STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Ship" #40510-500 Story by Pam Wigginton & Rick Cason Teleplay by Hans Beimler Directed by Kim Friedman THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1996 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION July 16, 1996 STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Ship" - 07/16/96 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Ship" CAST SISKO MUNIZ KIRA HOYA ODO KILANA BASHIR DAX QUARK O'BRIEN WORF Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. JEM'HADAR STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Ship" - 07/16/96 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Ship" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE OPS ROCK PLANET BASE CAMP DEFIANT CRASH SITE CARGO HOLD JEM-HADAR SHIP/HULL RUNABOUT JEM'HADAR SHIP COMMAND CENTER CORRIDOR DEEP SPACE NINE -"The Ship" - 07/16/96 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Ship" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE AKIVOH AWK-v; CORMALINE CORE-muh-leen GALTY GAL-tea HOYA HOY-uh KILANA key-LA-nuh OSTEO-NECROSIS AHS-tee-oh nek-ROW-sis PYROCLASTIC PIE-row-klas-tik Q'LAVAS key-LA-vuhs REGALIAN ruh-GAL-yun STOIVOIKOR STO-vo-kor T'LOR tuh-LORE TORGA TORE-guh ULTRITIUM ul-TRIT-ee-um WEYOUN way-OON SPANISH CUEHETES koe-AE-tess JEFE HEF-ay MAESTRA muh-AY-stra MUNIZ moo-NYEZ PRECIOSO pres-see-O-sow QUIQUE KEY-kay DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - TEASER STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Ship" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - PLANET (OPTICAL) (STOCK) A Runabout orbits a brown-gray planet. SISKO (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 50049.3. We're conducting a mineral survey of Torga Four, an uninhabited planet in the Gamma Quadrant believed to contain vast deposits of cormaline.2 EXT. ROCK PLANET - DAY CLOSE ON A MAN'S BOOT climbing the desolate rocky sand dunes of this inhospitably hot and barren landscape. SISKO (V.O.) Our mission is to determine the feasibility of establishing a mining operation on the planet's surface. 3 WIDER to REVEAL O'BRIEN struggling to keep up with MUNIZ (first seen in "Hard Time"), a young human crewman with an easy, infectious smile, climbing the steep dune. O'Brien, wanting to catch his breath, pretends to find something interesting. O'BRIEN Hey, Muniz... what do you think of this? Muniz stops his ascent and moves over to see what O'Brien finds so interesting. O'Brien has taken out his tricorder and is studiously examining the readings -- all the while catching his breath. MUNIZ (what's the big deal?) Class Five pyroclastic debris and ash... same morphology we've seen all the way up, sir. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - TEASER 3 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me "sir." I'm not an officer. MUNIZ No, you know more than they do. O'BRIEN I wouldn't go that far. But I know more than you. So listen to me while I try to teach you something. This is not exactly the same morphology... these deposits are more highly eroded. MUNIZ So? O'BRIEN So, they're different. That's all... I just thought I'd point it out to you. MUNIZ I see. (knowing better) I thought maybe you just stopped to catch your breath. O'BRIEN Me? Out of breath? I was climbing mountains in Ireland before you were out of diapers. MUNIZ You mean hills, don't you? They have gently sloping, hills in Ireland. No mountains. (a beat) But... what do I know? After all, you're the mountain man... Muniz passes O'Brien. MUNIZ (as if to himself) An old mountain man. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - TEASER 3-4. 3 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (calling out to him) You know, Muniz -- you're due for a transfer. How do you feel about waste extraction? 4 OMITTED 5 EXT. ROCK PLANET - BASE CAMP - DAY SISKO, DAX and WORF arrive at the base camp where O'Brien and Muniz are looking over some of the soil samples they collected on their survey. In the b.g., T'LOR, a Tiburonian with a somber disposition, works on a PADD amidst the Federation geological tools and equipment. SISKO How's it going, Chief? O'BRIEN Fine, sir. We finished our survey of the south slope. O'Brien hands the PADD to Sisko as he takes a deep thirst-quenching drink of water. Sisko looks over the data PADD as he steps over to Dax, sitting under a tarp covering some equipment. SISKO What do you think, old man? Is this place worth mining? Dax looks over the data PADD. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - TEASER 5. 6 CONTINUED: DAX Absolutely. The cormaline is only a few hundred meters below the surface... and if these readings are correct, it's one of the richest veins I've ever seen. Sisko looks over the area. SISKO Mister Worf? WORF Strategically, the planet's location would make it difficult to maintain adequate support lines -- but not impossible. Sisko nods as his communicator CHIRPS. HOYA (V.O.) Hoya to Captain Sisko. SISKO Go ahead. 6 OMITTED 7 INT. RUNABOUT HOYA, a female Benzite, is at the helm. Two other CREWMEN are in the b.g., minding their posts. HOYA Sir, our sensors have detected a ship dropping out of warp -- SISKO What kind of ship? HOYA I'm not sure, Sir. I can't get a good reading on it -- plasma leaks from its warp nacelles are disrupting our sensors. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - TEASER 6. 8 EXT. ROCK PLANET - BASE CAMP - DAY HOYA (V.O.) But whatever it is -- it's fallen into the gravitational pull of the planet. It should enter the atmosphere near your position. Sisko and Dax look to the sky. 9 SISKO'S POV (OPTICAL) as a bright red-orange flair streaks across the sky like a giant shooting star, disappearing over the horizon. A second later, a BOOMING EXPLOSION ECHOES in the distance. 10 ON SISKO AND THE OTHERS reacting to what they've just witnessed. HOYA (V.O.) Sir -- the ship withstood the impact. SISKO Survivors? HOYA (V.O.) I can't determine that -- we're having trouble penetrating the hull with our sensors. SISKO Beam us directly to the crash site. During this, Worf, O'Brien, Dax, Muniz and T'Lor have not wasted their time -- they've armed themselves, grabbed a Medkit and are ready for transport. 11 EXT. ROCK PLANET - CRASH SITE - DAY (OPTICAL) In another equally inhospitable section of the sand- covered planet -- Sisko, Dax, Worf, O'Brien, Muniz and T'Lor MATERIALIZE. Sisko looks around and reacts to -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - TEASER 7. 12 SISKO'S POV An impressive-looking starship is burrowed into the rocky,sandy cliffside. The ship is UPSIDE DOWN, burrowed into the ground so only its tail juts out, like a whale plunging into the sea. 13 WIDER to include O'Brien and the others. Worf, O'Brien, Dax, Muniz and T'Lor ready their weapons. WORF It's warship... a Jem'Hadar warship. And on their looks of amazement and expectant danger, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) OA EXT. ROCK PLANET - CRASH SITE - DAY Re-establishing. Minutes later. 14 EXT. ROCK PLANET - JEM'HADAR SHIP - DAY Sisko is standing at the foot of the hull of this very impressive ship. Worf is standing next to him, his weapon at the ready. Dax and T'Lor emerge, coming around the left side of the ship having circled it. DAX No hull breaches. The only damage I could find is a crushed guidance thruster -- or what looks like one. O'BRIEN (O.S.) Captain -- Sisko looks up to see O'Brien leaning over the lip of the ship's wing. He and Muniz are standing on the underbelly of the ship. O'BRIEN -- I think we have an access point. Sisko, Dax, Worf and T'Lor move around the ship to join O'Brien. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 8A. 15 ANGLE ON O'BRIEN AND MUNIZ kneeling down on the underbelly of the ship, examining what appears to be a large, rectangular access hatch. O'BRIEN So... my young friend, what do you think we're looking at? MUNIZ An upside down ship. O'Brien shoots Muniz a look -- "don't get smart with me." O'BRIEN An airlock... a maintenance hatch? Muniz studies the outlines carefully. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 9. 15 CONTINUED: MUNIZ Maybe... but this is a warship... (thinking) and on a warship, you want a big access point on the belly to... land troops. O'Brien is proud of his number one guy. O'BRIEN There's hope for you yet, Muniz. Now, you ready to race me up that hill? MUNIZ Anytime you say, Jefe. O'BRIEN You see -- that's your problem -- you're so easily distracted. (re: the ship) Stay focused on the task at hand. Sisko and the others climb onto the hull. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 15 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (re: the hatch) Can you open it, Chief? O'Brien nods as he discovers and pops open a small panel. O'BRIEN I think so. O'Brien works his magic as Worf and the others take up positions with their weapons trained on the hatch. 16 NEW ANGLE to see the massive landing ramp swing up. There's a long tense moment as they peer into the darkness -- expecting Jem'Hadar soldiers to pour out at any moment. But nothing happens. Then, Sisko nods to Worf. SISKO Mister Worf -- take the point. T'Lor -- you stay put. Worf activates the light beacon on his rifle. Worf then ENTERS into the darkness. The others follow. As Muniz and'O'Brien approach the hatch, O'Brien catches Muniz's eye and gives him a confident nod. Muniz EXHALES, bolstered by O'Brien's calm and easy demeanor. Muniz goes in after O'Brien, leaving only T'Lor on the hull, guarding. 17 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - CORRIDOR - DAY Worf leads Sisko, Dax, O'Brien and Muniz through the canted, dark corridor. Since the ship is upside down, they are all walking on the ceiling of the ship's corridor. They move cautiously, hugging the walls -- their PALM AND PHASER RIFLE LIGHT BEACONS cut through the dense, SMOKE-FILLED atmosphere. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 11. 17 CONTINUED: Some of the ship's systems have obviously been damaged in the crash -- a broken hose still shooting out gas- steam, a few pipes dripping water. The Away Team cautiously descends until they reach a fork in the road: an airlock passage with a hatch door leading upward, and a corridor that continues. SISKO (to Worf, pointing down the corridor) Commander. Worf nods and moves down the corridor, EXITING. Sisko turns his attention to the hatch. He signals to O'Brien -- "open it." O'Brien climbs the ladder to the hatch as Sisko positions himself to one side, his rifle aimed at the hatch. Dax keeps her phaser pointed the way they came, covering their backs. Using a high-tech hand tool, O'Brien trips the door's lock, then carefully opens it just a crack. We hear the familiar SOUND of the AIRLOCK SEAL being broken, then silence. O'Brien takes a beat before proceeding to open the hatch the rest of the way. Once the hatch door is open, Sisko hands O'Brien a palmlight beacon, so he can peer into the dark shaft. One by one, they ENTER the hatch. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29-/96 - ACT ONE 12. 18 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Shafts of light from the palm beacons dance through the floor hatch (which normally functions as a ceiling hatch). O'Brien is the first to emerge, leading the others into what we will come to know as the "Command Center." O'Brien take a few steps into the room when his light comes upon a grisly sight -- the upside down FACE OF A JEM'HADAR SOLDIER hanging like a dead bat. Startled, O'Brien is about to open fire on the Jem'Hadar soldier before he realizes that the soldier is already dead -- his face frozen in agony. Sisko and the others scan the room with their light beacons to discover SEVERAL OTHER DEAD JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS hanging from the ceiling, suspended by odd- looking plasma conduits that are strapped to their feet and run up to their bodies. A few OTHER JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS are sprawled on the ground -- including a female VORTA -- all with the same expression of agony. Sisko and the others examine the inverted room: the Command Center of the ship and its configuration is unlike anything we've seen before. There is no viewscreen. No chairs. No creature comforts of any kind. Instead of the usual Captain's Chair, there is a central "position" with several sophisticated gadgets protruding from the floor and ceiling. The other "positions," or stations, are all pointed inward -- toward the central position -- in such a way that anybody manning those stations would face the central position. There are three side doors and two floor hatches leading to other parts of the ship. SISKO (pointing at one of the doors) Muniz. Muniz nods and cautiously EXITS through the door. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 13. 18 CONTINUED: Dax examines the dead soldiers with her tricorder. DAX These men didn't die in the crash... they've been dead for hours. SISKO What killed them? DAX Massive osteo-necrosis. Every bone in their bodies has been shattered. O'BRIEN Sounds like inertial damper failure -- the ship accelerated and people were thrown into the bulkheads. 19 NEW ANGLE as Sisko steps up to the body of the JEM'HADAR FIRST, who is lying near central "position" with the now- familiar expression of agony. Nearby, O'Brien examines the ship. O'BRIEN There was nobody alive when the ship hit the planet... but it still survived the impact. (impressed) Whoever designed this baby knew what they were doing. O'Brien climbs up on something to look at the panels on the deck above. 20 ON SISKO as he examines the room. DAX (looking around) No viewscreen. No chairs. O'BRIEN No EPS conduits, no microfusion initiators, not even any power converters -- at least not that I can find. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 13A. 20 CONTINUED: Sisko wipes the sweat from his brow. It was a boiling inferno outside the ship -- inside it's worse. SISKO Then I suppose getting this ship up and running won't be easy. O'BRIEN I can't even determine what kind of warp drive it has. Sisko walks around the room, taking in what he sees. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 14. 20 CONTINUED: DAX I wonder if this is what all Jem'Hadar ships are like? SISKO The bigger question is -- what's a Jem'Hadar ship doing all the way out here? We're at least three weeks from the nearest Dominion outpost. There's no answer to that. Muniz ENTERS, having completed their mission. They step up to Sisko. MUNIZ Twenty-nine other bodies -- no survivors. Sisko nods, thinks for a moment and turns to O'Brien. SISKO Can we use the runabout's tractor beam to haul this thing into orbit? Everyone exchanges surprised looks -- they weren't expecting that question. SISKO This is the greatest intelligence find in the last ten years. We're not going to leave it here to rust. What do you say, Chief? O'Brien looks around, thinking over the possibilities -- it's a big undertaking. O'BRIEN We're not going to haul it out with a runabout. Sisko smiles. SISKO Then we need something with a little more muscle. 21 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Establishing, favoring the Defiant. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 15. 22 INT. OPS KIRA ENTERS from the captain's office to find ODO, BASHIR and QUARK in a heated argument. QUARK If you're going to prosecute me -- I demand you prosecute my co- conspirator. BASHIR I am not a conspirator! ODO What would you call yourself, doctor? BASHIR An idiot -- QUARK I won't dispute that. BASHIR (to Quark) -- for asking your help in the first place! Kira steps in the middle of the fray. KIRA Would someone tell me what's going on here? Bashir and Quark just glare at each other... Odo looks them over as he explains to Kira. ODO Quark brought aboard a shipment of Regalian fleaspiders without an import permit. QUARK (pointing to Bashir) He asked me for them! BASHIR The spiders were for you, major. I can synthesize a drug from their venom that should improve your circulation. (to Odo) But I didn't know I needed a permit to import them. KIRA So what's the problem? Fill out the paperwork. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 16. 22 CONTINUED: ODO It's not that simple anymore... it seems that Quark took the opportunity to "import" illegal Regalian liquid crystals along with the fleaspiders. The crystals are a highly intoxicating and sometimes dangerous aphrodisiac. QUARK What's love without danger? Kira shakes her head. KIRA I don't have time for this. I just spoke to Captain Sisko. They found a crashed Jem'Hadar ship in the Gamma Quadrant and they need the Defiant right away. (to Odo) I'll be back in about a week. BASHIR When do we leave? KIRA I'm leaving right away -- but I'd say you have some legal problems to work out. Kira EXITS, leaving Bashir with a stunned expression. Quark smiles at his "co-conspirator." Odo puts a hand on each one of their shoulders. ODO Gentlemen... 23 EXT. ROCK PLANET - CRASH SITE - DAY Re-establishing. 24 CLOSER ANGLE to see Sisko standing near O'Brien and Muniz, who are working on an open panel near the aft of the ship. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 24 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN -- she's embedded ninety meters into the rock. But if I can shake her loose by firing the main thrusters, hauling her out'll be a lot easier. SISKO But there's a problem... O'BRIEN (nods) To fire up the main thrusters, I need to calibrate the plasma injectors, but so far, I can't even grip the ion flow regulator. MUNIZ Want to try a hyper-spanner above the matrix? It might open it up a bit. O'BRIEN (good thought) Maybe we won't send you to waste extraction just yet, Muniz. As Muniz reaches over and gives O'Brien the desired tool, Worf, Dax and T'Lor approach carrying phaser rifles and covered in sweat, muck and dirt. Worf steps up to Sisko. WORF We buried the bodies on the other side of that ridge. Worf hands Sisko a small METALLIC CHIP. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 ACT ONE 18. 24 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Their DNA readings. Forty-two Jem'Hadar. One Vorta. Sisko's combadge CHIRPS. HOYA (V.O.) (alarmed; urgent) Hoya to Captain Sisko -- SISKO Go ahead. 25 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) HOYA (alarmed) A Jem'Hadar warship has just dropped out of warp. SISKO (O.S.) Break orbit and get out of sight -- HOYA (urgent) They've locked phasers on us. (to her crewmen) Hard to port. SPARKS FLY as the ship ROCKS from a phaser hit. HOYA Shields are down! Engage w -- But it's too late -- the screen goes WHITE. 26 EXT. ROCK PLANET - JEM'HADAR SHIP - DAY - CONTINUOUS Sisko's combadge lets out an EAR-SPLITTING SQUEAL. Instinctively, he and his crew look to the sky -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 19. 27 SISKO'S POV (OPTICAL) In the middle of the clear blue sky, a star-sized object-momentarily GLOWS INTENSELY BRIGHT, then vanishes. 28 CLOSE ON SISKO knowing the runabout and its crew have just been destroyed. On his somber expression, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 29 EXT. ROCK PLANET - JEM'HADAR SHIP - DAY (OPTICAL) Moments later. Everyone has grabbed their weapons and stands ready for battle. Sisko barks out: SISKO Inside. We don't stand a chance in the open-- Sisko is cut off by a BLAST of PHASER FIRE. He turns to see T'lor taking a phaser hit in the chest from a JEM'HADAR SOLDIER. T'lor is killed instantly. Sisko turns to see Three Jem'Hadar attacking, a Fourth SHIMMERING to life. 30 OMITTED 31 ON SISKO AND THE OTHERS (OPTICAL) scrambling back to the open landing ramp and returning the FIRE. 31A NEW ANGLE As Three more Jem'Hadar press their attack, FIRING their weapons. 32 CLOSE ON MUNIZ (OPTICAL) scrambling up the hull toward the landing ramp as a PHASER BLAST hits the hull right next to him, but a piece of the blast catches Muniz in the gut. O'Brien and Worf, also scrambling up the hull, grab their wounded comrade, while Sisko and Dax -- already at the landing ramp, offer covering FIRE. As soon as O'Brien and Worf have pulled Muniz into the hull, Sisko and Dax close the hatch. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT TWO 21. 33 thru OMITTED 34 35 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - CORRIDOR - DAY - CONTINUOUS Sisko and Dax come around the corner. DAX (softly) We may not be safer in here -- the Jem'Hadar can transport through just about anything. Sisko knows Dax is right -- but what else can they do? 36 ANOTHER ANGLE as everyone stays very still and quiet -- fully expecting a Jem'Hadar soldier to shimmer out of the darkness of the corridor. After a long silent beat, they hear MUFFLED FOOTSTEPS of the Jem'Hadar walking on the hull overhead. After another long beat, the footsteps stop. A long silence. WORF Why aren't they coming? SISKO Give them time. Watch our backs, Commander. (then to everyone) We're moving to the Command Center. Muniz, who is leaning against the bulkhead gets to his feet, suppressing the pain he feels. O'Brien comes to his aid. O'BRIEN Can you walk? MUNIZ Faster than you can. Sisko leads the group down the corridor. Worf stays back, covering their retreat. DISSOLVE TO: 37 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY CLOSE ON SISKO'S FACE, sweating. He holds his phaser rifle at the ready. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT TWO 22. 37 CONTINUED: Sisko moves up to the injured Muniz, who is leaning against the bulkhead and holding his own wound with his hand. The wound is severe enough that we can see blood seeping out from between his fingers. SISKO (re: Muniz's wound) Let me take a look at that. Muniz tries to wave Sisko off. MUNIZ I'm all right, Captain. I've had worse transporter burns. SISKO Where's the Medkit? DAX T'lor had it. Great. MUNIZ I don't need it, sir. I'll be all right. Sisko doesn't believe him for a second, but he smiles at the crewman's attitude. SISKO We have to stop the bleeding -- O'BRIEN I'll take care of it. Sisko nods and steps away; he understands O'Brien wanting to take care of his own crewman. As soon as Sisko is out of earshot, Muniz lets out a painful GROAN. O'BRIEN A transporter burn, eh? "I'll be all right, Captain." Always kissing up to the officers, aren't you Muniz? MUNIZ Just following your example. You're my hero. O'Brien rips Muniz's tunic to get to the wound. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT TWO 23. 37 CONTINUED: (2) MUNIZ Hey! O'BRIEN I have to get to the wound. MUNIZ But this is my best uniform. (a smile) It's the only one that fits right. O'BRIEN Don't worry, when we get back, we'll have Garak make you a new one. As O'Brien works to apply his makeshift compress, Muniz asks: MUNIZ How long 'til the Defiant gets here? O'BRIEN Two and a half days. Two and a half hours in this place seems like a long time -- two and a half days, that's a lifetime. MUNIZ Don't worry, Jefe... I'll get you through this. O'BRIEN I feel better already. Close on Muniz, as he puts on a smile for O'Brien. 38 OMITTED DISSOLVE TO: 39 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Later. Dax ENTERS carrying a Federation BATTERY PACK. DAX We've only got one portable generator. The rest are at the base camp. She hands the battery pack up to O'Brien, who takes it and begins connecting it to the console. O'Brien is standing on a piece of equipment so that he can work on the console (since the ship is upside down). DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT TWO 24. 39 CONTINUED: Muniz is propped against the bulkhead, near a toolbox, handing the tools up to O'Brien as he needs them. We can see a spot of blood soaking through his bandage. Muniz is still in pain, but it's manageable. Dax looks at Muniz. DAX Looks like you need a new bandage, Enrique. Dax starts to take off Muniz's bloody bandage. The only other person in the room is Sisko, who is examining the headset piece he found on the Jem'Hadar First. The room is quite dark, illuminated only by a few of the ship's BLINKIES and a palm beacon. Suddenly, the ship's emergency lights POP ON. SISKO Thanks, Chief. O'Brien steps down to tend to Muniz. O'BRIEN (to Dax) I'll take it from here, commander. O'Brien rolls up his sleeve and rips off his undershirt sleeve. O'BRIEN Do me a favor, Quique? Stop bleeding before I run out of clothes. MUNIZ I'll do my best. 40 ON SISKO still looking at the Jem'Hadar headset device as Dax steps up to him. SISKO What do you make of this, old man? Connected to the headset piece is a myriad of plasma conduits and odd-looking (TECH) leading to another device that slips on like an exoskeleton hand glove. Several BLINKIES on the device are on. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 ACT TWO 24A. 40 CONTINUED: DAX My guess... it's some kind of virtual sensory display -- the Jem'Hadar equivalent of our viewscreen. SISKO There're only two headsets. (answering his own question) One for the Vorta, one for the Jem'Hadar First. DAX I guess they're the only ones that get to see what's going on outside. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT TWO 25-27. 40 CONTINUED: (2) Suddenly.we hear a burst of static and then a COMM VOICE: FEMALE VOICE Captain Sisko... Everyone is surprised. Sisko puts down the headset. FEMALE VOICE My name is Kilana. I'm the Vorta in charge of the Jem'Hadar troops surrounding you. If you touch the triangular green panel on any of the control consoles, you'll be able to speak to me. DAX (to Sisko) They know your name... SISKO They always seem to be one step ahead of us. Sisko motions to O'Brien, who reaches up and taps the green triangle on the console. SISKO This is Captain Sisko. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV-07/29/96 - ACT TWO 28. 40 CONTINUED: (3) Kilana's voice is empathetic and seductive; she is sincere, understanding and completely manipulative. KILANA (O.S.) Captain, I'm so happy to hear your voice. I heard there were some casualties among your crew and I feared you may have been one of them. SISKO (dry) Thank you for your concern. What do you want? KILANA (O.S.) To talk. I think it would be in everyone's best interest if you and I met face-to-face and discussed the situation, like reasonable people. SISKO I can be reasonable. KILANA (O.S.) So I've heard. I'll meet you on the hull. One escort each. Agreed? SISKO Agreed. 41 thru OMITTED 46 47 EXT. ROCK PLANET - JEM'HADAR SHIP - DAY A good distance away from the ship, Sisko finds himself face to face with KILANA, a disquietingly attractive female Vorta with a drop-dead gorgeous body and intelligent eyes. Worf stands by the open landing hatch, weapon at the ready, eyeing his opposite number -- the Jem'Hadar escort for Kilana. Sisko and Kilana are just out of earshot from either of their escorts. Kilana speaks with the slightly unctuous empathy of an able negotiator and experienced dealmaker. She smiles pleasantly at Sisko. KILANA Your photograph doesn't do you justice. You're quite striking in person. SISKO Look, I'm a little busy... so let's skip the flattery. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT TWO 29. 47 CONTINUED: KILANA Weyoun's report on you was right. You are direct. (smiling) I like that. Kilana circles Sisko a bit. KILANA So let me "cut to the chase" -- I believe that is the correct expression. This is our ship. We want it back. SISKO It was your ship. Now it's mine. Kilana is taken aback -- she appears completely surprised by Sisko's attitude. KILANA Captain, I'm a little disappointed. That's the attitude of a thief -- not a Starfleet captain with a reputation for integrity. (re: the ship) This is clearly our property. What gives you any claim to it? SISKO A very old legal tradition... salvage rights. We found a wrecked ship with a dead crew. And we found it first. Kilana studies her opponent -- is he serious? Is that his position? KILANA A very interesting position... (the ultimate diplomat) But I'm afraid the Dominion doesn't recognize that... tradition. (and then almost an afterthought) And what may be even more to the point -- we've got you completely surrounded and outnumbered... Sisko keeps his poker face. She looks at him for a long beat. She smiles ruefully. KILANA Would you like something to eat, Captain? Or maybe something to drink? This planet is so unpleasantly hot. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT TWO 30. 48 ON WORF standing by the open landing hatch, keeping a watchful eye on Sisko, the Vorta and her Jem'Hadar guard. 48A INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - CORRIDOR - DAY Empty. Then a beat later, a JEM'HADAR SOLDIER MATERIALIZES. As soon as he's fully beamed in, he moves quickly and purposefully down the hall. The soldier takes only a few steps before SHIMMERING OUT, and a moment later, he is fully camouflaged and no longer visible. And with the knowledge that a Jem'Hadar soldier is on board, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 31. ACT THREE FADE IN: 49 EXT. ROCK PLANET - JEM'HADAR SHIP - DAY - CONTINUOUS Sisko and Kilana are continuing their chat. Another Jem'Hadar soldier has approached carrying a tray of food and some containers of water. KILANA These are Q'lavas -- a personal favorite. She offers it to Sisko, who doesn't take it. KILANA It's not poisonous, if that's what you're thinking. She takes a bite of the watery fruit to prove it's not. Sisko still won't take it. SISKO Not to you, anyway. KILANA I hope you're not teaching Jake to be this suspicious, Benjamin. Or do you prefer Ben? SISKO "Captain" will be fine. Kilana looks upset. She seems genuinely perplexed -- suddenly, a little innocent. KILANA I'm sure it's my fault that we seem unable to establish an understanding between us, Captain. (a reluctant admission) I'm sorry I'm not more experienced in these matters. This is my first mission outside the Dominion and my very first dealing with anybody from the Federation... (just coy enough) I know you have no reason to trust me, but I hope you'll at least try to consider my offer with an open mind. SISKO I'm listening. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 32. 49 CONTINUED: KILANA If you'll leave our ship, I'll take you and your crew back to your space station -- unharmed. Our accommodations may not be lavish, but I promise you'll all be well cared for... especially your wounded. (a beat) Now, that doesn't sound so bad, does it? SISKO If you think I'm going to deliver my people into your hands without a fight -- then this really must be your first mission. 50 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Muniz is still propped against the bulkhead, his eyes closed, resting. O'Brien has changed his dressing. O'Brien is still working on one of the upper consoles while Dax is looking at the VR headset. DAX I'd love to know how the Captain's doing. (re: the VR headset) Any chance of getting this working? O'BRIEN Not right away. I'm still trying to get the main power grid on-line Suddenly a NOISE from offscreen. DAX What was that? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 33. 51 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - CORRIDOR - DAY (OPTICAL) Dax, with a hand phaser, and O'Brien, with a phaser rifle, ENTER the corridor and look around. No one in sight. Then O'Brien spots something -- O'BRIEN That wasn't here before. DAX You sure? O'BRIEN Positive. They approach it for a closer look. It's a spider-like DEVICE with a center body and BLINKIES extending in several directions. Dax pulls out her tricorder. DAX Some kind of sensor device. O'BRIEN Whatever it is, it doesn't look friendly. O'Brien raises his rifle and takes aim at the device. But before he can squeeze the trigger -- the Jem'Hadar soldier SHIMMERS into view and smashes O'Brien across the face with an elbow. Dax whirls -- squeezes off a SHOT, but the Jem'Hadar is fast and knocks the rifle away and throws her against the bulkhead. 52 EXT. ROCK PLANET - JEM'HADAR SHIP - HULL - DAY (OPTICAL) Worf reacts to the sound of the phaser blast inside the ship. WORF Captain -- they're in the ship! Worf rushes into the hatch as Sisko glares at Kilana. The Vorta BEAMS OUT, followed by the Jem'Hadar. Sisko bolts after Worf. 53 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - CORRIDOR - DAY Dax tries to come back at the Jem'Hadar, but with two well placed blows he knocks her to the ground. She lies there groggily. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 34. 53 CONTINUED: O'Brien shakes away the cobwebs and reaches for his fallen phaser -- but the Jem'Hadar kicks it away and grabs O'Brien by the back of his hair, pulling out his dagger. The Jem'Hadar is about to slash the chief's throat when a PHASER BLAST catches him full in the back. The Jem'Hadar is killed instantly. O'Brien looks down the corridor to see Muniz slumped on his side, pointing the phaser with one hand and holding his wound with the other. O'BRIEN (to Muniz) I knew it. You've been goldbricking all along. MUNIZ Like I said, you taught me everything I know. Worf and Sisko rush into the corridor, stopping once they see that the action is over. 54 OMITTED 55 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Later. O'Brien holds the now defunct spider-like device in his hands, as Sisko and the others look on... everyone except Muniz, who has been helped back to his spot against the bulkhead. O'BRIEN Whatever this sensor was supposed to do -- it did it and then shut down. DAX Probably a surveillance device to find out how many of us there are... how many weapons... Muniz stifles a painful GROAN; O'Brien quickly steps over to his side as the others continue their discussion. SISKO I don't think so. They seem to know all that already. Dax rubs her jaw. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 35. 55 CONTINUED: DAX It doesn't make sense. If he'd been carrying a rifle, O'Brien and I would be dead. But all he had was a knife. WORF And why send only one Jem'Hadar? Sisko looks around the ship for a moment, considering the possibilities. SISKO There's something about this ship... something so important they won't risk destroying it in a full-on assault. WORF If that's true, we need to find out what it is. DAX The first thing we need to do is make a structural scan of the ship... make our own blueprints. SISKO Get started. Worf and Dax head for the door. WORF It would be most efficient if we each began at opposite ends of the ship and met back in the middle. DAX (with a twinkle) I'll count the minutes we're apart. Worf and Dax EXIT. 56 NEW ANGLE Muniz lets out a painful GROAN. O'Brien is still attending to him. MUNIZ I'm leaking like a ruptured plasma conduit aren't I, sir? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 ACT THREE 35A. 56 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN It's not so bad. MUNIZ (simply) You're lying. O'BRIEN What makes you say that? MUNIZ I called you "sir" and you didn't even flinch. I must be dying. O'BRIEN Let's get one thing straight, Quique. You're not dying unless I say you're dying. And I say you're going to make it. Sisko steps over to them. SISKO How are you doing, Muniz? Muniz struggles to smile. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 36. 56 CONTINUED: (2) MUNIZ (re: O'Brien and himself) We seem to be having a difference of opinion on that one, sir. But I do want to file a complaint. O'Brien removes Muniz's blood-drenched bandage in order to apply a new one. Muniz winces, trying his best to suppress the pain. MUNIZ The nurses around here are all thumbs. O'BRIEN Watch it there, Quique. Or I'll tighten this bandage like a tourniquet. Muniz strains to lean over to the Captain. MUNIZ And as for bedside manner -- I've known nicer voles. Certainly prettier ones... O'BRIEN If you keep moving you won't need any nursing. SISKO (with a warm smile) Listen to the Chief, Muniz. Save your strength. O'Brien finishes dressing Muniz's wound. 57 NEW ANGLE O'Brien and Sisko step out of earshot from Muniz. O'BRIEN I'm worried about him, Captain. I can't stop the bleeding. Sisko looks toward Muniz. SISKO Maybe it's a side effect of the Jem'Hadar weapons... they must leave some kind of anti-coagulant. O'BRIEN We need to get him to a medical bay or he's not going to make it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 57 CONTINUED: SISKO (calmly) None of us is going to make it if we don't get this ship operational. Sisko is speaking firmly, but not harshly. SISKO (continuing) I need the power grid functioning and the aft turret weapon on-line. You're the only one who can do that. I'll take care of Muniz... O'BRIEN But Captain -- SISKO You have your orders, Chief. A beat, then O'Brien nods and, after looking back at Muniz for a moment, steps away to do as instructed. O'Brien picks up his tools but it's clear his mind is still on his injured crewmate. 58 EXT. ROCK PLANET - CRASH SITE - DAY Re-establishing. 59 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - CORRIDOR - DAY Worf and Dax are showing O'Brien something on a Federation PADD. O'Brien has been working on an open panel on the floor (which is really the ceiling). DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 38. S9 CONTINUED: DAX Structurally, a lot about this ship's design matches the other Jem'Hadar warships we've seen. WORF But there are some significant differences. There are many systems we are completely unfamiliar with. O'BRIEN I can start to restore power to the systems one at a time -- that'll give us a chance to test them and establish their functions. (thinking) But that's going to take a while. WORF How long? O'BRIEN I wish I knew. DAX You'll do it, Chief. I don't think anyone's invented a ship yet that you can't figure out. O'Brien only half smiles at the compliment, and from this, Dax can see his mind is elsewhere. DAX Muniz is strong. (confident) He'll make it. WORF No, he won't. Dax and O'Brien look sharply at Worf. Worf is speaking pragmatically, stating the truth as he sees it. WORF He will not see tomorrow. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 39. 59 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Keep that to yourself. I don't want him to hear that kind of talk. WORF It does no good to shield him from the truth. Let him prepare for death. O'BRIEN The hell I will! His only hope is to keep fighting -- if he gives up, it's over. WORF It was over the moment he was shot by the Jem'Hadar. O'Brien is getting really hot -- he takes a step toward Worf. O'BRIEN You listen to me (pointing a finger in Worf's chest) that boy's life is in our hands and I won't let anybody give up on him. O'Brien is in Worf's face, staring at him intently. Worf's eyes narrow a bit, but he holds his temper. WORF (low) Step... back. There's a long beat. Finally, O'Brien takes a smart military step backward, letting Worf know that he's not really backing down completely. Dax zips in -- DAX Worf, what do you say we go take a look at the ion exchange matrix we found... and maybe on the way we can discuss some of the finer points of diplomacy. Dax leads Worf away, allowing O'Brien to cool down and get back to work. 60 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Muniz is getting worse by the moment. He's now sweating buckets and shivering with a high fever. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 40. 60 CONTINUED: Sisko pats his brow with a wet cloth. MUNIZ It's so cold here... Muniz starts shaking uncontrollably. SISKO Easy now... Suddenly the ship's communicator CHIRPS again. KILANA'S VOICE Captain Sisko. Sisko continues comforting Muniz, ignoring the Vorta's call. KILANA'S VOICE Captain... you're annoyed with me. I understand. You feel betrayed. And with good reason. O'Brien ENTERS and steps up to Muniz, silently indicating to the Captain that he can take over for a moment. KILANA'S VOICE But I really think we should talk. Sisko doesn't respond. KILANA'S VOICE If it will make you feel better, I'll come unarmed and without an escort. (making it tempting) But I won't hold you to the same restrictions. 61 EXT. ROCK PLANET - JEM'HADAR SHIP - DAY (OPTICAL) Sisko holds a weapon pointed on Kilana. She now shows other sides to her very complicated self. In addition to the "innocent charmer," she now appears contrite and down-to-business. SISKO You have something to say... say it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 40A. 61 CONTINUED: KILANA (penitent) Sending the Jem'Hadar into the ship was a mistake and I apologize. I trust no one was hurt? The last thing I want to do is aggravate the rift between us... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 41. 61 CONTINUED: (2) Then a change of gears -- KILANA But what choice did I have? Just like you have to protect the lives of your men... I have to protect our... property. (sincerely) But I do hope we can put that behind us and move on. SISKO Move on to what? Kilana allows herself a smile, "grateful" Sisko is agreeing to get past her betrayal. KILANA I'm sure it's obvious by now that there's something on the ship we want. Sisko eyes her without giving away anything. KILANA You allow me and my men to retrieve the item, and we'll leave. Then the "gift," the piece de resistance. KILANA You can keep the ship. But Sisko has a better idea: SISKO How about this... you tell me what it is you want and I'll bring it out to you. Kilana smiles, shakes her head. She acts as if she hadn't ever even considered that possibility... KILANA I'm afraid I can't do that. SISKO You don't trust me? KILANA I'd like to, Captain. But I can't -- not under these circumstances... there's simply too much at stake for us. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 41A. 61 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO We've got a lot at stake, too. I won't risk the lives of my crew. Kilana studies Sisko intently, looking for a crack in his resolve. There isn't any. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 42. 61 CONTINUED: (4) KILANA It seems we're approaching an impasse. SISKO I'd say we've arrived. KILANA How unfortunate. (a beat) Then negotiations have ended. She turns, smiles ruefully and DEMATERIALIZES. A second later, Sisko reacts to a high-pitched SOUND by bolting back to the hull of the ship. Sisko barely makes it into the hull as an EXPLOSION DETONATES offscreen. Worf closes the landing ramp quickly before ANOTHER EXPLOSION detonates. 62 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - CORRIDOR - DAY - CONTINUOUS Sisko and Worf exchange a look as they brace themselves against the bulkhead as yet ANOTHER EXPLOSION ROCKS the ship. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 43. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 63 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY ANOTHER EXPLOSION rocks the ship as Sisko and Worf ENTER the Command Center. DAX I take it things could have gone better. Sisko looks over to O'Brien, working on an open panel as ANOTHER EXPLOSION shakes the ship. O'BRIEN All the ship's systems are shutting down, Captain. Muniz, semi-conscious, MOANS from the jolt of yet ANOTHER EXPLOSION. O'Brien instinctively starts toward, him. SISKO (sharp) I need to know what's going on out there. Get me some sensor readings, Chief. Dax -- take care of Muniz. After a quick glance at Muniz, O'Brien gets back to his work. 64 NEW ANGLE as Dax steps over to care for Muniz. Muniz is far gone. His whole side is drenched in blood and his fever has him sweating profusely. MUNIZ I can't feel my legs... DAX (gently) Don't worry, they're there. 65 ON O'BRIEN working on one of the consoles. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 65 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Captain -- I've managed to bypass the virtual display interface and hook up a tricorder to the ship's sensor array. (off the tricorder) Those are ultritium concussion shells they're detonating. Worf steps over to look at the readings. DAX Without shields, a direct hit will destroy us. WORF I don't believe they're trying to hit us. Their targeting systems can't be that ineffective. They're missing us on purpose. O'BRIEN They're trying to rattle us. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. SISKO And we're not going to let them. Sisko thinks,over their situation, trying to see a way out. SISKO The Vorta doesn't want the ship -- she wants something aboard it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 45. 65 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Any idea what? SISKO Could be anything. An encoding device... a guidance system... DAX Maybe she lost an earring. SISKO Whatever it is -- it's keeping us alive. (to Worf and Dax) Find it. Sisko knows that giving everybody a task is going to help them get through this. Worf and Dax EXIT as Sisko turns to O'Brien. SISKO Chief -- I need that weapon. O'BRIEN I still have to charge the emitter array. SISKO Stay on it. As O'Brien moves off, Sisko steps over to care for Muniz. DISSOLVE TO: 66 thru OMITTED 68 69 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Later. ANOTHER EXPLOSION shakes everything as O'Brien steps down from where he was working and walks over to Sisko. O'BRIEN You've got your weapon, sir. SISKO Nice work, Mister O'Brien. But O'Brien doesn't look pleased. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 46. 69 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN But the bad news is that the turret is stuck. It can only fire in one direction. SISKO Well maybe we'll get lucky and the Jem'Hadar will pick that place to stand. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. Muniz MOANS. O'Brien looks over at his crewmate. Sisko nods to O'Brien, go ahead. 70 ON O'BRIEN stepping up to Muniz, who is lying semi-conscious, his whole side drenched in blood. He restlessly writhes in agony, his fever continuing to climb. ANOTHER VIOLENT EXPLOSION. The sound jolts Muniz awake. O'BRIEN Easy now... there's nothing to be afraid of. Muniz looks sharply in the direction of each explosion. He is soaked from his feverish sweat. MUNIZ I'm not afraid, Papa. It's beautiful... precioso. Muniz is in another world -- vividly "seeing" a memory from long ago. MUNIZ Better than last year, don't you think? O'Brien looks at him, a bit puzzled. MUNIZ Los cuehetes... the fireworks of the Carnival. They're terrific, aren't they? O'BRIEN Easy, Quique. But Muniz is too excited, lost in his world. Nothing in the room seems to exist for Muniz except the EXPLOSIONS -- which to him are beautiful fireworks. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 47. 70 CONTINUED: MUNIZ The colors... like a thousand shooting stars. A particularly LOUD EXPLOSION. Muniz grins. MUNIZ That was a good one, eh? O'Brien decides the best thing is to go along a little with Muniz's fantasy. O'BRIEN That was a good one. 71 ON DAX ENTERING, carrying a couple of odd-looking isolinear rod-like devices as yet ANOTHER EXPLOSION detonates. DAX I'll say one thing for the Jem'Hadar... they travel light. There's no cargo... no storage compartments... (re: the devices) I found these data crystals in one of the computer rooms... they may have some encoded information on them... but the crystal structure seems to have been randomized. SISKO In other words, they're blank. DAX As far as I can tell. It would help if we knew what we were looking for. Sisko looks over the devices as Dax slumps to the ground, tired and frustrated. ANOTHER EXPLOSION strikes. SISKO (trying to keep his own frustration in check) But, we don't. After a beat, Sisko steps over to check on Muniz. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 48. 72 ANOTHER ANGLE as Muniz starts MUTTERING pieces of Spanish... "Lindo"... "que bonita"... "noche"... O'Brien can do nothing but keep Muniz from rocking too violently. 73 ON WORF ENTERING with a large box-like console with various dangling plasma conduits -- apparently torn out from the bulkhead. Worf looks over at Muniz, who continues HOLLERING Spanish phrases at the EXPLOSIONS. DAX What's that? WORF It may have been the Vorta's computer console. I found it in one of the upper compartments, but the power grid is off-line in that section of the ship... DAX (smiling) So you ripped it out of the wall. Very nice. What do we do with it now? Use it as a doorstop? ANOTHER EXPLOSION. Worf slams down the computer terminal onto the floor. WORF (sharp) I don't care what you do with it. DAX Worf -- I was kidding. It was a good idea. We'll hook it up and see if we can get it working. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. A frustrated GROWL escapes his lips as he glares at the walls. DAX You'd think they'd be tired of playing this game with us by now. WORF I would like to play a different game with them. If I could just leave this prison... and meet them face-to-face on a field of battle... ANOTHER EXPLOSION. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 48A. 73 CONTINUED: DAX Right now that doesn't sound like a bad idea. 73A ANGLE ON DAX as she steps over to O'Brien. DAX Chief, can you take a look at that console? O'Brien moves over to the console, Dax stays with Muniz and Sisko. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 49. 74 ANGLE ON WORF AND O'BRIEN as O'Brien checks over the computer console, Worf looks back at Muniz who is MUMBLING feverishly. WORF That is no way for anyone to die. O'BRIEN I told you -- he's not going to die. WORF (adamant) It is only a matter of time. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. O'BRIEN (sarcastic) So we might as well kill him, right? WORF If you are truly his friend, you would consider that option. It would be a more honorable death than the one he is enduring. O'BRIEN I'm not some bloodthirsty Klingon looking for an excuse to murder my friend. Sisko calls out -- SISKO That's enough. But both Worf's and O'Brien's blood is boiling too high to stop. WORF No, you're just another weak human, afraid to face death. O'Brien takes a SWING at Worf. Worf blocks the punch easily, catching O'Brien's fist and twisting his arm behind him. Worf bares his teeth with a GROWL. SISKO (loud as hell) I said, that's enough! Sisko steps between the two men and physically separates them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 50. 74 CONTINUED: SISKO (hard) You're Starfleet officers. Now start acting like it. Worf lets go of O'Brien. Both men let their passions cool in the face of Sisko's fury. A tense moment. Dax tries to break it with: DAX Tough guys... a little pressure and they buckle. SISKO (sharp) Dax! Maybe you haven't noticed, but no one's laughing. Dax instantly realizes she's gone one step over the line. Sisko glowers at his troops. They all look chastened. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. SISKO I know it's hot. We're filthy. Tired. And we've got ten isotons of explosives going off outside... but we're never going to get out of this if we don't pull it together and act like professionals. Muniz lets out a YELL, still lost in his delirium. Sisko has to close his eyes while straining to not snap at the hallucinating crewman. This is a test of his own patience and professionalism. SISKO (a beat) Chief, I want that power grid up and running. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. SISKO Worf, see if you can get that turret to rotate. WORF Aye, sir. SISKO Dax, search the ship again... and again and again until you find what the Vorta wants. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 51. 74 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Aye, sir. Everyone breaks up and heads for their tasks. As they move, Sisko steps over to Muniz. He lets out a long breath, looking down at the still delirious man. SISKO And you, Mister Muniz... (softly)... your orders are to stay alive. And as Sisko looks pensively at Muniz. 75 EXT. ROCK PLANET - CRASH SITE - DAY Re-establishing. WE DO NOT SEE OR HEAR any BOMBING. SISKO (V.O.) Captain's log. Supplemental. The Jem'Hadar barrage has continued on- and-off for ten hours. 76 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Worf and O'Brien are working on some open console panels, side by side, as Dax straps a semi-conscious Muniz to the bulkhead. SISKO (V.O.) Chief O'Brien has restored main power and helm control. If we can bring the ship's engines on-line we may be able to lift off and escape from here. Sisko ENTERS the room. O'BRIEN As soon as we finish calibrating those induction reactors, we can power up the main core. Suddenly ANOTHER EXPLOSION. Sisko and O'Brien exchange a look -- "here we go again." SISKO Good. Because unless there are any objections, I'd like to get the hell off this planet. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 ACT FOUR 52. 76 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I'm for that. Dax finishes "strapping" Muniz. DAX Ready, Chief. O'Brien also finishes his work. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. O'BRIEN I'd love a couple more hours to fine tune these magnetic flux couplers... but under the circumstances, I'd say now is as good a time as any. SISKO Then let's do it. Dax, Worf and O'Brien all take their positions, reaching up to the various consoles. SISKO (taking his own advice) Everyone brace yourselves, this is going to be a rough ride. (to O'Brien) Commence launch sequence. WORF Ion thrusters fully charged. A loud whirling SOUND begins as the ship's engines come on-line. Then, in rapid speech: SISKO (to Worf) Ventral impellers, one quarter. WORF Plasma compensators, on-line. SISKO Ascent thrusters to one half. The ship starts VIBRATING as the engines kick into gear. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 ACT FOUR 53. 76 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Chief -- I'm getting some low frequency resonance in the main reactor housing. O'BRIEN That's all right, just keep compensating with the inertial dampers. DAX Dampers are at maximum. WORF We need more power. SISKO Ventral jets to one half. The VIBRATING and SHAKING is now VIOLENT. DAX It's working, captain. These engines just might shake us loose. 77 OMITTED 78 CLOSE ON SISKO SISKO Increase power to one half. DAX (concerned) Main reactor housing destabilizing. WORF Reactor containment fields overloading. The ship is now VIBRATING so VIOLENTLY that it feels like it's coming apart at the seams. O'BRIEN Induction dampers disintegrating. captain -- if we don't cut power now we're going to have a core breach. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 54. 79 CLOSE ON SISKO staying to the course, calm and controlled while the ship SHAKES ever more VIOLENTLY. The vibrating reaches a crescendo. Behind O'Brien, a console EXPLODES with a shower of SPARKS and Sisko is forced to make the inevitable decision. SISKO Disengage thrusters. Power down all systems. As the ship settles back and the VIBRATING stops, there's a moment of relative calm and quiet. It is a moment of undeniable defeat, made worse by ANOTHER EXPLOSION outside -- a grim reminder of their circumstances. After a beat, Sisko turns to O'Brien, who is examining the damaged console. SISKO How bad? O'BRIEN (downcast) The main power grid is completely fused and the structural integrity field has collapsed. But Sisko remains undeterred. SISKO We'll have to wait until the Defiant gets here. She can pull us out with her tractor beam. That gives us thirty-six hours to make repairs. Sisko grabs a tool. SISKO You all know what to do. The group breaks apart as they all move on to their tasks. 80 ON O'BRIEN as he steps over to Muniz and begins unstrapping him from the "brace." DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 55. 80 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I could really use your help right now, Quique. I'm surrounded with nothing but officers and you know what they're-- Once the strap is off Muniz, he slumps to one side... O'Brien stops himself as a dreadful realization comes over him. Muniz is dead. O'Brien tries to swallow back the shock, but a pained GASP escapes his throat. After a long moment... 81 ON SISKO AND DAX as they look over to see O'Brien slumping near Muniz and realize what's happened. Dax takes a step toward O'Brien, but Sisko holds her back. Worf sees what's occurred and silently looks on. 82 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN His face says it all. 83 OMITTED 84 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Later. Sisko is alone with his thoughts. Muniz's body is gone. Dax ENTERS. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. SISKO I promised Muniz that he was going to make it. DAX That's what a captain's supposed to say. Dax, tired and at the end of her rope, sits next to Sisko. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 56. 84 CONTINUED: SISKO I've got to get this ship back to the station, old man. Five people have died on this mission. (a beat) I want to be able to tell their families why. Dax lets out a deep, long breath. After a beat, something off screen catches her eye -- 85 DAX'S POV of a small droplet that falls to the floor. DAX (O.S.) Ben... 86 WIDER as Sisko and Dax look up to find the source of the dropping liquid. 87 OMITTED 88 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Directly overhead, there's a large, sagging section of the ceiling, almost as if a section of the metal was melting. Slowly, the section begins to MELT into watery GOO. Sisko and Dax take a quick step back, drawing their phasers. SISKO It's a changeling... And off their reaction, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FIVE 57. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 89 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY (OPTICAL) Moments later. The melting goo on the ceiling suddenly MORPHS into a HALF-FORMED CREATURE -- almost as if the changeling were trying to form itself into several shapes at once. With a-frightening ROAR, the creature lashes out at Dax. Sisko pushes Dax out of harm's way and rolls to his side, aiming his phaser at the creature. Sisko is about to blast the creature -- when he realizes the changeling can't maintain its form. Sisko and Dax watch the creature as it MORPHS back to its watery, gelatinous goo. 90 ANGLE ON Sisko and Dax lowering their weapons. DAX (off her tricorder) It can't hold its shape. It's dying. SISKO Then we're in trouble. (off her look) This is what the Vorta's been looking for. A Founder. No wonder the Jem'Hadar wouldn't attack. DAX They couldn't risk killing one of their gods. 91 ON THE CHANGELING (OPTICAL) As the gelatinous goo keeps CHURNING and VIBRATING, it begins EMITTING a piercing, low-toned, ominous HUM, like the keen of a whale. 92 EXT. ROCK PLANET - JEM'HADAR SHIP - DAY The HUMMING SOUND echoes as Kilana and three Jem'Hadar warriors stand listening intently to it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FIVE 58. 92 CONTINUED: From their somber expressions, it's clear they all know what this sound is, and they are not happy about it. 93 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY The sound dies away. 94 ON THE GOO (OPTICAL) as it stops VIBRATING and HARDENS into dust. Suddenly, there's complete silence. DAX (O.S.) The bombing has stopped. 95 WIDER as Sisko barks out SISKO Prepare for an assault. Have Worf man the turret-- But before Sisko can complete his orders, Kilana MATERIALIZES a few steps away. Sisko and the others instinctively point their weapons at her, expecting her Jem'Hadar soldiers to appear any moment. But she is alone and unarmed. Also gone is her imperious self-assured attitude; she looks somber and defeated. Sisko steps up to her. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FIVE 59. 95 CONTINUED: SISKO Where are your soldiers? KILANA They're dead. They killed themselves. DAX Why? SISKO (figuring it out) Because they allowed a Founder to die. Dax looks to Sisko, who nods. Dax EXITS to check Kilana's story. Kilana looks down at the Founder's remains, clearly devastated. KILANA (accusatory) You should've trusted me. Sisko's anger flares. SISKO How could I? The first thing out of your mouth was a lie -- this isn't your first mission outside the Dominion, is it? KILANA (contrite) I regret saying that.. but my offer was genuine. All that mattered to me was the Founder. SISKO Then you should've told me about him. KILANA You might've killed him or taken him hostage... SISKO No... Kilana studies Sisko closely, realizing he's telling the truth. SISKO All I wanted was the ship. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FIVE 59A. 95 CONTINUED: (2) Kilana shakes her head ruefully... KILANA And I was willing to let you take it. They look at each other... realizing they are each being truthful. A fleeting smile dances across Kilana's mouth. KILANA And so this is how it ends... The two enemies regard each other for a moment as Dax returns. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FIVE 60. 95 CONTINUED: (3) DAX It's true. The Jem'Hadar died by their own hands. Now it is Sisko that reflects. SISKO Muniz... the runabout crew... your soldiers... they'd all still be alive if we'd trusted each other. Kilana looks at Sisko without rancor or any hint of a hidden agenda. KILANA I have no way of stopping you from taking the ship. All I ask is that you allow me to remove the Founder's remains. Sisko nods. SISKO Of course. Sisko puts his weapon away and steps aside to let Kilana pass. 96 OMITTED 97 CLOSE ON KILANA as she steps up to the remains of the Founder. She tries to hold back her distraught emotions, but a quivering lower lip betrays her feelings. She kneels down and takes out a small CEREMONIAL VIAL. She hides her overwhelming sadness with somber, ritualistic motions as she scoops up a small amount of the Founder's dust. Sisko watches this at a respectful distance. After a beat, Kilana gets to her feet and prepares to leave. She takes a deep breath, and wipes her watery eyes. Then, steeling herself, she turns to Sisko. KILANA Do you have any gods, Captain Sisko? SISKO There are things I believe in. KILANA Duty? Starfleet? The Federation? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FIVE 61. 97 CONTINUED: Sisko says nothing. KILANA Then you must be pleased with yourself. You have the ship to take back to them. (a beat) I hope it was worth it. SISKO So do I. Kilana smiles enigmatically at the Captain, and DEMATERIALIZES, leaving Sisko to his thoughts. And on the very pensive captain -- 98 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Defiant flies into view with its tractor beam towing the Jem'Hadar warship. 99 INT. DEFIANT - CARGO HOLD The body of Muniz lies in a torpedo-like casket. O'Brien sits next to it. O'BRIEN ... we used a phase-conjugate graviton emitter in the tractor beam. That baby came out of the rock on the first try. You would've loved it, Quique... O'Brien reacts to a noise offscreen -- he turns to see Worf ENTERING. WORF I did not mean to interrupt. O'BRIEN It's all right. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FIVE 62. 99 CONTINUED: WORF You are performing Ak'voh... for your friend. O'BRIEN I am? WORF (nodding) An old Klingon tradition. When a warrior dies in battle, his comrades stay with the body to keep away predators. That allows the spirit to leave the body when it is ready for the long journey to Sto'Vo'Kor. O'Brien smiles at Worf. O'BRIEN A fine tradition. Worf nods and takes a seat next to O'Brien. O'BRIEN What are you doing? WORF We shall both keep the predators away. O'BRIEN I'm sure Quique would like that. And on the image of Worf and O'Brien sitting side by side and gazing at Muniz's "casket," we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END