STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Things Past" #40510-506 Written by Michael Taylor Directed by LeVar Burton THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1996 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION September 19, 1996 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Things Past" - 09/19/96 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Things Past" CAST SISKO GARAK KIRA GUL DUKAT BASHIR THRAX DAX OKALA QUARK BELAR ODO SOLDIER WORF PRISONERS COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. CARDASSIANS N.D FERENGI N.D BAJORANS STAR TREK: DS9 - "Things Past" - 09/19/96 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Things Past" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE SURGERY OPS RUNABOUT SECURITY OFFICE TEROK NOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR/AIRLOCK DUKAT'S OFFICE HOLDING CELL PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL PROMENADE GHETTO QUARK'S SECURITY OFFICE RUNABOUT DEEP SPACE NINE -"Things Past" - 09/19/96 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Things Past" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BENTEN VEK BEN-tin VECK BRIN TUSK BRIN TUSK HORIS WHORE-us ISHAN CHAYE eh-SHAWN CHAY JILLUR GUETA JILL-ur GWE-ta KANAR kuh-NAR KARA POLOS KA-ruh PO-lus LIVARA leh-VAR-uh LOBO LOW-bo MARAT KOBAR mah-RAT KO-bar MUSILLA Moo-sill-ah PELIN PEH-lin RAKANTHA rah-KAN-tha ROMARA RO-mar-uh TALAVIAN tuh-LAY-vee-an TIMOR LANDI tih-MORE LAN-dee MALABA mah-LA-bah MARAJI mah-RAH-gee SEPTIAL SEP-tee-al DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Things Past" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - A RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) is moving away from Bajor and out into space. 2 INT. RUNABOUT SISKO and DAX in the piloting seats, GARAK is getting something to drink out of a replicator, and ODO is sitting at a side console, lost in thought. Garak is grumbling. GARAK If I had known what I was walking into, I never would've gone. DAX It was your idea to attend the conference in the first place, Garak. GARAK I thought the Bajorans would be grateful to hear someone provide them with an opposing philosophical view. DAX "Opposing view?" Garak, you were trying to defend the military occupation of their world. How grateful did you think they would be? GARAK My understanding was that this conference was supposed to be an examination of the occupation from a dispassionate historical perspective. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: GARAK (Cont'd) But instead, everyone went out of their way to dismiss virtually everything I had to say. SISKO I thought the Bajorans bent over backwards to be polite to you, Garak. GARAK Giving me a name tag that said, "Elim Garak -- Former Cardassian Oppressor" was hardly polite. DAX What did you want it to say? "Former Spy?" GARAK What I would've liked was less posturing and more debate. It's clear to me now that the Bajorans aren't really interested in discovering historical truth so much as they are in promoting the myths and legends of the "glorious Resistance." DAX Odo wasn't a member of the Resistance and he attracted a fair amount of attention. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) Odo stirs uncomfortably at this as Garak zeros in on him. GARAK (to Odo) Yes, it seems you have quite a fan club on Bajor. I half expected you to be signing autographs at the end. DAX Don't let him get to you, Odo. You should be proud of what you did during the Occupation. ODO I have nothing to be proud of. I tried to... bring order to a chaotic situation, that's all. SISKO Give yourself some credit, Constable. Keeping order in the middle of the Occupation would be a tough job for anyone. But you not only did it -- you did it by earning the trust of both sides. DAX What was it the Moderator said? (remembering) "You may have worked for the Cardassians, but your only master was Justice." SISKO And a legend is born. GARAK I may be ill. Dax and Sisko exchange an amused glance, but Odo seems distinctly unamused by any of this. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (3) We can see that something is troubling him just beneath the surface CUT TO: 3 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing the station as ships move in and out. 4 INT. OPS WORF is in command and walking around Ops, checking monitors when a Bajoran officer named OKALA sees something on his console. OKALA (to Worf) Sir -- Captain Sisko's runabout is approaching the station. WORF Very well. Clear them for docking on Landing Pad One. OKALA Aye, sir. Okala goes to work, then frowns at something on the monitor. OKALA Commander, something's wrong. They're not responding, and sensors show unusual EM signatures along their hull. Worf quickly moves to the console. OKALA (off monitor) The runabout's on auto-pilot... WORF Lifesigns? Okala works. OKALA Four... very weak. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: WORF (urgent) Disengage the auto-pilot and bring the ship to within transporter range. (hits combadge) Doctor Bashir to Transporter Room Five. Medical Emergency. CUT TO: 5 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. 6 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Worf, BASHIR, and an N.D. Security Guard MATERIALIZE. Worf and the Guard have their phasers out, ready for anything. Bashir has a Medkit and rushes over to Sisko, who is slumped unconscious in his seat. Dax, Garak and Odo are also unconscious. Worf makes a motion and the Guard EXITS to check out the aft part of the runabout as Bashir begins scanning Sisko. WORF (to N.D. Security Guard) Check the aft compartment. The Guard EXITS. BASHIR He's alive... but there's an excess of neural energy in his cerebral cortex... WORF What does that mean? BASHIR I'm not sure... WORF Can you revive them? BASHIR I'm not sure of that, either... As Bashir begins to scan, we PUSH IN on Sisko's face and then... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - TEASER 6. 7 MATCHING SHOT- SISKO'S FACE As he slowly opens his eyes and looks around... then Reacts in surprise as we reveal he's sitting on the deck, slumped against a wall on... 8 INT. TEROK NOR - PROMENADE GHETTO As seen in "Necessary Evil." Sisko is sitting in the middle of Terok Nor with the Cardassian Occupation in full swing. Bajoran workers scurry back and forth, Cardassian soldiers keep watch on everyone... the mood is dark and grim. Odo, Garak and Dax are slumped unconscious against the bulkhead just a few feet away from Sisko and they're all wearing Bajoran miners' outfits. Off this surprising image... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER 13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 9 INT. TEROK NOR - PROMENADE GHETTO Continuous from the Teaser. Sisko is trying to get his bearings, struggling to get to his feet, when a Bajoran named BELAR grabs him by the arm and yanks him to his feet. BELAR (roughly) Show some dignity. Sisko pulls away from the man instinctively, but has trouble with his balance and has to grab the bulkhead for support. Belar, a heavy-set thuggish man who seems to have a great deal of barely restrained rage, moves over and kicks Garak awake and begins rousting the other two. BELAR (to Garak) Look at you -- no wonder the Cardassians think we're animals. (to Odo) Get up! Get up! Garak's instincts fairly propel him off the floor and is the first on his feet. Dax comes to and begins painfully getting to her feet, but Odo has real trouble shaking off the cobwebs and has to remain on all fours for a moment as he struggles to regain coherence. Sisko tries to focus on Belar as his mind clears. SISKO Who... who are you? Belar glances up at the upper level and sees a Cardassian Soldier watching them. BELAR (low, to Sisko) If you're going to spend the night taking chemicals, stay off the Promenade. We don't need another cleansing today. Belar moves on without another glance at them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 8. 10 ODO is looking around the Promenade with a shocked and horrified expression. ODO (a whisper) It can't be... 11 NEW ANGLE As Sisko looks up at the Cardassian Soldier on the upper level. The Soldier is watching them closely and Sisko knows that's not good. DAX What happened... ? SISKO Not here. Garak's seen the Soldier also. GARAK I couldn't agree more. Sisko and Garak each grab one of Odo's arms, lift him to his feet, and then the four of them move out and head down the Promenade. The Soldier watches them go, never taking his eyes off of them until they finally disappear around the bend. CUT TO: 12 INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - SURGERY Sisko, Dax, Odo and Garak are lying on biobeds while Bashir scans them and N.D. Nurses attach small devices to their heads. Bashir is focused, trying to puzzle out the strange readings he's seeing. BASHIR There's a high level of neural activity... which suggests their conscious minds are active... but there's no response to any external stimuli. Worf ENTERS. BASHIR (to Worf) What's the word on the runabout? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 9. 12 CONTINUED: WORF We've found preliminary indications that the ship encountered a class two plasma storm which irradiated the vessel. Bashir moves to a console. BASHIR Computer, are current neural readings for subjects Sisko, Odo, Dax and Garak consistent with the effects of encountering a class two plasma storm? COMPUTER VOICE There are no recorded causal relationships between plasma storms and specified neural readings. BASHIR None? Computer, how many medical records are there on space plasma phenomena? The computer screen begins scrolling with information. COMPUTER VOICE Five thousand, twenty-one. Worf and Bashir exchange a look. BASHIR So we're dealing with a fairly common phenomenon, having an uncommon effect on our people. WORF The runabout is still being analyzed. They may have more information soon. BASHIR Good. In the meantime... I have some reading to do. Bashir sits down at the computer monitor and begins reading the massive amount of files. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 10. 13 INT. TEROK NOR - PROMENADE GHETTO Sisko, Dax, Garak and Odo come to a stop near an abandoned kiosk which is run-down, and looks as though it's been looted recently. They lean against the service counter for a moment and huddle for a moment to gauge the situation. SISKO This is Terok Nor... D.S. Nine during the occupation. DAX Time travel? GARAK It's more than that. Our clothes have changed. ODO (desperate) Could we be in a holosuite? SISKO (to the air) Computer, end program. Nothing happens. SISKO Let's assume that's a no for the moment. Dax glances around for a moment at the Bajoran passersby who don't seem to notice them. She realizes something. DAX Benjamin... we're not attracting any attention. SISKO (onto what she's saying) And we should be. Sisko turns and looks. SISKO (continuing) Humans, Trills and changelings didn't just stroll through Terok Nor unnoticed. They all watch the crowd as it mills past them. Garak notices something. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE - 13 CONTINUED: GARAK I should be getting some attention too... we're in the Bajoran sector... Cardassians weren't exactly welcome here. He suddenly steps out in front of an N.D. Bajoran man walking along. GARAK. (arrogant) Out of my way. The man simply shoves Garak aside and moves on. Garak turns to the others, his mind racing. GARAK A Bajoran would never touch a Cardassian during the Occupation. At least, not publicly. SISKO I don't think they see you as a Cardassian. And I'm beginning to think they don't see any of us as who we really are. GARAK The clothes we're wearing are Bajoran... and they're treating us like Bajorans... SISKO Maybe they see us as Bajorans. Any theories, old man? DAX (reaching) Some kind of... cross-dimensional transfer? Our conscious minds might've been moved through time and space into the bodies of four Bajorans on Terok Nor. GARAK But then why do we still see each other as we really are instead of as Bajorans? DAX I just ran out of speculation. During all of the above, Odo is looking around and lost in a private nightmare that only he knows about. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 11A. 13 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO The last thing I remember was... sitting in the runabout... DAX There was a plasma anomaly on the sensors... and then I heard this sound... GARAK No, not a sound -- more like a strong vibration... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 11A. 13 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO I remember. Odo? ODO (quickly) I don't recall. (beat) But whatever's happened, we have to leave this place. Get off the station. GARAK Then I suggest we go directly to the authorities and explain our situation. ODO (dismissive) Garak... GARAK I have knowledge of certain... security codes that should be sufficient to prove that I am in fact a Cardassian even if their eyes say otherwise. I can always say that I'm an undercover operative posing as a Bajoran and -- ODO Captain, the authorities on Terok Nor will not be looking for reasons to help us. They'll be looking for a reason to interrogate us, and believe me, you do not want to be interrogated by the Cardassians. SISKO I tend to agree with the constable. If they should discover that we're actually from the future -- Suddenly Dax sees something o.s. up above them. She looks away quickly. DAX (quiet) Dukat's on the second level. A murmur goes up from the crowd on the Promenade as people notice the station commander above them. Sisko looks up at the second level. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 12A. 14 SISKO'S POV GUL DUKAT walks along the balcony, talking to a Cardassian named THRAX. He's an austere-looking man and he wears a uniform that seems neither fully civilian nor military, but some mixture of both. 15 RESUME SCENE Sisko casually starts moving away from this area. SISKO Let's move on. The others wait for a second, and then one by one start following Sisko. Before he moves, Odo glances up at the second level... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 13. 16 ODO'S POV Dukat and Thrax have paused on the balcony, and they're staring right at Odo. 17 ODO Reacts in surprise, averts his gaze. Sisko and the others are now walking casually down the Promenade and only Odo is left by the kiosk. Trying to hold his breathing steady and appear natural, he begins to follow them... but with every step, he thinks he can feel those eyes boring into his back... finally he can't resist any longer and he glances back over his shoulder to see.... 18 ODO'S POV Dukat and Thrax are talking again, and give no indication that there's anything down on the Promenade that they're interested in. 19 ODO walks into a Bajoran. He pulls up short and stares at the man with a shocked expression. The man is tall and thin, wearing a filthy mining outfit and later we'll learn his name is Timor Landi. At the moment, he simply looks at Odo with a dull, pathetic expression. There's a large PHASER BURN in the middle of his chest. His face is mottled and pale, his clothes decrepit. In short, he looks like a corpse. SISKO'S VOICE (low) Odo. Odo turns, sees Sisko and the others have gathered near an alcove. Odo turns back to Timor... but he's gone. After a confused beat, Odo rejoins his friends. SISKO (re: Thrax) Who was that? ODO I... don't know. GARAK You should. He was your predecessor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 14. 19 CONTINUED: ODO My predecessor... ? (realizing) Oh. Yes. The man talking to Dukat. His name is Thrax. He was in charge of security on the Promenade before me. DAX Then that means we've gone back at least nine years. Odo nods absently, his mind still haunted by the encounter with Timor. Two Cardassian SOLDIERS with phaser rifles suddenly appear at their side without warning. SOLDIER (to Dax) You. Come with us. Sisko immediately steps between the soldiers and Dax. SISKO What's she done? SOLDIER Nothing. (with a smirk) Yet. Come on. He takes Dax by the arm, but now Garak joins Sisko. GARAK Perhaps there's been some misunderstanding. If I may be so bold -- you may find something which will bring you infinitely more profit than the arrest of a Bajoran woman. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 15. 19 CONTINUED: (2) The two Soldiers exchange a look and hesitate for a moment. SOLDIER Latinum? GARAK Two strips. SOLDIER Where is it? GARAK Our friend is still in custody. The Soldier seems to consider this for a moment... then looks up toward the second level and stiffens. 20 ON DUKAT who's up on the second level, watching them from a distance. 21 THE SOLDIER realizes he's on the spot and reacts by HITTING Garak in the face and dropping him. Sisko steps forward, but the second Soldier puts a hand on the butt of his weapon and Sisko pulls up short. DAX (to Sisko) I'll be all right. SOLDIER (to Garak) Tempting offer. Maybe next time. (re: Dax) This one's been selected. As the two Soldiers haul Dax away, Sisko and Odo can only glare at them in helpless fury. Garak stands up, blood streaming from his nose. CUT TO: 22 INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - SURGERY where Worf is standing over the unconscious form of Garak. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 16. 22 CONTINUED: WORF Doctor Bashir! Bashir gets up from the computer console and rushes over to see that there is blood streaming from Garak's nose. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - SURGERY (OPTICAL) A few moments later. A nurse is just finishing using a device on Garak's nose and the flow of blood has stopped. Bashir is studying a graphic display of several moving brainwaves on a monitor marked "Garak" while Worf looks on. A jagged "spike" appears in one line on the display. BASHIR There. He hits a control and the image freezes, the spike in the waveline clearly visible. BASHIR Garak's septial capillaries burst at this point. And the pattern of his delta waves shows unusual activity at the same moment. Bashir thinks about this for a long moment. BASHIR The bleeding might be the result of some kind of psychosomatic response. WORF You mean he... thought that he was injured? BASHIR Under certain conditions, people have been known to alter their blood pressure, lower their body temperature, even manifest tumors as a result of psychological stimuli. WORF Could these... stimuli cause more serious injuries? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 18. 23 CONTINUED: BASHIR I don't think he could spontaneously break a bone, but he could certainly stop his heart or burst a key blood vessel in his brain. WORF But what is causing all this? BASHIR At the risk of repeating myself... I just don't know. CUT TO: 24 INT. TEROK NOR - PROMENADE GHETTO Sisko, Garak, and Odo are next to the metal fence separating the Bajoran section of the Promenade from the Cardassian section. A Cardassian Soldier guards the gate and only Bajorans showing proper identification are allowed through. Garak is holding a bloody rag to his nose, but is otherwise unhurt. (NOTE: his nose should swell and discolor from now on.) Sisko glares through the fence. SISKO He said she was "selected." What the hell does that mean? ODO A random interrogation, forced labor relocation -- it could be anything. SISKO (sharp) That's not good enough. I want to know where they've taken her. GARAK Before we can help Commander Dax, we need to find out who we are in this... reality. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 19. 24 CONTINUED: SISKO If we could get to a computer terminal, we could ask for a simple ID scan. ODO Computer access was extremely limited on Terok Nor. GARAK What about a Cardassian comp-link? They turn as he pulls a small Cardassian control device out of a pocket. GARAK I took the liberty of borrowing this from the gentlemen who thought my nose needed adjustment. ODO I see I'll have to add the word pickpocket to your resume. GARAK It's just a hobby. Garak looks around for a moment, and then leads them away from the fence to a slightly more private area. once he's satisfied they aren't being observed, he begins working the device. ODO (watching him work) Interesting that a simple tailor just happens to have a high-level security code. GARAK Isn't it? If my nose didn't hurt so much, I'd entertain you with a fascinating story of how I came to possess it. Garak stops and then points the device at Sisko. He waits a beat and then smiles at something on the device. GARAK Well Captain, it seems you're actually a Bajoran electronics engineer... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 20. 25 INSERT - EXTREME CLOSE UP ON DEVICE (OPTICAL) on the Cardassian monitor screen we can now see an ID picture of a Bajoran in his late thirties with Cardassian information scrolling next to it. GARAK'S VOICE (continuing) ... you're thirty-eight years old... you have no criminal record... your family resides in Rakantha province... 26 RESUME SCENE GARAK (continuing) ... and your name is Ishan Chaye. At the mention of this name, Odo's eyes widen slightly. Garak works the device again and points it at himself. GARAK Oh, lucky me. I'm an artist. 27 INSERT - EXTREME CLOSE UP ON DEVICE (OPTICAL) Now there's a picture of another Bajoran man in his late fifties. GARAK'S VOICE I'm fifty-five... been arrested three times for disturbing the peace -- I must be incorrigible -- I also come from Rakantha... 28 RESUME SCENE GARAK ... and my name is Jillur Gueta. Odo can't believe what he's hearing -- this is literally a nightmare coming true for him. SISKO (to Garak) And the Constable? GARAK (working device) Let's see... Ah. His profession is -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 21. 28 CONTINUED: But Odo answers without ever seeing the comp-link. He recites the information from memory, his eyes far away. ODO I'm a bookkeeper. Forty-six years old. I have a wife and two sons in Rakantha Province. And my name is Timor Landi. Sisko and Garak look at him in surprise. GARAK That's right. SISKO How'd you know that? Odo looks away, not wanting to answer. He struggles with this for a long moment. SISKO Odo? Just then a familiar voice breaks in. QUARK'S VOICE Congratulations, gentlemen. They turn to see... 29 QUARK standing on the other side of the fence and watching them with a sardonic expression. The Cardassian Guard has opened the gate and is also watching them now. Garak smoothly puts the comp-link back in his pocket. QUARK (continuing) You get to work today. And you'll be laboring in the finest establishment on the station. My establishment. Twelve hours work, two five minute breaks, one slip of latinum each, let's go. They exchange looks for a moment, but Quark isn't a patient man. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 22. 29 CONTINUED: QUARK (irritable) Didn't you hear me? I'm offering you work. What're you waiting for? A few heads turn on the Promenade and the Cardassian Guard begins to eye them a little suspiciously. Sisko looks around, makes a decision. SISKO (to Quark) Nothing. Just... show us the way. QUARK (condescending) Well, why don't you start by stepping through the gate that the nice man has opened for you. Sisko restrains the impulse to fire back at the Ferengi and he calmly leads the others through the gate and to the opposite side of the fence. QUARK Very good. You three must be warp engineers. Now we're going to walk down the Promenade to the bar. Would you like me to hold your hands or can you manage? SISKO We'll manage. QUARK I'm so glad. Quark turns and heads off. Sisko and the others follow him into the Cardassian sector. ODO (sotto) How much damage would it do to the timeline if Quark were to suffer a mysterious... accident? SISKO I'm not sure. But maybe we should conduct a little experiment and find out... As they head off... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 23. 30 INT. TEROK NOR - DUKAT'S OFFICE A redress of Sisko's office as it appeared during the Occupation. Dukat is sitting on the couch, looking over several PADDS when Dax and the Cardassian Soldier seen earlier ENTER. Dax tries to keep her eyes down and play the part of a Bajoran woman thrust into the office of the most powerful man on the station. DUKAT Name? This puts her at something of a loss for a beat. DAX Leeta. DUKAT Look at me when I speak to you, Leeta. Dax looks up at him and Dukat examines her more closely for a beat. Then he silently indicates that she should spin around. Dax decides to go along and pirouettes willingly. DUKAT She'll do. He dismisses the Soldier with a gesture, who then EXITS. Dukat simply stares at Dax for a moment, his eyes boring into her. DUKAT Kanar. For a moment, Dax isn't sure what he meant... then decides it was a request. She goes to a sideboard, pours him a glass of Kanar and begins to bring it to him. DUKAT For two. Dax stops, looks up at him and is slightly chilled to see a smile forming on his face. She turns back to the sideboard, and begins pouring a second glass. Dax takes a deep breath, rolls her eyes and then decides to play the part to the hilt. She puts on her best "I'm really frightened to be here," look and heads for the couch with the two glasses of Kanar. DUKAT (taking his glass) Have you ever had Kanar? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 24. 30 CONTINUED: DAX No. DUKAT Then this is an occasion. Dukat notes that her hand is trembling slightly. DUKAT Why, you're trembling. Despite what you may have heard, I'm a fair man, Leeta. Rest assured, you have nothing to fear from me. I didn't bring you here to be abused. DAX (timid) Then... why am I here? He gets up and moves across the room to stare out the window. DUKAT It may surprise you to hear this... but my position is a lonely one. I'm isolated from the people who live under my protection. I require someone to talk with. In short... a friend. Dax rolls her eyes at Dukat's transparent posturing. But she takes a deep breath, and throws herself into the part she's chosen to play. DAX You want me? To be your friend? DUKAT Ironic isn't it? That I should choose a simple Bajoran girl to share my inner thoughts with. But as you get to know me Leeta, I think you'll find that I'm a... complicated man. DAX You're... different than I imagined. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 25. 30 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT (lifting his glass) To the beginning of your education. She hesitates for a moment, then lifts her glass and joins him in the toast. Dukat drinks the Kanar, savoring the taste. Dax drinks hers as well, and we can see from the look in her eyes that she intends on teaching him a few things as well. CUT TO: 31 INT. TEROK NOR - QUARK'S It's closing time and the customers are gone. Two Ferengi waiters are arguing over tips with the dabo girls. Quark is counting his receipts for the day at a table. Sisko, Odo and Garak are the janitorial crew. They're cleaning up spilled food and drinks, bussing tables, washing glasses, etc. Sisko is pouring some kind of cleaning fluid onto a rag as he works on polishing the bar. Garak manages to move his work over toward Sisko so they can talk while no one's paying them much attention. They keep their voices low and try to appear to still be working. GARAK I had no idea we were such messy conquerors. I remember the occupation as being a little more tidy than this. SISKO Everything's tidy when someone else is doing the cleaning. GARAK The Bajorans were more suited to this sort of thing than we were. Servile work is in their nature. SISKO I'll be sure to mention that to Major Kira when we get back. GARAK There are exceptions to every rule. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 26. 32 ODO is carrying a tray of glassware and dishes over to the bar, when he looks up and sees... 33 THREE BAJORANS moving in SLOW-MOTION. One of them is Timor Landi again, and the other two we should recognize as the real Ishan Chaye and Jillur Gueta. All three of them are walking down the Promenade and together they turn and look through the window into Quark's, their eyes trained on Odo. They all look like corpses with prominent phaser burns on their chests, and it's a very unsettling sight. 34 ODO Almost drops the tray, but manages to recover and heads over to the end of the bar. Sisko moves to help him unload it. Garak manages to move his own cleaning work down to the end as well. Odo looks out the window again, but the three Bajorans are gone. SISKO (to Odo) You all right? ODO (re: dirty dishes) The smell's making me sick. Sisko glances over at Quark for a second to make sure they're not being watched. SISKO (to Odo) How did you know your name would be Timor Landi in this... whatever this is. Odo hesitates for a moment, realizes he has to come up with an explanation. ODO I recognized the other two names from the security files kept during the Occupation. Timor, Ishan and Jillur were the names of three Bajorans who were accused of attempting to assassinate Gul Dukat on the Promenade. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 27. 34 CONTINUED: SISKO (so what?) Half the Resistance tried to kill Dukat. ODO These three were innocent. However, no one knew that at the time and Dukat wanted to make an example of them. So they were led out onto the Promenade... and publicly executed. That stops Garak and Sisko in their tracks. GARAK If we're them... SISKO If we're them... we better find a way out of here... before Dukat makes an example out of us. Off Sisko's grim expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 35 INT. TEROK NOR - QUARK'S A few moments later. Sisko, Odo and Garak are still gathered at one end of the bar when the doors OPEN and Thrax ENTERS. Quark looks up and reacts with a long sigh -- he's not looking forward to another visit from the security chief. Thrax barely takes note of Sisko and the others, concentrating on Quark. THRAX Quark. I understand you had a visit from a Talavian freighter captain this morning. A Captain Livara, I believe. QUARK I had lots of visitors this morning. It was a busy day. THRAX I'm surprised you're being so indiscreet. Captain Livara is a known smuggler. QUARK You don't say? Such a nice, friendly man, too. I guess you can never tell what some people are really like. THRAX Rumor has it that the Obsidian order's had him under surveillance for several months. That changes things a little. Some of the bravado goes out of Quark's attitude. QUARK The Obsidian Order. THRAX Mm-hm. Rumor also has it that they're planning on bringing in all of Livara's co-conspirators for... "questioning." QUARK Well, you know how rumors are... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 29. 35 CONTINUED: THRAX Yes. They're usually true. So when the Order asks me for a list of Livara's known associates on the station... QUARK He was here ten minutes, he wanted to unload a shipment of maraji crystals, but I wasn't interested. Thrax snorts with derision. QUARK I can't move maraji crystals. The Cardassians don't like them and the Bajorans can't afford them, so I sent him on his way, all right? THRAX And that's all? QUARK That's all. THRAX I hope so. Because if I find out that you're dealing in illegal crystals, I'll hand you over to the Order myself. With that, Thrax heads out the door. QUARK (calling after him) Always a pleasure. 36 ON THE BAR Where Sisko, Garak and Odo are still working. Sisko and Garak took particular note of the Thrax/Quark interchange. Garak pulls out the comp-link and carefully works it without drawing attention to himself. SISKO (to Odo, re: Thrax) I see you weren't the first man to keep Quark on his toes around here. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 30. 36 CONTINUED: ODO (uncomfortable) Yes. GARAK Something's wrong. Thrax was talking about a Captain Livara... SISKO That name mean something to you? GARAK Livara wasn't just another smuggler... he was a Romulan spy and he didn't begin working in this sector until seven years ago. But seven years ago, Thrax wasn't on Terok Nor -- (to Odo) -- you were. An odd contradiction. (re: comlink) So I checked the date. This is seven years ago. Thrax shouldn't be here. You should be the Security Chief. ODO None of this makes sense, Garak. Now I suggest we concentrate on finding a way out of here. That's our priority. SISKO I tend to agree. GARAK You'll get no argument from me -- the question is, how? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 31. 36 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO We need to contact the Bajoran Resistance. They might be able to get us off the station, maybe even to the Federation. Kira once told me about a prearranged signal the Resistance used on Terok Nor to set up a meeting. Sisko glances over at Quark, who's still engrossed in his receipts. SISKO (continuing) Once we're finished here we'll head back to the Bajoran sector and I'll make the signal. Odo and Garak nod agreement and Sisko goes back to work. Odo picks up the tray and begins to head back to bus another table. Garak looks down at another plate of spilled food on the floor and resigns himself to the distasteful work. As he bends down and begins cleaning... CUT TO: 37 INT. TEROK NOR - PROMENADE GHETTO A short time later, Sisko, Odo and Garak pass through the gate under the watchful eye of the Cardassian Guard and enter the Bajoran sector again. They move through the teeming crowd of Bajorans and Sisko leads them to a ordinary kiosk with a few wares for sale and a Bajoran merchant haggling with a customer. Sisko appears to look over the goods on the back shelf for a moment as Garak and Odo look on. Sisko picks up a Bajoran VASE from the top shelf and seems to examine it closely... he turns it over in his hands a few times... then puts it back on the upper shelf upside down, and walks away. Sisko leads Odo and Garak away through the crowd until they end up near the "Soup Kitchen" area. They each pay for bowls of soup from the counter (using the slips of latinum they presumably got from Quark) and sit down. GARAK The Bajorans never did have a sense of style. Turn the vase upside down, and the Resistance appears. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 32. 37 CONTINUED: ODO It's simple and effective. SISKO And they used it for years, right under the noses of the Cardassians. Garak sees someone coming down the Promenade toward them. GARAK Not under my nose, Captain... under his. Odo and Sisko turn to see... 38 DUKAT ENTERING the Bajoran sector through the gate. After a beat, Dax follows him through the gate.39 RESUME SISKO'S TABLE The Bajorans in the b.g. have noticed Dukat's appearance as well, and they watch him with fear and loathing. SISKO (quiet) At least Dax is all right... GARAK (re: Dukat) Look at him. The Commander of Terok Nor. Just another swaggering, self-important Gul with too much vanity and not enough ability. Sisko glances up at the second level. SISKO Maybe. But he's no fool. 40 ON THE SECOND LEVEL Two armed Cardassian Guards discreetly prowl the upper level, their eyes watching the crowd and Dukat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 41 ON DUKAT & DAX As Dukat walks through the Bajoran sector with Dax. Dukat is playing the benevolent ruler walking among his subjects, unconcerned that there's no affection in their eyes. DUKAT (to Dax) ... on the contrary, I find these visits stimulating. Each time I come, I find another example of Bajorans making progress. DAX Progress. DUKAT For example, not that long ago you'd find them burning malaba drums on this level just to keep warm. Six months ago, I extended environmental controls into the Bajoran sector. And look -- no fires, no poor unfortunates shivering under blankets. Dukat beams with pride, but Dax looks around at the unhappy, destitute crowd and sees little to be proud of. DAX (to herself) Just a little malnutrition and lack of medical care. DUKAT Hmmm? DAX I didn't say anything. Dukat heads over to a kiosk of goods. The Bajorans part in front of him. 42 ON ODO As he glances around the Promenade for a beat, then lifts his spoon to take a mouthful of soup -- but his hand is covered with blood. He looks down in shock -- both his hands are dripping with blood! He drops the spoon with a start. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 34.43 NEW ANGLE Sisko and Garak turn at the sound of the spoon clanging on the metal to see Odo sitting there with a confused look on his face. The blood on his hands is gone. SISKO You all right? ODO (recovering) Yes. Just... slipped out of my hand. At this moment, Belar, the Bajoran who woke Sisko on the Promenade, takes a seat at their table. He has a bowl of soup and begins eating; he keeps his voice low and his eyes on the soup as he talks. BELAR (quiet) You wanted a meeting... Sisko and the others exchange glances -- Belar is with the Resistance. BELAR (annoyed) Don't look at me, eat your soup. They busy themselves with their bowls. Odo looks at his hands with some misgivings, unsure if the gore will reappear. SISKO (quiet) I didn't think you'd come while Dukat was here. BELAR Everyone's watching our gentle dictator stroll the Promenade with his new girlfriend. Now, I hate soup and I have no intention of eating this entire bowl, so whatever you want, let's hear it. SISKO We need to get off the station. BELAR Why? GARAK Does it matter? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 35. 43 CONTINUED: BELAR Yes, as a matter of fact, it does. We're not a commuter service. If you're running from a dispute over chemicals or women or smuggling, you're on your own. If you've killed one of the spoon heads -- well, that's something different. GARAK "Spoon head?" SISKO (shut up) Garak... Garak shuts up as Belar glances up at him oddly. SISKO (to Belar) We're not who we seem to be. BELAR I hope not, because you seem to be wasting my time. SISKO Let's just say we're involved with the Federation. BELAR (dry) Let me guess. You're Starfleet agents. operating under cover, posing as indigent Bajorans who-- Suddenly there's a FLASH of LIGHT and an EXPLOSION from O.S. 44 NEW ANGLE Alarms are going off all over the station. Cardassian Guards are rushing toward the gate to the Bajoran sector. The crowd of Bajorans on the Promenade runs and scrambles to get as far away from here as possible. The explosion has blown away part of a bulkhead, smoke is eddying around and debris is scattered along the Promenade. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 36. 44 CONTINUED: As the crowd parts, we can see Dukat and Dax lying on the deck, their clothes torn and blood visible from shrapnel wounds. 45 SISKO'S TABLE Sisko jumps up instinctively at the sight of Dax. SISKO Dax! He rushes to help. ODO Captain -- no! But Sisko doesn't listen, forcing Odo to chase after him. Belar makes a calm and discreet EXIT without calling any attention to himself. Garak gets up from the table and heads off as well, trying to put some distance between him and this disaster. Sisko arrives at Dax's body, and is relieved to see she's alive, but wounded and barely conscious. Dax manages to look up at Sisko just as Odo grabs him. ODO (almost panic) We can't stay -- they'll take care of her. But we have to-- But it's too late -- a squad of five Cardassians rush in and slam Odo and Sisko both to the ground. 46 GARAK doesn't get very far down the Promenade when two Cardassians grab him and shove him against the wall. 47 SISKO AND ODO Are face down on the ground as the Cardassians point weapons at their heads, and it's clear that they are in deep trouble. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 48 INT. TEROK NOR - HOLDING CELL Odo, Sisko and Garak are in one of the holding cells. The other cells are overflowing with Bajoran Prisoners and there's a continuous babble of talk in the b.g. Garak looks out at the other prisoners with a disdainful eye, while Sisko is systematically checking over the cell walls on the off chance that he'll find a weakness. Odo is in a funk, staring down at the floor, lost in his own despair. GARAK You'd think they'd put us in our own cell block, instead of with the common criminals. After all, we're accused of attempting to assassinate the station commander. That deserves some respect. SISKO Maybe they'll salute when they execute us. Thrax ENTERS the holding area, carrying a PADD and accompanied by two Cardassian Guards. The Bajoran prisoners immediately begin SHOUTING at him and trying to get his attention. PRISONERS (overlapping) Please, listen to me!... I'm innocent... can I get something to eat... if I can get to an advocate, I can explain... I didn't steal anything... won't you hear my story?... listen to me, please... I wasn't there, I can prove it... we need water... listen to me... please, please... etc. THRAX (over the din) Settle down! Quiet, quiet please! They quiet down and Thrax looks over his PADD. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 38. 48 CONTINUED: THRAX Kara Polus, Brin Tusk and Marat Kobar. Your sentence is five years, hard labor. Trial to confirm the sentence will take place at seventeen hundred hours. (works PADD) Benten Vek -- your fine has been paid and you'll be free to go within the hour. (works PADD) Lobo, Horis, Romara, Pelin and Gramm, you're being transferred to Cardassian authorities on Bajor for interrogation. Thrax indicates one of the cells to the Guards and nods for them to take care of it. 49 NEW ANGLE As Thrax heads over to the cell with Sisko, Odo and Garak. In the b.g. the Guards begin marching five Bajoran prisoners out of the cell and then EXITING out the door. Thrax maintains an air of calm, control, but he's a busy man, with enormous responsibilities and has little time to devote to any one case, even in an assassination attempt like the one confronting him now. He looks over the PADD for a moment. In the cell, Odo avoids looking directly at Thrax, but we can tell he's listening to every word. THRAX (off PADD) Timor, Ishan and Jillur. You came aboard the station two days ago from Rakantha Province... yesterday you visited the chemist shop, and then fell asleep on the Promenade... last night you were hired as a cleanup crew by the Ferengi... after being paid, you went back to the Sajoran sector and attempted to murder Gul Dukat with a chambered plasma grenade. SISKO We were sitting at a table eating when the grenade went off. There were witnesses. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 39. 49 CONTINUED: THRAX None of which have come forward. Odo rouses himself, finally injects himself into the conversation. In the b.g. the Bajoran prisoners are starting to YELL for Thrax's attention again, which is distracting throughout the rest of the scene. ODO Why should the witnesses risk their lives for three strangers? They're out there, but you have to look for them. THRAX (off PADD) Epidermal scans revealed the presence of tri-nitrogen chloride on your hands and clothing. TNC is one of the components used in plasma grenades. ODO TNC is also a cleaning solution, which is what we were using in Quark's. THRAX Or you used the opportunity of working at Quarks to obtain the TNC in the first place. (off PADD) You all have ties to the Bajoran Underground. (to Garak) You have three cousins who are known Resistance members. (to Sisko) Five of your friends are suspected sympathizers... ODO After fifty years of Occupation, is there anyone left on Bajor who doesn't have some tie to the Resistance? Thrax pauses at that, seems to consider it. The yelling gets louder. THRAX Quiet! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 40. 49 CONTINUED: (2) The yelling subsides, but only for a moment, then it increases in volume. THRAX (works PADD) That may be true. However, you were seen rushing toward Dukat after the explosion. Everyone else was running away. SISKO I wanted to help my friend. She was injured in the blast. THRAX The report of the Cardassian guards states that you were found over the body of Gul Dukat, trying to strangle him. GARAK That's a lie. ODO (oddly pointed) Interrogate the troops yourself, don't just take their report at face value. THRAX I don't interrogate members of the Cardassian military. ODO (desperate) Then run a ballistic analysis of the explosion. If you examine the fragmentation dispersal pattern, you'll find that we could not have thrown the grenade from our position at the table. It had to have come from -- The yelling is almost deafening at this point. THRAX Quiet! Quiet down! But this time, they won't stop. They keep shouting for help and for their special needs over and over again. It's a scene of pandemonium in the holding area and Thrax is clearly tired and overworked. THRAX There's sufficient evidence for a conviction. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 41. 49 CONTINUED: (3) ODO It's all circumstantial -- look beneath the surface, conduct a real investigation! THRAX (by rote) The investigation is over. Your case is going to a special tribunal this afternoon. You will be informed of the sentence just before it meets. Thrax turns and heads for the door, trying to ignore the screaming and shouting of the other prisoners. ODO No! Wait! I need to talk to you! Let me talk to you alone for just a moment! Please, listen to me! But Odo's voice is just one more desperate shout in a cacophony, and Thrax ignores it as he EXITS. CUT TO: 50 INT. TEROK NOR - DUKAT'S OFFICE Dukat is lying on the couch being tended to by an N.D. Female Cardassian with a medical device. She's healing a cut on his temple, but Dukat isn't in the mood for any more treatment. DUKAT Enough. He impatiently waves her away and the woman EXITS. As she does, we see Dax sitting behind the desk, eating a hearty meal and helping herself to a sizable glass of kanar. She's been treated as well, but there are still few scratches and bruises on her face. Dukat grunts little as he sits up, but then swallows the pain in front of Dax and forces himself to an upright position. DAX How do you feel? DUKAT Better than last time. DAX Last time? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 42. 50 CONTINUED: DUKAT This is the fourth assassination attempt I've survived. He manages to stand with some difficulty. DAX Maybe you should find another job. He looks at her sharply, but Dax gives him her most winsome smile and Dukat begins to think he's getting somewhere with this woman. He smiles back at her and almost chuckles. DUKAT Maybe I should. She meets his gaze and holds it just long enough to let him know that she's interested and then returns to the food and drink. Dukat moves closer. DUKAT It's good to see you have your appetite back. DAX I don't get to eat like this very often. DUKAT (frustrated) I've wanted to increase rations in the Bajoran sector for sometime, but the Resistance makes it almost impossible to show any sort of... kindness to your people. DAX (innocent) You really want to help my people, don't you? DUKAT Of course. The Bajorans are... well, they're like my children, I suppose. And like any father, I want only the best for them. DAX You still feel like that now... after some of your children tried to kill you? Dukat turns and looks out the window, milking this for all it's worth. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 43. 50 CONTINUED: (2) While his back is turned, Dax silently gets up and moves behind him. DUKAT Bad manners are the fault of the parent, not the child. My weakness is that I'm... too generous... too forgiving... my heart is too big. Dax strikes viciously and quickly, hitting him in the back of the head in a single well-placed blow that puts Dukat on the deck, unconscious, before he has time to react. DAX So's your ego. She moves to the computer monitor and begins quickly working the controls... CUT TO: 51 INT. TEROK NOR - HOLDING CELL Odo has resumed his staring at the floor, his mood even darker than before. Garak is pacing, practicing his spiel, but Sisko is leaning against the wall, watching Odo and thinking. GARAK "Yes, I know that I don't look Cardassian. You see I've been surgically altered to appear Bajoran." (beat, as a new thought hits him) But what if genetic scans show no Cardassian DNA in my cellular structure? (rolling with it) In that case, I'll suggest -- SISKO (to Odo) Tell me about Thrax. Odo and Garak both look up at Sisko with a little surprise when he casually breaks in with this. What's he getting at? ODO What do you want to know? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past". - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 51 CONTINUED: SISKO Something about his background. He seems unusual. Doesn't have that... casual brutality I've come to expect from Cardassian security officers. What makes Thrax different? ODO I wouldn't know. He was gone by the time I came aboard the station. SISKO That brings up a good point -- why is he here now? Garak said you were the security chief at this time. ODO (defensive) You're implying that I should know the answers, that I'm holding back information. SISKO I'm saying that maybe you know more than you think you do. You lived here, on Terok Nor -- you're supposed to be out there right now instead of Thrax. Think, Odo. There might be some connection between you and what's happening here. ODO I don't know! Just then, the cell is filled a high-pitched squealing SOUND of metal under pressure. They immediately move away from one of the walls just before it BLOWS IN with a small explosion. A man-sized hole has been created in the wall and Dax looks inside through the eddying SMOKE. DAX Miss me? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 45. 51 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko smiles and quickly heads for the hole, Garak right behind him. Odo looks at the escape route with surprise. For the first time, he sees a way out of this nightmare. ODO (to himself) It doesn't have to happen again... Then Odo heads for the hole. CUT TO: 52 INT. TEROK NOR - CORRIDOR Dax quickly leads the others down the Corridor with a Cardassian phaser in her hand. DAX (low, urgent) Dukat's personal shuttle is at Docking Bay Three. She pauses at an intersection and cautiously looks around the corner. SISKO What about the station defense systems? Dax sees that the coast is clear and they head out again. DAX I've got their computer tied up in knots. I don't think they'll be able to -- 53 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Thrax and two Cardassian Soldiers step out of a doorway, directly in front of them. THRAX You can't escape. Events happen quickly: -- Without hesitating, Dax FIRES the phaser, taking out one of the Guards. -- The second Guard FIRES at Dax, WOUNDING her and she goes down. -- Odo attacks the second Guard hand-to-hand. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 46. 53 CONTINUED: -- Sisko and Thrax are engaged in a fight of their own. -- Garak picks up Dax's phaser and SHOOTS the second guard. -- Sisko is getting the upper hand in the fight with Thrax, but then Thrax suddenly MORPHS out of Sisko's grip and moves away from him. Everyone stops dead in their tracks as the Thrax GOO slithers into a vent and disappears. GARAK A changeling... ? Sisko breaks the moment by helping Dax to her feet. She holds her wounded arm painfully. SISKO We'll figure that out later. He leads them down the Corridor as fast as possible. 54 INT. TEROK NOR - CORRIDOR/AIRLOCK They come around the corner and can see the airlock up ahead. DAX (in pain) That's it. They rush to the airlock and OPEN the door, looking around for any signs of pursuit. But as soon as Sisko steps inside the airlock, he suddenly finds himself in... 55 INT. TEROK NOR - HOLDING CELL The same holding cell seen earlier, but with no sign of the explosion. Sisko, Dax, Odo, and Garak are all here, looking around with dazed expressions as the Cardassian Soldier (who originally "selected" Dax) ENTERS carrying a PADD. The other holding cells are empty. SOLDIER We just got the word -- your execution's been scheduled for nineteen hundred. (beat) That's two hours from now. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 47. 55 CONTINUED: He turns and walks away, leaving our people to face their fate. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 56 INT. TEROK NOR - HOLDING CELL A few moments later. Dax is cradling her wounded arm as she sits on the floor. Odo is pacing like a caged animal while Sisko and Garak watch him closely. Neither of them knows what's going on here, but they both suspect that it has something to do with Odo. ODO We've got to find another way out of here. DAX We tried that. Escape doesn't seem to be the answer. SISKO How could Thrax be a changeling? In this time period, the Founders didn't know about the wormhole. ODO I don't know. GARAK Setting aside the newest Shape-shifter in town for the moment, how did we end up back in this cell? ODO I don't know. DAX Care to take a guess? ODO What makes you think I have the answers? SISKO You've been acting strangely ever since we first woke up on the Promenade. Continually distracted, depressed and agitated. GARAK You knew the names of the people we're supposed to be. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 49. 56 CONTINUED: SISKO You knew the details of their case like you were there. GARAK But you couldn't have been there because it happened before you came aboard the station. SISKO Everything seems to lead back to you and I want to know why. THRAX'S VOICE You said you wanted to see me? 57 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Revealing Thrax standing just outside the cell. Odo is actually relieved to see Thrax so he doesn't have to stay here and be interrogated any longer. ODO Yes. It's urgent. Thrax TURNS OFF the forcefield, letting Odo out, then turns it BACK ON as they EXIT the room. CUT TO: 58 INT. TEROK NOR - SECURITY OFFICE A few minutes later. Thrax sitting at the desk, Odo before him. THRAX I'm listening, but I don't have a lot of time. ODO You're about to make a very serious mistake. THRAX Because you're innocent, of course. All of you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 50. S8 CONTINUED: ODO That's right, and I can prove it. Compare this attack with recent bombings on Bajor, you'll find a similarity to four incidents in Musilla Province -- none of which we could have done. THRAX (firm) That proves nothing. And under Cardassian law, the accused must prove their innocence. Since the evidence in this case is sufficient to warrant a conviction, the investigation is over. Odo sits down across from Thrax, the two men lock eyes. ODO Your job is to find the truth, not obtain convictions. THRAX You want the truth? All right. The truth is that none of you would be accused, none of you would even be here if the Bajorans weren't fighting the Cardassians. It's futile. The Occupation has lasted for fifty years and it will probably last another fifty... ODO I wouldn't be too sure about that. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 51. 58 CONTINUED: (2) THRAX ... so why not accept it? If the Bajoran people accepted their place in history, none of this would've happened. ODO We're talking about the attempt on Gul Dukat's life, not the socio- political ramifications of the Resistance. THRAX It's all part of the same problem. When your people resort to terrorism and violence, they're fighting against order... against stability... against the rule of law, and that must stop. Odo sits back, studies Thrax for a moment... finds something disquieting in his arguments. ODO There's more to life than... the rule of law. THRAX It's been my observation that only the guilty make that kind of statement. Odo gets up, very agitated, finally decides he has no choice... ODO I didn't want to tell you this... I don't know what the consequences will be... but we're not terrorists. We're not even Bajorans. There's been a temporal displacement of some kind. We're from the future... we don't belong in this time. Thrax has taken this in without batting at eye. Now he leans closer to Odo and studies him calmly. THRAX (simply) I know. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 52. 58 CONTINUED: (3) ODO You... know? Then what are you going to do about it? THRAX What I'm supposed to do; nothing more, nothing less. The question is, what will you do... Odo? Odo staggers back as if hit... he finally backs up against the wall and at that moment we... CUT TO: 59 INT. TEROK NOR - PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Suddenly Odo is standing on the second level. He looks around, and sees: 60 OMITTED 61 CARDASSIAN SOLDIERS are on the second level watching everything. 62 OUR PEOPLE Sisko, Dax and Garak are lined up on one of the crossover "bridges," their backs against the railing, and their hands bound. 63 ANGLE - CLOSE ON ODO His face reflecting his fear of what's about to happen... THRAX'S VOICE It's too late for them now. It's out of my hands. Odo jerks around to see Thrax standing next to him, coolly surveying Sisko and the others. ODO Why aren't I with them? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 53. 63 CONTINUED: THRAX (chiding) There were only three terrorists, Odo. You know that. Odo turns again to see... 64 ODO'S POV - DUKAT stands by the balcony near the prisoners. DUKAT This the price of taking up arms against those who would protect you... who have only your best interests at heart... Dukat looks toward the guards, from whose ranks the Cardassian Soldier once again steps forward with military precision. 65 RESUME ODO He turns to Thrax, desperate to somehow end this. ODO They haven't done anything! they don't belong here! THRAX It's already happened, Odo. ODO But this isn't what happened, it wasn't these people... 66 ODO'S POV - SISKO The Soldier has stepped abreast of Sisko; now he draws a disruptor pistol from a holster... Sisko exchanges a look with Dax -- there's nothing either of them can do. 67 ODO Finally has to take action. He shoves Thrax out of the way and bolts for the Cardassian Soldier. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 54-56. 67 CONTINUED: He knocks the pistol out of his hand and whirls, ready to take on the rest of them. ODO No! I won't let this happen! Not again! (to Thrax) You can't execute them, you don't even belong here! I do. 68 NEW ANGLE Suddenly, things have changed. Thrax is gone, Dukat is gone, and the Cardassian Soldiers are gone. Only Odo, Sisko, Dax and Garak remain on the Crossover Bridge, and they're all wearing their normal clothing. Everyone reacts to the change, but before they can adjust, there's suddenly the SOUND of a disruptor being fired. 69 ANGLE - ANOTHER CROSSOVER BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Down the Promenade from our heroes, another scene is taking place. We can see Dukat, the Cardassian Soldiers and Odo -- who's now wearing Thrax's uniform. The Soldier has just shot Timor Landi in the chest and the man's body is slumped on the ground. The Soldier, calmly and without hesitation, SHOOTS Ishan Chaye and then Jillur Gueta. The other Odo seems detached, cold, a man watching a distasteful execution for which he feels no responsibility. When it's over, Dukat and the Cardassians walk away... and then FADE AWAY. The other Odo looks down at the bodies for a moment, then walks off and FADES AWAY, leaving only the dead Bajorans on the bridge. 70 thru OMITTED 80 81 RESUME SISKO & OTHERS (OPTICAL) On our Crossover Bridge, Sisko and the others have watched this mute scene play itself out with puzzlement. Odo has watched with defeat. SISKO Constable? ODO That's exactly how it happened seven years ago. SISKO It was you... all along? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 57. 81 CONTINUED: ODO (a difficult admission) Yes. I was chief of security on the Promenade. I was the one who charged those men with a crime they didn't commit... and I was the one who turned them over to Dukat. He turns and looks at the distant bodies of the Bajorans. ODO (continuing) Three days after the executions, there was another bombing on the Promenade identical to the one that almost killed Dukat. Timor, Ishan and Jillur were innocent. (beat) All the evidence was there... the inconsistencies in the reports of the soldiers who arrested them... a pattern of other bombings... the ballistics... it was all there from the beginning... but I was too busy... too concerned about maintaining order... and the rule of law. He turns back to our people. ODO (continuing) I thought of myself as the outsider, the Shape-shifter who cared only about justice. It never occurred to me that I could fail. (beat) But I did. And I've never wanted anyone to know the truth... that seven years ago, I allowed three innocent men to die. A long silent beat as Odo faces his friends and the truth. Finally, Sisko, Garak and Dax fade from view. We stay on Odo a beat longer, as he closes his eyes... BASHIR (O.S.) Constable? 82 INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - SURGERY - ON ODO as he opens his eyes... He's on the bio-bed, blinking in the light. He tries to sit up, but Bashir puts a hand on his chest. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 58. 82 CONTINUED: BASHIR Easy, Odo. Whatever it is you've been through, it's taken a toll. Rest. Bashir moves off to tend to Garak, who along with the others is beginning to sit up on their beds. Worf is helping Dax up; Sisko is blinking in the bright lights. For the moment, Odo is left alone. CUT TO: 83 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 84 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Bashir is handing Odo a PADD. BASHIR As near as I can figure out, the four of you were locked into some version of the Great Link. ODO The Link? But how's that possible? I'm... a solid now. BASHIR It would seem you're not as solid as you think. When I ran a neurochemical scan of your brain, I found residual traces of morphogenic enzymes, which I've only detected before in changelings. ODO (off PADD) The plasma storm that hit the runabout activated the enzymes and initiated a telepathic response. BASHIR Your mind reached out to find other changelings to form the Link, but it could only find Dax, Sisko and Garak. Odo nods thoughtfully. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 59. 84 CONTINUED: ODO And just before the accident, I was thinking about the executions. (beat) Somehow being in the Link must have forced me to relive it... to admit the truth of what I'd done. BASHIR It would make a fascinating paper. (off his look) But I don't intend to write one. Just then, the doors OPEN and KIRA ENTERS. She glances at Bashir, but she's clearly here to see Odo. Odo stands up behind the desk and Bashir picks up on the instant tension in the room. BASHIR If you have any questions... you know where to find me. Bashir EXITS, leaving Odo to face Kira alone. More than just the desk is separating them now. There's a touch of anger in Kira, but mostly disappointment and pain, and a need to understand. KIRA When I finished reading your report... I didn't know what to think. So I said to myself, "That's okay Nerys, you're just stunned. You need to let this sink in a little." (beat) But it's been two days, Odo, and I still don't know what to think. ODO I'm guilty. What more is there to say? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 60. 84 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot. I believed in you. A lot of people did. You were... special. The one man who stood apart from everyone else; the one man who stood for justice. Now what? ODO Now I'm... just another imperfect solid. A quiet moment as they both struggle with their feelings. KIRA Okay. The Prophets know I'm not perfect. And I guess the truth is that anyone who lived through the occupation had to get a little dirty. But I need to know that no other innocent people died on your watch, Odo... That this was the only time. And this is perhaps the most difficult admission of all. ODO I'm not sure. I hope so. Odo sits down at his desk. Kira looks at him for a moment, then she sits down too. As they absorb the terrible truth of that statement... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END