STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Through the Looking Glass" (fka "Untitled Crossover Sequel") #40513-466 Written by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by Rick Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1995 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION February 2, 1995 STAR TREK: DS9 "Through... Glass" 02/02/95 - CAS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Through the Looking Glass" CAST SISKO TUVOK KIRA JENNIFER ODO CARDASSIAN OVERSEER BASHIR REBELS DAX O'BRIEN QUARK GARAK ROM COMPUTER VOICE Non-speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. TERRANS N.D. KLINGONS N.D. BAJORANS N.D. CARDASSIANS STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Through the Looking Glass" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE COMMANDER'S OFFICE OPS TEROK NOR RAIDER TEROK NOR AIRLOCK CORRIDOR KIRA'S QUARTERS INTENDANT'S OFFICE ORE PROCESSING CENTER GUEST QUARTERS HABITAT RING CORRIDOR RAIDER TRANSPORTER AREA QUARTERS CORRIDOR COCKPIT CAVES MAIN CHAMBER PRIVATE CHAMBER CORRIDOR STAR TREK: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Through the Looking Glass" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE HISIK HISS-ik TUVOK TOO-vahk TEROK NOR TAIR-awk NOR TERRAN TEHR-rahn DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/10/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Through the Looking Glass" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE - STOCK (OPTICAL) hanging in space with the wormhole opening in the background. 2 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko's seated at his desk. ODO and QUARK stand before him. ODO I found twenty-seven voles in his storeroom. QUARK Vole infestations are not uncommon on this station. If you don't believe me, ask Chief O'Brien. ODO When I came in, he and Morn were painting numbers on the voles' backs. QUARK We were just... counting them to see how many we'd caught. SISKO You were getting ready to stage a vole fight. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/10/95 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: QUARK (feigns surprise) A vole fight? I'm appalled. (to Odo) Do you really think that was what Morn was up to? SISKO (to Odo) I want the voles confiscated and removed from the station. QUARK But you can't confiscate Morn's voles. They're like... his pets. Sisko knows this is nonsense. He stands up. SISKO I'll see if I can get him some goldfish. And now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, it's late. Sisko EXITS. They follow behind. QUARK Poor Morn. This is going to break his hearts. 3 OMITTED 4 INT. OPS Sisko comes down the stairs and turns to an N.D. Starfleet Officer. SISKO Ops is yours, Lieutenant. The Lieutenant nods. Just then, O'BRIEN ENTERS from the Turbolift, dressed like he was in the Mirror universe. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: SISKO (re: the clothes) Going somewhere, Chief? O'Brien stares at Sisko, Odo, and Quark with curious intensity. O'BRIEN Sir, I need to talk to you. (eyeing Odo and Quark) It's kind of private. ODO We were just leaving. (to Quark) Come on, let's go break the news to Morn. Odo and Quark EXIT out a door. O'Brien looks at them strangely. SISKO (to O'Brien) Do you want to talk in my office? O'BRIEN Actually, I thought we'd go to my place. O'Brien draws a phaser and shoves it under Sisko's neck. O'BRIEN Get onto the transporter pad... (with an edge) Now. The Ops N.D.s are caught by surprise. SISKO What do you think you're doing? O'BRIEN Just get on the pad. O'Brien prods Sisko toward the transporter. Sisko coolly steps up onto the pad. It doesn't seem like the time to argue. 5 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Keeping his phaser trained on Sisko, O'Brien goes to Dax's station. He runs a device over the console, then programs in a quick sequence of transporter commands. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - TEASER 4. 5 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Computer, energize on my command. Never taking his phaser off Sisko, O'Brien steps up to the transporter and plays the (TECH) device over the base, then joins Sisko on the pad. O'BRIEN Energize. They beam out. 6 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) With a ship very similar to the Maquis raider we saw in the Voyager pilot. 7 INT. RAIDER - TRANSPORTER AREA (OPTICAL) A small transporter alcove like the one on the Defiant, but less "Starfleet clean." Sisko and O'Brien beam in. Sisko takes stock of his surroundings. SISKO Where are we? O'BRIEN I guess you might say we just stepped through the looking glass. And as Sisko reacts to this, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/6/95 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 8 INT. RAIDER - QUARTERS The doors open and Sisko ENTERS, followed by the Mirror O'Brien, who is still holding a phaser on him. O'BRIEN Why don't you sit down... make yourself comfortable? SISKO (re: the phaser) Maybe I'm not feeling too comfortable right now. Sisko turns his back to O'Brien to sit down. O'Brien relaxes for a moment. Suddenly Sisko pivots back to face O'Brien, knocking the phaser away with his forearm, and with his other hand clipping O'Brien on the jaw. As O'Brien hits the wall, Sisko wrests the phaser away and turns it on O'Brien. SISKO There, that's better. But to Sisko's surprise, O'Brien smiles as if Sisko's action has been somehow reassuring to him. O'BRIEN That was a pretty good move. SISKO I'm glad you liked it. O'BRIEN But it still doesn't change anything. You can't go home unless I reconfigure the transporter, and I'm not about to do that. (off Sisko's reaction) I guess you've got a lot of questions. SISKO Not as many as you think. O'BRIEN You know where we are? DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 5A. 8 CONTINUED: SISKO If I had to guess, I'd say this is the same parallel universe that two of my crewmembers visited a year ago. O'BRIEN You're quick. Just like our Sisko. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 6. 8 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (Cont'd) That saves me having to give you a history lesson. (a beat) But I'd better update you on current events. Since your officers left, we've started a rebellion against the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance. We're fighting for our lives. SISKO I wish you luck, but I don't see what that has to do with me. O'BRIEN It has everything to do with you. You were the leader of the Terran Rebellion. At least, our Benjamin Sisko was. SISKO Was? O'BRIEN Captain Sisko's dead. The Cardassians blew up his ship. Sisko doesn't need to have a picture drawn for him. SISKO And you want me to take his place. O'BRIEN Like I said, you're quick. SISKO Well I've got a better idea. We're going to walk back to the transporter pad and you're going to send me home. O'BRIEN Wait. Hear me out. I'm not asking for a lifetime commitment. I just need you to finish the mission Sisko was on when he was killed. SISKO I'm sorry, but you're going to have to find someone else. I don't belong here and I'm not about to interfere with events in this universe. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 7. 8 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN At least let me tell you about the mission. And then if you decide you don't want to help, I'll send you home. Sisko nods. O'BRIEN There's a Terran scientist working for the Alliance. According to our sources, she's close to completing a new transpectral sensor array that will allow the Alliance to locate our bases in the Badlands. Without a safe place to hide, the Alliance will be able to track us down and kill us all. SISKO So you want me to make sure this scientist never finishes her project. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 8. 8 CONTINUED: (4) O'BRIEN Captain Sisko was convinced he could change her mind, get her to work for us instead. SISKO How did he plan to do that? O'BRIEN She was his wife. Off Sisko's surprised reaction, O'Brien hands Sisko a battered PHOTO. 9 NEW ANGLE To include the PHOTO, a passport style shot of the Terran Scientist. It's JENNIFER SISKO. SISKO Jennifer. O'BRIEN You know her? SISKO She was my wife, too. But in my universe, she's dead. O'BRIEN Not here she isn't. Not yet, anyway. SISKO What do you mean "not yet?" O'BRIEN If you don't convince Professor Sisko to join our cause, we'll have no choice but to kill her. SISKO Kill her? O'BRIEN We can't allow her to finish the sensor array. It'd mean the end of the rebellion. Sisko reacts, looking down at Jennifer's picture. After a long beat, Sisko finally responds, never taking his eyes off the picture. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 8A. 9 CONTINUED: SISKO I can't let her die. Not again. O'BRIEN You're the only one who can save her. Sisko finally looks up at O'Brien. And off this moment... 10 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) Terok Nor (the Mirror Universe's equivalent of Deep Space Nine) in orbit around Bajor. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT ONE 9. 11 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS The mirror KIRA is lounging on floor cushions, her back cradled against the muscular chest of a handsome young Terran slave. Her Vulcan Eunuchs fan her while the slave feeds her delicate morsels of food with his hands. A second slave, this one female, is sitting on the other side of her, holding a bowl of food. KIRA Delectable. Kira slowly turns her head and the female slave reaches out and delicately wipes Kira's lips with a napkin. Kira gives her a soulful smile. KIRA And so are you. But before Kira can elaborate, the door chimes. Kira's been expecting this. She smiles. KIRA Enter. The door opens and... 12 NEW ANGLE A Terran woman ENTERS. It's Sisko's wife, JENNIFER. She's dressed severely and has a solemn, taciturn disposition. JENNIFER Mister Garak said you wanted to see me? KIRA That's right... Come... join us. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: But Jennifer stays where she is. JENNIFER If you're wondering when the new sensor array will be finished, the answer is-- KIRA (finishing for her) As soon as possible. I know. JENNIFER Will that be all? (off Kira's reaction) I have to get back to work. Kira stands up and approaches Jennifer. KIRA I have news about your husband. JENNIFER Nothing you could tell me about Ben would interest me. I haven't even seen him in five years. KIRA I know that. And I hope that will make this easier for you. You see... Benjamin is dead. Jennifer betrays no feeling whatsoever. JENNIFER Can I go now? KIRA You must've loved him very much to be so angry with him. To have become... so cold. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT ONE 11. 12 CONTINUED: (2) JENNIFER Were other Terrans killed with him? KIRA A whole ship full. Now we see a sense of sadness in Jennifer. JENNIFER All this killing. It has to stop. KIRA And it will. As soon as you complete your transpectral sensors. Once we locate the rebel bases, we can disarm them and put an end to all this bloodshed. And I can resume pressing the Alliance to be more reasonable to its Terran population. Jennifer clearly doesn't have much hope for that, but ending the Rebellion is reason enough for her to continue her project. KIRA (continuing) You do believe me, don't you? Kira smiles warmly at Jennifer. 13 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Raider maneuvers through a Badland plasma storm. 14 INT. RAIDER - CORRIDOR The Mirror O'Brien escorts Sisko back to the transporter. Sisko is now dressed like his Mirror Universe counterpart. They pass some crewmembers, who salute him. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 12. 14 CONTINUED: SISKO So it's agreed. I help you get Jennifer away from the Alliance, then you send me home. O'BRIEN You get us Jennifer and we'll do anything you want. I just hope you can convince her to leave Terok Nor. SISKO I don't understand what she's doing helping the Alliance in the first place. I mean, didn't she know Sisko was leading the Rebellion? O'BRIEN Oh, she knew. (a beat) The truth is... She and Captain Sisko didn't get along too well. But then again, the captain didn't really get along with anyone. 15 NEW ANGLE They reach the transporter pad. O'BRIEN In some ways I think the rebellion's better off without him. Don't get me wrong, the captain knew how to fight... but that's about all he knew. O'Brien sets up the transporter. O'BRIEN Ready? DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 13. 15 CONTINUED: SISKO You don't look very confident, Chief... O'BRIEN You better start calling me Smiley. That's what the Captain called me. SISKO All right... "Smiley." O'BRIEN I just wish we had more time to get you ready. I probably haven't told you half of what you need to know. I hope you don't run up against too many surprises. Sisko steps onto the transporter pad. SISKO If I do, I guess I'll just have to... improvise. Sisko smiles. O'Brien joins Sisko on the pad and they beam out. 16 INT. CAVES - MAIN CHAMBER The central meeting hall for Sisko's group of rebels. There are a number of familiar faces in the crowd. One or two supernumeraries we've seen before on Deep Space Nine, the scarred privateer from "CROSSOVER," and a hardened, heavily armed professional soldier named ROM. The rebels are in the middle of a vociferous argument, with one faction lead by JULIAN BASHIR and the other by TUVOK, the Vulcan from "VOYAGER." They're a stark contrast in styles. Tuvok is a coldly logical soldier, and Bashir's a hothead with a scruffy four days growth of beard and a permanent bad attitude. BASHIR (to all) I told Sisko he'd never get close to Terok Nor, and I was right. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/03/95 - ACT ONE 14. 16 CONTINUED: ROM I say we teach the Alliance a lesson. Throw everything we've got at Terok Nor and rip it to pieces. TUVOK I disagree. Following your suggestion would do nothing to enhance our goals and would result in a significant loss of life. ROM That's easy for you to say. Those Cardassian pigs didn't kill your brother. TUVOK We have all suffered losses at the hands of the Alliance. Nonetheless, logic dictates caution in the face of a superior enemy. ROM Logic isn't going to win us our freedom. We have to take action. BASHIR And we will. But this time we do it my way. TUVOK And what do you propose we do? BASHIR We smuggle explosives on board the station, plant them in her quarters, and detonate them. TUVOK You realize it's highly unlikely that anyone assigned to such a mission would survive. BASHIR I say it's worth the risk. SISKO (O.S.) Does that mean you're volunteering for the job? Rom, Tuvok, and the other Rebels turn in surprise at the sound of Sisko's voice. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 15. 17 NEW ANGLE To reveal Sisko, ENTERING with a swagger, flanked by O'Brien and Bashir. The rebels react with surprise and happiness at Sisko's arrival. REBELS (ad lib) Captain... You're back... Where have you been... Captain Sisko... ROM Captain, you're alive. For a beat, Sisko's a little taken aback at seeing the mirror counterparts of Rom and Bashir. O'Brien, seeing Sisko's hesitation, steps in. O'BRIEN Of course he's alive. You can't kill the Captain. He's too ornery to die. Sisko picks up on O'Brien's cue and snaps into the Captain Sisko role. SISKO (re: Bashir) I hope I haven't disappointed anyone. BASHIR (with some reluctance) We're glad you're all right. SISKO I'm sure you are. TUVOK We heard your fighter had been destroyed. The Alliance said you were dead. SISKO Just their propaganda machine, working overtime. But you know what that tells me? (smiles) They're scared. The smiles and affirmations from the crowd show that they agree with him. Sisko's only been back a few seconds, and he's already got them in the palm of his hand. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 15A. 17 CONTINUED: SISKO And we're going to give them plenty of reasons to stay scared. Just then someone pushes through the crowd toward Sisko. It's JADZIA DAX. DAX It's about time you came back. This Dax is an aggressive rebel leader, even more roguish than her counterpart in our universe. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 16. 17 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (covering his surprise) Jadzia. She pushes her way toward him, throws her arms around his neck, and gives him a passionate kiss. DAX That's to let you know I missed you. Dax then steps back and slaps Sisko across the face. DAX And that's for letting me think you were dead. Sisko smiles and rubs his cheek. SISKO Glad to see you still care. Dax smiles, then turns and walks away. She looks back at Sisko. DAX You coming or not? All the rebels grin as Dax walks out of the room. The scarred privateer gives Sisko a man-bonding pat on the back. Sisko takes O'Brien aside. SISKO (sotto voce) I thought you said I was married. O'BRIEN You are... technically. She's your mistress. SISKO I see what you meant by surprises. And as Sisko tries to decide what to do next, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 18 INT. CAVES - PRIVATE CHAMBER Dax pushes aside a tapestry hanging in front of a tunnel and ENTERS a small cavern room that's been converted into a private sleeping area. She turns to the entranceway and as Sisko ENTERS, she pulls off her shirt, leaving only her undershirt. She's very matter-of-fact and obviously comfortable with Sisko. They've been here before. DAX I really am glad you're alive. She walks over to him and begins unbuttoning his shirt. DAX And I'm going to make you glad you're alive, too. He grabs her wrists as if to stop her. SISKO We have a lot of planning to do. Dax looks at him like he's insane. DAX It can wait. Sisko realizes he's in danger of blowing his cover. There's no way out of this; he has to play his part. He lets go of her wrists. SISKO I suppose it can at that. And as she smiles and presses up against him... CUT TO: 19 INT. INTENDANT'S OFFICE Kira disdainfully hands Garak a PADD. KIRA These progress reports are unacceptable. Productivity in the Ore Processing Center is down fifteen percent. We've got to do better. (glares at him) Or are you purposely trying to make me look bad to Sector Command? DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/02/95 - ACT TWO 17-18. 19 CONTINUED: GARAK Not at all. I've done everything I can think of to motivate the workers. KIRA Such as? GARAK Bribes... torture... I've even given the overseers permission to execute any worker who's not meeting the quota. KIRA I'm sure that pleases the overseers, but it's not getting the job done. (thinks a beat, then... ) Come with me. She EXITS. He follows her. 20 OMITTED 21 INT. ORE PROCESSING CENTER (OPTICAL) As hellish and dark as when we saw it in "CROSSOVER." Terran laborers work in terrible conditions to process the dirty ore. Kira and Garak ENTER, and are immediately joined by a Cardassian overseer and two Bajoran guards. Kira looks around at the hellish squalor, then points at three random workers. KIRA Lets start with... (pointing at each) Him, him, and her. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT TWO 20. 21 CONTINUED: GARAK And do what? KIRA Execute them. (off his reaction) I think you'll find that random and unprovoked executions will keep your entire workforce alert and motivated. There's a beat as Garak reflects on these words of wisdom. GARAK (smiles) I bow to your brilliance. Garak turns to the overseer and his assistants, who begin rounding up the victims. GARAK (continuing, to Kira) Though I hope your mood improves before we run out of workers. KIRA What does my mood have to do with anything? GARAK If you don't mind my saying so, I have noticed a certain amount of ill- humor on your part lately. KIRA I don't know what you're talking about. GARAK As I recall, it began about the time you learned of Captain Sisko's death. KIRA Why would I be upset by such delightful news? GARAK I was always under the impression that you were rather fond of him. KIRA Then you were mistaken. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/03/95 - ACT TWO 21. 21 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK I will say one thing for him. He had spirit. KIRA Too much spirit can be a dangerous thing. It tends to infect others. In the background, the overseer finishes rounding up the workers chosen by Kira. GARAK At least that's something we won't have to worry about anymore. With Sisko's death, and the imminent completion of the transpectral sensor array, the Rebellion is certain to collapse. KIRA You sound very sure of yourself. GARAK I am. KIRA I'll remember that. That way if the Rebellion continues, I'll know who to blame. In the background, the guards execute the workers. Kira EXITS. 22 INT. CAVES - PRIVATE CHAMBER Dax is lounging on the sleeping cushion. Sisko is studying a PADD. SISKO Are you sure these Alliance patrol patterns are accurate? DAX You tell me. You're the one who gathered the information. SISKO (covering) Oh, that's right. DAX Are you okay? You seem distracted. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT TWO 21A. 22 CONTINUED: SISKO Just thinking. DAX I've been thinking, too. You know, we've been fighting against the Alliance for almost a year now. And what has it gotten us? Nothing. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/02/95 - ACT TWO 22. 22 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (Cont'd) (a beat) Sometimes I feel we were better off when we were collecting tribute for the Intendant. SISKO Those days are gone. DAX Maybe... but I'm tired of living like this. The rebellion's a lost cause and we both know it. SISKO Don't you want to see the Terrans gain their freedom? DAX Have you taken a good look at your troops lately? They're nothing but ex-slaves with delusions of grandeur. They'll never overthrow the Alliance. (urgent) Let's just take a ship and go... Forget all about the rebellion. SISKO I'm not ready to give up just yet. DAX It's not like you're going to have much of a choice... once that witch you married finishes her new sensor array, Alliance ships are going to be all over these Badlands. We'll have no place to hide. SISKO Then I suppose we'd better make sure she doesn't finish. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/02/95 - ACT TWO 23. 23 INT. CAVES - MAIN CHAMBER Sisko has gathered together his lieutenants for a strategy session. In addition to O'Brien, Dax, and Bashir, Rom and Tuvok are also present. SISKO Trying to reach Terok Nor using small fighters didn't work. But we need to get Jennifer off that station, and we need to do it soon. BASHIR We've been meaning to talk to you about that. TUVOK Mister Bashir is not convinced that you can persuade your former mate to join our cause. SISKO I can be very persuasive. BASHIR Look, I don't even know why we're bothering to discuss this. The Cardassians destroyed your ship before you even got close to Terok Nor. BASHIR O'BRIEN (overlapping (overlapping, with O'Brien) aside to Sisko) And even if you had made Hit him. it there, there was no (off reaction) guarantee you could've That's what the Captain convinced your wife of would do. anything. (pushing) (a beat) Go on, hit him. Let's face it, Captain, the woman hates you. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT TWO 24. 23 CONTINUED: Without missing a beat, Sisko decks Bashir. Bashir lands on his butt. Everyone smiles like this is an everyday occurrence. Sisko stands over Bashir. SISKO What my wife thinks of me is no concern of yours. Dax draws her phaser and casually looks around the room. DAX Anyone else want to disagree with the captain? SISKO Put it away, Dax. (off her surprised look) Go on, put it away. Bashir seems emboldened by this more reasonable Sisko. BASHIR No one's questioning your authority, Captain. But we've got to stop your wife before she finishes that sensor array. ROM And there's only one sure way to do that. BASHIR We have to kill her. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) You've been saying that all along. BASHIR And maybe it's time he listened. Dax hates to agree with Bashir, but he does make sense. DAX (to Sisko) Killing her would be a lot easier than trying to get her away from the Alliance. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT TWO 25. 23 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Easier... but not smarter. If she's so important to the Alliance, think how important she'd be to us. I mean, we could use a scientist on our side. SISKO You tell them, Smiley. At least someone here is using their brain. O'BRIEN Think about it. Who knows what other weapons the Alliance is developing. Someone like Professor Sisko could counteract anything they come up with. SISKO She's valuable to us. We need her. (a beat, glowering) Now, does anyone disagree? No one has a problem. SISKO Good, then let's get to work. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT TWO 26. 24 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) Terok Nor. Re-establishing. 25 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira is laying on a table, getting a massage from one of her Vulcan eunuchs while the other plays a traditional Vulcan harp. Garak stands before her. And next to Garak stands... Rom. GARAK Tell the Intendant what you told me. ROM It's about Captain Sisko. This gets Kira's attention. KIRA Sisko? ROM He's alive. He was able to get off his ship before it exploded. Kira looks accusingly at Garak. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT TWO 27. 25 CONTINUED: GARAK I suppose it's possible. ROM It's more than possible. It's true. (grins evilly) But I can tell you how to get your hands on him. If you're interested. Hold on Kira, looking very interested indeed. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 26 INT. RAIDER - COCKPIT O'Brien and Sisko are at the controls of the rebel ship. Sisko, now that he's alone with O'Brien, has dropped the Captain Sisko persona. O'Brien looks apprehensive. He scratches behind his ear. SISKO Don't do that. O'BRIEN I can't help it. It itches. (scratches a little) I hope this works. SISKO It'll work. Just stop scratching. O'Brien forces himself to stop scratching behind his ear. O'BRIEN You know, you did pretty good back there. I don't think anyone suspected you weren't Captain Sisko. (a beat) At least not once you hit Bashir. SISKO But you and I both know that was just a warm up. Jennifer's the one I really have to convince. O'BRIEN I guess seeing her isn't going to be easy for you. How long's it been since your wife died? SISKO Five years. O'BRIEN Well just remember... Jennifer may look like your wife, but she's not. She's a different person. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT THREE 29. 26 CONTINUED: SISKO I'll try to remember that. (a beat) Do you have any idea what went wrong between her and Captain Sisko? O'BRIEN From what I heard, they never should've been together in the first place. I mean she came from one of the few privileged Terran families, people who "cooperated" with the Alliance, and the captain... he fought his way up from the mines. SISKO So what's she like, this Jennifer? O'BRIEN I wouldn't know. They separated before I met the captain. (a beat) What was your Jennifer like? SISKO She was the kindest, most caring person I ever knew. O'BRIEN (a word of advice) I wouldn't get my hopes up. Suddenly O'Brien reacts to something on the panel. O'BRIEN (continuing, off console) Hold on. I'm reading a slight energy distortion in subspace. This obviously means something to Sisko. SISKO What are the coordinates? O'BRIEN (alarmed) It's coming from all around us. Just then... DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/10/95 - ACT THREE 30. 27 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) A Cardassian and a Klingon ship uncloak, surrounding the rebel ship. 28 INT. RAIDER - COCKPIT Sisko and O'Brien know there isn't much hope for escape. O'BRIEN You know, Captain Sisko would've tried to fight his way out of this. SISKO Be glad I'm not him. And as they await their fate... CUT TO: 29 INT. TEROK NOR - AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Kira, Garak and two Klingon Soldiers wait outside an airlock in the Docking Ring Corridor. Kira is like a coiled spring. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/10/95 - ACT THREE 31. 29 CONTINUED: The airlock door rolls open and Sisko and O'Brien ENTER, flanked by three Bajoran soldiers. KIRA Well, if it isn't the notorious "Captain" Sisko and his friend the Tinkerer. Before anyone can prevent it, Sisko steps forward, takes Kira into his arms, and gives her a roguish kiss. SISKO It's good to see you, too, Intendant. KIRA Still the same old Benjamin. SISKO You wouldn't have me any other way. KIRA Perhaps not. But I'm still going to kill you. SISKO Maybe. But not right away. KIRA You flatter yourself. SISKO Not unjustly, I hope. GARAK (to Kira) Intendant, let me teach him some manners. KIRA All in good time. (a beat) But first, whatever shall we do about O'Brien? (approaches him) I remember when I first saw you, Tinkerer. You were fixing something. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT THREE 32. 29 CONTINUED: (2) O'Brien just averts his eyes. Being in Kira's presence has made him revert to the same downtrodden slave we saw in "CROSSOVER." KIRA You were always fixing things... making things better. And everyone loved you for it. (a beat) Even me. (hardens) But that wasn't enough for you, was it? You couldn't be happy, staying here, being loved. You had to lash out, to betray everyone who was ever good to you. Why? O'Brien finally looks her in the eye. O'BRIEN I wanted to be free. KIRA Free? (cold) You're a Terran. You were born a slave. And you'll die a slave. (to a guard) Take him to ore processing. Remind him where he belongs. One of the Bajoran soldiers escorts O'Brien away. GARAK What about Sisko? Kira thinks about it for a beat, then... SISKO (to Garak) Bring me to the Intendant's quarters. She'll decide what to do with me. Garak loses his cool. GARAK Of all the impudent... KIRA (interrupting) Do as he says. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT THREE 33. GARAK Intendant. I demand you... Garak trails off. KIRA You... "demand?" Garak realizes he's overstepped his bounds. GARAK (almost whining) But you promised me he'd die. KIRA And he will... When I say so, and not a moment sooner. Kira turns and walks away. Sisko turns to Garak and gestures that they should follow her. SISKO Shall we? GARAK (with contempt) After you. 30 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Sisko's kicking back in one of the couches, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world. Kira studies him. KIRA I really don't know what to do with you. SISKO I sympathize. It's a difficult decision. (smiles) But you'll come up with something. KIRA The only reason I can think of to keep you alive is to infuriate Garak. SISKO What better reason do you need? DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT THREE 34-35. 30 CONTINUED: KIRA Suppose I let you live... What would I get from you in return? SISKO What do you want? KIRA Your loyalty. That's all I've ever wanted. For you to be at my side... to be my strong right hand. But I'm afraid I'll never be able to trust you again. (making a decision) Which means I'll have to dispose of you eventually. The only question is, should it be sooner, or later. SISKO Do I get a vote? KIRA Of course you do. (a beat) It just doesn't count. She looks at him, weighing her options. KIRA I'd better think this over. SISKO You will let me know what you decide? KIRA I wouldn't dream of keeping it a secret. 31 thru OMITTED 32 33 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) Terok Nor. Re-establishing. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT THREE 36. 34 INT. GUEST QUARTERS Sisko is seated in some sparsely furnished guest quarters, probably wondering exactly how he let himself get into this situation. The door opens and Garak ENTERS with Jennifer. For a second, upon seeing Jennifer, Sisko's composure cracks and he drops his role. SISKO Jennifer. JENNIFER (cold) Hello, Ben. (to Garak) Please leave us. GARAK And miss this happy reunion? SISKO You heard her. Garak considers mixing it up with Sisko, then thinks better about it. GARAK (to Jennifer) If you need someone to beat him into submission for you, don't hesitate to call me. Garak EXITS. 35 NEW ANGLE On Jennifer and Sisko. JENNIFER All right, I'm here. What did you want to see me about? SISKO I was hoping we could talk. JENNIFER Really? You never seemed interested in talking to me when we were married. SISKO I made a lot of mistakes back then. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT THREE 36A. 35 CONTINUED: JENNIFER Save the apologies Ben. They're not going to work. You are without a doubt, the most insensitive, self- absorbed, egotistical... DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT THREE 37. 35 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (interrupting) You've made your point. JENNIFER I doubt it. You never listened to me before. You were too busy trying to impress every woman who crossed your path. SISKO Where there really that many? Her look says there were. JENNIFER There were enough. (a beat) And if it wasn't women, it was that ship of yours. Sometimes I think it was the only thing you ever loved. SISKO Maybe I loved you both. JENNIFER Then why did you leave me to run off and play pirate for the Intendant? SISKO That's a good question. JENNIFER And now this Rebellion of yours. (a beat) Do you know how many deaths you've caused? How much destruction? SISKO I'm fighting to help free our people. JENNIFER You're fighting because you like to fight, Benjamin. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT THREE 38. 35 CONTINUED: (3) JENNIFER All you've accomplished is to give the Alliance an excuse to treat the Terrans even worse than before. (a beat) I only hope that with your capture, the Rebellion can be ended peacefully. SISKO Who said I'd been captured? JENNIFER Oh, I suppose you came here just to see me? SISKO (with simple sincerity) Actually, I came here to rescue you. And on Jennifer's surprised reaction, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 36 INT. GUEST QUARTERS (CONTINUOUS) As before. Jennifer reacts to Sisko's statement. JENNIFER Rescue me? SISKO That's what I said. JENNIFER I'm not going anywhere with you. SISKO You can't stay here. JENNIFER I have a job to finish. SISKO You mean the sensor array? JENNIFER That's right. SISKO Jennifer, if you finish that array you'll destroy any hope our people have for a better future. I don't think you want that. JENNIFER All I want is to put an end to all this fighting. To force the rebels to seek a peaceful settlement with the Alliance. SISKO It's not that simple. The Alliance isn't interested in a peaceful settlement. If we lay down our arms, we'll be killed. JENNIFER The Rebellion is killing people every day. It has to stop. SISKO Not this way. Not with the Terrans still at the mercy of the Alliance. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FOUR 40. 36 CONTINUED: SISKO (a beat) They're your own people, Jennifer. JENNIFER You've got no right to talk to me like that. Since when do you care about what happens to "our people?" You've never cared about anyone but yourself. But to Jennifer's surprise, this doesn't get a rise out of Sisko. SISKO Maybe I've changed in the past few years. JENNIFER (a bitter smile) How many times have I heard you say that? A beat as Sisko realizes just how deeply hurt Jennifer must have been by the other Sisko. SISKO I guess I was a pretty lousy husband. JENNIFER (with an edge) You guess? SISKO Look, I know it's too late for an apology... JENNIFER (jumping in) You're right about that. SISKO But for what it's worth, I'm sorry. Jennifer looks at Sisko in surprise. SISKO What is it? JENNIFER For a second, I almost believed you. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FOUR 41. 36 CONTINUED: (2) Jennifer turns away from Sisko and stares off into the distance. JENNIFER You know what I wish? (off his look) I wish I'd never met you. SISKO And I wish things could've been better between us. But this isn't about us. Sisko pauses as he realizes something. SISKO Or is it? (off her reaction) Why are you working for the Alliance? Is it because you believe in what they're doing or is it something else? JENNIFER I don't know what you're talking about. SISKO I think you and I have been fighting each other for so long that you've gotten used to us being on opposite sides. But I'm not the enemy this time, Jennifer. The Alliance is. JENNIFER The Alliance is your enemy. Not mine. SISKO That's where you're wrong. Don't you see, you're no different than the slaves working in the Ore Processing Center. In fact, you might be even worse off. At least they know they're prisoners. This time Sisko's gotten through to her. Jennifer deflates a little. JENNIFER And what if I am a prisoner? DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FOUR 41A. 36 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO You don't have to be. You can fight back. Come with me, Jennifer. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FOUR 42. 36 CONTINUED: (4) JENNIFER You want me to join the Rebellion. SISKO The way I see it... Freedom is a lot better than slavery. Jennifer looks appraisingly at Sisko for a long beat, but she still can't come to a decision. SISKO Think about it. Sisko presses a spot behind his ear, three times in rapid succession. JENNIFER What are you doing? SISKO Sending a message. JENNIFER (surprised) You've got a subdermal communicator? SISKO Courtesy of the Ferengi. I hope it works. 37 INT. ORE PROCESSING CENTER O'Brien labors in the Ore Processing Center, carting ore into the smelter. A Cardassian Overseer keeps a watchful eye on the workers. As O'Brien passes close to the Overseer, he reaches behind his ear and touches the spot he was scratching earlier. He smiles. O'BRIEN (to himself) Took him long enough. O'Brien moves to another part of the processing area. Once he's out of sight of the Overseer, he goes to an access panel and pops it open. O'Brien begins working on the circuitry inside the panel, when someone approaches him from behind. CARDASSIAN OVERSEER Terran, what are you doing down there? DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 37 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Re-routing the central ODN processor. Intendant's orders. The Cardassian crouches down to get a better look at the panel. CARDASSIAN OVERSEER I don't recall receiving clearance for any repairs. Suddenly, O'Brien lashes out and cold-cocks the Overseer. The Cardassian crumples to the ground. O'BRIEN You don't say? O'Brien turns back to the panel and triggers something in the circuitry. Suddenly the lights short out, things explode inside the ore processing equipment and the doors open. The workers and the two Bajoran guards stand around, not sure what's happening. 38 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As O'Brien grabs the Overseer's phaser and shoots one of the Bajoran guards. That wakes the workers up. They begin swarming over the last guard, rapidly overwhelming them. O'BRIEN (addressing the workers) All right, anyone who wants to get out of here, follow me. O'Brien heads for the door, and with a cheer, the Terran workers follow him. 39 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Two Klingons stand guard in the corridor. Suddenly the lights go down, and a half second later, the door opens and Sisko spins out. The First Klingon barely has time to react before Sisko stops him cold with a one-two combination to the head. The Second Klingon manages to draw his disruptor, but, before he can fire, Sisko retrieves the disruptor from the First Klingon and shoots the Second one. As Jennifer ENTERS the corridor and looks at the unconscious Klingons, Sisko picks up the Second Klingon's disruptor. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FOUR 44. 39 CONTINUED: Jennifer stares at the weapons in Sisko's hands, almost as if she expects him to use them on her. SISKO I need an answer, Jennifer. Are you coming with me or not? JENNIFER Do I have a choice? SISKO Of course you do. If you want, you can go back to your quarters and forget we ever spoke. She hesitates. Sisko presses. SISKO It's up to you. Jennifer thinks for a moment longer, then walks over to him. JENNIFER All right, but lets get one thing clear. SISKO What's that? JENNIFER (with a smile) I still hate you. SISKO (with regret) I know. They head off together down the corridor. 40 OMITTED DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FOUR 45. 41 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Sisko and Jennifer on the move. JENNIFER You still haven't told me where we're going. SISKO Airlock Seven. There should be a ship waiting for us. Providing we can get there before the security systems reactivate. They turn a corner and almost run right into... 42 THREE CARDASSIAN SOLDIERS (OPTICAL) The Cardassians open fire. Sisko and Jennifer duck back down the corridor. A firefight ensues. Sisko shoots one of the soldiers, but he and Jennifer are pinned down. JENNIFER Now what? DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/10/95 - ACT FOUR 46. SISKO I'll think of something. Suddenly we hear the sound of more phaser fire. 43 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To reveal O'Brien and the escaped Terrans coming up from behind the remaining Cardassian soldiers. The two Cardassians are caught in a crossfire between Sisko and O'Brien and soon go down. SISKO (to Jennifer) You see. I told you I'd think of something. (to O'Brien) Good work, Smiley. O'BRIEN Yeah, but the problem is there's thirty more of them behind us. SISKO Then we'd better get to the airlock. Sisko leads O'Brien, Jennifer and the rest of the Terrans away down a corridor. 44 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Sisko and the others move down the corridor. They reach the airlock, only to stop in their tracks as they see Rom's dead body, hung spreadeagled across the airlock door. JENNIFER Something tells me that's not part of your plan. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FOUR 47. 44 CONTINUED: And as they all react to Rom's death, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 45 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) As Sisko and the others react to Rom's dead body. O'BRIEN We better find another way out of here. SISKO Got any suggestions? Just then, a hail of phaser fire comes from down the hall, hitting one of the slaves. SISKO Fall back. Sisko and the Terrans move back around the opposite corner, so that they're out of the line of fire, just as... 46 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Kira, Garak, and a squad of Alliance Guards appear from around the corner. Kira signals the Guards and they hold their fire. KIRA That was very clever, Benjamin, having one of your own men betray you so you could get aboard the station. You had me totally fooled. Luckily Mister Garak is somewhat more cynical than I. GARAK Your Ferengi friend told us your entire plan... with a little persuasion. KIRA I'm afraid there's no escape. Your ship's locked down, your pilot's dead. There's no way out. (a beat) You might as well surrender. 47 ANGLE ON THE TERRANS As they realize they're trapped. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 49. 47 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN If we surrender, she'll kill us. SISKO Us, maybe, but not Jennifer. Jennifer isn't about to let Sisko and the others sacrifice themselves for her. JENNIFER What if we offer a trade? I stay here and she lets you live. 48 ANGLE ON KIRA AND GARAK As they wait to see what Sisko will do. KIRA Benjamin, you know how I hate to be kept waiting. Kira signals to some of her men who move off in an attempt to flank Sisko. 49 ANGLE ON SISKO'S GROUP As Sisko makes a decision. SISKO (to Jennifer) I came a long way to get you out of here, and I'm not leaving without you. Jennifer stares at Sisko for a beat, puzzled. SISKO What is it? JENNIFER Nothing. But she still continues to study Sisko. SISKO (thinking on his feet) Smiley, how far is the Ore Processing Center? O'BRIEN Only a couple of levels away. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 50. 49 CONTINUED: SISKO Take us there. O'BRIEN (doesn't see the point) What for? SISKO I'll show you when we get there. O'Brien nods. 50 ANGLE ON KIRA As she runs out of patience. KIRA (calling out) Time's up, Benjamin... (no response) Benjamin? Garak signals to the Guards who cautiously round the corner. We stay with Kira and Garak. They listen for phaser fire, but when they don't hear any, they follow the Guards around the corner. 51 NEW ANGLE As Kira reacts to the fact that Sisko and the rest of the Terrans have retreated down a side corridor. KIRA He always has to make things difficult. GARAK It's one of his least endearing qualities. Kira marches off down the corridor, followed by Garak and her soldiers. 52 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Sisko and the rest of the Terrans retreat down the corridor. The Terrans are slowed down because they have to help one of their injured members along. Sisko brings up the rear, his stolen disruptor at the ready. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 51. 52 CONTINUED: SISKO Hurry. They're right behind us. Sisko catches a glimpse of a Bajoran soldier. He opens fire. The Bajorans return fire. 53 INT. ORE PROCESSING CENTER (OPTICAL) Under heavy phaser fire, the Terrans retreat into the Ore Processing Room. One of them gets hit in the doorway. Sisko, the last man in, drags the wounded Terran to safety. SISKO (shouting, to O'Brien) Smiley, seal the doors. But the room is full of phaser fire and O'Brien's having a tough time staying alive, let alone reaching the door controls. O'BRIEN (to himself) Easy for you to say. But O'Brien makes a lunge for the controls and the doors begin to seal. With one last burst of energy, Sisko manages to get the wounded Terran inside the Processing Center just as the doors close behind him. Sisko joins Jennifer. SISKO (to Jennifer) I'll get you out of this, I promise. JENNIFER (simply) I believe you. A moment passes between them. It's brief, but for the first time since Sisko met this Jennifer, some of her hard veneer slips away. Sisko moves to a control panel, where he's joined by O'Brien. O'BRIEN (aside, to Sisko) Captain, I don't know what you're up to, but there's no way out of this place except through that door. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 52. 53 CONTINUED: SISKO (aside to O'Brien) Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. (almost to himself) I just hope your Terok Nor was designed by the same Cardassian who built my Terok Nor. And as he works on the panel... 54 INT. CORRIDOR Kira, Garak and the rest of Kira's troops have arrived outside the Ore Processing Center doors. KIRA (to a soldier) You're sure they're all in there? The soldier nods. Kira looks satisfied. KIRA Good. Then we've got them. Use the manual override to open the doors. GARAK Intendant, I trust this time you won't be so lenient with our dear Mister Sisko. KIRA Don't worry. He's disappointed me for the last time. Garak smiles. That's what he wanted to hear. 55 INT. ORE PROCESSING CENTER As the doors open and Alliance troops rush in to find... 56 NEW ANGLE Sisko and the other Terrans standing there, waiting for them, with no weapons in sight. Kira marches in with Garak at her side. Kira surveys the Terrans and notices Jennifer. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 53. 56 CONTINUED: KIRA Jennifer. I was so worried about you. But you're safe now. In fact, I can assure you your husband will never annoy you again. Kira holds out her hand to Jennifer, but Jennifer doesn't take it. JENNIFER Actually, for the first time since I met him, he's not annoying me. In fact, he's been making a lot of sense. KIRA He can be persuasive when he wants to be. I suppose that means you won't be finishing the sensor array. Sisko looks to Jennifer to see what she will decide. Jennifer catches his eye and gives him a slight smile. JENNIFER (a simple explanation) I'm a Terran. Kira nods. It's like an iron door has been closed. Any feelings she might have had for Sisko or Jennifer are gone. KIRA (to her troops) Keep her alive. Kill the others. But before the soldiers can execute her orders, Sisko steps forward. SISKO I wouldn't. You'd be making a mistake. KIRA My only mistake was not executing you in the first place. SISKO You don't know how right you are. (points to a panel) I've activated the station's self- destruct sequence. Unless I disarm it, this whole place will blow up in... DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 54. 56 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko checks the readout on the panel. SISKO Nine minutes. KIRA That's impossible. There's no way you could know the station's command access code. SISKO Alpha Nine One Seven Five Blue. Judging from Kira's reaction, Sisko's right. KIRA (to com) Computer, disengage self-destruct sequence. Authorization Kira Alpha Nine One Seven Five Blue. COMPUTER VOICE Authorization denied. SISKO (playful) I changed it. (checks panel) You've got eight minutes and thirty seconds to let us go. Otherwise we all die. GARAK Don't listen to him. He's bluffing. Kira stares at Sisko for a long beat, taking his measure. Sisko returns her stare, unflinchingly. KIRA He's not bluffing. GARAK How do you know? KIRA I know. (to Sisko) Give me the new access code and I'll let you go. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 55. 56 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO You'll get the access code once my friends and I are safely away from the station. (a beat) Do we have a deal? Kira looks at Sisko for a beat longer, then nods to the guards. Sisko and the rest of the Terrans begin to walk out. Kira stops Sisko for second. KIRA This isn't over Benjamin. I'll hunt you down. I swear it. SISKO You're welcome to try. Once the last Terran has left the room, Sisko follows them out. 57 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Badlands. 58 INT. CAVE CORRIDOR Sisko is walking with Bashir and O'Brien, having just returned to the rebel encampment. BASHIR I still don't understand why you gave them the access code. You could've gotten away and still destroyed the station. SISKO But we gave our word. BASHIR Our word. Who gives a damn whether we keep our word? O'BRIEN I do. Bashir is surprised by the air of conviction in O'Brien's voice. The three of them ENTER... DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 56. 59 INT. CAVES - MAIN CHAMBER Where Jadzia and Jennifer are seated together talking quietly. We don't hear what they're saying. Neither does Sisko as he walks up to them. SISKO I'm glad to see the two of you are getting along. DAX We have a lot in common. All three of them know that she means Sisko. DAX (to Jennifer) He's all yours. Dax smiles to herself and EXITS. O'Brien and Bashir realize Sisko wants to be alone with Jennifer, and they follow after Dax. 60 CLOSE ON JENNIFER AND SISKO Jennifer studies Sisko's face. JENNIFER Dax tells me you're leaving. SISKO I'm going to pay a call on the Romulans. See if I can convince them to help us. JENNIFER Then I guess this is good-bye. Already this isn't easy for Sisko. He's torn with emotion. He knows he's not saying good-bye to his Jennifer, but it feels like it anyway. SISKO Again. (a beat) Jennifer, there's so much I want to say to you, but I don't know where to start... JENNIFER (with a slight smile) You can start by telling me what happened to my husband. Before Sisko can deny it, Jennifer presses on. DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 57. 60 CONTINUED: JENNIFER Don't bother. I don't know who you are, but you're not Ben Sisko. Sisko considers trying to continue the charade, but thinks better about it. SISKO When did you figure it out? JENNIFER I think I suspected from the beginning. It was your eyes. SISKO What about them? JENNIFER They're too kind. (a beat) There was nothing kind about Ben. (another beat) He's dead, isn't he? SISKO I'm sorry. JENNIFER Don't be. (a beat) So, who are you, really? SISKO It's a long story. Talk to Smiley. He can fill you in on the details. JENNIFER He seems like a good man. SISKO He does at that. (a beat) So what are you going to do now? JENNIFER Oh, I'm sure Smiley will find something to keep me busy. (a beat) You're not really going to visit the Romulans, are you? DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 58. 60 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (shakes his head) The deal was I get you off the station, and then I go home. JENNIFER Will I see you again? SISKO I don't know. Jennifer leans over and kisses Sisko on the cheek. JENNIFER Thank you for... rescuing me. SISKO It was... my pleasure. They stand there for a beat, looking at each other, then the mood is broken by O'Brien, returning to the chamber. O'BRIEN Ready, Captain? JENNIFER You'd better go. Sisko nods, then turns to O'Brien. SISKO Take me home, Smiley. Sisko reluctantly turns and EXITS with O'Brien. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END