STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "You Are Cordially Invited... " (fka "Once Upon A Wedding") #40510-531 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by David Livingston THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1997 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION September 5, 1997 STAR TREK:DS9 - "You Are Cordially Invited... " - 9/5/97 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "You Are Cordially Invited... CAST SISKO ROM KIRA NOG ODO LEETA BASHIR SIRELLA DAX MARTOK WORF ALEXANDER O'BRIEN ATOA QUARK JAKE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK:DS9 - "You Are Cordially Invited... " - 9/5/97 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "You Are Cordially Invited... " SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE SPACE AIRLOCK DEEP SPACE NINE BRIEFING ROOM DEFIANT CAPTAIN'S OFFICE ROTARRAN CORRIDOR DAX'S QUARTERS BEDROOM HOLOSUITE CAVE OPS PROMENADE QUARK'S SECOND LEVEL DEFIANT QUARTERS ROTARRAN READY ROOM DS NINE - "You are Cordially... " - 09/08/97 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "You are Cordially Invited" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE AKAGI ah-KAH-gee BRE'NAN breh-NON DENEBIAN de-NEE-bee-an EXETER EX-ih-ter KARANA KAH-ron-ah KELTAR KEL-tar KRONOS KRO-nos LINKASA lin-KAH-suh LUKURA loo-KAR-ah MA'STAKAS MA-stock-uhs MANUELE ATOA MAN-u-el-ah ah-TOE-uh MOLOR moh-LOR Q'APLA k-PLAH RIGELIAN ri-JELL-ee-an ROTARRAN ROW-tar-an SHENARA SHE-nar-uh SIRELLA SIH-rel-ah TAWI'YAN tah-WEE-yon TETRYON TEH-tree-on TORVA TOR-va VARIHAMA var-HAH-ma YA'VANG yah-VANG DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "You Are Cordially Invited... " TEASER FADE IN: 1 OMITTED 2 INT. PROMENADE SISKO discreetly observes the busy Promenade from an out-of-the-way corner, drinking in the sights and sounds of this place where he belongs. The station is vibrant, alive, happy. There's a much larger percentage of Starfleet and Klingon uniforms visible than before the war, but the mood is buoyant. The Promenade is now draped with Federation, Klingon and Bajoran banners which will be a fixture from now on and a sign of newfound patriotic sentiment on the station. SISKO (V.O.) Captain's Personal Log: Stardate 51247.5. It's been a week since our return to Deep Space Nine, but the mood of celebration continues. We're still at war and the station's been designated Headquarters for the Ninth Fleet. That, plus our strategic position guarding the wormhole, makes D.S. Nine one of the most tempting targets in the entire quadrant. Sisko heads for a Turbolift, but before he gets very far, he's spotted by some Bajorans in the crowd who ask to shake his hand. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: Other Bajorans begin to gather round and then yet others -- Bajorans, Klingons, Humans, everyone -- stop and surround Sisko, some wanting to shake his hand, others pat him on the back, and some start to APPLAUD and CHEER. It's a mob scene, but one so filled with joy and celebration that Sisko can't help but smile back and let the sentiment wash over him as he tries to make it to the Turbolift. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) But for now at least, the war seems very far away. OFF the image of Sisko in a sea of happiness... CUT TO: 3 INT. OPS Sisko ENTERS in a good mood. The room is now filled with Starfleet and Bajoran N.D.s for the first time in a long time. KIRA is at the Ops table, working. SISKO Good morning, major. KIRA Good morning, captain. SISKO You don't know how much I missed hearing you say that. KIRA You don't know how much I hated saying, "Good morning, Dukat." SISKO I can imagine. What's on the agenda? KIRA (hands him a PADD) USS Potemkin has completed her repairs and she'll rejoin the fleet later today. Exeter, Sutherland and Akagi have submitted resupply requests. And there're about a thousand messages from Starfleet Command awaiting your "eyes-only" attention. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: SISKO Anything else? KIRA General Martok's waiting for you in your office. SISKO (hands back the PADD) I'll start with the general. KIRA Thought you might. Sisko heads for his office, then pauses to look around Ops for a beat. He just can't help but smile one more time. SISKO Have I mentioned it's good to be home? KIRA Once or twice. Sisko EXITS to... 4 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Sisko ENTERS to find GENERAL MARTOK sitting on the couch glaring at him. MARTOK You knew about this, didn't you? SISKO I had a pretty good idea. MARTOK And you did nothing to stop it? SISKO No. In fact... I recommended you for the position. Martok sags back on the couch for a moment, his worst fears confirmed. Sisko doesn't seem too worried -- in fact, he can barely keep a smile off his face. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: SISKO Allow me to offer my congratulations to the new Supreme Commander of the Ninth Fleet. He holds out a hand and Martok gets up and takes Sisko's proffered hand. MARTOK Do you have any idea how much paperwork a supreme commander has to do? SISKO You're welcome. Would you like me to arrange quarters for you here on the station? MARTOK No. I'll keep my flag aboard the Rotarran. It may be cramped, but at least I'll feel like I'm still in the war. By the way, I'd like Worf to continue functioning as my principal intelligence officer. SISKO I see no problem with that. He's the only officer I know who can never get enough work. MARTOK At least when he's busy, he stops going on about this wedding of his. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: (2) MARTOK (Cont'd) There were times he nearly drove me mad aboard the Rotarran. Until his son arrived, it was all he could talk about. Then Alexander became all he could talk about. The man is nothing if not singleminded. SISKO I haven't met Worf's son yet. What's he like? MARTOK He's a fine boy. Eager. Dedicated. And he has the heart of his father but... he's not the best soldier I've ever seen. CUT TO: DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 6. 5 INT. QUARK'S It's a busy day in the bar. ALEXANDER is sitting at a table with DAX and WORF. Alexander is regaling Dax with his stories of woe from the Rotarran, while Worf listens tolerantly. They've almost finished their drinks. ALEXANDER ... but when he ordered me to bring the system back on-line I thought he was still talking about the hydro-static system so... DAX You didn't engage the pumps while the check valves were open? WORF He did. ALEXANDER I flooded the entire deck with superheated hydraulic fluid. Dax laughs and Alexander is clearly comfortable by now at making jokes at his own expense. Even Worf has a slight grin on his face. ALEXANDER It took me three days to clean it up, but I swear it still smells like burnt dog hair in there. DAX Remind me to keep you away from the Defiant. You're a menace. ALEXANDER The Rotarran's crew actually thinks of me as a good luck charm. The more mistakes I make, the safer they feel. I hope the Ya'Vang's crew feels the same way. WORF The Ya'Vang? ALEXANDER I got new orders this morning. The battle cruiser Ya'Vang took heavy losses in their last engagement. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 6A. 5 CONTINUED: ALEXANDER (Cont'd) So most of the Rotarran's crew is being transferred there at the end of the week. Including me. This introduces a more somber note into the proceedings and there's a quiet beat before Alexander notices their empty mugs. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 7. 5 CONTINUED: (2) ALEXANDER More bloodwine? DAX Why not? Worf shakes his head no, and then Alexander grabs Dax's mug and heads for the crowded bar. Dax and Worf watch him go with a note of sadness in the air. QUARK stops by the table and follows their gaze. QUARK Handsome young man. He must get his looks from his mother's side. WORF What do you want? QUARK Have you had a chance to reconsider my offer? WORF We are not getting married in this... bar. The ceremony will be held on the Klingon homeworld after the war. Dax suddenly makes a decision. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 7A. 5 CONTINUED: (3) DAX Worf, let's do it here. This week, before Alexander leaves. QUARK Perfect! (begins to leave) I'll handle all the arrangements. WORF (to Quark) Wait. (to Dax) I thought we had agreed. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 8. 5 CONTINUED: (4) DAX We did. But I'd hate for Alexander to miss his father's wedding. It would mean so much to him and besides... (hard to say it) ... it may be a long time before you see him again. That makes Worf stop and think. He looks over at Alexander, who's returning with the mugs and sees everyone looking at him. ALEXANDER What's going on? Dax and Quark turn to Worf, who looks into the face of his son and finally makes his decision. WORF Our wedding plans have changed. We're getting married here. On Deep Space Nine. And I want you to be my Tawi'Yan. Alexander gives him a blank look. DAX "Sword-bearer" -- sort of like a best man. ALEXANDER Me? Really? That's great! In his excitement, Alexander throws up an arm in joy, and in so doing, he KNOCKS over a tray being carried by a Waiter, which in turn CRASHES onto a table of customers. QUARK (to Worf) I'll put that on your tab. OFF Alexander's chagrined face... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 6 INT. CORRIDOR/TURBOLIFT Dax and Kira walk down the Corridor and ENTER a Turbolift. DAX ... it doesn't leave much time to make all the arrangements, but fortunately there's not that much left to do -- Worf's been planning the ceremony for the last three months. He's got everything figured out, right down to the color of my shoes. KIRA No offense, Jadzia, but it seems like this wedding is all about what Worf wants. (to com) Habitat Ring, Section Fifty-one Gamma. (to Dax) What about you? The lift starts MOVING. DAX A traditional Klingon wedding with all the trimmings is something Worf's been thinking about since he was a boy. It probably has something to do with being raised by human parents. In any case, when it comes to Klingon tradition, Worf is very sentimental. KIRA Worf? DAX All men are sentimental. They just cover it up with scowls and clenched jaws. There're times when Worf literally gets misty- eyed talking about Klingon rituals. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 9A. 6 CONTINUED: The doors OPEN and they EXIT to a Corridor. KIRA And that's why you're letting him plan the wedding? As Dax answers, Kira suddenly sees ODO in the Corridor up ahead of them. He and Kira see each other, and we get the feeling that neither of them wants to encounter the other. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 10. 6 CONTINUED: (2) Odo hesitates, then turns down an intersection to avoid running into them. DAX (over above action) Mostly. But the truth is, I've gone through five Trill ceremonies -- three as a bride, two as a groom -- and I'm a little bored with it. (re: Odo) Is it my imagination, or did Odo just avoid us? KIRA I didn't notice. Dax gives her a "Oh, come on," look and Kira cops to it. KIRA We've been... avoiding each other ever since the Dominion left the station. I think we're both afraid of talking about what happened during the occupation. DAX What do you mean? KIRA (awkward) To tell you the truth, it's nothing I want to talk about right now, either. They round a corner and stop short at the sight of... 7 BASHIR who's filling the Corridor outside his quarters with JUNK from around the galaxy. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 11. 7 CONTINUED: He's adding another armload of material to the growing mound when he sees Dax and Kira. BASHIR Can you believe this? I've spent four days doing nothing but cleaning trash out of my quarters and I'm still not finished. They peer at the odds and ends piled on the deck. DAX Who was staying in your quarters? BASHIR I don't know, but whoever he was, he lived like a pig. KIRA It was Weyoun. BASHIR (surprised) Weyoun? The Vorta? KIRA (nods) I always knew he was a bit of a packrat. I'd see him collecting little bits of junk from all over the station and taking them back to his quarters to-- BASHIR My quarters. KIRA Taking them back to your quarters to study them. DAX (examining the trash) He wasn't very discriminating about what he studied. BASHIR You should've seen the stuff I've already thrown out. Shoes, coasters, bits of string, broken bottles, power cells, picture frames, chair legs -- and there's still no end in sight. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 12. 7 CONTINUED: (2) NOG'S VOICE Excuse me, sirs. They turn to see NOG coming down the Corridor pushing a cart filled with his own pile of trash, which is more foul and disgusting than Bashir's. DAX Cleaning out your quarters too? NOG Yes, sir. BASHIR (reacts to the smell) At least Weyoun was sanitary. Who was staying in yours? NOG (quietly furious) Jake. Sisko. Nog continues on his way with a murderous expression, much to the others' amusement. CUT TO: 8 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 9 INT. BRIEFING ROOM Which is a smaller and less formal set than the wardroom. Sisko, Martok, Bashir and O'BRIEN are just sitting down at the table, facing a very serious Worf. WORF (sober) Thank you for coming. As you probably know by now, Jadzia and I will be married here on the station in six days. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 13. 9 CONTINUED: BASHIR There's nothing more romantic than a wedding on D.S. Nine in the springtime. O'BRIEN When the neutrinos are in bloom. WORF (ignoring them) By tradition, a Klingon man spends the last four nights before his wedding on a mental and spiritual journey. It is called Kal'Hyah -- the path of clarity. By tradition, he is accompanied by his closest male friends. MARTOK (with relish, to others) You cannot imagine the experience that awaits us. Four long nights filled with song and fellowship! A time of unbridled pleasures! O'BRIEN Are we talking about... a bachelor party? WORF It is a... similar ritual. BASHIR That's good enough for me. O'BRIEN Me too. SISKO Count me in. Worf stands and they all head for the door. WORF We will meet in the holosuite tomorrow night at twenty-one hundred hours. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 14. 9 CONTINUED: (2) MARTOK (with glee) I advise you all to get plenty of rest. BASHIR (to O'Brien) A four-night Klingon bachelor party. Think of the possibilities. O'BRIEN Thank God Keiko's not here. O'Brien and Bashir EXIT. SISKO What about Dax? What's she going to be doing while we're traveling down Kal'Hyah? MARTOK She will be taking a different journey. With my wife. SISKO (surprised) Your wife? Off Sisko's surprised look... CUT TO: DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 15. 10 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) A Klingon VOR'CHA cruiser is docked at the station. 11 INT. CORRIDOR/AIRLOCK Sisko and Martok are walking toward the Airlock. MARTOK ... and by marrying Worf, Dax will be joining the House of Martok. Since the Mistress of a Great House must approve all marriages, Sirella will spend the next four days evaluating Jadzia. The airlock door rolls aside and SIRELLA ENTERS. She is a tall, striking woman, even for a Klingon. There is a dignity and regal bearing to Sirella that never wavers. Sirella is the mistress of a Klingon House -- a coveted and highly respected position in their society -- and she acts like it. She's about Martok's age, but there's an elegance and beauty to Sirella that contrasts with the grizzled veteran's soldierly persona. Her clothes and hair are more understated than we're used to seeing on Klingons and reinforce the sense of confident grandeur that she exudes. There is an undercurrent of unmistakable love and affection between Martok and Sirella beneath their barbed sparring. MARTOK My Lady. SIRELLA General. (beat) You've put on weight. And your hair is going gray. MARTOK My deterioration is proceeding apace. SIRELLA I thought you would be in your grave by now. MARTOK I shall endeavor to die this year if possible. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 16. 11 CONTINUED: MARTOK (Cont'd) (beat) Allow me to present Captain Benjamin Sisko, commander of Deep Space Nine. Captain, may I present the Mistress of the House of Martok, my wife and the mother of my children -- Sirella, daughter of Linkasa. SISKO Welcome to Deep Space Nine. SIRELLA Thank you, captain. (to Martok) Where is she? MARTOK Jadzia's quarters are in the Habitat Ring, Section Twenty-five Alpha. Shall I escort you? SIRELLA I'll find my way. If you'll excuse me. She heads off down the Corridor. Martok looks after her with a wolfish grin. MARTOK Magnificent, isn't she? Sisko glances at him, but decides just to nod and say nothing. CUT TO: 12 INT. DAX'S QUARTERS Worf is watching with a critical eye as Dax puts the finishing touches on an elaborate display of Klingon candles, chalices, knives and other distinctive paraphernalia that has been set up on the center table. WORF Are these real var'Hama candles? DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 17. 12 CONTINUED: DAX Yes Worf, I traveled to Kronos, captured three targs in the Hamar Mountains, made the ritual sacrifice at dawn, came back to the station, and asked Quark to boil their shoulders into tallow. Then I spent two days molding them into candles with my own hands. WORF I was just asking. DAX No, you were criticizing. Again. (beat) Relax. She's not going to reject a prospective daughter because the var'Hama candles in her welcoming display were replicated. (the door CHIMES) Come in. Sirella ENTERS. Dax immediately smiles at her and smoothly offers the ritualistic greeting with a bow of her head. DAX Tuq son bosh mok A'Beh Sirella koh. E'Gagh vet moh. [Enter my home and be welcome, Mistress Sirella. May you find it worthy.] SIRELLA Eck'taH roh masa qee'Plok. [May this be the first of many visits.] (re: Worf) What is he doing here? WORF I meant no disrespect. SIRELLA Then leave. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 18. 12 CONTINUED: (2) Worf opens his mouth and nearly makes the mistake of saying something again, but then wises up, nods respectfully to Sirella, exchanges a look with Dax and EXITS. Once he's gone, Sirella takes a moment to size up Dax with a cold expression. SIRELLA Your worthiness to join our House will now be judged according to the traditions of my family. DAX I am prepared, My Lady. SIRELLA I doubt that. A Klingon woman would find it difficult to gain my favor. For an... alien, it will most likely be impossible. DAX (undeterred) I like a challenge. SIRELLA I will not have my authority challenged by you. DAX That's not what I meant. SIRELLA If you cannot say what you mean, say nothing at all. Dax is surprised and a little angered by the overt hostility here. She has to bite her tongue to keep from flinging back a tart reply. SIRELLA (continuing) The evaluation will begin tomorrow morning. Have the traditional meal prepared before I arrive. Sirella turns to go, then pauses on the threshold of the door. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 19. 12 CONTINUED: (3) SIRELLA And in the future, if you cannot trouble yourself to make real var'Hama candles, try not to use such obvious fakes. Sirella turns and EXITS, leaving a surprised Dax to consider the candles and wonder just what the hell she's in for in the next few days. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 13 EXT. SPACE - THE ROTARRAN (OPTICAL) Docked at the station. 14 INT. ROTARRAN READY ROOM Martok is having a working lunch at his desk while Worf sits across from him. WORF You never told me that your wife was opposed to this marriage. MARTOK Sirella is... a woman of strong convictions. She believes that by bringing aliens into our families we risk losing our identity as Klingons. WORF That is a prejudiced, xenophobic view. MARTOK We're Klingons, Worf. We don't embrace other cultures. We conquer them. If someone wishes to join us, they must honor our traditions and prove themselves worthy of wearing the crest of a Great House. WORF Jadzia is worthy. MARTOK Of course she is. She is an honorable woman and a formidable warrior. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 21. 14 CONTINUED: WORF You should say that to Sirella. MARTOK That's not such a good idea. I don't want her to think I'm interfering in her domain. WORF Then perhaps I should speak with Sirella. Coming from me, it would not seem like a challenge to her authority. MARTOK I wouldn't do that if I were you. WORF Why? MARTOK Well, the truth is... Sirella doesn't like you that much either. WORF Me? MARTOK But don't let that bother you -- I had every right to bring you into the family and she's accepted the fact that there's nothing she can do about it. WORF How comforting. MARTOK (laughs) And they say you have no sense of humor. CUT TO: DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 22. 15 INT. HOLOSUITE CAVE Bashir, Alexander, O'Brien and Sisko ENTER through the holosuite door, wearing Klingon ceremonial robes over their own civilian clothes. The cave is a replica of an ancestral cavern on Kronos, and as such it should have an ancient-looking firepit, iron torches and Klingon hieroglyphics on the walls, and a stand of weapons. There's also a low table laden with KLINGON FOOD. It's blistering HOT in here and they all react to the heat immediately. BASHIR I could do without the heat. And I can't say much for the decor either. O'BRIEN Well, it can't be all fun and games. I'm sure there's some kind of ritual we have to go through before the party begins. (to Alexander) There is going to be a party isn't there? ALEXANDER You're asking me? I can barely say my name in Klingon. Worf and Martok now ENTER. Martok is wearing a robe similar to that of the others, while Worf wears a distinctive cloak and full Klingon ceremonial regalia.  DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 23. 15 CONTINUED: MARTOK Prepare yourselves my friends, for a journey you will not soon forget! Worf moves to the weapons stand and begins to pick up the long (3-4 feet) KLINGON MA'STAKA CLUBS. The handles should be made of carved wood, with a large shaped stone at the head. Worf passes the clubs out to everyone (except himself) and they heft the weapons to test the weight. WORF These are Ma'Stakas. BASHIR What do we do with them? MARTOK At the conclusion of the wedding ceremony, you will use them to attack Worf and Dax. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) Obviously. Don't you know anything? WORF The tradition dates back to the wedding of Kahless and Lukara, who were nearly killed by Molor's troops moments after they were married. Until the ceremony, you should keep them with you at all times. SISKO I assume that this "combat" will be non-lethal? MARTOK It is a symbolic attack only. Eager smiles go around the room. Alexander is examining the food and he picks up a hunk of meat from the table. WORF The food is not to be eaten. ALEXANDER Then what's it for? DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 23A. 15 CONTINUED: (2) WORF It is here to tempt us into breaking our fast. SISKO Fast? WORF There are six trials that must be faced on the path to Kal'Hyah. This is the first -- deprivation. We now begin a fast that will continue until the day of the wedding. BASHIR That's four days away. MARTOK It is a short time, I know, but we'll make the best of it. Worf and Martok sit down on the hard cave floor, facing the fire. Worf closes his eyes, begins entering a meditative state. Martok takes a deep breath, gives every indication of a man thoroughly enjoying himself. SISKO What are the other five trials? WORF Blood, Pain, Sacrifice, Anguish and Death. BASHIR Sounds like marriage all right. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 24-25. 15 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN How would you know? WORF It is time to begin. Sisko, Alexander, Bashir and O'Brien exchange glances, then finally sit down around the firepit as well. Worf stokes the fire, which then burns higher and brighter. WORF Concentrate on the fire... soon you will feel the pangs of hunger in your stomach... merge the two into one... begin to feel the fire burning within you. A long silent beat as they do as they're told. MARTOK Ah... I can feel the hunger already. BASHIR Me too. CUT TO:. 16 OMITTED DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 26. 16A EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 17 INT. QUARK'S JAKE ENTERS the bar and sees that an enormous Klingon TAPESTRY emblazoned with the CREST of the House of Martok has been hung over the large backlit graphic that dominates the room. Other N.D. Bajoran Workers are moving about the bar, installing torches, emptying the bar of its glassware, hanging vines along the upper railing, etc. Quark is busily packing away the barware. QUARK (to Jake) You're up early. I thought writers slept late. JAKE Not always. (big smile) I sold my first book today. QUARK Really? How much did you get for it? DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 26A. 17 CONTINUED: JAKE It's just a figure of speech. The Federation News Service is going to publish a book of my stories about life on the station under Dominion rule. But they're not paying me. QUARK Well, then you have my sympathies and the first round of drinks is on the house. JAKE Really? QUARK No, it's just a figure of speech. Jake rolls his eyes. JAKE I want to tell my Dad about the book. Is he still up in the holosuite? QUARK Oh, yeah, they're still up there. JAKE What are they doing? QUARK (with a smirk) It's a Klingon bachelor party -- you're a writer, use your imagination. DS9:"You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 27. 17 CONTINUED: (2) They both smile with envy at what they imagine is taking place upstairs. CUT TO: 18 INT. HOLOSUITE CAVE Alexander has passed out on the cave floor and Bashir is slapping him awake. BASHIR Alexander. Alexander? ALEXANDER Grandma? DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 28. 18 CONTINUED: BASHIR Guess again. Alexander manages to sit up and we can see that Martok, O'Brien, Sisko and Worf are still sitting around the fire. ALEXANDER Oh yeah... we're still on the... uh... BASHIR The path to Kal'Hyah -- Day five hundred. Bashir hands him a jug of water and he drinks deeply. O'BRIEN Maybe we should turn down the heat -- you know, for Alexander's sake. ALEXANDER I -- I'm okay. I just needed some water. BASHIR You don't want to push yourself too hard. Turning down the heat might be a good idea. MARTOK The whole point is to push yourself -- to the limits of your endurance! ALEXANDER (brave smile) I will. I want to travel the entire path to Kal'Hyah! Stoke the fire again! WORF (proud) As you wish. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 29. 18 CONTINUED: (2) Alexander moves back to his place on the floor, while O'Brien, and Bashir exchange sour looks. MARTOK Of course, we can't expect you... non-Klingons to have the same stamina as we do. If you wish to quit, no one will think any less of you. BASHIR Who said anything about quitting? SISKO Not me. O'BRIEN I like the heat. MARTOK That's the spirit! (starts singing) Kaaa vek ko lee ko... Worf joins in and as the two Klingons sing, the three humans eye each other with annoyance that none of them wanted to bow out first. Alexander is struggling not to pass out again. MARTOK & WORF Eh to che mah lo... Tah oo-wah kah esh to pah deh ah reee! Yah bosh- ah! Yah bosh-ah!, Yah bosh tomah!... CUT TO: 18A INT. DAX'S QUARTERS - CLOSE ON DAX As she stares up at something o.s. She's straining to do something, and there's a fair amount of sweat on her face as she struggles to keep her voice clear and steady. DAX (difficult) Al'Qoch... mensah... t'lang... cho. WIDEN to reveal that Dax (in her uniform shirt, but not jacket) is standing in the middle of the room, with her arms straight out to either side of her body holding a PAIR of heavy BRAZIERS filled with glowing embers. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 30. 18A CONTINUED: With great effort and strain, Dax carefully lowers the braziers onto two short Klingon columns that have been placed to either side of Dax. Sirella is watching her complete the ceremony with an unimpressed expression. Dax flexes her arms gratefully and examines her hands for blisters while Sirella inspects the placement of the braziers on the columns. SIRELLA Again. DAX I've done it three times already. SIRELLA You continue to rush through the ceremony, your body position is poor and the placement of the braziers on their pedestals is sloppy. DAX Do you know how heavy those things are? SIRELLA A Klingon woman would not complain. DAX You wouldn't make a Klingon woman do it three times in a row. SIRELLA I wouldn't have to. She would've done it correctly the first time. (beat) End this now, Jadzia. Go back to your own people. They will tolerate your failings and your weaknesses in a way that a Klingon family never will. In our House, you would always be an alien... an outsider... at best, you'd be an object of pity. But you'd never be accepted... never an equal... because you can never truly be one of us. A deep, cold anger builds in Dax's heart as she glares at this woman. With barely restrained fury, she stands between the two columns again and starts the ritual once more. DS9:"You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 31. 18A CONTINUED: (2) DAX (deliberate) Ko'ma tlang'goS... ak-bay... She LIFTS the two braziers with a noticeable effort and holds them straight out from her body, while pirouetting slowly and forcing herself to slowly complete the ritual. DAX (continuing) Hava'dak... croosh tovah... Ko'ma Kahless... Ko'ma Kahless... Ko'ma Kahless... As Dax struggles valiantly under Sirella's watchful eye... 19 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT THREE 32. ACT THREE FADE IN: 19A INT. OPS O'Brien is yawning at his station as Bashir approaches him carrying a PADD and his Ma'Staka club (O'Brien's is resting against the console). They're both tired and weary from their all-night exertions. BASHIR (hands him PADD) Request for equipment upgrades in the Infirmary. O'Brien takes the PADD and tries to stay awake as he looks it over. BASHIR Do I look as bad as you do? O'BRIEN Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no... (yawns) no... lies. BASHIR Do we know what's on the program for tonight's feast of insomnia and discomfort? O'BRIEN You're going to love it: bloodletting. Bashir fingers his Ma'Staka club with a wistful expression. BASHIR Remember that part about... attacking the bridal couple at the end of the ceremony? Do you think we get just one shot at them or can we keep going? DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT THREE 33-34. 19A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (picks up his own club) It is a Klingon ceremony... I'd imagine that the more violent it is... the more Worf will appreciate it. They test the weight of the clubs in their hands for a moment, as they visualize the moment... then they both suddenly yawn. 20 OMITTED CUT TO: 21 INT. DAX'S QUARTERS Sirella is grilling Dax on the history of the House of Martok. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT THREE 35. 21 CONTINUED: DAX ... but the second Dynasty ended when General K'Trelan assassinated Emperor Reclaw. For the next ten years, the Empire was ruled by a council elected by the people. Modern-day Klingon historians refer to this as "The Dark Time," but it's interesting to note that this first and only experiment in Klingon democracy actually produced several notable reforms that -- SIRELLA You are straying from the Saga. DAX (innocent) Am I? SIRELLA Your task is to recite the complete chronicle of the women in my family. DAX I just thought I'd provide you with a broader historical perspective along the way. SIRELLA I am familiar with Klingon history. Now return to the story of my twenty-third maternal grandmother, Shenara daughter of Emperor Reclaw in the Second Dynasty. DAX (enjoying herself) Well, that's where we run into a little bit of a problem. You see, I did some research and I discovered that when Emperor Reclaw was killed all the members of the Imperial Family were also put to death. Including Shenara. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT THREE 36. 21 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (Cont'd) When the Third Dynasty was founded ten years later, a new group of Klingons were given the titles and names of the original Imperial Family in order to create the illusion of an unbroken line. (beat) So the woman you think of as your twenty-third maternal grandmother isn't related to you at all. Your real ancestor's name was Karana... one of the concubines living outside the Imperial stables. Dax smiles sweetly at Sirella for a moment. SIRELLA (icy) My grandmother's name... was Shenara. DAX That may be what's been handed down from generation to generation, but it has no basis in fact. Sirella's outrage is growing by the minute, much to Dax's enjoyment. DAX But then, who cares about facts? The chronicle says you have imperial blood in your veins and that's exactly what we're going to keep telling everyone. It's all Sirella can do to keep herself from lunging at Dax and pounding that smug expression into her skull. SIRELLA Continue... with... the saga. DAX (smiles) My pleasure. Let's see where was I -- oh yes. Shenara, the daughter of the Emperor, later married Keltar, son of Torva in the year of Kahless one hundred fifty-two... DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT THREE 37. 21 CONTINUED: (3) As Sirella glares at Dax... CUT TO: 22 INT. PROMENADE Kira is walking down the Promenade in the general direction of the Security Office when Jake calls out to her. JAKE Hey Major! (she stops) Is it true Dax is having a party tomorrow night? KIRA Word travels fast. JAKE Is it by invitation only or... ? Kira smiles and continues down the Promenade with Jake. KIRA I'm sure you'll be welcome. And you can tell Nog that goes for him too. JAKE Great. KIRA By the way, I hear congratulations are in order for our newest published author. JAKE Thank you. Kira suddenly stops in surprise as she sees Odo step out of his office directly in front of them. The two of them freeze, exchange looks and then Odo heads toward the Replimat and Kira turns around and heads back the way she came. JAKE What was that all about? KIRA Nothing. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT THREE 38. 22 CONTINUED: But before Jake can pursue the subject, Kira sees something o.s. and smiles. KIRA There they go... Jake follows her gaze... 23 NEW ANGLE Where we see Bashir, Alexander, Sisko and O'Brien all parading into Quark's, wearing their Klingon robes, carrying their Ma'Staka clubs and looking very serious. KIRA They look so serious. JAKE It's all an act. They don't want the rest of us to know what kind of debauchery they're up to. KIRA Like what? JAKE It's a Klingon bachelor party -- use your imagination. Kira smirks and shakes her head. CUT TO: 24 INT. HOLOSUITE CAVE Sisko, Alexander, O'Brien and Bashir are standing in a semi-circle around Worf and Martok, who are kneeling on the cave floor. We can't see what the two Klingons are doing, but we can hear the sounds of stone scraping metal -- as if something were being sharpened. Bashir is focused on what Worf's doing, but Sisko, O'Brien and Alexander all exchange discreet looks and nods -- something is up with these three. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT THREE 39. 24 CONTINUED: WORF (still working) Now begins the trial of blood... MARTOK Let rivers flow from our veins... WORF And stain the ground with our sacrifice... Worf stands up with his back to the group, holding a long, curved sword with barb and serrated edges that he and Martok have just finished sharpening. Everyone else looks at this thing with disbelief. Worf runs a finger along the blade with relish. WORF (without turning around) Who will be the first? Sisko, O'Brien and Alexander all take one step back simultaneously, leaving Bashir by himself. Before he can protest, Worf turns around and sees Bashir standing alone. WORF (pleased) I did not expect it to be you, doctor. BASHIR Neither did I. WORF Do not worry. The pain will last for only a moment. As Worf and his sword fill the frame... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DS9:"You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 40-41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 25 OMITTED 26 INT. DAX'S QUARTERS - A SAMOAN DANCER LEAPS into view with a SCREAM, spinning a traditional two-handed knife with burning flames on either end. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 42. 26 CONTINUED: As he performs the fire knife dance, we WIDEN to reveal that Dax's Quarters are CRAMMED with people, including Kira (in civvies), Jake, Nog, Quark, ROM and LEETA (there should be a Human/Alien mixture in the crowd, but no Klingons). You can barely move in here. This is a blowout celebration and the usual Federation restraint at such events is notably absent this time. Ferengi Waiters struggle to keep up with the demand for libations, people are standing on the furniture, stuff breaks, things get spilled and everyone has way too much to drink. The MUSIC is being provided by a three-piece Samoan band set up in one corner. Dax -- in civvies, and looking like a million bars of latinum -- is banging away on a Samoan drum like a pro and having the time of her life. The dance builds to the climax and then ENDS. The crowd goes WILD. DAX (re: Dancer) Lieutenant Manuele Atoa from the starship Sutherland! Applause and cheers thunder through the room, and then the band starts another Samoan song. 27 LEETA & ROM watch Atoa's muscled form as he moves off to put away his fire knife. ROM (the fire dance) I've never seen anything like that. LEETA (the dancer) Neither have I. ROM (realizing what she means) Let's get something to eat. Rom steers her away from Lieutenant Atoa... DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 43. 28 QUARK & JAKE are watching Dax play with the band. Dax is throwing herself into the music, which gets faster and faster and faster. JAKE A woman of many talents. QUARK It's a shame she's about to waste them all on that walking frown she calls a fiancee. She's too good for him -- I've said that from the beginning. JAKE Are you jealous? QUARK There's no profit in jealousy. JAKE That's not a denial. For once, Quark can't even make up a lie to cover. QUARK It's not to be quoted, either. JAKE Don't worry. (beat) So when did you first realize you had these feelings for Dax? 29 INT. HOLOSUITE CAVE - A PAIR OF BOOTS Are dangling about two feet off the cavern floor, which has been strewn with GLOWING COALS. As the CAMERA PANS to the right, we see another pair of boots and then another, all above the glowing hot embers on the floor. Finally we MOVE up to REVEAL Bashir and O'Brien are hanging above the cavern floor. Their wrists are locked in ornate manacles and are attached to CHAINS leading somewhere up to the ceiling. They both look hot, sweaty and extremely uncomfortable. BASHIR Miles? DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 44. 29 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (weary) Yeah? BASHIR It's working. I'm having a vision... about the future... I can see it so clearly... O'BRIEN What is it? BASHIR (smiles) I'm going to kill Worf. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to kill Worf. It's all so clear to me now. Kill Worf... kill Worf... O'BRIEN (sounds good) Kill Worf... Kill Worf... BASHIR & O'BRIEN Kill Worf... Kill Worf... Kill Worf... 30 INT. DAX'S QUARTERS The band has moved on to another song and Dax is now drinking and mingling in the crowd. Kira is standing by the doorway and having a great time when the doors OPEN. She turns at the sound of the opening door and finds herself face to face with Odo, who's accompanied by two of his Deputies. There's no way for them to avoid each other this time. ODO I... have been getting complaints about the noise. Someone even mentioned a fight... ? KIRA There was a scuffle between Morn and one of the Bolians, but they worked it out. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 30 CONTINUED: ODO How long will this... party continue? KIRA This party will continue until further notice, on the personal authority of the station's first officer -- who just happens to be me. Odo looks at her for a beat. ODO You're in a good mood. KIRA It's a good party. There's an awkward beat. He turns to go, but Kira decides it's time to end this nonsense. She stops him. KIRA Odo. I think we have a lot to talk about. ODO I agree. KIRA So let's talk. ODO Now? KIRA I think we've put it off long enough, don't you? He only thinks about it for a second. ODO (to deputies) Enjoy yourselves. KIRA Let's find someplace... a little quieter. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 46. 30 CONTINUED: (2) The two of them move off to find somewhere to talk. (They should not be seen for the rest of the party.) 31 DAX delivers a drink into the hands of Atoa. Dax has definitely had more drinks than a few by this point. DAX I wanted to thank you for the show. ATOA Thanks for getting me the day off. DAX Captain Shelby owed me a favor. Several favors actually. (beat) In fact, how'd you like another two days off? ATOA Two? What do I have to do? DAX Not much... (she looks him over) Just give me something fun to look at for the rest of the evening. ATOA (only half-joking) Anything else? DAX (with a twinkle) I'll let you know. They share a private laugh and at that moment, Sirella suddenly appears out of nowhere. SIRELLA (to Atoa) You -- leave her or I'll cut your head off and hang it from my belt. Atoa is so surprised that he doesn't know what to say. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 47. 31 CONTINUED: DAX (to Atoa) I'll take care of this. Atoa leaves with a bit of a puzzled look on his face as Dax whirls on Sirella. DAX You weren't invited. SIRELLA It is time for the Bre'Nan ritual. DAX I'm busy. Dax turns to go. SIRELLA Busy acting like a Risian slut. Dax freezes and turns back slowly, a slow burn starting. Heads are starting to turn throughout the party. Even the band stops playing, but Dax and Sirella either don't notice or don't care. DAX (a threat) I'm only going to ask you to leave once. SIRELLA (voice rising) You will come with me now and perform the Bre'Nan ritual to my satisfaction or I will cancel your wedding. The hubbub of the party comes to a stop as everyone sees what's happening. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 48. 31 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Toruk-DOH! [A particularly vile Klingon curse] Sirella reacts purely on instinct -- she PULLS the dagger from her belt, but Dax is ready for her and she CHOPS the knife to the floor with one hand and HITS Sirella squarely in the jaw with her other hand. Sirella staggers back and gives Nog and one of the Bajoran Deputies a chance to step in between them. NOG Ladies, please! Why don't we let-- Sirella shoves Nog aside, but makes no move to take on the Deputy, who has a hand on his weapon. SIRELLA Mok'Ta vor, kash a'VEH! (You are an enemy of my House!] Sirella spits on the ground, then marches out through the shocked crowd. There's moment of stunned silence before Dax looks around with a cool expression. DAX What are you all standing around for? The party's just getting started. (an order, to band) Play something. The band starts PLAYING again, and the crowd goes back to enjoying themselves. DISSOLVE TO: DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 49. 32 INT. DAX'S QUARTERS The next morning. Dax staggers out of her bedroom, bleary-eyed, hair askew, and nursing a massive hangover, to survey the wreckage of the night before. The floor is littered with broken glasses, food and other debris. Someone's left a torn uniform jacket over a chair, and the remnants of a tongo game are scattered in one corner. Dax slowly makes her way through the detritus to the replicator. DAX (to replicator) Double raktajino, extra sweet. We HEAR the replicator work just as there's a GROAN from the other side of the overturned couch. Dax peers over it and is surprised to see Atoa just sitting up and Morn lying next to him, blinking as he wakes up. ATOA What time is it? DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 50 32 CONTINUED: DAX Ten-thirty hours. Atoa gets to his feet and holds out a hand to Morn. ATOA Come on. The two of them lean on each other for support and head for the door to the bedroom. DAX Wrong door. She points them to the right doorway, and they begin to EXIT just as the door OPENS and Worf ENTERS. He's surprised to see the half-nude officer and Morn arm in arm. ATOA (to Worf) Excuse me. Sir. The two of them stagger out. Worf is clearly upset about something. WORF Jadzia, we need to-- She holds up a finger, telling him to wait and Worf stops. As Dax takes a long, grateful drink of Klingon coffee, he looks around and reacts in surprise to the scene of devastation. Dax squints at Worf through her hangover. DAX You're mad. WORF I am... concerned. Dax heads back toward her bedroom. DAX Well, I'm hung over. Can we talk later? WORF (following her) We have a very serious problem. Sirella has canceled the wedding. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 51. 32 CONTINUED: (2) DAX She doesn't waste any time, does she? WORF She said you attacked her. DAX She pulled a knife. 33 INT. DAX'S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS As Worf and Dax ENTER. WORF You have been forbidden to join the House of Martok. DAX So I won't get invited to the family picnics. I'll live. WORF I can't believe that you're taking this so --- DAX Do you hear that? WORF What? DAX Sounds like voices... She moves to the closet door and presses the control panel on the wall. The door OPENS, revealing Odo and Kira sitting on some boxes. KIRA Hi. DAX Hi. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 52. 33 CONTINUED: ODO Is the party over? DAX You could say that. It's ten- thirty. KIRA In the morning? Dax nods and Odo and Kira hastily make their way toward the door. KIRA I'm on duty. ODO So am I. Kira pauses before leaving. KIRA Great party. DAX Thanks. Kira and Odo EXIT. WORF We must deal with this situation now! DAX Stop yelling. My head hurts. Worf tries to calm down, but is only partially successful. WORF You must go to Sirella and beg her forgiveness. That was the wrong thing to say to a Trill with a hangover, and Dax's back begins to stiffen. DAX I don't beg. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 53. 33 CONTINUED: (2) WORF You're letting your pride blind you. DAX Look who's talking. You want me to go crawling to some old hag just so you can have your precious traditional Klingon wedding. WORF This is about more than just tradition. You and I have embarked on a spiritual journey that will bind us together through this life and into the next. You cannot turn back now. DAX Maybe you're on a spiritual journey, Worf. But I just want to get married. So why don't you go back to sweating and bleeding with your friends in the Holosuite and when you're done, meet me in Benjamin's office and he'll perform the ceremony. WORF If that is your attitude... then maybe Sirella is right about you. There should be no wedding! DAX That's fine with me! Worf storms out of her quarters without another word and Dax glares after him for a moment after he's gone. As the reality of what's just happened begins to sink in for Jadzia... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 54. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 34 INT. QUARK'S Bashir and O'Brien ENTER, wearing their by-now- customary Klingon robes and carrying their Ma'Staka clubs and react in surprise at what they see: some Workers are taking down a huge Klingon banner, while others are carrying the bar furniture back in, and some are removing torches and candles from around the room. Quark himself is setting up the bar. BASHIR (to Quark) What's going on? QUARK Haven't you heard? The wedding's off. O'BRIEN Off? Why? QUARK She says it's because he's a pigheaded, stubborn man who puts tradition before everything else. He says it's because she's a frivolous, emotional woman who refuses to take him or his culture seriously. (beat) You can see the problem. O'BRIEN They're both right. QUARK Exactly. BASHIR Well... I guess there's only one thing to do. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 55. 34 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Order dinner. QUARK (hands them a PADD) Here's the menu. CUT TO: 35 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship is docked at the station. 36 INT. DEFIANT - QUARTERS Worf is sitting at the tiny table, with a thoroughly miserable expression. This is as close to despair as we've ever seen the proud warrior, but as soon as the door CHIMES, we see him close off those feelings once again. WORF Enter. Martok ENTERS and Worf begins to get up, but the General waves him back to his seat. MARTOK Worf... you have made a grave error. WORF Perhaps. MARTOK Do you still love her? WORF Of course. (talking himself into it) However, in this case, that may not be enough. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 56. 36 CONTINUED: WORF Anyone can see that we are hopelessly mismatched. She is Trill, I am Klingon. She's had five marriages, this would be my first. When she's laughing, I'm somber; when I'm happy, she's crying. She plays Tongo with the Ferengi bartender; I can barely stand him. She mocks everything, while I take everything seriously. (beat) She is nothing like the woman I thought I'd marry. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 57. 36 CONTINUED: (2) MARTOK We are not accorded the luxury of choosing the women we fall in love with. Do you think Sirella is anything like the woman I thought I'd marry? She is a mercurial, arrogant, prideful woman who shares my bed far too infrequently for my taste. (beat) And yet... I love her deeply. We Klingons often tout our prowess in battle and our desire for honor and glory above all else... but how hollow is the sound of victory without someone to share it with. And Honor gives little comfort to a man alone in his home... and in his heart. There's a long beat as we see Martok's words hit home with Worf. Off the heartbroken look in his eyes... CUT TO: 37 INT. QUARK'S Bashir and O'Brien are now sitting together at a table watching as two Ferengi Waiters deliver a dinner feast to them. Quark is checking off the items as they're placed on the table in front of the starving doctor. QUARK ... one steak with mushrooms, baked potato, sour cream and chives... O'BRIEN I should've had that. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 58. 37 CONTINUED: QUARK (continuing, to O'Brien) ... one double Altair sandwich, no mustard... two bowls of linguini with Bajoran shrimp and extra cheese... one loaf of mapa bread... The waiters have finished laying out the feast and Bashir inhales the aroma of the food that's now arrayed before him with relish. O'Brien picks up a fork, and is about to dig in when he hears... SISKO'S VOICE What do you think you're doing? They look up and are surprised to see Sisko, Martok and Alexander ENTERING the bar, all dressed in their ceremonial robes and carrying Ma'Stakas. O'BRIEN The wedding's been called off. SISKO It's back on. MARTOK Worf is apologizing to Jadzia at this very moment. SISKO (to Quark, re: food) Better take that away, Quark. No food for those on the path to Kal'Hyah! Quark snaps his fingers and the Waiters scurry to take away the food. QUARK (to Bashir & O'Brien) No refunds for those on the path to Kal'Hyah, either. Sorry. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 59. 37 CONTINUED: (2) At that moment, Worf ENTERS with a shocked look on his face. ALEXANDER Father... what happened? WORF (still in shock) She... refused to not change her mind. The wedding is still off. Everyone reacts in surprise at this news. Bashir silently reaches out and grabs the jacket of the Waiter who was about to take away the last plate of food, and holds onto him. SISKO (weary) Where is she? WORF In her quarters. SISKO I'll go talk to her. (re: Bashir & O'Brien) Just keep them away from the food. Sisko EXITS. Alexander, Martok and Worf turn to face Bashir, who still hasn't let go of the waiter and is considering his options. CUT TO: 38 INT. DAX'S QUARTERS Dax is still fuming when the door CHIMES. DAX Come in. Sisko ENTERS and Dax immediately tries to head him off. DAX Save your breath. Worf went too far and now it's over. Do you know what he wanted me to do? He wanted me to go crawling on my hands and knees to Sirella and beg her forgiveness. Beg her! Me! DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 60. 38 CONTINUED: DAX (Cont'd) I was once the Federation ambassador to the Klingon Empire! I negotiated the Khitomer Accords before Worf was even born! SISKO Curzon negotiated the Accords. And I've got news for you, old man... you're not Curzon anymore. DAX What the hell is that supposed to mean? SISKO It means you can't expect Sirella to treat you like Curzon just because you carry his memories. To her, you're just a young woman who's decided to marry into her family. If you have to get down on your knees and kiss Sirella's boots, then that's what you have to do. And you know that. From the moment you decided to marry Worf, you've known that sooner or later, you'd have to bow down and show her the respect she's due. DAX This is all Worf's fault -- Worf and his "traditional Klingon wedding." SISKO He may have let this wedding business go to his head, but you're three hundred fifty-six years old. Compared to you, Worf's just a kid. If you can't abide by Klingon traditions, then you should've never let yourself fall in love with him in the first place. (softer) And you are in love with him. There's a long quiet beat as she realizes that he's right. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 61. 38 CONTINUED: (2) DAX I wasn't looking to fall in love. I was perfectly happy by myself. I had friends, a career, adventure... and then one day, this Klingon with a bad attitude walks into my life. The next thing I know, I'm getting married. (beat) After three hundred fifty-six years and seven lifetimes... I'm still leading with my heart. SISKO That's what I've always loved about you... and I think that's why Worf loves you, too. She looks at this man she's known so long with a wistful expression. DAX Whatever happened to that young, callow ensign I used to know? The one who turned to me for advice all the time. You know -- the one with hair. SISKO He grew up. DAX I guess it's time for me to grow up, too. OFF the warm smiles of these two old and close friends... CUT TO: 39 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Over the image of the station we HEAR KLINGON DRUMS, which carries us to... DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 62. 40 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL A pair of N.D. Klingons are beating a steady rhythm on their drums near the now vine-bedecked railing. MOVE TO REVEAL that Quark's has now been converted into a full-blown Klingon wedding chapel. The room is crammed with PEOPLE from all over the station and lit only by torches and candlelight. Sisko, Bashir, O'Brien and Martok are in the front row, wearing their ceremonial robes and all clutching their Ma'Stakas. Alexander is carrying two brightly polished bat'leths. Odo, Kira, Jake, Nog, Leeta, Rom, Quark and Morn can be seen in the crowd. Everyone is looking at Sirella, who is standing in the middle of the room on a raised platform. Worf is standing nearby. Worf and Sirella are both wearing special costumes for the wedding which should be different in style and color from anything else we've ever seen on a Klingon. Sirella raises a hand and the drumming DIES AWAY SLOWLY. Sirella should have the assembled crowd in the palm of her hand as she conducts the ceremony. SIRELLA With fire and steel did the gods forge the Klingon heart. So fiercely did it beat, so loud was the sound, that the gods cried out, "On this day we have brought forth the strongest heart in all the heavens. None can stand before it without trembling at its strength." But then the Klingon heart weakened, its steady rhythm faltered and the gods said, "Why do you weaken so? We have made you the strongest in all of creation." Worf steps up onto the platform. SIRELLA (continuing) And the heart said... WORF "I... am alone." SIRELLA And the gods knew that they had erred. So they went back to their forge and brought forth another heart... DS9:"You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 62A. 40 CONTINUED: Sirella stretches out a hand and the crowd PARTS to clear the way for Dax, who is ENTERING the room wearing a stunning Klingon wedding dress. She strides right up to the platform and then steps up to face Worf. Alexander hands them each a bat'leth, which they take without looking. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 63. 40 CONTINUED: (2) SIRELLA But the second heart beat stronger than the first, and the first was jealous of its power. Worf swings his bat'leth right at Dax, but she parries the blow easily, and slips her blade under his guard and puts it to his neck. SIRELLA Fortunately, the second heart was tempered by wisdom. DAX (to Worf) "If we join together, no force can stop us." Dax takes her blade from his neck and each of them grabs the other with their free hand and they pull each other so close that their faces are nearly touching. SIRELLA And when the two hearts began to beat together, they filled the heavens with a terrible sound. For the first time, the gods knew fear. They tried to flee, but it was too late. The Klingon hearts destroyed the gods who created them and turned the heavens to ashes. To this very day, no one can oppose the beating of two Klingon hearts... (quiet, to Dax) Not even me. Dax and Sirella exchange a look and Dax knows in that moment that she's been accepted. Sirella moves on with the ceremony, SIRELLA Worf, son of Mogh... does your heart beat only for this woman? WORF Yes. SIRELLA And will you swear to join with her and stand with her against all who oppose you? WORF I swear. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 64. 40 CONTINUED: (3) SIRELLA Jadzia, daughter of Kela, does your heart beat only for this man? DAX Yes. SIRELLA And do you swear to join with him and stand with him against all who would oppose you? DAX I swear. SIRELLA (to all) Then let all present here today know that this man and this woman... are married. A CHEER goes up from the crowd as Worf and Dax finally kiss. The Klingon drums begin beating again and the room is filled with celebration. 41 BASHIR is standing in the crowd, eagerly fingering his Ma'Staka as everyone keeps cheering. BASHIR (to Martok) Now? MARTOK Not yet. Worf and Dax break the kiss, they wave to the crowd, then Worf is embraced by Sirella. BASHIR Now? MARTOK Patience. Sirella turns to Dax, and there's a moment's hesitation before Dax bows her head in obeisance. DAX My lady. DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 65 -66. 41 CONTINUED: SIRELLA Welcome to the House of Martok... my daughter. They finally embrace. 42 MARTOK turns to Bashir. MARTOK Now, doctor. Bashir leads O'Brien in a CHARGE toward the platform, their Ma'Stakas held high and blood in their eyes. As they EXIT frame... CUT TO BLACK. And then we hear the BLOOD-CURDLING SCREAMS and the THUDDING and CLASHING of FIGHTING mixed in with GRUNTS, YELPS of PAIN, Klingon CURSES and the sound of BREAKING GLASS. 43 and OMITTED 44 END OF ACT FIVE THE END