STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Homefront" (fka "Untitled Sisko on Earth") #40510-483 Written by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by David Livingston THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1995 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION October 23, 1995 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Homefront" - 10/23/95 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Homefront" CAST SISKO JOSEPH KIRA LEYTON ODO BENTEEN BASHIR JARESH-INYO DAX COM VOICE QUARK HEAD OFFICER O'BRIEN WORF JAKE NOG Non-Speaking Non-Speaking MORN N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "Homefront" - 10/23/95 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Homefront" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL QUARK'S STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS OPS ODO'S QUARTERS NEWS ORLEANS/FRENCH SISKO'S QUARTERS QUARTER EARTH STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS SISKO'S TEMPORARY OFFICE SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN PRESIDENT'S OFFICE STAR TREK: DS9 - "Homefront" - 10/24/95 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Homefront" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE AUDUBON ODD-uh-bon BENTEEN BEN-teen GRAZERITE GRAY-zer-ite JAMBALAYA JUM-buh-LIE-UH JARESH-INYO JAR-esh IN-yoe JEM'HADAR JEM-huh DAR LAKOTA luh-KOE-tuh LEYTON LEY-tuhn OKINAWA oh-kuh-NOW-uh REMOULADE ROME-a-lod THOLIAN THO-lee-an DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - TEASER STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Homefront" TEASER FADE IN: 1 OMITTED 2 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL (OPTICAL) SISKO and DAX stand at a viewport on the Second Level along with a crowd of other station residents. They watch as the wormhole opens, stays open for a beat, then closes. No ship enters or exits the wormhole. To the humans and other Federation personnel, this is an interesting scientific anomaly, but to the Bajorans, the wormhole's behavior has deep religious significance and they react accordingly. DAX There it goes again. That's the seventh time in the last two hours. SISKO Still no idea what's causing it? DAX So far it seems to be opening and closing completely at random. No unusual readings... no ships coming through... They begin to walk away from the viewport. As they walk, Dax occasionally glances over the rail down at the Second Level. DAX For all we know, the Bajorans are right. Maybe it is a message from the Prophets. As Sisko and Dax walk by a Bajoran monk, he bows his head in respect to the Emissary. Sisko nods back uncomfortably. SISKO (joking) If it is, they haven't told me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: DAX Maybe the Prophets don't recognize you with the new beard. Sisko smiles at Dax's jibe. SISKO (half to himself) There has to be a scientific explanation for this. Dax continues looking over the railing. As she watches... 3 NEW ANGLE ODO emerges from an airlock and stalks onto the Promenade, looking a little ticked off. 4 ON SISKO AND DAX Dax reacts to the sight of Odo with a private smile. Sisko picks up on it. SISKO Something funny, old man? DAX (playing innocent) Hmmm? Oh, nothing. Just then, Sisko's combadge chirps. WORF'S COM VOICE Ops to Captain Sisko. Sisko hits his combadge. SISKO Sisko here. WORF'S COM VOICE Captain, we're receiving a priority one message from Starfleet Security. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: SISKO On our way. Sisko and Dax EXIT. 5 INT. QUARK'S QUARK is behind the bar, telling MORN a joke. QUARK So then, the Andorian says "That's not my antenna." Morn stares at Quark blankly. Quark's obviously disappointed at Morn's lack of response. QUARK (dismissing him) Why do I bother? Just then, there's an angry growl from off-screen. ODO (O.S.) Quark! Quark turns to the door as Odo ENTERS, looking steamed. QUARK What can I do for you, Constable? ODO (to the point) Dax. Where is she? Quark looks around the bar. QUARK She's not here. (innocently) Is there anything else I can do for you? Odo believes that Quark knows more than he's letting on. ODO You think this is all very funny, don't you? You and Dax probably planned it together. QUARK Planned what? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - TEASER 5 CONTINUED: ODO Moving my furniture. Morn knows this is bad news and EXITS. QUARK Is that what this is all about? Someone moved your furniture? ODO Not someone. Commander Dax. This is the fourth time she's done it in the past year. She breaks into my quarters while I'm regenerating, and moves all my furniture out of alignment. She shifts one piece three centimeters to the left, and the next four centimeters to the right. Not one object in my quarters is where it's supposed to be. QUARK And that's a bad thing? ODO Everything I own is carefully and painstakingly arranged. Dax knows that... yet she takes perverse delight in throwing my quarters into chaos. QUARK I would hardly call three centimeters chaos. ODO Maybe you wouldn't... but I would. (a beat) You humanoids are all alike... you have no sense of order. And Dax is the most... humanoid person I know. SISKO'S COM VOICE Sisko to Constable Odo. ODO (to com) Odo here. SISKO'S COM VOICE Please report to Ops, immediately. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - TEASER 5. 5 CONTINUED: (2) Odo would much rather rant to Quark a little while longer, but duty calls. ODO Acknowledged. Odo starts to leave. QUARK (calling after him) If you see Dax, say hello to her for me. Odo ignores him and EXITS. And Odo leaves, Quark breaks into a wide grin. 6 INT. OPS Odo ENTERS to find Sisko, KIRA, WORF and O'BRIEN already there. KIRA How many people were at the conference? SISKO Including the Tholian observer, twenty-seven. O'BRIEN (shocked) Twenty-seven. That's unbelievable. SISKO (to Kira and Odo) The Federation President, Jaresh- Inyo has declared a planetwide day of mourning. Sisko sees Odo enter. SISKO Constable, take a seat. ODO Of course. Odo takes a seat at the Ops table. Sisko nods to Worf. Worf stands and activates the monitors behind the Ops table. WORF We received this less than ten minutes ago. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - TEASER 6. 6 CONTINUED: WORF (Cont'd) It's a recording of a high level diplomatic conference between the Federation and the Romulan Empire held on Earth a few days ago. (to com) Computer, begin replay at time index five nine eleven. 7 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To include the viewscreen, which shows an M.O.S. security recording of a conference room full of Federation and Romulan diplomats. They're milling around, talking in an informal session, when suddenly, the room is irradiated by a high-tech weapon. The viewscreen goes white and fritzes out as the recording ends. 8 CLOSE ON ODO As he reacts to what he's seen. ODO A bomb. WORF Of unknown composition. SISKO (to Odo) There hasn't been a crime like this on Earth in over a hundred years. KIRA (to Worf) Go back. Show him what you showed us. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - TEASER 8 CONTINUED: WORF Computer, restart at five nine sixteen at one-tenth normal speed. 9 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Back on the monitor which displays the diplomats, moving in slow motion, seconds before the explosion. WORF (to com) Freeze-picture. Enlarge section F three and isolate. A square on the monitor is isolated and enlarged. The image is now a medium shot of three people, one Romulan and two humans. They're standing in front of a small pedestal holding a black Grecian vase. WORF (to Odo) Keep your eye on the piece of pottery. (to com) Resume at one-tenth speed. The people in the picture start moving again. For a split second, the Grecian vase can be seen beginning to MORPH. ODO That's a changeling. But before we or Odo can get a better look, the room explodes and the recording ends. 10 CLOSE ON ODO As he reacts to what he's seen. 11 NEW ANGLE To include Sisko and Worf. WORF No sign of a changeling was found in the aftermath. We must assume that it escaped unharmed. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - TEASER 8. 11 CONTINUED: SISKO I was hoping this would never happen. But it finally has... the changelings have reached earth. And as Odo and the rest of the crew digest this grim news, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 9. FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 12 INT. ODO'S QUARTERS Dax finishes moving a piece of Odo's jungle-gym furniture while Odo supervises. DAX How's that? Odo studies the placement for a beat, then... ODO Another centimeter to the left. Dax has been at this for a while and is obviously getting tired of it. DAX Shouldn't you be on the Lakota? ODO The Lakota won't depart for Earth for another hour. Which gives us plenty of time to repair the damage you've done to my room. (a beat) And while I'm gone, I want your solemn word that you'll stay out of my quarters. DAX You've got it. (a beat) So how long do you think you and Captain Sisko will be on Earth? ODO I have no idea. I just hope this trip isn't a waste of time. I'm not sure what Captain Sisko and I can tell Starfleet about my people that hasn't already been in our reports. DAX Believe me, Odo, with changelings on Earth, Starfleet's going to need all the help it can get. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: She finishes moving the furniture. DAX There. How's that? ODO A little more to the left. DAX (playful) Whatever you say, Constable. Dax adjusts the furniture. 13 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Sisko is talking on a monitor to his father, JOSEPH SISKO. Despite his advanced years, Joseph is as full of life and energy as anyone you'd want to meet. He's a gourmet cook who runs his own restaurant in New Orleans, and his personality is as zesty and full- bodied as his cooking. He's a big man with a big personality to match. Several years earlier Joseph fought a debilitating battle against a severe illness, barely surviving. He's never gotten back to full strength, but he's determined to live out the rest of his years with gusto. Unfortunately, the years are starting to run out, a fact he's determined not to reveal to his son. JOSEPH (on monitor) Wait until you see the size of the eggplants I'm getting out of my garden this year. As big as crenshaw melons and twice as heavy. SISKO How's Judith? She still helping out at the restaurant? JOSEPH (on monitor) I sent her home to Portland. Your sister's got her own life to worry about. Besides... she never puts enough cayenne pepper in the jambalaya. SISKO Just like mom. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 13 CONTINUED: JOSEPH (on monitor) Which means she has no business being in a kitchen. (smiles) It'll be good to have you home again Benjamin. Jake, too. SISKO You know, Dad, this isn't exactly a vacation. I'll be spending most of my time in San Francisco at Starfleet Headquarters. JOSEPH (on monitor) Whatever you do during the day is your business. But at dinner time, you better get yourself down to New Orleans. No son of mine is going to eat that replicated slop Starfleet calls food. Not if I have anything to say about it. SISKO You won't get any argument from me. Sisko looks at his father with affection for a beat, then a look of concern crosses his face. SISKO So... Dad... You feeling okay? JOSEPH (on monitor) Let's not start that again. SISKO It's just a question. (a beat) You look a little tired. How's the new aorta holding up? JOSEPH (on monitor) The doctors say I'm a medical marvel. At the rate things are going in another year or two I won't have an original organ left in my body. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 12. 13 CONTINUED: SISKO But you feel okay? JOSEPH (on monitor) Just point me in the direction of a party or a pretty girl and I'll show you how good I feel. (changing the subject) Make sure to call me as soon as you and Jake get here. The guest rooms are always ready and waiting for you. SISKO I know that, Dad. We'll be there before you know it. Joseph nods and terminates the transmission. Sisko frowns. He doesn't completely believe his father's re- assurances about his health. After a beat... 14 NEW ANGLE JAKE ENTERS. SISKO You just missed Grandpa Joe. JAKE Did you tell him we're staying in San Francisco? SISKO I... didn't quite get around to it. Jake knows that means they're staying with Grandpa. JAKE Dad... You know if we stay with Grandpa he's going to put me to work in the kitchen. SISKO Is that so bad? JAKE Chopping vegetables for nine hours a day isn't my idea of a vacation. SISKO Jake, you're not a kid anymore. Grandpa won't expect you to chop vegetables. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 13. 14 CONTINUED: SISKO (Cont'd) (smiles) He'll want you to wait tables. Off Jake's resigned expression... 14A INT. QUARK'S It's a normal crowd. People barely take notice as O'Brien and BASHIR walk down the spiral staircase, wearing World War Two-era R.A.F. uniforms, complete with leather headgear, and in Bashir's case, a silk pilot's scarf. O'BRIEN (to Quark) Barkeep. Quark rolls his eyes. He's been through this before with these guys. QUARK So what can I get you two flyboys. BASHIR A scotch neat, and a pint o' bitters for me mate. O'BRIEN And be quick about it. The cabbage crates'll be coming back over the briny any minute now. Quark puts the glasses down. QUARK All right, all right. I'd hate to let the "Jerries" strafe that "green and pleasant land" of yours while you two were taking time out for a drink. BASHIR No choice. Ritual, you know. He and O'Brien raise their glasses. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 13A. 14A CONTINUED: 0'BRIEN To Clive. The best bloke ever to prang his kite into the Channel. BASHIR Stiff upper lip. O'BRIEN Hear, hear. They toast and drink. QUARK Now remember what I said about throwing glasses. They put the glasses down on the bar. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) So, want to go back up and take another crack at the Jerries? BASHIR (breaking character) I don't know. To tell you the truth, my heart's not in it. QUARK Aren't you taking Clive's death a little seriously? After all, he was just a holosuite character. O'BRIEN It's not Clive. It's Earth. You probably wouldn't understand this, Quark, but when you care about a place, and it's in trouble... you want to do something about it. And when you can't, it's pretty frustrating. QUARK I know exactly what you mean. When the Great Monetary Collapse hit Ferenginar, I was hundreds of light years away, working as a ship's cook on a long-haul freighter. I can't tell you the heartbreak I suffered, knowing that rampant inflation and currency devaluation were burning like wildfires through the lush financial landscapes of my home. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 13B. 14A CONTINUED: QUARK (Cont'd) (a beat) It still depresses me even today. I remember thinking my accounts needed me, and there was nothing I could do. I felt so... so helpless. (eager to bond) So you see, I do understand. O'BRIEN Somehow, hearing that doesn't make me feel the least bit better. QUARK (dismissive) Humans. All you care about is yourselves. Quark moves off-screen, to deal with more amiable customers. Just then, O'Brien and Bashir notice Odo walking down the Promenade. O'BRIEN (calling out) Odo, hold on a minute. O'Brien and Bashir head for the door... 14B INT. PROMENADE O'Brien and Bashir join Odo. ODO (re: the uniforms) I take it the Battle of Britain has been won yet again. BASHIR There's a spitfire with your name on it sitting in the hangar. When you come back from Earth, you can take Clive's place in the squadron. ODO Somehow, I doubt it. O'BRIEN Look, Odo... Do me a favor? If you get a chance, drop by and visit my folks in Killarney. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 13C. 14B CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (Cont'd) You know, make sure they're doing okay. ODO I'll try to find the time. O'BRIEN Good. I'll tell them you might stop by. ODO Anyone you want me to look up, Doctor? BASHIR No, that's all right. I just wish I was going with you. ODO To be perfectly honest, Doctor, I wish you were both going with me. I could use the company. I doubt a Shape-shifter is going to be very popular on Earth at the moment. O'BRIEN No one can hold you responsible for what your people are doing. ODO (skeptically) Really. (a beat) I better get over to the Lakota. We'll be leaving shortly. BASHIR Good luck. O'Brien nods, seconding the motion. ODO I don't believe in luck. (softens) But I appreciate the sentiment. Odo EXITS. BASHIR (worried) Changelings on Earth. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 13D. 14B CONTINUED: O'BRIEN It's times like this that home seems a long way off. Bashir nods. BASHIR Let's get out of these uniforms. They EXIT. CUT TO: 15 OMITTED 16 INT. OPS O'Brien, Worf and Kira are at their stations. O'BRIEN The Lakota has gone to warp. WORF (to Kira) When was the last time the wormhole opened? KIRA Twelve hours ago. WORF Perhaps it has returned to normal. KIRA I suppose so. O'BRIEN You seem disappointed, Major. KIRA I guess I am. Part of me was hoping that the Prophets were behind it. That they were finally going to show themselves to the Bajoran people. WORF I prefer Klingon beliefs. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 14. 16 CONTINUED: KIRA I suppose your gods aren't as cryptic as ours. WORF Our gods are dead. Ancient Klingon warriors slew them all millennia ago. They were more trouble than they were worth. Worf turns his attention back to his panels. Kira looks at Worf, puzzled. KIRA I don't think I'll ever understand Klingons. O'BRIEN Don't worry about it, Major. Nobody does. That's the way they like it. Worf is privately pleased as he continues to work. Kira and O'Brien exchange a look of amusement. 17 OMITTED 18 EXT. STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS - DAY (OPTICAL) A green expanse of lawns and walkways leading up to a cluster of official-looking buildings. The Golden Gate Bridge can be seen in the background. 19 EXT. STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS - GROUNDS - DAY Sisko and Odo are walking toward one of the buildings when ADMIRAL LEYTON, the head of Starfleet Operations calls out to them. LEYTON (O.S.) Ben... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 15. 19 CONTINUED: Sisko turns and smiles as Leyton approaches. Leyton is in his mid-fifties, tall, healthy and looks younger than he is. He's a veteran of conflicts with the Romulans, Tholians, Cardassians and Borg. At Leyton's side is his adjunct, COMMANDER ERIKA BENTEEN, a career officer in her early thirties and of slight build. She carries herself with the confidence of someone who never doubts that she's doing the right thing. SISKO Admiral Leyton. It's good to see you again, sir. They shake hands. LEYTON Captain Sisko, this is my adjutant, Commander Benteen. (to Benteen) Benjamin was my executive officer aboard the Okinawa. And a damn fine one too. SISKO I did all right. BENTEEN Don't be modest. Admiral Leyton has had his share of executive officers and you're the only one he ever speaks fondly of. LEYTON (re: Benteen) Present company excluded. SISKO (to Odo) Admiral Leyton is the one who recommended me for the job on Deep Space Nine. LEYTON One of my better ideas. Leyton looks at Odo. LEYTON You must be Odo. ODO That's right. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 16. 19 CONTINUED: (2). LEYTON (re: Odo) Forgive me for staring, but you're the first changeling I've ever met. BENTEEN That you know of. Benteen is making a joke, but neither she nor Leyton are laughing. Sisko picks up on the tension in the air. ODO I sympathize with your problem. Uncovering changeling infiltrators is no easy task. LEYTON Well with the help of the two of you, hopefully it'll be a little easier. SISKO What exactly do you want us to do, Admiral? BENTEEN We'd like to confer with you and Odo... see if there's anything about the Founders that you left out of your official reports. ODO I'll help any way I can. Though I think you'll find my reports were quite thorough. SISKO Admiral, somehow I doubt you brought us all this way just for a debriefing. LEYTON Of course not. Ben, Earth's in danger. Maybe the greatest danger it's faced since the last world war. Something has to be done about these Shape-shifters. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 17. 19 CONTINUED: (3) LEYTON (Cont'd) (a beat) Which is where you come in. You know more about the Dominion than anyone in Starfleet. And that's why, effective immediately, I'm making you the new head of Starfleet Security here on Earth. BENTEEN Congratulations, Captain. And off Sisko's surprised reaction, we... FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 20 OMITTED 21 INT. SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN - NIGHT Sisko's is an upscale restaurant, but you might not realize that from a first glance. Though there are tablecloths and fresh flowers on the tables, the overall mood is homey and comfortable. There are pictures of old-time baseball players on the walls and a stuffed alligator hanging from the ceiling. Patrons, humans with a sprinkling of aliens, are dressed casually and the service is friendly and unpretentious. Joseph Sisko, who is circulating around the room, stops to chat with one of the customers, who has just been served a large trout in butter-lemon sauce. JOSEPH That is one beautiful fish. Seems a shame to eat a trout that pretty. Why, you should thank me for the privilege of simply looking at it. (a beat) Well, go on, take a bite. It won't bite back. (to all) Now I don't want to see anyone studying the dessert menu. If you order anything but the bread pudding souffle, you'll be making a mistake you'll regret for the rest of your lives. SISKO (O.S.) You should listen to him. The man knows his bread pudding. Joseph turns and sees Sisko and Jake standing by the front door. He smiles in delight. JOSEPH Benjamin. Joseph and his son embrace. Joseph looks over at Jake and gives him a bear hug as well. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 19. 21 CONTINUED: JOSEPH Jake-o. When are you going to stop growing? If you keep this up, you'll be bumping your head on that alligator before too long. JAKE I remember when you used to tell me that alligator was just in stasis, and you let it down at night to guard the restaurant. JOSEPH I had to stop doing that. It got to be too much trouble wrestling it back up to the ceiling every morning. (winks) Now take a seat. I'll have Nathan bring you both something to eat and we can catch up. (to a passing waiter) Nathan, some gumbo for these fine young men. 22 NEW ANGLE Joseph leads them over to a corner table and they sit down. JOSEPH So where's this shape-shifting fellow you were coming with? SISKO With things the way they are, Odo thought it would be better if he stayed at Starfleet Headquarters. JOSEPH I don't blame him. I haven't seen people so nervous since the Borg scare. Nathan comes and puts down two bowls of gumbo. JOSEPH Now personally, I'd like to meet him, though I have to admit, I'm a little suspicious of anyone who doesn't eat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 20. 22 CONTINUED: Sisko smiles as he starts eating, then notices that Joseph isn't joining them. SISKO Aren't you having any? JOSEPH I ate before you got here. Sisko stares at his father as if not totally buying this explanation. JOSEPH Son, don't look at me that way. SISKO You've lost weight. JOSEPH (skeptical) You think so? JAKE The doctors said you have to keep your weight up. JOSEPH Don't you start, too. (fair warning) I've got a vat of crayfish in the back that needs cleaning and it's got your name on it. (to both of them) Now I'm going to say this one time and one time only. I'm fine. I'm happy, I'm healthy, and I'm planning on celebrating at least fifty more birthdays. Satisfied? Sisko's not satisfied, but he's not going to press it. SISKO Gumbo's as good as I remember. Which is Sisko's way of backing off. JOSEPH Starfleet must be taking this Shape-shifter thing pretty seriously, to have you come all the way back here. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 21. 22 CONTINUED: SISKO It's serious, Dad. JOSEPH Twenty-seven people murdered right here on Earth. (shakes his head) Never thought I'd see the day. (brightens) But now that my son's on the case, I feel a lot better. Before Sisko can respond to Joseph's comments, NOG calls from off-screen. NOG (O.S.) Jake! Everyone turns to see Nog, dressed in a Starfleet cadet's uniform, approaching from the entrance to the restaurant. JAKE Nog. Jake gets up. Nog pats Jake on the back and shakes hands with Sisko. NOG Captain Sisko. (re: his uniform) What do you think? SISKO You look good, cadet. NOG (pleased) You think so? JAKE Nog, I thought I was going to see you tomorrow at Starfleet Academy. NOG You are. I'm just here for dinner. Nog sits down, then calls out to the waiter. NOG Nathan, the usual. Nathan nods his acknowledgement. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 22. 22 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO I didn't know you liked Creole food. NOG I don't. I like tube grubs, and your father's the only person on this planet who can get me live ones. JOSEPH I'm thinking of adding them to the menu. Of course I'll have to cook 'em for my human customers, serve them with a nice remoulade. NOG Cook them? What good are tube grubs if they don't wriggle on the way down? JAKE So how's everything at the Academy? Nog tries to shrug the question off. The Academy is clearly something he doesn't want to talk about. NOG (trying to avoid the subject) Jake, they call it the Academy, but what it really is is school. JAKE I want to hear about it. NOG It's a lot of work. Lots of classes, lots of studying. But I'm doing okay. (a beat) Now where are those tube grubs? DISSOLVE TO: 23 INT. SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN - NIGHT - LATER It's closing time. Joseph is escorting the last of his customers out the door. JOSEPH Good night. You come back soon. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 23. 23 CONTINUED: He closes the door behind them. Sisko's standing nearby. JOSEPH Come on, Ben. I've got a nice bottle of cognac I've been keeping for a special occasion, and I think this qualifies. SISKO I think you're right. They EXIT into the back. 24 NEW ANGLE On Jake and Nog, still in the booth. Nog is drinking root beer and patting his stomach. NOG Ahhh. There's nothing like a full stomach to make life worth living. JAKE So you going to tell me what's on your mind or not? NOG What do you mean? JAKE I mean you didn't stay here until closing time just to have one more root beer. Something's up. NOG My friend the writer. Always looking for a good story. JAKE If you don't want to tell me, fine. Don't tell me. NOG It's nothing. It's stupid. JAKE All right. Forget about it. There's a beat, but Nog clearly can't forget about it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 24. 24 CONTINUED: NOG It's just... the Academy is different than I thought it would be. JAKE Different how? NOG Some of the cadets. They're kind of standoffish. Especially the upperclassmen. JAKE Because you're a Ferengi? NOG That's what I thought at first. But then I heard some of the other freshmen complaining about the same thing. JAKE Complaining about what? NOG Little things. For instance, there's this group called Red Squad made up of all the top students. They're always going off on trips... getting special training... None of them'll even talk to me. JAKE You've only been at the Academy for a month. You can't expect to fit in right away. Who knows, one of these days you might even be in Red Squad. I'm sure if you let them get to know you, show them that you're a good guy to be around, everything'll work out. NOG I am a good guy to be around, aren't I? JAKE I always thought so. Nog smiles. He feels a little better. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 25. 25 OMITTED 26 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY Sisko and Admiral Leyton ENTER to find PRESIDENT JARESH- INYO sitting at his desk. We can see the Eiffel Tower out the window behind him. Jaresh-Inyo is a Grazerite, a willowy, contemplative, humanoid alien only recently elected to the office of President. Grazerites are evolved from herbivorous herd animals and as such loathe violence and confrontation. Sisko's carrying a twenty-fourth century briefcase, which he places on the ground by his chair. LEYTON Mister President, I'd like to introduce Captain Sisko. JARESH-INYO Captain. I've seen your record. Most exemplary. SISKO Thank you, sir. LEYTON Captain Sisko has several suggestions on how to combat Dominion infiltration. I think you'll find them very interesting. Sisko takes a PADD out of the briefcase and hands it to the President. Jaresh-Inyo takes the PADD and scans the contents. JARESH-INYO Hmm. I understand the need for increased security, but... (referring to the PADD) Blood screenings and phaser sweeps? SISKO They've proven very effective on Deep Space Nine. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 26. 26 CONTINUED: JARESH-INYO I'm sure they have. But I hope you'll keep in mind that this is Earth, not a military installation. LEYTON Which means it's a lot more vulnerable. We have to take precautions. JARESH-INYO Precautions may be advisable. But I don't want to disrupt the lives of the population. (a beat) Despite what happened at Antwerp... I believe the changeling threat is somewhat less serious than Starfleet does. LEYTON Mister President, I assure you the threat is real. JARESH-INYO For all we know, there was only one changeling on Earth, and he may not even be here anymore. SISKO But if he is here, we have a problem. There's no telling how much damage one changeling could do. JARESH-INYO Forgive me for saying so, Captain, but you sound a little... paranoid. SISKO Do I? Just then... 27 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Sisko's briefcase MORPHS into Odo. Jaresh-Inyo jumps up from his chair and backs away. Odo leans over the desk toward the President. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 27. 27 CONTINUED: ODO Forgive the intrusion, Mister President, but as you can see, Starfleet has every right to be concerned. SISKO Allow me to introduce Odo, my chief of security. The President relaxes slightly. JARESH-INYO A very... effective entrance, Mister Odo. ODO One that never should've been allowed to take place. Admiral Leyton and Captain Sisko walked in here without being searched, without being blood-tested, and without having their possessions subjected to phaser sweeps. SISKO If Odo was a Dominion infiltrator, he could've killed you. LEYTON (pointedly) Or replaced you. Jaresh-Inyo reacts to Leyton's pronouncement. LEYTON With security the way it is now, a changeling could get anywhere on Earth, replace anyone... even you. SISKO Sir, all we want is your permission to increase security at Federation and Starfleet installations here on Earth. Blood tests will be limited to Starfleet officers and high- ranking Federation officials. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 28-29. 27 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (Cont'd) The average citizen won't even notice the difference. (a beat) I wish these security measures weren't necessary. But the safety of Earth... and the entire Federation... depends on them. The President considers Sisko's plan. He clearly would rather not implement his suggestions, but he's beginning to see the wisdom in Sisko's point-of-view. JARESH-INYO You present a very convincing argument, captain. It would seem I have no choice but to accept your proposals. SISKO Thank you, Mister President. But Jaresh-Inyo isn't happy with the decision he's been forced to make and he wants to make sure both Leyton and Sisko know it. JARESH-INY0 Don't thank me. If I could think of another solution, I would use it. It took Earth centuries to evolve into the peaceful haven it is today. I would hate to be remembered as the Federation President who destroyed paradise. SISKO We're not looking to destroy paradise, Mister President. We're looking to save it. And off the President's resigned expression, we... 28 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 29 INT. SISKO'S TEMPORARY OFFICE - DAY (OPTICAL) Sisko and Benteen stand in the doorway of Sisko's temporary office at Starfleet Headquarters. There's a Starfleet Science Officer standing behind them. SISKO Activate the phaser. Behind Sisko, the Science Officer taps a command into a PADD and a phaser unit, newly installed in the ceiling, sweeps the room with a wide beam of phaser fire, covering the whole room. As it passes over a plant which suddenly MORPHS into Odo, who grunts in pain and shifts his body as if he's just gotten a bad shock. SISKO That's enough. The Science Officer deactivates the phaser. 30 NEW ANGLE As the phaser fire stops and Odo gets to his feet. SISKO How do you feel? ODO That time I definitely experienced discomfort. SISKO What was the setting? BENTEEN Three point one. If we set the phasers at three point four, we should be able to stun any Changeling we hit and force them back into a gelatinous state. ODO I would make it three point five just to be on the safe side. But if you want to do more testing, you'll have to find another guinea pig. I've been shot quite enough for one day. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 31. 30 CONTINUED: SISKO (to Science Officer) Three point five it is. (to Benteen) I want these units installed in every room at Starfleet and Federation Headquarters, then start working on the orbital stations. BENTEEN We'll have them in place by tomorrow night. Benteen smiles. BENTEEN I want to thank you, Commander. SISKO Thank me? For what? BENTEEN For convincing the President to implement these security measures. It feels like we're finally on the right track. She EXITS, followed by the Science Officer. ODO (to Sisko, once they're alone) You'd think she'd've thanked me, too. After all, I'm the one who got shot thirteen times today. Sisko smiles at Odo's cynical observation. Just then... 31 NEW ANGLE Nog ENTERS the room, looking a little overwhelmed by being at Starfleet Headquarters. NOG Captain Sisko? Sisko turns to Nog. NOG I hope I'm not interrupting anything. SISKO We were just about finished. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 32. 31 CONTINUED: NOG Can I speak to you for a minute? (a beat) In private. Sisko considers it for a beat, then looks over at Odo who EXITS. NOG (easing into things) Captain, I just want to say, I appreciate everything you've done for me so far, and -- SISKO (cuts to the chase) Jake says you're having trouble at school. NOG He told you that? SISKO He tells me everything. NOG I don't want you to get the wrong idea. SISKO Nog, we both knew it would take a while for you to adjust to the Academy... and for the Academy to adjust to you. NOG I know, but it turned out to be even more difficult than I expected. SISKO You've just got to stick with it. NOG And I intend to. In fact, I think I've come up with something that'll help me make some new friends. SISKO Good. NOG But I need your help. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 32A. 31 CONTINUED: (2) Nog musters up his courage, then... NOG I want to join Red Squad. SISKO (no recognition) Red Squad? NOG What do you think? SISKO I don't know what to think. I've never heard of it. NOG (explains) It's an elite squad of cadets at the Academy. You know, the best of the best. They get special classes, simulated missions, off- campus training sessions, all kinds of things. SISKO (surprised) An elite group of cadets? They didn't have anything like that when I was at the Academy. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 33. 31 CONTINUED: (3) NOG It's pretty new. It's a way of rewarding excellence among the cadets. I have the grades to qualify, but I need to be sponsored by a high-ranking officer. SISKO You want me to put your name in for consideration? NOG All I'm asking for is a chance to prove myself. SISKO I'm kind of busy right now, Nog... (relenting) But if I get a chance, I'll see what I can do. NOG Thank you, sir. This means a lot to me. SISKO I can see that. (a beat) Dismissed cadet. NOG (with pride) Yes, sir. 32 OMITTED 33 INT. SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN - DAY Joseph and his staff are setting up the restaurant for dinner when Sisko ENTERS. JOSEPH Well, look who's here. Come on in, stranger. SISKO Sorry. I know I haven't been around much. Things have gotten a little busy. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 33A. 33 CONTINUED: JOSEPH You want to tell me about it? SISKO I'm afraid I can't. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 34. 33 CONTINUED: (2) Joseph's upset that he's not getting much of his son's time, and the fact that Sisko can't tell him what he's been doing only makes things worse. JOSEPH You'd think that admiral could spare you for a few hours a day to visit your father. With you in San Francisco and Jake off visiting that school in New Zealand, it's like the two of you aren't even here. SISKO You know, Dad, you could come and visit us on the station once in a while. JOSEPH Don't start that again. Earth's my home. It's where I belong. Besides, what would happen to the restaurant if I went gallivanting around the galaxy? You think Nathan could handle this place on his own? SISKO Nathan'll be running things sooner than you think if you don't take better care of yourself. I just had a talk with your doctor. He says you haven't been to see him in eight months. JOSEPH That man's an idiot. He's lived in New Orleans for twenty years and he can't tell the difference between Creole food and Cajun food. SISKO Maybe not, but he can tell the difference between a healthy body and one with progressive atherosclerosis. He says if you don't come in for vascular regeneration therapy, this restaurant's going to be looking for a new owner. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 35. 33 CONTINUED: (3) JOSEPH Ben, at my age, staying healthy is a full time job, and I'm too old to work two jobs. (a beat) Now, how long until you're due back at Starfleet Headquarters? SISKO I've got about an hour. JOSEPH Just enough time to take a walk down to Audubon Park. You up for a stroll with your old, man? SISKO Can't think of anything I'd rather do. Joseph smiles. JOSEPH Nathan, don't forget to stir the gumbo. And together father and son EXIT the restaurant. 34 EXT. STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS - DAY A seagull flies into our view and lands on the lawn. 35 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) The sea gull MORPHS into Odo. BENTEEN (O.S.) Odo. Odo looks around, embarrassed that someone has seen him. He notices Benteen and Leyton, who have just walked up from around a bend in the path. BENTEEN That was really something. I've never seen you imitate a lifeform before. ODO I was just taking a little aerial tour of San Francisco. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 36. 35 CONTINUED: ODO (Cont'd) It's quite nice. Not as ancient as the cities on Bajor but almost as impressive. BENTEEN (glancing up at the sky) It makes me wonder how many other changelings might be flying around up there. ODO If all they're doing is flying around imitating seagulls, we don't have much to worry about. LEYTON I doubt that other Changelings are wasting their time imitating birds. They don't all share Odo's lack of skill when it comes to mimicking humans. Odo looks at Leyton for a beat, surprised at his lack of tact. ODO That's right, they don't. I'm glad you're keeping that in mind. BENTEEN (trying to break the tension) Well, if you ask me, that was a pretty convincing seagull. ODO Thank you, but I don't know if the other gulls would agree. LEYTON Commander, I think we've taken up enough of Mister Odo's time. (to Odo) Keep practicing. You'll have those birds fooled in no time. Leyton starts to walk away. Odo looks slightly troubled, then follows after him. ODO Admiral. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 37. 35 CONTINUED: (2) The Admiral turns, a half smile on his lips. LEYTON Yes. ODO I know Starfleet Command has always been a little uneasy about a changeling working in their midst. I just wanted to say... I appreciate the trust you've shown in me. (holds out his hand) Thank you. Leyton pretends not to notice Odo's hand, which is extended for a handshake. LEYTON You're welcome. Leyton tries to turn away again, but to Leyton and Benteen's surprise, Odo reaches out and grabs Leyton's hand. 36 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) For a moment both men stare at each other, eyes widening in intensity. Then Odo's hand MORPHS into goo, as does Leyton's. LEYTON (slightly mocking) Well done, Odo. Leyton concentrates and a wave of Shape-shifter goo pulses down Leyton's arm and washes up Odo, distorting Odo's body and knocking him to the ground. Leyton MORPHS into a seagull and flies away. 37 CLOSE ON ODO AND BENTEEN As she goes to see if he's all right. ODO (struggling to his feet) I'm fine. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 38. 38 INT. SISKO'S TEMPORARY OFFICE - DAY Sisko, Odo, Leyton and Benteen are all present. Leyton's just learned of the incident in the gardens, and he's pretty steamed. LEYTON How did you know he wasn't me? ODO (thinking aloud) I'm not sure exactly. It was as if... I could feel the changeling's hostility toward me. SISKO You're the only changeling who's ever harmed one of your own people. I'm sure that hasn't made you many friends. LEYTON What I want to know is... why was he imitating me? BENTEEN You have access to all our security procedures and all our protocols. That makes you a logical target. LEYTON I suppose so. BENTEEN The bottom line is... a changeling infiltrated the grounds of Starfleet Headquarters, imitated the admiral, and got away scot- free. Our security measures aren't working. SISKO We're doing everything the President will let us do. BENTEEN Maybe that's not enough. Sisko knows Benteen and Leyton have a point. He thinks about it for a beat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 39. 38 CONTINUED: ODO We could talk to the President again. LEYTON I'm afraid that would be a waste of time. Jaresh-Inyo would be a fine president in peacetime. But we've got a war on our hands... and he doesn't seem to understand that. All he cares about is not upsetting people. But humans are tougher than he thinks. We've created a paradise here and we're willing to fight to protect it. SISKO And you think the president isn't willing to fight? LEYTON I think the president's a long way from home. This isn't his world. We can't expect him to care about it the way we do. Just then Sisko's combadge chirps. SISKO (to com) Sisko here. COM VOICE Your son is trying to contact you. He says it's urgent. SISKO Put him through. Sisko moves over to his monitor. 39 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To include the monitor, which displays Jake talking from the restaurant. JAKE (on monitor) Dad, you'd better get down here right away. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 40. 39 CONTINUED: SISKO What's wrong? JAKE (on monitor) It's grandpa. He's been arrested. `And as Sisko reacts to this disturbing news, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR ACT FOUR FADE IN: 40 INT. SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN - DAY Sisko ENTERS to find two Starfleet Security Officers waiting with Joseph and Jake. SISKO (to the officers) What's going on here? The HEAD OFFICER looks uncomfortable. HEAD OFFICER Captain, we never meant for things to get out of hand. JOSEPH What did you think would happen? Storming in here and accusing me and my nephew of being a couple of Shape-shifters. HEAD OFFICER (to Joseph) We never accused you of being a Shape-shifter, Mister Sisko. (to Sisko) We were just carrying out our orders. (to Joseph) All family-members of Starfleet personnel are required to submit to blood screenings. No exceptions. JOSEPH That is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. (to Sisko) Do you believe that? SISKO I should. I signed the orders myself. JOSEPH Now why would you go and do a stupid thing like that? SISKO Dad, it has to be done. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 42. 40 CONTINUED: JAKE (playing peacemaker) Grandpa, look, I'll take the test first. (to the Security Officer) Go ahead. The Security Officer looks to Sisko, who nods. He then uses a hypospray to take a blood sample from Jake (as in "The Adversary"). He removes the vial and sets it on a table. The contents remain red. Sisko steps up to the officer. SISKO Now me. HEAD OFFICER Sir, that's not necessary. SISKO Do it anyway. Sisko is tested as well. His blood also stays red. SISKO (to Joseph) Your turn. But Joseph's not budging. JOSEPH Jake, do you think I'm a Shape-shifter? JAKE Come on, grandpa. JOSEPH Answer the question. JAKE No, I don't think you're a Shape-shifter. JOSEPH At least someone in my family has some sense. SISKO Dad... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 40 CONTINUED: (2) JOSEPH I don't want to hear it. Now tell these two vampires to either sit down and grab a menu or get out of my restaurant. Sisko sees that his father's not about to back down any time soon. SISKO Jake, get them a menu. HEAD OFFICER But sir... SISKO (ending the discussion) I'd try the shrimp Creole. The Security Officers sit down. Jake goes to get them a menu. 41 NEW ANGLE Joseph Sisko moves over to the open kitchen section of the restaurant. He begins chopping vegetables. Sisko follows him. SISKO (trying to be reasonable) Look, Dad... JOSEPH Save your breath. SISKO Listen to me. You have to take the test. JOSEPH Why should I? If I were an enemy spy looking to replace someone, I could think of better choices than an old chef. SISKO Yeah, you're probably right. But this isn't just about you. We have civilian family members living on starships and Starfleet installations all over the Federation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 44. 41 CONTINUED: SISKO (Cont'd) The only way to secure those facilities is to test everyone there whether they wear a uniform or not. JOSEPH I'm not living on a Starfleet installation. SISKO Dad, we can't play favorites. If we're going to test the family of one Starfleet officer, we have to test them all. As he speaks, Joseph continues chopping vegetables. But as he becomes more and more impassioned, Joseph concentrates less and less on his work, trusting years of experience to guide his hand. JOSEPH You may want to test everyone, but that doesn't mean we all have to cooperate. I didn't swear any oath to Starfleet, and neither did Jake... or your sister... or anyone else in this family. We have rights, Ben... including the right to be as stubborn and thickheaded as we want. Sisko's frustrations and concern about his father's health begin to boil over. And though he does his best to try to control the volume of his voice, there's no keeping the edge out of it. SISKO Damn it, Dad. Can't you cooperate just one time? You don't take your medication, you don't go to the doctor, you won't let Judith help you out in the restaurant. Just this once, please do what you're asked. Joseph doesn't want to get into a shouting match with his son, but he's clearly not happy either. JOSEPH I wish I could. But what you're asking me to do isn't right. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 41 CONTINUED: (2) JOSEPH (Cont'd) You can't go around constantly making people prove they are who they say they are. That's no way to live and I won't go along with it. (that's his final word) Now if you want to make yourself useful, start boiling some water for the shrimp. SISKO (also trying to stay calm) Dad, don't be this way. If I have to, I'll get a warrant and... JOSEPH And what? Hold me down and force me to give you my blood? Because that's the only way-- Suddenly Joseph flinches. JOSEPH Damnit. Now look what I've done. Joseph has cut his finger. He throws down the knife in disgust and goes to rinse off the wound with water. Sisko starts to follow him, then stops and looks over at... 42 THE KNIFE Which Joseph has left on the counter. There's a small drop of blood on the knife-edge. JOSEPH Jake, I've got a dermal regenerator under that... Joseph trails off as he realizes that Sisko is looking at the blood on the knife. Sisko looks up at Joseph, conscious of the fact that he's letting his paranoia override his common sense, but unable to overcome it. He looks back at the knife. The blood stays red. 43 CLOSE ON JOSEPH If he was angry before, he's furious now. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 46. 43 CONTINUED: JOSEPH Benjamin Lafayette Sisko. What the hell's gotten into your head? You actually thought I was one of them, didn't you? Sisko's pretty shaken up about facing his own paranoia. SISKO I don't know. I wasn't sure. JOSEPH This business has gotten you so twisted around that you can't think straight. You're seeing Shape-shifters everywhere. Sisko can't deny it. JOSEPH Maybe you ought to think about something for a minute. If I was a smart Shape-shifter, a really good one, the first thing I'd do would be to grab some poor soul off the street, absorb every ounce of his blood, then let it out on cue whenever someone like you tried to test me. Sisko looks up at his father in surprise. That hadn't occurred to him. JOSEPH Don't you see? There isn't a test that's been created that a smart man can't find his way around. You aren't going to catch Shape-shifters using some gadget. The only thing you can count on in this life... Joseph is suddenly overcome with pain as his own body betrays him. He doubles up in pain, clutching his head. 44 INCLUDE JAKE As he reacts to his grandfather's seizure. JAKE Grandpa. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 47. 44 CONTINUED: JOSEPH (fighting the pain) Ben... I... Joseph crumples up and collapses to the floor. Sisko rushes to his side. 45 INT. SISKO'S TEMPORARY OFFICE - DAY Sisko is seated at his desk. Odo's across from him. Sisko is in a contemplative mood. SISKO The EMT's said he'd be okay. And they were right. Turned out it was just a mild stroke brought on by his atherosclerosis. ODO How's Jake handling it? SISKO He was pretty upset. He knows as well as I do that if my father doesn't take better care of himself... ODO I've found that when it comes to doing what's best for you, you humanoids have a distressing habit of doing the exact opposite. SISKO I can't argue with that. (a beat) But what bothers me is... for a few minutes there, I really believed that my own father was a changeling. ODO It was a reasonable assumption given the circumstances. SISKO I don't care if it was reasonable or not. When a son can't trust his own father... Sisko shakes his head and trails off. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 48. 45 CONTINUED: ODO That's why my people came here. To undermine the trust and mutual understanding the Federation is built on. SISKO What if my father's right? What if all our precautions turn out to be useless? ODO Maybe they will. But that doesn't mean you should give up. My people are here and you have to fight them with whatever you've got. There's a beat as Sisko considers his situation. SISKO I hope you won't take this the wrong way, Constable, but there are times I wish you'd never found your people. Odo thinks about Sisko's statement for a beat. ODO Believe me, Captain, sometimes I feel the same way. 46 INT. SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN - NIGHT Joseph is hard at work running the restaurant. It's just before peak dinner hour, but there are a fair number of people in the room. Jake is sitting at a table set for two. JAKE Grandpa, would you please sit down. Joseph walks by a table of customers. JOSEPH (to the customers) Your food'll be right out. And then to Jake's surprise, Joseph takes a seat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 49. 46 CONTINUED: JOSEPH What's that look supposed to mean? JAKE (surprised) You sat down. JOSEPH You're damn right I sat down. I feel terrible. JAKE You should be in bed. JOSEPH Jake, the only time you should be in bed is when you're sleeping, dying, or making love to a beautiful woman. I'm not tired, I'm not dying, and the truth is, I'm too old for beautiful women, so I might as well be here. (a beat) Your father's the one you should be worried about. JAKE Dad? Why? JOSEPH I've never seen him so tense. It's like he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. JAKE (simply) He is. JOSEPH (after a beat) I suppose he is at that. Just then... 47 NEW ANGLE The lights in the restaurant dim until they're barely on at all, then flicker and die. JOSEPH What happened? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 50. 47 CONTINUED: Jake goes to the window to see what's happening. Joseph tries to calm the crowd, with is murmuring discontentedly. 48 CLOSE ON JAKE As he looks out the window. JAKE The whole block's dark. 49 INT. SISKO'S TEMPORARY OFFICE - NIGHT Sisko's office is also dark. He's working on prying open his automatic door. Sisko pulls at the door again, and it opens a little. Hands reach in from the other side and help him finish the job. The door opens to reveal Odo and Leyton on the other side. ODO You all right? SISKO I'm fine. (to Leyton) Admiral, what's going on? LEYTON From what we can tell, Earth's entire power relay system's been knocked off-line. Even Starfleet's emergency backups have been affected. SISKO How could that happen? LEYTON We don't know for certain. But, if you ask me, there's only one possible explanation... ODO Sabotage. This is Sisko's worst fears realized. SISKO (voicing everyone's suspicions) The changelings. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 51. 49 CONTINUED: ODO Take down the power relays, and you neutralize sensors, transporters, surface-based defense installations. SISKO In other words, Earth's defenseless. LEYTON (nodding) If the Dominion attacks now, we don't stand a chance. And as Sisko, Odo and Leyton react to this grim situation, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 50 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - MORNING (OPTICAL) Power is out here as well. The President is talking to one of his advisors. JARESH-INYO I'm not interested in excuses. We need to get the power relay system functioning again. Just then, Sisko, Odo, Leyton and two Security Officers MATERIALIZE in the President's office. LEYTON Mister President. JARESH-INYO How did you gentlemen get here? SISKO We contacted the Lakota and used their transporters. (getting to business) Sir, as acting head of Earth Security, I must advise you to declare a State of Emergency. JARESH-INYO You're serious? (sees he is) With the exception of the Borg incident, there hasn't been a State of Emergency declared on Earth in a century. SISKO I'm aware of that. But I have reason to believe a Dominion warfleet may be in the Alpha Quadrant headed for Earth. JARESH-INYO Do you have evidence to back that up? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FIVE 50 CONTINUED: SISKO (nods) Just before we left Deep Space Nine, the wormhole was exhibiting some unusual behavior... opening and closing for no apparent reason. ODO We didn't detect any ships coming through at the time. But the Dominion may have been using some kind of cloaking technology. JARESH-INYO I wasn't aware the Dominion had cloaking technology. ODO The combined Cardassian and Romulan fleet that the Dominion destroyed in the Gamma Quadrant was equipped with cloaking devices. Who knows what my people could've taken from the wreckage? JARESH-INYO How long until we get the power relays working again? LEYTON From what we can tell, the changelings infected the system with some kind of self-replicating computer protocal. It jumped from one power relay to the next, disrupting every system it came in contact with. ODO The only way to correct the problem is to shut down the entire grid, purge all the operating systems, and restart the relays. LEYTON And that could take days. SISKO Which is why it's imperative that you declare a State of Emergency. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/951- ACT FIVE 53A. 50 CONTINUED: (2) JARESH-INYO What good will that do when we have no way to defend ourselves? LEYTON (confident) Mister President, we can use the Lakota's transporters and communications system to mobilize every Starfleet officer on Earth in less than twelve hours. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FIVE 54. 50 CONTINUED: (3) This is a surprise to the President, who had no idea Starfleet had such capabilities. LEYTON We've been preparing for something like this for a long time. We have stockpiles of phaser rifles, personal forcefields, photon grenades, enough to equip an entire army. I can start placing troops in the streets immediately. JARESH-INYO What you're asking me to do is declare martial law. LEYTON What I'm asking you to do is let us defend this planet. We don't know what the changelings will do next, but we have to be ready for them. Leyton can see he's not reaching the President. He turns to Sisko. LEYTON Tell him, Ben. Turning Earth into an armed camp doesn't appeal to Sisko but the alternatives don't seem any better. SISKO (to the President) Sir, the thought of filling the streets with armed troops is as disturbing to me as it is to you. But not as disturbing as the thought of a Jem'Hadar army landing on Earth without opposition. The Jem'Hadar are the most brutal and efficient soldiers I've ever encountered. They don't care about conventions of war, or protecting civilians. They won't limit themselves to military targets. They'll be waging the kind of war that Earth hasn't seen since the founding of the Federation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FIVE 54A. 50 CONTINUED: (4) ODO At the same time, my people will continue to undermine Earth's defenses in any way they can. The power outage is only the beginning. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FIVE 55. 50 CONTINUED: (5) The President sits down in his chair, crushed under the weight of his responsibility. JARESH-INYO I never sought this job. I was content to simply represent my people on the Federation Council. When they asked me to submit my name for election, I almost said no. Today I wish I had. Leyton's getting impatient. LEYTON We appreciate your feelings, Mister President, but we don't have time for regrets. You accepted the job and now it's yours. But Odo's also a man who's shouldered responsibilities he didn't ask for. He knows what the President's going through. ODO Mister President, there are people all over this planet right now huddled in the dark, terrified about what might happen next. They're waiting for a sign... something to reassure them that everything's going to be all right. But they won't wait long. Fear is a powerful and dangerous thing. And if you don't act, if you don't show them that they're not alone, then fear will surely take over. There's a long beat, then the President looks up at Sisko. SISKO Just give us the authority we need, Mister President. We'll take care of the rest. Jaresh-Inyo looks at Sisko for a beat, then picks up a PADD and taps in his personal authorization code, and hands the PADD to Sisko. JARESH-INYO Earth is in your hands, gentlemen. Do what needs to be done. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FIVE 56. 50 CONTINUED: (6) Sisko hands the PADD to Leyton. LEYTON Thank you, sir. You've made the right decision. JARESH-INYO I hope you're right... for all our sakes. 51 INT. SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN - DAWN Jake has put candles out all over the restaurant for light. Joseph is asleep in a booth, a tablecloth wrapped around him as an impromptu blanket. Jake hears a noise coming from outside the restaurant. He goes and peeks out of the curtained windows. He looks both surprised and disturbed by what he sees. He goes to wake his grandfather. JAKE Grandpa, wake up. Joseph opens his eyes. JOSEPH I wasn't sleeping. I was just checking my eyelids for holes. But Jake's not in a joking mood. JAKE You'd better come take a look at this. Joseph can tell that whatever Jake has seen, it's serious. He gets up and goes to the window. JOSEPH Take a look at what? Jake gestures to the window and Joseph looks outside. 52 NEW ANGLE - JOSEPH'S P.O.V. (OPTICAL) Outside the window, in the early light of dawn, a group of StarfIeet officers take up positions in the street, looking grim and carrying phaser rifles. As Joseph and Jake watch, another group of soldiers beam in in the middle of the street. Earth is preparing for war. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FIVE 53 CLOSE ON JAKE AND JOSEPH As they exchange a look, then... FADE OUT. SUPER: TO BE CONTINUED END OF ACT FIVE THE END