STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Inquisition" #40510-542 Written by Bradley Thompson & David Weddle Directed by Michael Dorn THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1998 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION January 14, 1998 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Inquisition" - 01/14/98 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Inquisition" CAST SISKO WEYOUN KIRA SLOAN ODO RUSSELL BASHIR KAGAN DAX WORF QUARK O'BRIEN COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "Inquisition" - 01/14/98 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Inquisition" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE BASHIR'S QUARTERS/ BEDROOM CAPTAIN'S OFFICE HABITAT RING CORRIDOR HOLDING CELLS INFIRMARY OPS PROMENADE SECURITY OFFICE WARDROOM DEFIANT BRIDGE TRANSPORTER ROOM FEDERATION HOLOGRID CARDASSIAN SHIP GUEST QUARTERS DS9 - "Inquisition" -01/14/98- PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Inquisition" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BANDEE ban-DEE BOPAK BOH-pahk CASPERIA kas-PEAR-ee-uh KETRACEL KET-ruh-cell MARTOK MAR-tok TAL SHIAR TAL she-ARE MOBA MOW-buh DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Inquisition" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. INFIRMARY where we find a harried BASHIR finishing up some work at his console. He works the controls for a beat, then picks up a PADD. BASHIR Computer, download file to PADD... (checking its serial number) F-seven. We hear the SOUND of the computer initiating the download. COMPUTER VOICE Download complete. Just as Bashir grabs another two PADDS and prepares to leave, a VOICE from the doorway -- ODO'S VOICE You're up late. 2 NEW ANGLE to reveal ODO standing in the doorway. Outside, we can see the relatively quiet Promenade. BASHIR (nods a greeting) I have a few things to finish up before I leave in the morning. Odo gives him a curious look, and Bashir holds up the PADD to explain -- BASHIR I'm presenting a paper at a medical conference. ODO I see. Where is it? Risa, Casperia Prime? BASHIR Casperia. How'd you guess? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: ODO Doctors always hold their conferences at sunny resorts. BASHIR (smiles) Ours can be a grim profession. Don't you think we deserve a break from all the illness and death? Odo gives him a skeptical look -- ODO Don't forget to bring plenty of sunscreen. As Odo turns away, we reveal a sheepish looking O'BRIEN standing in the doorway. He's wearing his kayaking WETSUIT and nursing an injured right shoulder. ODO Let me guess. You dislocated your shoulder. An embarrassed O'Brien nods, and Odo rolls his eyes before EXITING. O'Brien gives Bashir a beseeching look. BASHIR Not again. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir leads O'Brien over to the bio-bed. As he scans him with a TRICORDER -- BASHIR (scolding him) You promised me you wouldn't go kayaking again until your shoulder had a chance to heal. O'BRIEN (chastened) I know. But I can't stay away. (trying to explain himself) It's like the river calls to me. BASHIR That's right. It's saying, "Stay away. Don't come near me. I'll only hurt you more!" Before O'Brien can protest, Bashir wrenches his shoulder back into place -- we hear a POPPING SOUND and O'Brien lets out a howl of pain. A moment, then he lets out a relieved breath and gingerly tests his shoulder. O'BRIEN Much better. Bashir gives him a HYPO to the shoulder -- BASHIR It'll be tender for a few days so go easy on it. O'BRIEN Right. Bashir starts getting his things together so he can leave -- BASHIR If the pain starts to get any worse, Nurse Bandee can give you something. O'BRIEN Thanks, Julian. Have a good time on Casperia. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR I'm going to a medical conference, not on a vacation. O'BRIEN Whatever you say. BASHIR (at the door) Remember -- listen to the river... and stay away. And with that, Bashir EXITS. Off O'Brien as he tests the pain in his shoulder... to his relief, he can use his arm fairly normally... 3 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. 4 OMITTED 4A INT. BASHIR'S BEDROOM Bashir is asleep in bed when the Computer wakes him. COMPUTER VOICE The time is oh-seven hundred hours. Bashir groans, rolls over and opens his eyes. He idly scratches behind his right ear. (NOTE: This seemingly innocent gesture will eventually pay off in Act Five.) His eyes are bleary and he feels as if he just fell asleep. BASHIR (unable to believe it) You're joking. Computer, confirm time. COMPUTER VOICE The time is oh-seven-hundred hours, twenty-three seconds. Bashir swings himself to a sitting position and yawns. Then he shakes his head, trying to clear it. BASHIR Something tells me I'm going to need a lot of raktajino today. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 4A. 5 INT. BASHIR'S QUARTERS as he ENTERS from the bedroom, now in uniform. He crosses to an open SUITCASE on the couch, tosses in a few last-minute items. He shuts the case, glances at his STUFFED BEAR, which is sitting on a nearby shelf. BASHIR See you in a few days, old chum. Keep the home fires burning. A COM VOICE interrupts -- COM VOICE Attention, senior officers. Report to Operations immediately. Bashir sighs, a bit annoyed -- BASHIR What now? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 5. 5 CONTINUED: He grabs his case and heads for the door -- 6 INT. OPS as the turbolift RISES into view carrying Bashir. He sees WORF, KIRA, DAX, O'Brien and Odo standing down by the Ops table. Armed N.D. STARFLEET INTERNAL AFFAIRS OFFICERS are at various consoles, downloading information. BASHIR (stifling a yawn) This better be quick. I have a transport to catch. His demeanor changes when he sees the serious looks on the faces of his friends. His tiredness forgotten, he glances around and sees other INTERNAL AFFAIRS GUARDS stationed at strategic locations around Ops, HAND PHASERS strapped to their sides. (NOTE: Bashir's yawn and initial tiredness will pay off in Act Five, but from this point on, the seriousness of his situation will cause him to forget his fatigue.) There's a definite tension in the room. Bashir moves to O'Brien's side, leans in close. BASHIR What's going on? O'BRIEN Internal Affairs. BASHIR What are they doing here? O'BRIEN They're not saying. DAX (trying to lighten the mood) If they'd called ahead, we could've thrown them a party. Kira scans the sober faces of the guards -- KIRA Something tells me this isn't a social visit. WORF Where is the captain? ODO (motioning to Sisko's Office) In there. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 6. 7 NEW ANGLE Through the door, our people can see a grim SISKO having a discussion with the head of the security team, Deputy Director SLOAN. Sloan cuts an impressive figure -- he carries himself with the confidence of a man who know what he wants and how to get it. BASHIR He doesn't look very happy. ODO (grim) No. He doesn't. As the senior staff watches, Sisko seems to acquiesce to some request of Sloan's. He motions toward the door, and follows Sloan out into Ops. A beat as our people wait to hear what he has to say. SISKO All right, people. This is Deputy Director Sloan of Internal Affairs. He's here under the authority of the Federation Council. I expect you to give him your full cooperation. Sloan steps forward. As he speaks, his eyes search the faces of the entire senior staff. SLOAN Starfleet Intelligence has reason to believe that there's been a security breach aboard Deep Space Nine. He lets this statement sink in for a beat before continuing. SLOAN It appears that someone has been passing information to the Dominion. Our people can't believe what they're hearing -- Dax is the first to object to this allegation. DAX With all due respect, I think there's been some kind of mistake. SLOAN I hope you're right, commander. I really do. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 6A. 7 CONTINUED: SLOAN (Cont'd) But until we determine the source, we have to follow standard containment procedures and isolate the members of the senior staff. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 7. 7CONTINUED: (2) We can see that Sloan means this. He doesn't like accusing Starfleet officers of treason, but at the same time, he's determined to get to the bottom of this. SISKO As of now, you're all relieved of duty and confined to quarters. KIRA (incredulous) Confined to quarters? SISKO I don't like it any more than you do. Our people exchange looks, but what can they do? SLOAN You'll be contacted shortly. I'll be conducting interviews with each one of you. For the time being, you're not to discuss this matter amongst yourselves. (beat) Any questions? After a beat, Bashir asks -- BASHIR Do you have any idea how long your investigation is going to take? SLOAN It's difficult to say, doctor. But don't worry, we've already contacted Starfleet Medical and informed them that you won't be attending your conference. Bashir and the others react -- this guy seems to know a lot about them already. BASHIR (dry) How very considerate of you. If Sloan catches Bashir's tone, he doesn't seem to care. He turns and nods to his Security forces -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 8. 7 CONTINUED: (3) SLOAN Take them to their quarters. Lieutenant KAGAN, a young male, and Lieutenant CHANDLER, a stoic female -- step down to escort our people. They're professionals with a job to do and no hard feelings. Lieutenant Chandler approaches Bashir. CHANDLER Would you follow me, please. Our people exchange last looks, then break away to follow their escorts. Off the unsettling image of our heroes being led away by armed guards, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scene 8 INT. BASHIR'S QUARTERS Bashir is pacing back and forth, mulling over what happened in Ops. He knows in his heart that Starfleet Intelligence is wrong in its suspicions, and he's frustrated that a pointless investigation ruined his trip to Casperia. Finally, he stops pacing and crosses to the REPLICATOR, intent on getting something to eat. BASHIR Hot buttered scones, moba jam and red leaf tea. 9 THE REPLICATOR fails to respond. Bashir gives it a light bang with his hand. Nothing happens. BASHIR What's wrong with this thing? He lets out an irritated breath, glances around for something to occupy his time. His eyes settle on his SUITCASE and he decides to unpack. He takes the case to a table, opens it, and starts to remove its contents. First he removes a STYLUS, which he sets on the table, then he withdraws the three PADDS he packed earlier. As he sets them down next to the stylus, he inadvertently knocks it -- 10 TO THE FLOOR As he bends to look for the stylus the door CHIMES, and he decides to retrieve the implement later. BASHIR Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Lieutenant Chandler. Her weapon is slung. CHANDLER Would you please come with me, doctor? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: BASHIR Certainly. 11 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Chandler and Bashir ENTER and start down the corridor. BASHIR Where are we going? CHANDLER To the wardroom. Director Sloan wants to ask you some questions. They round a corner, and suddenly, from the intersecting corridor, comes the SOUND of rushing FOOTSTEPS. STARFLEET SECURITY VOICE (O.S.) Stand clear -- Chandler grabs Bashir by the shoulder and shoves him over to the wall, clearing the path for -- 12 THREE STARFLEET INTELLIGENCE GUARDS who run past with RIFLES at the ready. Bashir watches them hustle down the corridor and around a corner, out of sight. BASHIR What's going on? CHANDLER Nothing you need to worry about, sir. Bashir finds her explanation less than satisfactory, but clearly she intends to say no more. CHANDLER This way. With a last glance down the corridor through which the guards disappeared, Bashir starts away, his features troubled. 13 INT. WARDROOM as the door OPENS and Chandler escorts Bashir into the room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 11. 13 CONTINUED: Sloan is seated at the table studying one of an assortment of PADDS arrayed within his reach. He looks up and nods to Chandler, who EXITS. Sloan studies Bashir for a beat, then sets down his PADD and rises. Sloan has his jacket open and looks much more relaxed than in his previous scene. He approaches Bashir and extends his hand. SLOAN Doctor Bashir. Bashir shakes the offered hand. Sloan is all smiles and hospitality. He's sizing Bashir up as a suspect, but hides his real agenda behind an affable facade. Only later will we discover the real motivations behind his innocuous questions and remarks. SLOAN Have a seat. Bashir seats himself in the indicated chair. SLOAN I'm sorry you had to miss your medical conference, but it couldn't be helped. In a case like this, I have to follow strict procedures. Bashir's surprised by Sloan's warm and casual manner and it throws him a little off balance. BASHIR Of course. I understand. SLOAN (returns to his seat) Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. (a wry smile) The last time you tried to attend a medical conference you were taken prisoner by the Dominion. BASHIR (nods) An experience I wouldn't care to repeat. SLOAN I'm sure you wouldn't. Five weeks in a Dominion prison camp -- I can't imagine what it must've been like. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 12. 13 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR It wasn't pleasant. SLOAN I read your report. (with a hint of admiration for Bashir's fortitude) It made me ask myself how I would've held up under those conditions. I guess you never really know until you go through it. BASHIR I'm sure you would've found a way to cope. We do what we have to to survive. Sloan smiles as if in agreement and picks up a PADD. SLOAN I was just reading some of your case reports. Fascinating stuff. The work you did with those genetically enhanced patients? Very impressive. Sloan's manner is such that Bashir finds himself starting to relax in his presence -- BASHIR Thank you. SLOAN (smiles) Before you started working with them, they were described by Starfleet Medical as -- (checking PADD) -- "alienated, uncommunicative, and hostile." You're the first doctor who managed to establish a dialogue with them. BASHIR Well, I think the fact that I'm genetically enhanced myself made them more open to accepting me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 13. 13 CONTINUED: (3) SLOAN (enthusiastically) You spoke their language. BASHIR Exactly. SLOAN I envy your profession. You make a positive impact on people's lives. (almost rueful) You know, I considered becoming a doctor myself. BASHIR You have a good bedside manner. (off Sloan's look) When I walked in here, I was half expecting to be interrogated under a bright light. SLOAN (laughs) Not this time. They share a smile. With a last glance at a PADD, Sloan sits back. SLOAN Well, I don't see a need to trouble you any longer. Thank you for your cooperation. BASHIR My pleasure. Without alerting Bashir, Sloan activates a control that OPENS the door behind the Doctor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 14. 13 CONTINUED: (4) Bashir stands and turns to discover Lieutenant Chandler waiting in the doorway for him. SLOAN Lieutenant Chandler will take you back to your quarters. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to stay there until I've finished the rest of the interviews. BASHIR In that case, could you send someone to have a look at my Replicator? It isn't working. SLOAN Actually, we took them off-line. BASHIR (surprised) Oh? SLOAN To prevent anyone from trying to replicate a communications device or a weapon. This strikes Bashir as a bit much, but he decides not to say anything. BASHIR All I want is some breakfast. SLOAN (picking up a STYLUS) What would you like? I'll have it sent to your quarters right away. BASHIR Hot buttered scones, moba jam and red leaf tea. Sloan jots this down and smiles, playing the waiter -- SLOAN Coming right up. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 15. 13 CONTINUED: (5) BASHIR Thank you. Bashir turns and heads for the door. Just as he reaches it, Sloan calls him back. SLOAN Doctor. One more thing. BASHIR Yes. SLOAN About those genetically enhanced patients of yours. Did Starfleet Medical ask you to work with them, or did you volunteer? BASHIR I volunteered. Bashir isn't sure why this is important, but Sloan notes it on his PADD. SLOAN I see, very good. Bashir nods, and EXITS to join Chandler. 14 INT. BASHIR'S QUARTERS where Bashir is sitting on the couch with his feet propped up, waiting for his breakfast. After a beat, the door CHIMES. BASHIR Yes. The door OPENS to reveal Lieutenant Kagan carrying a TRAY of food. KAGAN Here you are, sir. BASHIR Thank God. I'm famished. Bashir stands and takes the tray from Kagan. BASHIR (thanks) Cheers. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 15A. 14 CONTINUED: KAGAN Enjoy. Kagan EXITS. Bashir takes the tray and sets it on his coffee table. He unfolds his napkin, then lifts the COVER off the plate with relish. But instead of the breakfast he ordered, he's been given -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 16. 15 A PLATE OF LIVE GAG'H A startled Bashir recoils from the UNDULATING TENTACLES, quickly closes the cover over them. BASHIR Ugh. It's a little too early for gag'h. He picks up a small NAME CARD sitting on the tray, sees - 16 WORF'S NAME printed there, and realizes they made a mistake. BASHIR (annoyed) I hope you like scones, Worf... Disappointed to not have anything to eat, Bashir decides to get some work done. He crosses to the table to get his PADDS, but to his surprise, they're not on the table where he left them. Puzzled, he looks around until he sees his open -- 17 SUITCASE There, sitting atop his still folded clothes, are the three PADDS. That's odd, he distinctly remembers setting them on the table. In fact, he remembers accidently knocking the stylus off the table when he removed them. He looks under the table, and sure enough -- 18 THE STYLUS is sitting on the floor where it dropped. He picks it up, a troubled look coming across his face as he realizes someone was in his quarters while he was gone. He scans the room to see if anything else looks out of place. The CHAIR -- wasn't it facing the desk? The coffee MUG he drank from before he was called to Ops -- wasn't it a few inches closer to the edge of the table? His STUFFED BEAR -- wasn't it sitting a little more slumped when he saw it last? Bashir barely has time to assimilate the fact that his quarters were searched when his COM-UNIT BEEPS. He crosses to the MONITOR, activates it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 17. 19 O'BRIEN (OPTICAL) appears on the screen, his anxious features periodically FRITZED with static. BASHIR Miles? Sloan said we aren't supposed to talk to each other. O'BRIEN I just wanted to make sure you were all right. BASHIR I'm fine. Except I think someone's been snooping around my quarters. O'BRIEN Wouldn't surprise me. Has Sloan questioned you yet? BASHIR We just finished. O'BRIEN How did it go? BASHIR (shrugs) He asked me a few routine questions. It went fine. O'BRIEN Believe me, it's not fine. He grilled me for over two hours. BASHIR Two hours? About what? O'BRIEN About you. BASHIR You're joking. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 18-19. 19 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I only wish I were. But every single question was about you. Bashir is taken completely off guard by this -- O'BRIEN (reaching for the control) I'd better go before they trace this transmission. I just wanted to warn you to watch your back. BASHIR Miles, wait. What did he want to know about me? O'BRIEN Just be careful. I think they're -- The image FRITZES off as the communication is broken. Bashir stares at the empty screen for a moment, too stunned to move. The DOOR CHIMES. He turns toward it, not sure what to expect. BASHIR Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Lieutenants Chandler and Kagan. CHANDLER Director Sloan wants to see you. BASHIR Again? KAGAN (all business) That's right. Considering O'Brien's warning, this is ominous indeed. Off this moment... 20 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 21 INT. WARDROOM as Chandler and Kagan escort Bashir into the room. Sloan is at the replicator, withdrawing a CUP of coffee, his jacket now closed -- the picture of a spit- and-polish officer. He ignores Bashir's entrance. In a maneuver that the internal affairs team has practiced to well-oiled perfection, Chandler guides the doctor to a chair while Kagan takes a position near the wall behind him. The second everyone has settled in place, Sloan turns to face Bashir. SLOAN Did you get your breakfast, doctor? Sloan comes to a stop on the opposite side of the table and smiles expectantly at Bashir. Bashir senses Sloan is waiting for him to complain about the gag'h, and refuses to give him the satisfaction. BASHIR Yes, I did. Sloan studies him for another beat, then nods. SLOAN Good. Sloan sits down on the edge of the Wardroom table, effectively maintaining a dominant position relative to the seated Bashir. He picks up one of the many PADDS arrayed on the table and studies it while sipping his coffee. SLOAN I was going over my notes from our last conversation and there are a few things I'd like you to clarify. BASHIR Oh? SLOAN Do you have a problem with that? BASHIR Not at all. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 21. 21 CONTINUED: SLOAN Let's go back to the time you spent with the Dominion. BASHIR I wasn't "with the Dominion." I was their prisoner. Sloan almost seems to enjoy Bashir's edginess. SLOAN You were held at Internment Camp Three-Seven-One? BASHIR Yes. SLOAN Barracks Six? BASHIR Correct. SLOAN And you were there five weeks? BASHIR Thirty-seven days, actually. SLOAN Are you absolutely sure? BASHIR Yes. SLOAN (reads PADD) And General Martok was with you in Barracks Six? BASHIR That's right. SLOAN (picks up another PADD) He said that the Jem'Hadar removed you from the barracks. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 22. 21 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I complained because they cut our rations, so they put me in solitary confinement. SLOAN (making notations) I see, and did you meet with anyone during that week? BASHIR I was alone. SLOAN Are you sure? BASHIR (can't resist) Let me think. Was I alone in solitary? Yes. I think I was. Sloan doesn't give him the satisfaction of responding to his sarcasm -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 23. 21 CONTINUED: (3) SLOAN You didn't meet with a Vorta? BASHIR No. SLOAN Or a changeling? BASHIR No. SLOAN So, you're telling me that you spent seven days in complete isolation? BASHIR Not seven. Five. Five days. SLOAN (frowns) That's odd. General Martok said you were gone for seven days. BASHIR Well, he's wrong. It was five. SLOAN Why would he lie about something like that? BASHIR He's not lying. SLOAN You can't both be right. BASHIR All I'm saying is that he must've lost count of the days. He was under a lot of stress at the time. SLOAN And you weren't? Bashir's trapped by his need to explain himself. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 24. 21 CONTINUED: (4) BASHIR Human beings tend to be better at adapting to incarceration than Klingons. SLOAN (icy smile) Especially if they're genetically engineered. BASHIR Meaning what? Sloan isn't about to let Bashir ask him questions -- he picks up another PADD, presses on. SLOAN Let's move on to the matter of your escape from the camp. I'll quote from your own report. (reads from the PADD) "We constructed a transmitter using components from the barracks' life-support system. We used it to contact our runabout and beam ourselves out of the camp." (sets the PADD down) Forgive me, doctor, but that sounds a little hard to believe. BASHIR It's what happened. SLOAN (approaching him) Why would the Dominion leave your runabout orbiting the camp unattended? BASHIR They didn't expect us to be able to contact it. SLOAN Why not? They left you everything you needed to build a transmitter. Bashir tenses. In this context, their escape does sound farfetched. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 25. 21 CONTINUED: (5) SLOAN Isn't it more plausible that the Dominion wanted you to escape? BASHIR Why? For what reason? Sloan's now behind Bashir, leaning over his shoulder as he speaks. SLOAN So that you could start working for them. BASHIR I'm not working for them. SLOAN How can you be sure? This is such an odd question that it stops Bashir in his tracks -- BASHIR Excuse me? But Sloan just repeats himself, more slowly this time, as if this were a perfectly reasonable question. SLOAN How can you be sure that you're not working for them? Are you familiar with the term engramatic dissociation? BASHIR Vaguely. SLOAN The theory holds that if a person's mind is sufficiently disciplined, he'd be capable of compartmentalizing contradictory information -- believing one thing while doing another. Sloan starts to hammer home his case -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 26. 21 CONTINUED: (6) SLOAN I think you possess that kind of mind. I think the Dominion saw that and decided to take advantage of it. I think they broke you and turned you to their cause, then had you suppress the memory of what happened. BASHIR (incredulous) You're saying I'm a Dominion spy and I don't even know it? SLOAN What could be more perfect? There's no chance of your getting caught because you don't even realize you're working for them. When they're ready to debrief you, all they have to do is trigger your memory. Bashir's realizes that Sloan has woven an elaborate web of circumstantial evidence around him. BASHIR That's ridiculous. Sloan can see that he's knocked the wind out of his suspect and he switches smoothly to a softer tone. SLOAN Doctor, I'm trying to help you, but I need your cooperation. I need you to tear down the walls inside your mind and dredge up a fragment of memory -- anything about your mission, your contacts. I know it's not easy, but you've got to try. BASHIR There are no memories to dredge up. I am not suffering from engramatic dissociation. I am a loyal Starfleet Officer, and I am not going to answer any more questions unless I'm formally charged and can respond with the benefit of counsel. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 27. 21 CONTINUED: (7) Sloan's eyes ignite. He slams the PADD he was holding down on the table and vents the rabid hostility that he has so carefully concealed until this point. SLOAN I've had enough of your lies, doctor. You think you're smarter than the rest of us, don't you? Smarter than the millions of brave men and women who are putting their lives on the line for the Federation. (regaining control) You want to do things the hard way? Fine. But I'm going to get the truth out of you. And when I'm done, I'm going to take whatever's left of you and lock it away. (to the guards) Guards. 22 INT. PROMENADE Chandler leads the prisoner transport detachment through the Promenade toward the Security Office. Bashir is in MANACLES. Kagan flanks Bashir. Two N.D. Guards bring up the rear, rifles at the ready. The CROWD, including MORN, moves out of the way as the prisoner detail passes -- the sight of the well-liked doctor in their grip is both surprising and disturbing to them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 28. 22 CONTINUED: Bashir regards the faces of the crowd with a mixture of embarrassment and outrage. As they approach Security, we see -- 23 SISKO, KIRA AND QUARK standing outside in a show of solidarity. Sisko steps in front of the procession, forcing it to halt, his eyes hard. SISKO Is it really necessary to drag a Starfleet Officer across the Promenade in irons? CHANDLER We have our orders, sir. KAGAN Please stand aside. It's a humiliating moment for Sisko, but discipline wins out and he complies. The party again begins moving toward Security. KIRA (to Bashir) We're going to get you out of this, Julian. Bashir scans their faces with gratitude. QUARK (reassuringly) I'm sure it's all a mistake. (beat) Isn't it? One guard takes a sentry position outside Security as the party EXITS into Security -- 24 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Chandler, Kagan and the N.D. Guard usher Bashir into the room. To Bashir's dismay, Odo is not behind the desk. An N.D. Internal Affairs Guard mans Odo's usual station, working the controls. BASHIR Where's Odo? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 29. 24 CONTINUED: CHANDLER (enjoying Bashir's discomfort) In his quarters. We'll be handling security for the time being. Chandler and Kagan move Bashir toward the entrance to the holding cells, the N.D. escort Guard follows them. 25 INT. HOLDING CELLS (OPTICAL) Chandler and Kagan usher Bashir to an empty cell. The N.D. Guard takes a position at the door. Before Bashir's ready, Kagan grabs Bashir's hands and unlocks the manacles. Bashir winces. KAGAN (smiles re: the manacles) Too tight? BASHIR A bit. KAGAN You'll live. Kagan pulls the manacles clear. Bashir rubs his bruised wrists. BASHIR (with an edge) I'm glad to see you enjoy your work. Kagan's smile fades. He glares at Bashir with naked hatred. KAGAN I was with the Seventh Fleet when the Dominion attacked the Tyra System. Ninety-eight of our ships were destroyed in a matter of hours. I lost a lot of friends. BASHIR I lost friends there, too. CHANDLER (bitterly) I believe that, but yours were Jem'Hadar. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 29A. 25 CONTINUED: Chandler reaches out and removes Bashir's combadge. CHANDLER You won't be needing this anymore. In the face of this humiliation, Bashir tries to maintain as much dignity as he can. KAGAN (indicates the cell) Step inside. Bashir has no choice but to comply. Once he's inside, Chandler nods to Kagan, who ACTIVATES THE FORCEFIELD. The guards turn and EXIT. Bashir finds himself alone now in the stark cellblock. Hold on his expression as the full implications of his present situation sink in, and... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 26 INT. HOLDING CELLS Bashir is seated on the slab in his cell. He rests his face in his hands, despondent. After a moment, Sisko ENTERS followed by an irritated Chandler. CHANDLER With all due respect captain, if you'd just wait in the Security Office, Director Sloan should be here any minute and you can discuss your request with him... SISKO (cuts her off) There's nothing to discuss. I want ten minutes alone with my officer, and I want them now. CHANDLER (unhappily) Very well. She turns and heads back out the door. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 31. 26 CONTINUED: SISKO I thought you should know that Odo did some checking. Sloan had a son in Starfleet -- a transport pilot. He was killed by a Dominion patrol. BASHIR (nods) Maybe he thinks I supplied the information that helped them target his son's ship. SLOAN'S VOICE That's exactly what I think. Sisko and Bashir turn to find that Sloan has entered the room. SLOAN (continuing) When my son's convoy dropped out of warp to rendezvous with a Klingon bird of prey, they found three Dominion attack ships waiting for them instead. SISKO I'm sorry for your loss. But don't you think your son's death indicates a conflict of interest with your investigation? SLOAN I like to think that it gives me an added incentive to get to the truth. Now what is it you want? Sisko has to fight to control his temper. Sloan's words gall him, but he knows it would play into Sloan's hands to allow himself to be baited. SISKO I need to talk to my chief medical officer in private. SLOAN I can understand that. But security protocols require that no one speak to the prisoner without clearance from me. This is more than Sisko can take. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 31A. 26 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Director Sloan, have you received orders from Starfleet to relieve me of command of this station? SLOAN (taken aback) No, I haven't. SISKO Then as long as I'm in command, I'll see Doctor Bashir whenever I please. Furthermore, from now on I'll sit in on all interrogation sessions to make sure that his rights are observed. Do I make myself clear? SLOAN (backing off) I believe so. There is something too smooth and too reasonable in Sloan's backpedaling. It hints at the possibility that he's secretly pleased with Sisko's response. SLOAN (thin smile) Well then, we'll see each other tomorrow. (nods) In the meantime, I'll leave you to your conversation. Sloan turns and EXITS. Bashir is reassured by Sisko's forceful display. BASHIR I appreciate your help, sir. SISKO We'll get this straightened out, I promise you. Bashir looks into Sisko's eyes and believes him. 27 INT. WARDROOM Sisko and Bashir sit side-by-side at the table, which is stacked with PADDS. Sloan paces the room with a PADD in hand, once again presenting a moving target to his suspect. The weary appearance of Bashir and Sisko tells us that this interrogation has been going on for quite some time. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 32. 27 CONTINUED: SLOAN -- let's go back a few years to the incident at Bopak Three. According to your report, you and Chief O'Brien "crash-landed" on the planet, where you then made contact with a group of Jem'Hadar. BASHIR We didn't "make contact." They captured us. SLOAN If that's the case, why didn't you attempt to escape? BASHIR We didn't have the chance. SLOAN According to Chief O'Brien, you were more interested in trying to cure the Jem'Hadar of their addiction to Ketracel White. BASHIR I'm a doctor. They were suffering from withdrawal. SLOAN They're the enemy -- genetically engineered killing machines. BASHIR They're not machines, they're sentient beings. I couldn't just stand by and watch them die. SLOAN Why? Because you felt sympathy for them -- being genetically engineered yourself? Sisko interrupts with a forceful objection -- SISKO This is irrelevant. You're talking about an incident that took place before Doctor Bashir allegedly became a Dominion agent. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 32A. 27 CONTINUED: (2) SLOAN It's not irrelevant, Captain. If anything, it shows that he was already sympathetic to the Dominion. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 33. 27 CONTINUED: (3) Sloan's scored a point and he knows it. He eyes Sisko for a beat, then decides to move forward. SLOAN (picking up another PADD) Let's move on. (to Bashir) Doctor, we spoke yesterday about a group of genetically enhanced patients that you brought to the station. Why, exactly, did you decide to work with them? BASHIR They'd been institutionalized most of their lives. I thought I might be able to help them assimilate into society. SLOAN A laudable goal. But what I find puzzling is the way you went about it. These misfits had been sheltered from the outside world for as long as they could remember, yet you chose to bombard them with information about the war with the Dominion. Frankly, I'm surprised it didn't scare them into deeper isolation. Bashir feels confident enough in what he did to go on the offensive -- BASHIR I was trying to engage them--- and it worked. SLOAN Is that why you convinced Starfleet Command to give them access to classified battle plans? BASHIR Starfleet was interested in hearing our ideas on how to win the war. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 34. 27 CONTINUED: (4) SLOAN (sardonic) How to win the war? You recommended that the Federation surrender! Bashir realizes Sloan has led him into a trap, angrily defends himself -- BASHIR We were looking for a way to save as many lives as we could. If you'd take the time to examine our findings -- Sloan tosses the PADD aside and turns to Sisko. SLOAN Captain, you took the time to examine their findings, didn't you? SISKO (uneasy) I did. SLOAN Did you agree with them? Sisko shifts uncomfortably in his seat. This was a painful and still unresolved source of conflict between himself and his chief medical officer. SISKO No. SLOAN Of course not. No loyal Starfleet officer could. Sloan's case is beginning to chip away at Sisko's certainty about Bashir's innocence -- though he continues to defend him, he doesn't have the same level of conviction we saw earlier. SISKO I won't deny that Doctor Bashir has made some... (choosing his words carefully) -- questionable decisions in his career, but you're a long way from convincing me he's a traitor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 35. 27 CONTINUED: (5) SISKO (Cont 'd) So far, your case is based on circumstantial evidence and speculation. SLOAN What other kind of case can I make against a man who's covered his tracks so well? SISKO That's a circular argument and you know it. SLOAN Captain, if Doctor Bashir had been involved in one or two questionable incidents, I can understand how you might be able to dismiss them. But the sheer number of incidents form a pattern of behavior that can't be ignored. Sloan turns to face Sisko, and suddenly softens to a warm and sympathetic tone. SLOAN I understand that you want to be loyal to a man who's served under you for so long. I understand that you're inclined to take his word over that of an outsider. But step back for a moment and think about it. This man concealed the truth about his illegal genetic enhancement for over thirty years. He lied to get his medical license. He lied to get into Starfleet. He lied to you when he came aboard this station and he's lied to you ever since. This last salvo strikes Sisko personally -- in an area where he still holds resentments he's barely conscious of. But his sense of honor forces him to continue to defend Bashir, as much for his own sake as for the Doctor's. SISKO He did eventually come forward and tell the truth. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 36. 27 CONTINUED: (6) Sloan plays this delicately, picking up on the unresolved dynamic between Bashir and Sisko, aware that heavy-handed grilling will demolish his work. SLOAN That's right, he did. But why? (to Bashir) What made you confess, Doctor? Was it because you realized it was your duty to be honest with your captain? Bdshir is ashamed of deceiving Sisko, and he knows it won't make him look good, but telling the truth is the only honor he can salvage from that event in his life. BASHIR (quietly) No. SLOAN Was it because you felt guilty about having lied to him for so long? BASHIR (even more quietly) No. SLOAN Then why did you come forward? BASHIR (shattered) Because I'd been found out. SLOAN (softly) And if you hadn't been found out? Would you have come forward and told your captain the truth... ever? Bashir can't honestly say he would've... BASHIR I don't know. Sloan pauses, allowing the full weight of this revelation to settle on Sisko's shoulders. SLOAN I see. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 37. 27 CONTINUED: (7) Bashir looks to Sisko to see if his Captain has been swayed by Sloan's argument. Off this... 28 INT. HOLDING CELLS Bashir sits on his bunk. Sisko leans against one wall of the antechamber, staring blankly at the opposite wall. An awkward silence hangs in the air between the two men. Bashir tries to bridge it with... BASHIR Sloan's right about one thing, sir. I should have told you the truth about me from the beginning. SISKO (turns to face him) That's right. You should have. But lets put that behind us for now. Bashir stands and paces in frustration. BASHIR How am I supposed to defend myself against this man? No matter what I say, he either thinks I'm lying or repressing my memories. Sisko turns to him, his features troubled. SISKO I know you're not lying, Julian. Bashir hears an unfinished thought in Sisko's words -- BASHIR But? SISKO (truly conflicted) As a doctor, isn't it within the realm of medical possibility that the Dominion did recruit you -- and that you have blocked it out of your memory? Bashir's truly shaken. Sisko is doubting him? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 38. 28 CONTINUED: BASHIR Even if it was possible, it didn't happen. Sisko's expression is meant to be one of assurance, but it's frayed at the edges. Bashir can see that, and it chills him. BASHIR You don't believe me. Sisko chooses his next words very carefully. SISKO I don't think you're lying. Bashir looks at him, realizing that Sisko is saying only that he believes Bashir believes he's innocent. SISKO It's late. Try to get some sleep. We'll talk again in the morning. With that, Sisko turns and walks out. Bashir stares after him with a leaden feeling his stomach. After a beat, he turns and hammers a fist into the cell wall. TIME CUT: 29 INT. HOLDING CELLS - LATER (OPTICAL) Bashir is lying on the slab, staring up at the ceiling, trying to make sense of the nightmare he finds himself enmeshed in. The LIGHTS COME UP FULL. Bashir blinks, turns to face Kagan, Chandler and Sloan. Kagan's holding the MANACLES, Chandler two PADDS. Both are armed with slung PHASER RIFLES. SLOAN Sorry to interrupt your sleep, doctor. It looks like you're going on a little vacation after all. BASHIR (sitting up) Where are you taking me? SLOAN To Starbase Fifty-three for further questioning. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 38A. 29 CONTINUED: BASHIR Where's Captain Sisko? Does he know about this? SLOAN It's none of his concern. Not anymore. BASHIR (alarmed) You have no right to do this. SLOAN Oh, but I do... Sloan holds out his hand, which Chandler fills with a PADD. SLOAN (reads from PADD) Starfleet Special Order Six-Six- Seven-One-Five, gives me authority to neutralize security threats to Deep Space Nine by "whatever means necessary." (to Bashir) Doctor, you're about to spend the rest of this war in a maximum security cell. Unless... Sloan holds his hand out and Chandler hands him another PADD, which he extends toward Bashir. SLOAN ... you'd care to add your thumbprint to this confession. (off Bashir's outraged stare) We can reword it if it doesn't meet your exacting standards. A beat as Bashir stares angrily at his tormentor. Then -- BASHIR You can take your confession and toss it out the nearest airlock. SLOAN (grim smile) I thought so. (to Chandler) Take him to the shuttle. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 39. 29 CONTINUED: (2) Chandler steps to the forcefield control panel. She flips the control and the FORCEFIELD FRITZES OFF. Doctor Bashir stands fast. Kagan approaches with the manacles. KAGAN (to Bashir) Please place your hands in front of you. The LIGHTS in the cell suddenly DIM. Before they can react, Bashir is ENVELOPED BY A TRANSPORTER BEAM. SLOAN (shocked) He's beaming out! Stop him! Chandler and Kagan raise their weapons, but they're too late. 30 thru OMITTED 30A 30B A TRANSPORTER BEAM (OPTICAL) As Bashir's startled countenance DEMATERIALIZES. 31 INT. CARDASSIAN SHIP - OFFICE (OPTICAL) as Bashir MATERIALIZES. The room is well-appointed, and through the WINDOW, stars flash by at WARP. Bashir finds himself looking straight into the smiling face of WEYOUN. WEYOUN Good evening, Doctor. BASHIR Weyoun... ? Bashir looks around, trying to orient himself. An N.D. CARDASSIAN guards one side of the door, an N.D. JEM'HADAR the other. WEYOUN Welcome home. And on Bashir's look of shock and disbelief, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 32 INT. CARDASSIAN SHIP - OFFICE (OPTICAL) WEYOUN It would appear we got you out just in time... Bashir backs away from Weyoun, shaking his head in disbelief. Weyoun looks at him with an expression of heartfelt concern. WEYOUN It's all right. You're among friends now. (studying him) Did they mistreat you? I don't see any bruises. BASHIR Why did you bring me here? Weyoun's played this scene many times with his agent, and knows he must handle the re-assimilation with a combination of tact and pressure. WEYOUN What choice did I have? Starfleet discovered you were working for us. BASHIR (trying to convince himself as much as Weyoun) I'm not working for you. I am not a Dominion spy. WEYOUN (marveling) You actually believe that, don't you? That's why you're such a good operative. BASHIR You're lying. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 41. 32 CONTINUED: WEYOUN (sighs) Here we go again. These little conversations of ours always follow the same pattern: You start out confused. Then you get angry. Then you deny everything. Until finally the walls inside your mind start to break down and you accept the truth. Weyoun is saying the exact same thing Sloan accused him of, and it shakes Bashir's faith in himself. BASHIR (not wanting to believe it) What truth, that you broke me when I was in the prison camp? WEYOUN (aghast) We're not barbarians. There was no torture involved. We simply helped you to see that there's no way Starfleet can defeat the Dominion. And because you didn't want billions of Federation citizens to lose their lives needlessly, you agreed to provide us with information that would help us end the war quickly. You rose above the petty question of which "side" you were on and made a moral decision. It's not suprising, really. After all, you are a doctor. BASHIR (shattered) You're saying that I am a traitor... WEYOUN "Traitor," "Hero" -- those are just words. Oh, your friends on Deep Space Nine may vilify you, but history will judge you to be a great man -- a visionary who helped bring about an end to one of the most devastating wars the galaxy has ever seen. Completely overwhelmed, Bashir presses the palms of his hands against his forehead and struggles for clarity. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 42. 32 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR But... I don't remember any of it... I don't remember... WEYOUN Of course not. You suppressed the memories -- compartmentalized them. Bashir remembers with a chill that Sloan used the same word. WEYOUN A remarkable ability, but it does make these initial conversations a bit wearing. Weyoun signals to the Jem'Hadar, who picks a covered tray off a table and approaches with it. WEYOUN Have something to eat. You always re-integrate better on a full stomach. The Jem'Hadar sets the plate on the end table next to Bashir and removes the cover. The doctor looks over and sees... 33 A PLATE OF SCONES golden brown, dripping butter, with a side of moba jam and a steaming cup of red leaf tea. WEYOUN (fondly) Do you remember the first time I offered you scones? Back at the camp? BASHIR No. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 43. 33 CONTINUED: WEYOUN (leans forward, urgently) Concentrate. Sensory details are the key. I had you brought in from solitary. You were very hungry, but you refused to give me the satisfaction of seeing you eat. (gently) Do you remember? Bashir's forehead clenches as he makes an effort to visualize what Weyoun is describing. BASHIR No. I don't remember. I don't remember because it never happened. WEYOUN (shakes his head) You were almost there. Try again. With just a little more effort you can break through. BASHIR I am not a Dominion spy! WEYOUN I can see this is going to be one of our more difficult sessions. Bashir has had enough -- BASHIR I'm innocent -- I don't care what you or Sloan think. Bashir's own words trigger the realization that something's not right here -- BASHIR Wait a minute. You're both trying to convince me of the same lie -- how could that be? Unless you're working together. WEYOUN Please, Doctor. Listen to yourself. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 43A. 33 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR Sloan is the traitor -- Weyoun all but rolls his eyes -- but before he can protest, the room erupts with the sudden JARRING SOUND of a CARDASSIAN BATTLE ALARM. CARDASSIAN COM VOICE Combat Stations! Enemy ship approaching! Weyoun moves to a MONITOR, works the controls. 34 THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) As it comes to life, revealing the Defiant in pursuit. WEYOUN (realizing) Sisko. The ships SHAKES as it takes a hit from the Defiant. Weyoun steadies himself, turns to Bashir. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 34 CONTINUED: WEYOUN I'm afraid we're going to have to continue your debriefing later. Weyoun nods to the Jem'Hadar, who activates the door control, and EXITS behind him. The Cardassian draws his disruptor and stares at the doctor, bracing himself for the next incoming ordnance. It's a HEAVY HIT, and VICIOUSLY SHAKES THE COMPARTMENT. The monitor goes up in a SHOWER OF SPARKS. Both Bashir and the Cardassian are thrown to the floor. Suddenly, the air charges with the MATERIALIZING FORMS of Worf and Kira, armed to the teeth. 35 THE CARDASSIAN (OPTICAL) whips his disruptor toward the boarding party, who are temporarily helpless until the Transporter finishes BEAMING them in. Just as he squeezes the trigger, Bashir slams his body into him, spoiling his aim and throwing the BLAST wide... 36 OMITTED 37 WORF (OPTICAL) As he spins and FIRES, taking down the Cardassian. BASHIR Let's get out of here. Kira hits her combadge. KIRA Away Team to Defiant. We have him. And as they DEMATERIALIZE... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 45. 38 OMITTED 39 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The ship is CLOAKED -- on the VIEWSCREEN, stars shoot by at WARP. Supernumeraries man the essential stations. As Bashir ENTERS with Kira and Worf, O'Brien is conferring with Sisko, who sits in the captain's chair. Dax is at the Conn. As soon as Sisko sees Bashir, he swivels in the chair to face him, his expression somber. SISKO I suppose you have a perfectly reasonable explanation for why the Dominion broke you out of that holding cell. BASHIR I realize how it must look, sir. SISKO (carefully) What did they want, doctor? BASHIR Weyoun tried to convince me that I was his operative. I think he and Sloan are working together. Bashir is hoping the captain will see this possibility, but instead, the accusation brings an angry Sisko to his feet -- SISKO That's enough. You're not going to exonerate yourself by casting suspicions on someone else. BASHIR Maybe he's not a traitor, maybe he's been replaced by a changeling. All I know is that he and Weyoun are trying to frame me. WORF (hard) You have run out of excuses, doctor. BASHIR (to all) I'm innocent -- you have to believe me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 46. 39 CONTINUED: SISKO I've had enough of your lies, doctor. Bashir can't believe that Sisko isn't at least willing to consider the possibility that there's another explanation -- BASHIR Sir, you can't just dismiss what I'm saying. If I'm right, there's no telling what damage Sloan could do -- SISKO (to Kira) Get him off my bridge. KIRA Let's go, doctor. As she moves toward Bashir, he turns toward Dax, desperate to find someone who believes him -- BASHIR Jadzia, you believe me, don't you? Dax regards Bashir with a mixture of pity and disgust. DAX Why'd you do it, Julian? Devastated, Bashir turns to O'Brien, his eyes pleading. O'Brien stares at him with a cold look, then starts to turn away. Bashir grabs a hold of O'Brien's shoulder to turn him around. BASHIR Miles, not you. O'Brien wrenches his shoulder free of Bashir's hand with a violent jerk. Bashir notices the force of his movement and stares at O'Brien -- BASHIR Your shoulder. It's all right. O'BRIEN (puzzled) Of course it's all right. Bashir stares at him, realizing he has no idea what he's getting at. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 47. 39 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR But you dislocated it yesterday... when we were playing springball. O'BRIEN (so what?) So it's better now. Bashir reacts, a startling realization is beginning to form in his mind... BASHIR You didn't hurt it playing springball, you were kayaking in a holosuite. O'Brien is unable to offer an excuse for this contradiction -- BASHIR (backing away) You're not Miles. Bashir turns to look at the others -- Kira, Worf, Dax and finally, Sisko. BASHIR And you're not Captain Sisko -- he'd at least be willing to hear me out. The Bridge is absolutely quiet, except for the FAINT WHIRRING of the ship. BASHIR (looking around) This isn't real... it can't be... Another beat of absolute stillness, then the IMAGE OF THE BRIDGE SPUTTERS AND FRITZES OFF. Bashir finds himself standing in the middle of... 40 INT. FEDERATION HOLOGRID (OPTICAL) The room is empty and weirdly silent. Bashir turns and spots the arch. At the controls is Sloan, now dressed in a black UNIFORM. With him are TWO GUARDS in similar uniforms, armed with PHASERS -- their presence is more foreboding than the guards we've seen up to now. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 47A. 40 CONTINUED: SLOAN You're right, Doctor. None of it was real. But I am. And this isn't over. As Bashir digests this development, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 41 INT. HOLOSUITE GRID - CONTINUOUS Bashir stares at Sloan, not knowing what to expect -- Sloan approaches him with a warm and friendly smile. SLOAN Congratulations, doctor. It's not often that we're proven wrong. BASHIR I take it you finally believe I'm not working for the Dominion. SLOAN I'm leaning heavily in that direction. (a beat) But to erase any lingering doubts -- what do you say we make one final test? BASHIR (hard) I'm finished playing games with you, Sloan. SLOAN (matching Bashir's tone) I assure you, doctor, this is no game. Sloan hands an ultrasonic extractor to one of the guards. The guard approaches Bashir, who eyes the guard warily and takes a step back. SLOAN (softening) Don't be afraid. I have no intention of hurting you. I just need to remove an implant from behind your right ear. Bashir unconsciously reaches for the place behind his ear -- the place he's been itching. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 49. 41 CONTINUED: SLOAN (reaching a decision) I'll tell you what... why don't you do the honors? (to the guard, re: the extractor) Give it to him. The guard does as instructed. Bashir takes the device, momentarily hesitating. SLOAN Go ahead, Doctor. It's only a neuro-synaptic relay. BASHIR You've recorded my neuro-electric responses? SLOAN That's correct. And now I'd like to check the findings in order to confirm what I already believe -- that you're an innocent man. (calmly) Now either you remove the relay... or we will. One look at the two guards tells Bashir that Sloan is more than capable of carrying out his threat. Bashir carefully places the point of the device behind his ear. There's a brief beat during which we hear a faint HIGH-PITCHED SOUND. Bashir removes the device from behind his head to REVEAL a small BIOCHIP. The guard reaches over and takes the extractor and the biochip from Bashir. 41A ANGLE ON SLOAN as the other guard hands him a medical tricorder. Sloan then takes the chip from the first guard and places it in the tricorder. SLOAN (to Bashir) Thank you. This'll only take a moment... Bashir looks at the two guards staring back at him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 50. 41A CONTINUED: BASHIR Take your time. I don't seem to be going anywhere. SLOAN I'm glad to see your sense of humor returning. That's a very good sign. BASHIR Of what? SLOAN That you're beginning to relax... Off the tricorder -- SLOAN We had to subject you to high levels of stress to ensure accurate test results. (smiling) And I'm glad to say the results are in your favor. Sloan closes the tricorder and hands it to one of the guards. SLOAN Your loyalty to the Federation appears to be above reproach. BASHIR Do I still detect a note of doubt in your voice? SLOAN Frankly, I would've preferred to have kept you under observation a little longer. (shaking his head) Unfortunately, we didn't know about Chief O'Brien's injury or we would've incorporated it into the program. Bashir's mind races ahead, trying to sort everything out. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 51. 41A CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I take it you beamed me into this holosuite from my quarters, while I was asleep. SLOAN I believe we allowed you a full hour. BASHIR No wonder I felt so tired. I suppose you find your subjects more malleable when they've been deprived of sleep. SLOAN Not a new technique, I admit, but an effective one nonetheless. BASHIR So, are you going to tell me who you are? Who you work for? SLOAN I would think it's obvious -- the same people you work for. The Federation. Starfleet. BASHIR You don't expect me to believe you're with Internal Affairs, do you? SLOAN Of course not. Internal Affairs is a competent department, but... limited. BASHIR Then what department are you with? SLOAN Let's just say I belong to another branch of Starfleet Intelligence... our official designation is Section Thirty-one. BASHIR Never heard of it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 51A. 41A CONTINUED: (3) SLOAN We keep a low profile. It works out better that way... for all concerned. BASHIR And what does "Section Thirty-one" do -- aside from kidnapping Starfleet officers? SLOAN We search out and identify potential dangers to the Federation. BASHIR And once identified? SLOAN We deal with them. BASHIR How? SLOAN Quietly. BASHIR So if I had turned out to be a Dominion agent -- what would've happened to me? SLOAN We wouldn't be standing here having this conversation. BASHIR And Starfleet sanctions what you're doing? SLOAN We don't submit reports or ask for approval for specific operations, if that's what you mean. We're an autonomous department. BASHIR Authorized by whom? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 51B. 41A CONTINUED: (4) Sloan smiles, maintaining control of the situation. SLOAN Section Thirty-one was part of the original Starfleet charter. BASHIR That was two hundred years ago. Are you telling me you've been operating on your own ever since? Without specific orders? Accountable to nobody, but yourselves? SLOAN You make it sound so... ominous. BASHIR Isn't it? If what you say is true, you function as judge, jury and executioner. I'd say that's too much power for anyone. SLOAN I admit it takes exceptional people to do what we do -- people who can sublimate their own ambitions to the best interests of the Federation. (a beat) People like you. That was the last thing Bashir expected to hear. BASHIR Me? SLOAN You have all the qualifications to be a very useful member of Section Thirty-one. BASHIR A few minutes ago, you were calling me a traitor... now you want to recruit me? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 51C. 41A CONTINUED: (5) SLOAN You're intelligent, resourceful and you've always been fascinated by covert operations. Why else would you spend so much time in Quark's holosuites playing a spy? BASHIR (stunned) You're serious. SLOAN (nods) We're on the same team. We believe in the same principles that every other Federation citizen holds dear. BASHIR But you violate those principles as a matter of course. SLOAN In order to protect them. BASHIR I'm sorry. But the ends don't always justify the means. SLOAN (calmly) Really? How many lives do you suppose you've saved in your medical career? BASHIR I don't see what that has to do with anything. SLOAN Hundreds... thousands? Do you suppose that those people give a damn that you lied to get into Starfleet Medical? I doubt it. Bashir is momentarily thrown by Sloan's argument -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 52. 41A CONTINUED: (6) SLOAN We deal with threats to the Federation that jeopardize its very survival. If you knew how many lives we've saved, I think you'd agree that the ends do justify the means. (trying to seal the deal) I'm not afraid of bending the rules every once in a while -- if the situation warrants it. And I don't think you are either. BASHIR You've got the wrong man, Sloan. SLOAN (confident) I don't think so. In time, you'll come to agree with me. BASHIR Don't hold your breath. Sloan motions his guards forward, and they move to stand at either side of Bashir. SLOAN All I ask is that when you get back to Deep Space Nine, you consider what I've said. BASHIR What makes you think I'm not going to try to expose you? SLOAN (shrugging it off) Let's just say... I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. Before Bashir can respond, one of the guards reaches up and HYPOS him in the back of the neck. Bashir crumples to the deck. 41B ANGLE ON SLOAN as he looms over Bashir's unconscious form. And off Sloan's thoughtful expression, we go to -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 53. 42 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 43 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Bashir sits amidst Sisko, Kira and Odo, having completed his tale. ODO I'll say one thing for this fellow Sloan, he's clever. He timed the Doctor's abduction to coincide with his trip to the medical conference. That way, he wasn't missed. BASHIR He's a clever one all right... KIRA (to Sisko) We went over Julian's quarters but we didn't find any residual transporter signatures. They either got him off the station some other way, or they have Transporter technology we can't detect. BASHIR Captain, any word from Starfleet Command about Sloan or Section Thirty-one? Sisko nods, taking another moment to collect his thoughts. After a long beat: SISKO There's no record of a Deputy Director Sloan anywhere in Starfleet. As for Section Thirty- one... that's a little more complicated. That answer surprises all of them. SISKO Starfleet Command didn't acknowledge its existence. But they didn't deny it either. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 54. 43 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (Cont'd) (a beat) They simply said they'd look into it and get back to me. BASHIR When? SISKO They didn't say. KIRA Sounds like a cover-up to me. Bashir shakes his head in disbelief. BASHIR Is it possible that the Federation would condone this kind of activity? ODO Personally, I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't. Every other great power has a unit like Section Thirty-one... the Romulans have the Tal Shiar, the Cardassians had the Obsidian Order... BASHIR But what would that say about us? That we're no different than our enemies? That when push comes to shove, we're willing to throw away our principles in order to survive? SISKO I wish I had an answer for you, Doctor. KIRA Maybe we should do some more checking... try to track down Sloan ourselves. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 43 CONTINUED: (2) ODO It won't be easy. If what he says is true, and Section Thirty-one has existed since the birth of the Federation... they've learned to cover their tracks well. SISKO We don't have to find them. They'll come to us. Everyone looks at Sisko. SISKO (to Bashir) You said Sloan wanted to recruit you. BASHIR I turned him down. SISKO He doesn't strike me as a man who takes "no" for an answer. (convinced) And next time he asks you to join his little group... you'll say "yes." Bashir studies Sisko's face; the captain isn't joking. BASHIR (dry) I can hardly wait. ODO Congratulations, Julian. Looks like you're going to get a chance to play a spy after all. (a beat) Only this time, for real. 44 CLOSE ON BASHIR as the thought begins to sink in. And on his troubled expression, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END