STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Tense, Part I" (fka "Cold & Distant Stars") #40513-457 Story by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe Teleplay by Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by Reza Badiyi THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION October 18, 1994 STAR TREK: DS9 "Past Tense, Part I" 10/19/94 - STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Tense, Part I" CAST SISKO CHRIS KIRA DANNY ODO BELL BASHIR B.C. DAX BERNARDO O'BRIEN WEBB QUARK VIN STAIRWAY GUARD LEE FEMALE GUEST MALE GUEST INTERFACE VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Past Tense, Part I" - 10/18/94 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Tense, Part I" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEFIANT SPACE/DEFIANT BRIDGE SAN FRANCISCO -- TRANSPORTER ROOM SANCTUARY DISTRICT "A" ALLEY PROCESSING CENTER STREET LEE'S CUBICLE GATE CHRIS'S OFFICE APARTMENT BUILDING/ HALLWAY PROCESSING CENTER STAR TREK: "Past Tense, Part I" - 10/21/94 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Tense, Part I PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALDEBARON al-DEB-uh-ron BELONGO BEH-long-oh CHRONITON CRONE-eh-ton DRAZMAN DRAHZ-man KAZAKHSTAN kah-zak-STAN NGOMO un-GO-moe PIANITIA plah-NIH-shee-uh PROXIMA PROX-eh-mah DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Tense, Part I" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Defiant enters orbit around Earth. SISKO (V.O.) Commander's Log. Stardate 48481.2. My senior staff and I have been asked to address the annual Starfleet Symposium on the current situation in the Gamma Quadrant. I'm looking forward to the opportunity... and to visiting my sister in Portland. 2 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE SISKO, KIRA, O'BRIEN, DAX, BASHIR and ODO are on the bridge of the Defiant. Dax is at the helm, Sisko is in the command chair. The other crewmembers are scattered about the bridge along with N.D.s. DAX Entering Earth orbit. 3 INCLUDE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) Which now displays a view of the Earth from space. Sisko gets up out of his chair and looks at the globe appreciatively. SISKO Now there's something I never get tired of looking at. DAX If you ask me, the seas could be a little more purple. KIRA Funny, I was just thinking they weren't green enough. BASHIR I guess it's true what they say. "There's no place like home." DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/25/94 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: BASHIR (to Kira and Dax) No matter what color the water is. Dax smiles in acknowledgement. O'Brien's panel beeps. O'BRIEN Commander, I'm receiving an incoming emergency message... (looks concerned) It's from DS Nine. SISKO On screen. 4 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As the view of Earth is replaced by the face of QUARK. QUARK (on Viewscreen) Commander... am I glad to see you. KIRA (with disapproval) This better be good, Quark. You're on an emergency channel. QUARK (on Viewscreen) I just received a message from the Grand Nagus. He wanted me to remind you of the critical role he played in establishing contact with the Dominion. SISKO You can assure the Nagus his assistance will be mentioned prominently in my report to Starfleet. But Quark doesn't look happy. QUARK (on Viewscreen) There was one more thing, Commander. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/25/94 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: QUARK It seems the Nagus's nephew Belongo is currently being held by Starfleet authorities on Aldebaron Three... a slight misunderstanding, I'm sure. SISKO A misunderstanding the Nagus no doubt would like cleared up. (a beat) I do owe him a favor. QUARK He thinks so too. And to quote the one hundred and eleventh Rule of Acquisition... SISKO "Treat people in your debt like family... exploit them." (off Quark's reaction) I've been reading up. (a beat) Tell the Nagus that I'll do what I can, but remind him of the two hundred and seventeenth Rule of Acquisition. QUARK "You can't free a fish from water" (smiles in approval) I'll be sure the Nagus gets the message. Quark ends the transmission. 5 RESUME SCENE As Sisko reacts with amusement. DAX (to Sisko) We'd better get ready, Benjamin. (off his reaction, reminding him) Dinner, tonight. With Admiral Drazman. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/27/94 - TEASER 4. 5 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (reacting to the name) Not "Droner" Drazman? The commander of the Proxima Maintenance Yards? Sisko looks glum. He's not looking forward to this dinner. BASHIR (to O'Brien) You're more than welcome to come along. The entire senior staff was invited. O'BRIEN Full dress uniforms... fine table linens... and a different fork for every course... thanks but no thanks. That's why I stayed an enlisted man. No one expects us to show up for formal dinners. DAX (to Kira and Odo) Major, Constable, care to join us? KIRA No thanks. ODO I'd say this is strictly a Starfleet occasion. Bashir looks disappointed. He was hoping to spread the misery around a little. 6 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER ROOM Like all the facilities on the Defiant, this is a compact, yet efficiently designed room. There's a smaller version of the standard Starfleet six-man pad and an operator's console. O'Brien takes his place at the console while Sisko, Bashir and Dax step onto the pad. SISKO (to Kira) She's all yours, Major. (to O'Brien) Energize, Mister O'Brien. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - TEASER 5. 6 CONTINUED: O'Brien engages the transporter. 7 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Sisko, Dax, and Bashir beam out... O'BRIEN That's strange. O'Brien calmly makes a small adjustment to the controls. KIRA What's wrong? O'BRIEN (as he works) Nothing serious. Just a power fluctuation in the annular confinement beam. (something goes wrong) Hold on. That's impossible. KIRA What happened? O'BRIEN I stabilized the beam... but according to our sensors they never materialized at their destination. (a beat) They're just... gone. And on Kira and O'Brien's worried expressions, we... CUT TO: 8 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO ALLEY - DAY #1 Sisko is laying unconscious on a sidewalk. His combadge is missing from his uniform, as are his insignia pips. Suddenly he's prodded in the ribs by a HIGH TECH POLICE SHOTGUN. These days it would be cutting edge technology, but by the early days of the twenty-first century it's standard issue. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/27/94 - TEASER 6. 9 NEW ANGLE As Sisko slowly regains consciousness to see a Police Officer, VIN, standing over him, poking him with the barrel of his shotgun. Vin is a Sergeant, with twenty years on the force, gruff and jaded. VIN Look what we have here. As Sisko stands up, a second police officer, BERNARDO, yanks Bashir to his feet. Bernardo is younger and less experienced than Vin, and as a result, he's a little more affable and idealistic. Both cops wear the uniforms of the Sanctuary District Police, which are less severe than the ones we're used to. SISKO (to Vin) Who are you? VIN Who am I? (to Bernardo) Do you believe this? Sleeping Beauty's asking me questions. BERNARDO Hey Vin, we've been working all night... why don't we forget these guys? I just want to go home and see Sonya and the kids, and get some sleep. Bashir holds his head. He's having trouble standing and both he and Sisko are groggy and disoriented. VIN What are you, an anarchist? There's a law against sleeping in the streets. The cop looks from Sisko to Bashir, noticing the uniforms. VIN Though I do like the matching pajamas. (to Sisko) All right, let's see some logo. SISKO Logo? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - TEASER 7. 9 CONTINUED: VIN I.D. (off reaction) Identification. UHC Card? Transit pass? Sisko looks around, trying to get his bearings. BASHIR Where are we? What happened to Starfleet Headquarters? Vin reacts to Bashir with disdain. VIN (to his partner, sarcastic) Perfect. Just what we need... two more dims. Sisko finally realizes what's going on. SISKO Shotguns... those uniforms... There's something familiar about them. VIN Yeah, probably from the last time you were in a Sanctuary District. SISKO (recognizes the term) Sanctuary District? (to Vin) What year is this? BERNARDO Same year it was yesterday... Twenty twenty-four. (prods Bashir with his shotgun) Let's go. VIN How do they find us? The two cops escort Sisko and Bashir out into... 10 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO STREET - DAY #1 This is not the San Francisco of today. There are no cars on the street and no mailboxes. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - TEASER 8. 10 CONTINUED: The businessmen and women on the street are wearing clothing similar to that of the twentieth century, with enough small changes to let us know it's not our own time... We're somewhere in the early twenty-first century. As the cops escort Sisko and Bashir away, we pull back to reveal... 11 DAX Also unconscious, lying just out of view in a subway stairwell. Hold on her for a beat, then... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 12 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO STREET - DAY #1 Dax is still unconscious. A man's hand gently touches her neck to take her pulse. The man, CHRIS BRYNNER, is about Dax's age, maybe a little older, well dressed and well groomed. He looks concerned. He puts his hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. Dax's eyes flutter open. CHRIS Are you okay? Dax sits up. She immediately grabs her head and groans. DAX My head... CHRIS What happened... Did you get jacked or something? DAX Jacked? CHRIS You know, robbed? Dax is starting to shake off some of the grogginess. She gets up and looks around and realizes she definitely isn't where she should be. CHRIS Did they get your credit chips... your I.D.? DAX (playing along) Looks like they got everything. She checks for her combadge and is relieved to find it's still there. DAX Except my brooch. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: CHRIS Where do you live? Can you get home okay? DAX I just got here. I was traveling with some friends... we got separated... CHRIS (concerned) Well you shouldn't be walking around without I.D. (makes a decision) You'd better order replacements. CHRIS (trying to be helpful) You can use my Interface terminal if you want. My office is right around the corner. DAX That's very kind of you... Dax trails off. She doesn't know his name. CHRIS Chris. Chris Brynner. DAX I'm Jadzia. CHRIS Pretty name. What is it, Dutch? DAX Something like that. (a beat) Thanks for the help. CHRIS Don't mention it. It's not everyday I get to rescue a damsel in distress. And as they walk away down the street... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT ONE 11. 13 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien and an N.D. crewmember are working on the transporter equipment. O'BRIEN Check the Heisenberg compensators. I'll run a level-one diagnostic of the pattern buffer, see if there's any kind of field imbalance. The N.D. nods and exits. O'Brien immediately begins running tests on the transporter controls. Kira ENTERS. KIRA Chief. O'BRIEN (still working) Any news from Starfleet? KIRA Nothing good. As far as they can tell, Commander Sisko and the others never materialized in San Francisco. According to their sensors, our transporter signal disintegrated immediately after we began the beam out sequence. O'BRIEN (still working) That doesn't agree with our records. The system log shows that the transport was completed successfully. They definitely materialized somewhere. KIRA That's good news, anyway. The question is... where? O'BRIEN I wish I knew. Whatever the answer is, it's not in the log. The only thing unusual it recorded was the variance in the annular confinement beam... KIRA But you corrected for that.. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT ONE 12. 13 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (still working) It was a simple adjustment. The beam was just reacting to the accumulation of chroniton particles in the ship's hull. KIRA Chroniton particles? O'BRIEN (still at work) They're emitted by the cloaking device. Sometimes they become lodged in the ship's ablative armor matrix. KIRA But we've used the transporter many times since the cloaking device was installed. There's never been a problem before. O'BRIEN And I don't know why it would be a problem now. O'Brien sees something on the transporter control readouts that puzzles him. O'BRIEN Wait a minute. (a beat) It looks like there was a surge of temporal energy a few seconds before the initiation of the transporter sequence. KIRA (hopeful) Tell me that's a clue. O'BRIEN It's a clue all right. I'm just not sure what it means yet. 14 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO - SANCTUARY DISTRICT GATE - DAY #1 Sisko and Bashir are now standing in front of an imposing wall that separates two areas of the city. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT ONE 13. 14 CONTINUED: There's a gate in the wall to let in pedestrians. Vin is logging in with the Security District Police Officer who's manning the gate while Bernardo keeps an eye on Sisko and Bashir. BASHIR (to Sisko) How do you feel? SISKO Better. BASHIR Me too. Probably transporter shock. Disorienting, but it wears off quickly. (a beat) At least I know one thing... we're definitely in San Francisco. I caught a glimpse of the Golden Gate Bridge a few blocks back. SISKO (nods) I saw it too. Bashir's hand unconsciously goes to his chest, where his combadge would be. BASHIR Any idea what happened to our combadges? SISKO They must've been stolen when we were unconscious. Off Bashir's reaction as he realizes that's probably what happened. SISKO This isn't the Earth we're used to, Doctor. That's still at least a century away. (worried) I wish I knew what happened to Dax. BASHIR She was in the transporter beam with us. Whatever affected us must've affected her too. SISKO That means she's probably somewhere nearby. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT ONE 14. 14 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (a beat) As soon as we get a chance, we've got to find her. BASHIR And then what? What Bashir's really asking is how do we get out of this. Sisko doesn't have an answer, but he has the quiet confidence to know that given time, he'll find one. SISKO And then... we find a way home. Vin finishes his business at the gate and signals Bernardo. Bernardo glances at his watch, and frowns. He gestures for Sisko and Bashir to walk toward the gate. BERNARDO (to Sisko and Bashir) Okay, let's go. Hurry it up. (to himself) Sonya's gonna kill me. The cops escort Sisko and Bashir through the Pedestrian Gate and into... 15 EXT. SANCTUARY DISTRICT "A" - STREET - DAY #1 (OPTICAL) Sisko and Bashir ENTER a street lined by dirty, dilapidated buildings, with boarded up windows and impromptu campsites set up in the doorways and stairwells. It's a sharp contrast to the relatively clean city outside. The street is crowded with poorly dressed homeless men, women, and children, of all ages and races, many standing in a long food line. Once they're through the gate, Bernardo pulls Vin aside to try to convince Vin to finish processing Sisko and Bashir without his help. This exchange takes place in the background and we don't have to hear it. 16 ANGLE ON SISKO AND BASHIR As they react to the utter poverty that surrounds them. BASHIR What is this place? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/20/94 - ACT ONE 15. 16 CONTINUED: SISKO A Sanctuary District. Bashir looks questioningly at Sisko. The term means nothing to him. BASHIR I'm afraid twenty-first century history isn't one of my strong suits. Too depressing. SISKO It's always been a hobby of mine. They made some ugly mistakes, but they also paved the way for a lot of the things we take for granted. BASHIR I assume this was one of the mistakes. SISKO A bad one. By the early twenty- twenties there was a place like this in every major city in the United States. BASHIR But why are these people in here? Are they criminals? SISKO No. People with criminal records weren't allowed in the Sanctuary Districts. BASHIR Then what did they do to deserve this? SISKO Nothing. They're just people. People without jobs or places to live. BASHIR (shocked) So they get put in here? SISKO Welcome to the twenty-first century. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - 10/18/94 - ACT ONE 16. 16 CONTINUED: (2) Behind them, Bernardo finally wins the argument and EXITS, leaving Vin to take care of Sisko and Bashir. VIN Shall we? Vin nudges Bashir with his shotgun and gestures down the street. Sisko nods for him to cooperate and the two of them walk with Vin into the streets of the Sanctuary. And as they are swallowed up by the crowd of homeless men and women, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 17 INT. CHRIS'S OFFICE - DAY #1 Chris's penthouse office is decorated in hi-tech, ultramodern, twenty-first century style. There's a desk, a conference table, several plants, and a million-dollar view of the bay out the windows. There's a conspicuous absence of filing cabinets or papers of any kind. Instead, the desk and each position at the conference table is equipped with a videophone/computer/television that allows the user to access the Interface. 18 INCLUDE DAX (VPB) Who's working at an additional Interface terminal in a sitting area by the window. Several half empty boxes of Chinese take-out are scattered around a nearby coffee table. Dax operates the computer by means of an electronic stylus, touching controls on the screen itself to enter commands, open files, etc. 19 NEW ANGLE As Chris ENTERS the office. CHRIS Sorry to keep you waiting. Were you able to order new I.D.? Dax taps in a few last commands with the stylus. DAX Just finished. It took a little while to convince them I was who I said I was. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/25/94 - ACT TWO 18. 19 CONTINUED: DAX They'll be expressing me a new transit pass and a couple of credit chips in a few hours. I asked them to send it here. I hope you don't mind. CHRIS No problem. DAX Thanks... for letting me use your terminal... and your account. Dax takes a credit chip out of the computer and hands it to Chris. Chris just smiles and takes the chip. He's staring at Dax's head. CHRIS Glad I could help. (re: her Trill markings) You know... those are really... unusual. DAX You mean... (covering) My tattoos? CHRIS It's amazing work. Where'd you get them done... Japan? DAX (playing along) How'd you guess? CHRIS I used to have one myself. A Maori tribal pattern. All the way down my arm. Got it in high school... back in the nineties... just like everybody else. (frowns) But I had to have it removed. You know how it is. To get the government contracts, you have to look just like the rest of the drones. (down) I guess that makes me a sell-out. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/25/94 - ACT TWO 19. 19 CONTINUED: (2) Dax isn't following every word of this, but she gets the gist of it. DAX Not necessarily. What kind of business do you do? CHRIS You don't know? (Dax shakes her head) I've got to talk to my public relations people. (gestures to the computer) I'm Chris Brynner... of Brynner Information Systems. You know... Interface Operations... Net Access... Channel Ninety... Dax can tell this is supposed to mean something, so she fakes familiarity. DAX You're that Chris Brynner? Chris smiles. He's glad she knows who he is after all. CHRIS So what do you think? Am I a sell- out or not? DAX Probably. But I won't hold it against you. CHRIS So, these friends you told me about... Is there any way you can get a hold of them? DAX I wish I could. Though Dax is trying to keep up a carefree front, this time the worry shows through. 20 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - DAY #1 We come in CLOSE on Sisko's hand as it is scanned by a Xerox machine-like computer scanner. PULL BACK TO REVEAL: DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/20/94 - ACT TWO 20. 21 SISKO AND BASHIR Getting the twenty-first century equivalent of fingerprints and mug shots. They're in the Processing Center, the administrative headquarters of Sanctuary District "A." It's a converted DMV office, and it's even more understaffed now than it was then. VIN Other hand. Sisko holds out his other hand. Vin grabs it and uses the scanner to enter his prints into the computer. 22 INCLUDE THE MONITOR (VPB) Of a twenty-first century computer, very similar in design to the one's in Brynner's office. Right now the Monitor is displaying Sisko's handprints. Vin enters some commands with his electronic stylus. The computer responds verbally. When it speaks, it's with a different voice than the computers we're used to. It's more artificial sounding and possibly male. INTERFACE VOICE Welcome to SafeTech's fingerprint database. your government discount has been accepted. Remember our new retinal scan services, now accessible on Channel One-Seventy-Eight. VIN (to himself) Yeah, yeah. Save the commercials. Vin taps in a series of commands. INTERFACE VOICE We're sorry... but the fingerprints you have provided are not on record. VIN No I.D., no fingerprint records, no Interface account. It's like you two don't exist. BASHIR Since we don't exist, why not let us go? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT TWO 21. 22 CONTINUED: VIN Let's see, you don't have any I.D., you don't have any money, and you're both dressed like clowns. You figure it out. Vin takes out two clipboards and attaches a stack of forms to each one. He hands them to Sisko and Bashir. VIN (reciting from memory) "Please fill out these forms. Answer all the questions to the best of your ability. If you cannot speak English an interpreter will be provided. If you cannot read, the questions can be given verbally. If there is any part of this form you do not understand, please ask one of our staff for assistance." (a beat) Now sit down, shut up, and fill out the forms. And if you've got any problems, don't come to me with them. Sisko and Bashir exchange a look. This is definitely not what they're used to. 23 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE O'Brien ENTERS the bridge and finds Kira standing by the Conn, talking to an N.D. KIRA Tell Admiral Ngomo I appreciate her offer, but I don't want anyone beaming onto this ship until we know what's going on. If they want to come up by shuttle, that's fine. O'BRIEN (excited) Major. Kira turns toward O'Brien. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT TWO 22. 23 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I think I know what happened to Commander Sisko and the others. The temporal surge we detected was caused by the explosion of a microscopic singularity passing through this solar system. Somehow, the energy emitted by the singularity shifted the chroniton particles in our hull into a high state of temporal polarization. KIRA Which means what? O'BRIEN Which means that the transporter beam was redirected when it passed through the polarized particles. KIRA Redirected where? O'BRIEN Not "where." When. The beam was redirected through time, not space. They arrived in San Francisco, just like they were supposed to... KIRA But not when they were supposed to. How much time are we talking about? Days? Weeks? O'BRIEN More like centuries. As Kira reacts to this... 24 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - DAY #1 Sisko is sitting on a bench with several homeless men and women. All the other people in his area of the Processing Center seem to be mentally ill in one way or other. The bench is part of a line which stretches out the door. Sisko is waiting patiently, filling out some kind of form, but Bashir is at the front of the line, complaining to Vin, who is still on duty... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT TWO 23. 24 CONTINUED: BASHIR This is ridiculous. We've been waiting here for three hours and the line's barely moved at all. Vin cradles his shotgun in his arms and leans against the wall in a relaxed position. But in spite of his relaxed pose, he's a professional, constantly scanning the room for signs of trouble. VIN I got one word for you pal... plenty of overtime. BASHIR That's three words. VIN Hey, for a dim, you're pretty smart. Now get back in line. While Bashir and Vin are talking, something catches Sisko's eye. It's a digital WALL CALENDAR displaying the date "8-30- 24." Sisko looks at the calendar for a long beat, then looks outside. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT TWO 24. 25 NEW ANGLE As Bashir joins Sisko. BASHIR (quietly; re: the Dims) Commander, these people are mentally ill. They need proper medical treatment. SISKO I know. But they're not going to get it. Not now anyway. Bashir picks up on Sisko's mood. BASHIR What is it? SISKO That calendar over there... It says today is August thirtieth, twenty- twenty-four. BASHIR I'm not sure what you... SISKO (cuts him off) Ever hear of the Bell Riots? BASHIR (thinking) Vaguely. Sisko nods. He wasn't really expecting Bashir to recognize the name. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT TWO 25. 25 CONTINUED: SISKO It was one of the most violent civil disturbances in American history. And it happened right here. San Francisco, Sanctuary District "A," the first week of September, twenty- twenty-four. BASHIR That's only a few days from now. SISKO Which means if we don't get out of here soon, we're going to be caught right in the middle of it. And as Bashir reacts to Sisko's news, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 26 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - CONTINUOUS Bashir looks around at all the people waiting in the Processing Center. BASHIR (to Sisko, quietly) So just how bad is this riot going to be, Commander? SISKO Bad. The Sanctuary residents will take over the District. Some of the guards will be taken hostage. In the end, the government will send in troops to restore order. Hundreds of Sanctuary residents will be killed. BASHIR (shocked) Hundreds. (shakes his head) And there's nothing we can do to prevent it. It's a statement of fact, not a question. Bashir shakes his head grimly. BASHIR (continues) Starfleet's temporal displacement policy may sound good in a classroom. But to know that hundreds of people are going to die, and not to be allowed to even try to save them... SISKO I sympathize, Doctor. But if it makes you feel any better, the Riots will be one of the watershed events of the twenty-first century. (a beat) Gabriel Bell will see to that. BASHIR Bell? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT THREE 27. 26 CONTINUED: SISKO (nods) The man they named the Riots after. He was one of the Sanctuary residents who'll be guarding the hostages. The government troops will storm this place, based on rumors that the hostages have been killed. (a beat) But it'll turn out that the hostages were never harmed. Because of Gabriel Bell. In the end, Bell will sacrifice his own life to save them. He'll become a national hero. Outrage over his death, and the death of the other residents, will change public opinion about the Sanctuaries. They'll be torn down and the United States will finally begin correcting the social problems it had struggled with for over a hundred years. BASHIR All because of what's going to happen here in a few days. SISKO Which means if we warn these people about what's coming, if we try to help them in any way, we risk altering a pivotal moment in history. And we can't let that happen. As much as he doesn't like it, Bashir knows Sisko is right. 27 NEW ANGLE As Vin notices something off camera. VIN (to Sisko and Bashir) Hey, I hate to break up this intimate conversation, but you're next. 28 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - LEE'S CUBICLE - DAY #1 Sisko and Bashir are being interviewed by a Public Health official in a small semi-private cubicle. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT THREE 28-29. 28 CONTINUED: LEE, the official, is well-meaning, but underpaid, undersupported, and overworked. Unlike Chris, she's still using paper. Her desk is covered with the stuff. Lee studies both of them. SISKO Is something wrong? LEE Well, according to these forms, you're supposed to be dims. But you're not, are you? SISKO I hope you're not disappointed. LEE Pleasantly surprised is more like it. (a beat) I guess I owe you an apology. If I'd known you were gimmies, I could've processed your application much sooner. BASHIR Gimmies? SISKO They're American slang terms. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT THREE 30. 28 CONTINUED: (2) LEE (embarrassed) I try not to use them, but it's a bad habit. (to Bashir) Gimmies are people like you... people looking for help... a job, a place to live. BASHIR And what about the dims... Don't they need help? LEE The dims should be in hospitals. But the government can't afford to keep them there, so we get them instead. (a beat) I don't like it, but that's the way it is. (consults forms) I see here that you both just arrived in San Francisco. Do you have any jobs lined up? BASHIR No. We weren't really planning on being here that long. LEE Have you got a place to stay? Or anyone who can vouch for you? SISKO We were traveling with a friend... but we were separated right after we arrived. LEE Do you have any way of contacting this friend of yours? SISKO Not at the moment. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT THREE 31. 28 CONTINUED: (3) LEE In that case, I'm afraid you'll have to stay here in the Sanctuary for the time being. BASHIR You mean we can't leave? LEE It's for your own safety. SISKO (skeptical) Really. LEE And it's the law. SISKO And what about jobs? How are we supposed to find work and a place to stay if we're stuck in here? LEE One of the services we provide is job placement. SISKO And how long does that usually take? Lee looks very uncomfortable. LEE I wish I could give you a definite answer. But right now jobs are hard to come by... what with the economy and all... (a beat) My advice is to be patient. There's an awkward silence, then Lee takes two plastic cards out of her desk. She gives one to each of them. LEE In the meantime, take these. (they take the cards) They're your ration cards. You can use them to get food and water at any of the distribution points in the district. Hang on to them. BASHIR And where are we supposed to stay while we're here? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT THREE 32. 28 CONTINUED: (4) LEE Anywhere you like. The buildings in the district are there for everyone to use. In other words, they're on their own. SISKO Thanks for all your help. Sisko and Bashir head for the door. LEE One more thing... a little advice. Stay away from District Security. They've had their budget cut again. They're overworked and underpaid... (trails off) Just give them a lot of space. (a beat) And watch out for ghosts. BASHIR Ghosts? LEE That's what we call people who haven't integrated well into the Sanctuary. They can be dangerous; they tend to prey on other residents. SISKO (means it this time) Thanks for the warning. We'll stay out of their way. Sisko and Bashir EXIT. Lee watches them go. She feels for them, but she tries not to let it get to her. 29 INT. CHRIS'S OFFICE - NIGHT #1 Dax is alone in Chris's office. She's trying to contact Sisko and Bashir over her combadge. From her expression, it appears she's been at it for a while. DAX Dax to Sisko... Dax to Bashir... If you can hear me, please respond... There's no answer. Chris ENTERS. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT THREE 33. 29 CONTINUED: CHRIS Okay, my assistant was able to get you a room at the Clift for the next five nights. DAX You didn't have to do that. CHRIS (smiles) I know. But I wanted to. (a beat) So what are your plans? DAX I still have to find my friends. CHRIS Well, I hope you don't mind, but I had Britt do some checking. No one matching their descriptions has been admitted into any of the City's hospitals or trauma wards. DAX That's good news. There's an awkward beat between them. CHRIS Look, I'd like to know how this all turns out. I'm having a little get- together tomorrow, here in the office. You're welcome to come if you want... you and your friends. DAX I'd like that. Dax starts getting ready to leave. CHRIS Well, good luck. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT THREE 34. 29 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Thanks. I could use it. Dax EXITS. 30 EXT. SANCTUARY DISTRICT "A" APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT #1 Sisko and Bashir walk up the stairs toward a tenement style apartment building. Their way is blocked at the top of the stairs by three burly-looking homeless men. These are gimmies, people just trying to protect their families and friends inside the building. STAIRWAY GUARD You can't come in here. BASHIR We're just looking for someplace to sleep. STAIRWAY GUARD Look someplace else. From Bashir's expression, it's evident they've run into this response more than once today. BASHIR Let me guess. This building's full. STAIRWAY GUARD Sorry. Bashir looks back at Sisko. He doesn't want to back down, but he knows he shouldn't push it. 31 NEW ANGLE As the two of them head off down the street together. The street is poorly lit and poorly maintained. People are sleeping in doorways, stairwells, any place they can find shelter from the cold. They walk by several people camped in a doorway. One of them, an African American about Sisko's size and age, nods a wordless greeting. Though there's no way they can know it, this is GABRIEL BELL. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 11/01/94 - ACT THREE 35. 31 CONTINUED: BASHIR Every building we go to, it's the same story. They can't all be full. SISKO Don't be so sure. One of the main complaints against the Sanctuary Districts was overcrowding. It got to the point where they didn't care how many people were in here. They just wanted to keep them out of sight. Bashir and Sisko walk by a dim, who is sitting on a curb, gently rocking back and forth. Bashir glances at the dim and shakes his head. BASHIR And once they were out of sight, what then? (re: the Dim) Look at him. There's no need for that man to live like that. With the right medication, he could lead a full and normal life. SISKO Maybe in our time... BASHIR Not just in our time. There were any number of effective treatments for schizophrenia, even in this day and age. They could cure that man now... today... if they gave a damn. SISKO It's not that they don't give a damn, Doctor. It's that they've given up. The social problems facing them seem too enormous to deal with. BASHIR That only makes it worse. Causing people to suffer because you hate them is terrible... but causing them to suffer because you've forgotten how to care... that's even harder to understand. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 11/01/94 - ACT THREE 35A. 31 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO They'll remember. It'll take time, and it won't be easy, but eventually people in this century will remember how to care. BASHIR But it makes you wonder, doesn't it? Are humans really any different than Cardassians... or Romulans? If push came to shove, if something disastrous happened to the Federation, and we got frightened enough, or desperate enough, how would we react? Would we stay true to our ideals... or would we just end up... here... right back where we started? SISKO I don't know. But as a Starfleet officer, it's my job to make sure we never have to find out. They round the corner and come upon a group of GHOSTS, who are in the middle of beating up on a confused-looking dim. The ghosts are tough-looking and better fed and dressed than the rest of the people on the street, the top of the food chain. They throw the dim to the pavement. B.C., the leader of this particular group of Ghosts, is a wiry, tightly wound man in his late twenties. B.C. (to another ghost) Get his food card. The dim, who's had the wind knocked out of him by the fall, tries to huddle up and protect himself. 32 ANGLE ON SISKO AND BASHIR Looking in shock and revulsion at what's going on. Sisko can tell that Bashir wants to intervene, but holds him back with a look. SISKO (sotto voice) Remember, Doctor, we can't interfere. B.C. looks over and sees the look on Bashir's face. B.C. You got a problem? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/27/94 - ACT THREE 36. 32 CONTINUED: SISKO No problem. B.C. You look upset. (with mock apology) If we've offended you in any way, please tell us so we can be sure not to do it again. SISKO Don't worry about us. We're new here. B.C. I never would've guessed. Let me be the first to welcome you. He tips his hat. B.C. (re: the dim) Would you like a piece of this? BASHIR No thanks. B.C. (to his colleagues) Gimmies... no sense of fun. SISKO We're just looking for a place to sleep. B.C. In that case, you better look somewhere else... newboy. SISKO (to Bashir) You heard him. Let's go. Sisko and Bashir back away. B.C. (calling after them) Enjoy your stay... in a few days you'll feel right at home. One of the other ghosts rummages through the dim's clothing and takes his food card. The street scene is eerie and nightmarish. And despite the dim's whimpers, no one moves to help him. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 33 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE O'Brien is at the Engineering station, briefing Kira and Odo on a possible way to retrieve Sisko, Dax, and Bashir. ODO So in theory, we should be able to travel into the past by focusing the transporter beam through the polarized chroniton particles. O'BRIEN The problem is, we don't know where in time Sisko and the others are. I've narrowed it down to a dozen different possibilities. But we only have enough polarized chronitons to make five or six attempts. KIRA We'll have to take our chances. Pick the most likely time periods and send a team down with tricorders to find them. (she smiles) The hard part will be finding a couple of volunteers crazy enough to risk getting lost in time to do the job. O'Brien looks at Kira. O'BRIEN (smiles) I think I know some likely candidates. Odo looks back and forth between the two of them. 34 EXT. SANCTUARY DISTRICT "A" - DAY #2 Bashir's asleep on the sidewalk, huddled up against the wall. Sisko gently shakes his shoulder and wakes him up. Bashir gets up with a groan. His muscles are sore from sleeping on the concrete. Both of them look like they could use a shave, a shower, and a clean uniform. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/20/94 - ACT FOUR 37A. 34 CONTINUED: BASHIR If we get home, I promise not to complain about the station's Cardassian beds ever again. Bashir looks around. The streets are deserted, except for a scattering of dims. BASHIR (continuing) Where is everybody? SISKO In the food lines, waiting for breakfast. (hands Bashir a plate of scrambled eggs) It's not much to look at, but it's better than nothing. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/20/94 - ACT FOUR 37B. 34 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir looks at the eggs. There's no fork on the plate. SISKO (continuing) Oh yeah, sorry. They were out of utensils. (ironic) And napkins. BASHIR Why am I not surprised? He begins eating the eggs with his fingers. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 38. 34 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO When you're done eating, I think we should try to get up on the roof of one of these buildings. I want a better look at this place. BASHIR Do you think there's a way out? SISKO If there is, we'll find it. 35 EXT. SANCTUARY DISTRICT "A" APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY #2 Sisko and Bashir return to the building where they were turned away the night before. There's a new group of guards on the stairs, but the guards from the night before are sitting nearby, eating their breakfasts. The head Stairway Guard spots Sisko and Bashir approaching the building. STAIRWAY GUARD Not you two again. I told you, we don't have any room. SISKO We're not looking to stay. All we want is to go up on the roof and take a look around. STAIRWAY GUARD It doesn't matter what you want. You can't come in. We've got to protect what's ours. BASHIR Look, maybe we can make a deal. Isn't there something we can trade to get access to your building? STAIRWAY GUARD I don't know. What do you have to offer? There's a beat as Sisko and Bashir realize they don't really have anything. STAIRWAY GUARD (continuing) That's what I thought. Maybe you should try another building. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 39. 35 CONTINUED: Bashir and Sisko start to leave, but one of his companions whispers something to the Stairway Guard, who calls after them. STAIRWAY GUARD Hey, wait a minute. (they turn back) Maybe we can make a deal after all. 36 INT. APARTMENT BUILDING HALLWAY - DAY #2 Sisko and Bashir picking their way through an ill-lit hallway inside the tenement building. Neither one of them is wearing their uniform anymore. They're exchanged clothing with the stairway guards outside. SISKO (re: the clothes) Well at least now we look like we belong here. BASHIR Yeah, and we smell just as bad as everyone else. Sisko smiles at Bashir's attempt to make light of their situation. SISKO The stairwell must be around here somewhere. They round a corner and... 37 NEW ANGLE ... and run into a homeless man (WEBB) tending to an injured teenage boy (DANNY). But as soon as he catches a glimpse of Sisko and Bashir in the darkened hallway, Webb spins around and points a knife at them. WEBB Stay away from him. SISKO Whatever you say. Just put the knife down. Webb is a man in his mid-forties. He's a gimmie who still has hope that things will get better. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 40. 37 CONTINUED: He tries to make himself look presentable; his clothes are wrinkled but basically clean. He's clean shaven and his hair looks messy, but clean. There's something solid and reassuringly middle-class about him, the kind of guy you'd want on your side. He studies Bashir and Sisko for a beat, then... WEBB Step into the light. So I can see you. Bashir steps forward into a beam of light. Webb sees his face and relaxes a little. SISKO We're new here. We're just trying to get up to the roof... get a better look at this place. WEBB Believe me, it doesn't look any better from up there. The teenage boy feels a twinge and moans. DANNY (weak) Dad... Webb decides he can trust Sisko and Bashir. He puts away the knife and goes to tend to his son. WEBB It's going to be okay... 38 CLOSE ON BASHIR As he watches Webb try to make his son more comfortable. BASHIR What happened? WEBB He got beaten up by some ghosts. Bashir kneels down next to the boy. Danny's shirt is cut up and bloody. WEBB (continuing) My wife went to get help, but there's only one doctor on duty at the Processing Center. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 41. 38 CONTINUED: BASHIR Why don't you let me take a look? I know a bit about medicine. SISKO Julian... Bashir takes Sisko aside so they can talk in private. BASHIR It can't hurt just to look. A beat, then Sisko nods his consent. Bashir returns to Danny's side. He carefully unbuttons and pulls aside the boy's blood-soaked shirt, then examines the wounds. BASHIR Looks like you were lucky. No broken ribs and these cuts are mostly superficial. You're going to be okay. (to Webb) You're going to need some clean rags and something to disinfect the wounds. Alcohol will do. Webb nods gratefully. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 42. 38 CONTINUED: (2) WEBB I think I can get some. Webb goes to get the items Bashir needs. SISKO (quietly, to Bashir) Looks like we made a friend. 93 EXT. SANCTUARY DISTRICT "A" APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY #2 Sisko and Bashir emerge from the building. Webb follows them out. WEBB You know, the District could use another doctor. BASHIR I don't really practice anymore. WEBB But there are people here who need you. BASHIR I'm sorry. They'll have to get along without me. Webb looks disappointed. WEBB I know you two are new here, so let me explain something to you. You can forget about getting out of here any time soon. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 43. 39 CONTINUED: WEBB (Cont'd) This is your home now. The only help we're going to get is from each other. If we don't start pulling together, we're finished. SISKO All we want is to be left alone. WEBB My mistake. I thought you wanted to get out of here. BASHIR We do. WEBB Well the only way that's going to happen is for us to get organized and let people on the outside know what's going on in here. SISKO Do whatever you want. But leave us out of it. WEBB If you want to be left alone, that's fine with me. But if you want to help us, and help yourselves, you know where to find me. Webb turns and walks away. Sisko and Bashir exchange a look. They know Webb is a good man, and they want to help, but their hands are tied. 40 INT. CHRIS'S OFFICE - DAY #2 Chris is hosting a cocktail party/sales presentation for some of his more important clients. His office is full of PARTY GUESTS, well-dressed corporate bigwigs and their significant others. Dax is standing off to one side, watching the crowd. She's wearing new twenty-first century clothing, but she's still got her combadge on. MALE GUEST Our sea floor mining project is almost ready to go into operation. The Pan-Caribbean government had some misgivings, but I think we've won them over. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 40 CONTINUED: MALE GUEST (a beat) I hear you just came back from Christchurch? CHRIS Yeah. Did a little skiing on Mount Cook. FEMALE GUEST You're lucky. We had to cancel our trip to the Alps this year because of the student protests in France. CHRIS I thought the Neo-Trotskyists were going to put a stop to that. FEMALE GUEST They're not having any more luck that the Gaullists did. MALE GUEST Europe's falling apart. FEMALE GUEST Well, at least we don't have to worry about that kind of thing here. DAX Don't count on it. CHRIS You'll have to excuse Jadzia's cynicism. She got mugged yesterday. That kind of thing's bound to give you a negative impression of the future. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 40 CONTINUED: (2) FEMALE GUEST So who mugged you? Did you see them? Dax shakes her head. DAX It doesn't really matter. I'm just glad I wasn't hurt. CHRIS Whoever it was did a thorough job. They took everything she had, even her I.D. FEMALE GUEST Really? Everything. Dax nods. DAX Chris came to my rescue. He let me use his computer to get replacement I.D. MALE GUEST You're lucky the police didn't find you first. If they'd caught you on the street without I.D., you might've ended up in a Sanctuary District. FEMALE GUEST I thought they stopped doing that. MALE GUEST Why would they? It's the only way to keep those people off the streets. During the above exchange, Dax takes Chris's arm. DAX Excuse us for just a minute. The Guests nod politely and Dax leads Chris away. 41 ANGLE ON DAX AND CHRIS As they talk in private. DAX Is that true? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 41 CONTINUED: CHRIS What? DAX About taking people without I.D. to a Sanctuary District. CHRIS Of course... why? DAX I still haven't found my friends. CHRIS And you think they might be in a Sanctuary District? DAX It's possible. If you hadn't found me, I might've wound up in one. Can we check and see if they're inside? CHRIS That might take some doing. Sanctuary District Records aren't posted on the Net. (a beat) But, maybe I can pull in a few favors... Dax smiles at him. CUT TO: 42 EXT. SANCTUARY DISTRICT "A" - NIGHT #2 Sisko and Bashir are in line for food with a number of other District Residents. Both of them look cold, hungry, and miserable. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/20/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 42 CONTINUED: BASHIR And I thought the replimat lines were bad. By the time we get dinner, it'll be time for breakfast. Bashir looks down the line, which bends around a corner not far from them. BASHIR (continuing) You'd think before they locked thousands of people into a twenty square block area, they'd give some thought to how they're all supposed to stay fed. SISKO I'll go see how much longer the line is. 43 CLOSE ON BASHIR As Sisko goes to check on dinner, Bashir warms his hands on one of several trash can fires scattered around the line. A group of ghosts approach him from behind. It's B.C. and his friends. B.C. Hey, gimmie. Bashir, who has no idea they're talking to him, continues warming his hands. B.C. grabs him by the shoulder and turns him around. B.C. I'm talking to you, gimmie. Bashir looks down at B.C.'s hand on his shoulder. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - 10/18/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 43 CONTINUED: B.C. Let me see your food card. BASHIR What for? B.C. Because I said so. But before Bashir can decide whether or not to cooperate... 44 INCLUDE SISKO Who has returned from his scouting expedition. SISKO Let him go. B.C. and his men turn toward Sisko. B.C. (can't believe someone's standing up to him) What? SISKO I said, let him go. B.C. Well, when you put it that way... 45 NEW ANGLE As B.C. releases Bashir, then spins and punches Sisko. Bashir goes to Sisko's defense, and soon the two of them are fighting B.C. and four of his ghost flunkies. The crowd in the line scatters. Though Sisko and Bashir are far better fighters than B.C. and his men had anticipated, numbers tell, and Sisko and Bashir are soon in trouble. But to everyone's surprise, one of the bystanders weighs in on Sisko and Bashir's side, decking a ghost who is trying to strangle Bashir. It's Gabriel Bell. BELL Leave them alone. Bell, who is a large, strong man, turns the tide, and it looks like Sisko and Bashir are going to be okay, when... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 49. 46 CLOSE ON B.C. B.C. draws a homemade knife and stabs Bell. Bell falls. B.C. (to one of his men) Get his card. As one of the ghosts begins searching Bell, B.C. spins toward Sisko, who is struggling with another Ghost. But to B.C.'s surprise... 47 BASHIR Kicks the knife out of his hands. 48 NEW ANGLE As the shiv slides across the street, Sisko finishes off his opponent. B.C. sees that the tide is turning against him. He signals his friends and B.C. and the other ghosts retreat. Bashir goes to help Bell, then hesitates for a beat, and looks up at Sisko. SISKO (urgent) Help him. He wouldn't have gotten hurt if it wasn't for us. Bashir begins CPR. But he isn't having much success. BASHIR Breathe, damn you. Breathe. Bashir works hard to revive Bell, but he knows it's no use and eventually stops. Bashir looks at Sisko and shakes his head. BASHIR He's gone. Sisko sees Bell's discarded food card, which the ghost dropped in his hasty retreat, and picks it up. He reacts at what he sees. In the distance, we can hear the cops getting closer. SISKO Come on. We've got to get out of here. But Bashir is still stunned by Bell's unexpected death. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 50. 48 CONTINUED: SISKO Doctor. Let's go. Sisko pulls Bashir to his feet and the two of them retreat from the scene. 49 EXT. SANCTUARY ALLEY - NIGHT #2 Sisko and Bashir reach the safety of a seclude alley. Bashir looks around the corner for pursuit, but there isn't anyone following them. BASHIR No sign of the police. SISKO Right now, they're the least of our worries. (off Bashir's reaction) That man... the one who got killed trying to help us... Sisko gives Bashir the food card. SISKO That was Gabriel Bell. And as Bashir reacts to this dire news, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/20/94 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 50 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Major Kira enters wearing nondescript civilian clothing (like the stuff she wore in "THE HOMECOMING"). She has a combadge on and she's carrying a shoulder satchel containing a tricorder. She approaches O'Brien, who is also wearing civilian clothing from "THE HOMECOMING." KIRA All right Chief, let's get over to the transporter room before we change our minds. O'BRIEN Too late, Major. It looks like Starfleet's changed our minds for us. (off Kira's reaction) I just got a message from Admiral Wright of Starfleet Command. Headquarters thinks our plan's too risky. They're afraid that while we're searching for Sisko and the others, we might contaminate the timeline. KIRA Get me Admiral Wright. O'BRIEN (smiles) I had a feeling you'd say that. O'Brien goes to the console and taps in some commands. O'BRIEN That's odd. KIRA What is it? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/20/94 - ACT FIVE 51A. 50 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I'm not getting any response from Starfleet. 50A NEW ANGLE As Odo ENTERS, looking concerned. ODO Is there something wrong with our communications array? I was just speaking to Starfleet Security when my com-line went dead. O'BRIEN (checking panel) There's nothing wrong on our end. Everything checks out fine. KIRA It could be interference on the com channels. Try a wide band subspace signal. O'BRIEN Still nothing. (a beat) Maybe if I direct it toward one of the Federation communications satellites in Earth orbit... O'Brien trails off. He looks more worried that ever. ODO What is it, Chief? O'BRIEN They're not there. The entire Earth satellite network... it's gone. KIRA The spacedocks? The orbital habitats? O'BRIEN All of it. The Utopia Planitia yards on Mars, the terraforming stations on Venus... Starfleet Headquarters. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FIVE 51B. 50A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (a beat) I can't detect a single sign of Starfleet activity anywhere in this sector. KIRA Try a non-Federation frequency. O'BRIEN The only subspace signals I'm detecting are coming from the vicinity of Alpha Centauri... (a beat) And they're Romulan. KIRA That's impossible. ODO Do you think Sisko and the others might've somehow altered the timeline? O'BRIEN They must've. KIRA Then why weren't we affected? O'BRIEN I'm not sure... (thinks a beat) Maybe... maybe when it exploded, the singularity that polarized the chroniton particles created some kind of subspace bubble around the ship... isolated it from the changes in the timeline. I'd have to run tests to be sure. (a beat) But one thing's for certain, right now this ship is all that's left of Starfleet. And as this sinks in... 51 EXT. SANCTUARY ALLEY - NIGHT #2 As before. Sisko and Bashir struggle with the repercussions of Bell's death. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/20/94 - ACT FIVE 51C. 51 CONTINUED: BASHIR If I could've gotten him to a hospital, or even if I'd had a medical kit, I might've been able to save him. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FIVE 52. 51 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO You did all you could, Doctor. BASHIR But it wasn't enough, was it? A good man died today... because of us. (a beat) And what about the hostages? What's going to happen to them? SISKO Without Bell, there's a good chance those hostages are going to die. BASHIR And if that happens, who knows how it'll affect the future. Sisko, who's been thoughtful throughout the scene, comes to a decision. SISKO We have to save them. Whatever it takes, we have to make sure those hostages survive. Bashir nods. He's with Sisko all the way. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 52 INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY #3 It's the next morning. Sisko and Bashir are talking to Webb. We join them in mid-conversation. WEBB I thought you didn't want to get involved. SISKO We changed our minds. Webb takes their measure for a beat, then... WEBB Glad to hear it. We can use all the help we can get. (a beat) This place is about to explode. Most of us agreed to live here because they promised us jobs. I don't know about you, but I haven't been on any job interviews lately. And neither has anyone else. They've forgotten about us. SISKO So what do we do? WEBB We make them remember. The day after tomorrow, we're going to hold a rally outside the Processing Center. I want everyone to be there. Gimmies, ghosts... even the dims. We've got to remind the people outside that we haven't done anything wrong... that we're not criminals... and that we don't deserve to live like this. SISKO We'll spread the word. WEBB Good. (an afterthought) One more thing. Tell people when they come to the rally to bring their families, their kids, and try to look their best. After all, we're not derelicts. No matter what they say about us. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FIVE 54. 52 CONTINUED: SISKO (smiles and rubs his chin) I could probably use a shave myself. BASHIR Not to mention a bath. Webb smiles, and Sisko and Bashir smile back. 53 INT. CHRIS'S OFFICE - DAY #3 Chris ENTERS. Dax is waiting. CHRIS You were right. Your friends are in Sanctuary District "A." DAX When can we get them out? CHRIS It might not be that easy. First the Sanctuary personnel have to find them. There are something like ten thousand people in there... DAX Did they say how long it'll take? CHRIS They're not sure. But don't worry. Your friends are fine. That's the whole point of the Sanctuary. To give people in trouble food and a place to stay. Dax looks troubled. DAX If that's all it's for, then why is there a wall around it? That's one question Chris doesn't have an answer for. 54 EXT. SANCTUARY STREET - NIGHT #3 Bashir and Sisko are walking through the street, talking to the District residents. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 54 CONTINUED: Both Sisko and Bashir have managed to shave and clean up their clothing a little. BASHIR (to a Gimmie) Two days... in front of the Processing Center. Spread the word. The gimmie nods and walks away. Sisko is nearby, talking to a woman and her family. SISKO Please, try and be there. And tell everyone you know. Sisko and Bashir join up. BASHIR We must've talked to five hundred people today. SISKO That leaves about nine thousand to go. Just then we hear an outburst of noise... yelling, scattered gunshots, and the sound of breaking glass. 55 NEW ANGLE Bashir and Sisko barely have time to exchange a look, when suddenly the street, which a moment ago had been quiet, is suddenly flooded with people running helter-skelter. Danny, Webb's son, comes running down the street. He looks scared. Sisko catches him. SISKO Whoa. Slow down. What's going on? DANNY One of the guards got into a fight with a dim. Everyone's going crazy. I've got to find my dad. Danny runs off into the crowd. Sisko looks over to Bashir. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FIVE 56. 56 EXT. OUTSIDE THE PROCESSING CENTER - NIGHT #3 (OPTICAL) Sisko and Bashir struggle to get through the crowd of people, most of whom are just trying to get to safety. Not far away, a bunch of residents are beating up a guard. It's Bernardo. One of the attackers grabs Bernardo's shotgun and runs off past Sisko. Sisko wrestles the shotgun away from the attacker. He pumps the shotgun and fires down into a burning trash can. The noise scares the people beating up Bernardo, and they scatter. 57 NEW ANGLE Sisko marches over and grabs Bernardo by the collar. SISKO Come on. We've got to get you off the street. Bernardo is too dazed to even know what's happening. Sisko and Bashir help Bernardo stagger into... 58 INT. THE PROCESSING CENTER - NIGHT #3 B.C. and several other ghosts and gimmies have taken over the center. The place is trashed. Lee and three other hostages are gathered together by one of the cubicles. B.C. and two of the ghosts have shotguns. The other hostage takers have impromptu weapons. B.C. Everybody, hands on your heads and face the wall. LEE You can't do this. B.C. I can do whatever I want. Now... B.C. shoves Lee hard into the wall. B.C. Against the wall. SISKO (O.S.) That's enough. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FIVE 57. 59 NEW ANGLE Sisko ENTERS, followed by Bashir, who's supporting Bernardo. Distracted, B.C. turns his attention away from the hostages and looks at Sisko. The fact that Sisko has a shotgun isn't lost on B.C. B.C. Look who's here. Way to show initiative, Newboy. (re: Bernardo) Throw him back there with the rest of our... guests. BASHIR What the hell do you think you're doing? B.C. I think I'm a making a political statement. Maybe if we're lucky, we can even stage a nice photo op. (sarcastic) I hope that meets with your approval. 60 CLOSE ON SISKO As he considers the situation. Whether this is how things were supposed to happen or not, hostages have been taken and the riots begun. Sisko knows what he has to do. SISKO (to Bashir) Do as he says. Bashir escorts Bernardo to the rest of the hostages. B.C. (to all) All right! I've been waiting a long time for this. I know it's going to be worth it. (to Sisko) Ain't that right, newboy? SISKO The name's Bell. Gabriel Bell. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - 10/18/94 - ACT FIVE 58. Bashir sees that the die is cast and he and Sisko join the ranks of the ghosts. 61 CLOSE ON B.C Who smiles. Things are going even better than he expected. 62 CLOSE ON SISKO AND BASHIR As they stand with the ghosts, committed to repairing the past regardless of the cost. Hold on the two of them for a beat, then... FADE OUT. SUPER: TO BE CONTINUED END OF ACT FIVE THE END