STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Accession" (fka "The Other Emissary") #40510-489 Written by Jane Espenson Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1996 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION January 5, 1996 STAR TREK: DS9 "Accession" - 01/05/96 - CAS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Accession" CAST SISKO VEDEK PORTA KIRA ENSIGN LATARA BASHIR AKOREM LAAN DAX KAI OPAKA O'BRIEN BAJORAN WOMAN ODO QUARK WORF KEIKO MOLLY JAKE COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. BAJORANS MORN STAR TREK: DS9 - "Accession" - 01/05/96 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Accession" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS/BEDROOM DOCKING RING CORRIDOR OPS CAPTAIN'S OFFICE INFIRMARY PROMENADE WARDROOM QUARK'S KIRA'S QUARTERS SISKO'S QUARTERS/BEDROOM REPLIMAT WORMHOLE RUNABOUT DEEP SPACE NINE -"Accession"- 01/05/96 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Accession" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE AKOREM uh-KOR-uhm D'JARRA duh-ZHAR-uh DAHKUR duh-KOOR GAUDAAL guh-DAHL IH'VALLA ih VAUL-uh IMUTTA ih-MOO-tuh JATARN JUH-tarn KITARA kih-TAR-uh LAAN LAWN LATARA luh-TAR-uh PORTA PORE-tuh STUKA STEW-kuh YRIDIAN yir-ID-ee-uhn TE'NARI tuh-NAR-ee Sisko's Blessing: Zhia'kaluh tar'eh anu suur... te'von, aka'lu rez... ka'vor,mat'ana kel... zhuh KAH luh TAR eh AH-noo soor TEH vone ah KAH loo rez KAH vor muh TAH nah kell DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Accession" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS as O'BRIEN and Bashir ENTER in their World War II FLYER COSTUMES. They're both agitated, as if they're running late, and Bashir reacts with aggravation when he sees the piles of EQUIPMENT strewn all around the room; pieces of twenty-fourth century technology, some broken and burned out, tangles of optical cabling, etc. BASHIR (annoyed) I thought you said you'd already started straightening up. O'BRIEN You should've seen the place before. BASHIR (exasperated) Keiko's shuttle is going to be here before we know it. We should've left the holosuite hours ago. O'BRIEN And let the Jerries get across the channel, never. They peel off their JACKETS and set about to start piling the junk into open packing CRATES. They work for a few beats, and then a thought occurs to Bashir... BASHIR It's sort of a shame to pack all this stuff away... O'BRIEN Wish I didn't have to. BASHIR It's almost like... sculpture. A monument to your year as a bachelor. O'BRIEN (smiles) I suppose it is. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: BASHIR Who are we to dismantle this... piece of art? O'BRIEN I don't know. But if we don't, Keiko'll dismantle me. As they continue working... 2 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) as a Bajoran transport approaches. 3 INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR O'Brien, now in uniform, is waiting outside the airlock, craning to see past the mostly Bajoran SUPERNUMERARIES exiting the transport. MOLLY runs out of the airlock ahead of KEIKO, who is carrying a SHOULDER BAG. MOLLY Daddy! O'BRIEN Hi, Sweetie! O'Brien sweeps Molly up into his arms as Keiko approaches. They hug and kiss, then he sets her down and pulls Keiko into a big kiss. Lots of heat. It finally breaks. KEIKO Mmm. One good thing about going away... is coming home. O'BRIEN I don't ever want to be apart like that again. With all the attention off her, Molly has gotten impatient. She tugs on O'Brien's pant leg. MOLLY Daddy! Daddy! I have a little brother! O'BRIEN (chuckling) Really? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - TEASER 3 CONTINUED: O'Brien crouches down to her, sees the Bajoran-styled DOLL in her hand. O'BRIEN Is that him? MOLLY No. (pointing to Keiko's tummy) He's in there. O'Brien sees where she's pointing, looks up at Keiko... and her face says it all... She smiles, hoping that O'Brien is going to be happy at the news. KEIKO Surprise. O'Brien is so flustered by the unexpected news he doesn't return her smile. O'BRIEN (more to himself) A baby... Keiko's smile falters; she can't tell if he's happy or not. KEIKO I thought you'd be happy. I mean... we talked about it and decided we'd start trying. O'BRIEN I know. But your last visit... you were only here one night. I thought it would take a couple more nights. To be honest, a lot more nights. KEIKO I guess we just got lucky this time... O'Brien sees the need for reassurance in his wife's eyes and musters a smile... O'BRIEN I guess so... Off this unexpected reunion... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - TEASER 3A. 4 INT. OPS where KIRA is manning a console. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. The TURBOLIFT ascends into view, ferrying three passengers: an older Bajoran Monk, VEDEK PORTA, a young Bajoran Woman in Bajoran Military Uniform, ENSIGN LATARA, and a Bajoran man in civilian clothes. Kira breaks into a smile when she sees the old monk. KIRA Vedek Porta... PORTA (smiling and waving) Nerys... She approaches, waves the group in off the turbolift. The couple look a bit nervous, as if they're unsure about being here. PORTA (gently scolding) So this is where you are when you're not at the Temple... (looking around) Very impressive. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: KIRA Haven't you ever been to Ops? PORTA What business would an old monk have here... (smiles) ... except maybe helping a young couple meet the Emissary. (unsure) Are you sure this is a good time? KIRA I think he'll be able to fit you in. LATARA Thank you so much for doing this, major. KIRA I'm glad to. She indicates that they should wait here, then crosses towards Sisko's office. 5 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE SISKO sits at his desk and DAX sits across from him. DAX (intrigued by the possibility) Long-range sensors indicate it might be a trinary star system. I want to send a science team to run further scans. SISKO (nods) They can take the Rubicon. The door CHIMES and Sisko looks up to see Kira through the glass. SISKO Come in. The door OPENS and Kira steps in. She knows Sisko isn't going to be thrilled about what she has to ask him, but she's hopeful anyway. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - TEASER 4A. 5 CONTINUED: KIRA Vedek Porta's here with a young couple that just got married. They're hoping to get the Emissary's blessing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - TEASER 5. 5 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko looks uncomfortable, but knows he can't refuse. SISKO Bring them in. Kira turns to wave the couple in from Ops. DAX (to Sisko) You remember the words? SISKO The marriage blessing... ? (thinks) I think so. Latara and her husband ENTER, Vedek Porta and Kira hang back by the door, fairly beaming with happiness for the young couple. LATARA (nervous) Emissary. We're very grateful to you for seeing us. SISKO Not at all. Now if you'll just hold hands. (in Bajoran) Zhia'kala, tar'eh anu suur... te'von, aka'lu rez... ka'vor, mat'ana kel... LATARA Thank you, thank you so much. Sisko nods, and they turn to go. Porta catches Sisko's eye from the doorway and smiles. PORTA You're accent is getting much better, Emissary. Sisko musters a polite smile. SISKO I'm glad to hear it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - TEASER 6. 5 CONTINUED: (3) Once the door has shut on Kira, Vedek Porta, and the young couple, Sisko settles heavily into his chair. Dax sees his discomfort. DAX It's not that bad, is it... being the Emissary? A few ceremonies to attend, an occasional blessing. SISKO I never said it was that bad. It's just hard to get used to being a religious icon. DAX Really? (kidding) I think I'd like it. KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to Sisko. SISKO Go ahead. KIRA'S COM VOICE You'd better get out here... there's something coming through the wormhole. Sisko and Dax react to her urgent tone and start out... 6 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) as a BAJORAN LIGHTSHIP emerges from the wormhole like the one seen in "Explorers." It's drifting, its sails tattered and bent, making it look like a crumpled butterfly. As it drifts toward the station we cut to -- 7 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) where Sisko is now at Kira's side; Dax has moved to her console. All are looking at the viewscreen in amazement. SISKO A lightship... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - TEASER 7. 7 CONTINUED: KIRA I don't know where it came from... according to remote sensors it never entered the wormhole. They're all momentarily stunned by the strangeness of it. DAX (off console) From these readings... I'd say that ship's about three hundred years old. This is even stranger still. SISKO Lifesigns? DAX (off console) There's someone aboard... a Bajoran... SISKO Try hailing them... KIRA (beat) No response. Sisko studies the viewscreen intently. DAX Whoever's in there could be injured. With a "come with me" nod to Kira, Sisko heads for the turbolift. SISKO (on the move) Tractor that ship into transporter range and beam the passenger directly to the infirmary. As they EXIT... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - TEASER 8. 8 INT. INFIRMARY Sisko and Kira ENTER to find Bashir examining the unconscious occupant of the lightship, who we'll come to know as AKOREM LAAN. He's a Bajoran male, older than Sisko. BASHIR He's a little disoriented. Akorem stirs... he takes in his surroundings with an uncertain look... SISKO (gently) I'm Captain Benjamin Sisko... you're aboard a Federation Space Station near Bajor. (gesturing) This is Kira Nerys, my First Officer. Kira moves closer so he can see her... she gives him a reassuring smile... KIRA Who are you... ? He looks up at her, tries to focus... an almost beatific smile crosses his features... AKOREM I... am the Emissary... Kira turns, looks up at Sisko... off their reactions to his pronouncement we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 9 INT. INFIRMARY - MOMENTS LATER where Sisko, Kira and Bashir are talking with Akorem, who's a little more focused now. AKOREM I was heading back to Bajor when my lightship was caught in an ion storm... it was nearly torn apart... a girder came loose from the bulkhead and impaled me through the shoulder... here. He reaches to indicate where, and we see that the fabric of his clothes is torn and bloodied, but there's no wound. AKOREM I remember thinking I was going to die, alone in space, when a strange opening appeared in the sky... He looks at Kira, half suspecting she won't believe what he's about to claim. AKOREM At first I was terrified, but then I realized what was happening... the Prophets were opening the gates of the Celestial Temple and drawing me to them. SISKO What happened then? AKOREM It's difficult to describe... the prophets took the form of people that I know -- my grandfather, my brother -- so that they could communicate with me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 10. 9 CONTINUED: SISKO You spoke to them? AKOREM I didn't have to. His face shines with emotion as he describes what it was like. AKOREM I could sense their understanding, their grace. I've never felt such bliss. And then... (smiling) -- they healed me. A light washed over me and my wound was gone. They gave me back my life... I felt reborn. Sisko is starting to put something together. SISKO When exactly did you leave Bajor? AKOREM It couldn't have been more than a few days ago. SISKO What was the year? AKOREM Ninety-one seventy-four. Kira reacts -- this was a long time ago. KIRA (gently) That was over two hundred years ago... Akorem reacts... shocked. AKOREM Two hundred years... my wife... my parents... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 11. 9 CONTINUED: (2) Kira gives his arm a gentle squeeze of sympathy. Our people give him a long moment to digest the truth. BASHIR If you tell us your name we can contact your descendants, let them know you're alive. Akorem answers distractedly, lost in thought. AKOREM Akorem... Akorem Laan. Kira reacts -- she recognizes the name. AKOREM But I have no descendants... my brother died last winter... my wife and I... we never had any children... He trails off, caught in the emotion of having lost her. After a moment, Kira asks something she seems half sure can't possibly be true... KIRA You're Akorem Laan... the poet? AKOREM (uncertain) I'm a poet, yes... Kira reacts as if she's meeting Shakespeare. KIRA You wrote "Kitara's Song"... and "The Call of the Prophets... " AKOREM (surprised) You know my work? KIRA You're considered one of Bajor's greatest poets... any schoolchild could recite "Gaudaal's Lament" from memory... Akorem is clearly moved at hearing that his work has survived time... but he's a little overwhelmed by it all... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 12. 9 CONTINUED: (3) AKOREM People still read my work, after all this time... perhaps that's part of the Prophets' plan for me. SISKO Their plan? AKOREM It's not clear to me yet why the Prophets made me their Emissary... (with conviction) But I know that they gave me back my life for a reason... Sisko considers how best to handle the situation. SISKO Akorem... a great deal has happened while you've been gone. Maybe Major Kira could spend some time filling you in. AKOREM Major Kira? KIRA That's right. AKOREM (confused) Your family would be part of the artist D'jarra. BASHIR D'jarra? KIRA Bajor used to have a strict caste system... a person's work was dictated by what family they were born into. AKOREM (with concern) You don't follow your D'jarras anymore? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 13. 9 CONTINUED: (4) KIRA When the Cardassians occupied Bajor we gave up the D'jarras so we could fight them. We all became soldiers. Akorem can't quite absorb the misfortune that befell his people. AKOREM The Cardassians occupied Bajor... ? KIRA For over fifty years. Akorem is a bit disturbed by some of what he's heard. AKOREM It seems you're right, Captain... a great deal has happened since I've been gone. Off Akorem's thoughtful features... 10 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. Ships coming and going. 11 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE where Sisko is talking with Dax about the situation; he has a PADD in his hand. SISKO If you look at the Prophecies about the Emissary, a lot of them make more sense with Akorem in the picture. DAX (intrigued) Really? SISKO Every text I've seen says that the Prophets would name their Emissary by "calling him to them"... that he would "find the Celestial temple"... and that there, the Prophets would "give him back his life." DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 13A. 11 CONTINUED: DAX Go on. SISKO They didn't give me back my life. DAX Not literally. But they did help you get your life back on track. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 14. 11 CONTINUED:(2) SISKO True enough. But I wasn't the first one to find the wormhole, or to meet the Prophets. Akorem was. DAX Benjamin, I thought you didn't believe in the Prophecies. SISKO I don't... DAX Then why are you using them to justify giving up your position? Sisko suddenly realizes the contradiction in what he's been doing and smiles. SISKO I guess I'm just looking for something to convince me I'm making the right decision. DAX So your mind's made up. You're going to step aside. SISKO Akorem will make a far better Emissary than I ever was. He's Bajoran, he's a revered poet, and he wants the job. (beat) Besides, Starfleet will be thrilled. They never liked the idea that the Bajorans saw me as a religious figure. Dax considers for a beat... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 15. 11 CONTINUED: (3) DAX How do you know the Bajorans will accept Akorem as their new Emissary? SISKO I talked to Vedek Porta. He seemed to think that as long as I make it clear that I'm stepping aside voluntarily, they will. DAX So you're off the hook. How does it feel? SISKO (thoughtful) It feels... good. No more ceremonies to attend, no more blessings to give, no more Prophecies to fulfill. I'm just a Starfleet officer again. All I have to worry about are the Klingons, the Dominion and the Maquis. (wry) I feel like I'm on vacation. Off Dax's appreciative smile... 11A INT. PROMENADE (FORMERLY SCENE 26) as O'Brien hurries along carrying a TOOLKIT. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. BASHIR (O.S.) Chief! O'Brien turns and sees Bashir in the door to Quark's. He grins and approaches. BASHIR Congratulations, dad. O'BRIEN (smiles) You heard. BASHIR Great news. Come on, let's have a drink and celebrate. O'Brien would like nothing more, but -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 15A. 11A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I should be getting home. BASHIR One drink. Bashir pulls him inside. 11B INT. QUARK'S (FORMERLY SCENE 27) QUARK is behind the bar as Bashir and O'Brien approach. BASHIR Quark, did you hear? Chief O'Brien is going to have a baby. QUARK (confused) I thought your females carried your young. O'BRIEN (impatient) My wife. My wife is having the baby. QUARK Congratulations... Quark looks almost wistful as he starts to get Bashir and O'Brien their "usuals." QUARK I remember when my nephew Nog was a baby. Cutest thing you ever saw. You know babies... every little thing they pick up goes straight into their ears. O'Brien doesn't want to hear about it. He grunts the barest of acknowledgments. QUARK I used to love reading to him. You know, "See Brak acquire. Acquire, Brak, acquire." Overcome with nostalgia, Quark moves off to serve other customers. BASHIR Just think... soon there'll be two little O'Briens scampering around underfoot... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 15B. 11B CONTINUED: O'Brien tries to muster a smile. O'BRIEN Hard to believe, isn't it. BASHIR They say the second one is easier. Since you've already been through the diapers, the endless crying, the late nights -- O'BRIEN Yeah. BASHIR Something wrong, Chief? O'BRIEN No. Not at all. Couldn't be happier. Bashir is about to ask why he sounds so unenthused when Quark calls out to WORF, who has just approached the bar. QUARK Did you hear? Keiko's going to have another baby. There is a flash of panic in Worf's eyes. WORF Now? O'BRIEN No, about seven months. Worf relaxes a bit. WORF I see. Worf signals Quark for a glass of his usual. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) Worf delivered Molly, you know. BASHIR (surprised) Really? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 15C. 11B CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN The Enterprise was damaged, and Keiko and he were trapped together when her time came. Worf nods, swallows, looks a little ill. BASHIR (teasing) Well, I'll be sure and call you when she's ready to deliver so you can lend a hand. WORF Did you say seven months? (off Bashir's nod) Unfortunately, I will be away from the station at that time. (making it up) Far away. Visiting my parents. On Earth. (beat) Excuse me. Worf EXITS, just as Quark was about to serve him... BASHIR I don't know who's more anxious about this baby... you or Worf. O'Brien decides to come out with what's bothering him. O'BRIEN The thing is, Julian... now that Molly's a little older, I was kind of looking forward to being able to spend some time with Keiko again. I thought maybe we'd, I don't know... go out at night. Bashir nods that he understands. O'BRIEN Don't get me wrong, I know that once I'm holding my little baby, I'll be the happiest man in the world... it's just, I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon. Bashir nods that he understands. A quiet moment, then O'Brien tries to shake it off... O'BRIEN How about a game of darts? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 16. 11B CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Don't you have to get home? O'BRIEN Right. Bashir nods, and O'Brien EXITS. Off Bashir's face as he watches him go... 12 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE Re-establishing. 13 INT. PROMENADE where Kira is at the rail that looks down onto the first level. A CROWD of mostly Bajoran SUPERNUMERARIES is gathering to hear Akorem make his first public appearance. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 17. 13 CONTINUED: A PODIUM has been set up in front of the Temple. Vedek Porta and a few other Monks are making final preparations. The buzz of excitement in the air is palpable... Bajor has a new Emissary. ODO approaches Kira. ODO Major. (off her nod) Come to see Akorem speak? KIRA The Emissary's first public appearance? I wouldn't miss it. Odo is struck by her use of the word "Emissary"... considers for a beat. ODO I'm surprised to hear you call him that. KIRA Why? Akorem Laan was -- is a great man... he's been with the Prophets for over two hundred years, and now they've sent him back to us... ODO Yes, but... two days ago, you believed Captain Sisko was the Emissary. From her reply, we can tell Kira hasn't sorted it all out yet herself. KIRA He's made it clear that he wants to step aside. Odo considers, rolls it over in his analytical mind. ODO Does that mean he never really was the Emissary? Kira is unwilling to say this about Sisko. KIRA No. Odo is trying to sniff out the contradiction. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 18. 13 CONTINUED: (2) ODO But... they can't both be. KIRA (frustrated) I don't know, Odo. What do you want from me? ODO Forgive me, Major, I don't mean to be difficult, but your faith seems to have led you to something of a contradiction. KIRA (simply) I don't see it as a contradiction. ODO I... don't understand. KIRA That's the thing about faith... if you don't have it, you can't understand it. If you do, no explanation is necessary. Odo takes this in... suddenly the Crowd erupts into Bajoran-style APPLAUSE. Kira looks down to see -- 14 AKOREM coming out onto the Podium, dressed in the traditional clothes of the Emissary, something like what Winn wears. We hear sporadic SHOUTS of "Emissary" from the crowd. He waits for the applause to die down. AKOREM Ever since the Prophets returned me to my people, I've asked myself the same questions, over and over again. Why did they keep me with them for so long? Why did they return me to my people now? (beat) I now know the answers. 15 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) where Sisko is watching Akorem's address to the people on a MONITOR. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 19. 16 INT. PROMENADE as Akorem continues. AKOREM (continuing) Bajor suffered a great wound while I was with the Prophets: the Cardassian occupation. The Bajor I have returned to has lost its way... In the crowd, we see people exchanging looks of agreement... AKOREM People no longer follow the path the Prophets laid out for them. They no longer follow their D'jarras. Artists have become soldiers... 17 ON KIRA as she reacts... he could be talking about her... AKOREM (O.S.) (continuing) Priests have become merchants... farmers have become politicians. And doesn't that describe Shakaar? 18 ON AKOREM AKOREM We must heal the wounds of the occupation... we must return to our D'jarras... He lets this sink in for a beat... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 20. 18 CONTINUED: AKOREM We must reclaim what we were... and follow the path the Prophets have laid out for us... it is their will that the farmers return to their land, painters to their canvasses, priests to their temples... 19 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) as Sisko reacts with uncertainty to what Akorem is proposing... 20 INT. PROMENADE AKOREM If we do this, if we follow our D'jarras, then Bajor will flourish again... and become the green and peaceful land I remember. It will be as if the occupation never happened. 21 ON AN OLDER BAJORAN WOMAN whose face is etched with suffering. AKOREM (O.S.) By returning to our D'jarras, we will have erased it... forever. She is moved nearly to tears by this thought. 22 RESUME SCENE Akorem stands looking out at the people. After a moment, the crowd erupts with the sound of whispered exchanges. The crowd reaction is clearly divided. Some people are clearly thrown by what Akorem has proposed, shocked and ready to take issue with it... others agree wholeheartedly, and we hear them applauding appreciatively. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT ONE 21. 23 ON KIRA as she reacts with uncertainty to what she's heard... 24 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE as he listens to the divided reactions and wonders what will come of all this... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT TWO 22. ACT TWO FADE IN: 25 INT. WARDROOM where Sisko is meeting with Akorem to air his concerns about his proposals. He's trying to be very diplomatic, since it's not his place to pass judgment on Bajoran affairs. Vedek Porta is present, acting as Akorem's assistant. SISKO I wanted to talk to you before you left for Bajor. AKOREM Of course. SISKO I was surprised by your speech. I had no idea you were going to advocate change on such a massive scale. AKOREM It's what the Prophets want for Bajor. It's why they sent me. SISKO You're sure of that? AKOREM Absolutely. PORTA The Emissary knows that what he's proposing will be difficult for some people to accept; he doesn't expect things to change overnight. SISKO (to Akorem) So you're not planning to ask First Minister Shakaar to step down and go back to farming? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT TWO 23. 25 CONTINUED: AKOREM Of course not. But, frankly, by the next election, I doubt there'll be many people left on Bajor who would elect a farmer to political office. PORTA It's our hope that eventually, the people will support enforcement of the D'jarras by legal sanction. SISKO So if someone defies their caste... AKOREM Society will have appropriate remedies at it's disposal. Such as deportation. Sisko considers how best to put what he wants to say. SISKO You realize that caste-based discrimination goes against the Federation charter. If Bajor returns to the D'jarra system, I have no doubt its petition to join the Federation will be rejected. AKOREM Kai Winn and I have already discussed it. We're willing to make that sacrifice in order to follow the will of the Prophets. Sisko is not surprised to hear this. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT TWO 24. 25 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I had a feeling Winn would see it that way. Sisko is deeply troubled by the thought that something he's worked for for three years could go down the drain in one swoop, but it's not his place to say so. PORTA Well... the Emissary's transport leaves shortly. Akorem and Porta stand, ready to go. Sisko joins them near the door... decides he has to say something. SISKO As a Starfleet Officer, I'm bound by oath not to interfere in Bajoran affairs. But... (how to put it) ... as a friend to Bajor, I have to say that giving up Federation membership would be a mistake. Akorem hears the emotion is Sisko's voice, acknowledges his words with a nod. He reaches up and cups one side of Sisko's face to read his pagh. After a moment... AKOREM Your pagh is strong... Akorem moves his hand to a slightly different position... AKOREM I see now why Kai Opaka believed you were the Emissary... (smiles) ... and why Winn fears you... A moment between them, then Akorem removes his hand. AKOREM Good-bye... captain. SISKO Good-bye... Emissary. This is the first time Sisko has called someone else that, and he's surprised how it makes him feel. Akorem and Porta EXIT... off Sisko's face as he watches them go... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT TWO 25-28. 26 thru OMITTED 27 28 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 29 OMITTED 29A INT. REPLIMAT (FORMERLY SCENE 37) where Sisko is sitting at a table having a MUG of coffee. It's the morning rush and the place is full of SUPERNUMERARIES; Kira is in line for one of the replicators and there's not an extra chair in sight. When she finally gets her raktajino she crosses to Sisko. SISKO Morning. She looks around, sees there's no place to sit. KIRA I guess I'll take my raktajino with me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT TWO 28A. 29A CONTINUED: Before Kira can move off, a Bajoran woman in civilian clothes, JIA, gets up from the table next to Sisko's and offers Kira her chair. JIA Please. Kira is a bit confused -- the food on the woman's tray is only half-finished. KIRA You're not finished. JIA I'll find someplace else to sit. The woman slides the chair to Sisko's table, avoids Kira's eye. KIRA You don't have to get up for me. JIA You're Ih'valla... (indicating her own earring) I'm te'nari. And before Kira can even digest this, the woman moves away, EXITS to the Promenade. Sisko sees that Kira is decidedly uncomfortable with what just happened. SISKO It's been going on all morning -- whenever someone from a higher ranking D'jarra comes in. Kira considers what to do for a beat; though she feels awkward about it, she decides to take the seat. KIRA I guess I'm going to have to start getting used to being treated like that. Sisko nods thoughtfully... SISKO I remember when I got promoted to lieutenant. It took me a while to get used to being called "Sir" by my friends who were still ensigns. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT TWO 29. 29A CONTINUED: (2) KIRA That's different. You'd earned the right to be treated with respect. I haven't done anything. Sisko senses her discomfort with the whole thing. SISKO Sounds like you have some reservations about bringing back the D'jarras. Kira considers how best to phrase her position. KIRA I have some... questions, sure. The Emissary is asking something very difficult of us, but we have to have faith that he's guiding us toward something. SISKO Even if what he's guiding you toward doesn't include the Federation? She clearly regrets the possibility, but the bottom line is this: KIRA It's not our place to question the Emissary. SISKO No matter what? Kira considers how best to explain the regard her people have for the role of Emissary. KIRA Maybe you never realized this, Captain, but we would've tried to do whatever you asked of us when you were Emissary, no matter how difficult it seemed. Neither of them quite know what else to say about the subject. A moment between them, then Kira stands to go... KIRA I'd better get to Ops. Off Sisko's features as he watches her go... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT TWO 30. 29B EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 30 INT. SISKO'S BEDROOM Sisko is asleep... but we can see it's a restless slumber, as if he's having a bad dream. Suddenly he bolts upright in bed, sweating, breathing hard. He gets up, clears his head, and walks out into -- 31 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS as Sisko ENTERS and is surprised to find JAKE on the couch, writing on a PADD. SISKO Jake... JAKE I know, I know. It's late. I just want to finish this thought. Jake sees the look on Sisko's face. JAKE Something wrong? SISKO Just a bad dream. I was working in Grandpa's restaurant, cooking. Starfleet had revoked my commission. JAKE Why? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 ACT TWO 31. 31 CONTINUED: SISKO They wouldn't tell me. JAKE (considering what it means) Huh... SISKO The kitchen was a mess... I was getting all the orders wrong... putting too much cayenne in the jambalaya, not enough butter in the potatoes... customers were complaining, walking out... (beat) Pretty weird, huh? JAKE Not really. When you think about it, cooking is sort of the "Sisko D'jarra"... and considering how worried you are about what's happening on Bajor, it's not surprising that you'd dream about it... Sisko reacts, struck by what Jake's saying. SISKO When did you get to be such an expert on dreams? Jake shrugs and they share a grin... SISKO I think I'll take a little walk, maybe get some work done. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT TWO 31A. 32 INT. PROMENADE Sisko, now in his uniform, takes his walk through the station. It's the middle of the night cycle, around 4 AM, and the Promenade is still and quiet. Even Quark's is closed. Sisko walks on, looking a little ragged, lost in his own thoughts. He is startled by a strange RUSTLING SOUND nearby, as if of robes. He turns to look. Nothing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT TWO 32. 32 CONTINUED: Sisko keeps walking. The lights of the Promenade seem DIMMER now. The background hum of the station has dropped away. The feel is ominous... strange... he hears the RUSTLING again, whips around toward the source. No one. Disturbed, he turns to continue walking -- and finds himself face-to-face with... 33 KAI OPAKA Sisko couldn't be more surprised. KAI OPAKA Who are you? There's an urgency in her voice that says she's not asking him to identify himself, but asking who he is. SISKO Kai Opaka... She stares at him for a moment. SISKO What are you doing here? How did you -- 34 NEW ANGLE Suddenly Opaka is standing behind Sisko. KAI OPAKA (urgent) Who are you? SISKO (turning to face her) Don't you know me? 35 NEW ANGLE Opaka is now somewhere to Sisko's left. KAI OPAKA How can I know someone who doesn't know himself? Sisko doesn't know what to make of her words. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT TWO 33. 36 NEW ANGLE Opaka is gone. Sisko whips around, trying to catch sight of her, but she's no where to be found. He's alone, and the Promenade around him is back to normal. Off his disturbed features we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 34. ACT THREE FADE IN: 37 OMITTED 37A INT. INFIRMARY where Bashir is scanning Sisko with a MEDICAL TRICORDER. BASHIR I think you had what the Bajorans call an "Orb Shadow." Bashir sees that Sisko has never heard of this. BASHIR Sometimes people who've been exposed to the Orbs of the Prophets experience hallucinations... weeks, even months later. SISKO What triggers them? BASHIR An excess of neuropeptides. I can give you an inhibitor to make sure it doesn't happen again. Sisko nods that he go ahead; he doesn't want to go through another experience like the one he had. As Bashir starts putting a HYPO together: BASHIR (tongue half in cheek) Of course if I do, you risk never finding out. SISKO Finding out what? BASHIR The Bajorans believe you only have a Shadow experience if you ignore what the Prophets tried to tell you during your Orb encounter. Sisko considers how one might interpret what happened to him in this light. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 35 -36. 37A CONTINUED: SISKO Interesting. As Bashir administers the hypo: BASHIR So... any idea what they might've been trying to tell you? SISKO Sure. Bashir reacts, he wasn't expecting Sisko to take this seriously. SISKO (smiles) That I have too many neuropeptides rolling around in my head. And with that, Sisko EXITS... off Bashir's appreciative smile... 37B INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira has set up a workbench in her quarters for clay sculpting. Stripped down to her t-shirt, she's working on a figure of a bird. It's rough, barely recognizable, with a twig for a beak and a body made of awkwardly cobbled together lumps of clay. But Kira is too engrossed in her work to realize just how far off the piece is. Right now she's working a small clump of clay into what she hopes will be one of the bird's wings. Her features determined, she gets the proto-wing close to where she wants it, then tries to stick it onto the appropriate place. She works the clay so that it'll stick on, then takes a half-step back to study her creation. She stares at it for a long beat... then it hits her. It's awful. She lets out a frustrated breath... reaches and tries to improve things by changing the angle of the twig "beak," but the whole head ends up coming off in her hands. Unable to control the impulse, she mashes what's left of the body into a lump... She turns, and we follow her gaze to REVEAL a handful of similarly abortive attempts at making a bird on a nearby table. Off Kira's frustration... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 37. 38 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. Ships coming and going. 39 INT. PROMENADE where Kira is talking to Vedek Porta, who's standing outside the Temple calling people inside for services with a ritual INSTRUMENT. It looks like a crescent moon with bells strung across it, and Porta strums it now and then to make an ethereal SOUND. PORTA A bird is a difficult thing to sculpt. Maybe you should have started with something simpler. (to passersby) Come in, come in -- services are about to begin. KIRA But I can tell I have no aptitude for it. PORTA That's because you didn't give yourself over to what you were doing. KIRA How can you say that? I was up half the night. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 38. 39 CONTINUED: KIRA (Cont'd) I have a flock of flightless birds sitting in my quarters. Porta suddenly turns to her... his voice has an edge we haven't heard before. PORTA But you're still wearing that uniform. You're still clinging to a false life. Kira is starting to realize what he's asking of her, and she doesn't want to hear it. PORTA You must do what the Emissary has asked and follow your D'jarra with all your heart. Because if you give yourself over to the Prophets, they will guide you along the path they've chosen for you. He reaches and cups her face in his hands, smiles kindly. PORTA And you'll know more joy than you ever thought possible. With that, Porta turns and EXITS to the temple... off Kira's face as she contemplates his words... 40 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS - CLOSE ON A DARTBOARD as a magnetic DARTBALL hits it... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 38A. 41 REVEAL that the players are Miles and Molly O'Brien. O'Brien has mounted the board at Molly's height on a wall in their quarters and he kneels next to her as he instructs. O'BRIEN Good shot, Molly! MOLLY Did I win? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 39. 41 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN We're just practicing. We'll play a game later. Molly looks unsure about his whole darts thing, but hasn't lost interest yet. O'BRIEN Try another one. Molly takes it and throws, and just then Keiko sticks her head in from the other room, holding O'Brien's KILT from "The Bar Association." KEIKO Miles? O'BRIEN (embarrassed) Oh. That's mine. Keiko looks as if she's trying to picture him in it. O'BRIEN Don't worry. I only wear it in the holosuites. KEIKO I suppose Julian has one, too. She puts the Kilt on a chair, moves to him. Molly uses the fact of O'Brien's distraction to go back to what she really wants to be doing, COLORING on paper. KEIKO You two certainly spent a lot of time in the holosuites. O'BRIEN (pulling her close) You should be glad. Kept me out of trouble. KEIKO Remind me to thank Julian next time I see him. Keiko smiles, strokes his hair... and they kiss. When they part, O'Brien casts a glance at Molly, then inclines his head toward the bedroom in a "do-you-think- she'd-notice?" gesture. O'BRIEN (quiet) What do you say we try for twins... ? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 40. 41 CONTINUED: (2) KEIKO (smiling) I don't think that's the way it works. You'd better brush up on your biology. O'BRIEN Teach me. Suddenly Molly is at their side with a drawing. MOLLY I drew a pony. O'BRIEN Let me see, sweetie... (off PADD) Does pony have a name? MOLLY I'm coloring. She sprawls on the floor to keep drawing. KEIKO (to O'Brien) Listen, I've still got a lot of specimens to catalog from the survey. O'BRIEN Go ahead. I'll play with Molly. A warm look between them... KEIKO It's good to be home, Miles... He smiles, and Keiko moves off to collect the things she needs for her work. O'Brien moves to get the darts. O'BRIEN Come on, Molly. Let's play darts. MOLLY I don't wanna. O'Brien is a bit disappointed, but decides to roll with it. O'BRIEN Can daddy color, too? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 41. 41 CONTINUED: (4) MOLLY (absorbed in her work) I'm coloring. Keiko glances up from her work and sees O'Brien's face... he knows that Molly is just being a kid, doing exactly what strikes her fancy, but he's left with nothing to do... Keiko watches as a O'Brien sits there on the floor for a beat, trying to convince himself that he's not bored. After a beat, he turns and looks at the kilt on the chair... his features almost wistful... Off Keiko as she takes this in... 42 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE where Sisko and Kira are going over PADDS, talking station business. He seems impatient, distracted. KIRA -- the four-shift rotation also seems to be improving performance. Fewer mistakes due to fatigue. SISKO (abrupt) Fine, let's make the change permanent. Anything else? Kira takes a breath, steels herself for something difficult. KIRA I was wondering if you might have time in the next few days to meet with Major Jatarn. SISKO (brusque) Sure. KIRA Is something wrong, sir? Sisko lets out a frustrated breath. SISKO Sorry. I just got a communique from Starfleet Command responding to my report on the Bajoran situation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 41A. 42 CONTINUED: KIRA That bad? SISKO Not yet. But I can read between the lines. He gets up, moves around the room as he talks. SISKO I was sent here to help bring Bajor into the Federation. That doesn't look like much of a possibility anymore, so as far as Starfleet's concerned, I've failed my mission. KIRA That's not fair. It's not your fault. SISKO It is from where they're sitting. Sisko is struck by a thought. SISKO The ironic part is that Starfleet was always trying to get me to distance myself from "that Emissary business." And now that I have... Sisko shakes his head, struck by the irony. KIRA Maybe I could talk to First Minister Shakaar about sending Starfleet a communique explaining -- SISKO (interrupting) Thanks, but, it'll blow over. It's not that. (beat) I guess I'm just feeling that... I did fail. That it is my fault. KIRA (objecting) Sir... Sisko holds up a hand to stop her. He clearly doesn't want to talk about it anymore. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 41B. 42 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Anyway, why did you want me to meet with Jatarn? Kira now feels that this isn't a good time to say what she has to say. KIRA We can talk about it later. SISKO What is it, Major? Kira swallows back her emotion. She doesn't want to do this, but feels she must. KIRA I think held make an excellent first officer. (off Sisko's look) As soon as you find someone to take my post, I'm going to resign my commission. Sisko is stunned... sits heavily... SISKO So you can follow your D'jarra... KIRA (trying to make the best of it) I'm planning to move back to Dahkur province... a lot of artists live in the capitol. I have a friend there who's willing to apprentice me. She sees the devastated look on Sisko's face... KIRA I'm sorry. The last thing I want to do is add to your problems... but this is something I have to do. Sisko tries to keep the emotion from his voice because he doesn't feel it's his place to dissuade her. SISKO I understand. They look at each other, both wanting to say more... she: "I don't want to do this... " he: "please don't... " but they hold back... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT THREE 42. 42 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA If you don't hit it off with Major Jatarn, I can think of a few other people. It shouldn't be that hard to find someone to replace me. SISKO I don't doubt I can find someone to fill your post... but replace you... ? He shakes his head... no way. The tears well up in her eyes... she musters a smile of thanks... then turns and EXITS, as if not wanting to lose it in front of him... off Sisko's face as he watches her go... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FOUR 43. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 43 INT. PROMENADE as O'Brien makes his way down it, carrying his TOOLKIT, heading home after work like he was in Act Two. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. As he passes Quark's, O'Brien stops, considers whether to go in. O'BRIEN (hits combadge) Computer, time. COMPUTER VOICE Nineteen twenty-one hours. O'BRIEN Where is Doctor Bashir? COMPUTER VOICE Doctor Bashir is in Quark's bar. O'Brien decides to pop in... 44 INT. QUARK'S where Bashir is playing darts with Morn as TWO DABO GIRLS look on. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. O'Brien ENTERS from the Promenade, craning his head around to look for Bashir. When he spots him, O'Brien's features falter, as if he wasn't expecting to see Bashir having such a good time without him. Just then, Bashir glances his way. BASHIR Chief! O'BRIEN Julian... Bashir says goodbye to his friends and moves to join O'Brien at the bar. BASHIR How've you been? O'BRIEN Not bad. You? BASHIR All right. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 44 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I was just heading home, thought I'd drop by for a pint. A Ferengi WAITER appears behind the bar and Bashir signals for two pints. BASHIR Been a while, eh? O'BRIEN Seems like weeks. They regard each other for a moment... both are thinking how much they've missed each other, but neither is about to come out and say it. O'BRIEN (indicating Morn) I see you've found someone to play darts with. (off BASHIR's look) I set up a board in my quarters so Molly and I could play. BASHIR (charitably) Morn's pretty good. O'BRIEN So's Molly. A beat, then both at the same time... BASHIR/0'BRIEN It's not the same. They mean "without you," but neither of them wants to just come out and say it. O'BRIEN I mean, Molly's just a kid. We're playing with magnets. BASHIR Morn couldn't hit a Yridian Yak from five paces. O'BRIEN You and I were evenly matched. BASHIR We had a good rivalry going. O'BRIEN It kept us sharp. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FOUR 45. 44 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Exactly. They both understand what the other is saying, and as far as they're concerned they've just been as demonstrative as if they'd hugged and wept. They regard each other for another long moment... Quark approaches from the other side of the bar. QUARK (to both) You're late. O'BRIEN What are you talking about? QUARK It's Thursday. I've got your usual holosuite reserved. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) Didn't you cancel? BASHIR No... I was hoping maybe... (you'd show) O'BRIEN Can't do it. I've got to get home. QUARK What about you, Doctor? The Battle of Britain awaits, and you know my policy on cancellations. No refunds. O'BRIEN Go ahead... maybe Morn is better in the cockpit of a spitfire than he is at darts. A beat, then Bashir shakes his head... BASHIR Wouldn't be the same... O'Brien looks at him, grateful to hear him say it... and happy to provide a non touchy-feely reason why it wouldn't be... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FOUR 46. 44 CONTINUED: (4) O'BRIEN Yeah... Morn's probably never even heard of England... O'Brien drains his glass, and with a last look at Bashir, EXITS. Bashir heads back for the dartboard, leaving Quark shaking his head and wondering what makes these humans tick... 45 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE where Sisko is working on a PADD. After a beat, Odo's COM VOICE interrupts. ODO'S COM VOICE Odo to Sisko. SISKO Go ahead. ODO'S COM VOICE You'd better get down here. Someone's been killed on the Promenade. Off Sisko's reaction... 46 INT. PROMENADE Sisko meets up with Kira, also heading for the scene of the crime. SISKO What happened? KIRA I don't know yet. They approach a small crowd of SUPERNUMERARIES who are being kept away from the crime scene by Odo and several of his DEPUTIES. Sisko and Kira push their way through to find a Bajoran MONK lying dead on the floor. Vedek Porta stands nearby, his features grave. ODO (to Sisko) He fell from the second level. His neck was broken on impact. SISKO Did anyone see it happen? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FOUR 47. 46 CONTINUED: PORTA I did. Sisko, Odo and Kira turn to him. ODO Was it an accident? PORTA I pushed him. Our people are stunned by this admission. Porta is extremely reasonable, calm. PORTA His family name is Imutta. Their D'jarra is unclean. Sisko doesn't know what he means, so a stunned Kira explains... KIRA They prepare the dead for burial... PORTA I asked him to set the right example and resign from our order. He refused. Our people can hardly believe what they're hearing. SISKO You killed him... because of his D'jarra? PORTA I had to. If a Vedek can't do what the Emissary has asked of us, how can we expect anyone else to? Porta gestures as if to say "what else could I do?" Kira is crushed... a man she respects and admires has committed a terrible crime. SISKO (grim) Get him out of here. Odo and his Deputies move to comply... Off Sisko's steely features... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FOUR 48. 47 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 48 INT. WARDROOM as Akorem and two Attendant MONKS ENTER to join Sisko. The Monk hangs back by the door as Sisko rises and motions Akorem to a chair. SISKO Thank you for coming. AKOREM I would've come even if you hadn't requested to meet with me. (off Sisko's questioning look) I intend to ask the magistrate to be lenient with Vedek Porta. After all, he was only trying to do what the Prophets have asked of us... (with regret) -- even if he did go too far. SISKO Too far... What should he have done, just roughed Imutta up a little? Akorem is a bit taken aback by Sisko's tone; he's gotten used to being treated with deference. AKOREM Of course not. I abhor violence. I regret what happened here today as much as you do. But change is never easy. The road the Prophets have asked us to walk won't always be a smooth one. SISKO And forcing people to follow their D'jarras won't make it any smoother. What happened on the Promenade was just the beginning. AKOREM Must I remind you, Captain, I am merely fulfilling the will of the Prophets. SISKO How do you know that? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FOUR 49. 48 CONTINUED: AKOREM (simply) I'm the Emissary. SISKO (emphatic) And what you've done with the position has made me wish I'd never given it up. AKOREM But you did. And it was the right decision. You never truly accepted the role in the first place. Sisko knows how Akorem is going to react to what he has to say next. SISKO I'm willing to accept it now. There's a moment of stunned silence, and then Akorem realizes why Sisko called him here. AKOREM You're challenging my claim... SISKO You've left me no choice. Akorem hears the conviction in Sisko's voice, takes another tack. AKOREM If we went to the people and asked them to choose between us, it would be chaos... SISKO I don't want to divide Bajor any more than you do. AKOREM It wouldn't be divided for long. In the end the people would choose me, because my claim rests on what was foretold in the ancient texts. I was the first to find the wormhole, I was the first to be with the Prophets -- they gave me back my life. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FOUR 50. 48 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO We're not going to settle this by arguing over ancient texts. AKOREM Then how? SISKO There's only one way to be sure which one of us is the Emissary... we have to go to the wormhole and ask the Prophets. Akorem is taken aback by the audacity of what Sisko is proposing. But he sees this is the only way, and after a beat, nods his agreement... off this moment... 49 thru OMITTED 50 FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: A51 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) as a Runabout enters the wormhole (STOCK). 51 INT. WORMHOLE (OPTICAL) as the Runabout navigates through the brilliant tunnel (STOCK). 52 INT. RUNABOUT where Sisko is piloting; Akorem sits nearby. INTERACTIVE LIGHT plays on their features. Sisko works the controls and we hear the SOUND of the ship slowing down. SISKO Going to half thrusters... Akorem is a bit more apprehensive than Sisko since he's about to see his gods again. AKOREM Now what... ? SISKO We wait. Akorem closes his eyes to meditate, and Sisko crosses his arms across his chest and looks at the light show out the window. 53 INT. WORMHOLE (OPTICAL) the Runabout moving slowly. 54 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Sisko and Akorem in slightly different positions to indicate the passage of time. The INTERACTIVE LIGHT plays on their features for a moment... then suddenly INTENSIFIES so that the screen... 55 WHITES OUT (OPTICAL) and we begin the WORMHOLE SEQUENCE. We hear the SOUND of heartbeats, breathing... and suddenly find ourselves in: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 52. 56 INT. INFIRMARY (OPTICAL) where Akorem is on the examining table like he was in Act One. Sisko stands nearby, as do KIRA ALIEN and Bashir ALIEN. The scene has that OVEREXPOSED quality we've seen in other wormhole experiences, with a fuzziness around the edges of the screen. KIRA ALIEN You are the Sisko. Bashir Alien looks at Akorem. BASHIR ALIEN (to Kira) This is the one that was injured. Akorem speaks to them with great respect and reverence. AKOREM Yes. I was. And you gave me back my life, just as the texts foretold. The Aliens look at him blankly, as if they have no idea what he means by this. Suddenly the scene shifts to: 57 INT. WARDROOM (OPTICAL) where Sisko and Akorem find themselves with PORTA ALIEN, standing near the door in roughly the same configuration as they were toward the end of Scene 25. PORTA ALIEN Why are you here? It takes Akorem a beat to re-orient himself and answer. AKOREM (re: Sisko) To prove to this nonbeliever that you sent me to put Bajor back on the right path. Porta Alien just stares at him. AKOREM Please, tell him you chose me to be the Emissary. Suddenly we shift back to -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 53. 58 INT. INFIRMARY (OPTICAL) Sisko, Akorem, Kira Alien and Bashir Alien as before. The Aliens just look at Akorem without replying. AKOREM Tell him that I fulfilled the ancient Prophecies... that I was the first to find the Celestial temple, the first to meet with you. (indicating Sisko) He came to you centuries later. BASHIR ALIEN First... later... KIRA ALIEN They have no meaning to us. Akorem's features falter... this seems to repudiate what he's claiming. 59 INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) where Akorem finds himself on the Podium from which he spoke to the people. The same SUPERNUMERARIES are there, but now they're Wormhole Aliens, and they stand there in eerie silence, staring at Sisko and Akorem. Kira Alien, Bashir Alien, Odo Alien, and Porta Alien stand nearby. Sisko sees that Akorem is a bit flummoxed by the Alien's reply to his request and addresses them. SISKO The Bajorans believe you are their Prophets... that you've chosen one of us to be your Emissary. The Aliens regard each other, as if silently conferring. Finally the Odo Alien speaks, and we get the sense that he's trying to put a difficult concept into words. ODO ALIEN We... are of Bajor... Sisko reacts, intrigued, wanting to know more. SISKO Go on. The Odo Alien seems perplexed that Sisko doesn't understand what he's trying to say, turns to the other Aliens. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 ACT FIVE 54. 59 CONTINUED: ODO ALIEN They are linear. KIRA ALIEN (agreeing) It limits them. PORTA ALIEN They do not understand. Suddenly the scene shifts back to: 59A INT. INFIRMARY (OPTICAL) as before; Kira Alien, Bashir Alien, Sisko and Akorem. SISKO But we want to understand. That's why we're here. (re: Akorem) You saved his life. Why? KIRA ALIEN (simply) He was injured. BASHIR ALIEN We kept him with us. 59B INT. WARDROOM (OPTICAL) Sisko, Akorem and Porta Alien. Akorem is desperate to get some validation from the Prophets. AKOREM Yes... so that I would be spared the occupation... so that I could bring the D'jarras back to Bajor. Porta Alien just looks at him blankly; he has no idea what he's talking about. SISKO Is that true? Is that what you want? Porta Alien considers before replying. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 54A. 59B CONTINUED: PORTA ALIEN The D'jarras are part of what the Sisko would call... the past. 59C INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) as before. KIRA ALIEN The Sisko taught us that for you, what was, can never be again. Akorem's features falter... this sounds like he's been wrong. AKOREM But if the D'jarras belong in the past... why did you send me into the future? The Aliens turn to each other as if consulting for a beat, then turn back to Akorem. ODO ALIEN For the Sisko. SISKO For me? Akorem asks the question he now knows the answer to. AKOREM You're saying... he's your Emissary... BASHIR ALIEN He is the Sisko. Akorem seems to visibly deflate... he retreats inward, as if trying to figure out what went wrong... AKOREM Then... I was wrong... about everything... He's defeated, shattered... Sisko looks at him with sympathy; he feels no victory in the moment. AKOREM You should have let me die... A moment as the Aliens consider this. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 54B. 59C CONTINUED: KIRA ALIEN (to the others) We still can. Their matter-of-factness is chilling. PORTA ALIEN We can return him to the moment we found him. ODO ALIEN Allow him to die. Sisko realizes that if they have this power, maybe they can do something else... SISKO No... (beat) Why not return him to his own time as he is now -- uninjured -- so he can get back to Bajor safely? The Aliens regard each other, silently confer. ODO ALIEN He would remember nothing of what has happened. Akorem is still reeling from the unwelcome truth... this seems like a way out... a chance to reclaim his life. AKOREM I could be with my wife... my family. Akorem considers for a moment... then turns to look at Sisko. Sisko can see he wants to go home, that he needs someone to say yes, go, it's all right. He gives Akorem a small nod, and that's all he needs. Akorem turns to the Aliens... AKOREM I'm ready to go home... After a beat, there's a FLASH... and Akorem is gone... Sisko reacts to his disappearance, looks around... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 55. 60 INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) where Sisko finds himself face to face with Opaka Alien in another part of the Promenade. They're alone, and she studies him appraisingly for a moment: OPAKA ALIEN Why do you stay here? SISKO Because I still have questions. Opaka Alien seems to feel they've said all there is to say. OPAKA ALIEN We... are of Bajor. She says this as if this were the closest she can come to explaining it to a humanoid. SISKO What does that mean? What does it have to do with me? Opaka Alien does her best to put it into words. OPAKA ALIEN You... are of Bajor. Sisko reacts. A moment... then there's a FLASH of light and we cut to -- 61 INT. RUNABOUT where Sisko, finds himself alone in the pilot's seat... the wormhole experience is over. INTERACTIVE LIGHT plays on his features as he takes a moment to collect himself, pondering the meaning of what happened... then he reaches and works the controls... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 56. 62 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 63 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS A quiet night at the O'Briens. Keiko is working at the table with some PADDS as O'Brien ENTERS from Molly's room. O'BRIEN Molly loves that book Jake gave her. She made me read it three times before she fell asleep. Keiko smiles distractedly, keeps working. O'Brien flops down on the couch, looks around for something to do... but can't think of anything and lets out an unconscious sigh. Keiko looks up. KEIKO I'm going to be working for another few hours. O'BRIEN That's okay... I'll... He picks a PADD off the coffee table, tries to sound enthusiastic. O'BRIEN Read... KEIKO If you want to go do something... O'BRIEN I'm fine. She shrugs a smile, gets back to work. A quiet moment... then O'Brien lets out another unconscious sigh as he reads. KEIKO Miles... I promised I wouldn't say anything... but... (coming out with it) It's Julian. O'BRIEN What about him? KEIKO I ran into him the other day and... he seemed depressed. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 57. 63 CONTINUED: KEIKO (Cont'd) He'd never admit it, but he really misses you. O'BRIEN Poor guy... no family to come home to every night. KEIKO Why don't you go find him? You know... cheer him up. O'Brien tries to contain his excitement. O'BRIEN Depressed, is he? KEIKO Very. O'BRIEN Maybe I should spend an hour with him. KEIKO Maybe two. He's up in a flash, grabs his Bomber Jacket, and heads for the door. Before he ducks out, O'Brien regards Keiko for a moment. O'BRIEN I'm a lucky man. She smiles, and O'Brien EXITS... Keiko lets out a relieved sigh, then activates a DESKTOP COMPUTER. KEIKO Keiko to Doctor Bashir. INTERCUT WITH: 64 INT. INFIRMARY as Bashir responds. He's working alone at his desk. BASHIR Go ahead. KEIKO Julian, it's about Miles. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, but he's been really depressed lately. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 58. 64 CONTINUED: BASHIR Oh? Off Keiko's smile as she continues putting her plan into motion... 65 INT. QUARK'S where Sisko is at a table reading a PADD. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. Kira approaches him from behind and sets a CLAY BIRD similar to the one she made in Scene 37B down in front of him. KIRA I want you to have this. (taking a seat) It's an original Kira Nerys... (wry) -- could be very valuable some day. SISKO (playing along) I hear she didn't make that many. They share a smile... KIRA I thought your speech went well yesterday. It was the right thing to do. SISKO I wanted people to know what happened to Akorem... and that the Prophets said nothing about returning to the D'jarras. KIRA I think almost everyone was relieved to hear it... Just then, O'Brien and Bashir pass by in full Irish warrior regalia. O'BRIEN Why didn't you back me up? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 59. 65 CONTINUED: BASHIR How was I supposed to know you were going to insult the King of Leinster in his own keep? They pass out of hearing range and belly up to the bar. Sisko and Kira exchange a smile. SISKO (re: PADD) I was just reading one of Akorem's poems: The Call of the Prophets. Kira nods as if it were one of her favorites. KIRA That was always one of my favorites. It's a shame he never finished it. SISKO He did. Kira reacts with surprise. SISKO Look... Sisko hands the PADD to her. She glances at it for a beat, confused by the implications. KIRA This is very confusing... the last time I read this poem it ended after the twelfth stanza. (trying to make sense of it) If the timeline's been changed... then why do I remember things the way they used to be? Sisko shrugs a smile. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Accession" - REV. 1/17/96 - ACT FIVE 60. 65 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO The Prophets work in mysterious ways. Kira can't argue with that. Just then a Bajoran Lieutenant of about forty, ONARA, approaches their table, his DAUGHTER of fourteen at his side. ONARA Excuse me, sir. SISKO Yes... ? ONARA I'm sorry to bother you, but... tomorrow, after evening services in the Temple... (with pride) -- we're having my daughter's ih'tanu ceremony. Onara can see from Sisko's look that he doesn't know what this means exactly. ONARA She's turning fourteen. SISKO Happy Birthday. ONARA We were wondering if there was any chance you could come and give her your blessing. It would mean so much to us. Kira looks to Sisko, expecting to see him wince, but to her surprise he breaks into an utterly sincere grin. SISKO I'd be happy to. ONARA Thank you, Emissary. Sisko reacts to being called Emissary, as if accepting it for the first time. SISKO You're welcome. Father and daughter move off and Sisko returns to reading Akorem's poem... off Kira's smile as she studies the Emissary's face... FADE OUT. END OE ACT FIVE THE END