STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The House of Quark" (fka "Fight to the Death") #40513-449 Story by Tom Benko Teleplay by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION August 1, 1994 STAR TREK: DS9 "The House of Quark" - 08/01/94 - CAS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The House of Quark" CAST SISKO D'GHOR KIRA GOWRON ODO GRILKA QUARK KOZAK BASHIR TUMEK DAX PATRON O'BRIEN KEIKO ROM MORN Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. SECURITY STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE: "The House of Quark" - 08/01/94 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The House of Quark" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE QUARK'S/SECOND LEVEL KLINGON HOMEWORLD O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS CORRIDOR SISKO'S OFFICE REPLIMAT GRILKA'S HOUSE GREAT HALL STAR TREK: "The House of Quark" - 08/01/94 - PRONUNCIATION Page STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The House of Quark" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BREK'TAL brek-TALL CHOIECHU cho-EE-choo COVERIAN CO-ver-ee-an DAH DAH DAIMON OROK DAY-mun O-rok D'GHOR duh-GOR GALCOR GAL-kor GOWRON GOW-ron GRILKA GRILL-ka JANITZA JAH-neet-za KELDAR KEL-dar KOZAK KO-zak KRONOS KRO-nos LORINE LO-reen MAK'DAR MAHK-dar MEV'YAP MEV-yap PAHTAK pah-TAK PLOMEEK PLO-meek Q'APLA k-PIAH STO'VO'KOR STO-vo-kor TUMEK TOO-mek Page 2. KLINGON SENTENCES "GO'EVEH... LU CHA WABEH... MO KA RE'CHOS" GO-eveh... LOO-cha wah-BEH... MO-ka REE-chos "TO VA RE'LUK" too-VAH REE-luk "GHOS MA'LU KAH" GHOS mah-LOO-kah "YEJ RHIN" YEZH REN "N' GOS TMOGH CHA" N'GHOS TLO-cha DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The House of Quark" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S It's late at Quark's. MORN and a lovely young WOMAN appear to be the only customers... after a beat, they finish up their drinks and then head for the EXIT. QUARK and ROM watch them leave the now-empty bar with expressions of depression. QUARK Now I know we're doomed. ROM Why, Brother? QUARK Rule of Acquisition number two-eighty- six: When Morn leaves, it's all over. ROM There's no such rule. QUARK There should be. ROM (shocked) I know business is bad, but that's no reason to -- QUARK Bad? Bad?! (indicates bar) It's twenty-one hundred hours, the bar's open, there's a sale on synthehol, and there's no one here! Rom cringes in fear... then a drunken Klingon voice breaks in from across the bar. KOZAK'S VOICE You -- Ferengi! Another blood wine! Now! DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: They look over at the direction of the voice and now we can see a Klingon named KOZAK slumped over a table in the far corner. He is thoroughly drunk and he looks even more thoroughly disreputable: he sways unsteadily in his chair, his hair is matted and unkempt, and his clothes look like he's been wearing them for days. Quark rolls his eyes as Rom tries to sound more encouraging. ROM At least someone is still here. QUARK How many has he had? ROM A dozen... Rom scurries off to get another drink for Kozak. Quark sits down on one of the barstools and contemplates his fortunes. QUARK (to himself) I should've gone into insurance... better hours... more money... less scruples... Rom returns from Kozak's table and approaches Quark with trepidation -- there's something he doesn't want to tell his brother. But Quark is into his own little reverie and he is oblivious to Rom's nervousness. QUARK It's all Sisko's fault. Rom glances nervously back at the Klingon. ROM Sisko? QUARK That's right. If he'd handled things better with the Dominion, none of this would've happened. They want a foothold in the Alpha Quadrant? Cut a deal... make some arrangements... give them a little something for their trouble... ROM Brother... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (not listening) But no... he had to play it tough... so now everyone's afraid of the Dominion... ROM Yes, but Brother... QUARK ... and that means fewer people on the station... which means fewer people at Quark's... which means... I'm out of business. An angry shout from Kozak finally gets Quark's attention. KOZAK (slurred) Where's my wine, you cowering little Ferengi slug? QUARK (annoyed, to Rom) What's the problem? ROM He... says he's out of... money. He's asking for credit. QUARK Credit? Look around Rom, do you think we're in any condition to be offering credit? ROM No, but you know how difficult Klingons can be. QUARK You just have to show a little backbone. Once they realize you mean business, they always back down. Rom glances over at Kozak in fear. Quark gets up with a mixture of disgust and anger. QUARK I'll handle this. Watch and learn. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - TEASER 4. 1 CONTINUED: (3) Quark goes over to Kozak's table. Kozak is nearly falling out of his chair at this point. Quark draws himself up to his full height and plants himself before Kozak. QUARK (loud and firm) My name is Quark. Kozak looks up at him... and the moment he does, Quark's entire demeanor collapses into a posture of obsequious servility. QUARK (continuing, humble) And I would like to discuss... arranging a line of credit... But Kozak is in a drunken haze and doesn't even understand what Quark is saying. He gets unsteadily to his feet... he's swaying dangerously as he towers over Quark. KOZAK (drunk) You dare speak to me like that... you pathetic mak'dar... Kozak's eyes suddenly flare in rage and he pulls a KNIFE from his belt and charges at Quark with a drunken ROAR OF ANGER. Quark tries to get out of the way, but Kozak is too big and moving too fast... Kozak swings the knife... Quark throws up a feeble hand in defense... but Kozak is so drunk that he STUMBLES over his own feet... his vast bulk coming down on top of Quark, who SCREAMS in terror. They both crash to the deck. Rom watches in horror as the two men lie still on the ground, Kozak on top of Quark. There's a beat, then Kozak falls off of Quark and onto his back. The knife is sticking out of his chest... Quark looks at him in shock. The huge Klingon is dead. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 2 INT. QUARK'S Later. Kozak's body is on a medical gurney... the knife sticking out of his chest. BASHIR is checking over the body with a tricorder, while an N.D. NURSE stands by. ODO is looking over the area near the body. There are two N.D. SECURITY GUARDS standing at the entrance to keep back the LARGE CROWD of curious passersby who are straining to get a glimpse of what's going on. Quark and Rom are near the bar, just out of earshot from the death scene. Rom is nervous and agitated, while Quark is staring at the crowd just outside the entrance like a starving man looking at his first meal in days. ROM (re: Kozak's body) How long are they going to leave... him there? I wish they would hurry up and get rid of him. QUARK I wish we could put him on display... ROM What? QUARK Look at them, Rom... they're consumed with morbid fascination... they can't wait to get in here... Quark takes another step toward the crowd, thinking rapidly. QUARK (continuing) They all want to know what happened. Was it a bar fight? What started it? And most of all, who killed the Klingon? DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/02/94 - ACT ONE 6. 2 CONTINUED: ROM But no one killed him... it was an accident. Quark whirls on his brother and pushes him against the bar. QUARK (quickly, hushed) Wrong. I killed him. In a bar fight. (off his look) You heard me. I killed him in self- defense. ROM But where is the profit in lying about a simple -- Quark grabs Rom by the earlobe and jerks his head to face the crowd. Rom winces in pain. QUARK Look at that crowd. How long has it been since you've seen that many customers waiting to get in here. This is an opportunity to turn everything around. Quark releases Rom, who rubs his ear in pain. ROM This is insane Brother. What if... (re: body) ... his family comes looking for the killer... what if they want revenge? QUARK If push comes to shove... we tell the truth and no harm is done. Rom still looks dubious, so Quark softens his tone and moves closer to him. QUARK (continuing) Rom... let me put it another way. If business doesn't improve, I'll have to start making a few cutbacks in the operation of the bar... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 7. 2 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (beat) Beginning with your salary. ROM How big of a cutback? QUARK I'd probably have to cut it back to... zero. As Rom takes in this horrifying possibility, Odo comes up to talk to them. ODO All right, Quark... start at the beginning and tell me -- Rom spins around instantly. ROM (quickly) My brother fought a desperate hand- to-hand battle with the Klingon and was forced to kill in self-defense. Odo looks from Quark to the oversized Klingon lying on the deck. ODO You... killed him? QUARK I'm sorry, but I couldn't avoid it. Quark moves away from Odo and begins to play out the scene for the crowd. Bashir has finished with the body, and the Nurse takes it away on the gurney. Bashir now begins to listen as well. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 8. 2 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK (continuing) He was abusive... vulgar... a typical drunken Klingon. All that was fine... but then it came time to pay the bill... and he refused. I insisted. We began to argue... he pushed me... I pushed back... I was about to call for security to throw him out of my bar when suddenly he pulled a knife on me! The crowd is mesmerized by the tale and this only propels Quark more. He throws himself into the story. QUARK (continuing) I avoided the first thrust... he came at me again... I hit him with a left jab... there was a furious exchange of blows. The next thing I knew, his knife was at my throat... so I twisted it from his grasp and plunged it into his chest. (beat, then solemn) I'll never forget the look on his face as his life drained away. It was... I'd rather not talk about it anymore. Quark turns away, apparently moved by the memory, and the Crowd begins talking animatedly among themselves. Odo gives him a skeptical look. ODO If you've finished your performance, I'd like to hear the real story now. QUARK You heard it. And my brother is a witness. ROM That's right. ODO If this is some kind of joke... I'm not laughing, Quark. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 9. 2 CONTINUED: (4) QUARK Nor should you. (dramatically, for crowd) Death is nothing to laugh about. Believe me, I know! But if this tragic incident has taught me anything, it's that we have to live life to the fullest while we can... we must live for today because tomorrow may never come, so... drink up, everyone -- the bar is open! Quark throws out his arms and the crowd rushes in with an excited jabber... eager to see and hear everything for themselves. Odo and Bashir exchange a look and then head for the EXIT. 3 thru OMITTED 4 DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 10. 5 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS KEIKO is trimming a bonsai tree in their quarters when O'BRIEN ENTERS. O'BRIEN (to Keiko) Hi, Honey. KEIKO Hi. O'Brien gives his wife a kiss and then moves to the replicator. It's been a long day for O'Brien and he's here to relax. Keiko is unusually quiet and subdued. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 11. 5 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN What a day... (to replicator) Synthale, tall glass. We HEAR the replicator work and O'Brien pulls a tall glass of ale out of the unit. He sits down and takes a long pull from his ale. O'BRIEN (continuing) We had three Coverian freighter captains who all wanted to use the same docking port... someone stole a case of medical supplies from the Infirmary... two power failures... O'Brien shakes his head and puts his feet up... it takes him a beat, but then he notices that Keiko is being strangely silent. O'BRIEN (continuing) How was school? Keiko picks up another gardening tool and hesitates before answering. KEIKO I... closed it. O'BRIEN (surprised) Closed the school? Why? What happened? Keiko's tone is neither angry nor somber, just resigned. She's trying not to let this bother her and she's not going to make a scene about it. KEIKO My last two Bajoran students left today... their families are relocating back to Bajor. That left Jake, Nog... and a lot of empty chairs. O'BRIEN But what about Jake and Nog? Don't they need to... ? DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 12. 5 CONTINUED: (2) KEIKO I told them both I'd be happy to tutor them from now on... but two students aren't enough to sustain a school. O'Brien gets up and goes to her. O'BRIEN I'm really sorry, Keiko... He puts his arm around her and she manages to smile at him a little. KEIKO It's not your fault. Everyone's just afraid of the Dominion. People aren't going to be bringing their families to live on the station anymore... so that means no more children... which means no more school. O'Brien regards her with compassion and Keiko gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. KEIKO Don't look so upset. It's not like I was planning to be a teacher the rest of my life. I'm fine. Really. Keiko moves off to work on another bonsai tree. It's clear from the look on her face that this has affected her more than she's letting on. O'Brien looks at her and we can see that he is deeply concerned about her. Off his concerned expression... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 13. 6 INT. QUARK'S A large crowd has now filled Quark's... people are drinking, eating, playing dabo, business is good. A large group of patrons are hanging on every word as Quark narrates his tale. Quark's attitude is nonchalant, playing the part of a man who just "did what he had to do." QUARK Afraid? Of course I was afraid, but that man was in my bar and he had a bill to pay. And I wasn't going to have him walk out of here without paying it. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 14. 6 CONTINUED: PATRON Must have been some fight. I wish I'd been here to see it. QUARK (dramatically) No you don't. There's nothing pretty about watching a man die. It's something I'll have to live with the rest of my life. Can I get you a drink? A waiter appears at Quark's signal and looks at the Patron expectantly. PATRON (to waiter) Yeah... give Mister Quark a drink... and put it on my tab. There is a round of applause for Quark as he smiles modestly and moves behind the bar with Rom, who is busily filling orders. Quark takes a drink and looks around the bar with pleasure and then notices that Odo is sitting at the bar a short distance away watching him. QUARK Don't worry Constable, I won't be dispatching anymore customers today. You don't have to keep an eye on me. ODO Thank you for putting my mind at ease. But I didn't come here to protect the patrons from your... violent temper. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 15. 6 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Then what can I do for you? ODO I just thought you'd like to know who it was that you "killed in self defense." His name was Kozak... by all accounts a thoroughly disreputable character and a notorious drunkard. QUARK Well, sounds like he was going to get killed sooner or later... it's a shame it had to happen here. ODO Isn't it? I thought you'd also like to know that Kozak wasn't just some drifter passing through. (beat) In fact, he was the head of a Klingon family... a rather powerful family from what I can gather... Rom turns around as he hears this with a look of fear on his face. Some of the bravado leaves Quark's features but he doesn't back down. ODO (continuing) Now... do you want to change your story or do you want to wait until Kozak's family shows up and asks to see the Ferengi bartender who killed him? But to Odo's surprise, instead of cowering in fear Quark leans forward with a determined look on his face. QUARK I told you what happened, Constable. Now either order something or make room for a paying customer. Odo is surprised and can't help but give Quark a puzzled smile. He gets up and EXITS. Rom quickly moves to Quark. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 16. 6 CONTINUED: (3) ROM Brother didn't you hear what he said? QUARK I heard him. ROM Then we have to tell the truth. We've made enough profit in the last few hours to make up for the losses we... QUARK This isn't about profit anymore. It's about respect. ROM It is? QUARK (indicates crowd) You see the way they look at me now? I'm not just some venal Ferengi trying to take their money. I'm Quark -- slayer of Klingons. (beat) I've struck a blow for Ferengis everywhere. ROM What about Kozak's family? What if they come here for revenge? QUARK If that happens I'll stand up... look them right in the eye... and offer them a bribe. CUT TO: 7 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 8 INT. CORRIDOR Quark is swaggering down the corridor feeling pretty good about himself... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 17. 8 CONTINUED: he rounds a corner and suddenly a large hand reaches out and grabs him by the collar and slams him against the bulkhead. A large Klingon named D'GHOR is holding Quark and he doesn't look happy. D'GHOR (snarling) You... killed my brother. Off Quark's terrified expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 9 INT. CORRIDOR Continuous from Act One. D'Ghor is still holding Quark up against the bulkhead. QUARK I think there's been some mistake. My name is Rom... you want my brother, Quark. He's shorter, not as intelligent looking... D'GHOR It won't work, Quark. You were described to me very clearly... a Ferengi with a mouth bigger than his ears. D'Ghor glares at him, then suddenly releases him, but the Klingon stays close enough to prevent any kind of escape. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 19. 9 CONTINUED: D'GHOR (continuing) My brother... killed by a miserable Ferengi... I would never have believed it possible. QUARK I can explain... D'GHOR You'd better. I want to know exactly how Kozak died. (pulls a knife) And if I don't like what I hear... QUARK (quickly) You'll like it, believe me. (beat) He was in the bar... I asked him to pay his tab... he refused... I was willing to let it go at that... but then he grabbed his knife and came at me. And the truth is... he was so... inebriated that he... just... fell... and... D'GHOR (deadly) I hope you're not going to tell me he died in an accident. QUARK (confused) You do? D'GHOR Yes. Because there's no honor in such a death. And if Kozak died in disgrace, that disgrace would be passed along to the rest of his family. (moves closer with knife) So if you were the cause of an accident which will dishonor my entire family... then I'm going to kill you and shove your miserable corpse out the nearest airlock. This catches Quark completely off-guard... he's not sure what to do. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 20. 9 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK I see... D'GHOR On the other hand, if he died as a warrior -- in personal combat -- then there would be no dishonor for him or his family. Quark blinks for a moment... trying to digest this unexpected turn of events. QUARK So you're saying that if I... killed him in personal combat, that's... good? D'GHOR Of course it's not good, he was my brother! (beat) But it would be honorable... and an honorable death needs no vengeance... your life would be spared. QUARK D'Ghor, I wish you could've been there. You'd have been proud of your brother. He fought a brave and valiant battle right up to the end. It was an honor to kill him. D'GHOR I'm sure it was. (puts knife away) Remember that when you tell your customers about the death of Kozak. QUARK You can count on it. D'GHOR (a shout) Q'apla! (success) Quark flinches, but then D'Ghor heads off down the Corridor, leaving Quark to catch his breath after narrowly avoiding death. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 21. 10 OMITTED 10A INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS O'Brien is putting the final touches on what is obviously a romantic dinner for two: candles, flowers, a bottle of champagne, elegant dinnerware, soft lights, music, etc. He's wearing an elegant civilian outfit and everything looks perfect. The doors OPEN and Keiko ENTERS. She stops short as she takes in the sight and her shock is obvious. KEIKO Miles... what... what's going on? O'BRIEN You're five minutes early. The canapes aren't ready yet. KEIKO Have I missed something? O'BRIEN Now don't tell me you've forgotten what day it is... Keiko looks at him blankly. KEIKO Well... it's not our anniversary... or my birthday... or... O'Brien opens the champagne and pours them both a glass. O'BRIEN I can't believe you've forgotten. (off her blank look) It's "I'm married to the most wonderful woman in the galaxy day." I marked it on your calender. He hands her the glass of champagne and Keiko can't help but smile at him in a mixture of surprise and genuine emotion. KEIKO I don't think I'm too familiar with that day. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 22. 10A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN It's an old Irish tradition. I thought we should start celebrating it. They move closer together. KEIKO Too bad it only comes once a year. O'BRIEN Actually, it's a very irregular holiday... crops up all over the place. Sometimes twice in the same day. O'Brien takes her in his arms. KEIKO Really? So what's the traditional celebration? Cake? Noisemakers? Fireworks? He leans in to kiss her. O'BRIEN Oh... definitely fireworks... He kisses her and she responds... and as they embrace... DISSOLVE TO: 10B INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS The next morning. The candles are burnt out, there's evidence that at least some of the food was eaten and the bottle of champagne is empty and upside-down in its bucket. O'Brien and Keiko come out of the bedroom. O'Brien is wearing his uniform, while Keiko has on a silk robe. They are both still glowing after last night. O'BRIEN I should be able to finish the docking inspection by thirteen hundred. How about lunch at the Replimat? KEIKO Sounds good to me. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 23. 10B CONTINUED: O'BRIEN It's a date then. (gives her a kiss) See you later. He turns to go, but then Keiko pulls him back to her for a moment. KEIKO I just wanted to say thank you for last night. It was... wonderful. O'BRIEN (with sexual meaning) You already thanked me. They share a smile and then O'Brien heads for the door. O'BRIEN I'll be on upper pylon two if you need me. A little of the joy fades from Keiko's face and her voice. KEIKO Okay. I'll be... here. There's a definite sadness as Keiko says this and O'Brien picks up on it immediately. He pauses as he reaches the door and turns back to look at his wife. Keiko keeps smiling at him, but some of the light has gone out of her eyes. She turns and moves to one of her bonsai plants and O'Brien watches her for a long moment... the image of his wife all alone in the room affects him deeply and the glow of the night before suddenly seems a distant memory. Off his troubled expression... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 24. 11 INT. QUARK'S It's after hours and the bar is closed. Quark is counting out latinum bars at a table -- they've made quite a haul today. QUARK Not bad... not bad... but this is just the beginning. I'm thinking of cordoning off the area where Kozak died as a kind of memorial... maybe with a commemorative plaque. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 25. 11 CONTINUED: QUARK We can charge people admission if they want to see the bloodstains. ROM Brother... maybe this has gone too far... maybe we should just take the money we've made and move on to other ventures. The Klingons may not like us profiting on the death of one of their -- QUARK (hard) I told you -- I took care of the Klingons. They won't bother us again. Now stop thinking and start cleaning... beginning with the store room, it's filthy. Go! Rom scurries out of the bar. Quark sits back for a moment and surveys his domain... he's feeling particularly good about himself... his business... life in general. Suddenly Quark sees a HOODED FIGURE standing in the shadows of the bar. QUARK Who's there? We're closed. The figure doesn't move. Quark moves closer. GRILKA (softly) Are you Quark? Quark's eyes narrow in suspicion. QUARK That depends on who's asking. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 26. 11 CONTINUED: (2) The figure steps into the light and pulls back the hood, revealing GRILKA'S face -- she is a striking Klingon woman, whose features are regal and proud. At the moment, her face is etched with sadness and grief... there is no hostility or anger in her, just the look of a woman who's suffered a great loss. GRILKA (softly) My name is Grilka... Kozak was my husband. Grilka looks away from him in grief and Quark can't help but feel bad... he hadn't really expected this. QUARK Oh... well, come in. (beat) Can I get you a drink... or something to eat... ? She takes a couple more steps into the room... as if trying to decide what to say to him. GRILKA I've been told... that you are the one who... killed my husband. QUARK I... didn't want to. I... had no choice. GRILKA Was it... an honorable death? Quark moves to her, trying his very best to comfort this widow. QUARK Absolutely. He died... like a warrior. Grilka nods, seems to take some comfort in that... Quark watches her for a moment... hunts for something to ease her pain. QUARK (continuing) I'm very sorry about what happened. Is there anything I can do... ? DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 27. 11 CONTINUED: (3) GRILKA Actually, there is... defend yourself! And with that, Grilka flings off the hooded robe, and pulls a knife from her belt. She snarls at Quark and comes at him with the knife. Quark reacts with the finely tuned instincts of the true coward and he leaps backward over the bar and crashes onto the floor. Grilka moves to the bar, but doesn't pursue him over it. Grilka leans over the bar and sees Quark cowering in fear on the floor, using a serving tray as a protective shield. Grilka looks at him for a beat, and then her anger disappears just as quickly as it came. She regards him calmly. GRILKA (with contempt) So this is the man who killed my husband... in personal combat... Quark hears the change in tone and he looks up cautiously to see that Grilka is not still coming for him. Quark slowly stands, a look of suspicion coming over his face. QUARK What's going on here? Who are you? GRILKA I told you, I'm Kozak's widow. But first things first, Quark. I want to know how my husband died, and I want the truth. Quark glances down at the knife in her hand... after a beat, Grilka puts the knife back in her belt. QUARK All right... he was drunk and he did try to attack me... but he tripped and fell on his own knife. A look of relief quickly washes over Grilka. GRILKA So you lied... to the station security officer... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 28. 11 CONTINUED: (4) GRILKA (Cont'd) ... to your customers... and to D'Ghor. You must be quite a liar. QUARK It's... a gift. GRILKA I think it's time you put that gift to work... for me. Quark's eyes narrow in suspicion, but before he can do anything about it, Grilka's hand flashes up and applies a hypospray to his neck. Quark falls unconscious on the bar. Grilka puts the hypo away and then activates a communicator. GRILKA (to com) Cho'echu! (energize) Grilka and Quark DEMATERIALIZE. CUT TO: 12 EXT. KLINGON HOMEWORLD (MATTE SHOT) - NIGHT The homeworld of the Klingon Empire. 13 INT. GRILKA'S HOUSE - NIGHT We are in one of the main rooms. The house is decorated in noble, heroic themes... this is the home of a Klingon family with long, proud traditions. But the family has fallen on hard times, so some of the tapestries are frayed and dirty... the room could use a good cleaning... and there are several broken or worn items that should have been repaired or replaced a long time ago. Quark is lying unconscious on a large couch. An old Klingon servant named TUMEK is leaning over Quark and he applies a hypospray to Quark's neck. After a beat, Quark regains consciousness and looks around. QUARK What... what happened? Where am I? DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 29. 13 CONTINUED: TUMEK You are on Kronos. QUARK Kronos... ? Memory floods back to Quark and he quickly sits up. QUARK (continuing, downbeat) The Klingon homeworld... Quark sits back, stunned and defeated. He glances around the room. TUMEK You are in the ancestral home of what used to be known as the House of Kozak. Quark is only mildly interested in this conversation... he's too worried about his own situation, but he keeps talking to Tumek just to keep from screaming in fear. QUARK What's it called now? Tumek drops his gaze... ashamed of what's happened. TUMEK (quiet) Kozak left no male heir... the House no longer has a name. QUARK What about Kozak's brother... D'Ghor? A thundercloud of anger appears on Tumek's face. The old man fairly snarls his response at Quark. TUMEK (quiet fury) That pahtak's name is not spoken in this house. He is no brother to Kozak... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 30. 13 CONTINUED: (2) TUMEK ... his family has been a sworn enemy of this house for seven generations. Quark looks at him with shock and disbelief. QUARK But... he came to D.S. Nine... he told me that -- TUMEK What he told you were lies. He wanted you to say that Kozak died in honorable combat so that no special dispensation would be granted. QUARK I don't understand. TUMEK If Kozak died in an accident... and left no male heir, the Council might have decided that this was an unusual situation... and granted special dispensation. That may have allowed Grilka to head the family even though she's a woman. Tumek stands and looks at Quark with a mixture of sadness and anger. TUMEK (continuing) But if Kozak died in... an honorable fight, and was simply defeated by a better opponent, then there would be no special dispensation... and without a male heir the House will fall. Quark digests this for a moment... but then Grilka's voice interrupts them. GRILKA'S VOICE That hasn't happened yet, Tumek. They both turn to see Grilka as she strides into the room. She is wearing a flowing ceremonial garment that is both regal and seductive, managing to convey the ideas of ancient ritual and sexual promise at the same time. She is carrying a large robe which has been designed in a similar vein, but is tailored for a Klingon male. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 31. 13 CONTINUED: (3) GRILKA (continuing) And there is still time to prevent it from ever happening. She throws the robe to Quark. GRILKA Put this on. QUARK Why? GRILKA Because if you do not, I will kill you. That's good enough for Quark, and so he struggles into the ill-fitting robe. Tumek looks dubious about this entire affair, but it is also clear that she is in charge here and Tumek is her servant. TUMEK (quiet) I beg you... consider what you do here, mistress... GRILKA The decision is made. There's no other choice. Quark has managed to get into the robe and now Grilka grabs one of his hands and faces Tumek. She draws herself up and speaks formally. GRILKA Go'Eveh... lu cha wabeh... Mo ka re'Chos. Tumek and Grilka now look to Quark, who has no idea what to do. TUMEK (to Quark) Repeat my words... "Go'Eveh... lu cha wabeh... To va re'Luk. QUARK Could I just ask one simple question before -- Grilka pulls her knife and puts it at Quark's throat. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 32. 13 CONTINUED: (4) GRILKA Repeat the words. QUARK (quickly) Go'Eveh lu cha wabeh to va re'Luk. TUMEK Ghos ma'lu Kah! With that, Grilka grabs Quark roughly and gives him a kiss that is deep and harsh... she pushes him away and wipes off her mouth. TUMEK It is done. QUARK (a little unsteady) What's done? TUMEK The ceremony is complete... you are husband and wife. Off Quark's shocked reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT THREE 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: 14 INT. GRILKA'S HOUSE - ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) - DAY Rom's face suddenly appears on a Klingon monitor in Grilka's House. He seems a little surprised. ROM Oh... hello, brother. MOVE TO REVEAL Quark (no longer in the wedding robe) is sitting in front of a monitor. Grilka is sitting nearby watching him. QUARK That's it? "Hello, Brother"? I've been gone for three days, and that's all you have to say? ROM I was... worried. Then I remembered what you said about not prying into your private matters. So I didn't tell anyone about your... sudden absence. QUARK (irritated) Well, I'm on the Klingon homeworld. (beat) And I'm married. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT THREE 33A. 14 CONTINUED: Rom doesn't even blink at this news. ROM Congratulations. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT THREE 34. 14 CONTINUED: (2) Quark rolls his eyes in frustration... but on the monitor, we can suddenly see the intimidation on Rom's face turn to sudden realization of the opportunity here. ROM (continuing, hopeful) So... does this mean you won't be coming back? QUARK I am definitely coming back... (glances at Grilka) It may take some time, that's all. Now listen to me: stay away from the dabo girls. ROM Absolutely. QUARK I mean it. They'll promise you anything, Rom... they'll say they love you... that you're the most handsome Ferengi since Daimon Orok... but they only want one thing: your latinum. ROM Don't worry about a thing, Brother. I won't even look at them. (quickly) Well, you're probably eager to begin your married life, so I won't keep you. Give my best to your bride and stay in touch. The TRANSMISSION ENDS. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT THREE 35. 15 INT. QUARK'S Rom turns away from the monitor with a smile on his face as two gorgeous DABO GIRLS slip into his two outstretched arms. ROM (to girls) Now, where were we? 16 INT. GRILKA'S HOUSE - DAY Quark turns away from the computer monitor. Grilka looks at him with a little curiosity. GRILKA You seem... worried about him. Quark reacts... not too happy about Grilka's all-too-accurate appraisal. QUARK (gruff) I'm worried he'll ruin my business. Grilka decides not to press it and moves to a table, where she picks up another formal robe and hands it to Quark. QUARK Where are we going? GRILKA To a meeting of the High Council. I have to present my new husband. QUARK Why? What's this all about? What is it you want from me? DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT THREE 36. 16 CONTINUED: GRILKA (hard) Just put it on. She moves close to him and her tenor becomes deadly. GRILKA (continuing, quiet) And remember, Quark. When we're in the Great Hall, don't say a word. (he opens his mouth to protest) Not a word. They head for the EXIT. CUT TO: 17 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 17A INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE SISKO, DAX, and KIRA are sitting at the desk, looking over some PADDS. SISKO (to Kira) ... and while you're at it, have alpha shift begin a series of battle drills. I'm not satisfied with their last performance evaluations. KIRA Right. The doors OPEN and O'Brien ENTERS. He seems a little awkward here. O'BRIEN Oh... excuse me, sir. I can come back later. SISKO No, no. We're done here. What can I do for you? DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT THREE 37. 17A CONTINUED: O'Brien glances awkwardly at Dax and Kira... he's hesitant. O'BRIEN Well... it's kind of personal. Dax looks at him closely and then smiles. DAX Wife problems, Chief? O'BRIEN How'd you know? DAX I've been a husband, and I've been a wife. I know that look... from both sides. Dax gets up and motions to Kira. DAX Come on. KIRA What? DAX This is where you and I make a "graceful exit," and let the boys talk amongst themselves. KIRA This is some kind of... human thing isn't it? SISKO I'm sure the... "Old Man" will be happy to explain it to you on the way out. Dax smiles at him and then she and Kira EXIT. Sisko smiles at O'Brien and indicates a chair. O'Brien sits... but it's clear this is a very uncomfortable meeting for him. Sisko senses this and tries to help lead him into the conversation. SISKO Keiko must be pretty upset about closing the school... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/01/94 - ACT THREE 38. 17A CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN That's just it... she's acting like she doesn't care... as if nothing's wrong. SISKO Sounds bad... O'BRIEN (nods) I've been trying to lift her spirits a bit... romantic dinners... long moonlit walks in the holosuite... I've even rearranged my work schedule to spend more time with her. But nothing seemed to make a difference. O'Brien hesitates again, and Sisko helps him out again. SISKO But now you have an idea... O'BRIEN Yes, sir. (beat) I'd like permission to convert one of the unused cargo bays into an arboretum. But to O'Brien's surprise, Sisko doesn't even hesitate. SISKO I think Bay Twenty-One would be ideal... the ODN-conduits are shot, and the security system's never worked anyway. O'BRIEN (surprised) So, you're saying yes? SISKO Sounds like it to me. Sisko smiles at him and then moves to sit on the edge of the desk. He's talking to O'Brien not as commander to chief any longer, but as a man who's been in O'Brien's shoes. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT THREE 38A. 17A CONTINUED: (3) SISKO (continuing) Look... there's nothing harder than knowing that the person you love is unhappy... and I know how important it is to try to do something about it. So if one empty cargo bay will make Keiko happy, then I'm all for it. I just hope it works. O'BRIEN So do I. She sacrificed her entire career to be here with me. I owe it to her. SISKO If there's anything else I can do... just let me know. O'Brien stands and they share a look. O'BRIEN Thank you, sir. O'Brien manages a smile and then EXITS. OFF Sisko's thoughtful reaction... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT THREE 39. 18 thru OMITTED 19 20 EXT. KLINGON HOMEWORLD (MATTE SHOT) - DAY As seen before. 21 INT. GREAT HALL - DAY The Great Hall of the Klingon Empire, as seen in previous episodes. GOWRON is seated in the Council Leader's chair and the rest of the COUNCIL is standing to either side of him. Standing before the Council is D'Ghor, who is in the middle of making his case before Gowron. D'GHOR (formally) ... there being no special circumstances in the death, and no male heir, I make claim to the title and property of this fallen House. GOWRON The Council has considered your petition and will grant the transfer once the final rituals have been -- GRILKA'S VOICE The petition is out of order! Gowron looks up and sees Grilka ENTERING the Great Hall. Gowron is not happy to see her, but his attitude is one of weariness, not animosity. There is no bad blood between Grilka and Gowron, but Gowron is tiring of this particular matter. D'Ghor regards her with obvious contempt. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT THREE 40. 21 CONTINUED: D'GHOR This woman has no place here. Her husband is dead and her house has fallen. I ask that she be taken from the Hall. GRILKA I have performed the brek'tal ritual, Gowron... and I have chosen a new husband to lead my House. This causes a stir on the Council... the Klingons talk among themselves for a moment. GRILKA (calls out behind her) Enter, husband. Everyone turns and looks to see Quark ENTER the Great Hall wearing the Klingon robe seen earlier. Gowron's jaw literally drops open and the other Council members are just as shocked. D'Ghor can barely contain himself. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT THREE 41. 21 CONTINUED: (2) D'GHOR A Ferengi cannot be allowed to rule a Klingon House! GRILKA All I have done is follow the brek'tal ritual: If the leader of a House is slain in honorable combat, the victor may be invited to take his place... and his wife. D'Ghor wasn't expecting any of this. Grilka can't help but give him a predatory smile. GRILKA (continuing) You're the one who made this possible, D'Ghor. You certified to the Council that Kozak died an honorable death at the hands of this man. I am simply exercising my rights as an honored widow. D'GHOR (deadly) I will have your House and your title, Grilka. And when I am done, I will place your head and the head of this ridiculous Ferengi outside the gates. Quark finally steps in at that threat. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT THREE 42. 21 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK (talking fast) Can I say something here? It seems like there's some kind of dispute going on over some land... maybe some other property... I think we should consider making a deal.. Grilka throws him an angry look at this intrusion. D'Ghor pulls his knife. D'GHOR I should kill you right now... GOWRON Mev'yap! (Stop!) D'Ghor freezes in place. Gowron stands up. GOWRON (continuing) D'Ghor, you cannot challenge this man in Council without just cause. D'Ghor reluctantly puts the knife away. Everyone is now looking to Gowron, who is clearly asserting his authority. GOWRON (continuing) We will have to consider this matter carefully before a final decision is reached. Until then, the brek'tal will be respected. (beat) The House of Kozak is gone... for the time being, it will be known as... the House of Quark. Gowron can't believe he's even saying it and neither can anyone else. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT THREE 43. 21 CONTINUED: (4) Grilka looks pleased for the moment and D'Ghor burns with hatred. Quark looks a little overwhelmed by it all. Off his expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FOUR 44. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 22 INT. GRILKA'S HOUSE - DAY Grilka is glaring at Quark in fury. GRILKA I told you not to say anything. Quark seems less intimidated by her at this point... this whole affair is starting to get under his skin. QUARK I was trying to avoid a lot of unnecessary bloodshed... like my own. GRILKA Just do what I say and there won't be any bloodshed. QUARK Fine. What's next? For once, Grilka doesn't have an answer to everything... she hesitates and Quark presses her. QUARK (continuing) What do we do now? How do we strengthen the position of your House? How do we keep D'Ghor from carrying out his threat? What's the plan? GRILKA (defensive) I'm thinking. Quark looks at her in dismay. QUARK You don't have a plan, do you? You're just... making this up as you go along. GRILKA I managed to get us this far... QUARK But you have no idea where to go from here. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 22 CONTINUED: Grilka's expression tells him he's right. Quark paces about for a moment, tries a different tack. QUARK (continuing) Can I make a suggestion? Let's try having a more equal partnership, shall we? GRILKA What do you want? QUARK Just... tell me what's going on. Grilka thinks for a moment, then reluctantly starts to tell Quark what he wants to know. GRILKA Kozak... squandered much of our family's wealth... incurred several large gambling debts... made unwise investments. As a result, the House has been severely weakened in power and influence. (beat) Much of the debt is owed to D'Ghor. And he is now ready to take advantage of our weakness... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 22 CONTINUED: (2) GRILKA If he can gain title to our lands and property, his family will become a powerful influence in the Empire. He may even earn a seat on the Council. QUARK Would it be possible for me to see all the financial records of your house -- and I mean everything. D'Ghor's too, if you can arrange it. Maybe I can find a way out of this mess. GRILKA (with distaste) That is not how we do things here. We are Klingons. We don't... dirty ourselves with filthy ledgers... looking for some... financial trick to -- QUARK (hard) Look. We've been doing things your way ever since this started. And now you've run out of ideas... so maybe we should try doing things my way for a change. It certainly can't hurt to let me look at some... filthy ledgers. Grilka thinks for a moment, then nods in agreement and moves to a computer terminal. As she begins working... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 23 INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - REPLIMAT O'Brien is sitting at a table, sketching something on a large PADD. He is deep in thought and has been at this for a while. Bashir walks up to the replicator wall and nods at O'Brien. BASHIR Afternoon, Chief. O'BRIEN (distracted) Doctor... BASHIR (to replicator) Plomeek soup, hot... with a touch of basil. As we HEAR the replicator working, Bashir glances casually down to see what O'Brien's doing on the PADD. After a beat, O'Brien senses Bashir's gaze and looks up. Bashir smiles at him sheepishly... and tries to avoid irritating the Chief. Bashir turns and takes the bowl of soup from the replicator and is about to move away when O'Brien stops him. O'Brien is awkward... embarrassed, but actually eager for a little help. He shows Bashir the PADD. O'BRIEN What do you think? BASHIR You're asking my opinion? O'Brien just looks at him and refrains from observing that he's obviously asking his opinion. Bashir doesn't really wait for an answer and he sits down to look at the PADD. BASHIR An arboretum... ? For Keiko, I presume? To make her a little happier now that the school's been closed. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 23 CONTINUED: O'Brien is a little taken aback that everyone seems to know about his problem. O'BRIEN It's not just for Keiko... there'd be benefits for the entire station... (beat, then quieter) Do you think it'll work? BASHIR Absolutely... O'Brien looks relieved, but then Bashir finishes his thought. BASHIR (continuing) For two months. Then you'll be right back where you started. O'BRIEN Two months? BASHIR It's been my experience that during any serious disagreement a smile and sweet words will get you two hours... flowers will get you a week... an arboretum -- well, that's at least two months. But in the end, you still have to solve the underlying problem. O'Brien looks depressed and frustrated. O'BRIEN I thought that an arboretum would give her a chance to continue her studies... help her find something to do with her time... BASHIR Like a hobby. O'BRIEN Exactly. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT FOUR 49. 23 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR Exactly why it won't work. (off his look) You can't ask her to turn her profession into a hobby. Would you be satisfied with just... puttering around in a workshop... making nano- circuit boards and playing with tricorders? O'BRIEN I suppose not. BASHIR You're the chief of operations... I'm a doctor... Keiko's a botanist. Until she can be a botanist again... I'm not sure she's ever going to be happy. Bashir gives him a sympathetic look and then leaves. O'Brien puts down the PADD and looks more troubled than ever. CUT TO: 24 INT. GRILKA'S HOUSE - DAY Quark is working at a table with a computer monitor in front of him. The table is covered with dozens of PADDS and other information-carrying devices. Grilka is standing next to him, watching him work with what is starting to become admiration. QUARK (off PADD) Ah... very clever... very clever indeed... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/05/94 - ACT FOUR 50. Quark looks up at her. QUARK D'Ghor has manipulated your family's holdings... devalued the lands you hold... and he's the principal creditor on Kozak's outstanding gambling debts. (beat) It's no accident that your family's getting weaker and D'Ghor's family is getting stronger. He's been systematically attacking your family's assets for over five years now. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/05/94 - ACT FOUR 51. GRILKA (with contempt) You mean... D'Ghor has been... scheming and ... plotting like a... She breaks off the thought, but Quark finishes it for her. QUARK Like a Ferengi. GRILKA There is no honor in what he has done. If he wanted to challenge my House, he should've made a declaration... met our forces in battle... QUARK And risk destroying the very thing he wanted most... your lands and property. Grilka can't deny that. She sits down for a moment and thinks calmly. GRILKA Can you prove any of this... can you show the Council what D'Ghor has done? QUARK (indicates PADDS) It's all right here. All I have to do is talk them through it. Grilka looks a little relieved for the first time. GRILKA Thank you, Quark. You may have saved my family. QUARK Well, it is the House of Quark, after all. There's a beat and they share a warm moment together for the first time. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/05/94 - ACT FOUR 52. 24 CONTINUED: (3) Grilka finally smiles at him... she can be quite lovely when she's not wearing a scowl. Quark smiles back and their eyes meet... there is a long moment that seems filled with sexual tension... Grilka leans closer to him and Quark begins to move toward her. GRILKA (softly) I am very grateful for all you have done, Quark. That's why I'm going to let you take your hand off my thigh instead of shattering every bone in your body. Quark pulls back and smiles ruefully at her. She smiles back... and there is still a trace of respect... even a hint of attraction here. QUARK Let's go talk to the Council. They begin gathering up the PADDS. CUT TO: 25 EXT. KLINGON HOMEWORLD (MATTE SHOT) - DAY As seen before. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT FOUR 53. 26 INT. GREAT HALL - DAY Quark, wearing the formal robes seen earlier, is addressing Gowron and the assembled Council. D'Ghor is standing nearby, watching the proceedings with a glare. Quark is taking the Council step by step through the financial maze... each of the Council members is following Quark's presentation on a PADD of their own... although they occasionally have to look over each other's shoulder as he takes them through a complex transaction. Quark is completely in his element here... utterly confident now that he's dealing with things he understands. Grilka is standing behind Quark and there are a couple of N.D. Klingons watching the proceedings. QUARK (referring to PADD) ... so as you can see from the gross adjusted assets tabulation in column J, the net value of the land acquisition was actually zero. (picks up another PADD) Now, if you'll go to the file marked "Devaluation of Capital Income," we can review the way D'Ghor has -- Gowron finally throws the PADD down in disgust. GOWRON Enough! I don't want to hear anything more about... finances, mergers, or currency transactions. Gowron stands and moves closer to D'Ghor. GOWRON The charge has been made that you have used... (with distaste) ... money to bring down a great House. What do you say to this, D'Ghor? D'GHOR I say he is a liar... that he has smeared my name... and I demand vengeance through personal combat. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT FOUR 54. 26 CONTINUED: Everyone is watching D'Ghor... he finally steps away from Gowron and moves to Quark. Grilka tenses slightly, puts her hand on her knife just in case it's needed. Quark stiffens, but holds his ground. D'GHOR (calm) I have discovered new evidence... evidence which proves that Kozak did not die honorably... that he actually died in an accident. (beat) I have a witness who will say he watched Kozak trip and fall on his own blade... and that Quark made up the entire story. (to N.D. Klingon) GhoS cha Ko! (Bring him!) The N.D. EXITS and Grilka gives Quark a look. He regards her calmly. QUARK (sotto) I don't know what he's trying to pull here... the only other person who was there was... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FOUR 55. 26 CONTINUED: (2) Quark trails off as the N.D. Klingon returns, with Rom in tow. The N.D. shoves Rom into the center of the room. Quark looks at him in shock and dismay. D'Ghor looks pleased and Grilka is worried. Rom looks like hell, but he tries to give Quark a sheepish smile. ROM Hello, brother... Off Quark's dismayed expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/11/94 - ACT FIVE 56-58. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 27 OMITTED 28 EXT. KLINGON HOMEWORLD (MATTE SHOT) - NIGHT The Klingon world at night. 29 INT. GRILKA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Late that night. The lights are mostly out as Quark and Rom quietly creep toward the main door. They quietly OPEN the door, and they are about to leave, when suddenly the large form of Tumek steps in their path from outside the house. Quark and Rom jump back in surprise and at the same moment, the lights suddenly come ON. They turn to see Grilka standing there looking at them both. GRILKA I thought you might try to leave. QUARK Look, I've done my part in this little game of yours... and I'm sorry about your House and your title... but there's a man out there who wants to kill me tomorrow. GRILKA It's a matter of honor, Quark. D'Ghor has accused you of lying... there's no way to answer that charge except through personal combat. QUARK To you Klingons there may be no other way, but there's an old Ferengi saying about discretion being the better part of valor... GRILKA Then what they say about the Ferengi is true... that you're all lying, thieving, cowards with no sense of loyalty or honor. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/11/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 29 CONTINUED: QUARK Sticks and stones... GRILKA I thought you were different... I thought you had something in here... (taps her chest) ... but all you have in there, is a piece of latinum... and it's a pretty small piece at that. (to Tumek) Let them run. I don't want them in my house. Grilka turns and then EXITS. Tumek follows her. There's a beat and then Quark turns to Rom. QUARK All right, let's go. Rom hesitates just for a moment... a look of doubt on his face. Quark instantly picks up on it and whirls on Rom. QUARK (continuing) What? What? You think I should stay and fight D'Ghor? Is that what you're thinking? Rom is instantly fearful and cringes back. But Quark is arguing with himself here more than Rom. QUARK (continuing, quick) How could you let her get to you like that? Don't you see what she's doing? She's trying to make us feel guilty. Well, it's not going to work. Quark glares at him and Rom decides to jump on the bandwagon. But as Quark and Rom talk, it becomes increasingly clear that neither of them is quite as sure as they pretend to be. ROM You're right, brother. You're a businessman -- all you care about is profit. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/05/94 - ACT FIVE 60. 29 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Right. ROM This was all just a... ploy to boost sales at the bar. Who cares if some Klingon female loses her House? QUARK I certainly don't. ROM Me neither. Quark nods and they both give each other an unconvinced, uncomfortable look. QUARK (quieter) Now... let's get out of here. They EXIT. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT FIVE 61. 30 EXT. KLINGON HOMEWORLD (MATTE SHOT ) - DAY As seen before. 31 INT. GREAT HALL - DAY The next day. Gowron and the Council are in their usual places. D'Ghor is standing before them with a large bat'leth in his hand, and looking cocky. Grilka stands off to one side, waiting for the inevitable. D'Ghor smiles at her and then faces the Council. GOWRON Grilka... where is the leader of your House? GRILKA (quiet) I do not know. D'GHOR Then I say that the House of Quark has dishonored itself before this Council. And I ask that it be dissolved and its lands and property turned over to me as compensation for... D'Ghor trails off in surprise as he sees something at the back of the room. Everyone else turns to see what he is looking at. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FIVE 62. 32 NEW ANGLE Revealing that Quark and Rom are ENTERING the chamber. Quark is holding a bat'leth sword with a look of determination. Rom looks nervous but proud of his brother. The other Klingons are shocked and surprised -- even Grilka, but she at least smiles at the apparent bravery of the Ferengi. Quark stands before the Council. QUARK I am Quark, son of Keldar... and I have come to answer the challenge of D'Ghor, son of... whatever. D'Ghor stiffens slightly in anger. Gowron leans forward and peers at Quark more closely... re-evaluating his opinion of him. D'Ghor throws off his ceremonial robe and holds his bat'leth like the experienced fighter he is. Grilka comes over and takes Quark's robe. GRILKA (quiet) Whatever happens... I'm proud of you. QUARK (quiet) I wish I could say that's comforting. Rom and Grilka move away as Quark and D'Ghor face each other in the center of the room. Gowron steps down from his chair and stands between the two of them. GOWRON (to D'Ghor) Ready? D'Ghor gives a short, quick nod. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FIVE 63. 32 CONTINUED: GOWRON (to Quark) Ready? Quark nods slowly, keeping his eyes on the huge figure of D'Ghor... the bat'leth looking large and unwieldy in Quark's hands. GOWRON (continuing) DaH! (now!) D'Ghor swings his blade back, preparing for a mighty swing... but in that moment, Quark THROWS his sword across the room, disarming himself. D'Ghor pauses, surprised by the move. Quark stands his ground and glares at D'Ghor. QUARK Go ahead. Kill me. That's why I'm here, isn't it, to be killed? Well, here I am, so go ahead and do it. D'Ghor has been caught off-guard here, and he hesitates. Quark uses his hesitation to turn to Gowron and the Council. QUARK (continuing, to Council) You all want me to pick up that sword and try to fight him, don't you? But I don't have a chance and you know it. You only want me to put up a fight so your precious honor will be satisfied. Well, I'm not going to make it easy for you. (beat) Having me fight D'Ghor is nothing more than an execution... so if that's what you want, that's what you're going to get: an execution. No honor, no glory... Quark turns back to D'Ghor, who is watching him closely. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/05/94 - ACT FIVE 64. 32 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (to D'Ghor) And when you tell your children and your grandchildren the glorious story of how you rose to power and took Grilka's house from her, I hope you remember to tell them how you heroically killed an unarmed Ferengi half your size. Gowron and the Council members are shifting unhappily in their places... they're not too happy about the way this is happening. But D'Ghor only gives Quark a small smile. D'GHOR (softly) Whatever you say, Ferengi... D'Ghor cocks back the blade for a killing stroke... and he is about to cut Quark in two, when Gowron swiftly moves in and grabs the sword, freezing D'Ghor in place. Gowron's attitude is both shamed and disappointed. GOWRON What are you doing? D'Ghor is genuinely shocked... he loosens his grip on the sword and Gowron pulls it away from him in disgust. GOWRON I didn't want to believe the things he said about you yesterday... but if you can stand here and... murder this pathetic little man, then you have no honor. And you have no place in this hall. Gowron throws the bat'leth to the ground, and then turns his back on D'Ghor. The other Council members all turn away from D'Ghor, who has now been shamed before everyone. Gowron signals to one of the Guards in the room, who then moves to D'Ghor. D'Ghor stares at them all in disbelief... then turns and lets the Guard escort him from the room. Gowron glances at Quark in a mixture of disbelief and admiration. GOWRON (shaking his head) A brave Ferengi... who would have thought it possible? DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/05/94 - ACT FIVE 64A. 32 CONTINUED: (3) After a beat, Gowron goes to Grilka. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/05/94 - ACT FIVE 65. 32 CONTINUED: (4) GOWRON I believe there are enough... unusual circumstances here to justify granting you special dispensation. You can lead your House on your own... (glances at Quark) ... if that is what you want. (to Council) Yej rhin! (Council is adjourned!) The Council members file off and Gowron EXITS with them. Grilka and Rom go to Quark. Rom is smiling at his brother, and even Grilka manages a smile. Quark looks relieved, but a little shaken. GRILKA You've given me back my House and my family name. How can I repay you? QUARK I would like a divorce, please. No offense. GRILKA None taken. I can give it to you right now. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/02/94 - ACT FIVE 66. 32 CONTINUED: (5) Grilka backhands him and he crashes to the ground. Grilka leans over him and snarls. GRILKA N'Gos tlhogh cha! (Our marriage is done!) She spits on him and Quark flinches. Then Grilka changes expression suddenly and smiles at him. GRILKA You're a free man. She extends a hand and helps Quark to his feet. Quark rubs his jaw painfully. QUARK A little warning would've been -- Suddenly Grilka kisses him hard... then releases him. GRILKA Q'Apla, Quark... son of Keldar. QUARK Q'Apla, to you too. Grilka EXITS. Quark watches her go, then smiles at her and shakes his head. OFF his expression... CUT TO: 33 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 34 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL O'Brien and Keiko are having drinks. Keiko is watching the crowd down below as they play dabo. KEIKO I've never understood what people see in that game. Don't they ever get sick of it? O'Brien is lost in thought, toying with his drink, and doesn't answer. Keiko picks up on this and turns back to him. O'Brien pushes the drink aside and looks at her directly... he's made a tough decision and now it's time to implement it. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FIVE 67. 34 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Keiko... there's an agrobiology expedition leaving for the Janitza mountains on Bajor in two weeks... they need a chief botanist... and I think you could probably qualify. Keiko blinks at him in surprise... this is totally unexpected. KEIKO On Bajor... ? O'BRIEN That's right. They've never surveyed those mountains... it's a very important project... KEIKO How long is the expedition supposed to last? O'BRIEN Six months. KEIKO I can't leave Molly and you for six months. O'BRIEN You can take Molly with you, I already checked. And as for me... Bajor's only three hours away by runabout... we can manage. Keiko sits back... unsure exactly how to deal with this. She looks at O'Brien with a mixture of shock and curiosity. KEIKO When we moved here, we made an agreement... O'BRIEN I know... KEIKO And I'm not trying to back out of that agreement. Don't let this business with the school make you feel guilty and... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FIVE 68. 34 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN This isn't about guilt. It's about you being happy... and me knowing that you're not. KEIKO I promised you that I'd stay with you and make this work... He leans forward and takes her hand... and they both seem like a young couple facing their first separation. O'BRIEN I know... but you're a botanist... it's what you're trained to do... it's what you love... so be a botanist, Keiko. And be the best damned one in the galaxy. They look at each other... and both their eyes are getting misty. She leans across the table and they kiss... DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FIVE 69. 35 NEW ANGLE MOVING DOWN from the second level, down to the bar area where Quark and Rom are working the bar. Rom looks around to make sure no one's listening. ROM Brother... I haven't had the chance to tell you... but in the Great Hall... when you stood there in front of D'Ghor... you were magnificent. QUARK I was lucky. If it didn't work... I didn't have another card to play. Quark gives a drink to a customer and then looks around the bar with a little sadness. QUARK Business is dropping off again... ROM Money isn't everything... Quark gives him a shocked look. QUARK If father were alive, he'd wash your mouth out with galcor. But Rom doesn't look apologetic for once, he's trying to lift Quark's spirits. ROM You can't buy respect, Brother. And that's what you have now -- respect. After all, that's what you wanted isn't it? QUARK Respect is good... but latinum's better. ROM Tell the story again... about how you stood there in front of D'Ghor, knowing that you were probably not going to live to see another day. Quark looks around the bar for a moment... there's no one within earshot. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FIVE 69A. 35 CONTINUED: QUARK Everyone's tired of hearing it, Rom. It's not going to boost business anymore. DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT FIVE 70. 35 CONTINUED: Quark turns away, but Rom stops him. ROM No... I mean... tell me. I want to hear it again. Quark is surprised, but the look of admiration on Rom's face is genuine. Quark is touched, but tries to cover it. QUARK (trying to be gruff) All right... but I'm taking this time out of your paycheck. Rom nods eagerly and Quark leans on the bar and begins to tell the tale. QUARK Well... when I walked into the Great Hall, the first thing I noticed was that D'Ghor was about a meter taller than I remembered... As Quark tells his story to his admiring brother... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END