STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Starship Down" (fka "Starships Down") #40510-479 Written by David Mack & John J. Ordover Directed by Alex Singer THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1995 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION September 11, 1995 STAR TREK: DS9 "Starship Down" - 09/11/95 - CAS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Starship Down" CAST SISKO HANOK KIRA CARSON ODO STEVENS BASHIR MUNIZ DAX OFF SCREEN VOICES QUARK O'BRIEN WORF Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 "Starship Down" - 09/11/95 - SET STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Starship Down" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE QUARK'S DEFIANT ATMOSPHERE MESS HALL BRIDGE DEFIANT ENGINE ROOM JEFFERIES TUBE CORRIDOR TURBOLIFT STAR TREK: DS9 "Starship Down" - 09/11/95 - PRONUNCIATIO STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Starship Down" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE GAVANINE GAV-uh-neen HA'MARA huh-MAR-uh HANOK HUN-ock JANKLOW JAN-klow JEM'HADAR JEM-huh-DAR JO'KALA juh-KALL-uh KAREMMA CAR-em-ma NAGUS NAY-gus ORKANIAN oar-CANE-ee-un TARKALIAN tar-KAY-lee-uhn TETRION TEH-tree-on TIL'AMIN TILL-uh-min TULABERRY TOH-luh-berry YRIDIAN yir-ID-ee-uhn DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/11/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Starship Down" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEFIANT (OPTICAL) hanging in space near a KAREMMA SHIP. In the background we see a gas-giant planet, and further back, its sun. SISKO (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 49263.5. At the request of the Karemma Commerce Ministry, we've brought the Defiant to a remote system in the Gamma Quadrant to discuss problems that have surfaced regarding our recent trade agreement. 2 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL Where SISKO, QUARK and the Karemma Trade Minister, HANOK are in the midst of negotiations. Hanok, like most of his people, is tall, thin and elegant in bearing. Although the Karemma are mercantilist by nature, they're classy about it: think fine gem appraiser, not used car salesman. HANOK (to Sisko) When we first agreed to use the Ferengi as intermediaries, we did it because we knew the Dominion wouldn't tolerate direct trade with the Federation. Quark can't help playing the booster... QUARK And we're glad to be of service. I'm happy to say that not a single Ferengi vessel has been stopped by the Jem'Hadar. Hanok gives Quark a polite smile, continues to Sisko. HANOK Unfortunately, we've found there's little profit in trading with the Federation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/11/95 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: HANOK (Cont'd) In order to comply with your commerce laws, we've had to pay a series of taxes and fees that have made the cost of doing business with you too high. Quark begins to look nervous; he's about to get busted, and he has to start thinking fast. SISKO What sort of taxes and fees are you referring to? HANOK (off PADD) For example... on a recent shipment of Karemman Fleece, a four percent surcharge was added to pay for inspecting the cargo for "changeling infiltrators." SISKO What? Quark tries to push past this with a "what can you do?" smile. QUARK You never know where they might be hiding. As Hanok continues to reel off the list of problems, Sisko begins to see what's going on here, and he doesn't like it. HANOK Another three percent of the shipment's value was lost due to "unforeseen" currency fluctuations. QUARK There was a run on the Bolian Credit Exchange... played havoc with the markets... HANOK A six percent tariff was imposed to help offset the "lost income of Tarkalian sheep herders." QUARK Hardworking people... you have to feel for them...  DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/11/95 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) HANOK (looking up) Should I go on, Captain... ? SISKO No... I think you've made your point... Sisko turns pointedly to Quark, who manages a wan smile. OFF his face as he realizes how much trouble he's in... 3 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE WORF is in the Captain's chair, DAX and KIRA are at the back table, and a few N.D.'s man the other consoles. A young Female Ensign, CARSON, approaches and gives Worf a report on a PADD. CARSON These are the results of the last weapons drill, sir. Worf looks it over. WORF These response times are not acceptable, ensign. Carson is a bit flustered by Worf's tone, tries to explain. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: CARSON They are a little high, sir, but not if you take into account the -- WORF (interrupting) I want these response times brought down fifteen percent. Schedule another drill. CARSON Yes, sir. As she moves off, Dax and Kira exchange a look that tells us they would've handled it differently. Dax has gotten some small PASTRIES from the aft replicator, offers one to Kira. DAX Want one? KIRA (shaking her head) I'm fasting. Today is Ha'mara. DAX Ha'mara? KIRA It's the anniversary of the Emissary's arrival. We fast to show the Prophets our gratitude for sending him to us. Last night, there was a Festival of Lights in the Capital. DAX Sounds beautiful. I'm sorry we missed it. KIRA Something tells me the captain scheduled these negotiations so he wouldn't have to attend. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/15/95 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: (2) Dax hears the tinge of regret in Kira's voice... DAX Benjamin's never been one for ceremonies, especially where he's the center of attention. (smiles) Curzon threw him a surprise birthday party once. What a disaster. KIRA I understand how the captain feels... but still, it would have meant a lot if the Emissary could have been there. DAX After being stuck in the mess hall with Quark and Hanok all morning, I bet he wishes he had gone. Suddenly a console BEEPS... CARSON (urgent) Two ships have just entered sensor range... WORF Can you identify them? CARSON (works) They're Jem'Hadar warships. WORF Red Alert. (to com) Captain Sisko to the Bridge. All hands to battle stations. Off the tension of the moment we... FADE OUT.. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 4 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Where Sisko and Hanok are ENTERING to join Kira, Worf and Dax, who has taken the helm. WORF (from tactical console) The Jem'Hadar are powering their weapons systems. They are targeting the Karemma ship. 5 ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) where the TWO Jem'Hadar ships are bearing down. 6 RESUME SCENE HANOK They're here to punish us for meeting with you. If I give myself up and accept full responsibility, they might spare my ship. Sisko is impressed with Hanok's gesture, but can't see giving him up. SISKO I'm not about to turn you over to them. Sisko swings into action. SISKO (to Kira) Open a channel. (to com) This is Captain Benjamin Sisko of the USS Defiant. Stand down or we'll be forced to -- Suddenly the ship is ROCKED by Jem'Hadar fire... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 7. 6 CONTINUED: SISKO Return fire. We hear the SOUND of phasers firing. DAX The Karemma. ship is coming about... they're moving away, Captain. SISKO (to Hanok) Tell your people to hold position. We can't protect them if they run. Hanok moves to Kira's console, but... KIRA The Karemma aren't responding to our hails. WORF The Jem'Hadar are changing course... they're going after the Karemma ship. SISKO Move to intercept. Dax works her controls... 7 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Defiant is hot on the tail of the Jem'Hadar, firing at both ships, who are right behind the Karemma ship firing at her in turn. Suddenly the Karemma ship veers off and away, down toward the surface of the gas giant hanging in space nearby. 8 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE DAX What are they doing? HANOK They must be gambling that the Jem'Hadar won't follow them into the atmosphere. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 7. 8 CONTINUED: KIRA They'd be smart not to. That's a Class-J gas giant. I'm reading wind speeds of over ten thousand kilometers per hour. 9 VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as the Karemma ship disappears into the planet's cloudy surface, and a beat later, the Jem'Hadar ships plunge in after it. 10 RESUME SCENE Sisko considers his options. HANOK Twenty-three of my people are on that ship... and they're going to die because I was foolish enough to defy the Dominion. SISKO They're not going to die, Minister. Not if I can help it. (to com) Sisko to O'Brien. INTERCUT WITH: 11 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM where O'Brien is working a console. Two young Enlisted Engineers, MUNIZ and STEVENS, work other consoles. N.D.s man the rest. O'BRIEN (to com) Go ahead, sir. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 9. 11 CONTINUED: SISKO I'm taking the ship into the atmosphere. Reactions. SISKO I know it's not what she was built for, but I think the ship can handle it. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. I'll see if I can get more power to the Structural Integrity Field. END INTERCUT ON: 12 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE KIRA (working) Adjusting shield geometry for atmospheric entry... WORF (working) Transferring auxiliary power to forward shields... SISKO (to Dax) Take us in. DAX Five seconds to atmosphere... four... three... The ship SHUDDERS violently as it hits the atmosphere. Suddenly we hear an unfamiliar SOUND: the ROAR of wind slashing against the hull. 13 EXT. SPACE - DEFIANT (OPTICAL) As the Defiant descends through the atmosphere. 14 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 10. 14 CONTINUED: KIRA There's so much interference our imaging systems are practically useless... 14A VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as it FRITZES and goes to STATIC. 14B RESUME SCENE Suddenly the ship LURCHES and SHAKES... DAX We've hit a cross-current! SISKO Head into it! Dax works, and after a beat, the ship stabilizes and the shaking subsides somewhat, though every few moments it might SHUDDER as it's buffeted by a blast of wind. KIRA We've slipped between two thermal layers... wind velocities are a little more manageable here. SISKO (to Dax) Hold this altitude. (to Worf) Any sign of the Karemma or the Jem'Hadar? WORF No, but sensor range is less than two kilometers. DAX There might be a way we can increase it. Dax moves to a side console, and Carson takes the helm. SISKO Minister Hanok, I think it would be best if you returned to the mess hall. HANOK As you wish, Captain. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 10A. 14B CONTINUED: Sisko nods to an N.D, who escorts Hanok off the Bridge. SISKO Mister Worf, what's our weapons status? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 10A. 14B CONTINUED: (2) WORF The cloak is ineffective inside this atmosphere. And the interference will jam our torpedo guidance systems. SISKO What about phasers? WORF We'll have to target them manually. None of this is good news, but Sisko takes it in stride. Kira and Dax turn to Sisko with a plan. DAX Benjamin, we have an idea. KIRA It's a little trick I learned during the occupation. We'd sometimes try to evade Cardassian ships by hiding in the Badlands. Sensor range was limited, so we learned to use an old active-scan system to navigate. DAX It works by echo-location... we send out a modulated tetrion pulse, and if it reflects off the hull of a ship, we can approximate its location. SISKO Won't these pulses give away our position as well? KIRA (nods) We'll have to alter course and speed after each one. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 12. 14B CONTINUED: (3) Sisko nods that they get to work... 15 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL as Hanok ENTERS. Outside, we see the N.D. take up position in the corridor to guard the door. The SOUND of the wind outside is slightly less audible here. Quark, who's been looking over a PADD, glances up and immediately breaks into a smile... QUARK Good news, Minister. Hanok regards him impassively. HANOK Really? QUARK I think I've found the problem. Quark crosses toward him with the PADD. QUARK I made the mistake of letting my brother Rom execute these contracts. HANOK (skeptical) Your brother? QUARK Yes. I'm ashamed to say it, but he's an idiot. You see, the Federation and the Karemma have very different laws governing commerce, and I think that Rom must've... gotten confused by all the legalisms. Hanok looks unconvinced, but Quark is going to try to salvage this deal if he can. QUARK Now, I'm more than willing to make up for any losses you might have suffered. In fact, I'll pay them back with interest. Hanok has had enough, cuts him off. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 13. 15 CONTINUED: HANOK You cheated me, Quark. And you don't even have the courage to admit it. If we survive this, I'll see to it that you never do business in the Gamma Quadrant again... Off Quark's reaction... 16 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (VPB) Where Kira, Dax and Sisko are looking at an OKUDAGRAM on a side console. An icon representing the Defiant is at its center, and there's a grid around it that represents three-dimensional space. We hear a "pulse" sound, and a sphere emanates from the icon, growing larger as it moves away. KIRA There's nothing within a thousand kilometers... SISKO (to Carson) Ahead, one quarter impulse. Carson works her console.... after a beat: SISKO Try it again, Major... We HEAR the (TECH) pulse, and this time, the expanding circle briefly illuminates a blip near the bottom of the screen. KIRA There's something about four hundred kilometers below us. It could be the Karemma... I can't tell at this range. SISKO (to Carson) Close to ten kilometers... 17 EXT. SPACE - DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it starts down deeper into the atmosphere. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 14. 18 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (VPB) The ship SHAKES. DAX (off console) We're crossing into another thermal layer... Another SHUDDER... CARSON Holding position at ten kilometers. SISKO Major... She works the scanner... we HEAR the pulse, and the icon kicks out a sphere... when it illuminates a blip... KIRA From the size of it, I'd say it's the Karemma... Just as the sphere is about to reach the edge of the monitor, it illuminates TWO MORE BLIPS near the top of the screen. KIRA (urgent) I'm picking up two more ships. Suddenly the Defiant is ROCKED by phaser fire... 19 EXT. ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) as the two JEM'HADAR ships drop from above and head toward the Defiant... they open fire... 20 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE as the ship is ROCKED VIOLENTLY by the blasts. Consoles explode... warning KLAXONS sound... WORF Shields at sixty percent. SISKO Return fire. We hear the SOUND of phasers firing, then take another blast ourselves, which ROCKS the ship hard. The LIGHTS flicker out and are replaced by EMERGENCY LIGHTS. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 15. 20 CONTINUED: KIRA (off console). The Jem'Hadar are breaking off their attack... SISKO Are they going after the Karemma? KIRA I don't think they've spotted them... CARSON (grim) Captain, impulse power is off line... we're losing altitude. SISKO Try using thrusters to stabilize. CARSON (works) It's no use... We hear the SOUND of the hull groaning under pressure. WORF Hull pressure is at two million GSC and rising. SISKO (to com) Sisko to Engine room. We need impulse power. INTERCUT WITH: 21 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM Where things are just as bad. Consoles have exploded, a conduit is spewing nitrogen. The SOUND of the hull groaning is no less ominous down here. O'BRIEN (to com) The primary ODN lines have overloaded, Captain... it's going to be a few minutes. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 16. 21 CONTINUED: DAX Chief, if you can spare someone to meet me in Jefferies Tube Four, I'll try to re-route power through the secondary couplings. O'Brien turns to Muniz. O'BRIEN Muniz. MUNIZ Yes, sir. He grabs a TOOLKIT and heads for the ladder to the second level. 22 EXT. ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) as the Defiant sinks deeper... 23 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL where Quark is holding his hands over his ears to shut out the terrible SOUND of the hull groaning. Hanok is sweating, looking around at the walls as if waiting for them to give way. 24 INT. DEFIANT - JEFFERIES TUBE as Dax and Muniz scramble into position and start opening a panel. DAX All right... let's recalibrate the ODN manifold. MUNIZ I'll uncouple the plasma relay... The hull GROANS ominously. Dax sees that Muniz's hands are shaking as he works... DAX Sounds a little like a Yridian Symphony, doesn't it? MUNIZ I don't know, I've never heard one. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 17. 24 CONTINUED: The hull GROANS again, and Dax mimics the sound, picking it up and modulating it for a moment into another pitch. After a beat, the hull GROANS again, creating a bizarre sort of counterpoint. DAX Kind of nice, don't you think? Muniz can't help but smile as he works, which is exactly what Dax was trying to do, release some of the tension of the moment. 25 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Where the tension in the room is palpable. They're sinking, and right now, there's nothing they can do about it. CARSON Hull pressure is at nine million GSC and still rising... KIRA (grim) If we keep losing altitude at this rate, the hull will collapse in less than six minutes. Worf turns from a console... WORF Sir, the phaser couplings overloaded during the attack. It will take at least two hours to repair them. SISKO The Jem'Hadar aren't going to let us tractor the Karemma out of here without a fight. KIRA Right now I'd say we're the ones who need to be tractored out of here. SISKO One thing at a time, Major. Sisko considers for a moment. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT ONE 18. 25 CONTINUED: SISKO (to com) Sisko to O'Brien. INTERCUT WITH: 26 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM O'BRIEN O'Brien, here. SISKO How many atmospheric probes do we have on board? O'BRIEN Two. SISKO Could they be rigged with warheads from the quantum torpedoes? O'Brien smiles as he realizes what Sisko's up to. O'BRIEN We'd have to pull out the imaging system to make room inside the casings, but I don't see why not. SISKO How long? O'BRIEN Twenty minutes. SISKO You've got ten. END INTERCUT ON: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT ONE 19. 27 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM O'Brien and Stevens are looking through a TOOLKIT for the equipment they'll need to arm the probe. Like Muniz and most of the other Engineering N.D.s, Stevens is an enlisted man. These guys didn't go to Starfleet Academy, they're not as polished as our people, and they have their own work habits and codes of behavior. The hull GROANS, and Stevens casts an anxious look around. O'Brien sees that the pressure is getting to him, tries to reassure him... O'BRIEN You okay... ? Stevens tries to keep his chin up. STEVENS I'm all right... O'Brien knows his men are scared, and that they need encouragement. O'BRIEN The Captain's gotten us out of tougher spots than this.... last year, when the Romulans tried to invade the Founder's homeworld, we went up against a dozen Jem'Hadar ships STEVENS I know, Chief. You've told me the story. O'BRIEN Yeah? (smiling) Well unless you want to hear it again, you'd better get down to the torpedo bay and start working on those probes. STEVENS (grins) I'm going. O'Brien smiles and Stevens moves off. O'Brien turns toward another N.D. O'BRIEN Janklow, I'm going to need a dualitic inverter. There's one in the Cargo Bay. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT ONE 19A. 27 CONTINUED: The N.D. nods and heads for the door... 28 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR as the N.D. rounds a corner and starts down it. Suddenly the wall ahead of him EXPLODES inward with a rush of nitrogen gas... the crewman is thrown back onto the ground... 29 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE WORF (off console) Hull breach on Deck Two. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - 09/11/95 ACT ONE 20. 29 CONTINUED: KIRA An emergency forcefield is in place, but it won't hold up long against this pressure... SISKO How many people are down there? WORF (off console) Half a dozen in Sickbay... Dax and Muniz in Jefferies Tube Four. SISKO We've got to get them out of there. KIRA If we don't seal off that deck now, we'll lose the entire ship... Off Sisko as he comes face to face with a terrible dilemma... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT TWO 21. ACT TWO FADE IN: 30 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) where BASHIR and an N.D. Nurse are helping a few patients out of Sickbay, some of whom are injured and need assistance. Bashir has a MEDKIT... only EMERGENCY LIGHTS illuminate the corridor, and the door to Sickbay is only partly ajar, as if the power went out and it had to be forced open. The entrance to the Jefferies Tube that Dax and Muniz are in can be seen in one wall, and in another, the door to a turbolift. At the far end of the corridor, a FORCEFIELD is in place. Behind it we can see and HEAR the compartment rapidly filling with atmosphere. SISKO'S COM VOICE Sisko to Bashir. BASHIR Go ahead. SISKO'S COM VOICE The emergency forcefield won't hold much longer. You've got to evacuate that deck so we can seal it off. We follow Bashir's eye to the bulkhead at the other end of the corridor, opposite the forcefield. We can see the frame of the door jam, into which the door will slide. BASHIR Aye, sir. (to Nurse) Let's get everyone past that bulkhead... As they set to work assisting the others... 31 INT. DEFIANT - JEFFERIES TUBE where Dax and Muniz are working. SISKO'S COM VOICE Dax, are you finished? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT TWO 22. 31 CONTINUED: DAX Not quite. INTERCUT WITH: 32 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE where Sisko is talking to Dax on the com as Kira and Worf look on. Dax and Muniz never stop working. SISKO Get out of there as soon as you're done. (grim) In about thirty seconds I'm going to have to seal that deck. Muniz reacts... Sisko is telling them he may have to trap them inside. DAX Understood. Dax sees the look on Muniz's face, tries to reassure him. DAX We've got to get the engines back on-line. Just keep working and don't think about anything else. 33 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Where Bashir is prying the door to the turbolift OPEN to help an N.D. who was trapped inside. At the far end of the corridor, the FORCEFIELD is FRITZING ominously from the pressure building up behind it. When the last person is past the door frame, Bashir touches a wall panel and the BULKHEAD starts to slide closed. BASHIR (to com) Bashir to Bridge, I'm sealing the bulkhead. Bashir looks down the corridor a last time and sees someone emerging from the Jefferies Tube entrance in the wall. It's Dax. BASHIR Dax! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - 09/11/95 - ACT TWO 23. 33 CONTINUED: He slaps the control panel and the bulkhead stops closing, leaving an opening just wide enough for a person to get through. BASHIR Hurry. She helps Muniz get out of the Jefferies Tube, but before they can move away the forcefield collapses. Dax and Muniz are hit by the full force of the pressurized gas, throwing them partway down the corridor toward Bashir. In a split second, the corridor is so filled with gas that it's impossible to see what happened to them. Bashir shouts through the opening in the door, into the rush of oncoming nitrogen streaming past him. BASHIR Jadzia! But if she responds, we don't hear it over the roar of the incoming gas. 34 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE KIRA The forcefield is down. Sisko has no choice but to say the terrible words. SISKO (to com) Doctor, close that bulkhead. BASHIR'S COM VOICE They're still in there. SISKO Now, Doctor. That's an order. 35 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR Bashir is holding himself in the doorway, nitrogen streaming past him. He screams against it, desperate. BASHIR Dax! Suddenly a hand reaches in from the roiling nitrogen: it's Muniz, and Bashir pulls him to safety. The young ensign is wracked with coughs from the poison gas. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT TWO 24. 35 CONTINUED: Bashir stares into the blinding jet of gas escaping through the opening in the bulkhead... he knows he has no choice, he has to shut it. He reaches up to touch the control panel... but as the door starts to close, he unexpectedly steps through the opening and into the oncoming gas before it shuts behind him. Off the Nurse and N.D.s as they realize what he's done... 36 INT. DEFIANT - TURBOLIFT Through the partly open door we can see the gas roaring down the corridor. Out of the roiling cloud a figure emerges... it's Bashir, dragging Dax's limp form behind him... As soon as they're both inside, he manually JACKS the door shut, muffling the roar outside in the corridor. Coughing and struggling to retain his breath, Bashir reaches to touch a control panel. We hear a HISSING sound, and the compartment begins to clear as it's repressurized. Bashir looks down at Dax's limp body, opens his Medkit, and gives her a HYPO. After a beat, she coughs to life, struggles to regain her breath. Bashir slumps back against the wall, relief washing over him... BASHIR Bridge. Nothing happens... he tries to work the panel, but gets no response. They're trapped. Off Bashir's face as he reacts to this unexpected development... 37 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE We hear the SOUND of power coming on-line... the LIGHTS come back up. KIRA (quiet) She did it. Sisko acknowledges with a small nod. SISKO (to Carson) Helm, take us to a higher altitude. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT TWO 24A. 37 CONTINUED: Sisko sits silently in his chair, contemplating the lose of Bashir and Dax. After a moment... O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE O'Brien to Bridge. One of the atmospheric probes is armed and standing by. We'll have the second one ready in a few minutes. SISKO Very good, Chief. Sisko turns to Kira. SISKO All right, Major. Now that we've got something to defend ourselves with, let's start looking for the Karemma. As Kira activates the scanner and we HEAR the telltale pulse. 37A thru OMITTED 37B DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT TWO 25. 38 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL Where Quark and Hanok are reacting to the change in the SOUND of the hull. QUARK We're gaining altitude... HANOK How can you tell? QUARK (indicating his ears) I've got the lobes... Hanok looks relieved... Quark decides the time is right to launch into another effort to try to salvage the deal. QUARK You've got them, too. (off Hanok's look) It's a Ferengi expression. Usually, when we say someone has "the lobes," we mean they have a keen business sense. That's you. Quark is laying it on thick, trying to flatter Hanok. QUARK I'll admit it. You fooled me. I thought you were just another easy mark. But you saw right through my little scam, and taught me a thing or two about doing business in the Gamma Quadrant. Quark sits down, shakes his head sadly as if humbled. QUARK I guess I've gotten lazy. I'm used to dealing with the Federation. You think I was cheating you, you have no idea what I was doing to them. They still haven't caught on. Hanok studies him, says nothing, waiting to see where Quark is going with this. After a beat, Quark gives him a sly look. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT TWO 26-28. 38 CONTINUED: QUARK And if someone like me can put one over on them, think of what someone like you could do. Hanok looks at him for a moment, then leans forward. HANOK Someone with my... lobes? QUARK Exactly. And I'm just the man to help you do it. we could become rich, rich beyond our dreams. Hanok smiles for a moment, looks like he might go for it. HANOK You... are despicable. Hanok get up from the table, walks away from Quark, who sits back in his chair defeated... QUARK (to himself) I hate the Gamma Quadrant... Off his frustration... 39 thru OMITTED 40 DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/19/95 - ACT TWO 29. 41 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (VPB) Kira reacts as the scanner illuminates a BLIP. KIRA Sir, I have something. It's a Jem'Hadar ship. She deactivates the scanning pings so as not to give away their position. SISKO Just one? Kira nods an acknowledgement. WORF They must've split up to search for the Karemma. KIRA It's about seventy kilometers above us, on a roughly perpendicular course. Sisko addresses Carson at the helmas he works a panel. SISKO Helm, come about to course zero- seven-five mark four. Let's fall in behind them. CARSON Aye, sir. The deck cants as the ship swings around. The mood is tense... they're flying blind, and there's a Jem'Hadar ship nearby. Sisko stands in the center of the room as if gauging the SOUND of the wind outside. He's relying on instinct now... tactical experience, asking himself, "What would I do if I were the Jem'Hadar captain?" KIRA Do you think they've detected us? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV-09/19/95 - ACT TWO 30. 41 CONTINUED: SISKO I don't know. Let's make it a little harder on them... shut down every non-essential system. It'll minimize our power signature... Kira and Worf set to work, moving quickly to a few consoles to shut them off... we hear the SOUND of power systems winding down. SISKO All stop. Carson works her console. SISKO (to Worf) Program the probe to home in on the first metallic signature it finds. Worf reacts... this is dangerous stuff. As he works his console: WORF If it doesn't locate anything within fifty kilometers, the probe might turn back and home in on the Defiant. KIRA What if they've changed course, moved out of range? SISKO Something tells me they're closer than you think... He says this with the simple conviction that comes from instinct. WORF The probe is ready, sir. Sisko stands perfectly still for a beat, listening to the wind outside... SISKO Fire. 42 thru OMITTED 43 DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/19/95 - ACT TWO 31. 44 EXT. ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) The probe shoots forward and away from the Defiant, leaving a trail as it cuts through the atmosphere. Suddenly the Jem'Hadar ship enters frame and immediately opens FIRE from behind, scoring a massive hit that cuts right through our shields. 45 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE as the ship is ROCKED harder than we've ever seen it. People are thrown off their feet, including Sisko, who slams his head against something... consoles EXPLODE... systems crash... the lights BLACK OUT... 46 EXT. ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) as the probe arcs up, around, and back over the Defiant, toward the Jem'Hadar right on our tail. The probe hits home and the ship explodes in a FIREBALL. 47 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM as the SHAKING subsides... people get their bearings, help each other to their feet... O'BRIEN (taps combadge) O'Brien to Bridge... No response. O'Brien turns to Muniz. O'BRIEN Try the com-panel. MUNIZ (taps panel) Engine Room to Bridge. Still nothing. O'Brien checks a console. MUNIZ Bridge, please respond. O'BRIEN (grim) Save your breath, Muniz. (off console) I don't think there's anyone left alive up there. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - 09/11/95 - ACT TWO 32. 47 CONTINUED: The two men look at each other... off this dire moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT THREE 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: 48 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Only EMERGENCY LIGHTS illuminate the room, and the dim light they give off is cut by the swirl of smoke from exploded consoles. The place is a wreck. Worf is just sitting up... he clears his head, moves to help Kira. WORF Are you all right, major? KIRA I think so... Kira moves to check on Sisko, who's lying unconscious on the floor. Carson moves to check on two N.D.s who are splayed out on the floor, one of whom is badly burned. WORF Computer, lights. (nothing happens) Bridge to Engine Room. No response, not even a com-beep. Worf starts checking consoles, trying to power them up. CARSON Boyce and Peterson are dead, sir... Worf reacts, nods an acknowledgement. Kira crouches next to Sisko, who's barely conscious. He took a bad blow to the head and blood is trickling from a cut on his temple. KIRA Captain... try not to move... you took a bad blow... (to Carson) Get me a medkit. Carson hurries over to a wall panel, brings the MEDKIT over. WORF Bridge systems are completely off- line. We're not getting power to these consoles. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT THREE 34. 48 CONTINUED: Kira uses a CELLULAR REGENERATOR to staunch the blood- flow. KIRA (to Sisko, gently) There, the bleeding's stopped. Carson crouches at Kira's side, ready to assist. KIRA (off tricorder) He's got a concussion... sub- cranial bleeding. We need a medic. CARSON The com-system's down... I'll go below and try to find one. Kira nods, and Carson moves toward the door... but it doesn't open. Worf moves to her side, and together they force the door OPEN. Carson EXITS to the corridor, and Worf comes to Kira's side. KIRA I'm afraid if he loses consciousness, he could slip into a coma. But I don't think I can risk using a stimulant on him. WORF You have to keep him awake. Talk to him. Give him something to focus on. KIRA Right. WORF I will attempt to get to the Engine Room and take control of the ship from there. KIRA Good luck. Worf acknowledges with a nod and EXITS. Kira turns to Sisko. KIRA Captain... He stirs at the sound of her voice... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT THREE 35. 48 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Everything's going to be all right... but you have to try to stay awake for me... But Sisko needs something to focus on... Kira struggles to think of something to say. KIRA I'm just going to talk, okay? I want you to listen. It's very important that you listen because... because there's going to be a test later. Sisko smiles faintly at this.. off Kira's face as she realizes she's just going to have to keep going like this. 48A INT. DEFIANT - TURBOLIFT where Bashir is scanning the roof of the Turbolift with his TRICORDER. Dax starts to come to, and he crouches to help her sit up. BASHIR How do you feel? DAX Terrible... BASHIR That's not surprising considering that you took in a few lungfuls of Fluorine. DAX Next time remind me to hold my breath... (looking around) I take it we're stuck in here... BASHIR I thought about trying to crawl up the turbolift shaft, but it's flooded with gas. DAX I think I've had enough Fluorine for one day. Maybe we should just stay put and wait for someone to come get us. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT THREE 35A. 48A CONTINUED: BASHIR They probably don't even know we're in here. Our com-signals can't cut through the interference. DAX Is there anything else I should know? BASHIR We only have a few hours of breathable air... Dax reacts to this grim news. Bashir slumps to a sitting position next to her... after a beat... DAX Thanks, anyway. (off his look) For trying to rescuing me. BASHIR Lot of good it did you.... DAX I mean it. He hears her simple sincerity, turns to her. DAX It's funny... if you'd have done something like this a year ago, I would've thought you were trying to be a hero. BASHIR And now? DAX Now that I know you better... (smiles) I realize it was just a stupid thing to do. He can't help but laugh. BASHIR You're welcome... They share a smile... off the warm moment between them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT THREE 35B. 49 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL where Quark is pacing, and Hanok is ignoring him. Quark has been running it over in his mind and can't figure out why Hanok didn't go for his offer. Finally, he has to say something. QUARK You're taking this too personally. Okay, I cheated you. I cheat everyone. It's business. You see what you can get away with, and you've got to figure the other guy's doing the same to you. HANOK That's not the way the Karemma conduct business. QUARK Oh, come on. You can't tell me you've never padded an inventory, or pawned off a load of substandard merchandise. Hanok gives him a cold look. HANOK No, I haven't. The Karemma believe that merchandise has a set value, determined by the raw materials and labor involved in creating it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/12/95 - ACT THREE 36. 49 CONTINUED: HANOK (Cont'd) Factor in transportation costs and a reasonable profit margin, and you arrive at a fair price. Quark is appalled by this dry view of commerce. QUARK You make it sound so... antiseptic. Where's the bargaining, where's the scheming... where's the greed? HANOK Greed leads to misjudgment, which can result in the loss of profit. QUARK If there's no risk, there's no thrill. It's just... (with distaste) ...barter. If you want to win big, you have to be willing to play the odds, it's like.... gambling. HANOK Gambling is the last recourse of the desperate. Only a fool would risk losing what he has to chance. Quark throws his hands up in frustration, slumps into a chair. There's just no getting through to this guy... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT THREE 37. 50 OMITTED 51 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM as the hatch to the Jefferies tube OPENS and Worf starts to emerge. O'Brien, Muniz, Stevens and an N.D. have been working to restore ship's systems. O'BRIEN Commander, am I glad to see you. WORF (all business) The captain is injured. All bridge functions are off-line. O'BRIEN We've been trying to route command functions to these consoles. WORF I will take command from here. Worf turns to study the consoles O'Brien indicated, sees something not to his liking. WORF Who configured these helm controls? MUNIZ I did, sir. WORF They are not laid out properly. Muniz is stressed out enough as it is, and having a Klingon in his face isn't helping. He swallows back his nervousness, tries to explain. MUNIZ I realize they're not the same as on the bridge, but I had to make some changes because -- WORF (interrupting) I need to be able to ascertain our status at a glance. Reconfigure these controls to their standard layout. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT THREE 38-40. 51 CONTINUED: Muniz is a little taken aback by the sharpness of Worf's command. He's not used to dealing with a commander in charge of a "bridge" in crisis, and it's all he can do to get out an acknowledgment. MUNIZ Aye, sir. Worf moves off and Muniz gets to work. WORF Mister Stevens, you will operate the echo-location system we've been using to track the Jem'Hadar. STEVENS I'll do my best. Worf isn't used to this kind of informality and takes Stevens's comment literally. WORF I expect nothing less. Stevens glances at O'Brien, unsure what he did wrong. O'Brien decides to just move past it. O'BRIEN Let's get to work... They set about their various tasks. Off O'Brien's face as he glances over at his men, then at Worf... He's wondering how well they're going to work together... 52 OMITTED 53 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE where Kira is talking to a semi-conscious Sisko. She's been having trouble thinking up things to say, and has fallen back on talking about work. KIRA -- so I was thinking if we went to a four shift rotation, it would give people more flexibility with their time. There is a little bit of a downside because it means that every shift is going to have to -- what am I talking about? She let's out a frustrated breath... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT THREE 41. 53 CONTINUED: KIRA I'm supposed to be keeping you awake, not boring you to tears. (beat) I'm sorry. I don't know why this is so hard. All I have to do is talk to you. I mean, what do we usually talk about? Sisko smiles faintly, tries to speak, and Kira leans in to hear. SISKO Work... Kira can't help but smile; he's right... KIRA You're right. That is what we usually talk about. Even when we're not working. Her smile fades, and for a beat she looks almost troubled. KIRA I get the feeling it's not that way with you and Dax, or you and Chief O'Brien. She considers for a moment... KIRA Then again... you're not a revered figure in their religions. She looks down at his still features. KIRA I know you don't like it when I talk about you as the Emissary. (a beat) But that is how I think of you. And maybe that's why it's sometimes hard for me to... relax around you. Kira let's out a breath, wonders where to go from here. Sisko sees her frustration and reaches to take her arm in his hand... SISKO Nerys... ? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT THREE 42-42A. 53 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Yes, sir? SISKO Tell me a story... Kira smiles; that sounds easy enough. KIRA All right. Do you know the one about the three brothers who went to Jo'kala? SISKO No... KIRA They were kava farmers, and one day they went out into their field and found the biggest kava root they'd ever seen, big as a house. "This will make us rich," said the oldest. And they decided to dig it up and sell it in the city. As Kira continues we... CUT TO: 54 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM (VPB) where Stevens is working the echo-scanner which is now displayed on a monitor. We hear the telltale ping, and Stevens reacts to the readout. STEVENS Sir, I have something. Worf moves to study the readout. WORF They're too small to be ships... STEVENS They're closing fast... In the distance, we hear a faint SOUND, gradually changing in pitch. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT THREE 43. 54 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (realizing) Torpedoes. WORF (to Muniz) Hard to port! The deck dants to one side as the Defiant banks off... O'BRIEN (works) I'm modulating the deflectors... it might confuse their guidance systems. 55 EXT. ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) as the Defiant changes course, banking down. The first torpedo shoots toward it... a tense beat as it looks like it's going to hit... but then it misses by a hair's breadth and shoots past. 56 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM We hear the SOUND of the second torpedo coming closer... STEVENS The second one's still closing... range, one hundred meters... seventy-five... fifty... A beat, then a LOUD metallic thunk that jolts the ship. Everyone tenses up, waiting for the explosion... but nothing happens... CUT TO: 57 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL on Quark and Hanok, both staring numbly at something off-screen. 58 NEW ANGLE to reveal the nose-cone of a Jem'Hadar TORPEDO sticking through the back wall. Nitrogen streams in from around the perimeter of mangled metal into which the torpedo is jammed. Off Quark and Hanok's stunned features we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/12/95 - ACT FOUR 44. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 59 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL (CONTINUOUS) After a beat... HANOK I suggest we leave this room immediately. QUARK And go where? If that thing explodes, the entire ship will be destroyed. (a beat) Maybe we should try to defuse it. Hanok's not sure this is such a good idea. HANOK We should wait for help. QUARK What if no one can get to us? The play of LIGHTS inside the torpedo changes, we hear a HUM of power. QUARK I don't like the sound of that. It's up to us... Quark's made his decision. QUARK There should be an emergency tool kit around here somewhere. Hanok moves to look for it. Quark cautiously moves toward the torpedo... studies its outer shell. Hanok moves to his side, TOOLKIT in hand. Quark indicates a specific part of the nose cone. QUARK The arming mechanism must be somewhere in here. (indicating) We have to remove this casing... HANOK How? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/12/95 - ACT FOUR 45. 59 CONTINUED: They study its smooth, featureless surface. Undeterred, Quark blows on his fingertips, leans in, and gingerly puts his ear to the torpedo... QUARK (the safecracker) There's no lock that can't be opened... As Hanok watches Quark begins... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT FOUR 46. 60 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM (VPB) where Worf, O'Brien, Muniz and Stevens are looking at a SCHEMATIC of the Defiant on a monitor. O'BRIEN It looks like the torpedo hit somewhere in here. O'Brien indicates a point on the schematic. MUNIZ Problem is, we're cut off from that part of the ship. Worf considers their options. WORF Mister Stevens, recalibrate the Structural Integrity Field to minimize the strain caused by the torpedo. STEVENS The field generators are already at their limit compensating for the hull breach on Deck Two. WORF I am aware of the situation, Mister Stevens. If you cannot carry out my orders, I will find someone who can. Stevens reacts, tries to pull himself together. STEVENS That won't be necessary, sir. Stevens sets to work, and Worf crosses to the center of the room; he's in a tough bind and is trying to come up with a way to save the ship. O'Brien studies him for a beat from his console, then decides to approach. O'BRIEN Could I have a word with you, sir? WORF Of course. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT FOUR 47. 60 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN With all due respect, I think you're riding these men a bit too hard. You have to understand, they're out of their element. They're not bridge officers, they didn't go to Starfleet Academy. They're Engineers. They're used to being told to repair something, and figuring out how to do it on their own. WORF What are you suggesting? O'BRIEN Just give them a little slack, ease up on the reins. Let them do what they're good at... and give them a little encouragement now and then. Worf takes this in... WORF I will take it under consideration. O'Brien nods, and moves off to work a console. Off Worf's face as he considers how to proceed... 61 INT. DEFIANT - TURBOLIFT where Bashir and Dax are sitting quietly. She shivers, runs her hands over her shoulders for warmth. DAX I'm so cold... Bashir moves closer to her, puts his arm around her, and they huddle together for warmth... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT FOUR 48. 61 CONTINUED: BASHIR These walls aren't that well insulated... it's going to get even colder... (holding her) Better? Dax nods, presses herself to his chest... after a quiet moment, Bashir laughs softly to himself over some private thought. DAX What? BASHIR Just remembering something. DAX Tell me. Bashir considers begging off, but decides "Why not?" BASHIR When I first came to the station, I used to fantasize that you and I would go off on a runabout together on some mission. Something would go wrong with the ship... and we'd end up drifting around for a few days until they sent someone to rescue us. DAX If you don't mind my saying, Julian, that's a very strange fantasy. BASHIR I guess it seemed like the only way we'd ever get a chance to spend time alone together. You were always avoiding me. Dax pulls herself away a bit so she can see his face. This is something they've never discussed head on, and it isn't easy. DAX It's just... you came on so strong. You didn't give me a chance to get to know you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT FOUR 49. 61 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir has enough perspective on it now to admit she's right. BASHIR You're right, I didn't... A quiet moment passes... Dax shudders against the cold, and Bashir holds up his arm so she can huddle close again... BASHIR (lightly) Don't worry, Jadzia. It's been a while since I had that particular fantasy. Dax smiles, moves close again. After a beat... DAX How long a while... exactly? BASHIR I don't know. Couple of years, maybe. DAX Oh... He hears something in her tone and a realization hits him... BASHIR You're disappointed. DAX (objecting) Julian. BASHIR That's it. You enjoyed being chased, and now you miss it. DAX That is preposterous. (a warning) And if you start chasing after me again -- BASHIR Now that I know you liked it, I don't need to, do I? Dax doesn't know what to say to this. Bashir smiles, leans back in his moment of victory... and Dax finds herself in the unusual position of not having anything to rebut him with... off this moment... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT FOUR 50. INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM O'Brien is on the upper level repairing an open console. Muniz and Stevens are working their posts. Worf approaches them from behind. WORF I require your assistance. They're both startled by his sudden appearance behind him, and are expecting the worse. WORF I need a weapon... MUNIZ We still have one atmospheric probe. WORF If my plan is to work, the probe will not be available to use as a weapon. I need something else. STEVENS Phasers are out of the question, the emitters are completely fused. MUNIZ But the phaser generator is working fine... They consider for a beat... STEVENS (realizing) The Deflector Array. Muniz realizes what he's proposing, excitedly continues. MUNIZ With a few modifications, we could use it as a phaser emitter. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT FOUR 50A. 62 CONTINUED: Suddenly they realize that they've been talking to each other about this and that Worf might not approve; they contain their enthusiasm, respectfully defer to him. STEVENS It may not be what you had in mind, sir... MUNIZ And there is one problem... It'll overload after the first shot. Stevens and Muniz look at Worf anxiously awaiting his verdict... after a beat, Worf allows himself what might almost be a smile. WORF I only need one shot. Stevens and Muniz share a look of relief; they're pleased because they finally did something Worf approves of. WORF How long will it take to make the modifications? MUNIZ (to Stevens) Twenty minutes? STEVENS Ten if we can bypass the safeties. WORF Go. The two men move off to climb the ladder to the second level, exchanging ideas about how to do it faster. Worf turns to study a console, and we REVEAL O'Brien looking down at him from the second level with a satisfied grin... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/15/95 - ACT FOUR 51. 63 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE where Kira is continuing her story to an unconscious Sisko. She's scanning him with her tricorder as she speaks. KIRA ... but then the brothers started to argue about how to divide the money they got for the kava root. The oldest said that since it was his idea to bring it to the city, he should get more. The youngest objected, saying he was the one who'd tended the field where... Kira's voice trails off as she reacts to the readings on the tricorder. The situation is grim... she's losing him. For the first time, her emotions start to get the best of her. KIRA This can't happen... you can't die... You're the Emissary... there's still so much you have to do... She gets a hold of herself, reaches to take out the hypo. She holds it in her hand as if deciding what to do... KIRA I don't know if this is the right thing to do or not... but I'm going to give you a stimulant... She steels herself, then injects Sisko in the neck... not knowing if this will save him or kill him. After a beat... KIRA Captain... I know that my beliefs can make you feel uncomfortable around me. And that maybe they're the reason you keep me at arm's length sometimes. We hear in her voice that this is something she regrets, but now she pushes it aside, and a certain resolve enters her voice... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT FOUR 52. 63 CONTINUED: KIRA But right now, I don't care about that. And that's why I hope you don't mind if I pray for a little while. I don't know what else to do. I'm losing you. And I can't let that happen. Kira takes his hand in hers, shuts her eyes, and begins to speak softly in Bajoran, almost a continuous murmur. KIRA Jia'kaja, tre'nu'tol'a rem... La'por i'lanu kos... I'nar tan'a'tali nor... off the image of her quitely praying over his still form... 64 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM (VPB) O'Brien is working a console, Worf is studying the schematic of the ship. Muniz and Stevens are coming down the ladder. MUNIZ Everything's ready to go, sir. Stevens moves to indicate a console. STEVENS We can target the deflector from here. Worf looks at Stevens, then to Muniz. WORF Good work. This is the first time he's complimented them and it has an immediate impact on them. WORF Take your posts. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT FOUR 52A. 64 CONTINUED: They move to their respective consoles, and we can see in their bearing that they have a little more confidence in themselves, and in Worf as their commander. WORF Mister O'Brien... O'Brien activates the echo-scanner, and it begins to PULSE rhythmically. Worf stands in the center of the room much like Sisko did on the bridge... watchful, his senses alert. O'BRIEN (off console) There's nothing within scanning range... WORF The Jem'Hadar are out there, Mister O'Brien... you can be certain of that... As the "pinging" continues... 65 EXT. ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) OVERLAP SOUND with the "pinging" in the Engine Room. A Jem'Hadar ship takes form in the mist, moving slowly... closing in... off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/12/95 - ACT FIVE 53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 66 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL where Quark and Hanok are gingerly lifting the casing off the warhead. QUARK Gently... They set it aside, breathe a sigh of relief. They look inside the warhead, and are dismayed to see that the alien technology is complex and far from clear. QUARK Okay... now what... ? Quark pulls out the tricorder, scans the torpedo. Hanok studies the innards for a moment... then indicates a particular set of diodes. HANOK One of these diodes connects the warhead to the power source... the other is the firing mechanism. Quark gives him a look. QUARK How do you know that? HANOK I saw a design schematic once. QUARK Where? HANOK At the Ministry of Trade on Karemma. (off Quark's look) We sell these torpedoes to the Jem'Hadar. Quark is momentarily stunned... QUARK You're kidding. HANOK No... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT FIVE 54. 66 CONTINUED: The irony of the situation and the tension of the moment threatens to give Quark a case of the giggles... QUARK I thought you said you'd never sold substandard merchandise... (off Hanok's look) It was supposed to explode on impact, wasn't it? Hanok can't help but smile... HANOK Maybe I should offer them a refund... And they both break into laughter... wracking, painful laughs like those that can strike in church or at a funeral. Suddenly the SOUND of the torpedo's HUM increases in pitch. They both freeze, the laughter instantly cut off. QUARK (a whisper) We'd better do something about this torpedo of yours... They look at each other, and they just can't help it... they break out laughing again... HANOK (through laughter) We have to remove the firing diode... but I don't know which one it is... QUARK (through laughter) And if we pick the wrong one... we die... They calm down... get a grip on themselves... QUARK This isn't funny... we just have to pick the right one... it's fifty-fifty... better odds than you get at the dabo table... HANOK dabo? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/12/95 - ACT FIVE 54A. 66 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK It's a game... if we get out of this, I'll teach it to you. (beat; re: diodes) Choose one. HANOK How? QUARK It's a gamble. Go with your instinct. Hanok hesitates, struggles to decide. QUARK You're thinking too much. You just have to reach in and grab one. Without thinking about it, Quark reaches in and plucks one of the diodes out. The LIGHTS in the torpedo cut out and the hum stops. There's a beat before they realize what's just happened. Then a slow smile spreads on Quark's features. QUARK Looks like we have a winner. They both move away, sit down with immense relief..,. HANOK (a realization) That was... exciting. QUARK Feels good, doesn't it? HANOK Yes... QUARK That's how it works. The bigger the risk, the bigger the win. (beat) You know... there's another risk you could take... staying in business with me. HANOK You never give up, do you? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/12/95 - ACT FIVE 55. 66 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK No. I tried to cheat you, and I lost. That doesn't mean I'm going to give up the game... (a beat) Come on, Hanok. What do you say... do you want to keep playing? Hanok studies him for a moment... picks up one of the PADDS... HANOK Let's talk about these Bolian currency fluctuations... Quark smiles, realizes he's back in business... as they pick up their PADDS... 67 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE where Kira's head is bowed as she murmurs her prayer... KIRA Jia'kaja, tre'nu'tol'a rem... La'por i'lanu kos... I'nar tan'a'tali nor... Sisko stirs... SISKO (groggy) Major... ? Kira reacts, a look of relief washes over her features. She makes a small gesture of thanks to the Prophets. KIRA Yes, captain? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/18/95 - ACT FIVE 56. 67 CONTINUED: She leans in close so she can hear his words... SISKO (softly) What... happened... ? KIRA The Jem'Hadar hit us pretty bad... Worf went down to the Engine Room to -- SISKO (stopping her) No, no... Kira stops herself, uncertain... SISKO What happened to the three brothers? Kira breaks into a grin... KIRA They gave the money away, and went back to their farm where they belonged. SISKO (smiles) Is good... (a beat) Can you tell me another story... ? KIRA I'd love to, sir... Off this moment of closeness... 68 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM (OPTICAL) All are listening to the rhythmic pulses of the echo- scanner. The tension in the room seems to rise with each ping. After a moment... O'BRIEN (urgent) Sir, I've got something. Worf moves to the monitor. On the OKUDAGRAM, the hand illuminates a blip moving toward the center of the scanner. O'BRIEN It's the Jem'Hadar... they've locked onto the tetrion pulse... Worf turns to Stevens, who's ready at his console. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT FIVE 57. 68 CONTINUED: WORF Stand by, Mister Stevens... The steady "pinging" continues... 69 EXT. ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) as the Jem'Hadar ship moves toward camera... the sound of the "pinging" continues... the ship comes to a stop... and CAMERA PULLS back to REVEAL the source of the "pinging" SOUND... Not the Defiant, but the atmospheric probe. . .hanging motionless in the atmosphere, a BLINKIE flashing in synch with the pinging. Defiant has set up a decoy... 70 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM A tense beat, then... WORF Now. Muniz and Stevens both reach to work their consoles... 71 EXT. ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) The Jem'Hadar ship starts to bank away from the probe, but suddenly the Defiant ENTERS frame behind it and opens FIRE... a bolt of ENERGY shoots out from the deflector array and destroys the Jem'Hadar in a fiery EXPLOSION... 72 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM A moment of triumph between all the participants. Muniz and Stevens clasp hands... O'BRIEN What do you say we find the Karemma and get out of here? Off Worf's nod of acknowledgment... 73 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR where two N.D.s are prying the door to the turbolift OPEN. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT FIVE 58. 73 CONTINUED: WORF (V.O.) Defiant Log, Supplemental. 74 INT. DEFIANT - TURBOLIFT as the door OPENS, casting light onto Bashir and Dax, who blink from the change in brightness... WORF (V.O.) (continuing) Damage control teams are repairing the ship's systems and medics are tending to injured crewmembers. As the N.D.s move to assist them we cut to: 75 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE where a MEDIC is tending to Sisko as Kira and Carson look on. He's going to be all right. WORF (V.O.) We have located the Karemma ship deep in the atmosphere and are moving to assist. It appears that it will have to be abandoned... 76 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL where Quark and Hanok are bent over their PADDS. WORF (V.O.) (continuing) ... and its crew brought back to Deep Space Nine until transportation can be arranged to the Karemma Homeworld. Muniz ENTERS with a toolkit and reacts to the incongruous sight of two men haggling while a torpedo sticks in the wall nearby... 77 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/11/95 - ACT FIVE 59. 77A INT. QUARK'S (FORMERLY SC. 79) Worf and O'Brien are seated at a table having beverages, Bashir is trapped at the bar with MORN, who seems to be chewing his ears off, and Dax is playing darts with an N.D. ODO is standing near the dabo table suspiciously watching Quark hovering over Hanok. Hanok is anxiously watching as the wheel winds down; he's got a lot of money riding on this spin. The wheel comes to a stop, and from the crowd's reaction we see that Hanok's lost. Quark tries his best to act sympathetic, even though Hanok's loss is his gain. QUARK Oh! Pass five, too bad. The dabo girl gives Hanok a sympathetic expression. QUARK You lose half your stake. You can either quit now, or try to double it. ODO My advice is to take what latinum you have left and walk away. Hanok looks at Quark, considers for a moment, and finally says... HANOK Just because you lose a bet, that doesn't mean you give up the game. QUARK Exactly. Quark shoots Odo a satisfied look. He and Hanok have come a long way, but even so, there's no reason to risk getting himself cleaned out, so Quark decides to give him some bad advice. QUARK May I suggest placing your next wager on double down. Hanok studies the board, considers. HANOK (to the dabo girl) Put it all on triple over. Quark reacts, and his face tells us this is exactly the right play. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/11/95 - ACT FIVE 60. 77A CONTINUED: QUARK I think you're making a big mistake. HANOK (reaffirming) Triple over. (to Quark) Nothing personal, Quark. QUARK (smiles wanly) Of course not... Quark watches with dread as the wheel spins. It comes to a stop... and this time the crowd's reaction tells us Hanok's won. Quark tries to muster a gracious smile... QUARK You're really catching on... Off Quark's face as he realizes he's in for a long night... 77B ON BASHIR AND MORN (FORMERLY SC. 80) where Bashir is trying to be polite. BASHIR ... seventeen brothers and sisters... ? That's quite a family. Morn nods, and is about to start in again when Dax comes up to them with a DART in her hands. DAX Excuse me, Morn. She turns to Bashir. DAX It's your turn. BASHIR For what? DAX (holding it up) Darts. She fixes him with a look and he realizes she's giving him an excuse to get away. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/11/95 - ACT FIVE 61. 77B CONTINUED: BASHIR Oh, right. Sorry, Morn. Nice talking to you. They move away toward the dart board... BASHIR Thanks for rescuing me. DAX (lightly) Now we're even. As they share a smile and continue away, we DROP OFF on Stevens, who's ENTERED and is making his way over to... 77C O'BRIEN AND WORF (FORMERLY SC. 78) STEVENS (to Worf) Excuse me, sir. Stevens indicates a PADD he's carrying. STEVENS Here's the repair schedule we drew up for the Defiant. He hands it to Worf. STEVENS With your approval, we thought we'd start by tearing out the secondary ODN lines. They're shot, and it'll be easier to get to the manifolds that way. After that we figured we'd -- WORF (interrupting) Proceed at your discretion, Mister Stevens. Stevens is taken aback for a moment, then breaks into a grin... STEVENS Thank you, sir... WORF How long will the repairs take? STEVENS Sixteen hours. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/15/95 - ACT FIVE 62. 77C CONTINUED: Worf nods, Stevens starts away.. O'BRIEN You can do it in twelve. STEVENS (recovering) Sure, twelve. No problem. WORF Very well. Stevens moves off... Worf throws O'Brien a questioning look. O'BRIEN You have to give them a lot of slack, but you can't take your hands off the reins... As Worf ponders this... 81 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE where Sisko is sitting behind his desk as Kira finishes up a report. KIRA -- the Karemma transport will be here by eighteen hundred tomorrow, and the Defiant should be ready to escort them back to the Gamma Quadrant. SISKO Good. Sisko brings up something he's been thinking about. SISKO Major, it occurred to me that we should consider going to a four shift rotation. I think the crew might appreciate having more flexibility in their schedules. Kira reacts, wondering if Sisko remembers her mentioning this to him. KIRA I'll look in to it first thing in the morning. Sisko nods, then pops another question. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/13/95 - ACT FIVE 63. 81 CONTINUED: SISKO What are you doing for the next few hours? KIRA I'm going off duty, I thought I'd just relax. SISKO You want to go to a ball game? Kira reacts to this unexpected invitation... KIRA I'd love to, sir. Sisko smiles, and moves to rummage through a cabinet or drawer. SISKO Meet me in Holosuite Three in half an hour. KIRA (smiles) See you then. She turns away... SISKO Nerys... She turns back as he tosses her a baseball cap. SISKO You'll need this... She catches the cap, sees the letter G on it, and puts it on. Sisko smiles at the sight. SISKO You get the hot dogs from Quark... KIRA Hot dogs? SISKO He'll know... She smiles, and takes her leave. Sisko watches her go, and after a beat, puts on his own cap... off this moment we... 78 thru OMITTED 80 FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END