STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Family Business" #40513-469 Written by Ira Steven Behr and Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by Rene Auberjonois THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1995 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION STAR TREK: DS9 - "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Family Business" CAST SISKO BRUNT KIRA ISHKA ODO KASIDY BASHIR SECRETARY DAX O'BRIEN QUARK JAKE ROM Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. CREWMEN STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Family Business" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE FERENGINAR SISKO'S QUARTERS QUARK'S SECURITY OFFICE OPS AIRLOCK CORRIDOR PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL CARGO BAY REPLIMAT TOWER OF COMMERCE - BRUNT'S ANTECHAMBER ISHKA'S HOUSE OFFICE MAIN ROOM STAR TREK: "Family Business" - 03/09/95 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Family Business" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ADRED AH-dred CESTUS SES-tus HUPYRIAN HUE-pie-ree-an ICOBERRY EYE-co-berry ISHKA ISH-kuh KASIDY YATES KAS-i-dee YATES (rhymes with CRATES) KELDAR KEL-dar MOOGIE MOO-ghee (Hard "G") PARDSHAY PARD-SHAY PELJENITES PEL-jen-ites PETARIANS puh-TAIR-ee-uhns INERTIUM i-NERT-ee-um PAPRIKASH PAP-ri-kash POLYDURANIDE POL-ee-DUR-uh-nide TULABERRY TOO-luh-berry DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Family Business" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS SISKO is cooking dinner, humming quietly to himself, when JAKE ENTERS. SISKO Have a seat, Jake. Dinner's almost ready. Jake sniffs the air and smiles to himself. JAKE Let me guess, you convinced the Peljenites to exchange ambassadors with the Federation. SISKO How did you know that? JAKE You're cooking chicken paprikash. (off Sisko's reaction) You only cook Hungarian food when you're in a really good mood. As Jake's talking, Sisko puts the food on two plates and brings it over to the table. SISKO I always said you were a smart kid. JAKE (smiles) Runs in the family. The two of them sit down to dinner. JAKE You know, I've got some good news, too. (a beat) Captain Yates is back on the station. Sisko looks at Jake like he's not sure whom he's talking about. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: JAKE Kasidy Yates. The freighter captain I told you about. SISKO The one you want me to meet? JAKE I really think you'd like her. SISKO Maybe I'll run into her. JAKE I could invite her over for dinner. How about tomorrow night? Sisko can't help but smile at Jake's insistence. SISKO (laughs) You're not going to give up on this, are you? JAKE Is nineteen hundred hours okay? SISKO I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here. (before Jake can protest) Look, Jake I know you want me to meet her, and I will. Just let me handle it my way. Jake sees that his dad doesn't want to argue about this anymore, and eases up. JAKE You're going to like her, Dad. SISKO (not entirely convinced) You never know. And as they dig into their food... 2 INT. QUARK'S The bar is busy. ROM is behind the bar, mixing some drinks as a harried QUARK hurries over. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: QUARK The place is packed. Where's Nog? ROM I gave him the night off. QUARK You what? ROM He's studying. For his Starfleet exams. (proudly) He's a very dedicated student. QUARK He's a disgrace to his family... and to Ferengi everywhere. He should be here, helping us earn profit, not in his room, learning how to be more like a... (with disgust) Human. ROM He doesn't want to be Human, Brother. He just wants to join Starfleet. QUARK It's the same thing. By now, Quark has worked himself into a righteous anger. QUARK Don't you see? This is how it begins. All it takes is for one impressionable youngster to join Starfleet, and the next thing you know, a whole generation of Ferengi will be quoting the Prime Directive and abandoning the pursuit of latinum. (a beat) It's the end of Ferengi civilization as we know it and it's all your fault. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (2) Rom reaches out and pats his brother on the shoulder. ROM Relax, brother. Nog isn't going to destroy the Ferengi way of life. He just wants a job with better hours. Rom smiles at his own joke. And as Quark makes a sour face at his brother's blithe disregard for the crisis at hand... 3 NEW ANGLE As a well-dressed officious-looking Ferengi ENTERS the bar. This is BRUNT, and as we are about to learn, he is a Liquidator (financial, of course) for the Ferengi Commerce Authority (essentially an IRS agent). He glances at a PADD, then looks around the room, spots Quark, and immediately walks over to him. BRUNT You must be Quark. QUARK That's me. What can I do for you? DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - TEASER 5. Brunt holds out the PADD so Quark can read it. BRUNT Brunt. F.C.A. Rom looks over Quark's shoulder at the PADD. ROM (scared) The Ferengi Commerce Authority. Brunt puts the PADD away, and walks around to the other side of the bar. There he takes out an ominous black scroll, which he unfurls against the wall. QUARK (shocked) A Writ of Accountability. ROM We're in trouble. Rom is instantly in action, clearing the bar. ROM (to crowd) All right, everyone. The bar is closed. Everybody out. Go, go, go. Now, now, now. And as Rom ushers everyone out of the bar, we hold on Quark, looking blankly at the writ, like it's the end of the world staring him right in the face. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - REV. 03/15/95 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 4 INT. QUARK'S The bar is now empty except for Quark, Rom and Brunt, who are all seated at a table. Brunt is going over readouts from several PADDS, comparing figures and punching in notes. Quark and Rom watch him with concern from the other side of the table. ROM So, how do you get to be an F.C.A. liquidator anyway? Quark glares at Rom. BRUNT (concentrating on his work) Hard work, bribes, and sucking up to the boss. Just like any other job. Brunt inputs a few more figures into a PADD. BRUNT You've had a very profitable year, haven't you? QUARK ROM (simultaneous (simultaneous with Rom) with Quark) No. Yes. The two brothers realize they've contradicted each other and instantly change their tunes. QUARK ROM (simultaneous (simultaneous with Rom) with Quark) Yes. No. Quark pokes Rom in the ribs and then smiles at Brunt. QUARK What we mean is, it's been a profitable year, but not as profitable as others. You know how it is... DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - REV. 03/15/95 - ACT ONE 7. 4 CONTINUED: QUARK (Cont'd) ... with the Dominion and the Maquis, people just don't like to travel anymore. Brunt grunts his agreement, then does a few more calculations. BRUNT Are these all your assets? QUARK Down to the last slip of latinum. BRUNT You realize that concealing financial information from the F.C.A. can result in severe fines? QUARK I would never dream of trying to hide anything from the F.C.A. BRUNT We'll see. Brunt continues his work. QUARK Could I look over those figures again? Brunt shows him the PADD. Quark makes a great show of studying it in detail, then frowns. QUARK Wait a minute. That can't be right. Quark thinks for a beat, then turns angrily on his brother. QUARK Rom, you forgot to include the profit figures for the tulaberry wine franchise. ROM But you told me... QUARK (cutting him off) Go get them. Now. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT ONE 8. 4 CONTINUED: (2) ROM Yes, Brother. Rom hurries off to do his brother's bidding. QUARK You'll have to excuse Rom. He means well, but he can be a lobeless idiot sometimes. Brunt grunts his agreement and holds out a PADD. BRUNT Please provide a dermal imprint for F.C.A. records. QUARK You haven't even told me what I'm being charged with. BRUNT No. I haven't. Brunt stares at Quark for a long beat. Quark finally realizes what he's waiting for. QUARK Oh... How rude of me. Quark reaches into his coat and produces a slip of latinum (this is a coin about a third of the size of the regular strips). QUARK For your trouble. He hands it to Brunt, who accepts it without a second thought. BRUNT You're charged with violating the Ferengi Trade Bylaws... subsection one thousand twenty-seven, paragraph three. QUARK Subsection one thousand twenty-seven, paragraph three? I'm not sure I'm familiar with that one. BRUNT In that case what you need is a copy of the Bylaws. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - REV. 03/15/95 - ACT ONE 9. 4 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK Which you just happen to have. Brunt holds up a PADD. Quark places several more slips on the table and Brunt hands it to him. Quark quickly looks up the relevant section. QUARK Subsection one thousand twenty-seven, paragraph three. Improper supervision of a family member? BRUNT That's correct. QUARK I knew it. This is about Nog, isn't it? Just then, Rom returns, carrying another PADD. ROM Nog? Nog hasn't done anything wrong. QUARK (to Brunt) You see what I'm up against? I know that as the eldest male I'm responsible for the actions taken by members of my family. But what am I supposed to do? I told Rom not to let the boy apply to Starfleet Academy, but he wouldn't lift a finger to stop him. BRUNT (shocked) Your nephew is going to Starfleet Academy? Quark does a double-take. He realizes he may have just gotten himself into even more trouble. QUARK Did I say that? BRUNT You're clearly incapable of controlling your family. QUARK If this isn't about Nog, then why have I been served with a Writ? DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - REV. 03/15/95 - ACT ONE 10. 4 CONTINUED: (4) Brunt says nothing until Quark hurriedly gives him another strip of latinum. BRUNT (consults a PADD) You are being held accountable for the criminal activities of one Ishka, daughter of Adred, wife of Keldar. QUARK Ishka? You mean... (looks to Rom) Our mother? (to Brunt) What's she done? Brunt says nothing until Quark hurriedly gives him another slip of latinum. BRUNT She's charged with... earning profit. Rom looks aghast. ROM Earning profit? Our Moogie? And as Rom and Quark react in shock to this news... CUT TO: 5 INT. SECURITY OFFICE ODO'S at his desk. Quark ENTERS; he clearly seems agitated. QUARK Odo, I'm holding you personally responsible for the safety of my bar and personal possessions for as long as I'm off the station. (a beat) And make sure my thieving brother doesn't touch anything. ODO Going somewhere? QUARK Back to the homeworld to take care of some business. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT ONE 10A. 5 CONTINUED: ODO A little trouble with the F.C.A.? QUARK How'd you know? DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT ONE 11. 5 CONTINUED: (2) Odo just smiles. QUARK (continuing) I won't be gone long. All I have to do is get my mother to confess to her crimes and I'll be on the next transport back to the station. ODO Your mother? What's she done? QUARK It doesn't matter. The important thing is I'm required by law to get her to admit her wrongdoing, make reparations and reveal her accomplices. And that's what I'm going to do. ODO Assuming she cooperates. QUARK She'd better. I have no intention of spending my latinum to make restitution for her crimes. I'll wring that confession out of her if I have to. ODO (surprised at Quark's vehemence) This is your mother you're talking about. QUARK (bitter) Don't remind me. And with that, Quark storms away. 6 INT. OPS Sisko and KIRA EXIT Sisko's office in mid-conversation. KIRA Chief O'Brien wants to know when you can stop by and inspect the new runabout. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT ONE 12. 6 CONTINUED: SISKO I'll be available at fourteen hundred hours. And tell him I want to name it the Rubicon. KIRA The Rubicon it is. (smiles) You know, at the rate we go through runabouts, it's a good thing the Earth has a lot of rivers. And with that, Kira's off. DAX approaches Sisko. DAX So, have you met her yet? SISKO Met who? DAX Captain Yates. SISKO How do you know about her? DAX Jake introduced us. (a beat) So are you going to ask her to dinner? SISKO I'm considering it. (a beat) What did you think of her? DAX Let me put it this way, if I was Curzon, I'd have stolen her from you already. SISKO Which is one of the reasons I'm glad you're not Curzon anymore. They share a smile. 7 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Quark is coming down the hallway, carrying a shoulder bag. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT ONE 13. 7 CONTINUED: ROM (O.S.) Brother, wait. Quark cringes, then turns to find Rom hurrying up behind him, also carrying a shoulder bag. ROM I'm coming with you. QUARK No, you're not. ROM Yes, I am. QUARK What did I tell you about contradicting me? ROM You told me not to do it. QUARK That's right. So you're going to stay here and watch over the bar while I'm gone. ROM No, I'm not. The bar is closed. There's no reason why I can't come along. QUARK You want a reason? I'll give you a reason. I don't want you to. And you know why? Because you'll just take her side. ROM You mean Moogie? QUARK Yes, I mean Moogie. And stop calling her by that infantile nickname. ROM But she likes it. QUARK Well I don't. ROM Well she does. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT ONE 14. 7 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK You see? You always take her side. ROM Somebody has to. After all, she is our mother. (stubborn) Now I'm coming with you. And that's final. QUARK Fine. Come if you want. Just remember one thing... this is between Moogie... , I mean Mother, and me. So if you know what's good for you, you'll stay out of the way. And with that, Quark stomps off toward the airlock. We hold on Rom, who looks more determined than ever. ROM (to himself) I don't think so. And as Rom follows Quark into the airlock... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 15. ACT TWO FADE IN: 8 EXT. FERENGINAR - MATTE SHOT (OPTICAL) Ferenginar, the homeworld of the Ferengi, is a fetid dismal swamp, subject to a near-endless downpour. The capital city of the homeworld rises out of the swamp, a series of dome- like structures piled almost haphazardly one atop another. One particularly tall structure rises out of a marketplace in the center of the city. It's a series of domes, one stacked on the other, reaching to the sky like a high-tech Angkor Wat. It's topped with a long, needle-like spire. This is the Tower of Commerce in the Sacred Marketplace, the center of all Ferengi civilization. 9 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - MAIN ROOM The main room of Quark's family home is a rounded dome, in keeping with normal Ferengi architecture. The room is lined with display cases, bookshelves and holding racks, stacked with an endless assortment of pretty and valuable looking objects... jewelry, sculptures, scrolls, archaeological artifacts, you name it. There are no windows, but there are a few doors leading to other parts of the building. The doors are low and tunnel- like and even Ferengi have to stoop to get through them. Rain from Ferenginar's relentless downpour can be heard beating against the roof. Quark and Rom ENTER, followed by Brunt. Each Ferengi deposits a coin in a collection box by the door, then removes a towel from a rack, and begins blotting off the rain. QUARK (a traditional welcoming ceremony) Welcome to our home. Please place your imprint on the legal waivers and deposit your admission fee in the basket by the door. Remember, my house is my house... BRUNT (a traditional response, handing back the towel) As are its contents. While Brunt scans the waivers on a console, Quark and Rom survey the room. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 16. 9 CONTINUED: ROM It's good to be back, isn't it Brother? QUARK Now that you mention it... no. OM But you haven't been here in twenty years. QUARK And if I had my way, I'd've been gone another twenty. As they're looking around, Brunt finishes inputting information into a small console by the door, then drops a slip of latinum into the collection box. ROM Mother certainly has been... acquiring quite a few new things. Brunt, who's overheard this, suddenly looks up suspiciously. Rom catches the fact that he may have implicated his mother, and quickly covers. ROM Doubtlessly with the generous stipend you give her. Quark just rolls his eyes. Brunt lets it pass, and begins examining the artifacts in the house. Something catches Rom's eye on one of the racks. ROM (excited) Look, Brother. The latinum tooth-sharpener I used when we were children. Rom holds up a small, intricately carved latinum tool. QUARK (bitter) All I had was a cheap wooden chewstick. Brunt joins them. BRUNT Excuse me for interrupting, but we have business to attend to. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 17. 9 CONTINUED: (2) BRUNT (formal statement) As a registered liquidator, it is my duty to present a formal list of the infractions committed by your mother. You have three days to obtain an admission of guilt from the accused. QUARK Three days? Is that all? Brunt doesn't answer. He's still reciting a memorized statement. BRUNT (hands Quark a PADD) If you are not able to obtain a confession, your mother will be placed in indentured servitude and you will be required to make restitution for her crimes. Do you understand everything I've said to you? Rom looks at Quark, waiting to see if they understand, but before Quark can answer... ISHKA (O.S.) He understands, all right. Quark, Brunt, and Rom turn and see... 10 NEW ANGLE Quark's mother, ISHKA, emerges from one of the doorways. She's nothing like the subservient, deferring Ferengi woman you might expect. Instead, she carries herself with confidence and dignity... and she's wearing clothes. ISHKA Not that it matters. I'm not confessing to anything. Quark's chin drops and Brunt turns away in shocked embarrassment, but Rom looks delighted. ROM Moogie! Rom and his mother press their noses together in a loving familial greeting. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 18. 10 CONTINUED: ISHKA It's good to see you, Son. You look well. ROM And you look... (confused) Dressed. BRUNT (shocked and surprised) Your mother is wearing clothes. QUARK Mother, get undressed this instant. ISHKA Hello, Quark. (smiles) You haven't changed a bit. But Ishka makes no move to disrobe. Brunt continues to avert his eyes. BRUNT (to Quark) Perhaps I should leave. ISHKA (to Brunt) Perhaps you should. BRUNT (insulted, to Quark) Was she addressing me? QUARK No no no, not at all. ISHKA Of course I was. This is my home and I'll speak to whomever I want. Even Rom is having a little trouble with this. ROM But Moogie, he's a stranger, and you're a female. ISHKA It's all right, Rom. I know what I'm doing. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 18A. 10 CONTINUED: (2) BRUNT (very insulted) Perhaps you do, but I will not stand here and be spoken to by a female. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 19. 10 CONTINUED: (3) BRUNT (to Quark, a threat) You have three days to get your house in order. Brunt EXITS in a huff. QUARK (to Ishka) Now see what you've done. Quark is still having trouble looking at his mother while she's dressed. He averts his eyes. ISHKA Quark, you're upsetting your brother. QUARK He's not the only one who's upset. Not that anyone cares how I feel. ISHKA That's not true... (softer) I care. Quark sees this as an opportunity. He thrusts the PADD Brunt gave him forward. QUARK Then imprint this... and take off those clothes. Ishka doesn't even glance at the PADD. ISHKA I'm not doing anything of the kind. QUARK Yes you are. You're going to make a full confession, so I can go back to my bar and pretend none of this ever happened. ROM (disappointed) You mean we're leaving so soon? ISHKA Rom, this is your home. You can stay as long as you like. (to Quark) Or leave whenever you like. It's up to you. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 20. 10 CONTINUED: (4) And with that, Ishka turns and EXITS the room. 11 CLOSE ON QUARK AND ROM As Quark stews at his mother's lack of cooperation. Rom sits down beside his brother, glad to be home. ROM (smiling) Same old Moogie. 12 INT. PROMENADE O'BRIEN, BASHIR and Odo are standing outside Quark's, looking at a lock on the front door. ODO Are you sure this is absolutely necessary? BASHIR Well I don't know if I would call it "necessary." O'BRIEN Constable, there's no telling how long Quark will be gone. Besides, all we want is our dartboard. ODO Can't you just replicate another one? BASHIR (not enthusiastic) We could... O'BRIEN But we're not going to. That's our dartboard and we want it back. If Quark was going to run off, you think the least he could do is give us a little warning so we could retrieve our property. BASHIR It's the principle of the thing. ODO (harumphs) Well getting it back might not be as simple as you think. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/09/95 - ACT TWO 21. 12 CONTINUED: ODO This is one of Rom's special security locks. I've never seen anything so convoluted. 13 NEW ANGLE To include Sisko, who approaches the three men. SISKO Is there a problem, gentlemen? ODO It seems Quark locked some of Chief O'Brien and Doctor Bashir's personal property inside his bar. SISKO Let me guess... your lucky dartboard? O'BRIEN We never said it was a "lucky" dartboard. BASHIR We're just used to playing on it, that's all. SISKO (to Odo) A little defensive, aren't they? Odo harumphs. Sisko looks at the lock. SISKO Hmm, a tripartite microsealing mechanism. That's going to take a while to get through. (but it's not his problem) If you want any suggestions, I'll be in cargo bay... O'BRIEN (cuts him off) Four. SISKO (correcting him) Seven. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 22. 13 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (embarrassed) Oh, I just thought... SISKO Thought what? O'BRIEN Thought you were going to visit that freighter captain. BASHIR You know... Jake's friend. SISKO How do you two know about that? BASHIR The chief told me. O'Brien glares at Bashir. O'BRIEN Captain Yates seems like a very capable woman. ODO (trying to be one of the guys) Not bad looking either... (beat, then embarrassed) Or so I've been told. Sisko's amused by their interest in his personal life. SISKO Exactly how many people has Jake talked to about this woman? O'BRIEN (shrugging) Everyone. And off Sisko's reaction... CUT TO: 14 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - MAIN ROOM Quark is playing with an old knickknack that obviously stirs childhood memories. Rom ENTERS, carrying a tray of food. Quark immediately puts down the memento, not wanting to be caught in a sentimental mood. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 23. 14 CONTINUED: ROM Tube grubs, extra juicy, just the way you like them. Quark watches as Rom ladles the grubs from the bowl onto three plates. Rom realizes that Quark has made no move toward the table. ROM What's wrong, Brother? Aren't you hungry? QUARK What are you doing? ROM Serving dinner. QUARK That's mother's job. ROM She's not feeling well. QUARK Not feeling well? Wait a minute, that's not bad. We could say she's having emotional problems. We might even be able to get the F.C.A. to drop the charges in light of her illness. ROM Actually, all she has is a slight rash. Her skin's still a little sensitive to clothing. QUARK That's hardly an excuse not to serve her sons dinner. Quark looks at the plate of food. QUARK Look at this... she hasn't even softened these grubs for us. ROM You know Moogie. She never liked to chew our food for us. QUARK (bitterly) Not even when we were children. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 24. 14 CONTINUED: (2) ROM She always had her own way of doing things. QUARK Remember how the other children used to tease us about her. (imitating) "Your mother won't chew your food. Your mother talks to strangers." It's like she went out of her way to embarrass us. Not to mention Father. (a beat) I remember there were nights when I would find him sitting, slumped in that chair. He'd say to me, "Quark, I don't know what I'm going to do about that female." No wonder he never made much profit. He was too busy worrying about her. ROM I thought Father did all right. QUARK He could've done a lot better, if she'd just behaved herself... showed him the respect he deserved. (a beat) Well, she may have dragged Father down, but she's not doing the same to me. It's time someone put her in her place. 15 NEW ANGLE As Ishka ENTERS, still clothed. ISHKA Have anyone in mind for the job? Before Quark can answer, she sits down and smells her food. ISHKA Mmm, dank and musty. Rom grins, delighted at the praise. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 25. 15 CONTINUED: ROM I hand picked them from the cellar. Quark is calm and in control, trying to sound as reasonable and non-confrontational as possible. QUARK Mother, we need to talk. ISHKA We can talk later. These tube grubs are getting warm. QUARK The tube grubs can wait. You've had your fun, you've proved you could earn a little profit, but now it's over. ISHKA Forget it, Quark. (cutting to the chase) I'm not imprinting any confession. QUARK Why not? Imprinting the confession doesn't take away your... achievement. Just admit to what you did and tell the F.C.A. the name of any male who might've helped you. ROM What exactly did she do, Brother? QUARK Never mind what she did. ISHKA Why don't you tell him? Or would you prefer I did? QUARK All right. (to Rom) She took part of the monthly stipend that I send her and invested it in a Hupyrian beetle farm. ISHKA High quality beetles. The best. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 26. 15 CONTINUED: (2) ROM Really? How much did you make, Moogie? ISHKA Three bars of gold-pressed latinum. ROM (that's all?) Three bars of latinum? (to Quark) Isn't the F.C.A. overreacting a little? Quark is having a hard time controlling his temper. QUARK It doesn't matter if it's one slip or a hundred thousand bars, females are not allowed to earn profit. ISHKA Why not? QUARK Because it's the law. And without law, society would descend into chaos. ISHKA If you ask me, our society could use a little chaos... QUARK Not if I have anything to say about it. Quark glowers at Ishka, who glares at Quark. ROM Gee, I wish Father were alive. They both look at him like he's crazy. ROM Then it'd be just like old times... sitting around the family table, eating tube grubs, discussing important issues of the day. They both stare at him for a beat, then turn back to each other as if he doesn't exist. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 27. 15 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK Mother, I know you're not like other females. You like to think about things... you have opinions... ISHKA Is that a compliment, or an accusation? QUARK It's a fact. But what's also a fact, is that if you don't imprint this confession, you'll be sold into indentured servitude, and I'll be forced to make restitution. ROM But Brother, it's only three bars of latinum. QUARK And I'm not going to allow those three bars to destroy our family. (a beat) If our disgrace is made known, do you think we could ever do business with another Ferengi again? I wouldn't do business with me. Quark reins himself in, trying to remain as calm as possible. QUARK (to Ishka, pleading) Mother, please, for our family's reputation, for your sons' financial future, please, imprint the confession. ISHKA I can't. I wish you could understand, Quark. Quark finally loses it. QUARK I understand perfectly. You're a selfish female, who never cared about this family, about Father, or about me. Quark gets up and storms off, furious at her. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 28. 16 CLOSE ON ISHKA AND ROM As they react to Quark's outburst. Rom is uneasy, but Ishka refuses to show any emotion. ISHKA Rom, could you pass the millipede sauce? And as Rom complies. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 17 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM Ishka's dome-shaped bedroom is a stark contrast to the rest of the house. The furniture consists of a simple futon-like mattress on the floor, a chest of drawers, and a single chair. Ishka and Rom ENTER. Rom can't help but smile as he surveys the room. ROM I see you haven't changed your bedroom, Moogie. It's still very... traditional. ISHKA I keep it this way to remind myself how idiotic Ferengi tradition can be when it comes to females. ROM Oh. Rom looks around, and he's clearly averting his eyes to avoid looking at his mother. ISHKA Rom, is something wrong? ROM (uncomfortable) Wrong... No... Not really... except... (blurts it out) Your clothes. ISHKA Would you feel more comfortable if I took them off? ROM Well, maybe... just a little. ISHKA All right... if it makes you feel better. But only for you. 18 NEW ANGLE As Ishka disrobes. For the rest of the scene we don't see any of her body except her shoulders or her back. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT THREE 30. 18 CONTINUED: ISHKA Better? ROM (smiling) Much. (a beat) You know, Moogie, it really would mean a lot to Quark if you imprinted that confession. ISHKA He's made that quite clear. ROM I know he can be headstrong and overbearing, not to mention mean... and insulting... and rude... but he's not all bad. He works hard. You should see the bar. It's thriving. ISHKA I'd like to. But Ferengi tradition doesn't allow females to travel. ROM Quark doesn't make the rules. ISHKA He just lives by them. ROM Like a good Ferengi. ISHKA Like an unenlightened Ferengi. ROM Moogie, can't you give back the three bars of latinum? If you don't, you're going to destroy everything Quark's worked for. ISHKA You always were a good boy. I don't think Quark knows how lucky he is to have a brother as loyal as you. ROM He knows. He just doesn't like showing it. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT THREE 31. 18 CONTINUED: (2) ROM (a beat) If you cooperate with the F.C.A., I bet I could convince him to increase your stipend. ISHKA This isn't about money, Rom. Quark has always been very generous with my stipend. I have more than enough to live on. ROM If it's not about money, then what is it about? ISHKA It's about pride. And knowing that I'm just as capable of earning profit as any male. Don't you see, if I imprint that confession, it'll mean admitting what I did was wrong. And I'm not going to do that. I'd rather be sold into servitude. ROM But what about Quark? ISHKA He's a smart boy. He can take care of himself. Ishka shakes her head. She doesn't want to talk about this anymore. ISHKA Now that's enough about your brother. Let me see those teeth. ROM My teeth? Why? ISHKA They're looking a little dull. (a beat) Why don't you sit down. I'll sharpen them for you. Rom sits down in the chair. Ishka reaches into the chest of drawers and takes out a tooth-sharpener. ROM Aw, Moogie... You're the best. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT THREE 32. 18 CONTINUED: (3) And as Rom settles in for a nice soothing tooth- sharpening... 19 INT. CARGO BAY A group of alien freighter CREWMEN work at loading cargo through the airlock, under the direction of KASIDY YATES, an attractive human woman in her mid-thirties. Kasidy is the captain of her own ship, an independent interstellar freighter, and she bears herself with the confidence befitting her position. She is, however, a civilian, which allows her to be a little more relaxed with her crew than if she were in Starfleet. Kasidy spots one of her crew trying to muscle a heavy container toward the airlock without much success. KASIDY Pardshay, don't be an idiot. Go get an anti-grav sled before you hurt yourself. During the above, Sisko ENTERS. Once the crewman has EXITED, Sisko steps forward. SISKO Why don't you just beam it to your cargo hold? KASIDY (smiles) I wish I could. But it's unstable biomatter. SISKO The transporter should still be able to handle it, as long as you adjust the phase transition inhibitor. KASIDY Provided I had a Mark Seven Transporter. SISKO You're still using a Mark Six? KASIDY (a little embarrassed) A Mark Five. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT THREE 33. 19 CONTINUED: SISKO A Mark Five? I thought they stopped making those... KASIDY Fifteen years ago. But when you're working for the Petarians, you have to make do with what they give you. Kasidy glances at Sisko's pips and realizes who she's talking to. KASIDY (smiles) Let me guess... Commander Sisko. SISKO (smiles back) Benjamin. KASIDY Kasidy... Kasidy Yates. SISKO I know. There's a beat as they take each other's measure. SISKO My son's told me a lot about you. KASIDY I think Jake fancies himself something of a matchmaker. SISKO He means well. But he does get a little too enthusiastic now and then. Suddenly, from off screen, Sisko and Kasidy hear the sound of something heavy crashing to the ground and men cursing indistinctly. KASIDY Damn, that sounded like the inertium ore. (a beat) I'd better see what's going on. SISKO I'll give you a hand. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT THREE 33A. 19 CONTINUED: (2) KASIDY I can take care of it. SISKO Of course. Sorry about Jake. Kasidy starts to move away, then... DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT THREE 34. 19 CONTINUED: (3) KASIDY How about coffee? Tomorrow evening... say eighteen hundred hours? SISKO (surprised) Sounds good. KASIDY Then I'll see you tomorrow. Kasidy EXITS to take care of business. Sisko watches her go. That turned out a lot better than he thought. 20 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - MAIN ROOM - MORNING It's early in the morning, which on Ferenginar means the sound of rain outside is a little less intense. Quark is seated at a computer console, working. He looks bleary-eyed, like he's been up all night. Rom ENTERS, yawning and cleaning his ears with his favorite earpick. He looks happy and well-rested. ROM There's nothing like sleeping in your old room. Rom sits down. ROM So, how was your night? QUARK Mother's been busy. ROM Really, I didn't even know she was up yet. QUARK I mean she's been busy. I've been doing some checking. This isn't about three bars of latinum. ROM You mean she earned more? DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT THREE 35. 20 CONTINUED: QUARK (still working) A lot more. So much that I haven't even been able to track it all down. She's been operating under dozens of different aliases, conducting transactions all over the Ferengi Alliance... (a beat) Do you know what this means? ROM (in awe) It means Moogie's got the lobes for business. QUARK (ignores him) Even if I sold everything I had I couldn't come close to paying back what she's earned. (a beat) I'm ruined. And as Quark stares blankly at the computer console, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 21 INT. PROMENADE Sisko and Jake talk as they walk together down the Promenade. Quark's is still closed. JAKE Coffee? That's it? All you're going to have is coffee? SISKO (joking) Well, I was thinking of having an icoberry tart. JAKE You know what I mean. A cup of coffee doesn't give you a lot of time to get to know someone. SISKO We're not even sure we want to get to know each other. MORN approaches Sisko and Jake. He looks like he's about to ask a question, but Sisko pats him on the shoulder. SISKO (smiling) I haven't heard any news, but I'm sure when Quark gets back you'll be the first to know. Morn nods sadly. Sisko and Jake continue walking. JAKE So what are you two going to talk about? SISKO I have no idea. JAKE Well, you should think about it, rehearse a few clever things to say, come up with a couple of good stories to catch her interest... SISKO Jake, this isn't exactly my first date. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FOUR 37. 21 CONTINUED: JAKE It's your first date in a long time. SISKO You're just going to have to have a little faith in the old man. JAKE I guess you'll do fine. (a beat) So what are you going to wear? SISKO This. Sisko gestures to indicate he means his uniform. JAKE (disapproving) Your uniform? And as the round a bend in the Promenade... CUT TO: 22 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - MAIN ROOM Quark is seated in a chair at the table. Rom is seated across from him, staring at his brother. ROM Brother, is everything all right? Quark grunts. Rom takes that as a yes. ROM I'm so proud of you, Quark. (still no response from Quark) I mean other people in your situation might overreact and lose their temper, make a bad situation worse. But not my brother. You're too smart for that. You're going to sit there and study the problem, and then come up with a clear, simple solution. QUARK I already have. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FOUR 38. 22 CONTINUED: ROM (excited) You see, I told you. (a beat) What is it? QUARK (leaping to his feet) I'm going to kill her. Quark pushes by Rom and storms toward Ishka's bedroom. ROM (appalled) Moogie? And as Rom hurries after Quark... CUT TO: 23 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM As Quark storms in, Ishka is seated on the bed working on a PADD. She tries to hide the PADD under the mattress, but Quark spots it. QUARK A-ha. Caught you. Give me that. ISHKA Give you what? QUARK That PADD you just hid under the mattress. ISHKA It's a letter to your cousin Stol. QUARK A likely story. Quark reaches over and pulls out the PADD as Rom ENTERS. QUARK I knew it. You were trying to hide more profits. Well it won't work. I know all about your little financial empire. ISHKA (calmly) It's not so little. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FOUR 39. 23 CONTINUED: QUARK Then you admit it? ROM Brother, calm down. I'm sure Moogie has a perfectly good explanation for what she's done. (to Ishka) Don't you, Moogie? ISHKA (to Quark) Since when does a Ferengi have to make excuses for earning profit? QUARK (the bottom line) You're a female. ISHKA And when it comes to profit, this female is a better Ferengi than you'll ever be. QUARK You expect me to believe you did all this on your own? You had help, admit it. Tell me his name. I'll see to it that the F.C.A. hangs him by his lobes in the Sacred Marketplace. ISHKA (exasperated) Quark, sometimes you can be so thick- headed. ROM Now, Moogie, there's no need to be insulting. ISHKA Of course there is. Insults are the only thing he understands. He's so blind with jealousy, he can't even think straight. QUARK Me? Jealous of you? Hah. ISHKA You're just like your father. Both Quark and Rom flinch at this sacrilegious mention of the father. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FOUR 40. 23 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Why would Father be jealous of you? ISHKA Because he knew I had the lobes for business and he didn't. I tried to help him, give him financial advice, but he wouldn't listen to me. Because I was a female. QUARK What other reason did he need? Females don't belong in business. ISHKA Give me one reason why not. QUARK Because it's wrong. ISHKA You're going to have to do better than that. QUARK No I'm not. It's the law. That was good enough for Father, and it's good enough for me. ISHKA A lot of things were good enough for your father. He was a lobeless failure... and if you're not careful, you're going to end up just like him. QUARK That does it. Quark turns to leave. ROM Brother, where are you going? QUARK To the F.C.A. (glares at Ishka) Let's see what they have to say about your... (a curse) "Financial Empire." Quark EXITS with a full head of steam. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FOUR 41. 24 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - MAIN ROOM - CONTINUOUS Quark stomps toward the front door. Rom hurries after him. ROM Brother, wait. With a burst of speed, Rom manages to interpose himself between Quark and the door. QUARK Out of my way, Rom. ROM No. I'm not going to let you hurt Mother. QUARK She's no mother of mine. ROM Why? Because of what she said about Father? Did it ever occur to you that she might be right? QUARK How dare you take her side against Father? ROM Don't tell me about Father. I knew him a lot better than you did. You ran off as soon as you reached the Age of Ascension. But I stayed here for ten more years. And you know what I learned in those ten years? I learned that Father was no financial genius. QUARK Take that back. Quark shoves Rom, but Rom doesn't move. ROM It's the truth. Rom shoves Quark back. Quark can't believe it. ROM He went from one bad deal to the next, one failure after another. He couldn't hold onto latinum if you sewed it into his pants. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FOUR 42. 24 CONTINUED: QUARK That does it. 25 NEW ANGLE Quark grabs Rom and yanks him backward. But Rom hangs on and the two of them go crashing into a huge rack of collectibles. Rom, Quark, and the collectibles smash to the ground. The two brothers continue to struggle, upsetting shelves, crashing into furniture, and generally making a mess of the place. It's a bad fight, and both of them are letting out years of pent up frustration and sibling rivalry. It's a pretty even fight and neither brother has the clear upper hand when Ishka ENTERS the room. ISHKA (stern) Quark. Rom. Quark and Rom keep fighting, oblivious to their mother. They begin choking each other. ISHKA (louder) That's enough. Ishka goes and physically separates Rom and Quark, but they continue to choke each other. ISHKA (to Rom) Let him go. ROM (being choked) But Moogie... ISHKA Stop it, both of you. Ishka grabs the brothers roughly by the ears and twists, until they let go of each other. ISHKA (to Rom) If your brother wants to go to the F.C.A., let him. ROM But you'll get in trouble. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 25 CONTINUED: ISHKA I'll worry about that. Quark gets to his feet and glares at his mother. ISHKA Go on. What are you waiting for? Without a word, Quark turns and EXITS. 26 CLOSE ON ISHKA As she watches her son walk out on her, and tries not to let the pain show. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - REV. 03/09/95 - ACT FIVE 44. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 27 EXT. FERENGINAR - MATTE SHOT (OPTICAL) As before, but we slowly move in on the Tower of Commerce, the highest building in the city. 28 INT. TOWER OF COMMERCE - BRUNT'S ANTECHAMBER (VPB) Wall monitors stationed around the room spit forth a constant stream of financial data, market fluctuations, currency values, commodity prices, etc. A Ferengi SECRETARY (male, of course) sits at a desk studying financial data off a small console. Two or three other Ferengis sit waiting to see Brunt, who's office is accessible only from this room. Quark ENTERS, puffing heavily. He looks at the other people waiting. QUARK That's the steepest forty flights of stairs I've ever climbed. Even though he's out of breath, he can't help but look at the monitors to study the financial data. QUARK Seven slips of latinum to use the elevator. Talk about inflation. (re: monitor; surprised) Refined dilithium down ten percent? But he knows he has other business to attend to. He approaches the Secretary. QUARK The name's Quark. I'm here to see Liquidator Brunt. The Secretary looks at Quark, then lets his eyes drop to a slot in the desk. Quark realizes what's expected of him. QUARK Oh, of course. He takes out some slips of latinum and puts them in the slot. SECRETARY And two more. Quark looks at the Secretary like he's being unreasonable. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 45. 28 CONTINUED: SECRETARY (re: wall monitors) For use of the financial data net. QUARK But I barely looked at it. SECRETARY Which is why I'm only charging you two slips. Quark looks depressed. He's been away from the homeworld for too long. Quark deposits the latinum. SECRETARY I'll tell Liquidator Brunt that you're here. Have a seat. Quark starts toward a comfortable looking chair, then stops himself. QUARK (re: the chair) How much? SECRETARY Three slips. A bargain. QUARK I'll stand. SECRETARY That'll be one slip. QUARK (getting back into the swing of things) I'll give you two for the chair. The Secretary smiles and looks again to the slot in the desk. Quark deposits two slips of latinum and takes a seat. SECRETARY If you're here to deliver an imprinted confession, you can leave it with me. I'll see that Liquidator Brunt gets it. For a nominal handling charge. QUARK Tell Brunt I need to talk to him now. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 46. 28 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK I have information that could shake the very foundation of the Ferengi Alliance. Just then, Rom ENTERS, also out of breath. ROM Brother. Wait. Rom is going to continue to protest, but is too worn out. ROM I have to sit down. Rom takes a seat. SECRETARY That'll be three slips of latinum. Rom checks his pockets. They're empty. ROM Brother, can you loan me... QUARK Yeah, yeah. Here. Quark leans over and places three more slips into the slot in the desk. QUARK Now what do you want? ROM (finally catching his breath) I have a message from Moogie. QUARK There's nothing she could say that would interest me. ROM (quietly) She'll share it with you. QUARK (shocked) What was that? ROM Her profits. Fifty-fifty. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 47. 28 CONTINUED: (3) There's a short pause, then Quark smiles. QUARK (to the Secretary) Tell Brunt I'll talk to him later. (to Rom) Come on. Let's try out that elevator. ROM But it's so expensive. QUARK I can afford it. Quark and Rom EXIT. 29 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - MAIN ROOM Quark is standing in the main room, waiting. Ishka ENTERS with Rom. QUARK (polite) Mother, I want to apologize for all the terrible things I said. I was angry, and I got carried away. I'm sorry. ISHKA Apology accepted. I'm just glad that Rom was able to catch you before you made a horrible mistake. QUARK It would've been a shame to waste all that profit. ISHKA I'm glad we agree. There's an awkward beat as Ishka and Quark both try to figure out how to proceed. QUARK So, just how much latinum have you made? Ishka's a little surprised by this question. ISHKA Does it matter? DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 48. 29 CONTINUED: QUARK I only want to make sure everything is divided fairly. ISHKA Divided? QUARK Fifty-fifty. Just like you said. ISHKA I never said that. (to Rom) You said he'd let me keep all the profit for myself. QUARK I said no such thing. There's a beat, then they both look to Rom. ROM So I lied to both of you. I had no choice. It was the only way to get the two of you talking again. QUARK There's nothing to say. ISHKA Don't get your lobes caught in the door on your way out. ROM (holds up his arms) That's enough bickering. You're both acting like children. I will not stand by and let this family fall apart. (to Quark) Quark, you should be ashamed of yourself. I've seen you treat Cardassians with more respect than you show your own mother. (to Ishka) And Moogie, if Quark can uncover your hidden investments, eventually the F.C.A. will too. And all that profit will be lost. Think about that for a moment. It's not a pleasant thought to either Ishka or Quark. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 49. 29 CONTINUED: (2) ROM Now neither of you is going to leave this room until you've settled things. Is that clear? Neither one of them disagrees. ROM And no shouting. I'm going to take a nap. Rom EXITS. 30 NEW ANGLE On Quark and Ishka as they stare at the exiting Rom in wonder. ISHKA He's a sweet boy. QUARK That's easy for you to say. He doesn't live next door to you. ISHKA You're too hard on him. You always have been. QUARK I had to be. You were always too easy on him. Maybe if you'd pushed him a little harder, he would've amounted to something. ISHKA I doubt it. When it comes to business, he takes after your father. QUARK You enjoy insulting Father, don't you? ISHKA I'm not insulting anyone; I'm just being honest. Rom's a lot like his father... (a beat) And I suppose, you're a lot like me. This little insight catches Quark by surprise. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 50. 30 CONTINUED: QUARK I never knew you felt that way. ISHKA Your father might've bought you your first copy of the Rules of Acquisition, but who helped you memorize them? QUARK (softly) You did. ISHKA I don't think I've ever been prouder than the first time you made it through all two hundred and eighty- five rules without a mistake. QUARK Rom knows them just as well as I do. ISHKA But you understand them. Rom never did. And neither did your father. (a beat) But even if Keldar didn't know the first thing about profit, he knew everything about family. He was a good husband and a wonderful father. And I loved him for that. The same way I love Rom... (a beat) And the same way I love you. Quark's hard demeanor cracks. QUARK You mean that? ISHKA (nods) Yes, I suppose I do. (a beat) If it'll make you happy, I'll give back the money. QUARK (surprised) You'll imprint the confession? DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 50A. 30 CONTINUED: (2) ISHKA You're my son, Quark. How can I refuse you? QUARK You don't know how much this means to me. ISHKA I know exactly how much it means to you. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 51. 30 CONTINUED: (3) Quark can't contain himself any longer. She's really touched him. He hugs her. QUARK Oh, Moogie. I love you. And as mother and son embrace... 31 INT. REPLIMAT Sisko and Kasidy are seated at a table, drinking coffee. Sisko's relaxed, at ease, and totally charming. Kasidy's also having a good time but she seems like she has other things on her mind. SISKO There's no place like New Orleans for simple pleasures... good food, good music... KASIDY Sounds like a great place to grow up. SISKO The best. (a beat) Can I get you another raktajino? KASIDY No, I'm fine. But Kasidy looks a little antsy, like she's got someplace else to go. SISKO You seem a little... preoccupied. KASIDY It's just... when we made our plans I forgot I had a... previous engagement. SISKO (a bit deflated) I see. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 52. 31 CONTINUED: KASIDY It's not what you think. It's kind of a family obligation. You see, my youngest brother's a colonist on Cestus Three. SISKO (he's heard of it) That's on the other side of the Federation. KASIDY (nods) It's so far away, it takes two weeks for a subspace transmission to get here and I'm expecting one tonight. I promised my brother I'd listen to it as it came in. SISKO I hope nothing's wrong. KASIDY Not unless he hurt himself again. Last time he tore some ligaments in his knee. SISKO How'd that happen? KASIDY (doesn't know how to explain) He was doing something called "sliding into second." SISKO "Sliding into second?" That sounds like baseball. KASIDY You know about baseball? SISKO It's my favorite sport. But no one's played it in two hundred years. KASIDY Well they're playing it on Cestus Three... at least they have been for the past six months. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 53. 31 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I had no idea. That's fantastic. How many teams are there? KASIDY Six. But they're trying to organize a couple more. (a beat) I didn't know you liked baseball. SISKO I didn't know anyone liked baseball, except for Jake and me. They're both quiet for a second as they marvel over this unlikely coincidence. KASIDY Look, this transmission I mentioned, it's an audio recording of a game between my brother's team, the Pike City Pioneers and the Cestus Comets. If you'd like you're welcome to listen to it with me. SISKO I'd love to. They get up and walk away down the Promenade. We follow them. SISKO So does your brother's league use the designated hitter rule? KASIDY No. They thought about it, but decided against it. SISKO Wood bats or polyduranide? KIRA Wood, of course. And as they move off into the crowd... SISKO (joking) Could they use a right handed pitcher? Kasidy laughs and we pull back until we're on... DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 54. 32 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Where Jake is standing by the rail, watching Sisko and Kasidy disappear into the crowd. Jake smiles. Things seem to be working out better than he expected. 33 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - MAIN ROOM A naked Ishka is seated at the table, placing her dermal print on a PADD. Quark and Brunt are seated across from her, and Rom hovers behind her. ISHKA There. I hope that's satisfactory. She passes the PADD over to Brunt, who looks it over with an officious air. BRUNT Everything seems to be in order. For the first time, Brunt smiles. BRUNT I'm glad we can finally put an end to this matter. (to Ishka) And I certainly hope you've learned your lesson. ISHKA And what would that be? BRUNT (to Quark) She's speaking to me again. ROM No she wasn't. QUARK She was speaking to me. (a beat) Now what were you saying about a lesson? BRUNT The lesson is... No one can outsmart the F.C.A. QUARK I think she's certainly learned that. Right, Mother? DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 55. 33 CONTINUED: Ishka nods. BRUNT Your mother's confession will serve as a warning to females all over the Alliance. QUARK Oh, I don't think anyone has to know about this. He places a sack of latinum slips on the table. QUARK After all, what would people say if they knew a female had made that much latinum? BRUNT I shudder to think. Brunt pockets the sack of latinum and rises. BRUNT Goodbye. I sincerely hope I never see any of you again. QUARK The feeling is mutual. Brunt nods and EXITS. ISHKA I thought he'd never leave. Ishka reaches under the table and slips on her clothes. QUARK Mother, must you? ISHKA Quark, I've just given up a sizable fortune. I'm in no mood for your nagging. QUARK You're absolutely right. If you want to wear clothes, go ahead... What do I care? I'm leaving anyway. ISHKA So soon? DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 55A. 33 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK I have to reopen the bar. It's supporting all of us now. Ishka gets up, approaches Quark, and presses noses with him. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 56. 33 CONTINUED: (3) ISHKA You know you could call your mother every once in a while. Maybe even visit. QUARK I will... I promise. They stare at each other with affection for a beat, then... QUARK Let's go, Rom. ROM I'll be along in a moment, Brother. Quark nods, takes one last look at his mother, and EXITS. 34 ANGLE ON ROM AND ISHKA As they say their good-byes. ROM I'm glad to see you two are finally getting along. ISHKA I think things will be a lot better between us from now on. ROM (with a grin) As long as he doesn't find out you only gave the F.C.A. a third of your profits. ISHKA If you ask me, a third was too much. But it's my own fault for not hiding it better. ROM You sure the F.C.A. won't find the rest? ISHKA (joking) I've got it so well hidden, I'll be lucky if I can find it. DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 57. 34 CONTINUED: Rom realizes it's time to leave. He gets a little teary- eyed. ROM Moogie... ISHKA Now don't start crying, Rom. You'll have me doing it. Go on. Quark's waiting for you. Rom nods and heads for the door. ISHKA And take care of your brother. I worry about that boy. Rom nods, smiles, and EXITS. Hold on Ishka, a proud mother, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END