STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Visitor" #40510-476 Written by Michael Taylor Directed by David Livingston THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1995 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION July 31, 1995 STAR TREK: DS9 "The Visitor" - 07/31/95 - CAS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Visitor" CAST SISKO JAKE KIRA ADULT JAKE ODO MATURE JAKE BASHIR OLD JAKE DAX KORENA QUARK MELANIE O'BRIEN WORF NOG COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - 07/31/95 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "THE VISITOR" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE HABITAT RING CORRIDOR INFIRMARY LIMBO JAKE'S QUARTERS PROMENADE/UPPER LEVEL RUNABOUT QUARK'S REPLIMAT DEFIANT SISKO'S QUARTERS DEFIANT BRIDGE CORRIDOR ENGINEERING JAKE'S QUARTERS JAKE'S HOUSE RUNABOUT STAR TREK: "The Visitor" - 07/31/95 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Visitor" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ANSLEM ANN-slem BETAR BAY-tar CORVALLEN kor-VAL-un DARJEELING dar-JEE-ling DENORIOS deh-NOR-ee-us I'DANIAN eye-DANE-ee-un KORENA kuh-REN-uh NECHAYEV neh-CHAY-ev TAKARIAN TUH-care-ee-un DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Visitor" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. JAKE SISKO'S HOUSE - NIGHT (DISTANT FUTURE) It is the early twenty-fifth century, some seventy years later than the time our series ordinarily takes place. The house is isolated, set off in swampy Louisiana bayou country. It's a two-story modern design that harks back to Southern architectural traditions; it has a cluttered feel, stacks of BOOKS and papers -- the home of a man who lives alone... There's a writing DESK against one wall, an antique grandfather CLOCK with a pendulum that clicks quietly, a pair of comfortable armchairs around a low table, a fireplace with a mantle. On the walls are hung several PAINTINGS: mostly impressionistic landscapes, some depicting the surrounding bayous. RAIN beats softly against the windows, and occasionally distant lightning can be seen through them. 2 CLOSE ON JAKE SISKO now in his SEVENTIES, healthy and fit for a man his age. He looks around the room, taking in his surroundings with a pensive look. He approaches the mantle, begins to study the objects propped there, his hands moving somewhat unsteadily to touch each in turn. We recognize some of them as Benjamin Sisko's personal effects: the clock from his office, a YORUBA MASK; a scuffed BASEBALL on a pedestal; a BLUEPRINT of an ancient Bajoran spacecraft with solar sails and, next to it, a framed PHOTO showing a seventeen-year-old Jake and his father. A small smile plays on Old Jake's features as he takes in these artifacts of his life... a smile that is at once melancholy and yet somehow hopeful. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: He turns away, moves to a nearby table, and picks up an advanced looking HYPOSPRAY. Very deliberately, he reaches up and injects himself in the neck. He sets the hypospray down, moves to take a seat in a nearby armchair. But he's interrupted by a door CHIME. Surprised, he glances at the clock to check the time -- it's around 9:00 PM. He walks toward the door and looks through its window to see who's outside. It's a young human woman in her twenties, MELANIE. She might best be described as "bookish"; she's carrying a shoulder bag, and her clothes and hair are wet from the rain. She's standing on the doorstep with an expectant and somewhat nervous look on her face. Old Jake studies her for a beat, then opens the door. When she sees him, her eyes go wide, as if she's just laid eyes on a celebrity of some sort. OLD JAKE May I help you? You might as well come in. She does her best to swallow back her nervousness. MELANIE I'm sorry to bother you, it's just that... (at a loss) I... I've been... Jake notices a small scrape on her forehead. OLD JAKE (with concern) You're hurt. She reaches up to touch her forehead. MELANIE I must've scraped myself on a branch. OLD JAKE (gently chiding) That's what happens when you go tromping around the bayous in the middle of the night. She nods and smiles; more than grateful, she seems thrilled at being invited inside. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) He stands aside, and she crosses into the room. Her eyes take it in hungrily, as if she were a pilgrim who finally made it to some sacred shrine. He closes the door, crosses toward a chest of drawers. OLD JAKE Go warm up by the fire. I have a first aid kit around here somewhere... (looking around) Now where is it... ? As he looks for the first aid kit she sits in a chair and continues to drink in the room around her. OLD JAKE So... what are you doing out here, anyway? She considers before answering. MELANIE I'm a writer... (correcting herself) -- at least, I want to be. (decides to come out with it) And the truth is... I was looking for you... Old Jake turns and looks at her with surprise. OLD JAKE Oh? MELANIE You are Jake Sisko... the writer? Jake's surprise at her question gives him away. MELANIE I can't believe I'm really here. Talking to you. You're my favorite author... of all time. Jake looks up from the first aid kit and chuckles softly to himself. OLD JAKE (wry) You should read more... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (4) MELANIE (with emotion) I mean it. Your books... they're so insightful... OLD JAKE (simply) I'm glad you like them. With the cellular regenerator in hand, Jake bends to peer at her wound. He passes the regenerator over her scrape, and when we next see her face, the scrape is gone. OLD JAKE There. Good as new. MELANIE Thank you. Old Jake pulls a throw off a nearby chair, hands it to the still-chilled Melanie. He then moves toward the replicator to start to put together a tray of tea and biscuts. OLD JAKE I didn't realize people still read my books. MELANIE Of course they do. A friend recommended Anslem to me and I read it straight through, twice in one night. OLD JAKE (bemused) Twice in one night... ? MELANIE It made me want to read everything you'd ever written, but when I looked, all I could find were your "Collected Stories." I couldn't believe it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 TEASER 5. 2 CONTINUED: (5) MELANIE (Cont'd) I'd finally found someone whose writing I really admired, and he'd only published two books. Jake smiles wryly. OLD JAKE Not much to show for a life's work, is it? I'm going to get us some tea. MELANIE I savored those stories, read them slowly, one each day. And when I was finished, I wished I hadn't read them at all. Jake looks at her quizzically. Melanie realizes how that must have sounded and quickly explains herself. MELANIE So that I could read them again... like it was the first time. Jake smiles, nods that he understands. As he sits down with the tray... OLD JAKE There's only one "first time" for everything, isn't there? (considers) And only one last time, too. You think about that when you get to be my age. That today might be the last time you... sit in a favorite chair... watch the rain fall... enjoy a cup of tea. Melanie looks at him, then cautiously asks the question that brought her here. MELANIE (softly) Can I ask you something... ? He nods that she go ahead... MELANIE Why did you stop writing? He looks at her for a moment. DEEP-SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/15/95 - TEASER 6. 2 CONTINUED: (6) OLD JAKE (shrugs) I lost my favorite pen... just couldn't seem to get any work done without it. For a brief moment, Melanie actually takes him seriously, then... MELANIE You're joking. Jake smiles, and she looks down for a beat, a bit embarrassed to have fallen for it. MELANIE You weren't even forty when you stopped writing... I've never understood why you gave it up. Old Jake takes this in, lets out a long breath... OLD JAKE It's a long story... MELANIE I have time. (gently pleading) Tell me. Please. Jake takes a breath, and for a moment we think he's going to decline, but then a smile spreads on his face, the smile of a man who's suddenly been struck by something he finds ironic. OLD JAKE If you'd shown up yesterday, or last week... I'd have said no and sent you on your way. But here you are, today of all days. Somehow... it seems like the right time for me to finally tell this story... She breaks into a grin, leans in, all attention. OLD JAKE It begins many years ago... when I was eighteen... and the worst thing that could happen to a young man happened to me... my father died... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - TEASER 6A. 2 CONTINUED: (6) Off Melanie's reaction we... 3 thru OMITTED 4 FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 5 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE (CONTINUOUS) (DISTANT FUTURE) Old Jake is thoughtful for a beat as he remembers. OLD JAKE We were very close, my father and I. Partly because we'd lost my mother five years earlier... MELANIE I know. (off his look) I read a biography about you. Jake nods and smiles ruefully. MELANIE (continuing) It said you stopped writing so you could conduct scientific research... ? OLD JAKE It's not... quite that simple... He sighs, considers how best to explain. OLD JAKE You see, right before my father died, I was working on a short story. I don't remember what it was about... but I do know that I was taking it very seriously. I worked on it night and day for weeks... but I couldn't seem to make any headway, and it was making me miserable. DISSOLVE TO: 6 INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - JAKE'S BEDROOM (PRESENT) Jake continues in V.O. and we see his younger self sitting on his bed working on an oversized PADD. The scene is silent except for Old Jake's voice. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT ONE 8. 6 CONTINUED: OLD JAKE'S (V.O.) (continuing) I suppose my father thought I needed to take a break, because he insisted I come to the Gamma Quadrant with him to watch the wormhole undergo what they call a subspace inversion... In the middle of the V.O., SISKO pops his head in and mouth's a "let's go" to Jake. Jake stands, and without taking his eyes of the PADD, follows. 7 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) (PRESENT) Hanging in space near the open mouth of the Wormhole. OLD JAKE'S (V.O.) Of course what he didn't realize was that I could hide away on the Defiant just as easily as I could on the station... 8 INT. DEFIANT - JAKE'S QUARTERS (PRESENT) where he's sitting on the upper bunk working on his PADD. The door CHIMES. JAKE Yeah. The door OPENS and Sisko sticks his head in. SISKO Come on, Jake. This only happens once every fifty years. You'll never forgive yourself if you miss it. JAKE I'll be right there. SISKO You said that ten minutes ago. JAKE I just want to get this paragraph right. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT ONE 9. 8 CONTINUED: Sisko realizes Jake is still at it and ENTERS the room to talk to him. SISKO (with concern) I thought you were going to put that aside for a while. JAKE I tried, but it's all I can think about. Sisko folds his arms on the upper bunk where Jake's lying. SISKO I'm no writer, but if I were, it seems to me that I'd want to poke my head up once in a while and take a look around... see what's going on. (smiles) It's life, Jake; you can miss it if you don't open your eyes. Sisko smiles, and Jake nods almost imperceptibly. SISKO (continuing) What do you say we go up to the bridge, watch the wormhole do its thing, then I'll read what you've got and we can talk about it. (beat) Deal? JAKE Deal. He holds out his hand and Jake, smiling sheepishly, takes it and lets Sisko pull him off the bed. Suddenly the ship LURCHES violently. Red Alert lights come on and the floor seems to tilt. Sisko smacks his combadge. SISKO Sisko to Bridge. What happened? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT ONE 10. 8A INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) DAX is at the Conn, and over her shoulder we see the viewscreen, which shows the open wormhole churning violently. Another SHAKE -- DAX The wormhole's gravimetric field is surging... 8B INT. JAKE'S QUARTERS SISKO Pull us back to a safe distance. DAX'S COM VOICE (urgent) I'm on it, Benjamin. But we've got another problem. Power output from the warp core just jumped off the scale. SISKO Sisko to Engineering. (no response) Engineering, report. Again no response, Sisko starts toward the door... Jake moves with him, anxious. 9 thru OMITTED 10 11 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR (PRESENT) as Sisko appears in the doorway from Jake's quarters. SISKO (continuing) Dax, I'm going to find out what's happening down there. (to Jake) Stay here. And with that, Sisko heads off down the SHAKING corridor. Jake hesitates, as if trying to decide whether to follow. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT ONE 10A. 11 CONTINUED: OLD JAKE (V.O.) Most of the time, I knew enough to do what my father told me... but that day, for some reason, I didn't... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT ONE 11. 11 CONTINUED: (2) And with that, Jake sets off down the corridor after his father. 12 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) (PRESENT) as Jake ENTERS to find a scene of chaos. TWO N.D. Engineers are out cold on the floor, Sisko is kneeling to check on them. There are damaged panels, and smoke curls through air, which is cut by the blaring sound of a warning KLAXON. The warp core is FRITZING ominously. SISKO (to com) Sisko to Sickbay, I need a medical team down here right away. DAX'S COM VOICE Dax to Sisko, the warp coils are locked into a feedback loop... You've got to realign them or the core's going to blow... SISKO I'm on it. Sisko starts to move off... and sees Jake in the doorway. For a moment we think he's going to tell him to leave, but instead: SISKO Jake, get me an interphasic compensator. Jake nods, moves toward a TOOLKIT that's knocked open on the floor, various tools spilled out of it. Sisko rushes toward a panel on the opposite wall, rips off the cover, and starts working. Jake is soon at his father's side, scrounging inside the toolkit for the correct device. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Warp core breach in fifty seconds. SISKO (to com) Dax, you'd better stand by to eject the core. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT ONE 11A. 12 CONTINUED: DAX'S COM VOICE We can't. The ejection system is off-line. Sisko reacts to this grim news. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - ACT ONE 12. 12 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (to Jake, urgently) Where's that compensator? JAKE (scrounging frantically) It's not here... got it. Intermittently, blue tendrils of lightning CRACKLE across the warp core, which HUMS even more nastily. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Warp core breach in thirty seconds. Desperate, Jake looks up toward where the toolkit was spilled open... his eye catches a glint of metal -- the compensator, on the floor, partially hidden by a console. He rushes toward it, snatches it up, then rushes back to give the tool to Sisko. Sisko immediately sets to work with it on the open panel. SISKO I'm going to try shunting the excess power out through the deflector array. A beat, and then behind them, the warp core starts to wind down. SISKO (working) Just a little more... And after a moment, the engine systems seem to slow to their normal state... SISKO There... Sisko allows himself a smile, then reaches to hand Jake the compensator... but before either of them has complete possession of it, the warp core unexpectedly spits off a BOLT OF BLUE ENERGY that arcs across the room and zaps Sisko squarely in the back. His body goes rigid, as if he's been speared, and a brief CRACKLE of energy snakes from his body, across the compensator, and into Jake's body. Jake is thrown back by the discharge, as if by an electric shock, and falls to the floor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: (3) As Jake watches in horror, portions of Sisko's body start to FLICKER and PHASE OUT, until finally he completely DEMATERIALIZES. JAKE No! And the tool falls to a clatter on the deck... 13 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE (DISTANT FUTURE) Where the old Jake sits quietly, his eyes moist. Melanie is clearly shaken by the events Jake described. OLD JAKE He was gone... Melanie looks down... MELANIE (softly) I'm not sure I could ever get over losing someone like that, right in front of my eyes... OLD JAKE People do. Time passes, they realize that the person they lost is really gone... and they heal. MELANIE Is that what happened to you? OLD JAKE No... I suppose not. Melanie gives him an uncertain look, as if unsure what he means. OLD JAKE There was a memorial service aboard the station. DISSOLVE TO: 14 INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - PROMENADE (PRESENT) People stand solemnly on both levels of the Promenade. In the center, on the lower level, a table has been arranged with candles and a simple flower arrangement. DEEP-SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT ONE 14. 14 CONTINUED: WORF is standing in front of the table, speaking to the crowd, remembering Sisko. As Jake's V.O. continues, the CAMERA PANS past the faces of Dax, O'BRIEN, KIRA, ODO, BASHIR, QUARK and NOG, then comes to REST on Jake's still features... OLD JAKE (V.O.) People came forward and talked about my father, what they remembered most about him... why they would miss him... We see Kira turn and glance at Jake, as if checking to see how he's holding up... she steps forward to speak. OLD JAKE (V.O.) I didn't step forward... I couldn't... I felt that no matter what I said about him, I'd be leaving so much more out... and that didn't seem right... 15 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS (PRESENT) Jake lies on the couch, his head in Dax's lap, as she gently strokes his hair... trying to coax him to sleep, she stares off into the distance, thinking about the man they both lost... OLD JAKE (V.O.) (continuing) Everyone went out of their way to look after me, especially Dax. She was my father's closest friend, and I guess she felt responsible for me. (beat) After a few months... 16 INT. QUARK'S (PRESENT) The dabo tables are in full swing, the bar is crowded. OLD JAKE (V.O.) (continuing) ... things started returning to normal... for everyone else, that is... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT ONE 15-16. 16 CONTINUED: Jake is sitting alone at the bar. MORN is just crossing away from him, and Jake manages a smile for him, as if in response to some words of encouragement. OLD JAKE (V.O.) I tried to put on a brave face... I didn't want people worrying about me more than they already were... Nog approaches carrying an enormous tray of dishes and glassware. NOG I'm almost done. We have Holosuite Three for half an hour. Jake tries to muster some enthusiasm, but it's not easy. JAKE Great... Suddenly Quark hurries over to Nog. QUARK Nog, get down to the storeroom and bring up five kegs of Takarian mead. NOG Yes, Uncle. Quark turns and starts tabulating a check on a PADD. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT ONE 17. 16 CONTINUED: (2) NOG (to Jake) Sorry, it looks like we're going to lose our holosuite reservation. Quark looks up, having overheard this. He glances at Jake, considers for a beat. QUARK You know, Nog, things seem to be slowing down a bit. He glances around the bustling bar trying to convince himself of this. QUARK I'll have someone else bring up the kegs. You and Jake go have some fun. NOG (looking around at the hopping crowd) Are you sure? Quark is a little embarrassed by his soft-heartedness and goes on the offensive to cover. QUARK Go. Now. Before I change my mind. Quark moves off... Nog turns to Jake, shrugs a smile... 17 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (PRESENT) A bit later, as Jake and Nog walk down it. Nog is animated, as if he had a great time. Jake is more subdued. NOG Next time we go ion surfing, remind me to keep clear of those whip curls. DEEP - SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT ONE 18. 17 CONTINUED: JAKE I don't know if I really want to try it again... Nog knows what his friend is going through, but he has no idea what he can do to help... NOG You know, Jake... I'm going to be gone soon... we probably won't see each other for a while. JAKE I know... Talking about these kinds of things doesn't come easy for Nog, but he does his best. NOG So... what are your plans? JAKE I was thinking about taking that deferred admission and going to Pennington in the fall... NOG (excited) That'd be great. We'd both be on Earth. But Jake's ambivalence soon punctures Nog's enthusiasm. JAKE But maybe I'll just stick around here... I haven't decided yet. Nog's face falters with disappointment... he feels powerless to help his friend. They come to an intersection in the corridor... JAKE It's late... I think I'll turn in... NOG Okay... Off Nog's features as he watches Jake move off down the corridor... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT ONE 19. 18 INT. JAKE'S BEDROOM (PRESENT) where he's sleeping in his bed. After a beat, a strange FLICKERING BLUE LIGHT plays on his features... Then off-screen, we hear the SOUND of a body slumping onto the floor, a small exhalation of breath, almost a groan... Jake stirs... half-sensing something but not alarmed, he sits up in bed. A look of shock crosses his features as he sees -- 19 SISKO (OPTICAL) Sitting slumped against the bulkhead, his shirt charred in the chest. SISKO (weak, disoriented) Jake... ? Jake blinks, stares as if he can't quite believe his eyes... JAKE Dad... ? SISKO What... what happened... ? But before Jake can reply, Sisko's body starts to FLICKER and DISSOLVE like it did in the Defiant's Engineering room... Jake watches as the terrible moment repeats itself... until Sisko completely DEMATERIALIZES once again... Off Jake's confused, pained expression we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 20 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE (DISTANT FUTURE) Old Jake sits quietly, his thoughts far away in the past. Melanie watches him with great sympathy... After a quiet beat... OLD JAKE I told Dax about what'd happened... how it felt so real... not like a dream at all... (a wry smile) -- and she very kindly obliged me and did a thorough scan of my room. I felt vaguely ridiculous... like a child insisting his parents check under his bed for monsters. Melanie smiles with recognition. OLD JAKE She said it was probably just a nightmare, and I did my best to put the whole episode out of my mind. He glances at the clock, something he may do more than once in the course of our story. OLD JAKE I puttered around the station for the next eight or nine months. Nog was off at Starfleet... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT TWO 21. 20 CONTINUED: OLD JAKE (Cont'd) (wry) -- my stories stubbornly refused to write themselves... so I filled my time playing dom-jot... and trying not to think about how alone I felt... (beat) Dax and the others were worried about me... but before long, they had bigger things to worry about. DISSOLVE TO: 21 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (PRESENT) Unusual activity evident, with transports and runabouts arriving and departing. OLD JAKE (V.O.) Tensions with the Klingons were continuing to rise... 22 INT. PROMENADE (PRESENT) Jake is moving against the flow of a crowd of civilians who are headed to the docking ring with their belongings. OLD JAKE (V.O.) My father was a kind of religious figure to the Bajoran people, and when he died, they took it as a sign from the Prophets that the Federation wouldn't be able to protect them from the Klingons. Eventually, Bajor entered into a mutual defense pact with the Cardassians, and the Klingons didn't like that at all. He passes near Odo, who is busy trying to control the flow of people. ODO There are plenty of seats on the transport, and there's another one leaving in just two hours. That's it, move along... thank you. Jake continues past the flow of people until he reaches the area in front of the Replimat and starts up the spiral staircase that leads to the upper level. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT TWO 22. 22 CONTINUED: OLD JAKE (V.O.) The station's civilian population was leaving en masse... they knew that if war broke out against the Klingons, Deep Space Nine was going to be on the front line. 23 INT. PROMENADE - UPPER LEVEL (PRESENT) As Jake steps off the staircase. Kira and Worf are standing at the railing looking down at the crowd. She sees him heading away... KIRA Jake, where are you going... ? JAKE I thought I'd watch the ships leaving from one of the upper pylons... WORF You should be on one of those ships. JAKE I don't have to go, do I? KIRA This is a voluntary resettlement, not an evacuation. WORF But it would be prudent for you to leave at this time. OLD JAKE (V.O.) I suppose I wasn't feeling very prudent that day... because I ignored their advice... Jake turns to move off... Worf frowns, makes to follow him... but Kira puts a hand to his arm and stays him with a shake of her head... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/14/95 - ACT TWO 23. 23A INT. UPPER PYLON (PRESENT) (FORMERLY SCENE 24) where Jake stands looking out at the stars. After a moment Kira approaches. KIRA Jake... ? He turns at the sound of her voice. KIRA I want to talk to you about something. She looks at him with concern and sympathy, continues in a quiet voice. KIRA I spoke with your grandfather... he told me he'd asked you to come live with him. Jake looks away, not wanting to hear this. KIRA Even if this sector weren't on the brink of war, I'd still like to see you leave the station. Jake's emotions flare, he's almost angry, as if the feelings he's kept in check are finally coming to the fore. JAKE I'm not going anywhere. KIRA (gently) Jake... if I wanted to, I could order you to go. Jake's voice fills with emotion... he's pleading from the depths of his shattered heart. JAKE Please don't make me leave. Not yet. This is my home. He looks away, choked up for a beat. JAKE When Dad and I came here, this place was just an abandoned shell; he turned it into something. (glancing around) Everywhere I look... it's like I'm seeing a part of him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/14/95 - ACT TWO 24. 23A CONTINUED: Kira nods, knowing exactly what he means, feeling it too. JAKE If I leave... (voice cracking with emotion) I won't have anything left of him... Jake looks down, not wanting her to see the tears that are welling up in his eyes... Kira reaches over, takes his hand in hers... KIRA All right, stay a while longer if you want. But promise me that when the time comes and I tell you to go, you'll do it. He manages a nod, grateful... Off Kira's look of sympathy... 24 OMITTED 25 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (PRESENT) as Jake makes his way down it. We see a strange BLUE LIGHT flicker momentarily from around the next corner. Jake moves to investigate, rounds the corner, and reacts to an astonishing sight... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT TWO 25. 25 CONTINUED: it's Sisko, sitting on the floor, his back against the wall, his shirt charred in the chest... JAKE Dad... ? Jake rushes to his side, reaches and touches his arm... OLD JAKE (V.O.) It wasn't until I actually touched him that I knew... this wasn't a dream... Sisko manages a small smile when he sees his son. As Jake takes his father's hand in his, squeezes it tight, we... CUT TO: 26 INT. INFIRMARY (OPTICAL) (PRESENT) Sisko is on the biobed, Dax and Jake to one side of him. Bashir is scanning him with a tricorder, a look of concern on his features. O'Brien is at a nearby computer station. A nurse assists Bashir. As Old Jake's V.O. continues, we SEE BUT NOT HEAR Dax, Bashir and O'Brien (TECHING) and talking urgently. Jake stands next to Sisko who, though weak and perhaps a bit disoriented, can still see the concern on his son's features. We might see Sisko try to reassure Jake with a smile and a gentle tousle of his hair. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - ACT TWO 25A. 26 CONTINUED: OLD JAKE (V.O.) BASHIR But there was no time It looks like his temporal for reunions -- something signature has been altered was wrong. I didn't somehow... understand everything they were saying, but DAX Dax and the others seemed (realizing) to think that the The energy discharge... accident had somehow knocked my father's O'BRIEN "temporal signature" out It must've interacted with of phase... the graviton pulse. DAX And altered his temporal signature. O'BRIEN Then he must've phase shifted into subspace... DAX Benjamin, what's the last thing you remember... ? SISKO I was in Engineering... on the Defiant... feels like a few minutes ago... Dax and Bashir exchange a look... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 ACT TWO 26. 26 CONTINUED: JAKE Dad, it's been over a year since the accident. Sisko reacts to this with surprise. SISKO A year... how can that be? O'BRIEN We think that the warp core discharge pulled you into subspace. If we're right, that would explain why you didn't experience the passage of time... BASHIR (grim; off tricorder) According to these readings, unless we can find a way to re- align your temporal signature, you'll be pulled back into subspace within a few minutes. A moment as this sinks in... O'BRIEN Maybe we can set up some sort of containment field... Dax and Bashir move away to join him at the console. Sisko looks over at Jake, sees the concern etched on his features, and tries to reassure him. SISKO Hey... (smiles) They'll have me fixed up in no time... Jake manages a smile... SISKO How are you doing? Jake's eyes well up... Sisko pulls him close, holds him tight... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 ACT TWO 27. 26 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (softly) It's all right... everything's going to be all right... Jake tries to choke back the emotion... JAKE I thought it was a dream... SISKO What was? JAKE When I saw you in my quarters... I should've known you were still alive... I should've felt it... SISKO It's not your fault, Jake. I'm here now... that's what matters. Suddenly a console BEEPS... Bashir and the others turn in time to see Sisko's body start to FLICKER... DAX We're losing him -- Jake reacts with alarm, and Sisko, realizing what's happening, takes his face in his hands to tell him one last thing. SISKO Look at me. I need to know that you're going to be all right. Jake sees the look in his father's eyes, but he'd be lying if he tried to reassure him. Bashir, who wants access to Sisko, gently pulls Jake away... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT TWO 28. 26 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Chief, I need that containment field now... O'Brien works the console: a shimmering CONTAINMENT FIELD FRITZES ON for a beat around Sisko's biobed. O'BRIEN Field active... Jake looks on in horror as Sisko's body continues to FLICKER and FADE. Sisko looks toward him, desperate to see something in his son's features that might help him live with what's happening... SISKO Jake... BASHIR It's not working, Chief... Jake tries to step toward his father but Dax holds him back... JAKE Dad... O'BRIEN I'm going to try locking onto him with the transporter... He works the controls and the field FRITZES off... JAKE Don't leave me... But Sisko is powerless to stop what's happening to him... Jake manages to pull free from Dax, but by the time he reaches the biobed Sisko has completely DEMATERIALIZED... Off his anguished face as he looks down at the now empty bed... DISSOLVE TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - ACT TWO 29. 27 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE (DISTANT FUTURE) He looks troubled, but his writer's mind is weighing the memory this time, not simply reacting as before. It is Melanie who seems devastated by what she's heard... OLD JAKE I didn't think anything could be worse than losing him that first time on the Defiant... until I was standing there staring down at that empty bed... knowing that he was alive, trapped somewhere that existed outside time... MELANIE I... can't imagine what that must've been like for you... Jake nods, and after a beat he seems to be hit by some sort of seizure... his body tenses, his lungs seem unable to draw air... MELANIE What's wrong... She moves to his side. Jake gasps, finally draws a breath... MELANIE Can I get you something... ? OLD JAKE No... nothing. MELANIE Telling me all this is hard for you. Maybe I should come back some other time? OLD JAKE No... there won't be another time. She looks at him, unsure what he means by this. He looks at her with what could almost be a smile. OLD JAKE You see... I'm dying... Off her reaction we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 28 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE (CONTINUOUS) (DISTANT FUTURE) Melanie looks at Jake, stricken. Old Jake sees the distress in her eyes, tries to reassure her. OLD JAKE I've upset you... you have to understand, when a man my age says he's dying, he's just admitting to the inevitable... After a beat, she smiles with relief... OLD JAKE Besides, we older people sometimes like to remind everyone that they should pay special attention to us... MELANIE (smiles) If that's what you're up to you shouldn't have bothered. You have my attention already. OLD JAKE You're a good listener... that's important in a writer. She looks down sheepishly. MELANIE I'm not a writer yet. OLD JAKE You make it sound like you're waiting for something to happen that'll turn you into one. MELANIE I'm not waiting. (with assurance) I'm doing a lot of reading. DEEP-SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 ACT THREE 31. 28 CONTINUED: MELANIE (Cont'd) You know, to see how it's done. And I'm still trying to figure out what it is I want to write about. Jake eyes her as if he he's heard this sort of thing from other would-be writers. OLD JAKE I see... But Melanie isn't terribly interested in talking about herself. MELANIE What happened? With your father, I mean. Did you ever see him again? Jake nods, acknowledging that he should get back to his story. OLD JAKE For the next few months Dax and O'Brien worked to find a way to locate him. They considered trying to recreate the accident, but that was impossible since the wormhole wasn't going to undergo another inversion for decades. Eventually the situation with the Klingons came to a head, and the Federation decided to turn over control of the station to the Klingon Empire. DISSOLVE TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT THREE 32. 29 OMITTED 30 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) (PRESENT) as it pulls away from the station. OLD JAKE (V.O.) There was nothing I could do. I had to leave my home of five years... 31 OMITTED 32 CLOSE ON JAKE (OPTICAL) REFLECTED in the glass of the runabout's rear window, we see the station recede in the distance. Jake watches, his features pensive. OLD JAKE (V.O.) And give up whatever hope there was of seeing my father again... Hold on Jake's still features for a long beat, then... MELANIE'S VOICE I'm sorry... CUT TO: 33 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE (DISTANT FUTURE) Old Jake and Melanie as before. MELANIE Did the Klingons ever contact Starfleet to say that your father had reappeared? OLD JAKE No... A quiet beat, then... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 ACT THREE 33. 33 CONTINUED: OLD JAKE I was left with no choice but to try to get on with my life. I went to Earth, drifted around for a few years, and eventually ended up studying writing at the Pennington school. After I graduated, I settled here in Louisiana so I could be near my grandfather. He had a restaurant in the French Quarter, you know. MELANIE (smiles) I've been there. It's still called "Sisko's." And on the wall there's a copy of the letter your publisher sent you when he accepted your first novel. OLD JAKE Grandpa was always showing off his "famous" grandson. He was every bit as proud of me as my father would've been. MELANIE You wrote "Anslem" in this house, didn't you? OLD JAKE At that desk over there. (a beat) It came out to generally favorable reviews... and little by little, I began to think less and less about the past. Eventually I met a woman, fell in love, and married... for a while, this house was a happy one... Suddenly we hear the SOUND of a door opening and a woman's VOICE calling from the other room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - ACT THREE 34. 33 CONTINUED: (2) KORENA (O.S.) I'm back... Although Melanie doesn't react, the older Jake turns as if at the sound of her voice... CUT TO: 34 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE - DAY (NEAR FUTURE) as KORENA steps into the doorway from the other room. She's a beautiful Bajoran of about thirty-five, her features reflecting both strength and kindness. Her hands and clothes are paint splattered, and she's wiping her hands with a rag. 35 WIDEN TO REVEAL Jake, now about thirty-five, sitting in the armchair from which the older Jake has been telling his story. Nearby we see Nog, now also about thirty-five, in a Starfleet uniform with commander's pips. The house is brighter, there are more paintings, knick- knacks, a general feeling of light and warmth -- a house being lived in -- not evident in the previous scenes. We might see a half-finished painting on an easel, one that we might recognize from Old Jake's house. ADULT NOG (a warm greeting) Korena... She smiles, starts toward him. KORENA Nog, I didn't realize you were here already... I was trying to finish a painting before the light changed and I guess the time got away from me. They hug... ADULT NOG It's good to see you... KORENA You too. (to Jake) Did you start the grill... ? Jake nods. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/15/95 - ACT THREE 35. 35 CONTINUED: ADULT NOG What are we having? KORENA Blackened redfish... fresh from the bayou. ADULT NOG (with mock disdain) Fish... when these woods are crawling with perfectly good slugs? KORENA (smiling) I suppose you're going to ask me to chew your food for you... ? ADULT NOG I have to admit I've been more popular with women since I stopped asking them to do that. ADULT JAKE I tried to tell you that twenty years ago. ADULT NOG (smiles) I'm a slow learner... Korena starts for the other room... KORENA I'm going to get some champagne. Jake looks at his old friend for a beat... ADULT JAKE I'm glad you're here, Nog... KORENA (calling back) I see you've got another pip on your collar. You keep this up you'll make captain by the time you're forty. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT THREE 36. 35 CONTINUED: (2) They share a smile... then Jake broaches what he knows might be a sensitive subject for all of them. ADULT JAKE Last time we talked you mentioned you might be heading to the Bajoran Sector. Nog nods, almost reluctant to go into it. ADULT NOG The Klingons agreed to let Starfleet send an expedition through the wormhole... they said it was in the spirit of scientific exchange, but I think they were happy to have us test the waters in the Gamma Quadrant after all these years -- find out how the Dominion would react to ships coming through. But Jake has a more personal question he wants answered. ADULT JAKE Did you see the station? ADULT NOG (somber) I'm sorry to say it's looking a little run down these days. Korena returns and starts pouring the champagne. ADULT NOG (brightening) But you'll never guess who's still there. ADULT JAKE Not... your father? ADULT NOG No, he and my Uncle left years ago. Quark finally got that little moon he was always talking about, and my father, as usual, is making sure it doesn't fall out of orbit... But Morn is still there... running the bar. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - ACT THREE 37. 35 CONTINUED: (3) ADULT JAKE (laughs) Talking his customers' ears off and drinking himself out of business, I'll bet. KORENA (re: the champagne) Well... why don't we get to the point of today's little celebration... ADULT NOG (raises his champagne glass in a toast) To my dear friend Jake Sisko, winner of this year's Betar prize for his "Collected Stories." May the years continue to be good to you, may your muse... (with a nod to Korena) -- continue to inspire you... Nog can't resist throwing in a Ferengi perspective. ADULT NOG And may someone make a holo- program out of one of your stories so you can start raking in the latinum! They lean in to clink glasses and we -- CUT TO: 36 OMITTED 37 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE (DISTANT FUTURE) We find Old Jake wincing in pain, his breathing labored. Melanie has come close to help him. MELANIE Are you all right? Do you want me to call a doctor? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - ACT THREE 38. 37 CONTINUED: OLD JAKE (firm) No. A beat as he collects himself. OLD JAKE I'll be fine... MELANIE You should rest... OLD JAKE No... you came a long way to find out why I stopped writing, and you deserve an answer... OLD JAKE Later that night, after Nog had left... 38 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE - NIGHT (NEAR FUTURE) Adult Jake at his desk, working on a stack of printed pages with a pen. OLD JAKE (V.O.) (continuing) I stayed up working. My new novel was going well, and when it's going well you don't want to stop... Korena approaches Jake, throws her arms around him from behind, gives him a kiss. KORENA Coming to bed? ADULT JAKE I'm not tired. KORENA (smiles) Neither am I. Jake catches on, smiles, and puts his pen down. He turns off his desk lamp and they start toward the stairs. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - ACT THREE 39. 38 CONTINUED: ADULT JAKE I want to ask you something... (off her look) How would you feel about designing the cover of my new book? Korena stops in her tracks on the landing, joyfully stunned. KORENA Do you mean it? Jake is about to answer when a BLUE LIGHT FLICKERS on the stairway wall for a beat, cast from the room they just left. He reacts as if in disbelief, turns back and hurries down the stairs. KORENA What is it? As Jake re-enters the room he's stunned to find Sisko slumped against the couch. He hasn't aged since the last time we saw him. The two men stare at each other in shock for a long moment... Jake trying to understand how his father could be here, on Earth, after so many years, and Sisko staring at his now adult son in disbelief. SISKO Jake... ? Off this moment we... 39 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 40 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER (OPTICAL) (NEAR FUTURE) Sisko is now sitting on the couch; his wounds were healed during his last "visitation," but he seems bone weary, exhausted. Adult Jake is at his side; he looks troubled, worried that just like in their previous encounter, Sisko will be gone in a matter of minutes. Korena approaches from the other side of the room. ADULT JAKE Did you get through? KORENA (nods) I talked to someone at Starfleet Science; they're going to get a team here as soon as they can. Adult Jake acknowledges with a nod and then turns to Sisko to introduce Korena. ADULT JAKE This is Korena... my wife. Sisko reacts, this brings home just how much of Jake's life he's missed. SISKO Your wife... Father and daughter-in-law regard each other for a beat... then she smiles with great sincerity. KORENA I never thought I'd have the pleasure of meeting you. SISKO The pleasure's mine. (a beat) How long have you two been married? ADULT JAKE Seven years. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 ACT FOUR 41. 40 CONTINUED: SISKO Do I... (smiles) -- have any grandchildren? ADULT JAKE (smiles) Not yet. KORENA We were married in New Orleans, in your father's restaurant. This brings a smile to Sisko's face. ADULT JAKE He insisted. Just about everyone came. Dax, Kira, O'Brien... SISKO That must've been something... A quiet moment hangs in the air, as heavy as all the years Sisko's missed. Suddenly Jake makes as if to stand. ADULT JAKE I'm going to call Starfleet, see what's taking so long. SISKO (stopping him) Jake. They'll get here as soon as they can. Talk to me. I've missed so much. Let's not waste what little time we have. Jake nods, but he can't think of where to begin... so much has happened. Korena sees his distress and reaches to get copies of Jake's two books off a nearby table. KORENA I have a feeling you might want to see these... they're Jake's. Sisko takes them, smiles with pride. He's pleased, but at the same time he's struck by the years represented in the two volumes, years he missed. SISKO You did it. I always knew you would... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT FOUR 42. 40 CONTINUED: (2) Jake smiles for a moment, pleased to have made his father proud, but the smile soon falters... Sisko sees the tears well up in his son's eyes. SISKO (softly) Hey... Sisko holds his arms up, and Jake moves into them... they hold each other tight... Sisko's eyes catch Korena's over Jake's shoulder... she inclines her head toward the other room as if to say "I'm going to slip out," and Sisko gives her a small nod... she quietly steals from the room to give the two men time to be alone... After a moment, Jake makes a tearful confession... ADULT JAKE I'm sorry.... SISKO (softly) What for... ? ADULT JAKE (an anguished admission) For giving up on you... SISKO No one could've been expected to hold out hope for this long. ADULT JAKE I should've kept trying to find you... instead I just went on with my life... SISKO And I'm proud of what you've accomplished. ADULT JAKE None of it matters. Not when I know you're still lost out there... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 40 CONTINUED: (3) Sisko pulls Jake's face up so they can see each other... SISKO Of course it matters... you have a career, a wife. (smiles) And don't think that just because I'm not around much I don't want grandchildren. Jake breaks into a grin, that impossibly bright smile that we've seen his father elicit from him so many times. Suddenly Sisko's body begins to FLICKER... the smile drops instantly from Jake's face... CUT TO: 41 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE (DISTANT FUTURE) Old Jake and Melanie... OLD JAKE Within a few seconds, he was gone again... Melanie looks down, overcome with the emotion of the moment... MELANIE I... don't know what to say... OLD JAKE You don't need to say anything. Just listen, because there isn't much time, and there's still so much left for me to tell you. (beat) I consulted with Dax and we realized that the accident must've created some sort of subspace link between my father and me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT FOUR 44-44B. 41 CONTINUED: MELANIE (putting it together) That's why he always appeared somewhere near you; even if you were hundreds of light years from where the accident happened. OLD JAKE (nods) We also realized there was a pattern to his appearances; they were governed by fluctuations in the wormhole's subspace field. Dax's calculations showed that the next time he appeared, I'd be an old man. (a beat) I decided to put aside my novel and try to find a way to help him. And so, at the age of thirty- seven, I went back to school and started studying subspace mechanics. Jake takes a breath, what he has to say next is particularly difficult for him. OLD JAKE At first Korena was very patient... she supported what I was trying to do. But I got so caught up in my work I didn't notice I was losing her. By the time I became a graduate student, we weren't living together anymore. And by the time I entered my doctoral program, it was over between us. A long quiet beat as he contemplates this tragedy. OLD JAKE But I pressed on with what I was doing... And one day, years later, it hit me. (beat) I figured out a way to recreate the accident. DEEP-SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT FOUR 45. 41 CONTINUED: (2) OLD JAKE (Cont'd) It'd been almost fifty years, and the wormhole would soon be undergoing another inversion. There was only one other thing I needed. 41A thru OMITTED 41F 42 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) (NOT-SO-DISTANT FUTURE) As it moves at warp. OLD JAKE (V.O.) The Defiant... Nog was a Captain by then, and he managed to call in a few favors at Starfleet Command and got it pulled out of mothballs... 43 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (NOT-SO-DISTANT FUTURE) Nog, now in his fifties, is in the Captain's chair. Dax, now in her mid-sixties, is at Ops. Bashir, also in his mid-sixties, stands at a side console. All are wearing the FUTURISTIC STARFLEET UNIFORMS from "All Good Things." Mature Jake works a science station, dressed in civilian clothes. There should be evidence that this is a ship that hasn't been used in decades. The back table might have been removed, and certain consoles might be missing, revealing circuitry underneath. The ship's dedication plaque is probably gone as well, an exhibit in a museum somewhere. Supernumeraries man the necessary stations, but still it's a skeleton crew. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT FOUR 46. 43 CONTINUED: OLD JAKE (V.O.) Worf threw his weight around with the Klingon High Council, and they gave us permission to enter the Bajoran system. CAPTAIN NOG Take us out of warp... Older Dax studies the controls for a beat... OLDER DAX (sly) I think I remember how to do that... Everyone smiles... OLDER BASHIR I haven't worked a two-dimensional control panel in a long time... how did we manage... ? OLDER DAX (wry) We always seemed to muddle through somehow... CAPTAIN NOG Look... Nog is looking intently at the viewscreen, and everyone turns to follow his gaze... 44 OMITTED 45 ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) There, in the starry blackness of space, hangs Deep Space Nine... Klingon ships loom ominously nearby. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT FOUR 47. 46 RESUME SCENE It's a bittersweet moment as they all contemplate their former home... After a long beat... OLDER BASHIR Maybe after we've got Captain Sisko back, we should all drop by Morn's for a drink... They all share a smile at the thought... except Jake, who's focused only on the task at hand. OLD JAKE (V.O.) I'd designed a subspace flux isolator... 47 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINEERING (NOT-SO-DISTANT FUTURE) Where Older Dax, Older Bashir and Mature Jake are making final adjustments on the apparatus. Dax is at an Engineering console and has a MUG of coffee nearby. The apparatus is linked to the warp drive and is focused on a kind of pedestal that looks like a small transporter platform, with two transport pads that have waist-high railing partly encircling them... The Interphasic Compensator we saw in Act One has been incorporated into the apparatus, held between the two pads in a vise-like device. Mature Jake works with great determination... this is the culmination of years of work and he's bent on making sure it succeeds... OLD JAKE (V.O.) And we set it up in Engineering. MATURE JAKE Are you ready over there, Dax... ? OLDER DAX (sipping her coffee) As ready as I'll ever be, considering the replicators were just about the only things still working when we came aboard. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT FOUR 48. 47 CONTINUED: OLDER BASHIR (chiding) It's a lucky thing too... These days, Dax isn't much good to anybody without a cup of coffee in her hand. Dax, who has gone back to adjusting a piece of equipment, shoots her old friend a look. OLDER DAX It's the only thing that kept me awake while you prattled on about your latest paper, or your new backhand, or your kid's science projects... Older Bashir smiles good-naturedly, but Jake is all but inured to their lighthearted banter. He's a man with a mission. Captain Nog ENTERS and approaches Mature Jake. CAPTAIN NOG We're picking up temporal distortions in the subspace field... MATURE JAKE (nods) The wormhole's beginning to invert... CAPTAIN NOG According to our readings it's going to kick out a gravimetric wave like the one that almost destroyed the Defiant last time... MATURE JAKE Don't worry... I've modulated the shields to channel the wave's energy into this apparatus. OLDER DAX Once subspace begins to fragment, we'll try to locate the captain. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT FOUR 49. 47 CONTINUED: (2) OLDER BASHIR Since the accident created a subspace link between him and Jake, we'll have a path of "bread crumbs" to follow... Suddenly the ship SHAKES SLIGHTLY as it's hit by a small gravimetric wave. It's begun... CAPTAIN NOG I'd better get back to the bridge. (beat) Good luck... As Nog moves off, Jake moves to stand on one of the platforms... Dax and Bashir move to the apparatus... 48 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) (NOT-SO-DISTANT FUTURE) Hanging in space near the churning mouth of the wormhole... OLD JAKE (V.O.) The wormhole wouldn't undergo another inversion for decades, so this was my only chance... Suddenly the wormhole gives off a WAVE that ripples out from its mouth toward the Defiant... its shields absorb the impact and we -- CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT FOUR 50. 49 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) (NOT-SO-DISTANT FUTURE) As the ship LURCHES once... the warp core brightens and intensifies... swirling currents of ENERGY begin to take shape on the empty platform near him... OLDER DAX (off console) Subspace field fragmentation is beginning... OLDER BASHIR It's working... The energy builds; gradually wisps of substance begin to coalesce on the platform next to Jake. OLDER DAX (off console) I think I've located the captain's signature... A recognizably human form begins to take shape in the subspace mist... Suddenly, subspace mist begins to form around Jake as well... OLDER DAX Something's happening... I'm losing him... OLDER BASHIR (off console) We're losing them both... they're being pulled into subspace... As Bashir and Dax watch, Jake and Sisko both DEMATERIALIZE... CUT TO: 50 EXT. LIMBO (OPTICAL) Jake finds himself standing in a vast whiteness that disappears into infinity. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT FOUR 51. 50 CONTINUED: Jake turns and sees Sisko standing a few yards away (approximately the same distance as that between the two transporter pads). The two men look at each other for a stunned beat, Jake now older than his father, who hasn't aged a day. SISKO Jake... how long has it been... ? MATURE JAKE Fourteen years... Sisko takes this in... MATURE JAKE (looking around) What is this place... ? SISKO I don't know... MATURE JAKE We could be inside some sort of subspace fragment... Jake immediately starts to think what he can do to salvage the rescue attempt. MATURE JAKE (taps combadge) Sisko to Dax... (urgent) Can you read me? No answer. Sisko stares at Jake, puzzled. MATURE JAKE (explaining) I brought the Defiant back to the wormhole... we're trying to rescue you... (to com) Dax, if you can hear me, try to lock onto my signal... No response. Sisko steps closer to his son... SISKO Look at you... you're older than I am... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT FOUR 52. 50 CONTINUED: (2) MATURE JAKE (frustrated) Dammit. Why can't they lock on to us? Sisko sees the desperation in his son's eyes... senses that this is a man obsessed... SISKO Jake, they're doing everything they can. There's nothing we can do from here. (a beat) It's been so long. I need to know what I've missed. (smiles) What about those grandchildren we talked about? Jake's features falter... MATURE JAKE Korena and I... we're not together anymore. She left me... It pains Sisko to hear this... SISKO I'm sorry... MATURE JAKE (trying to explain) I shouldn't have let her go... but there was so much I had to do; this has taken years of planning. SISKO (sadly) What about... your writing? Jake shakes his head almost imperceptibly, and we see that this too pains his father... MATURE JAKE (slapping angrily at his combadge) Dax. Try boosting the carrier amplitude... maybe you can... He trails off, feeling hopeless, defeated... SISKO Jake... what's happened to you... ? DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT FOUR 52A. 50 CONTINUED: (3) Jake looks at him... why can't his father understand? MATURE JAKE (desperate) This is the last chance I'll ever have to help you... Suddenly Jake's body begins to FLICKER AND FADE. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT FOUR 53. 50 CONTINUED: (4) MATURE JAKE No... Sisko realizes it's almost over, steps toward him... SISKO Listen to me... it's over... it's not going to work... MATURE JAKE It has to. Sisko steps toward him, realizing this may be the last thing he has a chance to say... SISKO Let go, Jake. If not for yourself then for me. You still have time to make a good life for yourself. Jake looks down, he's anguished, a man defeated... SISKO Promise me you'll do that... promise me. And with that, Jake FLICKERS OUT. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT FOUR 54. 51 thru OMITTED 53 54 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINEERING (NOT-SO-DISTANT FUTURE) Where Jake is now standing on the platform. Dax and Bashir look on with palpable relief. Slowly, Jake turns to look at the platform next to him... it's empty. Off Jake's still features we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT FIVE 55. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 55 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE - DAWN - (DISTANT FUTURE) Quiet except for the faint ticking of the grandfather clock. Jake looks at it (and we might observe that roughly six hours have passed since the beginning of the show), then at Melanie's sympathetic, emotional expression. She's fully engaged by this story, waiting for him to resume. OLD JAKE I want you to see something. Go over to my desk... She glances over at it, confused by this interruption in his story. OLD JAKE Go ahead... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT FIVE 56-56A 55 CONTINUED: She stands, crosses over... and finds a stack of ordinary printed pages, a few hundred of them, some of them with handwritten corrections on them... OLD JAKE It's a collection of new stories... Melanie's face blanches... she can't believe she's looking down at an unpublished work by her favorite author. Jake begins to stand and move toward her... OLD JAKE I decided to honor my father's request and try to rebuild my life... writing these stories was the best way I knew to do that. She picks it up almost reverentially... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - ACT FIVE 57. 55 CONTINUED: OLD JAKE I want you to have a copy... She looks at him, scarcely believing her good fortune... OLD JAKE Let me get you one. He starts to turn away. MELANIE (re: the papers) Can I have these, instead? OLD JAKE If you want, but they have handwritten notes all over them. MELANIE (as she puts it in her bag) I know... I want to study them... so I can see the changes you made... Jake eyes her with interest. OLD JAKE Because you want to be a writer someday. She nods, almost embarrassed. MELANIE Can I ask why you haven't published these? OLD JAKE I was still tinkering with the last one just this morning. (wry) Besides, if you publish posthumously no one can ask you for rewrites. She reacts, something is starting to come together in her mind. OLD JAKE I was hoping to be able to finish another two stories, but there just wasn't enough time. DEEPF'SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/16/95 - ACT FIVE 57A. 55 CONTINUED: (3) MELANIE You keep saying that there's no more time. Jake studies her face for a beat, decides she deserves an explanation. OLD JAKE You see, Melanie... after the attempt to rescue my father failed, I spent months trying to figure out what went wrong. Eventually, I came to understand the nature of what was happening to him. It was as if he was frozen in time at the moment of the accident, and the link between us was like an elastic cord. Every so often, it would become taut enough to yank him forward to my time. But only for a few minutes. Melanie nods, trying to get her mind around the concept. OLD JAKE I realized that if my motion through time came to a stop, the cord would go slack, and he'd be lost in subspace forever. But if I could cut the cord when the link was at its strongest... when we were together, he'd return to the moment of the accident. Melanie regards him for a long beat, a realization dawning in her mind. MELANIE Your father's coming here, isn't he? Soon. OLD JAKE (simply) Yes... MELANIE (tears welling up in her eyes) You're going to cut the cord... aren't you? A moment between them... and then Jake gently pushes through it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT FIVE 57B. 55 CONTINUED: (4) OLD JAKE I want you to promise me something. MELANIE Anything. OLD JAKE While you're... "studying" my stories... poke your head up every once in a while and take a look around... see what's going on. (smiles) It's life, Melanie... MELANIE (softly) And you can miss it if you don't open your eyes... He nods, very much liking the fact that she remembered the words his father said to him so long ago. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT FIVE 58. 55 CONTINUED: (4) She takes in his words for a beat, then looks up at him, her eyes wet with emotion. MELANIE Thank you... for everything... OLD JAKE It was a pleasure meeting you, young lady. They move toward the door... A beat, then she leans to give him a tender kiss on the cheek. A last look between them, then she steps out the door and moves away... Jake watches her go for a moment, then shuts the door behind her... He glances at the clock, then crosses to a shelf to get a copy of his stories. He lowers himself into the chair... but instead of reading, he sits quietly... waiting... DISSOLVE TO: 56 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE - MINUTES LATER (DISTANT FUTURE) Jake's eyes are closed and he's sleeping lightly. A hand reaches into frame and gently shakes him awake. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT FIVE 59. 56 CONTINUED: SISKO (O.S.) Jake... 57 WIDEN TO INCLUDE SISKO Sitting on the ottoman in front of Jake's chair, studying his son's features with tenderness and sadness. His face says it all -- his son is an old man now, and Sisko's missed years and years of his life. Sisko is holding Jake's stories in one hand. Jake stirs, and when he sees his father he smiles warmly... OLD JAKE I've been expecting you... Sisko looks at his son, struck by his calm demeanor. After a beat... SISKO I'm glad you're still in this house... You seemed happy here... (re: the manuscript) And this... I can't tell you how good it makes me feel to see you got back to writing... Jake smiles, pleased... Suddenly his body tenses up, he has to gasp to regain his breath... SISKO (alarmed) Jake... what is it... ? As quickly as the spasm came, it passes... OLD JAKE (re: the manuscript) Look at the dedication... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 - ACT FIVE 60. 57 CONTINUED: Sisko lifts off the cover page, reads... SISKO "To my Father, who's coming home... " (beat) Thank you... but... I don't understand... OLD JAKE It was me. It was me all along. I've been dragging you through time like an anchor... and now it's time to cut you loose... SISKO What are you saying... ? Jake's eyes settle on the hypospray on the table... Sisko picks it up, looks at the label on the empty vial... and is stunned to realize that Jake poisoned himself... OLD JAKE (almost serene) It won't be long now... Sisko is stunned, he can barely get the words out -- SISKO Jake... no... Jake is hit by another spasm... OLD JAKE When I die, you'll go back to where this whole thing began... you just have to remember to dodge the energy discharge from the warp core... Sisko shakes his head, it seems so pointless to him SISKO You could still have so many years left... OLD JAKE (with difficulty) No... we have to be together when I die... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT FIVE 61. (57 CONTINUED: (2) The full realization of what Jake's done dawns on Sisko... SISKO (anguished) Jake... you didn't have to do this... not for me... OLD JAKE For you... and for the boy that I was... he needs you more than you know... Jake smiles, reaches to reassure his father... OLD JAKE Don't you see? We're going to get a second chance... He seizes up, and it chokes the breath out of him... Sisko gathers his son's frail body in his arms... holds him, helpless... SISKO (softly) Jake... my sweet boy... And a moment later... Jake dies... a faint smile on his lips... 58 CLOSE ON SISKO (OPTICAL) (DISTANT FUTURE) as he looks down at Jake's still features... a moment, then Sisko's face starts to FLICKER... CUT TO: 59 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINEERING (PRESENT) The moment of the accident... 60 CLOSE ON SISKO as he realizes he's handing the interphasic compensator back to Jake... 61 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Sisko springs into motion... diving to one side and tackling Jake to the floor... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - 07/31/95 - ACT FIVE 62. 61 CONTINUED: The ENERGY DISCHARGE spits out from the warp core and strikes the wall with a spray of sparks... it would've hit Sisko square in the back had he not moved... Sisko looks down at his young son's startled face, the same boy that only moments ago he held dying in his arms... his face is full of emotion as he realizes he's got him back... SISKO You okay? Jake nods that he is. But he can't figure out how his father managed to dodge the blast. JAKE How'd you know that was coming... ? Sisko can't quite check his emotion as he replies... SISKO I guess... we were just lucky this time... Jake looks at his father's face and sees the depth of feeling in it... JAKE Dad, are you all right? He looks at Jake's young face, overwhelmed by the emotion of the moment... then reaches and gathers him in his arms... holds him tight... SISKO (whispered) I am now, Jake... I am now... Off Sisko's features as he holds Jake, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END