ROM What do we do? Quark jumps to his feet, alarmed. QUARK (to Zek) I can't meet Nilva now, I'm still lumbering. NOG (to Quark, sincere) You look very nice. ZEK (thinking fast) Nog, I want you to escort the chairman to his quarters. Tell him I'll meet him for dinner tonight. NOG What if he asks about Ishka? ZEK (remaining calm) Tell him that Ishka is sick, but that tomorrow he'll be meeting with my other female financial advisor... (looking at Quark) ...Lumba. NOG Right. Nog hurries out the door. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT THREE 44. 55 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (to Zek) Lumba? Zek moves closer to Quark. Rom and Leeta crowd around him as well. ZEK (to Quark) You'd better start memorizing those notes. LEETA First, we need to practice your walking. ROM And your sitting. ZEK And don't forget to work on that voice. QUARK (getting frustrated) Any other comments? ZEK Has anyone ever told you that you have lovely eyes? And off Quark's less-than-enthusiastic expression, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 45. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 56 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR The airlock OPENS to REVEAL NILVA, a pugnacious, all- business Ferengi carrying a small travel bag over his shoulder. Nog is waiting for him. NOG Welcome to Deep Space Nine, Chairman Nilva. Nilva reaches into his bag and pulls out a soda bottle. NILVA (to Nog) Here. Have a Slug-o-Cola. A surprised Nog takes the bottle. NILVA You drink Slug-o-Cola, don't you? NOG The slimiest cola in the galaxy? Doesn't everybody? NILVA Good boy. Now take me to Zek. NOG But Zek wanted me to -- NILVA (cutting him off) Don't argue with me. Just drink your cola and lead the way. A worried Nog can only do as he's told; Nilva walks alongside him, maintaining a brisk pace. 57 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Nog and Nilva come around the corner. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 46. 57 CONTINUED: NOG You sure you don't want to stop by your quarters and freshen up? NILVA (suspicious) Not before I meet this female advisor of Zek's. As they turn another corner, they are met by none other than Brunt and Uri'lash. BRUNT (feigning surprise) Nilva! How nice to see you again. NILVA Grand Nagus Brunt. NOG Acting Grand Nagus Brunt. Brunt holds his cane out for Nilva to kiss, which he does. As Nog goes to kiss the cane, Brunt pulls it away. NILVA I had a feeling I might find you here. BRUNT I thought after your meeting with Zek, we could have a little chat. NILVA Of course. But I've really come to meet this... Ishka female. BRUNT (feigning sympathy) Haven't you heard? Ishka's in the Infirmary. She's in no position to meet anyone. Nog quickly steps in with -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 47. 57 CONTINUED: (2) NOG Which is why you'll be meeting with another one of Zek's financial advisors. Her name is Lumba. This is unwelcome news to Brunt. BRUNT Never heard of her. NILVA Zek has two female advisors? BRUNT (suspicious) I didn't know there were two Ferengi females on the station. NILVA (to Nog) Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go meet this "other" female. NOG (thinking on his feet) You're sure you wouldn't like me to show you around the station first? NILVA (shaking his head) I want to meet Lumba. Nog leads Nilva down the corridor. We HOLD ON Brunt, watching them walk away. BRUNT Lumba? 58 INT. ROM'S QUARTERS Rom, Zek, Leeta and Maihar'du are seated around the room, waiting expectantly. LEETA All right, let's try it again. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 48. 59 ANGLE ON THE BEDROOM DOOR from where Quark makes his "grand entrance." He glides across the room without lumbering a step, then sits down next to the Nagus. QUARK My name is Lumba. You must be Chairman Nilva. Zek's told me so much about you... Quark grimaces, adjusting his earrings. LEETA What's wrong now? QUARK (breaking character) These earrings -- they're killing me. Do I have to wear them? ROM No woman is complete without earrings. Everyone looks at Rom. ROM Why does everyone keep looking at me? Quark gets up and heads for the bedroom. QUARK I'm going to bed. ZEK Now? QUARK (with finality) I'm exhausted. I've got to get some sleep or I'll never make it through tomorrow's meeting. Quark is a few steps from the bedroom door when the front door CHIMES. LEETA Who could that be? ROM Come in. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 49. 60 ANGLE ON THE DOOR as Nog leads Nilva into the room. ZEK Nilva! NILVA Zek. (reaching.into his bag) Have a Slug-o-Cola. (to the room) Don't worry, I brought enough for everyone. Nilva hands out bottles of the beverage. NOG (to Zek) He insisted on seeing you immediately. Nilva steps over to Quark. NILVA You must be Lunga. QUARK (correcting) Lumba. NILVA Of course. (looking Quark up and down) A Ferengi female wearing clothes -- (to Zek) -- and with your approval, no less. You've either been inhaling too much beetle snuff or you're the greatest visionary to ever sit atop the Tower of Commerce. ZEK (clasping his hands) Well, why don't you and I have dinner tonight and try to figure it out. We can go to Quark's and get some nice, juicy snail steaks. You can meet with Lumba tomorrow. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 50. 60 CONTINUED: NILVA I'm afraid that's not possible. I have to leave first thing in the morning. I'm due to attend an important stockholders meeting back on Ferenginar. But snail steaks do sound tempting. Why don't I have dinner with Lumba? QUARK With me? ZEK (trying to derail this train) Won't you feel uncomfortable being seen in public with a clothed female? NILVA Of course I will. But you and I have made a lot of latinum together over the years... I suppose that's worth a little discomfort. (with an edge) But Lumba better be all you claim she is or I'll liquidate you myself. (to Quark) Let's eat. Quark, looking like he's about to walk the last mile, takes a final look at Zek, Rom, Leeta, Nog and Maihar'du. ROM (cheerful) Have fun. And with that, Quark and Nilva EXIT. Quark does his best not to lumber. 61 INT. QUARK'S Quark and Nilva make their way toward a corner table. Quark tries to shield his face from the crowd, but he's unsuccessful. As Quark passes by Morn, Morn DROPS his glass in surprise. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 51. 61 CONTINUED: A Ferengi waiter stares mouth-agape at this clothed Ferengi female who looks suspiciously like his boss. Other customers pick up on the striking similarity. NILVA (misinterpreting all the attention) See how everyone's staring? Even aliens find a clothed Ferengi female shocking. Quark and Nilva find a corner table and sit down. A Ferengi waiter approaches. NILVA Two snail steaks, lightly seared. The waiter nods and walks away, but not without a backward glance at Quark. NILVA Tell me something, doesn't wearing all those clothes make you feel like a deviant? QUARK Not really. And you know why? Because under all these clothes, I'm totally naked. Nilva thinks about this for a beat, then smiles. NILVA I'll try to remember that. (a beat) Now, perhaps you'd better explain to me how allowing females to wear clothing is going to make me richer than I already am. QUARK I was hoping you were going to ask me that. You see this dress I'm wearing? Have you any idea how much it would sell for on Ferenginar? Off Nilva's intrigued express, CAMERA TILTS UP to see Zek, Rom, Leeta, Nog and Maihar'du spying on Nilva and Quark from across the room on the second level of Quark's. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 62 CLOSER ANGLE on the eavesdroppers. The three Ferengis nod their approval -- obviously, their enhanced hearing allows them to make out what's been said at Quark's table. On the other hand, Leeta and Maihar'du can't hear a thing. LEETA Would someone please tell me what they're saying. ZEK/ROM/NOG Shhh. TIME CUT: 63 ANGLE ON QUARK AND NILVA finishing their meal. NILVA ... let me see if I understand. Giving females the right to wear clothes allows them to have pockets. Once they have pockets, they're going to want to fill them with latinum. QUARK Which means they're going to need jobs. NILVA And once they start earning latinum, they're going to want to spend it. QUARK Which means Ferenginar will be expanding its work force and its consumer base at the same time. NILVA (gleeful) That way there'll be profit for everyone. QUARK When it comes to profit, I'm your girl. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 52A. 63 CONTINUED: Quark crosses his legs trying to be as feminine as possible. Nilva smiles. QUARK And I'm sure you could use some extra latinum. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 53. 63 CONTINUED: (2) NILVA Meaning what? QUARK I read the beverage trades. Sales of Slug-o-Cola have flattened out, while Eelwasser had a very impressive third quarter. Nilva shifts uncomfortably in his seat; these are not things he likes to be reminded of. NILVA They got lucky, that's all. QUARK I know a way you can increase Slug- o-Cola sales by fifty to sixty percent. NILVA (leaning forward; intrigued) I'm all ears. QUARK Target the new female consumer. Make Slug-o-Cola her drink. NILVA Nothing's stopping her from drinking it now. QUARK But you're not encouraging her either. "The slimiest cola in the galaxy." That kind of slogan doesn't appeal to women. NILVA And what would? QUARK (thinking on his feet) Let me see... Slug-o-Cola contains forty-three percent live algae, right? NILVA In every bottle. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 54. 63 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK Well, how about something like... "Drink Slug-o-Cola and keep your teeth a sparkling shade of green." Nilva immediately sees the possibilities and smiles greedily. NILVA Zek was right about you. You're very intelligent. QUARK You mean for a female? NILVA I think it's time for dessert. Quark smiles, everything seems to be going swimmingly right. QUARK Good idea. Nilva stands up and offers Quark his hand. QUARK I thought we were going to have dessert? NILVA We are. In my quarters. And as it dawns on Quark that he's suddenly in treacherous waters, we go to -- 63A INT. NILVA'S QUARTERS The door OPENS to allow Nilva and a very nervous Quark to ENTER. NILVA Come in, come in. It's so good not to be stared at. (a beat) Although I must admit, I did find it somewhat... stimulating. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FOUR 55. 63A CONTINUED: QUARK You know the Replimat has very tasty desserts. NILVA Not as tasty as the one I have in mind. You have the most delicate little lobes. I think I'll start with them. 64 OMITTED 65 ANGLE ON QUARK as he realizes that he's Nilva's dessert of choice. And on that, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FIVE 56. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 66 INT. NILVA'S QUARTERS Moments later. NILVA I never thought I'd find a clothed female so enticing. Nilva starts towards Quark who backs away. QUARK I'm not that enticing. What you need is a good night's sleep. Quark's back is to the wall. NILVA A little oo-mox and I'll sleep like a baby. Nilva is about to press his body against Quark's, when Quark slips out of his grasp. QUARK I hear the station has some very nice holosuites... NILVA I don't like holosuites. Nilva suddenly lunges for Quark, who leaps up off the couch and backs away. QUARK Chairman Nilva! What's gotten into you? NILVA It's my wife. She hasn't touched my lobes in months! Quark gets a table between them. They begin circling it -- first one way, then the other. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FIVE 57. 66 CONTINUED: QUARK I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe she's bored -- she probably needs to get out more. NILVA I don't want to talk about her. In fact, I don't want to talk at all. Nilva makes another lunge at Quark. NILVA My lobes burn for you. If you don't believe me, touch them. QUARK I'll take your word for it. NILVA You said you'd do anything for me! QUARK I lied. NILVA But I need you! QUARK No, you don't! NILVA Come to me, my little love slave. Nilva leaps over the table and grabs hold of Quark, pinning him against the wall. Quark struggles to get away. 67 ANGLE ON THE DOOR as it OPENS to allow Brunt and Uri'lash to rush in. BRUNT Let go of that man! QUARK I'm trying. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FIVE 58. 67 CONTINUED: NILVA (to Brunt) Would you please leave. You're making Lumba nervous. BRUNT His name's not Lumba, it's Quark! And he's a male. NILVA A male? Nilva immediately lets go of Quark. BRUNT How pitiful. Zek must be truly desperate. NILVA (to Quark, clearly disappointed) Is this true? You're a man? A long beat as the defeated Quark pulls himself together. QUARK Do I look like a man? BRUNT Nice try, Quark. But it's not going to work. (to Nilva, re: Quark) I tell you, he's the station's bartender. QUARK Don't believe him, hot lobes. I'm as female as they come and I'll prove it to you. Quark grabs Nilva and kisses him -- smack on the lips. QUARK Well? NILVA (looking at Quark) I'm not sure... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FIVE 59. 67 CONTINUED: (2) Quark SIGHS, deciding to go for broke. QUARK Oh, all right... Quark pulls open his dress and bares his naked body to Nilva. (Note: we shoot this over Quark's back, so that the delights of the naked Ferengi body continue to exist only in the imagination of our audience.) 68 ANGLE ON NILVA as his eyes widen at the sight of Quark's nakedness. QUARK Now are you sure? NILVA Completely. BRUNT (pointing at Quark) I tell you -- that is not a female! NILVA She's close enough for me. Nilva looks over to Quark, who's modestly holding his dress closed around him. NILVA Come, my dear, let's go tell Zek that I'm going to do everything in my power to see that he remains Grand Nagus. BRUNT But why? NILVA Because that's what Lumba wants. BRUNT (insistent) His name's Quark! Nilva looks over at Quark, finally accepting this information. Nilva holds out his arm for Quark. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FIVE 60. 68 CONTINUED: NILVA (shrugging) What's in a name? Quark smiles and puts his arm through Nilva's. As he passes Brunt, Quark reaches over and softly strokes Brunt's lobes with his finger. QUARK What can I say? It was love at first sight. Brunt reacts to Quark's touch with a mixture of horror and pleasure. And off his confused look, we go to -- 69 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 70 INT. QUARK'S Quark, once again a Ferengi male, is behind the bar playing with a gem-studded latinum ring that encircles his finger. ODO looks on. ODO Interesting ring. QUARK It was a gift. (a beat) Poor Nilva. He's such a lovely man, but so lonely. ODO Really? QUARK There's a sweetness to him. (a beat) And a strength. (smiling at the thought) Sometimes he gets this little glint in his eye... Quark stops himself as he notices that Odo is staring at him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit.. " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FIVE 60A. 70 CONTINUED: QUARK You know what I mean... ODO Not really, but I'm glad you had a pleasant evening. Quark, clearly upset at Odo's teasing, bites a knuckle and struggles to hold back tears. QUARK You're mocking me, aren't you? ODO (slightly alarmed) And you're being a little oversensitive. Quark nods, trying to regain his composure. QUARK I've only been male again for six hours. My hormones must still be out of balance. My emotions are raging out of control. ODO Is there anything I can do? QUARK Would you mind giving me a hug? ODO (appalled) A hug? QUARK Just a small one. Odo looks around, no one's watching except Morn who looks on with great interest. Odo stares him down and Morn looks away. Only then does Odo step up to Quark and gingerly takes him into his arms. Quark squeezes him tight. QUARK (his head buried in Odo's shoulder) Thank you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FIVE 60B. 70 CONTINUED: (2) ZEK (O.S.) I hope we're not interrupting anything. Odo breaks free and turns to see -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/598 - ACT FIVE 61. 71 NEW ANGLE as Zek, Ishka, Rom and Maihar'du ENTER the bar. ZEK We just wanted to say good-bye before we go back to Ferenginar. ISHKA Where the rivers run with muck and the streets are swarming with happy females. ZEK And where, if everything goes according to plan, the F.C.A. commissioners will once again proclaim me Grand Nagus. ROM That would be nice. But Brunt's going to fight you at every turn. ZEK I wouldn't have it any other way. ISHKA I'm glad we have Nilva on our side. And we have you to thank for that, Quark. 72 ANGLE ON QUARK stepping up to his mother. QUARK Then you forgive me, Moogie? ISHKA Of course I do. (a beat) You may be a lousy son, but you made a wonderful daughter. I hope the experience taught you something. QUARK (nodding) It's made me more compassionate... empathetic... nurturing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT FIVE 62. 72 CONTINUED: QUARK (Cont'd) (a beat) I feel like I'm trapped in my worst nightmare. ZEK Don't worry. I'm sure it won't last. You'll be back to your old self in no time. Ishka smiles, knowing that Zek is right. She then gives both her boys a kiss on the cheek. And with that, Zek, Ishka and Maihar'du EXIT. 73 ANGLE ON QUARK looking at his ring with a smile. ROM You're so lucky. No man ever gave me a ring. Quark stares at Rom. And off that moment, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END