STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "To The Death" #40510-496 Written by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by LeVar Burton THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1996 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION March 18, 1996 STAR TREK: DS9 "To The Death" - 03/18/96 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "To The Death" CAST SISKO OMET'IKLAN KIRA TOMAN'TORAX BASHIR VIRAK'KARA DAX WEYOUN O'BRIEN ODO QUARK WORF Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. JEM'HADAR STAR TREK: DS9 - "To The Death" - 03/18/96 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "To The Death" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE HABITAT RING CORRIDOR ICONIAN ZIGGURAT DEFIANT WOODED AREA BRIDGE CORRIDOR/ARMS LOCKER ENGINE ROOM MESS HALL SISKO'S CABIN TRANSPORTER BAY TURBOLIFT PLANET ZIGGURAT CORRIDOR ZIGGURAT VESTIBULE GATEWAY CHAMBER SIDE PASSAGEWAY DEEP SPACE NINE -"To The Death"- 03/19/96 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "To The Death" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE AHJESS AH-juss BRESCHA BRESH-uh ICONIAN EYE-cone-ee-an LECTRAZINE LECT-ra-zeen NEUTRONIUM NEW-tron-ee-um OMET'IKLAN oh-MET-i-klon TARKALEAN tar-KAY-lee-uhn TOMAN'TORAX toe-MON-toe-rocks VANDROS VAN-droes VIRAK'KARA vih-ROCK-ka-ra DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - TEASER STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "To the Death" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Defiant at warp. SISKO (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 49904.2. After driving away Breen privateers from the Bajoran colony of Prophets' Haven, we are returning to Deep Space Nine. I think I speak for the whole crew when I say it'll be good to be home. 2 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL It's meal break for one of the shifts. O'BRIEN and DAX are eating at one of the tables (the one farthest from the door and closest to the replicators.) BASHIR is ordering at the replicator. BASHIR Tarkalean tea and sweetened brescha fruit. Bashir looks dead tired. It's been a long mission. 3 ANGLE ON DAX AND O'BRIEN overlapping with the above. DAX (to O'Brien) When I was Leela Dax, I went through the same thing. Every night I'd tuck in my son Ahjess, and two hours later, he'd climb into bed with me. I don't think I slept through the night for weeks. O'BRIEN Weeks? Molly's been doing it for almost two months already. DAX She's just looking for a little attention. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: BASHIR (as he walks up) I'd say she's jealous. She knows you and Keiko are going to have a new baby soon, and she's looking for attention. O'BRIEN What makes you such an expert on children? BASHIR (simply) First in my class in pediatric medicine. Bashir sits down in one of the open seats at the table. It's the "gunfighter's seat," the one up against the wall facing the door. DAX (to Bashir, fair warning) I wouldn't sit there if I were you. BASHIR Why? Did Miles spill something again? O'BRIEN (not amused) That's Worf's seat. He's going to be here any minute. Bashir's exhausted from the mission and doesn't really want to move. BASHIR Just because he lives on the Defiant full time, that doesn't give him proprietary rights to the mess hall. DAX No one says it does. He just likes that chair. Bashir stays seated. Just then WORF comes in and orders. WORF Prune juice. Extra large. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - TEASER 4 CLOSE ON WORF Who takes his prune juice and walks over and stands looking down at Bashir expectantly. There's a beat as he glowers wordlessly at Bashir. Bashir finally looks up at him, then smiles and slides over to the other open chair. BASHIR (cheery) Have a seat, commander. WORF Thank you. But before Worf can settle in, the ship goes to Red Alert. SISKO'S COM VOICE All senior staff report to the bridge, immediately. There's an urgency in Sisko's voice that puts everyone instantly on the go. 5 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE SISKO is standing in front of his chair, looking at the viewscreen. He never takes his eyes off of it as the crew ENTERS. SISKO You'd better have a look at this. 6 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN, WORF, DAX AND BASHIR Their eyes grow wide as they look at the screen. 7 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To include the viewscreen with a familiar view of Deep Space Nine. Except this time it's clear something's very wrong. One of the upper pylons has been blown away. 8 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Whatever happened on Deep Space Nine, the immediate threat seems to be over, but the aftereffects are clear. The scene in the corridor is one of chaos. Though the corridor itself has been cordoned off by Bajoran deputies, we can see that the area has been damaged by some kind of explosion. The whole place is full of smoke and noise. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - TEASER 4. 8 CONTINUED: Bajoran firefighters rush down the hall. Medical personnel move in the opposite direction, extracting wounded from a damaged area. 9 NEW ANGLE On KIRA, who's directing the damage control operations despite being wounded herself. KIRA (to firefighter) Concentrate on the fires in Section Thirteen. We have to keep them away from the plasma conduits. A worried QUARK runs up. QUARK Has anyone seen my brother Rom? He told me he was going to be working in one of the Upper Pylons today. KIRA He's fine. I saw him with one of the damage control teams on Level Five. QUARK What a relief. (a beat) Wait till I find him. I'll kill him for scaring me like that. Quark EXITS. ODO emerges from the damaged area, carrying a PADD. ODO Here's a preliminary list of the stolen equipment. As Kira takes the list, Sisko, Dax and Bashir come rushing down the corridor. SISKO Report, Major. Bashir is already in action, beginning to triage the wounded. Everyone's talking at once. It's not important that we make out what everyone is saying. What is important is that we feel the frantic urgency that drives both conversations. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - TEASER 4A. 9 CONTINUED: KIRA BASHIR It was a Jem'Hadar strike (examining a downed man) team. They beamed aboard He's got a lacerated thorax from a civilian transport, and a punctured lung disabled communications (to Starfleet Medic) and weapons, set off an Beam him to the explosive device in upper Infirmary and prep him pylon three as a diversion, for surgery then raided the Science Lab, the reactor control The Medic nods. Bashir facility and several moves to another patient and cargo bays. and we hear the sound of the transporter in the She hands the PADD to Sisko background. A Bajoran who glances at it. nurse is right on his heels. SISKO BASHIR (reading) (grim) Microfusion initiators, This one's gone. photonic amplifiers, EPS (onto the next one) power stabilizers... Spinal fracture and severe trauma to the cranial meninges. We can't risk moving him. Stabilize him and begin administering lectrazine. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - TEASER 9 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA BASHIR (Cont'd) They were out of here and (to Odo) through the wormhole before Constable, how many we knew what hit us. casualties do we have? ODO So far eighteen confirmed dead, thirty-one missing, over a hundred wounded. DAX How long ago did the Jem'Hadar leave? KIRA Forty-five minutes at the most. DAX That means their ion trail hasn't decayed yet. We could follow them. Sisko is doing a cold burn. He's not about to let the Jem'Hadar get away with this. SISKO I intend to do more than that. (to com) Sisko to Defiant, prepare for departure. BASHIR I'd better stay to take care of the wounded. (to Kira) And that includes you. Kira would obviously like to go with Sisko, but she's clearly in need of medical attention. SISKO (to Kira) The station's yours. Contact Starfleet. Tell them to get some ships out here just in case this is a diversion. KIRA Understood. SISKO (to Odo) Constable, you're with us. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - TEASER 6. 9 CONTINUED: (3) Sisko hits his combadge again. SISKO (to com) Sisko to Defiant. Three to beam up. And with that, Sisko, Dax and Odo all beam out. 10 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The Defiant turns and at high speed, races to the wormhole and plunges into the Gamma Quadrant. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 11 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Sisko is in the Captain's chair, Dax is at the helm, Worf and O'Brien are at their stations. Odo stands by the Captain's chair. The lights are low, reflecting the fact that the Defiant is cloaked. SISKO What do you see, Dax? DAX (off readouts) Nothing good. Their ion trail is getting fainter. The Jem'Hadar must be emitting a magneton pulse to cover their tracks. SISKO Keep on them, Commander. I want that ship. ODO Frankly, I'm surprised that something like this hasn't happened sooner. Being at the edge of the wormhole makes Deep Space Nine a tempting target. SISKO Sometimes I wish we could have the Defiant standing guard over the station twenty-six hours a day. WORF Restricting the Defiant to guard duty would be a serious mistake. O'BRIEN You wouldn't say that if you had family living on the station. WORF Perhaps. But adopting a siege mentality is ultimately self- defeating. Before O'Brien can respond... DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 8. 11 CONTINUED: DAX I've got something. Dax double checks her readings. DAX Bearing oh-five-seven mark zero- zero-nine. Everyone tenses up. SISKO Red Alert. On screen. The Red Alert indicators come on. All eyes turn to the screen, which displays... 12 NEW ANGLE - INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) A drifting Jem'Hadar destroyer, showing signs of considerable damage. WORF (puzzled) A Jem'Hadar warship. (something's not right) This can't be the vessel we're looking for. Major Kira said the Jem'Hadar strike team that attacked the station used a transport ship. O'BRIEN Captain, that warship's in pretty bad shape. It looks like someone's been using them for target practice. DAX (surprised) They're transmitting a broad-band distress signal. ODO It could be a trap. Sisko stands and walks toward the viewscreen. SISKO How many crewmembers are aboard? DAX I'm reading seven lifesigns. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 9. 12 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN You won't be reading them for long. Their reactor's about to go critical. There's a beat, then Sisko makes up his mind. He's instantly on the move. SISKO Chief, have a security detail report to the Transporter Bay. O'BRIEN Yes, sir. SISKO Odo, Worf, you're with me. Sisko EXITS, followed by Odo and Worf. 13 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER BAY Sisko arrives along with Worf, Odo and a half dozen Security officers. Everyone but Odo is carrying a phaser rifle. The Security Officers take up firing positions, kneeling in front of Sisko and the others like British infantry and taking dead aim on the Transporter pad. Sisko and Worf also aim their rifles. SISKO (to com) Sisko to Bridge. Drop cloak. The lights brighten. Sisko turns to the Transporter Chief. SISKO Transporter protocol five. Engage. The chief complies and... 14 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Six Jem'Hadar, led by FIRST OMET'IKLAN, and a single Vorta (WEYOUN) MATERIALIZE on the transporter pad. The Jem'Hadars' hands are empty but positioned as if they were carrying guns. (In fact we may see little sparklies linger where the guns were for a beat, then dissipate.) Weyoun is carrying a locked metal case. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 9A. 14 CONTINUED: SISKO If you're looking for your weapons, they were removed in transport. Omet'iklan seems unimpressed, he is a consummate professional soldier who's been in combat his entire life. He's been in far worse situations than this one. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 10. 14 CONTINUED: (2) OMET'IKLAN Even without weapons, we're more than a match for you. He scans the crowd as if picking out targets and planning an attack. WORF I would not be so certain of that. One of the Jem'Hadar, SECOND TOMAN'TORAX, perks up when he spots Worf. TOMAN'TORAX (to Omet'iklan with approval) A Klingon. Another Jem'Hadar, FOURTH VIRAK'KARA, notices something of interest. VIRAK'KARA (pleased, re: Odo) And the traitor. The Founders will be pleased. For a second, it looks like the Jem'Hadar are about to attack. The Federation personnel take aim, but suddenly the Vorta takes control. WEYOUN (calm but authoritative) Omet'iklan, control your men. (smiling) These people saved our lives. OMET'IKLAN And we shall take advantage of their mistake. WEYOUN You'll do nothing without my approval. (to Sisko) My apologies, Captain. I'm afraid the Jem'Hadar are sadly deficient in the social graces. Sisko's got more important things on his mind than the Jem'Hadars' lack of gratitude. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 11. 14 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO Two hours ago, my station was attacked by a Jem'Hadar strike team. WEYOUN I know. They attacked us too. ODO Why would your own people attack you? OMET'IKLAN (to Weyoun) Tell them nothing. This is not their concern. Weyoun holds up the metal case. WEYOUN Your next allowance of White is in two hours. If you want it on time, you'll be quiet and do as you're told. (to Sisko) Captain, you and I should talk in private. Sisko looks skeptically at Weyoun and we... CUT TO: 15 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL Sisko leans against a table and looks expectantly at Weyoun. Sisko's got his phaser rifle at his side, a fact that's not lost on Weyoun. SISKO If you've got something to say to me, make it quick. Weyoun examines Sisko as he would an interesting lab specimen. WEYOUN Captain Benjamin Sisko. (smiles) I feel honored. Your psychographic profile is required reading for Vorta field supervisors. I probably know things about you that you don't know yourself. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 12. 15 CONTINUED: SISKO If you're trying to impress me, you can forget it. Weyoun can't resist the opportunity to push Sisko's buttons. WEYOUN What would you say if I offered to make you the absolute ruler of the Federation? No President or Starfleet Chief of Staff. Just you. SISKO I'd say your psychographic profile of me isn't as good as you think. Weyoun smiles. He didn't really think he was going to turn Sisko, but it was worth a try. WEYOUN (smiles) Just doing my job, trying to build a bridge between the Dominion and a potential ally. After all, wouldn't it be simpler if the Dominion and the Federation could reach some mutually beneficial understanding without resorting to the unpleasantness of military conflict? Sisko's getting a little tired of this. SISKO (back to business) I want to know how to find the Jem'Hadar who attacked my station. If you want to "build a bridge," why don't you start there? WEYOUN I can lead you to them. But there's something I need in exchange. SISKO (not thrilled) What's that? WEYOUN I want you to help me eliminate them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 13. 15 CONTINUED: (2) WEYOUN (Cont'd) (off Sisko's reaction) The Jem'Hadar who attacked your station are renegades. They've turned their back on their oath of allegiance to the Dominion and it's my job to see to it that they're punished. SISKO doesn't trust any of this. SISKO Why do you need my help? You could send a whole fleet of Jem'Hadar warships after them. WEYOUN I'm afraid we don't have the time. (reluctantly) Captain, are you familiar with the Iconians? Sisko's heard of them. SISKO They controlled a vast interstellar empire about two hundred thousand years ago. WEYOUN What's important is how the Iconians controlled their empire. SISKO (knowingly) The Gateways. WEYOUN Exactly. Sophisticated transporters that allowed them to move instantaneously from one planet to another, from one solar system to another, without the use of starships. SISKO What does any of this have to do with me? DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 13A. 15 CONTINUED: (3) WEYOUN Dominion scientists recently discovered a Gateway on one of our outlying worlds. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 14. 15 CONTINUED: (4) WEYOUN (Cont'd) We sent a team of scientists to restore it. But their Jem'Hadar guards rebelled... and are trying to complete the Gateway themselves. That gets Sisko's attention. SISKO The renegade Jem'Hadar stole some equipment from my station, EPS power stabilizers, microfusion initiators, photonic amplifiers... WEYOUN I would say it's very possible they're going to use that equipment to help complete the Gateway. You see the nature of our dilemma? It's becoming all too clear to Sisko. SISKO If the Jem'Hadar can make the Gateway operational, they'll become virtually invincible. WEYOUN Our experts predict the renegades would gather support from other Jem'Hadar units, launch a general insurrection, and effect a complete takeover of the Dominion in less than a year. Sisko's still not sold on getting involved. SISKO None of which is my problem. WEYOUN That's very shortsighted of you, Captain. Think about it. If the Jem'Hadar seize control of the Dominion, there'll be no stopping them. Even shutting down the wormhole won't protect the Alpha Quadrant. With the Gateway, they could put a million Jem'Hadar warriors on any Federation planet instantaneously. (a beat) Would you care to see our projections for Federation casualties? DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT ONE 15. 15 CONTINUED: (5) Sisko's still not entirely sold. SISKO Couldn't the Founders just order them to surrender? From what I've seen, the Jem'Hadar are genetically conditioned to obey them. Weyoun isn't eager to admit it, but he knows Sisko's plan isn't practical. WEYOUN The Founders' ability to control the Jem'Hadar has been somewhat... overstated. Otherwise we never would've had to addict them to White. SISKO It sounds like the Dominion isn't quite as stable as you'd like us to believe. WEYOUN The Dominion has endured for two thousand years. And it'll continue to endure long after the Federation has crumbled into dust. (not looking for an argument) But we'll leave all that to history. Right now, we have a more pressing concern. The Gateway must be destroyed. Agreed? Sisko, knows he's making a deal with the devil, but he doesn't have much of a choice. SISKO Agreed. And as Weyoun smiles at having won Sisko over, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 16 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Sisko is standing by the Captain's Chair and everyone is turned to face him. He's just informed his crew on what they're up against. DAX Let me get this straight, we're going to work together with the Jem'Hadar to fight the Jem'Hadar. SISKO I don't relish the idea either. But we don't have much of a choice. WORF I was on the mission that discovered the Iconian homeworld. We were forced to destroy the Gateway we found there rather than let it fall into Romulan hands, and Starfleet Command supported our decision. DAX (backing it up) If they didn't want the Romulans to get a hold of it, I'm sure they won't want the Jem'Hadar to have it either. O'BRIEN What are we supposed to do? Give Omet'iklan and his men their weapons back and then hope they don't point them at us? SISKO They're not getting their hands on any weapons until we reach our target. ODO How do we know these Jem'Hadar can be trusted? They must realize that controlling the Gateway would mean freedom for their people. SISKO According to Weyoun, they don't know about the Gateway. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT TWO 17. 16 CONTINUED: This is a bit of surprise. The Federation crewmembers aren't used to being kept in the dark about the nature of their mission. SISKO They think this is just a routine search and destroy mission. Find the Jem'Hadar renegades and eliminate them and their base. WORF You're asking us to lie to them about our mission. (a beat) It is not honorable. O'BRIEN There're a lot of things about this mission that bother me, but lying to the Jem'Hadar's not at the top of my list. ODO If the Jem'Hadar find out we're deceiving them... SISKO They're not going to find out. From Sisko's tone, this is clearly not just a statement of fact. It's an order. DAX (trying to cut the tension) Well, they won't hear it from me. SISKO There'll be a joint briefing session at nineteen hundred hours. O'BRIEN (to Dax, wryly) Followed by a get-to-know-you buffet at nineteen thirty. DAX ("what a shame") And I forgot my dress uniform. But all bravado aside, everyone's clearly on edge at the thought of working with the Jem'Hadar. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT TWO 18. 17 INT. DEFIANT - SISKO'S CABIN Sisko pacing back and forth in his cabin. The door CHIMES. Sisko's been waiting for this. SISKO Enter. 18 NEW ANGLE On the door as First Omet'iklan, the leader of the Jem'Hadar, ENTERS. OMET'IKLAN You requested my presence. SISKO It seems we're going to be working together. The Jem'Hadar looks at Sisko with contempt. OMET'IKLAN So I am told. (cold) Fortunately for you, the only thing I despise more than the Federation is a Jem'Hadar soldier who breaks his vow of allegiance. SISKO I'm glad you see it that way. Now I have a few things I want to make clear. First, this is my ship and my command. which means I give the orders, not you and not Weyoun. I'm holding you personally responsible for the actions of your men. If I have any problems with them, you're the one who's going to have to answer for it. Omet'iklan nods. To the Jem'Hadar, Sisko's just stating the obvious. OMET'IKLAN That is as it should be. After all, I am the First. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT TWO 19. 18 CONTINUED: SISKO As far as I'm concerned, on this mission, I'm the First. Omet'iklan stares at Sisko, a silent challenge to Sisko's authority. Sisko doesn't back down. Finally, Omet'iklan makes a decision. OMET'IKLAN Until the traitors are found and destroyed. After that... we'll see. (a challenge) Am I dismissed? SISKO For the time being. Omet'iklan EXITS.19 CLOSE ON SISKO He knows this is going to be a battle the whole way. 20 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL (OPTICAL) Sisko, Worf, O'Brien, Odo and Dax are all present, along with Weyoun, Omet'iklan, Toman'torax, Virak'kara and the rest of the Jem'Hadar, plus enough Starfleet security troops to fill up the room. There's a monitor on the wall displaying a map of the target area. It's an ancient alien city overgrown by millennia of forest growth. There's a massive stone ziggurat-like structure in the center of the city. 21 CLOSE ON SISKO Who's conducting the briefing, having already been brought up to speed by Weyoun. SISKO According to Dominion intelligence, the Jem'Hadar have established their base camp here... DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT TWO 20. 22 NEW ANGLE Sisko points to the ziggurat. SISKO The interior of the structure is riddled with a network of corridors and interlocking chambers. Sisko presses a control and the image changes to a close-up cutaway of the ziggurat, revealing a elaborate warren of corridors and chambers inside the structure. Sisko points at one of the chambers. SISKO our primary objective is to destroy the Jem'Hadar arms and supply cache in this chamber. This is the cover story for the attack on the Gateway. Sisko looks to Omet'iklan to see if he suspects anything, but the Jem'Hadar remains enigmatic. SISKO The trick will be getting there. We can't beam directly into the structure, which means we'll have to fight our way in. OMET'IKLAN Jem'Hadar tactics dictate that at least twenty-seven soldiers be stationed inside the base camp at all times, with another nine patrolling the perimeter. Additional troops will be deployed throughout the city. 23 NEW ANGLE As the Defiant crew reacts to the difficult task ahead of them. WORF How many renegades are there all together? OMET'IKLAN There were one-hundred and sixty- two Jem'Hadar in the original garrison. At least twelve were killed in the initial rebellion. O'BRIEN That still leaves a hundred and fifty. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT TWO 21. 23 CONTINUED: Dax looks around a makes a show of counting to herself. DAX (trying to ease the tension) Just between you and me, Benjamin, I think we're outnumbered. O'BRIEN Wouldn't it be simpler to take out the base from orbit? A few quantum torpedoes should be enough to level the entire area. SISKO Unfortunately, that's not an option. WEYOUN The central structure is composed of solid neutronium. Even a direct hit from a quantum torpedo wouldn't necessarily destroy our objective. SISKO Which means we have to go in ourselves. TOMAN'TORAX As it should be. It's our duty to punish those who would break their vow of loyalty. Toman'torax looks pointedly at Odo, who meets his gaze. Omet'iklan looks at Toman'torax with disapproval. OMET'IKLAN (to Toman'torax) It is not for us to accuse a god of betraying heaven. (to Odo, with contempt) The gods themselves will sit in judgement over you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT TWO 22. 23 CONTINUED: (2) ODO I'm no god, and neither are the Founders. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be. 24 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Sisko resumes his briefing. SISKO We've chosen a beam-in site here, in this wooded area. That'll give us a chance to evaluate the situation before proceeding. Our first objective will be to secure the main entrance to the ziggurat. WORF Neutralizing nine guards before one of them can sound an alarm will not be easy. Worf is just giving an honest evaluation of the situation, but the Jem'Hadar take it as a sign of weakness. VIRAK'KARA (to Toman'torax) It's as you said. The Klingon will to fight pales in comparison to our own. TOMAN'TORAX (to Virak'kara) He has the look of a warrior. But the heart of a coward. WORF (getting to his feet) If you would like to test my courage... SISKO All right, that's enough. 25 CLOSE ON WORF Responding to Sisko, Worf keeps himself in check. This only makes Toman'torax more confident. He walks right up to Worf. TOMAN'TORAX One day the Klingon Empire will fall before the Jem'Hadar. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT TWO 23. 25 CONTINUED: TOMAN'TORAX (Cont'd) And when that day comes, and piles of Klingons lie dead at my feet, I will think of you sitting here, impotent and weak, and I will laugh. Which still probably isn't enough to get a rise out of Worf in the face of Sisko's orders, but Toman'torax reaches out and knocks mockingly on Worf's forehead. With a growl, Worf takes Toman'torax's hand, and with his other hand, grabs the Jem'Hadar around the neck. Simultaneously Toman'torax grabs Worf's throat and the two warriors stare into each other's eyes and increase their grips, trying to strangle each other. 26 CLOSE ON SISKO Who moves forward and shoves his way between the two combatants. He tries to pry them apart. SISKO I said that's enough. (to Worf) Worf, let him go. Worf is reluctant to release his grip on Toman'torax while the Jem'Hadar still has him by the throat. 27 CLOSE ON OMET'IKLAN He steps forward, wraps his arm around Toman'torax's neck, and bears down. OMET'IKLAN (To Toman'torax) Second, release the Klingon or I'll kill you where you stand. Toman'torax reluctantly lets go of Worf's neck. Worf follows suit. Omet'iklan gives one savage jerk to Toman'torax's neck, then lets his man go. 28 NEW ANGLE As everyone reacts to this outburst of violence. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT TWO 24. 28 CONTINUED: SISKO (to both combatants, with an edge) Now the two of you, sit down. I promise, you'll both have more fight than you can handle before this is over. Worf and Toman'torax reluctantly take their seats. But the damage has been done and both sides look at each other with renewed suspicion. 29 CLOSE ON SISKO Who looks at the mixed crew. He knows keeping them in line isn't going to be easy. And off Sisko's determined expression, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: 30 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR The lights are even lower than before. The ship is almost dark. Close on a Jem'Hadar soldier, carrying a phaser rifle, patrolling the corridor. As he comes around the corner... 31 OMITTED 32 ANOTHER ANGLE Worf steps out from a doorway and decks him. WORF (sotto voce) Let's go. 33 OMITTED 34 NEW ANGLE On Dax and O'Brien as they ENTER the hallway. Dax and Worf carry phaser rifles at the ready. O'Brien is carrying a small twenty-fourth century satchel which contains high explosives. He's also got a hand phaser for self-defense. O'BRIEN Right behind you. Worf, O'Brien and Dax move stealthily down the hall. 35 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM (OPTICAL) A Jem'Hadar warrior equipped with a Federation phaser rifle stands guard near the warp core. Dax and Worf burst in and open fire. The Jem'Hadar goes down. Dax looks frantically around the room. She catches something out of the corner of her eye. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 26. 36 NEW ANGLE - DAX'S POV (OPTICAL) There's a faint shimmer in the air behind Worf. DAX Worf... 37 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Worf spins around just in time to open fire on a Jem'Hadar warrior shimmering into visibility. He hits the Jem'Hadar and he goes down. WORF (to O'Brien) Go. 38 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN Who goes right to the warp core controls and places the satchel there. He flips open the satchel. 39 CLOSE ON THE SATCHEL Which contains a high-tech explosive device (which sharp eyes may notice is not active.) 40 RESUME SCENE As O'Brien turns to Worf and Dax, his hand poised waiting to activate the bomb. O'BRIEN Ready. DAX (urgent) Wait. The room's not secure. We have to find the third guard. Worf looks around the room. WORF I don't see him. DAX (also looking) He's here somewhere. WORF I know. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 27. 40 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN We're supposed to be on our way out by now. Worf continues to look around the room, knowing he could be attacked at any moment. WORF (frustrated) Where is he? 41 NEW ANGLE As Odo ENTERS. ODO (urgent) We're running out of time, Commander. WORF The third Jem'Hadar guard. He's still here somewhere. ODO Look for a slight rippling effect. DAX We know what we're looking for. We just can't find it. Suddenly the lights come back up to normal cloaked levels. O'Brien sighs and shakes his head. O'BRIEN We're dead. OMET'IKLAN (O.S.) That's correct. 42 NEW ANGLE To reveal Sisko, Omet'iklan and Weyoun, who have been watching the proceedings from the second level of the Engine Room. WEYOUN (disappointed) The Jem'Hadar defense grid has now returned to operation. Automated weapons systems have killed everyone in this room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" -REV,04/01/96 - ACT THREE 28. 42 CONTINUED: Omet'iklan turns to Sisko. OMET'IKLAN (pointed) Your crew failed in their mission. The two "dead" Jem'Hadar get up from the floor. Omet'iklan, Sisko, and Weyoun climb down to the bottom level. DAX All right... you might as well tell us. Where's the other one? OMET'IKLAN There was no third guard. SISKO I don't understand. You told me Jem'Hadar soldiers always operate in teams of three. OMET'IKLAN In battle, nothing is certain. (to Worf, O'Brien, Odo and Dax) You should have armed the explosives as soon as you were in position. WORF We needed to be sure the room was secure. otherwise someone could have disarmed the explosives the moment we left. OMET'IKLAN If you could not secure the room, then you shouldn't have planned on leaving it. O'BRIEN You wanted us to blow the place up while we were still in it? Omet'iklan looks disgusted at the attitude of the Starfleet personnel. OMET'IKLAN This is a waste of time. (to Weyoun) They'll never succeed as long as they value their lives more than victory. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 29. 42 CONTINUED: (2) Weyoun smiles. Though he cares little for the Jem'Hadar, he agrees with Omet'iklan. WEYOUN (to Sisko) There is something to be said for soldiers who aren't afraid to die. SISKO I don't know. I've found nothing keeps me alert quite like a healthy fear of death. (to O'Brien) Keep practicing. (to Weyoun and Omet'iklan) You two... with me. Sisko EXITS before Weyoun or Omet'iklan can argue. 43 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR Weyoun and Omet'iklan catch up to Sisko, who begins laying down the law. SISKO (to Omet'iklan) Look, one of the reasons for these drills is to help our crews learn to work together. Constantly showing contempt for my people isn't making that any easier. OMET'IKLAN Would you prefer I lied? SISKO What I'd like is for you to at least maintain the pretense that we're on the same side. The three men EXIT into a turbolift. 44 INT. DEFIANT - TURBOLIFT Weyoun tries to placate Sisko. WEYOUN I understand your concerns, Captain. And so does Omet'iklan. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 30. 44 CONTINUED: SISKO Deck Five, Section One. The Turbolift starts, moving down, then forward. Unlike Weyoun, Omet'iklan isn't in a conciliatory mood. OMET'IKLAN The only way my troops will come to respect your crew is to fight alongside them. That means mixed teams for every aspect of the mission. WEYOUN That's not practical. OMET'IKLAN Why not? WEYOUN (coldly) Are you questioning my decision? OMET'IKLAN You're a fool. My men and I know all about the Gateway. This is news to both Sisko and Weyoun. SISKO (to com) Halt turbolift. (to Weyoun) Looks like your secret's out. WEYOUN How do you know about the Gateway? OMET'IKLAN It doesn't matter how we know. The fact is, we know. (with contempt) You think you have to lie to us and use the White to ensure our loyalty. But the truth is we have more loyalty to the Founders than the Vorta ever will. It is the reason for our existence, the core of our being. WEYOUN There's an entire company of Jem'Hadar down on Vandros Four who would disagree with you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 31. 44 CONTINUED: (2) OMET'IKLAN And for that, they will die. There's a beat, then Sisko looks at Weyoun. Weyoun says nothing. Sisko makes a decision. SISKO (to Omet'iklan) Mixed teams it is. Omet'iklan nods, gratified. SISKO But let's get one thing straight. This isn't going to be a suicide mission. As far as I'm concerned, everyone who goes in, comes back out. Starfleet and Jem'Hadar alike. OMET'IKLAN Your concern for life is touching. Let's hope it doesn't stop us from achieving our objectives. Sisko knows he could keep pressing, but he decides to be satisfied with the headway he's already made. SISKO (to com) Computer... reactivate turbolift. The Turbolift starts to move again. CUT TO: 45 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE The Defiant is still cloaked. Dax is at the helm. Virak'kara stands over her, watching her like a hawk. Finally, Dax has had enough. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 32. 45 CONTINUED: DAX Am I really that interesting? (off Virak'kara's reaction) You've been standing there staring at me for the last two hours. VIRAK'KARA You are part of my combat team. I must learn to understand your behavior... anticipate your actions. DAX There must be something else you'd rather do. Maybe get some sleep? VIRAK'KARA We don't sleep. DAX How about have something to eat? VIRAK'KARA The White is the only thing we need. DAX You don't sleep or eat? What do you do for relaxation? VIRAK'KARA Relaxation would only make us weak. Dax shakes her head. DAX You people are no fun at all. I'm glad I'm not a Jem'Hadar woman. VIRAK'KARA There are no Jem'Hadar women. DAX So what do you do? Lay eggs? VIRAK'KARA (with pride) Jem'Hadar are bred in birthing chambers. We are able to fight within days of our emergence. DAX (without enthusiasm) Lucky you. (a beat) So let me get this straight... DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 33. 45 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (Cont'd) ... no food, so sleep, no women. No wonder you're so angry. After thirty or forty years of that, I'd be angry too. VIRAK'KARA No Jem'Hadar has ever lived thirty years. This surprises Dax. Virak'kara appears to be one of the older Jem'Hadar warriors. DAX How old are you? VIRAK'KARA I am eight. DAX (covering her surprise) I would've guessed at least fifteen. VIRAK'KARA Few Jem'Hadar live that long. If we reach twenty we are considered "Honored Elders." There's a beat. Though it's not the Jem'Hadar way, Virak'kara is a little curious about Dax. After all Jem'Hadar don't get to talk to many women. VIRAK'KARA How old are you? DAX I stopped counting at three hundred. Virak'kara studies her for a minute. He looks puzzled. VIRAK'KARA You don't look it. DAX Thank you. Virak'kara didn't really mean it as a compliment. He goes back to studying her stoically. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 34. 46 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL The ship's still under cloak. Worf, O'Brien, Dax and Odo ate seated at a table. A handful of N.D. crewmen are scattered around the room. Weyoun is across the room, eating alone. His attention is focused on Odo and his companions. O'BRIEN No women? I'm not surprised. ODO Personally, I envy them. (off reactions) I mean their ability to go without sleep. I'm sure I could be more productive if I didn't have to regenerate every day. WORF What is the point of fighting in battle if you can't enjoy the fruits of victory? O'BRIEN (having some fun) You mean sleep? WORF I mean long nights spent singing songs of your victories. Good food, good drink... DAX And good women? Worf is a little uncomfortable at Dax's baiting. WORF (defensive) Klingon women are our partners in battle. They are the mothers of our children... DAX (jumping in) And they're a lot of fun at parties. WORF True. Odo glances at Weyoun, who nods a greeting. Odo stares back at Weyoun, but speaks to his table companions. ODO Why does he keep staring at us? DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 35. 46 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I don't think it's us he's staring at. I think it's you. DAX The Vorta probably consider the Founders gods just like the Jem'Hadar do. ODO I'm not a Founder. DAX You're a changeling. That's close enough. (off Odo's glower) For them. O'BRIEN I wonder what would happen if you went over to him and ordered him to stand on his head. Before Odo can respond... 47 NEW ANGLE The Jem'Hadar troop into the room, with Omet'iklan at their head. He's carrying the metal case Weyoun had when they beamed in. The Jem'Hadar stand at attention. Omet'iklan places the case on Weyoun's table, then stands at attention himself. OMET'IKLAN It is time. WEYOUN It's time when I say it's time. Weyoun keeps eating. The Jem'Hadar just stand there, looming over him. Weyoun sighs like this is a huge burden for him. WEYOUN Oh, very well. Weyoun makes a show of finishing his food, wiping his mouth, and folding his napkin. Weyoun places his hand on a scanner on the case. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 36. 47 CONTINUED: WEYOUN (to the case) Prepare seven vials. Unlock. There's the sound of some kind of high-tech equipment operating. Then the case opens. Weyoun carefully removes seven vials of White, then seals the case. What follows is a ceremony, but Weyoun treats it with a bored casualness. It means nothing to him. WEYOUN First Omet'iklan, can you vouch for the loyalty of your men? OMET'IKLAN We pledge our loyalty to the Founders from now until death. Omet'iklan takes this exchange very seriously. It's one of the things that defines his role in the universe. WEYOUN (by rote) Then receive this reward from the Founders. May it keep you strong. He casually holds out the vials. Omet'iklan takes them with grave seriousness, then goes down the line and gives one to each of his men, taking the last one himself. 48 CLOSE ON THE JEM'HADAR As they replace the canisters of White attached to the feed-lines in their necks. The Jem'Hadar immediately feel and look better, more energetic, more alive. The White clearly works as intended. OMET'IKLAN Resume your training. Omet'iklan EXITS. 49 NEW ANGLE On O'Brien, Odo, Dax and Worf. O'BRIEN I guess that's one way to ensure loyalty. WORF Loyalty bought at such a price is no loyalty at all. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 37. 49 CONTINUED: Toman'torax comes up to their table. He singles out O'Brien. TOMAN'TORAX Human, come with me. It is time to resume our battle drills. O'BRIEN In a minute. TOMAN'TORAX I'm ready now. O'BRIEN Well, I'm not. Toman'torax turns to another Jem'Hadar. TOMAN'TORAX (with contempt) They stuff themselves with food but have no appetite for battle. Worf's had about enough of this guy's attitude. WORF When the time comes, you will find us more than ready. TOMAN'TORAX Ready to flee at the first sign of danger. (to O'Brien) Let's go. You can practice running away. Toman'torax grabs O'Brien by the collar and yanks him to his feet. In a flash, Worf comes to O'Brien's defense, getting up out of his seat and punching Toman'torax. 50 CLOSE ON TOMAN'TORAX Who staggers back, letting go of O'Brien. He looks up at Worf and smiles. TOMAN'TORAX I've always wanted to kill a Klingon. Toman'torax attacks Worf. They go over a table. One of the Jem'Hadar goes to assist, only to be smashed in the face by Dax. And within seconds, the fighting has become general. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 38. 51 CLOSE ON WEYOUN Who carefully avoids being involved in the fighting and heads for the door, where he meets... 52 ANGLE ON THE DOOR Sisko ENTERS the room and sees what's going on. WEYOUN Really, Captain. This is unacceptable. Sisko immediately begins breaking up the combatants. SISKO (angry) That's enough. The next person who throws a punch will have to answer to me. Suddenly, Omet'iklan ENTERS and begins carving a wide path through his men, pulling them apart from their Federation antagonists. 53 NEW ANGLE As the dust settles. SISKO I want to know who started this. Worf's not about to shirk blame. WORF I did. Nor is Toman'torax going to let himself be shown up by a Klingon. TOMAN'TORAX And I. Omet'iklan is furious. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 39. 53 CONTINUED: OMET'IKLAN You again. You knew my orders. TOMAN'TORAX And I defied them. I deserve punishment. OMET'IKLAN And you will have it. Without further warning, Omet'iklan reaches out, grabs Toman'torax by the throat, and snaps his neck. The Jem'Hadar falls to the floor. 54 CLOSE ON SISKO And the Federation soldiers as they react with shock at this harsh discipline. OMET'IKLAN (to Sisko, re: Worf) what are you waiting for? Kill him and be done with it. Sisko locks eyes with Omet'iklan, then turns to Worf. SISKO Mister Worf, when not on duty you are confined to quarters for the remainder of this mission. WORF Yes, sir. Worf EXITS. Sisko looks at the crowd. He doesn't want them hanging around with all the bad blood in the air. SISKO All right, let's break this up. Either get back to your stations or go to your quarters. Either way, I want this room cleared. Now. Everyone files out, but Omet'iklan, who looks down with sadness at the dead body of Toman'torax. Omet'iklan didn't like killing his officer, but felt he had no choice. The fact that Sisko didn't follow suit infuriates him. OMET'IKLAN You call that discipline? DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT THREE 39A. 54 CONTINUED: SISKO A dead man can't learn from his mistakes. And maybe I don't get the same joy out of killing that you do? OMET'IKLAN You think I enjoyed that? Toman'torax was my Second. He served under me for three years. I valued him. SISKO You have a funny way of showing it. OMET'IKLAN I did what had to be done, what any First would do. I placed the good of the unit above my personal feelings. A soldier who cannot follow orders is a danger to his unit. And must be eliminated. SISKO Mister Worf is not a danger to my command. But if I eliminated him for a simple breach of discipline, I would be. My men would stop trusting me. And I wouldn't blame them. Omet'iklan stares at Sisko. In the end, he can only shake his head. Sisko's actions are completely foreign to him. OMET'IKLAN You are weak. You should die in his place. (comes to a decision) And when this mission is over, I will see that you do. Omet'iklan turns and EXITS. Hold on Sisko for a beat, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/09/96 - ACT FOUR A40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 54A INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR Odo is walking down the corridor when suddenly the door to a crew cabin opens and Weyoun steps out. WEYOUN Odo, may I speak to you for a moment? Odo looks at the Vorta suspiciously. ODO A moment. Weyoun studies Odo with interest and admiration. WEYOUN You know, I've been watching you. ODO I've noticed. WEYOUN I have to admit, I find it somewhat... disturbing. Seeing you working for these... (with distaste) Federation people, letting them order you around. You're a Founder. You should be the one giving the orders. To them, to the Jem'Hadar, even to me. ODO Then if I order you to leave me alone, you will? WEYOUN (smiles) Of course. But before you do, please hear what I have to say. Odo looks stonily at Weyoun, but lets him continue. WEYOUN Your people want you to come home, Odo. No matter what differences you may have with them, no matter what mistakes you may have made... they still love you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/09/96 - ACT FOUR B40. 54B CLOSE ON ODO As he reacts to Weyoun's words. Though he doesn't necessarily trust the Vorta, he wants what he's hearing to be true. ODO Maybe they do. But I don't love them. WEYOUN (gently) You're lying. And you're not very good at it. I, on the other hand, am an expert on lies. Both in telling them, and in spotting them. So you may as well admit the truth. More than anything in your life, you want to return to your people. (a beat) And I can make it possible. ODO How? WEYOUN Let me worry about the "how." All I need to know is... Are you ready to go home? 54C ANGLE ON WEYOUN For the Vorta, this is an important moment. He knows that Odo's answer will have significant consequences, both in his life and in Odo's. ODO No. But I am ready to end this conversation. Weyoun looks at Odo for a beat, then gives him a good- natured clap on the shoulder. (In case anyone's interested, when he touches Odo, Weyoun is purposely infecting Odo with the disease that almost kills him in "BROKEN LINK.") WEYOUN Then it's over. After all, you're a Founder. I live to serve you. And with that, Weyoun steps back into his quarters. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/09/96 - ACT FOUR 40. 54D CLOSE ON ODO As he looks at the closed door for a beat and then continues on his way. A55 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE O'Brien ENTERS the Bridge, carrying an isolinear chip. Dax is at the helm. O'BRIEN Commander. He hands her the isolinear chip. DAX (re: the chip) For Keiko? O'BRIEN My eleventh "goodbye" message since we were married. I'm averaging almost two a year. DAX Does she know you do this? O'BRIEN What would I tell her? "You know, honey, every time I'm about to go into battle I record a message for you and Molly telling how much I love you... just in case... " DAX She'd probably think it was sweet. O'BRIEN It would scare the hell out of her. (looks at the isolinear chip) To be honest, it scares the hell out of me. Every time I record one, I think, "This is it, this is the one she's going to wind up hearing." DAX It'll never happen. O'BRIEN Why do you say that? DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FOUR 40A. A55 CONTINUED: DAX Because when you've lived eight lifetimes, you develop certain instincts. And my instincts tell me that you, Miles Edward O'Brien, are going to live to be a hundred and forty and die in bed, surrounded by family and friends. O'BRIEN Do you really believe that? DAX Do you? O'BRIEN I'd like to. DAX That's all that matters. O'Brien smiles, appreciating Dax's effort to reassure him. O'BRIEN (re: the isolinear chip) Just to be on the safe side, maybe you'd better enter it into the ship's log anyway. Dax places the chip on the console. DAX I'll put it right alongside my message to my mother. O'BRIEN (surprised) You record these, too? DAX (bittersweet) Doesn't everyone? 55 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM Sisko has just gotten a report from one of the Engineers. He examines the PADD. SISKO It looks like the upgraded reactant injectors are working better than we thought. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FOUR 40B. 55 CONTINUED: WORF (O.S.) Captain. Sisko turns and finds Worf ENTERING the Engine Room. SISKO Mister Worf. Battle drills ended ten minutes ago. You should be in your quarters. WORF I was on my way. Sisko looks a little skeptical. SISKO It looks like you got a little lost. WORF There's something I'd like to discuss with you. SISKO Go on. WORF It has come to my attention that First Omet'iklan has threatened to kill you. Sisko looks surprised. SISKO I didn't know that was public knowledge. WORF You told Commander Dax. SISKO Well, that explains it. WORF She's concerned about you. And for good reason. As your executive officer, I recommend you remain on the ship during the away mission. That way Omet'iklan will have no opportunity to carry out his threat. Sisko considers Worf's advice. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FOUR 41. 55 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I appreciate the concern, but do you really expect me to follow that recommendation? WORF No, sir. I don't. But I hope you will take some advice. Don't turn your back on him. SISKO I won't. WORF Good. Worf hesitates. He's got more to say, but he's not sure Sisko will approve of his next sentiment. WORF I also wanted you to know... if somehow he does carry out his threat, I promise you... he will not live to boast about it. Sisko's instincts are to discourage such behavior, but Sisko knows that would be futile. And in a strange way, he's touched by Worf's concern. SISKO (a wry smile) That's very reassuring, Mister Worf. Just then... DAX'S COM VOICE Dax to Sisko. SISKO (to com) Sisko here. DAX'S COM VOICE We're approaching Vandros Four. SISKO On my way. Sisko and Worf both EXIT. 56 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) An Earth-like planet as seen from space. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FOUR 42. 57 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR - ARMS LOCKER Close on O'Brien as he hands out phaser rifles to the Starfleet officers. (Dax and Worf aren't present, having already armed themselves. Odo's not there either. He doesn't use guns.) After the last Starfleet officer has been given a rifle, the Jem'Hadar line up to receive their weapons. Omet'iklan holds out his hand to receive a rifle. O'Brien hesitates. OMET'IKLAN I'm waiting. O'Brien looks over to Sisko, who stands nearby with Weyoun. Sisko nods, silently telling O'Brien to go ahead with it. O'Brien reluctantly gives Omet'iklan a rifle. Omet'iklan passes it back and it works its way down the line. O'Brien continues passing out rifles until all the Jem'Hadar are armed. Virak'kara examines his rifle. O'BRIEN Don't worry. These aren't like the ones we gave you during the drill. They're fully charged. VIRAK'KARA (to Omet'iklan) This weapon is set on stun. OMET'IKLAN (to his men) Deactivate safeties. Reset weapons to maximum power. The Jem'Hadar all comply. This makes the Federation troops more than a little tense. For all they know the Jem'Hadar could attack at any moment. WEYOUN (trying to lighten things up) Well, this is a momentous occasion. The first joint operation between the Dominion and the Federation. I can't wait to see how it turns out. SISKO Prepare for transport. OMET'IKLAN Wait. Omet'iklan turns to his men. For the Jem'Hadar, this is what passes for a religious ceremony. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FOUR 43. 57 CONTINUED: OMET'IKLAN I am First Omet'iklan. And I am dead. As of this moment we are all dead. We go into battle to win back our lives. This we do gladly, because we are Jem'Hadar. Remember... (simply) Victory is life. They all bow their heads for a minute. JEM'HADAR ("amen") Victory is life. The Jem'Hadar file out of the room. 58 CLOSE ON WEYOUN, SISKO AND O'BRIEN As they react to this chilling moment. WEYOUN (dry) Such a delightful people. O'Brien looks up at the Federation troops, who feel a little upstaged at the moment. O'BRIEN well, I'm Chief Miles Edward O'Brien. And I'm very much alive and intend to stay that way. SISKO (speaking for all) Amen. (to his men) Let's get it done. And as they start out the door... CUT TO: 59 EXT. ICONIAN ZIGGURAT - DAY (MATTE/OPTICAL) A long shot of the Iconian structure. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 60 EXT. ICONIAN ZIGGURAT ENTRANCE - DAY Four visible Jem'Hadar soldiers guard the entrance, which means there're probably two more camouflaged ones hanging around. These renegade Jem'Hadar have probably done something to either their hair or their wardrobe that will distinguish them from Omet'iklan's men. And instead of Jem'Hadar rifles, they carry alien-looking polearms, something like a cross between the halberds used by British beefeaters and Japanese naginatas. 61 EXT. WOODED AREA - DAY This is a heavily wooded area. There are traces of the ancient Iconian city scattered among the trees, a column here and a bit of a wall there. Sisko takes cover behind a tree. O'Brien is nearby. He's carrying a satchel. In the background, three Jem'Hadar and three Starfleet personnel move forward through the brush. Worf and Odo are among the new arrivals. Sisko signals to the new arrivals with hand gestures. They break into two three-man teams and take up positions. 62 CLOSE ON FIRST OMET'IKLAN As he examines his phaser rifle. He looks puzzled. He sights the rifle into the forest and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. He's furious. Omet'iklan examines the rifle of another Jem'Hadar, throws it to the ground, and storms over to Sisko and O'Brien. OMET'IKLAN You betrayed us. SISKO What are you talking about? OMET'IKLAN Our rifles have been sabotaged. He shoves the rifle at Sisko. As Sisko examines it, O'Brien looks at his own rifle. O'BRIEN Hold on. He tries to fire his rifle. Nothing happens. O'BRIEN Mine's dead too. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FOUR 45. 62 CONTINUED: Sisko checks his own rifle. There're no lights. By now, in the background, both Jem'Hadar and Starfleet officers (Dax and Worf among them) are realizing that something's gone wrong with their weapons. O'Brien hits his combadge. It's not working either. WORF Something's interfering with our equipment. DAX The Gateway. It's probably generating some kind of dampening field. ODO If that's the case, we'd better come up with a new plan. But before they have a chance to come up with anything 63 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Six renegade Jem'Hadar shimmer into visibility. Before he's even completely shimmering in, one of them hacks down a Security Officer with his polearm. 64 ANGLE ON SISKO As another renegade Jem'Hadar attacks him. Sisko manages to duck the blade but gets clobbered by the staff. As Sisko goes down and the renegade raises his polearm. to strike, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/0"L/96 - ACT FIVE 46. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 65 EXT. WOODED AREA - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS) Close on the Renegade Jem'Hadar as he starts to bring down his blade. Suddenly he stops in mid-swing, looking surprised. We... PULL BACK TO REVEAL: 66 NEW ANGLE Worf, his mek'leth buried in the Jem'Hadar's side. The Jem'Hadar falls. Sisko gets up and, grabs the fallen Jem'Hadar's weapon. SISKO Thank you, Mister Worf. WORF My pleasure. As Sisko and Worf get their bearings, they see... 67 ANGLE ON OMET'IKLAN Who grins and reaches into his boot. He pulls out a small tube, flicks it, and blades spring out from either end. His men do likewise. They attack the renegade Jem'Hadar. This is the Jem'Hadars' moment. They're in their element. And in a surprisingly short time, they kill the attacking soldiers, losing one of their men in the process. Not that any of them seem to care about their loss. 68 NEW ANGLE Sisko on the other hand, cares very much. He rushes to the side of one of the downed security officers. He takes his pulse. But the officer is dead. Odo and Worf come up to Sisko after checking the field. ODO We lost Ramirez, too. Sisko knew that casualties were a possibility, but that doesn't make the loss any easier. In the background, the victorious Jem'Hadar salvage vials of White from the dead renegades. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FIVE 47. 68 CONTINUED: WORF It would appear we've lost the element of surprise. Omet'iklan, flush with victory, comes up to Sisko. OMET'IKLAN I suppose you'll want to call off the mission. Sisko looks at his downed officers. SISKO (cold) Guess again. Hold on Sisko's determined expression for a beat, then... CUT TO: 69 EXT. ICONIAN ZIGGURAT ENTRANCE - DAY There are now more renegade Jem'Hadar sentries guarding the entrance. They look alert, like they're expecting trouble. Suddenly three of Omet'iklan's Jem'Hadar, including Virak'kara, spring from cover and attack. As soon as the renegades are engaged, Dax, Worf, and the five remaining Starfleet officers come streaming out of the woods and join the battle. Worf is carrying the explosives satchel that O'Brien had earlier. The attackers barrel into the sentries and for a second there's ferocious hand to hand combat. We stay on Worf, as he slashes his way through the opposition. After a brutal struggle, Worf, Dax, Virak'kara, another Jem'Hadar and Two Starfleet Officers break through the sentries and ENTER... 70 INT. ZIGGURAT VESTIBULE - DAY This room opens onto a maze of ancient passageways made of polished rock and metal. The six intruders are almost immediately set upon by Jem'Hadar renegades. DAX (to Worf) Get going. we'll hold them off. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FIVE 48. 70 CONTINUED: Dax, Virak'kara, and a Starfleet Officer turn to face the Jem'Hadar renegades, while Worf, the other Jem'Hadar and the second Starfleet Officer move deeper into the building. 71 INT. ZIGGURAT CORRIDOR - DAY Two Jem'Hadar sentries rush to assist in one of the battles. Worf steps out from behind a corner and cuts the first renegade down. Worf's companions take care of the second Jem'Hadar. WORF Keep moving. But before they can move on, three more Jem'Hadar attack. One of them kills the loyal Jem'Hadar. Worf and the Starfleet Security Officer are cornered and more renegade Jem'Hadar are on their way. 72 INT. ZIGGURAT VESTIBULE - DAY Dax and Virak'kara are the only ones left to secure Worf's line of retreat. They're fighting back to back against several enemies. Dax has a deep gash in her forehead. Virak'kara is also badly cut up. DAX Virak'kara, you still there? VIRAK'KARA For a little while longer at least. DAX Don't worry. You'll make Honored Elder yet. Virak'kara continues fighting. It doesn't look likely. 73 INT. ZIGGURAT CORRIDOR - DAY Close on the Starfleet Security Officer, who's been badly wounded and is out of the fight. Worf comes to his defense, fending off his Jem'Hadar attacker. But there are too many Jem'Hadar for him to handle. Finally, when it appears he's been backed into a corner, he takes the satchel in hand. WORF I think we have waited long enough. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FIVE 49. 73 CONTINUED: He drops the satchel. 74 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) On the satchel, which immediately MORPHS into Odo, who does some kind of spectacular, offensive MORPH (TBD), which keeps the Jem'Hadar off balance and keeps Worf alive at least for the moment. 75 EXT. ICONIAN ZIGGURAT - DAY We're looking at a back entrance with dead Jem'Hadar guards lying by the door. 76 INT. SIDE PASSAGEWAY - DAY Sisko and O'Brien, who carries the real satchel charge, make their way down the passageway. SISKO (to O'Brien) You're sure the explosives won't be affected by the Gateway? O'BRIEN The primary detonator might not work, but there's a chemical backup that should do the trick. Omet'iklan joins them from around a corner. He smiles grimly. OMET'IKLAN The way is clear. SISKO Let's move. 77 INT. GATEWAY CHAMBER - DAY (OPTICAL) The Gateway is a high-tech metallic archway with a flashing energy field inside. It's similar to the tech from TNG's "Contagion." Images of other worlds flash in the Gateway. Two Jem'Hadar sentries stand guard. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FIVE 50. 78 NEW ANGLE Suddenly Omet'iklan and Sisko rush in to attack. Omet'iklan takes on one of the guards. Sisko rushes the other one as O'Brien goes to place the explosives. After a difficult struggle, both Sisko and Omet'iklan emerge victorious. 79 CLOSE ON SISKO (OPTICAL) As soon as he defeats his opponent, Sisko starts looking around the room making sure there're no camouflaged opponents left. Omet'iklan does likewise. Suddenly Sisko catches a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. Sisko jumps between Omet'iklan and the shimmer, taking a weapon slash from an enemy Jem'Hadar just as he appears. This alerts Omet'iklan, who cuts down the renegade. 80 NEW ANGLE As Omet'iklan looks at the downed sentry and realizes Sisko has saved his life. OMET'IKLAN (surprised) I threatened to kill you, but you were still willing to sacrifice yourself to save my life. Sisko presses a hand into his injured side to stop the bleeding. SISKO Looks that way. OMET'IKLAN Why? SISKO If you have to ask, you'll never understand. O'Brien's finished planting the explosives. O'BRIEN Gentlemen, it's time we were leaving. The three of them EXIT. 81 INT. ZIGGURAT VESTIBULE - DAY Virak'kara and Dax are still fighting against a handful of Jem'Hadar sentries. Suddenly Odo and Worf come charging out of a passageway. Worf is carrying the wounded Starfleet Security Officer over his shoulders. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FIVE 51. 81 CONTINUED: ODO Let's go, Dax. Dax and Virak'kara push back from their opponents. DAX (to a renegade) If I were you, I'd run like hell. Dax, Virak'kara, Worf and Odo retreat and head out the door. 82 EXT. WOODED AREA - DAY Sisko, O'Brien and Omet'iklan are there. One Jem'Hadar and two Starfleet Security Officers are waiting for them. SISKO What about Dax and the others? Dax, Worf, Odo and Virak'kara emerge from the darkness. WORF Right here, Captain. Just then, there's a huge explosion in the distance that shakes the ground. O'BRIEN So much for the Gateway. ODO It looks like we got out just in time. Virak'kara immediately checks his rifle. VIRAK'KARA Our weapons are working again. Omet'iklan immediately grabs a rifle. So does just about everyone else. It looks like there's going to be a fight. Sisko waits for the Jem'Hadar to make the first move. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FIVE 52. 83 CLOSE ON OMET'IKLAN Who looks a Sisko, but before we find out what he's going to do... 84 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Weyoun beams in, along with two more Starfleet officers. He's got his case of white with him. Sisko and the others react to his sudden appearance. WEYOUN The Defiant's sensors registered a powerful explosion in the vicinity of the Gateway. I assume your mission was a success? Omet'iklan looks coldly at Weyoun. DAX The Gateway's been destroyed, if that's what you mean. WEYOUN Well done, Captain. (looks at Omet'iklan) You've all done very nicely. Extra rations of White for everyone. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to inspect the wreckage. But before Weyoun can finish his sentence... 85 CLOSE ON OMET'IKLAN (OPTICAL) Omet'iklan opens fire, disintegrating the Vorta. Sisko and the others react. OMET'IKLAN That's for questioning our loyalty. 86 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Omet'iklan turns toward Sisko, but keeps his gun down. Everyone tenses, expecting trouble, but they all wait to see what Sisko and Omet'iklan do. There's a long beat as Omet'iklan stares at Sisko, utterly unreadable. Maybe it's respect, maybe it's some kind of gratitude, but in the end, Omet'iklan gives Sisko the smallest of smiles. OMET'IKLAN I think there's been enough killing for one day. DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FIVE 53. 86 CONTINUED: Sisko realizes that Omet'iklan isn't going to carry out his threat. VIRA-KIKARA (collecting the case) The Vorta will have no further use of this. SISKO We can take you to the nearest Dominion outpost. OMET'IKLAN My men and I will remain here. There're still disloyal Jem'Hadar on this planet. They must be hunted down and eliminated. SISKO Good luck. Omet'iklan doesn't wish Sisko the same. Omet'iklan studies Sisko, amazed that the human can continue to surprise him. The two commanders lock eyes for a beat, then Omet'iklan shakes his head. OMET'IKLAN You fought well. But the next time we meet, we'll be enemies. SISKO I'll keep that in mind. Omet'iklan turns and walks away and he and his men shimmer into invisibility. 87 CLOSE ON SISKO AND HIS CREW As they watch the Jem'Hadar disappear. No one's eager to see them again. Sisko looks at his crew. They're bloodied, battered, but unbowed. A moment passes between the captain and his crew. He's proud of them, and they know it. O'BRIEN I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like to get out of here. Sisko nods. He hits his combadge. SISKO (to com) Sisko to Defiant. Begin transport. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "To the Death" - REV. 04/01/96 - ACT FIVE 54. 87A EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Defiant in orbit. Hold on this for a beat, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END STXT