STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "For the Cause" #40510-494 Story by Mark Gehred-O'Connell Teleplay by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Jim Conway THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1996 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION February 26, 1996 STAR TREK: DS9 - "For the Cause" - 02/27/96 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "For the Cause" CAST SISKO GARAK KIRA EDDINGTON BASHIR KASIDY DAX ZIYAL O'BRIEN BRATHAW ODO REESE QUARK WORF JAKE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "For the Cause" - 02/26/96 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "For the Cause" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE CAPTAIN'S OFFICE HOLOSUITE/CARDASSIAN SAUNA DEFIANT CARGO BAY XHOSA AIRLOCK VULCAN FREIGHTER CORRIDOR GARAK'S SHOP OPS SISKO'S QUARTERS/BEDROOM SPRINGBALL COURT TURBOLIFT WARDROOM DEFIANT BRIDGE XHOSA BRIDGE DEEP SPACE NINE -"For the Cause"- 02/26/96 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "For the Cause" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE DREON DREE-on KARAVA KAR-ruh-vuh MAKAPA mah-KAH-pah POKA PO-ka RISA RYE-suh ROLOR RO-lor TABALIAN tuh-BAY-lee-an TACHYON TACK-ee-on TEMECKLIAN tuh-MEK-lee-an THOLIAN THO-lee-an XHOSA ZOE-sa ZIYAL ZEE-al DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - TEASER STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "For the Cause" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS - BEDROOM SISKO and KASIDY YATES are in bed. Sisko is sound asleep, but Kasidy is awake. She looks at his sleeping form with obvious affection for a moment, then gently kisses him and begins to get out of bed. This wakes Sisko and he reaches out a hand to keep her in bed. SISKO (sleepy) Kasidy? Where're you going? KASIDY (whispers) Down to my ship. I have a meeting with my engineer. Go back to sleep. Sisko keeps his eyes closed, but pulls her close, not quite willing to give up the comfort and warmth of her next to him. SISKO You're the captain. He'll wait. KASIDY (mocking) Oh... is that how you treat your staff... just make them wait around while you sleep in? Sisko pulls her closer... nuzzles her neck. SISKO That's right. In fact, there are days I never get out of bed... Kasidy reacts... it's a sensuous, tempting moment and he gives her a long, deep kiss. KASIDY You're not making this easy... SISKO That's the general idea... She finally pulls away from him and gets out of bed and crosses out of frame. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: We stay on Sisko as Kasidy dresses o.s. He smiles a sleepy, playful smile at her. KASIDY You... are evil... SISKO I'm a Starfleet officer... a paragon of virtue. KASIDY'S VOICE The next time you're called to Ops in the middle of the night... you're going to pay for this. SISKO I can't wait. She comes back into frame, tucking in her shirt as she leans down to him. KASIDY See you later. SISKO Bye. She gives him a good-bye kiss and then EXITS. Sisko smiles after her for a moment, rolls over and is about to go to sleep, when a thought hits him. He picks up her pillow, smells it and then tosses his aside and puts her pillow under his head. As he drifts back into slumber... CUT TO: 2 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing the station. 3 INT. WARDROOM A staff meeting is just getting underway. COMMANDER EDDINGTON is briefing Sisko, ODO, DAX, KIRA and WORF, who are sitting down around the table. EDDINGTON Good morning. This briefing will contain information considered extremely sensitive by Starfleet Command. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: EDDINGTON (Cont'd) Please do not share it with anyone who doesn't have a level seven security rating. (beat) It seems that during their recent invasion of Cardassia, the Klingons inflicted far more damage than we've been led to believe. Two weeks ago, the civilian government on Cardassia Prime secretly contacted the Federation Council and made an urgent request for industrial replicators. And that request... has been granted. There are surprised reactions around the room. DAX How many replicators are we talking about? EDDINGTON Twelve -- all class four. KIRA The Federation's only given Bajor two CFI replicators. EDDINGTON With all due respect, Bajor is just one planet. The Klingons have destroyed the industrial base of literally dozens of Cardassian worlds. With twelve CFI replicators, they can at least start building new power plants and factories. DAX Why all the secrecy? EDDINGTON Starfleet Intelligence believes the Maquis may try to stop the shipment or even seize the replicators for themselves. SISKO Makes sense. The Cardassian military has been so busy fending off the Klingons, they've basically given the Maquis a free hand in the Demilitarized Zone. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - TEASER 3A. 3 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (Cont'd) The last thing the Maquis are going to want to see is a shipment of replicators on its way to Cardassia. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: (3) Eddington nods and then indicates the MAP on the wall monitor which clearly shows: the Cardassian border, the DMZ, the Badlands and DS9. EDDINGTON (continuing, indicating map) Yes, Sir. Intelligence also reports that the Demilitarized Zone between Cardassia and the Federation has been a hotbed of increasing terrorist activity for the past month. We suspect the Maquis have built several new bases in the Badlands, and the Cardassians in the DMZ are getting worried. WORF They should be. Without the Cardassian military to stop them, the Maquis have a perfect opportunity to drive the Cardassians out of the DMZ permanently. SISKO I take it this shipment is going to pass through Deep Space Nine? EDDINGTON Yes, sir. In three days. SISKO All right. (to Odo) Let's tighten security on the station. Step up random checks of incoming and outgoing cargo for weapons or explosives, more deputies on the Promenade... you know the drill. ODO Understood. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: (4) SISKO (to Worf) Mister Worf, tomorrow I want you to take the Defiant and patrol the Badlands. Show the flag -- let the Maquis know we're ready for any trouble. WORF Aye, sir. SISKO (to Eddington) I want daily briefings on this until the replicators are in Cardassian hands. (to all) Dismissed. Eddington and Odo exchange an uncomfortable look. ODO The commander and I would like to have a word with you... Sisko nods and waits until everyone else has left the room. Sisko picks up on the discomfort of Eddington and Odo. SISKO Something wrong? EDDINGTON Captain... it's come to our attention that there may be a Maquis smuggler here on the station. SISKO Oh? ODO It's just a theory at this point... and frankly our suspicions are based on purely... circumstantial evidence. SISKO Who is it? EDDINGTON Again, we're still not certain... DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - TEASER 6. 3 CONTINUED: (5) SISKO I understand that. Who? They still hesitate, and Sisko frowns. SISKO (continuing) Gentlemen? ODO (reluctant) Kasidy Yates. Off Sisko's shocked expression... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 4 INT. WARDROOM Continuous from the Teaser. Sisko is looking at Odo and Eddington in shock. SISKO Kasidy... ? Working for the Maquis? That's impossible. ODO I certainly hope so. Smuggling with intent to supply a terrorist organization is a serious offense. SISKO (sharp) Where's your evidence? Odo notes the tone of Sisko's voice, but is unruffled by it. ODO Five months ago, Captain Yates was hired by the Bajorans to carry cargo to their outlying colonies. one of her regular runs is between Bajor and the colony on Dreon Seven. It's a twelve-hour run for most ships, but she always takes eighteen. (beat) The six hour difference is just enough time to allow her to make a side trip into the Badlands, rendezvous with a Maquis ship and then continue on to the Dreon System. SISKO That's your evidence? She's slow on one of her deliveries? EDDINGTON There's more. Starfleet Intelligence has infiltrated one of the Maquis cells and obtained a partial list of their contacts in the Bajoran Sector. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 4 CONTINUED: EDDINGTON (Cont'd) They all had cover names, of course, but one of their contacts started living aboard Deep Space Nine in the last six months. ODO And Captain Yates has been living aboard the station just under six months. SISKO (heated) That's damned slim evidence to base an accusation on. ODO (calm) We haven't made accusations... I said we have suspicions. Sisko pulls back a little in the face of Odo's complete equanimity. SISKO Right. You did say that. ODO Captain... I realize this is an awkward situation for you. But if I could step up my surveillance of Captain Yates... SISKO You've had her under surveillance? EDDINGTON We've made... discreet observations of her movements on the station. ODO But we'd like permission to conduct a more thorough investigation. SISKO You mean install surveillance equipment in her quarters... ODO If we don't find anything, you can be assured she'll never know she was under investigation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 9. 4 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO She's a Federation citizen, Odo. You can't just invade her privacy based on your suspicions... you'd need to show me some real evidence before I'd authorize what you're proposing. EDDINGTON If she's really a Maquis, then she's no longer a Federation citizen. SISKO The answer is no. EDDINGTON Understood, sir. Eddington gives Odo a look -- best not to push Sisko on this. They turn to go, but then Sisko's conscience gets to him. SISKO Gentlemen... (they stop) Putting equipment in her quarters is one thing... but her ship is a different story. There are times when we have to search vessels docked at the station. If you can find a reason... Sisko trails off, and they take the hint. ODO We'll let you know. That said, Odo and Eddington EXIT, leaving a very troubled Sisko in the Wardroom. CUT TO: 5 CLOSE ON A PLAYER'S GLOVE As the glove SMACKS a springball directly at the camera. REVEAL: DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 9A. 6 INT. SPRINGBALL COURT (OPTICAL) The Court is a redress of the Cargo Bay. The far wall has markings to indicate goals and foul lines, while the two side walls are blank. The back of the court has benches set up and a CROWD is watching the match from behind a forcefield, which forms the back wall of the court. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 10. 6 CONTINUED: The game is played by two people at a time and is a sort of full contact handball. The players try to hit the ball inside a clearly marked oval on the far wall without hitting the foul zones. The players can "body check" each other to screw up a shot or to steal a shot of their own, but there's no punching or kicking allowed. A player can also grab the ball out of the air with an ungloved hand, but then has to stand in place and throw the ball off the wall to set up a "shot" with the glove (only a hit with the glove can score). At the moment, the game is being played by Kira and a muscular MALE BAJORAN. Kira body checks the Man into the side wall, then spins and smacks the ball toward the oval... it SCORES and a BUZZER SOUNDS. 7 THE CROWD Watching the game CHEERS and BOOS. In the crowd, we see two familiar faces: BASHIR and GARAK, sitting in one of the back rows. Bashir is into the game, following the players closely, shadow-playing the action with slight body movement, occasionally shouting encouragement to Kira. Garak is taking a more bemused detachment to the affair. Bashir jumps to his feet along with some other spectators as Kira scores. BASHIR Yeah, Nerys! There you go! Bashir sits back down as Kira and her opponent reset themselves for another serve by the man. BASHIR (to Garak) Did you see that? The way she gave him the tiniest head fake and then -- BOOM. Checked him into the wall... GARAK Yes, it was quite effective. On the court, Kira serves and the ball goes into play. Bashir watches the action closely, while Garak looks over the crowd for a moment, finally glancing down toward the front row. 8 GARAK'S POV He's watching ZIYAL, who's sitting down in front, watching Kira with a smile. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 ACT ONE 11. 9 RESUME GARAK & BASHIR BASHIR (to Garak) Stop watching her. GARAK I thought the whole point was to watch. BASHIR The point is to watch the game, not the spectators. (re: Ziyal) Especially not that spectator. GARAK What does she expect? She's the only Cardassian woman on this station. She must know she's going to attract some attention. BASHIR Some, yes. Yours, no. Kira gets TRIPPED and goes down. BASHIR (shouts) That's a foul! Come on! But Kira rolls up quickly and is able to keep the man from scoring by grabbing the ball out of the air with her free hand. BASHIR (quickly) Yeah-yeah-yeah! Garak glances down at Ziyal again. GARAK Maybe I should say hello after the game. BASHIR (to Garak) She's Gul Dukat's daughter, Garak. I can't think of anyone in the galaxy who hates you more than he does. And Ziyal is a friend of Kira. I wouldn't play around with her if I were you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 12. 9 CONTINUED: GARAK (insulted) I simply thought it would be polite to say hello. But clearly, you think I'm incapable of conducting any kind of pleasant discourse without some nefarious ulterior motive... Bashir rolls his eyes, then turns to him, tries to backtrack. BASHIR That's not what I meant. I just think you should leave well enough alone. Why stir up -- Garak suddenly leaps to his feet along with the rest of the crowd just as the BUZZER SOUNDS. GARAK Yes! What a play! Bravo, Major! Bashir jumps up as well and looks down at the court. The man is lying flat on his back and the ball is bouncing around the court. Kira has won the game. The crowd goes wild, and Bashir missed it. BASHIR What happened? GARAK (applauding) A brilliant move on the part of the major. You should've been paying attention. Bashir reacts as the crowd continues to yell and applaud. Kira acknowledges the cheers and helps her opponent to his feet. Garak glances down at Ziyal one more time... and turns away again as soon as she turns to look at him. CUT TO: 10 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 13. 11 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko is COOKING some kind of emerald-green stew on the stove while another pot of boiling water with pasta sits nearby. He tastes the stew, frowns, adds some spices as the door CHIMES. SISKO Come in. The doors OPEN and Kasidy ENTERS. KASIDY Did you know you can smell that all the way down the corridor? Sisko tries to act like nothing's wrong. Throughout the scene, he's trying to be "normal," trying not to let her know anything's wrong. But this kind of deception is not Sisko's strong suit, he doesn't like it and there is a slight false note to his cheeriness. SISKO (without turning around) It's an experiment. Bajoran ratamba stew over spinach linguine. She moves to him, puts her arms around him. He tries not to stiffen. KASIDY (continuing) Don't your neighbors ever complain? SISKO Sometimes. But it's usually just an excuse to get a taste of what I'm cooking. KASIDY How sneaky of them. SISKO Yeah... they're a duplicitous bunch. She gives him a kiss on the neck just as Jake ENTERS from his room, carrying a PADD. JAKE All right you two, break it up. I have a problem. Do either of you know what a Kavarian tiger-bat smells like? They both turn and look at him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 14. 11 CONTINUED: JAKE (continuing) It's for a story I'm working on. The computer database has plenty of pictures, but no olfactory information. SISKO You're a writer. Make something up. JAKE I'm going for a real "you are there" feeling. The details have to be right. Kas, haven't you been to Kavaria? Sisko moves to a box and removes a complete alien plant. The roots still have a sizable amount of dirt clinging to them. Throughout the following conversation, Sisko begins to carefully brush the dirt from the roots onto a cutting board. KASIDY Not me. Sorry. Sisko thinks about this for a moment, suddenly sees an opportunity to probe Kasidy for some answers. SISKO (to Kasidy, casual) Don't you make a regular cargo run to a neighboring system? KASIDY No, Kavaria's out toward the Badlands. I try to stay away from there. (to Jake) You should ask Quark. I bet he knows someone who's been out that way. SISKO (to Kasidy) I thought you made deliveries to Dreon Seven. That's near the Badlands, isn't it? Sisko finishes with the plant, and then picks up the cutting board and starts to brush the dirt into the pot of stew. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 15. 11 CONTINUED: (2) KASIDY (shrugs) I guess it depends on how you define "near." On my ship, Dreon's a long way from the Badlands. JAKE Dad. Sisko looks up and sees the disgusted look on Jake's face. JAKE (continuing) That's dirt. SISKO And very tasty dirt it is, too. (beat) Trust me. He continues brushing the dirt into the pot and tries to pick up the thread of his conversation with Kasidy again. SISKO What route do you take to the Dreon System? I imagine you go around the Rolor Nebula. KASIDY That's right. SISKO So do you go through the stellar nursery in the Panak Sector or go around -- KASIDY I thought you hated talking shop at home. SISKO Just curious. Kasidy looks at him a little suspiciously. KASIDY If you're really this interested in my flight plans, why don't you look them up. You are the commander of the station, after all. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 16. 11 CONTINUED: (3) There's a brief, awkward beat here as Sisko realizes he can't pursue this any further without looking suspicious, so he tries to smile and brush it off. SISKO Forget I brought it up. Okay, everyone grab a plate and prepare to be dazzled. Kasidy and Jake grab plates and help themselves as Sisko steps aside and wipes his hands on a towel. JAKE (to Kasidy) You first. As Sisko watches the obvious affection between Kasidy and his son, a troubled look comes over his face and it's clear that his suspicions are far from settled. OFF his troubled look... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 12 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Kasidy's ship, the Xhosa, is docked at the station. 13 INT. CARGO BAY The Xhosa can be seen through the open airlock. The Xhosa's engineer, a Bolian named BRATHAW, is glaring at Odo. Two other N.D. Deputies are standing behind Odo, carrying tricorders and other scanning equipment. BRATHAW This is ridiculous... We have perishable goods in the hold and we can't-- KASIDY'S VOICE What's going on here? They all turn to see Kasidy, who's just entered the Bay. ODO Captain, we need to make a class- two inspection of your cargo before we can allow you to leave the station. KASIDY An inspection? For what? ODO Temecklian virus. There've been some reports of an outbreak on Bajor, so we're scanning all ships and cargo before they leave the system. KASIDY None of my cargo came from Bajor. ODO I'm afraid the rules are quite strict. No exceptions. KASIDY How long will this take? ODO Six hours. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 18. 13 CONTINUED: KASIDY Six hours! BRATHAW We'll miss the rendezvous. KASIDY We'll see about that. 14 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Kasidy moves over to a wall monitor and hits a couple of controls. There's a pause and then Sisko APPEARS on the screen. SISKO Kasidy... ? KASIDY I'm sorry to bother you, Ben. Normally, I wouldn't do this, but... SISKO What is it? KASIDY It's this health inspection. They're telling me it's going to take six hours, but we have to make a rendezvous with a Tholian freighter in nine hours and you know how they are about punctuality. SISKO (dubious) If it weren't a health concern -- maybe, but in this case... KASIDY Ben, please. I promise to flood the entire cargo hold with baryon radiation as a precaution, but I need to go now or I'll lose the entire consignment. Sisko hesitates for a moment. 15 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) Where Sisko is talking to Kasidy on his monitor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 19. 15 CONTINUED: SISKO (to Kasidy) Stand by. He taps a control and Kasidy's face is replaced with a station graphic. Sisko turns and we reveal Eddington standing just out of view from the monitor. SISKO Isn't there any way they can make it a shorter inspection? EDDINGTON Not if they're going to search for contraband while they make it look like a health inspection. They need time to look for camouflage fields, false cargo manifests, computer records... SISKO We probably shouldn't bother at this point. If Kasidy's in a hurry, she's going to be standing over their shoulders the whole time. They won't be able to do much of a search. EDDINGTON Captain, I strongly recommend that we at least try. Sisko thinks about it for a moment, then activates the monitor and Kasidy's face APPEARS. SISKO You're cleared to leave the station. Just be sure to irradiate that cargo. Kasidy beams with relief. KASIDY Thanks, Ben. I owe you one. See you tomorrow. Sisko smiles in return and then SHUTS OFF the monitor. SISKO Do you have something to say, Commander? DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 20. 15 CONTINUED: (2) Eddington may disagree with his captain, but he's too good an officer to show it. He shoves his disagreement aside and gives the Starfleet answer. EDDINGTON No, sir. SISKO Good. Now, get down to the Defiant and tell Worf he has a change of orders. (beat) I want you to follow the Xhosa. EDDINGTON (a little surprised) Aye, sir. (beat) What are our orders if we observe Captain Yates meeting a Maquis ship? Sisko thinks about this with a grim expression for a moment. SISKO For now, your orders are to observe and then report back to me. Is that clear? EDDINGTON Perfectly. Eddington turns and EXITS, leaving a disturbed and grim- faced Sisko. CUT TO: 16 INT. TURBOLIFT Garak is in the lift (which is MOVING) with Two N.D.s. The lift STOPS and the doors OPEN. Two more N.D.s and Ziyal ENTER. The newcomers hit the control pad on the bulkhead to choose a level and then the lift starts MOVING. As the lift moves, Ziyal can't help but glance over at Garak... he senses the glance, but doesn't return it. Finally the lift STOPS again, and everyone except Garak and Ziyal EXIT. The doors CLOSE and the lift begins MOVING. Ziyal turns and faces Garak warily, staying as far away from him as is possible in the lift. Garak watches her calmly and the two of them eye each other for a long, tense moment. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 21. 16 CONTINUED: GARAK You're not going to hurt me are you? There's a beat as Ziyal wonders if she heard him right... then realizes that he's joking and she smiles a little. GARAK Normally I would simply make a strategic withdrawal at the first sign of trouble, but there doesn't seem to be any way out of here. Ziyal relaxes somewhat, likes the joking tone and tries to make a game response. ZIYAL You could always call Security. GARAK True. But it would take several minutes for them to arrive, and by then... it might be too late. She almost laughs at that. There's a quiet moment as the tension lessens and they look at each other in the lift... and they begin to realize something unexpected: there's a certain attraction between these two. They break eye contact after a moment and Ziyal tries to continue the banter. ZIYAL I don't think I'll hurt you. GARAK I'm gratified to hear it. ZIYAL In fact... I think it's safe to say you have nothing to fear from me. The lift STOPS and the doors OPEN. GARAK (sincere) And you, my dear, have nothing to fear from me. He holds her eyes for a beat, then EXITS, leaving Ziyal alone with a new curiosity about this man. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 22. 17 EXT. SPACE - THE XHOSA (OPTICAL) The ship is moving at warp. 18 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The ship is under cloak. Worf is walking the Bridge. O'BRIEN's at the helm and Eddington at a side console. The Xhosa is on the viewscreen ahead of them, both ships moving at warp. O'BRIEN (to Worf) Commander, the Xhosa's altering course... they're now on heading one five eight, mark three two five. Worf and Eddington exchange a look. EDDINGTON The Badlands. WORF (to O'Brien) Stay with her, Chief. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. 19 EXT. SPACE - THE XHOSA (OPTICAL) The ship comes out of warp and moves o.s. 20 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As the Xhosa heads toward the roiling plasma storms of the Badlands. 21 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. Everyone watching the screen as they follow the Xhosa into the Badlands. The Xhosa bobs and weaves through the plasma storms, occasionally disappearing in the violent discharges of energy. The ship shudders and jumps periodically during the scene -- a ship tossed about in an unpredictable sea. Worf watches the tiny image of the Xhosa with concern. WORF Can we get any closer? DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 23. 21 CONTINUED: EDDINGTON Cloak or no cloak, we're putting out quite a wake in these plasma fields. If we get any closer, they're going to detect us. WORF What if we increase power to the deflector array and attempt to alter our hull profile? We might be able to -- O'BRIEN I've lost them. Worf reacts in frustration. WORF Drop to one quarter impulse and keep scanning along their last course. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. EDDINGTON (to Worf) Commander... ? 22 ANGLE ON EDDINGTON (OPTICAL) Eddington obviously wants to talk privately. Worf moves over to Eddington's station. EDDINGTON (quiet) I think I know where the Xhosa's going. Starfleet Intelligence has determined that the Maquis use specific routes through the Badlands. He works the console for a moment, and then calls up a schematic of the Badlands with certain highlighted coordinates. EDDINGTON (continuing) From the pattern of the Xhosa's flight path so far, I think they're heading along this route. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 24. 22 CONTINUED: Worf peers at the monitor for a moment, then nods with satisfaction. WORF Very good. (to O'Brien) Chief O'Brien, Commander Eddington will be transferring new flight coordinates to the helm. Lay in the course and engage at three- quarter impulse. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. O'Brien and Eddington work their respective consoles as Worf moves to the Helm and watches the screen for any sign of the Xhosa. O'Brien smiles ruefully. O'BRIEN Say what you will about the Maquis, they're not stupid. Using the Badlands as their base of operations is a smart move. (the ship SHAKES) Not to mention gutsy. WORF They are terrorists -- little more than criminals. And criminals always make mistakes. O'BRIEN They're just fighting for something they believe in. WORF They should be hunted down and destroyed. O'BRIEN For what? Defending their homes? Think about what's happened to these people. One day, they're trying to eke out a living on some godforsaken colonies along the Cardassian border. And the next day, the Federation makes a treaty handing those colonies over to the Cardassians. What would you do? WORF I would not become a terrorist. It is... dishonorable. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 25. 22 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN I wouldn't say that around Major Kira if I were you. Worf grunts and O'Brien clearly isn't going to change Worf's mind. He looks to Eddington. O'BRIEN What about you, commander? How do you feel about the Maquis? EDDINGTON I don't have any feelings about them one way or the other. O'BRIEN You must have an opinion. EDDINGTON I do my job, Chief. Starfleet says to find the Maquis, I'll find the Maquis. They tell me to help them, I'll help them. My opinion is irrelevant. What matters to me is doing my job like a Starfleet officer. Anything else... is an indulgence. O'Brien suddenly sees something on his console. O'BRIEN I think I've got something. (works) An impulse signature off the starboard bow... (reacts) Make that two impulse signatures. WORF Bring us within visual range. 23 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As O'Brien works for a moment and everyone watches the viewer. The plasma storms pass by the Defiant, until finally they can make out the XHOSA and a MAQUIS RAIDER stopped in the turbulent scene directly ahead. O'BRIEN That's a Maquis raider. EDDINGTON (off console) And the Xhosa is beaming over her cargo. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT TWO 26. 23 CONTINUED: Eddington and Worf exchange a look -- they both know that means Kasidy is definitely a smuggler. off their grim faces... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 24 INT. GARAK'S SHOP Garak is working on some clothes, when Ziyal ENTERS. ZIYAL Hello. Garak is genuinely surprised to see her (something that doesn't often happen) and he's caught off-guard. Ziyal has come here with an agenda, but she's a little nervous and tries to make small talk before getting around to the point. This causes Garak's antennae to go up and his suspicious nature begins to take over as the conversation goes on. GARAK Hello. ZIYAL This is your shop... GARAK Yes. ZIYAL It's very nice. GARAK Thank you. Ziyal looks around the clothes for a moment and Garak wonders just what the hell she's doing here. ZIYAL You do good work. GARAK How kind. There's an awkward beat of silence. GARAK Is there... something I can do for you? ZIYAL (awkward) I... got this holosuite program from Quark... it's a reproduction of a Cardassian sauna... like the ones they have... back home. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 28. 24 CONTINUED: GARAK Yes... ZIYAL And I was wondering... if you might be... interested in... trying it out with me. GARAK Oh. ZIYAL I mean... we're the only Cardassians on the station, and well... the temperature's too hot for almost anyone else. GARAK I see. Garak isn't sure what to do... he's intrigued and very suspicious at the same time. GARAK When... were you thinking of... ZIYAL Maybe... the day after tomorrow? Say twenty-one hundred? Garak hesitates, then smiles warmly. GARAK I'd be delighted. Ziyal's face lights up with pleasure. ZIYAL Great. I'll see you there. GARAK I look forward to it. She EXITS, and as soon as she does, we see the smile vanish from Garak's face and he looks after her with a dark and suspicious look. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 29. 25 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko is sitting at the table with a mug of coffee and some fruit, and but he's not very interested in either. Jake ENTERS from the bedroom and heads for the replicator. JAKE Morning. SISKO Morning. JAKE (to replicator) Raktajino, extra sweet. Makapa bread, no crust. We HEAR the replicator work and Jake removes the mug and plate of alien bread. SISKO What happened to juice and oatmeal? JAKE Kasidy introduced me to this. It's great. Jake moves to join his father at the table. JAKE When's she due back? SISKO Tonight. Jake dunks the bread in the coffee. The coffee immediately begins FOAMING and Sisko reacts at the sight. JAKE It's okay, it's supposed to do that. The foam tastes like a... weird peppermint, and now the bread tastes like... I don't know what it tastes like exactly. Want some? SISKO Think I'll pass. Sisko takes a sip from his coffee, and Jake begins to realize that something's up with his father. JAKE Dad? Something wrong? DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 30. 25 CONTINUED: SISKO I'm a little tired. Didn't sleep much last night. Jake smiles a little mischievously. JAKE I guess you're not used to sleeping alone anymore. Sisko gives him a surprised look. Jake laughs, enjoying teasing his Dad for once. But Sisko is on a different wavelength. The subject of Kasidy is a delicate one for him right now, and Jake is misreading his reaction as embarrassment over Jake's sexual teasing. JAKE (teasing) It's okay, you can admit it... you miss her... "companionship." You miss... "talking"... and sharing your "insights" about command and duty... SISKO (snaps) All right, that's enough. JAKE (surprised) I was just kidding. SISKO I know. I've just got a lot on my mind. An awkward silence. JAKE Something happen between you and Kasidy? SISKO Not exactly. JAKE If you want to talk... Sisko looks at the concerned and earnest look on his son's face for a moment, then moves to him and puts an arm on his shoulder with a smile. Jake isn't sure what emotions are stirring around inside his father, but he's glad to see that smile nevertheless. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 31. 25 CONTINUED: (2) JAKE What? Sisko squeezes his son's shoulder hard for a moment. SISKO This is important. You and I. Things change... but not this. Sisko trails off, unsure what to say and unwilling to say it all. Jake looks at him with a puzzled, worried look. SISKO Forget it. I'm just having a bad day. He gives his son a kiss and then EXITS, leaving Jake wondering just what the hell is up with his Dad. CUT TO: 26 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship is now docked at DS9. 27 INT. WARDROOM Eddington is finishing a briefing on the Defiant's mission. Worf, O'Brien, Dax and Sisko are sitting at the table. Sisko's expression is unreadable. An Okudagram CHART of the Xhosa's flight path is on the large monitor. The Badlands, Dreon Seven, and DS9 are clearly marked. EDDINGTON (pointing to chart) after the cargo was beamed aboard the Maquis raider, the Xhosa took this route out of the Badlands... and resumed its course to Dreon Seven. An awkward silence as everyone glances at Sisko, but no one wants to make eye contact. DAX Do you know what cargo was transferred to the Maquis ship? DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 ACT THREE 32. 27 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN From the residual transporter signatures, it was approximately eighty percent organic. I'd say... food or possibly medical supplies. DAX Well, at least we're not dealing with weapons. It sounds like she's only providing -- Sisko quietly, but firmly cuts off Dax's attempt to make him feel better. SISKO (quiet) Where is the Xhosa now? WORF Captain Yates is on her way back to the station. She should arrive at nineteen hundred hours. A long quiet moment. SISKO Thank you. Dismissed. Everyone gets up and heads for the door. Dax hesitates on the threshold, decides to hang back. SISKO (without looking) Dismissed, old man. Dax decides not to push him. Sisko stares at the monitor for a long time, then grabs a cup off the table in front of him and SMASHES it on the table in a brief violent moment of rage. CUT TO: 28 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko is standing in his quarters, looking out the window when the door CHIMES. He knows who it is and he takes a moment to pull himself together for this encounter. The door CHIMES again. SISKO Come in. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 33. 28 CONTINUED: Kasidy ENTERS, with a big smile. Sisko smiles back and throughout the following scene, he tries very hard not to let her know that anything is wrong or out of the ordinary. But it's not easy for the captain to put on a false front for Kasidy (especially since he feels betrayed by her)and the scene is a struggle for him. KASIDY Miss me? SISKO Were you gone? She comes to him and puts her arms around him. Kasidy is in an amorous mood and this only makes it tougher for Sisko. KASIDY Admit it -- without me, you cried yourself to sleep. She kisses him and he returns the embrace. She smiles, and Sisko is trying not to show his discomfort with the physical contact, but he does have to pull away and sit down on the couch. SISKO So... did you make your rendezvous with the Tholian freighter? KASIDY Right on time. And thank you for bending the inspection rules for me. we'd have never made it without you. SISKO Just don't make a habit of it. KASIDY I promise. SISKO Where'd you meet the Tholians? In the Dreon system? KASIDY Yeah. Why? DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 34. 28 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO It just seemed odd that the Tholians would travel that far for some medical supplies. KASIDY They really needed them. They've got some kind of viral infection on one of their colonies. In fact, I can't stay long -- I'm supposed to make another run tonight. (beat, with a smile) And I promise you can inspect the cargo ahead of time. SISKO That'll make Odo very happy. Jake ENTERS from the Corridor. JAKE (to Kasidy) Hey, you're back. KASIDY Looks like it to me. JAKE Are you guys doing anything right now? I just got a new holosuite program Nog sent me. It's a baseball game between the nineteen sixty-one Yankees and the nineteen seventy-eight Red Sox. KASIDY I'll buy the hot dogs. SISKO I have to pass. I'm due in Ops. And the Yankees will bury them anyway. You two have fun. KASIDY But I'm only here for a few hours... SISKO Duty calls. I'll see you when you get back. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 35. 28 CONTINUED: (3) KASIDY (disappointed) Okay. She gives him a kiss good-bye and then Sisko EXITS. CUT TO: 29 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko is talking to Eddington and Odo. SISKO She's going on another run tonight. She seemed prepared for a cargo inspection this time, so I doubt you'll find anything. Sisko lets it go at that for the moment. He knows all too well what the next logical step is, but doesn't want to say it. ODO Captain... Mister Eddington and I have discussed this at length, and we both feel that if the Xhosa makes another rendezvous with a Maquis Raider... we should seize both vessels and arrest everyone aboard. EDDINGTON For all we know, the Xhosa may not make another run for months. We shouldn't let this opportunity pass us by. Sisko takes a long moment, but knows there's no alternative. SISKO Agreed. EDDINGTON Yes, sir. And that does bring up another point I'd like to discuss... (glances at Odo) In private, if I may. Odo nods and then EXITS. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 36. 29 CONTINUED: EDDINGTON Sir, the CFI replicators are due to arrive here tomorrow afternoon. I'd feel better if I were here to supervise the security detail. SISKO Lieutenant Reese can handle it. EDDINGTON Yes, sir he can. But... Eddington casts about for the moment, clearly uncomfortable with something. SISKO Just say it, Commander. EDDINGTON Sir, if the Maquis put up a fight the Xhosa might get caught in the crossfire. If that happens, I can't guarantee the safety of Kasidy Yates. (beat) And to be blunt, I don't want that responsibility. Sisko thinks about that for a moment. SISKO I can't say I blame you. (beat) Security for the CFI replicators is your priority. I'll take command of the Defiant. EDDINGTON Thank you, Captain. Sisko nods and then Eddington EXITS, leaving an unhappy Sisko. CUT TO: 30 INT. CARGO BAY Kasidy is hurrying toward the airlock, where Brathaw is waiting for her. The Xhosa can be seen through the open airlock. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 37. 30 CONTINUED: BRATHAW The inspection team just left. KASIDY Any problems? He shakes his head and they're both about to enter the airlock when Sisko's voice stops them. SISKO'S VOICE Kasidy! She turns and sees that Sisko has just ENTERED the Bay. KASIDY (to Brathaw) I'll be right there. Brathaw EXITS to the Xhosa as Kasidy moves out to meet Sisko. This is a tense, awkward scene for them each -- he knows her secret and she's beginning to suspect he knows, but neither of them can come right out and say it. SISKO How was the game? KASIDY Good. Seven - three, Yankees. Sisko nods and smiles, but then hesitates and there's an awkward beat of silence. KASIDY Did you come all the way down here for the score? SISKO No. (beat) I was just thinking... why don't we drop everything and go to Risa. Just the two of us. KASIDY What -- now? SISKO We won't even pack a bag. We'll walk straight out of here, get in a runabout and go. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 38. 30 CONTINUED: (2) Kasidy is caught off-guard, there's a lot to consider in Sisko's offer. He's giving her a way out. KASIDY But what about the station? SISKO I have a good crew. They can handle things around here for a few days. (beat) Neither of us is doing anything so important that it can't wait a few days. KASIDY I'm not sure the Tholians would agree. SISKO Let your first officer handle it. Or better yet -- tell the "Tholians" they won't be getting this shipment at all. He gives her an intense, searching look. Kasidy struggles here for a long moment, sorely tempted by Sisko's unexpected offer, but bound by her secret obligation to the Maquis. KASIDY I don't think I can do that, Ben. I have... a commitment to fulfill. But if you want to take a runabout and wait for me on Risa... I'll meet you there. That's not what Sisko wanted to hear, but he's gone as far as he can here and he tries to smile and brush the whole thing off. SISKO (smiles) Forget it. It was just a... crazy idea. (beat) Have a good trip. KASIDY Thanks. She turns to go. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 39. 30 CONTINUED: (3) KASIDY (continuing) It's a tempting idea, Ben. I wish I could take you up on it. SISKO (heartfelt) So do I. Kasidy EXITS to the Xhosa. Off Sisko's disappointed and grim look... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 31 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Sisko in command, Worf and Odo at side stations, O'Brien at helm. The ship is cloaked and the Xhosa is on the viewscreen, again navigating the treacherous plasma fields of the Badlands. O'BRIEN (off console) They're reducing speed. SISKO Match their velocity, Chief. WORF (off console) These are the same coordinates they used for the last rendezvous. SISKO Any sign of another ship? ODO (off console) Not yet. But our sensors are extremely limited in the plasma fields. O'BRIEN (off console) They're turning again. On the screen, we can see the Xhosa beginning to turn around in a long oval-shaped pattern. O'BRIEN Looks like a holding pattern to me, sir. Either the Maquis are late or the Xhosa's early. SISKO Either way... we wait with them. He sits back and watches the screen, staring at Kasidy's ship on the screen. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FOUR 41. 32 INT. GARAK'S SHOP QUARK is standing on a small pedestal in front of a mirror as he is being fitted with a new suit by Garak. QUARK Can't you do something about the lapels? GARAK Such as? QUARK I don't know, I'm not a tailor. Just make them... look good. GARAK Oh, make them look good... and all this time I thought you wanted me to make them look bad. I wish you'd said that before. It's so much simpler when the customer explains what he wants. QUARK Rudeness will get you nowhere -- I don't need another waiter. Now, I want more room in the shoulders and these cuffs are completely unacceptable. Kira ENTERS in the b.g. KIRA Garak, could I talk to you for a minute? GARAK Of course, Major. (to Quark) Excuse me. QUARK Sure. I have nothing better to do with my time then stand around waiting for you. GARAK That's what I thought. Garak moves to Kira as Quark continues looking in the mirror. GARAK Now, Major what can I do for-- DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FOUR 41A. 32 CONTINUED: Kira suddenly grabs Garak and SLAMS him into the wall. Quark notes this in the mirror, but doesn't bother to turn around. QUARK (quiet, unconcerned) I bet that hurt. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FOUR 42. 32 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (to Garak) Listen closely. Whatever sick game it is you're playing with Ziyal, it better stop and it better stop right now. GARAK I can assure you that I have no-- KIRA I don't want to hear any of your lies. That girl is here under my protection and I swear if you do anythinct to hurt her... I'll make you regret it. Is that clear? GARAK As Tabalian glass. KIRA Good. Kira lets him go with a shove, glares at him and then EXITS. Garak takes a beat to pull himself together and then heads back to Quark. QUARK You told her. (re: suit) The pants are about a meter too long. Garak bends down and begins moving up the cuff on one of the pant legs. QUARK So are you cancelling your date with Ziyal? GARAK It's not a date, and how do you know about that? DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Causell - 03/07/96 ACT FOUR 43. 32 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK You're a man, she's a woman, it's a date. And they are my holosuites, after all. GARAK I was going to cancel. I've had visions of Ziyal presenting my head to her father as a birthday gift. QUARK That's a little... paranoid, wouldn't you say? GARAK Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against their life. I have threats against my life. (beat) But after my little chat with Major Kira, I feel much better. QUARK You do? GARAK Isn't it obvious? If Ziyal planned to kill me, Kira would not be trying to warn me away -- on the contrary, the good major would also welcome my untimely demise and do nothing to interfere. QUARK (casual) Unless that's part of the plan. GARAK, (caught off-guard) What do you mean? QUARK You know -- Kira acts like she doesn't want you to go so you'll feel everything's okay, and go anyway. (beat) Nah. Too complicated. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 32 CONTINUED: (4) But Garak's taken this to heart... his paranoia is back full force. GARAK (to himself) Of course... QUARK (re: pants) Now they're too short. GARAK What? QUARK The Pants. GARAK Oh. He goes back to work, but Quark's words have definitely gotten to him. CUT TO: 33 EXT. SPACE - THE XHOSA (OPTICAL) The ship is cruising in the same oval-shaped pattern as before. 34 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Sisko, O'Brien, Worf, and Odo as before. They've been here for several hours now and everyone is a little bored and tired except for Sisko, who continues to stare at the image of the Xhosa on the viewscreen, and Odo, who is standing nearby, watching the screen with a thoughtful look on his face. ODO This... is wrong. Everyone turns and looks at him in surprise. ODO (continuing) Terrorists don't work this way. If your contact doesn't show up for a rendezvous, you leave. You don't stay in the Badlands going in circles for five hours. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 ACT FOUR 45. 34 CONTINUED: WORF Perhaps. But it is also possible that her cargo is so valuable to the Maquis that she'll wait as long as it takes to make the delivery. ODO I think she's already made her delivery. (to Sisko) And you were the cargo. Think about it. If anyone besides Kasidy Yates was on the Xhosa, would you be commanding this mission yourself? SISKO You're saying someone wanted me here. Why? ODO I'm not sure. But, one thing's for certain -- we're not going to find the answers sitting here staring at the viewscreen. SISKO (re: Xhosa) You're right. The answers are over there. (to Odo) Let's go. Mister Worf, you have the Bridge. Sisko and Odo EXIT together. CUT TO: 35 INT. XHOSA - BRIDGE This is the twenty-fourth century equivalent of a tramp steamer. The Bridge is laid out in a rectangular design rather than the circular pattern preferred by Starfleet. The rectangle runs fore and aft, with the forward end dominated by a viewscreen and the aft by a doorway. The helm control is in the center of the room and the other consoles line the two opposing walls and are usually unmanned. This is definitely a "working" ship with no frills. This is also an older vessel and should not have the clean, freshly scrubbed feeling of a Starfleet bridge. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FOUR 45A. 35 CONTINUED: We should see patches on the walls, mismatched equipment, dirty deckplates, etc. Brathaw is at the helm at the moment and Kasidy is standing near him, while an N.D. Crewmember works in the b.g. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 ACT FOUR 46. 35 CONTINUED: (2) BRATHAW (off console) Still nothing. KASIDY This is getting ridiculous. (beat) All right, let's send a coded message to -- An alarm sounds on Brathaw's console. BRATHAW Tachyon surge -- a ship's decloaking! 36 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The Defiant DECLOAKS directly ahead of them. Everyone reacts in shock. KASIDY Oh my God... She trails off as Sisko, Odo and Three Security N.D.s MATERIALIZE on the Bridge, all with phasers out. Kasidy tries to play it innocent for a moment. KASIDY Ben, what are you doing here? We've been-- Sisko stops her dead in her tracks. There's a fire in his eyes and he doesn't have time to play around. SISKO (urgent) Don't say it. I know you're a smuggler, I know you're working with the Maquis, and right now I don't care. (beat) But I need to know what your orders were. Were you told to draw me out here so the Maquis could attack the station? Jake's back there, and whatever your feelings are for me, I can't believe you'd put him in danger. Whatever's going on, Kasidy, I need to know. She looks at him, sees the passion and determination in his eyes. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FOUR 47. 36 CONTINUED: Kasidy struggles with conflicting loyalties for a moment, then decides to trust Sisko. KASIDY I was supposed to meet a Maquis ship at these coordinates. I don't know anything about an attack on the station, and I doubt the Maquis would try. (beat) I didn't know you were following me, but after... our last talk, I suspected you might be out there. She holds his eyes for a moment, and there are volumes of things to say here, but this isn't the time or place. ODO If that's true, why didn't you abort the mission? KASIDY I was told that these medical supplies were urgently needed and that I had to be here, no matter what. I tried to tell them that I'd made too many runs in the past few days... that I was just asking to get caught. But they wouldn't listen. Sisko is thinking quickly, trying to put it all together on his feet. SISKO They knew you were going to be caught, that's why they didn't send a Maquis ship here to meet you... (beat, thinking) Everything's been building to this... they needed to draw me away from the station. Why? If they're not planning an attack, what other reason could there be? What could be happening on the station? He thinks... and then suddenly he realizes everything. Off the look of shock on his face... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FOUR 48. 37 INT. WARDROOM - ON EDDINGTON'S FACE As he looks up at LIEUTENANT REESE and a group of seven Starfleet N.D. Guards. Everyone is wearing phasers. EDDINGTON I've received new orders from Starfleet Command. The CFI replicators in Cargo Bay Seventeen are to be transferred aboard a Vulcan freighter which should arrive at any moment. This operation is to be carried out in complete secrecy. No one aboard the station is to know about it. REESE Does that include the Bajoran security detachment, sir? EDDINGTON Absolutely. Also, as of this moment, we are observing communications silence. No com traffic in or out of this station for the next nine hours. Understood? 38 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Kira ENTERS in the b.g. REESE Aye, sir. EDDINGTON (to Guards) Dismissed. The Guards file out as Kira moves to Eddington. KIRA You wanted to see me? EDDINGTON Yes, Major. I'm afraid I need to take command of the station for the next few hours. Without warning, he suddenly pulls his phaser and FIRES it at Kira, stunning her. After she hits the ground, Eddington calmly holsters his weapon and EXITS the room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FOUR 49. 39 INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS As Eddington ENTERS from the wardroom. He turns and uses the keypad to LOCK the door to the wardroom... then heads off down the Corridor. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 50. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 40 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) At the ship comes out of the Badlands. 41 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE O'Brien at Helm, Worf at a side station, Sisko in command, Odo standing nearby. O'BRIEN We've cleared the plasma fields, Captain. SISKO Get us back to the station, Chief. Maximum warp. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. SISKO (to Worf) Any response to our hails, Commander? WORF No, sir. Deep Space Nine seems to be under a communications blackout. SISKO Keep trying. Worf nods and there's a quiet beat as Sisko studies the viewscreen for a moment. Odo moves to him. ODO (quiet) You realize we'll probably never see the Xhosa or Captain Yates again. SISKO It's a possibility. ODO I'd say it's more than that. If I'd been allowed to leave a security detail behind, we would-- DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 51. 41 CONTINUED: SISKO Our priority is to get back to the station, Constable. Captain Yates... is my responsibility and I'll thank you to leave it at that. ODO As you wish. Odo moves off and Sisko glares at the viewscreen. CUT TO: 42 EXT. SPACE - VULCAN FREIGHTER (OPTICAL) A Vulcan ship is docked at one of the pylons. 43 INT. CORRIDOR/AIRLOCK Several armed N.D. Starfleet Security officers are guarding the approaches to the Corridor, while Reese reports to Eddington at the Airlock. REESE All the replicators have been secured in the ship's hold, sir. EDDINGTON Very good. We'll be departing in five minutes and I'm leaving you in command until Captain Sisko returns. REESE Me, sir? EDDINGTON You have a problem with that, Lieutenant? REESE No, sir. It's just that... it's unusual for a junior officer to be left in-- EDDINGTON If you're not up to the job, I'll find someone who is. The safety of this station may depend on you and I need to know if you can handle it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 52. 43 CONTINUED: Reese takes a beat, realizes the seriousness of the situation and nods gravely. REESE You can count on me, commander. EDDINGTON Good. Now, go to Ops and take command. REESE Aye, sir. Reese EXITS and Eddington moves to the airlock. He's about to enter, then pauses, takes a last look around... and then removes his combadge and places it on the bulkhead before EXITING. CUT TO: 44 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing the station. The Vulcan ship is now gone, and the Defiant is docked. 45 INT. OPS Sisko, Kira, O'Brien, and Odo are gathered around the Ops table. O'BRIEN All Federation Starships near the Badlands have been alerted to look for the Vulcan freighter. ODO I doubt they'll find it. Eddington anticipated every contingency. I'm sure he had his escape route well planned. KIRA What do we tell the Cardassians? SISKO The truth. He fooled me. And he got away with it. KIRA He fooled all of us. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 53. 45 CONTINUED: SISKO Everything that happens on this station is my responsibility, major. O'Brien's console BEEPS. O'BRIEN (off console) Incoming message for you, Captain. (reacts in surprise) It's Commander Eddington. Everyone reacts in surprise. SISKO Put it through to my office. O'Brien works and Sisko EXITS to his office. 46 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Sisko ENTERS and moves to the wall monitor. He ACTIVATES it and Eddington appears on the screen, evidently in a small room on the Vulcan ship. Eddington looks at Sisko with defiance. He's a slightly different man than the one we're used to seeing -- Eddington is a man with a cause he believes in and he's not afraid of Sisko. For his part, Sisko looks at Eddington with a profound sense of personal betrayal and it stirs a deep anger within him. EDDINGTON Captain. SISKO I just have one question Mister Eddington: why? EDDINGTON Will knowing my personal motivation change anything at this point? DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 54. 46 CONTINUED: SISKO No. I don't suppose it will. EDDINGTON Then let's table that for now. The only reason I've contacted you is to ask you to leave us alone. Our quarrel is with the Cardassians, not the Federation. Leave us alone, and I can promise you that you'll never hear from the Maquis again. SISKO Unless you see another shipment you'd like to hijack. EDDINGTON You keep sending replicators to Cardassia and you're going to have a lot more to worry about than hijackings. SISKO I don't respond well to threats. I thought you would've known that by now, but I'm beginning to see that you don't know me at all. Eddington's eyes flash and we hear a passion and an intensity from him that we've never seen before. EDDINGTON I know you. I was like you once, but then I opened my eyes... open your eyes, Captain. Why is the Federation so obsessed about the Maquis? We've never harmed you. And yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism... Starships chase us through the Badlands... and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. Why? (beat, then angry) Because we've left the Federation, and that's the one thing you can't accept. Nobody leaves paradise. Everyone should want to be in the Federation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 55. 46 CONTINUED: (2) EDDINGTON (Cont'd) Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join. You're only sending them replicators so that one day they can take their "rightful place" on the Federation Council. (beat) You know, in some ways you're worse than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. You're more insidious... you assimilate people and they don't even know it. Sisko looks at this man he thought he knew so well with a growing sense of anger. Sisko's eyes and voice go cold as he lays down a marker for this turncoat officer. SISKO You know what, Mister Eddington... I don't give a damn what you think of the Federation, or the Maquis, or anything else. All I know is that you betrayed your oath, your duty, and me. (he leans in closer) And if it takes me the rest of my life, I'll see you standing before a court-martial that'll break you and send you to a penal colony where you'll spend the rest of your days growing old and wondering whether a ship full of replicators was really worth it. Sisko turns OFF the monitor and we can see by the look on his face that he means exactly what he said. CUT TO: 47 INT. CARDASSIAN SAUNA/HOLOSUITE A hot, baking room. Most of the surfaces are flat, smooth and unforgiving. The only source of light is the huge heat source in the ceiling, which beats down on everything. There are two gently shaped rocks which are specifically designed for Cardassian anatomy. At the moment, Ziyal is lying on one rock. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 56. 47 CONTINUED: Because of the shape of the rock, she is curled around it like a reptile in the sun. She hears the SOUND of the holosuite doors OPENING from O.C. and turns around and smiles. ZIYAL Garak. Garak ENTERS. He plays the following scene very cool, very calm, but there is an inner tension, a watchfulness to his demeanor that gives us a hint that he's not just here to enjoy himself. GARAK Hello. ZIYAL (re: sauna) Doesn't it feel good? The station can be so... chilly sometimes. GARAK Yes. It's quite pleasant. Garak remains standing and there's an awkward beat. ZIYAL Aren't you going to lie down? GARAK Not just yet. I have a question I'd like answered first... why am I here? ZIYAL Excuse me? GARAK Why am I here? Am I to believe that you really invited the sworn enemy of your father to the holosuite just to... enjoy the heat? Ziyal sits up and eyes him calmly. She may look youthful and innocent, but there's an inner steel to this young woman, a edge that was honed in that Breen POW camp for the formative years of her life. ZIYAL You really think I asked you here to kill you? Well, it did occur to me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 57. 47 CONTINUED: (2) ZIYAL (Cont'd) Kira and my father both told me that you used to be an agent of the Obsidian Order... that you had my grandfather tortured and killed... and that you could easily kill me without a second thought. GARAK Although I seldom credit either the major or your father with being entirely trustworthy... in this case, they're both telling the truth. Ziyal doesn't flinch. ZIYAL You know what else is true? I don't care. I'm half-Bajoran and that means I'm an outcast back home. I can't go back and neither can you. So we can either share some time together or we can ignore each other. I spent five years in a prisoner of war camp by myself, I don't need your company. (beat) But if you want to stay and share the heat with me... maybe tell me something about home that I don't know... then I would welcome your company. And I get the feeling you'd welcome mine. Either way, it's up to you. With that, Ziyal lies back down on the rock. Garak looks at her for a beat, then takes a PHASER out of his pocket. Ziyal watches him calmly, waiting to see what he's going to do. GARAK Well, I suppose I won't be needing this anymore... He casually tosses the phaser aside and begins to lie down on his rock. GARAK So... what shall we talk about first? As a small smile begins to form on Ziyal's lips... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 58. 48 EXT. SPACE - THE XHOSA (OPTICAL) The Xhosa is docking at the station. 49 INT. CARGO BAY/AIRLOCK Sisko is standing alone in the empty cargo bay as the airlock door OPENS and Kasidy ENTERS. The two of them look at each other for a long moment, a deep gulf between them for the first time. SISKO Just you? KASIDY I dropped my crew off at a Maquis base. I had to come back... but I didn't see any reason to drag them here just to face a prison sentence. SISKO You didn't have to come back either. KASIDY Yes, I did. And I think we both know that's why you left us alone out there... to see if I would. (beat) I'm not going to stand here and apologize for what I did. You had your duty, I had mine. SISKO I still have my duty. KASIDY I know. And I know I'm probably going to prison... but I came back because of us... because despite all that's happened... I still love you, Ben. I don't want to throw that away. (beat) Do you? Sisko looks at her for a long moment... he moves closer to her, looks into those eyes he loves so much and finally tells her what she wants to hear. SISKO No. DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT FIVE 59. 49 CONTINUED: They reach out for each other... tentatively at first... then with the force and passion of two people about to be separated for a long time. They hold each other tight, and then Sisko forces himself to let go and takes a step back. They look into each other's eyes, their hearts breaking... and Sisko finally hits his combadge. SISKO (to com) Lieutenant Reese... There's a beat and then the doors to the Cargo Bay OPEN and Lieutenant Reese and two N.D. Guards ENTER and stand just inside the doors. Kasidy looks at them, knows it's time to go. KASIDY I'll be back. SISKO I'll be here. Sisko nods to Reese and then Kasidy and the Security Guards EXIT, leaving Sisko alone in the vast, empty room... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END