STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Shakaar" #40513-470 Written by Gordon Dawson Directed by Jonathan West THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1995 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION March 16, 1995 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Shakaar" - 03/16/95 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Shakaar" CAST SISKO SHAKAAR KIRA WINN ODO LENARIS BASHIR LUPAZA DAX SYVAR O'BRIEN FUREL QUARK TROOPER MORN SECURITY OFFICER #1 ASSISTANT'S V.0. Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. BAJORANS STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shakaar" - 03/16/,95 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Shakaar" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE CORRIDOR BOX CANYON KIRA'S QUARTERS HILLS PROMENADE SHAKAAR'S FARM QUARK'S BAJOR WARDROOM CAVES FIRST MINISTER'S OFFICE SHAKAAR'S HOUSE STXT é8:[5,#b],14:[2,#b] STAR TREK: "Shakaar" - 03/17/95 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Shakaar" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BOTON BO-tun CARNAT KAR-nat DAHKUR duh-KOOR DONARK duh-NARK DURANJA dur-RAN-yuh FUREL fur-REL GALLITEP GAL-leh-tep GARUDA GUH-roo-duh LENARIS HOLEM leh-NAR-ris HO-lem KALEM APREN KA-lem AH-pren KLIN KLIN KOLA KO-luh LANORA luh-NOR-ruh LONAR la-NAR LUPAZA LOO-pah-zuh MOBARA MO-bar-ruh MOREKA mo-REH-kuh NERYS nar-EES ORNAK OR-nak ORNATHIA OR-na-thee-uh PARRISES puh-REE-sees PULLOCK PUHL-luck RAKANTHA ruh-KAN-tha RATOSHA ruh-TO-shuh REKJA REK-ja SALAM SAL-lum SYVAR SY-var TANIS TAN-nis DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Shakaar" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S SISKO and O'BRIEN are in the middle of a dart game. Sisko concentrates... takes careful aim and then throws a dart. Sisko smiles after seeing the result. SISKO Got you this time, Chief. Sisko steps aside and O'Brien steps up to the foul line... he considers the board for a moment... and then makes a quick throw based more on instinct than on careful aim. 2 ANGLE ON BOARD The dart goes right in the bullseye. 3 RESUME SISKO & O'BRIEN As they react. O'BRIEN Sorry, Commander. SISKO Don't apologize, that just makes it worse. O'BRIEN I guess I'm in the zone today. SISKO The zone? They start taking the darts out of the board. O'BRIEN That feeling that I can't lose... that I can put the dart exactly where I want it. You know the feeling. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: SISKO Not today. They step back to the foul line and O'Brien throws another dart -- right in the bullseye again. Sisko can't believe it, but then they're interrupted. DAX'S COM VOICE Dax to Sisko. SISKO (to com) Go ahead. DAX'S COM VOICE Benjamin, there's a priority message for you from the Bajoran Provisional Government. SISKO On my way. (to O'Brien) Fortunately, duty calls. You'll have to find another victim. O'Brien smiles and Sisko heads for the door. As he reaches the door to the Promenade, he passes BASHIR, who is just ENTERING. SISKO Doctor. BASHIR Commander. Is the chief here? SISKO He's back there... in the zone. Sisko EXITS. CUT TO: 4 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS KIRA is dressed in casual clothes and is softly praying before the Bajoran shrine in her quarters. There is a large and ornate OIL LAMP on the shrine, which is LIT. KIRA (quiet) ... raka-ja ut shala morala... ema bo roo kana... uranak... DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: KIRA (Cont'd) ... ralanon Bareil... propeh va nara ehsuk shala-kan vunek ... (do not let him walk alone... guide him on his journey... protect... the one named Bareil... take him into the gates of heaven... ) The door CHIMES. KIRA Enter. Sisko ENTERS and sees that Kira was in prayer. SISKO I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. KIRA It's all right. There's a quiet beat and Sisko can't help glancing at the prayer lamp in curiosity. Kira follows his gaze. KIRA It's called a duranja -- a lamp for the dead. I've been... praying for Bareil. Sisko nods in understanding. KIRA What can I do for you? SISKO This may come as something of a shock and I wanted you to hear it from me. (beat) The First Minister of the Provisional Government has died. KIRA Kalem Apren? How? SISKO Heart failure... he died in his sleep. Kira looks sad but not devastated. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA I only met him once, but he seemed like a good man. (beat) How soon will they appoint someone to replace him? Sisko takes a long beat... knows this is not going to sit well. SISKO They've already appointed someone. (beat) The new head of the Provisional Government... is Kai Winn. Off Kira's stunned reaction... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 5 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing the station. 6 INT. WARDROOM Kira and ODO are going over some reports on PADDS. Kira seems preoccupied. ODO ... so as a result, I've transferred Ensign Palmers back to the night watch and reassigned Crewman Donark to the Defiant as a member of the security detachment. Kira nods with little interest. Odo notices, but tries to continue. ODO (continuing) Starfleet is sending a series of upgrades for our tactical computer modules next week. I've drawn up a plan to phase in the upgrades over the course of three days. He hands Kira a PADD and she eyes it with little interest. Odo studies her for a moment. ODO Major. (Kira looks up) Is something wrong? KIRA No. (beat) Yes. She gets up and moves around, struggling to put her feelings and fears into words. KIRA It's this... whole thing with Kai Winn. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 6. 6 CONTINUED: KIRA I was just getting used to thinking of her as the spiritual leader of Bajor. But now she's running the entire government, Odo. ODO Not an ideal situation. KIRA I'm beginning to think that you and I are the only ones who feel that way. No one's even going to oppose her in next month's elections. She's going to be elected First Minister for the next six years and no one seems to care. ODO You and I have a different perspective than most Bajorans, Major. There's a... personal element to our feelings about her. (beat) I know you still blame Winn for Bareil's death. KIRA That's part of it. But this is about the future of Bajor. I can't shake the feeling that giving Winn control of the government is a mistake... She has to be stopped... ODO Stopped from doing what? KIRA I don't know. Maybe I'm afraid that once she's in power... she's never going to let go. ODO Unfortunately, that suspicion is not shared by the people of Bajor. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 7-8. 6 CONTINUED: (2) ODO (Cont'd) They still admire her as... the woman who made peace with Cardassia. KIRA Bareil made peace with Cardassia. ODO I know that, Major. But to the rest of Bajor, Winn is the real hero... in their eyes, it took courage for her to conclude a treaty with a race that she herself had so bitterly condemned and fought against. KIRA I don't care about her... popular image, she's no hero. She only cares about one thing... her own power. Why can't people see that? Kira takes a moment and looks out at the stars as a deep depression begins to overwhelm her. KIRA We spent all those years fighting against the Cardassians... all that time spent hoping and praying for a Bajor that was free... now, after we've won, how can people hand their freedom over to someone like Winn? ODO It has been my observation that one of the prices of giving people freedom of choice... is that sometimes they make the wrong choice. Off Kira's face as she considers that disturbing thought. CUT TO: 7 INT. QUARK'S A small CROWD has gathered around to watch as O'Brien and DAX finish the last couple of throws in a dart match. QUARK is standing nearby, watching with intense interest. Dax takes careful aim... and then throws. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 8A. 7 CONTINUED: The Crowd reacts with a little excitement -- it's a tight game. Dax steps back and picks up her drink. O'Brien steps up to the line and quickly throws his last dart -- bullseye. The crowd goes wild -- some cheering, some disappointed, but everyone excited about the game. Quark steps into the middle of things. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 9. 7 CONTINUED: (2) DAX I think I'll stick to Tongo from now on. O'BRIEN Sorry, Lieutenant. QUARK Thank you, thank you all for your gaming business. The House will start taking bets on the next challenger at ten to one. That's ten to one, without even knowing who the next challenger will be. O'BRIEN Quark, I have to go. QUARK No problem. (to crowd) Ladies and gentlemen, Chief of Operations Miles Edward O'Brien now has to leave to resume his duties aboard the station. Quark begins applauding and the crowd joins in. QUARK Now, everyone, give him room... make way, make way... Quark carefully shepherds O'Brien through the bar and out the front door. 8 INT. PROMENADE - CONTINUOUS As Quark and O'Brien ENTER from Quark's. Quark is treating O'Brien like a very valuable commodity -- which he is at the moment. QUARK I trust that we'll be seeing you again tomorrow, for your... forty- seventh straight victory, Chief? O'BRIEN I don't know... I was actually thinking about getting some time in the holosuites tomorrow. Quark suddenly looks horrified. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 10. 8 CONTINUED: QUARK The holosuites? You weren't thinking of... going kayaking by any chance? O'BRIEN As a matter of fact... QUARK (quickly) Oh... didn't I tell you? I misplaced the kayaking program -- haven't seen it in days. O'Brien stops and gives him a "who are you kidding?" look. Quark instantly changes tacks and speaks with the passion and conviction of a minister addressing his flock. QUARK (continuing) All right, look -- you're on a streak -- an epic streak. If you go kayaking tomorrow... and something happens... and you damage that... golden shoulder... this streak will be over. And you'll never know just how far it might have taken you. (beat) Could you really live with that? O'Brien looks at him for a long moment... seems to give this real thought. O'BRIEN You're offering ten to one tomorrow to anyone betting against me? QUARK That's right. O'BRIEN I'd make it fifteen. O'Brien turns and walks away. Quark can't believe it... he looks as happy as we've ever seen him as he suddenly sees visions of latinum dancing before him. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 11. 9 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 10 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira is again in front of the shrine, the lamp is lit and she's saying prayers. KIRA ... bo roo kana... uranak... ralanon Bareil... propeh va nara ehsuk shala- kan ... The door CHIMES. Kira lets out a deep sigh... tries not to sound too irritated. KIRA Yes? The door OPENS revealing KAI WINN standing in the doorway. Kira is too stunned to say anything right away. WINN Hello, child. KIRA Eminence... There's a long beat. WINN May I come in? KIRA (getting it together) Of course. Winn ENTERS and looks around the room for a moment. WINN I hope you'll forgive the intrusion child, I know the hour is late... KIRA Does Commander Sisko know that you're aboard the station? WINN I'm not here to see the Emissary. I'm here to see you. KIRA Me? DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 12. 10 CONTINUED: WINN Yes, Child. Winn notices the lit prayer lamp. WINN (re: lamp) Have you suffered a recent loss? Or are you still mourning the death of Minister Kalem? KIRA It's for Vedek Bareil, actually. WINN It's been three months since Bareil left us to walk with the Prophets... you must have cared for him deeply. KIRA I... loved him. WINN As did I. KIRA (icy) Is that why you never mention Bareil's name when you talk about your peace treaty with Cardassia? As I recall, he was the one who negotiated it. WINN Bareil saw himself as simply carrying out the will of the Prophets. To him, achieving peace with Cardassia was its own reward. He never wanted fame or glory for what he did. (beat) As someone who loved him, I'm surprised you didn't know that. Kira's emotions threaten to bubble to the surface, but Winn has boxed her into a tight corner and Kira realizes the futility of trying to fight her way out. She turns away from Winn and tries to steady herself. KIRA What is it you want, Eminence? DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 13. 10 CONTINUED: (2) WINN Are you familiar with Rakantha Province? Kira's caught offstride by the abrupt change of subject. KIRA It's... a farming community. WINN And it used to be one of the most productive agricultural regions on Bajor. But as you know, the Cardassians poisoned much of our farmlands before they left, and Rakantha has been mostly barren wasteland ever since. (beat) After years of research, the agricultural ministry has finally developed reclamators which can detoxify the soil and make it fertile again. KIRA This is all very interesting, but what does this have to do with me? DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 14. 10 CONTINUED: (3) WINN Patience, Child. (beat) In six months, it will be the planting season in Rakantha. By this time next year, we can be producing boton, moreka, salam grass -- all of them valuable commodities for export. If we can attract interstellar commerce to Bajor, it will only enhance our application for membership in the Federation. KIRA (nods) I understand... WINN Unfortunately, a group of farmers who were allowed to use the reclamators in another province are now refusing to return them. (beat) That's why I've come to you, Kira. You see, the farmers who've seized the equipment are in Dahkur Province -- your home. And they're led by a man you're acquainted with... his name is Shakaar. KIRA (surprised) Shakaar? DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 14A. 10 CONTINUED: (4) WINN If I'm not mistaken, he was the leader of your resistance cell during the occupation. KIRA That's right. WINN I want you to convince him to return the equipment he's stolen. Kira looks at Winn like she's out of her mind. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 15. 10 CONTINUED: (5) KIRA You're asking me to go against a man who saved my life on about a hundred occasions... for you? Winn refuses to rise to the bait. She's completely reasonable. WINN Not for me, child. For Bajor. (beat) I know that we've had our differences in the past... but I'm asking you to put those feelings aside and think about what is best for our people. Kira has trouble fighting against that argument and Winn knows it. Winn presses her. WINN (continuing) We are on the verge of a new era... the Occupation is over, we've achieved peace with Cardassia, Federation membership is only a few years away... this is an exciting time to be a Bajoran. But our future depends on each of us acting for the common good of all Bajor. (beat) Shakaar has lost sight of that. By stealing the reclamators, he's acting in his own self-interest at the expense of the rest of our people. KIRA I know Shakaar... and he's one of the most... selfless people I ever met. He must have a good reason for what he's done. WINN Perhaps. Perhaps he is only... misguided. That's why I've come to you, Kira. You know him... you can talk to him. I don't want this to become a... scandal. I want this to be settled quietly, peacefully. (beat) Surely we can both agree that that's a worthy goal... DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 15A. 10 CONTINUED: (6) Kira is caught here... she's can't really disagree with anything Winn is saying. KIRA I can... talk to him. But I can't guarantee he'll listen to me. Winn glances over at the lamp. WINN Vedek Bareil used to tell me that you can be quite persuasive when you put your mind to it, child. (beat) I hope that he wasn't mistaken. Walk with the Prophets. Winn EXITS, leaving Kira with a lot to think about... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 11 EXT. SHAKAAR'S FARM - DAY (OPTICAL) Kira MATERIALIZES on a vast desolate plain. Although there are no crops visible, the presence of fences, and abandoned equipment identify this as farmland. Kira bends down and picks up a handful of the dry soil... she rubs it between her fingers... sniffs it... crumbles it in her hands. The soil is sandy... it's doubtful that anything will grow here. Kira looks around and sees a lone BAJORAN FARMHOUSE standing nearby. The house has seen better days and it looks shabby. Kira takes a deep breath and then walks up onto the front porch. She presses a door panel... no response. After a beat, she pounds on the door... but still nothing. She moves over to a window and tries to peer through it when she is suddenly GRABBED from behind and whirled around. Kira's combat instincts flare and she cocks back an arm for a killing blow, but then freezes as she sees that the man holding her is SHAKAAR. Shakaar is a handsome, solidly built man in his late thirties to early forties. He has a piercing, intelligent gaze and always seems to be thinking. His face has a prematurely aged look to it -- the look of a man who's been through a lot at an early age. His hair is long and falls to his shoulders. KIRA Shakaar. They both stare at each other for a long moment... neither one sure what to feel or say. SHAKAAR You cut your hair. KIRA You let yours grow. SHAKAAR I liked you better the old way. KIRA I was just thinking the same thing... about you. A quick beat and then Shakaar smiles and takes her in his arms and gives her a warm hug. Kira returns it. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 17. 11 CONTINUED: SHAKAAR It's good to see you, Nerys. KIRA It's good to see you too. Shakaar lets her go and looks at her with obvious affection and warmth. SHAKAAR Come in, come in... They both EXIT to... 12 INT. SHAKAAR'S HOUSE - DAY - CONTINUOUS The interior of the house is in only slightly better shape than the exterior. The furnishings all look second rate and there is a definite feeling that what little decoration there is was thrown together from what was available rather than through any eye for design. Shakaar and Kira ENTER. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 18. 12 CONTINUED: SHAKAAR So. Major Kira Nerys. Deep Space Nine's first officer. You've made quite a name for yourself. KIRA Not really. SHAKAAR You've accomplished a great deal. You should be proud. Kira looks a little embarrassed, but Shakaar is one of the few people whose praise actually means something to her and it shows. SHAKAAR (continuing) Furel and Lupaza are so proud of you they actually stand a little taller when your name comes up. Kira's head snaps up at the names. KIRA Furel and Lupaza? You still see them? SHAKAAR Of course. They both have farms less than ten kilometers from here. KIRA Those two are farmers? You, yes -- it was all you talked about -- but Lupaza? How'd that happen? SHAKAAR You can ask her yourself. They'll be here in a couple of hours. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 19. 12 CONTINUED: (2) SHAKAAR (Cont'd) (smiles) I can't wait to see their faces when they come through that door and find you standing here. Shakaar chuckles to himself and begins moving to the tiny kitchen area of the house. Kira looks a little troubled and she moves after him. KIRA Shakaar... before they get here, we should talk. I'm... here on business. SHAKAAR (quiet) Nerys... I know why you're here. And I need time to think about it. All right? Kira looks at him and smiles after a long beat. KIRA All right. Shakaar smiles back and then moves to a different part of the house. CUT TO: 13 EXT. SHAKAAR'S FARM - NIGHT Darkness has fallen. The lights in the house are ON and we can hear voices and laughter coming from inside the house. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 20. 14 INT. SHAKAAR'S HOUSE - NIGHT Kira, Shakaar, FUREL, and LUPAZA are sitting in the living area with the remains of food and drink scattered around. Furel is older than the others, in his late fifties with a cautious, thoughtful attitude. He's also missing his left ARM. Lupaza is a woman in her early forties and is more highly strung. The mood is warm and convivial, but underlying everything is the fact that these people shared a grim and arduous experience. The fight against the Cardassians shaped and molded each of them and that shared background serves to temper their gaiety even in the best of times. LUPAZA (to Furel) You never would've found your way out of there if I hadn't left that marker on the rock. FUREL I have a fine sense of direction. I knew exactly where I was the whole night. KIRA I found your tracks the next day. You were walking in circles. FUREL (with dignity) I was throwing the Cardassians off my trail. This is met with outright laughter, but it's all in fun and even Furel smiles, showing he has a sense of humor about himself. The laughter settles down after a moment and more drinks are poured. Lupaza suddenly remembers something. LUPAZA Nerys? Guess who I saw last week? Mobara. KIRA Really? LUPAZA He's in school now... studying engineering. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 21. 14 CONTINUED: KIRA That's perfect. Now he can build bridges and then blow them up. Furel holds out an empty glass. FUREL Again, please. Kira picks up the pitcher and starts to fill the glass. KIRA Furel... if you don't mind my asking... why haven't you-- FUREL Why haven't I had my arm replaced? Well... I thought about it. Even saw a Federation doctor about it... she said, "No problem, Furel. You can have a new arm in less than a week... you'll have full range of motion and it'll feel just like your own." KIRA So why didn't you do it? Furel shrugs... to him losing the arm and his reasons for doing so are a badge of honor. He's proud of it. FUREL Before I went into that interrogation center, I asked the Prophets to give me the strength to get the rest of you out of there. And in return... I said I'd give up my life. As it turned out, I not only rescued you and Shakaar and Lupaza... it only cost me an arm. (beat) I felt like the Prophets were generous. Somehow replacing the arm seems... ungrateful. A quiet beat as they all reflect on this. After a beat, Lupaza breaks the moment. LUPAZA (dry) I think you're just afraid that with two arms, you'd actually have to do some real work for a change. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 22. 14 CONTINUED: (2) The mood lightens a bit as the familiar jousting between the two of them continues. FUREL I've done more work on my farm in the last three months than you've done in three years. I've seen weeds that look better than the crops you're growing. LUPAZA You know good and well that my soil's more toxic than any farm tract within a hundred kilometers. (Furel rolls his eyes) It's true. Once I get a chance to use one of the reclamators things'll change, I can promise you that. Kira shifts uneasily at the mention of this topic. Shakaar glances at her and then calmly puts it all on the table. SHAKAAR (quiet) You may not get that chance, Lupaza. (beat) Nerys was sent here by the Kai with orders to convince us to return the reclamators to the government. Kira looks at Furel and Lupaza, not sure what to expect from them. They both look at her pleasantly, not at all put off by this news. FUREL (to Shakaar) And you said no... SHAKAAR I said I'd have to think about it. LUPAZA There's not much to think about Shakaar... you know that. (pleasant, to Kira) Tell the Kai or the First Minister or whatever she wants to be called these days that the answer's no. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 23. 14 CONTINUED: (3) LUPAZA (Cont'd) We need the reclamators and that's the end of it. (beat) Now, who wants tuwaly pie? Lupaza gets up and moves to a sideboard where there's a pie. She seems to have effectively ended the conversation about the reclamators and moved on. FUREL I hope you didn't put too much rekja in it this time. LUPAZA I'm not going to start taking cooking lessons from a man who can't even boil carnat legs without turning them into glue... FUREL Now don't start that again... that happened one time... During the above dialog, we PUSH IN on Kira's face and we can see that Kira is still disturbed. OFF Kira's expression we... DISSOLVE TO: 15 EXT. SHAKAAR'S FARM - NIGHT Shakaar and Kira are standing on the front porch, looking out over the landscape. Furel and Lupaza have just left. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 24. 15 CONTINUED: KIRA You know... this business with the reclamators isn't going to just go away, Shakaar. SHAKAAR (unruffled) Maybe not. KIRA Definitely not. (beat) I think you should reconsider. Shakaar turns and looks at her and while his expression is still friendly, we can see the steely determination in his face. Kira pushes on. KIRA (continuing) I know what you're trying to do here... and I know how difficult it's been. But we need to think about what's best for Bajor. SHAKAAR If you think giving the reclamators back to the government is what's best for Bajor, then you've been on that space station for too long. (beat) We waited three years to get the reclamators. Two months ago, we finally got them and we were told that they were ours for at least a year. The Provisional Government actually did something right for a change. (beat) Then Minister Kalem died... and the next thing we knew, we get an order to return the reclamators immediately to... (derisive) ... the Rakantha farming project. KIRA The Rakantha project is important. If they can get it underway, Bajor could begin exporting goods again. It'll start to change how the rest of the galaxy looks at us. They'll stop seeing us as poor refugees and start seeing us as equals. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 25. 15 CONTINUED: (2) SHAKAAR (harsh) I don't give a damn about how the rest of the galaxy looks at us. We're trying to feed our own people and you're talking about exports! There's a beat as Shakaar lets his temper subside for a moment. SHAKAAR (continuing) Rakantha may be an important project, Kira, but they have everything: agrobiologists, chemists, and fifty reclamators. What do we have? Nothing but toxic soil and obsolete farming equipment. Kira thinks for a moment... KIRA There has to be a way to reach some kind of compromise here... SHAKAAR How? KIRA I don't know... but maybe if you and the Kai sat down together, you could reach some kind of arrangement... some way to share the equipment more fairly. If I could arrange a meeting between you and her, would you be willing to at least talk with her about it? SHAKAAR I don't know if it'll accomplish anything. KIRA It might not... but at least it's a place to start. Shakaar takes a beat... then regards Kira with a softer expression. He moves closer to her and lowers his voice. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 26. 15 CONTINUED: (3) SHAKAAR All right. For you... I'll meet with her. He's about to go back inside, then he gives her a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. SHAKAAR It's good to have you home, Nerys. You should come back more often. KIRA Maybe I will. SHAKAAR Good. Because we've all missed you. (beat) Especially me. Shakaar smiles, then EXITS to the house, leaving Kira alone on the porch. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 16 EXT. BAJOR - STOCK MATTE SHOT (OPTICAL) Establishing the Bajoran capital city. 17 INT. FIRST MINISTER'S OFFICE The office of the head of the Bajoran secular government, a relatively small room sparsely decorated. Kai Winn's only had it for three weeks and has only begun to introduce any personal effects. An N.D. Bajoran Government official is awaiting instructions from the Kai. WINN These are the codes you'll need to access my personal files in the Vedek Assembly Records. Have them transferred to this office as soon as possible. During the above, Kira ENTERS. The Bajoran official nods his acknowledgement and EXITS. KIRA Making yourself at home, I see. WINN Providing the Bajoran people with both spiritual and secular leadership is a grave responsibility. If I must abandon my offices in the Vedek Assembly to prove worthy of the task the Prophets have set before me, then so be it. KIRA I'm sure the Bajoran people will appreciate your sacrifice. The Kai pretends to have missed the sarcasm in Kira's voice. WINN Am I to assume, my child, that you have met with Shakaar? KIRA We've talked. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT THREE 28. 17 CONTINUED: WINN Have you convinced him to return the soil reclamators? KIRA He's not ready to return them... yet. WINN (still calm) I see. And when can we expect the return of the equipment? KIRA As soon as the topsoil in Dahkur Province has been restored and readied for planting. Another six months. WINN In six months, the planting season in Rakantha will be over. KIRA I realize that... and I know how important the Rakantha project is... which is why I've arranged a meeting between the two of you. WINN A meeting? KIRA Yes. To work out a compromise. If you'll just hear him out and look at the work they've been able to accomplish in Dahkur in only two months, you'll see why this is so important to them. There must be some way to resolve this situation so that both Rakantha and Dahkur can benefit. Winn looks at Kira for a long moment... her face unreadable, but clearly thinking about something. WINN Did you explain to Shakaar that you were there on the direct authority of the First Minister? KIRA Yes. But it wouldn't have mattered if I were there on behalf of the Prophets themselves. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT THREE 29. 17 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (Cont'd) He wasn't going to just give up the equipment. WINN A pity. Shakaar sounds like a prideful, arrogant man. It also seems like there's no reasoning with him. KIRA Shakaar is not an unreasonable man. He's desperate. They all are -- you should see what they're up against... the condition of the land... the harsh weather. But if you would just talk to him, I'm sure you'll be able to reach some sort of compromise. Winn thinks about this for a beat, and then seems to reach a conclusion. WINN Well. It would seem that I have little choice. KIRA So I can tell him that you'll discuss this with him? WINN Yes. You can tell him that. And then you can return to Deep Space Nine. KIRA I can still serve as an intermediary between you and Shakaar... WINN That won't be necessary. You've already done enough. (smiling) Please, give my best regards to Commander Sisko. Kira hesitates, not quite ready to leave. WINN That will be all, my child. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT THREE 30. 17 CONTINUED: (3) Kira's about to protest, then thinks better of it, and EXITS. CUT TO: 18 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. There's a Prometheus-class ship docked on the lower pylon (stock from "SECOND SIGHT"). 19 INT. CORRIDOR Close on O'Brien, who is half buried in an open panel, busy completing some kind of repair. Suddenly, a pair of Starfleet boots walk into frame alongside him. SYVAR (O.S.) Excuse me. O'Brien, startled by the voice, bangs his head on the bulkhead. He pulls his head out of the panel and looks up at... 20 NEW ANGLE To include a Vulcan dressed in a Starfleet science uniform. This is SYVAR. SYVAR My apologies. I did not intend to alarm you. I am Lieutenant Commander Syvar, Science Officer of the Garuda. O'Brien stands up, rubbing his head. O'BRIEN It's all right. I'm Chief Miles O'Brien. What can I do for you, sir? SYVAR I understand you are quite proficient at the human game known as "darts." O'BRIEN I've been known to toss a game or two. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT THREE 31. 20 CONTINUED: SYVAR If that means you are good, I am gratified to hear it. Ferengis have an unfortunate propensity for exaggeration and I do not wish to face an opponent of lesser skills. Something about this guy is starting to rub O'Brien the wrong way. O'BRIEN I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. SYVAR You are not aware of our upcoming match? It was arranged by a Ferengi named Quark. O'BRIEN Really? Well, I guess he forgot to mention it. SYVAR I see. In that case, there will be no dishonor when you decline the match. O'BRIEN I... didn't say I wanted to decline. SYVAR It would be most advisable for you to do so. O'BRIEN Oh? And why is that? SYVAR As a Vulcan, I am better suited to this game than a human. My hand-eye coordination is superb, I am able to mentally calculate the precise trajectory necessary for each throw, and my lack of emotional attachment to the game makes me a superior dart player to any human. O'Brien definitely doesn't like this guy. O'BRIEN When was this match supposed to take place? DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT THREE 32. 20 CONTINUED: (2) SYVAR Tomorrow at twenty-one hundred hours. O'BRIEN See you then. Sir. Syvar raises an eyebrow, and then EXITS, leaving O'Brien to think about tomorrow's game. CUT TO: 21 EXT. SHAKAAR'S FARM - DAY Re-establishing. 22 INT. SHAKAAR'S HOUSE - DAY Shakaar and Kira are in mid-conversation. Shakaar's attitude toward Kira is one of a big brother talking to his younger sister. He listens to what she has to say, but to him, Kira will always be one of his followers in the resistance cell. SHAKAAR Well, I'll be interested to hear what she has to say, but she's not getting those reclamators back until we're finished with them. KIRA Shakaar... you have to be flexible. I'm not sure this is a fight you can win. SHAKAAR (smiles) That's what the Cardassians used to say. Just then, someone KNOCKS on Shakaar's door. SHAKAAR Come in. 23 NEW ANGLE Two BAJORAN SECURITY OFFICERS (dressed in the same type of uniform Odo wears), ENTER. SECURITY OFFICER #1 Are you Shakaar? DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT THREE 33. 23 CONTINUED: SHAKAAR Yes. SECURITY OFFICER #1 You're under arrest. KIRA What? Who authorized this? SECURITY OFFICER #1 Our orders came directly from the office of the First Minister. Kira flushes with anger. KIRA She lied to me. SHAKAAR She's good at it, Nerys. Don't feel bad. SECURITY OFFICER #1 If you'll come with us... SHAKAAR All right, but I want to make one thing clear... Without warning, Shakaar lashes out and punches the first Security Officer. The second Security Officer tries to draw his sidearm, but Kira instinctively hits him, knocking him to the ground. By the time she's retrieved the unconscious officer's weapon, Shakaar has knocked his own opponent to the ground and taken his weapon. SHAKAAR (to Kira) I'm glad to see living on that space station hasn't slowed you down. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT THREE 34. 23 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA We'd better get out of here. Kira starts to head for the door, but Shakaar stops her. SHAKAAR (re: Security Officers) This can still be explained away. It was a tense situation and you acted on instinct. They'll understand that... but they won't understand you coming with me. (beat) This isn't your fight, Nerys. Go home. Kira looks at him for a long moment. KIRA I am home, Shakaar. And I've been lied to by Kai Winn for the last time. She wants a fight... I'll give her one. Shakaar looks at her... sees the determination in her expression... then finally nods and heads out of the cave. Kira waits a beat, then follows him. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 35. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 24 INT. CAVES A short time later. Shakaar, and Furel are talking in hushed, urgent tones while Kira breaks out weapons and equipment from storage containers. The equipment is old and obviously well used. There's a sense of urgency in the air. FUREL ... the civil police have issued a province-wide alert for you and Kira. They've requested that the surrounding towns send more men and equipment to help in the search for the "fugitives." SHAKAAR There's a familiar word. I haven't been called that in a while... I kinda missed it. Furel grins tightly as Lupaza hurries in. LUPAZA (to Shakaar) The authorities have seized your farm and they've brought in a scanning team to hunt for the reclamators. SHAKAAR Let'em scan. There's nothing there for them to find. LUPAZA They've also detained some of the other members of our resistance cell for "questioning." KIRA Who? LUPAZA Mobara, Klin and Ornak were taken away before I could warn them. The others are heading for the Kola Mountain stronghold. I said we'd meet them there and go over our plan. FUREL (to Shakaar) What is our plan? DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 36. 24 CONTINUED: Shakaar glances over at Kira, who is listening, but clearly deep in thought and trying to reach some kind of decision. SHAKAAR For now... the plan is to keep moving. We'll let the civil police run themselves ragged chasing us through the mountains. FUREL (grins) Just like old times... SHAKAAR That's the general idea. The Cardassians spent ten years searching for us in these mountains... the civil police will probably give up in ten days. KIRA I'm not so sure about that... some of them used to be in the Resistance too... they might not give up so easily. SHAKAAR Maybe. But I don't think they really want to hunt down a group of fellow Bajorans who are just trying to defend their homes. (beat) We'll head for Kola Mountain, pick up anyone who's there and then go further up into the hill country. Let's go. They all head out of the cave. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 37. 25 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. The Garuda is still in port. 26 INT. QUARK'S A large crowd is watching silently as a dart comes streaking across the screen and imbeds itself in the dart board. It's a great shot (triple twenty or something like that) and the crowd gasps audibly in admiration. The other dart in the board is also in a great spot (either a double or triple). The camera pans over to where O'Brien stands at the throw line, looking very confident and unable to ignore the crowd's acclaim. Syvar can't help but stoically raise a single eyebrow in Vulcan annoyance. BASHIR Yes! SYVAR A most auspicious shot. BASHIR (excited) You've got him, Chief. One in the bull and you win. DAX (to Bashir) Julian, I think he knows that. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 38. 26 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (to Bashir, joking) Don't worry "coach," I won't let you down. SYVAR I see no need for delay. Throw the dart. O'BRIEN I'll throw it when I'm ready. Quark comes up from behind him with a tray of drinks. QUARK Did I miss anything? DAX Shhh. O'BRIEN (still eyeing Syvar) Is that my synthale? QUARK Extra-stout, just the way you like it. O'BRIEN (to Syvar) Excuse me. Without looking, O'Brien reaches back with his right arm for the beer, and there's a familiar "pop." O'BRIEN (hunching in pain) Ahhh. O'Brien grabs his right shoulder. QUARK (worried) What is it? Bashir makes a quick examination. BASHIR It's his shoulder. It's popped out of the socket. Again. (to Waiter) Get me a medkit. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 39. 26 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK What did I do? I just handed him a drink. Bashir is handed a medkit by the waiter and he pulls out a tricorder. O'BRIEN Julian... just pop it back in... I'll be fine. But Bashir has begun to frown at what he sees on the tricorder and begins to scan O'Brien's shoulder. BASHIR I'm afraid it's not that simple this time, Chief. You have a rotator cuff tear with severe degenerative damage. We'd better get you to the Infirmary. SYVAR If he leaves the line, he has forfeited the game. QUARK (panicked) Forfeit? BASHIR Look, this man needs surgery. O'BRIEN Surgery? BASHIR That's right, Chief. I may have to replace the entire humoral socket. (to the Vulcan) It's a simple procedure. We can postpone the conclusion of the match until tomorrow... by then his shoulder will be good as new. SYVAR I do not make the rules. I merely follow them. In any case, the Garuda is departing this evening. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 40. 26 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN Wait... wait... I'm in the zone... I just need... O'Brien makes an incautious move and nearly passes out from the pain. O'BRIEN (agonized) I need... surgery. Bashir guides O'Brien toward the door and Syvar cocks an eyebrow at Quark. SYVAR I believe the House was paying... fifteen to one. QUARK All I did was... hand him a drink... Off Quark's expression... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 41. 27 EXT. BAJOR - STOCK MATTE SHOT (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SCENE 34) Re-establishing. 28 INT. FIRST MINISTER'S OFFICE (FORMERLY SCENE 35) Sisko is seated watching Kai Winn pace around the room. She's extremely agitated. WINN Emissary, I am so glad you came to consult with me. SISKO Frankly, I was surprised you wanted my advice. WINN The advice of the Emissary is always welcome. But what I really need is your help. SISKO What kind of help? WINN It's been two weeks since I was forced to send the militia into Dahkur Province. SISKO And? WINN And they have yet to catch sight of Shakaar or any of his followers, let alone take them into custody. SISKO I guess now you know how the Cardassians must've felt. The Kai looks at Sisko to see if he is deliberately insulting her, but Sisko's face remains neutral. WINN The point is, I can't let this go on much longer. It embarrasses me to say this, but Shakaar's defiance seems to be catching on in some of the other Provinces. I've had to take certain... unfortunate actions to maintain order. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 41A. 28 CONTINUED: SISKO You mean declaring martial law and suspending local government in the Hill Provinces. WINN I wasn't aware that you kept such... close watch on the Bajoran political situation. SISKO I try to stay informed. (beat) From what I understand, Shakaar is starting to gain support all over Bajor. WINN Is that what Major Kira's been telling you? SISKO I haven't spoken to the Major in quite some time. WINN Emissary, I don't want this issue to divide my people. SISKO Then I'd advise withdrawing your troops from Dahkur. WINN I'm more than willing to do that. (a beat) On one condition. SISKO And what would that be? WINN I'd like you to provide a Federation security force to take their place. SISKO You want me to bring in Shakaar for you. WINN Such an act would do much to solidify relations between the Federation and Bajor. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 41B. 28 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I wasn't aware our relationship needed solidifying. WINN Nevertheless, this is an opportunity for the Federation to once again show it's friendship to Bajor. Sisko thinks about if for a beat, then... SISKO I'm sorry, but I'm afraid Federation law prevents me from interfering in Bajoran internal affairs. WINN (doesn't like it) So you're refusing my request for aid? SISKO I suppose I am. WINN If Bajor cannot depend on the Federation, we'll withdraw our application for membership. SISKO That would be an unfortunate overreaction on your part. And if I may say so, your entire response to this crisis has been an overreaction. By using militia troops against your own people, you're risking civil war over a handful of soil reclamators. WINN I'm afraid you can't see what's really going on here. This is not about soil reclamators. This is about the future of our society. If someone like Shakaar can defy the law and escape punishment, then we risk descending into anarchy and chaos. (beat) This is a test... a test by the Prophets. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 41C. 28 CONTINUED: (3) WINN (Cont'd) They want to see if I'm worthy of the role they've given me as First Minister and Kai. I will not fail them. I will stop Shakaar... by any means necessary. Off the Kai's look of grim determination... CUT TO: 29 EXT. HILLS - DAY Kira, Shakaar, Furel, Lupaza and ELEVEN N.D. BAJORAN CIVILIANS are scrambling down a hillside at a breakneck pace. They're armed now with an assortment of Bajoran and Cardassian weapons and they also have a motley batch of tricorders and other portable equipment. SHAKAAR (urgent) Move, move, move! DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 42. 29 CONTINUED: They scramble down the hill, duck down into a dry river bed, and everyone tries to get some cover. Kira pulls out a DEVICE and begins frantically working the controls. Furel holds a tricorder. FUREL (off tricorder) They're closing. Seventy-five meters. SHAKAAR Come on, Kira. KIRA I've almost got it... She keeps working... then Lupaza hisses a warning. LUPAZA (loud whisper) They're on the ridge. Everyone hunkers down and looks back up the way they came. 30 ANGLE ON RIDGE At the top of the hill that Kira and the others just came down, there is now an ARMED PATROL of NINETEEN N.D. BAJORAN TROOPS. The leader holds up a hand and they stop as he pulls out a tricorder and starts scanning the area. 31 ON SHAKAAR as he watches the troops. He slowly moves his weapon up to the ready. SHAKAAR (low) Kira if you can't do it... tell me now... She finishes working on the device and hits a final control. A light on the device begins FLASHING. KIRA I got it... She looks up at the troops. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 32 ANGLE ON TROOPS As the leader scans the area... he suddenly sees something on the tricorder... motions for his men to follow... and they head off in the wrong direction. 33 RESUME KIRA & SHAKAAR As they breathe a sigh of relief. Everyone looks exhausted. SHAKAAR How long do we have? KIRA I've projected the false life signs about seven hundred meters past that ravine. It'll probably take them... an hour to cover that distance... maybe another fifteen minutes to realize what's happened. Furel tries to catch his breath... he rubs a leg in obvious pain. FUREL Either I'm getting older... or these mountains are getting higher. LUPAZA The next time I start getting nostalgic for the old days... shoot me. FUREL If you insist. Shakaar carefully peers at the troops heading off in the wrong direction. Kira sets the flashing device on the ground. SHAKAAR (re: troops) They're good. KIRA Half of them are from Dahkur Province... they know the terrain almost as well as we do. SHAKAAR I think you're right... we need to leave Dahkur... they'll box us in if we stay much longer. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 43A. 33 CONTINUED: KIRA We could take Serpent's Ridge up to Ratosha Pass... and head for Lonar Province. Shakaar glances around at the others... everyone is breathing hard and sweating. SHAKAAR Serpent's Ridge is pretty rugged territory... DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 44-45. 33 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA I'm not sure we have much of a choice. Shakaar is about to agree when Furel steps forward. FUREL Yes, we do. We can turn and fight. LUPAZA He's right, Shakaar. It's just like in the old days... every once in a while the Cardassians would get too close... and we'd turn around and give them a bloody nose. SHAKAAR (quiet) Sometimes it was our nose that got bloodied. FUREL We've always been willing to take that chance. (beat) I'll follow whatever order you give... but I'm tired of running. Shakaar looks around and sees that they all agree with Furel. SHAKAAR Kira? Kira thinks for a long beat, then has to admit the painful truth. KIRA I don't think we can keep up this pace. Shakaar turns and faces his troops. SHAKAAR (to all) All right. Then we'll head for Tanis Canyon. Kira's on point... column of twos after her... Lupaza take the rear. There's a beat as the others exchange a look. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 46. 33 CONTINUED: (3) FUREL There's no way out of Tanis Canyon... SHAKAAR And that's why we're going to lead those militia troops in there... because we're going to be waiting for them. (beat) Let's go. They all exchange grim looks... and then head out. (Kira leaves the flashing device behind.) FADE OUT. 34 thru OMITTED 35 END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 47. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 36 EXT. BOX CANYON - DAY Kira and Shakaar are hunkered down behind some rocks on the top of a ridgeline, looking down into a box canyon. They both have their weapons out and are intently watching something o.s. 37 KIRA'S POV From her perspective, we can see a LARGE NUMBER of BAJORAN TROOPS (around 20 men and women) moving cautiously across the canyon floor. They are led by a Bajoran Colonel who we will learn is named LENARIS. The troops carry phaser rifles and they are moving professionally through the canyon. Several of them have tricorders out and are sweeping the area. 38 RESUME KIRA & SHAKAAR Still watching the troops. SHAKAAR (quiet) I don't think they've picked us up on their tricorders. KIRA (quiet) They won't, either. Not with that dampening field in place. Shakaar looks to his left. 39 SHAKAAR'S POV To his left, we can see Lupaza and two Bajoran N.D.s hunkered down at a different location on the ridgeline. They have their weapons out and pointed at the oncoming troops. Lupaza sees Shakaar and signals that they're ready. 40 SHAKAAR glances to his right. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 48. 41 SHAKAAR'S POV To his right, at yet another location on the ridge, we can see Furel and another Bajoran N.D. They also are well- concealed from the troops and have them covered with their weapons. Furel signals his readiness. 42 RESUME SHAKAAR & KIRA As they look down at the troopers approaching the ambush. Kira suddenly reacts. KIRA I think I recognize that man... SHAKAAR Which one? KIRA The colonel. (beat) That's Lenaris Holem. SHAKAAR Lenaris? From the Ornathia resistance cell? KIRA I met him a year ago at a reception in the Capital. There's a beat as they think about that. SHAKAAR He's good. No wonder we haven't lost them. (beat) We have to get him with the first volley. You take the Lieutenant on the right. I'll take Lenaris. Kira and Shakaar share a look -- they know this is a decisive moment. Then they both sight their weapons on the troops below. 43 KIRA Settles her disruptor on one of the troopers... she closes her eyes briefly... struggles to put her feelings aside... but she's definitely having problems. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 48A. 43A POV SHAKAAR'S SCOPE (OPTICAL) Shakaar zero's the weapon directly on Lenaris. 44 ON SHAKAAR Shakaar's finger tenses on the trigger... then relaxes... he's having trouble with this too. He looks over at Kira and the two of them share a look of mutual dread. There's a long beat as they both consider what they're about to do. Then finally... KIRA I'm sorry. SHAKAAR Don't be. I can't either. There's a beat, then Shakaar makes a decision. He stands up in full view of the troops below. Kira stands up with him, and they both drop their weapons as they calmly walk down toward the troops. 45 ON LUPAZA Who's shocked at this sudden move. She holds up a hand to the other resistance fighters hidden along the ridgeline, silently telling them to stay in place and wait to see what happens. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 49. 46 ON LENARIS Who suddenly sees Kira and Shakaar walking down the hillside. Lenaris stays calm... he's been in too many combat situations to be taken aback by anything. He gives low, quiet orders without ever taking his eyes off Shakaar and Kira. LENARIS (to troops) Hold. Set a perimeter and watch the hills. No one fires until I give the order. The troopers obey instantly, spreading out and forming a rough defensive circle. The troopers eye the hills warily -- they're professionals. Lenaris walks outside the circle of his men and approaches Shakaar and Kira. Lenaris stops about ten feet away from them. LENARIS (to Shakaar) That's far enough. They stop. LENARIS (continuing) Shakaar? Shakaar nods. Lenaris looks questioningly at Kira. KIRA Kira Nerys. Lenaris frowns at her slightly. LENARIS We've met. Kira nods and Lenaris is satisfied with leaving it at that. He turns his attention back to Shakaar. LENARIS I've wanted to thank you for a long time. (off his look) I had a brother at Gallitep when you liberated the camp. SHAKAAR A lot of people did. I just wish we'd gotten there sooner. Lenaris glances around up at the hills. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 49A. 46 CONTINUED: LENARIS Well. I take it from your... calm demeanor that I've walked into an ambush. (beat) I should've stayed up on the ridgeline... never come down into the valley. SHAKAAR It's an easy mistake to make... you thought we were another two kilometers ahead and you were trying to make up time. I might've done the same thing. LENARIS I think I should tell you that I've been in worse situations. SHAKAAR The Pullock Five raid. LENARIS You know about that? SHAKAAR The first offworld raid against the Cardassians? Of course. It was a bold move. LENARIS If you know about Pullock Five, then you should also know I won't give up without a fight. So if you're here to ask me to surrender, you're wasting your time. Shakaar nods... despite their situation, Shakaar already likes Lenaris... respects him as a commander. SHAKAAR That's not why I'm here. (beat) I want to take my people... and walk out of here. I want to take them home. 46A NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Now it's Lenaris's turn to be mildly surprised, but before he can say anything, a PHASER SHOT is FIRED by one of his men up into the Hills. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 49B. 46A CONTINUED: Lenaris whirls around as the Troopers all tense and point their weapons up at the hills -- everyone is about to let loose. LENARIS Cease fire! Cease fire! 47 ON FUREL As he prepares to fire back. The other resistance fighters prepare to open fire as well. 48 ON SHAKAAR As he turns and holds up a hand at his people up in the hills. SHAKAAR (shouts) Wait! KIRA (shouts) Stop! No one fire! There's an extremely tense beat, with everyone looking and waiting to see if anyone will continue the shooting... then finally Lenaris strides over to the TROOPER who fired the shot. TROOPER Sir, I... I saw someone... I thought they were going to open fire... The Trooper trails off under Lenaris's glare. LENARIS Lieutenant. A Bajoran Lieutenant steps forward. LENARIS (cold, to Lieutenant) Take this man's weapon and get him off the perimeter. The Lieutenant nods and quickly moves to disarm the Trooper and get him out of the way. Lenaris turns back to Kira and Shakaar. ë87:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 50. 48 CONTINUED: LENARIS Now. I believe you were saying something about wanting to walk out of here... ? SHAKAAR That's right. LENARIS You know that's impossible. KIRA Then we better find a way to make it possible or the next time someone starts shooting, we won't be able to stop it. And I'm not just talking about today... I'm talking about tomorrow and the next day and the next... I'm talking about the beginning of a civil war. There's a beat as they all grapple with that frightening possibility. SHAKAAR I didn't fight the Cardassians for twenty-five years so that I could start shooting other Bajorans. Beat. LENARIS Neither did I. (beat) So what do we do about it? They look at each other, desperately hoping to find an answer... 49 EXT. BAJOR - STOCK MATTE SHOT (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 51. 50 INT. FIRST MINISTER'S OFFICE The Kai is looking out the window, deep in thought. There's a CHIME. WINN What is it? ASSISTANT'S VOICE Colonel Lenaris is here to see you. WINN Send him in. Lenaris ENTERS, accompanied by Kira and Shakaar. Winn is surprised to see that the colonel is not alone. WINN (to Lenaris) I see you've brought me a pair of gifts. How thoughtful of you. LENARIS They're not my prisoners. WINN (annoyed) What do you mean they're not your prisoners? What's going on? SHAKAAR I'm here to enter the election... as a candidate for the office of First Minister. WINN You have an interesting sense of humor. KIRA It's no joke. Shakaar's going to run in the election... and you're going to lose. LENARIS I've consulted with the other army commands and he has their full support. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 52. 50 CONTINUED: WINN So this is a coup. KIRA No. It'll be a free election... if you want to run, go ahead. But if you do, this entire incident will be made public. And when the people know the real facts -- when they know that you risked a civil war over a couple of pieces of farm equipment... they'll never trust you again. (beat) You're still the Kai... the "spiritual leader of Bajor." But your days in this office are numbered... so if I were you, I'd start packing. OFF Winn's face as she realizes that Kira is right. CUT TO: 51 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 52 INT. QUARK'S Quark's is almost empty as O'Brien and Bashir are standing in front of the dartboard. O'Brien is flexing his shoulder experimentally with a dart in his hand. Quark is watching nearby. BASHIR How's it feel? O'BRIEN Good so far... let's see... DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 53. 52 CONTINUED: He throws the dart. 53 NEW ANGLE Close on the dart board as the dart buries itself on the far edge of the board. (But still on the board.) 54 RESUME O'BRIEN As he reacts. BASHIR Try again, Chief. O'BRIEN No. I can feel it... I'm out of the zone. (beat) You know... I've played sports all my life... and I've never been in the zone like that. And I probably never will again... but it felt good while it lasted. A somber beat, then Bashir tries to make him feel better. BASHIR Well, there is a bright side to all this. With that new shoulder, you might finally finish that kayaking program. O'Brien seems to brighten. O'BRIEN Hey. You might be right. (to Quark) Quark, I need a holosuite. Quark waves his agreement and O'Brien EXITS with a happy look on his face. Bashir smiles and then casually tosses a dart at the board. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 53A. 55 ON THE BOARD The dart hits the bullseye. 56 ON BASHIR AND QUARK As they react. QUARK Doctor... welcome to the zone. Off Bashir's surprised reaction... CUT TO: 57 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira and Sisko ENTER. Kira is carrying a suitcase. DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 54. 57 CONTINUED: SISKO Have any other candidates entered the election? KIRA One or two... but Shakaar's popularity is growing so fast that I don't think anyone can catch him at this point. SISKO And what about the Kai? KIRA She's trying to make the best of it... she even put out a statement of support for Shakaar. Kira sits down and puts a hand to her back in pain. KIRA Oooh. You know... I used to enjoy sleeping on the ground. Sisko smiles a little. SISKO It's good to have you back, Major. KIRA It's good to be back, sir. SISKO I'll see you in Ops. Sisko nods and EXITS. After he's gone, Kira puts down her suitcase and walks over to Bareil's memorial lamp. She looks at it for a beat, then smiles fondly. KIRA Sleep well, Bareil. She blows out the lamp and we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END C / e