STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rapture" #40510-508 Story by Laura Strom Teleplay by Hans Beimler Directed by Jonathan West THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1996 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION October 11, 1996 STAR TREK: DS9 "Rapture" - 10/11/96 - CAS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rapture" CAST SISKO KAI WINN ODO KASIDY YATES BASHIR ADMIRAL WHATLEY DAX QUARK O'BRIEN KIRA WORF JAKE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "Rapture" - 10/11/96 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rapture" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE AIRLOCK CAPTAIN'S OFFICE GUEST QUARTERS HOLOSUITE HABITAT RING CORRIDOR INFIRMARY/SURGERY OPS PROMENADE/UPPER LEVEL QUARK'S BAR SECURITY OFFICE SISKO'S QUARTERS WARDROOM CAVES DEEP SPACE NINE -"Rapture" - 10/11/96 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rapture" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALVANIAN al-VEIN-ee-un B'HALA bah-HA-la BANTACA bahn-TAHK-uh BATERET BAA-der-it COLTI KUL-tee ILVIA ILL-vee-uh KATTERPOD KATT-er-pod LINGTA LING-tah PAGH'TEM'FAR pah-tem-FAR. PELDOR PEL-dor RIFKIN RIFF-kin TONSA TAHN-suh VEDEK VEH-deck VETA VAY-tuh WHATLEY WATT-lee ZOCAL ZOE-kul DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rapture" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. WARDROOM CLOSE ON an ominous and eerie-looking stone Obelisk bathed in an unearthly light. WE SLOWLY PULL BACK, REVEALING various Bajorans in long, flowing robes, reverently surrounding the very tall and impressive slab. Behind them, a fountain. WE KEEP PULLING BACK to see that the Obelisk is in the middle of a kind of agora -- a town square of an ancient Bajoran city. DAX (O.S.) That's it? WE CONTINUE TO PULL BACK, finally revealing this to be a very detailed and "realistic" eighteen-by-twelve-inch painting on a weathered piece of parchment. SISKO (O.S.) That's it. The "City of B'hala," painted nearly twenty thousand years ago -- 2 WIDER to include SISKO, KIRA and DAX staring at the ancient painting which has been pulled out of its own elaborate shipping crate by TWO BAJORAN SECURITY AGENTS. Sisko eyes the painting with tremendous appreciation. DAX Hmm. Sisko and Kira exchange a look, taken aback by her "hmm." KIRA Jadzia -- you're looking at the most important Bajoran icon ever painted. The only known "proof" that B'hala actually existed, and all you have to say is "hmm"? DAX No, it's just that you both gave it such a build up that I thought it would be a lot... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: DAX (Cont'd) (delineating a larger imaginary canvas) ... bigger. Sisko and Kira give her a look. Dax tries to recover with: DAX Not that small is bad. KIRA We've been trying to force the Cardassian government to return this to us since the end of the Occupation. It's good to have it back. DAX I thought you said it was being returned to the State Museum in Ilvia. SISKO It will be. Tomorrow. But I couldn't let it pass without stealing a look. (with a half-smile) Sometimes, being the Emissary isn't such a bad thing. As Dax looks at the painting once again, Sisko can't contain his enthusiasm. SISKO (pointing to the Obelisk) See that? It's a Bantaca spire. Ancient Bajoran cities were built around them. Sisko marvels at the structure. SISKO They were all about eleven meters tall... made of hundreds of stones, carved and fitted together so tightly that they didn't need mortar. KIRA It's said they mark the city's place in the cosmos. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - TEASER 2A. 2 CONTINUED: (2) Considering Sisko's and Kira's enthusiasm for the piece, Dax feels "obligated" to say something appreciative. Referring to the odd-looking symbols on the obelisk, she comments: DAX Beautiful markings. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - TEASER 3. 3 CLOSE ON THE PAINTING SISKO (O.S.) Supposedly, they're coordinates of the lost city. 4 RESUME SISKO But since we can't see the markings on the other two sides, they're impossible to decipher. KIRA Which is why B'hala is likely to remain lost. The captain turns to the two Guards. SISKO (re: the painting) Before you pack it up, have it scanned into the computer. DAX (smiling) You're going to study it? Maybe try to find the lost city? Kira stares at Sisko, lost in thought for a moment. Sisko notices her faraway look, and asks: SISKO I wouldn't get my hopes up, major. I just like it. I want a copy for my office. KIRA I was just thinking about Zocal's third prophecy. It says that only someone touched by the Prophets could find the ruins of B'hala. DAX (to Sisko) No pressure. Sisko shoots her a glance before we cut to -- 5 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Establishing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - TEASER 4. 6 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) Sisko is alone, reading a PADD, relaxing. In the b.g., a reproduction of the painting is being displayed on the wall MONITOR. 6A CLOSE ON SISKO (OPTICAL) as he pauses from his reading to glance up at the painting. From his expression, it's clear he's very pleased with his new acquisition. Sisko momentarily goes back to his reading, but after only a beat, he stares back at the painting. Sisko puts the PADD down and stands to "soak it in," like a painter taking a few steps back to examine the work from a distance. Sisko smiles to himself -- there's something about this work of art that speaks to him. Sisko is about to return to his reading, when something in the painting catches his eye -- Sisko steps up to examine it more closely. 7 CLOSE ON THE PAINTING (OPTICAL) as Sisko's fingers run from the Obelisk to an aqueduct that empties into a fountain behind the Obelisk. Sisko takes a long beat as he studies this carefully. Then: SISKO Computer, magnify grid C-four. The section of the painting where the aqueduct water spills into the fountain is outlined, and then "popped" forward so that it fills the screen. We see the back of one side of the Obelisk crudely reflected in the water. SISKO (O.S.) (to himself) A reflection... (to the computer) Now magnify D-two. The computer repeats the process, outlining only the wall of water falling into the fountain. The image of the markings has been amplified so much that it is quite "grainy" and impressionistic -- a sea of shapes and shadows. 8 CLOSE ON SISKO as he peers hard at the image on the screen. After a long beat considering something, Sisko moves over to his console, pushes a button and removes an isolinear rod. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - TEASER 4A. 9 INT. HOLOSUITE Sisko is standing near an open console in an empty holosuite. He inserts the isolinear rod into the console then addresses the computer: SISKO Computer. Process Sisko image file three-seven-six. Reduce in size seventy-five percent. Sisko turns to see -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - TEASER 5. 10 ANGLE OVER SISKO'S SHOULDER (OPTICAL) We watch as the Holosuite completes the replica of the Obelisk. The four-sided stone structure has a three foot base and extends fifteen feet into the air. The two sides facing Sisko have the same "markings" as the painting. 11 ON SISKO (OPTICAL) as he looks at the Obelisk with a deep fascination. After a moment of "soaking in" the structure, he circles its base to face the two blank sides of the Obelisk. He stares at the clean slates for a moment, then: SISKO Superimpose grid D-Two. The image reflected in the wall of water is "projected" onto one of the two blank faces of the Obelisk. The sea of shapes and shadows has a loose fit on the structure. If these are "markings" of any kind, they remain indecipherable. SISKO Reverse image and enhance. The "markings" come somewhat into sharper focus. Sisko has indeed found something. Sisko stares excitedly at the mysterious shapes. DISSOLVE TO: 11A ON SISKO (OPTICAL) continuing to work. The "markings" on the third face of the Obelisk have now come into perfect focus. But the fourth side remains blank. The moment is interrupted by QUARK, ENTERING. QUARK (sheepish) Sorry to disturb you, Captain, but... SISKO (annoyed) But what? QUARK It's after three in the morning. Sisko hadn't realized how late it was. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - TEASER 6. 11A CONTINUED: SISKO Three, already? QUARK Time flies when you're having fun. SISKO (rubbing his tired eyes) Quark -- I want you to save this program for me. Quark looks at the structure curiously. QUARK What is it? SISKO An ancient puzzle. Quark continues eyeing the structure, seeing nothing special about it. QUARK You know, Captain, if you like puzzles -- I have a wide assortment of pleasure mazes. (suggestively) And they all come with a surprise in the center. SISKO Never mind, Quark. I'll save the program myself. 12 CLOSE ON SISKO as he steps up to the console and taps a few keys. As he reaches to extract the isolinear rod, something shorts in the system -- he is showered with SPARKS and thrown to the ground, unconscious. 13 QUARK (OPTICAL) rushes to the captain's side as BLUE ARCS DANCE all over Sisko's body. QUARK Quark to Infirmary -- medical emergency in Holosuite Four. And on a CLOSE ANGLE of Sisko, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 14 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL ODO is hauling Quark down the corridor, gripping the Ferengi by the collarbone. QUARK But Odo -- you said yourself the Captain's all right. ODO Lucky for you. Quark can't believe the injustice being committed against him. QUARK Then why am I being arrested? I already told you it was an accident. A minor technical difficulty. You can't arrest somebody for a minor technical difficulty. ODO No, but I can arrest you for negligence. Your own records show your holosuites are in desperate need of maintenance. QUARK Which is what I've been telling Chief O'Brien for the past week. I begged him to have Rom repair them. But you know what he said? "Rom's too busy upgrading the sensor array." Can you believe that? Anyone can fix a sensor array. But no one can fix the holosuites like that idiot brother of mine. (an idea) So you see, if anyone should be arrested for negligence, it's Chief O'Brien. ODO Tell it to the magistrate. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 8. 14 CONTINUED: Odo continues hauling the Ferengi towards Security. As Odo and Quark pass the Infirmary, WE HOLD on the entrance. 15 INT. INFIRMARY DOCTOR BASHIR emerges from the laboratory/dispensary area, his attention completely focused on the readings off a medical instrument. Sisko is on the bio-bed. BASHIR ... There are no signs of any permanent neural damage, though I am reading some odd synaptic potentials. (a beat) Let me ask you something -- does my uniform look a little brighter to you? SISKO Yes... everything does. Sisko looks around the room. SISKO Colors seem more intense... and shapes are more... focused. Sisko looks at his own hand as if held never seen it before. BASHIR That's called post-neural shock syndrome. Your neural pathways were overloaded by the plasma burst. All external stimuli are going to seem more pronounced. (a warning) It'll take a while for things to settle down. I'm putting you on restricted duty for the next three days. If you experience any other side effects, headaches, nausea, dizziness... let me know immediately. Sisko is relishing his senses -- looking intently at a bright green liquid in a vial. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 9. 15 CONTINUED: BASHIR (with a smile) In the meantime, enjoy the show. Sisko catches himself, putting down the vial. 16 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko and Jake have just completed a dinner Jake made for his father. JAKE So... did dinner get the Sisko stamp of approval? Sisko's attention is focused on a dessert tray of fruit and cheeses. He's using a knife to "doodle" with the sliced fruit, cutting them into various odd shapes and symbols. Jake watches him, trying to gauge his mood. SISKO Grandpa would be proud of you. JAKE I was a little worried I overcooked the Lingta roast. I'm glad you liked it. Sisko nods, still absorbed. JAKE Can I get you anything else? SISKO I'm fine. JAKE I guess you'll be cooking tomorrow night. Sisko is still not paying much attention to the conversation. SISKO Why's that? JAKE (hopeful) To welcome Kasidy back to the station. Maybe prepare some of that jambalaya she likes so much. SISKO We'll see. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 10. 16 CONTINUED: JAKE Dad, Kasidy's spent six months in prison for helping the Maquis -- she's paid for what she did. SISKO (neutral) I suppose so. Jake gets up and begins clearing the table. His father's lack of interest in Kasidy really bothers him, though he tries not to show it. JAKE I hope you'll give her a chance... that's all. You two had something... But Sisko doesn't respond. He's lost in deep concentration, staring at the odd shapes formed by the pieces of fruit and rind. JAKE Dad? No answer. JAKE Dad -- what is it? SISKO These shapes... 17 CLOSE ON THE FRUIT PLATE SISKO (O.S.) ... I know what they are. MATCH CUT TO: 18 INT. HOLOSUITE The same shapes now superimposed onto the fourth side of the Obelisk. We now understand that the shapes Sisko saw in the fruit are the missing "markings." Sisko excitedly walks around the Obelisk -- marveling that all four sides are now "complete." Sisko stares at the mysterious markings, his mind racing through the possibilities. A COM VOICE interrupts: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 11. 18 CONTINUED: DAX'S COM VOICE Ops to Captain Sisko. SISKO Go ahead. DAX'S COM VOICE Sorry to disturb you, Benjamin. But I have Admiral Whatley calling from Starfleet Headquarters. Despite Sisko's preference to keep working, he knows he can't keep an Admiral waiting. SISKO I'll take it in here. Sisko puts down his instruments and takes a few steps over to the monitor in the Holosuite. 19 ANGLE ON THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) as it comes to life with the image of ADMIRAL CHARLIE WHATLEY. The Admiral is "old-Navy" -- a strong-willed and seasoned veteran of many campaigns. He has intelligent, steel-hard eyes that don't miss much. WHATLEY Hello, Ben. SISKO Admiral. WHATLEY How've you been? SISKO Never better. WHATLEY Glad to hear it. I know you've been waiting for this news a long time. I'm glad to be the one who tells you. Sisko waits expectantly. WHATLEY Bajor's petition to join the Federation has been approved. Sisko breaks into a wide grin -- this is great news. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 12. 19 CONTINUED: SISKO It's about time. WHATLEY Congratulations, Ben. You've done a helluva job out there. SISKO Thank you. WHATLEY We're not the only ones who think so. The Bajorans requested that the signing ceremony take place on your station. So make sure you spruce up that floating bicycle wheel of yours. (smiling) Count on me and a lot of other brass showing up for this one, captain... or should I say admiral? That can't be far away once you have this feather in your cap. Sisko nods, smiling at the compliment. 20 INT. QUARK'S BAR Quark is standing amidst a happy Bajoran throng on the first level. He's looking up at TWO DABO GIRLS holding a rolled-up banner over the balcony, waiting for his cue. QUARK Computer, spotlight. A single beam of SPOTLIGHT shines on the two Dabo Girls. QUARK Drumroll. And as the computer PIPES IN the traditional DRUMROLL, Quark cues the Dabo Girls to unfurl the banner. Quark immediately turns to face WORF and Dax, wanting to see their reactions. WORF (reading the banner) Welcome Klingons. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 13. 20 CONTINUED: The crowd's confused silence confirms Worf's words. Quark spins to look at the banner -- the Klingon emblem is surrounded with some Klingon writing. Quark winces with agony and yells up to the Dabo Girls: QUARK Not that one -- Quark rushes behind the bar, pulls out another banner and unfurls it over the counter. This one has the United Federation of Planets emblem and when the crowd sees it, they break out into the traditional Bajoran APPLAUSE. DAX I see you're prepared for anything. QUARK Never hurts. Dax picks up a glass with the U.F.P. emblem emblazoned on its side. DAX (to Quark) I take it you think Federation membership is going to be good for business? QUARK Of course it is -- this station is going to get busier than an Alvanian beehive. I'm expecting to do five times the volume in root beer alone. Quark smiles... he's got this all worked out. QUARK You see, it's all about foot traffic. The more people come in, the more they drink. The more they drink, the more they talk. The more they talk, the more they let slip things I shouldn't know. And that... that always leads to latinum. Quark smiles victoriously at Dax and the Klingon. Dax smiles back, but Worf remains unmoved. WORF Perhaps so. But there is one problem... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 13A. 20 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (impossible) What's that? WORF An ancient Klingon proverb -- "You cannot loosen a man's tongue with root beer." They look at Worf, who remains poker-faced. 21 ANGLE ON KIRA passing by, talking to VEDEK MERA. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 14. 21 CONTINUED: KIRA ... it is wonderful news, Vedek Mera. I'll see you at the signing ceremony. Kira spots her friends at the bar and moves over to them. KIRA Enjoying the celebration? DAX As far as I'm concerned, the Federation should accept a new member every week. Worf catches Kira's gaze. WORF And you, Major? Are you celebrating? Kira smiles and looks around the room at all the Joyous celebrating going on. KIRA Five years ago, I wouldn't be. (reflecting) I didn't think Federation membership was right for Bajor. It hadn't been that long since the occupation and I thought it was important for us to learn to stand on our own two feet. Kira takes a champagne glass from Quark as he passes. WORF What changed your mind? KIRA A lot of things. My time on the station... my dealings with Starfleet... but mostly, the captain. DAX He can be very persuasive. KIRA No doubt about that. He's made me a believer. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 14A. 21 CONTINUED: (2) DAX I'll drink to that. The three of them CLINK glasses and sip their drinks. KIRA Where is the Captain? I want to congratulate him. DAX He was here for a little while, but I think he went back to the holosuite. Kira shoots Quark a sharp look. QUARK Don't worry, I fixed them. And as Kira heads for the stairs, we go to -- 22 INT. HOLOSUITE The door opens and Kira ENTERS. Sisko is sitting with his back to the door, facing the Obelisk. KIRA Captain... But Sisko doesn't seem to hear. She moves around to face him directly. Strangely, he's staring at the Obelisk -- his eyes and mind are a million miles away. KIRA Sir... something wrong? No response. She touches him by the shoulder; he doesn't react. KIRA Captain! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 15. 22 CONTINUED: She shakes him by the shoulder. And off Kira's rising panic that she can't rouse him, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 INT. HOLOSUITE - CONTINUOUS Sisko is still staring at the Obelisk. Kira tries to snap him out of it. She shakes him more violently. KIRA Benjamin! Sisko suddenly reacts by grabbing both of her arms. SISKO Major? KIRA Are you all right? SISKO I was there. KIRA Sir? SISKO B'hala. It was the eve of the Peldor Festival. I could hear them ringing the temple chimes. KIRA You were dreaming. SISKO No, I was there. I could smell the burning bateret leaves, taste the incense on the wind. Sisko gets up and begins pacing. SISKO I was standing in front of the Obelisk. And as I looked up, for a moment, I understood it all. B'hala... the Orbs... the occupation... the discovery of the wormhole... the coming war with the Dominion. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 17. 23 CONTINUED: Kira knows that Sisko is right -- this is much more than a'dream. KIRA You could see the future as well as the past? SISKO And for one moment, I could see the pattern that held it all together. Kira looks at Sisko with reverence and awe for "The Emissary." KIRA You had a pagh'tem'far -- a sacred vision. SISKO I don't know what I had. But it felt... wonderful. Kira smiles, reassured by her own faith. KIRA The Prophets chose well when they made you their Emissary. (with a touch of humor) So how does it all fit together? SISKO I wish I knew. (playful) Someone woke me up. Kira feels like she interrupted the Pope's prayer. KIRA I was worried about you. SISKO I understand. If I found you in the middle of a pagh'tem'far, I'd probably be worried, too. A com voice interrupts the moment: O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE O'Brien to Captain Sisko. SISKO Go ahead. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 17A. 23 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Sir, I've just received word that Kai Winn is on her way to the station. She should arrive in less than two hours. But Sisko's thoughts are elsewhere. Right now, the affairs of state don't concern him. SISKO Thank you, Chief. Major Kira will greet her at the airlock. This surprises Kira. SISKO (to Kira) Make my apologies. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 18. 23 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO Tell the Kai I'll meet with her tomorrow, but today I'm busy... (tries to come up with an excuse, can't) Make something up. KIRA Where are you going to be? SISKO Right here. The answer's in that Spire. I know it. Kira EXITS, leaving a confused and excited Sisko behind. 24 INT. AIRLOCK Kira, a Starfleet Security Officer and one Bajoran Security Guard are waiting outside the airlock. The door opens to reveal KAI WINN approaching. In the background, a Vedek keeps a respectful distance. KIRA Kai Winn. WINN Greetings, my child. You look... very sweet. Winn's remark is meant as a put-down and that's how Kira takes it. KIRA Looks can be deceiving. But you don't need me to tell you that. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 19. 24 CONTINUED: The comment is not lost on Kai Winn, but she decides to let it pass. WINN Why isn't the Emissary here to greet me? KIRA I'm afraid Captain Sisko is busy at the moment. WINN No doubt he's still basking in the adulation of Starfleet Command. KIRA Something like that. WINN I'm sure the Federation is very pleased with the job he's done. KIRA (pointedly) I thought everyone was. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 20. 24 CONTINUED: (2) WINN Not everyone. (a beat) Our culture has only had five short years to recover from the Occupation. Only five years of freedom. Hardly seems enough time, does it? KIRA Bajor will still be free. Joining the Federation won't change that. WINN I see working beside Captain Sisko all these years has had quite an influence on you. KIRA I have to give you credit. You never give up. (a beat) I'm sure the Emissary will consider everything you have to say. And then Bajor's admittance can go forward... unobstructed. Winn's not about to concede. WINN I await the will of the Prophets. Kira refrains from further comment as she contemplates: the Kai is a handful. 25 INT. HOLOSUITE The Obelisk looms over Sisko, who walks around it, thoughtfully examining the markings. There are PADDS scattered around the floor, along with four or five maps of Bajor, various sextant-like instruments, compasses, protractors, and a chart of the night sky of Bajor. Sisko reaches down and picks up the star chart, looks from it to the Obelisk, and then back to the chart. Suddenly he breaks into a wide, triumphant smile. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture"- REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 21. 25 CONTINUED: He goes to make a mark on one of the maps when he's startled by the WHOOSH of an opening door and the SOUND of a voice coming from behind him. KASIDY (O.S.) Hello, Ben. Sisko turns to see KASIDY YATES, looking hopeful, somewhat hesitant, and lovely as ever. SISKO (pleased) Kasidy. KASIDY Jake said I could find you... But Sisko's already moved forward, taken her in his arms, and kissed her. When he lets her go, she looks happy but a little confused. SISKO Something wrong? KASIDY Not at all. I'm just a little surprised. I wasn't sure you'd be happy to see me. SISKO What are you doing for the next few hours? KASIDY I don't know. I just got here. SISKO Why don't you come to Bajor with me? This whole conversation is really not going the way Kasidy had planned. She's torn between being ecstatic and very, very confused. KASIDY Right now? SISKO I think I know where to find B'hala. (off her blank look) The sacred lost city of Bajor. Sisko turns back to the obelisk. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 22. 25 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO You see these markings? They're a coordinate system keyed to the position of the stars at a certain time of night... (turns back to Kasidy) You don't have the faintest idea what I'm talking about, do you? KASIDY Not a clue. SISKO Come to Bajor and I'll show you. KASIDY I'm not even sure where I'm staying yet. SISKO You can have your old quarters back... if you want them. KASIDY They're still available? SISKO Everything's just the way you left it. I have some pull with the station's C.O. KASIDY (touched) Ben. She gives him a hug, but this time there's no hesitation or confusion, only affection. KASIDY (looking up at him) I've missed you. Sisko gives her an understanding nod. SISKO I'm glad you're back. (smiles) Now what do you say we go find B'hala? Kasidy smiles. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 23. 25 CONTINUED: (3) KASIDY Somehow, I don't think you're going to take "no" for an answer. They EXIT. 26 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) The Runabout in orbit around Bajor. 27 INT. CAVES Sisko and Kasidy move through a dark, sandstone-like cave. They each turn on their BEACON LIGHTS. Sisko checks his tricorder, before announcing: SISKO This way. Kasidy follows him, disappearing into the darkness of one of the cave passageways. 28 ANOTHER SECTION OF THE CAVES Sisko continues to lead Kasidy through the treacherous terrain, their light beacons illuminating the way. KASIDY We must be two hundred meters underground. I don't want to be negative, Ben... but this doesn't look like a lost city to me. Clearly, Sisko has filled her in on the unusual circumstances that have driven them here. She's not sure what to make of it all, but for now, she's going along. SISKO What you're looking at is twenty thousand years worth of sediment. (continuing his trek) Stay close and watch your step. We're not far from -- Suddenly, Sisko stops -- his head throbbing with an excruciating pain. He leans against the cave wall for support. Kasidy rushes up to him. KASIDY What's the matter? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 24. 28 CONTINUED: It takes Sisko a moment to recover. SISKO It's nothing. I'll be fine in a second. Julian said headaches might be a side effect of the accident. Kasidy's had enough; her concerns spill out. KASIDY What about obsessing over an ancient Bajoran city? Is that a side effect, too? SISKO You're being negative again. But now that the pain has passed, Sisko gets right back on the hunt, looking at his tricorder. SISKO C'mon -- it's right around the bend. Kasidy, knowing there's nothing to be gained by arguing, shakes her head and falls in behind him. 29 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as they reach the end of the passageway, they shine their lights on the cave walls. There's nothing there but more sandstone. Kasidy looks to Sisko, expecting him to be crestfallen. But he's not disappointed. On the contrary, he seems to see something we don't... KASIDY What is it? SISKO It's B'hala. KASIDY Ben, it's a wall of stone. SISKO But what's behind the wall? He takes out his phaser, adjusts the setting and FIRES it at one of the sandstone walls. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 25. 30 ON THE CAVE WALL (OPTICAL) as the WIDE BEAM gently washes away a layer of sandstone TO REVEAL a section of the enormous Obelisk. We see clearly the distinctive markings of one of its faces. There can be no mistake about it -- they've found the lost city of B'hala. 31 CLOSE ON SISKO AND KASIDY as they silently take in the incredible find. And we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 32 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Re-establishing. 33 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Odo, Worf and Kira, looking distracted, are examining some information on a PADD on Odo's desk. WORF Those quarters are not appropriate for Admiral Colti. She outranks Admiral Veta. ODO Then let's put her in H-Two, Veta goes to D-Nine, and Rifkin in K- Four. Odo seems satisfied that they've come upon a solution. But Worf shakes his head. WORF That will not do. Rifkin commands a starship. Protocol requires he be given equal quarters. ODO But he's only a captain. Worf shakes his head; these "civilians" don't understand. WORF It's a naval tradition. Odo's getting fed up with all this. ODO So is keelhauling. But right now, we should focus on accommodations. They turn their attention to Kira. ODO Don't you agree, major? But Kira's thoughts have been elsewhere. KIRA Hmm? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 27. 33 CONTINUED: But Odo just shakes his head; he knows where her mind really is. ODO (dry) Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your reverie. KIRA I was just thinking about Captain Sisko finding B'hala. Bajoran archaeologists have been searching for the sacred city for ten thousand years. And he found it in a few days. WORF Your Gods granted the captain a powerful vision. ODO Or he made a very lucky guess. KIRA (I don't think so) It was a sign. A sign from the Prophets. ODO I wonder if the Prophets can help us find quarters for Captain Rifkin. But before Kira can answer, the door OPENS and Kai Winn ENTERS. WINN (to everyone) I hope I'm not interrupting -- (to Kira) -- but I was wondering if I could have a word with you, major. KIRA Of course. (to Odo and Worf) Good luck. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 28. 33 CONTINUED: (2) ODO (re: Winn) I was about to say the same to you. Kira stands and EXITS with Kai Winn onto the Promenade. 34 INT. PROMENADE - UPPER LEVEL Kai Winn and Kira are walking slowly by the windows. WINN My child, you and the Emissary are... close, are you not? KIRA I consider Captain Sisko a friend. WINN So you know his mind. How he thinks... how he reacts in certain situations... KIRA I'm not really sure what you're asking. WINN I'm asking if you think the Emissary will forgive me. This isn't what Kira expected. KIRA Forgive you? WINN For doubting him. (a beat) He must be aware that I never truly believed he was the Emissary. KIRA (an understatement) I'm sure it crossed his mind. WINN (simply) I was wrong. I know that now. only someone touched by the Prophets could find B'hala. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 29. 34 CONTINUED: KIRA Does this mean you're not going to try to block Bajor's admittance into the Federation? WINN I will follow the path the Emissary has laid out for us. And for the first time in her dealings with Winn, Kira gives a genuine smile. KIRA I have to admit, I'm surprised to hear that. It takes a lot of courage to admit you're wrong. WINN And you think I lack courage? KIRA I didn't say that. WINN But it is what you think. (a beat) Those of you who were in the Resistance -- you're all the same. You think you're the only ones who fought the Cardassians... that you saved Bajor singlehandedly. Kira remains silent, not wanting to admit the truth of Kai Winn's words. WINN Perhaps you forget, major, that the Cardassians arrested any Bajoran they found teaching the word of the Prophets. I spent five years in a Cardassian prison camp... I can remember each and every beating that I suffered. And where you had weapons to protect yourself, all I had was my faith... and my courage. (a beat) Walk with the Prophets, child. I know I will. Winn EXITS. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 30. 35 CLOSE ON KIRA- as she reacts to Winn, still not trusting her, but perhaps reevaluating her opinion. 36 OMITTED 37 INT. CAVES A PAIR OF BAJORAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL WORKERS carry a section of scaffolding past other WORKERS who have set up an archaeological grid around several sections of the cave and Obelisk. 38 ON THE FAR SIDE OF THE CAVE (OPTICAL) Admiral Whatley and his STARFLEET AIDE MATERIALIZE. He spots Sisko sitting on a rock, legs crossed, staring thoughtfully at the Obelisk. 39 ON SISKO who keeps his focus on the Obelisk (he's not in a trance -- he's just intently focused). The Admiral approaches Sisko from behind, and without ever taking his eyes off the Obelisk or looking back, Sisko is aware of his presence. SISKO Hello, Admiral. The Admiral is a bit taken aback, but dismisses the oddity to god-knows-what. WHATLEY Ben. The Admiral looks around at the site. WHATLEY So this is the ancient city of Balla. SISKO (correcting) B'hala. Whatley is undeniably impressed with the site. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 31. 39 CONTINUED: WHATLEY Missing for twenty thousand years and you found it. Pretty impressive. (turning to Sisko) Sure as hell impressed the Bajorans. How'd you know where to look? SISKO You might say it came to me in a vision. Whatley's a little surprised. He was hoping for a more secular response. WHATLEY I know that's what the Bajorans think. But just between you and me... what really happened? SISKO I know it's hard to understand... but it really was a vision. (tries to explain) For the last few days, I've been having these moments of insight... flashes of understanding. WHATLEY And they started after you had the accident? Sisko nods. WHATLEY I don't know, Ben. This is a little strange. SISKO You didn't come down here to see B'hala, did you, Admiral? WHATLEY No. I came to see you. I was surprised you weren't on the station when I arrived. SISKO I'm sorry about that. WHATLEY Not sorry enough to return my com signals... all three of them... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 32. 39 CONTINUED: (2) WHATLEY (Cont'd) (lightly) That could get an officer in a lot of trouble. The Admiral steps around to face Sisko directly. WHATLEY Ben, I need to know I can count on you. Bajor's admission is only the beginning. Now comes the hard part Federation council members have to be chosen... the Bajoran militia has to be absorbed into Starfleet... there are thousands of details that have to be overseen. And you're our point man here. That means we need to depend on you more than ever. SISKO Don't worry, I won't let you down. WHATLEY I'm glad to here that. Now, what do you say we get back up to the station? SISKO I can't go back to the station. Not just yet. WHATLEY Why not? I'm sure the Bajorans can take it from here. Or were you thinking of digging up the entire city all by yourself? Sisko returns his gaze to the Obelisk. SISKO Charlie, I just need a little more time. WHATLEY For what? SISKO To find answers. (knows this isn't very helpful) There's clarity here. I wish I could explain it better, but I can't. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 33. 39 CONTINUED: (3) The "mystical destiny element" in Sisko's voice alarms the Admiral greatly. But he's a man that controls himself well. WHATLEY You're scaring me with this, Ben. SISKO I'm a little scared myself. Whatley tries to decide what to do. He knows he could force Sisko to come back to the station, but he doesn't want to do that. Finally, he decides to give a little on this one... WHATLEY All right, I'll give you some time. But I want you back on the station by oh-seven-hundred hours, tomorrow. You're to report to Doctor Bashir for a complete physical. SISKO I'll be there. WHATLEY Good. (a half-smile) I'll bring the donuts. Sisko nods acceptance and the admiral walks away. WE HOLD on Sisko until the admiral is out of sight. Then Sisko grimaces in pain -- another excruciating headache grips him momentarily. 40 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Re-establishing. (Preferably a shot with ships coming to the station). 41 INT. INFIRMARY A determined Admiral Whatley address Doctor Bashir. WHATLEY It's oh-seven-fifteen. Where the hell is he? BASHIR His runabout only docked twenty- five minutes ago. I'm sure he's on his way. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 34. 41 CONTINUED: WHATLEY When he gets here, I want you to give him a full work-up. BASHIR I examined him before he left for Bajor. He didn't complain of any new symptoms, but my scans still showed the same odd synaptic potentials. I was hoping the problem would cure itself by now. WHATLEY But it hasn't. Isn't there something you can do to help? BASHIR (reluctant) I could try neuro-polaric induction, but that's a very serious operation, and I'd rather not do it unless it's absolutely necessary. WHATLEY So in the meantime, he's going to keep having... (skeptical) "visions." (gruff) I knew we were headed for trouble the minute he allowed the Bajorans to call him "Emissary." BASHIR He didn't have much choice. The Bajorans are deeply committed to their spirituality... not to mention incredibly stubborn. They believe Captain Sisko is the Emissary and nothing is going to change their minds. The Admiral's attention is suddenly drawn to something occurring outside on the Promenade -- it's Sisko, a crowd of Bajorans flocked around him. BAJORAN CROWD Emissary! Emissary! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 35. 41 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I told you held be here. Off the admiral's face as he moves to investigate -- 42 INT. PROMENADE Sisko, surrounded by the Bajorans, accepting their thanks and good wishes in a way we've never seen before. He's not embarrassed or uncomfortable with their reverence -- he simply takes it in with serene humility. AD HOC: "Emissary," "Thank you," "Bless you." As Sisko moves through the crowd, his attention is suddenly drawn to an older BAJORAN COUPLE, who are standing to one side. Sisko steps over to them. The crowd falls silent as he speaks to them: SISKO There's no need to worry. The couple react -- some burden is weighing on both their minds. SISKO The katterpod harvest will be much better this year. We can see the burden lifting from their shoulders -- they believe him. Sisko turns to someone else in the crowd, smiles, and touches him on the shoulders. SISKO You don't belong here. Go home. The Bajoran nods as if this answers a question that's been much on his mind. He EXITS. As Bashir and Whatley approach Sisko, Sisko is suddenly hit by a blinding headache that sends him staggering. BASHIR Captain! Sisko struggles to a nearby bench as the admiral and Bashir rush over. WHATLEY What's wrong? Sisko struggles to clear his head. SISKO I'm fine. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 36. 42 CONTINUED: He looks up at Whatley -- a "realization" coming to him. SISKO Admiral? He stares intently at Whatley. WHATLEY What is it, Ben? SISKO Your son... you can stop worrying about him. He forgives you. And with that, Sisko walks into the Infirmary. 43 CLOSE ON WHATLEY AND BASHIR Whatley's expression tells us that Sisko has hit home. WHATLEY How the hell did he know that Kevin and I weren't getting along? Bashir tries to come up with an answer, but all he can come up with is... BASHIR He's the Emissary. And off this moment, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 44 INT. INFIRMARY Sisko is on the bio-bed, a scanning device cupping his head. Bashir, Kira and the admiral stand beside him. The BLINKIES in the scanning device deactivate. BASHIR That should do it. Bashir removes the device from Sisko's head. BASHIR I'll have the test results in a few minutes. Bashir goes over to a console and begins studying the readouts. WHATLEY Well, that wasn't so bad, was it? But Sisko doesn't reply. He just stares up at the ceiling, his eyes far away. KIRA Captain? After a beat, Sisko snaps out of it, looks up at Kira and Whatley. SISKO Cardassia. KIRA Sir? Sisko is trying to reclaim what he was just thinking about. SISKO That's where it was going... the cloud. WHATLEY What cloud? Kira and the Admiral move closer as Sisko continues. SISKO I was on Bajor. B'hala had been rebuilt. The streets were filled with people... celebrating. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 37a. 44 CONTINUED: SISKO (Cont'd) (a beat) But then a shadow blocked out the sun. We looked up and saw a cloud filling the sky. It was a swarm of locusts. Billions of them. They hovered over the city, the noise was deafening... but just as quickly as they came, they moved on. Now I know where they were going. Cardassia. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 38. 44 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA What do you think it means? SISKO I don't know. KIRA At least the swarm was moving away from Bajor. That's a good sign. (needing reassurance) Isn't it? SISKO But what do these locusts represent? And why Cardassia? WHATLEY You were dreaming. And dreams don't always make sense. SISKO This wasn't a dream. A concerned Bashir comes over. BASHIR Captain, why didn't you tell me about these headaches of yours? SISKO I guess I was too busy. BASHIR Well, if you had stayed busy much longer you might have died. (grim) The area of unusual neural activity has grown another eight percent. As a result, your basal ganglia are starting to depolarize. I'm going to have to operate... try to repolarize the neural sheaths. SISKO How will that affect my visions? WHATLEY That's not really the issue, is it? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 ACT FOUR 38A. 44 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO It is to me. (to Bashir; wanting an answer) Doctor? BASHIR There's no way to tell. But I assume once I complete the procedure, your brain activity will return to normal and the visions will stop. SISKO considers his options. SISKO Then you can't do it. WHATLEY Ben, that's ridiculous. BASHIR If I don't operate, you could die. SISKO I understand that, but something's happening to me... something extraordinary, and I have to see it through. CUT TO: 45 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS as Jake reacts. JAKE What do you mean you're not going to let Doctor Bashir operate? You have to. Sisko is sitting on the couch, facing Kasidy and Jake. Sisko sees the anguish in their faces, tries to explain. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 39. 45 CONTINUED: SISKO Don't you see? These visions are a gift. I can't refuse them. KASIDY I can't believe what I'm hearing. Listen to yourself, Ben. Sitting there, telling us that this mystical journey of yours is more important than watching your son grow up. Sisko moves to Jake to touch him. JAKE (anguished) Dad, please think about what you're doing. These visions... they're not worth dying for. Sisko sees the pain in his son's features, takes his son's face in his hands. SISKO I remember the first time I held you in my hands. You were just a few minutes old... and when I looked down at your face, it was almost as if I could see your whole life stretched out in front of you -- the joys it would bring... and the bruises. It was all there, hidden in your scrunched up, little face. Sisko holds his hands out as if he were holding a baby. SISKO The baby I'm holding in my hands now... is the universe itself. (a beat) And I need time to study its face. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 39A. 45 CONTINUED: (2) Jake is overwhelmed. Try as he might, Sisko can't quite convey what he's going through -- and all Jake can think about is losing his dad. Kasidy moves over to Sisko, grips his hand, desperate. KASIDY Look at your son's face now, then tell me you're doing the right thing. Sisko doesn't have an answer. But he's still convinced he's doing the only thing he can do. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 40. 45 CONTINUED: (3) The moment is interrupted by the DOOR CHIME. Sisko looks at Jake and Kasidy with great sympathy. SISKO Come in. The door OPENS to REVEAL Kai Winn. WINN It's time, Emissary. If you're ready. SISKO I am. KASIDY Ready for what? WINN The Emissary has asked for help in his journey. I'm providing it. JAKE (to Sisko) And you trust her? Since when? SISKO It'll be all right, Jake. He looks over at Kasidy and then back to Jake. SISKO I love you. Both of you. And with that, he EXITS. And as Kasidy gathers an anguished Jake in her arms -- CUT TO: 46 INT. OPS The turbolift rises up and Kira ENTERS to join O'BRIEN, Dax and Worf at their posts. KIRA I've never seen the temple so crowded. Seemed like every Bajoran on the station was there to pray for the Emissary. DAX Glad to hear it. If he's going to survive this, he needs all the help he can get. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 40A. 46 CONTINUED: Kira knows that she's dealing with "nonbelievers." KIRA The Captain's not going to die. He's the Emissary. The Prophets will take care of him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 41. 46 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN With all due respect, Major, I'd rather see Julian take care of him. KIRA Chief, I know you're worried. But the Prophets are leading the Emissary on this path for a reason... Kira gets support from an unexpected quarter. WORF Do not attempt to convince them, Major. They cannot understand. DAX Since when did you believe in the Prophets? WORF What I believe in is faith. Without it there can be no victory. If the captain's faith is strong, he will prevail. DAX That's not much to bet his life on. KIRA You're wrong. Faith is everything. O'Brien and Dax exchange a worried look. O'BRIEN I hope you're right, major... I hope you're right. And off their shared look of concern -- CUT TO: 47 INT. GUEST QUARTERS Dark. Sisko is kneeling before an Orb tabernacle placed atop an altar-like shrine. Kai Winn kneels nearby, quietly mouthing a prayer. WINN ... he asks for your guidance. Let him see with your eyes. Lift the veil of darkness that obscures his path. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 42. 47 CONTINUED: They keep their heads bowed for a silent moment. She opens her eyes and turns to Sisko. WINN Emissary? SISKO I'm ready. But as he starts to stand, he's gripped by another blinding headache. Kai Winn helps him struggle through it. WINN The Orb of Prophecy is quite powerful -- it taxes even the healthy. Are you sure you want to go through with this? Sisko is a desperate man -- he's reaching for something just beyond his grasp. SISKO (nodding) I have to. I need to bring the visions into focus -- tie them together. I can't do it alone. WINN You're weak. Perhaps you should wait until after the signing. SISKO I may not have time. I need to do this now. WINN As you wish. Sisko stands and takes a step toward the tabernacle. Kai Winn stands off to one side. Sisko prepares to open the doors of the tabernacle. WINN May the Prophets reveal their wisdom to you, Emissary. Kai Winn EXITS. 47A ANGLE ON SISKO (OPTICAL) As he opens the tabernacle and his face is flooded with LIGHT. We can see the force of revelation as it engulfs him and fills him with rapture. Off this moment we -- CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 43. 48 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 49 INT. WARDROOM Formal-looking documents and old-fashioned pens have been ceremoniously placed on the table. FIVE STARFLEET ADMIRALS in dress uniforms and TWO FEDERATION CIVILIANS, sit across from the Bajoran delegation, which consists of TWO VEDEKS and THREE GOVERNMENT MINISTERS. The room is a buzz with excitement and conversation but we focus on Kai Winn and Admiral Whatley, near the door. WHATLEY (worried) He's already an hour late. WINN He is still consulting the Orb of Prophecy. WHATLEY And how long do these "Orb experiences" last? WINN Minutes. Hours. Sometimes days. WHATLEY Then maybe we shouldn't wait for him. Do you have any objections to proceeding without Captain Sisko? WINN I'm sure the Emissary would like to be here, but under the circumstances... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 43A. 49 CONTINUED: He gestures that she take a seat. The Admiral moves to the head of the table, addresses the group. All the seats are occupied except Sisko's, which is conspicuously empty. WHATLEY May I have your attention. The group falls silent. WHATLEY I've been looking forward to this day for many years as I'm sure all of you have. Welcoming a new planet to the Federation is the happiest assignment an admiral can hope for. Maybe that's why so many of us showed up. Appreciative LAUGHTER. WHATLEY The Federation is not just a union of planets, it's much more -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 49 CONTINUED: (2) The Admiral is interrupted by the door OPENING to REVEAL Sisko. He slumps against the door frame. He looks exhausted and in pain. Kai Winn and Whatley move toward the Captain. WINN Emissary... WHATLEY (turns to an aide) Get him to the Infirmary. But Sisko shoves the aide away. SISKO No! I have to tell them. WINN What is it, Emissary? Have the Prophets revealed something to you? Sisko looks to Kai Winn and to the Admiral, and though he's in obvious pain, there's a clarity of purpose to him that cannot be denied. SISKO The locusts... they'll destroy Bajor... unless it stands alone. That gets the room buzzing. WHATLEY Ben, what the hell are you talking about? SISKO It's too soon. Bajor must not Join the Federation. If it does, it will be destroyed. Everyone in the room is stunned by Sisko's words. A moment as this sinks in, and then he collapses to the floor. 50 CLOSE ON SISKO as he lies on the floor, limbs akimbo, shaking from mild but constant tremors. off this disturbing sight, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 51 INT. SURGERY Bashir and a NURSE are examining an unconscious Sisko. The head scanner cups his head again and he is no longer trembling. Kira, Jake, Kasidy and Admiral Whatley watch with concern. BASHIR (off readouts) His entire central nervous system is depolarizing. We have to operate immediately. WHATLEY Then what are you waiting for? Kira is as concerned as anyone about Sisko's well- being, but she feels it's her duty to Sisko, both as her commanding officer and the Emissary, to make sure his wishes are made known. KIRA Captain Sisko made it clear that he didn't want surgery. KASIDY What are you suggesting, Major? We stand around and let him die? KIRA No. But this isn't about what I want... or what you want. This is about Captain Sisko. And he told us he doesn't want anything to interfere with his visions. WHATLEY Major, these visions may be important, but I think we're all in agreement here that they're not as important as Captain Sisko's life. (to Bashir) Start the procedure. Bashir wants to do just that, but... BASHIR It's not that simple. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FIVE 46. 51 CONTINUED: BASHIR (Cont'd) (off reactions) Captain Sisko refused surgery. And I can't go against the decision of my patient. (turns to Jake) Not without the consent of his closest relative. All eyes turn to Jake. JAKE I guess that means it's up to me. Jake looks over at Kasidy, then to Kira, who meets his gaze. He knows the choice they'd make. Saddled with an overwhelming responsibility, Jake struggles to keep his emotions in check. He looks at his father, moves to him, takes his hand. 52 CLOSE ON JAKE as he leans in to speak to his unconscious father. JAKE (quiet) Dad... I know you want to see this to the end. But... I need you... (choking with emotion) I'm sorry. Jake pulls himself away from his father. JAKE (to Bashir) Do what you have to do. Bashir nods and takes charge. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FIVE 47. 52 CONTINUED: BASHIR (to his nurse) Prepare for surgery. (to the others) I'm sorry, but you're all going to have to leave now. Everyone EXITS as Bashir prepares to operate on Sisko. 53 INT. PROMENADE Kira is climbing the steps to enter the Temple when she meets Kai Winn, who is just leaving. WINN Any news about the Emissary? KIRA He's still in surgery. WINN I hope the Prophets will forgive us. we never should have allowed the Federation to interfere with the Emissary's visions. But it's not that simple for Kira. She doesn't agree with what Bashir and the others are doing, but she understands it. KIRA It wasn't the Federation. It was his son. And he had every right to make that decision. WINN It was a selfish act. KIRA He's an eighteen-year-old boy who doesn't want to lose his father. What would you have done in his place? WINN I would have trusted the Prophets. KIRA Maybe we're the ones who need to trust the Prophets. For all we know, this is part of their plan. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FIVE 47A. 53 CONTINUED: KIRA (Cont'd) Maybe they've already told Captain Sisko everything they want him to know. WINN Perhaps. (a beat) I suppose you've heard... (Kira clearly hasn't) Bajor will not be joining the Federation today. The Council of Ministers have voted to delay acceptance of Federation membership. KIRA You must be very pleased. Winn thinks about it for a beat. She knows she should be happy, but something's still bothering her. WINN I wish I were. But things aren't so simple. Not anymore. Before Captain Sisko found B'hala, my path was clear. I knew who my enemies were... but now... now nothing is certain. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FIVE 48. 53 CONTINUED: (2) Kira smiles. That's how she's felt for the last five years. KIRA (wryly) Makes life interesting, doesn't it? A moment between them before Kira disappears into the temple and Kai Winn moves off, down the Promenade. 54 INT. SURGERY Later. CLOSE ON Sisko's face, his eyes fixed straight ahead. After a beat, he BLINKS awake. Then it hits him -- SISKO No... WIDEN as Sisko sits up, looks around. SISKO No. Bashir moves to him, relief washing over his face. Sisko sees he's in surgery and knows what's happened to him. SISKO (devastated) You took them away. BASHIR We had no choice. You were dying. But that doesn't lessen Sisko's loss. SISKO I almost had it. Almost understood it all. His hand rises to his temple. SISKO Now it's gone. And off that moment, we go to -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FIVE 49. 55 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Re-establishing. 56 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko is standing and looking out the window, lost in somber thought. There's an air of loss and sadness about him. After a long beat, he looks over to the painting of B'hala on the wall monitor. He moves to study it. Whatever answers the painting once contained, they're now lost to him. The DOOR CHIMES. SISKO Yes. The door OPENS to reveal Admiral Whatley, who steps in. WHATLEY How are you feeling? SISKO I'm fine, admiral. But the admiral can see the sadness in Sisko's face, and his concern for Sisko is genuine, but there are larger issues at stake. WHATLEY Look Ben, it's not too late. You could contact the Chamber of Ministers. Tell them you were wrong. Convince them to accept Federation membership. SISKO (simply) I can't do that. The visions may have faded, but everything I said, everything I did, still feels right. (firm) When I said Bajor should wait before it joins the Federation, I never felt so certain about anything in my life. WHATLEY I was afraid you'd say that, Ben. (a beat) I could have your commission for this. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FIVE 50. 56 CONTINUED: Sisko is prepared to accept the consequences. SISKO I know. But Whatley didn't get to be an admiral by misreading political situations. WHATLEY But considering how the Bajorans feel about you, if I pulled you from this post, we'd probably lose Bajor forever. SISKO Admiral, for what it's worth I wish things had turned out differently. WHATLEY So do I. SISKO But it's not over. One day Bajor will join the Federation. That much, I'm sure of. WHATLEY Are you speaking as a Starfleet Captain or as the Emissary of the Prophets? SISKO (with a smile) Both. WHATLEY In that case, I'll keep the champagne on ice. Off this moment between them, we go to -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FIVE 51. 57 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Sisko makes his way down towards his quarters. 58 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko ENTERS to find Jake and Kasidy cooking up a storm. Jake is stirring a skillet full of jambalaya as Kasidy puts the finishing touches on the table. JAKE You're just in time, Dad. Truth is that Sisko has a lot to think about and was hoping to be alone for a moment. But he musters up a smile anyway. SISKO What's this all about? KASIDY It's about jambalaya. JAKE We never had that welcome back dinner for Kasidy. Kasidy senses his mood and steps over to him -- kisses him gently. KASIDY Welcome back. To both of us. Sisko doesn't know what to feel; the warmth of the moment is undeniable, but so is his loss. Jake sees his father's face and moves to be near him. KASIDY Ben... I can't say I understand what you've gone through. I know you feel you've lost something important... and maybe you have. But believe me... Kasidy takes his hand. She then takes Jake's hand and puts it into Sisko's. KASIDY ... you've held on to something important as well. Kasidy lets go of their hands, hoping that Jake's touch will drive her point home. Sisko looks at his son... the truth of her words is sinking in. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FIVE 52. 58 CONTINUED: Then he looks to Kasidy, seeing the care in her face. He takes her hand and adds it to theirs. 59 CLOSE - THEIR HANDS holding each other tight. Off this image, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END