STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rocks and Shoals" #40510-527 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Mike Vejar THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1997 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION July 24, 1997 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Rocks and Shoals" - 07/25/97 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rocks and Shoals" CAST SISKO NOG KIRA GARAK ODO KEEVAN BASHIR REMATA'KLAN DAX LIMARA'SON WORF O'BRIEN NEELEY JAKE DAMAR COMPUTER VOICE GORDON YASSIM Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. JEMIRADAR STAR TREK: DS9 - "Rocks and Shoals" - 07/24/97 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rocks and Shoals" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE (TEROK NOR) (TEROK NOR) CORRIDOR/TURBOLIFT JEM'HADAR SHIP KIRA'S QUARTERS OPS ALIEN SHORELINE ONE PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL ALIEN SHORELINE TWO QUARK'S ALIEN SHORELINE THREE TURBOLIFT BOX CANYON ALIEN WORLD STARFLEET CAVERN JEM'HADAR CAVERN JEM'HADAR SHIP CONTROL ROOM DS NINE - "Rocks and Shoals" - 07/24/97 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rocks and Shoalsol PRONUNCIATION GUIDE DAMAR dah-MAR GYRODYNE GI-row-dine KAMAR ka-MAR KETRACEL KEH-tra-sell MAVEK MAY-vek REMATA'KLAN re-MOT-tah-KLON WEYOUN WAY-yoon YAK'TALON YAK-tah-lon YASSIM YA-sim (rhymes with chasm) KEEVAN KEY-van DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rocks and Shoals" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE JEM'HADAR SHIP (OPTICAL) The ship is moving at impulse power. SISKO (V.O.) Captain's Log: Stardate 51107.2 Our luck just ran out. Chief O'Brien had a plan to restore main power to our commandeered Dominion ship. All he needed were three more days. But he's not going to get them. 2 INT. JEM'HADAR CONTROL ROOM SISKO in command, DAX at the helm, NOG and O'BRIEN working feverishly at a large open panel. N.D. Crewmembers as needed. GARAK is wearing the virtual headset and is swiveling his head as he tries to focus on something outside the ship. The atmosphere is tense and urgent. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) Sensors have detected two Jem'Hadar fighters heading our way. And without main power, our chances of survival are slim to none. O'BRIEN (to Dax) Try it now! O'BRIEN (to Nog) Re-route the damned gyrodyne to the damned thruster array. NOG (working) Got it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: SISKO Where are those ships, Garak? GARAK Bearing three one zero mark two five one. Still closing. Sisko grabs the other virtual headset and puts it on. O'BRIEN Nog did you re-route the damned gyrodyne? NOG I'm trying, but the damned thruster array won't take the input! O'BRIEN Try the lateral impulse matrix and watch your mouth. Sisko activates the virtual headset and reacts to the dizzying view. He tries to adjust to the swirling image he sees. 3 SISKO'S POV (OPTICAL) An EXTERIOR view of space as seen from the Jem'Hadar ship. The stars whirl and turn for a moment as Sisko cranes his neck around... then the view focuses on two DISTANT SHIPS heading toward us. O'BRIEN'S VOICE (over above) Access the auxiliary core through the starboard engineering console! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: DAX'S VOICE (over above) I've already tried that! 4 RESUME SISKO As he watches the ships grow larger in his viewer. DAX There's still no power to weapons or shields! Sisko thinks for a beat, then turns and "looks" around the ship. He sees something. SISKO Dax, there's a dark matter nebula sixty degrees above the bow. Can we reach it? DAX (works) Yes. But that nebula's never been charted. We don't know what's in there. GARAK The Jem'Hadar ships are... entering weapons' range... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: Sisko glances back into the virtual viewer. 5 thru OMITTED 6 7 SISKO'S POV (OPTICAL) The Jem'Hadar ships are now much closer. They both OPEN FIRE, the bolts of disruptor energy coming right toward us... 8 RESUME The ship ROCKS under the impact. Sisko strips off the headset. SISKO Take us into the nebula, old man. Full impulse! Dax works quickly. 9 EXT. SPACE - THE JEM'HADAR SHIP (OPTICAL) The Jem'Hadar ship TURNS and heads toward the nebula. 10 INT. JEM'HADAR CONTROL ROOM As before. The ship ROCKS under the impact of another barrage from the pursuing vessels. Dax's console suddenly BLOWS OUT, knocking her across the room. Sisko rushes to her and O'Brien heads for the helm console. Dax has a nasty wound on her stomach and her eyes are fluttering -- a very serious wound. SISKO (hits combadge) Sisko to Bashir -- medical emergency. Dax grabs his hand and Sisko holds on tight. O'BRIEN Helm control's gone, sir. 10A EXT. SPACE - THE JEM'HADAR SHIP (OPTICAL) Without a pilot, the ship PLUNGES into the Dark Matter Nebula in an uncontrolled, wild flight. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - TEASER 4A. 10A CONTINUED: The two pursuing FIGHTERS do not follow our ship into the nebula -- they break off just before reaching the edge, and turn back. 10B INT. JEM'HADAR CONTROL ROOM BASHIR has just arrived and is bending down over Dax, while Sisko keeps holding her hand. Bashir rips open the medkit and gives her a hypospray for the pain. SISKO (to Dax) Don't you dare leave me now, old man. Not here, not like this. Dax relaxes slightly as the drug kicks in, but she's still hovering on the edge of unconsciousness. BASHIR (off tricorder) Puncture of the left abdominal cavity... (grim) ... and it looks like the symbiont may have been injured. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - TEASER 5. 10B CONTINUED: Sisko reacts -- that's really bad news. Bashir is pulling out instruments and working on Dax, but before Sisko even has a chance to absorb this information -- the ship is suddenly ROCKED HARD. The lights FLICKER and some consoles are BLOWN OUT. O'BRIEN (off console) Sensors are gone... impulse engines off-line. O'Brien looks with dismay at the few lights remaining on the engineering console. O'BRIEN In fact, everything's off-line... emergency power is holding -- for now. SISKO Garak, take a look outside -- Garak struggles to get his headset up and working. GARAK Just a moment... SISKO (to O'Brien) What happened? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - TEASER 6. 10B CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I'm not sure... we might've been hit by some kind of gravitational spike in the -- Garak reacts to something he sees on the headset. GARAK Oh, no. SISKO What is it? Garak looks at him with a stricken expression. GARAK Hang on. 11 EXT. SPACE - CLOSE ON THE JEM'HADAR SHIP (OPTICAL) The Jem'Hadar ship is filling the frame at first, but then it FALLS AWAY FROM CAMERA, and as it does, we can see that it is plummeting straight DOWN toward a Class- M PLANET covered with oceans. As the Jem'Hadar ship disappears into the clouds we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 7 ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 12A thru OMITTED 12D 12 CLOSE ON JEM'HADAR SOLDIER - DAY (MATTE) As he steps into view. His name is THIRD REMATA'KLAN. Just another genetically engineered soldier of the Dominion. But Remata'Klan has a problem. He's staring off at something o.c. and there's something in his eyes that we're not used to seeing in the expression of a Jem'Hadar. Worry. MOVE TO REVEAL: 13 EXT. ALIEN SHORELINE ONE - DAY (MATTE) Remata'Klan is standing on a rocky stretch of shoreline on an alien world, looking out to sea. Behind Remata'Klan are forbidding cliffs topped by scrubby vegetation, and there's no sign of any civilization on this planet. It's a desolate, harsh world. Another Jem'Hadar, FOURTH LIMARA'SON approaches him and stops a few feet away. LIMARA'SON We have established a defense perimeter around the entrance to the cavern. I have sent out two patrols to reconnoiter the shoreline in both directions. Remata'Klan takes that in, but says nothing and continues to look out at the crashing surf. Limara'Son waits a moment, then continues his report. LIMARA'SON (continuing) The Vorta's condition has worsened. He will die soon. Limara'Son doesn't seem particularly bothered by that idea. Remata'Klan's feelings on the matter are opaque. REMATA'KLAN What about the First and the Second? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 7A-7C. 13 CONTINUED: LIMARA'SON I vaporized their bodies myself, and redistributed their equipment to the rest of the men. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 8. 13 CONTINUED: (2) Remata'Klan nods thoughtfully. LIMARA'SON (continuing) You are now the First. REMATA'KLAN No. I questioned the Vorta's orders. He will not forget that. As long as he lives, I will remain Third. LIMARA'SON You were right to question him! If he hadn't ordered us into the nebula two days ago we would not have crashed on-- REMATA'KLAN (harsh) It was not my place. Remember: "Obedience Brings Victory." LIMARA'SON (chastened) "And Victory is Life." Limara'Son is suitably humbled by the reminder. Remata'Klan looks back out to sea. REMATA'KLAN Until we re-establish communications, we will hold this world for the Dominion. LIMARA'SON And if we cannot re-establish communications? Remata'Klan gives him a very direct look. REMATA'KLAN Then we will hold this world for the Dominion until we die. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 9. 13 CONTINUED: (3) The two men look at each other for a moment, then Limara'Son straightens up into a position of attention before turning and heading off. Remata'Klan turns back to the ocean. CUT TO: 13C EXT. ALIEN SHORELINE TWO - WIDE - DAY (MATTE) (FORMERLY SCENE A12) We're looking at another shoreline on the same alien world. There's a bay here where the ocean laps up against towering rocky cliffs. Far below us, we can see the Jem'Hadar ship half-submerged out in the bay and a tiny RAFT making its way towards the beach. The Jem'Hadar ship is SINKING and we see one or two EXPLOSIONS before it slips beneath the waves. 14 ON NOG (FORMERLY SCENE B12) As he staggers out of the ocean, and collapses onto the sand, panting heavily. A shadow falls over him and he looks up... 15 NOG'S POV (FORMERLY SCENE C12) The dazzling sun is obscuring the figure towering over Nog. Is it a Jem'Hadar? But then the figure moves and blocks the sun behind him. It's Garak, bending down to offer the waterlogged Ferengi a hand. GARAK This is no time to lie down on the job, cadet. Nog is too exhausted to make a reply and it's all he can do to raise his arm and let Garak pull him to his feet. Garak's clothes and face are still glistening with water from his own time in the sea as he guides Nog higher up the beach. ENSIGN PAUL GORDON -- an engineer -- is on his hands and knees, coughing up seawater and struggling not to pass out. SISKO'S VOICE Ready... HEAVE! Ready... HEAVE! 16 NEW ANGLE (MATTE) (FORMERLY SCENE D12) Revealing a MAKESHIFT RAFT being hauled up onto the beach by Sisko, O'Brien, Bashir and LIEUTENANT LISA NEELEY (a Security officer). DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 10. 16 CONTINUED: The raft itself was evidently cobbled together from equipment, barrels, conduit, cabling, etc. scrounged from the Jem'Hadar ship. There are some pieces of Dominion & Federation equipment (phasers, tricorders, blankets, etc.) strapped to the raft, but most of the space is taken up with the unconscious form of Dax, who has been tied to the raft and covered with some kind of blanket. Sisko and the others are wet, miserable and very, very tired as they pull the heavy raft out of the hip-deep water and onto the sand. SISKO Ready... HEAVE! One more! Ready HEAVE! The raft finally comes to a stop on the sand. O'Brien, Neeley, and Sisko all collapse for a moment on the sides of the raft, their eyes closing and nearly fainting from the exertion. Bashir is not nearly as exhausted as the others and he quickly grabs a tricorder from the raft and scans Dax. SISKO (panting) How... how is she? BASHIR (off tricorder) Stable for now. (to Garak) Garak! I need a hand! Garak quickly moves to the raft and helps Bashir lift Dax out of the boat. Sisko and the others watch as they carry her up the beach, too tired to move for now. O'Brien suddenly realizes something. O'BRIEN Bloody hell! SISKO What? O'BRIEN I can't believe it! SISKO What? O'BRIEN I tore my pants. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 11. 16 CONTINUED: (2) O'Brien is glaring at a pant leg that's been ripped right up the side. Sisko looks at him for a moment... then laughter starts to play at the corners of his mouth. SISKO You tore your pants? O'Brien sees the look on Sisko's face and he starts to lose it as well. O'BRIEN That's right. (beat) I guess I'm really in trouble now. They finally start laughing like this is the funniest thing in the world -- it's a moment of exceedingly dark humor born of desperation and exhaustion. The two men fall back on the beach laughing and crying. 17 WIDER (MATTE) Showing the small shipwrecked party of Starfleet officers on the desolate beach. OFF this image... 18 EXT. SPACE - TEROK NOR (OPTICAL) Establishing the station. 19 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS KIRA is asleep in bed. COMPUTER VOICE The time is zero five hundred hours. Kira is up and out of bed almost before the computer voice finishes. She stretches for a beat, faces herself in the mirror and then manages a very forced smile for the mirror. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 12. 20 INT. CORRIDOR/TURBOLIFT Kira is waiting outside a turbolift, carrying a PADD. The doors finally OPEN and she ENTERS a lift that is already filled with N.D. Jem'Hadar and N.D. Cardassians. Kira nods to them and they nod to her -- they all know each other. The doors CLOSE. CUT TO: 21 INT. OPS The turbolift ENTERS Ops and Kira steps out along with Jem'Hadar and Cardassians. Ops is fully manned with Cardassians, while armed Jem'Hadar soldiers are posted at strategic points. Kira moves off to one side and sits at a console while studying her PADD. The other Cardassians and Jem'Hadar move to different stations around Ops, and relieve their counterparts -- it's a shift change in Ops, but Kira takes little note of it. A Cardassian N.D. hands her a cup of raktajino. KIRA Thanks, Mavek. This is the new morning routine and it's just another day in the office for all of them. As Kira goes about her daily routine... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 13. 22 OMITTED 23 INT. JEM'HADAR CAVERN - DUSK This is a perpetually wet and unpleasant cavern that the Jem'Hadar are now using as a base camp. A few pieces of Dominion technology are in evidence. An N.D. Jem'Hadar is working on a Dominion communications system in one corner of the cavern, while Three N.D. Jem'Hadar Soldiers and Limara'Son are stripping and cleaning their weapons nearby. The Soldiers in the Cavern are jittery and seem to be having problems -- tools get dropped, fingers tremble, easily distracted, etc. (We'll shortly learn that all the Jem'Hadar are suffering from a lack of White, so there should not be any liquid flowing through the Jem'Hadar necktubes.) In the center of the cavern is a small fire and makeshift bed, upon which is lying a badly wounded Vorta named KEEVAN. Remata'Klan is sitting on a container next to Keevan's bed and watching the sweating, miserable Vorta with no hint of compassion in his face. KEEVAN (pained) This must be... quite gratifying for you. But I've decided not to give you the pleasure of watching me die in this foul-smelling cavern. I intend... to live. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 14. 23 CONTINUED: REMATA'KLAN I understand. Keevan looks up sharply -- was that a jab at him? But there is no hint of anything untoward in Remata'Klan's expression, only the mask of obedience. KEEVAN How long until we re-establish communications? Remata'Klan glances over at the Jem'Hadar working on the communications rig. REMATA'KLAN Seventh Yak'Talon estimates it will take at least ten days before we can attempt a low-power test. KEEVAN Ten days... Keevan closes his eyes, exhausted just by the thought. REMATA'KLAN It is time for the White. Keevan opens his eyes and motions acquiescence with his hand. Remata'Klan nods to an N.D. Jem'Hadar, who quickly brings the distinctive locked container of White over to the Vorta and sets it down on the cave floor. The case has been battered and scorched. All the Jem'Hadar start to move toward the White, eager for the next dose of the drug. Keevan works the security lock on the case. The top rises, but only Keevan can see inside the case. He looks into the case for a moment... sees something there that he knows is very bad news... but he cannot let any of the Jem'Hadar know. He proceeds with the ritual. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 15. 23 CONTINUED: (2) KEEVAN (deliberate) Third Remata'Klan... can you vouch for the loyalty of your men? REMATA'KLAN We pledge our loyalty to the Founders from now until death. KEEVAN Then receive this reward from the Founders. May it keep you strong. He hands Remata'Klan one vial of White and then shuts the case. The Jem'Hadar look stunned. LIMARA'SON Only one? REMATA'KLAN (sharp) Keep your place. Keevan looks up at the tense and anxious faces of his men calmly. KEEVAN This case of White must last until we're rescued -- at least ten days, possibly more. I will ration the supply. Don't worry -- I am the Vorta. I will take care of you all. Remata'Klan nods and then leads everyone away from the Vorta's bed. As Keevan lies there alone and forgotten for a moment, we see that there is now worry in his face too... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 16. 24 INT. STARFLEET CAVERN - NIGHT (OPTICAL) The cavern that Sisko and his troops are using as their own base camp is drier than the cave housing the Jem'Hadar, but not by much. At one end of the cave, a low boulder has been HEATED by a phaser and is radiating more than enough heat to warm up the cavern. Sisko, Neeley, Garak, Nog, Gordon, and O'Brien are in various stages of undress and checking their waterlogged uniforms, which have been spread on top of the boulder to dry. STEAM is rising from several of the shirts and pants. All the equipment from the life raft has been dragged in here as well and the cavern is lit from a few PALM BEACONS which are scattered around. Neeley FIRES her phaser at the boulder, and it GLOWS hotter. Sisko picks up a hot vest from the drying clothing and gingerly puts it on over his already dry undershirt and pants. He checks his boots, but they're still too wet, forcing him to remain barefooted. Garak is holding up O'Brien's pants and inspecting the ripped leg with a professional eye. GARAK Lucky for you, it ripped on the seam. O'BRIEN So you can fix it. GARAK Unlucky for you, my sewing kit went down with the ship. NEELEY (not serious) Maybe someone could go get it -- the ship's only about five hundred meters below the surface by now. O'BRIEN Now there's an idea. cadet, how long can you hold your breath? Everyone looks at Nog, who suddenly isn't sure if they're joking or not. They all smile at the look on his face. Sisko picks up a pair of pants and a jacket and crosses the cavern to where Dax is lying on a blanket spread on the floor, across the cavern from the blazing heat of the boulder. She's naked underneath an emergency blanket that covers her body. Bashir is checking her over with a medical instrument, and we can see that she's awake. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 16A. 24 CONTINUED: SISKO Your jacket and pants are ready, Madame. Your boots and vest will take a little longer, so may I suggest browsing through the hotel gift shop while you wait? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 17. 24 CONTINUED: (2) Dax manages a smile as Sisko folds her clothes neatly and lays them next to her. DAX No, thank you. But I would like to lodge a complaint with the manager. This bed is hard as a rock. SISKO I'll make a note of that. (to Bashir) What's the prognosis? BASHIR Guarded, but good. The bleeding's stopped and I've repaired all the internal injuries. The damage to the symbiont is harder to diagnose, but with enough rest, I think they'll both make a full recovery. DAX In other words, I'll be staring up at the cave ceiling for the rest of my stay. SISKO Lucky for you there's twenty-four hour room service. She laughs, then stops as a wave of agony grips her abdomen. Sisko instinctively grabs her hand and they ride out the momentary pain. After it passes, Sisko leans closer to her and brushes some hair back off her pale face. SISKO I'll get you out of here, old man. I promise. DAX I'm going to hold you to that one, Benjamin. Sisko grips her hand a little tighter. CUT TO: 25 OMITTED DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 18. 26 EXT. ALIEN SHORELINE THREE - DAY (OPTICAL) The next day, Garak and Nog are walking along the rocky shoreline, wearing phasers and working tricorders. They're walking roughly side by side as they scan the desolate expanse of rock, sand and surf for any signs of food or water, but every time Garak pauses or slows down, Nog falls back. After a few beats, Garak begins to suspect something and he deliberately stops for a moment, pretending to see something on his tricorder, then takes a couple of steps backward. Nog stops as well, and then actually takes a few steps backward of his own. Garak, finally, has had enough. GARAK What are you doing? NOG Following orders. The Captain told us to scan for fresh water or vegetation that might be -- GARAK You know precisely what I mean. You're deliberately trying to stay behind me and I want to know why. Nog looks a little uncomfortable and Garak suddenly realizes what's going on. GARAK (continuing) Does this have something to do with that unfortunate business between you and me last year? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 19. 26 CONTINUED: NOG (grim) You tied me up and threatened to kill me. GARAK There were extenuating circumstances. NOG (determined) It happened. So you can either stay in front of me or walk beside me... but I won't turn my back on you again. Garak can see that Nog means it. He considers the young cadet for a moment. GARAK Cadet... there may be hope for you yet. Garak resumes leading them down the beach and opens his tricorder again. Nog falls into step and they walk along for a beat before Garak sees something on his tricorder and stops short. NOG What is it? GARAK I'm not sure... but... Suddenly ONE JEM'HADAR SOLDIER SHIMMERS into view and two more appear from O.S. Garak goes for his combadge, but one of the Jem'Hadar roughly grabs it off his chest and then yanks the phaser from his waist. GARAK Now I'm sure. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 27 INT. JEM'HADAR CAVERN - DAY Garak and Nog are kneeling on the floor with their hands behind their heads in front of Keevan and Remata'Klan, while the two Jem'Hadar soldiers point their weapons at them. Keevan's condition has worsened since the last time we saw him, but he's still able to focus on the matter at hand. KEEVAN (pained) How many... others are there in your unit? NOG Nog. Cadet Third Class. Serial Number CX dash nine three seven dash -- GARAK Shut up. (to Keevan) As I tried to explain to your men, my name is Kamar and I am a member of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau -- what used to be known as the Obsidian Order. A week ago, while performing my duties in the glorious service of the Founders, I was captured by the USS Centaur. I was being held aboard one of their shuttles when we were forced to hide in this dark matter nebula by the unexpected appearance of a Dominion battleship. The shuttle was then hit by-- KEEVAN Excuse me, Mister Kamar -- if that's really your name -- but if you're one of our allies, why were you wearing this? Keevan produces the Starfleet combadge that the Jem'Hadar took from Garak. Garak reacts with a resigned sigh -- he never really expected to get away with this. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 21. 27 CONTINUED: GARAK I was hoping you weren't going to ask me about that. KEEVAN I only have one further question for you. (beat) Is there a doctor in your unit? Garak considers that for a moment and makes a quick decision. GARAK Yes. NOG Garak! KEEVAN Don't be too hard on him, young man. He just saved your life. (to N.D. Soldiers) Take them to a secure area. The two Soldiers grab Garak and Nog and roughly pull them deeper into the cavern. Keevan lies back for a moment on his bed, the effort of talking apparent on his face. KEEVAN Third... I have a mission for you. All of our lives may depend on it. Can I trust you to carry out my orders without question? REMATA'KLAN My life is pledged to the service of the Dominion. KEEVAN Good. I want you to find the Starfleet unit. But do not engage them. Locate them, assess their strength, and then report back to me. REMATA'KLAN I understand. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 22. 27 CONTINUED: (3) KEEVAN No, you don't. But that's all right. It's not important that you understand, only that you carry out my instructions precisely. REMATA'KLAN Obedience Brings Victory. KEEVAN Yes. Yes, it does. Go. Remata'Klan EXITS. CUT TO: 28 SECURITY OFFICE Kira and ODO are being interviewed by JAKE, who's taking notes on a PADD. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 23. 28 CONTINUED: JAKE I understand that a decision's been made to send four thousand Dominion Facilitators down to Bajor -- would you care to elaborate? Odo and Kira exchange surprised looks. KIRA It's only four hundred and how did you hear about that? The official announcement isn't scheduled until tomorrow. JAKE I hear things. (beat) So could you elaborate? My readers want to know what's going on. ODO You don't have any readers. Weyoun is still blocking the transmission of your stories. JAKE For now. But what if he changes his mind? Don't you want to explain what's going on here to the outside world? Odo still looks dubious, but Kira gives in. KIRA Since the war started, Bajor has been completely cut off from all outside trade. We have nowhere to turn for things like spare parts, and medical supplies. Nowhere except the Dominion. So, a group of Facilitators is going to Bajor for a few months to provide technical assistance. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 24. 28 CONTINUED: (2) JAKE (off PADD) How do you respond to critics like Vedek Yassim who say that by welcoming a group of Vorta to Bajor you're taking the first step toward Dominion occupation? ODO I've been assured that the Facilitators will be unarmed and unaccompanied by any Jem'Hadar soldiers. JAKE Odo, do you have any concerns that by joining the ruling council here on the station, you're validating the occupation? ODO The Dominion doesn't need my validation. They're here and they're not leaving. Not without a fight, anyway. Jake scribbles down that answer. KIRA Are you done? JAKE Almost, almost. Will either of you be attending the demonstration tomorrow? KIRA The what? JAKE Vedek Yassim is organizing a demonstration on the Promenade tomorrow afternoon to protest the Dominion's occupation of the station. ODO (to Kira) That's all the excuse Dukat will need to order a new security crackdown. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 24A. 28 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA (weary) I'll talk to Yassim. JAKE So you're going to abolish the right to protest on the station? Both Odo and Kira give him a dirty look. JAKE Hey, I'm not trying to accuse you personally of anything... I'm just asking questions... KIRA I think this interview is over. ODO I couldn't agree more. They both get up and EXIT, leaving Jake to stew on his own. JAKE (to himself) Wrong question, Jake. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 25. 29 INT. STARFLEET CAVERN - DAY O'Brien is examining a piece of Dominion equipment while Sisko looks on. Dax is sleeping in the b.g. and Bashir is sitting nearby, watching over her. O'BRIEN With a little luck, I might be able to hardwire one of our combadges into this sensor relay. That would give us a crude transmitter, but no power source. SISKO What about draining one of our phasers? O'BRIEN I thought about that. But I'd need a converter to bridge the two power cells, and I can't build a converter without an ion exchange matrix. Sisko is frustrated, but just then, Ensign Gordon ENTERS the cavern with a worried look on his face. GORDON Captain, I think we may have a problem. Garak and Nog haven't reported in yet and they're not answering my hails. Off Sisko's face... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 26. 30 OMITTED 31 EXT. ALIEN SHORELINE THREE - DAY Sisko, O'Brien, Neeley and Gordon are moving down the shoreline, hunting for Nog and Garak. Everyone is armed and carrying their weapons at the ready. O'Brien has the point, and Gordon is bringing up the rear. Neeley has her tricorder out. They stay spread out, so as not to provide a clumped, tempting target and their movements are cautious and professional -- a military unit moving through dangerous country. Suddenly Neeley sees something on her tricorder, but tries very hard not to show it. NEELEY (sotto) Captain... there's a group of lifeforms up on the cliff... range seventy-five meters... elevation thirty meters... Sisko casually looks around the whole beach, trying not to focus too obviously on the location Neeley just specified. SISKO (sotto) That's where I'd be. Are they Jem'Hadar? NEELEY (sotto) I think so. SISKO (sotto) Well, let's not make it easy for them. Tell the chief to head for that large outcropping of rocks at ten o'clock. But we need to walk, not run. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 27. 31 CONTINUED: Neeley casually picks up her step and begins to say something to O'Brien, who's just ahead of her. 32 WIDER As O'Brien seems to casually pause to get his bearings and then he leads the group toward the large outcropping of rocks that Sisko mentioned. From those rocks, they'll be shielded from the position up on the cliffs that Neeley has identified. Everyone tries to act as those they're still searching and are unaware that they're being watched. 33 SISKO his eyes focused straight ahead... 34 NEELEY scanning the area with her tricorder... 35 THE CLIFFS towering over them with an unseen menace. 36 O'BRIEN calmly heading for the safety of the rocks... but his finger already on the phaser trigger. 37 JEM'HADAR POV looking down from the cliffs onto the beach... 38 NEW ANGLE - WIDE They're almost to safety... 39 THE CLIFFS (OPTICAL) Suddenly four Jem'Hadar come into view on the cliffs and OPEN FIRE. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 28. 40 THE STARFLEET OFFICERS (OPTICAL) react instantly and RETURN FIRE as a nearby explosion knocks Neeley off her feet. SISKO MOVE!!! GO! GO! GO! Sisko grabs Neeley and drags her along as they all make a mad dash across the final few meters to the rocks, FIRING all the way. As the two sides exchange phaser fire... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 41 EXT. ALIEN SHORELINE THREE (OPTICAL) THE STARFLEET OFFICERS are pinned down behind the rocky outcropping. Everyone is returning FIRE up at the cliffs. 42 THE CLIFFS (OPTICAL) Jem'Hadar Soldiers can be seen FIRING and then dropping back into cover. 43 SISKO (OPTICAL) fires a burst, then drops back behind the rock as a Jem'Hadar blast BLOWS AWAY a sizable chunk of the protective rock. O'Brien is right next to Sisko. Sisko FIRES again at the cliffs. 44 OMITTED 45 ON THE CLIFFS - REMATA'KLAN (OPTICAL) Remata'Klan is trying to get control of his men, who are FIRING down at the beach with a murderous fury. REMATA I KLAN Terminate fire! Terminate! He HITS one of his men and knocks him to the ground. This action seems to wake up Limara'Son, who immediately stops firing, but one man does not. Limara'Son turns on him and points his disruptor right at his head. LIMARA'SON You've been ordered to stop! With a noticeable effort, the man stops firing. In a moment, all the Jem'Hadar have ceased firing and they crouch down looking for cover as the Starfleet FIRE continues to pepper the cliffs around them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 30. 45 CONTINUED: The Jem'Hadar are not happy about being restrained and it shows, as do the continuing effects of White withdrawal -- the shaking, twitching and trembling have returned. (No White is moving through the tubes.) REMATA'KLAN (to all) Your orders were clear. You were not to engage the enemy. The others exchange bitter glances. REMATA'KLAN Who fired first? No one wants to say, but finally Limara'Son admits it. LIMARA'SON I did. Remata'Klan is surprised and disappointed in his friend, but it doesn't stop him from taking the appropriate action. REMATA'KLAN You are reduced to Sixth. (to others) We will shroud and return to base camp. Another EXPLOSION HITS nearby and Remata'Klan is hit in the arm with shrapnel. He grimaces, looks down at the bleeding wound, then ignores it, as do the others. LIMARA'SON I can no longer shroud myself. Remata'Klan glances around at his men, who all shake their heads, indicating that none of them can shroud. REMATA'KLAN (to Limara'Son and an N.D.) You and you will provide suppression fire as we withdraw. LIMARA'SON Understood. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 31. 45 CONTINUED: (2) Remata'Klan gives the others a sharp hand signal, and they begin to pull back cautiously while Limara'Son and the N.D. open FIRE again on the Starfleet position below. Remata'Klan pauses for a moment and looks down at the Starfleet officers still firing at him from the beach. LIMARA'SON (as he aims weapon) Remata'Klan... I regret my disobedience. Remata'Klan says nothing, but does briefly put a hand on his shoulder before moving out to follow his men. 46 SISKO & O'BRIEN (OPTICAL) are peering up at the cliffs while the others continue FIRING. O'BRIEN They're pulling out. SISKO Looks that way to me. O'BRIEN Why aren't they camouflaged? SISKO Good question. Let's hope the answer is something in our favor. They continue FIRING for a moment. SISKO (to others) Cease fire. CUT TO: 47 INT. JEM'HADAR CAVERN - DAY Keevan is looking up at Remata'Klan with undisguised anger. The rest of the squad, including Limara'Son, are standing at attention behind Remata'Klan. KEEVAN Why were my orders disobeyed? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 32. 47 CONTINUED: REMATA'KLAN Lack of White produces anxiety among us. One man could not restrain himself when he saw the enemy. KEEVAN Which man? REMATA'KLAN I have dealt with the matter. KEEVAN (heated) I asked for his name. REMATA'KLAN He is my responsibility. KEEVAN His name! REMATA'KLAN (unyielding) I may not be First, but I am the unit leader. You can discipline me, but only I discipline the men. That is the order of things. Keevan takes his measure for a long beat. KEEVAN Very well. I leave him to you. Remata'Klan tries not to look surprised, but there's a hint of relief in his expression. REMATA'KLAN (to squad) Dismissed. The squad breaks up. KEEVAN (quiet) You've done well, Third. You may yet become First. (beat) Now... I have a new task for you. The Vorta pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts and we... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 33. 48 EXT. SPACE - TEROK NOR (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 49 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira is meeting with VEDEK YASSIM, an older woman with graying hair, and a frail, thin frame. Her voice is melodic and soft, but there's an inner conviction to her words. YASSIM The Dominion is evil. And the Prophets tell us that evil must be opposed. KIRA You'll get no argument from me there, Vedek. But protests and demonstrations won't change anything, they'll only cause trouble for everyone. YASSIM Then what would you have us do to oppose the Dominion? KIRA I'm... not certain there's anything you and the other Vedeks can do right now. YASSIM I see. Then as the Bajoran liaison officer, what will you be doing to fight the Dominion? KIRA Fighting is not an option. This is different than the Cardassian Occupation. YASSIM Is it? The Cardassians are in control of the station, Bajoran freedoms are being curtailed one by one, and soon the first wave of alien troops will be landing on our world. KIRA We're talking about unarmed Vorta Facilitators. They come in, do their jobs, and then they're gone. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 34. 49 CONTINUED: YASSIM Can't you see what's happening to you? You're becoming an apologist for them -- a defender of evil. That stings and it shows on Kira's face. YASSIM (continuing) What will it take to make you act, Kira? To make you stop accepting them and start fighting back? KIRA Vedek, you just don't understand. YASSIM You're right -- I don't. Maybe tomorrow, we'll both understand. Yassim EXITS, leaving a very frustrated Kira. CUT TO: 50 INT. STARFLEET CAVERN - DAY Sisko is planning strategy with O'Brien by making drawings in the sandy cavern floor. Dax watches from her bed. SISKO We'll set up three defensive positions: you and Ensign Gordon on the south ridge; Lieutenant Neeley near the lava tube; Bashir and I in the dunes. DAX I'll stay here and guard my clothes. NEELEY'S COM VOICE Neeley to Captain Sisko. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 34A. 50 CONTINUED: SISKO Go ahead. NEELEY'S COM VOICE A Jem'Hadar soldier has just approached my position, sir. He says he wants to talk to you. Alone. Sisko and the others exchange surprised looks. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 35. 51 INT. STARFLEET CAVERN - DAY A few moments later, an unarmed Remata'Klan ENTERS the Cavern under the guard of Lieutenant Neeley. Sisko is alone except for Dax, who appears to be asleep. Sisko signals to Neeley to leave them. Neeley EXITS. SISKO I'm Captain Benjamin Sisko. REMATA'KLAN Third Remata'Klan. Two members of your unit are being held at our base camp. We will exchange them for you and your doctor. SISKO Why do you need a doctor? REMATA'KLAN The Vorta has been severely wounded. SISKO And why me? REMATA'KLAN The Vorta wishes to speak with you. SISKO It sounds like he wants to trade two low-ranking prisoners for two more valuable ones. Would you accept a deal like that? REMATA'KLAN No. SISKO Then why should I? REMATA'KLAN You shouldn't. SISKO You're not a very good negotiator are you? REMATA'KLAN I was not sent to negotiate. I was instructed only to deliver the terms. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 36. 51 CONTINUED: SISKO I see. Well, then I want to talk to someone who can negotiate. I want to speak with your First. There's the slightest hesitation before he answers. REMATA'KLAN There is no First. SISKO I take it there's no Second either. REMATA'KLAN I command the unit. SISKO Under the Vorta. Sisko sees a flicker of something in Remata'Klan's eyes that tells him this might be an area worth probing. SISKO It must be hard... for a soldier to take orders from a Vorta. REMATA'KLAN The Vorta command the Jem'Hadar. It is the order of things. SISKO "Obedience Brings Victory." (off his surprised look) I was on a mission with the Jem'Hadar once -- before the war, of course. They were good. Tough. Professional. It was an honor to serve with them. But their Vorta... he was something different. Manipulative. Treacherous. Trusted by neither side. (beat) In the end, he was killed. By the Jem'Hadar First. Remata'Klan is surprised and it shows. SISKO Surprised? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 37. 51 CONTINUED: (2) REMATA'KLAN (recovering quickly) Such things have been known to happen. But they are rare... and only occur in units that have... lost discipline. SISKO You mean like a unit marooned on the shores of a deserted planet? Remata'Klan realizes that he's been pulled way off course and he yanks himself back. REMATA'KLAN (stiffly) The Vorta has instructed me to give you his assurance that neither you nor the Doctor will be harmed and you'll both be free to leave at the end of your meeting. What is your response? SISKO A Vorta's word doesn't carry much weight with me. Can I have your assurance that we'll be free to go, Remata'Klan? Remata'Klan has to think about that before answering. REMATA'KLAN I have been ordered to let you leave after the meeting... you can be assured that I will obey that order. SISKO We'll make the trade in one hour. REMATA'KLAN Agreed. Remata'Klan turns and EXITS. As soon as he's gone, Dax opens her eyes. DAX Sounded like you were actually getting through to him for a minute there. SISKO You can't break through all that Dominion conditioning in one conversation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 37A. 51 CONTINUED: (3) DAX Do you really think you can turn him against his Vorta? SISKO I don't know. But there were at least seven Jem'Hadar soldiers up on that ridge this morning. Say at least two more at their basecamp guarding the Vorta and their prisoners. Without Nog and Garak on our side, that gives them almost a two to one advantage. A grim beat. DAX I think I'd like to check out now. SISKO So would I, old man. So would I. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 38. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 52 INT. PROMENADE Odo and two N.D. Deputies are waiting outside the Bajoran Shrine as Kira walks up. KIRA (to Odo) Anything happening? ODO Not yet. There are two Vedeks inside, but we've seen no indication that they intend to leave the shrine. KIRA What about Yassim? ODO She hasn't shown up. KIRA Let's hope she doesn't. The last thing I want to do is start arresting Bajoran civilians on the Promenade. Odo nods agreement as Jake walks up, carrying a PADD. KIRA I don't think there's going to be a story here for you, Jake. JAKE You sure? I got a message from Vedek Yassim saying the protest was starting at exactly fourteen hundred. KIRA Well, it certainly doesn't look like the-- Suddenly there's a SCREAM from o.s. Everyone whirls around to see: 53 VEDEK YASSIM stepping onto the upper rail of the second level with a rope around her neck. For a fleeting, timeless moment, she meets Kira's shocked eyes... YASSIM Evil must be opposed. Yassim steps off the rail and into the air. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 39. 54 KIRA, ODO AND JAKE look on in abject shock and horror as the crowd GASPS. 55 WIDER As everyone on the now silent Promenade stares at the swinging body of the dead Vedek. CUT TO: 56 EXT. ALIEN SHORELINE THREE - WIDE - DAY The sun is setting over the ocean as the Federation and Dominion forces prepare to execute the prisoner exchange. The Starfleet people are at one end of the beach and the Dominion people are at the other. In between the two groups, the tiny figures of Nog and Garak walk away from the Jem'Hadar, while Bashir (carrying a medkit) and Sisko walk away from the safety of his own lines. The four of them will pass each other in the center of the beach. 57 GARAK & NOG are walking toward the approaching Bashir and Sisko. GARAK Slow down, Nog. We don't want to startle anyone. Nog struggles to slow his gait as they get within earshot of Bashir. No one breaks stride as they pass. GARAK Good evening, Doctor, Captain. SISKO Are you two all right? GARAK Perfect. How are you? BASHIR I've felt better. They've passed each other and no one's looking back. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 40. 58 INT. JEM'HADAR CAVERN - DAY Sisko and Bashir are escorted into the Cavern by Remata'Klan and Limara'Son. The other Jem'Hadar eye them warily and finger their weapons -- they'd like nothing more than to open fire right now. Keevan is still lying on his makeshift bed, looking like hell, and Bashir goes to him immediately and opens his medkit. But Keevan ignores Bashir and focuses on Sisko. KEEVAN Captain Sisko, my name is Keevan. We have a lot to talk about. BASHIR Not for a while, you don't. (to Sisko) He needs immediate surgery. SISKO Now? BASHIR I don't think I have any choice. The Jem'Hadar suddenly start gathering around Keevan. Bashir looks up in concern. BASHIR I'm a doctor. I won't harm him. KEEVAN (cynical smile) They're not here to protect me. They've just never seen what the inside of a Vorta looks like. The Jem'Hadar crowd around for a better look as Bashir takes out his surgical instruments. Sisko decides he doesn't want a better look and grabs a seat on the floor as Bashir prepares to operate in front of an audience. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 41. 59 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS It's the next morning. Kira is lying awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling. It's hard to say how long she's been awake. The Computer Voice finally speaks. COMPUTER VOICE The time is zero five hundred hours. Kira swings her legs out of bed and stands. But there's no power behind her movements today, no strength of will, just the familiar pattern of routine as she looks into the mirror and stares at her image... leans in closer to examine the eyes... and today, no smile appears on her face. CUT TO: 60 INT. CORRIDOR/TURBOLIFT Kira is waiting outside the turbolift doors, carrying a PADD. The doors OPEN and she ENTERS to find the usual morning crowd of N.D. Cardassians and Jem'Hadar. To the other passengers, this is just another morning, but something has changed in Kira. The death of Yassim is heavy on her mind and she avoids eye contact with everyone in the lift. CUT TO: 61 INT. OPS The turbolift ENTERS Ops and Kira gets off along with everyone else. The normal routine proceeds as the duty shift changes. Kira heads to her console. The N.D. Cardassian approaches with a cup of raktajino and Kira takes it by rote. KIRA Thanks, Mavek. She lifts the mug to her lips, but as she does so she lifts her eyes and looks around -- really looks around -- Ops as if for the very first time. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 42. 62 WIDER Kira is the lone Bajoran in a sea of Cardassians and Jem'Hadar. A woman alone in a room teeming with enemies. 63 RESUME As Kira begins to realize where she is and what she's doing. She puts down the mug and EXITS without a word. CUT TO: 64 INT. JEM'HADAR CAVERN - DAY A few hours later. Sisko is still sitting in his spot on the floor as the surgical "audience" breaks up and the Jem'Hadar move off. We can now see that Keevan is asleep on his makeshift bed, while Bashir (jacket now off) cleans his hands and instruments in a bowl of water. Keevan's chest is covered with a bandage, and he's hooked up to a small Starfleet IV. Remata'Klan moves over to Sisko. SISKO How was the show? REMATA'KLAN Informative. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 43. 64 CONTINUED: Just then Keevan begins to stir. KEEVAN (groggy) I... am... alive. BASHIR No self-diagnoses, please. I'm the doctor here. Bashir checks him out with the tricorder and his own observations as Sisko and Remata'Klan come over. BASHIR (off tricorder) Internal hemorrhaging has stopped... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 44. 64 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (Cont'd) ... your free collagen levels are dropping... tissue growth factors have stabilized... and there's a fifty percent rise in cell oxygenation. (beat) You're alive. Keevan shifts a little, tries to get more comfortable, but an unwary move sends a jolt of pain throughout his body. BASHIR Careful. Most of your insides are being held together with cellular micro-sutures and a lot of hope. Keevan catches his breath for a moment, then looks up at Remata'Klan. KEEVAN Leave us. (re: other Jem'Hadar) And take them with you. Remata'Klan motions for the rest of his men to follow him as he EXITS. Once they're gone, Keevan points to the case containing the White seen earlier. KEEVAN (to Bashir) May I have that please? Bashir obliges and Keevan begins to work the security device on the case. KEEVAN There are ten Jem'Hadar soldiers on this planet, Captain... The case OPENS and Keevan displays the interior -- there's only one intact vial of White inside. The rest have been smashed and there's a lot of dried White in the bottom of the case. KEEVAN (continuing) ... and that is the only vial of Ketracel White we have left. When it's gone, my hold over them will be broken. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 64 CONTINUED: (3) KEEVAN (Cont'd) They'll become nothing more than senseless, violent animals -- and they'll kill everyone they can -- me, you, the rest of your men... and finally turn on each other. SISKO Why are you telling us this? KEEVAN I'm going to order the Jem'Hadar to attack your base camp in the morning. But I will provide you with their precise plan of attack. You should be able to kill them all. BASHIR (appalled) They're your own men. KEEVAN Yes. SISKO You still haven't answered my question -- why are you doing this? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 46. 64 CONTINUED: (4) Keevan gestures to the communications gear sitting on the far side of the cavern. KEEVAN (continuing) That's a communications system. It needs repair, but I'm willing to bet that you've brought one of those famed Starfleet engineers who can turn rocks into replicators. He should have a lot more success repairing it than a Jem'Hadar suffering from withdrawal. Sisko and Bashir look over at the com system, and Keevan can see how sorely tempted they are. KEEVAN (continuing) After you take care of the Jem'Hadar, I'll give you the com system and surrender to you as a prisoner of war. BASHIR And you spend the war resting comfortably as a Starfleet P.O.W. while your men lie rotting on this planet. KEEVAN I see we understand each other. (to Sisko) I'm ordering the Jem'Hadar to attack your position tomorrow regardless of whether you agree to my terms or not. So you can either kill them or they'll kill you. Either way... they're coming. A long beat as Sisko grapples with a distasteful situation. Sisko exchanges a look with Bashir... neither of them like this, but Keevan then forges ahead and begins to draw a diagram in the sand. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 47 64 CONTINUED: (5) KEEVAN (continuing) Now -- this is your base camp... two kilometers to the south is a canyon. I will order the Jem'Hadar to follow the canyon floor... And as Sisko bends down and begins to study the plan of attack... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 65 INT. STARFLEET CAVERN - NIGHT Sisko has drawn up a diagram in the sandy cavern floor identical to the one that the Vorta started to draw for him at the end of Act Four. Garak, Nog, Bashir, O'Brien, Gordon and Neeley are gathered around and Dax is awake and listening. SISKO ... and once they've reached this point... we'll have them in a crossfire. A grim beat. GORDON They won't have a chance. GARAK That is the idea. In case you've forgotten we're in a war and they're the enemy. Sisko stares down at the diagram in the sand and lets his troops air their opinions for a moment. O'BRIEN There are rules, even in war, Garak. GARAK Correction -- -humans have rules in war. Rules that tend to make victory a little harder to achieve, in my opinion. GORDON So we just... shoot them down? NEELEY They wouldn't hesitate if the situation was reversed. NOG But we're not Jem'Hadar. Don't we have a duty to -- SISKO This isn't a vote. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 49-50. 65 CONTINUED: Everyone falls silent. SISKO The decision's mine. And Garak's right -- we're at war. Given a choice between us or them... there is no choice. That leaves no room for argument and everyone has to deal with their own thoughts and feelings. SISKO Let's move out. Everyone grabs their weapons and heads out of the cavern, leaving Sisko behind with Dax for a moment. DAX I'd say good luck... but I don't think you need it. SISKO Say it anyway. Because I'm still hoping there's another way out of this. DAX In that case... good luck Benjamin. Sisko gives her a nod and then EXITS. CUT TO: 66 OMITTED 67 EXT. ALIEN SHORELINE TWO - DAWN The blood-red SUN is rising up over the horizon. 68 EXT. BOX CANYON - FLOOR - DAY A narrow passageway with high walls on either side -- the perfect place for an ambush. Remata'Klan leads his men across the floor of the canyon. Some of them are having trouble concentrating and have to shake their heads and blink to focus on the path... others are struggling to control the shaking of their hands... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 51. 69 NOG is up in a hidden location on the canyon walls, watching the Jem'Hadar over the sights of his phaser. Bashir can be seen a short distance away. 70 REMATA'KLAN keeps marching his men through the canyon. 71 NEELEY is watching them from her own hiding place. Garak is nearby, and Gordon is in the b.g. 72 SISKO & O'BRIEN are watching and waiting for exactly the right moment as the Jem'Hadar stride into the very center of the canyon... 73 THE JEM'HADAR are walking along. Suddenly they hear: SISKO'S VOICE Remata'Klan! The Jem'Hadar whirl toward his voice, all weapons at the ready, but they can't see him. SISKO'S VOICE I want to talk! Remata'Klan pauses for a moment. REMATA'KLAN Agreed! (to Limara'Son) Hold this position. Do not fire unless they do. LIMARA'SON Understood. Remata'Klan turns and walks toward Sisko, who's now come partway down the ridge to meet Remata'Klan halfway. 74 SISKO & REMATA'KLAN stop a short distance away from each other. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 52. 74 CONTINUED: SISKO There's no way out of this canyon and we have phaser locks on every one of you. Remata'Klan looks around the canyon with a professional eye. REMATA'KLAN You appear to have a decisive advantage. SISKO A battle under these circumstances would serve no purpose. I'm prepared to offer you terms. Remata'Klan is already shaking his head, but Sisko plunges forward. SISKO (continuing) Hear me out. I know that you need more Ketracel White. My doctor can sedate your men and keep them alive until we're rescued. After that, we can put you into medical stasis until we secure a new supply. REMATA'KLAN The Vorta did not give me the option to surrender. Remata'Klan turns to go, but Sisko plays his final card. SISKO Keevan's betrayed you. He gave us your entire plan of attack last night. Remata'Klan nods and gives Sisko a rueful look. REMATA'KLAN It was obvious that approaching your position through this canyon was a deliberate tactical error on his part. SISKO You knew? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 53. 74 CONTINUED: (2) REMATA'KLAN I suspected. Despite what Keevan may think, the Jem'Hadar are often one step ahead of the Vorta. SISKO You can stay one step ahead. Surrender. REMATA'KLAN I have my orders. SISKO He hasn't earned the unwavering loyalty you're giving him. He's a manipulative little creature trying to save his own neck by sacrificing you and your men. REMATA'KLAN He does not have to earn my loyalty, Captain. He has had it from the moment I was conceived. I am a Jem'Hadar, he is a Vorta. It is... the order of things. SISKO Do you really want to give up your life for "the order of things?" REMATA'KLAN It's not my life to give up. And it never was. Remata'Klan heads back to his men. Sisko watches him for a long beat. 75 O'BRIEN is waiting in his position as Sisko returns and joins him. O'BRIEN What'd he say? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 54. 75 CONTINUED: SISKO All the wrong things... 76 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as the Jem'Hadar OPEN FIRE on the Starfleet positions. The Starfleet officers RETURN FIRE and the explosions of SAND and DUST send up CLOUDS that COMPLETELY OBSCURE OUR VIEW -- DISSOLVE TO: 77 EXT. BOX CANYON - FLOOR -DAY As the drifting CLOUDS of DUST begin to settle and we see Sisko, Bashir, O'Brien and Neeley walking across the floor of the canyon. The battle is over and all the Jem'Hadar are dead. So is Ensign Gordon, whose dead form has rolled down to the canyon floor during the fight. Bashir is checking Gordon anyway. Nog and Garak are higher up on the ridge with weapons at the ready, just in case. Sisko walks across the smoking and scorched battlefield and finds the body of Remata'Klan. He kneels down for a moment as O'Brien stands nearby. The silent moment is broken as O'Brien sees something O.S. O'BRIEN Captain... He follows his gaze and his expression hardens as he sees... 78 KEEVAN walking through the canyon. Picking his way through the debris and stepping over the bodies of his former soldiers. Keevan is carrying the communications gear. He pauses over the form of Remata'Klan and looks down at the fallen, his expression unreadable to the humans watching. After a few moments, he turns to Sisko. KEEVAN You know, Captain... if I had had just two more vials of White... you never would've had a chance. Sisko can barely contain the loathing and hatred he feels for this man. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 55. 78 CONTINUED: SISKO (to O'Brien) Chief, take him back to base camp and then get to work on this com system. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. O'Brien escorts Keevan at gunpoint out of the area. There's very little to say or do here in this place of death except... SISKO Lieutenant Neeley! NEELEY Sir? Beat. SISKO Form a burial detail. NEELEY Aye, sir. As Neeley signals to Garak and Nog to come down from the ridge... CUT TO: 79 EXT. SPACE - TEROK NOR (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 80 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Kira (without her combadge) is standing at the rail where Yassim committed suicide. Odo approaches her. ODO Damar has been trying to contact you for the past five hours. Kira silently opens her hand, revealing the combadge, and then closes it in her fist again. KIRA I keep thinking about it, over and over... and I just can't believe that I... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 56. 80 CONTINUED: KIRA (Cont'd) ... stood down there ready to use force to stop a protest against the Dominion. Me. When I was in the Resistance I despised people like me. I'm a collaborator, Odo. ODO That's not true. You're doing exactly what Captain Sisko wanted you and the rest of Bajor to do -- remain neutral and stay out of the fighting. KIRA We used to have a saying in the Resistance: if you're not fighting them, you're helping them. Half the Alpha Quadrant is out there right now, fighting for my freedom. But not me. How do I spend my time? I get a full meal every day... I sleep in a soft bed every night... I even write reports for the murderers who run this station. ODO This is a difficult time for everyone. Do you think it's easy for me to sit down with Dukat and Weyoun every day while they plot the destruction of the Federation? KIRA I'm not pointing a finger at you, Odo. I'm the one who told you to get more involved in the first place. No, this is about me. This is about being able to look in the mirror every morning and not feel nauseated by what I see. (beat) Yassim was right -- I've got to do something. I've got to start fighting back. ODO That's a mistake. Active resistance will trigger a crackdown and-- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 57. 80 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (hard) Odo, I don't want to end up fighting you too, but I'll do it if I have to. A quiet beat between the two longtime friends. Odo glances around for a moment. ODO All right. But let's find a more discreet place to plan the New Resistance. Kira almost smiles at him, grateful for the support at last. She glances down at the rail one last time, and then the two of them walk off together down the Promenade. CUT TO: 81 EXT. BOX CANYON - FLOOR - DAY Sisko is stabbing a Dominion disruptor rifle into the ground, bayonet first. WIDEN to reveal the new GRAVEYARD that's been dug here in the floor of the canyon. There's a rock cairn grave for each Jem'Hadar, and a Dominion disruptor rifle has been planted in the ground at the head of each grave in the ancient manner of fallen soldiers. There's also a grave for Gordon, and a Starfleet phaser rifle has been planted at the head of his grave. Neeley, Garak, and Nog are standing nearby. They're all dirty and disheveled from the work. NEELEY Should someone say a few words? SISKO (shakes his head) Their gods were the Founders. They won't hear our prayers. They stand there in silence for a long moment. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 58. 82 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As WORF and TWO N.D. KLINGONS MATERIALIZE in the canyon. They're armed and ready for anything. WORF Captain! Worf leads the Klingons over to the small group. GARAK For once, Mister Worf it's good to see you... WORF We detected your distress call a few hours ago. He looks around with worry. WORF Jadzia... ? SISKO She's hurt, but she'll be fine. She's back at the basecamp with Doctor Bashir and the chief. Worf glances over the graves. WORF You were outnumbered. It must have been glorious. Sisko and the others just stare at Worf, who clearly doesn't understand why they're looking at him like that. Sisko walks off and the others follow, leaving only the graves of the dead to mark what happened here... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END