STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Who Mourns for Morn?" #40510-536 Written by Mark Gehred-O'Connell Directed by Victor Lobl THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1997 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION October 28, 1997 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Who Mourns... "- 10/28/97 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Who Mourns for Morn?" CAST SISKO LARELL KIRA KRIT ODO NAHSK BASHIR HAIN DAX WORF QUARK O'BRIEN COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES MORN STAR TREK: DS9 - "Who Mourns... " - 10/28/97 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Who Mourns for Morn?" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE QUARK'S SECURITY OFFICE CARGO BAY HABITAT RING CORRIDOR MORN'S QUARTERS QUARK'S QUARTERS PROMENADE TURBOLIFT CRATE DEEP SPACE NINE - "Who Mourns... " - 10/28/97 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Who Mourns for Morn?" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BOLIAS BOWL-ee-ahs HAIN HAIN LARELL luh-RELL LISSEPIAN li-SEP-ee-an LIVANIAN lie-VAIN-ee-un LURIA LOO-ree-uh NAHSK NAUSK OO-MOX 00-machs YRIDIAN yir-ID-ee-uhn DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Who Mourns for Morn?" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S BAR (OPTICAL) A typical evening crowd, SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. QUARK is behind the bar, making drinks. MORN is seated at his usual stool, pouring the dregs from a BOTTLE of Yridian Ale into his glass. ODO ENTERS and approaches him. ODO (dry) If you're not too busy, I'd appreciate it if you did something about that shipment of Livanian beets you have sitting in Cargo Bay Three. Morn ignores him, takes a sip of his drink. At the far end of the bar we see Quark settle in to watch Odo's encounter with Morn -- for some reason he finds it amusing. ODO (getting annoyed) It's been there for over two weeks. It's starting to rot. (no reaction) Morn. Exasperated, Odo turns to Quark, who approaches as if he doesn't know what could be wrong with Morn. Odo reaches over to touch Morn's shoulder, and his hand PASSES through it -- Morn is a hologram. Odo reacts with surprise. QUARK (enjoying this) It's a hologram. (off Odo's look) Morn's been away on business for the last two weeks. Odo frowns, doesn't know what to make of this QUARK You're slipping, Odo. You should've caught on a lot sooner. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: In the background, BASHIR and O'BRIEN ENTER and make their way to the bar. ODO You replaced Morn with a hologram? Why? BASHIR (passing by; to Morn) Hello. O'BRIEN Evening. QUARK That's why. People love him. He's like a mascot. Everyone expects to see him when they come in here. If they don't, it doesn't feel like home to them. ODO And that's not good for business. QUARK The last time he went away sales dropped almost five percent. ODO (studying "Morn") Why doesn't it talk? QUARK Do you have any idea how much an interactive holo-projector costs? (sotto, so Bashir and O'Brien can't hear) Besides, it's a relief not to have to listen to him go on. You know Morn, he never shuts up. (re: the hologram) I'd trade this for the real thing any day. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) ODO I'm sure Morn would be touched to hear you say that. Suddenly a voice from off-camera -- DAX (O.S.) (shocked) Morn? They turn to see DAX and SISKO -- she looks shaken. ODO It's just a hologram. QUARK (to Dax) You look like you've seen a ghost. SISKO (re: "Morn") Turn it off. QUARK Why? SISKO We just got word. Morn's cargo ship was caught in an ion storm. Bashir and O'Brien hear this and approach. BASHIR Is he all right? O'BRIEN Was he rescued? DAX (genuinely upset) He's dead... The Morn hologram blinks uncomprehendingly and sips his drink. As the news sinks in, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 4. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) OA INT. PROMENADE as O'Brien approaches Bashir, who's standing across from Quark's holding a BOTTLE of wine. BASHIR Didn't you bring anything? (off O'Brien's blank look) For the memorial service. O'BRIEN I didn't know I was supposed to. Bashir gestures to the crowd and we see that many of the SUPERNUMERARIES streaming into Quark's are carrying BOTTLES, BASKETS OF FRUIT and other consumables. BASHIR It's Lurian custom to bring gifts of food and drink for the deceased -- so they'll have something to sustain them in the afterlife. O'BRIEN (worried) Maybe I can get something in Quark's. I hate to think of the big fella going without. Bashir nods his agreement, and they head inside. As they pass WORF and Dax, we DROP off on them. OB WORF AND DAX She's holding a large alien-looking FRUIT that she knows to be Morn's favorite. Worf is doing his best to comfort her. WORF Morn was an excellent sparring partner. I will miss our weekly combat in the holosuites. DAX I can't believe he's really gone. Dax starts to get a little teary eyed -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 4A. OB CONTINUED: WORF I didn't realize he was such a close friend. Dax decides she might as well tell him... DAX I used to have a little crush on him. Worf stiffens, he can't believe it -- WORF Morn? A few heads turn at the sound of his voice -- DAX It was before we met. (casual) Besides, he wasn't interested. Worf finds himself feeling almost insulted -- WORF What do you mean he wasn't interested? We pick up KIRA and Odo as they pass by -- DAX (in background) Forget I said anything. 0C KIRA AND ODO heading toward Quark's -- she's carrying a BOTTLE of Yridian Ale and he's carrying a BOTTLE OPENER. KIRA Is that a bottle opener? ODO For Morn. I thought it might come in handy. Kira glances at the bottle in her hand, catches on -- KIRA (smiles) Very thoughtful. Odo smiles, pleased with the gift he picked out... as they head into Quark's...  DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 4B. 2 INT. QUARK'S Somber MUSIC plays in the background. A PORTRAIT of Morn is propped on the bar, surrounded by a cornucopia of food and drink -- we see fruit, bottles of wine and ale, cans and jars of delicacies, and something that looks like a three-legged roast turkey. Quark is talking to THREE FERENGI waiters -- he's both amazed and pleased by the sight of the surprisingly large crowd. QUARK This is unbelievable. Look at all these people. (to waiters, sotto) If you see anyone emptyhanded sell them a bottle of Yridian Ale. Quark motions to a cache of ale bottles he's set up to be sold. QUARK Tell them it was Morn's favorite. The waiters nod and hurry off to ply the crowd. Quark looks around at the crowd with relish until Bashir and O'Brien approach him -- the Ferengi instantly puts on a somber face. BASHIR It was kind of you to do this, Quark. O'BRIEN Morn would've appreciated it. QUARK It's the least I could do. Quark doesn't notice Odo hovering behind him -- QUARK ("choked up") I'll miss him. Bashir puts a reassuring hand to Quark's shoulder -- QUARK ("recovering") I'm sorry. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 5. 2 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Can I get you something? QUARK I don't ordinarily imbibe on the job. But maybe a Yridian Ale. It was Morn's favorite, you know. O'Brien reacts to this information -- O'BRIEN (to Bashir) Perfect. Bashir nods, and the two men move off. Quark smiles to himself, turns and comes face to face with Odo, who gives him a knowing look. QUARK What are you looking at? ODO Your respect for the dead is heartwarming. QUARK (sotto) I'll have you know that Morn died without paying this month's tab. ODO How inconsiderate of him. QUARK We're talking about a lot of money. The man had quite an appetite -- he had two stomachs to fill, you know. (fondly) Did you ever watch him eat? It was a beautiful thing. ODO Sometimes you don't truly appreciate what you have until it's gone. QUARK It's not funny. This service is my only chance to cover my losses. ODO Morn seemed to be a fairly successful businessman. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 6. 2 CONTINUED: (2) ODO (Cont'd) If you come up short, you can always make a claim against his estate. QUARK (intrigued) I hadn't thought of that. ODO Of course, he did have seventeen brothers and sisters. By the time they divvy everything up, I doubt there'll be much left. QUARK It's nice to know you're so worried about my welfare. ODO You should be worried, too. Now that your mascot is gone, business is going to suffer. QUARK We'll see. (sure of himself) You might be surprised. And with that, Quark turns and moves away. Off Odo's face as he wonders what he's up to... 3 OMITTED DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 7. 3A DAY, Crosses past Odo, Worf is right behind her -- WORF Jadzia -- DAX Can we please drop this? As they move on, we DROP OFF on -- 4 QUARK clearing his throat near Morn's picture at the bar. After the crowd falls silent... QUARK Thank you all for coming. Quark "struggles" to control his emotion. QUARK It means a great deal to me to see that so many people cared about Morn as much as I did. I'll never forget the first time he walked in here and sat down on this very stool. It must've been almost ten years ago -- he still had his hair then. I thought he was just another customer passing through. Little did I know that he'd become such an important figure in my life, in all our lives. Someone we could count on for a cheerful smile and an entertaining story. Some of you might be thinking that this place won't be the same without him. And it won't. (beat) But this was his home. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 8. 4 CONTINUED: QUARK (Cont'd) And wherever he is, I'm sure he'd want to know that his favorite bar still echoed with the laughter of his dear friends. (getting "emotional") This was his chair... and I think the greatest tribute we could ever pay him would be to make sure that it's never empty. Quark gestures to a nearby Starfleet N.D., waves him forward to sit on the stool. QUARK (voice cracking) Keep it warm. For Morn. And with that, Quark has to stop lest he lose it entirely. A moment, then the crowd breaks into applause. 5 ODO AND KIRA She is visibly touched. KIRA Every now and then, Quark really surprises me... Odo frowns because he can see that Quark pulled off a nice trick -- ODO Me, too. Off Odo's face... 6 QUARK sitting at the bar, drowning his "sorrows" in the ample bosom of a distraught DABO GIRL. Sisko approaches -- SISKO Excuse me, Quark. QUARK Not now. SISKO I'm sorry to intrude, but I thought you should know. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 9. 6 CONTINUED: SISKO (Cont'd) I unsealed Morn's will. He left everything to you. Quark is so surprised he forgets his act -- QUARK Me? He left everything to me? SISKO That's right. For the first time, Quark's tears are real -- QUARK Morn... dear sweet, Morn... As he collapses back into the Dabo girl... 7 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 8 INT. SECURITY OFFICE where Quark is sitting across the desk from Odo, who's preparing a PADD. ODO Poor fool. He actually believed you cared about him. QUARK I did. (almost convinced of it himself) I was up for hours last night thinking about him. ODO Calculating his net worth, no doubt. QUARK (ignoring him) We spent a lot of time together. We were obviously much closer than I ever realized. Odo frowns at Quark's change of heart, hands him the PADD. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 10. 8 CONTINUED: ODO His financial records. QUARK (off PADD) Is this some kind of joke? ODO What do you mean? QUARK According to this, he was broke. ODO (feigning surprise) No. QUARK How can that be? He paid his bar bill at the end of every month -- that kind of money must've come from somewhere. ODO ("considers") He did have his shipping business. Maybe all his assets are tied up in inventory? Quark leaps on this, not realizing that Odo is leading him on a wild goose chase. QUARK Of course! Inventory. CUT TO: 9 INT. CARGO BAY where Odo is showing Quark some cargo containers. QUARK I'll unload everything and use the profits to -- (sniffing) What is that smell? ODO Your inheritance. (opening a container) Livanian beets. Very ripe. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 11. 9 CONTINUED: A wisp of fetid steam rises from the beets... QUARK (re: the containers) What's in the rest of these? ODO (off PADD) More beets. QUARK (grabbing the manifest) Is that it, is that all he had? ODO I'm afraid so. Odo lets Quark twist in the wind for a beat... ODO (as if it were just occurring to him) Except for the contents of his quarters. Maybe he spent all his money on furnishings and art work. QUARK Objets d'art. Of course! CUT TO: 10 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Odo and Quark step up to a door. Odo works the panel as Quark waits impatiently -- QUARK. I'll hold an auction... people will pay a premium to own something that used to be Morn's. Odo tries to keep the smile from his face as the door slides open -- 11 INT. MORN'S QUARTERS as Quark and a smug Odo step inside. Quark's smile of anticipation fades away as he takes in the sight before him -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 12. 12 NEW ANGLE REVEALING the contents of Morn's quarters. There are only two items inside it -- his MATADOR PAINTING and a HOT TUB filled with stinking MUD. After a beat -- QUARK You sure these are the right quarters? ODO I'm sure. QUARK (deflated) Figures. (looking around, sees painting) What's that? ODO A matador, I think. QUARK (re: the tub; annoyed) That. ODO His bed. QUARK Morn slept in mud? ODO I'm told it's good for the skin... And with that, a satisfied Odo turns and EXITS, leaving a dejected Quark. He crosses to the mud bath, looks down at it. QUARK Thanks, Morn... just what I always wanted... After a beat, a woman's head and shoulders suddenly break the surface of the mud -- Quark is so startled he jumps back. Whoever this beautiful Alien woman is, she must've been in the tub when the door opened and ducked under the surface to hide -- from her hungry breathing, we can see that she held her breath as long as she could. They stare at each other for a long beat... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: QUARK (indignant) What are you doing in my mud? LARELL I couldn't resist. Morny and I spent so many happy hours here, I just had to slip in. I'm sorry if I startled you, but when I heard you come in I thought I'd better hide. QUARK Who are you? LARELL (as if he should recognize the name) Larell. (off his blank look) Morn's wife. Ex-wife. Quark can't believe that a guy like Morn was married to such a beautiful woman -- QUARK Morn was married? To you? LARELL For two wonderful years. She studies Quark for a beat, eyes him approvingly -- LARELL You must be Quark. (off his reaction) Morny and I kept in touch after we separated. He talked about you all the time. She sizes him up seductively -- QUARK (pleasantly rattled) That's nice. LARELL (eyes locked on his) He told me that if anything ever happened to him, he wanted you to have everything that was ever his. QUARK Everything? As if to answer, she starts to stand -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 14. 13 NEW ANGLE she stands with her naked back to camera, waist deep in mud (it should be liquid enough to slide off her skin and hair) -- LARELL Everything. After a beat, Quark recovers enough to realize she's playing an angle -- he figures she thinks Morn left behind some money. QUARK I'm glad you came by, because "Morny" didn't leave me much of anything else. She smiles knowingly, thinking Quark's lying to her -- LARELL I find that hard to believe... QUARK I'm as disappointed as you are. As Quark watches, she raises her leg, rubs her skin with mud... LARELL I happen to know he had a very substantial retirement fund. One that could make two people very comfortable. QUARK If you're partial to mud, it's comfortable all right. Larell thinks Quark is pretending not to know about Morn's money. LARELL I'm talking about the thousand bricks of gold-pressed latinum he won in the Lissepian Lottery. QUARK (stunned) A thousand bricks... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT ONE 15. 13 CONTINUED: LARELL (with a seductive smile) Now that he's gone, it's all ours... Off Quark's face as he takes this in... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 14 INT. MORN'S QUARTERS - LATER Quark has set up a futuristic PUMP to suck the mud out of the tub. A TUBE runs from the tub to the pump, which is not much bigger than a vacuum cleaner -- through some miracle of twenty-fourth century technology, the contents of the tub somehow are whisked away by this relatively small machine. Quark paces, giving the pump time do its work, until a loud SUCKING NOISE draws him to the tub. He moves to the rim, peers over the edge to see -- 15 THE EMPTY TUB with just a little bit of mud at the bottom. Larell ENTERS from the back, having slipped into a new, sexy outfit. LARELL (sliding her hand around his waist) What are you doing... ? QUARK (sloshing the mud around so he can see) What do you think -- I'm looking for the latinum. Larell's seductive look gives way to something harder, more calculating. LARELL You must know where he kept it. QUARK (still looking) I didn't even know it existed until you told me. We can see the wheels start turning in her mind -- she realizes she may have made a mistake telling him about it, but she doesn't want Quark to see that. LARELL Well, I'm sure it's somewhere on the station. He gets up, wipes his hands. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 17. 15 CONTINUED: QUARK How do you know he didn't spend it already? LARELL I told you, it was for his retirement. Poor Morn. He never got to enjoy it. She pulls herself close -- LARELL But that doesn't mean we can't. Quark knows what she's up to, and while he wouldn't mind spending more time with this woman, he wants her to know the money is legally his -- QUARK I know what you're doing... LARELL (stroking his ear) What am I doing? QUARK (trying to stay focused) Just so we're clear, the latinum's mine. LARELL (through a cobra's smile) He may have left everything to you, but I was his wife -- I could contest the will and tie you up in court for years... Quark doesn't like the sound of this, but he can't pull himself away from her oo-mox. QUARK Maybe. LARELL But there's no reason it should come to that... after all, a thousand bricks is plenty for both of us. QUARK It is a lot of money... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 18. 15 CONTINUED: (2) LARELL And as soon as we find it, we'll take a nice long vacation together. QUARK Morn would've wanted it that way. LARELL Of course he would've... Off Quark's face as he gives in to the oo-mox... 16 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 17 INT. QUARK'S - AFTER HOURS where Quark is playing TONGO with Dax. Morn's matador painting is propped up somewhere nearby, lying sideways. Ferengi WAITERS are in the background cleaning up. QUARK The latinum's not on the station. I've looked everywhere. (playing a card) Evade. (to Dax) I even had my brother scan for it with the internal sensors. DAX (spinning the wheel) At least you have the painting. QUARK Forget the painting, I want that latinum. DAX If you think it'll make you happy. (playing a card) Confront. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 19-20. 17 CONTINUED: QUARK Believe me, it will. This is the break I've been waiting for, and it's been a long time coming. I want Morn's money, I need Morn's money. I deserve Morn's money. DAX (whatever) Your move. Quark clinks two slips of latinum he's betting with. QUARK (re: the sound) Beautiful, isn't it? And the way it catches the light... (thoughtful) I wonder who came up with the idea of suspending liquid latinum inside worthless bricks of gold? DAX (impatient) Probably somebody who got tired of making change with an eyedropper. Are you going to play or not? QUARK (spinning the wheel) Where could Morn have put it all? DAX (shrugs) If you find it, are you really going to share it with this woman? QUARK (a reluctant admission) I agreed to give her ten percent so she wouldn't tie me up in court. DAX (surprised) That's a hundred bricks. QUARK (shrugs) What could I do? (plays a card) Retreat. DAX I don't know. Something's not right about this whole thing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 21. 17 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (Cont'd) (spinning the wheel) I don't trust this woman. QUARK Neither do I. But that doesn't mean I'm going to keep her away from my lobes. DAX Just keep your eyes open. (scratching his chin) Don't be fooled by a pretty face. QUARK Not me. DAX Of course not. (playing a card) Acquire. Dax smiles and scoops up her winnings. Off Quark's reaction as he realizes he wasn't paying enough attention to the game... 18 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS as he ENTERS with the Matador painting. To his puzzlement, the LIGHTS are dimmed. Quark notices a figure silhouetted against the starfield. QUARK Larell? (moving closer) What a pleasant surprise. (to computer) Computer, lights. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 22. 18 CONTINUED: At that point the LIGHTS come on and Quark realizes the figure isn't Larell, but an alien man. We'll come to know him as KRIT. His brother NAHSK is standing at a wall panel, having just turned on the lights. Both are well-dressed, but there's something sinister about them that says organized crime. They study Quark for a beat before saying anything. When Krit speaks, it's in a calm, reasonable voice that has an underlying edge to it. KRIT Do you like surprises, Quark? QUARK Only pleasant ones. KRIT I like to think I'm pleasant. (to his brother) Do you think I'm pleasant? Nahsk is the "muscle" of this duo, and a bit slower than his brother. NAHSK Absolutely. KRIT (to Quark) Then I guess this qualifies as a pleasant surprise. QUARK What are you doing in my quarters? NAHSK (stating the obvious) Waiting for you. KRIT My brother and I were business associates of Morn's. QUARK If you came for the memorial service, it was yesterday. NAHSK (sincere) Was it nice? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 23. 18 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK It was lovely. KRIT I understand you inherited Morn's estate. QUARK That's right. NAHSK We were business associates of Morn's. QUARK Your brother mentioned that. KRIT He borrowed some money from us. We'd like his estate to repay the loan. Quark was afraid it would be something like this -- QUARK How much money are we talking about? KRIT One thousand bricks of gold- pressed latinum. QUARK I had a feeling you were going to say that. Quark is starting to realize that there's more going on here than he realized -- suddenly even Larell's story is in doubt. QUARK Obviously I need to see some documentation regarding this loan. Krit moves to stand very close to Quark. KRIT We shook hands. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 24. 18 CONTINUED: (3) NAHSK (moving to stand behind Quark) We trusted Morn. KRIT (a latent threat) And I'm sure he'd want you to honor his word. QUARK I'm sure he would. But you have to understand, Morn's assets are tied up in his various enterprises. KRIT I hope you're not saying you don't have the money. NASHK (leaning closer) That wouldn't be good. Quark can see he's not going to be able to shake these two off by claiming there's no money -- QUARK All I meant was that it's going to take me a little while to get it. Krit fixes him with a look -- KRIT You do know where it is? Quark can see that Krit isn't sure about this, and he realizes that this is the only leverage he has over these two dangerous men. He makes the decision to bluff -- QUARK Of course. Quark moves out from between them -- QUARK (testing the waters) However, you're not the first creditors to make a claim against his estate. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 25. 18 CONTINUED: (4) KRIT (guarded) We're not? QUARK Morn was expanding his business interests when he died. His resources were stretched somewhat thin. As a result, the claims against his estate are greater than its assets. Obviously you can't expect full repayment. Krit isn't necessarily buying all of this, but he's willing to cut a deal -- KRIT What can we expect? QUARK A percentage. KRIT What sort of percentage? QUARK Twenty. KRIT We couldn't accept anything less than eighty. QUARK I'll make it thirty, and throw in a shipment of Livanian beets. NAHSK I don't like beets. KRIT We'll take seventy. QUARK Forty, and because I can see you both have fine taste, I'm willing to part with this. Quark reaches for the matador painting, holds it up. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 26. 18 CONTINUED: (5) QUARK It was Morn's most treasured possession. Beautiful, isn't it? Krit is smart enough to ignore him, but Nahsk rather likes the painting and takes it out of Quark's hands to study it. NAHSK Nice. KRIT (ignoring his brother) We won't take less than sixty. QUARK Forty's the best I can do. KRIT Fifty. QUARK (shrugs) Sorry. Nahsk suddenly smashes the painting over Quark's head so that the canvas tears around it and he ends up wearing the frame like a necklace. Quark decides he'd better give in -- QUARK Fifty it is. KRIT I'm glad we were able to come to an understanding. QUARK Me too. The brothers prepare to leave... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 27. 18 CONTINUED: (6) KRIT We'll be watching you, Quark. Don't try anything. QUARK Me? Don't be ridiculous. And with that, Krit and Nahsk head for the door and EXIT. Quark lets out a sigh of relief, then lifts the painting off his shoulders. As he does so, something in the torn canvas catches his eye. Intrigued, he studies it. 19 INSERT - THE PAINTING A small ISOLINEAR CHIP is woven into the fabric. 20 RESUME SCENE QUARK What do we have here... ? Quark hurries to his computer, slips the chip inside a slot. QUARK Computer, what is this? The Computer beeps, responds -- COMPUTER VOICE A claim slip for storage locker one-thirty-seven located in the station's Assay Office. Quark breaks into a grin QUARK A storage locker... (taking out the chip) Thank you, computer. You've been very helpful. Quark kisses the chip tenderly, turns and looks out at the stars -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 28. 20 CONTINUED: QUARK Morn, wherever you are, I love you! And off his jubilant features, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT THREE 29-30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 21 OMITTED 22 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Quark and Odo are near the door to the Promenade, arguing about something. QUARK What do you mean I have to open it in here? ODO Regulations -- the contents of a deceased person's storage locker have to be inspected by station security. QUARK There's no such regulation, you just want to know what's inside. Quark can see that he's right -- QUARK You are so transparent. I can't wait to see your face when your deputies wheel in my thousand bricks of latinum. On cue, the door OPENS to admit a DEPUTY, who hands Odo a small SAFE DEPOSIT BOX. QUARK That can't be it. ODO (checks the label, smiles) Storage locker one-thirty-seven. Quark isn't ready to give up hope that there might be something valuable in the box anyway. QUARK Well, sometimes good things come in small packages... Quark takes the box from Odo and sets it down on the desk. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT THREE 31. 22 CONTINUED: Quark steels himself, opens the lid. As Odo watches, he pulls out a single BRICK of gold-pressed latinum -- he studies it intently, and it's hard to tell from his face if he's happy or disappointed. ODO Is that going to be enough to cover Morn's bar tab? QUARK It's covered. (smiles) There's more where this came from. ODO What makes you say that? QUARK Take a look. Quark hands him the brick -- QUARK On the bottom. (Odo looks) Recognize Morn's handwriting? ODO (off brick) "The rest is in the Bank of Bolias." DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns.. " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT THREE 32. 22 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Account number CJ57436. ODO) (vaguely annoyed) It wasn't listed in Morn's financial records... Quark takes the brick from Odo -- QUARK (shrugs) Who cares? (tucking the brick into his vest) Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to contact the bank and let them know that Morn's legal heir would like his latinum delivered as soon as possible... Off Odo's face... he can't stand seeing Quark so happy. 23 thru OMITTED 24 25 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Quark makes his way to his quarters. He pats his jacket, smiles upon feeling the brick underneath the fabric. When he rounds the corner, he comes face to face with Larell. QUARK Larell... She goes into seductress mode, determined to keep a hold over Quark. LARELL I've been looking all over for you... QUARK I'm a busy man. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT THREE 33. 25 CONTINUED: LARELL Not too busy to look for a certain something, I hope? QUARK Actually, I haven't had much luck with that. Larell isn't happy to hear this -- either Quark is lying, or he doesn't want to share the latinum. She redoubles her efforts to seduce him. LARELL Sounds like you need some motivation... She presses herself against him, and Quark is worried she'll feel the brick of latinum. QUARK (pulling away) I'm motivated, believe me. It's just going to take some time to locate, that's all. (brightly) I've got an idea! Why don't you go back to... wherever you came from -- and I'll contact you as soon as I find it. LARELL I'd rather wait here. (touching his ear) With you. QUARK (pulling away) This is no time for oo-mox... LARELL You don't like it? QUARK It's not that, it's just... the sooner I find that certain something, the sooner you and I can take our little trip together. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT THREE 34. 25 CONTINUED: (2) LARELL (smiles approvingly) You're so diligent. Most men don't know how to defer gratification. Quark gives her his best look of yearning -- QUARK You don't make it easy... He blows her a kiss and hurries away around the corner... 26 INT. ANOTHER HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Quark steps into a turbolift. 27 INT. TURBOLIFT as the door shuts behind Quark and he breathes a sigh of relief. QUARK Level Seventeen. As the Turbolift starts to move, Quark feels for the brick of latinum to shift it back into a secure position. To his utter astonishment, it's not there! He pats himself frantically, then comes to the conclusion that Larell must've lifted it. After a moment of panic, he decides it's okay. A beat, then he smiles in admiration. QUARK You're good. But I'm the only one the bank's going to give the money to. (repeating the number so he won't forget) CJ57436. CJ57436. CJ5 -- The doors OPEN and Quark moves to step off, but finds his path blocked by Krit and Nahsk. They step inside, forcing him back aboard. QUARK This is my stop. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT THREE 35. 27 CONTINUED: KRIT What's your hurry? (NOTE: The Turbolift doesn't start to move because no one has asked it to.) KRIT My brother has something he wants to say to you. Nahsk looks sheepish, but comes out with it. NAHSK I'm sorry. (off Quark's look) About the painting. KRIT He feels terrible. QUARK (trying to move past them) No hard feelings. The brothers block his way -- KRIT It's nice of you to be so forgiving, Quark. QUARK Don't mention it. KRIT My brother has a terrible temper. NAHSK I get upset. KRIT It comes out when things don't go our way. QUARK I noticed. KRIT That's why I'm hoping things start to go our way soon. Do you understand what I'm saying? QUARK I think I do, yes. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT THREE 36. 27 CONTINUED: (2) NAHSK I don't like to get upset. QUARK Don't worry, things are going to go your way soon. KRIT That's good to hear. QUARK (stepping past them) I'll be in touch. As the door opens -- NAHSK Sorry about the painting. Quark gives him a look, EXITS. 28 INT. ANOTHER HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Quark approaches the door to his quarters, muttering Morn's account number to himself. QUARK CJ57436. CJ574-- 29 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS as he ENTERS and goes immediately to his computer. QUARK --36. CJ57436. (working) Bank of Bolias... Suddenly a phaser is jammed into Quark's back -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT THREE 37 30 NEW ANGLE to reveal an imposing human Alien male standing behind him. His name is HAIN, and he's dressed in twenty-fourth century business attire. HAIN Making a withdrawal, Quark? Let me guess -- a thousand bricks of gold-pressed latinum. Quark can't believe it -- someone else knows about the money? Off Quark's reaction, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 38. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 31 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Hain has his phaser in Quark's back. HAIN Put your hands on your head and turn around. Quark slowly complies, figuring this is yet another dangerous character here to make a claim on Morn's latinum. He decides to cut to the chase -- QUARK All right, how much do you want? (off Hain's look) And don't ask for the whole thousand bricks, I already gave away more than half of it. Hain fixes him with a look. HAIN Attempted bribery. That should add a few years to your sentence. QUARK What are you talking about? Hain waves Quark toward the door -- HAIN Let's go. QUARK Go where? Who are you? HAIN (flashing a "badge") Lurian Security. I have a signed extradition order for your arrest. (waving him toward the door again) As soon as your station's security chief approves it, we'll be on our way. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 39. 31 CONTINUED: QUARK But what did I do -- what's the charge? HAIN Conspiracy to intercept government property. QUARK Government property? HAIN One thousand bricks of gold pressed latinum. QUARK Wait a minute. Morn won that latinum in the Lissepian lottery. Hain smiles at this, shakes his head -- QUARK (wan) He didn't? HAIN It was his bequest from the royal family of Luria. QUARK Why would the royal family of Luria give Morn that kind of money? HAIN (matter of fact) He was the crown prince. QUARK Morn was a prince? HAIN You didn't know? QUARK Morn was a prince? HAIN That's what I'm saying. QUARK (finally accepting it) Morn was a prince... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 39A. 31 CONTINUED: (2) HAIN Yes. But he renounced the throne when he came of age. QUARK I always knew he was an idiot. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 40. 31 CONTINUED: (3) HAIN His family bequeathed him the latinum when he abdicated. Now that he's deceased, it's legally theirs again. QUARK He left it to me. HAIN The will has already been nullified. He signed an agreement to return the latinum in the event of his death. QUARK (deflated) Oh. (beat) Do me a favor, don't tell his ex- wife that. I'm going to need a little oo-mox later. HAIN His ex-wife? QUARK Larell. HAIN She's here? QUARK I just saw her. Hain starts thinking fast, this changes everything -- QUARK Something wrong? HAIN Quiet. Let me think. Quark keeps his mouth shut for a beat -- HAIN Listen and listen carefully. Larell has been trying to get her hands on the Prince's latinum for years. She's tried blackmail, extortion -- I wouldn't be surprised if she was behind his death. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 41. 31 CONTINUED: (4) QUARK (taken aback) She's always been nice to me... HAIN The royal family would like nothing better than to see her behind bars. If you help me apprehend her, there'll be a substantial reward. Quark is suddenly all ears -- QUARK What do I have to do? HAIN When are you going to see her again? QUARK She'll turn up sooner or later. (more to himself) If not her, those two brothers. HAIN Brothers? QUARK They said they were Morn's business partners. They claim he owed them money. (between you and me) Something tells me they're not exactly above board. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 42. 31 CONTINUED: (5) HAIN Whoever these brothers are, I promise you I'm not going to let them get between the royal family and its latinum. QUARK And I'm not going to let anything get between me and my reward. HAIN Then we have an understanding. A moment, then Hain tells him the plan. HAIN If I'm going to put these people away, I need to catch them trying to get their hands on the latinum. Contact the bank -- tell them to deliver it here. QUARK Then what? HAIN Try to stay out of sight. Leave the rest to me. Off Quark's face as he contemplates this turn of events... 32 INT. QUARK'S BAR O'Brien is sitting on Morn's favorite chair working on a piece of (TECH) equipment with some TOOLS. It's early evening, and the place is relatively quiet. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. Bashir ENTERS and approaches O'Brien. BASHIR What are you doing? O'BRIEN (frustrated) Trying to fix this optronic relay. BASHIR Wouldn't you be better off working in a lab? O'Brien looks at Bashir as if to say "how soon they forget." DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 43. 32 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I'm keeping Morn's chair warm. BASHIR (realizing) Good man. Bashir looks down the length of the bar. BASHIR Where's Quark? I'm in the mood for one of his famous Til'amin froths. O'BRIEN You'll have to settle for something else. He's in the back. (motioning to a Ferengi waiter) And from what Broik tells me, he's not coming out. Bashir thinks he knows why -- BASHIR Sounds like he's taking Morn's death pretty hard. O'BRIEN (sympathetic) He loved the guy. (collecting his things) I'd better go test this. O'Brien gets up to leave. He looks down at Morn's chair, loathe to leave it empty. Bashir realizes it's his duty not to let this happen -- BASHIR I'll take over. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 44. 32 CONTINUED: (2) As Bashir settles onto Morn's chair -- O'BRIEN Good man. Off Bashir as he motions a waiter over... 33 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 34 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS as Quark ENTERS. As he's about to flop down on the couch, he thinks of something. QUARK Anybody here? A beat, then Larell steps out from behind a PARTITION. QUARK What a surprise... Larell isn't her usual vixen self... she seems scared about something. LARELL You've got to help me, Quark. Someone's been following me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 34 CONTINUED: QUARK Who? LARELL Two men. QUARK Brothers? LARELL How should I know? The door CHIMES. Quark and Larell freeze. QUARK That could be them. LARELL Don't answer it. QUARK Believe me, I'm not planning to. They hold still, and after a beat, they start to HEAR a series of BEEPS that indicate someone is working the lock from outside. QUARK They're trying to bypass the lock. Quark decides they'd better hide. QUARK (grabbing her hand) Come on. As he leads her back behind the partition -- QUARK Computer, dim lights. The LIGHTS DIM in response. 35 NEW ANGLE as Quark and Larell cower behind the partition. A moment, then they hear a final BEEP and a CLICK -- QUARK (sotto) Remind me to invest in a better lock... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 46. 35 CONTINUED: The door slides OPEN and Krit and Nahsk ENTER. Quark peeks out and sees it's them. A moment as he considers what to do -- QUARK (sotto) Stay here. Before she can protest, Quark moves around from behind the partition -- QUARK Gentlemen. They react to the sight of him -- KRIT We've been looking all over for you, Quark. QUARK The latinum's on its way. It'll be here tomorrow. KRIT That's good news. We were starting to worry. Before Quark can answer, the door CHIMES again. Krit and Nahsk react -- they don't like unexpected visitors. KRIT Expecting anyone? QUARK You never know when someone's going to drop by. KRIT Don't answer it. Quark shrugs, fine with him. A moment, then we hear the SOUND of the lock being picked. QUARK Sounds like they're coming in anyway. NAHSK You should invest in a better lock. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 47. 35 CONTINUED: (2) KRIT Whoever it is, get rid of them. (indicating the partition) We'll be back there. Quark blocks their way, indicates the back room. QUARK You'd be more comfortable in there. Krit and Nahsk exchange a look, decide he's right. NAHSK We'll be back there. Quark nods patiently, watches them cross away and disappear into the back room. As soon as they're gone, he scurries to the partition and indicates to Larell that she should stay put. By the time the door OPENS he's back in the center of the room to greet Hain when he ENTERS. HAIN Why didn't you answer the door? QUARK I dozed off. It's been one of those days. Quark motions his eyes toward the partition, trying to let Hain know that someone's back there. HAIN We need to talk. Quark tries to cover -- he doesn't want Larell and the brothers to know he and Hain are in cahoots. QUARK What would we have to talk about? He motions his head toward the back room to indicate someone's back there too -- HAIN Are you all right? QUARK (overly bright) What makes you ask that? HAIN You keep craning your neck. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 48. 35 CONTINUED: (3) Suddenly Krit and Nahsk come out from the back room -- Nahsk trains his weapon on Hain. KRIT Well look what we have here... Quark can't believe Hain let himself get caught like this -- QUARK (to Hain) I'll bet the royal family sleeps soundly knowing you're on the job... Krit seems amused by this -- KRIT Royal family? What kind of lies have you been telling him, Hain? HAIN (shrugs) The usual. Quark reacts to their apparent familiarity QUARK You know each other? HAIN (ignoring him; to Krit) It's been a long time. KRIT Must be nine years. NAHSK. Nine years. HAIN (to Nahsk) I see you're still one step behind everyone else. Larell steps out from behind the partition -- LARELL Leave him alone, Hain. Nahsk smiles at the sight of her -- NAHSK (to his brother) It's Larell. Krit is genuinely patient with his brother, as always. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 49. 35 CONTINUED: (4) KRIT I can see that. QUARK What is going on here? LARELL We're having a little reunion. (lowering Nahsk's weapon) We used to work together. With Morn. QUARK (to Hain, wan) I guess that means he wasn't really a Prince after all. Hain shakes his head... QUARK (to Hain) And you're not really a security agent? The others shake their heads. QUARK (to Larell) And you're not really his ex-wife? She shakes her head. QUARK Please don't tell me Morn didn't have any latinum. HAIN Oh, he had latinum, all right. QUARK (relieved) At least that part's true... HAIN Ever hear of the Lissepian Mother's Day heist? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 50. 35 CONTINUED: (6) QUARK Who hasn't? While the whole planet was celebrating, someone broke into the Central Bank and made off with -- (realizing as he says it) One thousand bricks of gold- pressed latinum. (suddenly skeptical) Wait a minute. You expect me to believe that the four of you pulled that off? NAHSK (not realizing they've been insulted) The five of us. Morn helped. KRIT Yeah, and then he ran off with the latinum. QUARK Why did it take you so long to come after him? HAIN Because we knew he'd stashed it away somewhere to wait for the statute of limitations to expire. LARELL And it did. Two weeks ago. NAHSK (stating the obvious) You see, we can't be prosecuted anymore. LARELL So... here we are. And the latinum's en route. (a proposition) Maybe we should just split it up and go our separate ways. QUARK The voice of reason. 20:[1,#b],70:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 51. 35 CONTINUED: (7) KRIT Not you, us. HAIN (to the others) Krit's right, we don't need him anymore. A beat, then Nahsk thinks of something... NAHSK You know, we don't need him anymore. If Nahsk can see it, you know it's obvious to everyone else. Off Quark's face as he realizes he's in trouble... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 36 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Morn's former partners are all staring at Quark, who's very worried about this latest turn of events. LARELL What do we do with him? KRIT It should look like an accident. We don't want anyone asking questions. Quark shakes free of the fear that gripped him when they first turned on him, realizes something -- QUARK Wait a minute. You can't kill me. I'm the only one who can take delivery of the latinum. (holding up his thumb) You need my thumbprint. HAIN He's right. Nahsk grabs Quark's hand, pulls out a SMALL KNIFE -- Quark struggles, realizing what he's thinking. NAHSK It won't hurt as much if you keep still. HAIN What do you propose we do, Nahsk? Walk into the cargo bay with a bloody thumb and ask for the latinum? Nahsk considers, realizes this could be a problem. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 53. 36 CONTINUED: HAIN We need him. Reluctantly, Nahsk lets go of Quark. HAIN The question is, what happens after he takes delivery? A beat as they all consider, then Quark makes a suggestion -- QUARK We could split the latinum five ways. (off their looks) It's what you would've gotten if Morn was still alive. LARELL True. QUARK Think of me as Morn. (more to himself) I can't believe I just said that. The others are on the verge of agreeing when something occurs to Nahsk... NAHSK It's not fair. We stole it. He didn't do anything. QUARK Maybe not. But the bottom line is, you need me. The others exchange looks -- HAIN A thousand bricks, split five ways... what do you think? KRIT It's still a lot of latinum. NAHSK (nods) Two hundred and fifty bricks each. They all look at Nahsk, decide not to bother correcting him -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 54. 36 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK So, do we have a deal? A moment, then Hain nods... followed by Larell, then Krit. Quark glances at Nahsk, who's not paying attention, still thinking about the latinum. KRIT He's in. QUARK The Bolian transport arrives tomorrow at sixteen hundred hours. (showing them the door) We'll meet at the cargo bay. HAIN We're staying together until it gets here. QUARK We are? HAIN I don't trust you, and I certainly don't trust them. QUARK I see your point. But I have a bar to run. CUT TO: 37 INT. QUARK'S BAR where Morn's former partners are all bellied up to the bar. An annoyed Quark is standing behind the bar, serving them drinks. There's no one else in the place. HAIN (raising his glass to Quark) To your hospitality. QUARK (dry) Don't mention it. A moment as they all sip their drinks... LARELL So this was Morn's favorite place... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/-97 - ACT FIVE 55. 37 CONTINUED: QUARK (pointing to Morn's chair) He used to sit right there. NAHSK That's not very smart -- sitting with your back to the door. QUARK He was the trusting type. Hain realizes something -- HAIN Which one of you killed him, anyway? No one claims the deed. HAIN Come on, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Hain's first instinct is to turn to the brothers KRIT It wasn't us. All heads turns Larell's way LARELL Me neither. That leaves only Quark -- QUARK Don't look at me. HAIN (appreciating the irony) So it really was an accident. They all shake their heads with wonder... LARELL Poor Morny. He always did have bad luck. Rueful smiles all around... After a beat... HAIN We had some good times together... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 56. 37 CONTINUED: (2) KRIT He was always so cheerful. LARELL That's what I loved about him. Quark listens incredulously as they reminisce about the man they're all glad to have out of the way. HAIN It's funny. Being here together, the four of us -- it makes me wish Morn were here, too. QUARK (off the cuff) Sure, except we'd have to split the latinum six ways instead of five. They all turn and look at him as if this were the most insensitive thing anyone's ever said. HAIN Do you mind? KRIT Some people have no respect for the dead. Nahsk remembers something held like to share -- NAHSK Remember that little dance Morn used to do every time we finished a job? They all look at him blankly. After a beat, Krit patiently explains to his brother -- KRIT You're thinking of someone else. Nahsk considers this, but before he can answer, the door OPENS and Odo ENTERS. HAIN (sotto) Get rid of him. As Quark crosses out toward Odo, Morn's partners all grab their drinks and return to their usual poker-faced selves. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 56A. 38 QUARK AND ODO by the door. QUARK We're closed. ODO At this hour? When Odo looks their way, Morn's partners raise their glasses to him with minimalist flair -- QUARK Friends of Morn. We're commiserating. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 57. 38 CONTINUED: ODO I see. (eyeing Morn's "friends") How long are you going to be closed? It pains Quark to think of the business he's losing -- QUARK Oh, till about sixteen hundred hours tomorrow. Off Odo's surprised look -- QUARK We have a lot to commiserate about. ODO I see. With a last look, Odo EXITS. Quark turns back to the others, sees their suspicious looks, and musters a wan smile. QUARK Where were we? Off this moment... 39 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 40 INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) as the group ENTERS, looking slightly rumpled from staying up all night together. All are still wearing the same clothes we last saw them in. TWO BAJORAN WORKMEN are depositing a LARGE CRATE in the center of the room, and the group perks up at the sight. QUARK (with relish) There it is, right on time. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 57A. 40 CONTINUED: Quark motions to the others to stay back, he'll deal with the workers. He approaches them with a ready smile. QUARK I believe that's for me. One of the Workmen holds up a PADD. Quark extends his thumb with a flourish, and plants it on the appropriate spot. The Workman checks the PADD, nods, and he and his partner move away to EXIT. The moment the door shuts behind them, Morn's partners hurry to join Quark at the crate, their eyes alive with greed. HAIN Open it. Quark works the latch, OPENS a PANEL in the top of the crate. It's a moment fit for a heavenly choir -- rows and rows of gold-pressed latinum bricks sparkling in their shelves. They're all struck dumb at the sight. After a beat... QUARK I'll count it... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 58. 40 CONTINUED: (2) As he reaches inside the crate, the others reach into their clothes and pull WEAPONS on each other. In the blink of an eye, Quark finds himself in the middle of a four-way standoff -- Hain has his weapon on Krit, Krit has his on Larell, Larell has hers on Nahsk, who has his on Hain. A tense moment, then... QUARK All right, someone else count it. Another tense beat, then Krit smiles. KRIT Put it down, Hain. My brother may be slow, but if you pull the trigger, he'll kill you. A beat, then Hain prepares to lower his weapon. Suddenly, to Krit's astonishment, Nahsk swings his weapon around and trains it on his brother. Larell and Hain are so nonplussed they're not sure where they should point their weapons. NAHSK I'm not slow. KRIT Nahsk... ? As Nahsk squeezes the trigger, Krit dives out of the way so that the BLAST hits him on the shoulder. All hell breaks loose as the four start FIRING at each other and scrambling for cover. Quark stands frozen in the middle of this until a stray BOLT almost hits him and he snaps out of it, dives into the crate to hide. 41 INT. CRATE (OPTICAL) as Quark cowers inside it, oblivious to the fact that he's sitting amidst a fortune in gold-pressed latinum. The SOUND of phaser fire continues, punctuated by SHOUTED REMARKS between the former partners and the occasional YELP of pain when someone gets hit. QUARK (quiet) Go ahead, kill each other... Quark starts to feel a little safer inside the shelter of the crate. Just as he reaches to pick up a brick of latinum, a phaser BLAST pierces the crate wall and barely misses him. He immediately forgets the latinum and has the good sense to keep cowering. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 59. 41 CONTINUED: Suddenly we hear the off-screen SOUND of a door OPENING. ODO (O.S.) Security! Drop your weapons! As Quark listens, the firefight intensifies. We hear chaotic SHOUTS, GROANS of pain, and finally -- LARELL (O.S.) I surrender. The firing stops. ODO (O.C) Throw out your weapon. 42 INT. CARGO BAY as Larell's weapon skitters to the middle of the floor and she comes out from behind a crate, utterly unscathed. Odo and his DEPUTIES begin disarming the group. Except for Larell, they're all lying on the floor or slouched against crates, clutching at injured arms and legs and trying to fight the pain. ODO (to a deputy) Take her to a holding cell and get the rest of them to the Infirmary. As the Deputies move to comply, Odo crosses to the crate. 43 INT. CRATE where Quark is cautiously listening. A beat, then the panel OPENS and Odo looks in. ODO (dry) There you are. QUARK Are they gone? ODO From now on, you'll have to do your commiserating alone. Your "friends" are going to prison. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 60. 43 CONTINUED: QUARK For how long? ODO Assault with intent to kill -- long enough. Quark looks at the rows and rows of latinum. QUARK It's mine... all mine. A greedy smile spreads across Quark's face. He reaches to pick up a brick, admires its luster. He picks up a second brick, prepares to taps it against the first. QUARK What you're about to hear is the most beautiful sound in the galaxy... To his surprise, the bricks make a dull clanking sound when they strike each other. Quark's features falter. He studies one of the bricks in his hands, senses something odd. He squeezes it, and the brick CRUMPLES into gold dust. Quark can't believe it. He grabs another brick, and it too crumples into dust. QUARK This can't be... there's no latinum in these bricks... ODO What? QUARK (as another brick crumples in his hand) Someone extracted the latinum... He looks up at Odo, near shock. QUARK There's nothing here but worthless gold... Odo can't help but enjoy this... ODO And it's all yours... Quark looks down at the worthless dust slipping through his fingers... off his devastated features... 44 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 61. INT. QUARK'S BAR where a dejected Quark is behind the bar. It's morning, before the bar has opened, and some Ferengi waiters are setting up. Quark's wiping the bar down with a towel when his eyes alight on Morn's chair. A steely look comes over his face and he moves to the stool, grabs it, and starts trying to wrench it from the bolts that hold it to the ground. He gets more and more agitated until he's tearing at it like an animal. A moment, then Odo comes up behind him. ODO Quark. Quark doesn't hear him, he's too focused on ripping the stool off its moorings. ODO Quark. Quark turns to Odo with a snarl -- QUARK What do you want? ODO There's someone here to see you. Odo seems pleased, which only stokes Quark's anxiety. QUARK I thought you said they were all going to prison. ODO You'd better sit down. Quark ignores him, and Odo turns to wave someone inside. To Quark's utter astonishment, it's Morn. QUARK Morn? ODO Alive and well. Quark falls back onto a stool, his mind reeling -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 62. 45 CONTINUED: ODO Apparently he faked his own death. (smiles) I'll let him tell you all about it. Supremely satisfied, Odo turns and EXITS. Morn looks at Quark, blinks once or twice, then moves to sit on his old stool. A long beat as the two men regard each other... QUARK Well? Just as Morn raises a hand to launch into his story, Quark cuts him off -- QUARK I don't want to hear it! Not a word. Morn looks at Quark sheepishly... QUARK You set me up. You left the latinum to me because you knew I'd do whatever it would take to get my hands on it. You figured I'd keep those four off-balance long enough for them to turn on each other. This whole thing was just a scam to get them off your back. A beat, then Morn nods apologetically. QUARK I could've been killed, you know. Morn hangs his head... QUARK And I thought we were friends. Morn doesn't know what to say. Quark studies him for a beat, and despite himself, can't help but be impressed by Morn's ingenuity. QUARK I've got to admit, I didn't suspect for a minute. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 63. 45 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (Cont'd) To tell you the truth I didn't think you had it in you to pull off something like this. Quark shakes his head in wonder... QUARK I've just got one question for you. What happened to the latinum? Morn looks around to make sure no one's watching, takes an empty shot glass from the bar and raises it to his lips -- 46 QUARK as he reacts to what Morn's doing. 47 RESUME (OPTICAL) we see Morn regurgitating a last DROP of liquid latinum. We see it sitting in the bottom of the glass -- it has the consistency of mercury, and every now and then it gives off a STARBURST of light. QUARK (realizing) Of course, your second stomach. You've been keeping it in your second stomach all these years? (off Morn's nod) That's a lot of latinum. No wonder your hair fell out. A beat, then Morn slides the glass over to Quark. Quark looks at him, realizing what he's doing -- QUARK For me? (off Morn's look) This must be a hundred bricks worth. Morn makes a "more or less" gesture. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 64. 47 CONTINUED: QUARK I don't know what to say. Thanks. (hastening to point out) Not that I didn't earn it after what you put me through. Quark holds up the glass containing the drop of latinum, he's all but forgotten everything that's happened and is as pleased as can be. QUARK If you ever want to set me up again, feel free. Morn nods that he'd like that. Quark reaches to pour him a drink. QUARK You know, you and I should consider doing business together. Morn looks interested. We start to PULL BACK from the two men. QUARK Two enterprising gentlemen like us could do all right for ourselves. Take that gold dust of yours... Quark's voice drops away as we continue to PULL BACK... QUARK (voice fading) It doesn't have to be a total loss. I hear that in certain primitive cultures it's considered quite valuable... Off the unlikely image of these two men hatching their next venture together... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END