STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ferengi Love Songs" #40510-518 Written by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler Directed by Rene Auberjonois THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1997 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION January 30, 1997 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Ferengi Love Songs" - 01/30/97 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ferengi Love Songs" CAST SISKO ROM KIRA ZEK ODO ISHKA BASHIR LEETA DAX BRUNT QUARK LECK O'BRIEN WORF Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES MAIHAR'DU STAR TREK: DS9 - "Ferengi Love Songs" - 01/30/97 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ferengi Love Songs" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL FERENGINAR QUARK'S ISHKA'S HOUSE QUARK'S QUARTERS REPLIMAT ROM'S QUARTERS FERENGINAR ISHKA'S HOUSE BEDROOM LIVING ROOM TOWER OF COMMERCE CHAMBER OF PETITIONS DS NINE - "Ferengi Love Songs" - 01/31/97 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ferengi Love Songs" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ARCYBITE ARE-sah-bite DURANIUM dur-AYN-ee-um FECKLE FECK-ul FERENGINAR fer-ENG-i-nar HORRAN Hoe-RAN HUPYRIAN HUE-pie-ree-an DAIMON IGEL DAY-mon EYE-gul JEVONITE JEV-un-ite JUMJA JUM-juh K'RETOK KREH-tahk LOKAR LOW-car MAIHAR'DU MAY-har-doo MARTOK MAR-tahk MOOGIE MOO-ghee NAGUS NAY-gus SEPPUS SEH-pus SMEET (rhymes w/ "sweet") TULABERRY TOO-luh-berry ZEK ZECK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ferengi Love Songs" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. PROMENADE - OUTSIDE QUARK'S BAR A somber QUARK paces the Promenade across from the bar doors. The bar is closed, the windows are shuttered -- but through the glass doors, we see occasional FLASHES of intense bright red lights accompanied by excited SHOUTS from inside. VOICES "Look out -- behind you." "I see him." "Under the Dabo table!" "There's one on the railings." "I got him." The activity only increases Quark's depression. He stops pacing and stares forlornly at the bar. DAX (O.S.) Who's winning the war? ANGLE ADJUSTS to include DAX, stepping up to Quark. QUARK Too early to tell. DAX It's been three days. QUARK Don't remind me. (a beat) They found a nest. DAX That's good. QUARK It wasn't the main nest. DAX That's not so good. I thought Chief O'Brien trapped the last vole on the station months ago. QUARK Well, obviously he missed a couple. A married couple. They breed like tribbles. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - TEASER 2-3. 1 CONTINUED: DAX But they're not as cute. QUARK They're disgusting, hairy little creatures with ravenous appetites and I want them gone. DAX (sympathetic) Quark... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - TEASER 4. 1 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK I know, I know -- this is just a temporary setback. The bar will open again and I can get back to my life... DAX I'm glad you realize that. QUARK The only trouble is... I hate my life. And with that, Quark turns and walks away. We HOLD ON Dax as she watches Quark move down the corridor. 2 OMITTED 3 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS Quark is seated on the couch, in a deep funk. The.door CHIMES. Quark doesn't seem to hear it. The door CHIMES again. QUARK Come in. The door OPENS to reveal a very happy and energetic ROM. ROM Hello, Brother. Quark doesn't want to see anybody. QUARK (listless) What do you want? ROM You have every right to be depressed, Brother. Ever since you were blacklisted by the Ferengi Commerce Authority it's been one thing after another. But I have some news that's going to cheer you up. QUARK I doubt it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: ROM (smiling) Trust me on this one, Brother. I'm about to make you very, very happy. QUARK (with rising hopes) Really? ROM (grinning ear to ear) Really. Rom crosses over to the door, it OPENS. He steps outside and excitedly beckons to someone off screen: ROM Come on in. And to Quark's surprise, LEETA ENTERS, looking every bit as happy and bubbly as Rom. QUARK What's she doing here? Rom puts his arm around Leeta, they smile. ROM (an announcement) We're getting married. Quark sits back on the couch, flings his head back on the headrest. QUARK I wish I was dead. ROM (to Leeta) He's been a little depressed lately. QUARK I don't want to live. LEETA I think you need someone to talk to... someone to pamper you. Quark certainly doesn't want to take advice from Leeta. QUARK I think I need to be alone. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - TEASER 6. 3 CONTINUED: (2) ROM You know who I talk to when I'm feeling a little low? QUARK Yeah, me. ROM Not when it's something really important. QUARK (hurt) Let me guess... Chief O'Brien. ROM (wrong) That's not a bad guess. QUARK Rom -- just tell me who it is. That way, you can leave and I can go back to my brooding. ROM (that seems reasonable) There's only one person in my life who's always there for me... who's never too busy to listen... who reassures me when I'm scared... comforts me when I'm sad... and who showers me with endless love, without ever asking anything in return. LEETA (impressed) I'd like to meet this person... QUARK So would I. ROM (putting his hand on Quark's shoulder) You already know her. And she'll always be there for you, Brother... with open arms. We PUSH IN on Quark as he realizes whom Rom is talking about. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - TEASER 7. 4 EXT. FERENGINAR-- MATTE SHOT (STOCK) (OPTICAL) Establishing; a typically rainy day on Ferenginar. (Re- use of matte shot used in "Family Business".) 5 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM Looking much as it did the last time we visited. The doorbell is CHIMING as Quark's mother, ISHKA, looking slightly worried, goes to the door. She taps a panel and the door OPENS, revealing a wet and needy Quark. QUARK Mother? ISHKA Quark? QUARK Moogie! Quark envelops his mother in a tight bear hug. QUARK Hold me. And as he clings to Moogie, who looks a little less than delighted with this sudden turn of events, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 6 INT. REPLIMAT CLOSE ON Rom's ear, a distinctively Bajoran earring dangling from his lobe. ROM ... of all the Bajoran Prophecies, I think my favorite is Horran's Seventh... the one that starts, "He will come to the palace, carrying a chalice... " ADJUST ANGLE to include O'Brien and Dax. DAX (joking) "Bearing no malice." ROM (correcting) "Overflowing with sweet, Spring wine." O'BRIEN Looks like someone's been studying the Ancient Texts. ROM It's important to Leeta. She wants a traditional Bajoran wedding. DAX And you've agreed to it... that's very sweet. O'BRIEN (with a twinkle) Is she doing the same for you? I mean, learning to be a Ferengi woman? Memorizing the Rules of Acquisition... DAX Not likely. Leeta's not the type of woman to quit her job, stop wearing clothes, and never go out in public. ROM That's okay. I just want her to be happy. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 9-10. 6 CONTINUED: DAX That's a very enlightened attitude, Rom. O'BRIEN Rom is not your traditional Ferengi male. ROM I guess not. DAX (to Rom) You're probably the least Ferengi-like Ferengi I've ever met. ROM I guess so. But Rom looks faintly bothered by this. Dax picks up on it. DAX It's not a bad thing, Rom. No traditional Ferengi male could ever marry a non-Ferengi and be happy. (off his look) He could never trust her. Off Rom as he contemplates her words. 7 EXT. FERENGINAR - MATTE SHOT (STOCK) (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 8 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM Quark is seated on a coach next to Moogie. Quark has been pouring his soul out to her, and as he nears the end of his story, Moogie seems sympathetic, yet a bit impatient for it to end. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 11. 8 CONTINUED: QUARK ... so you see, Moogie, the voles aren't the real problem, they're just a symbol of everything that's gone wrong with my life. ISHKA You've had a tough year, Quark. QUARK That's an understatement. I see all these great opportunities out there, but I can't do anything about them. Without a Ferengi Business License... it's like I don't exist. ISHKA (sympathetic) I understand why you felt the need to escape for awhile. But why come here? QUARK I had no place else to go. ISHKA You're sure about that? (off Quark's look) Oh, don't give me that look -- you and I both know we've never really gotten along. You disapprove of me, Quark. You always have. "Moogie, stop wearing clothes." "Moogie, stop earning profit." QUARK (double-checking) You have stopped, haven't you? I mean earning profit. Wearing clothes is bad enough, but profit -- ISHKA (interrupting) See what I mean? QUARK I know the two of us living under the same roof isn't going to be easy. But you're my mother and I love you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 12. 8 CONTINUED: (2) ISHKA And I love you, too. But when you say "living together" -- what are we talking about? A day? A week? Two weeks? QUARK I don't know... I guess until I start feeling better. (a beat) Unless of course, you don't want me. ISHKA You're my son... how could I refuse you? QUARK (hopeful) Then you'll remove all that... unnecessary clothing? ISHKA Don't push your luck. Quark gets to his feet, picking up his carrying bag. ISHKA (slightly concerned) Where are you going? QUARK To my room. I'm exhausted. Ishka gets up and blocks his path. ISHKA (with sudden alarm) What you need is some of your mother's cooking. Some nice, juicy tube grubs? QUARK I never liked your tube grubs. ISHKA (trying to make it tempting) I'll pre-chew them for you. But Quark can't be enticed; he moves around her, heading for the bedroom. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 13. 8 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK Maybe later. Moogie blocks his path again, but Quark fakes a move to one side and then goes around her on the other, leaving an apprehensive Moogie behind him. 9 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Quark ENTERS the bedroom and surveys the room for a beat. QUARK Hello, room. (looking around) Where's all my stuff? All of Quark's familiar objects are gone. QUARK (under his breath, annoyed) If she threw out my Marauder Mo action figures... Quark moves over to his bed, tests the mattress, then heads for the closet to put his bag away. Quark opens the closet, revealing GRAND NAGUS ZEK glaring defiantly at him. Zek's Hupyrian servant, MAIHAR'DU, protectively embraces Zek. But the image doesn't register with Quark. He simply hands the bag to Zek who takes it. Quark then shuts the door and turns back toward the room. He takes three steps before he realizes what has just transpired. Quark pivots and returns to the closet, opening the doors, hoping that he's just imagining things... But his eyes haven't been playing tricks on him. The Grand Nagus Zek and Maihar'du are indeed crammed in his closet. QUARK (with awe) Grand Nagus... The Nagus flings Quark's bag back at him. ZEK Quark, what are you doing here? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 14. 9 CONTINUED: QUARK (defensive) I'm visiting my mother... ZEK That's no excuse. You've been banned by the F.C.A. (an order) You must leave Ferenginar at once. Quark snaps to -- wanting to carry out the Grand Nagus's instructions instantly. He grabs his bag and makes a beeline out of the room. 10 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Quark continues towards the front door, passing a worried Moogie on his way. QUARK (panicked) Got to go. The Nagus... he knows I'm here -- Quark reaches the door before he realizes something. He stops dead in his tracks. QUARK Wait a minute... (turning to face Moogie) What's the Nagus doing in my closet? ISHKA (all innocence) The Nagus? QUARK (not buying it) Moogie... Ishka can see that Quark is not going to budge without an explanation. ISHKA (calling out) Zekkie. You might as well come out. QUARK Zekkie? (a beat) What's going on? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 14A. 10 CONTINUED: ISHKA Next time you visit, I'd really appreciate it if you called first. QUARK That doesn't answer my question. The door opens and the Grand Nagus and Maihar'du step into the room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 15. 10 CONTINUED: (2) ZEK "Sometimes, the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer." QUARK (trying to please) Rule of Acquisition two-oh-eight. (to Ishka) You're in trouble again, aren't you? What have you done now? (back to the Nagus) Whatever it is, I know nothing about it. (to Ishka) Tell him, Moogie. Tell him I'm innocent. ISHKA Relax, Quark. I'm not in any trouble. QUARK You're not? ZEK Why should she be in trouble? QUARK I don't know -- I just thought... since you were here... (unable to sort it out) I don't know what I thought. Quark sits down and puts his head in his hands. QUARK I'm so confused. The Grand Nagus stands next to Ishka. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 16. 10 CONTINUED: (3) ZEK About what? It's all really quite simple. You see, Quark, your mother and I... (putting his arm around her) ... are in love. And as Quark looks up at the two happy love birds, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE,NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 11 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE LIVING ROOM Minutes later. Ishka and the Nagus are seated -- or rather, snuggled together on the couch. Quark is seated near them, trying to ingratiate himself with the Nagus. QUARK So, how did you two meet? ISHKA (proudly) We met at the Global Tongo Championships. ZEK (suddenly remembering) That's right. I was playing in the Golden Masters Division. ISHKA And I was tucked away in the sub-basement -- playing in the Female Division. Anyway, word leaked down to us that the Grand Nagus was having a little difficulty with his game... ZEK (rueful) For some reason my purchases kept exceeding my sales. ISHKA So I wrote him a note -- offering some helpful pointers to firm up his play. ZEK And they worked! I made a spectacular comeback and won the tournament. For the twenty- seventh year in a row. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 18. 11 CONTINUED: ISHKA Zekkie sent me a very nice thank you note. Before I knew it, we were corresponding regularly. ZEK Your mother's letters became the highlight of each day. It was clear we had to meet. ISHKA Imagine his surprise when he found out I was a female... and your mother, no less. ZEK I almost had a stroke. (gazing lovingly at Ishka) But I recovered. ISHKA And we've been seeing each other ever since. QUARK Does anybody know about this? ZEK Of course no one knows! (leaning forward, threatening) And you're going to keep it that way. QUARK My lips are sealed. ZEK They'd better be. Maihar'du approaches with a tray of food which he sets down in front of the Nagus and Ishka. ISHKA (to Maihar'du) Jellied gree worms... Maihar'du, you're too good to me. Maihar'du pats her on the head in a show of affection. ISHKA (to Quark) He treats me like a queen. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love..."-REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 19. 11 CONTINUED: (2) ZEK (lovingly) That's because you deserve nothing less. ISHKA Zekkie... they don't come sweeter than you. They snuggle noses. QUARK (to himself) I don't believe it... ZEK What's that, Quark? QUARK Nothing. I've just never seen you looking happier. ZEK That's because I've never felt happier. (getting up) Well, my dear, time to get back to running the empire. Try not to miss me too much. ISHKA I miss you already. ZEK (pleased as punch) That's my girl. He turns to leave, followed by Maihar'du. ISHKA Oh, Lobekins... The Nagus turns back at the sound of his nickname to see Ishka holding up a PADD. ISHKA Don't forget your appointment calendar. ZEK Thank you, my prize. (to Quark) Your mother is a rare jewel, Quark. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 20. 11 CONTINUED: (3) ZEK (Cont'd) (an order) Worship her... (sweetly, to Ishka) ... as I do. And with that, he strolls out of the room. Maihar'du follows, not far behind. 12 ANGLE ON QUARK A moment of silence as they both react to the Nagus's departure. QUARK Incredible. ISHKA Quark -- if you're going to give me a hard time about this... QUARK Give you a hard time? (breaking out into a grin) You and the Nagus... I couldn't be happier. Quark envelopes his mother in a smothering hug. QUARK (to himself) For all of us. 13 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (STOCK) (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 14 INT. QUARK'S O'Brien, no longer in his vole-hunting outfit, is scanning the room with a tricorder. Rom ENTERS. O'BRIEN No sign of a single vole. I think we got them all. ROM Chief, is it all right if I take a slightly longer lunch than usual? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 21. 14 CONTINUED: Rom whips out a PADD, shows it to O'Brien. ROM I need Leeta to sign this. O'BRIEN A Waiver of Property and Profit? ROM Ferengi females aren't allowed to own property or earn profit. The W.P. and P. states that in the event the marriage ends, the female gives up all claim to her husband's estate. O'BRIEN And you think Leeta's going to agree to this? ROM I agreed to wear the earring. (firm) Either Leeta signs this or the wedding's off. I may not be a traditional Ferengi -- but I'm still a Ferengi. O'Brien SHRUGS reflectively. O'BRIEN It's your life, but I think you're making a big mistake. ROM I think I'd be making a bigger mistake if I didn't. (confident) Besides, Leeta loves me. You'll see, Chief, she'll sign it. SMASH CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 22. 15 INT. ROM'S QUARTERS CLOSE ON Leeta staring incredulously at the PADD. LEETA Are you crazy? I'm not going to sign this. ROM Why not? LEETA Because a marriage is about sharing -- everything... including money. ROM Not on Ferenginar. LEETA We're not on Ferenginar. ROM But I'm a Ferengi. LEETA And I'm not. ROM "Females and finances don't mix." Rule of Acquisition ninety-four. LEETA That's a stupid rule. Rom backs away, pointing an accusatory finger. ROM It's true... you're just like her. You're after my money. LEETA Like who? ROM My first wife... pretending that you care about me... but all the time it's my profits that you really care about. LEETA Rom -- I love you, not your latinum. ROM Then prove it. Sign the W.P. and P. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 23. 15 CONTINUED: But Leeta has no intention of doing that. LEETA Never. ROM (with finality) Then the marriage is off. Rom angrily takes off his Bajoran earring. LEETA You bet it is. And with that, she storms out. 16 ON ROM as he stands there for a moment, defiant. Unmovable. After a beat, he steals a glance at the door, but Leeta is not coming back. 17 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM At the dinner table are Quark, Zek and Moogie. Quark watches with delightful amazement as Zek and Moogie snuggle noses. ZEK My dear, you reek of tube grubs. ISHKA So do you, lobekins. ZEK Are your ears tingling? (off her nod) Mine, too. Zek laughs lasciviously, she smiles coyly. As they sit back, we HOLD ON Quark, who sees an opportunity: QUARK So tell me, Nagus, how was your day? ZEK Oh, you know how it is... arcybite ore futures are continuing to increase... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 24. 17 CONTINUED: The Nagus speaks to both Quark and Ishka in his response. ZEK ... the Bolians have finally agreed to allow the Ferengi Gaming Commission to take over their gambling emporiums... and I've allocated extra funds for research on a new breed of Hupyrian beetles. Those little fellows are going to revolutionize the entire beetle snuff industry. ISHKA Now that's what I call a busy and productive day. QUARK (jumping in) No wonder the Ferengi economy is growing at a record pace... costs are down, profits are up... ZEK ... and opportunity is around every corner. ISHKA Zekkie, you've done quite a job. QUARK And your people love you for it. Your business acumen, your negotiating skills, your kindness and generosity -- ZEK Forget it, Quark. I'm not going to reverse the F.C.A.'s decision. They revoked your Business License and it's up to them to reinstate it. QUARK But you're the most powerful man on Ferenginar. You can do whatever you want. ZEK True. But contracts are the very basis of our society. And you broke a contract with another Ferengi. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 25. 17 CONTINUED: (2) ZEK (Cont'd) If I were to intervene on your behalf, I would be encouraging others to violate the law. And that, I will not do. Quark turns to his mother, looking for an ally. QUARK Moogie, talk to him -- But Moogie is inclined to side with the Nagus. ISHKA He makes a very good point, Quark. What you did was wrong. QUARK Thanks, I knew I could count on you. ZEK I'd watch my tone of voice, if I were you... (to Ishka) Come, my dear. Let's take a stroll in your garden. The Nagus and Ishka get up to leave. The Nagus, having a thought, turns to Quark. ZEK Quark, do me a favor, will you? Help Maihar'du clear the table. He's not as young as he used to be. And with that, they EXIT, leaving a depressed, lonely and unloved Quark. 18 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM Quark comes in, looking like he wants to crawl into bed and pull the covers over his head. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 26. 18 CONTINUED: Suddenly, he hears the familiar SOUND OF A TRANSPORTER BEAM emanating from inside his closet. Puzzled, he crosses over to the closet, opens it and is startled to find LIQUIDATOR BRUNT, staring smugly back at him. BRUNT Brunt. F.C.A. And on that, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 19 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM Moments later, as before. Brunt is still glaring at Quark from within the closet. QUARK What are you doing in my closet? BRUNT Conducting official F.C.A. business. QUARK In my closet? BRUNT I didn't want the "happy couple" to see me. QUARK Happy couple? BRUNT Don't play innocent with me. Brunt steps out of the closet, looking around. BRUNT I know all about their perverted, little love affair. Quark immediately tries to distance himself. QUARK I had nothing to do with it. They met playing tongo. I only found out about it today. BRUNT She's your mother, Quark. That makes you responsible for her actions. And right now, she's endangering the very foundation of Ferengi society. (shivering with disgust) I can just see her, whispering in the Nagus's ear, contaminating his thoughts with her twisted, female philosophies. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 28. 19 CONTINUED: BRUNT (Cont'd) I'm telling you, Quark, if we don't do something to end that relationship, you're going to see clothed females walking down the streets of Ferenginar in broad daylight. If I had my way, I'd climb to the top of the Tower of Commerce and denounce your mother to the crowd below. (a sigh) But we must spare the Nagus even a hint of public disgrace. We have to end their relationship... but privately. Quietly. QUARK So what are you going to do? BRUNT I'm not going to do anything. You are. QUARK Me? BRUNT Who else? She's your mother and the Nagus -- for reasons that elude me completely -- likes you. That puts you in the perfect position to poison their relationship. QUARK (indignant) Why should I help you? You were the one that revoked my business license. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 29. 19 CONTINUED: (2) BRUNT I'll give you a new one. QUARK (without missing a beat) You've got a deal. Quark is delighted; it appears that things might work out for him after all. And as they seal their agreement -- 19A EXT. FERENGI TOWER OF COMMERCE (STOCK) Establishing Tower of Commerce Building. 20 INT. TOWER OF COMMERCE - CHAMBER OF PETITIONERS is a small room in which the Nagus dispenses financial advice to various Ferengi businessmen. The Nagus sits on a throne-like chair in the center of the room. In one arm of the chair is a slot for the depositing of latinum. At the moment, a Ferengi named LECK is on his knees before the Nagus seeking advice. Maihar'du stands off to the side. LECK You see, Nagus, my father was a very astute businessman, but he had an unfortunate weakness -- oyster toads. Very tasty, but sometimes toxic. (beat) Of course, upon his death, I inherited his entire fortune. ZEK Good for you. LECK But I find that with wealth comes the desire for more wealth. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 29A. 20 CONTINUED: ZEK As it should. LECK So I come to you for advice, Nagus. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 30. 20 CONTINUED: (2) LECK (Cont'd) Do I invest my money in gouge mining on Feckle Prime or in tulaberry vineyards on Seppus Three? ZEK An interesting question... Hmmm.... let's see now... The Nagus appears deep in thought, but he surreptitiously picks up the PADD Moogie gave him and looks up the answer. ZEK (to himself) Feckle Prime... or tulaberries... He finds what he's looking for, puts the PADD away and looks decisively over at Leck. ZEK If you'd come to me a year ago, I would have said gouge mining was the way to go... but at this point, I don't know how much more gouging Feckle Prime can take. (a beat) So tulaberries it is. LECK (grateful) Once again, Nagus, you've proven to have the wisest lobes in all of Ferenginar. ZEK That's what they pay me for. Leck gets up and places a slip of latinum in the slot of the Nagus's throne, and EXITS. As soon as he's gone, the Nagus hands his staff to Maihar'du and slumps back in his seat. Maihar'du crosses to the door to bring in the next petitioner. As he pokes his head out the door, he bumps into Quark. QUARK I need to speak to the Nagus. Maihar'du glances back at the Nagus -- is it all right? ZEK What do you want, Quark? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 31. 20 CONTINUED: (3) Quark moves around Maihar'du and approaches the Nagus's throne. QUARK I just stopped by to pay my respects. ZEK Well, in that case, pay them. Quark realizes that he's overlooked Ferengi custom: he takes out a slip of latinum and places it in the slot. ZEK Feel better? Now go. The Nagus stands, preparing to leave. Quark talks fast in order to gain his attention. QUARK Before I do, I just want to say how proud I am that you consider my home, your home. My mother is a very lucky woman. ZEK And I'm a very lucky man. I guess the only one around here who isn't lucky is you. The Nagus LAUGHS at his own joke. Maihar'du joins in, but Quark manages only a smile. QUARK I just think it's great that she's found someone who cares for her so deeply that he can ignore all those vicious rumors about her. ZEK You mean the rumors about her earning profit? I know the whole story -- the F.C.A. forced her to give up every strip of latinum she made. QUARK I'm talking about the other rumors... the ones that say she hasn't given it all back. ZEK (dismissive) Nonsense. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 31A. 20 CONTINUED: (4) QUARK Of course it is. Zek tries to suppress the doubts creeping into his head. QUARK And the wildest rumor has to be about what she plans to do with her fortune -- ("get this") She's going to fund a political revolution to end the male domination on Ferenginar. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 32. 20 CONTINUED: (5) ZEK (hard) You mean, equal rights for females? QUARK Crazy isn't it? I mean, so what if she wears clothing? Or managed to worm her way into the heart of the most influential Ferengi alive. Those aren't crimes, are they? ZEK Absolutely not. QUARK And what if she is as cunning and ruthless as any male -- that doesn't mean she's not to be trusted, does it? (a beat) The important thing is that she loves you... that you're not just some pawn in her plans for world domination. ZEK World domination? By a female? QUARK It's a horrifying thought. Luckily, they're just rumors. (clapping his hands) Well, time to go. I'll see you tonight, Nagus. (pointed) I know Moogie can hardly wait. ZEK For what? QUARK (all innocence) For you to get home. Quark EXITS, leaving a thoughtful Nagus, who turns to Maihar'du and voices his thoughts: ZEK Now that he mentions it... she really has no business wearing clothes in front of her Nagus... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 33. 20 CONTINUED: (6) And on that note -- 21 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM Quark is standing in the middle of the room listening intently to something off screen that our feeble "Hew- mon" ears cannot hear. Then, having heard the approaching FOOTSTEPS he's been expecting, he places a phaser to his temple and assumes a tragic pose. Ishka ENTERS, and though she speaks to Quark, she appears to take no notice of the phaser. ISHKA I should start dinner. Zekkie'll be here any minute. What do you say to some nice slug steaks? QUARK (still holding phaser to his head) I'm not hungry. Finally, as she passes by Quark, she glances at the phaser. ISHKA Quark... the power cells are empty. With a frustrated SIGH, Quark lowers the weapon. QUARK I must've been too depressed to notice. ISHKA (with genuine sympathy) It's the F.C.A. ban, isn't it? QUARK (nodding) It's awful... you don't know what it's like to be denied the opportunity to earn profit. ISHKA Oh, yes I do. I know exactly what it's like. QUARK (realizing) It's worse for a male. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 34. 21 CONTINUED: ISHKA (dubious) Is it? QUARK (not up for struggle) Moogie, I'm in no mood to argue politics right now. I'm too distraught... Quark sits down on the couch; he's a defeated man. Moogie hates to see him this way. She sits down on the couch beside him. ISHKA All right, Quark. I'll talk to the Nagus... I'll see if I can convince him to intercede on your behalf. Quark smiles blissfully and places his head on his mother's shoulder. QUARK Moogie... ISHKA (patting him on the head) You're a manipulative, self- centered, conniver... QUARK Thank you. ISHKA Zek should be here any minute. Quark leaps to his feet. QUARK I'll make myself scarce. Good luck, I'm counting on you. And with that, Quark hurries out the front door. 22 INT. PROMENADE SISKO walks between WORF and ODO as they walk down the Promenade. Worf and Odo are in a heated discussion. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 35. 22 CONTINUED: ODO Commander, I'm sorry if the Klingons are unhappy, but station rules are station rules. WORF I am well aware of station rules. But General Martok is a great warrior and has no business being in a holding cell. ODO (pointing) He threw one of his men off that crossway. WORF It was a disciplinary measure. Besides, K'retok was not injured. He was barely shaken up. ODO As opposed to the Bolian Ambassador. K'retok only missed her by a centimeter. WORF But he did miss her. Sisko's heard enough of this. SISKO Constable, release General Martok. ODO (Odo protests) Sir-- SISKO Mister Worf, tell the General this is not a Klingon space station. If he can't abide by our regulations, I'm sure Chancellor Gowron will send us someone who can. WORF Understood. Worf EXITS. SISKO Constable? ODO Understood. Sisko and Odo take a couple more steps before Sisko stops, reacting to a faint sound off screen. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 36. 22 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Do you hear that? Sure enough, the sound of MUFFLED WHIMPERING emanates from behind a pillar. Sisko and Odo move around the pillar to find Rom, busy at work, running a diagnostic on an open monitor, tears streaming down his face. SISKO Rom... are you okay? ROM (between sniffles) I'm fine, Captain. Thanks for asking. ODO (to Sisko, sotto voce) The wedding's off. Sisko nods, "I see." SISKO I'm sorry. ROM Don't be, Captain. These are tears of joy. But Sisko knows better, and pats Rom on the shoulder sympathetically. SISKO Carry on. And with that, Sisko and Odo moves off. And as they walk down the hall, CAMERA CRANES UP to -- 23 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL where a patient KIRA listens to a hurt and angry Leeta. LEETA I hate him. KIRA No, you don't. LEETA All he loves is latinum. KIRA No, he doesn't. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 37 23 CONTINUED: LEETA Canceling the wedding is the best thing that ever happened to me. KIRA No, it isn't. LEETA I am so glad he's out of my life. KIRA No, you're not. Leeta, frustrated with Kira's responses, lashes out: LEETA Major, you haven't been listening to me. KIRA Yes I have. That's how I know you love him. Leeta's face crumbles into TEARS. Leeta sinks into the major's comforting shoulder... a long-suffering Kira pats her on the back. 24 EXT. FERENGINAR - MATTE SHOT (STOCK) (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 25 EXT. ISHKA'S HOUSE Quark steps through the portico that leads to the main door. He peers through a round window in the door and sees -- 26 QUARK'S POV - OF ISHKA slumped on the couch crying. 27 CLOSE ON QUARK as he smiles, pleased that his plan seems to be working. Putting on an innocent face, Quark ENTERS. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 38. 27 CONTINUED: QUARK (calling out, sing- songy) Moogie. I'm home. Quark takes a few steps before "spotting" Ishka. QUARK So, how'd it go? Am I reinstated? Moogie says nothing, just buries her face in the pillow. QUARK (feigning panic) What's wrong? Did the Nagus say "no?" Ishka turns around a gives him a CLOUT on the head. ISHKA Don't you think about anyone but yourself? QUARK Of course I do, I just think about myself first. (feigning concern) Now tell me, what's wrong? ISHKA (between tears) He left me. All I asked him was to reinstate your license, and the next thing I know he's accusing me of plotting to overthrow the government! QUARK That's ridiculous. ISHKA He said I didn't really love him... that I was just using him... that I was a scheming, profit-hungry female who couldn't keep her clothes off. QUARK (feigned outrage) The nerve. Ishka stands up, nervously pacing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 39. 27 CONTINUED: (2) ISHKA Oh, Quark -- I don't know what I'm going to do without him. (then with unexplained alarm) I don't know what he's going to do without me. QUARK I'm sorry, Moogie. But these things happen. It's probably better this way... ISHKA (simply, no more tears) No, it's not. It's a disaster, for all of us. And with as much dignity as she can muster, she EXITS into her bedroom. 28 ON QUARK (OPTICAL) as he waits a beat to make sure Moogie doesn't come back out. He then breaks into a smile and jaunts over to the monitor. He taps a panel and Brunt APPEARS on the screen. BRUNT Brunt. F.C.A. QUARK (grinning) I hope you had a productive day. I certainly have. BRUNT You're smiling, Quark. Therefore, I assume you mother is not. QUARK It's hard to smile with a broken heart. Now about my business license... BRUNT As of this moment, it's as valid as my own. Congratulations, Quark. You're a Ferengi again. Brunt's image DISAPPEARS. HOLD ON Quark's very happy face for a beat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 40. 28 CONTINUED: QUARK I always was. And we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 29 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM It's morning. A depressed Moogie sits staring blankly at the couch. Her baggy, red eyes reveal she hasn't slept all night. A cheerful Quark approaches with a tray of food. QUARK Breakfast. Ishka makes no move towards the bowl of food. ISHKA I'm not hungry. QUARK Moogie, you have to eat something. ISHKA Why? QUARK Because life goes on. There are other slugs in the sea. ISHKA You're leaving, aren't you? You're going back to Deep Space Nine. QUARK How did you know? ISHKA (re: the food) You spent all morning jellying gree worms. Which tells me your conscience is bothering you. You feel guilty about leaving me alone. Well, don't. I don't need you... I don't need anyone. Quark thinks about this for half a beat. QUARK (pleased) Okay. (a beat) Well, I should go pack. As he gets up, the monitor CHIMES, indicating a call. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 42. 29 CONTINUED: QUARK (puzzled) Who could that be.. ? 30 ANGLE ON QUARK (OPTICAL) as he steps up to the monitor, taps the console, and the IMAGE of the Nagus appears on screen. ZEK Hello, Rom. QUARK It's Quark. ZEK Quark, that's what I said. I want to see you in the Tower of Commerce, right away. Don't keep me waiting. And with that, he SIGNS OFF. Ishka approaches Quark, wiping away her tears. ISHKA Why's the Nagus calling you? QUARK I have no idea. ISHKA (hopeful) I bet it's about me. QUARK (not thinking) I doubt it. (then catching himself) But it could be. Either way, I'll do all I can to straighten things out between the two of you. That's a promise. And off that moment -- 31 INT. TOWER OF COMMERCE - CHAMBER OF PETITIONERS CLOSE ON Quark looking surprised and honored. QUARK You want me to be First Clerk to the Nagus? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 43. 31 CONTINUED: WIDEN to include the Nagus on his throne, Maihar'du standing nearby. ZEK That's right, Quark. My own personal financial assistant. What do you say? QUARK Why me? ZEK Consider it a reward for saving me from that wretched mother of yours. QUARK What about my bar? ZEK You want to be a bartender all your life? I'm offering you something more... A chance to participate in the major decisions that shape this glorious financial empire of ours. Quark begins to warm to the notion of being in the center of power; he can see some very promising possibilities... QUARK Well, when you put it that way... The Nagus tosses Quark his PADD. ZEK Good. Now you can start by briefing me on today's petitioners. Quark takes the PADD and taps a few keys, but the screen remains BLANK. QUARK I need your access code. ZEK Three, seven, four, slash, one, five, five. Quark taps in the numbers, the screen remains BLANK. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 44. 31 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK It's not working. ZEK You must've put them in wrong. QUARK (doing it again) Three, seven, four, slash, one, five, five. (a beat) Nope. The Nagus starts looking uncomfortable. An element of doubt creeps into his voice. ZEK Maybe it's one, five, four. Quark is feeling the Nagus's distress and it's making him feel uncomfortable, too. QUARK (with a nervous smile) No... that's not it either. ZEK I don't understand... what did I say those first numbers were? QUARK Three, seven, four... ZEK (struggling) Three, seven, four... are those right? (angry) You're confusing me. QUARK I'm sorry -- I didn't mean to. Maihar'du reaches over, takes the PADD from Quark and punches in some numbers. This time, the SCREEN comes to life. Maihar'du hands the PADD back to Quark. QUARK Ah, it was a six. ZEK What was? QUARK The last number. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 31 CONTINUED: (3) ZEK Isn't that what I said? Oh, a lifetime of numbers. You can't blame me for forgetting a few. Now let's get down to business -- who's the first petitioner? Quark looks at the PADD. QUARK Daimon Igel. He wants to know if he should sell his duranium interests on the open market or on the Futures Exchange. ZEK An interesting question... (to Quark) Well, don't just stand there, let's see how duranium's been doing. Quark hits some more keys. QUARK Over the last three trading cycles there's been an increase of seven- and-three-quarters... a decrease of two-and-an-eighth and then another increase of eleven-and- three-eighths. ZEK That's a gain of eighteen points. QUARK (gently) Actually, it's seventeen. ZEK (feathers ruffled) What are you talking about? Seven and three quarters... minus two and... The Nagus continues MUMBLING the numbers to himself, looking more and more confused. Quark, who is now realizing that the Nagus is not on top of his game, looks to Maihar'du. Maihar'du looks back at him imploringly, as if asking him to do something -- anything -- to help ease his master's struggle. But what can Quark do? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 46. 31 CONTINUED: (4) ZEK Oh, who cares about duranium anyway? QUARK Daimon Igel. ZEK (nervously bewildered) Daimon Igel? Who's he? Do I like him? Quark is completely thrown by all this; this isn't the Nagus he knows and admires... 32 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (STOCK) (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 33 INT. ROM'S QUARTERS Rom is seated, his head resting on his crossed arms, which in turn, are resting on a table. He gazes directly in front of him at eight piles of strips and slips of latinum that have been divided into two separate groupings. The rest of the room is a mess. Rom has clearly neglected his housekeeping chores. After a beat, the door CHIMES. ROM Come in. O'Brien ENTERS. Rom doesn't take his eyes off the latinum. ROM Hello, Chief. O'Brien scans the room; the mess tells him all he needs to know about Rom's current state of mind. O'BRIEN I need that phase calibrator I lent you the other day. ROM It's in my tool kit, by the door. But O'Brien's attention is now focused on Rom. O'BRIEN What are you doing, Rom? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 47. 33 CONTINUED: ROM These are my profits, Chief. My entire fortune. It may be small, but it's mine. O'BRIEN Why the two piles? ROM I'm thinking of giving this pile to Leeta. That way maybe she'll sign the W.P. and P. O'BRIEN You're offering her a bribe? ROM Bribes can be very effective. O'BRIEN But if she signs the waiver, then she can't own anything and she'd have to give it all back to you. ROM (thinking it over) Right... that's not going to work, is it? O'Brien walks over to him. O'BRIEN Rom, I don't think there's any way you're going to convince Leeta to sign that waiver. But Rom appears not to be listening. He just gazes at his piles of "wealth." ROM Have you ever looked at latinum... I mean really looked at it! It's so beautiful... not to mention smooth to the touch. O'BRIEN Do you want Leeta back or not? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 48. 33 CONTINUED: (2) ROM "Latinum lasts longer than lust." Rule of Acquisition, two-twenty- nine. O'BRIEN Maybe so, but lust can be a lot more fun. Now answer the question -- do you want her back? ROM I'd give anything to hold her in my arms again. O'Brien picks up a strip of latinum, studying it. O'BRIEN Anything? And off Rom's questioning look 34 INT. PROMENADE Leeta is working a jumja (glop-on-a-stick) kiosk. ROM (O.S.) One jumja stick, please. Leeta turns to see -- 35 ROM gazing fondly at her. Leeta keeps her attitude all- business. LEETA What flavor. ROM Actually, I don't like jumja sticks. LEETA Then what do you want, Rom? ROM I want you to marry me. LEETA I'm not signing that waiver. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 49. 35 CONTINUED: ROM You don't have to -- not anymore. I don't have any profit left to protect. LEETA I don't understand. ROM I gave all my latinum to Major Kira for the Bajoran War Orphans Fund. (a chuckle) She kissed me. LEETA Oh, Rom... Leeta steps out of the kiosk to get closer to Rom. LEETA You did that for me? ROM I did it for us. Now we have nothing but our love. LEETA That's all we need. (a beat) That and my salary from Quark's. And with that, they kiss. CAMERA CRANES up to see Bashir and O'Brien gazing at the two lovebirds from one of the crossways. BASHIR Well done, Chief -- or should I call you Cupid? O'BRIEN What can I say? I'm an incurable romantic. And we go to -- 36 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM (VPB) A worried Ishka is seated at the monitor, watching the Ferengi Stock Exchange, as a weary and depressed Quark ENTERS, and lethargically wipes his head from the rain. Ishka moves away from the monitor and steps up to Quark. ISHKA Quark, where've you been all day? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 50. 36 CONTINUED: QUARK With the Nagus. He made me his First Clerk. This seems to clarify something for Ishka. ISHKA I see... well then you've had a miserable day, haven't you? QUARK Maybe the worst day of my life. How did you know? ISHKA The market exchange is down a hundred and ninety-nine points. Quark sits down, holding his head. QUARK I don't know if I should tell you this -- but I have to tell someone. The Nagus... Quark struggles with what he has to say; he doesn't really want to voice what he knows is true. QUARK He isn't... Ishka saves him the trouble. ISHKA I know. His memory isn't what it used to be. Did you try stroking his lobes? QUARK (shocked/disgusted) No, I didn't stroke his lobes! ISHKA (shrugging) It helps focus him. It's also not a bad idea to repeat what you say to him... it sometimes takes two, even three times before he'll retain it. Then the implications of this revelation suddenly dawn on Quark: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 50A. 36 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK You two weren't just lovers... you've been helping him run things... you're the power behind the throne! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 51. 36 CONTINUED: (3) ISHKA I wouldn't go that far. I just helped him a little, guided him -- a leveraged buyout here... some momentum investing there... But Quark knows his mother's talents and he knows she's just being modest. QUARK Why didn't you tell me? If I'd known what was going on, I never would have -- Quark stops himself. But not in time: ISHKA Never would have what? Quark averts her look. Ishka immediately realizes the implications of his revelation. ISHKA Oh, Quark... (accusatory) You turned Zek against me, didn't you? You filled his head with all those lies about me. QUARK (an apology) I didn't know. ISHKA Who put you up to this? QUARK Who do you think? Then it all falls into place for Ishka: ISHKA Brunt. (a beat) What did he offer you? Your business license back? Quark nods silently, then offers what seems -- even to him -- a feeble explanation: QUARK "A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all." You taught me that. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 52. 36 CONTINUED: ISHKA The Rules of Acquisition aren't going to help you now, Quark. Quark holds his head as if it were about to explode. QUARK A hundred and ninety-nine point slide... ISHKA And that's just the beginning. (a beat) Congratulations. You've not only destroyed my life and Zek's life... you may have triggered the destruction of the entire Ferengi economy. (a hard look) I hope it was worth it. And with that, Ishka EXITS into the bedroom, leaving a miserable Quark to contemplate his situation. And, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 37 INT. TOWER OF COMMERCE - CHAMBER OF PETITIONERS Morning. Quark is seated, surrounded by a sea of Ferengi PADDS, desperately trying to prepare for the day's workload. There's a lot to catch up on and little time to do it. (Note: Quark should NOT be seated on the Nagus's throne.) BRUNT (O.S.) My, aren't we early today. ADJUST ANGLE to reveal Brunt, ENTERING. Quark all but ignores Brunt, trying to keep focus on his work. BRUNT But I suppose, after yesterday's fiasco, you have no alternative. A hundred and ninety-nine point plummet... Haven't seen that steep a market slide since Grand Nagus Smeet. And you know what happened to him... QUARK (worried) The only Grand Nagus to be assassinated while in office... BRUNT What was the name of his First Clerk? I believe they buried them together. QUARK (hoping against hope) I'm sure we'll do better today. BRUNT No, you won't. The Market Exchange will remain closed today. The F.C.A. Board of Liquidators has called an emergency meeting with the Grand Nagus. We have some... questions to ask him. (smile) And by the time we're through... you'll both be out of a job. Quark doesn't understand why Brunt seems to have turned against him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 53A. 37 CONTINUED: QUARK Why are you picking on me? I've done everything you've asked, haven't I? BRUNT (smiling) Everything. Brunt sits in the Nagus's throne, checking out its "fit." He likes it.  DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 54. 37 CONTINUED: (2) BRUNT Grand Nagus Brunt. Daddy will be so proud. QUARK (the dime drops) You knew the truth about the Nagus all along, didn't you? BRUNT You mean about Zek's failing memory? (feigning a memory search) Let me think... now that you mention it... yes, I did. QUARK That's why you wanted to destroy his relationship with my mother -- not to protect him, but to expose him. BRUNT I couldn't have done it without you. I feel almost... grateful. Which is why I'm going to let you keep your new business license. Now put down those PADDS, pack your things, and scurry back to that little bar of yours. 38 EXTREME CLOSE UP OF QUARK whose dejected face fills the frame. ISHKA (O.S.) So how come you're still here, Quark? 39 PULL BACK TO REVEAL we are now at ISHKA'S HOUSE, LIVING ROOM, and Quark has told his mother what happened with Brunt. ISHKA After all, Brunt is right. You should be back on Deep Space Nine, celebrating your victory. You've proven yourself a true Ferengi. You've betrayed friends and family for personal gain. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 55. 39 CONTINUED: QUARK (puzzled) It sounds so good when you say it. ISHKA But? QUARK I think I've been hanging around Hew-mons too long. I think I'm developing a... a... But Quark can't bring himself to say it. ISHKA Conscience? QUARK (he shutters) It's been coming for a long time. I've fought against it -- really I have! But living with those people, day in and day out... being exposed to their ethics... their morality... it's like I've been brainwashed. Moogie reaches out and pats him on the hand. ISHKA You poor boy. QUARK Moogie, I'm serious! ISHKA I know you are. And I know how important your problems are to you. But frankly, Quark, right now -- (yelling in his face) I don't give a damn about them! We've got much bigger problems to deal with. Do you want Brunt to become Nagus? QUARK Of course not. He was willing to throw our entire economy into chaos just so he could grab power. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 56. 39 CONTINUED: (2) ISHKA (playing devil's advocate) Sounds like a true Ferengi to me. QUARK A Ferengi, maybe. But not a Nagus. A Nagus has to be better than that. His personal greed has to reflect the public's greed. ISHKA Like Zek. QUARK Exactly. ISHKA So what are we going to do about it? We HOLD ON Quark for a beat, as he considers his options. DISSOLVE TO: 40 EXT. FERENGI TOWER OF COMMERCE (STOCK) (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 41 INT. TOWER OF COMMERCE - CHAMBER OF PETITIONERS The room is empty. After a beat, we hear LAUGHTER and EXCITED VOICES. ZEK (O.S.) Did you see their faces? They thought they had me. The door opens and in comes the Nagus, Quark and Maihar'du. Their mood, jubilant. ZEK But we showed them. I answered every question, didn't I? QUARK You certainly did. ZEK The state of the trade negotiations with the Breen... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 57. 41 CONTINUED: ZEK (Cont'd) ... why I dumped our lokar bean investments... why I insisted we buy up every bit of jevonite we could get our hands on. QUARK You were brilliant. For a moment there, I actually thought Brunt's head was going to explode with frustration. The Nagus sits on his throne. ZEK By the time I'm done with him, he'll wish it had. He underestimated me. (a smile) And he underestimated you, too. QUARK Me? I did nothing. ZEK Nonsense. I might've fooled those Liquidators, but I'm not fooling myself. I'm becoming forgetful. At times, my memory betrays me. QUARK I hear the Vulcans have been very successful at treating memory loss. ZEK Vulcans, huh? Never liked them. No appreciation of profit. But they do make good doctors. (to Maihar'du) Make an appointment for me. Maihar'du nods, he'll take care of it. ZEK I'll never forget what you did for me, Rom -- QUARK It's Quark. ZEK (smiling) Gotcha. I may have lost my memory, but not my sense of humor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 58. 41 CONTINUED: (2) The Nagus LAUGHS, enjoying his own joke. ZEK As far as I'm concerned, you're still my First Clerk. QUARK I'm honored, Oh, Shrewd One. But I'm afraid your confidence in me is misplaced. Maihar'du? Quark signals a nod to Maihar'du, who EXITS the room. ZEK Quark, I find this newfound modesty of yours very annoying. I need a financial advisor and you're it. QUARK If you insist. But first, let me introduce you to my financial advisor... Quark turns to where Maihar'du has popped his head back into the room. Quark nods his head, and Maihar'du leads a small, hooded figure into the room. ZEK (suspecting) Don't tell me... The figure unhoods, REVEALING none other than Ishka. ISHKA Zekkie... ZEK Quark -- why'd you bring that female here? QUARK Because the Nagus deserves the best financial advisor there is -- and that's my Moogie. All the advice I gave you today came from her. ISHKA I'm not going to lie to you, Zekkie. I believe in equal rights for females. And someday, I hope you will, too. But I'd never do anything to hurt you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 59. 41 CONTINUED: (3) ZEK What about all those rumors Quark told me? ISHKA They were lies. Tell him, Quark. QUARK (shuffling his shoes) I guess I stretched the truth here and there... ZEK Quark, you're fired. (then he turns to Ishka) The question is... what am I going to do with you? ISHKA (lovingly) Anything you want. ZEK What man could resist an offer like that? ISHKA Let's go home and I'll make dinner. ZEK (hard) No, you won't. (then smiling) Maihar'du will prepare it. I have other plans for you... ISHKA Oh, Zekkie... They embrace. Maihar'du steps up to Quark and puts his arm around him, happily watching the happy couple. 42 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM CLOSE on a pair of hands stuffing belongings into Quark's bag. PULL BACK to reveal Quark, packing to leave. ISHKA (O.S.) Quark -- dinner's on the table. QUARK Be right there. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 60. 42 CONTINUED: But to his surprise, Ishka ENTERS, carrying a box. ISHKA Leave some room. QUARK For what? ISHKA For these. She hands him the box. He opens it and his eyes light up. QUARK My Marauder Mo action figures. I thought you'd thrown these out... ISHKA All these years, I've been keeping them in storage for you. I figured you'd want to take them back to Deep Space Nine with you. QUARK I sure do. Do you have any idea how much these are worth? ISHKA Not as much as if you'd kept them in the original packaging... which is what I told you at the time. QUARK (nods) Even then, you were handing out sound financial advice. (a beat) Thanks, Moogie. ISHKA No, thank you, Quark. And with that, she gives him a kiss and EXITS. As Quark returns to his packing, we hear the familiar SOUND of a TRANSPORTER BEAM emanating from the closet. Quark seems to know what this is all about -- he opens the closet to REVEAL: BRUNT Brunt, F.C.A. QUARK (smiling) But for how much longer? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 61. 42 CONTINUED: (2) Brunt steps out of the closet. BRUNT Don't worry about me, Quark. I'm a survivor. (looking at the door) So, the happy couple is back together... (a beat) If the people only knew... QUARK But they don't, and you're not going to tell them. BRUNT Really? Why shouldn't I? QUARK Because the Nagus is ready for you. If you go up against him... you'll lose and you know it. BRUNT I hate losing. QUARK What Ferengi doesn't? BRUNT I may not be able to destroy the Nagus... but you're a different story. QUARK You're going to revoke my license again? I don't think the Nagus would like that. BRUNT On the contrary. I want you back in business. It gives me an opportunity to keep my eye on you. Because one day, you're going to make a mistake. And on that day, you're going to lose more than your license. QUARK But that day isn't today. Now get back in the closet, where you belong. Quark takes Brunt by the arm and shoves him back into the closet, closing the door behind him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FIVE 62. 42 CONTINUED: (3) BRUNT (O.S.) This isn't over, Quark. QUARK (a threat) Don't make me come in there after you. And with the sound of a TRANSPORTER BEAMING out, Quark smiles victoriously. ISHKA (O.S.) Quark -- your tube grubs are getting warm. QUARK Coming, Moogie... As Quark starts to look at his Marauder Mo toys, a smile of remembrance dances across his face. And as he begins to play with them... ISHKA (O.S.) (calling out) Quark. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END