STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Sword of Kahless" #40510-481 Story by Richard Danus Teleplay by Hans Beimler Directed by LeVar Burton THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1995 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION September 29, 1995 STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Sword of Kahless" - 09/29/95 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Sword of Kahless" CAST SISKO KOR KIRA LETHEAN ODO TORAL BASHIR DAX QUARK O'BRIEN WORF Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Sword of Kahless" - 09/29/95 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Sword of Kahless" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE SISKO'S QUARTERS KOR'S QUARTERS RUNABOUT QUARK'S CAVES TUNNEL ROCK FACE ALCOVE CAMP HUR'Q CHAMBER HUR'Q SECRET CHAMBER A GREAT ABYSS RUNABOUT STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Sword of Kahless" - 10/02/95 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Sword of Kahless" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALVANIAN al-VEIN-ee-un Bo'taDah bow-tah-DAKH DAHAR da-HAR Mah HIv Dah mahj-heev-DAKH G'boj ga-BOKH GOWRON GOW-ron Hur'q HERK k'pekt ka-PECKT K'tanco ka-TAHN-co, KAHLESS KAY-less LETHEAN LETH-ee-un MAJ MAZH MEKONG MAY-kong MOGH MOG MOLOR moh-LOR p'tak p'TAKT Qapla' k-PLAH SELNA cel-NAH T'nag's ta-NAHGS TORAL toe-RAHL YRIDIAN yir-ID-ee-uhn DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - 09/29/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Sword of Kahless" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S KOR -- the boisterous, aging Klingon survivor of "Blood Oath" -- recounts a story, surrounded by a small GROUP that includes DAX, O'BRIEN, BASHIR, ODO and KIRA. KOR -- walls of fire on one side, rivers of lava on the other... we snaked our way through the hot, smoldering canyon, our skin so parched and blistered it was thick as armor. Kang, Koloth and I had set out with forty legions and now, only we three remained to face T'nag's army. Fueled by bloodwine, Kor is a good raconteur, holding his audience spellbound. 2 NEW ANGLE WORF, sitting alone at the bar, listening to Kor with rapture. QUARK approaches. QUARK You know what I like about Klingon stories, Commander? Worf could care less, but Quark presses forth. QUARK Nothing. Lots of people die and nobody makes any profit. Worf flashes a glare at Quark, who darts away. 3 ON KOR continuing his tale. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: KOR Chanting a battle cry -- Koloth attacked their flank -- his eyes bulging with hate and revenge. It was a magnificent sight. A disruptor in one hand, his Bat'leth in the other -- I saw him kill two dozen men. 4 ON BASHIR leaning over to Kira and the others. BASHIR Do you believe a word of this? ODO Walking along rivers of lava... walls of fire? Not likely. KIRA And three against an army? Even more unlikely. O'BRIEN Yeah, but who cares? He tells it well. 5 BACK ON KOR passionately orating. KOR Kang took the high ground -- and keeping the three suns to his back, he forced the enemy to battle him against the blinding light. DAX (to Kor) When Kang told this story, you took the high ground. KOR Who gets the credit is not important. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/16/95 - TEASER 3. 5 CONTINUED: KOR (Cont'd) What matters is that in the end, the mountainside was so covered with dead that not a square meter of ground could be seen. We found T'nag's body by the river, its waters red with blood. Which one of us had slain him, none could say for certain... Kor holds out his hand in front of his face as if he were holding an apple. KOR So we cut out his heart -- and the three of us feasted on it together! DAX Big heart. Kor LAUGHS and slaps her on the back, hard. KOR (to Dax) You need more bloodwine. DAX Thanks -- but I've had enough to last me a year. I need some tea. 6 ON DAX moving over to the bar, where Worf has been watching Kor. DAX Mister Worf -- I didn't see you come in. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - TEASER 4. 6 CONTINUED: WORF I was just leaving. DAX Why don't you join us? I'll introduce you to Kor. WORF (quickly) No. (off her look) It might make the Dahar Master... uncomfortable. I am considered an outcast by most Klingons. DAX Kor is not like most Klingons. (calling out) Kor! Worf is very uncomfortable as Kor joins them. DAX I'd like you to meet our strategic operations officer, Commander Worf. KOR Ah, Worf the traitor. The pariah. The lowest of the low... Worf wants to crawl into a hole. KOR Pleasure to meet you. Any enemy of Gowron and the High Council is a friend of mine. They grasp forearms in a Klingon handshake. Worf is taken aback, awestruck. WORF This is a great honor. KOR No doubt. Worf doesn't really know what to say. Dax jumps in with: DAX (to Kor) Worf is a great admirer of yours. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/04/95 - TEASER 5-5A. 6 CONTINUED: (2) WORF I've heard stories about you since I was a child. Your confrontation with Kirk on Organia, your attack on Romulus, your defense of the Korma Pass -- KOR Everything I've done pales in comparison to what I'm about to achieve. Worf's interest is piqued. KOR I'm on a quest... a quest for the most revered icon in Klingon history. DAX (a warning) Kor... KOR (caught up in the moment) An icon that predates the Klingon Empire, an icon more sacred than the Torch of G'boj -- DAX (stronger) Kor... KOR More revered than Sabak's armor, and more coveted than the Emperor's crown! WORF (awed) The Sword of Kahless. Dax looks at Kor -- what are you doing? DAX You told me not to tell anybody. KOR (what could I do?) He guessed! (to Worf) I know where the Sword rests. Imagine the glory! DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/04/95 - TEASER 6. 6 CONTINUED: (3) KOR (Cont'd) The honor of finding the Bat'leth of the first Warrior King... WORF Lost for a millennium... It's return would change Klingon history. If you know where it is we must bring it back to the Emperor. KOR (amused) We? WORF It would be an honor to accompany you. (a beat) If you'll have me. DAX (smiles) We could use another strong arm... KOR (slapping him on the back) And a stout heart. Besides, it will annoy Gowron. WORF Returning the Sword to our people... I would give my life to do that. KOR Children will sing our names for a thousand years! They'll erect statues of us in the Hall of Heroes. Dax tries to inject a bit of reality. DAX Before you decide on a pose for that statue -- we have to find the Sword. What makes you so sure you know where it is? KOR This. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - TEASER 7. 6 CONTINUED: Kor reaches into his vest and extracts a folded, tattered and frayed old piece of cloth. Kor unravels the cloth; the cloth is rimmed with bizarre hieroglyphics; there is a faint ink block-like spot extending the length of the cloth in the shape of a curved blade. KOR You see? DAX See what? KOR The imprint on the cloth -- WORF Yes! (touching it reverentially) This held the Sword of Kahless. DAX Don't be so sure... you could carpet this station with all the "authentic" Shrouds of the Sword people have tried to peddle. KOR No one tried to peddle this -- it was given to me. DAX By whom? KOR I'll tell you everything, later. Now, I need you to confirm its authenticity. Dax is intrigued enough to offer: DAX I'll look this over in the lab -- first thing in the morning. WORF Why not right now? DAX My head is swimming in bloodwine. Right now -- Dax gets up to leave. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/16/95 - TEASER 7A. 6 CONTINUED: (5) DAX (continuing) I'm going to bed. And so should you. Kor remains at his seat. KOR Absolutely. After I finish what's left in my cup. Dax eyes him suspiciously. Kor lifts the glass to show her there is only a small amount of drink left. KOR Maj ram, blood brother. (Good Night) DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - TEASER 8. 6 CONTINUED: (6) DAX Maj ram. Dax EXITS. Kor immediately takes the remainder of an abandoned drink and fills up his cup, then turns to Worf... KOR Imagine Gowron's face when we present the sword to the Emperor... Off Worf's shining face... CUT TO: 7 OMITTED 8 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 9 INT. KOR'S QUARTERS A very drunk Kor stumbles into his quarters, the door closes behind him. VOICE (O.S.) Kor Kor turns to face a large LETHEAN -- like Altovar from "Distant Voices" -- who immediately attacks Kor. 10 ON KOR (OPTICAL) instinctively going for his dagger -- but he's in no shape to fight anybody, let alone a Lethean. The Lethean grabs Kor -- placing both hands on Kor's head. ELECTRICAL ARCS dance around Kor's face as he goes limp. 11 ON THE LETHEAN (OPTICAL) standing over the fallen Kor and then placing one hand on Kor's forehead. LETHEAN Open your mind... And off this ominous moment, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - 09/29/95 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 12 INT. KOR'S QUARTERS The next morning. DOOR CHIMES. Kor, on the floor, groggily comes to. Another DOOR CHIME. KOR What? Door opens to reveal Dax, she ENTERS, holding the cloth Kor gave her. She smiles knowingly -- this is a familiar scene to her. DAX Couldn't find the bed? Kor GROWLS to clear the frog from his throat. KOR Damn that Ferengi and his replicated bloodwine. Dax helps him onto a chair. DAX Worf looked a little bleary-eyed this morning in Ops... how late did you keep him up? KOR Until that toad-faced Ferengi threw us out of his bar. DAX (knowingly) And then where did you go? Kor has to think hard on this one. KOR Worf's quarters, I think... (remembering) That's right -- he had a bottle of Yridian brandy he was saving for a special occasion. DAX Like meeting you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/04/95 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: KOR He was honored to join our quest. Kor's eyes fall to the cloth as he asks the question he's afraid to ask. KOR That is... if there's going to be a quest. What did you find? DAX I found both Klingon and Hur'q DNA on the cloth... (milking it) And traces of metallic compounds that could only have been left... by a Klingon Bat'leth... a Bat'leth fourteen hundred years old. Kor leaps to his feet. KOR The time of Kahless! I never doubted it. When do we leave? DAX After I talk to Captain Sisko, and after you answer a few questions. (re: the cloth) Now, where did you get this? CUT TO: 13 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS SISKO is shaving his head with a futuristic instrument. Dax and Worf are behind him. SISKO The Gamma Quadrant. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/04/95 - ACT ONE 11. 13 CONTINUED: DAX A Vulcan geological survey team was mining bakrinium on an uncharted planet when they accidentally unearthed some ancient ruins. They brought back several artifacts to study, including the cloth. WORF Kor was the Klingon ambassador to Vulcan. DAX When he saw the cloth, Kor recognized the markings and got them to give it to him as a gift. They didn't realize it, but the markings were Hur'q. SISKO Hur'q... that's the Klingon word for "outsiders," isn't it? WORF The Hur'q invaded our homeworld over a thousand years ago. What they could not pillage, they destroyed. They took the Sword and my people have been looking for it ever since. It is said that the recovery of the Sword will bring a new era of glory to the Klingon Empire. With the Sword, the Emperor will be able to unite our people again. SISKO (thinking about it) And if two Starfleet officers were involved in recovering the Sword... that might go a long way toward patching things up between us and the Klingons. WORF That is my hope as well, Captain. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT ONE 12. 13 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO What about you, old man? Going along for the adventure? DAX Hard to resist a good quest. SISKO I suppose you'll want a runabout? WORF (prepared for this) The Mekong's available... SISKO Try to bring it back in one piece. DAX We'll do our best. Sisko sets down the razor. Worf and Dax head for the door... Dax turns back with one last thought. DAX Thanks, Benjamin. He smiles. CUT TO: 14 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 15 INT. RUNABOUT Dax and Worf are preparing the ship for departure. WORF Final systems check is complete. (beat) Where's Kor? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - 09/29/95 - ACT ONE 12A. 15 CONTINUED: DAX Something tells me he made an unscheduled stop at Quark's. And from off screen, Kor bellows: KOR (O.S.) To get supplies. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT ONE 13. 16 ON KOR as he ENTERS from the airlock carrying in a barrel with Klingon markings. DAX (knowingly) Bloodwine. KOR And it's not replicated. Dax turns her attention back to her duties. DAX Mister Worf, stand by to get underway. WORF Thrusters, on-line. Kor looks around, beaming. KOR A fast ship, good company, and great purpose... feels like old times. Dax smiles. 17 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The ship pulls away from the station. 18 INT. RUNABOUT As before. DAX Mister Worf, set a course for the wormhole. WORF Course laid in. DAX Ahead half -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT ONE 14. 18 CONTINUED: KOR (interrupting) Wait. Dax and Worf turn to face Kor. KOR Let this moment be remembered. For on this day, we three -- Kor places a hand on each of their shoulders. KOR -- Kor, Dahar Master of the Klingons, Jadzia Dax, a joined Trill of seven lives, and Worf, son of Mogh and thorn in Gowron's side -- Worf is filled with admiration for the old Klingon, who is puffed out like a peacock. KOR -- together stepped forth into the eye of destiny. A beat to sanctify the moment, then Dax looks at Kor. DAX Now? KOR Now. DAX (smiles) Ahead half thrusters. Kor holds his hands up high, like Moses parting the Red Sea. 19 KOR'S POV - THROUGH THE WINDOW (OPTICAL) the wormhole opens. 19A RESUME SCENE Kor is relishing the moment. KOR Glorious. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - 09/29/95 - ACT ONE 14A. 20 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) ENTERS the wormhole. 21 INT. RUNABOUT Hours later. CLOSE ON Worf going through the Tai Chi- like movements of a Klingon ritualistic exercise. Accidentally, he almost hits Dax, sitting at the helm -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/16/95 - ACT ONE 15. 21 CONTINUED: WORF Forgive me, commander. DAX It's a little crowded in here... WORF I would use the aft quarters for my exercises but the Dahar Master is resting. DAX I know -- I heard him snoring through the bulkhead. WORF Commander, I want to thank you for introducing me to Kor. I'm honored to be here. DAX And I'm glad he invited you. Even if it does make things a little crowded. Kor ENTERS, his head thrown back as he GARGLES and stretches. After swallowing his own swill, he announces: KOR Ahh. Slept like an Alvanian cave sloth. I had a magnificent dream. I dreamt the three of us were in the Hall of Heroes presenting the Bat'leth to the Emperor. We stood near the statues of Kang and Koloth... and as the crowd sang our names, the most astonishing thing happened... their statues came to life! Kang and Koloth were flesh and blood again, and we held the Sword high... the crowd's song was so vibrant and thunderous it ripped open the great dome and the heavens poured in their light, and then... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT ONE 16. 21 CONTINUED: (2) DAX You woke up. KOR No... a ship uncloaked above -- Kang's ship, the K'tanco... and a swirl of song lifted Kang, Koloth and me up into its warm embrace... and then the ship streaked away into the golden light. WORF And Dax and I stayed behind? KOR Don't you see? It was taking me to Sto-Vo-Kor -- to join Kang and Koloth in the afterlife. DAX Then it's a good thing we didn't come. KOR (yes, of course) You and Worf have many great deeds still ahead of you. (beat) But this will be my final quest. DAX You said that last time. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT ONE 17. 21 CONTINUED: (3) KOR (laughing) So I did. (beat) But this deed will assure me a place in the Hall of Heroes. And then, I will stand where I belong... Kang, Koloth and Kor, together again... Both Worf and Dax are touched by the sincerity of Kor's words. CUT TO: 22 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) in orbit of a class-M planet. 23 INT. RUNABOUT Worf and Dax at the controls. Kor standing behind them, brimming with anticipation. WORF We have assumed a standard orbit. DAX (off console) I'm reading a series of interconnected structures and tunnels several kilometers below the surface. KOR All that remains of the Hur'q... the great plunderers of the galaxy. And now, it is time for us to reclaim what is ours... DAX Assuming we can find where to look. It's a big planet. KOR The Vulcan survey team was meticulous -- they mapped the entire area during their mining operation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - 09/29/95 - ACT ONE 17A. 23 CONTINUED: KOR (Cont'd) The Sword should be in the chamber that was once their Central Museum -- along with all the other great treasures the Hur'q looted. It's the structure furthest north. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT ONE 18. 23 CONTINUED: (2) Worf taps his console. WORF There's a forcefield around that chamber. KOR I know -- the Vulcans told me they couldn't get through it. (with relish) We'll be the first ones inside. DAX Why didn't you mention this forcefield before? KOR It's not important. I know you'll find a way past it. Dax can't help but grin. After all, Kor is right -- she'll find a way through. CUT TO: 24 INT. CAVE ALCOVE (OPTICAL) Kor, Dax and Worf MATERIALIZE in a dark, underground cave-tunnel. Worf is carrying a pair of devices much like our transporter pattern enhancers. Dax has a phaser and a tricorder. DAX We should be just outside the forcefield. Dax scans the area with her tricorder. Takes a couple steps and touches the plane of the forcefield which FRITZES ON. All three look beyond the forcefield as the cave-tunnel curves out of sight. WORF Then the Central Chamber is somewhere back there. DAX Let's get to work. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT ONE 19. 24 CONTINUED: Worf and Dax deploy the devices they brought, placing them on each side of the forcefield wall. Once they are in place, they are activated and the appropriate BLINKIES LIGHT UP. Then Dax takes out her tricorder. DAX First we have to modulate the field destabilizers to create an interference pattern. She works the tricorder, the forcefield FRITZES for a moment. DAX It's not working... WORF Try reversing the polarity. DAX That helped... (pause) Now if we just increase the amplitude of the interference field... After a beat, the forcefield FRITZES OFF. KOR Well done, my friends. They take a few steps forward, then Worf and Kor react as if to some unseen change in their environment. WORF The air -- KOR (nodding) Foul, isn't it? This place has been undisturbed for hundreds of years. Kor, filled with anticipation, leads Dax, and Worf as they walk down the cave-tunnel into -- 25 INT. HUR'Q CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS This is the remnants of the Hur'q Central Museum -- where once, great treasures were grandly displayed. But now, the place is in ruins. Support beams have collapsed, a thick layer of dust covers everything and all the display cases are empty. The place has been looted -- thoroughly. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/04/95 - ACT ONE 19A. 25 CONTINUED: WORF The Vulcans may not have gotten in here -- but someone did. And as this dawns on our trio, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 26 INT. HUR'Q CHAMBER As before. Kor is speechless... his hopes have been dashed. Dax moves to Kor and places a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. DAX I'm sorry, Kor. Kor is crestfallen, but tries to hide it. KOR Don't be sorry for me -- be sorry for the Empire. But Worf's not ready to give up. He moves about the chamber, examining the room. WORF If we can determine who did this -- perhaps we can track them down. KOR For all we know, the Sword is halfway across the galaxy by now. DAX (boosting his spirits) Sounds like a worthy quest. KOR For you and Worf, perhaps. (beat) But not for me. Kor sadly looks around the chamber. KOR My last chance for glory dies here. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - 09/29/95 - ACT TWO 20A. 26 CONTINUED: WORF (O.S) Commander -- 27 ON WORF crouched by a far wall, examining where the floor and wall meet. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT TWO 21. 27 CONTINUED: Dax moves to his side and Worf points out something on the floor. 28 INSERT A clean strip of floor -- a quarter-inch wide -- hugs the wall; for some reason, no dust has settled there. WORF (O.S.) The dust does not reach the wall. 29 WIDER Dax takes her tricorder. DAX. Something must be repelling it. (off the tricorder) I'm getting a faint electrostatic charge along this section. She demarcates a two-meter section of wall. Intrigued, Kor joins them. KOR Another forcefield? WORF (agreeing) Disguised by a holographic projection. KOR (rising excitement) Are you saying there may be another chamber behind it? DAX If there is, I'm not sure how we can get to it. This shield has completely different harmonics than the one at the entrance. During the above, Worf searches the area around the door. He spots a small device directly above the section of wall. WORF Over here. (off reactions) It's some kind of sensor... focused on the area just in front of the forcefield. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT TWO 21A. 29 CONTINUED: DAX It must be keyed to read lifesigns. KOR Why? WORF (realizing) So that only Hur'q could enter. DAX If you're right... we'll need a Hur'q tour guide to get us through. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/04/95 - ACT TWO 22. 29 CONTINUED: (2) WORF It may be possible to fool the sensor into thinking we're Hur'q. DAX We could reconfigure the tricorder to emit Hur'q lifesigns. WORF Exactly. Dax begins tapping her tricorder console. DAX I still have the DNA readings we got from the cloth. 30 ON DAX (OPTICAL) As she finishes adjusting the tricorder and holds it up to the sensor. She reaches to touch the wall, but her hand DISAPPEARS into it. DAX I feel like a Hur'q already. 31 WIDER as the three of them walk into the wall, and DISAPPEAR. 32 INT. HUR'Q SECRET CHAMBER Kor, Worf and Dax find themselves in a smaller chamber. This one has not been looted. Several precious items from around the galaxy are on display -- but Kor and Worf have eyes only for -- 33 ANGLE ON the Sword of Kahless. The Bat'leth -- an old, rusty, primitive Sword is displayed on an altar in the middle of the room. 34 ON KOR, DAX AND WORF as they view the magnificent Sword. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT TWO 23. 34 CONTINUED: KOR For a thousand years, our people have waited for this moment... They take a few hesitant steps toward it. Dax scans it with her tricorder. DAX The age... the composition... the design... everything's right. KOR How could you doubt it? Look at it! WORF It is more beautiful than I ever imagined. (to Kor) You should be the first to hold it. Kor steps toward it, his hands tremble. Gently he lifts it from its pedestal. He takes the Sword with both hands, holding it reverentially. Kor is engulfed with emotion -- this is a moment all Klingon warriors dream of. And, for the first time in Kor's life, words fail him. Dax smiles at her friend. DAX How does it feel? KOR Good. Very, very good. To think... Kahless himself held this Bat'leth... Kor hands it to an anxious Worf, who holds it with great reverence, tracing the curve of the blade. Worf's face is flush with emotion. WORF And with it he slew Molor... conquered the Fek'Ihri and forged the first Empire. And now... I hold it in my hands... Worf hands it back to Kor. Dax gives them their moment, then with reluctance: DAX We should go. The field destabilizers won't hold much longer. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT TWO 24. 35 INT. HUR'Q CHAMBER (OPTICAL) Kor -- carrying the Bat'leth -- Worf and Dax EMERGE from the wall and stop short. In front of them stand TWO KLINGON SOLDIERS and the Lethean from the Teaser, one of the Klingons has his disruptor out, the others carry Bat'leths. Behind them, to either side of the holo-wall opening, another TWO KLINGON SOLDIERS stand at the ready. The leader of the Klingons is TORAL, the illegitimate son of Duras from "Redemption," now an adult. TORAL Well, Kor... it seems you were right. You did find the Sword. KOR Who are you? Toral LAUGHS. TORAL (re: Worf) Ask your friend. WORF (with contempt) He is Toral, from the House of Duras. TORAL It's good to see you too, Worf. There is no love lost between these two. TORAL (to Kor) Seems you were too drunk to remember me... or the tavern on Torna Four? You held us all spellbound with a tale about a Hur'q cloth and how it was going to lead you to the Sword. (re: the Lethean) I was so intrigued I sent my friend here to see what else you knew. DAX What do you want? TORAL What we all want. The Sword. WORF The Sword is for the Emperor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT'TWO 24A. 35 CONTINUED: TORAL (yeah, yeah) Who will be so grateful he'll give Kor his statue... (to Worf) ... and perhaps even forgive your dishonor? (MORE) DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT TWO 25. 35 CONTINUED: (2) TORAL (Cont'd) I'm afraid I have different plans for the Sword. WORF You think that if you give it to the Emperor, he'll restore your family's seat on the High Council. TORAL I'm not giving the Emperor anything. With the Sword in my hand, I'll be leading the Empire. (to Worf, pleased) I can see from your face that you regret having spared my life, Worf. (to Kor) Now give it to me. KOR No. TORAL (shaking his head) Then I'm afraid we'll have to take it. The Klingon with the disruptor steps towards Kor. Kor glances at Worf, then at Dax. WORF If he wants it. (pointed) Give it to him. Kor, holding the Bat'leth with its blades to the floor, reluctantly offers it to the Klingon's outstretched hand. But with a lightning-fast flick of his wrist, Kor whips the blade up and lands a vicious blow to the Klingon's midsection, killing him. Worf and Dax spring into action -- Dax kicks the Klingon behind her, and at the same time, Worf swings his blade and slashes the Klingon behind him. While Soto and Toral go after Worf, Kor moves to take on the remaining Klingon. A vicious hand-to-hand battle erupts -- our people's objective is to get out the door to the cave from which they entered. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT TWO 26. 35 CONTINUED: (3) Dax makes it there first, and from there provides phaser cover. In the melee, Worf is wounded -- a deep stab in his left shoulder. Once Dax sees this, she shouts: DAX Let's go! 36 INT. CAVE-TUNNEL (OPTICAL) As Kor, Dax and Worf retreat from the chamber, disruptor BLASTS erupt around them. They return the FIRE on the run. They run past the field disruptors, the Lethean hard on their heels. Worf kicks away one of the field disruptors and the forcefield FRITZES ON. The Lethean smashes against it in frustration. He can't get through. 37 INT. ANOTHER SECTION OF CAVE-TUNNEL As Worf joins Dax and Kor, panting from exertion. Worf's wound is severe. Dax begins wrapping a improvised bandage around the injury. DAX We have to stop the bleeding. We'd better get you back to the ship. (tapping her combadge) Dax to Mekong. No response. DAX Computer. Three to beam up. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT TWO 27-27A 37 CONTINUED: This time a burst of a PIERCING STATIC NOISE is the only reply. WORF That's a Klingon jamming signal. DAX Can we override it? WORF Maybe from the surface. Dax continues bandaging the wound. She looks up at Kor who is entranced by the sword. DAX Kor, make sure we're not being followed. KOR (jolly) Did you see the face of the Klingon I killed? It was as if he understood the honor bestowed upon him. The first man in a thousand years to die by the Sword of Kahless. DAX (sarcastic) I'm sure he was very proud. WORF We should keep moving. Toral will find a way past the forcefield. Dax helps Worf to his feet and all three move down the cave-tunnel. 38 OMITTED DISSOLVE TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT TWO 28. 39 INT. ANOTHER SECTION OF CAVES Later. A strange looking vole-like rodent perches on a rock, then scampers away as Dax, Kor and Worf approach. Dax can see that Worf's wound is taking a heavy toll on him. Kor occasionally takes a swig from his flask as he walks. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT TWO 29. 39 CONTINUED: (2) Kor studies Worf for a beat; he's been thinking about something... KOR (to Worf) What did Toral mean when he said you spared his life? WORF When it was discovered that the House of Duras had conspired to destroy my father's honor, Gowron offered me Toral's life. KOR (of course) Under the Right of Vengeance. WORF I declined. Kor stops -- stunned. KOR Why? WORF He was a boy. He had done nothing. KOR That's beside the point -- it was a matter of honor. DAX It was Worf's right to decline. KOR It was a mistake -- perhaps it's true what they say about you... you've been around humans too long. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT TWO 30. 39 CONTINUED: (3) DAX Kor -- KOR If he hadn't spared Toral's life, we'd be on our way to Kronos. WORF If you hadn't gotten drunk and told a tavernful of people what you were planning, Toral wouldn't have followed us here in the first place. KOR I told them nothing of consequence! How could I know Toral would send a Lethean to steal my thoughts. WORF You should've been more discreet. Backed against a wall, Kor lashes out. KOR And you should've been more of a Klingon! And with that, he moves away. Dax and Worf exchange a look, then Dax crosses over to Kor. 40 ANGLE ON KOR AND DAX a few meters away from Worf. Kor takes a sullen swig from his flask. DAX Kor... what was that all about? KOR (sharp) What? DAX Worf admires you. You have no idea how much it meant to him to be asked along on this journey. Kor glances back at Worf, then looks back at Dax. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT TWO 31. 40 CONTINUED: KOR Tell me, Dax... how well do you know him? DAX Well enough. Why? KOR I'm beginning to think I was too lenient in my judgment of him. A Klingon who denies himself the Right of Vengeance is no Klingon at all. (a beat) He dishonors the Sword with his presence. I don't trust him. I should have left him on that space station where he belongs. Kor glares back at Worf with contempt. Dax reacts, troubled. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/16/95 - ACT THREE 32. ACT THREE FADE IN: 41 INT. ANOTHER SECTION OF CAVES CLOSE ON Worf skulking behind a rock. He carefully peers around the edge, not wanting to give away his position. 42 CLOSE ON KOR hiding behind another rock. He, too, is careful not to reveal his position. 43 ON DAX pressed against the cave wall, she holds a phaser at the ready. DAX (whispering) Worf... over there. Dax indicates something off screen. 44 ON WORF nodding acknowledgment, then moving off cautiously to crouch behind another rock. 45 ON KOR his eyes widening, reacting to something off screen. 46 ON WORF letting out a KLINGON CRY. WORF Bo'taDaH! 47 WIDER (OPTICAL) Kor scurries towards him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT THREE 33. 47 CONTINUED: KOR HoH! Dax instantly FIRES her phaser at the ground right between Kor and Worf. Kor and Worf freeze in their tracks. After a beat, Kor bends to grab something -- 48 ON KOR emerging with a stunned vole-like rodent by the tail. KOR (beaming) Lunch! CUT TO: 49 INT. CAVES Dax bites into a piece of meat skewered on the end of a dagger. The trio is sitting around a glowing rock they heated with the phaser to cook the rodent. Kor has the Sword near him. KOR (chewing) Delicious, isn't it? WORF (nodding) A hunt builds the appetite. Dax tries to swallow the tough meat. DAX This is disgusting. Kor takes a long swig from his flask. KOR But it'll make a good part of the story. They look at him; he grins with mischievous delight. KOR How we slew the beast. Remember -- it attacked us from the dark, five meters long -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - 09/29/95 - ACT THREE 33A. 49 CONTINUED: DAX (catching on) Ten, at least! KOR Eyes ablaze, fangs like daggers -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT THREE 34. 49 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Breathing great plumes of fire. Dax and Kor erupt into LAUGHTER. Worf remains dead serious. KOR (to Dax) It seems the son of Mogh is not amused. WORF (pointed) A true warrior has no need to exaggerate his feats. KOR You'd better hope I exaggerate or when they sing songs about this quest, your verse will say "And Worf came along." Kor laughs at his own joke. Eyeing a piece of meat out of his reach, Kor takes the Sword and -- almost without thinking -- skewers it. Worf is instantly on his feet and rips the Sword out of Kor's hands. WORF This is the Sword of Kahless -- not something to shovel food into your mouth! Worf turns to gently place it on a nearby rock, almost on display. WORF It must be treated with honor. KOR (to Dax) Look at him... he's like the Hur'q, he thinks it's a museum piece. Why, Kahless himself used it to skin the serpent of Xol, to harvest his father's field, and to carve a statue for his beloved. (beat) It's a sword. But Worf doesn't know what to do with it, except bow in front of it, and then hand it over to his precious Emperor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT THREE 34A. 49 CONTINUED: (3) WORF When we do, you'll get your precious statue. And after they've sung songs about you and you've passed out from drink -- the Emperor will use the Sword to unite our people. KOR (scoffs) If Gowron allows him to. The Emperor is nothing but his puppet. WORF The Emperor is no one's puppet -- he condemned Gowron's invasion of Cardassia.. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT THREE 35. 49 CONTINUED: (4) KOR (contemptuous) And the invasion went ahead despite his objection. WORF That is why the Emperor needs the Sword. It will allow him to unify the Houses against Gowron. KOR The Emperor is a pretender! He's a clone of the original Kahless cooked up in a vat by ambitious clerics. And if you hadn't supported him, he'd be back in that vat where he came from! WORF I supported him because we need him. He can unite us! KOR The Sword will unite us -- but only if it's in the hands of a true Klingon. Not a politician like Gowron or a toothless figurehead like the Emperor... the Sword must rest in the hands of someone hardened by battle... pure of heart... someone who understands loyalty, honor... a warrior like Kang -- or Koloth! WORF Someone like you? Now that Worf mentions it... yes. Kor considers himself a worthy candidate. KOR The Empire could do far worse. Worf eyes him, Kor holds his gaze but isn't ready to confront Worf; the idea of keeping the Sword is too new. Dax looks to break the tension. DAX We should get moving. A beat, then Kor turns away to follow Dax, but Worf holds his ground. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT THREE 36-36A 49 CONTINUED: (5) WORF Are you saying that it's your intention to lead the Empire? KOR (smiling) I'm saying... it's my intention to lead us to the surface. Kor moves off, holding the Sword. Worf and Dax exchange a look, then silently follow. DISSOLVE TO: 49A thru OMITTED 50 51 INT. ANOTHER SECTION OF CAVES Kor, Dax and Worf continue their trek through the grotto. Dax, mindful of Worf's weakened condition, stops. DAX We need to change your bandage. Worf dismisses this WORF (stoic) We must keep moving. DAX You're hemorrhaging. We have to stop the bleeding. As Dax settles to work on Worf, Kor taps his own stomach. KOR That cave-rat was all bones. I need another one. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT THREE 36B. 51 CONTINUED: DAX (smiling) Find a nice fat one. We could all use something to eat. Kor smiles and EXITS. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/16/95 - ACT THREE 37. 52 ON WORF AND DAX as she improvises another bandage. WORF Kor never answered my question about his plans for the sword. DAX I noticed. WORF He is a hero to many. If he returns to Kronos with it and decides to seize power, many will follow him. DAX But you wouldn't? WORF He is not all that I thought he was. DAX Maybe not. But I've known him a long time -- his heart's in the right place. WORF (biting) He drinks too much... exaggerates his feats and blames others for his own mistakes. (beat) But he could be right about one thing... the Emperor may be too weak to stand against Gowron... even with the Sword. Dax is surprised to hear Worf say this. DAX I thought you believed in the Emperor. WORF I don't know what I believe anymore... Worf paces, searching his soul for answers. WORF All I know is that when Kor asked me to help find the Sword -- I knew we would succeed. I knew we would find it! DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/16/95 - ACT THREE 37A. 52 CONTINUED: DAX I can't say I felt the same way. WORF I had no doubts. I felt as if my whole life was finally coming into focus... DAX What do you mean? WORF For as long as I can remember, I've been an outsider... I was raised by humans, but I was too Klingon to be one of them. I did not belong. I begged my foster parents to let me visit the Klingon homeworld... They arranged for me to stay with my cousin's family. When I first set eyes on the Great Domes of Kronos, I felt that I'd finally come home... but my own cousins wanted nothing to do with me... DAX (with sympathy) You were too human to be one of them... WORF I ran away -- into the mountains. I had no food or water for three days... but there, in the caves of No'Mat, Kahless came to me in a vision. He told me I would do something no other Klingon had ever done. After I returned to Earth, I pondered the meaning of his words... and wondered what lay ahead for me. When I was old enough, I joined Starfleet... DAX Something no Klingon had ever done. WORF And for a time, I thought I had fulfilled my destiny. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/05/95 - ACT THREE 38. 52 CONTINUED: WORF (Cont'd) (beat) But I now see that Kahless had something else in mind for me... something greater... that's why I had to endure so much pain, why I was forced to choose between the Federation and my own people -- I was being tested... prepared for some greater purpose... DAX Like finding the Sword... WORF More than that. Worf eyes burn with passion -- he holds out his hands as if gripping the Sword. WORF When I held the Sword in my hands... I knew the spirit of Kahless himself had guided me to it. Don't you see? He wants me to have it. He wants me to lead his people! Dax is struck by a thought. DAX You sound like Kor. 53 NEW ANGLE not far from them, hidden from view, Kor is listening. His features hardening as he hears Worf's words. WORF (dismissive) Kor is an old man. His greatest days are behind him -- mine are still ahead. DAX Then we have a bit of a problem... there's only one Sword and you both want it. And on Kor's intense expression, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT FOUR 39-39A ACT FOUR FADE IN: 54 thru OMITTED 55 A56 INT. CAVES As Worf, Dax and Kor press on. KOR How much farther? DAX The way these caves wind around, this could take forever. They turn a bend in the cavern to find -- 56 A GREAT ABYSS (OPTICAL) impeding their progress; it is a bottomless chasm of sheer rock face disappearing into darkness. Across the gaping hole, the passageway continues. DAX Or longer. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/16/95 - ACT FOUR 40. 57 NEW ANGLE As before. Dax scans the cavern across the abyss with the tricorder. KOR We can't get across. We'll go back and find another way up. WORF Wait. (eyeing something) There -- 58 INT. CAVES - ROCK FACE Worf steps onto a small, narrow ledge along the rock face. Kor and Dax follow, respectively. They move slowly, hugging the rock face and slipping their hands into the slits in the rock as they inch across. 59 ON KOR straining as he slides one hand forward, searching for a grip, holding the Sword with the other. Just before making it to the other side, Kor loses his hold and slips off the ledge to certain death if not for -- 60 WORF as he hangs onto Kor by grabbing one end of the Sword. But pulled by Kor's weight, Worf is slammed hard to the ground. He is holding Kor and the Sword with his wounded arm -- and the pain is excruciating. 61 NEW ANGLE Kor is dangling in the air, holding onto the other end of the Sword. Worf struggles for a grip with his free hand to keep from being dragged off the ledge. Dax helps out, grabbing Worf with one hand and the rock face with another. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT FOUR 41. 62 WORF'S POV OF KOR (OPTICAL) hanging from the Sword, above the bottomless abyss. 63 WIDER Kor tries -- but can't reach Worf's hand and his attempts only make things worse. His swinging causes Dax to loose her grip, and she and Worf slip closer to the edge. WORF Kor -- there's a ledge right below you. Kor tries to look down, but can't see it. KOR I don't see it. WORF It's less than a meter down -- let go and you'll land on it. KOR Dax -- do you see it? DAX I can't see anything. Worf and Dax slip a little further. WORF I can't hold you! You have to let go. Kor's eyes narrow as a thought occurs. KOR There's no ledge... WORF It's there. Kor smiles grimly. KOR Then you let go. WORF No! We cannot risk losing the Sword! Worf and Dax slip closer to the edge. Frantically, Dax wedges Worf's foot into a rock slit for support. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT FOUR 42. 63 CONTINUED: Freed from having to hold on to Worf, Dax moves to his side to help. WORF (to Kor) Let go! KOR I'll take the Sword to my grave before I give it to you. Dax reaches down and takes hold of the Sword. DAX Just hang on -- we'll pull you up. With a Herculean effort, Worf and Dax manage to pull Kor onto the ledge. Kor gratefully hugs the rock face with both hands. Worf takes the Sword and moves off the ledge onto the passageway. 64 thru OMITTED 65 66 ON KOR as Dax helps him stand and move off the ledge onto the passageway. Kor looks down to see the ledge. KOR You call that a ledge? Kor storms over to Worf, who is holding the Sword. Worf's attention is focused on the Sword. WORF It would've been sufficient. KOR For a Degebian mountain goat, not a Klingon warrior. Worf's features harden defensively. KOR You were going to let me fall. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 66 CONTINUED: KOR (Cont'd) You wanted me to die... so you could have the Sword for yourself. WORF (enraged) And you were willing to take it to your death -- and rob our people of their future. Worf holds the Sword tightly. KOR Give it to me! Worf refuses. Kor reaches for his dagger -- but in a flash, Worf has the Sword's point at Kor's throat. Dax voices the terrible possibility now before her DAX That's enough, both of you. Worf doesn't want to kill him, but he's not about to hand him the Sword either. WORF I will not give him the Sword. DAX Then give it to me. I'll carry it. Worf doesn't move. Kor doesn't much like the idea, but he's in no position to be picky. After a tense beat, Worf retracts the blade and steps back, still holding it in a defensive position. The two Klingons eye each other wearily. DAX Kor, put that dagger away... KOR Are you siding with him? DAX (shaking her head) Put it away so he can give me the Bat'leth. Kor reluctantly sheaths his dagger, Dax extends her hand to Worf, wanting the Bat'leth. After a beat, he hands it to her. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT FOUR 44. 66 CONTINUED: (2) KOR (to Dax) You see. I was right. He's not to be trusted. Without another word, Kor moves off. CUT TO: 66A CLOSE ON WORF AND DAX As they watch Kor stalk away. WORF His mind has been poisoned by bloodwine and age. But Dax is furious with Worf and can barely keep her anger in check. DAX (glowering) He was right about one thing... You wanted him to fall. (a beat) That ledge wouldn't have supported him. And you knew it. WORF I did not force him off that cliff. He is old and clumsy. If he'd fallen, it would've been his own fault. Worf walks away and Dax follows. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT FOUR 45. 67 INT. ANOTHER SECTION OF CAVES Later. Dax, Worf and Kor are exhausted as they make it through an especially treacherous and difficult section of the cave. DAX I'm exhausted. WORF We can rest here for a few hours. They settle on the floor, leaning on a grouping of rocks. Dax eyes the area for a good bed. DAX I'm so tired I might even be able to get some sleep. WORF I'll stand watch. Kor LAUGHS. KOR How generous of you. We'll just curl up like trusting children under your vigilant gaze. WORF Sleep or don't sleep -- it makes no difference to me. KOR You're wounded... I should take the first watch. You get some rest. You close your eyes... WORF I'm not tired. Kor sees that Worf keeps stealing glances at the Sword. KOR I understand. It's hard to sleep in the presence of something so magnificent. Someone might try to steal it. WORF You reveal your own intentions. Dax understands what's going on. DAX Enough! I have the Sword. And it's not going anywhere. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT FOUR 46. 67 CONTINUED: She puts her hand through the Sword handle and takes out her phaser, resting it on her chest. She leans back on a rock. For a long beat, Kor and Worf stare at one another. Suddenly Kor reacts as if to some sound. KOR (sharp) What was that? Worf and Dax react -- though they didn't hear it. WORF I heard nothing. KOR A voice. (listening) I hear it again. It's... the Spirit of Kahless. Dax and Worf untense, realizing they've been had. Worf eyes Kor coldly. KOR He's talking to you, Worf... he's telling you to bide your time... let them sleep... then slit their throats and claim your destiny. WORF I've had enough of your drunken ramblings, old man. DAX And I've had enough of both of you. I don't care if you sleep or not -- but I'm going to. So keep quiet. Dax rolls over, turning away from Worf and Kor, in a concerted effort to sleep. KOR Go ahead and sleep, Dax. I'll keep an eye on him. 68 ON WORF AND KOR staring at one another, unwilling to even blink; Worf serious and intent, Kor with his malevolent signature grin. WE HOLD on the two Klingons for a long beat. MOVE TO REVEAL Dax, wide awake despite her exhaustion. And on that image, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT FIVE 47. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 69 INT. CAVES - CAMP CLOSE ON Dax, asleep, the phaser and the Sword still in her hands. Suddenly, a shout from off screen startles her awake -- WORF (O.S.) Enough! 69A WIDER as Dax jolts up to see Worf and Kor facing off. DAX What? WORF His eyes! He's been staring at me for three hours. KOR And what've you seen reflected in my eyes? Your own guilt, gnawing at you. DAX All right, if you're not going to sleep, let's walk. KOR I'm not going anywhere with that traitorous p'tak. Worf's had it. He unsheathes his shoulder knife. WORF This ends here. Kor unsheathes his dagger. KOR Agreed. Dax holds her phaser, reminding the two Klingons she has it. DAX I'm not going to stand here and watch you two kill each other. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT FIVE 47A. 69A CONTINUED: WORF (hard) Stay out of this! DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/16/95 - ACT FIVE 48. 69A CONTINUED: KOR This is between us. We'll settle it our own way... Worf lunges at Kor and their blades CLASH. Dax raises her phaser to stun them, when suddenly a disruptor BLAST EXPLODES behind her. Dax is knocked to the ground, the Sword falling from her hand. 70 ANGLE ON THE SOURCE (OPTICAL) of the blaster FIRE: the four Klingons --including Toral -- and the Lethean are attacking. 71 ON DAX, WORF AND KOR (OPTICAL) finding cover. Kor scrambles to the Sword, lifts it high over his head -- and YELLS the Klingon battle cry -- KOR MaH HIv DaH! (We attack now!) Kor charges forth with total and reckless abandon. It is an act of sheer, brave madness in the finest Klingon tradition. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT FIVE 49. 72 ON THE KLINGONS momentarily stunned by the sight of the mad, old Klingon openly charging them with only a sword. 73 ON WORF AND DAX also taken aback by the sight. DAX He's going to get killed. WORF No... he has the Sword. Worf stands up and unsheathes his shoulder Bat'leth, then YELLING the Klingon battle cry, he attacks. WORF HIv DaH! 74 ON THE KLINGONS overcoming their momentary shock and taking out their Bat'leths and meeting the charging Kor and Worf in hand- to-hand swordfighting. 75 VARIOUS ANGLES With the Sword in hand, Kor feels invincible. He attacks unrestrained, taking down one of the Klingons and charging another. Worf battles another Klingon with equal ferocity. Dax, who can't get a clear shot with her phaser, picks up a Bat'leth from the fallen Klingon and joins the melee, fighting the Lethean. At first, her skill and quickness match the Lethean's size advantage, but his strength and power soon begin to overwhelm her. In the meantime, Worf is being double teamed. He defeats one of them, but looses his weapon in the process. Meanwhile, the Lethean is about to deliver a mortal blow on Dax -- Kor sees this and flings the Sword like a boomerang, impaling the Lethean through the back. Worf scrambles to retrieve the Bat'leth from the Lethean's back, and with a series of very impressive moves, cuts the last Klingon enemy down. When Worf holds the Sword, he displays the same feeling of power, bloodlust, and invincibility we saw in Kor when he had the Sword. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT FIVE 50. 76 ON WORF as the batttle dust settles. He looks around at the vanquished enemy, and raising the Sword lets out the Klingon victory cry -- WORF Qapla'! -- and as he does, Kor attacks him by leaping onto his back and knocking the Sword out of his hands. 77 ON WORF AND KOR as they fight. This is not a clash between two titan Klingon warriors, this is brawl --an ugly, dirty, violent fight with Kor and Worf growling, clawing and scratching like wild dogs. Both Klingons are spent from the fight with the Klingons, Worf's injury helps level the playing field. Furthermore, Worf's youth and strength advantage are matched by Kor's experience and unbridled street- fighting skill -- and the fight could go either way. DAX Commander! But Worf and Kor are oblivious and continue their ugly brawl. Dax frantically goes to find her phaser. DAX Worf -- Worf has gained the upper hand and is choking Kor to death with his bare hands. Dax finds her phaser and points it at the combatants. DAX Stop! But he is not listening -- he has bloodlust in his eyes and will not be satisfied until Kor is dead. 78 ON DAX (OPTICAL) picking up her phaser and FIRING. 79 WIDER Worf falls back, stunned by her blast. Kor catches his breath, then realizing what Dax has done, he grins. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT FIVE 51. 79 CONTINUED: KOR I knew in the end, you'd choose me. We're blood brothers, we've been through -- DAX Be quiet. She FIRES again, stunning Kor. 80 NEW ANGLE as Dax picks up the fallen Sword and looks at the unconscious Kor and Worf, sprawled on the ground. She moves over to the wounded Toral and points the phaser at him. DAX Now, about that jamming device you're using to block our communications... CUT TO: 81 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) flying at impulse speed. 82 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) CLOSE ON Dax as she places the Sword upright on a small pedestal on the transporter pad. She glances to Worf and Kor who stand solemnly nearby, then moves away to give them some privacy. KOR Are you sure about this, Worf? WORF Yes. It's the only way. KOR Do we have the right? The Sword belongs to all Klingons. WORF But are we ready for it? The Sword turned you and me against each other -- imagine how it would divide the Empire. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - ACT FIVE 52-52A 82 CONTINUED: Kor sighs acceptance. KOR Just let me hold it one last time. WORF No. The Sword is not meant for us... (this costs him) It was never our destiny to find it. KOR You're wrong. It was our destiny to find it. It just wasn't our destiny to keep it. A look of reconciliation between Worf and Kor. Worf then taps the console and the Sword DEMATERIALIZES. 83 ON KOR AND WORF as they move to join Dax in the front of the cockpit. WORF It's done. Dax nods. DAX Good. It's for the best. KOR I hope you're right. They look out the window at the vast starfield. KOR It could be lost for another thousand years. WORF When it's destined to be found... it will be. 84 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Sword tumbles gently, end-over-end, until it disappears into nothingness. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END