STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Trials and Tribble-ations" #40510-503 Story by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler & Robert Hewitt Wolfe Teleplay by Ronald D. Moore & Rene Echevarria Directed by Jonathan West THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1996 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION August 20, 1996 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Trials and Tribble-ations" - 08/20/96 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Trials and Tribble-ations" CAST SISKO DULMUR DAX LUCSLY KIRA DARVIN/WADDLE O'BRIEN CREWMEMBER ODO ENGINEER QUARK WAITRESS BASHIR WORF Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "Trials and Tribble-ations" - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Trials and Tribble-ations" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE CAPTAIN'S OFFICE SPACE OPS THE DEFIANT PROMENADE THE ENTERPRISE K-7 STATION DEFIANT BRIDGE CORRIDOR MESS HALL ORB CABIN TRANSPORTER BAY ENTERPRISE TURBOLIFT ANOTHER TURBOLIFT BRIDGE BRIEFING ROOM CORRIDOR REC ROOM K-7 STATION BAR STORAGE COMPARTMENT STORAGE CORRIDOR STATIONS MANAGER'S OFFICE DEEP SPACE NINE - "Trials and Tribble-ations" - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Trials and Tribble-ations" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ARNE ARN rhymes with yarn) BAT'LETH BAT'leth CESTUS SES-tus DARVIN DAR-vin DULMUR DULL-mer GR'OTH grrr-OTH KANDAL KAN-dal KIVAS KEE-vas KOLOTH KO-loth LUCSLY LUCKS-lee RAKTAJINO ROCK-ta-GEE-no TARKALEAN tar-KAY-lee-uhn DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Trials and Tribble-ations" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (STOCK OPTICAL) as a Federation Transport docks at the station. 2 INT. OPS KIRA and DAX are at their posts when the TURBOLIFT rises into view carrying two human men dressed in the twenty-fourth century equivalent of business attire. They are stern-faced and somewhat similar looking, although one is carrying a briefcase. They are Agents DULMUR and LUCSLY, of the Federation Department of Temporal Investigations. Kira moves as they step off the turbolift and greets them with a smile. KIRA Welcome to Deep Space Nine. I'm Major Kira. DULMUR I'm Dulmur. LUCSLY Lucsly. Department of Temporal Investigations. KIRA We've been expecting you. DAX (sly) I guess you boys from Temporal Investigations are always on time. They exchange a look -- these two guys don't crack smiles, even for pretty women. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: DULMUR (to Kira) Where's Captain Sisko? Kira and Dax exchange a look -- Sisko's in for a treat with these two. 3 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE SISKO is carrying a mug of coffee as he moves to his desk. Lucsly is taking PADDS out of the briefcase, Dulmur is studying Sisko's personal effects with a keen eye. SISKO Are you sure you don't want anything? DULMUR Just the truth, Captain. SISKO You'll get it. Where do you want to start? DULMUR The beginning. LUCSLY (somber) If there is such a thing. DULMUR Captain, why did you take the Defiant back in time? SISKO It was an accident. Lucsly checks this off on his PADD. LUCSLY So you're not contending it was a Predestination Paradox? DULMUR (explaining for the laymen) A time loop -- that you were meant to go back into the past. SISKO Uh, no. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: DULMUR Good. LUCSLY We hate those. LUCSLY So. What happened? Sisko draws a breath, launches in. SISKO This may take some time. DULMUR Is that a joke? SISKO No. LUCSLY Good. DULMUR We hate those too. Sisko clears his throat uncomfortably, starts in. SISKO Two weeks ago the Cardassian Government contacted me and said they wanted to return an Orb to the Bajorans. DULMUR (to Lucsly) Orb? LUCSLY They're devices of alien origin that are considered sacred objects by the Bajoran people. SISKO Each has a unique property, like the Orb of Prophecy, or the Orb of Wisdom. The one we received from the Cardassians was the Orb of Time, although we didn't know it at first. 4 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit of Cardassia Prime. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: SISKO (V.O.) When the Defiant arrived at Cardassia Prime, we weren't sure if we were dealing with a genuine Orb or one of the fakes that've cropped up over the years. 5 INT. DEFIANT CORRIDOR The Orb, in its protective tabernacle, is being carried down the corridor by two N.D. Bajoran Security Guards. Kira and ODO lead the way into one of the Defiant's quarters. SISKO (V.O.) I had it secured in one of the crew quarters so we could bring it back to Bajor for authentication. 6 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL as WORF brings in a harmless-looking elderly man in somewhat worn looking clothes. In reality, he is ARNE DARVIN, a Klingon surgically altered to appear human. He is posing as a human merchant, and calls himself BARRY WADDLE. SISKO (V.O.) But before we left Cardassia, we took on a passenger. As soon as the old man sees BASHIR and O'BRIEN seated at one of the tables, he rushes to them with joy on his face. DARVIN/WADDLE Humans! I never thought I'd see another normal face again. Bashir and O'Brien look up, a bit confused. WORF This is Mister Waddle. DARVIN/WADDLE Barry, call me Barry. WORF We are taking him back to the Federation. He was trapped on Cardassia when the Klingons attacked. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 5. 6 CONTINUED: DARVIN/WADDLE I'm a merchant. I deal in gemstones, kivas and trillium mostly. (indicates replicator) May I? O'BRIEN Help yourself. Waddle goes to the replicator. DARVIN/WADDLE Do you know what Cardassians drink in the morning? Fish juice. Hot fish juice. (to replicator) Raktajino. We HEAR the sound of the replicator working. He takes the mug out and inhales the aroma. DARVIN/WADDLE After six months, I was hoping the Klingons would invade. At least they know how to make... (re: raktajino) ... coffee, even if they are foul- smelling barbarians. Worf glares at him. DARVIN/WADDLE Sorry. Darvin decides it would be best to move off and take a seat by himself. O'BRIEN Don't take it personally, Worf. BASHIR I rather like the way you smell. O'BRIEN Kind of a... peaty, earthy aroma. BASHIR With just a touch of lilac. Worf won't respond. With a last glance at Darvin, he EXITS, much to Bashir and O'Brien's amusement. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 6. 6A EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) As the ship CLOAKS. SISKO (V.O.) With the Defiant under cloak we left Cardassian space and managed to avoid being detected by the Klingons. 7 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Dax is at the helm, Sisko is in the Command Chair, O'Brien is at the Engineering station. On the VIEWSCREEN, the stars streak by at warp. The LIGHTS indicate we are cloaked. SISKO (V.O.) We were halfway home, and I was just starting to breath easy. O'BRIEN (to Dax) -- trust me, the next time you see him, just sniff the air and say "is that lilac?" DAX Find somebody else. I have my own ways of torturing Worf. SISKO Don't look at me. Suddenly an ALARM goes off on O'Brien's console. O'BRIEN (off console) I'm picking up a massive surge in chronoton radiation around -- Before he can finish, the Bridge suddenly DISTORTS and we see a strange MULTIPLE IMAGING EFFECT which then WHITES OUT the frame... FADE IN: The Bridge is quiet and everyone is sitting in the same positions seen a moment ago with dazed expressions. It takes them a few seconds to "come back" and get their bearings. The viewscreen has gone to STATIC and the consoles are flickering as if systems were only slowly coming back on. SISKO (dazed) What happened? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 7. 7 CONTINUED: The crew struggles to focus and make sense of what's going on. DAX I don't know, but we've dropped out of warp. O'BRIEN Sensors are coming back on-line. DAX (off console) Something's very wrong, Benjamin. According to the navigational computer... we're over two hundred light years from our last position. The LIGHTS come UP as the ship DECLOAKS. O'BRIEN We're decloaking! DAX Someone's activated the transporter. SISKO (to Dax) Deactivate it and get us back under cloak. O'BRIEN I'm picking up another ship dead ahead. SISKO Can you identify it? The LIGHTS go DOWN as the ship CLOAKS again. DAX Not yet. But it's close... very close. SISKO Chief, I need that viewscreen. O'BRIEN (working) I think I've got it... 8 ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as the STATIC CLEARS to reveal an astonishing sight... the original Starship Enterprise, so close it almost fills the screen. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 8. 9 RESUME SCENE Everyone reacts with shocked recognition. DAX That's... SISKO The Enterprise They all exchange a look. 10 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The classic vessel hanging in space... (as seen from the same angle established on the viewscreen: we do not see K-7) off this image we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Dulmur is eyeing Sisko as Lucsly takes notes on his PADD. DULMUR Be specific, Captain. Which Enterprise? There've been five. LUCSLY Six. SISKO This was the first Enterprise. Constitution class. Dulmur and Lucsly exchange a dark look. DULMUR His ship. LUCSLY James T. Kirk. SISKO (smiles) The one and only. LUCSLY (shaking his head) Seventeen separate temporal violations. The biggest file on record. DULMUR The man was a menace. (pushing on) What was the date of your arrival? SISKO Stardate 4523.7. They both make effortless mental calculations. Neither refers to a PADD. DULMUR A hundred and five years, one month, and twelve days ago. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 10. 11 CONTINUED: LUCSLY A Friday. DULMUR What was the Enterprise doing? 12 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & STATION K-7 (OPTICAL) The Enterprise is orbiting an old-style space station, as seen in "The Trouble with Tribbles." SISKO (V.O.) She was orbiting one of the old Deep Space stations -- K-Seven. Near the Klingon border. 13 INT. DEFIANT - ORB CABIN One of the Bajoran deputies we saw carrying the orb is sprawled on the floor outside the door, Bashir is reviving him. Odo is scanning the room with a TRICORDER, Kira is examining the Orb tabernacle, which is closed. SISKO (V.O.) Security reported that just before we were thrown back in time, someone stunned the deputy who was guarding the orb and broke into the cabin. 14 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL - ON A MONITOR (OPTICAL) where we see Darvin's face displayed. SISKO (V.O.) It didn't take long for us to realize who it was. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 11. NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) to reveal Odo and Worf standing next to a wall monitor, briefing Sisko, Dax, Bashir and O'Brien on what they've learned. Sisko stands at the back, his mind working, trying to piece together the fragmented information his team has unearthed. WORF His real name is Arne Darvin. He is a Klingon altered to look human. Everyone exchanges looks, things just got more complicated. DAX His surgeon does nice work. ODO We're assuming that he came aboard the Defiant for the express purpose of gaining access to the Orb. O'BRIEN Any idea why he brought us back to this point in time? Worf works the controls and a picture of a much younger Darvin appears on the monitor. WORF We have a theory. This is Darvin as he appeared during this time period. At this moment he is aboard space station K-7, posing as a Federation official. BASHIR You're saying he's a spy? ODO (nods) The younger Darvin's mission was to derail Federation colonization efforts by poisoning a shipment of grain which was -- which is being stored aboard the station. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 12. 15 CONTINUED: ODO (continuing) However, eighteen hours from now, James Kirk will expose him and he'll be arrested. WORF That arrest will end Darvin's career. Klingon Intelligence will turn its back on him. He will become an outcast. ODO From what we've been able to piece together, he spent the next hundred years eking out a meager living posing as a human merchant. Then in a final indignity -- he was trapped in Cardassian space by the Klingon invasion. A moment of silence as all consider what they've heard, then Sisko steps forward, starts to put it together. SISKO (a realization) Until he heard rumors about an Orb capable of taking him back in time... BASHIR So what's he planning to do? Contact his younger self and warn him about Kirk? DAX He could be planning to kill Kirk. SISKO The bottom line is we have to find Darvin and stop him before he changes history. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 13. 15 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (Cont'd) (beat) Do we know where he beamed to? WORF No, he wiped the transporter log when he beamed out. O'BRIEN Then he could be on the Enterprise or the station. SISKO We'll have to search both without arousing suspicion or altering the timeline ourselves. The last thing I want is a visit from Temporal Investigations when we get home. BASHIR I guess we'll have to find a way to blend in. CUT TO: 16 A SERIES OF QUICK CUTS showing glimpses of our people getting dressed, but never quite revealing what they're going to look like. -- O'Brien pulling off his normal uniform... -- a pair of hands pulling a black boot on... -- Dax putting on makeup to cover her spots... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 14. 16 CONTINUED: -- Sisko's hand emerging from a gold sleeve, its cuff displaying the old-style gold stripes of a lieutenant. -- a pair of hands blousing trouser cuffs over a boot... -- Dax twisting her hair up on top of her head... -- a hand tucking a small phaser onto a belt under the back of a blue shirt... -- a hand closing the flip-top on an old TRICORDER... -- O'Brien's hand flipping open an old-style COMMUNICATOR and closing it again... 17 CLOSE - AN OLD-STYLE COMMAND INSIGNIA on a gold uniform. 18 WIDEN to reveal a medium-shot of Sisko standing in front of a mirror in his quarters, checking over his disguise with a critical eye... a beat, then he turns for the door -- 19 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR as Sisko steps out of quarters and sees Bashir stepping out of the quarters across the way. With Bashir, we get our first full-length view of one of our people in old-style uniform... BASHIR Captain. SISKO (fingering his sleeve) Lieutenant, actually. Didn't want to push my luck. O'BRIEN'S VOICE (O.S.) Looks good on you, sir. 20 REVEAL - O'BRIEN coming toward them in engineering red. SISKO Thank you, ensign. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 15. 20 CONTINUED: BASHIR (noticing) Wait a minute, aren't you two in the wrong colors? O'BRIEN Don't you know anything about this time period? BASHIR I'm a doctor, not an historian. The SOUND of turbolift doors OPENING off-screen -- SISKO In the old days, operations officers wore red, command officers wore gold, and -- DAX'S VOICE And women wore less. 21 NEW ANGLE Dax has stepped out of the turbolift and looks stunning in a red miniskirted communications uniform, her hair swept up into a beehive hairdo. She smiles at them, clearly enjoying herself immensely. BASHIR I think I'm beginning to like history... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 16. 22 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER BAY where Odo and Worf, dressed as civilian traders, have joined Sisko, Dax, O'Brien and Bashir. Worf is wearing a turban-like wrap around his head to cover his Klingon forehead ridges. O'Brien is working the transporter console with an N.D. Crewmember as the others look on. O'BRIEN The original Enterprise used an old-style duotronic sensor array. If we wait for just the right point in the scan cycle, we can decloak the Defiant for almost three seconds without being detected. SISKO Is that enough time to transport us aboard? O'BRIEN Barely. Dax crosses over to them with a PADD. DAX Here are the coordinates. The captain and I will start on Deck Four and work our way aft. Chief, you and Julian should go to Deck Twenty-one... O'BRIEN (nodding) And work our way forward. Sisko turns to Odo and Worf, who are studying a PADD of their own. SISKO What about the station? WORF Little of it is habitable. Most of K-7 consists of storage areas and industrial fabrication facilities. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 17. 22 CONTINUED: ODO It shouldn't take long to search. Security isn't as tight as it is on a starship. SISKO (to all) Remember, try to avoid contact with people from this time period. Everyone nods... O'BRIEN We're coming up on a bandshift in the scan cycle... SISKO Dax. As she follows Sisko onto the transporter pad, she whispers to Worf. DAX (to Worf) Nice hat. He glares at her. 23 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise hangs in space. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 18. 24 OMITTED 25 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR - DECK FOUR CLOSE ON turbolift doors. The doors OPEN and Dax and Sisko ENTER the bustling corridor of the Enterprise, filled with the sights and SOUNDS of another time. Shipwide announcements are being made over the com- system, people are talking on the old-style wall panels. They exchange a glance, sensing that they've indeed stepped into history... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 18A. ACT TWO FADE IN: 26 INT. ENTERPRISE - ANOTHER TURBOLIFT (OPTICAL) O'Brien and Bashir MATERIALIZE in the Turbolift. They look around for a moment to get their bearings. BASHIR Ready? O'BRIEN (nods, then to com) Deck Twenty-one. Nothing happens. O'BRIEN Deck Twenty-one. (beat, with an edge) I said, Deck Twenty-one. Nothing. BASHIR Maybe if you said please. O'BRIEN What's wrong with this thing? BASHIR Don't look at me. I don't know anything about this time period. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 19. 26 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Maybe it's jammed. Help me get this wall panel off. Suddenly the DOOR OPENS and an Enterprise CREWMEMBER steps inside. O'Brien and Bashir make room, try to act natural. The crewmember nods a greeting, takes hold of one of the handles on the wall, and twists it. A light on the base of the handle comes on. CREWMEMBER Deck Fifteen. The Turbolift starts moving. Bashir and O'Brien exchange sheepish looks, reach out and grab handles of their own. BASHIR (sotto) I won't tell anyone if you won't. 27 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR - DECK FOUR as Sisko and Dax move along it, trying to act casual, exchanging nods with passing SUPERNUMERARIES. DAX They really packed them in on these old ships. Sisko indicates a small alcove cut into the corridor wall. SISKO What about over there? They cross to the alcove -- there are DRAWERS in the wall, and a LADDER that provides access to other decks. DAX (re: drawer) Perfect -- an auxiliary communications juncture. Sisko PULLS DOWN the drawer to reveal a tangle of old- style CIRCUITRY. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 20. 27 CONTINUED: SISKO I'll pretend to do repairs, scan for Darvin. Sisko studies the layout of the circuitry, starts making "repairs" -- carefully moving things that he knows won't change the system's function. Dax flips OPEN the top of her tricorder. She smiles, charmed by the old-fashioned device. DAX You know I used to have one of these... ? SISKO (distracted) Mn-hm. She activates the controls and the device gives off a distinctive SOUND EFFECT. Sisko keeps working, his attention on the circuitry. She studies the case... DAX I love these classic twenty-third century designs. The black finish, the silver highlights -- (letting it hang off her shoulder) And it goes with the uniform. Sisko looks up at her... DAX (getting back to scanning) Sorry... Off this moment... 28 EXT. SPACE - STATION K-7 (OPTICAL) spinning slowly... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 21. 29 INT. K-7 BAR as Odo ENTERS through the distinctive diamond-shaped door and looks around the room for a moment, checking out the situation. NOTE: Kirk and Spock are at the service bar at this moment, and the off-screen WALLA comes from their scene (Timecode 7:37 - 7:52) but we should not see them at all in this sequence. Odo moves to the banquette which is to camera right from the door and sits down facing the O.S. bar. Odo looks around and surreptitiously pulls an ALIEN TRICORDER consistent with the period from his pocket, and activates it. A beat, then he hears the off-camera SOUND of the door OPENING. 30 OMITTED 31 NEW ANGLE - THE DOOR - CLIP (OPTICAL) as CHEKOV and UHURA ENTER the room and cross toward the bar. (Timecode 8:30 - 8:32) In the b.g. of this shot we can see Odo sitting at the banquette. 32 ON ODO as he watches them cross the room. He palms the tricorder, not wanting to seem suspicious. 33 NEW ANGLE - THE SERVICE BAR - CLIP as Chekov and Uhura approach the counter, where the BARTENDER and CYRANO JONES are conducting business. (Timecode 8:34 - 8:42) (Kirk and Spock left the scene prior to this shot) BARTENDER - CLIP -- thanks to you I already have enough spican flame gems to me a lifetime. 34 RESUME ODO as a sexy brunette WAITRESS wearing a pink outfit approaches his table. (NOTE: Our Waitress match the Waitress seen briefly in the Bar at Timecode 7:39) The off-camera dialog between the Bartender and Jones continues in the background throughout the following scene. (Timecode 8:35 - 8:43) 44:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 22. 34 CONTINUED: WAITRESS (smiling) What's your pleasure? ODO I'll have a raktajino. WAITRESS You're the second person today who's ordered that -- what is it? ODO Klingon coffee. (realizing) The second person? Who was the first? WAITRESS He was an older man -- a human. ODO Where is he now? WAITRESS I don't know. He left about an hour ago. I think he said he'd be back. Odo thinks for a moment, then glances toward the bar... 35 NEW ANGLE - THE SERVICE BAR - CLIP where the Bartender is refusing Jones's wares. (Timecode 8:44 - 8:48) JONES - CLIP Surely you want some... 36 ON ODO & WAITRESS JONES'S VOICE - CLIP ... Antarean glow water? WAITRESS We don't have any Klingon beverages. Would you like something else? ODO Tarkalean Tea. She nods and moves off... Odo looks pensive, he's come to the right place. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 23. 36 CONTINUED: In the ensuing silence, we can now HEAR the dialog at the bar a little better. (Timecode 8:56 - 9:02) Odo is only barely listening to this conversation, his mind absorbed by the information that Darvin has been here. JONES' VOICE - CLIP I have something from the far reaches of the galaxy. Surely you want -- BARTENDER'S VOICE - CLIP Not at your price. Suddenly Odo hears the SOUND OF TRILLING AND COOING coming from the bar. He looks up in curiosity. 36A ON UHURA & CHEKOV - CLIP (OPTICAL) As Uhura and Chekov react to the sight of the O.S. Tribble, Odo can be seen in the b.g. over shoulder as he tries to see what's causing all that noise. (Timecode 9:04 - 9:06) UHURA - CLIP Oooh. What is it? Is it alive? 36B ON ODO As he reacts to the Tribble as it is presented to Uhura O.S. We can still HEAR the sound of COOING. (Timecode 9:06 - 9:08) UHURA'S VOICE - CLIP May I hold it? OFF Odo's intrigued expression... CUT TO: 37 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship orbiting near the station. 38 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR - DECK TWENTY-ONE O'Brien and Bashir are at an OPEN PANEL at a location. SUPERNUMERARIES move past them, busy at their own tasks. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 23A. 38 CONTINUED: Bashir is scanning with a MEDICAL TRICORDER, but O'Brien is studying the circuitry with a baffled look. BASHIR (as he scans) Chief, you're supposed to be working... O'BRIEN I'm afraid to touch anything. It's all cross-circuited and patched together -- I can't make heads or tails of it. BASHIR Sounds like one of your repair jobs. O'Brien reaches in, pretends to do something. They continue at their tasks for a beat... BASHIR No sign of Darvin in this section... I'm going to widen the scan-radius.... Bashir opens the panel on the unfamiliar device. BASHIR (to himself) If I can figure out how... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 24. 38 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Keep the scan field below twenty milliwatts -- otherwise you'll set off the internal sensors. BASHIR Yes, thank you, Chief -- I was listening at the mission briefing. Bashir activates the hand-held bio-scanner and it gives off a distinctive SOUND. Suddenly a voice from off- screen -- ENGINEER (O.S.) What are you two doing here? 39 NEW ANGLE to include a fresh-faced young ENGINEER -- lieutenant, junior grade. He's carrying an old-style TRIDENT scanner, and is genuinely surprised to find our working on this particular panel. ENGINEER (continuing) Scotty told me to do this. O'Brien and Bashir have no idea what "this" means, they're going to have to vamp. O'BRIEN Oh -- you were going to do... this? ENGINEER (without suspicion) It's on the duty roster. O'Brien doesn't know what to say. A beat... BASHIR (affably) Must've been a mixup. The Engineer looks at Bashir, finding it odd to see a blue shirt scanning with a tricorder. ENGINEER Isn't that a medical tricorder? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 25. 39 CONTINUED: Bashir looks down at the device in his hand. BASHIR Yes. Yes, it is. I'm a doctor. The Engineer looks more puzzled than suspicious... ENGINEER Why do we need a doctor to repair a power relay? BASHIR You don't. Obviously. O'Brien is looking at Bashir with the same expression as the Engineer -- just waiting to hear what he's going to say. BASHIR I'm... doing a study. It has to do with... work-related stress. ENGINEER Oh. BASHIR (passing the buck) You two go on, pretend I'm not here. O'Brien shoots him a dirty look. Bashir keeps scanning for Darvin. ENGINEER (re: panel) So, where should we start? O'Brien has no choice but to pretend he knows what he's doing, and do it with confidence. O'BRIEN Well obviously the first thing to do is to take this transtator, here -- He pulls it from its socket -- the LIGHTS DIM and the SOUND of the corridor's POWER systems EBBS... O'BRIEN (replacing it) And leave it right where it is. The LIGHTS COME UP again and the SOUND returns to normal. O'Brien frowns, glares into the panel. The Engineer looks at him uncertainly, then up at Bashir. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 26. 39 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (conspiratorial) The job pressure's been getting to him... The Engineer nods sympathetically... BASHIR (sotto) Why don't you take over? More loudly, to O'Brien. BASHIR All right, Ensign. I think I've seen enough, let's get you back to Sickbay. O'Brien glowers at him, but is grateful to get away. O'BRIEN (to Engineer) I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone... ENGINEER No problem. Hope you feel better. O'Brien gives him a pained smile and he and Bashir move away... off Bashir's smirk... CUT TO: 40 INT. K-7 BAR Odo is sitting at a different table, looking at something in his hands which are in his lap, below table level. we can hear the same TRILLING as before, and Odo seems strangely soothed by it. He looks up Worf ENTERS, wearing his disguise. Worf sees Odo and goes to him. He glances around the bar for a moment and then leans forward. WORF (quietly) I have completed my search of the primary habitat levels and... Worf trails off as the TRILLING sounds gets his attention. (From his position, he can't see what Odo has.) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 27. 40 CONTINUED: WORF (continuing) What is that sound? ODO Soothing isn't it? The bartender called it a -- Odo lifts his hands to show Worf and we see that he's holding a furry little TRIBBLE. But the second it gets within sight of Worf, it begins SQUEALING in alarm and tries to jump out of Odo's hand. Worf instantly leaps to his feet in revulsion and steps back. Odo yanks it back and tries to calm the tiny creature. WORF (disgusted) A Tribble! Off Worf as he glares at the furry beast... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 41 INT. K-7 BAR Continuous from Act Two. ODO (sotto, to Worf) Sit down. You're drawing attention. Worf slowly takes his seat, keeping a safe distance from the table and the Tribble. WORF Where did you get that thing? ODO From a man named Cyrano Jones. He said Tribbles liked everyone, but it doesn't seem to like you. WORF The feeling is mutual. Tribbles are detestable creatures. ODO Interesting. It's been my observation that most humanoids love soft furry animals... (getting lost in the cooing) ... especially if they make a pleasing sound. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 29. 41 CONTINUED: WORF (heated) They do nothing but consume food, and breed. If you feed that thing more than the smallest morsel, within a few hours, you will have ten Tribbles... then a hundred... then a thousand... ODO Calm down. WORF They were once considered mortal enemies of the Klingon Empire. ODO (holds up Tribble) This... a mortal enemy of the Empire? WORF They were an ecological menace! A plague that had to be wiped out! ODO Wiped out? What're you saying? WORF (with relish) Hundreds of warriors were sent to track them down throughout the galaxy. An armada obliterated the Tribbles' homeworld. By the end of the twenty-third century, they were eradicated. ODO (dry) Another glorious chapter in Klingon history. Tell me, do they still sing songs about the great Tribble hunt? At that moment, the station suddenly goes to RED ALERT. Worf and Odo react in surprise. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 30. 42 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR - DECK SIX The ship has just gone to RED ALERT and while the KLAXON SOUNDS, Crewmembers are rushing through the Corridor with urgency as they scramble to their posts. Sisko and Dax have been pretending to work on a different wall panel and they both react to the Red Alert. A Com voice echoes over the ship's P.A. system. COM VOICE Red Alert. Red Alert. All hands to battle stations. This is not a drill. DAX What should we do? SISKO (no choice) Get to battle stations. They close up the panel and then plunge into the crowd of Crewmembers, trying to blend in. 43 ANOTHER SECTION OF CORRIDOR/TURBOLIFT as Sisko and Dax duck into the Turbolift. Sisko grabs the handle and twists it. SISKO (to com) Deck Seven. The lift MOVES for a moment, then Sisko twists the handle OFF and the lift STOPS. SISKO Let's see if we can find out what's going on. He automatically hits the command insignia on his chest. SISKO Sisko to Defiant. Nothing happens, of course, and Sisko immediately realizes his mistake. With a little annoyance, he reaches around and pulls out the old-style communicator from behind his back. He flips it open. SISKO Sisko to Defiant. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 31. 43 CONTINUED: KIRA'S COM VOICE Defiant here. INTERCUT: 44 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Kira in command, N.D.s at the other stations. SISKO Report. KIRA A Klingon D-7 battlecruiser just dropped out of warp. It's approaching the station. SISKO Have they locked weapons? KIRA (off console) Not yet. Something about this is familiar to Dax. DAX Kira, can you identify the Klingon vessel? KIRA (works) The IKS Gr'oth. DAX (smiles) That's Koloth's ship. SISKO Curzon's old friend? DAX (nods) Yes, and he's not going to attack. I remember Koloth telling me he once traded insults with Kirk on a space station near the Federation border. He always regretted not getting a chance to face him in battle. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 32. 44 CONTINUED: KIRA (off console) The Klingon ship just transported two people to the station manager's office, Captain. DAX (excited) That's Koloth! (beat) Maybe we should beam over to the station and help Odo and Worf. We know that Darvin was there a few hours ago and -- SISKO I think maybe Doctor Bashir and Chief O'Brien should go. DAX But if we went, we might run into Koloth. SISKO Exactly. DAX It's not as if he'd recognize me. I'd love to see him in his prime. SISKO (enough) Dax. (to com) Major, beam the Doctor and the Chief to K-7 and fill them in. KIRA Aye, sir. Sisko twists the handle and the lift starts MOVING again. DAX It would've been fun. SISKO Too much fun. As the Turbolift stops and they EXIT... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 33. 44 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (V.O.) Dax was right about the Klingons. They were only interested in shore leave... 45 OMITTED 45A EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND K-7 (OPTICAL) The ship is near the station. SISKO (V.O.) ... and Captain Kirk allowed them to beam aboard the station in small groups. when the Enterprise stood down from Red Alert, we all resumed our search for Darvin. CUT TO: 45B INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR/TURBOLIFT (OPTICAL) Bashir and O'Brien are near an alcove, trying not to be conspicuous as O'Brien talks on his communicator to Kira. The ship is no longer at Red Alert. KIRA'S COM VOICE ... the next bandshift in the Enterprise scan cycle will be in three minutes. O'BRIEN We'll be ready, Major. O'Brien out. O'Brien closes the communicator. BASHIR We better get to a turbolift. They both turn and walk to a nearby turbolift. They wait outside for a beat, then the doors OPEN, revealing the female Crewmember seen earlier, who we will learn is named WATLEY. O'Brien and Bashir stop, surprised to see her. She looks up and smiles at the sight of Bashir. WATLEY Hello again. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 33A. 45B CONTINUED: A moment, and then they realize they have to go inside. BASHIR Hello. O'Brien nods a greeting as they ENTER the Turbolift, and grab the handles. O'BRIEN Deck Ten. The lift starts moving. Watley looks them over for a beat, glances down at Bashir's waist. WATLEY Your flap's open. BASHIR Excuse me? WATLEY On your tricorder. You're draining power. Bashir looks down at his tricorder, and sees that the front flap is indeed open. He hastily closes it. BASHIR Oh. Thank you. O'BRIEN He's always doing that. She looks Bashir over for a moment. WATLEY You're a doctor? BASHIR Yes. WATLEY (beat) I just transferred from the Lexington last week. An awkward beat. O'BRIEN Welcome aboard. She nods her thanks, still looking at Bashir. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 33B. 45B CONTINUED: (2) WATLEY I'm coming into Sickbay tomorrow for my physical. The doors OPEN and she turns and gives Bashir a very direct look. WATLEY Fifteen hundred. Lieutenant Watley. She gives him a suggestive smile and Bashir is smiling right back at her until the moment she says her name, then he blanches slightly. Watley EXITS to the Corridor and the doors close behind her. O'BRIEN (a throwaway) You realize of course, she was only using you to get to me. O'Brien activates the lift, it moves for a few beats, then he stops it again. O'Brien notices the stricken look on Bashir's face. BASHIR Watley... that was my great- grandmother's name. O'BRIEN Funny. BASHIR I think she was in Starfleet. O'BRIEN (shrug) It's a common name. BASHIR (his mind is racing) But what if that was her? O'BRIEN Do you realize the odds... ? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 33C. 45B CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR No one ever met my great- grandfather. This could be a predestination paradox. (off his look) Didn't you take elementary temporal mechanics at the Academy? I may be destined to fall in love with that woman and... (with horror) ... become my own great- grandfather. O'BRIEN You're being ridiculous. BASHIR (getting more upset) Ridiculous? If I don't meet with her tomorrow, I may never be born. O'Brien reacts in exasperation and his communicator BEEPS. He flips it open. KIRA'S COM VOICE Chief, are you ready for transport? O'BRIEN (to com) Are we ever. KIRA'S COM VOICE Stand by. BASHIR (to O'Brien) You saw the way she looked at me, you can't just dismiss this. O'BRIEN I can try. BASHIR Fine. But I can't wait to see your face when you get back to D.S. Nine and find out I never existed. O'Brien gives him a "do you have any idea what you're saying?" look and the two of them DEMATERIALZE. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 34. 46 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR - DECK TWELVE The ship is no longer at Red Alert. Sisko is pretending to "work" on another wall panel, while Dax stands on his right scanning for Darvin. Dax turns to camera right as she scans, and then sees something which makes her turn back to Sisko. DAX (sotto) Benjamin... look. Sisko looks up and reacts as... 47 NEW ANGLE - CLIP (OPTICAL) KIRK and SPOCK are walking down the Corridor toward camera. They walk into an intersection just as the intercom WHISTLES for attention. As Kirk moves to the wall to answer the com, the camera dollies back to a wider shot which reveals Sisko and Dax in the b.g. framed between Kirk and Spock. Sisko is standing with his back to the camera, while Dax is standing in profile facing camera left. (Timecode 16:57 - 17:06) CHEKOV'S COM VOICE - CLIP Bridge to Captain Kirk. KIRK - CLIP Kirk here. 48 ON SISKO & DAX As they continue to work. In the b.g. we can hear Kirk talking to Chekov on the com (Timecode 17:07 - 17:23 NOTE: this dialog can be compressed and edited.) SISKO (sotto) Keep working. We're a maintenance crew just doing our job... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 35. 48 CONTINUED: Dax glances to her left. BARRIS'S COM VOICE - CLIP Captain Kirk, this station is swarming with Klingons. 49 INCLUDE KIRK & SPOCK - CLIP (OPTICAL) As Dax's glance falls on the two men. (Timecode 17:23 - 17:27) KIRK - CLIP I was not aware, Mister Barris, that twelve Klingons constitutes a swarm. 50 RESUME SISKO & DAX Dax smiles and continues to watch Kirk & Spock throughout the following: DAX (sotto) I had no idea. SISKO What? DAX He's so much more handsome in person... and those eyes... SISKO (still working) Kirk had quite the reputation as a ladies' man. DAX Not him. Spock. 51 INCLUDE KIRK & SPOCK - CLIP (OPTICAL) In the f.g., Kirk is giving Spock a pained look. In the b.g., Sisko glances up at Dax, then he starts closing up the panel. (Timecode 17:34 - 17:36) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 36. 52 RESUME SISKO & DAX SISKO Let's go. He begins to take her by the arm. 53 INCLUDE KIRK & SPOCK - CLIP (OPTICAL) Dax is still looking at Spock as Sisko takes her by the arm and they cross toward camera right and head off down the Corridor. Kirk is talking to the wall com. (Timecode 17:38 - 17:44) KIRK - CLIP Mister Barris, I have guards around the grain... I have guards around the Klingons... 54 SISKO & DAX Are moving down the Corridor away from Kirk and Spock. DAX I can't believe you don't want to at least meet Kirk. SISKO That's the last thing on my mind. DAX Come on, Benjamin. Are you telling me you're not the tiniest bit interested in meeting one of the most famous men in Starfleet history? SISKO We have a job to do. DAX But that's James Kirk. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 37. 54 CONTINUED: SISKO Look, of course I'd like to meet him. I'd like to shake his hand and ask him about... (picking one)... fighting the Gorn on Cestus Three -- but that's not why we're here, old man. Dax can't really argue with that, and gives in. They stop outside a turbolift and hit a control panel. DAX You're right. I guess the difference between you and me is that I remember this time -- I lived in this time. It's hard to want to be... part of it again. They EXIT to the turbolift. CUT TO: 55 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND K-7 (OPTICAL) The Enterprise and the space station. 56 INT. K-7 BAR O'Brien and Bashir ENTER the room and cross toward Odo and Worf's table. As they do so, they pass right by a table of Four N.D. original series Klingons who are sitting and drinking together. (Odo's Tribble is sitting in his lap, out of Worf's sight.) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 38. 56 CONTINUED: BASHIR Clearly we've been going about this search business all wrong, Chief. O'BRIEN You're right. Why bother searching thirty decks, when you can just plunk yourself down at a bar and wait for Darvin to come to you. ODO (bristling) We have reason to believe he'll return to this area. O'BRIEN Ah, yes. The "raktajino." BASHIR A vital clue others might've missed. 57 ON BASHIR - CLIP (OPTICAL)- As Bashir talks, he moves to camera right to get another chair for the table. BASHIR How fortunate it's kept you glued to this bar for the past three hours -- Behind Bashir, the door OPENS and SCOTTY, Chekov, and FREEMAN ENTER and pause for a moment inside the doorway. PAN WITH Bashir as he gets his chair and crosses to camera left back to the table with the others. (Timecode 19:26 - 19:29) BASHIR -- having drinks -- while we've been crawling through conduits. 58 O'BRIEN glances over his shoulder, sees something, reacts and then turns back to the others. O'BRIEN My God... that's him. ODO Who? O'BRIEN Kirk. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 39. 59 ON THE DOOR - CLIP As Scotty, Chekov and Freeman sit down. Clearly O'Brien has mistaken Freeman for Kirk. (Timecode 19:32 - 19:36) WORF'S VOICE Where? O'BRIEN'S He's just sitting down. The one in gold, on the left. BASHIR'S VOICE That's Kirk? 60 RESUME ODO'S TABLE O'Brien glances back quickly, trying not to call attention to himself. WORF It would be an honor to meet him. O'BRIEN Let's buy him a drink. ODO Gentlemen. No one's buying anyone a drink. The others look sheepish for a moment. O'BRIEN He's right. We can't risk altering the timeline. They look over at the table again. 61 SCOTTY'S TABLE - CLIP The blonde waitress is serving Scotty, Chekov and Freeman drinks at their table. (Timecode 21:03 - 21:07) 62 RESUME ODO'S TABLE As the Waitress comes over. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 40. 62 CONTINUED: WAITRESS What'll it be, boys? And don't ask for raktajino -- if I have to say we don't have that one more time... ODO (suddenly very interested) Who ordered raktajino? WAITRESS The Klingons. Everyone except Worf looks around the room, mystified. ODO Klingons? WAITRESS Yes. They still don't see any. Worf is getting increasingly uncomfortable. WAITRESS (are you blind?) Right over there. She points to the nearby table Bashir and O'Brien passed earlier. They turn and look with some surprise at the original series-style Klingons, who do not have the typical forehead ridges they're accustomed to seeing. Worf studies his drink as the others turn one and look at him for explanation. BASHIR (to Worf) Those are Klingons? WAITRESS All right. You boys have had enough. The Waitress moves off. ODO Mister Worf... ? Worf looks up with discomfort at the three expectant faces. WORF They are Klingons. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 41. 62 CONTINUED: (2) Three heads turn and look at the Klingons and then look back at Worf. WORF It is a... long story. O'BRIEN What happened? Some kind genetic engineering... ? BASHIR A viral mutation... ? WORF (defensive) We do not discuss it with outsiders. Worf is saved from having to answer any further questions by the distinctive SOUND of an o.s. CHAIR being SHOVED BACK. They all turn and look to see... 63 SCOTTY'S TABLE - CLIP Chekov is on his feet and glaring at KORAX, the Klingon. (Timecode 22:31 - 22:46) SCOTTY - CLIP Take it easy, lad. Everybody's entitled to an opinion. KORAX - CLIP That's right. And if I think that Kirk is a Denebian slime devil... 64 ODO'S TABLE KORAX'S VOICE - CLIP ... well, that's my opinion too. The dialog between Korax, Chekov and Scotty continues in the b.g. (Timecode 22:49 - 23:34 edit and compress dialog as needed). DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 42. 64 CONTINUED: SCOTTY'S VOICE - CLIP Don't do it, mister. That's an order. O'BRIEN Look at the way Kirk is ignoring that Klingon... he's letting the security officer handle it. Bashir notices something at Scotty's table. BASHIR Chief... are you sure that's Kirk? O'BRIEN Absolutely. BASHIR (holding up his own sleeve) Then why is he wearing lieutenant's stripes? O'Brien takes a closer look and is surprised to see that Bashir is right. But Odo sees that bigger trouble is brewing. ODO I think we have bigger problems than a case of mistaken identity... INTERCUT: 65 SCOTTY'S TABLE - CLIP Scotty looks up at Korax with a slow burn. Our characters watch as the situation escalates out of control. (Timecode 23:34 - 24:12) SCOTTY - CLIP Laddie, don't you think you should rephrase that? KORAX - CLIP You're right. I should. I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage... I meant to say it should be hauled away as garbage. That tears it for Scotty. He decks Korax. Freeman stands up and throws back his chairs. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 43. 65 CONTINUED: The Klingons throw back theirs. 66 O'BRIEN Stands and throws back his chair, ready for a fight. Bashir joins him instinctively. 67 THE KLINGON N.D.S sitting nearby suddenly jump to their feet. 68 WORF jumps up as well. Odo looks at his companions with dismay. ODO What are you doing? 69 SCOTTY - CLIP Odo's question comes too late -- Scotty HITS another Klingon, Chekov goes over the table and the fight is on. (Timecode 24:14 - 24:16) 70 ODO'S TABLE O'Brien, Bashir, and Worf are swept up into the fight as the nearby Klingon N.D.s attack them. Odo refuses to get involved in this barroom brawl and keeps out of the way as the fight continues. INTERCUT: 71 VARIOUS CLIPS (OPTICAL) As needed to sell the idea that everyone is fighting in the same room. (Timecode range 24:18 - 25:50) 72 O'BRIEN takes a punch and staggers back into... 73 WIDE SHOT - CLIP (OPTICAL) As O'Brien falls into the shot with the Bartender escaping across the room (Timecode 24:30 - 24:32) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 44. 73 CONTINUED: The fight continues... 74 ANOTHER WIDE SHOT - CLIP As CYRANO JONES crosses the room in the b.g. (Timecode 24:45 - 25:50) 75 O'BRIEN, BASHIR & WORF Are holding their own against the Klingons. 76 CYRANO JONES - CLIP Jones is standing in front of the door as Enterprise Security Guards rush inside. (Timecode 25:52 - 25:54) 77 ODO Is standing off to one side, shaking his head. Suddenly he notices something in the direction of the doorway. 78 THE DOORWAY - CLIP (OPTICAL) As Jones has his drink taken away by the returning Bartender, we can suddenly see Darvin outside in the Corridor, looking in with curiosity. (Timecode 25:56 - 26:01) 79 ODO grabs Worf as he throws off another Klingon. ODO It's Darvin! Worf and Odo rush toward the door... 80 O'BRIEN decks a Klingon, turns to face another opponent, and comes face to face with a very serious, very large Enterprise Security Officer, who grabs him. O'Brien looks around only to see that Bashir has already been caught. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 45. 80 CONTINUED: Off the looks of our two hapless heroes who've just been busted... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08130196 - ACT FOUR 46. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 81 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Dulmur is looking at Sisko and shaking his head with disapproval. DULMUR Your men could've avoided that fight, Captain. LUCSLY (from memory) Regulation one-fifty-seven, section three, paragraph eighteen: Starfleet Officers shall take all necessary precautions to minimize any participation in historical events. SISKO All right. It was a mistake. But there were no lasting repercussions. DULMUR How do you know that? For all we know, we could be living in an alternate timeline right now. SISKO If my people had caused any changes in the timeline, we would've been the first to notice when we got back. Dulmur and Lucsly exchange a cynical look. LUCSLY Why do they all have to say that? DULMUR (back to business) So... your men were arrested... CUT TO: 82 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 47. 83 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIEFING ROOM - CLIP (OPTICAL) Kirk is walking away from camera down the lineup of men who were arrested in the K-7 bar fight. O'Brien is standing next to Chekov, and Bashir is standing next to O'Brien. Kirk turns and starts back toward camera. (Timecode 26:22 - 26:28) KIRK - CLIP I want to know who started it. 84 O'BRIEN & BASHIR (OPTICAL) standing with the others. They exchange a look. KIRK'S VOICE - CLIP I'm waiting. 85 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) Kirk stops in front of O'Brien and turns to him. (Timecode 26:29 - 26:31) 86 O'BRIEN & KIRK - CLIP (OPTICAL) Kirk confronts O'Brien. (Timecode 26:32 - 26:36 Extend time as needed, and drop the word "Freeman" from Kirk's dialog.) KIRK - CLIP Who started the fight? O'Brien is on the spot, can only come up with one answer. O'BRIEN I don't know, sir. 87 ON KIRK - CLIP As he moves away from O'Brien and goes to Chekov. (Timecode 26:37 - 26:52) KIRK - CLIP All right. (beat) Chekov... I know you. You started it didn't you? CHEKOV - CLIP No, sir. I didn't. We can still see O'Brien standing next to Chekov. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 48. 87 CONTINUED: KIRK - CLIP Well, who did? CHEKOV - CLIP I don't know, sir. KIRK - CLIP I don't know, sir... Kirk turns and begins walking away from camera. 88 O'BRIEN & BASHIR Watching Kirk pace in front of them, very uncomfortable to be here. KIRK'S VOICE - CLIP I want to know who threw the first punch. 89 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) Kirk reaches the end of the line and begins walking back toward camera. (Timecode 26:55 - 27:01) KIRK - CLIP All right, you're all confined to quarters until I find out who started it. Dismissed. As everyone turns and begins walking out the door. 90 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR The Enterprise officers are ENTERING from the briefing room and heading down the Corridor away from camera. O'Brien and Bashir turn toward camera and head off in the opposite direction. BASHIR That was close... O'BRIEN (awestruck) Me. Out of all the people in the lineup, he asked me who threw the first punch. BASHIR (mock disapproval) And you lied to him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 49. 90 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I lied to Captain Kirk. (beat) I wish Keiko had been there to see it. Suddenly Bashir steps on something that SQUEAKS. They stop and Bashir bends down to pick up a Tribble and then continues walking. BASHIR (to Tribble) Sorry about that, little fellow. Who left you out here all alone? O'Brien turns the corner and stops. O'BRIEN He's not alone. Bashir looks up and reacts to... 90A NEW ANGLE Showing that the Enterprise Corridor ahead of them is littered with Tribbles. Some N.D. crewmembers are petting them, others are stepping over them, etc. Off this image... CUT TO: 91 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER BAY (OPTICAL) Odo, Worf, and Darvin MATERIALIZE on the platform. An N.D. Crewmember is at the console. Worf and Odo are gripping Darvin roughly and it should appear as if they just grabbed him seconds before being beamed away. Darvin struggles for a moment, then realizes he's aboard the Defiant and stops. Odo releases him, but Worf shoves him against the wall. ODO Welcome back, Mister Darvin. DARVIN (defiant) The pleasure's all mine. ODO Worf... Worf releases him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 49A. 91 CONTINUED: ODO I hope you realize you're facing some very serious charges when we get back. DARVIN You wouldn't dare put one of the greatest heroes of the Klingon Empire into the brig. WORF You're no hero to the Empire. DARVIN (smiles) I will be. (beat) I've been thinking about my statue in the Hall of Warriors. I want it to capture my essence. (to Worf) Our statues can be so... generic sometimes, don't you think? ODO I take it whatever your plan is, you've already set it in motion. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 50. 91 CONTINUED: (2) DARVIN (unfazed) I see myself standing with Kirk's head in one hand and... (with relish) ... a Tribble in the other. Worf isn't going to toy with this guy. He moves over and gets right in his face. WORF What have you done? Did you hire someone to kill him? Did you sabotage the Enterprise? DARVIN Nothing so mundane. Let's just say that Kirk's death will have a certain... poetic justice to it. CUT TO: 92 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR - CLOSE ON SISKO As he reacts in disbelief. SISKO He put a bomb in a Tribble? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 51. 92 CONTINUED: WIDEN to reveal Sisko and Dax at "work" again in an Enterprise Corridor. This time, Sisko has placed the communicator inside the open drawer so that it appears he and Dax are bending down and looking inside, talking to each other. Tribbles can be in the corridor as well. ODO'S COM VOICE It's his "revenge." Originally, Kirk saw the way a Tribble reacted to Darvin and realized he was a Klingon. INTERCUT: 92A INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER BAY Odo, O'Brien, Bashir and Worf are standing near the transporter console. (Darvin has been taken away.) ODO (to com) He wouldn't tell us where this... Tribble is, but he did say it would go off within the hour. On the Enterprise, Sisko glances around the Corridor, which has Tribbles clustered here and there. SISKO It could be anywhere... DAX Benjamin, I think we should risk going to the bridge. If we can use the internal sensors, we could scan the entire ship for explosives in a matter of seconds. SISKO (to com) Dax and I will take care of the Enterprise. The rest of you beam over to K-Seven and begin searching over there. Worf and Odo exchange a look. ODO Understood. But I think Mister Worf should remain here... it seems that he's... (groping) ... allergic to Tribbles. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - 08/23/96 - ACT FOUR 51A-51B. 92A CONTINUED: Dax and Sisko exchange a look, but Sisko decides not to pursue the matter. SISKO All right. O'BRIEN Captain, I don't think we'll be able to get to K-Seven's internal sensors. SISKO Then you'll have to manually scan every Tribble on the station. O'BRIEN There must be thousands of them by now. BASHIR Hundreds of thousands. DAX One million, seven hundred and seventy-one thousand, five hundred and sixty-one. The people on the Defiant react and look at each other. On the Enterprise, Sisko looks up at Dax. DAX That's starting with one Tribble having an average litter of ten every twelve hours -- after three days you'd.... SISKO (not now) Thank you. (to com) You have your orders, people. Sisko out. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 52. 93 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is orbiting the station. 94 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE - SISKO'S CONSOLE Sisko is working at a console on the Bridge next to the main viewscreen, part of which can be seen to his left. A few Tribbles are scattered here and there. Sisko hears the O.S. SOUND of the turbolift door OPENING and he turns to see... 95 WIDER - CLIP Kirk ENTERING the Bridge and heading for his chair. (Timecode 30:51 - 30:54) 96 RESUME SISKO Who reacts to Kirk's entrance by looking over at... 97 DAX Standing at the Engineering console opposite Sisko. (The Engineering console is a redress of Sisko's console, with different graphics and displays.) She looks up from the sensor "viewscope" and sees Sisko's look. Dax reacts by taking a deep breath -- they have to be careful. 98 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) As Kirk moves to his chair, we can now see Dax in the b.g. at the Engineering station. He sits, we hear a Tribble squeak and Kirk then finds the Tribble in his chair. (Timecode 30:56 - 31:05) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 53. 99 SISKO who supresses a smile. 100 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) As Kirk sits down and looks around the Bridge. He looks directly at the O.s. Dax. (Timecode 31:08 - 31:11) 101 DAX looks back at Kirk, smiles and shrugs. 102 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) 102 As Kirk gets up out of his chair and starts moving to camera right. (Timecode 31:27 - 31:29) 103 DAX finishes her work at the Engineering station, picks up an old-style PADD, and then begins to cross the Bridge toward Sisko. 104 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) 104 Kirk is now standing in front of the Helmsman as Dax walks down the steps behind him and EXITS frame to camera right. (Timecode 31:34 - 31:40) 105 DAX arrives at Sisko's station. DAX (quiet) I re-routed the sensor interface. SISKO (working) It worked. I'm scanning the Bridge... (beat) Nothing up here. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 54. 105 CONTINUED: DAX That's a relief. When Kirk sat on that Tribble, I half expected it to go off. SISKO (working) Nothing on the first six decks... We hear the sound of the Turbolift OPENING and Dax turns to see... 106 WIDER - CLIP As McCOY ENTERS the Bridge and goes to Kirk. (Timecode 32:09 - 32:11) BONES - CLIP You wanted to see me, Jim? 107 DAX & SISKO Dax frowns in puzzlement. DAX I know him... Sisko glances back over his shoulder. SISKO That must be McCoy -- the ship's Doctor. DAX (trying to remember) McCoy... McCoy... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 55. 108 BONES - CLIP (Timecode 32:19 - 32:25) BONES - CLIP The nearest thing I can figure out is they're born pregnant. Which seems to be quite a timesaver. 109 DAX AND SISKO Dax suddenly remembers. DAX Leonard McCoy. I met him when he was a student at Ol' Miss. SISKO (sotto) Who met him -- Curzon? DAX No, my host at the time was Emony. I was on Earth judging a gymnastics competition. (considers) I guess he took my advice. (off Sisko's look) About becoming a doctor - (sly) I told him he had the hands of a surgeon. SISKO I get the picture. (off console) I've scanned every deck -- the bomb's not aboard the ship. DAX Then it must be somewhere on K- Seven... 110 thru OMITTED 111 CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 56. 112 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT A small DARK room HALF-FILLED with quadro-triticale (a high-yield grain, a four lobed hybrid of wheat and rye. A perennial also). HUNDREDS of Tribbles are moving across the grainscape, eating voraciously. We PUSH IN on one particular Tribble as it moves. And as the music builds, we realize that this harmless-looking creature is the deadly bomb... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 57. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 113 INT. K-7 BAR O'Brien, Bashir, and Odo are quickly and methodically scanning the Tribbles one by one with their tricorders. There's a sense of urgency to their movements, yet they have to be cautious -- one of these furry creatures could be a bomb. Bashir puts down his Tribble, crosses to camera right and goes o.s. to... 114 THE BAR - CLIP (OPTICAL) As Bashir moves into frame from camera left, stands behind the table in the f.g., picks up a Tribble and scans it. (Timecode 45:48 - 45:53) From o.s., we HEAR the SOUND of an old-style communicator BEEPING. 115 ODO Pulls out his communicator as he quickly scans a Tribble. ODO (to com) Odo here. INTERCUT: 116 INT. ENTERPRISE - TURBOLIFT Sisko and Dax are in the lift, which is not moving. Sisko has his communicator out. SISKO (to com) The bomb's not aboard the Enterprise... It must be over there. ODO We've only been able to get through two decks, we're running out of time. SISKO I can send more teams from the Defiant. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 57A. 116 CONTINUED: ODO It's not a question of manpower, it's a question of multiplication. The Tribbles are breeding so quickly, we can't keep up with them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 58. 116 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (to Sisko) Benjamin, maybe we can narrow things down a little. Presumably, Darvin put the bomb somewhere he knows Kirk is going to be in the next half hour. If we stick close to Kirk... SISKO (onto it) He might lead us right to it. ODO It's worth a try, but there's no reason for us to stop searching over here. SISKO (to com) Keep at it for now, Constable. Sisko closes his communicator and then grabs the Turbolift handle. SISKO Deck Five. CUT TO: 117 OMITTED 118 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. 119 INT. ENTERPRISE - REC ROOM - CLIP (OPTICAL) Sisko and Dax are sitting across from each other at a table in the f.g. as Kirk and Spock ENTER the room in the b.g. Sisko is facing camera, while Dax has her back to us. Kirk and Spock walk across the room, which is littered with Tribbles, and go to the wall replicators. (Timecode 36:35 - 36:43) 120 DAX AND SISKO We're looking over Sisko's shoulder at Dax (we'll need to build a small piece of wall behind her). Dax is watching Kirk and Spock across the room... o.s. Sisko turns his head slightly to camera right to watch as well. (Timecode 36:56 - 37:00) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 58A. 120 CONTINUED KIRK'S VOICE - CLIP This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. SPOCK'S VOICE - CLIP Fascinating. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 59. 121 KIRK AND SPOCK - CLIP Kirk and Spock react to the Tribbles in their food. (Timecode 37:01 - 37:04) KIRK - CLIP I want these things off the ship. I don't care if it takes every last man we've got, I want them off the ship. Scotty ENTERS in the b.g. 122 DAX AND SISKO Watch Scotty cross the room O.S. SCOTTY'S VOICE - CLIP Aye, they're into the machinery, all right. 123 KIRK, SPOCK & SCOTTY - CLIP (Timecode 37:09 - 37:17) SCOTTY.- CLIP And they're probably into all the food processors too. KIRK - CLIP How? SCOTTY - CLIP Probably through one of the air vents. SPOCK - CLIP Captain, there are air vents of that type on the space station. 124 DAX AND SISKO KIRK'S VOICE - CLIP And in the storage compartments. SISKO Storage compartments? (that's it!) Storage compartments! Sisko gets up and heads for the door and Dax follows him. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 60. 125 EXT. SPACE - STATION K-7 (OPTICAL) The station is slowly turning in space. 126 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT Sisko and Dax are quickly lowering themselves down into the dark room by a ladder. The grain seen earlier is now completely GONE, eaten by the Tribbles, and the room is a mass of furry creatures. Sisko and Dax gently step down into the pile of Tribbles and begin scanning them with tricorders. SISKO Most of these are dead... (off tricorder) The grain's poisoned... But they don't have time to speculate as to why... DAX (off tricorder) I'm picking up a faint tricobalt signature... the bomb's somewhere under here. They both begin shoving Tribbles aside, trying to get to the bottom of the mound. Suddenly they HEAR the sound of an ELECTRONIC LOCK being worked. SISKO What's that? The sound continues. 127 INT. K-7 - STORAGE CORRIDOR - CLIP Kirk is trying without success to open one of the doors as Spock, BARRIS, LURRY and the Security Guards look on (Timecode 38:19 - 38:22) 128 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT As before. DAX Someone's trying to open one of the bay doors. They exchange a worried look. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 61. 129 INT. K-7 - STORAGE CORRIDOR - CLIP Kirk is placing the lock mechanism on the upper door. He turns it, and then the door opens and Tribbles pour out on top of him. (Timecode 38:28 - 38:35) 130 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT A quick shot of Sisko and Dax as the Tribbles pour out the now-open door and half empty the room. 131 INT. K-7 - STORAGE CORRIDOR - CLIP The Tribbles continue to pour down on Kirk. (Timecode 38:40 - 38:43) 132 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT Dax reacts to something on her tricorder. DAX (urgent, sotto) Benjamin! It's right in front of us... within a meter of where I'm standing. Dax starts checking the Tribbles. Sisko quickly moves over and helps. He grabs a small white Tribble, scans it, and then tosses it away... the Tribble goes out the open door and... 133 INT. K-7 - STORAGE CORRIDOR - CLIP HITS Kirk in the head as he is coming out from underneath the pile of Tribbles. (Timecode 38:54 - 38:56) 134 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT Sisko and Dax still searching frantically. As they work, we hear the o.s. conversation taking place just outside the open door. (Timecode 39:06 - 39:10) SPOCK'S VOICE - CLIP They appear to be gorged. BARRIS'S VOICE - CLIP Gorged? On my grain? As Barris says this line, Dax tosses a large brown Tribble aside... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 62. 135 INT. K-7 STORAGE CORRIDOR - CLIP The Brown Tribble HITS Kirk in the head. (Timecode 39:11-39:12) 136 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT As Before. They continue searching. BARRIS'S VOICE - CLIP Kirk, I'll hold you responsible for this. There must be thousands... 136A INT. K-7 STORAGE CORRIDOR - CLIP KIRK - CLIP Hundreds of thousands. SPOCK - CLIP One million, seven hundred and seventy-one thousand, five hundred and sixty-one. 136B INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT For just the briefest second, Sisko and Dax exchange a look at this -- she was right! SPOCK'S VOICE - CLIP That's assuming one Tribble multiplying with an average litter of ten... The off-screen dialog continues... Sisko reacts to his tricorder, gently picks up a Tribble. SISKO Found it... Sisko holds the deadly bomb carefully, not wanting to set it off. He pulls out his communicator, flips it OPEN... SISKO Sisko to Defiant. During the beat before Kira answers -- DAX (re: Tribble) It's dead... KIRA'S COM VOICE Go ahead, Captain. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 62A. 136B CONTINUED: As he talks to Kira, he carefully sets his tricorder down on the floor in front of him, puts the dead Tribble on top of it. SISKO We found the bomb -- lock onto my tricorder's signal and beam it into space. KIRA'S COM VOICE Acknowledged... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 63. 136B CONTINUED: (2) A beat, then the tricorder and Tribble DEMATERIALIZE... 137 OMITTED 138 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Tribble and the tricorder hang in space for a beat... then EXPLODE. 139 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Kira lets out a relieved breath... KIRA Kira to Sisko. 140 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT Sisko has his communicator open. KIRA'S COM VOICE It worked. Sisko and Dax exchange a relieved look. In the background, Kirk is saying -- KIRK'S VOICE - CLIP -- and as captain I want two things done... Sisko and Dax absently toss the Tribbles in their hands away... (Timecode 41:04-41:06) 141 INT. K-7 - STORAGE CORRIDOR - CLIP as a matching Tribble comes out and hits Kirk in the head. KIRK - CLIP First, find Cyrano Jones... A second matching Tribble falls out of the door and Kirk looks up, annoyed. KIRK - CLIP (glancing up) Second, close that door... (Timecode 41:06 - 41:12) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 64. 142 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT Dax and Sisko are climbing back up the ladder. SISKO (V.O.) After the bomb was detonated, history continued uninterrupted. 143 INT. K-7 - STATION MANAGER'S OFFICE - CLIP As Kirk holds a Tribble up at Darvin and it squeals. (Timecode 43:42 - 43:49) SISKO (V.O.) Kirk uncovered the truth about Darvin... KIRK - CLIP They don't like you Mister Darvin. I wonder why. 143A BONES - CLIP Bones has scanned Darvin. (Timecode 44:02 - 44:06) BONES - CLIP Jim, this man is a Klingon. DISSOLVE TO: 144 OMITTED 145 INT. DEFIANT - ORB CABIN 145 Kira is standing in front of the tabernacle. (NOTE: this is Kira's photo double and we should only see her from the rear.) Kira reaches up and OPENS tabernacle, which then FLOODS the room with LIGHT. (Kira's head should BLOCK the view of the interior of the tabernacle and we never see the Orb itself.) SISKO (V.O.) By the time we returned to the Defiant, Major Kira had discovered how to use the Orb to bring us back to our own time. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 65. 146 INT. CAPTAIN'S-OFFICE As before. Dulmur and Lucsly questioning Sisko. DULMUR And that's when you returned the present? There's a long beat before Sisko answers. SISKO Well... not exactly... Dulmur and Lucsly exchange a worried look. What did that mean? SISKO Before we left, I realized there was one last thing I had to do... As we PUSH IN on Sisko's face... CUT TO: 146A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE The ship hangs in space. SISKO (V.O.) Something I'd been thinking about ever since I saw that ship on the viewscreen. 147 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE - CLOSE ON SISKO He's looking at something o.s. In the b.g., we can see the Engineering console. SISKO Excuse me, captain. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 65A. 148 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) Sisko is standing next to Kirk's chair, holding an old- style PADD and stylus. Kirk looks over at Sisko and reacts with puzzlement. ("Mirror, Mirror" clip. Timecode 49:19 - 49:28) KIRK - CLIP Lieutenant... ? Lieutenant... ? SISKO Benjamin Sisko, sir. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 66. 149 ON SISKO As before. SISKO I've been on temporary assignment here. Before I leave, I just want to say... it's been an honor serving with you. 150 ON KIRK - CLIP As Kirk smiles at Sisko. (Timecode 49:31 - 49:33) 151 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) Kirk begins to hand the PADD back to Sisko. KIRK - CLIP All right, Lieutenant. Carry on. (NOTE: Cut away before Kirk actually hands him the PADD.) 151A ON SISKO as Kirk's hand enters frame and Sisko takes the PADD He smiles and then turns away to go. CUT TO: 152 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko sitting in his chair smiling at Dulmur and Lucsly. SISKO Now if you want to put a letter of reprimand in my file for that... go ahead. LUCSLY We'll have to review the case before making any recommendations. DULMUR However... I don't think there was any harm done. Lucsly looks up in surprise as Dulmur permits himself just the barest hint of a smile. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 66A. 152 CONTINUED: DULMUR I probably would've done the same thing myself. Lucsly thinks about this for a moment, then seems to agree. He nods to himself thoughtfully and then closes his briefcase. CUT TO: 153 OMITTED 153A INT. OPS Sisko is walking Dulmur and Lucsly to the turbolift. Dax and Kira are at their stations in the b.g. DULMUR You'll be receiving our report in about a month. But based on what you've told us... I don't think you have anything to worry about. SISKO I'm glad to hear it. DULMUR Good-bye, Captain. SISKO Good-bye. Dulmur and Lucsly step into the turbolift. LUCSLY (to lift) Docking Port Seven. The Turbolift GOES DOWN, taking the investigators away. Kira and Dax move over to Sisko, who looks relieved. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 67. 153A CONTINUED: DAX It went well? Sisko nods. KIRA Good. (beat, then quiet) The constable wants to see us. On the Promenade. Sisko reacts with hesitation, exchanges a glance with Dax and Kira and we get the feeling that he's not looking forward to this. CUT TO: 153B INT. PROMENADE Sisko, Kira, Dax and Odo are standing on the first level, looking at something o.s. ODO Did you tell them? SISKO They didn't ask. Odo nods, that makes sense to him. A long beat passes as they stare o.s. SISKO I'm open to suggestions, people. DAX We could... build another station. Sisko gives her a look -- that's not what he was hoping to hear. She shrugs and Sisko turns and looks at... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 68. 154 CLOSE ON QUARK'S FACE He looks very unhappy. We begin to PULL BACK and reveal a Tribble on his head... as we continue pulling back we see Tribbles covering the bar on which he is leaning (in imitation of the bartender seen earlier on K-7)... we keep pulling back and keep seeing more and more Tribbles... they're everywhere -- on the floors, the walls, the kiosks... as we pull back we see Bashir, O'Brien, and several Starfleet and Bajoran N.D.s, moving about and picking up Tribbles... even Worf is on the Upper Level, looking down in disgust... we finally see Sisko, Dax, Kira (her photo double), and Odo standing in the center of this teeming cooing mass of loveable, cuddly Tribbles. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END