STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Search" #40513-447 Story by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe Teleplay by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Kim Friedman THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION July 8, 1994 STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Search" 07/08/94 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Search" CAST SISKO EDDINGTON KIRA T'RUL ODO ORNITHAR QUARK FEMALE BASHIR DAX O'BRIEN JAKE COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. JEM'HADAR N.D. SECURITY N.D. SHAPESHIFTERS STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Search" - 07/08/94 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Search" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE OPS ALLINON SEVEN PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL DEFIANT & JEM'HADAR SHIPS QUARK'S JEM'HADAR SHIPS SISKO'S OFFICE DEFIANT SISKO'S QUARTERS SHUTTLECRAFT WARDROOM CLEARING DOCKING RING LAKESHORE OUTPOST THE DEFIANT BRIDGE ODO'S QUARTERS CORRIDOR SISKO'S QUARTERS SHUTTLECRAFT STAR TREK: "The Search" - 07/08/94 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Search" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE JEM'HADAR JEM-huh-DAR MEKONG MAY-kong T'RUL tuh-ROOL YORUBA yo-ROOB-uh TULABERRY TOO-1uh-berry ORINTHAR OR-neh-THAR DIAMIDE DIE-ah-mide BERITIUM BUR-rih-tee-um DIRAKS DEER-aks OMARION O-mar-ee-on TALLERIAN tuh-LER-ee-an I'DANIAN ih-DANN-ee-un DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Search" TEASER FADE IN: Recap of "The Jem'Hadar" 1 thru OMITTED 2 3 INT. OPS KIRA, O'BRIEN, DAX, BASHIR, and ODO are gathered around the Ops table. Everyone is watching Kira as she reads a PADD. The mood is grim. Kira finally puts her PADD down with a somber expression... she looks around at the other officers for a beat. When she speaks, it is without rancor or recrimination... she is simply stating her position with quiet determination. KIRA We're in trouble, people. The others exchange weary looks... they've clearly been at this for a long time. KIRA (continuing) We've run seven simulations, and they've all come up the same: the Jem'Hadar overwhelm our defenses and board the station within two hours. BASHIR Two hours doesn't even give us time to get reinforcements from Bajor. DAX There must be something we've overlooked. They all look at each other, hoping that someone else will come up with a brilliant plan, but finally O'Brien speaks for them all. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (to Kira) Major, I'm the last one to say it's hopeless... but given D.S. Nine's structural limitations... our available power supply... and the difficulty of defending a stationary target against a heavily armed mobile force... I'd say two hours is optimistic. BASHIR Regardless of the time, our casualties would be appalling. Kira looks frustrated... she paces around for a moment, finally turns to Odo. KIRA All right... let's say we let them board the station. That still doesn't mean we have to surrender. DAX What are you suggesting? KIRA We can hide in the conduits... set up booby-traps... prepare ambushes... try and hold out until we can get reinforcements. ODO We can try... but I don't think there would be much of a station left by the time they got here. Kira takes this news stoically... she paces around more, trying to think. DAX That leaves us with two options: abandon the station and make a stand on Bajor... or collapse the entrance to the wormhole. KIRA I want a third alternative... I refuse to believe that we can't-- DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - TEASER 3-5. 2 CONTINUED: (2) Suddenly an ALARM sounds on Dax's console. DAX (off console) Some kind of large subspace surge just activated our security sensors. KIRA Where is it? DAX Bearing one four eight, mark two one five. Distance: three hundred meters. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - TEASER 3-5. 2 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN (shocked) Three hundred meters? That's almost inside our shield perimeter. DAX From the intensity and the harmonic signature, it might be a cloaked ship, but I've never seen an energy dispersal pattern like this. KIRA It's too close for comfort, whatever it is. Red Alert. Raise shields, energize phaser banks, stand-by to lock -- DAX (urgent, off console) The energy signature's fluctuating... it's decloaking. 3 OMITTED 4 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) A small starship DECLOAKS near the space station. This is the USS DEFIANT -- an experimental ship that Starfleet never put into full production. The ship should look a little clunky compared to other Federation vessels we've seen -- this ship was built primarily for battle, not exploration or science. 5 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) Everyone is looking at the Defiant, which is on the main viewer. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/20/94 - TEASER 7. 5 CONTINUED: DAX (off console) It's definitely a Federation starship... but I've never seen this design. O'BRIEN A Federation ship... with a cloaking device? Dax reacts to something on her console. DAX They're hailing us. Kira nods to Dax, who then works her console. The image of the Defiant is now replaced by that of SISKO, who is sitting on the Bridge of the Defiant. SISKO Hello, Major. Sorry to startle you, but I wanted to test the Defiant's cloaking device. KIRA The Defiant? SISKO I've brought back a little surprise for the Dominion. Off their reactions... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 6 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE & DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The Defiant is docked at the station. 7 INT. WARDROOM (OPTICAL) The Wardroom is a room which has undergone a renovation since Starfleet took over the station. While the basic architecture is clearly Cardassian, the furniture and decor are more in the comfortable, ergonomic Federation vein. There are comfortable chairs, a couch or two, some small end tables, and one large table which can be used for formal meetings. One end is dominated by a viewer and computer console. Kira, O'Brien, Dax, Bashir and ODO are looking at a Okudagram schematic diagram of the Defiant on one of the monitors. Sisko is standing next to the monitor. SISKO (re: monitor) Officially she's classified as an escort vessel... unofficially the Defiant's a warship. Nothing more, nothing less. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 9. 7 CONTINUED: KIRA I thought Starfleet didn't believe in warships. SISKO Desperate times breed desperate measures. Five years ago, Starfleet began exploring the possibility of building a new class of starship. This ship would have no families, no science labs, no luxuries of any kind... it was designed for one purpose only -- to fight and defeat the Borg. (beat) The Defiant was the prototype... the first ship in what would've been a new Federation battle fleet. DAX So what happened? SISKO The Borg threat became less urgent. Also, some design flaws cropped up during the ship's shakedown cruise, so Starfleet decided to abandon the project. O'BRIEN What sort of... design flaws? SISKO You'll have complete access to the ship evaluation reports, but to put it simply... it's overgunned and overpowered for a ship its size. During battle drills, it nearly tore itself apart when the engines were tested at full capacity. KIRA (incredulous) And this is the ship Starfleet sent us to fight off an attack by the Dominion? 20:[1,#b],87:[1,#b],96:[1,#b],98:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 10. 7 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO We're not going to fight the Dominion, Major. At least, not yet. (beat) Our mission is to take the Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant and try to find the leaders of the Dominion -- the "Founders." We have to convince them that the Federation represents no threat to them. BASHIR What if they don't believe us? SISKO That's why I asked for the Defiant. She may have flaws, but she has teeth. I want the Dominion to know that we can and will defend ourselves if necessary. This seems to impress everyone... even Kira looks a little more positive about the Defiant. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 11. 7 CONTINUED: (3) The doors OPEN and a female Romulan officer named T'RUL, and a Starfleet Security officer named EDDINGTON ENTER. EDDINGTON (to Sisko) I've posted two security officers at the Defiant's docking port, sir. No one'll get near the cloaking device without us knowing about it. ODO (bristling) I wasn't informed about any special security needs. T'RUL The security arrangements were made at my request... to protect the cloaking device. Sisko steps in before Odo can respond. SISKO A few introductions are in order. (to others) This is Subcommander T'Rul of the Romulan Empire. She is here to operate the cloaking device which her government has so kindly loaned us for this mission. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 12. 7 CONTINUED: (4) T'RUL (simply) Romulan interests will be served through cooperation. And my role is to keep "unauthorized personnel"... (pointedly looks at each of them) ... away from the cloaking device. She regards them all with open suspicion. Sisko tries to smooth the waters a bit. SISKO (to T'Rul) May I present my officers... this is Major Kira Nerys-- T'RUL (curt) Thank you, but I know their names, and I'm not here to make friends. She EXITS. KIRA Charming. Eddington gives them a slightly embarrassed smile and sticks out a hand toward Kira. EDDINGTON Well, I am here to make friends. I'm Lieutenant Commander Michael Eddington, Starfleet Security. KIRA (shakes his hand) Major Kira Nerys. Eddington now looks to Odo, who regards him with something less than warmth. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 13. 7 CONTINUED: (5) ODO Odo... Head of station security. (beat) May I ask what your... function is here, Commander? Eddington reacts with a slight look of surprise and he looks to Sisko, who clearly has not been looking forward to this. Odo picks up on the look between the two men and his displeasure deepens. SISKO (to all) There'll be a complete mission briefing at eighteen hundred hours, but be prepared to depart the station at oh-seven-hundred tomorrow morning. Dismissed. Odo makes no move to leave as the others all EXIT. Sisko waits until they're gone and then turns to Odo, who is waiting for him. ODO You needn't brace yourself to give me unpleasant news, Commander, I'll save you the trouble: I've been relieved as Chief of Security. Odo turns on his heel and stalks out of the room. Sisko goes after him. 7A INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Sisko catches up with Odo just outside the Wardroom. SISKO Odo, wait. You have not been relieved. You're still in charge of all non-Starfleet security matters aboard this station. ODO What about matters that are Starfleet? SISKO In those areas, you'll coordinate your efforts with Commander Eddington. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 13A. 7A CONTINUED: ODO "Coordinate" is another way of saying, "I'll report to him." DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 14. 7A CONTINUED: (2) Sisko can't deny that what Odo's saying is true. Odo heads down the Corridor again, but Sisko won't let it go at that. He follows and tries to make a personal connection. SISKO I'm sorry, Odo. This wasn't my idea. ODO I'm sure it wasn't. You're just... following orders. SISKO An order I strongly disagreed with. I did everything I could to fight this... I even took it to the Chief of Starfleet Security herself. But their decision... was final. Odo's eyes smolder in anger and he stops and turns on Sisko. ODO May I ask why? SISKO They had some... concerns regarding several recent security breaches. ODO If I was given the authority I asked for, instead of being tied to Starfleet regulations, there wouldn't have been any security breaches. SISKO Odo, your resistance to following Starfleet regulations is part of the problem. ODO I think there might be a simpler explanation, Commander. Starfleet decided to bring in someone they could trust... someone besides "the shape-shifter." DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 14A. 7A CONTINUED: (3) SISKO This is not a racial issue, Odo. I understand how you must feel, and I want you to know -- DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 15. 7A CONTINUED: (4) ODO You needn't bother, Commander. I don't require your understanding. My resignation will be logged within the hour. Odo turns and EXITS. Sisko sits back, frustrated by the fact that there's very little he can do in this situation. CUT TO: 8 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 9 INT. PROMENADE Odo is striding through the Promenade, barely taking notice of the passersby. As he passes the entrance to the bar, Quark sees Odo through the door and quickly runs out to catch up with him. QUARK Constable! Constable a moment of your time please! Odo, wait! Quark is the last guy Odo wants to see right now, but he reluctantly stops in place and turns to Quark with a no- nonsense look on his face. ODO What is it, Quark? Quark pulls up short at the tone and look on Odo's face. QUARK I just wanted to see if... if it's true. ODO If that's your way of asking if I've been relieved, then the answer is yes. I'm sure that makes you very happy, so now I'll stand here and patiently wait for you to finish gloating. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 16. 9 CONTINUED: Odo adopts a "go ahead and laugh" attitude and stands waiting for Quark to respond. Quark is definitely taken aback by the situation and scrambles for a reply. QUARK I'm not here to... gloat. ODO Then if you'll excuse me. Odo turns to go, but Quark falls into step with him, not quite willing to let it go at that. QUARK What happened? ODO Starfleet has sent their own security officer, a Lieutenant Commander Eddington. He'll be in charge as of this afternoon. QUARK A Starfleet officer... but why? How did this happen? What does Commander Sisko say about this? Odo stops short and Quark nearly piles into him. Odo peers at Quark closely. ODO Why are you so concerned? You'll have a brand new security chief to deal with... one that's not as familiar with you and your venal ways. You should be celebrating, Quark. QUARK On the contrary... this upsets my entire operation. ODO How so? QUARK You were good... you kept me on my lobes... you made sure I didn't get lazy and careless. Beating you made me better. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 17. 9 CONTINUED: (2) ODO You never beat me. Odo isn't in the mood for the usual banter and he simply grunts at Quark, then turns on his heel and strides off. Quark looks after him for a moment, a slight look of sadness on his face. QUARK If you say so... CUT TO: 10 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS JAKE is eating a heaping bowl of I'danian spice pudding at the table and thoroughly enjoying himself. There are several open suitcases in the room, some with clothes and personal belongings still in them, others have been emptied, but the contents not put away. There is also a large shipping crate sitting on the floor. The door OPENS and Sisko ENTERS. He looks around in a little surprise. SISKO I thought you were unpacking. JAKE (sheepish) I am... I mean, I was. But I just kept looking at the replicator... and thinking... and... SISKO (with a smile) And you just had to have some I'danian spice pudding. JAKE I still can't believe I couldn't get a decent bowl of it back on Earth. SISKO (with humor) That didn't stop you from ordering it at every replicator you saw. Jake takes another heaping spoonful as Sisko begins unpacking some of his own clothes from one of the suitcases. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT ONE 18. 10 CONTINUED: SISKO So is it good to be home? JAKE Yeah... I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again. Sisko suddenly stops what he's doing and pauses... a look of surprise on his face. SISKO (quiet) I wonder when that happened? JAKE What? Sisko sits down and looks around the room in wonder and shock. SISKO (amazed) When did I start thinking of this... Cardassian monstrosity as... home? JAKE (smiles, then "thinks") I think it happened... last Thursday... around seventeen hundred hours. Sisko gives him a puzzled look, then Jake smiles and goes to the large crate and opens it. JAKE (continuing) When you took all this stuff out of storage back on Earth. Jake reaches in and takes out an intricately carved African mask. Sisko jumps up and moves quickly to Jake. SISKO Careful. That's a two-thousand-year- old Yoruba mask... and that "stuff" is one of the finest collections of ancient African art you'll ever see... DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 19-21. 10 CONTINUED: (2) JAKE (smiling, overlapping) "... African art you'll ever see... " I know. And I also know how much it means to you. (beat) But to me it was always the... "stuff" in your library... at home. When you took it out of storage so you could bring it here... it meant Earth wasn't home anymore... this was. Sisko looks at his son for a moment... then reaches into the crate and picks up a beautiful African statue. He considers it for a moment, then selects a spot in the room to display it. SISKO What do you think? JAKE Perfect. There's a warm moment between the two of them, then Sisko begins to unpack the rest of the crate. 11 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Odo is staring out a window at the stars when Kira comes up to him. KIRA Odo, there you are. I've just finished talking to the Provisional Government. They want you to go with us to the Gamma Quadrant tomorrow as an official Bajoran representative. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT ONE 22. 11 CONTINUED: ODO I'm no diplomat. KIRA I know, that's why they want you to go. If we do locate the Founders, we'll need more than diplomacy... we'll need to size them up... see what kind of threat they pose to Bajor... analyze their -- ODO You're the military expert, Major, not me. And I doubt that the Provisional Government contacted you and asked for my presence on this mission. (beat) If I'm not mistaken this is a misguided effort to... make me feel better. Kira drops any pretense she might have had and deals with him directly. KIRA Maybe it is. Maybe I'm your friend... and maybe I want you to see that you're still needed here regardless of what some idiot Starfleet admiral might think. Odo says nothing and turns to look out the window again. Kira waits for a long beat. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 23. 11 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (quiet) The Defiant leaves at seven hundred hours. Kira leaves Odo by the window, lost in thought. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT TWO 24. ACT TWO FADE IN: 12 INT. SISKO'S OFFICE Quark is sitting in front of Sisko with a nervous and puzzled look on his face. He's trying hard not to panic. QUARK I'm... a little confused, Commander. You want me to go with you? To the Gamma Quadrant? To help you locate the Founders? SISKO See? It's not so confusing after all. Quark looks at him for a moment, then smiles and lets out a nervous laugh. QUARK You... you're joking with me aren't you? Having a little fun with Quark? SISKO I'm quite serious. QUARK You can't be. I'm not a diplomat, or an explorer, or a tactical officer, or whatever else you might need on this trip. Now if you need a caterer, I'll be happy to loan you a new replicator that I just got from -- SISKO Eight months ago, you helped the Nagus establish a trade agreement with the Karemma -- Tulaberry wine, I believe. The Karemma are part of the Dominion. QUARK A minor part, a very minor part. SISKO They still may be able to help us contact the Founders. Since you're experienced in dealing with the Karemma, you seem like a logical person to-- DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT TWO 25. 12 CONTINUED: QUARK (quickly) Actually, my brother Rom did most of the talking. I think he would be better suited for this mission. SISKO Not Rom -- you. QUARK But why? Rom only has a child to think about, I have a business! SISKO You. Quark stands and moves for the door. QUARK I'm sorry, Commander but I must refuse. My last experience with the Jem'Hadar was not a pleasant one and I don't intend to repeat it. Now there's no way you can legally force me to -- Quark is suddenly startled by the SOUND of a cane being slammed down on a desk. Quark turns and is surprised to see Sisko holding the ornate cane of the Grand Nagus in his hand. QUARK (shocked) The scepter of the Grand Nagus. SISKO I had a chance to discuss this mission with him on my way back from Earth. He seemed to agree with me that unless peaceful contact can be established with the Founders, business opportunities in the Gamma Quadrant might suddenly dry up. (beat) He also agreed that you were the perfect man to help me. QUARK I don't believe it. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/12/94 - ACT TWO 26. 12 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (re: cane) Which is why he sent this along. He thought it might convince you of the high value he places on the success of this mission. Sisko now holds up the cane and points the carved Ferengi on the pommel directly at Quark as if it were looking at him. SISKO (continuing) Now... are you going to defy the wishes of the Grand Nagus himself? Quark looks at the head as if facing the Nagus himself. QUARK No... no, of course not. I'm... happy to serve the Nagus... in any way that I can. SISKO Thank you, Quark. I knew I could count on you. Quark turns to go. SISKO (continuing) Quark. Aren't you forgetting something? Sisko holds out the scepter expectantly for a moment. Quark realizes what he's waiting for and then reluctantly moves forward and kisses the Ferengi head as Sisko holds the cane. Quark manages a pained smile and then EXITS. Off Sisko's pleased reaction... CUT TO: 12A INT. WARDROOM Sisko is sitting at the table, looking over a large schematic Okudagram on the main viewer of the Gamma Quadrant. Dax ENTERS. DAX I just thought you'd like to know that the Defiant'll be ready at oh- seven-hundred hours. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/12/94 - ACT TWO 26A. 12A CONTINUED: SISKO Did it pass the Chief's inspection? DAX Does anything? He has a maintenance list about as long as this table, but he said it'll get us where we're going. SISKO And back I hope. DAX (joking) He said that was up to you. Sisko smiles and sits on the edge of the desk for a moment. But Dax has touched on an issue that is clearly on his mind. SISKO I'd never have volunteered for this mission unless I thought we had a chance of coming back. DAX You volunteered? How many times did Curzon tell you -- never volunteer for anything! SISKO As I recall, Curzon broke that rule a few times himself. DAX And regretted it every time. SISKO This is different. I'd end up regretting it more if we just sat around here and waited for an invasion. Dax considers this for a beat, she moves around the table. DAX If I know Starfleet, they must've run about two hundred probability studies on this mission of ours. What are the odds we succeed? DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/12/94 - ACT TWO 26B. 12A CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Slim... but better than the odds of fighting off a Jem'Hadar assault on the station. Sisko gets up, he's animated, passionate about this subject. We can see his determination. SISKO (continuing) And if the station falls, Bajor falls... and I will not let that happen. Dax cocks her head at him a moment, picking up on something. DAX You know... after Jennifer died I never thought I'd see you so... passionate about something again. Dax has definitely touched on something here... Sisko moves closer to her... opening up to his old friend. SISKO Until two months ago, I would've agreed with you. Then I went back to Earth... and I spent all those weeks being debriefed at Starfleet Headquarters. I used to get a thrill just walking into that building... I used to look around at the Admirals and think -- "one day that's going to be me. One day I'm going to be the one making the big decisions." DAX Curzon used to think that was very funny. Sisko is a little taken aback by this. SISKO Did he? DAX What I mean is... he could never see a set of Admiral's stars on your collar. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/12/94 - ACT TWO 26C. 12A CONTINUED: (3) DAX (Cont'd) He thought that just making decisions would never satisfy you. You had to implement them... see the results... face the consequences. (beat) Curzon always thought you were the kind of man who has to be in the thick of things... not sitting behind some desk at Headquarters. SISKO (smiles) He was a very smart old man, wasn't he? DAX He liked to think so. SISKO You better get a good night's sleep. DAX I was about to say the same to you. See you in the morning, Benjamin. Sisko nods and Dax EXITS. Off Sisko's expression... 13 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE & DEFIANT (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station and the ship. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/12/94 - ACT TWO 27. 14 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE The stations on the Bridge should reflect the fact that the primary mission of this ship was intended to be defensive -- and very little is devoted to anything else. There are dual consoles for Tactical and Weapons which at the moment are manned by O'Brien and Kira respectively. T'Rul is at the aft Engineering station. A couple of N.D. CREWMEMBERS can be seen in the b.g. Bashir is reporting to Sisko. BASHIR The medical database is practically nonexistent. I'm downloading as many of my files from the station as I can, but this ship simply wasn't designed to handle many casualties. SISKO Do the best you can... and let's hope your new database won't be put to the test. BASHIR Yes, sir. Bashir goes to work on a console as Dax ENTERS from the Corridor. DAX (to Sisko) Quark is settling into his quarters. He asked me to relay his "profound disappointment in the accommodations," and to inform you that he could put you in touch with several reputable interior decorators for a modest fee. SISKO I'll take his offer under advisement. (to all) Stand by to get underway. Dax takes the Helm. O'BRIEN Tactical and Communications ready, sir. DAX Navigation and Operations ready. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT TWO 27A. 14 CONTINUED: KIRA Weapons ready. T'RUL Impulse engines on line, warp power available at your command. Sisko moves to the command chair and sits down. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/13/94 - ACT TWO 28. 14 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Very well. (to Dax) Seal the airlock, release docking clamps, aft thrusters at-- O'BRIEN Just a moment, sir. There's someone at the airlock... (surprised) It's Odo. Sisko activates a com panel. SISKO (to com) Sisko to Odo... is there a problem, Constable? ODO'S COM VOICE No, Commander. I would like permission to... come aboard. I'm... here at the request of the Bajoran government. Kira and Sisko exchange a pleased look. SISKO Permission granted. ODO'S COM VOICE Thank you, sir. Sisko thinks for a moment. SISKO Dax, we'll need to arrange some quarters for the Constable. BASHIR I'll do it, sir. I need to go down to what is laughingly called Sickbay. SISKO Thank you, Doctor. Bashir EXITS. O'BRIEN Odo's aboard, sir. The airlock's clear. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT TWO 29. 14 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO (to Dax) Release docking clamps, aft thrusters at one quarter, port and starboard at station keeping. DAX Aye, sir. 15 thru OMITTED 16 CUT TO: 17 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship pulls away from the station. 18 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE As before. DAX We've cleared the station. SISKO Lay in a course to the wormhole. (to T'Rul) I want to cloak as soon as we reach the Gamma Quadrant. T'RUL Understood. DAX Course laid in, sir. SISKO Engage. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT TWO 30. 19 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The Defiant ENTERS the Wormhole. CUT TO: 20 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The Defiant EXITS the Wormhole in Gamma space. After a beat, the ship begins to CLOAK. 21 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE A LIGHTING CHANGE happens on the Bridge as the cloak is engaged. The lighting is DARKER, moodier, giving the Bridge an eerie, "submarine" quality. T'RUL The cloaking device is operating within normal parameters. SISKO Set course for the Karemma system, warp seven. (beat) Engage. 22 thru OMITTED 23 24 INT. DEFIANT - ODO'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Quark is sitting on the lower bunk in the small, cramped room. There are two BUNKS, one above the other, a tiny desk, a replicator, and nothing else. It's a depressing, claustrophobic room and Quark isn't too happy to be here. The doors OPEN, revealing Bashir and Odo. Quark reacts to the sight of Odo with pleasure. QUARK Odo! Quark jumps up and moves to him. ODO (to Bashir) Is this the best you can do? DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT TWO 31-32. 24 CONTINUED: BASHIR I'm afraid so. Most of the crew quarters don't even have life support yet. Besides, I think we'd all feel better with someone here to watch over Quark. QUARK I take that as a personal insult, Doctor. BASHIR You should. (wry) Now... I'll leave you two... "bunkmates" to get comfortable. Bashir heads off down the Corridor. Quark immediately starts talking, glad just to have someone around. As Quark talks, Odo moves into the room and sets his pail down in a corner, then tries to make himself comfortable in the single tiny chair. QUARK (over above action) Am I glad to see you. I've been stuck down here in this miserable hole ever since I came aboard. Bunkbeds, no view, and I won't even tell you what came out of that replicator when I asked for synthehol. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT TWO 33. 24 CONTINUED: (2) Odo sits with his back turned to Quark, who realizes that Odo is completely ignoring him. Quark tries to change the subject, hoping for some conversation... any conversation. QUARK (continuing) So... what's your role on this little adventure? Providing security no doubt? (no response) Well, of course you are. I mean why else would you be here? I can tell you I feel much safer now, just knowing that you're along, because I know you can be trusted to -- Odo finally cuts him off... and his tone and look are much harsher and meaner than we've ever heard him address Quark in the past. ODO I've held this shape for sixteen hours... I have to revert back to my liquid state, but I don't want you to watch and... gawk at me... QUARK I completely understand. This is a very private moment and I won't interfere. (turns around) This won't be so bad... sharing quarters, that is... we might even find that we -- ODO (harsh) I have no interest in speaking to you, or in listening to your witless prattle. So stay out of my way, or you'll regret the day you ever met me. A chill runs up Quark's spine and he reacts as if someone just slapped him across the face. Quark falls silent and Odo MORPHS into his pail. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT TWO 34. 24 CONTINUED: (3) Quark waits a beat, then sits down on the bunk and tries not to look at the pail of goo sitting on the deck. CUT TO: 25 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE Sisko, Kira, O'Brien, T'Rul, and Dax at their stations. O'Brien suddenly reacts to something on his console. (The lighting is DARK, to indicate the cloak in operation.) O'BRIEN Commander... long-range scanners have picked up two Jem'Hadar warships directly ahead. They're heading this way at... warp five. SISKO How close will they pass us? O'BRIEN (works) One hundred thousand kilometers. KIRA That's well within range of their weapons, Commander. DAX Should I alter course? Sisko thinks for a moment. SISKO No... we need to know if they can see through the cloaking device... and this is as good a time as any. Maintain course and speed. (to Kira) Red Alert. KIRA Aye, sir. A long beat as everyone waits and the ship goes to RED ALERT. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT TWO 35. 25 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (off console) Here they come... they'll pass us in five seconds... SISKO On screen. 25A INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) As our people watch, the two Jem'Hadar ships come racing past the Defiant. SISKO Track them. O'BRIEN They're continuing along their original heading... no indication that they saw us or... (reacts to something) Wait a minute. They're altering course... heading back this way. DAX They must've seen us. KIRA (off console) They're powering their weapon systems. SISKO Prepare to decloak. Lock phasers on the lead ship and-- T'RUL (urgent) No. We may not have been detected. SISKO Explain. T'RUL A cloaked ship radiates a slight subspace variance at warp speeds... O'BRIEN A subspace variance? I've never heard of that. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT TWO 35A. 25A CONTINUED: T'RUL It's not something we've been eager to reveal. (to Sisko) I suggest dropping out of warp. That will eliminate the variance... when they reach our position, they'll find nothing. Sisko rapidly considers this, then makes the decision. SISKO (to Dax) Do it. DAX (working) All stop.... 25B EXT. SPACE - JEM'HADAR SHIPS (OPTICAL) The two ships come into view and then split up and begin circling an apparently empty area of space... searching for something. 25C INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. Everyone watching the viewscreen. (But we don't see the screen.) O'BRIEN (off console) They're sweeping the area with some kind of anti-proton scan... and they're being very thorough about it. SISKO (to T'Rul) Will an anti-proton scan penetrate the cloak? DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT TWO 35B. 25C CONTINUED: T'Rul doesn't answer immediately and Sisko turns to look at her. Barely a flicker of emotion crosses her face, betraying the slightest hesitancy. T'RUL I'm... not sure. The tension on the Bridge rises another notch. KIRA (off console) They're getting closer. O'BRIEN Commander... the Defiant's power signature is unusually high for a ship this size... the cloaking device might not be masking everything. Sisko thinks quickly, sees what O'Brien is saying. SISKO (to T'Rul) Cut main power. T'Rul works and almost all the consoles on the Bridge go DARK, with only one or two panels still functioning. On the Viewscreen, a Jem'Hadar ship passes VERY CLOSE overhead, like a shark in the water... suddenly the ship STOPS, nearly on top of them. KIRA (urgent, off console) The other one has broken off its search... it's coming this way. SISKO (calm) Stand by weapons and shields. A long tense moment as they watch the screen. After a beat, the other Jem'Hadar ship moves into view... it joins up with the first ship... 25D EXT. SPACE - JEM'HADAR SHIPS (OPTICAL) The two ships are now back in their standard formation and they head off back the way they came. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/14/94 - ACT TWO 35C. 25E INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE As before. KIRA (off console) They've gone into warp... and resumed their original course. Sisko lets out a long breath and everyone on the Bridge relaxes slightly. SISKO That's the first thing to go right in the Gamma Quadrant in a long time. KIRA I hope it's not the last... Off their expressions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 36. ACT THREE FADE IN: 26 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE (OPTICAL) A Karemma official named ORNITHAR is walking slowly around the Bridge, inspecting everything in sight with a practiced and appraising eye. Quark is holding the scepter of the Nagus, Sisko is in command, Dax at Helm, Kira at Weapons. Odo is standing off to one side, deep in his own thoughts and not paying much attention. QUARK ... the Grand Nagus himself has sent me as an emissary on his behalf. If you will aid us in our mission, I am authorized to increase our purchases of tulaberry wine from the Karemma by... three percent! Ornithar looks unimpressed by this information. He is currently inspecting the metal of the bulkhead. ORNITHAR Mmm... looks like a poly-duranium alloy blend... interesting, but the metal has no real value. (to Quark) A three percent increase is negligible. QUARK I have considerable leeway to bargain in this circumstance. Name your terms. Ornithar is strolling around the bridge, passing his eye over the consoles. Quark follows him as Ornithar looks around for anything else of value. ORNITHAR Nothing... nothing... nothing... He leans over Dax's shoulder and looks at the helm console. ORNITHAR (continuing, to Quark) The terms are not the issue. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 37. 26 CONTINUED: ORNITHAR I cannot help you locate the Founders because I don't know who they are... or if they even exist. (disappointed, re: console) Nothing. He is about to go onto the next console when Kira's earring suddenly catches his eye. He peers closely at it. ORNITHAR (continuing, with interest to Quark) Here's something interesting... appears to be diamide-laced beritium. I'll give you fifty-two diraks for it. QUARK (quickly) Done. (off Sisko's look) I mean... one deal at a time, Ornithar. We were talking about the Founders. ORNITHAR There is nothing further to say. If the Founders exist, they clearly do not wish to be contacted. That is good enough for me. SISKO Who's your contact in the Dominion regarding... administration... trade... defense... ? ORNITHAR Our only contact with the Dominion has been through the Vorta. I have no idea who they report to. All I know is that the Vorta say to do something... and you do it. SISKO Why? DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 38. 26 CONTINUED: (2) ORNITHAR (rueful smile) Because if you do not, they will send in the Jem'Hadar... and then you die. A grim beat, then Sisko tries a different tack. SISKO Will you put us in contact with the Vorta? ORNITHAR Commander, we do what we're told -- nothing more. And so far, we have not been told to help you in any way. SISKO But you haven't been told not to either. ORNITHAR No... but I prefer to err on the side of caution. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 39-39A. 26 CONTINUED: (3) Quark jumps in. QUARK In this case, being cautious will cost you a substantial profit. The Ferengi will stop purchasing Tulaberry wine immediately. Ornithar looks concerned. SISKO If you lost such a valuable contract with the alpha quadrant, it might displease the Vorta. They might even send the Jem'Hadar here to find out what happened. He thinks for a long moment... and finally makes a decision. ORNITHAR (to Sisko) I will need to access one of our computers on the surface. Sisko indicates a console and Ornithar goes to it and works for a moment, then a STARCHART comes up on the main viewer. As Ornithar begins talking, Odo suddenly reacts to something he sees on the starchart... he seems transfixed by what he sees. Odo's strange look and behavior does not escape the notice of Quark, who peers at him curiously. Ornithar gets up and points to a specific star system on the chart. ORNITHAR (over above action) This is the Callinon System. The Dominion maintains an unmanned subspace relay on the seventh planet. We have been told by the Vorta to direct all communications there... where the messages are sent after that is not our concern. Sisko and Dax exchange a pleased look. DAX It's a start. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT THREE 40. 26 CONTINUED: (4) ODO What is that? Everyone is a little surprised by Odo's sudden outburst -- they'd all but forgotten about him. They turn to see him pointing at a symbol on the opposite side of the star map from where Ornithar is indicating. ORNITHAR (looking at symbol) It is the Omarion Nebula. Odo seems transfixed by the symbol... he moves closer to the screen. ODO (continuing, quiet) The Omarion Nebula... Odo turns away from the rest of them and falls back into deep thought. Sisko and the others watch him for a moment, unsure just what the hell is going on with Odo. ORNITHAR If there is nothing else, I would like to leave now. SISKO Of course. Quark steps in quickly before Ornithar can head for the Exit. QUARK Commander, I believe I have fulfilled my role on this mission, so if you don't mind... SISKO You'd like to stay behind. QUARK That was our agreement. Sisko glances at Ornithar, then pulls Quark aside. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/13/94 - ACT THREE 41. 26 CONTINUED: (5) SISKO (quiet, to Quark, re: Ornithar) How can you be sure he won't turn you over to the Dominion as soon as we leave? QUARK He may serve the Dominion, but I'm the one lining his pockets with latinum. I'll get passage on the next freighter traveling back through the wormhole... and I'll make a profit in the process. Sisko can't help but smile slightly. SISKO All right. Good luck, Quark. QUARK Same to you, Commander. There is actually a slightly warm moment between the two of them. Quark and Ornithar EXIT. SISKO (to Dax) Lay in a course for the Callinon System. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/14/94 - ACT THREE 42. 27 INT. DEFIANT - SISKO'S QUARTERS A redress of Odo's quarters. The room has the same bare and Spartan look to it. Sisko is relaxing on his bunk... just about to nod off when the door CHIMES. Sisko pulls himself to a sitting position and swings his legs off the bed with an effort. SISKO Come in. Kira ENTERS. KIRA Did I wake you? SISKO Not quite. What can I do for you, Major? KIRA It's about Odo... SISKO You're worried about him. KIRA Is it that obvious? SISKO No... I'm worried about him too. But at the moment, I'm not sure what to do about it. Kira moves into the room and sits down at the tiny desk. KIRA May I speak freely... ? (off his nod) What the hell is wrong with Starfleet? How could they do this to him? SISKO This has been a long time coming, Major. Starfleet has never been happy with the Constable. They've been pressing me to replace him for two years. KIRA Because he used to work for the Cardassians. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/14/94 - ACT THREE 43. 27 CONTINUED: SISKO No. It goes deeper than that. (beat) Odo isn't what you'd call a... "team player." KIRA Why? Because sometimes he refuses to go through the proper channels? SISKO That's a start. You know Odo... he enjoys thumbing his nose at authority. He files reports only when he feels like it... his respect for the chain of command is minimal... KIRA So what? He gets the job done. SISKO I know, but Starfleet likes team players, Major... they like the chain of command... (beat) And when you get right down to it... so do I. KIRA So you agree with their decision? SISKO No. But I understand it. KIRA So when this mission's over, you're just going to let him leave? SISKO I want him to stay as much as you do... but he has to want to stay. T'RUL'S COM VOICE Bridge to Commander Sisko. We've reached the Callinon System. SISKO (to com) On my way. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/13/94 - ACT THREE 44. 27 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko and Kira head for the Exit. 28 OMITTED 28A EXT. SPACE - CALLINON SEVEN (OPTICAL) A gas giant planet. SISKO (V.O.) Ship's Log: Stardate 48213.1 We have arrived at Callinon Seven under cloak and assumed a standard orbit. The relay station on this planet should not only help us in our search for the Founders, but should also provide us a first glimpse at the technology of the Dominion. 29 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE Sisko, Kira, Dax and O'Brien are standing around the aft Ops Table. T'Rul is at Engineering, and Bashir is standing nearby. Dax and O'Brien are wearing phasers and tricorders. They are looking at an Okudagram graphic of the Callinon relay station on one of the nearby monitors. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 45. 29 CONTINUED: KIRA From our sensor sweeps, it looks like Ornithar was telling the truth when he claimed the relay station was unmanned. There also appear to be very few security measures in place. SISKO (to Dax & O'Brien) Nothing fancy -- get in, find what we need, and get out. DAX Understood. SISKO On your way. Dax and O'Brien EXIT. SISKO (to T'Rul) The transporter will need three seconds to beam them down. I want to decloak for exactly three seconds. T'Rul nods and then resumes her Engineering post. Sisko heads for command. DAX'S COM VOICE Dax to Bridge. We're ready, Benjamin. SISKO All right. (to T'Rul) Disengage cloak. (to Kira) Energize. T'Rul works, and the LIGHTS go UP as the Defiant DECLOAKS. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/14/94 - ACT THREE 46. 29 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (off console) They're on the surface. Sisko glances at T'Rul and the Bridge again DARKENS as she engages the cloak. SISKO (to Kira) Were we scanned during transport? KIRA I don't think so. DAX'S COM VOICE Dax to Defiant. SISKO (to com) Go ahead, Dax. 29A thru OMITTED 29B 30 INT. OUTPOST O'Brien and Dax are in a small alien computer room filled with alien graphics and monitors. They both begin working on two of the monitors. DAX (to com) We're in what seems to be a central computer room. The user interface is a little unusual, but I think we can access it. SISKO'S COM VOICE Keep us posted. O'BRIEN (working, to Dax) I'm into the main directory... DAX That was fast. O'Brien pauses... a slight look of concern on his face. O'BRIEN Yes, it was... a little too fast if you ask me. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 47. 30 CONTINUED: DAX Any sign that we've tripped some kind of security protocol? O'BRIEN (works) No... I still have access to everything. DAX Then let's get the information and get out of here. O'BRIEN That's fine with me. They begin working the monitor. CUT TO: 31 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE A short time later. Everyone is trying to patiently wait... everyone seems a little on edge. Sisko is just taking a mug of coffee frothe replicator... he takes a sip, then makes a face -- it's disgusting. SISKO (to himself) I should've taken Quark up on his offer for a new replicator. BASHIR Sir? SISKO Nothing. Sisko moves back toward the command area, and he glances over some of the consoles. SISKO (to Kira) Let's make good use of this time, Major. Begin running a level three diagnostic on -- Finally, Dax's com voice startles them. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 47A. 31 CONTINUED: DAX'S COM VOICE Dax to Defiant. I think we have something, Benjamin. INTERCUT: 32 INT. OUTPOST (OPTICAL) Dax and O'Brien are both working on a console. DAX (continuing, to com) We've found a communications log of recent outgoing transmissions. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 48. 32 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (to com) From the way I read this sir, it looks like eighty percent of the outgoing traffic is sent to one location. It's my guess that's either another relay station or a command center. SISKO Do you have the coordinates? DAX (working her tricorder) I'm sending them to you now. Alarms suddenly go off in the outpost, the lights go OUT, and most of the computer monitors go dead. Dax and O'Brien react in dismay. CUT TO: 33 thru OMITTED 34 35 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE As before. KIRA I've lost contact with them! SISKO (to Kira) Get them out of there! KIRA (working) I can't. Some kind of shield just appeared around the outpost. I can't get through it. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 49. 35 CONTINUED: An alarm suddenly goes off on the Tactical console. Bashir moves to it and reacts to what he sees. BASHIR We're picking up three Jem'Hadar ships, Commander. They're heading this way. SISKO (to Kira) Can we punch through that security shield with our phasers before those ships get here? KIRA (off console) I'm not sure, I've never seen a field like this before. T'RUL (urgent, to Sisko) In order to use the phasers we will have to decloak. That means we'll be seen by the Jem'Hadar. Bashir also turns to Sisko. BASHIR We have to do something... we can't just leave them down there. T'RUL That's exactly what we should do Doctor: leave them. We came here to locate the Founders, not to fight the Jem'Hadar over two expendable crew members. BASHIR No one is expendable. KIRA (Off console) The Jem'Hadar ships have entered the system. They'll be in orbit in thirty seconds. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - 07/08/94 - ACT THREE 50. 35 CONTINUED: (2) Everyone watches Sisko waiting to see what he will do. He takes a long beat, finally sitting in the captain's chair as he makes a difficult decision. SISKO (to Kira) Prepare to leave orbit. Lay in a course to the coordinates Dax sent us. Kira and Bashir look dismayed, but Kira reluctantly goes to the helm. BASHIR Commander... SISKO As you were, Doctor. KIRA Course laid in. SISKO Warp seven. Engage. Kira works the helm. There is a long beat as everyone reacts to leaving Dax and O'Brien behind. Off their reaction.... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 36 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE Sisko, Bashir, T'Rul, and Kira, as seen at the end of Act Three. BASHIR (to Sisko) What do you think will happen to Dax and O'Brien? SISKO They'll probably be held for interrogation. If I know Dax, she'll use this opportunity to try and contact the Founders. I intend to do the same. (to Com) Sisko to Odo. Report to the Bridge, Constable. I want to discuss the security arrangements for our arrival at -- But Odo's com voice quickly cuts him off. ODO'S COM VOICE I'm presently indisposed Commander. Please find someone else for the job. A few surprised looks go around the bridge BASHIR That doesn't sound like Odo. SISKO No, it doesn't... I better have a talk with him. Sisko starts to get out of his chair but Kira stops him. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT FOUR 52. 36 CONTINUED: KIRA Let me, sir... I think he'll listen to me. Sisko nods and Kira EXITS. An N.D. Crewmember takes her place at the helm. T'Rul suddenly reacts to something on her console. T'RUL Three Jem'Hadar ships have just entered sensor range, bearing zero three seven, mark two one five. The tension level on the Bridge rises again. SISKO Any sign they've detected us? T'RUL Negative. SISKO (to Helm Officer) Bring us out of warp, then cut main power. We'll wait here until they pass. They begin to work, but anxiety and tension can be seen on every face. CUT TO: 37 INT. DEFIANT - ODO'S QUARTERS Odo is sitting at a small desk staring at a monitor. The screen shows the star chart graphic seen earlier in Ornithar's office. Odo is staring at the image intently, his mind obviously far away. Kira ENTERS. Her attitude is sympathetic, but firm. She is trying to help her friend but at the same time she's knows he's gone too far. KIRA Odo it's time we had a talk. ODO (without turning) I'm not going to the Bridge, so don't waste your breath. And I would appreciate being left alone right now. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT FOUR 52A. 37 CONTINUED: KIRA You've been alone and it hasn't done any good. So maybe it's time you stopped brooding... and started talking. Odo turns and gives her an irritated look. ODO Are you the ship's counselor now? KIRA No, I'm your friend. You know, the person that comes to you when she needs help. I'm just trying to return the favor. ODO You can return the favor by giving me a shuttlecraft and letting me go. This catches Kira completely off guard. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT FOUR 53. 37 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Go? Go where? We're in the heart of the Dominion. Where the hell do you think you're going to go? Odo points to a symbol on the monitor. ODO The Omarion Nebula. KIRA Why? ODO I'm not sure why, but I know I have to, that's all. KIRA (firm) You're going to have to do a lot better than that. Odo turns away from her, not wanting to discuss this, but she presses him. KIRA (continuing) Odo talk to me! What's going on? Odo sits silently in his chair struggling with his inner demons. He finally tries to explain things that he doesn't fully understand himself. ODO (quiet) Ever since we've come into the Gamma Quadrant I've had this... feeling that I'm being drawn somewhere... pulled by some... instinct to a specific place. (he points to the symbol on the monitor) The Omarion Nebula. KIRA Why there? ODO I don't know. Kira takes a beat, thinks about this for a minute. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT FOUR 54. 37 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA All right. Once we've contacted the Founders, I'm sure Commander Sisko will -- ODO No. Not after we've contacted the Founders, now. I have to leave now. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/14/94 - ACT FOUR 55. 37 CONTINUED: (5) KIRA Look, I know how much this means to you, but we have a mission to complete. But before he can say anything, the ship is suddenly ROCKED hard. Kira and Odo are staggered and nearly fall. Then the ship is ROCKED again and there is an EXPLOSION out in the corridor which BLOWS THE BULKHEAD IN on top of them. CUT TO: 38 thru OMITTED 39 40 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE As before. The ship is at Red Alert and is being buffeted and ROCKED during the following dialogue. T'RUL (off console) Direct hit on the Port Nacelle. BASHIR How did they see through the cloaking device? T'RUL They might have analyzed the sensor information from their anti-proton scan and found a way to penetrate the cloak. SISKO (grim) We'll have to save the speculation for later. (to T'Rul) Disengage cloak, raise shields, and prepare to fire on my command. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - 07/08/94 - ACT FOUR 56. 41 EXT. SPACE - DEFIANT & JEM'HADAR SHIPS (OPTICAL) The Defiant DECLOAKS and turns to face the oncoming Jem'Hadar ships. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/18/94 - ACT FIVE 57. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 42 EXT. SPACE - DEFIANT & JEM'HADAR SHIPS (OPTICAL) The Jem'Hadar ships begin to pound the Defiant. 43 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE As seen before. The ship is ROCKED again. Sisko moves to Tactical. T'RUL Communications and long-range sensors are out. SISKO What's the status of the warp drive? T'RUL The starboard power coupling is destroyed. I'm trying to reroute main power. The ship is ROCKED again, and a side console suddenly EXPLODES, killing the Helm Officer. Bashir rushes to check on him. BASHIR (re: helm officer) He's gone. I'm taking the Helm. Bashir then takes the helm and struggles to work the sparking console. SISKO (working console) I'm locking onto the lead ship. (to N.D. at Weapons) Ready? The Crewmember nods. SISKO Fire. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT FIVE 58. 44 EXT. SPACE - DEFIANT & JEM'HADAR SHIPS (OPTICAL) The Defiant FIRES at a Jem'Hadar ship. (NOTE: The Defiant's phasers are unique, so they should have a look that we've never seen before.) The phaser beam HITS one of the Jem'Hadar ships and it EXPLODES. 45 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE As before. BASHIR (off console) The other two ships are moving out of phaser range. They're coming back for another pass... but they're moving a little slower this time. SISKO They'll be more cautious this time. (to Bashir) Doctor, use evasive pattern delta- five. We need to keep them off balance until we get warp power back. BASHIR Aye, sir. CUT TO: 46 INT. DEFIANT - ODO'S QUARTERS/CORRIDOR The room has been wrecked by the explosion, which has left a gaping hole leading out into the Corridor. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 46 CONTINUED: Wreckage is also visible out in the Corridor itself, where beams have fallen and other bulkheads have been blown in. Odo throws some debris out of the way, freeing Kira, who was pinned under a large beam. ODO Are you all right? KIRA Just a few bruises. (hits com badge) Kira to Bridge. (beat) Kira to Bridge. The ship is ROCKED again and the lights flicker. KIRA We have to get up there. They begin trying to clear a path through the wreckage in the Corridor. CUT TO: 47 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE The ship is ROCKING. Sisko is checking on the Crewmember who manned the weapons console in scene 43... but he's clearly dead. SISKO T'Rul, where's my warp power? T'RUL (frustrated) I can't get the phase inducers to align with the ODN matrices in the -- BASHIR (urgent) Commander, three more Jem'Hadar warships approaching off the port bow! SISKO Full impulse, try to get us out of here. The ship is ROCKED hard. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/13/94 - ACT FIVE 60. 48 thru OMITTED 50 51 INT. DEFIANT CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Kira and Odo are still struggling to clear the debris in the corridor when the ship is ROCKED. The lights go almost completely out. KIRA (reacts) We've lost main power. ODO We have to get to a shuttle. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/15/94 - ACT FIVE 61. 51 CONTINUED: KIRA Our duty is to get to the bridge and help defend the ship. ODO If main power is out, then the shields are out too, Kira. The ship is defenseless. Before Kira can respond, THREE JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS MATERIALIZE in the Corridor, almost on top of them. Kira and Odo react instantly, and we see the beginning of a brutal hand-to-hand FIGHT. 52 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Bridge is filled with SMOKE from BURNING consoles... the lights are DIM... and only a few consoles are still working. The ship is continually ROCKED. T'RUL Main power is off-line... the shields have collapsed... BASHIR I've lost helm control... inertial dampers failing... SISKO Ready escape pods, stand by to abandon ship... FIVE JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS MATERIALIZE. Our people react, and a fight breaks out on the bridge. 53 T'RUL (OPTICAL) Fires disruptor into the chest of a Jem'Hadar soldier at point blank range, killing him. Another Jem'Hadar HITS her across the jaw. 54 BASHIR Smashes an elbow into a Jem'Hadar's solar plexus... DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/18/94 - ACT FIVE 62. 55 SISKO Is struggling to hold his own with a Jem'Hadar soldier. 56 WIDER As MORE JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS RUSH IN from the Corridor. It's clear our people will be overwhelmed in the next minute or so. CUT TO: 57 INT. DEFIANT CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Kira FIRES her phaser at a Jem'Hadar soldier, then turns just in time to see Odo dispatch another soldier with a quick blow to the throat. Kira starts to head out into the corridor when suddenly a burst of phaser fire GRAZES her HEAD, knocking her to the deck. 58 ON KIRA'S FACE As she struggles against the pain and tries to get up. But it's too much for her... the SOUNDS of battle around her FADE AWAY as her eyes flutter and she falls unconscious. As Kira's eyes close we... FADE OUT. FADE IN: 59 MATCHING SHOT ON KIRA'S FACE She's sitting upright with her eyes closed and an ugly bruise on her temple from the phaser shot. In contrast with the noise and the confusion of the battle everything is QUIET. After a beat, Kira starts to wake up. She looks around in confusion. MOVE TO REVEAL we're in: 60 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT Kira is sitting in the cockpit next to Odo, who is calmly piloting the ship. KIRA (weakly) Where... where am I? DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/13/94 - ACT FIVE 63. 60 CONTINUED: ODO You're in a Shuttlecraft, and you've been wounded so try not to move around. Kira touches the bruise and winces. Then memory floods back and she reacts in concern. KIRA Odo, what happened? We were under attack... During the following conversation, Odo never takes his eyes off something on the console in front of him. Odo is conflicted here... he's focused on whatever he sees on the console, but Kira is also his friend and he's hoping that she'll understand and support what he's done. ODO The ship was boarded, and you were wounded in the attack. I managed to get us to this shuttlecraft, but I don't know much more than that. The last time I saw the Defiant she was dead in space and surrounded by Jem'Hadar ships. Kira is shocked at this news and tries to take it all in. KIRA Sisko? Bashir? ODO I don't know. Kira takes another beat and lets that sink in. KIRA Where are we? ODO Approaching the Omarion Nebula. Kira gives him a sharp look. KIRA You should have taken us back to the wormhole. ODO You didn't object at the time. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/13/94 - ACT FIVE 64. 60 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA I was unconscious. Kira decides to drop it. KIRA Have you found anything? Odo continues to stare at the console and nods slowly. Kira sits up a little to see what he's looking at. She reads the monitor and acts a little surprised. KIRA (off console) There's a class-M planet ahead, but no star system. A rogue planet? ODO (quiet) Yes. 61 EXT. SPACE - SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) The Shuttlecraft heads for the dark planet. (NOTE: there's no star present to shine light on the surface.) CUT TO: 62 EXT. CLEARING - NIGHT A strange and beautiful alien setting. The Shuttlecraft has landed in a small clearing on the edge of what seems to be a forest. DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/19/94 - ACT FIVE 65. 62 CONTINUED: Since this planet has no sun it is ALWAYS NIGHT here. Kira and Odo EXIT the shuttle and step outside. Kira looks around in curiosity. Odo's gaze is fixed on something o.c. Odo walks toward what he's looking at and Kira follows him. 63 EXT. LAKESHORE (OPTICAL) - NIGHT Odo is walking toward the edge of what appears to be a large GELATINOUS LAKE. The lake appears to be made of something other than water. The surface undulates and roils in an unnatural fashion. Odo stops at the edge. Kira stands next to him and there is a long moment as Odo looks down at the strange liquid. Suddenly a portion of the lake begins to MORPH. As Odo and Kira watch in amazement, a group of FOUR SHAPE-SHIFTERS detach themselves from the lake and take on the form of FOUR HUMANOIDS. Their faces have the same "unfinished" look that Odo's does and they appear to wear simple tunics. One FEMALE shapeshifter smiles at Odo and steps towards him. FEMALE Welcome home. Off Odo's reaction... FADE OUT. SUPER: TO BE CONTINUED END OF ACT FIVE THE END