STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Meridian" #40513-454 Story by Hilary Bader and Evan Carlos Somers Teleplay by Mark Gehred-O'Connell Directed by Jonathan Frakes THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION September 20, 1994 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Meridian" 09/20/94 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Meridian" CAST SISKO SELTON KIRA TIRON ODO DERAL BASHIR YONEB DAX CHILD #1 QUARK O'BRIEN Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Meridian" - 09/21/94 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "MERIDIAN" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE REPLIMAT QUARK'S THE DEFIANT PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL SECURITY OFFICE HOLOSUITE MERIDIAN SETTLEMENT DEFIANT VILLAGE COMMONS BRIDGE MERIDIAN GARDEN DAX'S QUARTERS STAR TREK: "Meridian" - 09/20/94 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Meridian" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE DERAL deh-RAL KANDORA kan-DOR-ah KYLATA KIE-lah-tuh MERIDIAN muh-RID-ee-uhn QUINTANA KEEN-tahn-nya R'EPAL ree-PALL RAKAL ruh-KALE RIXX RICKS SELTIN SELL-tin SERILIAN suh-RILL-ee-uhn SOLA SOE-lah TIRON TUH-ron TRIALUS TRY-uh-lus YONEB YOE-neb VAJHAQ VAH-jock VERDION VER-dee-on DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - 09/20/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Meridian" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. REPLIMAT where ODO is standing by a table waiting for KIRA to get a CUP of coffee from the replicator. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. She turns away from the machine, mug in hand, and they sit. She lifts the mug up to her lips and blows on the liquid to cool it, then takes a small sip -- from her reaction we can tell it's hot, and she blows on it again before taking another sip. Odo watches, intrigued. ODO Too hot? KIRA A little. ODO Why don't you specify a lower temperature? KIRA No, no... coffee should be too hot to drink right away... This makes no sense to him. ODO Why? KIRA It... slows down the experience... gives you time to savor the taste. Odo nods, fascinated. ODO Ah, yes... taste. Kira has a sense Odo may not be comfortable with what she wants to ask him, but she decides to go ahead anyway. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - 09/20/94 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: KIRA Odo, I know you don't need to eat... but have you ever tried to anyway? Odo takes a beat, as if this were a slightly uncomfortable topic. ODO Once... not long after I was first able to assume humanoid form. Kira waits for him to continue; when he doesn't. KIRA And? ODO Since I don't have taste buds, it was very unsatisfying... not to mention messy. KIRA Messy? ODO I'd rather not talk about it. Before Kira has time to continue, an alien male, TIRON, approaches their table. He's tall and nattily dressed, with jeweled RINGS on more than one of his fingers. While he comports himself with what he probably believes is a certain suaveness, he comes off a bit arrogant. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/21/94 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) TIRON Major Kira, how nice to see you again. KIRA (unenthused) Tiron... TIRON You left Quark's last night just when I was about to buy everyone another round. I was devastated that you didn't say good-bye... and we were having such a pleasant conversation. KIRA As I recall you were doing most of the talking. Tiron smoothly rephrases her comment. TIRON In that case you have me at a disadvantage... you know all about me, but I know next to nothing about you. He smiles gamely. Odo feels like an intruder. ODO Perhaps I should be going. He starts to stand, but Kira reaches and grabs his arm, desperate to keep him there. KIRA No, stay. (all smiles) This is Tiron, a business associate of Quark's. (to Tiron) And this is Odo, my... lover. Odo freezes, unsure what to do. Kira reaches and takes his hand. Tiron is not at all happy to hear she's involved. TIRON (to Odo) Well... you're a very lucky man. Odo doesn't know what to say, so Kira intercedes. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - 09/20/94 - TEASER 4. 1 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA And I'm a lucky woman. She looks to Odo for confirmation. ODO (uncomfortable) Yes... we're... both very lucky. Tiron's tone conveys the fact that he doesn't think Odo is good enough for Kira. TIRON And you make a most... interesting couple. (to Odo) So, Mister Odo... what is it that you do? ODO I'm chief of security here on the station. TIRON A station this size, it must be a very challenging job... (a false smile) I hope you're well compensated... ? KIRA Oh, that doesn't matter... all we need is each other. Isn't that right, sweetheart? She squeezes Odo's hand. ODO Yes... sweetheart... KIRA (to Tiron, all smiles) You see? Money isn't everything. TIRON No... but it can buy you everything. (smiles) Well, I'm afraid I have to be going. Good-bye. And with a nod he takes his leave, EXITS to the Promenade. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - TEASER 5. 1 CONTINUED: (4) KIRA (sotto) And good riddance... (to Odo) Thank you, Odo. I wish you'd been around last night. Kira lets go of his hand and takes a last sip of coffee. KIRA I better get back to Ops. Odo acknowledges with a nod and Kira stands to go. KIRA See you later... (joking) -- dear. She moves away... off Odo's face as he looks down at his hand, still palm up on the table... he hasn't moved it since Kira let go... 2 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it moves at impulse. SISKO (V.O.) Commander's log, Stardate 48423.2. Despite the continuing threat posed by the Dominion, I've convinced Starfleet that we must continue our exploration of the Gamma Quadrant. 3 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (VPB) SISKO is in the command chair, DAX at the conn, and O'BRIEN at a side console. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. BASHIR ENTERS from the corridor and approaches Sisko; he seems excited about something. BASHIR I've run a preliminary analysis of our sensor sweeps... the second planet in the Kylata system is definitely M- class. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - TEASER 6. 3 CONTINUED: DAX I wish we'd had time to beam down to the surface for a closer look. O'BRIEN (lightly) I'd hate to have run into a Jem'Hadar patrol while we were down there picking flowers. SISKO (smiles) Fortunately there's been no sign of Dominion activity in this sector. BASHIR Let's hope it stays that way. Suddenly Dax reacts to something on her console. DAX I'm picking up very unusual gravimetric distortions in the Trialus system. SISKO Any idea what's causing them? DAX It's hard to tell at this range. SISKO Let's take a closer look. Dax works her controls. 4 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it flies by. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - TEASER 7. 5 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL, VPB) Sisko is now standing near Dax's console. O'BRIEN The system's coming into visual range. SISKO On screen. On the VIEWSCREEN we see the Trialan sun hanging in space. DAX The gravimetric distortions are intensifying... (puzzled) -- but they don't seem to be coming from the star itself. O'BRIEN Where else could they be coming from? There aren't any planets in this system. Suddenly the ship JOLTS... and on the VIEWSCREEN a startling sight unfolds -- a PLANET SHIMMERS into existence near the Trialan sun, appearing out of nowhere. DAX There are now... Off their stunned reactions we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 6 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (VPB, OPTICAL) - CONTINUOUS Sisko, Dax, O'Brien, Bashir and SUPERNUMERARIES as before. They all look at the viewscreen, still stunned by the appearance of the planet. DAX (off console) The planet seems to have settled into a stable orbit. BASHIR But where did it come from? SISKO Could the entire planet have been cloaked? O'BRIEN (off console) If it was, there should be residual ionization traces... but I'm not reading any. DAX (surprised, off console) Commander, we're being scanned. The beam is coming from a settlement on the southern hemisphere. I'm reading approximately thirty humanoid inhabitants. (continuing to work console) They seem to be the only humanoids on the planet. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT ONE 9. 6 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (off console) They're hailing us. SISKO Open a channel. (beat) This is Commander Benjamin Sisko of the Federation Starbase Deep Space Nine. After a beat, the VIEWSCREEN engages. A humanoid woman of about fifty APPEARS on the Viewscreen, SELTIN. She is dressed in simple clothing, and is standing in front of a simple one- wall set. She seems to study our people's faces for a beat before saying anything; her face is kind, with an open countenance. SELTIN I am Seltin Rakal of Meridian. Sisko nods a greeting. SISKO We were studying this star system when your planet appeared. SELTIN (smiles gently) I expect it must have come as something of a surprise. SISKO You could say that. It seemed to come out of nowhere. SELTIN Not nowhere, Commander -- it came from a dimension that intersects with this one. She sees the intrigued looks on our people's faces. SELTIN I could explain it in greater detail, if you're interested. We were just about to sit down for First Meal -- why don't you join us? DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT ONE 9A. 6 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO We'd like that. SISKO (smiling) I just need to know your planet isn't going to disappear in the middle of dessert. SELTIN (smiles) Don't worry... we'll be here for a while. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/27/94 - ACT ONE 10. 6 CONTINUED: (3) Sisko acknowledges... off this moment... 7 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY Where a long table is set out for a feast. Our people sit near the table's head, and the rest of the Meridians, representing a wide range of ages, sit along its perimeter. They're checking out our people, casting them curious looks and friendly smiles. Sisko is seated next to Seltin, Dax next to DERAL, a male Meridian of about forty. Bashir and O'Brien sit nearby. From the head of the table, Seltin addresses the group, which falls silent. SELTIN It's good to be together again around this table after so long. What's more, we're fortunate to have visitors to share First Meal with us. There are nods and murmurs of assent, then everyone begins to eat with great relish... they eat slowly, with great deliberation, as if savoring every moment. 7A ON DAX AND DERAL Dax is taking a sip of something when she notices Deral looking at her. She meets his eyes. DERAL I was just admiring your... (he gestures to her temple) -- markings. Are they decorative? DAX No... (she gestures to his) -- are yours? DERAL No... They share a smile. DERAL If you don't mind my asking, how far down do they go? DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/27/94 - ACT ONE 11. 7A CONTINUED: DAX All the way... Deral nods thoughtfully. They hold each other's eyes for a beat... 8 OMITTED 9 RESUME SCENE Seltin sees that Sisko is taking in his surroundings, hasn't touched his plate yet. SELTIN (lightly) You're not eating, Commander. SISKO (smiles) I guess my curiosity is bigger than my appetite. SELTIN I hope we can satisfy both. She smiles and hands him a plate... SISKO You said Meridian emerged from a dimension that intersects with this one... ? SELTIN Yes, you see... our planet has a dual existence... it shifts between this dimension and another. DAX What causes these shifts? SELTIN We're not entirely sure. (gestures to Deral) Deral has been studying the phenomenon. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT ONE 12. 9 CONTINUED: DERAL With only limited success, I'm afraid. My theory is that the dimensional shifts are caused by fluctuations in Meridian's quantum matrix... fluctuations that are somehow triggered by our sun. BASHIR This other dimension of yours, what's it like? SELTIN It's hard to explain... it is... without form. We exist as pure consciousness... Our people take this in, fascinated. SISKO And Meridian? SELTIN It becomes non-corporeal as well, but when we return to this dimension, everything is just as we left it. The buildings, the trees... even our bodies. Our people are genuinely intrigued by what they're hearing. O'BRIEN Are you saying that when you return here, it's as if no time has passed? SELTIN Yes... we only age when we're in corporeal form. BASHIR (smiles) Sounds like this other dimension has its advantages... Deral turns to Dax. DERAL Yes... but we always look forward to this existence... and its many pleasures. Dax is trying to get a scoop out a spoonful from the core of a meaty looking FRUIT. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/27/94 - ACT ONE 13. 9 CONTINUED: (2) DERAL Here, let me help you with that... He takes the fruit and deftly scoops away the meat. DERAL The trick is to remove the pulp and eat the thin layer inside the rind. He holds out a spoonful for her. DERAL Here, try some... Dax tastes it -- and clearly finds it to her liking. DAX It's delicious... DERAL (smiles) Especially if you've been looking forward to it for sixty years... DAX Sixty years? O'BRIEN That's a long time between meals... Dax notices that Deral is watching her as she tries to scoop out another fruit. DAX How am I doing... ? DERAL Much better... They share a smile, and we get the feeling their conversation will continue... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/27/94 - ACT ONE 14. 10 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) hanging in space. 11 INT. QUARK'S where QUARK is working behind the bar, polishing some glasses. Tiron, the alien who we met in the teaser, descends from the staircase that leads from the upper level. Quark seems a little surprised to see him. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - 09/20/94 - ACT ONE 15. 11 CONTINUED: TIRON (to Quark) A glass of Andorian ale... As he serves him. QUARK Done so soon? You were barely in the holosuite ten minutes... TIRON There was no reason for me to stay the full hour... Quark thinks he's dealing with another satisfied customer. QUARK I understand, it's a very... effective program. TIRON On the contrary. I found it dull -- boring, boring, boring. QUARK I'm sorry to hear that, but if you're asking for a refund, forget it -- the contract specifically says that satisfaction is not guaranteed. (beat) But for a valued customer such as yourself, I'll make an exception and let you try a different program. No extra charge. Quark takes out a PADD, studies the screen. QUARK Let's see... something a little more unique. (finding it) Ah, I have just the thing. "A picnic with the pleasure Goddess of Rixx." I can even provide real food -- for a small fee, of course. TIRON I don't like picnics, Quark... and the food here is terrible. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/21/94 - ACT ONE 16. 11 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK All right, forget the food. But believe me, you've never had a picnic like this one. TIRON What I want isn't in your catalog. QUARK Tell me what it is and I can order it for you. It may take some time, but if it exists I'll get it. TIRON That's just it, Quark, the program I want doesn't exist. Not yet, anyway. QUARK A custom program? It'll be expensive. Tiron slaps an entire BAR of latinum on the countertop. QUARK For that kind of money you could move into a holosuite. Now, what is it you want? Tiron leans in for emphasis. TIRON I want Major Kira. QUARK Kira? What are you going to do with Kira in a holosuite? (thinking better of it) No, don't tell me. I don't want to know. TIRON Can you do it, Quark? QUARK It's not going to be easy. I'd have to get her into a holosuite and record her image. And she hates holosuites... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/27/94 - ACT ONE 17. 11 CONTINUED: (4) TIRON Spare me the details. Do we have a deal, or do I take my business elsewhere? QUARK Consider it done. (re: the bar) I'll just keep this here as a deposit. But Tiron takes the bar before Quark can grab it. TIRON You'll get payment on delivery, not a moment sooner. Quark acknowledges with a nod. TIRON And don't disappoint me, Quark. When I walk into that holosuite and see Kira standing there, I'd better believe it's really her. QUARK Leave it to me. Tiron turns and moves away. QUARK (to himself) The things I do for money... Off Quark's expression as he contemplates his task... 12 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY The meal has drawn to a close; Dax and Deral are walking together across the square. Sisko, Bashir and O'Brien can be seen in the background still at the table, talking with Seltin and the others. 13 ON DAX AND DERAL as they walk. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/27/94 - ACT ONE 18. 13 CONTINUED: DERAL (gesturing) -- just beyond that forest there's a little garden with a small pond. DAX It sounds lovely. DERAL It is. They reach a corner of the square, Deral settles onto a bench, and Dax leans against a nearby wall, looks out across the compound. DAX Deral, our scans showed that there are only about thirty of you on the entire planet... DERAL There were never many of us... we're the descendants of an expedition that was stranded here millennia ago. DAX And your population hasn't increased since then? DERAL It did, for a time... but over the last few centuries our numbers have dwindled. She hears the gravity in his tone, realizes that something's wrong. DERAL You see, we only reproduce when we're in humanoid form... and our time here keeps growing shorter. In twelve days, Meridian will shift back into it's non-corporeal state. Dax reacts -- it seems so short a time. DAX And stay there for sixty years... ? DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/27/94 - ACT ONE 19. 13 CONTINUED: (2) DERAL (nods) Eventually we'll only be here for a matter of minutes... when that happens Meridian will become too unstable to successfully shift back to the other dimension. DAX And then what? DERAL The planet, and all its inhabitants, will cease to exist... in either dimension. Off Dax's reaction we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 14 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY As we PAN across the activity in the square, we see children playing with a ball, a family with a picnic basket, heading out of the city, people carrying baskets of fresh flowers, etc. A Meridian is showing O'Brien how to play a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. Bashir is scanning someone with his tricorder. FIND Sisko and Seltin in mid-conversation, standing near the door to a building. SELTIN We deeply appreciate your offer of help, Commander... SISKO If there is a way to stabilize the dimensional shifts, we'll do everything we can to find it. SELTIN (grateful) That's all we can ask... Suddenly Sisko reacts to something -- A light, metallic ball whizzes into frame toward them -- Sisko expertly snatches it from the air. Two young Meridian CHILDREN come running up after the ball. SISKO Here you go... He tosses the ball back to one of them, LITO. LITO Do you want to play vajhaq with us? DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT TWO 21. SISKO (smiles) Maybe later. The kids run off. The door to the building OPENS and Dax and Deral emerge. DAX (to Sisko) Deral and I are beaming up to the Defiant. We're going to run a series of helio-seismic scans on Meridian's sun. SISKO I'll join you... As they move off to stand ready for beam out... SELTIN Good luck. Hold on her hopeful expression as she watches them go... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT TWO 22. 15 OMITTED 16 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. 17 INT. QUARK'S where Quark is pacing. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. Quark keeps glancing out into the Promenade, as if waiting for someone. Suddenly he reacts as if he saw who he was waiting for. He ducks back inside the bar and begins busily cleaning some glasses. A beat later, Kira ENTERS. KIRA Quark, I got a message that Morn wanted to see me. QUARK I'm afraid you just missed him. Suddenly one of the FERENGI WAITERS hurries up to Quark and excitedly gestures to Kira. He whispers something in Quark's ear, causing Quark to smile brightly. QUARK Really? So soon? The waiter holds up a PADD, shows Quark a readout. QUARK (to Kira) Stay right there. Don't move. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - 09/20/94 - ACT TWO 23. 17 CONTINUED: Before Kira can protest Quark grabs a stirrer and starts banging on some glasses to get everyone's attention. QUARK Listen up everyone, I have wonderful news. It's my pleasure to announce that my one millionth customer has just walked through the doors -- and here she is ladies and gentlemen, Major Kira Nerys! Quark begins applauding, and the patrons enthusiastically join in. KIRA Quark, I don't have time for this. A Bajoran CIVILIAN ENTERS the bar from the Promenade and Kira gestures to him. KIRA Why don't you let him be your millionth customer. QUARK But, Major, that would be dishonest. KIRA That's never stopped you before. QUARK This is a special occasion. An event like this only happens once in a barkeep's lifetime. Now let me tell you about your prizes. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - 09/20/94 - ACT TWO 24. 17 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA You mean... I won something? QUARK Of course you won something, it's part of the celebration. KIRA I've never won anything before... QUARK Well now you have. Congratulations. He holds up a hand and snaps his fingers. A Ferengi waiter hurries over with bottle and glass on a tray, festooned with appropriately festive decorations. The patrons applaud approvingly. KIRA You're really serious about this. QUARK My customers are my livelihood, Major. This is a chance for me to give something back to them. Now let's see what we have for you. (points at tray) A bottle of Kandora champagne... vintage twenty-three sixty-eight -- a very good year. As the waiter pops the cork and serves her, Quark hands her some latinum coins. QUARK These are good for five free spins at the dabo wheel... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/20/94 - ACT TWO 25. 17 CONTINUED: (3) The patrons applaud again, and Kira can't help but be a little swept up. With a flourish, Quark presents the PADD he showed Tiron in Act One. QUARK And last but not least, one free hour in a holosuite -- with the program of your choice. KIRA A visit to a holosuite... ? QUARK Offer good today only. KIRA That's perfect. QUARK (gesturing) Right this way. But Kira doesn't move -- KIRA It's Ensign Quintana's birthday... he'd love a free trip to a holosuite. QUARK But, Major, what about you? KIRA You know how I feel about holosuites, Quark. But thanks for the champagne. And with that Kira takes her glass and gambling chips, and heads for the dabo wheel. Off Quark's sigh of disappointment... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT TWO 26. 18 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) orbiting Meridian. 19 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (VPB) where Dax, Deral and Sisko are working at a side science station. O'Brien is working at the back engineering console. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. DAX These are the Defiant's sensor readings from when we first entered this system. (indicating) Take a look at the spectral scan. Sisko and Deral study the screen. SISKO It indicates that your sun was giving off modulated gamma bursts right before Meridian appeared. DERAL My people have no record of that phenomenon... SISKO That's not surprising, since Meridian was in a non-corporeal state when it occurred. DAX Gamma activity would seem to indicate an anomaly in your sun's fusion cycle... SISKO Let's find out for sure. He turns to O'Brien. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT TWO 26A. 19 CONTINUED: SISKO Chief, I want to send a probe into the sun's corona to scan the core. O'Brien turns to a panel, acknowledging. O'BRIEN (working) It'll take a minute to modify its shield configuration. 19A ON DAX AND DERAL Dax is intently studying a monitor... DAX (to herself) How could modulated Gamma bursts cause a dimensional shift? After a beat, Deral looks up from his work and regards her. He studies her look of concentration, clearly finding it endearing. DERAL Do you always do that when you're concentrating? DAX (unsure) Do what? DERAL (smiling) Bite your lower lip. She thinks about it for a beat, and then bites her lower lip again as she concentrates. DAX I guess I do... They share a smile... 19B INCLUDE SISKO AND O'BRIEN O'BRIEN The probe's ready, Commander. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT TWO 27. 19B CONTINUED: SISKO (working console) Target it to these coordinates and launch. 19C EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as the probe shoots out from its hull and zooms toward the SUN... 19D INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE O'Brien and Sisko are monitoring the probe's status on a monitor. O'BRIEN Shields are holding... Dax turns to Deral. DAX It's going to be a while before the probe starts sending back any telemetry... They look at each other, realizing they have time on their hands... and both wondering if the other would like to spend it with them. DERAL Well... I'm sure you have things you need to do. DAX Not really... DERAL What a coincidence... (smiles) -- neither do I. Dax smiles... it's clear they both want to spend time together... 20 EXT. MERIDIAN GARDEN - DAY (LOCATION) where Dax and Deral are strolling through a lush landscape. Deral glances at Dax, who seems lost in thought. After a beat. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT TWO 27A. 20 CONTINUED: DERAL (wry) This isn't exactly turning out the way I planned... DAX What do you mean? DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/23/94 - ACT TWO 28. 20 CONTINUED: (2) DERAL You've barely said a word since we left the settlement. DAX I don't know if you noticed or not... but Seltin didn't seem too happy when she saw us leave together. DERAL (smiles) She'd probably prefer if I was walking with Keshara... or Renar. (beat) Ever since my wife died... everyone's been wondering when I'd find myself another companion. DAX Why haven't you? DERAL (smiles) I guess I've just been waiting for the right woman to fall out of the sky... DAX That probably doesn't happen very often. DERAL It only has to happen once. They glance at each other both knowing he's talking about her. DERAL (continuing) Don't worry about Seltin. After all, we both know this is just a harmless little walk. DAX Absolutely. He stops, looks at a nearby tree. DERAL With a brief stop to climb a tree. He moves to the base of the tree... DERAL Come on. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/23/94 - ACT TWO 29. 20 CONTINUED: (3) He sees her skeptical look. DERAL Don't tell me that in eight lifetimes you've never climbed a tree? DAX That's how I know I'm afraid of heights... DERAL Don't worry... I won't let you fall. He gets a foothold, and starts to climb up the tree's lower branches. He reaches a hand down to Dax, and after a brief hesitation, she takes it. He helps guide her up to where he is. When she's securely perched, he gestures that she look in one direction. 21 DAX'S POV - A SCENIC VIEW OF THE GARDENS DERAL (O.S.) This is one of my favorite views. 22 ON DAX AND DERAL DAX It's hard to believe it might all be gone in two weeks... DERAL I hope not... DAX So do I... He hears that she means this on a deeper, personal level. They look at each other... lean just a hint closer... but the movement causes Dax to momentarily lose her balance... she steadies herself... and they both smile at the flash of fear on her face... DAX We'd better climb down... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/23/94 - ACT TWO 29A. 22 CONTINUED: He deftly makes his way down to the ground, and then waits there to grab hold of Dax, easing her to the ground gently. From a moment they stand there, his hands still around her waist... and then almost reluctantly he lets her go. He leads her off again, and they walk without speaking for a ways. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT TWO 30-31. 23 NEW ANGLE as they approach a small stream cutting through a glade. It's perfectly beautiful. DAX It's as beautiful as you said. DERAL I knew you'd like it. He steps down to the water's edge, reaches into the stream, and pulls out a cluster of ripe BERRIES. DERAL Try one... She pops one in her mouth, and her face tells us how delicious it is. DAX It's wonderful... DERAL I knew you'd like that, too. DAX You know me pretty well for someone who just met me. DERAL I'm glad you noticed... He settles onto the grass by the shore, and motions for Dax to join him. They take in the view for a beat... the sun on their faces... DAX I can't remember the last time I did this... (off his look) Stroll through a garden... climb a tree... eat fresh berries by a pond... (beat) What comes next? He holds her gaze for a beat... then leans toward her and softly kisses her... he pulls back, looks at her... DAX I think I'm starting to remember... She leans in, kisses him... as it grows more passionate we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT THREE 32. ACT THREE FADE IN: 24 EXT. MERIDIAN SETTLEMENT (MATTE SHOT) - DAY from a distance. 25 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY A few days later. As the Meridians go about their activities, Dax and Deral are seated side-by-side at a table, a few PADDS spread out around them. They've been working for hours. After a beat, she looks up from her PADD. DAX How are those calculations coming... ? DERAL I'm checking them now... A beat as he works. DERAL (frustrated) It's the same as before... there's nothing to indicate that gamma bursts are causing the quantum fluctuations. He tosses his PADD down. Dax sees how frustrated he is, leans closer to him, caresses his face with her hand... DAX Then something else must be triggering the dimensional shifts. Whatever it is, we'll find it. He looks at her for a beat, then nods... takes her hand -- they're in this together. Dax's combadge SOUNDS. SISKO'S COM VOICE Sisko to Dax. DAX Go ahead, Commander. INTERCUT AS NEEDED: DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT THREE 33-34. 26 thru OMITTED 28 29 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (VPB) where Sisko and O'Brien have been working. SISKO Good news... we were able to get the probe down another thousand kilometers into the sun's corona. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT THREE 35. 29 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN We picked up some additional telemetry... I'll download it to you. DAX Thank you, Chief. Sisko smiles to himself. SISKO If all that fresh air and sunshine starts getting to you, you're welcome to come back up to the Defiant. DAX (smiles) We're managing all right. SISKO I'm sure you are. Sisko out. END INTERCUT. 30 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY Dax picks up her PADD and studies it... Deral watches her for a moment. She notices he's not working. DAX Don't you want to take a look at the new telemetry? DERAL I'd rather just sit here and look at you. DAX How about this... we work for a few more hours... and then we go back to your room and count each other's spots. DERAL (liking this) Can I go first? DAX (smiles) We'll see... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT THREE 36. 30 CONTINUED: He picks up his PADD, gets to work. After a moment Dax sees something that strikes her as odd. DAX Take a look at the fusion reactants in the core... Deral looks at his PADD for a moment, not seeing it yet. DERAL They're out of balance... DAX (off PADD) That's right, and the imbalance is building toward a cascade reaction on the quantum level... (realizing) -- that's what's triggering the dimensional shifts. Deral sees it now; elated... DERAL If we can stabilize that reaction... DAX We can keep Meridian here longer... They give each other a quick, hard kiss of triumph. DAX I'll get this to Commander Sisko and Chief O'Brien. (smiles) And then we can count each other's spots... Off this moment... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - 09/20/94 - ACT THREE 37. 31 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. 32 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL - OUTSIDE QUARK'S (OPTICAL) Through a 24th century camera VIEWFINDER we see Kira and Odo talking near one of the windows. Telemetry information runs up one side of frame and along the bottom. From this POV, Odo is blocking most of Kira from view. QUARK (O.S.) (under his breath) Odo... move out of the way... 33 NEW ANGLE where we see Quark peering through a HOLO-CAMERA, trying to keep from being seen. QUARK You're ruining my shot... 34 NEW ANGLE CLOSE ON Odo and Kira as they talk. She's looking over a PADD. KIRA These security protocols look fine, Odo. Let me know when the Serilian Ambassador arrives. Odo doesn't answer, he seems to be looking away. KIRA Odo... ? ODO Major... why is Quark trying to take a holo-picture of you? Kira follows Odo's line-of-sight and sees Quark huddled behind a column. KIRA Looks to me like he's pointing it at both of us. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - 09/20/94 - ACT THREE 38. 34 CONTINUED: ODO True, but every time I stand in front of you he seems to get very upset... 35 NEW ANGLE - CAMERA VIEWFINDER POV (OPTICAL) as Kira storms across the crossover bridge, Odo not far behind. She's getting closer, closer -- QUARK (O.S.) Uh-oh... 36 NEW ANGLE Quark tries to hide the camera behind his back as Kira approaches. KIRA What do you think you're doing, Quark? QUARK Nothing... She pulls his arm from behind his back to reveal the camera. KIRA Then what's this? QUARK You mean this holo-imager? I was just recording an image of the Promenade to send home to my mother... Odo harumphs skeptically. KIRA You're trying to take a holo-scan of me and I want to know why. QUARK Of you? Not at all, you just happened to be in the frame. Odo harumphs again. QUARK (continuing) Will you stop doing that? DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/21/94 - ACT THREE 39. 36 CONTINUED: ODO Not until you start telling the truth. QUARK You want the truth? I'll tell you the truth. (to Kira) I was trying to get your image for a special holosuite program I'm designing. ODO I can just imagine what kind of program that would be. QUARK I'm sure you can, but you'd be mistaken. The fact is that I'm working on a simulation of the station's Operations Center. People want to know what goes on up there -- they want to imagine themselves fending off a Cardassian attack, or facing a fleet of Jem'Hadar ships. ODO Naked, I assume. QUARK (to Odo) Isn't there some petty thief you can harass? ODO Just you. Quark ignores him, turns back to Kira. QUARK What do you say, Major? Give the public what they want. They're not asking for much -- just the chance to work side-by-side with you. KIRA They want to work with me, let them apply to the Bajoran Military Academy. (pointed) That way I can be sure everyone in Ops will be wearing their uniform. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/23/94 - ACT THREE 40. 36 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Is that a no? KIRA Let me put it this way, if I ever see you pointing a holo-imager at me again, you'll end up eating it. She and Odo walk off... QUARK (to himself) That's definitely a no... Off Quark's frustration... 37 EXT. MERIDIAN GARDEN - LATE AFTERNOON (LOCATION) Deral is sitting alone by the stream, taking in the end of the day. After a moment, he hears Dax approach. DERAL Jadzia... He moves to her... takes her in his arms. DAX (softly) I've been looking for you... He kisses her... she responds, and the kiss is long and deep. DERAL You found me... DAX I have... good news... She continues, but her tone is a little subdued. DAX It's going to work... we can equalize the time between dimensional shifts... This is overwhelmingly good news to him -- his people will survive. DERAL (interrupting) Jadzia... that's wonderful. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/23/94 - ACT THREE 41. 37 CONTINUED: Dax nods, smiles... but isn't as ebullient as the news would suggest. He gestures with his arms outstretched, as if to take in part of the clearing. DERAL (continuing, with enthusiasm) Do you know what I'm going to do? Build a house -- right here. Nothing extravagant... (smiles) -- just big enough for two... DAX Deral... He sees that she's hesitant to share in his enthusiasm. DERAL I know what you're thinking... this man who just met me is talking about building a home for us. He takes her in his arms. DERAL I realize you have a life back on Deep Space Nine, but now you'll have a place here as well... for when you visit. DAX I won't be able to visit for a while. (off his reaction) It's going to take a long time to stabilize the sun's cascade reaction. DERAL (beginning to understand) How long? Meridian is going to shift in five days. He sees the look on her face, realizes. DERAL (stricken) Jadzia... Dax feels as badly as he does, she's just had a little longer to think about it. She manages a small smile. DAX We'll see each other again... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/23/94 - ACT THREE 42. 37 CONTINUED: (2) DERAL In sixty years... They move into each other's arms. DERAL I want you with me now... She holds him close... DAX That's what I want, too... but there's nothing we can do... A beat. DERAL (decisive) Yes, there is. I can leave Meridian... go back to the Alpha Quadrant with you. She looks at him, can't believe he'd be willing to leave his home for her. DERAL If you'll have me. She breaks into a smile. DAX What do you think? They hold each other close... realizing that they can be together after all... off this moment... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/29/94 - ACT FOUR 43. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 38 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it orbits Meridian. 38A EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY Seltin and a handful of Meridians are heading for the door to one of the buildings -- they're all in an upbeat mood, having heard the news that Meridian can be saved. Dax and Deral approach. SELTIN (seeing them) Deral... we've been looking for you. (smiles) Commander Sisko told us the good news. She and Deral share a hug of happiness... SELTIN (to Dax) I can't thank you enough for all you've done... DAX I'm glad we were able to help. SELTIN The next time Meridian returns here, we'll have thirty years for our people to get to know one another better. Deral knows that what he has to tell Seltin might spoil her mood... but he knows he has to do it. DERAL (to Seltin) I need to discuss something with you. SELTIN Of course... (gesturing to the door) I've called a meeting... now that we have a future again, we need to start planning for it. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/29/94 - ACT FOUR 43A. 38A CONTINUED: SELTIN (Cont'd) (smiles) And you have decisions to make as well. Seltin isn't making it any easier for Deral to tell her that he's leaving. DERAL That's what I want to talk to you about. SELTIN (gently teasing) The person you really need to talk to is Keshara... she's not going to wait for you forever, you know. Dax looks down, realizing this is going to be difficult for Deral. DERAL I was going to speak to her, as well. SELTIN (pleased) I'm glad. DERAL Seltin... But Seltin is too caught up in the moment to notice his troubled expression. SELTIN Think of it, Deral... people can start having families again. Eventually we may have to expand the settlement. Deral manages a small smile... Meridian's future is important to him, even if he's not planning to be a part of it. SELTIN (to Dax) As you can see, Jadzia, we have a great deal of planning to do. (to Deral) I think we've kept the others waiting long enough... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/29/94 - ACT FOUR 43B. 38A CONTINUED: (2) Seltin starts for the door. Deral looks to Dax... there's an awkward beat between them. DAX You'd better go inside... DERAL I'll meet you back on the ship. She nods, and then he follows Seltin inside. Off Dax... this hasn't gone quite the way they'd planned... 39 OMITTED 39A INT. DEFIANT - DAX'S QUARTERS where Bashir and Dax are talking. The mood is easy and casual. BASHIR The person I feel sorry for is Quark. You know he thinks the two of you were made for each other. Dax smiles to herself. BASHIR He probably won't let you win at tongo, anymore. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 39A CONTINUED: DAX What are you talking about? He doesn't let me win. Bashir shrugs a smile, as if he knows something she doesn't. Before Dax can press the issue there's a CHIME at the door. DAX Come in. The door OPENS and Deral ENTERS. Dax moves to him, gives him a kiss. DERAL Well... it's done. I told Seltin and the others I'm leaving Meridian. DAX (sympathetic) What did they say? DERAL They asked me not to go... Seltin feels the settlement can't afford to lose anyone. DAX What did you tell her? DERAL I told her I understood her concern... but that my mind was made up. She touches his arm, tries to reassure him. Deral smiles, tries to shake off his mood. DERAL So... what were you two talking about before I interrupted? Not me, I hope? Bashir and Dax try to take Deral's mind off his troubles. BASHIR Actually, I was just telling Jadzia she isn't as good a tongo player as she thinks she is. DERAL Tongo? DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT FOUR 45-46. 39A CONTINUED: (2) DAX It's a game. And I'm very good at it. BASHIR (smiles) We'll find out next Tuesday night. DAX And I want you there to see for yourself. (smiles) I'll clean you and Quark out. Dax glances over at Deral... and sees he's distracted, his mood subdued. He stands, addresses her. DERAL Jadzia... I have to go... DAX But you just got here. DERAL There are some things I need to do before we leave Meridian... DAX Do you need any help? DERAL No... I just have to say good-bye to a few people... She sees how hard this is for him. He manages a small smile, squeezes her hand goodbye. DERAL I'll see you later tonight. Deral nods a goodbye to Bashir and EXITS. Off Dax's concerned features as she watches him go... 40 INT. QUARK'S SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. A sour looking Tiron waits impatiently at the bar. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/21/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 40 CONTINUED: Quark ENTERS, looking surprisingly jovial. QUARK Tiron, I was just thinking about you. TIRON And I was thinking about you. About your reputation as a man who can get anything for a price. Quark waves this off with false modesty. QUARK Stop, you're embarrassing me... TIRON (a threat) I'll embarrass you even more if you don't get me my program. QUARK Not to worry. Quark brandishes an ISOLINEAR ROD he pulls from his pocket. TIRON Is that it? QUARK No... It's a high-level decryption protocol... and I'm going to use it to get the final information I need for your program. (a beat) It cost me dearly. TIRON If it works, it'll be worth whatever you paid. QUARK I was hoping you'd say that. I'll put it on your bill. TIRON Fine. Just get me my program. I leave in two days. QUARK You'll have it. And I assure you it'll be worth the wait. I'll stake my reputation on it. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/21/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 40 CONTINUED: (2) TIRON You have already. Tiron fixes him with a look and EXITS. Unconcerned, Quark goes behind the bar and opens a panel, revealing some slots. He places the rod in one of them... QUARK Now... where to begin... Off Quark's look of subversive concentration... 41 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. 42 INT. SECURITY OFFICE where Odo is sitting at his desk. After a beat, Kira ENTERS. KIRA You wanted to see me? ODO Yes, someone's been illegally accessing the station's personnel files... your file, to be exact. KIRA Mine? ODO They downloaded your voiceprint, your retinal scan, even your psychiatric profile. Kira can't believe it; she feels violated. ODO I managed to trace the data-path back to its source. KIRA Let me guess... Quark. ODO Was there any doubt? DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT FOUR 49. 42 CONTINUED: KIRA With all that information he'll have no problem generating a holo-image of me. ODO So, shall I arrest him, or would you prefer to do it yourself? KIRA No. I have a better idea. Could you spare a few hours? I want to prepare a little surprise for Quark. Odo nods, happy to oblige. Off this moment... 43 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - NIGHT Deral and Dax are reclined on a bench, his arms around her. Deral is quiet as Dax speaks; he's looking up at the sky, thinking... DAX -- you see, the key to tongo is to confront when you're sure you're in a better position than the other players. And if your cards match the roll of the dice, you win. There's a beat as Dax waits for Deral's response. DAX Deral... ? DERAL Go on, I'm listening. DAX You haven't heard a word I've said, have you? DERAL I'm sorry... I just have so much on my mind... Dax knows what he's thinking about. DAX (softly) You don't want to leave Meridian, do you? DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/27/94 - ACT FOUR 50. 43 CONTINUED: DERAL I said I would... and I will. DAX I know what you said... but what do you want? DERAL (a sad smile) To be with you... DAX But you're worried about your people. DERAL There are so few of us, Jadzia... and now that Meridian has a future again, they need me. Dax sees that Deral is faced with an impossible decision... and that there's only one solution. DAX Then you have to stay. He looks at her, not understanding. DERAL And lose you? No. DAX What if you didn't have to lose me? (off his look) What if I stayed here with you? Deral looks at her, touched by the offer. DERAL I wish you could... but it's not possible... your molecular structure wouldn't survive the dimensional shift. DAX We could use the transporter buffer to match my quantum matrix to yours. Deral hears the certainty her voice. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT FOUR 51-52. 43 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (smiles) I discussed it with Julian after you left my quarters. He can't believe this good news. DERAL Jadzia... are you sure you're willing to do this? DAX It's the only way we can be together... and I don't want to lose you, either. They move into each other's arms... hold each other close... off this moment we... 44 thru OMITTED 45 FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT FIVE 53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 46 INT. DEFIANT - DAX'S QUARTERS where Dax is working on a PADD. After a beat, the door CHIMES. DAX Come in. The door OPENS revealing Sisko. DAX Benjamin... She gestures that he come in. He ENTERS and the door shuts behind him. DAX I was just finishing up my request to Starfleet for a leave of absence... SISKO I bet this is the first time anyone's ever requested a sixty-year leave... They share a quiet smile. She offers him the PADD. DAX You'll see that it gets to them? After a beat, he accepts the PADD from her. SISKO If you're sure this is what you really want. DAX (lightly) What I really want, Benjamin, is for you to say you're happy for me. Sisko is thoughtful for a beat. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT FIVE 54. 46 CONTINUED: SISKO I guess I just need to know that you've thought this through. If Curzon told me he wanted to go off with a woman he just met, I would've tried to talk him out of it. DAX (smiles) And you would have been right; he fell in love with someone new every other week... (beat) But I'm not Curzon. Sisko has to admit to himself that she's right. SISKO No... and I can't say I've ever seen Jadzia do anything without thinking it through first. Sisko manages a small smile. SISKO I am happy for you... it's just... I'm going to miss you, old man. She moves to him, takes his hand. DAX You've been a friend to me for two lifetimes... and I can't imagine what it's going to be like not having you around. She looks at him, sadness in her eyes. DAX Leaving Deep Space Nine is the hardest thing I've ever had to do... but I know it's the right thing. After a beat, Sisko acknowledges with a small nod. DAX Besides, after eight lifetimes as a humanoid, existing as pure consciousness might be an interesting change. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 46 CONTINUED: (2) They share a smile. SISKO Next time we see each other... I'll probably be a great grandfather. DAX (smiles) Good, then I can start calling you "old man." SISKO I'll look forward to it... They hold each other's eyes for a beat... off this moment... 47 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. 48 INT. QUARK'S - UPPER LEVEL - OUTSIDE HOLOSUITE where Quark has just brought Tiron up to the door. He's looking very pleased with himself. Tiron steps toward it, but Quark stops him. QUARK Now, I believe we agreed that I'd be paid on delivery... ? TIRON I haven't seen the merchandise yet. Quark is about to object but Tiron continues. TIRON You know, if this program is as good as you claim, I might just purchase it from you to use at home. QUARK (awestruck) You... have your own holosuite... ? TIRON Just a little present I bought myself... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/21/94 - ACT FIVE 56. 48 CONTINUED: And with that he EXITS to the holosuite. Quark watches the door shut behind him. QUARK (to himself) His very own holosuite... it's good to have money... Quark shakes his head, then heads back down to the lower level. 49 INT. HOLOSUITE A four-poster bed surrounded by gossamer hanging curtains. Tiron stands outside the curtains, and through them he can barely make out Kira's form; she's reclined seductively on the bed, her head and shoulders in shadow. He takes in the sight he's waited so long to see... moves forward... parts the curtains... 50 TIRON'S POV (OPTICAL) He sees Kira's naked leg first... the camera travels up her thigh, and along her torso, which is wrapped in a flimsy, pink nightgown. The camera continues to travel up, past her shoulders, until it comes to rest on... QUARK'S HEAD, perched atop her body! QUARK (KIRA'S VOICE) (seductively) I've been waiting for you... 51 NEW ANGLE as Tiron reacts -- his eyes go wide with disgust. He averts his eyes, backs away... CUT TO: 52 INT. QUARK'S where a smug-looking Quark stands near the bar. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. Quark's eye is caught by the unexpected sight of Tiron coming down the stairs from the upper level; his face a mask of controlled anger -- he thinks he's been made a fool of. He comes up to Quark, his eyes filled with hate. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT FIVE 57. 52 CONTINUED: TIRON (even) I'll ruin you for this, Quark. QUARK (perplexed) You mean, you didn't like the program? TIRON I don't know how, and I don't know when -- but I'll ruin you. And with that, he turns and moves toward the door. QUARK Wait, what about my money... But Tiron ignores him, EXITS to the Promenade... passing Odo and Kira, who have just ENTERED the bar, and are standing there with satisfied smiles. KIRA Another satisfied customer, Quark? Quark takes one look at her face and he knows he's in trouble... off this moment... 53 OMITTED 54 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien is near the control panel as Dax is preparing to step onto the Transporter. Bashir is scanning her with his TRICORDER, and Sisko stands nearby. BASHIR How do you feel? DAX Pretty good... (wry) -- considering I spent six hours having my molecule's scrambled in the transporter. Dax leans into Julian and kisses him on the cheek. BASHIR I... don't know what to say... DAX (lightly) That's a first... He smiles, but it's tinged with sadness. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT FIVE 58. 54 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN According to Deral's calculations, the dimensional shift should occur within the next forty-seven minutes. DAX (to O'Brien) Think you'll be done overhauling the station by the time I see you again? O'BRIEN I doubt it... They share a smile. She squeezes Sisko's hand as she moves past him and onto the transporter pad. When she's in position: DAX Tell Quark I'll be back to collect the three strips of latinum he owes me... with sixty years interest. They all smile, but it's bittersweet. After a beat. SISKO Energize. O'Brien works the controls. 55 ON SISKO AND THE OTHERS as they watch her DEMATERIALIZE... knowing they won't see her again for a very long time. 56 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY where Dax has just MATERIALIZED. Deral sees her, and approaches, a smile on his features. DERAL (wry) I was beginning to think you were having second thoughts... Dax smiles, still feeling the sadness of leaving her friends. DAX No... just saying good-bye. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 56 CONTINUED: He senses her sadness, takes her hand. DERAL You missed Last Meal... but I saved you some of these. He produces a small cluster of the berries they picked from the stream. Dax smiles, her spirits beginning to lift. Seltin approaches from another part of the square. SELTIN Jadzia... I just want you to know how happy we are that you've decided to join us... Dax acknowledges Seltin's words with a small nod. People have started to come together in the square. SELTIN (re: the activity) Everyone's beginning to gather... it's almost time... She moves away... Dax turns to Deral... DAX Is there anything I have to do to prepare? DERAL (wry) Nothing I can think of... DAX How about I just hold onto you... ? They move into each other's arms, hold each other close... DAX After all, we're not going to be together like this again for a long time... (smiles) -- and I was just getting used to it. DERAL We'll still be together, Jadzia... in a way you can't even imagine... DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT FIVE 60. 56 CONTINUED: (2) She smiles full of anticipation... off this moment... 57 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it orbits Meridian. 58 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE O'Brien is at the Conn, Sisko and Bashir stand nearby. They're looking at the viewscreen. 59 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) where we see Meridian begin to shimmer. O'BRIEN There she goes... BASHIR (softly) Good-bye, Jadzia... We hold on their faces for a beat as they watch... 60 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY as Dax, Deral, Seltin, Yoneb and the others stand in the center of the square. Their faces are inclined toward the sky... their features peaceful... expectant... Suddenly, we hear a RUMBLE... it builds, and the ground begins to TREMBLE. The Meridians react, look around as if they weren't expecting this. Dax sees the concern on their faces, hears hushed and worried exchanges... DERAL Something's wrong... Off his growing concern... 61 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) where Sisko and the others are watching the planet on the viewscreen. Bashir has moved to a console. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT FIVE 61. 61 CONTINUED: BASHIR Commander, I'm reading intense seismic activity throughout the planet's crust... O'BRIEN (off console) It better shift soon, or it's going to tear itself apart. Off their realization that Meridian is in danger... 61A EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY (OPTICAL) The TREMORS have intensified. As Dax watches, everything around her begins to SHIMMER and FADE until the Meridians lose cohesion, turning into ghost-like misty energy figures -- but Dax remains solid. Deral extends a shimmering hand to Dax... DERAL Jadzia... Dax tries to take hold of Deral's hand, but their hands pass through each other. Everything around Dax seems to be trapped in an intermediate state between matter and energy... In his last moment of cohesion, Deral looks at her... their eyes say it all. And then he slips away... Dax can't breath without an atmosphere, begins to drift helplessly as the ground, the environment, loses cohesion around her... gravity disappears... 61B INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) O'BRIEN (off console) I'm picking up some kind of singularity in the planet's quantum matrix... it's interfering with the dimensional shift... BASHIR (off console) It's functioning almost like an anchor... O'BRIEN Commander, it's Dax -- her presence there is destabilizing the matrix. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT FIVE 61A. 61B CONTINUED: SISKO (to com) Sisko to Dax. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/29/94 - ACT FIVE 62. 61C EXT. ENERGY MIST (OPTICAL) Dax is unable to answer... she writhes in anguish... grabbing at her throat... 61D INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) On the viewscreen Meridian continues to SHIMMER. BASHIR Get her out of there, Chief... O'Brien rushes for the door. 61E EXT. ENERGY MIST (OPTICAL) Mist energy that used to be the Meridians are still trapped between dimensions... They're twisting in the wind, as it were... we must assume they are in distress too... After a moment, Dax begins to DEMATERIALIZE. A moment later, the process on the ground is able to continue and the energy eclipses into space. 62 thru OMITTED 63 64 EXT. SPACE - DEFIANT On its way home. 65 INT. DEFIANT - DAX'S QUARTERS Dax sits quietly morose as the door CHIMES... She doesn't respond... SISKO (O.S.) Dax? After a beat, she moves to the door and hits the panel that opens to reveal Sisko... SISKO I thought you'd like to know, Meridian shifted normally once we beamed you away. DAX Good. DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/29/94 - ACT FIVE 62A. 65 CONTINUED: SISKO (starts) Jadzia, I'm sorry... DAX Don't Benjamin. There's nothing you can do. I just need a little time... Sisko nods, understands, EXITS. After he's gone, to herself... DAX ... Just sixty years or so. On her still expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END