STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Die is Cast" (fka "Improbable Cause, Part II") #40513-467 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by David Livingston THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1995 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION February 14, 1995 STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Die is Cast" 02/14/95 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Die is Cast" CAST SISKO GARAK KIRA TAIN ODO LOVOK BASHIR EDDINGTON DAX TODDMAN O'BRIEN PILOT QUARK ROMULAN COM VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. ROMULANS STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Die is Cast" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE AIRLOCK CORRIDOR OPS CARDASSIAN SHIP GARAK'S SHOP GAMMA QUADRANT COMMANDER'S OFFICE DEFIANT WARDROOM FLEET REPLIMAT WORMHOLE DEFIANT BRIDGE TRANSPORTER ROMULAN SHIP BRIDGE CORRIDOR QUARTERS READY ROOM RUNABOUT STAR TREK: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Die is Cast" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALGIRA al-GI-ruh ARGELIAN R-gee-lee-un BELAK BEH-lak ELIM EE-lim ENABRAN TAIN en-AH-bran TAIN JEM'HADAR JEM-huh-DAR KELDON KEL-don KORANAK KOR-ruh-nak LOVOK LOW-vok MAKAR muh-KAR MILA MEE-lah MARION O-mar-ee-on PARMAK PAR-mak PORANIA POOR-ran-ee-uh PROCAL, PRO-cul TAL SHIAR TAL she-ARE CARIAN KAH-rye-an PLOMEEK PLO-meek DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Die is Cast" TEASER FADE IN: RECAP OF "IMPROBABLE CAUSE" 1 INT. REPLIMAT BASHIR and O'BRIEN are having lunch. O'Brien is eating with a hearty appetite, while Bashir picks at his food. Bashir is trying to get a conversation going, but not having much success -- O'Brien's responses are limited to nods and shrugs. BASHIR ... if you ask me, modern human theater has been on the decline since the late twenty-third century. O'Brien makes a motion that might be a shrug. BASHIR (continuing) I mean, look at the plays coming out of Earth for the last fifty years and then compare them to the works of Willemheld, Barton or Chow-yun. O'Brien gives him a distracted nod as he concentrates on the food. Bashir makes one last attempt. BASHIR (continuing) Modern playwrights have become obsessed with writing human interpretations of alien theatrical works and they're ignoring our own unique cultural heritage in hopes of -- Chief, are you listening to me? O'Brien looks up in surprise with a mouthful of food. O'BRIEN What? DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: BASHIR I thought so. O'BRIEN I heard every word you said. (off Bashir's look) I have. (thinking) Chow-yun, Barton, alien theatrical works, ignoring our cultural heritage... BASHIR And what do you think? O'BRIEN About what? BASHIR Any of it. O'BRIEN I... don't know. What do you want me to say? BASHIR Say you agree. Say you disagree. Say you hate theater. Just say something. O'BRIEN Look, Julian, you said you wanted to have lunch... so we're having lunch. BASHIR Yes. But I was hoping for a little more... conversation with my plomeek soup. O'BRIEN My mother taught me that if you combine eating and talking, you'll end up doing neither one very well. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - TEASER 2A. 1 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (smiles) Well, I suppose Garak taught me to think of lunch as a sort of... arena for philosophical debate. Bashir's face looks a little melancholy... concerned about his friend. BASHIR I take it there's still no word about Garak and Odo? O'BRIEN (shakes his head) The starship Portland and a Cardassian cruiser are still searching the Algira Sector for the runabout. (beat) That's not entirely bad news. If the runabout had been destroyed they'd certainly have found debris by now or some kind of-- KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to O'Brien. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN (to com) O'Brien here, Major. KIRA'S COM VOICE Report to Ops, Chief. There's something here we'd like you to take a look at. O'BRIEN I'm on my way. (to Bashir) Sorry. BASHIR It's all right. O'Brien EXITS. Bashir contemplates the empty seat. BASHIR (to chair) So... read any good books lately? CUT TO: 2 INT. OPS (VPB) SISKO and DAX are showing something to O'Brien on a monitor as KIRA looks on. SISKO (re: monitor) About ten minutes ago, our sensors picked up high concentrations of tetryon particles moving toward the station. DAX I've never seen readings like this before. What do you think? O'BRIEN (off monitor) Subspace energy fluctuations... quantum fractures in the electrodynamic field... EM spikes across the spectrum... you've got me. KIRA Whatever it is, it's getting closer. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: DAX And larger. The tetryon concentrations have increased ten percent in the last thirty seconds. An ALARM goes off on one of the consoles. DAX (off console) There's an energy surge bearing two one zero mark three one five... a ship is decloaking. (beat) It's a Romulan warbird. SISKO Romulans? Open a channel to-- Another ALARM. DAX Another warbird decloaking at zero one zero -- no! It's a Cardassian ship. KIRA (shocked) A Cardassian ship with a cloaking device? DAX Definitely Cardassian. Keldon class. (she reacts to something on the screen) Benjamin... there's an entire fleet decloaking out there. SISKO Red Alert. Shields up, stand by weapons. 3 EXT. SPACE - THE FLEET (OPTICAL) An entire FLEET of Romulan and Cardassian ships is now hanging off the station. The ships begin in the foreground and stretch off into the distance until they become mere specks of light. A couple of the ships are still decloaking. 4 INT. OPS Everyone is watching the viewscreen in shock. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: SISKO (to Dax) Try to hail them, lieutenant. O'BRIEN (off monitor) Their weapons are charged... but they haven't locked onto us yet. KIRA The lead ship is heading for the wormhole, commander. 5 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) which shows a Romulan warbird starting to enter the wormhole. DAX No response to our hails. KIRA The fleet is following the lead ship... they're heading for the Gamma Quadrant. SISKO (grim, to Dax) Lieutenant, open a priority channel and get me Starfleet Command. Now. Off Sisko's face as he watches the endless parade of ships heading for the Gamma Quadrant... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 6 INT. ROMULAN READY ROOM TAIN is seated at the table with a drink as GARAK pours himself a glass of Romulan ale. The mood here seems to be friendly; after all, these are two old comrades-in-arms who haven't seen each other in a long time. But underlying all that is a definite tension... a feeling that there are issues and frictions between the two of them that have yet to be resolved and which may never be fully addressed. TAIN ... you should've seen the look on Legate Porania's face when I told him I was going into retirement three years ago. He was literally speechless -- a rare event. GARAK (smiles) I remember wanting to invent charges of treason against him just so I didn't have to hear his voice again. TAIN You would've done it, too, if I hadn't held you back. You had quite a vicious streak in those days. GARAK (re: Tain) I learned from the best. TAIN No, no. You had a gift. I never met anyone else who relished a good interrogation as much as you did. Do you remember getting that confession out of Doctor Parmak? GARAK (smiles) I never even touched him. TAIN That was the beauty of it. You just sat there for -- what, three hours? DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 6A. 6 CONTINUED: GARAK Four. TAIN And after four hours of watching you stare at him... he confessed. GARAK I was good, wasn't I? TAIN You were brilliant. Afterwards, he just kept saying... (shocked whisper) "His eyes... his eyes... " They both chuckle over the memory and then there's a quiet beat. TAIN I missed you, Elim. Things just weren't the same after you left. Garak looks away... uncomfortable with the honest statement of affection, but touched by it nonetheless. GARAK I... missed you too, Enabran. Tain breaks the moment by chuckling a little. TAIN We're both getting sentimental in our old age... next thing you know, we'll be crying over our lost youth. Garak also smiles with a little embarrassment. He shifts the conversation back to a safer topic. GARAK So whatever happened to Doctor Parmak? TAIN He spent three years in a labor camp, then returned to Cardassia Prime. I think he's practicing medicine again. (beat, joking) When we get back, you should look him up. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT ONE 6B. 6 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK There are a lot of people I intend to look up when we get back. GARAK (beat) For instance, do you remember a Gul named Dukat? TAIN (thinks) Dukat... ? GARAK He's the son of the late Justice Procal. TAIN Oh, yes... the business with the arms merchant. (beat) I take it, you'd like to have him eliminated... GARAK The thought had crossed my mind. TAIN After this mission is completed, you'll be in a position to... eliminate anyone you want. GARAK I'll make a list and give it to Mila. TAIN (casual) You better give it to me personally. Mila may not be around much longer. She knows a great deal about me... too much for her own good. Garak reacts slightly... this is a disturbing comment. But Garak has to be careful here -- he doesn't want to admit that he actually cares about Mila lest Tain start to think of him as being "soft." Garak sips his ale with practiced nonchalance. GARAK Still... it would be a shame to have her killed. She's proven that she can be trusted on numerous occasions. And you'd be hard pressed to find a better housekeeper. TAIN Is that a request I hear? DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 7. 6 CONTINUED: (3) GARAK Not at all. Just an observation. TAIN There's no reason to pretend, Garak. You're fond of Mila and you don't want her hurt, right? GARAK If you're looking for an excuse to spare the life of your own housekeeper, you don't need me to provide you with one. You can do it out of... the kindness of your heart. They look at each other for a long beat, each of them studying the other and running their own internal evaluations of the other's motive and intent. TAIN (quiet) Mila always believed you were innocent of betraying Cardassia... and me. Something flickers across Garak's face at this comment... some of the light bantering drops away from his tone. GARAK Really? I'm surprised that alone didn't earn her a place on your execution rolls. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 8. 6 CONTINUED: (4) TAIN It occurred to me. But then I suppose part of me wanted to believe you were innocent too. Garak gives him a very direct look. GARAK (tight) I was. TAIN (not quite believing it) Of course. Tain moves to take a drink from his glass. He sniffs the glass and puts it aside in distaste. TAIN No wonder the Romulans haven't conquered the galaxy. No one can stomach their cuisine. Garak nods ruefully. At that moment, a Romulan Colonel in the Tal Shiar named LOVOK ENTERS the room. Lovok is a male Romulan in his late forties and has a clipped, no-nonsense attitude about him. TAIN Ah. Colonel Lovok. Allow me to introduce my associate, Elim Garak. Lovok glances over at Garak with little interest. LOVOK (to Tain, re: Garak) And what is his role to be in this operation? TAIN He will do whatever I require of him. Elim is a cherished colleague of long standing. Lovok gives Garak a direct look with the flat and lifeless eyes of a shark. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 8A. 6 CONTINUED: (5) LOVOK You will not enter the bridge or any other secured space aboard this ship unescorted. If you do so, you will be killed. GARAK Direct isn't he? TAIN I'm afraid the Colonel believes in wasting little time with pleasantries or idle conversation. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 9. 6 CONTINUED: (6) Lovok ignores Garak and speaks to Tain. LOVOK The fleet has recloaked and is about to set course for the Founders' homeworld at warp six. GARAK Warp six? That's a bit slow isn't it? Something wrong with your engines? Lovok ignores him, keeps talking to Tain. LOVOK If we travel any faster, our warp signatures may be detected by the Jem'Hadar... even through the cloaking devices. GARAK Very clever. LOVOK (to Tain) The changeling is in quarters on "C" deck. There are forcefields in place to prevent his escape. TAIN Good. (to Garak) Which brings us to your first assignment, Garak. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 10. 6 CONTINUED: (7) TAIN I'd like you to explain to Odo that it would be in everyone's best interests -- especially his -- if he were to provide us with all the information he has on his people. GARAK That may prove to be difficult. He can be quite stubborn. TAIN (casual) Then you'll have to find a way of convincing him. Tain says this without any hint of threat, but it hangs there in the air, nonetheless. Garak nods in understanding. CUT TO: 7 INT. ROMULAN QUARTERS ODO is looking around the sparsely furnished room with a professional eye, looking for any means of escape, but not really expecting to find any. The door suddenly OPENS, revealing Garak and a Romulan N.D. Guard standing in the Corridor. Garak's attitude is friendly as he ENTERS, but Odo regards him coolly. GARAK Well, Odo... I trust the accommodations meet with your approval? Odo says nothing. GARAK You have to admit, this is certainly better than a prison cell. ODO There are forcefields around the bulkheads and a guard outside the door. Sounds like a prison cell to me. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 11. 7 CONTINUED: GARAK I see your point. And believe me, if it were my decision, things would be-- ODO I don't believe you, Garak. And I doubt I'll believe much of what you have to say from now on. So save us both some trouble and leave me alone. GARAK Why Constable, you seem positively disappointed in me. Odo harumphs. GARAK (sarcastic) Well, I suppose it's understandable. After all, I did pledge my undying devotion and eternal allegiance to both you and the Federation. And you and I've been through so much together... shared so many experiences... I know you considered me a close friend. No wonder you feel betrayed. ODO You're wasting your time, Garak. I don't care about the rationalizations you've come up with to justify your actions. GARAK Justify? I don't need to justify anything to you. ODO Living on Deep Space Nine has made you a little rusty... your lies are becoming more transparent. You should be careful -- you don't want Tain to know that you're feeling guilty about what you've done. GARAK You are imaginative, Constable, I'll grant you that. But I suggest you put those creative powers to better use. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT ONE 12. 7 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK (Cont'd) We would like you to share your... unique insights on the Founders. ODO Would you? GARAK We would be most grateful for any information you could provide. ODO And if I refuse... GARAK Really Odo, you must stop reading those human crime novels that Chief O'Brien gives you. It's poisoning your thinking. I'm not here to threaten you -- I just want to talk. ODO I don't feel like talking. GARAK Surely you can see that we have a common enemy: the Founders. By cooperating, you'll be helping us provide security for the entire Alpha Quadrant. ODO The only common enemy you and I share is Enabran Tain. The difference between you and I is that you don't know it. The two men share a look for a long moment. GARAK I suggest you think over what I've said, Constable. ODO That's funny... I was about to make the same suggestion. Another beat, and then Garak EXITS. CUT TO: 8 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing the station. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/16/95 - ACT ONE 13. 9 INT. WARDROOM - ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) The large wall monitor is showing a recorded message by Tain as Sisko, Kira, Dax, O'Brien, Bashir, and COMMANDER EDDINGTON watch. TAIN ... since the Jem'Hadar are genetically addicted to a drug that only the Founders can provide, we expect the Jem'Hadar to weaken and die once their supplies of the drug run out -- a matter of days by our estimates. However that will give them enough time to stage some kind of counterattack against the Alpha Quadrant so I suggest you place the Cardassian fleet on alert. Worried looks go around the table as Tain pauses on the viewer. TAIN (continuing) I take this action not in defiance of the Cardassian state, but in defense of it. You in the Central Command have neglected the security of our people and allowed peace with Bajor and the Federation to blind you to the real threat: the Dominion. I intend to remove that threat. Let history be my judge. The recording ENDS and is replaced by the symbol of the Obsidian Order, and then by image of VICE ADMIRAL TODDMAN of Starfleet Security. Toddman is a man in his late fifties and has a gruff, dour manner. TODDMAN That message was intercepted by a Federation outpost earlier today. A similar message was sent to the Romulan Senate. Both governments are denying any prior knowledge of Tain's plan and are calling this a rogue operation. BASHIR Are they going to do anything to stop Tain? Toddman peers at Bashir for a moment, as if remembering something. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/16/95 - ACT ONE 13A. 9 CONTINUED: TODDMAN Doctor Bashir, isn't it? BASHIR Yes, sir. TODDMAN You are in trouble. BASHIR Sir? TODDMAN I bet two cases of Saurian Brandy that you were going to win the Carrington Award this year. You lost, which means I lost. And I don't like to lose. Bashir is at something of a loss here... he has no idea what to say. BASHIR I'm... sorry, admiral. TODDMAN Good. Now to answer your question, both the Romulans and the Cardassians claim to be studying ways to stop Tain. But we believe that they're going to sit back and wait to see if he succeeds or not. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT ONE 14. 9 CONTINUED: (2) DAX But sir, that could plunge both Romulus and Cardassia into war with the Dominion. TODDMAN Only if he fails, Lieutenant. And it looks like his plan has a fair chance of success. He's commanding a fleet of twenty ships manned by combat veterans. They know the location of the Founders' homeworld and they've modified their cloaks so the Jem'Hadar can't detect their approach. KIRA You sound like you're hoping Tain will succeed. TODDMAN (sharp) I never hope for war, Major. But if it comes... I'd rather see the Dominion on the losing side. (takes a deep breath, looks more grim) But we have to be prepared for the worst. Ben, I want you to evacuate DS Nine of all non-essential personnel and have the Defiant on standby alert. Even if Tain succeeds, the Jem'Hadar are going to come screaming out of the wormhole looking for revenge and they may not be too particular about who their targets are. SISKO Admiral, we believe Security Chief Odo is aboard one of the Romulan ships. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 15. 9 CONTINUED: (3) EDDINGTON Odo's message said that the runabout had been caught in a tractor beam, sir. That suggests he was captured and taken aboard one of their ships. SISKO I'd like permission to take the Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant and try to determine if he's still alive and -- TODDMAN The answer's no, Ben. I'm sorry about your officer, but there's nothing we can do. I want the Defiant guarding Bajor. That's your top priority. Toddman out. The transmission ENDS. There's a long quiet moment. SISKO Commander Eddington, am I correct in assuming that Starfleet is sending substantial reinforcements to this sector? EDDINGTON Yes, sir. A task force of nine starships is due to arrive tomorrow. SISKO Nine starships... (beat, then to all) I want the Defiant ready to leave for the Gamma Quadrant in two hours. EDDINGTON Sir, Admiral Toddman's orders were quite clear and... SISKO (cutting him off) I'm not going to just abandon one of my officers. Toddman's concerned about the defense of Bajor -- so am I. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 15A. 9 CONTINUED: (4) SISKO If we detect a Jem'Hadar strike force heading for the Alpha Quadrant, we'll use the Communications Relay to warn DS Nine, and we'll do everything we can to stop them before they reach the wormhole. (beat) I consider this a volunteer mission. (to all) But, don't volunteer yet. I want you to think about this. There's a very good chance you won't be coming back from this mission... DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT ONE 16. 9 CONTINUED: (5) SISKO (Cont'd) ... and even if you do, you'll probably be facing a general court-martial. If you decide to go, be aboard the Defiant at fifteen thirty hours. Dismissed. Everyone EXITS, leaving Sisko to think about what he's about to do. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 10 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Dax and QUARK are heading for the airlock. Dax is carrying a shoulderbag and Quark seems very concerned about her. QUARK How long do you think you'll be gone? DAX At least three or four days, maybe longer if we run into trouble. QUARK Trouble? You mean if you run into the Jem'Hadar. DAX It's a possibility. Quark stops her, fixes her with a sincere and heartfelt look. QUARK Just... be careful, Lieutenant. I'd hate to see anything happen to you... or the others. DAX (touched) I always knew you were an old softy at heart, Quark. Quark looks a little embarrassed. QUARK Well... DAX Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. QUARK I appreciate that... Jadzia. But the most important thing is that you all come back safe and sound. I mean if something were to happen... DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT TWO 18. Quark looks away in horror, seems choked up by the thought. DAX (concerned) Hey... take it easy. QUARK I know, I know. I won't even think about it. DAX Good. QUARK (getting choked up) But just in case something awful... does happen.... (pulls out a PADD from his pocket) Could you sign your bar tab before you leave? Dax looks at him for a moment... too surprised to say anything. Then when she realizes this is what Quark's been after all along, she turns, and walks away shaking her head. Quark watches her go realizing he's blown it. QUARK (to himself) Just a little too quick at the end... Quark turns and heads off in the opposite direction. CUT TO: 11 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Sisko, Kira, O'Brien, Bashir at their places. Eddington is working at a back console. Dax ENTERS and goes to the helm console as Sisko approaches the captain's chair. Everyone is wearing phasers and there are a couple of extra Security N.D.s on the Bridge. SISKO All stations report. KIRA Tactical ready. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT TWO 19. 11 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Warp and impulse engines on-line, cloaking device standing by. DAX Helm ready. EDDINGTON The Security detachment is aboard and phaser rifles have been issued to every fire team. SISKO Very well. Release docking clamps, aft thrusters at-- KIRA Commander, there's an incoming priority message from Starfleet Command. (off monitor) It's Admiral Toddman. He's repeating his order not to enter the Gamma Quadrant. A beat as everyone looks at Sisko. Sisko calmly looks at the monitor screen in front of Kira. SISKO That's what you think it says. (off her look) But, how can you be sure when a transmission is as badly garbled as that one? Kira looks at him for a beat, then picks up on what Sisko is saying. KIRA You're right. There's an awful lot of subspace interference on this channel. Must be an ion storm or something. SISKO Must be. A few smiles go around the Bridge as Sisko returns to the Captain's chair. 12 ANGLE ON EDDINGTON the only one on the Bridge who looks disturbed by this. But he says nothing. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT TWO 19A. 13 RESUME SCENE SISKO (to Dax) Aft thrusters back one quarter, port and starboard at station keeping. DAX Aye, sir. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT TWO 20. 14 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship pulls away from the station (STOCK). 15 OMITTED 16 EXT. SPACE - THE WORMHOLE (OPTICAL) as it OPENS and the Defiant ENTERS (STOCK). 17 EXT. SPACE - GAMMA QUADRANT (OPTICAL) The Defiant EXITS the wormhole and the ship CLOAKS (STOCK). 17A INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (FORMERLY SCENE 15) The Bridge is now DARK -- the cloak in operation. DAX The cloaking device is operating within normal parameters. SISKO Set course for the Founders' homeworld, warp eight. CUT TO: 18 INT. ROMULAN BRIDGE This is a different type of ship from the typical warbird -- it is used exclusively by the Tal Shiar -- and the design and decor of the room should reflect that. There are Romulan N.D.s manning the consoles and there's a PILOT at the helm. The Bridge is DARK, indicating the cloaking device is in operation. Garak, Lovok, and Tain are examining a tactical map on one of the consoles. LOVOK (pointing to map) We know the Founders' planet lies at approximately these coordinates within the Omarion nebula. As you can see, there are no Jem'Hadar bases nearby. That means that even if the Founders do send out a distress call, it would take at least seven hours before any help could arrive. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT TWO 21. 18 CONTINUED: TAIN (to Garak) Our plan is to wait until we've entered orbit of the Founders' planet, then decloak and begin a massive bombardment. LOVOK Computer analysis indicates that the planet's crust will be destroyed within one hour, and the mantle within five. GARAK That should more than take care of the Founders... TAIN Yes, it should. Unless they have some planetary defenses we don't know about. And the only person here who might know the answer to that question is Mister Odo. GARAK Anything he knows about the Founders and their planet was undoubtedly included in his report to Starfleet. The constable is remarkably thorough in these matters. Tain frowns at Garak's evasion. TAIN There was a time when you were eager to begin an interrogation, Elim. In fact, I remember having to restrain your... enthusiasm on several occasions. GARAK I do remember having a certain... pride in my work. But I doubt that interrogating someone who can alter their form at will is likely to provide either amusement or information. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/16/95 - ACT TWO 22. 18 CONTINUED: (2) TAIN I wouldn't worry about Mister Odo's shape-shifting if I were you. The Obsidian Order has developed a device which should prove most effective in neutralizing him. LOVOK I was not informed about this device. TAIN It's only a prototype... there's never been a chance to test it... before now. Tain studies Garak evenly for a moment. Garak is lost in thought... clearly disturbed by something. Tain watches him for a moment, then turns to Lovok. TAIN (to Lovok) Perhaps the Tal Shiar should take over the interrogation of the changeling. (off Garak's reaction) It's all right, Garak. It's my fault. I should've known that you'd develop feelings for the people you lived with for the past few years. (beat) I just never expected that you would become friends with someone who worked for the Bajorans. GARAK This has nothing to do with my "friends" or my "feelings." I simply don't believe he has the information you want. TAIN Possibly. Colonel Lovok will find out. Tain turns away, but Garak stops him. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT TWO 23-23A. 18 CONTINUED: (3) GARAK No. I brought Odo here. He's my prisoner and my responsibility. Tain looks at him for a moment. TAIN You don't have to do this. GARAK Yes, I do. And I think we both know that you won't trust me until I do. A long beat. TAIN All right. I look forward to hearing the results. Garak nods and Tain and Lovok move away. Off Garak's expression as he thinks about what he has to do... CUT TO: 19 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE The Bridge is DARK, indicating the cloak in operation. Sisko, O'Brien, Kira and Dax at their stations. Dax suddenly frowns at her console. DAX Commander... I'm reading some kind of power fluctuation in the cloaking device. Sisko moves to her in concern. SISKO What kind of fluctuation? DAX I don't know... I can't locate the source of the problem... but it's getting worse... Dax works frantically, and then suddenly the lights come UP on the Bridge. KIRA We're decloaking! DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT TWO 24. 19 CONTINUED: SISKO All stop. Full scan, Lieutenant. Are there any other ships in the area? DAX No, sir. Nothing in sensor range. KIRA Commander, if the Jem'Hadar show up while we're decloaked... SISKO We'll have to fight our way out of here. Off Sisko's grim face... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT THREE 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: 20 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. 21 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Sisko is looking over O'Brien's shoulder as he works one of the consoles. Kira looks on while Dax is at the helm. SISKO What the hell happened, Chief? O'BRIEN I still don't know. I've run three separate diagnostics and everything looks fine... the power converters are on line... the projection matrix is normal... Eddington ENTERS in the b.g. O'BRIEN (continuing) The cloaking device should be working. KIRA Maybe there's some kind of spatial anomaly nearby that's interfering with the cloak's power systems... EDDINGTON This isn't the result of a spatial anomaly, Major. The tetryon compositor on the cloaking device has been sabotaged. KIRA How do you know that? EDDINGTON Because I sabotaged it. There's a moment of shocked silence, then Sisko steps forward. SISKO Why? DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT THREE 26. 21 CONTINUED: EDDINGTON I was under orders from Admiral Toddman to stop you from pursuing the Romulan/Cardassian fleet. O'Brien is furious and moves toward Eddington. O'BRIEN You've turned us into sitting ducks for the Jem'Hadar! Sisko holds up a hand and stops O'Brien before he can get any closer to Eddington. EDDINGTON (to Sisko) We can still defend ourselves. I didn't damage any of the ship's weapon systems or the engines. But without the cloak, we'll have to return to DS Nine. (beat, then impassioned) I'm sorry Commander, I didn't want to do this... Odo's my friend too... but I report directly to Admiral Toddman... and he gave me an explicit order. I couldn't disobey it. Sisko looks at him for a moment. SISKO (quiet) No... I don't suppose you could. (to O'Brien) Chief, now that you know the problem is in the tetryon compositor, how long until you can fix it? O'BRIEN I'd say at least ten hours. SISKO You have two. On your way. O'Brien glares at Eddington for a moment, then EXITS the Bridge. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT THREE 27. 21 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (to Eddington) I'm afraid I'll have to confine you to quarters, Mister Eddington. Eddington moves closer to Sisko, makes his case forcefully and with an element of passion. EDDINGTON Sir, if we run into the Jem'Hadar, you're still going to need a chief security officer. KIRA What makes you think we're going to trust you again? EDDINGTON Because I give you my word. Sisko studies him for a long moment. SISKO I make it a policy not to question the word of anyone who wears that uniform. Don't make me change that policy. Man your station, commander. Eddington looks grateful and then moves to the security station. SISKO (to Eddington) But I'd stay out of the chief's way if I were you. Eddington nods and then takes up his post. CUT TO: 22 INT. ROMULAN QUARTERS Garak ENTERS with two Romulan N.D.s. Garak is carrying a bucket, and the N.D.s are carrying different components of a large, complex-looking DEVICE which they place on the table and begins to set up in the b.g. Garak places the bucket near Odo. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT THREE 28. 22 CONTINUED: GARAK I realize it must be nearly time for you to return to your liquid state. So I thought I'd bring you something to relax in. ODO How kind. GARAK But before you go for a swim, I have a few questions I'd like to ask you. ODO I have nothing to say, Garak. GARAK I had hoped that a few hours alone might jog your memory... but I can see that I'm going to have to take steps I had hoped to avoid. ODO (mock despair) Oh, no... you're going to torture me, aren't you? How I've dreaded this moment. Please have mercy, Garak. GARAK You do have a certain... flair for sarcasm. It's one of the things I like about you. Garak nods to one of the Romulan N.D.s, who activates a control on the now assembled device, which lights up and comes to life. GARAK (to N.D.) You can go now. The N.D.s EXIT. ODO I would bring the guard back in, if I were you, Garak. I'm not in a very good mood. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT THREE 29. 22 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK Yes, under normal circumstances, you would pose quite a threat to me. You could turn yourself into a Vicarian Razorback... or stretch out your arms and strangle me from across the room... but not this time. ODO Oh? And why is that? GARAK Because that device is emitting a quantum stasis field... designed to prevent any changeling from altering his biomolecular structure. Odo looks at him for a moment, wondering whether to believe him or not... then he moves his arm and tries to change his form. Nothing happens. Odo stretches and moves... but still nothing happens. A look of worry comes across his face. GARAK It must be very disconcerting for you to be locked into a humanoid form. Especially now... you must have been looking forward to returning to your liquid state. (beat) Tell me... what will happen if you can't revert to a liquid? ODO I don't know. GARAK An honest answer. But it's probably safe to say it won't be pleasant. Odo is getting concerned. He looks at his hands a moment, stretches his fingers, moves closer to Garak. ODO Garak, this is pointless. There's nothing I can tell you about the Founders you don't already know. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT THREE 30-31A. 22 CONTINUED: (3) GARAK I wish I could believe that. ODO Then why don't you? GARAK Because you and I are a lot alike. We both value our privacy... our inner secrets... that's why I know there's something about the Founders you haven't told anyone. Something you didn't want to share with Starfleet or Commander Sisko. (beat) But you are going to tell me, Odo. ODO (hard) There's nothing to tell. Garak pulls up a chair and sits down. GARAK Maybe something will come to you. I can wait. The question is, can you? OFF Odo's concerned face... CUT TO: 23 OMITTED 23A INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Sisko is slowly pacing the Bridge, while Eddington, Kira, and Dax are at their posts. The waiting and the silence is starting to get on everyone's nerves. After a long beat, Kira finally gets up and starts to head for the door. SISKO Major. Leave the chief alone. KIRA What makes you think I was going to see O'Brien? Sisko gives her a "who are you kidding" look and Kira relents. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT THREE 32. 23A CONTINUED: KIRA (continuing) All right. But it's been three hours now. I wanted to see if he needed any help. SISKO If he needed help he'd ask for it. For now, the best thing we can do is stay out of his way. Kira reluctantly sits back down. Sisko lets out a long breath... although he's trying not to show it, this is starting to get to him too. He resumes his pacing. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT THREE 33. 24 INT. ROMULAN QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Garak sitting in the chair, watching Odo. Odo's entire body is desiccated -- it's as if all the moisture has been sucked out of him, his face cracked, his skin flaking off... even his "uniform" is cracked, the material falling to the deck. We should feel as if Odo is about to collapse into a pile of dust, and as the scene progresses his skin and uniform should literally be falling apart. Garak watches him with an even but disturbed expression. Odo has trouble speaking -- he's in great pain. ODO (difficult) What's wrong, Garak... you don't look very happy. Aren't you enjoying yourself? GARAK There's no pleasure in this for me Constable, I assure you. I'm simply doing my job. ODO Your job... yes... this is the job you've been waiting for. All those years of exile... and now here you are... interrogating a prisoner again. It must fill you with pride. GARAK (quiet) Odo... just tell me what I want to know, and this will end. Odo stiffens, reacting to some internal spasm of agony. ODO But you don't want it to end, do you, Garak? You're enjoying it... isn't this what you've been dreaming about? Back at work... serving Cardassia... DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT THREE 34. 24 CONTINUED: GARAK (defensive) That's right. And you have information that I need... information that it's my duty to extract from you. (trying to convince himself) It's not personal. Odo spasms again, and Garak looks away. We can tell that this is hard on him -- he doesn't like what he's doing. Odo collapses onto the floor. Instinctively, Garak leaps out of his chair and moves to help him. But he stops himself before actually touching Odo. He stares down in shock at the image of the Constable... and then rages at him: GARAK Talk to me, Odo... tell me something -- anything! Lie if you have to! But say it -- now. (beat) Please. Odo lies there for a moment, trembling... finally, his voice breaking, Odo makes a whispered confession. ODO Home... I want to go home... Garak kneels next to him. GARAK And you will. I promise. When this is all over, I promise I'll take you back to Deep Space Nine. ODO No... not the station... home... with my people... Garak looks at him in surprise. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT THREE 35. 24 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK The Founders? You want to go back to the Founders? I thought you turned your back on them. ODO I did... but they're still my people... I tried to deny it... tried to forget... but I can't... (beat) I'm one of them... and I want to be with them... in the Great Link. Garak looks at him for a moment... he's accomplished what he had to do, but now he wishes he hadn't. GARAK I knew there was something... something you were holding back... Odo is on the verge of losing consciousness. ODO And now you've found it... I hope it's useful... Garak looks at him for a long moment... finally stands up, moves to the device and deactivates it... He turns away from Odo, giving him a moment of privacy. Behind Garak, we suddenly see Odo MORPHING into a liquid and then streaming into the bucket. Garak sits down in the chair, takes a deep breath... then puts his head in his hand and closes his eyes in a mixture of relief and guilt... 25 thru OMITTED 26 FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 27 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) hanging in space. 28 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Sisko, Kira and Dax at their positions. Eddington sitting at a console. O'Brien ENTERS carrying a burnt piece of circuitry. He walks over and tosses it onto Eddington's lap. O'BRIEN (re: circuitry) A souvenir of your handiwork. (to Sisko) Repairs complete, sir. The cloaking device is on-line. SISKO (to Dax) Engage cloak. The Bridge DARKENS, indicating the cloak is in operation. DAX The cloak appears to be operating normally. SISKO Resume course for the Founders' planet, maximum warp. CUT TO: 29 thru OMITTED 30 31 INT. ROMULAN READY ROOM Tain and Lovok are listening to Garak. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT FOUR 37. 31 CONTINUED: GARAK ... At that point, I deactivated the device and allowed him to return to his liquid state. TAIN Did you get anything out of him at all? GARAK Nothing. He never broke. TAIN Well... that's unfortunate. I don't see any further use for Mister Odo. (beat) Terminate him. Garak thinks quickly, but he has to appear casual, as if only trying to help Tain. GARAK On the other hand, Odo is a member of the Bajoran militia... and an officer on Deep Space Nine. We may not want to provoke the Federation by killing him. Tain looks at him and frowns, but before he can say anything Lovok steps in. LOVOK I agree with Garak. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/16/95 - ACT FOUR 38. 31 CONTINUED: (2) TAIN (surprised) Do you? LOVOK Yes. There is no way to be certain that all of the Founders will be on the planet when we attack. We should be prepared to encounter other changelings in the future and we could use more information on their capabilities. (beat) I want to take Odo back to Romulus for further study. TAIN All right. In the interest of cooperation... Lovok nods his head in thanks. ROMULAN COM VOICE Bridge to Colonel Lovok. LOVOK This is Lovok. ROMULAN COM VOICE We have entered the Omarion Nebula and dropped out of warp. We should be in orbit of the planet in fifteen minutes. LOVOK Acknowledged. TAIN Well... seems like the moment is nearly at hand. Gentleman. Tain gets up and walks out of the room, Garak and Lovok following him. 32 INT. ROMULAN CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Tain, Lovok and Garak ENTER from the Ready Room and head up the corridor, Tain in the lead. As Tain rounds a corner, Lovok suddenly stops and steps directly in front of Garak, blocking his way. GARAK Can I do something for you, Colonel? DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FOUR 39. 32 CONTINUED: LOVOK Why were you trying to protect the changeling? GARAK I wasn't trying to protect him. And as I recall, you thought it was a good idea to keep him alive, as well. Lovok studies his face for a moment. LOVOK My interest in the changeling is based on what I believe to be the strategic interests of the Romulan Empire. But you... you seem to have a personal interest in him. GARAK Tell me -- what else am I feeling? I've never been psychoanalyzed by a Romulan before. This is a fascinating experience. LOVOK You are a practiced liar, Mister Garak. But I am a practiced observer. And I can assure you... I'm going to be observing you very closely. Lovok turns and walks away. OFF Garak's disturbed face... CUT TO: 33 INT. ROMULAN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Lovok, Tain and Garak watch the viewscreen, which shows the FOUNDERS' PLANET. LOVOK (to Pilot) Scan the planet for life-signs. PILOT (works) Sensors show multiple lifeforms on the surface... they appear to be in a liquid state. GARAK The Founders... DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/16/95 - ACT FOUR 39A. 33 CONTINUED: TAIN Signal the fleet to charge weapons and lock onto their targets. We should open fire the moment we drop our cloaks. The Pilot works and the Bridge goes to Green Alert. PILOT (works) All ships report ready. All weapons charged. Tain takes a deep breath, smiles a little. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/16/95 - ACT FOUR 40. 33 CONTINUED: (2) TAIN So much for the Dominion. (beat) Open fire. The lights come UP as the cloak goes off. On the viewscreen, we see dozens of PHASER BEAMS leap out from the o.s. fleet and slam into the Founders' planet. PILOT (off console) The first barrage has hit the surface... TAIN Effect? PILOT Thirty percent of the planetary crust destroyed on opening volley... (puzzled) No change in lifeform readings. TAIN (frowns) What? That's impossible. Some of them had to be killed. PILOT Our sensor readings have been confirmed by three other warbirds. There has been no change in the number of life-signs on the surface. A stunned beat. Garak quickly moves to a console and works the controls. GARAK (off console) It's a ruse. They're using an automated transponder to send back false sensor readings. The planet's deserted. TAIN (to Lovok) Colonel, signal the fleet to -- The Pilot's console BEEPS. PILOT (off console) Colonel -- there are ships coming out of the nebula. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT FOUR 41. 33 CONTINUED: (3) LOVOK What type of ships? PILOT Jem'Hadar fighters. TAIN How many? The pilot looks at her console, then reacts in shock. TAIN (hard) I asked you a question. PILOT (knows she's dead) One hundred fifty. There's a shocked moment. TAIN Tactical display, on screen. The viewscreen shows a GRAPHIC of the Romulan/Cardassian fleet now being surrounded by DOZENS of Jem'Hadar ships. GARAK It's a trap... they've been waiting for us all along. OFF Garak and Tain's shocked reactions... 34 thru OMITTED 35 FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FIVE 42. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 36 EXT. SPACE - A CARDASSIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) is under heavy attack by TWO JEM'HADAR ships. The Cardassian cruiser tries to fight back, but it's just no use -- the Cardassian ship is DESTROYED. 37 ANGLE ON ROMULAN WARBIRD (OPTICAL) which is also under heavy attack. 38 INT. ROMULAN BRIDGE The ship is ROCKED and JOLTED throughout the scene as the ship takes hit after hit. A console has already been blown out, and there are a couple of DEAD N.D. ROMULANS on the deck. Lovok is calmly giving orders and fighting his ship in the midst of chaos, while Tain and Garak struggle to hang on. PILOT (off console) The Cardassian cruiser Koranak has been destroyed... Romulan warbirds Makar and Belak have lost main power... LOVOK Bring us about to three-one-eight mark two-one-five. Concentrate fire on ships attacking on the port quarter. An edge of desperation has crept into Tain's voice. The ship is ROCKED and another console EXPLODES. Tain and Garak look over a console near the back of the Bridge. Garak turns to face Lovok. GARAK The Jem'Hadar will destroy every ship if we stay. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FIVE 43. 38 CONTINUED: GARAK The only hope is to return to the Alpha Quadrant. LOVOK There's no way out of here, Garak. The Jem'Hadar have cut us off. We need to consolidate the fleet and make our stand here. The ship is ROCKED. TAIN (in shock) It can't be... how could this have happened... ? GARAK (quiet) I'm afraid the fault, dear Tain, is not in our stars... but in ourselves. TAIN What? GARAK Just something I learned from Doctor Bashir. The ship is ROCKED again and the lights FLICKER, then go DIM. PILOT Main power is out. Switching to emergency backups. LOVOK (to com) Bridge to Engineering. We need power to the weapons. (beat) Bridge to Engineering. Respond. (beat) I will be in Engineering. Tain, take command of the Bridge. Lovok heads for the EXIT. PILOT Four more Jem'Hadar vessels are closing on our position. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FIVE 43A. 38 CONTINUED: (2) The ship is ROCKED again, nearly throwing everyone off their feet as ANOTHER CONSOLE explodes and a FIRE starts on the Bridge. N.D. Romulans rush to put out the fire and Tain hangs on for dear life. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FIVE 44. 38 CONTINUED: (3) Garak takes advantage of the chaos to make a quick EXIT from the Bridge without anyone noticing. CUT TO: 39 INT. ROMULAN CORRIDOR The Corridor is ROCKING and shaking... the lights FLICKERING. The Romulan N.D. Guard standing outside Odo's quarters is having a hard time standing up. Romulan N.D.s RUN down the Corridor, on their way to deal with some emergency. As they race down the Corridor, we see Garak waiting around the corner, watching the Guard. The Guard is momentarily distracted by the other Romulans running down the Corridor and that's when Garak makes his move -- he rushes up behind the Guard and quickly dispatches him with a few well placed blows. He then grabs the Guard's disruptor and OPENS the door to... 40 INT. ROMULAN QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) as the door OPENS. Odo is standing inside the room as Garak ENTERS with the disruptor. ODO I take it that the attack on the Founders is not proceeding according to plan. GARAK No, it's not. I suggest we make our way to the runabout. The ship is ROCKED again. ODO For once, Garak, I agree with you. They both turn and head for the doorway, only to find it blocked by Lovok, who is standing there with a disruptor in his hand. He has them both covered and they have no chance. Odo and Garak are surprised as Lovok steps forward and hands them a PADD. LOVOK You will need this in order to gain access to your runabout. Odo takes the PADD in surprise. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT FIVE 45. 40 CONTINUED: ODO Why are you doing this? Lovok looks him straight in the eye, and as he does so, his entire demeanor seems to change -- no longer the Romulan Colonel, but now the ethereal superior attitude of a Founder. His speech is slower, more assured. LOVOK Because no changeling has ever harmed another. Garak and Odo are stunned as they realize that Lovok is a changeling. GARAK You... are one of the Founders? ODO Of course... this whole plan was the Founders' idea in the first place. You wanted the Tal Shiar and the Obsidian Order to combine forces and come into the Gamma Quadrant so you could wipe them out. LOVOK Not exactly. Tain originated the plan. But when we learned of it, we did everything we could to carry it forward. The Tal Shiar and the Obsidian Order are both ruthless, efficient organizations -- a definite threat to us. ODO But not after today. LOVOK After today the only real threats to us from the Alpha Quadrant are the Klingons and the Federation. And I doubt either of them will be a threat for much longer. The ship is ROCKED again, the lights go down even LOWER. LOVOK It is not too late for you, Odo. Come with me. You can still become one with the Great Link -- if you wish. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FIVE 46. 40 CONTINUED: (2) Odo glances at Garak, wondering what Garak said to Lovok. ODO Thank you. But my answer is still no. Lovok nods in acknowledgement, then steps back and DEMATERIALIZES. The ship is ROCKED again. ODO Come on. I don't think we have much time. They EXIT to the Corridor. 41 INT. ROMULAN CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Garak and Odo ENTER from the Quarters. The ship is still ROCKING and we can HEAR the sound of distant EXPLOSIONS. GARAK (pointing) The runabout is that way, two decks down in Section Twenty-five. I'll meet you there. ODO Where are you going? GARAK To the Bridge... to get Tain. Odo can't believe what he's hearing. ODO What?! GARAK I know it's hard for you to understand, Constable... but I still owe him a personal debt... and I have to try and repay it. Wait for us as long as you can. With that, Garak turns and runs down the Corridor. Odo looks after him for a stunned beat. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FIVE 47. 42 INT. ROMULAN BRIDGE The Bridge is a shambles -- consoles blown out, small fires everywhere, dead bodies on the deck, the main viewer reduced to a slab of twisted metal. Tain -- the only person alive -- is sitting calmly in the commander's chair, a thoughtful expression on his face, as if giving careful consideration to some interesting ideas. Garak ENTERS, goes quickly to Tain. GARAK Tain! We have to go. Tain looks up at him calmly, oblivious to the destruction around him or the dire circumstances. TAIN There must have been an informant. It's the only explanation. GARAK You're right. There was an informant -- Colonel Lovok is a changeling. Tain sits back as if physically assaulted. There's a new expression on his face -- defeat. TAIN Lovok... GARAK Yes. But we can discuss it at a later time. Right now I think -- TAIN (interrupting) It appears I underestimated the Founders. I should have seen it coming. There was a time when nothing got past me. You remember, don't you, Elim? The ship is ROCKED hard... there's another EXPLOSION on the Bridge. Garak grabs him by the shoulders, tries to get his attention. GARAK Yes, I do. But now, we have to go! TAIN Go where? Back to Mila and my... quiet retirement? I don't think so. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FIVE 48. 42 CONTINUED: TAIN (smiles to himself) I must be getting old... I let my pride override my instincts... wouldn't have played it that way in the old days... in the old days I would've kept Lovok at arms length... he was too cagey... too smart... Garak begins to realize that he's not going to get Tain out of that chair, but he won't leave without him. GARAK I can't just leave you here. TAIN I always did have a soft spot for you, Garak... another of my flaws... Garak is about to make another plea, when suddenly Odo's hand HITS Garak hard from o.c. and KNOCKS HIM OUT. Garak crumples to the deck. Tain barely takes note of this. TAIN ... these Founders, Elim... they're very good... next time we'll have to be more careful... Odo ignores Tain and starts to pick up the unconscious form of Garak. CUT TO: 43 OMITTED 44 INT. RUNABOUT Odo in the pilot seat, Garak is now conscious in the other seat and rubbing what is now a large bruise on his head ruefully. GARAK You can be very persuasive on occasion, Constable. But you might consider using... gentler language in the future. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FIVE 49. 44 CONTINUED: ODO (working console) I'll keep that in mind. (beat) A Jem'Hadar ship is following us. Raise shields and charge the weapons. Garak shakes off his grogginess and goes to work. The ship is suddenly ROCKED HARD. GARAK Aft shields down to fifty percent. More speed would be advisable. ODO The warp drive is off-line. The ship is ROCKED again. And then AGAIN. A console EXPLODES behind them. GARAK Shields down to thirty percent. ODO Another Jem'Hadar ship approaching to starboard. Hang on! Odo works the console and the ship BANKS HARD to the LEFT. GARAK Shields down to fifteen percent. The ship is ROCKED and the lights go DIM. ODO Main power's failing. We're losing speed. The ship is ROCKED and all the lights go OUT. GARAK The shields are gone. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT FIVE 50. 44 CONTINUED: (2) There's a beat as they both realize that they're dead. Garak looks over at Odo. GARAK Odo... I hope that you'll accept my sincere apologies for all this. ODO A little late isn't it? GARAK Nevertheless... There's a beat, and then Odo nods his forgiveness. ODO I may not agree with what you did, but I... can certainly understand your... desire to return home. GARAK (smiles) Thank you. Odo looks out the window and reacts in shock at what he sees. ODO What... ? 45 thru OMITTED 46 47 ANGLE ON WINDOW (OPTICAL) Through the window of the runabout, we can suddenly see the DEFIANT DECLOAK directly ahead of us and roar overhead. 47A EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The Defiant passes the runabout and FIRES on the pursuing Jem'Hadar ships, DESTROYING THEM BOTH. 48 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Sisko, Eddington, Kira, and Dax at their stations. The ship is at RED ALERT and the mood is tense and urgent. KIRA Three more coming in off the port bow! DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT FIVE 50A. 48 CONTINUED: SISKO Fire on the lead ship, then bring us back to the runabout. Kira works and on the viewscreen, we can see the lead Jem'Hadar ship HIT by the Defiant's PHASERS and it is DESTROYED. DAX Two life-signs on the runabout, Commander. SISKO (to Eddington) Drop shields. (to com) Bridge to Transporter Room. Beam them aboard, Chief. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. EDDINGTON Four more Jem'Hadar ships closing to starboard. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE O'Brien to Bridge. I've got them. SISKO Raise shields. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT FIVE 51. 48A INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien at the console, Bashir standing nearby with a medkit as Odo and Garak step off the stage. O'BRIEN Welcome back. ODO Thank you. Bashir sees the bruise on Garak's head. BASHIR That looks painful. GARAK It is. (glances at Odo) But it did save my life. The ship is ROCKED... 48B INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As the ship continues to ROCK. DAX Cloaking device is off-line. EDDINGTON Shields holding. SISKO (to Dax) Attack pattern omega four. Full impulse power. (to Kira) Hold your fire until we're within five hundred meters. KIRA We might get pretty singed at that range. SISKO Not as singed as they're going to get. Engage. 49 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship roars directly into the teeth of INTENSE FIRE from the THREE JEM'HADAR SHIPS. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT FIVE 51A. 49A INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Phaser fire from the Jem'Hadar ships fills the screen as everyone steels themselves. DAX Fifty thousand meters and closing. 49B EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship twists and rolls to avoid the Jem'Hadar fire. 49C INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. DAX Two thousand meters... On the viewscreen, the Defiant closes in on the three Jem'Hadar ships. DAX Five hundred! SISKO Fire! 49D EXT. SPACE - DEFIANT & JEM'HADAR SHIPS (OPTICAL) The Defiant almost runs into the three Jem'Hadar ships before opening fire. The first ship is hit and banks away... the second and third ships are destroyed. 50 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before. Odo and Garak ENTER the Bridge along with Bashir and O'Brien. The ship is ROCKED again. KIRA The third Jem'Hadar fighter is still pursuing. SISKO Aft torpedoes. Fire. Kira watches her console. DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FIVE 52. 50 CONTINUED: KIRA Direct hit on their port nacelle. They're losing speed... we're out of their weapons' range. SISKO Any other signs of pursuit? DAX Negative. The other fighters are still concentrating on the remaining Romulan and Cardassian ships. SISKO Let's not wait around for them to change their minds. Set course for the wormhole, Lieutenant. Warp eight. Dax works her console as Kira moves to Odo. KIRA It's... good to see you again, Constable. ODO Likewise... major. DAX Course laid in. SISKO Engage. OFF Sisko's face as he relaxes for the first time. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT FIVE 53. 51 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 51A INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) Sisko is standing in front of his monitor, talking to Admiral Toddman. SISKO There's still no indication that any Romulan or Cardassian vessels survived the attack. TODDMAN (shakes his head) Sounds like Wolf Three-Five-Nine all over again. SISKO (grim) I had the same thought. Toddman nods, then moves on to other business. TODDMAN You may be interested to know, I've decided not to file charges against anyone on the Defiant. SISKO Thank you, sir. TODDMAN (tough) But if you pull a stunt like that again, I'll court martial you... or promote you. Either way, you'll be in a lot of trouble. A beat, and we can see just a hint of amusement in Toddman's gruff exterior. SISKO I'll keep that in mind. Sir. Toddman nods and then reaches over and touches a control, ENDING the transmission. OFF Sisko's pleased reaction... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - 02/14/95 - ACT FIVE 53A. 52 INT. GARAK'S SHOP The shop is still ruined from the explosion. Nothing has been repaired or cleaned up. Garak is poking about in the rubble, contemplating the destruction. After a beat, he turns and finds Odo standing in the doorway, watching him. Odo eyes him evenly, and says without preamble... ODO I read the report you wrote... and I wanted to thank you. GARAK (surprised) Me? For what? ODO For not mentioning my... desire to return to my people. GARAK I consider the entire conversation as... something best forgotten. ODO As do I. There's a beat and then Odo takes a few steps in the wreckage. ODO (continuing) Quark has expressed an interest in renting this space if you're not going to be using it. GARAK Oh? DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/16/95 - ACT FIVE 54. 52 CONTINUED: ODO He mentioned something about an Argelian massage facility. GARAK Unfortunately, I don't think Commander Sisko will approve of such an... interesting facility on the Promenade. ODO I tend to agree. But I think he would approve of... a tailor's shop. There's a quiet beat as Garak looks over the ruins. GARAK You know what the sad part is, Odo... I'm a pretty good tailor. Odo nods and then heads for the door. He pauses on the threshold. ODO Garak... I was thinking that... we should have breakfast together... sometime. GARAK (surprised) Why, Constable... I thought you didn't eat. ODO I don't. There's a quiet moment and then Garak nods his head in acknowledgment of Odo's unspoken invitation for something that might be akin to friendship and Odo nods back. Odo EXITS, leaving Garak alone to contemplate his future. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END