STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Indiscretion" #40510-477 Story by Toni Marberry & Jack Trevino Teleplay by Nick Corea Directed by LeVar Burton THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1995 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION August 18, 1995 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Indiscretion" CAST SISKO KASIDY YATES KIRA DUKAT ODO RAZKA BASHIR ZIYAL DAX QUARK WORF COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "INDISCRETION" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE SISKO'S QUARTERS/BEDROOM LIVING ROOM DOZARIA OPS CRASH SITE KIRA'S QUARTERS CAMPSITE SECURITY OFFICE DESERT CARGO BAY MOUNTAINS DOCKING RING CORRIDOR WARDROOM RAVINOK HULL QUARK'S/SECOND LEVEL REPLIMAT BADLANDS PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL RUNABOUT DILITHIUM MINE PASSAGEWAY CHAMBER WELL ROOM STAR TREK: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Indiscretion" PRONUNCIATION GIZIDE AZIN ah-ZIN BREEN BREEN DOZARIA doe-zar-EE-uh HELER HELL-er HITAL hih-TAL JARADA juh-RAH-da LISSEPIA lih-SEP-ee-uh TORA NAPREM TOR-uh nuh-PREM RABOL ruh-BOWL RAVINOK RAV-ih-nok RAZKA KARN RAZZ-kuh KARN LORIT AKREM LOR-it AH-krem TORA ZIYAL TOR-uh zee-ALL TRELOS VREN TREL-oes VREN URIDIUM yur-ID-ee-um DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Indiscretion" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS - BEDROOM It's dark. We don't really know where we are. Suddenly we hear the com-line CHIRP. COMPUTER VOICE Captain Sisko. The time is oh-six- hundred. We see a shadowy figure move in the quarters and hear Sisko's groggy voice. SISKO Acknowledged. (a beat) Lights. The lights come up, revealing SISKO in his quarters, in bed with KASIDY YATES. Kasidy is much less awake. She looks very comfortable. KASIDY Do you always get up at oh-six- hundred? SISKO I like to get an early start. But you can sleep in if you want. KASIDY Sleep in? I usually get up at five. (smiles) When you're a freighter captain, you don't have the luxury of lying around in bed all day. Sisko doesn't believe her. SISKO If you usually get up that early, why do you look so sleepy? KASIDY I don't usually stay up until one A.M. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 09/06/95 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: SISKO (smiles) Sorry about that. He kisses her. KASIDY (returns kiss) I'm not. SISKO I'd better get going. You free tonight? KASIDY I think I can fit you into my schedule. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 09/06/95 - TEASER 3-4. 1 CONTINUED: (2) They kiss again. SISKO I'm counting on it. And as Sisko gets up... 2 thru OMITTED 3 3A INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS KIRA is doing her morning meditations when her com-line CHIRPS. WORF'S COM VOICE Worf to Major Kira. KIRA (to com) This is Kira. 4 OMITTED 5 INT. OPS WORF is at his station. Intercut as necessary with the proceeding scene. WORF Major, you've got an incoming transmission from a Razka Karn. (suspicious) He claims to be an old friend. 6 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS From Kira's expression, this is anything but a welcome call from an old friend. Still, she knows she'd better take it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - TEASER 5. 6 CONTINUED: KIRA (to com) Put him through. 7 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Kira activates her monitor, which displays a lean and weathered looking Bajoran. This is RAZKA. He's wearing a Klingon disruptor, a Romulan belt, and other bits of mismatched equipment. In other words, he looks like what he is... a scavenger. KIRA Razka. It's been a while. How's business? RAZKA (on monitor) Let's just say I miss the old days on Bajor. Smuggling may not've been the safest line of work, but it was a lot more exciting than selling scrap metal. KIRA I think you're the only Bajoran I know who actually misses the occupation. RAZKA (on monitor) Don't get me wrong. I'm glad the Cardassians are gone. (smiles) I just wish I'd put away a little more latinum before they left. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - TEASER 6. 7 CONTINUED: KIRA (smiles back) I'm sure you did your best. (a beat) What's on your mind, Razka? RAZKA (on monitor, simply) I've picked up a lead on the Ravinok. Though the mention of the Ravinok obviously strikes a cord, Kira tries to remain skeptical. KIRA Like the last time? RAZKA (on monitor) Last time it was just a rumor. This time I have evidence. A fragment of metal. It looks like part of the forward sensor array. Kira lets herself feel a spark of hope. KIRA Can you bring it to Deep Space Nine for analysis? RAZKA (on monitor) Sorry, but I'm afraid I can't leave the Badlands right now... (an explanation) Important business. You understand. KIRA The Tholians after you again? RAZKA (on monitor) Let's just say it'd be better if you came to me. KIRA (not sure she wants to do this) It's been six years. Even if you have found a piece of the Ravinok, that doesn't mean there are any survivors. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - TEASER 7. 7 CONTINUED: (2) RAZKA (on monitor) There's only one way for you to find out. (a beat) I'll be waiting. And as Kira considers what to do... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 8 INT. SECURITY OFFICE ODO and Kira are going over the criminal activity reports. ODO Item seventeen... Trelos Vren was arrested on the Promenade outside the Klingon Restaurant and is being held on four counts of petty theft. KIRA Trelos Vren? Where have I heard that name? ODO We arrested him once for attempting to break into the assay office. KIRA And now he's taken up pickpocketing? ODO Without much success. (joking) Though I suppose you have to admire his persistence. Odo expects at least a smile from Kira, but she doesn't react at all. ODO That was a joke. She shakes her head. She knows she wasn't really paying attention. KIRA I'm sorry, Odo. it's just... I might have a lead on the Ravinok. Off Odo's reaction. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT ONE 9. 8 CONTINUED: KIRA (a little defensive) I know what you're going to say. It's been six years since the Ravinok disappeared. The odds are that everyone aboard is dead. ODO That all may be true, but it's not what I was going to say. (off her reaction) I was going to say... good luck. KIRA Good luck? ODO You had a friend on board, correct? Kira looks a little sad. This is an old wound. KIRA Lorit Akrem. ODO Which means it doesn't matter whether I think there are any survivors, or even whether you think there are any survivors. You're going to go looking for that ship. (a beat) So all I can say is... good luck. I hope you find them. Kira nods. And off a warm moment between them... 9 EXT. DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing shot. 10 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira is packing her gear into a duffel bag when the door CHIMES. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: KIRA Come in. Sisko ENTERS. He clearly has something on his mind. KIRA Captain. Here to see me off? Sisko wishes that were the case, but it's not. SISKO I'm afraid not. (a beat) I'd like you to postpone your trip. At least for a day or two. KIRA What's wrong? SISKO Somehow the Cardassian government got wind of your plan to search for the Ravinok. They've asked permission to send someone with you. KIRA And you said yes? Sisko may be sympathetic to what Kira's feeling, but he still has to look at the bigger picture. SISKO I said I'd talk to you about it. (a beat) The Ravinok was a Cardassian ship. KIRA Carrying Bajoran prisoners. (a beat) I'm not stopping anyone from looking. I just don't know why they have to come with me. SISKO The request came directly from the leader of the new civilian government. (trying to give it a positive spin) Nerys, I know this isn't what you had in mind... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT ONE 10A. 10 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (Cont'd) ... but Bajor and Cardassia have to learn to work together... and that means cooperating on missions like this. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT ONE 11. 10 CONTINUED: (3) Kira looks at Sisko for a beat. She knows accepting the representative is the right thing to do, as much as she doesn't want to do it. KIRA All right. (qualifying herself) Just tell them I'm not going to wait forever. If their representative isn't here in fifty- two hours, I'm going alone. Sisko knows Kira's only agreeing to this for his sake, and he appreciates it. SISKO (smiles) I'll be sure they get the message. Sisko EXITS, leaving Kira alone with her thoughts. 11 OMITTED DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/23/95 - ACT ONE 12. 12 INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR Sisko and Dax are walking and talking. DAX So did you and Kasidy have a nice time last night? SISKO (nods) I just wish she wasn't leaving tomorrow. DAX It sounds like you two are getting serious. SISKO I don't know about that. I don't think Kasidy's looking to get serious. Just then... KASIDY (O.S.) Ben? 13 NEW ANGLE Sisko and Dax turn to see Kasidy catching up to them. SISKO Kasidy. DAX (mischievous) We were just talking about you. Sisko shoots her a look. KASIDY I don't mean to interrupt, but I wanted you to know, I won't be leaving tomorrow after all. Sisko smiles. That's good news. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT ONE 13. 13 CONTINUED: SISKO That's great. How long are you going to be here? Kasidy has even better news. KASIDY That depends on whether I get this new job or not. (off reactions) I've applied for a position with the Bajoran Ministry of Commerce... to captain one of their freighters. Sisko's surprised. This is the first he's heard of it. SISKO You're going to work for the Bajorans? KASIDY If we can hammer out an agreement. It's a terrific opportunity. I get to use my own ship, pick my own crew, and the best part is, I never have to leave this sector. DAX Where're you going to live? KASIDY On my ship, I suppose. DAX Why don't you stay here? I'm sure Benjamin could arrange some quarters. Sisko looks over at Dax. This is going a little faster than he expected. KASIDY That's not a bad idea. She looks to Sisko for a reaction. He doesn't want to give a definite answer, so he settles for... SISKO Yeah... Kasidy frowns a little. She was hoping for more enthusiasm. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT ONE 14. 13 CONTINUED: (2) KASIDY Well, I've got a meeting on Bajor and the shuttle leaves in a few minutes. She gives Sisko a quick kiss. KASIDY I'll see you tonight. Kasidy EXITS. Sisko watches her go. DAX That answers that. (off Sisko's reaction) She's serious. Sisko nods. But there's something in Sisko's face that tells us he's not as happy about the news as he thought he might be. This is all a little sudden for him. 14 INT. OPS Sisko ENTERS Ops and finds Kira and Worf at their stations. WORF Captain, the Cardassian transport Rabol is approaching the station. They're requesting permission to beam their representative directly to Ops. KIRA Someone's in a big hurry. SISKO (to Worf) Permission granted. WORF Aye, sir. Worf hits some buttons, and... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT ONE 15-17. 15 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To include the transporter pad as a single uniformed Cardassian beams aboard. When the Cardassian fully MATERIALIZES, we see it's... DUKAT, carrying a travel bag, and looking pleased with himself. He's now a LEGATE, and his uniform has changed to reflect his promotion. He looks around, gets his bearings, and spots Kira. DUKAT Ah, Major Kira. (a beat) I'm ready to leave whenever you are. 16 CLOSE ON KIRA As she realizes she'll be stuck in a runabout with one of her least favorite people in the galaxy. 17 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 18 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) A Runabout at warp. 19 INT. RUNABOUT Kira is in the pilot's seat. Dukat is seated beside her. Kira checks her console. KIRA We'll be crossing into the Badlands in approximately six hours. DUKAT Very good, Major. There's something condescending in Dukat's tone, like she's a subordinate giving him a status report. Kira notices it and isn't about to let it slide. KIRA Dukat, let's get one thing straight. This is my mission. The only reason you're here is because I agreed to let you come along. When I give an order, I expect you to follow it... no questions asked. Dukat smiles, covering any discomfort he may have with Kira's conditions. DUKAT Believe me, Major, I want nothing more than for this mission to be concluded as quickly and efficiently as possible. I leave the details in your capable hands. KIRA Good, then we shouldn't have any problems. (a beat) There's one thing I still don't understand. Why did the Cardassian government send you? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT TWO 18A. 19 CONTINUED: DUKAT The Ravinok was under my general command. Those were my troops and it's my duty to try to find them. (a beat) The question is... what are you doing here? Kira hesitates a beat, but then figures that Dukat answered her question, and she owes him an answer to his. KIRA I knew someone aboard the Ravinok. DUKAT One of the prisoners, I assume? KIRA (nods) Lorit Akrem. DUKAT I see. So you're on this mission for personal reasons. KIRA Something wrong with that? DUKAT Not at all. I've found when one is trying to do a difficult job, personal reasons can be quite an incentive. (a beat) So who was he? A family member, a compatriot... a lover? KIRA Lorit recruited me into the Shakaar Resistance Cell. Dukat smiles. DUKAT (musing) Ah... the infamous Shakaar Resistance. We never could eliminate that little group of yours. And it wasn't from lack of trying, I assure you. Dukat looks at Kira for a beat, and then... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 09/06/95 - ACT TWO 18B. 19 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT I hope you won't take this the wrong way, Major, but I've always admired you. Kira can't believe her ears. KIRA If you're waiting for me to return the compliment, you've got a long wait. Dukat doesn't let her faze him. DUKAT That's exactly what I mean. You're so determined, so competent. You're the embodiment of the new Bajor. A Bajoran born out of the ashes of the occupation, a Bajoran tempered with Cardassian steel. KIRA Captain Sisko's right. You are in love with the sound of your own voice. DEEPL-SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT TWO 19. 19 CONTINUED: (3) DUKAT I know it's hard for you to accept, but I think that, in some ways, the Occupation actually helped Bajor. KIRA Which part? The massacres or the strip mining? Dukat smiles. He refuses to be drawn into an argument. DUKAT I have no wish to debate the merits of the Occupation. I'm even willing to admit that perhaps we were a little too harsh in our methods. But the fact is, the Bajoran people are stronger than they have been in centuries. When we arrived, you were a weak, contemplative race, choking on your isolation. And now you have a new confidence, a renewed sense of purpose, not to mention a key role in the future of this entire quadrant. KIRA All of which Bajor achieved in spite of the Cardassians, not because of them. DUKAT Think what you must. But I believe the time will come when Cardassia and Bajor will grow to be not only allies, but also... (leans toward her) Close friends. But Kira has no interest in accepting Dukat's olive branch, or his veiled romantic insinuations. KIRA Cardassia and Bajor... maybe. You and me... I doubt it. DUKAT All I ask, Major, is that you keep an open... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT TWO 20. 19 CONTINUED: (4) KIRA (cuts him off) All right, Dukat, that's enough. If you don't mind, I'd like to spend the next six hours in silent meditation. DUKAT Is that a request, or an order? KIRA Whatever it takes. DUKAT In that case, as much as it pains me... Dukat sits back in his chair and stares out the window. Kira looks at him for a beat, then smiles. KIRA We both might survive this trip after all. 20 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko, and Kasidy are eating dinner. Kasidy is animated and excited. She's just gotten good news and is eager to share it with Sisko. KASIDY They didn't even wait for the interview to be over. After twenty minutes, Minister Azin said she'd heard enough, and if I wanted the job, it was mine. SISKO (trying to be casual) So what did you tell them? KASIDY What do you think I told them? I said yes. SISKO Congratulations. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT TWO 21. 20 CONTINUED: There's a beat, as Kasidy waits for more. But she sees Sisko's said all he has to say on the subject. KASIDY That's it? SISKO Oh. Sisko leans over and kisses her. Kasidy smiles, but that clearly isn't what she expected. KASIDY That's not what I meant. I want to know how you feel about it. SISKO I think it's... great. We'll get to see a lot more of each other. KASIDY You know, I was thinking about what Dax said. Maybe I should get quarters on the station. Sisko picks up his glass, takes a sip of water. SISKO That's a big step. KASIDY What does that mean? Sisko's not really sure that he meant. He was thinking out loud. SISKO I just meant... it's a big step. KASIDY A bad big step, or a good big step? SISKO (almost a question) A good one. KASIDY (starting to get angry) Could you muster a little more enthusiasm? SISKO I am enthusiastic. I'm really proud of you. This job... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT TWO 22. 20 CONTINUED: (2) KASIDY Forget about the job. What about us? I tell you I'm thinking about living on the station, and all you can say is, "It's a big step?" It's been a long time since Sisko had an argument with a woman, so this whole thing's got him a little off- balance. SISKO I don't think you took that the way I meant it. KASIDY I don't think you know what you meant. But I do. (definitively) You're afraid of commitment. SISKO Who said anything about commitment? KASIDY Obviously not you. (fed up) You know what... forget the whole thing. I'm not going to take the job. If you don't want me to stay here, that's fine with me. Kasidy gets up, throws down her napkin, and storms out of Sisko's quarters. 21 CLOSE ON SISKO Who isn't quite sure how everything got away from him. 22 OMITTED DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT TWO 23. 23 OMITTED 24 EXT. SPACE - BADLANDS (OPTICAL) The Rio Grande has rendezvoused with Razka's ship, a beat-up salvage job that barely looks spaceworthy. 25 INT. RUNABOUT Close on a piece of metal as it clanks down onto a console. Pull back to reveal... 26 RAZKA Glaring suspiciously at Dukat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT TWO 24. 26 CONTINUED: KIRA How'd you get a hold of this, Razka? RAZKA I bought it from a Ferengi scrap- metal merchant. Dukat picks up the piece of metal. DUKAT It appears to be composed of uridium alloy. Definitely Cardassian. KIRA Can you tell if it's from the Ravinok? Dukat takes out a Cardassian tricorder and something that looks like a high-tech jeweler's loop. He scans the fragment, then begins examining it through the loop. 27 CLOSE ON RAZKA AND KIRA As they watch Dukat go to work. RAZKA Why didn't you tell me you were bringing him? KIRA When we talked, I didn't know I would be. RAZKA Too bad. The Maquis would've paid handsomely to get their hands on him. Dukat continues with his work, but he's not about to ignore Razka's remark. DUKAT And my government would be very happy to get their hands on you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT TWO 24. 27 CONTINUED: DUKAT (Cont'd) Razka Karn, if I'm not mistaken. Smuggler, thief, black marketeer. There are at least twelve outstanding warrants for your arrest on Cardassia. But I suggest we ignore all that and try to cooperate with one another. RAZKA The voice of the new Cardassia. So compassionate, so understanding. It almost makes you forget that five years ago, he was working Bajorans to death in forced labor camps and shooting anyone who tried to stop him. (with an edge) Almost makes you forget. Dukat looks up from his work, completely ignoring Razka's little rant. DUKAT (to Kira) It's from the Ravinok, no doubt about it. KIRA (to Razka) Did the Ferengi tell you where he got this? RAZKA No. But I was curious. So I bribed one of his crewmembers. Turns out his last trip was to the Dozaria system. DUKAT Dozaria. I believe there's a Class-M planet in that system. RAZKA Barely Class-M. He found that... (meaning the piece of metal) In orbit. Kira studies the metal for a beat, then gives a grim smile. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT TWO 26. 27 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (to herself) Dozaria it is then. (to Razka) Thanks, Razka. I owe you one. RAZKA (shrugs it off) Just let me know what you find out. Lorit was my friend too. 28 EXT. SPACE - BADLANDS (OPTICAL) The Runabout continues on its way. 29 INT. RUNABOUT Kira and Dukat are now alone in the ship. KIRA The one thing I don't understand is how the Ravinok could've gotten so far off course. Dozaria is light years from where they should've been. DUKAT The Central Command always believed the ship was destroyed in some kind of escape attempt by the Bajoran prisoners. KIRA Maybe. Or they could've had a problem with their navigational array... or run into some kind of subspace anomaly. DUKAT Hopefully we'll learn the truth. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT TWO 27. 29 CONTINUED: Kira nods, she looks down at the controls. KIRA We're entering orbit. Dukat turns back to the controls. He's all business. DUKAT I'm reading severe ionic interference in the planet's atmosphere. Sensors will be limited, to say the least. KIRA I'm picking up a faint magneton signature. It could be residual radiation from a damaged warp nacelle. DUKAT Shall we beam down? KIRA I wouldn't advise it. The ionic interference would scatter our molecules halfway around the planet. We're going to have to do this the old fashioned way. DUKAT It's going to be a difficult landing. If you'd like me to take the controls... KIRA That'll be the day. (punching in commands) Going in. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT TWO 28. 30 OMITTED 31 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Runabout heading for a planet. 32 EXT. DESERT (LOCATION) - DAY Kira and Dukat, carrying packs and phaser rifles, struggle to reach the crest of a hill, fighting the intense heat and scorching wind. DUKAT Invigorating, isn't it. A bit "sunny" perhaps, but this heat feels wonderful. KIRA Only a Cardassian could call this hellhole invigorating. DUKAT Oh, that's right. I forgot. Compared to us, you Bajorans are a bit... fragile. (qualifying) Physiologically speaking, of course. KIRA Don't worry about me. She quickens her pace, and walks right past him. Dukat smiles in appreciation of her gutsiness. 33 NEW ANGLE As they crest the hill and we realize it's not a hill at all. It's a long mound created by the deep scar cut into the desert by the crashing ship. 34 ANGLE ON THE RAVINOK (OPTICAL) Sitting at the end of a long furrow, looking completely abandoned. Only a few large sections of fuselage are visible through six years of shifting sands. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT TWO 29. 35 CLOSE ON KIRA AND DUKAT As they react to the wreckage. KIRA The Ravinok. And as they look down at the crash site. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 36 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Sisko, Dax and BASHIR as seated at a table on the second level. Sisko's been doing a postgame analysis with the guys. DAX "It's a big step." That's all you said? SISKO That's all. From his attitude, it's easy to see that Sisko thinks he's more sinned-against than sinner. BASHIR You're sure? SISKO Positive. The two experts confer. DAX What do you think, Julian? Bashir shakes his head. In his mind, Sisko definitely made a mistake. BASHIR It's ambiguous. Definitely open to interpretation. (trying to put things in a positive light) But it could've been worse. He could've said, "It's a very big step." DAX (to Sisko, concerned) You didn't say that, did you? Now Sisko's beginning to realize that he may have had some culpability after all. SISKO I don't think so. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 31. 36 CONTINUED: BASHIR (relieved) That's good, anyway. (to Dax) So what does he do now? Dax thinks about it for a beat, then... DAX It's simple. He goes to Kasidy, admits that everything was his fault, and pledges his undying love. BASHIR (skeptical) I don't know. Sounds a little extreme to me. (thinks about it himself) What if he just tells Kasidy he made a mistake... that it was all a misunderstanding. And he really does want her to live on the station. DAX (thoughtful) That could work. (to Sisko) Assuming that's what you want. Both Dax and Bashir look at Sisko expectantly. Suddenly... 37 NEW ANGLE QUARK appears behind them with a tray of drinks. QUARK Captain, I would think long and hard before answering. SISKO I don't recall asking your opinion, Quark. QUARK Maybe you should. I mean, who knows more about women than me? BASHIR (a throwaway) Everyone. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 32. 37 CONTINUED: QUARK Fah. You humans, all you want to do is please your women. You want them to be your friends. But we Ferengi know better. Women are the enemy. And we treat them accordingly. The key is to never let them get the upper hand. If she says she doesn't see you enough, threaten to see her even less. If she wants more gifts, take back the ones you've already given her. It's all about control. DAX And what if your woman leaves you? QUARK That's what holosuites are for. Having given Sisko the key to a woman's heart, Quark walks away. BASHIR (re: Ferengis) It's a wonder they manage to reproduce at all. DAX (to Sisko) So, you never answered the question. Do you want her to stay, or not? Sisko thinks it over for a beat, then decides to duck the issue entirely. SISKO I appreciate all the advice. I'll let you know how things turn out. Sisko EXITS. 38 CLOSE ON DAX AND BASHIR Still mulling over Sisko's situation. BASHIR So, just between you and me, what do you really think about Kasidy moving onto the station? Dax thinks it over. DEEP-SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 33. 38 CONTINUED: DAX (sympathetic) It's a big step. BASHIR (worried) A very big step. They exchange a look. 39 EXT. CRASH SITE (LOCATION) - DAY Kira and Dukat examine the half-buried wreckage of the Ravinok. Kira clears away some of the sand to reveal phaser scars down the side of the hull. KIRA They didn't just crash. These are phaser hits. DUKAT Looks like she put up quite a fight. Something catches Kira's eye. She looks off screen at something beyond the wreckage. KIRA And paid for it. Dukat follows her look and sees... 40 NEW ANGLE - THEIR P.O.V. A number of graves, marked by small cairns of rock. 41 CLOSE ON KIRA AND DUKAT As they approach the makeshift gravesite. KIRA Twelve graves. DUKAT There were eighteen crewmembers and thirty-two prisoners on the Ravinok. KIRA Then what happened to everyone else? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT THREE 34. 41 CONTINUED: Dukat puts down his pack. DUKAT First things first. Dukat opens the pack and takes out a folding trench shovel. KIRA What are you doing? DUKAT We need to identify these bodies. Kira takes off her pack. KIRA I'll help. DUKAT (strong) No. (eases up) Our funeral rites are very strict. It would dishonor the dead if a non-Cardassian were to view the remains. KIRA There could be Bajorans buried here too. DUKAT No doubt. But if I remember correctly, Bajorans are much more concerned about the souls of the dead than about their physical remains. How did Kai Meressa put it, "What remains after death is but a shell... a sign that the pagh has begun its final journey to the Prophets." DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT THREE 34A. 41 CONTINUED: (2) Dukat sees he's scored a point there. He softens, making a final appeal. DUKAT (continues) Please, Major... Don't make this any harder for me than it already is. There's something in Dukat's voice that makes Kira give in. KIRA I have a list of the missing Bajorans. I should be able to identify them by the family imprints on their earrings. Dukat nods. KIRA I'll work on the Ravinok. Maybe I can get something from the ship's computers. DUKAT You'll need the command codes. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT THREE 35. 41 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA Standard Cardassian military codes from six years ago, right? Dukat nods. KIRA (without malice) I got them from Bajoran intelligence before we left. Dukat gives a slightly amused smile then turns to his grim work. Kira moves towards the largest section of hull. Dukat drops to one knee and begins unpiling stones from a cairn. 42 EXT. RAVINOK HULL Part of the interior is exposed. Sand covers the floor and coats the delicate computer systems and controls. Kira is covered with grit and dust and has several panels open. From the look of things, she's been at this for a while. Suddenly as she reattaches a cable to the system, lights come on in the panels and the computer reactivates. 43 EXT. CRASH SITE (LOCATION) - BY THE GRAVES - DAY Dukat is at the gravesite. He's disinterred several graves and is continuing his grim work. He takes a final rock off the top of a grave, reaches inside, and takes out a Bajoran earring. He looks at the earring then reacts as if he's been kicked in the chest. He reaches back into the cairn and slowly brings into the light... 44 A BAJORAN BRACELET Similar to the one we saw in "Fascination," made of precious metal and glittering blue stones. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 36. 45 CLOSE ON DUKAT Holding the bracelet. Suddenly all his strength goes out of him. He sits down, with his back to the cairn, looks at the bracelet, and lowers his head. 46 NEW ANGLE Kira EXITS the Ravinok, looking at a PADD. She looks around for Dukat. KIRA Dukat, I was able to reactivate the -- She turns toward the gravesite, sees Dukat, and trails off. 47 CLOSE ON DUKAT His head down, buried between his shoulders, which shake with emotion. When he hears her, he looks up startled, and tries to hide his feelings. But there are tears in his eyes. KIRA Dukat... DUKAT (regaining his dignity) It's nothing. Nothing at all. Kira reaches down and takes the bracelet from his hand. She examines it, recognizes it for what it is, and a suspicion begins to grow in her mind. KIRA (gently) What was her name? Dukat just looks at her.. like he doesn't know what she's talking about. KIRA I recognize a Bajoran pledge bracelet when I see one. DUKAT Her name was Tora Naprem. (a beat) So you see, major, you're not the only one who had a friend on board that ship. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 37. 47 CONTINUED: KIRA Friend? Is that all she was? Dukat says nothing, which is answer enough for Kira. KIRA I see. (a beat) Don't worry, Dukat. You weren't the only Cardassian officer who kept a Bajoran mistress. DUKAT It wasn't like that. Naprem and I... loved each other. KIRA (skeptical) The head of the Occupation in love with a Bajoran? DUKAT Ironic, isn't it? KIRA Did your wife know? DUKAT No. And she's never going to find out. (a beat) If it's all the same to you, major, I'd rather not talk about this right now. Dukat takes back the bracelet, then hands Kira seven earrings. DUKAT Here. The earrings you wanted. Kira examines them, and gives a grim smile. KIRA If Lorit's dead, he wasn't buried here. (thinks a beat) According to the computer logs, the Ravinok was attacked by two unidentified warships. It looks like the attackers chased the Ravinok here, then forced it to crash-land. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 37A. 47 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT So the survivors could've been captured and taken away. KIRA Or they could still be here.. Somewhere on this planet. Dukat thinks, weighs their options. DUKAT We should go back up in the runabout... scan for them from orbit. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95- ACT THREE 38. 47 CONTINUED: (3) Kira shakes her head. She's already thought about that. KIRA There's too much ionic interference. Our sensors would never be able to pick up their lifesigns. (a beat) But there may be another way. Kira takes her tricorder and starts scanning the area. KIRA In these conditions, tricorder range will only be about a dozen meters. But that should be enough. DUKAT Enough for what? KIRA During the occupation, Bajoran resistance fighters carried subdermal implants of tritonium isotopes. The idea was, if they were captured, they could activate the implant so they could be tracked and rescued. Kira studies the tricorder, then gives a smile. KIRA I think I've got something. (points in a direction) That way. Dukat stands up, and picks up his pack. He puts the bracelet inside and shoulders the pack. DUKAT Let's go. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 39. 47 CONTINUED: (4) Dukat faces the direction of the isotope trail and starts walking. After a beat, Kira follows. 48 EXT. DOZARIA DESERT (LOCATION) - DAY Dukat in the lead, setting the pace. Kira following behind. Kira glances at Dukat, then, still walking, takes her PADD out of her pack and glances at it. DUKAT Major, please try to keep up. KIRA I'm right behind you. She puts the PADD back in her pack, and follows after him. 49 EXT. DOZARIA DESERT (LOCATION) - DAY The sun goes down over the desert. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95- ACT THREE 40. 50 EXT. DOZARIA - CAMPSITE - NIGHT Kira is setting up a portable lighting unit while Dukat paces restlessly. DUKAT I don't know why we have to stop. KIRA For one thing, I can't see two meters ahead of us, and besides, we could both use the rest. (turns on the heating unit) Now stop pacing and sit down. Dukat reluctantly sits down in the sand. No sooner has he touched the ground, than he lets loose a surprised yelp of pain and rolls over, grabbing his buttocks. KIRA What is it? DUKAT (in pain) I don't know. I sat on something. KIRA (trying not to smile) Let me see. Kira kneels down over him and tries to examine the injury. DUKAT (hurting bad) Get it out. KIRA Hold still and I'll see what I can do. 51 NEW ANGLE Close on Kira as she bends over Dukat and checks out his unseen wound. KIRA This is going to hurt. DUKAT It already hurts. Just take it out. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95- ACT THREE 41. 51 CONTINUED: KIRA (grins) If you say so. Kira grabs something, strains, and then gives a twisting violent yank. Dukat groans in agony and Kira sits back and holds up a vicious looking plant spine. KIRA (in sympathy) Ow. Dukat takes the spine and sneers at it, then flings it away into the darkness. Kira goes into her pack and takes out a dermal regenerator. KIRA Here. Run this dermal regenerator over the wound. Dukat takes the regenerator and applies it to his backside. Kira can't help herself... she grins, then starts to laugh. DUKAT It's not funny. KIRA It is from this angle. Kira continues to crack up. After a beat, even Dukat has to see the humor in this and he starts laughing. DUKAT You know what's even funnier... It's not working. This only makes them both laugh even more. KIRA You have to activate it first. Dukat examines the regenerator and switches it on. He sticks it back against his derriere. DUKAT Ahh, much better. And as Dukat begins fixing his injury, the laughter subsides. Kira stops smiling. This is a bonding moment. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 42. 51 CONTINUED: (2) And though it's probable that neither of them would ever discuss it, after this, their relationship will never be quite the same again. They've started to see each other as people. 52 NEW ANGLE As Kira takes out two packs of field rations. She tosses one at Dukat's feet. KIRA When you're done, you should probably eat one of these. Kira begins eating her own RATIONS. Dukat finishes using the regenerator and picks up the field rations. DUKAT It's been a long time since I've had field rations. I'm sure they haven't improved a bit. KIRA They've actually gotten a little worse. They eat for a second, then... KIRA Tell me something... Who's Tora Ziyal? Dukat stops eating. He says nothing. KIRA When I reactivated the Ravinok's computer, I downloaded the manifest. There were two civilians on board, in addition to the prisoners and the crew. Your... friend Tora Naprem and a Tora Ziyal, a thirteen year-old girl. DUKAT I suppose you wouldn't believe me if I told you she was Naprem's sister? KIRA (agreeing) Ziyal is a Cardassian name. The way I see it, there's only one explanation. Ziyal was Naprem's daughter, and... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 43. 52 CONTINUED: DUKAT (simply) And I was her father. KIRA Now I know why you're in such a hurry to find the survivors. You're hoping she's still alive, so you can rescue her. DUKAT Not quite. You see... if my daughter is still alive, I'll have no choice, but to kill her. With that, Dukat rolls over, turning his back on Kira as if ready to go to sleep. 53 CLOSE ON KIRA As she reacts to this disturbing news, and we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FOUR 44. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 54 EXT. DOZARIA DESERT (LOCATION) - DAY Dukat and Kira march through the barren desert. Dukat is no longer in front. They're walking side-by-side, and Kira keeps glancing over at Dukat. KIRA You know I'm not going to let you do it. Dukat just keeps walking. KIRA I mean it, Dukat. You're not going to kill that girl. DUKAT Major, you worry about the other survivors, and let me worry about Ziyal. After all, she's my daughter. KIRA That's right, she is your daughter. And there's nothing more important to Cardassians than family. At least that's what your people are always saying. DUKAT I have a wife and seven children. They're my family. And they're the ones I have to protect. KIRA You should've thought of that before you got involved with Naprem. DEEP- I SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/23/95 - ACT FOUR 44A. 54 CONTINUED: DUKAT You're right. I should have. But I made a mistake. A mistake I intend to correct. KIRA You don't have to bring her back to Cardassia with you. Let me take her to Bajor. No one has to know you're her father. Dukat stops walking. DUKAT And what kind of life would that be for her? Your people have never exactly welcomed half- Cardassian children into your society. (a beat) That's why I sent her and her mother away in the first place. I knew the Occupation was ending, and that there'd be no place for them on Bajor... or Cardassia. KIRA So you sent them to a prison camp. DUKAT (angry) They weren't headed for a prison camp. The Ravinok was supposed to rendezvous with a freighter which was to take Naprem and Ziyal to Lissepia, where they could live out their lives in peace. KIRA I don't understand. If you cared enough to help Ziyal then, how could you be thinking about killing her now? Why not send her away again? DUKAT Because times have changed. My position isn't nearly as stable as it once was. By aligning myself with the new civilian government, I've made many enemies, enemies who wouldn't hesitate to use Ziyal against me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FOUR 45. 54 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Listen to yourself. It's not your wife or your seven children you're trying to protect. It's you. DUKAT By protecting myself, I protect them. Which ends the conversation as far as Dukat is concerned. He begins walking again. KIRA And the only one who'll suffer is Ziyal. You'd kill your own daughter to save your career. Dukat doesn't answer. KIRA I don't understand you, Dukat. I saw you crying over Naprem's grave. You said you loved her. DUKAT I did love her. And when I bury Ziyal, I'll weep over her grave just as I wept over her mother's. But that won't stop me from doing what needs to be done. (with an edge) And when the time comes, I suggest you stay out of my way. Dukat picks up the pace, walking away into the desert. Kira follows him, more determined than ever. 55 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko ENTERS to join Jake, who's eating his breakfast. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FOUR 46. 55 CONTINUED: SISKO What's new? JAKE (nonchalant) Nog and I ran into Kasidy last night, over at the Vulcan restaurant. I guess she's not taking that job after all. SISKO She told you? Did she say why? JAKE She said you didn't want her to take it. And from Jake's expression, he blames Sisko too. For Sisko, the whole situation seems to be snowballing. SISKO Look, Jake, sometimes things between men and women can get a little... complicated. JAKE (doesn't buy it) Maybe. But I don't think this is one of those times. (a beat) It's pretty simple, Dad. (simply) You're scared. SISKO What do I have to be afraid of? JAKE A lot. Kasidy's willing to make a major change in her life just to be close to you. If things don't work out, you're going to feel responsible. And that's scary. Sisko can't argue with him. SISKO You figured all this out by yourself? JAKE Actually, I talked with Nog about it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FOUR 47. 55 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO You talked to Nog about my relationship with Kasidy? JAKE And we think you have nothing to worry about. If Kasidy wants to change jobs, that's her decision, not yours. Same thing if she wants to live on the station. If things don't work out, they don't work out. SISKO Have you told any of this to Kasidy? JAKE Nog and I thought about it. But we decided it would be better if you told her yourself. Jake looks at his father, having said all he has to say on the subject. JAKE (after a beat) So, what's new with you? Jake looks up at his father expectantly. And as Sisko looks thoughtfully at his son... 56 EXT. DOZARIA MOUNTAINS - DAY Kira and Dukat scramble up to the top of a rocky cliff. Kira reaches the top first, takes cover, and gestures for Dukat to follow. 57 CLOSE ON DUKAT As he hides behind an outcropping of rock. Kira unlimbers a twenty-fourth century pair of binoculars, and looks at something beyond the rocks. After a beat, she hands the binoculars to Dukat. KIRA Take a look. Dukat takes the binoculars and looks over the ridge. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FOUR 47A. 58 DUKAT'S P.O.V. - THROUGH THE BINOCULARS (OPTICAL) As Dukat looks down at a mineshaft entrance into a cliffside, guarded by two tall, well-armed humanoids in dark, armored pressure suits which protect them from Dozaria's harsh atmosphere. These are THE BREEN. As Dukat watches, a third Breen escorts four prisoners, one Cardassian and three Bajorans, into the mineshaft entrance. 59 CLOSE ON DUKAT AND KIRA As they react to what they've seen. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FOUR 48. 59 CONTINUED: DUKAT The Breen? What are they doing here? KIRA My tricorder's picking up a large concentration of dilithium in this area. They must be using the survivors from the Ravinok to mine the ore. DUKAT It makes perfect sense. The Breen homeworld is a frozen wasteland. This place is about fifty degrees too hot for them. KIRA Are you saying you approve of what they're doing? DUKAT Not at all. But I admire their ingenuity. Dukat continues scanning the area with the binoculars. Suddenly, his whole body stiffens. Kira notices. KIRA What is it? But Dukat doesn't answer, so Kira reaches out and pulls the binoculars out of his hand. She looks through them. 60 KIRA'S P.O.V. - THROUGH THE BINOCULARS (OPTICAL) As Kira watches, a teenage girl with mixed Cardassian/Bajoran features walks toward the mineshaft. She's carrying a water jug of some kind. She stops and allows a Bajoran worker to get some water from the container. It's TORA ZIYAL. KIRA (O.S.) It's her. 61 NEW ANGLE On Kira, as she looks over at Dukat, whose eyes are fixed on the girl. DUKAT (grim) My daughter. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FOUR 49. 61 CONTINUED: Hold on Kira and Dukat for a beat, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 09/06/95 - ACT FIVE 50. ACT FIVE FADE IN: A62 EXT. DOZARIA MOUNTAINS LOCATION - DAY Kira and Dukat look down at Ziyal and the Breen. Dukat stares at the girl for a beat through the binoculars. KIRA We're going to need some help. I'll stay here and keep an eye on things while you go back to D.S. Nine and get reinforcements. DUKAT (still looking at Ziyal) I have a better idea. You go back to the station and I'll stay here. Kira knows why Dukat wants to stay and isn't about to leave him here alone. KIRA I'm sending you back, Dukat. That's an order. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FIVE 50A. A62 CONTINUED: DUKAT And I hate to refuse it. But I'm afraid I have to. You're welcome to file an official protest with the Cardassian military when we get back. KIRA There's no way I'm leaving you alone here. DUKAT Then I suggest we devise a plan to rescue the prisoners. Together. You need me, Major. There's a beat as Kira weighs her options. Finally she decides she has no choice but to attempt the rescue now, with Dukat's help. KIRA Maybe I do. But if you hurt that girl... I promise, I'll kill you. And as Dukat reacts to this pronouncement... CUT TO: 62 INT. DILITHIUM MINE - CHAMBER Two Breen in pressure suits march down a corridor in the mine. Nearby, a Bajoran and two Cardassians work at hauling dilithium ore. They look tired and beaten down. The two Breen pass a third Breen who is standing watch. They nod to the sentry, but as they move past him, they spin and attack. After a short struggle, the surprised sentry is overpowered. One of the victorious Breen removes her helmet. It's Kira. KIRA (to the Bajoran) Don't make any noise. We're here to help. The Bajoran, whose name is HELER, looks shocked. HELER You're Bajoran. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FIVE 50B. 62 CONTINUED: Dukat hands his Breen sidearm to one of the two Cardassians. DUKAT Gather as many prisoners as you can. Have them meet us here. The two Cardassians nod and EXIT. Kira turns to Heler. KIRA How many Breen guards are there? HELER I'm not sure. There are always at least eight in the mines. Kira tosses the fallen guard's weapon to Heler. KIRA How many prisoners? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FIVE 51. 62 CONTINUED: (2) HELER There're only thirty-one of us left. KIRA What about Lorit Akrem? Did he make it? Heler shakes his head. HELER He died in a cave-in. Two years ago. 63 CLOSE ON KIRA As she reacts to the news of Lorit's death. HELER You knew him? KIRA He was a friend. 64 NEW ANGLE As Dukat gets tired of waiting and throws off his helmet. DUKAT My condolences, major. But we don't have time for this. (to Heler) Tell me where I can find Tora Ziyal. But before Heler can answer, Kira cuts in. KIRA Don't tell him anything. HELER (re: Dukat) A Cardassian. (to Kira) I don't understand. KIRA There's a peace treaty. HELER You mean the Occupation is over? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FIVE 51A. 64 CONTINUED: DUKAT I need to find the girl. Tell me where she is. Just then... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FIVE 52. 65 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Breen weapon fire rakes the mineshaft. Kira, Dukat, and Heler turn and see two Breen firing on their position. Kira and Heler open fire on the Breen. As they do, Dukat runs off to find his daughter. KIRA Dukat. But Dukat isn't listening. He's on a mission and he won't be deterred. 66 CLOSE ON KIRA AND HELER As they turn their attention back to the Breen. 67 INT. DILITHIUM MINE - PASSAGEWAY Dukat runs down the corridor, comes upon a Breen soldier, and takes him out with a rifle butt to the head. He shoves his phaser-rifle against the downed guard's faceplate and shakes him conscious. DUKAT Tora Ziyal. Where is she? 68 INT. DILITHIUM MINE - CHAMBER (OPTICAL) The standoff between Kira and Heler and the Breen guards is broken when the two Cardassians return with several Bajoran prisoners. The two Breen are caught in a crossfire and shot down. KIRA (to Heler) Go get the rest of the prisoners. I'll meet you at the entrance to the mine. Heler nods. Kira EXITS, leaving through the same passageway as Dukat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FIVE 53. 69 INT. DILITHIUM MINE - ANOTHER PASSAGEWAY As Dukat runs through the mine. 70 INT. DILITHIUM MINE - PASSAGEWAY (OPTICAL) As Kira finds the body of the Breen attacked by Dukat. But before she can pursue Dukat, a phaser bolt narrowly misses her. She's forced to take cover as another Breen guard fires at her from down the passageway. 71 INT. DILITHIUM MINE - WELL ROOM This is a small chamber with a waterwell surrounded by a low wall (we can't see into the well.) Tora Ziyal is in the room, refilling her water container. Suddenly a shadow looms over her. She turns and sees... 72 DUKAT Standing behind her, holding the rifle. He's not aiming it at her, but it's at the ready. His eyes widen. After all this time, they're finally face to face. DUKAT Ziyal. He starts to raise his phaser rifle. 73 CLOSE ON ZIYAL As a look of recognition spreads across her face. She smiles in surprise and excitement. ZIYAL Father? Dukat continues to bring the rifle up to face his daughter, but she doesn't even notice the threat. ZIYAL It's really you. Mother said you'd come. 74 CLOSE ON DUKAT As he looks at his little girl, trying to keep his resolve... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FIVE 54. 74 CONTINUED: KIRA (O.S.) Dukat, no. 75 NEW ANGLE To reveal Kira standing behind Dukat, also holding her rifle at the ready. 76 ANGLE ON ZIYAL Who looks from Kira to Dukat, trying to understand what's going on here. Dukat raises his gun and points it at Ziyal. ZIYAL Father, what's wrong? Kira raises her rifle and points it at Dukat. KIRA I'm warning you, Dukat. Don't do it. DUKAT I have no choice. KIRA There's always a choice. You don't want to do this. If you did, you never would've told me about Ziyal. (a beat) Now put the rifle down. 77 thru OMITTED 78 79 NEW ANGLE Dukat hesitates. He knows there's some truth to what Kira is saying, but he can't put the rifle down. DUKAT No. Ziyal now understands the situation. She looks crushed. ZIYAL The Cardassian prisoners... they told me this would happen. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FIVE 54A. 79 CONTINUED: ZIYAL (Cont'd) That you'd never let me go home. But I didn't believe them. Kira keeps steady aim at Dukat. KIRA Ziyal, run. But Ziyal makes no motion to leave. ZIYAL (to Dukat) I used to dream about you coming to save me. It's what kept me alive. DUKAT (anguished) Ziyal... ZIYAL If I can't be with you, I'd rather die. Dukat's aim waivers a little. There's a long beat, then Dukat slowly lowers his rifle. Ziyal slowly approaches her father and gently embraces him. 79A CLOSE ON DUKAT As he looks down at his daughter, suddenly grabs her by the arms and pushes her away to arms length. He looks at her for a long beat, then his face relaxes, his eyes soften, and he almost smiles. DUKAT (gently) Let's go home. Dukat draws Ziyal in and holds her close. 80 ANGLE ON KIRA Who finally relaxes. And off this moment... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FIVE 55. 81 EXT. DEEP SPACE-NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 82 INT. CARGO BAY Kasidy is checking her cargo. Sisko ENTERS. SISKO Kasidy. Kasidy barely reacts to Sisko's entrance. KASIDY Hello, Ben. Hold this a second. She hands him a cargo box and begins inventorying the one underneath it. SISKO Listen, about that job with the Bajoran Commerce Ministry... KASIDY (still doing inventory) You know someone who's qualified for it? SISKO I know someone who's perfect for it... You. (a beat) Kasidy, I think you should take the job. I want you to take it. Kasidy smiles slightly. KASIDY You've been talking to Jake. SISKO How'd you know? KASIDY He's a smart boy. (dry) Must take after his mother. SISKO Look, I owe you an apology. You told me all this great news, and all I could say was, "It's a big step." I don't know what I was thinking. Kasidy smiles. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/23/95 - ACT FIVE 56. 82 CONTINUED: KASIDY (without venom) Take a guess. Sisko thinks about it for a beat. SISKO I wanted to tell you how happy I was for you... and for us. But it didn't come out that way. (a beat) I was uncomfortable, and a little nervous. KASIDY (skeptical) A little nervous? Sisko smiles. He knows Kasidy's got him dead to rights. SISKO Okay. A lot nervous. I haven't been in a serious relationship for a long time, and I didn't expect to be in one anytime soon. Until I met you. Kasidy gives a genuine smile. SISKO But the life I lead, the job I do... that's what got Jennifer killed. If anything were to happen to you... KASIDY Why not let me worry about that? SISKO That's what Jake said. KASIDY You see... smart boy. (a beat) Look, I could listen to you apologize all day, but I've got to get to Bajor. SISKO (surprised) Bajor? I thought... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FIVE 57. 82 CONTINUED: (2) KASIDY I know what you thought, but I took the job. (off his reaction) You think I'd give up a great opportunity just because you got cold feet? She cups Sisko's face in her hand and looks into his eyes. KASIDY You're a good man, Benjamin Sisko. But you've got a lot to learn about women... especially this one. They kiss. KASIDY I'll see you when I get back. You can help me pick out quarters. SISKO I'll be there. She EXITS. 83 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Kira and Dax walk and talk by the viewports. DAX So what was it like... all that time alone with Dukat? KIRA I've had better weeks. (smiles) But I'll never forget the look on his face when he sat on that sand- spine. DAX I wish I'd been there. DUKAT (O.S.) Major... Kira and Dax turn to find Dukat approaching them across one of the bridges. KIRA Dukat. Where's Ziyal? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FIVE 58. 83 CONTINUED: DUKAT Waiting for me aboard my ship. We'll be leaving for Cardassia shortly. Dukat looks pointedly at Dax. She smiles. DAX I think I'll leave you two alone. Dax EXITS. 84 CLOSE ON KIRA AND DUKAT Once Dax leaves, Dukat turns his attention back to Kira. DUKAT I just wanted to say... thank you, major. For a most interesting journey. KIRA You're taking Ziyal back to Cardassia with you. DUKAT After six years, she deserves a home... And a father. Kira is gratified to learn Dukat is doing the right thing, but she know's there'll be consequences. KIRA (concerned) Won't that make things difficult for you? DUKAT I wouldn't be surprised. (casual) If I had to guess, I'd say my wife will leave me, my family will disown me, and I'll be stripped of my rank and transferred to some hellish backwater post. KIRA (with conviction) But it'll be worth it. Dukat thinks about this for a long beat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FIVE 58A. 84 CONTINUED: DUKAT I'll let you know. And with that, Dukat turns and walks away down the Promenade. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FIVE 59. 85 CLOSE ON KIRA As she watches him go, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END