STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Hippocratic oath" #40510-475 Story by Nick Corea and Lisa Klink Teleplay by Lisa Klink Directed by Rene Auberjonois THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1995 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION July 28, 1995 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Hippocratic Oath" CAST SISKO ARAKITARAL KIRA GORAN'AGAR ODO MESO'CLAN BASHIR TEMO'ZUMA DAX SHADY ALIEN QUARK O'BRIEN WORF Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. JEM'HADAR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "HIPPOCRATIC OATH" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE QUARK'S/SECOND LEVEL CAPTAIN'S OFFICE RUNABOUT PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL JUNGLE SECURITY OFFICE PLANET ATMOSPHERE WARDROOM LAB AREA WORMHOLE RUNABOUT CAVES STAR TREK: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Hippocratic Oath" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ARAKITARAL ah-RAQ-tuh-rawl BOPAK BO-pak BURAK burr-ROK GORAN'AGAR go-RON-ah-gar MESOICLAN mess-SO-klawn MARKALIAN mar-KAY-lee-an MERIK MER-ick RAKONIAN rah-KO-nee-an TEMOIZUMA TIM-mo-zoo-muh TALLONIAN tuh-LO-nee-an TARKALIAN tar-KAY-lee-an HYDROXYL HI-drox-ill ISOGENIC EYE-so-gen-ick MITOCHONDRIA MY-to-kon-dree-uh TETRACEL TEH-tra-sell DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Hippocratic Oath" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S WORF sits alone at a table. He looks back and forth between the PADD in his hand, and a SHADY ALIEN at the end of the bar. 2 ON THE PADD A grim mugshot which might be the Alien on a really bad day. 3 AT THE TABLE Worf examines the picture again, almost certain it's a match. QUARK comes up behind him, about to deliver Worf's drink. He pauses to peek over Worf's shoulder at the PADD. Quark also begins looking back and forth, comparing. QUARK That is the worst mugshot I've ever seen. Worf reacts, surprised and repelled to find Quark so close. He puts the PADD face down on the table, hiding it from Quark's view. QUARK I've never understood why law enforcement agencies don't keep better visual records. You'd think they'd be concerned about little things like making an accurate identification. WORF This picture is accurate enough to establish that your... customer is Regana Tosh, who is known to be associated with a Markalian smuggling operation. Worf gives him a pointed look, implying that Quark should care about this fact. But Quark just shrugs it off. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: QUARK Really? Well, everyone's welcome at Quark's. I don't discriminate. (as if realizing) Just like Starfleet. They have a non-discrimination policy too, don't they, commander? Quark sets Worf's drink on the table and gives him a smile. QUARK I guess we have something in common. Worf bristles. KIRA approaches the table. KIRA (to Quark) You have more in common with Rakonian swamp rats, Quark. QUARK Major. Always a delight to see you here. What can I get for you? KIRA Tarkalean tea, not too sweet this time. Quark heads off to the bar. Kira sits opposite Worf, who picks up the PADD and studies it for a moment. KIRA (re: PADD) Catching up on some work? WORF Not exactly. He shows her the PADD, with the Alien's file. WORF This man arrived on the station this afternoon and came directly here. I believe the Ferengi bartender is plotting something with him. KIRA I wouldn't be surprised. Quark's always up to something. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: (2) WORF If he's a known criminal, why doesn't your security chief do something about him? KIRA Odo keeps him in check. Worf looks back at Quark. 4 AT THE BAR Quark is talking intently with the Shady Alien. WORF But not in prison. 5 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The Runabout is at warp. BASHIR (V.O.) Medical Officer's Log: Stardate 49066.5 Chief O'Brien and I have concluded our bio-survey of Merik Three in the Gamma Quadrant. 6 INT. RUNABOUT BASHIR is getting a cup of tea out of the replicator. He crosses back to the cockpit area and we see O'BRIEN sitting in the pilot seat. Mid-conversation. BASHIR (V.O.) (continuing) We are on course back to the wormhole and should arrive at the station two days ahead of schedule. O'BRIEN Keiko's only on the station a few days at a time. I'm the one living in those quarters, and if I want to set up a little workshop in the bedroom... BASHIR You set up a workshop in the bedroom? O'BRIEN I don't use it when she's visiting. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - TEASER 4. 6 CONTINUED: BASHIR Of course not. O'BRIEN She says that I'm trying to "live like a bachelor again," that I'm expressing a "subconscious desire" to push her out of our quarters. BASHIR That's ridiculous. O'BRIEN That's what I said. BASHIR If anything, I'd say that choosing to spend your free time in the bedroom -- a place you intimately associate with Keiko -- you're actually expressing a desire to be closer to her during her absence. It's quite touching, really. O'Brien hadn't looked at it quite that way before, but he jumps on this rationale immediately. O'BRIEN Exactly, exactly. See, you understand. Now, why can't she see that? Why can't she be more like... He stops himself just before he utters the words, "more like you." Bashir smiles, enjoying the opportunity to rib him. BASHIR More like... ? O'BRIEN (awkward) A... man. More like a man. BASHIR So you wish Keiko was a man? O'BRIEN I wish... I was on this trip with someone else. Bashir smiles, having scored a small victory in their never-ending game. Suddenly, there's a BEEP from the console. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - TEASER 5. 6 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (off console) We're picking up a subspace magneton pulse... bearing zero- nine-zero, mark one-one-five. (works) The Bopak system. BASHIR What's a magneton pulse? O'BRIEN It's a burst of polarized magnetic energy... it's usually produced by a damaged warp core. BASHIR So there could be a ship in trouble? O'BRIEN Possibly. (beat) Let's have a look. CUT TO: 7 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The Runabout entering orbit of a planet. 8 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) O'Brien and Bashir studying the readings on the console. O'BRIEN I'm having trouble pinpointing the source of the magneton pulse... too much EM interference in the atmosphere. But it's definitely down there somewhere. BASHIR (off monitor) According to our records, Bopak Three is uninhabited... the nearest Dominion outpost is six weeks away... and this system is well off the established trade routes in the Gamma Quadrant. O'Brien frowns at the monitor for a moment. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/01/95 - TEASER 6. 8 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN A strange place for a ship to set down, even if it was having engine trouble. I suppose it could just be an anomalous reading ... but I'd feel a lot better if we ... (sees something on monitor) Hold on. There's some kind of energy surge on-- Suddenly the ship is ROCKED and a SPIDER WEB of SPIKY BLUE ENERGY spreads across the front window like a net. The lights and power in the runabout FLUCTUATE and the ship goes to RED ALERT. BASHIR What the hell... ? O'BRIEN We've been hit by a plasma field. We're losing main power. Switching to auxiliary units. O'Brien works, but the ROCKING continues and the systems in the ship continue to go OFF. O'BRIEN The field's draining our power... I can't break free... BASHIR We're losing altitude. O'BRIEN Send out a distress call. I'll try to get us down in one piece. They both go to work as the runabout enters the atmosphere and begins jumping and jerking in the turbulent air. The noise level in the runabout RISES with the rush of wind. BASHIR (a shout, working) Our com system's jammed. O'BRIEN (yells) I'm reading a clearing up ahead... I think we can make it. (beat) Hang on. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - TEASER 7. 9 NEW ANGLE Including the front windows. Smoke, clouds and wind rush by the windows ... 9A EXT. PLANET ATMOSPHERE - NIGHT (OPTICAL) The Runabout begins plunging into the dense jungle foliage. 9B INT. RUNABOUT As before. The ship bucks and jumps as it hits the ground. Branches and leaves slam onto the window as the ship slides to a surprisingly gentle halt. There's a silent moment as they both realize they made it and that the ship is still intact. They look at each other and then break into smiles of relief. 10 EXT. JUNGLE - RUNABOUT - NIGHT (OPTICAL) The Runabout sits in a relatively clear patch, surrounded by dark, green jungle foliage. The ship looks a bit scorched, but structurally whole. The door slides open. O'Brien emerges first, cautiously, holding a phaser. Bashir is right behind him, also armed and ready. All they see is jungle. BASHIR (dry) Lovely place. (sniffs) Smells like a garbage dump. O'BRIEN I'm sorry I didn't find a nicer place to crash-land. Should we try again? Bashir is about to make a tart reply when SIX JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS SHIMMER into view, all heavily armed. Their leader - GORAN'AGAR - steps forward. GORAN'AGAR Do not move. You are prisoners of the Jem'Hadar. Off Bashir and O'Brien, realizing just how much trouble they're in... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic oath"-REV. 07/31/95 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 11 EXT. JUNGLE - RUNABOUT - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS) Jem'Hadar Soldiers #1 (TEMO'ZUMA), #2 (MESO'CLAN), and #3 flank Bashir and O'Brien, swiftly taking away their phasers and combadges. Jem'Hadar #4 and #5 (ARAK'TARAL) give the Runabout a quick appraisal, then go inside. The Jem'Hadar move with the smooth confidence of highly trained, elite combat troops. They're the best in the galaxy and they know it. Goran'Agar keeps his weapon at his side, but has an intelligent, calculating presence which makes him seem even more dangerous than the others. There is no neck tube in his uniform, although this isn't immediately noticeable. GORAN'AGAR Are there other Starfleet ships with you? O'Brien doesn't want to answer. Goran'Agar pulls out his weapon in a smooth, practiced motion and puts it to O'Brien's forehead. He never raises his voice. GORAN'AGAR Tell me. BASHIR (quickly) There are no other ships with us. But if we don't return, Starfleet will begin looking for us. GORAN'AGAR When? BASHIR Soon. Goran'Agar considers him for a brief moment. GORAN'AGAR You're lying. The Jem'Hadar in the Runabout, Arak'Taral, emerges, and reports to Goran'Agar. ARAK'TARAL No other crew. It's a standard Danube-class runabout. Some modifications have been made to the phaser array and shield generators. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT ONE 9. 11 CONTINUED: Goran'Agar turns his gaze back to O'Brien and Bashir. He might as well be looking at two plants for all the warmth and interest in his look. GORAN'AGAR Why were you in this star system? O'Brien again says nothing -- he knows they're dead anyway, so he's not going to talk. Bashir, on the other hand is still hoping that there might be a way to reason with them. BASHIR We picked up a magneton pulse... we thought there might be a ship in trouble, so we altered our course to-- That's all the information Goran'Agar needs. GORAN'AGAR (to Temo'Zuma) Return to the ship. Put a damping field around our warp engine. Temo'Zuma gives a curt nod and heads off into the jungle. Goran'Agar turns back to his prisoners. He studies O'Brien for a moment. GORAN'AGAR Human. Gold uniform indicates specialty in Security or Engineering. Rank: chief petty officer. (to O'Brien) You are what Starfleet refers to as a "noncom." O'BRIEN That's right. GORAN'AGAR You must have a great deal of experience. O'BRIEN (cautious) I've been around... GORAN'AGAR That makes you a priority target. We will kill you first. Two of the other Jem'Hadar grab O'Brien by the arms and wait for Goran'Agar's order. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT ONE 9A. 11 CONTINUED: (2) Goran'Agar turns to Bashir and peers at him a moment. GORAN'AGAR Human. Rank of lieutenant with a specialty in the sciences. BASHIR Doctor actually. This information seems to take Goran'Agar by surprise. He stares at Bashir for a moment, then turns away lost in thought. Arak'Taral steps forward and grabs Bashir by the arm. ARAK'TARAL Science and medical officers are low priority targets. I submit we execute this one and use the other in a tactical exercise. Goran'Agar turns back with a thoughtful look. GORAN'AGAR No. Bring them both back to camp. With that, Goran'Agar heads off into the jungle, deep in thought. Arak'Taral hesitates for a moment, surprised by this decision, then pushes Bashir forward. ARAK'TARAL Move. As they all head off into the jungle... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT ONE 10. 12 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE SISKO and ODO listen as Worf presents his evidence against Quark. WORF Then at twenty-two hundred hours, I observed the Ferengi returning from the smuggler's ship. SISKO I'd still need more evidence to search his ship. WORF Then, I believe we should at least bring Quark in for questioning. ODO That won't accomplish much. Quark will just deny everything. WORF We can't allow him to continue these criminal activities. ODO I'm fully aware of Quark's activities. And I'm conducting a thorough investigation of his connection with the smuggler. (to Sisko) If you'll excuse me, Captain. SISKO Of course. Odo leaves. Worf is clearly not satisfied with this. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT ONE 11. 12 CONTINUED: SISKO I know that Odo does things a little differently than you're used to. But he's very good at his job. WORF I'm not questioning his competence. Sisko smiles. SISKO How many years were you in security, Commander? WORF Seven. SISKO Must be a hard habit to break. WORF I have remained vigilant. SISKO And I do encourage vigilance in my officers. But remember: Odo is the chief of security on this station, and you're the strategic operations officer. Your primary duty is to coordinate all Starfleet activity in this sector, not to catch smugglers. WORF Understood. I will not let this matter interfere with my duties. SISKO Very well. Dismissed. Worf EXITS. 13 OMITTED 14 INT. CAVES - DAY (OPTICAL) Bashir and O'Brien sit on the floor in the middle of a cylindrical forcefield functioning as a holding cell (as seen in "The Jem'Hadar"). O'Brien examines the ring on the floor closely. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT ONE 12. 14 CONTINUED: Jem'Hadar #3 passes by, halfheartedly checking on the prisoners. He seems tense. Bashir watches him curiously for a moment, then leans in to O'Brien. BASHIR Does he look nervous to you? O'Brien takes a look. O'BRIEN A bit distracted, yeah. BASHIR And at the runabout, they seemed concerned about being found here. Something's going on. O'BRIEN I'd hate to think what would make the Jem'Hadar jumpy. Bashir nods his agreement, still thinking. BASHIR They need a doctor. Someone here is hurt, or sick. O'BRIEN If that's true, don't help them, Julian. Anything that weakens them increases our chances of getting out of here. Before Bashir can reply, Goran'Agar ENTERS the cave. He uses a device on his arm to turn off the forcefield. He gestures at Bashir, but doesn't feel the need to draw his gun. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT ONE 13. 14 CONTINUED: (2) GORAN'AGAR Come with me. (indicating O'Brien) He stays. Bashir steps out of the circle, and the forcefield FRITZES on behind him. There's a moment here as Bashir and O'Brien exchange a look. O'Brien gives him a quick wink and nod of confidence that he may not really feel. Bashir tries to smile back, but is less successful. O'Brien watches with some concern as Goran'Agar leads Bashir out towards an uncertain fate. OFF O'Brien's look of concern. 15 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 16 EXT. LAB AREA - DAY The Jem'Hadar have set up an encampment area next to a tall cliff. A metallic/fabric shelter has been assembled against the cliffside, and beneath the awning there are several pieces of Dominion equipment, including a few crude tables. Goran'Agar leads Bashir into the lab area. GORAN'AGAR You will work here. Bashir surveys the mismatched machines. He notices there are no beds or examination tables. BASHIR Where are the patients? GORAN'AGAR There are no patients. You are here to carry out scientific research for us. If you refuse, I will have to kill you. Do you understand? Bashir looks at him and realizes that this man is perfectly capable of killing him right where he stands. But at the same time, Bashir knows he has to draw the line. BASHIR Yes. I understand. (beat) But you need to understand that I'm a Starfleet officer. I won't do any work for you that could potentially be used against the Federation... or any other race for that matter. So if that's what you want... you'll have to kill me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT TWO 14A. 16 CONTINUED: Bashir is ready for Goran'Agar to kill him on the spot, but the Jem'Hadar only looks at him. A hint of a smile plays about his features. GORAN'AGAR Fortunately for you, weapons research is not what I need. (beat) In order for you to understand what I want ... I must tell you something the Dominion has considered a closely guarded secret. (beat) There is a drug that all Jem'Hadar must have in order to live. We call it Ketracel-white. BASHIR (nods) An isogenic enzyme. GORAN'AGAR (surprised) You know about it? BASHIR I know that the Jem'Hadar have been genetically engineered by the Dominion to be addicted to what you call Ketracel-white. And that by controlling the supply of the drug, the Founders maintain control over you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT TWO 15. 16 CONTINUED: (2) GORAN'AGAR (bitter) The Vorta are the ones who control the drug... they're the ones we came here to escape. BASHIR Escape? (shocked realization) You're trying to leave the Dominion. Goran'Agar looks away for a moment, as if the thought is vaguely shameful. GORAN'AGAR (quiet) Yes. He turns back to Bashir and then misreads the look of shock on Bashir's face. GORAN'AGAR You disapprove. BASHIR No. No, not at all. I'm just... surprised. GORAN'AGAR Surprised because a Jem'Hadar soldier might want something more than the life of a slave. You know nothing about the Jem'Hadar... except that you fear us. Goran'Agar studies him for a moment, then takes a step or two around the lab, refocusing his thoughts on the task at hand. GORAN'AGAR (continuing) But you are the one who will make our final escape from the Dominion possible. We have only enough White to last another five days. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT TWO 15A. 16 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR And you want me to find a way to synthesize the drug. GORAN'AGAR No. We don't want more of the drug. We want to be free of it -- to break the addiction. BASHIR (hesitant) I'm... not sure that's possible. Goran'Agar actually smiles at Bashir with pride. GORAN'AGAR It is possible. I know... He pulls back the collar of his uniform, exposing a large scar on his neck, and we notice for the first time that he has no tube like the other Jem'Hadar. GORAN'AGAR (continuing) ... because I am free of the drug. Bashir's medical curiosity now takes over and he steps closer to Goran'Agar to examine the scar on his neck. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT TWO 16. 16 CONTINUED: (4) BASHIR No supply tube ... (beat) I don't understand... your entire genetic structure was designed to collapse without Ketracel. (beat) Why did you stop taking the drug? GORAN'AGAR It was not by choice. Three years ago, I was on a ship that crashed on this world. The rest of the crew died and I was left with only enough White to sustain me for three days. I rationed my supply, and managed to stretch out the drug for eight days... then it was gone, and I was ready to die. (beat) But death never came. I lived here for thirty-five days without a single drop of White. Being here, on this planet cured me. BASHIR And that's why you've returned here... to cure the rest of your men of their addiction as well. (beat) But it hasn't worked, has it? They still need the drug. A flash of intense frustration passes over Goran'Agar's face. GORAN'AGAR We have come to the same place, breathed the same air, eaten the same food. It should have cured them as well. BASHIR That may be over simplifying the situation... (MORE) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT TWO 17. 16 CONTINUED: (5) BASHIR (Cont'd) ... there are many factors which could explain your own experience and why the rest of the -- He turns on Bashir with a forceful expression... there's no room for debate with Goran'Agar. GORAN'AGAR (cutting him off) I am not interested in why things happen or why they don't. I only care about one thing: freeing my men from this drug. They followed me here... they believe in me... and I will free them. A COM DEVICE BEEPS on Goran'Agar's arm. ARAK'TARAL'S COM VOICE This is Second Arak'Taral. I have assembled the men. GORAN'AGAR (to com) Acknowledged. Goran'Agar looks at Bashir thoughtfully for a moment. GORAN'AGAR I want you to see this. He makes a motion for Bashir to follow and then they both EXIT. CUT TO: 16A EXT. JUNGLE CLEARING - DAY A clearing near the lab encampment, but not directly adjacent to it. There are one or two pieces of Dominion equipment nearby, but the main focus of attention is on a STORAGE CONTAINER which is securely locked with a complicated looking device. The other five Jem'Hadar are gathered here, in a loose formation, waiting for Goran'Agar and they're not well. There is no drug moving through their neck tubes. They're a group of drug addicts waiting for their next hit and it's starting to show. They have a tough time maintaining that professional bearing and calm... small twitches and tics are manifesting themselves... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT TWO 17A. 16A CONTINUED: ... occasional bursts of agonizing pain shoot through their bodies. Arak'Taral -- the second in command -- is watching them, trying to keep them together. ARAK'TARAL (to all) Take the pain. Show Goran'Agar we're still Jem'Hadar. They all make an effort to put their obvious agony aside as Goran'Agar and Bashir approach, but it's only partially successful. Even Arak'Taral is having a hard time maintaining his composure. They try to stand at attention as Goran'Agar walks slowly along the rank, eyeing each of his men. Bashir takes note of everything, but keeps a discreet distance away. Goran'Agar pauses in front of Temo'Zuma... then gently pushes him in the chest. Temo'Zuma almost collapses to the ground. Arak'Taral looks away in shame. Goran'Agar gives Bashir a meaningful look before turning back to Temo'Zuma. GORAN'AGAR You didn't fall. Feel pride in that. Temo'Zuma nods with difficulty and then Goran'Agar goes to Bashir, leaving his suffering men standing there for the moment. GORAN'AGAR (to Bashir) As a Federation Doctor, I know you are trained to feel compassion and sympathy for those in pain. (beat) These men are suffering now, but it is nothing compared to what will happen if they are not freed from the drug before our supply runs out. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic oath"-REV. 07/31/95 - ACT TWO 17B. 16A CONTINUED: (2) Goran'Agar watches Bashir intently as Bashir looks at the suffering men. BASHIR I can't promise anything. GORAN'AGAR Will you try? BASHIR I'll need O'Brien's help. (beat) But, yes. Yes, I'll try. Now give those men what they need. Goran'Agar moves to the storage container and works the complicated security device. After a beat, the container OPENS, but only Goran'Agar can see inside the unit. He reaches in and pulls out THREE VIALS of the DRUG. GORAN'AGAR (to Arak'Taral) Second. Arak'Taral steps forward and Goran'Agar hands him the three vials. Arak'Taral quickly moves to Meso'Clan and Jem'Hadar #4 and hands them each a vial, keeping one for himself. Goran'Agar takes two more vials and gives them to the other two soldiers. Goran'Agar closes up the storage device and moves to Bashir as the Jem'Hadar connect the vials to a DEVICE on their uniforms and the drug is sucked out of the vials. After a beat, the drug can be seen flowing through the tubes again. As the drug re-enters their bodies, we can see visible relief sweep across the Jem'Hadar. The following dialogue takes place over the above action. GORAN'AGAR (to Bashir, sotto) I've told them we have enough White to last twenty-seven days. But that's a lie. There is only enough for five days. You have that long, Doctor. After that ... they'll die, but not before they kill me for betraying them... and you for not saving them. Off Bashir's disturbed look... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT TWO 17C. 17 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 18 INT. WARDROOM Worf and DAX stand at the head of the conference table, giving a presentation to Sisko, Kira and Odo. Dax gestures to a display screen behind her, which shows a STAR MAP with graphics indicating Klingon ship movements around the Bajor Sector. DAX ... the Klingons have also attacked three more outposts along the Romulan border. In short, they're reasserting themselves just about everywhere in the quadrant. KIRA You'd think they'd be a little less aggressive after failing to conquer Cardassia. WORF If the invasion was seen as a failure, Gowron would've been assassinated by now. He simply declared victory and returned home. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT TWO 18. 18 CONTINUED: SISKO So now he's looking for his next victory. ODO (nods) Bajoran Intelligence believes the Klingons are looking for weaknesses in the star systems along their borders. KIRA And when they find a "suitably weak" system, they'll invade. The same old story... the strong survive and the weak perish. WORF (puzzled) Of course. Kira reacts and Sisko steps in. SISKO We'll save that particular debate for another time. (to Dax & Worf) I want briefings every day on the Klingon situation. Dismissed. Dax shuts off the display, and everyone heads for the door. Worf approaches Odo. WORF May I speak with you for a moment? They hang back as the room clears. ODO I assume this is about Quark. WORF He has made arrangements to acquire a type four Tallonian microscanner. ODO Has he? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT TWO 19. 18 CONTINUED: (2) WORF A type four scanner is primarily used to determine the purity of Tallonian crystals. ODO Which are illegal anywhere but on the Tallonian Homeworld. Interesting. Worf looks at him expectantly. ODO I appreciate your bringing me this information, Commander. He starts for the door, and Worf follows. WORF I expect him to be meeting with the smuggler again this evening. ODO That would seem likely. WORF Then you will arrest him when -- ODO Thank you, Mister Worf. You can rest assured that I will take care of this matter. Worf looks satisfied as they leave the Wardroom together. 19 EXT. LAB AREA - NIGHT Bashir has set up a work area for himself, with some Jem'Hadar equipment, and some from the Starfleet medkit. A collection of plants and rocks has been scattered across the floor and Bashir is patiently taking physical samples from the collection and placing them in Jem'Hadar containers he's using as Petri dishes. O'Brien is disassembling a tricorder at a table, running optical cabling over to a small DEVICE cobbled together from various parts. Components and tools are scattered on the floor around him. Meso'Clan is standing guard and watches the proceedings from the door. Bashir moves to the work area with the samples and puts them in the receiving end of a Jem'Hadar scanning device. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT TWO 19A. 19 CONTINUED: BASHIR How long until that scanner's ready, Chief? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT TWO 20. 19 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir and O'Brien keep their voices calm and steady, but there's a hidden meaning just below the surface -- they're not talking about scanners here. O'BRIEN About thirty minutes. I'm having a little trouble with the transtater interface. (beat) Maybe you should take a look... sir. Bashir casually crosses over to O'Brien and pretends to examine the device O'Brien's working on. They take pains to bend over and block the view of the Guard so he can't see what they're doing or hear them. O'BRIEN (sotto) The plasma charge should have an effective range of about fifteen meters. BASHIR (sotto) That's pretty close. O'BRIEN (sotto) It'll be enough to take care of the guard. Once he's down, I'll get his weapon and then we run like hell for the runabout. Bashir glances back at the Guard watching them both. Bashir makes a show of inspecting the device and then giving his approval for the benefit of the Guard. BASHIR (normal voice) Good work, Chief. If you keep this up, you may make a fine officer some day. Bashir smiles pleasantly and O'Brien is forced to smile back. O'BRIEN Thank you... lieutenant. Coming from you that means a lot. BASHIR I know. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic oath" -REV. 07/31/95 - ACT TWO 21. 19 CONTINUED: (3) Bashir moves back to his own scanner and makes himself look busy. O'Brien continues tinkering with the emitter. At this point, Goran'Agar ENTERS with Arak'Taral. O'Brien and Bashir exchange a look and O'Brien moves away from the device and busies himself with other equipment nearby. Goran'Agar goes directly to Bashir's workspace while Arak'Taral goes to O'Brien's table. GORAN'AGAR What have you found? BASHIR So far, nothing I've tested matches the molecular structure of the enzyme receptors in your bodies. Arak'Taral begins examining the components on O'Brien's table, taking special care with the Starfleet technology. O'Brien tries to ignore him and keep working. BASHIR But I did find something promising in one of the native plants. Have a look at this. He gestures for Goran'Agar to take a look in the scanner. Arak'Taral continues to look over the equipment on O'Brien's table, while both Starfleet officers try not to watch what Arak'Taral is doing. BASHIR (to Goran'Agar) As you can see, there's a high content of chlorophyll in these plants, which you wouldn't expect on a planet orbiting a Red Giant... ARAK'TARAL (to O'Brien) What is this? O'Brien freezes, then sees Arak'Taral is holding a laser scalpel from the medkit. O'BRIEN It's a medical instrument, a laser scalpel. I'm using it to modify a transtator interface. Arak'Taral tosses it aside irritably. He begins looking through the components on the floor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT TWO 22. 19 CONTINUED: (4) Goran'Agar frowns at the scanner, unsure what Bashir's discovery means. GORAN'AGAR Are you saying the cure is in the plants? Bashir catches himself watching Arak'Taral, and turns back to Goran'Agar. BASHIR Not exactly. But it might point us in the right direction. Bashir begins making adjustments on the scanner. BASHIR (continuing) Chlorophyll, of course, gives off high energy electrons that are picked up by other molecules. This particular sample contains an unusual hydroxyl molecule which has bonded with an atom of carbon... Arak'Taral is looking over the rest of the objects on the table... moving ever closer to the device. Bashir soldiers on, trying to keep his focus on the science lecture. BASHIR ... the hydroxyl molecule has, in effect become a catalyst within the cellular structure of the plant. So if there's an ATP- forming enzyme within the mitochondria which may be facilitating the -- GORAN'AGAR Enough. When will you have the cure? BASHIR I'm... still not sure. GORAN'AGAR (sotto) Three days left, Doctor. Bashir nods in understanding. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT TWO 23. 19 CONTINUED: (5) That satisfies Goran'Agar, who then signals to Arak'Taral, and heads for the door. Arak'Taral turns to go, then his eye falls on the device O'Brien was working on. He pauses, glances up at O'Brien, who keeps a poker face. ARAK'TARAL (re: device) What is this? O'BRIEN That? It's something I put together to enhance the resolution on that scanner. 20 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Arak'Taral takes a long look at the device. Bashir tenses ... O'Brien braces himself... Goran'Agar pauses on the threshold of the door. Arak'Taral flips the switch. -- The device DISCHARGES a BURST of PLASMA ENERGY which HITS Meso'Clan in the leg, dropping him to the floor, but not killing him. O'BRIEN tries to lunge at Arak'Taral, but the Jem'Hadar is too quick for him. -- Arak'Taral's hand shoots out and he grabs O'Brien by the throat and yanks him off the ground, slamming him into the wall. Bashir moves to help O'Brien, but Goran'Agar has his weapon out and trains it on Bashir. GORAN'AGAR (to Bashir) Stay where you are. Bashir freezes in place, helpless to aid O'Brien, who is struggling in vain against Arak'Taral's tightening grip. Goran'Agar glances at O'Brien, but keeps his weapon trained on Bashir. GORAN'AGAR (to Arak'Taral) Release him. Arak'Taral pays no attention... his grip tightens... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT TWO 24. 20 CONTINUED: GORAN'AGAR (calm) I said release him. But Arak'Taral shows no sign of obeying. As O'Brien's life hangs in the balance ... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT THREE 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: 21 EXT. LAB AREA - NIGHT Continuous from Act Two. Arak'Taral is on the verge of killing O'Brien. Goran'Agar moves quickly across the lab and stands very close to Arak'Taral. His voice is low, but laced with steel. GORAN'AGAR (quiet) Let him go. You know the penalty for disobedience. A beat, and then Arak'Taral DROPS O'Brien to the ground. Bashir rushes over to O'Brien and checks his throat, while Temo'Zuma ENTERS in the b.g. with his weapon at the ready. Once he sees that everything is under control, he bends down to check on the wounded Meso'Clan. As all this is happening... BASHIR Bruised trachea... but there's no permanent damage. O'Brien coughs and chokes, unable even to make a response. Goran'Agar faces Arak'Taral, who now has dropped his eyes in a mixture of shame and anger. GORAN'AGAR (re: O'Brien) Return him to the holding cell. Arak'Taral almost hesitates to obey this command before roughly grabbing O'Brien and dragging him out. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic oath"-REV. 08/08/95 - ACT THREE 25A. 21 CONTINUED: Temo'Zuma stands up and turns to Goran'Agar while Meso'Clan remains on the ground. TEMO'ZUMA (re: Meso'Clan) He cannot stand. GORAN'AGAR (to Bashir) Heal his wound. Bashir grabs a medkit and makes a quick inspection of the nasty looking wound on Meso'Clan's leg. BASHIR Missed the femoral artery... but the knee joint's been destroyed. I can give you something for the pain, but I'd need a surgical unit to replace the joint. (to others) He'll need to stay off this leg until you can get him to a medical facility. Bashir pulls a hypospray out of his medkit and applies it to Meso'Clan. MESO'CLAN (to Goran'Agar) If I cannot stand, I am useless. Temo'Zuma pulls his weapon and looks to Goran'Agar, waiting for the order. Meso'Clan knows what's coming, and although he isn't looking forward to death, he also knows it's inevitable. BASHIR (appalled) You're not going to kill him? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic oath"-REV. 08/08/95 - ACT THREE 26. 21 CONTINUED: (2) TEMO'ZUMA This has nothing to do with you, Human. MESO'CLAN When I am dead, there will be more White for the rest of the men. GORAN'AGAR (softly) No. (to Temo'Zuma) Take him back to our ship. Temo'Zuma and Meso'Clan are shocked. MESO'CLAN You know the rule: If the death of one will make the rest stronger, then he dies. But now Goran'Agar is sure he's doing the right thing. GORAN'AGAR We came here to be free of the Vorta. It's time to stop living by their rules. (to Temo'Zuma) Make him... comfortable. Temo'Zuma and Meso'Clan exchange a look -- neither of them knows quite how to react. But obedience is the key to the Jem'Hadar and Temo'Zuma finally puts his weapon away and then bends down to help the wounded man to his feet. The two of them EXIT together. There's a long silent moment as Bashir looks at Goran'Agar thoughtfully, wondering how and why he's different from the other Jem'Hadar. Goran'Agar finally feels Bashir's eyes on him and he turns around. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT THREE 27. 21 CONTINUED: (3) GORAN'AGAR (quiet) Get back to work. Bashir holds his eyes for a moment, then goes back to his work area. CUT TO: 22 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 23 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Worf lingers by the entrance to Quark's, which has been locked up -- it's after hours. Worf glances around... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT THREE 28. 23 CONTINUED: ... then takes out a small DEVICE and begins to pick the LOCK. After a beat, he springs the lock and is able to gently OPEN the doors. He goes inside ... 24 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL (CONTINUOUS) Worf ENTERS and quietly moves to the railing, where he can observe what's going on below. 25 WORF'S POV The place is empty except for Quark who is busy at the bar, tabulating income, checking inventory, etc. 26 RESUME WORF who settles in to watch. DISSOLVE TO: 27 INT. QUARK'S A few hours later. Worf is still watching from his second level perch when the Shady Alien approaches the door on the First Level. Quark seems to be expecting him, and lets him in. Worf leans forward and watches closely as Quark closes the door behind the Alien and ushers him to a table. After a short conversation (that neither we, nor Worf can hear) the Shady Alien slides a sample packet across the table. Quark pulls out a small instrument which looks like it might well be a type four microscanner, and begins examining the contents of the packet. Worf searches the room with increasing anxiety. No sign of Odo, or any other security. Quark returns the packet to the Shady Alien, nodding his approval. They both get up from the table, and shake hands. The Shady Alien EXITS, and Quark goes back to his work. Worf can't believe it -- where the hell is Odo? He quietly moves back toward the door on the Second Level. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT THREE 29. 28 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Worf storms into the office, and gets right in Odo's face. WORF You were supposed to be watching the Ferengi. Odo stands, not backing off an inch. ODO I don't need you to tell me what I'm supposed to be doing. WORF I saw him inspecting the crystals. You had an opportunity to arrest him. ODO I perform my duties as I see fit. WORF You do not seem to be performing them at all. They glare at each other for a moment. ODO Frankly, I'm not interested in your opinion of my job performance, Commander. Now I suggest you attend to your duties, and stop interfering in mine. Worf steps back, still bristling. He turns sharply and leaves the office. 29 INT. PROMENADE (CONTINUOUS) Worf comes out on the Promenade. As he walks through, he passes Quark coming the other way. QUARK Good evening, Commander. It's an innocuous greeting, but it feels like a deliberate taunt to Worf. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" -REV. 08/01/95 - ACT THREE 30. 29 CONTINUED: He heads off in a different direction, with new determination. CUT TO: 30 EXT. LAB AREA - DAY Bashir is scanning Goran'Agar with a small device and comparing the results with those on a PADD. BASHIR Remarkable. Your body is producing the exact amount of Ketracel-white you need to survive. But I can't find where it's coming from... there don't appear to be any glands or cell clusters producing the enzyme. He shakes his head in amazement at his readings. BASHIR (continuing) Of course, your entire metabolism almost defies belief. The growth rate of Jem'Hadar children is extraordinary. GORAN'AGAR You've seen our children? BASHIR We found a newborn on the station once. He was fully grown in three days. Goran'Agar lets out a sound which might be a laugh. GORAN'AGAR I would have liked to see a group of humans try to control a Jem'Hadar child. BASHIR We couldn't. All he wanted to do was fight and kill. If it weren't for Odo, I'm not sure what we would've done. The mention of Odo's name seems to spark something in Goran'Agar and we see a different side of his personality. He seems hesitant for the first time... almost nervous to be even discussing this subject. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT THREE 30A. 30 CONTINUED: GORAN'AGAR Odo is ... the Founder on your space station. BASHIR That's right. GORAN'AGAR I have... never seen a Founder. BASHIR Never? Goran'Agar moves about the room... stares off into the distance... struggles to deal with ideas and instincts that he is only beginning to understand. GORAN'AGAR To us, they are almost a myth. But everyone in the Dominion -- even the Vorta -- serve the Founders. (beat) I have fought against races that believe in mythical beings that guide their destinies and await them after death. They call them gods. (beat) The Founders are like gods to the Jem'Hadar ... but our gods never talk to us ... and they don't wait for us after death. They only want us to fight for them... and to die for them. Off Bashir's face as he begins to sympathize with this unusual Jem'Hadar... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT THREE 31. 31 INT. CAVES - DAY - ON OBRIEN who is listening to Bashir with a skeptical look on his face. They are both inside the holding ring and O'Brien seems to have recovered for the most part from his experience, although his throat is definitely bruised and he has a few scratches. Bashir is animated, excited by what's happening and trying to convey it to O'Brien. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT THREE 32. 31 CONTINUED: BASHIR He's beginning to question everything he's been taught: blind obedience to the Founders, killing without remorse, the devaluation of other sentient lifeforms. He's developing his own moral structure. It's incredible. O'BRIEN Or at least that's what he wants you to believe. (off his look) Think about it, Julian. What did he say to you? "Federation doctors are trained to feel compassion and sympathy?" He's manipulating you so you'll work harder and stop trying to escape. BASHIR What about sparing the life of that wounded Jem'Hadar? I saw the look on their faces... they were shocked at his behavior. I'm telling you, he's changing. O'BRIEN Okay. Let's say you're right and he's starting to turn into a nice guy. What are you getting at? BASHIR I think we should cooperate with him. Try to help him in what he's doing. O'BRIEN (shocked) What? BASHIR (passionate) What makes Goran'Agar different from the others? He's not addicted to the drug. If we can get the rest of the Jem'Hadar off the drug, they may go through a similar change. And if the Jem'Hadar began to think for themselves, the Founders could suddenly have no army to carry out their orders. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic oath"-REV. 07/31/95 - ACT THREE 32A. 31 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN You're just guessing. You don't know how the other Jem'Hadar will react when they're off the drug. What if they start marauding through the galaxy on their own? At least now, the Dominion keeps them on a short leash. The tension between the two men is definitely starting to rise and the discussion is turning heated. BASHIR They're not animals. They're people being used as slaves. And this could be their one chance at freedom. O'BRIEN And what do you think they'd do with that freedom? Stop being so naive and look at them for what they really are. They're killers, Julian. That's all they know how to do. That's all they want to do. BASHIR But they have the potential to become something more. Goran'Agar's behavior proves that, but they need our help. O'BRIEN Then they should've asked for our help instead of shooting us down and then threatening to kill us. BASHIR They didn't know why we were coming here... they probably thought we were trying to attack them. O'BRIEN I can't believe you're making excuses for them. BASHIR I'm trying to make you understand that there are larger issues here... that we're dealing with a complex situation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT THREE 33. 31 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN (hard) No. It's not complex, it's simple. Those men out there are Dominion soldiers. We help them and we might be unleashing the Jem'Hadar against the Federation. And that's a risk I'm not willing to take. So we're not going to help them, Julian, and that's the end of it! Bashir swallows an equally loud and angry response, but his back stiffens and he regards O'Brien with that icy "doctor" demeanor which brooks no argument. BASHIR That is not the end of it. I am the senior officer on this mission and I'll decide what we'll do. O'Brien's head comes up in response -- Bashir's pulling rank and O'Brien doesn't like it. BASHIR (continuing) Now. I need the bio-spectral phase discriminator from the runabout's sensor array. I don't have the technical skills to remove it, so I'm ordering you to do it. Is that clear? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT THREE 34. 31 CONTINUED: (4) O'Brien holds his eyes for long moment, but O'Brien's spent too long in uniform to disobey a direct order. O'BRIEN (stiff) Yes, sir. Off the moment as the two friends find themselves on opposite sides ... CUT TO: 32 EXT. JUNGLE - RUNABOUT - NIGHT Arak'Taral and Jem'Hadar #4 lead O'Brien out of the jungle, to the Runabout. Jem'Hadar #4 remains just outside the doorl as Arak'Taral takes O'Brien inside. 33 INT. RUNABOUT - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS) O'Brien goes to a panel on the floor, near the transporter pad, and pulls the panel open. He picks up a tricorder and begins working with the wires and circuits inside the panel, checking the readings on the tricorder. Arak'Taral stands watch over him. ARAK'TARAL How long will this take? O'BRIEN A few minutes. O'Brien begins working. Arak'Taral satisfies himself that everything is secure for the moment and then considers O'Brien as he works. ARAK'TARAL Your escape plan was flawed. O'Brien glances at Arak'Taral, but he's not too interested in chatting with this guy. O'BRIEN Obviously. I got caught. ARAK'TARAL Even if you had killed the guard, you would've never reached the runabout. O'BRIEN I guess we'll never know. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" -07/28/95 - ACT THREE 34A. 33 CONTINUED: ARAK'TARAL I know. O'BRIEN (dry) I'm sure you do. 34 CLOSE ON TRICORDER - INSERT As O'Brien works the controls. 35 RESUME SCENE Arak'Taral almost smiles. ARAK'TARAL You're not like the other human. O'BRIEN We have our differences. 36 CLOSE ON A PANEL NEAR THE TRANSPORTER - INSERT A small display LIGHTS up saying, "TRANSPORTER POWER ON- LINE." DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT THREE 35. 37 RESUME SCENE (OPTICAL) ARAK'TARAL You don't like helping us. O'Brien looks him right in the eye. O'BRIEN No. I don't. ARAK'TARAL Good. I don't like it either. O'BRIEN I'm glad we understand each other. The two men stare at each other for a moment, then O'Brien turns back to the work at hand. He begins pulling a briefcase-sized UNIT out of the floor. Arak'Taral tenses and trains his weapon on O'Brien. ARAK'TARAL Slowly. O'Brien obeys and slowly pulls the unit out of the floor. ARAK'TARAL Let go of it. Everything happens quickly: -- O'Brien lets go and drops his hands, letting one hand fall on an OPTICAL CABLE near the open floor panel. -- Arak'Taral carefully bends down and examines the unit without touching it. -- O'Brien waits for the proper moment, then quickly JAMS the cable into a POWER JUNCTION. -- The console near Arak'Taral EXPLODES in a spray of sparks and smoke. Arak'Taral whirls instinctively toward the explosion, weapon ready. -- O'Brien DIVES for the Transporter pad. -- Arak'Taral recovers and FIRES his weapon at O'Brien. -- Jem'Hadar #4 ENTERS, weapon at the ready. -- O'Brien hits the pad and DEMATERIALIZES, with ENERGY BOLTS from Arak'Taral's weapon barely missing him. Then he's gone. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT THREE 35A. 38 EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT (OPTICAL) O'Brien MATERIALIZES in the middle of the jungle, tricorder in hand. He quickly checks his position, and runs off into the dense foliage. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 39 EXT. LAB AREA - NIGHT Bashir peers through the scanner as Goran'Agar looks on, then looks up, shaking his head. BASHIR Nothing. I can't find anything in the atmosphere, soil, water, plant or animal life that is even remotely compatible with your cellular structure or your DNA. (beat) Maybe you were exposed to some anomalous conditions here four years ago that no longer exist. Solar radiation... magnetic storms... volcanic gases... GORAN'AGAR No. Everything is exactly as it was four years ago. The planet is the same. The conditions are the same. The answer must be here... there is no other explanation for what happened to me. Bashir leans against the table in fatigue for a moment ... then a new thought crosses his mind. BASHIR Maybe there is another explanation... (beat) What if nothing happened to you on this planet... (MORE) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FOUR 37. 39 CONTINUED: BASHIR (Cont'd) ... What if you were never addicted to the drug in the first place? GORAN'AGAR But I took White all my life. BASHIR Yes... but maybe you didn't need it. It's possible that your DNA structure had a random mutation that-- Arak'Taral steps through the door with his weapon out and murder in his eye. He keeps his voice low and cold -- the chilling sound of a man ready to kill. Just his entrance into the room instantly raises the tension to an extreme level. ARAK'TARAL He escaped. Bashir and Goran'Agar are both surprised at this news. GORAN'AGAR How? ARAK'TARAL Using their ship's transporter. (glares at Bashir) They planned it together. GORAN'AGAR (to Bashir) Do you know where O'Brien is? BASHIR No. Goran'Agar accepts that answer and turns back to Arak'Taral. GORAN'AGAR Deploy the men into a standard -- ARAK'TARAL (re: Bashir) He's lying. He's been lying for days. There's no cure here. And even if there was, he wouldn't give it to you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT FOUR 38. 39 CONTINUED: (2) GORAN'AGAR There is a cure. I am the proof. Now, deploy the men into a standard search pattern. Find O'Brien and return him to the holding area. Alive. ARAK'TARAL (to Goran'Agar) Alive? GORAN'AGAR Are you questioning me? Arak'Taral looks at him for a moment, then takes the plunge. ARAK'TARAL I knew you once. Trusted you. Obeyed you without question. But now... you're like this human. Weak. Soft. Inferior. (beat) If being free of White means becoming like you... I don't want to be cured. Arak'Taral turns and EXITS. Goran'Agar stares after him for a long beat. BASHIR What'll happen to O'Brien? GORAN'AGAR There is nothing we can do for him. My men... will not obey me any longer. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FOUR 39. 39 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Then find him first and keep him alive until I can find the cure. Goran'Agar thinks for a moment, then regards Bashir with suspicion. GORAN'AGAR If I go, there will be no one here to guard you. BASHIR I won't try to escape. I give you my word. Goran'Agar looks at Bashir for a long moment ... then finally decides that he does believe him. GORAN'AGAR I will do what I can. Goran'Agar EXITS and Bashir goes back to work. CUT TO: 40 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 41 INT. QUARK'S After hours - the bar is dark and quiet. The Shady Alien makes his way to a shadowy corner. Quark is at a table, waiting for him. He gestures for the Alien to sit, and begins pouring them a couple of drinks from a fancy decanter. QUARK (re: decanter) I've been saving this for a special occasion. Tonight certainly qualifies. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FOUR 40. 41 CONTINUED: The Alien lays a pouch on the table. He takes out a small, beautiful crystal, and holds it up for Quark to see. QUARK How did you manage to get these out of the Tallonian system? SHADY ALIEN I have my resources. Quark brings out the microscanner, and analyzes the crystal. He smiles at the results. QUARK One hundred percent pure. SHADY ALIEN Well worth twice the price I'm asking. QUARK I don't know if I'd go that far. He reaches under the table and pulls out a heavy bag. He opens it to reveal a significant pile of latinum. The Shady Alien nods his approval. He gives Quark the pouch, and Quark hands over the latinum. Worf steps out from the shadows, holding a phaser. He takes the bag from the shocked Alien, with great satisfaction. WORF Trafficking in illegal merchandise is a felony under Federation law. 42 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Quark stands, outraged. He looks down at the bag of latinum in Worf's hand and, strangely, speaks to it. QUARK What is he doing here? The bag begins to MORPH, Worf drops the bag and then it reforms into Odo, who glares at Worf. ODO A very good question. WORF (hesitant) I ... was going to arrest these criminals. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FOUR 41. 42 CONTINUED: ODO I should arrest you for interfering in my investigation. The Shady Alien tries to stand up, eyeing the door, but Odo pushes him back into his seat. SHADY ALIEN (utterly baffled) Will someone tell me what is going on here? QUARK It's called a set-up... a sting... a charade. One that I would have seen through in a minute, by the way. WORF (to Quark & Odo) You were working... together? QUARK Against my better judgment. (to Odo) I kept my part of the agreement, so I expect you to keep yours and drop all charges of conspiring to receive illegal goods. Odo reluctantly acknowledges with a nod. The Alien miserably reaches for a drink, but Quark snatches it away. QUARK It's not a special occasion anymore. WORF (to Odo) Why didn't you tell me what you were doing? ODO I don't report to you, Commander. And I don't spread the word when I'm conducting an undercover investigation. I also thought your surveillance would make the setup more convincing. (indicating Alien) I'm not interested in this man. (MORE) DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FOUR 42. 42 CONTINUED: (2) ODO (Cont'd) He was supposed to complete the transaction and take the "latinum" back to his ship, so I could infiltrate the entire Markalian smuggling operation. Odo leans down and takes the Shady Alien by the arm. ODO Now I suppose I'll have to settle for the middleman. QUARK If you gentlemen are finished with this little fiasco, I'd like to tidy up. He collects the decanter and glasses, and moves away from the table. Odo holds out an open hand. Quark reluctantly gives him the pouch full of crystals, then heads for the bar. Worf watches Quark walk away, and can't believe what's happened. 43 EXT. JUNGLE - CLEARING/TRAIL - NIGHT O'Brien kneels at the edge of a small clearing, busying himself with something at the base of a tree. He glances at the tricorder. Someone's coming. O'Brien scrambles into the underbrush. He begins working the tricorder. CUT TO: 44 EXT. JUNGLE - A NARROW TRAIL - NIGHT Jem'Hadar #3, Jem'Hadar #4, Temo'Zuma and Arak'Taral are approaching. They move like predators, quiet and swift, missing nothing. They have no lights to aid them, but we get the feeling that their own night vision is more than sufficient. They all have the Jem'Hadar equivalent of tricorders. Temo'Zuma stops as he sees something on his tricorder. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 44 CONTINUED: TEMO'ZUMA I've lost his signal. ARAK'TARAL Spread out. The four Jem'Hadar split up and swiftly move out in four directions. 45 EXT. JUNGLE - CLEARING/TRAIL - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Jem'Hadar #4 comes into view and pauses. He scans the area with the tricorder... then looks up at a clump of dense underbrush. He puts the tricorder away and holds his weapon at the ready... slowly, carefully approaches the underbrush... finally FIRES his weapon into the bush. The Jem'Hadar swiftly moves toward the smoking foliage and yanks it away with brutal force and then stops in surprise at what he sees. 46 POV JEM'HADAR A smoking, blasted Starfleet tricorder sits on the ground. 47 RESUME JEM'HADAR #4 Before he can move, there is a CRACK of branches, and a heavy DEADFALL comes whipping around and SMASHES into him. He collapses under the debris. O'Brien dashes forward from his hiding place in the clearing. He grabs the unconscious man's weapon, and hurries off through the jungle, staying low. CUT TO: 48 EXT. LAB AREA - NIGHT Bashir is onto something... he's excited as he quickly works on the equipment. He picks up a makeshift test tube and carefully measures out a very small amount of Jem'Hadar blood into a MOLECULAR SYNTHESIZER which is sitting on the table. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT FOUR 44. 48 CONTINUED: O'Brien suddenly bursts in, holding the Jem'Hadar's gun ready to shoot. Bashir looks up in surprise. BASHIR Miles! O'BRIEN (he looks around, surprised) Where's the guard? BASHIR Everyone's out looking for you. O'BRIEN Good. Anything else around we can use as a weapon? Bashir stays quiet as O'Brien takes a quick look around the tent. O'BRIEN No? Then let's get moving. It's only three hundred meters to the runabout, but those guys move fast. BASHIR Chief ... I'm not going. Off O'Brien's amazement ... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 49 EXT. LAB AREA - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Continuous from Act Four. Bashir moves back to the work area, where the molecular synthesizer is still working. O'BRIEN What the hell do you mean, you're not going? BASHIR I'm onto something here, Chief. With a little more time, I think -- O'Brien pulls Bashir away from the table. O'BRIEN (urgent) I don't care what you think. This is our one chance to get out of here and we've got to take it. BASHIR (just as passionate) This is also the one chance we have to break the addiction. O'BRIEN Julian even if you find the cure, they'll kill you anyway. BASHIR That's not true, Goran'Agar has promised to -- O'BRIEN Forget about him. What about the others? They're still a bunch of bloodthirsty -- BASHIR Look. There's no time to argue. If you're going to go, go. O'BRIEN (fed up) All right. I will. O'Brien heads for the door... hesitates on the threshold... then spins around. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" -REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FIVE 45A. 49 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN But you're coming with me! Bashir reacts on instinct, ducking away behind a table. O'Brien FIRES his weapon at the molecular synthesizer, and DESTROYS it. O'BRIEN There. You can bring me up on charges when we get back, but there's nothing to keep you here now. So let's get going. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FIVE 46. 49 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir stares at the wreckage a moment, stunned, then turns on O'Brien, just as Goran'Agar SHIMMERS into the room. He knocks O'Brien back, sending the gun skidding across the floor. Goran'Agar sees the damage... his face falls. There's a long silent beat before Goran'Agar turns to O'Brien. GORAN'AGAR You did this. O'BRIEN That's right. Goran'Agar looks at the destroyed work with a mixture of anger and sadness. He lifts his weapon and points it at the two Starfleet officers. GORAN'AGAR Outside. Both of you. BASHIR What are you... ? GORAN'AGAR (quiet, cold) No discussion. Move. Goran'Agar clearly means business. O'Brien and Bashir do as they're told and everyone EXITS the tent. CUT TO: 50 EXT. JUNGLE - TRAIL/RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Goran'Agar marches them through the jungle at gunpoint. Bashir tries to talk to him, but Goran'Agar prods him to keep him moving. BASHIR There still might be a way. If I had another sample of your blood... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FIVE 47. 50 CONTINUED: GORAN'AGAR There is no more time. The supply of White will run out tomorrow. They emerge into a clearing. Bashir and O'Brien are surprised to find themselves back at the runabout. There is a NOISE inside the runabout, like something being smashed. Arak'Taral emerges, looking frustrated, but his expression changes when he sees Goran'Agar. ARAK'TARAL You caught him. I shouldn't have doubted you. He leans in close, examining the prisoners. ARAK'TARAL Should we kill them ourselves, or let the others? GORAN'AGAR I will do the killing. He SHOOTS Arak'Taral, but it gives Goran'Agar no pleasure as the other Jem'Hadar falls dead. GORAN'AGAR (quiet, to Bashir) Take your ship, and go. BASHIR Goran'Agar... if you stay here, they'll kill you. GORAN'AGAR Unless I kill them first. It would be better for them to die quickly in battle, than slowly... as the drug runs out. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FIVE 48. 50 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (frustrated) You don't have to do this.. Even if we can't save the others, you don't need to sacrifice yourself. Goran'Agar turns to O'Brien. GORAN'AGAR You're a soldier? O'BRIEN I have been. GORAN'AGAR Then you explain. O'Brien nods after a beat. Goran'Agar turns and SHIMMERS AWAY. Bashir looks at O'Brien. O'BRIEN He was their commander. They trusted him. He can't leave them. There's a quiet beat... and then O'Brien heads for the runabout. Bashir stands there a moment longer, looks out at the jungle, having a hard time with this. O'BRIEN (gently) Julian... Bashir finally goes inside the runabout. 51 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko sits at his desk, doing his least favorite chore -- paperwork. He takes a PADD from a large stack of them, and begins reading it. There's a CHIME at the door. Sisko puts down the PADD, relieved at the interruption. SISKO Come in. Worf ENTERS, not happy. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT FIVE 48A. 51 CONTINUED: WORF Captain, I have information I would like to add to Security Chief Odo's last report. He didn't feel it was necessary to include the details of my involvement, but I think you should know that I hindered his investigation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FIVE 49. 51 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Yes, I heard about what happened. Worf looks at him, surprised. SISKO Word gets around in a place like this. It's one of the things you'll have to get used to. WORF One of many things, it seems. SISKO Starfleet officers often have trouble learning the unofficial rules of the station. There's no manual to study. You have to figure things out as you go. (beat, smiles) A little different than life on a starship. WORF When I served on the Enterprise, I always knew who were my allies... and who were my enemies. SISKO Let's just say DS-Nine has more... shades of gray. (smiles) And Quark is definitely a shade of gray. But he has his own set of rules, and he follows them diligently. Once you understand what they are, you'll understand Quark. I'd say that's true for everyone here. (beat) You'll fit in, Commander. Give it time. Off Worf, feeling somewhat encouraged, but still wondering if he'll ever figure this place out... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FIVE 50. 52 EXT. SPACE - THE WORMHOLE (OPTICAL) As it OPENS and the Runabout EMERGES into the Alpha Quadrant. 53 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien and Bashir pilot the runabout, approaching the station. KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to Rubicon. Docking Platform Two is open. Welcome back, gentlemen. O'BRIEN Thanks, Major. They go about the landing procedure quietly. The silence between the two men is unusual... neither of them likes it, but neither is quite sure what to say. O'Brien finally breaks the silence. O'BRIEN You can bring me up on charges, you know. BASHIR That's not really my style. O'Brien nods. O'BRIEN I... wish things could've been different, Julian. BASHIR So do I. O'BRIEN And I'm sorry I had to destroy your work. BASHIR (quiet) You didn't have to, Chief. You had a choice. And you chose to disobey orders, override my judgment, and condemn those men to death. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT FIVE 51. 53 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Yes, I did. (beat) Because I thought it was the only way to save your life. Whatever else you make think of me and what I did -- at least understand why I did it. Bashir looks at O'Brien, and they hold each other's gaze for a long moment. Finally Bashir nods in acceptance of O'Brien's motives, if not his actions. O'Brien is satisfied with that, and goes back to work for a moment. BASHIR Tonight's supposed to be our weekly dart game... O'BRIEN Don't worry. I don't feel like playing either. BASHIR Maybe in a few days. They look at each other... and they both know that although there's a rift between them now, it won't be forever. That knowledge gives them at least a small measure of comfort, and they manage faint smiles at each other as they go back to piloting the runabout... 54 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) As the Runabout docks at the station... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END