STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Reckoning" (fka "Untitled Prophets") #40510-545 Story by Harry Werksman & Gabrielle Stanton Teleplay by David Weddle & Bradley Thompson Directed by Jesus Trevino THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1998 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION February 13, 1998 STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Reckoning" - 02/13/98 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Reckoning" CAST SISKO KAI WINN KIRA KORAL ODO BASHIR DAX WORF QUARK JAKE COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Reckoning" - 02/13/98 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Reckoning" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE AIRLOCK AIRLOCK CORRIDOR CAPTAIN'S OFFICE HABITAT RING CORRIDOR INFIRMARY OPS PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL QUARK'S/SECOND LEVEL SCIENCE LAB SISKO'S QUARTERS TURBOLIFT EXCAVATION TUNNEL EXCAVATION SITE - CHAMBER PASSAGE OF TUNNEL DS9 - "The Reckoning" - 03/23/98 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Reckoning" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE B'HALA bah-HA-la CHRONITON CRONE-eh-ton KORAL kor-RAL PAH-WRAITH PA-rayth RAKANTHA ruh-KAN-tha RANJEN RAHN-jen SHABREN shah-BREN TAMULNA tam-UL-nah DORALA door-AH-la DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 2/17/98 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Reckoning" TEASER FADE IN: Al EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. B1 INT. WARDROOM SISKO is standing at an OKUDAGRAM briefing his senior staff about the war with the Dominion. DAX, WORF, BASHIR and KIRA are seated at the table; ODO stands near the window. The mood is somber. SISKO (indicating the star map) -- the Dominion has solidified its hold on the Kalandra Sector. They're trying to establish a supply line running through Betazoid space into the Argolis Cluster. WORF If they succeed, they would be able to launch an attack on Vulcan. SISKO (nods) Starfleet's going to try to cut them off near the Tibor Nebula. The Seventh Fleet will be engaging the enemy in the morning. DAX The Seventh Fleet is still at half- strength. They took heavy losses at Sybaron. SISKO We'll just have to hope they can get the job done. (beat) On a happier note, I do have a bit of good news. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 2/17/98 - TEASER 1A. Bl CONTINUED: BASHIR That's a welcome change. SISKO The Romulans have forced the Dominion to retreat from the Bolian System. The senior staff break into enthusiastic WALLAH. Sisko smiles, gives them a moment to enjoy the good news. Then Odo chimes in with a sober observation. ODO That is good news. The question is, will the Romulans be willing to leave Bolarus after the war's over? This causes everyone to shift uncomfortably. Odo's raised a possibility that most of them would rather not think about. ODO Once they capture territory, they rarely give it up. Sisko privately shares Odo's concern, but he needs to keep his people on track. SISKO Right now, we need to concentrate on beating the Dominion. We'll worry about the Romulans later. Odo backs off with a shrug, but his point has clearly soured the moment of celebration. SISKO As some of you already know, Major Kira, Jake and I will be leaving for Bajor at twenty-two hundred. DAX (teasing them) There's a war on -- this is no time for a vacation. Kira smiles, sets the record straight. KIRA The archaeologists excavating B'hala have found something they want the Emissary to see. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 2/17/98 - TEASER 1B. B1 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO We'll be back tomorrow night. (looks at his crew) That's all, people. Everyone EXITS, except Kira and Odo. This is one of their new rituals: hanging back after a staff meeting to share an intimate moment together. KIRA (smiling affectionately) "Will the Romulans leave Bolarus?" You love to bring up the worst- case scenario in these meetings, don't you? ODO Somebody has to. As the last person exits, leaving them alone in the room, Odo's demeanor abruptly changes. He regards Kira with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes -- it's a side of him we've never seen before, a side that Kira brings out when they're alone. ODO Besides, everyone expects me to be dour and suspicious. I don't like to disappoint them. KIRA (smiles) If they only knew the real you. ODO That is the real me. (beat) At least as far as everyone else is concerned. They share a smile. off this moment... Cl EXT. SPACE - BAJOR (STOCK OPTICAL) Establishing. (NOTE: Could be substituted with a STOCK MATTE of the planet's surface, maybe something from "Rapture".) DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - TEASER 1C. 1 INT. EXCAVATION TUNNEL Ranjen KORAL, an old but vigorous Bajoran monk, leads Sisko, Kira and JAKE down a gloomy passageway cut through layers of reddish-brown SEDIMENT. The passage is lit every so often with makeshift LIGHTS, but there are nowhere near enough to make their PALM BEACONS unnecessary. Support BEAMS line the ceiling and the rough contours of the walls. Although a deeply religious man, Koral wears the practical work clothes of a veteran archaeologist. KORAL (glancing back at Sisko) I can't tell you how pleased we are by your visit, Emissary. SISKO I'm happy to be here, Ranjen. KORAL There's no need to keep calling me "Ranjen." I'm a simple monk. My order is quite informal. SISKO You've certainly been busy. The last time I visited these ruins, none of these tunnels had been cut yet. KORAL It's been a great deal of work, but we do it gladly. Excavating the Holy City is a privilege. Our efforts are an expression of our faith in the Prophets... and in the Emissary. Sisko accepts this with a gracious nod. Kira and Jake follow several paces behind. Kira notices that Jake is studying his father closely. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: KIRA Something wrong, Jake? JAKE (sotto to Kira) No. It's just that Dad seems to be taking his role as the Emissary very seriously these days. KIRA You say that like you think it's a bad thing. JAKE You have to admit, it's a long way to come to look at some old ruins. KIRA They've found what might be an important religious artifact in these "old ruins." JAKE I hope so. (re: the PADD in his hand) Otherwise I won't have much of a story. KIRA Try to look like you're enjoying yourself. Your father needs this. It's good for him not to have to worry about the Dominion for a few hours. 2 ANOTHER PASSAGE OF TUNNEL Koral rounds a corner and leads them down the passage. A movement in the shadows, the FLUTTER of wings in the darkness -- KORAL Don't let the bats bother you. Jake pauses, nervously scanning the ceiling with his palm beacon. KIRA (over her shoulder) Don't worry, they rarely bite. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: JAKE. (still scanning the ceiling) Rarely? Jake notices the others have moved on without him and hurries to catch up. 3 YET ANOTHER PASSAGE Occasional sections of ancient STONE WALL are exposed in the sediment. Sisko idly runs his hand along the venerable structure. KORAL We're directly below the Temple of B'hala. These walls predate the ancient city by ten thousand years. JAKE Who built this place? KORAL We don't know much about the original inhabitants, but it appears they abandoned this site some twenty-five thousand years ago. Over time, sediment buried the ruins. JAKE (catching on) And then B'hala was built on top of them. KORAL Precisely. Koral comes to a halt before the inky black mouth of a chamber. The others stop behind him. KORAL In here... A feeling of apprehension steals over them. Something about this place feels vaguely ominous. Koral steps into the opening and is swallowed by the darkness. It's an eerie moment. Challenged and curious, Sisko follows, his light reaching into the bleak opaque void. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - TEASER 4. 4 INT. CHAMBER Koral switches on the portable TUBE LIGHTS along the floor. Like the tunnels, the ceiling is braced with BEAMS. Sections of the wall that once framed this room are visible through the sediment. In the center of one wall, an ancient stone TABLET is embedded in the stone. Kira and Jake follow Sisko into the room, and Koral leads them over to the tablet. It's a vertical limestone oval, similar in shape to the symbol of Bajor on the temple entrance on DS9. KORAL It's over thirty thousand years old... Jake is less than thrilled, but Sisko looks closely at the tablet, which displays passages composed of ancient Bajoran RUNES. Parts of the inscription have been broken away or obscured by erosion and cracks. SISKO These inscriptions, they look similar to ancient Bajoran, but I can't quite make them out. KORAL Until recently, we couldn't either. But we've been able to piece together some rudimentary translations. He points to a vertical strip of characters on the far right. KORAL The syntax is unusual, but all forms of Bajoran share certain root-ideograms. (taps one of them) You may recognize this one. Sisko leans in to get a better look. SISKO Welcome... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: KORAL (pleased) Here's where it gets interesting... Koral's hand traces the two figures beneath, which are enclosed within an outline to form a distinctive CARTOUCHE. Sisko and Kira both react with recognition -- KORAL I see you recognize it. Jake doesn't, but he can see that Sisko and Kira are amazed by what they've read. JAKE I don't. KIRA (awed) It says... Welcome, Emissary. Jake stares at his father, drawn into the mystery as well. KORAL (to Sisko) Now you know why I asked you here. Jake regards his father with a look of "what next?" Sisko reaches out in wonder... 5 HIS FINGERS touch the cartouche. An AWESOME SOUND jerks us as we -- WHITE OUT TO: 6 ANOTHER ANGLE - ALTERED REALITY (OPTICAL) Sisko suddenly finds himself in the middle of the room. Similar to "The Emissary," and "Prophet Motive," we are in an altered reality, but in this case, we haven't left the room. The LIGHTS have changed COLOR and DIRECTION. Sisko tries to reorient himself and finds Kira, Koral and Jake are no longer where he last saw them. They have become WORMHOLE ALIENS... cold and remote. They ignore Sisko completely -- as if he'd dropped unbidden into the midst of their discussion. Nevertheless, their statements bear some relation to his questions. Koral stands beside the stone tablet. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - TEASER 6. 6 CONTINUED: KORAL ALIEN The Sisko has come. A beat as Sisko realizes that he's dealing with the Prophets. The Kira Alien is behind Sisko. Her voice raws him to face her. KIRA ALIEN The circle is complete. The Jake Alien steps close -- JAKE ALIEN The Reckoning must begin. SISKO The Reckoning? The Prophets don't answer -- the Kira Alien faces the Koral Alien. KIRA ALIEN Much will depend on the Sisko. KORAL ALIEN (concerned) He is corporeal. JAKE ALIEN Limited. The Kira Alien steps toward the other two. KIRA ALIEN He is the Sisko. He will not waver. The Jake Alien considers it, then nods. JAKE ALIEN He is of Bajor. KIRA ALIEN He will bring the Reckoning. Sisko turns to the Kira Alien. SISKO What is it you expect of me? The Koral Alien arrives next to the Kira Alien. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - TEASER 7. 6 CONTINUED: (2) KORAL ALIEN It will be the end... JAKE ALIEN Or the beginning. SISKO I don't understand. KIRA ALIEN The Sisko will know. The SCREEN WHITES OUT. CUT TO: 7 INT. CHAMBER The connection breaks and Sisko is thrown back across the room. He lands on his back, unconscious. As Kira and Jake rush over to him, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 8 INT. EXCAVATION SITE - CHAMBER Kira helps Sisko to a sitting position as Jake and Ranjen Koral look on with concern. JAKE Dad, are you okay? Kira helps Sisko to his feet -- he looks around, tries to get his bearings. SISKO The Prophets... they were here. They spoke to me. Jake tenses -- he's seen the Prophets put his father through some strange things, and he doesn't like the sound of this. KORAL You had a vision, Emissary. We saw nothing. KIRA (to Sisko) What did they say to you? SISKO They mentioned a "Reckoning." (to Koral) Is that part of some prophecy? KORAL (thinks it over) Not one that I know of. Jake tries to contain his mounting anxiety -- JAKE Dad, I think we should go now. Sisko moves to comfort his son -- SISKO It's all right, Jake. We'll be leaving soon. Sisko turns to study the tablet... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT ONE 9. 8 CONTINUED: SISKO I need to know what these inscriptions say... KORAL I wish we could translate them more quickly, but we don't have the resources. Sisko traces the letters on the tablet thoughtfully. SISKO Fortunately, we do. Off Sisko's face as he considers the mysterious artifact... 9 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. 10 INT. SCIENCE LAB The tablet stands on an examining table. Dax has just completed a series of scans -- DAX I had a pretty good idea what this was the minute I laid eyes on it. (off tricorder) This confirms it. Sisko leans in, eager to hear what she has to say. DAX It's a slab of stone with some writing on it. SISKO (warning her) Dax. DAX What do you want me to say, Benjamin? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: DAX (Cont'd) I'm not picking up any residual energy readings, certainly nothing that would explain how it threw you across a room. Sisko takes this in for a beat -- SISKO I want you to translate the inscriptions. DAX I was afraid you were going to say that. SISKO (handing over a PADD) The Ranjen's translation program. It's not complete, but at least it's a start. (smiles) Good luck. And with that, Sisko EXITS, leaving Dax with her task. 11 INT. PROMENADE as Sisko makes his way down it. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. As he passes the temple, a Bajoran RANJEN is standing outside ringing the BELL to announce services. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT ONE 11. 12 SISKO as he stops and considers. VOICES (off screen) "Coming to Services?" "It's about to start." Etc. For some reason, Sisko finds himself wanting to go inside the temple. He figures why not, and starts toward it. The Ranjen looks at him, a bit surprised -- clearly this is no everyday occurrence. Just as Sisko steps into the doorway, Worf's COM VOICE interrupts -- WORF'S COM VOICE Ops to Sisko. SISKO Go ahead. WORF'S COM VOICE We just received a communication from Bajor. Kai Winn is on her way to the station. Sisko's never exactly happy to hear she's coming and a frown starts to form on his face, but when he sees the Ranjen looking at him, he thinks better of it and musters a smile for him. The Kai? Love the Kai. 13 INT. AIRLOCK as KAI WINN ENTERS from a BAJORAN SHUTTLE, accompanied by TWO MONKS. Sisko is waiting to greet her. SISKO Welcome to Deep Space Nine, your eminence. Winn is seething over the fact that Sisko took the tablet off Bajor without consulting her, but she hides it behind a cool smile. WINN Thank you, Emissary. As they head down the corridor -- SISKO What brings you to the station? WINN I should think that would be clear. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT ONE 12. 13 CONTINUED: WINN (Cont'd) (off his look) You removed an artifact from an archaeological site without consulting the Vedek Assembly. SISKO I meant no disrespect. Winn enjoys having the chance to skewer Sisko, but she does it behind her mask of politeness. WINN You can understand that we would be sensitive to such matters. During the Occupation, the Cardassians plundered Bajor's historical treasures as if it were their right. I never imagined that you would behave in the same manner. SISKO I assure you the artifact will be returned as soon as I've finished studying it. WINN I was not aware that you had expertise in Bajoran history. SISKO (has to admit) I don't. WINN Then why not leave the artifact in the hands of those who do? There are scholars on Bajor who've devoted their lives to the study of such things. SISKO, I understand. But I brought it here because I believe that's what the Prophets want. WINN I see. I take it this has something to do with your... "vision." DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT ONE 13. 13 CONTINUED: (2) There's a skepticism in her voice that's not lost on Sisko. SISKO Exactly. WINN Forgive me. (testing him) I didn't realize that the Prophets told you to bring the relic here. SISKO They didn't. Not in so many words. WINN I see. Then what, exactly, did they say? SISKO It's difficult to explain. The Prophets aren't always clear. WINN Since they've never spoken to me, I'll have to take your word for it. In her own indirect way, she's challenging Sisko's truthfulness and he knows it. SISKO All I know is that, for now, it belongs here. Winn seems to back off. WINN Who am I to argue with the Emissary of the Prophets? Off her sweet smile... 14 INT. SCIENCE LAB (VPB) a hand smacks the table. WIDEN to reveal an angry Sisko talking to Dax. She's working with the computer, checking BAJORAN RUNES on the screen against TWO PADDS she carries in her hands. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT ONE 14. 14 CONTINUED: SISKO She contacted Starfleet and lodged a formal protest. DAX Is that why Admiral Ross wanted to talk to you? Sisko nods glumly -- DAX So how'd it go? SISKO He told me to stop meddling in Bajoran affairs and return the damn tablet. DAX You know how Starfleet feels about "this Emissary thing." It makes them very uncomfortable that you've allowed the Bajorans to view you as a religious icon. (testing the waters) It used to make you uncomfortable, too. Sisko considers, then decides to make his feelings known to his old friend. SISKO Not anymore. (smiling) I guess the Prophets have spoken to me too many times. DAX (looking up from her work) I remember when you used to call them "Wormhole Aliens." SISKO Wormhole Aliens or Prophets -- it doesn't really matter. The fact is, they exist outside of time, and over the centuries, they've given the Bajorans glimpses of the future. (indicating the tablet) Glimpses that the Bajorans wrote down to help guide succeeding generations. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT ONE 15. 14 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (continuing, re: the tablet) If whatever's written here can help me avoid mistakes and make the right decisions, I'd be a fool to ignore it. DAX Fair enough. But if you don't mind, I'm going to keep thinking of them as Wormhole Aliens. SISKO All I know is that they have a relationship with Bajor that stretches back thousands of years. They care about what happens to the Bajorans. They proved that when they kept the Dominion fleet from coming through the wormhole. DAX Didn't you have to talk them into it? Didn't they say they were going to exact some kind of "penance" for helping you? SISKO Yes, but they listened. They saved Bajor and the rest of the Alpha Quadrant.. And now they're asking me for something in return. I don't know what it is yet, and I'm not going to return the tablet until I do. It's the key. I can feel it. DAX (off screen) I hope you're wrong about that, Benjamin... Sisko realizes she's found something -- SISKO What've you got? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT ONE 16. 14 CONTINUED: (3) Sisko moves around to see the screen. On the MONITOR, we see a line of TEXT from the tablet. There are conversion algorithms along the margins of the screen. DAX The computer just translated part of the inscription. Here it is in modern Bajoran. She works the controls and the text TRANSFORMS into modern Bajoran. It takes a moment for Sisko to read, and when he does, the words disturb him... SISKO "The time of Reckoning is at hand. The Prophets will weep, and their sorrow will consume... " (the rest stops him in his tracks) "... the Gateway to the Temple." DAX Tell me I'm wrong, but isn't the Gateway to the Temple... Deep Space Nine? Sisko's face tells us she's not wrong... off this ominous moment, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 15 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Odo and Bashir are sitting around a table reacting to Worf's news. It's a slow night, the few BAJORANS who've turned out are ina somber mood, preoccupied with the rumors they've heard. WORF -- I'm only telling you what the translation said. I did not say I believed it. BASHIR Well, I'm not worried. If you look hard enough, you can find a Bajoran Prophecy for just about anything. The Ancient Texts are a tangle of vague contradictions. ODO This one is anything but vague. And Bajoran Prophecies have an odd way of coming true. BASHIR Don't tell me you believe in this stuff, too? QUARK has approached their table and chimes in -- QUARK Odo believes in preparing for the worst. ODO True. QUARK He's as bad as the Bajorans. (looking around the quiet bar with dismay) Business hasn't been this slow since the Dominion was here. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 18. 15 CONTINUED: QUARK (Cont'd) You know, I feel it's my civic duty to do something about all this doom and gloom. That's why I want you all to know that I've extended Happy Hour. BASHIR Extended it? QUARK From now on, every hour is Happy Hour. (beat) At least, until business picks up. Quark tries to put on a happy face. QUARK Eat, drink and be merry. BASHIR (dry) For tomorrow we die. ODO (to Worf) What does the captain say about all this? WORF He's reserving judgement until the computer's finished the translation. BASHIR (to Quark) Who knows, maybe the rest of the tablet says go to Quark's for Happy Hour. QUARK I like the way you think, doctor. Bashir looks around at his friends and sees that despite their ambivalence about the Prophecy, each of them is troubled to some degree. Truth be told, he's not finding it easy to shake off either. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 19. 15 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR This is ridiculous. Nothing's going to happen. Someday we're going to look back at this and laugh. Suddenly there's a strange RUMBLE like the sound of approaching thunder -- it builds until the room starts to VIBRATE and SHUDDER. Glasses RATTLE on tables as people look around, trying to figure out what's going on. A moment, then it's over. ODO What was that? VOICES from off-screen get their attention. A small CROWD has gathered at one of the WINDOWS to view something outside. CUT TO: 16 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL (OPTICAL) Through the window, we see the wormhole OPENING. 17 ADJUST to include Odo, Bashir, Worf and Quark among the onlookers. QUARK That's the third time in the last ten minutes. The RUMBLE again, followed by the same SHUDDER. 18 THE WINDOW (OPTICAL) The wormhole CLOSES and the SHUDDER SUBSIDES. WORF (puzzled) Still no incoming ships. ODO Well something's making the wormhole do that. No one has an answer for him. After a beat, Bashir turns to Worf. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 20. 18 CONTINUED: BASHIR How did that Prophecy go again... ? The others react, all thinking the same thing -- is this the beginning of the Reckoning? Off this moment... 18A INT. REPLIMAT (FORMERLY SCENE 20A) Kira and Odo are seated at a table. Kira is picking at some FOOD. She looks up to see Odo patiently watching her. Supernumeraries as needed. KIRA (smiling) You know, you really don't have to do this. ODO What? KIRA Stay here and watch me eat. ODO I don't mind. In fact, I rather enjoy it. (off her questioning look) You eat with such gusto. (a beat) Most of the time. Kira looks at the food she's hardly touched and puts down her fork. KIRA Not today. (a beat) I just wish we knew more about the Reckoning. It'd give us a better idea of what the Prophets want from us. ODO It seems to me that if the Prophets want the Bajoran people to follow a given path, they should provide more specific directions. KIRA It doesn't work that way. ODO Maybe it should. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 20A. 18A CONTINUED: KIRA The Kai would say you lacked faith. ODO (smiling) And you would agree. KIRA I don't know how people make it through the day without it. ODO We manage. Besides, I do have faith in some things. KIRA Such as? ODO You. A beat. Kira nods, pleased. KIRA I'll try not to disappoint you. Off this moment... 19 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE where the captain is talking to Kai Winn. WINN No doubt you've heard the latest news from Bajor. SISKO About the flooding in Rakantha Province, yes. WINN There was also an earthquake in the Kendra Valley last night. This morning a tornado struck Tamulna -- Sisko knows what she's getting at, and he's not going to hand it to her. SISKO Our sensors indicate Bajor's being affected by the instability in the wormhole. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 20B. 19 CONTINUED: WINN How comforting. Tell me, do your sensors have an explanation for the instability itself? SISKO (has to admit) No. WINN Then I'll give you one. You've angered the Prophets by taking the tablet from Bajor. As the spiritual leader of the Bajoran people, I'm asking you to return it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 21. 19 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO And as Emissary of the Prophets, I'm asking you to give me more time to study it. (pointed) I believe it's the will of the Prophets. WINN (flaring) I disagree. The Kai produces a BAJORAN PADD. WINN This is a formal request from the First Minister that you turn over the relic to me. Sisko takes the PADD and studies it. SISKO You must've been very persuasive. This is the first time you and Shakaar have agreed on anything. WINN If you deny his request, I promise you it will damage relations between Bajor and the Federation. Sisko makes his decision -- SISKO The tablet will be on its way to Bajor on the morning transport. WINN (smiles) As will I. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 22-22C 19 CONTINUED: (3) And with that, she turns and takes her leave. Off Sisko's face as he watches her go. 19A INT. SCIENCE LAB Sisko watches as Dax studies the tablet, checking the inscriptions against a PADD in her hand. DAX You're sending it back? (wry) I was just starting to have fun. SISKO You're not off the hook, old man. I still want those inscriptions translated. Dax figured this was coming -- DAX (nods) I can work off the holo-recordings I took yesterday. SISKO (eyeing the tablet) Have you made any more progress? (off her nod) Good news or bad? DAX That depends. SISKO On what? DAX (indicating the tablet) What this ideogram means. The computer's giving me two possibilities. SISKO Let's hear them. DAX During the Reckoning, the Bajorans are either going to "suffer horribly," or... "eat fruit." SISKO Eat fruit? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 22D. 19A CONTINUED: DAX Given the tone of the rest of the inscriptions, I'd bet on the horrible suffering. SISKO What else have you got? DAX You're going to love this, it's about you. Dax brings around to the other side of the tablet and indicates some inscriptions near the damaged part of the stone. DAX It says that once the "Reckoning begins, the Emissary will" -- She turns and looks at him expectantly -- SISKO Go on. DAX I was hoping you'd tell me. The rest of the inscription is damaged. Sisko lets out an irritated sigh. SISKO That figures. We hear the approaching RUMBLE and the station SHUDDERS again. DAX I wish the wormhole would stop doing that. SISKO Me, too. (turns to go) Keep at it, old man. DAX Just do me one favor. (off his look) If you talk to the Prophets again, ask them for a dictionary. Sisko smiles, grateful that Dax can still help him glean a shred of humor out of this grim situation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/23/98 - ACT TWO 22E. 19A CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I'll see what I can do. Sisko EXITS, leaving Dax to her work. 19BB INT. OPS Kira's at the table; Supernumeraries at their posts. Sisko ENTERS through one of the doors under the viewscreen. KIRA Captain, I've got a message for you from General Martok. SISKO Go ahead. KIRA He's dispatched three squadrons of Klingon attack cruisers to bolster the defense perimeter around the Dorala System. SISKO Good. I just hope they can hold out until Starfleet can send reinforcements. KIRA The Klingons will hold out. Martok will see to that. Sisko nods, rubs his tired eyes. KIRA Long day? SISKO They keep getting longer. KIRA You'll feel better in the morning. Off Sisko's look. KIRA Once the Kai is off the station. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/23/98 - ACT TWO 22F. 19BB CONTINUED: SISKO (amused) I know she's the spiritual leader of millions of Bajorans, but she's not an easy woman to like. KIRA If it's any comfort, I don't think she likes you, either. SISKO I've known that for a while. (a beat) Maybe I should've consulted her before I brought the artifact up to the station. KIRA She would've tried to stop you. Sisko thinks about it for a moment. SISKO (smiling) I guess that's why I didn't ask her. Kira returns the smile, but we can see that there's more on her mind. KIRA In a way, I feel sorry for her. She spends her whole life in the service of the Prophets. And then one day, after all the years of personal sacrifice and commitment, she's given her reward. She's elected Kai. It should've been the greatest moment of her life. SISKO (seeing where Kira is going) But my being Emissary spoiled it for her. KIRA The Kai has always been the spiritual leader of Bajor. But Winn has to share that role with you. And what makes matters worse is you're an outsider -- a non- Bajoran. That's something she'll never forgive you for. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/23/98 - ACT TWO 22G. 19BB CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I guess that's why she's made such an issue out of this whole thing. KIRA She's jealous of you and of your relationship with the Prophets. (smiling) To be honest, I'm a little envious myself. SISKO Why? KIRA You speak with the Prophets. They listen to you. It's a rare gift. SISKO It's nothing I asked for. KIRA I suppose that's why I don't resent you. But the Kai does. SISKO I'll keep that in mind. And off this moment between them -- CUT TO: 19B INT. PROMENADE - UPPER LEVEL (FORMERLY SCENE 19AA) Kai Winn stares thoughtfully out one of the windows. She seems troubled as she studies the starscape, her focus on the spot where the wormhole appears when it's visible. Her two Vedeks stand back at a respectful distance. Kira approaches. KIRA Is something wrong, Eminence? Kira's voice pulls the Kai out of her reverie. WINN What makes you say that, child? KIRA You look troubled. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/23/98 - ACT TWO 22H. 19B CONTINUED: WINN Not at all. I'm quite relieved that the Emissary has decided to do the right thing. KIRA You didn't leave him much choice, did you? Winn hears the tone of disapproval in Kira's voice -- WINN I suppose you think I enjoyed forcing his hand. I assure you I didn't. I wish the situation could have been resolved more amicably. (smiles) Perhaps the next time we have a disagreement, he will consider my wishes more thoughtfully. But Winn has divulged more than she meant to -- KIRA The next time? (testing) Are you anticipating more "disagreements?" DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 23. 19B CONTINUED: WINN I merely meant to express my hope that in the future, we can work together for the good of Bajor. KIRA Of course. After all, you're on the same side. Aren't you? Winn knows she's being challenged -- WINN (cool) Naturally. We both serve the Prophets. There is no higher calling. (beat) Sometimes, I sense you forget that, child. Winn switches into Kai mode to throw Kira off balance. WINN When was the last time you went to the Shrine to pray? KIRA A few days ago. WINN (disappointed) I see. Kira finds herself a bit on the defensive, which is just what Winn wanted. KIRA I've been busy attending to station business. WINN I've found that daily prayer is indispensable to a fulfilling spiritual life. Perhaps you should make time to cultivate your faith. KIRA I will. WINN If I'm not mistaken, evening services are about to begin. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 24. 19B CONTINUED: (2) KIRA I think so, yes. WINN Then go, child. You wouldn't want to be late. The Pope is telling her to go to church, and despite herself, Kira finds that she feels compelled to comply. She nods and moves off. The Kai watches her leave, secretly pleased she can still have that effect on people, then turns and returns to her private thoughts. Off the image of the Kai at the window... 20 thru OMITTED 20A 20B EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) As the wormhole opens. 21 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko stands at the window, thoughtfully watching the wormhole. The LIGHTS in the room are DIM, and he's taken off his uniform jacket. After a beat, the RUMBLE and SHUDDER. It subsides and a moment later, the door CHIMES. SISKO Yes. The door OPENS to reveal Jake. He acts like he's just dropping by, but the truth is he's been worried about his dad ever since they were on Bajor. SISKO Jake-o. JAKE You're up late. SISKO So are you. Sisko studies his son, senses he's troubled. SISKO What's on your mind? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 25. 21 CONTINUED: JAKE I don't know. I guess I just wanted to make sure you're all right. SISKO I'm fine. Since when did you become such a worrier? JAKE This Emissary stuff. It scares me a little. SISKO (moving to comfort him) Jake. Jake doesn't want his father's comfort right now, he has something he needs to say. JAKE. (emotion rising) Twice now, twice in one year -- Doctor Bashir's called me down to the Infirmary to tell me something was wrong with you. And there you were, lying unconscious on a bio- bed, having visions or something. There was nothing I could do except stand there... and wonder if you were ever going to wake up. Sisko throws a comforting arm around his son. SISKO I know it wasn't easy. JAKE I don't want it to happen again. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 26. 21 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I never asked to be the Emissary. (a beat) But for better or worse, that's what I am. DISSOLVE TO: 22 OMITTED 23 INT. SISKO'S BEDROOM Sisko's lying on his bed in his nightshirt. He shifts position, unable to sleep. 24 INT. SCIENCE LAB (OPTICAL) as Sisko ENTERS the darkened room. The tablet sits on the examining table, bathed in the light from the overhead cowl. Sisko approaches it, his eyes searching it for some hidden meaning. He reaches out and touches it, half hoping to be thrown into another vision. Nothing. After a beat -- SISKO (softly) Why do you always have to be so damn mysterious? Sisko turns away, addresses the room at large, the unseen Prophets. SISKO Answer me! I'm tired of your riddles. If you need me to do something, say so. Silence. Driven by some instinct he doesn't understand, Sisko turns and takes hold of the tablet. Without hesitation, without questioning what he's doing, he lifts it over his head and SMASHES it on the ground. Only then, when it lies on the floor SHATTERED, does the instinct that compelled him to act pass from his features. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 27. 24 CONTINUED: He stands there, breathing heavily, stunned by what he's done. Then, something strange happens. The fragments emit strands of white and red ENERGY, which rise quickly and swirl into a violent VORTEX of white and red. Sisko recoils as the VORTEX shoots up through the ceiling and vanishes. 25 SISKO as he stands there wondering what the hell he's caused to happen... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 26 INT. SCIENCE LAB The LIGHTS are now on, and Dax scans the broken pieces of the tablet with a tricorder. Sisko and Odo look on. DAX Let me guess -- you accidentally knocked it over. SISKO Not exactly. DAX I didn't think so. ODO So what did happen? SISKO (at a loss) I just had an uncontrollable urge... to smash the tablet. DAX I get those urges all the time. Of course, I never act on them... (off tricorder) I'm not reading any residual energy signatures. SISKO That's impossible. Check the station's internal sensors. Odo complies by manipulating a console and observing the result. ODO Nothing. SISKO I'm telling you I saw something. ODO (calming) We believe you, captain. SISKO Please Constable, don't patronize me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT THREE 28A. 26 CONTINUED: Suddenly, the LIGHTS DIM AND VARIOUS CONSOLES FRITZ. A beat and then the LIGHTS BRIGHTEN and the CONSOLES COME BACK ON-LINE. Our people exchange puzzled looks over this unusual occurrence. SISKO (taps combadge) Sisko to Ops. Report. INTERCUT AS NEEDED: 27 INT. OPS Worf is in charge. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. WORF We just experienced a stationwide power drain. We are attempting to determine the source. SISKO Keep me informed. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT THREE 29. 27 CONTINUED: WORF Aye, Sir. END INTERCUT: Sisko, Dax and Odo exchange a look. ODO It could be that the power drain is related to this energy discharge you saw. DAX I'm starting to think the same thing. Sisko reaches down and picks up two fragments of the tablet. He studies them, lost in thought. DAX Benjamin -- you're not getting another urge, are you? SISKO. No. (realizing) I've done what I needed to do. (off their looks) I know this is going to sound strange, but I think the Prophets wanted me to shatter the tablet. DAX Try explaining that to Kai Winn. CUT TO: 28 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko stands before the Kai. He's just finished explaining what happened and Winn is stunned. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT THREE 30. 28 CONTINUED: WINN I can't believe that you'd be so petty as to destroy the artifact rather than turn it over to me. SISKO That's not why I did it. WINN You expect me to believe that the Prophets wanted you to destroy a priceless piece of Bajor's history? SISKO Yes, that's exactly what you have to believe. WINN And why would they do that? SISKO I wish I had an answer for you. WINN I'm sure in time you'll come up with something. The Kai's judgmental attitude piques Sisko's temper. But he knows on a visceral level that he's right, and he wants her to understand. He pulls back and reins in his emotions. SISKO You and I haven't always seen eye to eye, but wehave one thing in common. We both believe the Prophets have a plan for Bajor. But sometimes it isn't easy to see the path they've laid out for us. Sisko lays it on the line -- SISKO Right now, I can't say I know what they want from me. But I'm willing to take a leap of faith, and believe that they're guiding me. I'm asking you to take that leap with me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT THREE 31. 28 CONTINUED: (2) The Kai is struck by Sisko's faith in her gods, but she can't see her way to admitting it. WINN There's no need for a leap of faith, Emissary. The Prophets have made themselves quite clear. Two-thirds of the Rakantha wheat harvest has been destroyed by floods. Earthquakes have devastated Kendra Province, leaving hundreds homeless. Bajorans are suffering because of you. They're paying the price for your act of sacrilege. As if to emphasize her words, the LIGHTS IN THE ROOM DIM and the MONITORS FLICKER. This time, they don't recover, and the room stays dark. Sisko is reaching for his combadge, when Odo's voice comes over the com system. ODO'S COM VOICE (through static) Odo to Captain Sisko. SISKO Go ahead. ODO'S COM VOICE You'd better come down to the Promenade, Sir. SISKO Is there a problem? ODO'S COM VOICE I'll let you be the judge of that. Off Sisko's face as he takes this in... 29 INT. PROMENADE Sisko and the Kai ENTER from the turbolift opposite Security to find Odo and FOUR DEPUTIES looking down the Promenade. The LIGHTS here are also DIMMED, as if competing with something else for power. The monitors all show STATIC. Strangely, a LIGHT BREEZE blows through the Promenade, causing the BANNERS hanging from the ceiling to flutter softly. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT THREE 32. 29 CONTINUED: ODO I think we've found the source of the power fluctuations. Sisko gives him a quizzical look and Odo nods down the Promenade toward... 30 KIRA (OPTICAL) She's standing in the doorway to the Bajoran Shrine, her EYES unnaturally BRIGHT. Her hair is disheveled and BLOWN by the BREEZE, which seems to emanate from her somehow. Her body has a hint of luminescence about it. Her head is cocked at an odd angle, as if she can hear something we cannot. INTERMITTENT BLUISH ENERGY DISCHARGES emerge from the doorway and disappear into her body, as if she's drawing power from her very surroundings. The CROWD on the Promenade is giving her a wide berth. People are in small clusters at either end, others peer cautiously out of shop windows. ODO When I tried to talk to her, she ignored me. Odo's clearly pained and deeply concerned -- 31 KIRA The energy flowing into her body has stopped. She cocks her head, looks in their direction. She turns and walks toward them at a deliberate pace. As she moves, the STATION LIGHTS nearest her FRITZ. She passes... 32 A DESERTED KIOSK Some glass bottles on its counter VIBRATE and then SHATTER. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT THREE 33. 33 KIRA as she passes Quark's, FRITZING more LIGHTS, MORN and a handful of CUSTOMERS retreat from the entrance and take cover. 34 SISKO as she approaches. Kira comes to a stop before them, the WIND swirling around her. She ignores everyone but Sisko. When she speaks, there is a STRANGELY AFFECTED QUALITY to her voice. KIRA/PROPHET You... are the Sisko. A couple of Odo's Deputies instinctively drop their hands to their holstered weapons. SISKO Keep your hands off your weapons. (turning back to face Kira) It's a Prophet. Why have you taken this woman's body? The Kai and the other Bajorans react with a mixture of wonder and fear. KIRA/PROPHET This vessel is willing. The Reckoning. It is time. Sisko, Odo, and the Kai struggle to assimilate this as we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 34. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 35 INT. PROMENADE The eerie scene continues -- the unearthly WIND, the flickering LIGHTS, Kira's strange countenance. SISKO This "Reckoning." What is it? KIRA/PROPHET The end... or the beginning. SISKO I don't understand. The Kira/Prophet cocks her head and looks into the distance -- KIRA/PROPHET I await Kosst Amojan. Sisko doesn't know what this means, but the Kai's eyes widen in recognition. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 35. 35 CONTINUED: WINN The Evil One -- a Pah-wraith -- banished from the Celestial Temple. SISKO You're saying a Pah-wraith will take corporeal form as well? KIRA/PROPHET The battle will be joined. Sisko isn't sure he likes the sound of this -- a celestial battle on his station? SISKO This battle -- it's going to take place here? KIRA/PROPHET Bajor will be reborn. Winn reacts with recognition, her face flooding with bliss. WINN Shabren's Fifth Prophecy. The Rebirth... (off Sisko's look) If the Evil One is destroyed, it will bring a thousand years of peace. (realizing what this means) The Golden Age of Bajor. Despite the awe in her voice, for her own private reasons, Winn's not sure this is what she wants to see happen. SISKO If it's destroyed? WINN Who will prevail is not known. Odo reacts, fearing for Kira's safety. Sisko turns to the Kira/Prophet -- SISKO What do you want from me? Am I supposed to help you in some way? KIRA/PROPHET The Sisko has completed his task. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 36. 35 CONTINUED: (2) Overwhelmed with emotion, the Kai steps forward and bows her head before Kira/Prophet, her eyes welling with tears. WINN Forgive me for my blindness. Kira/Prophet ignores the Kai and continues to stare at Sisko. The Kai desperately appeals for recognition. WINN Prophet, hear me. I am the Kai of Bajor. I offer myself as your humble servant.. Kira/Prophet ignores the Kai and continues to stare at Sisko. KIRA/PROPHET I await their vessel. With that, the WIND STOPS and the Promenade LIGHTS STOP FLICKERING. Her eyes dull and she stands silent and very still. WINN (desperately pleading) Speak to me. Tell me what I should do. No reaction. The Kai is crestfallen. She continues to kneel and stare at Kira, too numb to do anything else. Off Sisko's face as he grapples with what to do... 36 INT. OPS Sisko, Odo, Dax, Worf, Bashir and Kai Winn are gathered around the Ops table. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 37. 36 CONTINUED: Sisko has just finished explaining the situation to the others and they aren't happy about what they've heard. SISKO We're evacuating. BASHIR You can't be serious. SISKO This "battle" could destroy the station. DAX Then don't let it be fought here. SISKO I don't have any choice. DAX Yes, you do. We could flood the Promenade with chroniton radiation. WINN Are you suggesting we kill a Prophet? SISKO I won't do that. Bashir steps forward. Clearly he and the others have discussed this option among themselves. BASHIR You don't have to. If we ramp up the chroniton levels slowly, it'll give the Wormhole Alien a chance to leave Kira's body before it's harmed. DAX (indicating a panel) We have everything rigged and ready to go. Just say the word. Sisko makes his decision -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 38. 36 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO No. DAX (can't believe it) Benjamin. WORF Deep Space Nine is critical to the defense of the Federation. We can't risk allowing it to be destroyed. Sisko sees the arrayed faces of his crew, all united in opposition, and lays it on the line. SISKO When the Dominion fleet was about to come through the wormhole, I asked the Prophets for help. They gave it to me. Now they're asking for my help. They need to fight this battle here, now. I'm not going to jeopardize my crew, but I'm not going to stand in the way of the Prophets, either. Sisko's conviction is persuasive, but after a beat, Bashir points out another danger -- BASHIR What if the Prophets lose? Are you willing to sacrifice Kira? SISKO The Prophet said she was willing to be their instrument. WORF And you believe that? Odo, who has been brooding while the others talk, suddenly speaks up. ODO I do. Odo knows what he's saying could cost him Kira forever, but he also knows it's the truth -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 39. 36 CONTINUED: (3) ODO I know how important her faith is to her. I have no doubt she'd allow the Prophets to use her as their instrument. A moment of silence as they all realize this is true. Sisko gives the order -- SISKO I'll notify Starfleet that we're abandoning the station. Begin the evacuation immediately. Worf activates a console and the station goes to RED ALERT. Sisko heads for his office. Our people watch him go, and we can tell they're not happy about the Captain's decision. 37 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) a few SHIPS pull away from the station. 38 INT. AIRLOCK A Bajoran TRANSPORT is visible down the passageway, its hatch opened to receive the collection of N.D. RESIDENTS moving toward it. They're carrying what few PERSONAL POSSESSIONS they could grab on their way out. A troubled Odo counts them to himself as they go by. Worf ENTERS with a small knot of EVACUEES in tow -- WORF Is this transport full? ODO There's room. Worf waves his passengers aboard -- ODO I'm going to check the Promenade for stragglers. WORF (stopping him) Odo... Worf considers whether to say what's on is mind -- WORF You should've helped us persuade the captain to end this. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 40. 38 CONTINUED: ODO I had to respect Kira's wishes. WORF If it were Dax, I'm not sure I could have done the same. ODO Just be glad you didn't have to make that choice. Worf looks at him with a new level of respect -- WORF I hope, for your sake, that the Prophets are victorious. ODO They will be. (a grim smile) If Kira has anything to do with it. And with that, Odo moves away. Off Worf's face... 39 INT. OPS As Sisko ENTERS from his office. Dax and Worf are at their stations. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. SISKO Report. DAX We expect to be down to a skeleton crew within the hour. SISKO Very good. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 41. 39 CONTINUED: DAX What did Starfleet have to say? SISKO I managed to convince them that we couldn't afford to defy the Prophets. Worf knows what he's getting at -- WORF They are the only thing keeping the Dominion from coming through the wormhole. DAX True enough. The only problem is, there's no guarantee the Prophets will win this battle. Odo's voice comes over the com system. ODO'S COM VOICE Odo to Sisko. SISKO Go ahead, Constable. ODO'S COM VOICE Captain, there's a group of Bajorans on the Promenade who are refusing to leave. Off Sisko's reaction... 40 INT. PROMENADE About TWENTY N.D. Bajorans are kneeling on the Promenade. Kai Winn stands in the doorway to the temple, arms outstretched, leading them in prayer. WINN Tera dak ihsehelm ran embah... ALL ... de-ram ta-meen... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 42. 41 ON WINN - PENITENT'S POV The Kai has carefully placed herself between the faithful and Kira, in order to share the Prophet's spotlight. Kira remains hauntingly oblivious. WINN Tera dak ihsehelm ran embah... ALL ... de-ram ta-MEEN... 42 SISKO AND ODO observe the spectacle from nearby. ODO The last transports are standing by. Sisko approaches the Kai.-- SISKO Eminence. Some of the pilgrims raise their heads at the sound of Sisko's voice, others continue in silent prayer. The Kai gestures that the worshipers continue, turns to Sisko. WINN Emissary. Sisko isn't interested in challenging the Kai, so he pitches his voice low. SISKO These people have to leave. Winn doesn't appreciate having her moment interrupted by Sisko. She keeps a smile on her face in case anyone's looking. WINN We're offering prayers for the Prophet's victory. SISKO The Prophets will hear your prayers wherever you are. It isn't safe here. Winn stands firm, determined not to let Sisko upstage her. She smiles reasonably -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 43. 42 CONTINUED: WINN Then why haven't you left, Emissary? The Prophet said your task was done. SISKO I'm still captain of this station and I'm going to do everything in my power to save it. (leaning in) Now, are you going to tell these people to go, or should I? Winn realizes that Sisko means it. She turns toward her flock, determined to be in control of the moment. WINN My children, the Prophets have heard your prayers. You must go. As the worshipers stand, Sisko turns to Odo. SISKO Take them to the transports. Odo is reluctant to leave Kira, but he's got to do his job. With a last look her way, he leads the worshipers to the airlock. Winn steps over to Sisko, still not over the loss of face she experienced when the Prophet ignored her. She regards him with a steely look -- WINN Congratulations, Emissary. Thanks to you, the Prophets' victory is at hand. Sisko eyes Kira's still form, hoping Winn's not wrong -- SISKO I hope you're right. Winn takes the opportunity to throw Sisko's earlier words back at him -- WINN Where's your faith, Emissary? You don't believe that the Evil One will be victorious, do you? But her own words seem to deflate whatever pleasure she takes in challenging Sisko. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 42 CONTINUED: (2) WINN Rest assured, the Golden Age is upon us. The Prophets and the people will be as one. Think of it. There'll be no need for Vedeks or Kais... or even Emissaries. She smiles as if this were the most wonderful thing in the world, but Sisko senses the dark currents underneath. Suddenly the WIND whips up again and some LIGHTS FLICKER as -- 43 KIRA OPENS her eyes. KIRA/PROPHET Kosst Amojan has chosen its vessel. Her head tilts upward. CAMERA FOLLOWS HER GAZE to the Second Level, where -- 44 JAKE (OPTICAL) stands at the rail. His EYES are RED and hot, his features hard with barely controlled hate. JAGGED BLUE ENERGY WISPS rise up from the rail and dissolve into his body. When he speaks, his voice is strangely RESONANT. JAKE/PAH-WRAITH Let it begin. 45 SISKO as he realizes the Pah-wraith has chosen his son. Off his anguished countenance, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 46 INT. PROMENADE Kira and Jake -- Prophet and Pah-wraith -- now stand about twenty feet apart, their eyes focused intently on each other. The Kai watches the momentous confrontation with a mixture of awe and fear. Sisko steps forward -- SISKO No. Not my son. The combatants ignore him. In desperation, Sisko turns to his son. Jake ignores him, staring deeply into Kira's eyes. SISKO Take me instead. Jake does not even glance at his father. Instead, he smiles malevolently at Kira. JAKE/PAH-WRAITH Your Emissary offers himself to us. His faith wavers. Sisko can't resist the impulse to step toward Jake and try to intervene, but Jake raises a hand and an unseen telekinetic force HURLS Sisko backward to the ground. 47 KIRA AND JAKE (OPTICAL) ENERGY TENDRILS begin to whip and snake around their bodies -- Kira's are WHITE, Jake's an angry RED. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 46. 47 CONTINUED: The TENDRILS begin to COALESCE at a point a few inches away from their respective bodies, then LANCE away, forming COLUMNS of energy that SMASH into each other at a point mid-way between the combatants. 48 SISKO LIGHT plays on his features as he reacts to this sight. He squints against the WINDS being whipped up by the battle taking place in front of him. 49 KIRA AND JAKE (OPTICAL) A MASS OF ROILING ENERGY has formed where the two columns of energy meet. From the combatants' straining faces we can see that they're engaged in some colossal battle of metaphysical wills -- the energy mass shifts slightly toward Kira, but with an intense effort, she shifts it back toward Jake. 50 SISKO looks on in horror, fearing for his son's life. Around him, LIGHTS EXPLODE and SPARK. 51 KIRA AND JAKE (OPTICAL) increase the pressure, sending additional PULSES of energy at each other. When the pulses collide in the middle, the PLASMA BALL between them EXPANDS and kicks off energy FLARES that slam into surrounding parts of the station, showering SPARKS and causing the ground to SHAKE. 52 KIRA her features strained, but her eyes confident. 53 JAKE as his face begins to tremble with effort. 54 KIRA AND JAKE (OPTICAL) More FLARES split off from the mass of roiling energy between them, SLAMMING into surrounding parts of the station, showering SPARKS and SHAKING the ground. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 47. 55 AN ANTIGRAVITY CART (OPTICAL) abandoned by one of the panicked evacuees. An energy flare strikes the cargo atop it and the containers EXPLODE. 56 THE KAI The station SHAKES and she steps to Sisko's side -- fighting the HEAT emanating from the fireball. WINN We must go, Emissary. But Sisko shakes her off, his eyes glued to the terrible thing taking place before his eyes. If the Prophets win, if good triumphs over evil, Jake dies. 57 KIRA her face trembling with effort, BLOOD begins to trickle from her nose. 58 JAKE the VEINS in his face have BULGED from the strain. We can see fear in his eyes. 59 THE TURBOLIFT opens and Dax ENTERS. She looks at the combatants with shock and alarm, then moves to where Sisko and the Kai stand, behind Kira and facing Jake. She has to shout above the SOUND of the battle -- the ROAR of the energy roiling close by, the whipping WINDS. DAX Benjamin! Sisko turns at the sound of her voice -- DAX Worf's standing by in Ops -- he can trigger the chroniton generator at your command. You can still end this, Ben. The Kai reacts to this information, turns to see what Sisko will do. He's torn, looks out at -- 60 JAKE (OPTICAL) Kira has forced the plasma ball closer to him -- he's clearly losing. His VEINS are bulging, seemingly on the verge of bursting open. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 48. 61 SISKO teeters on the edge of surrender. SISKO No, I have to let it play out. DAX That's your son out there! SISKO You think I don't know that? Sisko is torn, but even as the station SHAKES around him, he's determined to keep the faith. SISKO The Prophets will protect him. DAX Ben, they're trying to kill him. SISKO No, they're trying to destroy the Pah-wraith. (wanting to believe) They're not going to let anything happen to Jake.. DAX How do you know? SISKO (simply, but with conviction) I know. Dax backs off, hoping he's right. Deep in the Kai's chilly heart, she's moved by Sisko's faith. DAX We've got to get out of here. According to the sensors, that energy building up between them could explode any second. Sisko stares at Jake and shakes his head. SISKO I'm not going to leave Jake. Kai Winn sees a martyr in the making -- the last thing she wants is to spend the rest of her life standing in the shadow of a statue of Sisko. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 48A. 61 CONTINUED: WINN Emissary, you must go. Bajor needs you. Dax takes hold of his arm. DAX She's right. But Sisko yanks free of her grip and shoves her away. SISKO Get off the station. Now. That's an order. An energy FLARE strikes a nearby bulkhead in an EXPLOSION of sparks. This is close enough for the Kai -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 49. 61 CONTINUED: (2) WINN Come, child. We must go. Dax reluctantly allows herself to be pulled away. They move to the AIRLOCK, and as they step inside -- 62 THE KAI pauses to look back at Sisko. She realizes that despite a lifetime of study and devotion, she will never have the faith of this man... and she hates him for it. A beat, then she turns away. 63 SISKO watches Jake, anguished but determined to remain faithful to the will of the Prophets. 64 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Dax and the Kai move quickly down the passageway. Dax hits her combadge. DAX Dax to Worf. INTERCUT WITH: 65 INT. OPS Worf stands near the console Dax indicated earlier, ready to activate the chroniton generator. The station SHAKES. WORF Go ahead. A console in the background SPARKS. DAX Meet me at Airlock Eight. We're leaving. Off Worf's face as he reacts to the realization that Dax failed to convince Sisko to change his mind. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 49A. 66 INT. ANOTHER HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) The station SHAKES as Dax and the Kai round a corner and start toward a T-intersection. SEVERAL N.D. Starfleet Officers can be seen moving across the intersection from left to right. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 50. 66 CONTINUED: Just ahead of Dax and the Kai, a BAJORAN WOMAN is struggling with two SMALL CHILDREN. An ENERGY discharge snakes across a nearby bulkhead and the children recoil in fear. DAX (to the Kai) Go on ahead. Airlock Eight is to the right. Dax stops to help the woman as the Kai moves on -- DAX Let me help you. 67 THE KAI reaches the intersection. She pauses, turns to see if Dax is watching. A beat, then she makes a decision. She heads against traffic, away from the airlock. 67A EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) as a Runabout pulls away from DS9, a CRACKLE of energy snakes across the station's outer hull. 68 INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) as the station SHAKES around him, Sisko watches the battle between Kira and Jake. The PLASMA BALL is but a few feet from Jake now, defeat seems certain. 69 JAKE the LIGHT dances madly across his contorted features. His face trembles with effort. BLOOD begins to trickle from the corner of one eye -- it looks as if his head is about to explode. 70 SISKO (OPTICAL) Sisko watches, helpless, conflicted -- crushed by the sacrifice he's been asked to make. Suddenly we hear the SOUND of some station system engaging and the entire Promenade is BATHED in a BLUE LIGHT. Kira and Jake both react with alarm, look around as if some new danger threatens them both. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 50A. 70 CONTINUED: KIRA/PROPHET No. It takes Sisko a moment to realize what's happened -- someone is engaging the chroniton generator. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 51. 71 INT. OPS The Kai is standing alone by the control console, her eyes moist with tears. COMPUTER VOICE Chroniton levels at thirty-nine kilanons and climbing... WINN (in a whisper) May the Prophets forgive me... 72 INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) The BLUE LIGHT is brighter now. Both combatants realize they must flee. Their eyes lock, and the columns of ENERGY roiling between them DISSIPATE. Jake looks at Kira... and smiles ominously. The Pah-wraiths have escaped destruction. Suddenly TWO whirling vortexes of ENERGY (like the ones we saw in Scene 24) whip out of Kira and Jake and disappear into thin air --- the entities are gone. Kira staggers backward, Jake collapses limply to the deck. Sisko rushes over to his son. Kira blinks and tries to focus her eyes as the Captain cradles Jake in his arms. The veins in his face have returned to normal, but he doesn't respond to Sisko's words. SISKO Jake. Jake. For a terrible moment it looks as if Jake might be dead, then the autonomic functions kick in and he draws a gasping breath. Relief washes over Sisko and he pulls his son close, rocking him tenderly in his arms. Off this moment... 73 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Ships return to the station. All is normal. 74 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir checks some readings on a PADD, looks up at Sisko. BASHIR He'll be laid up for a few days, but he's going to be all right. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 52. 74 CONTINUED: SISKO Can I see him? BASHIR For a minute. Sisko moves to the bio-bed room and hesitates briefly at the entrance. Jake lies on the bio-bed, covered with a BLANKET. His eyes are closed and he looks very weak. Sisko gazes at his son from just inside the doorway. He rubs his temples, feeling guilty but terribly glad that Jake's alive. After a beat, Jake senses his presence and looks over. JAKE Dad? Sisko takes a step forward. SISKO How're you feeling? Jake manages a smile. JAKE Could be worse. Sisko comes closer, wanting desperately to touch him, but feeling too guilty to do so. SISKO (trying to be upbeat) You'll be up and about in no time. A beat as Sisko looks for the right words, but can't find them. SISKO I don't know what to say. Jake extends a hand from beneath the covers. JAKE Say you're happy to see me. SISKO (talking his hand) You know I am. A pregnant silence as Sisko struggles to say what's weighing on his conscience. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 53. 74 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Jake, I want to try to explain what happened -- but I'm not sure I can. Sisko closes his eyes, unable to look at his son... JAKE You don't have to explain. Sisko stares into the clear and steady eyes of his son. JAKE When the Pah-wraith was inside me, I could feel its hatred. And I knew that no matter what, it couldn't be allowed to win. Even if it meant I had to die. Sisko's eyes are wet with tears. JAKE You did the right thing. Jake pulls him close, just like his father's done for him so many times, and holds him... just holds him. Off this image... 75 INT. PROMENADE SUPERNUMERARIES are repairing the damage. Life is returning to normal. Kira ENTERS from the Temple and catches sight of Odo making his way past. They meet up. ODO How was the prayer service? KIRA To tell you the truth, I wasn't paying that much attention. (off Odo's look) I guess I'm still trying to make sense of everything that happened. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 53A. 75 CONTINUED: Kira is clearly grappling with her experience, feeling a mixture of awe and loss. KIRA Of all the people on this station, the Prophet chose me. I don't know why I deserved that honor. ODO Maybe that's why you were chosen. You have faith and humility. Kira wants him to know something. KIRA I heard that you told the captain I was willing to give my life to serve the Prophets. I appreciate that you respect my beliefs. ODO (dry) Just the same, I wouldn't have minded if the Prophets had chosen someone else. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 54. 75 CONTINUED: (2) Kira smiles and kisses Odo lightly on the cheek. KIRA I have to go. I'll drop by Security after I take the Kai to her shuttle. Odo watches her EXIT down the Promenade, just glad she's alive. 76 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Kai Winn and Kira walk and talk on their way to the airlock. WINN The Emissary couldn't escort me himself? KIRA He's with his son. Winn mulls this over for a beat as they walk. WINN I would've thought he'd want to thank me. KIRA For what? WINN I prevented the destruction of this station. I saved the Emissary's life and the life of his son. Kira stops dead and looks the Kai right in the face. KIRA Don't pretend you did it for the captain. WINN I did it for Bajor. If you haven't heard, the floodwaters have receded and the earthquakes have stopped. KIRA And you're going to take the credit for that? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 76 CONTINUED: WINN I take it as a sign that I did the right thing. Kira can't believe what she's hearing -- KIRA You defied the will of the Prophets. And you did it because you couldn't stand the fact that a human, an infidel, had a stronger faith than you. The Emissary was willing to sacrifice his own son to serve the Prophets. Kira's struck a chord, but Winn refuses to show it. WINN My faith is as pure as the Emissary's. KIRA I think you're confusing faith with ambition. Winn has heard enough WINN I'm not confusing anything, child, you are. The Prophets chose you as their instrument, that doesn't mean you can speak for them. But Kira's on a roll -- if anything, her experience with the Prophets has given her clarity, and the courage to speak her mind. KIRA Because of your interference, the Reckoning was stopped. The Evil still exists. And I'm not sure even the Prophets know what that means for Bajor. For once, Winn is speechless. Her features falter as she realizes Kira's right. After a silent beat, she pulls her robes tighter and, mustering as much dignity as she can, EXITS through the airlock. Off Kira's thoughtful features, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END