STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Maquis, Part I" #40512-440 Written by Jim Crocker Directed by David Livingston THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION February 4, 1994 STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Maquis, Part I" - 02/04/94 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Maquis, Part I" CAST SISKO GUL DUKAT KIRA HUDSON ODO SAKONNA QUARK GUL EVEK BASHIR PRESCOTT DAX KOBB O'BRIEN NILES COMPUTER VOICE SAMUELS GUARD Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. COLONISTS DS9 - "The Maquis, Part I" - 02/07/94 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Maquis, Part I" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE AIRLOCK COMMANDER'S OFFICE RUNABOUT HABITIAT CORRIDOR OPS JUNGLE PROMENADE QUARK'S/SECOND FLOOR VOLAN COLONY SISKO'S QUARTERS RUNABOUT VOLAN COLONY MEETING HOUSE STAR TREK: "The Maquis, Part I" - 02/09/94 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Maquis, Part I" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BAJORAN buh-JOR-an BARDEEZAN bar-DEE-zun BERGAN BURR-gahn BODAY bow-DAY BOKINOR bawk-nor BOLIAN BOW-lee-ahn CARDASSIAN car-DASS-ee-en FARIUS FAIR-ee-us FLOXENBERRY FLAWX-en-behr-ee. GALADOR GAL-uh-door GALADORAN GAL-uh-DOOR-un GALLAMITE GAL-luh-mite GOLSIDE GOAL-side KELINDIDE KEL-in-died KOTAKIAN koe-TAWK-ee-an MAQUIS maw-kee MERCASSIUM mer-KAS-see-um PAGAR PAY-gar PLOMEEK ploh-meek RAMSCOOP RAM-scoop REGULON REH-gyoo-lahn RHODINIUM roe-DIN-ee-um ROPAL ROE-pall SOLTOK SOLE-tok VOIAN VOE-lahn YRIDIANS y'RID-ee-ans DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - ADDENDUM SCENE 47 1. This is an ADDENDUM to Scene 47. It should be placed after the Pronunciation Guide in the script. This is the dialogue Sisko is having with an Admiral on the monitor in his office. We neither hear the dialogue nor see the Admiral on the monitor. We do see Sisko trying to keep his temper while emphatically responding to the Admiral's heated inquiries. They are mid-conversation as the scene begins... SISKO (bristling) I'm hoping I don't have to remind the admiral how many people pass through here during a week's time. It's not possible to keep tabs on every single person while they're on the station... ADMIRAL (hard) If I didn't know you better, commander, I'd think you were just making excuses... SISKO (heatedly) I'm not making excuses! Would it be in keeping with Federation policy to frisk everyone who steps through our airlocks? To search every room of every visitor during their stay? ADMIRAL (forcefully) Of course not... but with two kidnappings and a ship being destroyed... all in less than a week's time... obviously your security measures leave something to be desired... SISKO Security on this station is by the book. Our security program and the officers who work in it are first- rate. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - ADDENDUM SCENE 47 2. CONTINUED: ADMIRAL Then what were they doing when all this was happening? We here at Starfleet are watching how you resolve this situation very closely, commander. We think it might be prudent to replace this chief of security you have... SISKO Odo is both highly intelligent and extremely thorough. He's the most qualified person I have for the job. ADMIRAL Still, it would be a concrete example that you are taking active measures to resolve this situation... and to make sure it doesn't happen again. SISKO I stand behind my chief of security one hundred percent. ADMIRAL (with an edge) That may be a mistake, Commander... SISKO (controlled fury) Then it's my mistake. ADMIRAL Then let me make my point again. Starfleet is very unhappy this has happened. We want this matter taken care of immediately. I don't have to remind you how this reflects on your position... SISKO We're doing everything we can to apprehend the kidnappers... ADMIRAL Don't bother me with details. Just clean up the mess, Commander. And quickly. Before this becomes a permanent stain on your record. Do I make myself clear? DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - ADDENDUM SCENE 47 3. CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (angrily) Yes, sir. The Admiral's image disappears from the monitor. (Then we will pick up at "In his office, Sisko drops his head... " in the script.) DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Maquis, Part I" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) A Cardassian freighter is docked at upper pylon one... 2 INT. AIRLOCK A Cardassian merchant marine-type officer stands just inside the open door to the Cardassian freighter... Two more Cardassians carry equipment into the ship as he makes routine notes on a Cardassian PADD... he EXITS back into the ship... BILL SAMUELS then ENTERS the airlock from the station... Samuels wears a Starfleet work uniform and carries a toolbox... glancing around to make sure he's alone, he pops open a panel in the freighter's hull, begins studying the space inside the panel... 3 INT. OPS KIRA and DAX work at their stations. N.D. Supernumeraries as needed. DAX (off console) The Cardassian freighter Bok'Nor is requesting permission to depart Upper Pylon One in three minutes... Kira checks a monitor display... KIRA We've got an incoming Bolian vessel at coordinates one-zero-one mark three-eight... give the Bok'Nor a clear trajectory out of the traffic pattern... DAX Acknowledged. Dax presses panels, signaling the freighter. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - 02/04/94 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: KIRA (beat) Feel like getting together for dinner tonight? DAX Can't. I'm having dinner with Captain Boday. KIRA The Gallamite? You're going out on a date with him? DAX Is something wrong with that? KIRA (it's no skin off her nose) No... not at all... DAX He happens to be brilliant. His brain is twice the size of yours and mine. KIRA I know... (with vague distaste) I've seen it. DAX It's not his fault Gallamites have transparent skulls... KIRA No, it's not. But it's not exactly the view I want to have with dinner. DAX (beat) You know, Kira, sometimes I think you place too much emphasis on how men look. KIRA What's that supposed to mean? DAX (blithely) Nothing. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Look -- when I kiss a man goodnight, I like to know where I'm kissing him. DAX (wryly) I guess seven lifetimes gives me a somewhat broader perspective... KIRA Since I have just one lifetime, I have to be a little more particular about whom I go out with... DAX (slightly indignant) I never said I wasn't particular... KIRA I'm not the one who dates Ferengis. DAX What's that supposed to mean? KIRA (blithely) Nothing. Dax would continue this little tete-a-tete, but she casually notices a signal on her console. She routinely presses panels... DAX Releasing docking clamps at Upper Pylon One. A raised eyebrow to her console... DAX That's funny... I'm picking up elevated... And suddenly it's urgent... she interrupts herself, hitting a comline with her palm... DAX Deep Space Nine to Bok'Nor... shut down your engines... repeat shut down your... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - TEASER 4. 4 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as the Cardassian freighter pulls back from the upper pylon it was docked at, it EXPLODES... the hull obliterating... shredded pieces flying out from a blinding white-hot center... 5 INT. OPS - KIRA AND DAX (CONTINUOUS) The station buffeted by the force of the explosion... Dax and Kira almost thrown off their feet... stunned... Kira scrambling back to her console... KIRA Report! DAX Some kind of impulse overload... checking... KIRA (hitting com line) Ops to all engineering personnel... report to rescue stations... we have an S-I-D in progress... Dax is stunned by what she sees... looks at Kira... shakes her head... DAX There's nothing left of it... there's no one left to rescue... Kira reacts and... 6 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) returning to the last remnants of the last shot... pieces of debris are all that's left of the Cardassian ship... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 7 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The Runabout drifts slowly through shredded pieces of the exploded freighter... 8 INT. RUNABOUT (VPB) Kira and O'BRIEN. She's the pilot. He sits, performing a sensor analysis on the debris from the freighter. Information SCROLLS BY on his monitor... O'BRIEN (off monitor) Kelindide... rhodinium... nothing unusual there... all materials commonly used in Cardassian ship construction... Kira is slightly defensive -- she doesn't want to hear the Bajorans have blown up this Cardassian ship... KIRA Maybe it was a malfunction in the impulse generator... O'BRIEN I'd like to be able to tell you that, Major... but it's just too soon to be sure... KIRA I can't believe the Cardassians have waited this long for an official explanation... 9 ANGLE (VPB) As SISKO'S image from Ops appears on the monitors, we hear an accompanying BLEEP... SISKO Anything, Chief? O'Brien continues to check sensor readings as he talks... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 6. 9 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN No sign of an explosive device yet, sir... SISKO I've got every Admiral within subspace range on my butt... can I at least tell them it looks like an accident... ? O'Brien doesn't care who's pressing him for answers... he's got a job to do and he's going to do it... O'BRIEN Well, I wouldn't do that quite yet, sir... SISKO When. O'BRIEN I'll let you know. INTERCUT: 10 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) Sisko frowns. ODO and Dax are with Sisko in Ops. Dax is working at her station... studying monitors, reports from the explosion... KIRA Anything from the Cardassians yet, Commander? SISKO Not a word. ODO All Bajoran outposts have been put on alert for retaliatory strikes. The provisional government has made a statement disavowing any responsibility. KIRA Maybe it really was an accident. I mean, it is possible. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 7. 10 CONTINUED: ODO (skeptical) An "accident" involving a Cardassian ship in Bajoran space... if I were a Cardassian, I wouldn't easily accept... O'BRIEN (overlapping, off sensors) Hmmm, that's odd... SISKO What? O'BRIEN I'm picking up traces of a mercassium compound. DAX (reacts) Mercassium? There shouldn't have been any mercassium on board that ship... O'BRIEN Well, there was... SISKO Meaning... ? O'BRIEN I'm not sure yet. This adds to everyone's impatience. ODO Is mercassium some kind of explosive? SISKO No, it's a synthetic composite used in shield generator construction by the Federation. We don't share that technology with anyone. Dax has found something conclusive on her console... DAX Chief, I don't think you're going to find evidence of an explosive device... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 8. 10 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (sighs) Lieutenant, respectfully, these kinds of things take time and I've got to... DAX (overlapping) I don't think you're going to find an explosive device because I'm pretty sure it was an implosive proto-matter device... designed to match the impulse signature... Reactions. Sisko and Odo move to Dax for a closer look at her console... DAX Just before the explosion, I picked up a sudden increase in their fusion rate... I've been trying to find any sign of a malfunction in the Bok'Nor's engines to explain it... but there just isn't one. This doesn't look like an accident... The fusion shock had to be caused by something external to the impulse drive system... O'BRIEN (agrees) If a proto-matter device was attached to the crossfeeds, it could have created the overload... and we'd never see any sign of it... A beat. This is bad news. Sisko digests it. SISKO Can you prove that's what happened? O'BRIEN Maybe... if we could get a high resolution spectra of the impulse debris... but that's gonna take some... SISKO ... time, yes, I know. Get it started. I'll tell the Admirals. Sisko out. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/14/94 - ACT ONE 9. 10 CONTINUED: (3) In the background, Starfleet LIEUTENANT COMMANDER CALVIN "CAL" HUDSON arrives on the Turbolift... Hudson is approximately Sisko's age... they shake hands... they are very old friends... Odo stays with Dax as Sisko moves to greet Hudson... HUDSON (half-smile) Benjamin... SISKO Hello, Cal, thanks for coming on such short notice. HUDSON I wish it didn't take a disaster like this to get us back together. DAX Hi, Calvin... Hudson glances at Dax, doesn't recognize her... SISKO Jadzia Dax... Now Cal gets it... smiles... HUDSON Dax! My gosh... I can't believe... boy, you look a lot better than the last time I saw you. Odo is the odd man out here so Sisko helps... SISKO Security Chief Odo... Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hudson... Starfleet's attache to the Federation colonies in the new Demilitarized Zone... Odo reacts with interest... ODO You must be concerned about the colonies' security at a time like this... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 9A. 10 CONTINUED: (4) HUDSON (shrugs, not really) Well, we haven't seen any unusual deployment from the Cardassians along the border... ODO Neither have we. That's what's got me worried. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: (5) SISKO (to Hudson) Come on into my office. Smiling back to Dax -- HUDSON I don't have time this trip. But we've got a few stories to catch up on, Lieutenant. DAX (smiles, nods) Next time. 11 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS HUDSON (chuckles) That woman knows more about me than any woman has ever known... even more than my wife did... SISKO (me too) Tell me about it. HUDSON Don't you find it a little... uncomfortable? SISKO (shrugs, casual) She's a good officer. HUDSON Yeah, but Curzon was... SISKO (smiles) She's not Curzon. HUDSON (beat, realizing maybe they're involved) You're not... (uses his fingers to connect the two of them) DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 11. 11 CONTINUED: SISKO (laughs heartily) No. She may not be Curzon. But she is Dax. HUDSON That would be extremely... strange... Sisko nods. HUDSON So, how's Jake? SISKO As tall as me. HUDSON No. SISKO And he throws inside to back his old man off the plate. HUDSON A little chin music, huh? SISKO He's growing up too fast. HUDSON It must've been tough for you. At least I didn't have a kid to raise by myself. SISKO Well, we kind of helped each other through it. A beat as Hudson nods and Sisko sees that Hudson is still learning to cope with the loss of his wife... SISKO When I heard about Gretchen, I wanted to be there for you. There was just no way to get back... HUDSON (appreciative) I know that. (beat) I was hoping when they sent me to the colonies that we'd be getting in some more R&R time together... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 12. 11 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Who's got R&R time? HUDSON (nods in agreement) You can't imagine what my life's been like since the Federation abandoned these colonies... SISKO (reacts) Abandoned them? Doesn't your presence there... HUDSON (interrupting) My presence there is a joke. I'm supposed to help these colonies function under the terms of the new treaty -- what the hell does that mean? SISKO I thought these colonists wanted to stay... that they refused to be evacuated. HUDSON (shrugs, what else could they do?) The treaty gave away their territory to the Cardassians... territory these people had invested their lives in... if you knew them like I do, Ben, you'd understand why they couldn't leave. It's a bad treaty. The Federation gave away too much. SISKO Several Cardassian colonies wanted to stay on the Federation side of the Zone too... it seemed like a reasonable compromise... HUDSON The Cardassians were delighted to keep their colonies in our territory. Because they knew we'd protect them. But they're not about to do the same for ours. Sisko frowns at the dire prediction... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 13. 11 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO A number of Admirals at Starfleet Command are worried the destruction of the Bok'Nor might jeopardize the treaty. HUDSON (a critical grin, shakes his head) Are they really? SISKO As the two ranking officers along the Cardassian border, we've been asked to assess the potential risk... HUDSON There is no risk, Ben. None. I've been dealing with the Cardassians for most of my professional life. Believe me, the Cardassians are very happy with what they got out of this treaty. They're not going to risk losing all they've gained by sending forces into the Zone. They're much too slick for that. If I were you, I'd be more concerned about security along the Bajoran border... SISKO (considers that a beat) Are you surprised that they haven't responded at all yet? HUDSON You know as well as I do they never let you see what you expect to see. They'll respond. As Sisko considers that... 12 INT. PROMENADE Bill Samuels (the man from the airlock scene in the Teaser), no longer in uniform, window shops as an attractive female Vulcan, SAKONNA, moves up beside him. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 14. 12 CONTINUED: SAKONNA (typically, matter-of- factly Vulcan) Quarters have been arranged through discreet channels... Deck Seven, Section Four-"G"... I suggest you keep a low profile until your ship arrives... In appropriate spy fashion he doesn't acknowledge, and she moves away toward Quark's. A beat later, he moves away from the window. Two aliens from the same species, one male and one sexy female, stand nearby (among a small crowd of people) glance over in Samuels's direction... after a beat, begin to casually follow him... 13 INT. QUARK'S There's a moderate crowd, feisty, enjoying themselves... Sakonna, being a Vulcan, seems relatively immune to the festive cries of "Dabo!" that pierce the air... sizing the place up unemotionally, she then moves to the bar... 14 AT THE BAR QUARK is counting pieces of latinum, delighted with a good day's take, putting it into neat piles... Sakonna approaches, studies him... QUARK (without looking up) What can I get you? SAKONNA You are Quark, aren't you... Reacts, looks up at stern voice... QUARK I assure you the warrant is out of date. I cleared that matter up months ago... SAKONNA Warrant? QUARK Oh. When you recognized me, I assumed... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - 02/04/94 - ACT ONE 15. 14 CONTINUED: SAKONNA You are counting your receipts. It is logical to conclude that you are the proprietor of the establishment. QUARK You're... very observant. What can I do for you? Sakonna glances to see no one is within earshot. SAKONNA I was hoping to discuss a business proposition. QUARK (perks up, immediately) With me? Uh, perhaps I should explain about that slip-of-the- tongue.... SAKONNA Your past is of no consequence to me. QUARK I'm... delighted to hear you say that. Because nothing would please me more than to make a fresh start with the Vulcans, Ms... ? SAKONNA Sakonna. QUARK Sakonna. Such a handsome name... for such a handsome young woman... He smiles his best smile, gets nothing back except a classically raised Vulcan eyebrow. QUARK What'll you have to drink... wait a minute, I have just the thing... He goes to the liquor display for a dusty old, elegantly shaped bottle... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT ONE 16. 14 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Vulcan port. Three centuries old. Very rare. Very expensive. Shall I pour you a glass... ? SAKONNA No. QUARK Not even a taste? It's exquisite... SAKONNA I'm not thirsty. Thus I see no reason to have a drink. Quark's smile never wavers... he sets the bottle back in its place... QUARK Well... it'll be right here... should you develop a thirst. Now -- you mentioned a business proposition? SAKONNA It is a private matter. I'd rather not discuss it here. QUARK Then we can discuss it over dinner... that is we can plan the business meeting to coincide with when you think you might get hungry. SAKONNA That would be acceptable. QUARK That would be wonderful! How does eight sound to your tummy? SAKONNA I will return then. She leaves. He studies her with appreciation, sighs. QUARK (not to her) And by the way, I'd love to melt that cold Vulcan heart of yours. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - 02/04/94 - ACT ONE 17. 14 CONTINUED: (3) He drinks the Vulcan port, his face says it's awful. 15 INT. HABITAT CORRIDOR Bill Samuels walks up the corridor. Casually following a few meters behind him is the male alien we saw in the promenade. Approaching Samuels from the opposite direction is his female companion. She's rummaging through a medium- sized pouch-like purse. Samuels takes her in with quiet appreciation. As they start to pass, the purse accidentally slips out of the female alien's hands. Samuels picks it up for her, holds it out with a smile. The female alien smiles back, grateful... As Samuels is handing her the purse, the male alien starts to pass behind him. The male alien suddenly renders Samuels unconscious with a hypospray. Together the male and female alien drag Samuels back to one of the private quarters. The female alien looks up and down the corridor, is satisfied no one has seen them. She steps into the quarters and the door CLOSES after her... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 16 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) 17 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko ENTERS from the Habitat corridor. His quarters are mostly dark. SISKO (calling out) Jake? He moves a few steps inside... and just as he sees a silhouette in the shadows of a Cardassian... GUL DUKAT Your son is not here, Commander... DUKAT steps out of the shadows into a pool of light... SISKO (reacts) Dukat... ? GUL DUKAT Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. SISKO (coldly, fearing the worst) Where is he. GUL DUKAT Your son? How should I know? (beat, realizing) You... you believe that I... really, Commander... do you think I would ever harm your son? SISKO I think you're capable of anything. GUL DUKAT You wound me. I'm here as your friend. Sisko studies him a beat then hits his combadge... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT TWO 18A. 17 CONTINUED: SISKO Sisko to Kira... GUL DUKAT Please do not act hastily, Commander. We must talk privately. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT TWO 19. 17 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA'S COM VOICE Yes, Commander? SISKO Major, I want you to find Jake. KIRA'S COM VOICE Is he missing? SISKO I don't know. Find out where he is and let me know. KIRA'S COM VOICE Understood. SISKO How the hell did you get in here. GUL DUKAT (enjoying this) I was an unregistered passenger on a Kotakian ship that docked here this morning. I slipped in through the cargo bay... SISKO (disbelieving) And made your way here? Without anyone seeing you... ? GUL DUKAT (smiling) I was the commander of this station for almost ten years. When one knows the various corridors and passageways as well as I do... by the way, I love what you've done with these quarters... KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to Sisko. Jake's fine, Commander. He's with Nog watching the women coming off the Bajoran transport at Docking Bay One... shall I have him brought to your quarters? SISKO No, that's all right. Thank-you, Major. Sisko out. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - 02/04/94 - ACT TWO 20. 17 CONTINUED: (3) GUL DUKAT There you are. Safe and sound. SISKO What are you doing here? Dukat responds in a low-key manner -- as if he knows he's holding all the cards and is enjoying playing them one at a time... he's the least formal we've ever seen him... which, being a Cardassian, means he's still pretty formal... GUL DUKAT You have a problem. SISKO Do I? GUL DUKAT The Bok'Nor. SISKO (beat) Is this the Cardassian Central Command's way of responding to my communiques? GUL DUKAT On the contrary -- Central Command has no idea I'm here. (off Sisko's skeptical reaction) It's true. I'm here unofficially... to help you find the truth about the Bok'Nor... SISKO Why would you want to help me... GUL DUKAT Because I already know the truth. SISKO You know who's responsible? GUL DUKAT That's right. SISKO Who... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT TWO 21. 17 CONTINUED: (4) GUL DUKAT You are. (beat) Oh, not you personally, Commander... I know you're an honorable man. You're not one to sneak around and attach implosion devices to impulse engines... but, believe it or not, some of your brethren are willing to do such things -- morally superior human beings and other members of the Federation... SISKO I'm supposed to take your word for that. GUL DUKAT Of course not. It's my job to convince you. So you can clean your own house... instead of forcing us to do it for you... which would certainly endanger the new treaty... (beat) We'll need one of your runabouts... SISKO Where are "we" going? GUL DUKAT The Volan Colonies. SISKO (a little surprised) The Demilitarized Zone? GUL DUKAT (small, rueful smile) Not so demilitarized, I'm afraid... Hold on Sisko watching Dukat, still suspicious of him, wondering what his ulterior motive is... yet hooked... 18 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as a Runabout departs from the station. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT TWO 22. 19 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) cruising along at impulse power. 20 INT. RUNABOUT Sisko pilots the craft. Dukat sits next to him, trying not to let his fascination at being so close to Federation technology seem too obvious. Sisko glances at Dukat taking everything in... GUL DUKAT I notice my controls are not illuminated. Isn't it customary for both seats to be turned on? So that I may pilot the craft in the event of an emergency? SISKO If there's an emergency, I guess you're out of luck. GUL DUKAT Commander, I'm not going to sit here and steal all your little technical secrets, I promise you... SISKO I appreciate your assurances. But Cardassians are famous for their photographic memories... GUL DUKAT (belittling him) Ah, so you turn off my controls so I won't have enough "light" to take my photograph, is that it? SISKO I've heard they put Cardassian children in intense mind training programs when they're four years old, is that true? GUL DUKAT The Cardassian educational system is unparalleled in the quadrant... SISKO If you don't mind taking the joy out of growing up... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/09/94 - ACT TWO 23. 20 CONTINUED: GUL DUKAT Education is power... joy is vulnerability... Sisko grunts, gives him a disbelieving head shake... GUL DUKAT Your reaction surprises me, Commander. I thought you would understand. Of all the humans I've met, you strike me as the most joyless and the least vulnerable. SISKO I am when I'm with you. Dukat chuckles. GUL DUKAT Well said. But in truth, I was looking forward to getting to know you better on this journey. SISKO I think we know each other well enough. No beat. Pointing to a dark display panel... GUL DUKAT Is that a ramscoop control or a deflector grid panel... ? Sisko just gives him a look... GUL DUKAT Just curious. (beat) It really doesn't matter. Cardassian pursuit vessels are years ahead of this design. A computer signal sounds... Sisko checks something he sees on his control panel... GUL DUKAT What is it? SISKO Long range sensors are picking up a distress signal... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT TWO 24. 20 CONTINUED: (2) GUL DUKAT From whom? SISKO A Federation merchant vessel... (beat, pointed) ... under attack by Cardassians. He pushes a panel, looks at a monitor displaying... 21 INSERT (OPTICAL) a colored grid with a charted background... a graphic symbol representing the Federation merchant vessel moves slowly across the screen... two other symbols, representing two more ships, converge on the vessel from slightly different angles... 22 RESUME SISKO Two attack vessels. Just inside the Demilitarized Zone. GUL DUKAT That's not possible. I promise you, Commander, we would not violate the treaty. SISKO The merchant ship's com-links have gone down. I can't raise them... computer, fix source coordinates of the distress signal and lay in a new course... warp three... (to Dukat) I hope you don't mind. GUL DUKAT I'm as curious as you are. 23 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as it angles off sharply, speeds away at warp... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/08/94 - ACT TWO 25. 24 INT. RUNABOUT GUL DUKAT What type of Cardassian ship are they? Patrol cruisers? SISKO No. Much smaller. They look like shuttlecraft... GUL DUKAT (hard to fathom) Cardassian shuttles? Attacking a Federation merchant ship? SISKO They seem to be armed with Galor- class phaser banks... GUL DUKAT They must be from the Cardassian colonies in the Demilitarized Zone... (quiet anger) Hail them. Sisko presses panels. SISKO (beat) No response. GUL DUKAT Open a channel. SISKO (hits panel) Go ahead. GUL DUKAT (addressing Cardassian ships) To the pilots of the Cardassian attack vessels. This is Gul Dukat, Commander of the Second order. Please respond. Nothing. Dukat is getting really mad now. He looks at the monitor again and sees the attack is continuing. GUL DUKAT This is Gul Dukat, security identification A-D-L-Four-Zero. I order you to immediately disengage your attack. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT TWO 26. 24 CONTINUED: Still nothing. Sisko shuts down the com line. SISKO (to Dukat) We're still two minutes away... the Federation vessel's shields are down to forty percent. GUL DUKAT Hail the Cardassians again. A bleep tells us Sisko has reopened the channel. GUL DUKAT I don't know who you are or where you're from... but you're going to pay for this, I promise you... answer me immediately... or I will personally fire the photons that will destroy you... No response. Dukat is furious. Turns off the com-link, turns to Sisko. GUL DUKAT I'm serious. Arm your photons. Sisko studies him, blinks, okay... SISKO (pointing) The photon launcher is... Dukat's hands are already at the correct panel. GUL DUKAT I know. I knew all about your controls before I came aboard. Tell me when we're in torpedo range. Sisko barely has time to react... SISKO Stand by... I'm picking up another ship moving toward them... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT TWO 27. 25 INSERT - CLOSE ON THE OKUDAGRAM (OPTICAL) to see this new vessel (blinking blip) appearing on the screen, closing quickly... GUL DUKAT That's a Federation signature, I believe, Commander... 26 RESUME SISKO It sure isn't from Starfleet... I've never seen a ship configuration like that before... it almost seems like someone modified an old support courier. (pressing panels) Hailing them... Nothing... Sisko reacts, glances at Dukat -- what the hell is going on? SISKO (frustrated) No response. 27 INSERT - CLOSE ON THE OKUDAGRAM (OPTICAL) The Federation blip fires a torpedo... SISKO (O.S.) They've fired torpedoes... what kind of civilian vessel that size would be carrying a photon... GUL DUKAT (O.S.) Something from one of your colonies, perhaps? It takes this much time for the photon to reach its target... it hits one of the two Cardassian blips which flares and disappears... the other Cardassian ship is trying to escape now... but another photon torpedo wipes it out too... 28 RESUME On Sisko and Dukat's reactions... Dukat is containing a real fury about the events... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - 02/04/94 - ACT TWO 28. 28 CONTINUED: GUL DUKAT Do you begin to see, Commander, that without any help from either of us, they've managed to start their own little war out here... On Sisko's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 29 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 30 INT. QUARK'S SECOND FLOOR - A SEMI-PRIVATE TABLE CLOSE ON an exquisitely set dinner table for two. The finest china and an attractive 24th-century centerpiece are displayed... QUARK (O.S.) (silkily smooth) I hope you're hungry. I've planned a wonderful meal for us... 31 SAKONNA AND QUARK ARRIVING Sakonna sits across from Quark. She displays a typical Vulcan detachment to the emotional ambience he's trying to create... QUARK (continuing) ... starting with plomeek soup, which I know is a traditional Vulcan favorite... followed by Jumbo Romulan mollusks... you can't get those back on Vulcan anymore, can you... SAKONNA Do you eat in this grand a manner every night? QUARK Certainly not. This is a special occasion. SAKONNA It is? Quark signals a waiter to open the red wine... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT THREE 30. 31 CONTINUED: QUARK (stately) The commencement of a new business relationship is the most special occasion for any Ferengi. It's a cause for opening great bottles of wine, dancing into the wee small hours of the morning... (to the waiter, re: wine) We'll let it breathe for a few minutes. SAKONNA Very well, I will attempt to respect some of your cultural idiosyncrasies. I will drink the wine. But I won't dance. QUARK Maybe you'll change your mind after you drink the wine. SAKONNA No. I won't. QUARK Come on. Somewhere inside that cool, controlled exterior of yours, there's a wild woman screaming to get out... Maybe by the end of the night, you'll be dancing on the tabletops... (off her even expression) Maybe not. SAKONNA Is it appropriate to begin our business discussion now? Quark shakes his head... signals for the first course... QUARK Rule of Acquisition number two- fourteen: "Never begin a negotiation on an empty stomach." As the food is served... SAKONNA Rule of Acquisition? DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT THREE 31. 31 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Yes, yes... every Ferengi business transaction is governed by two hundred eighty-five Rules of Acquisition... to insure a fair and honest deal for all parties concerned... well, most of them anyway... SAKONNA Commendable. To create a code of behavior for business transactions is... QUARK (pleased to offer) ... it's logical... SAKONNA ... and quite reassuring. Quark pours the wine... QUARK Do the Vulcans have anything similar? SAKONNA In structure, it reminds one of the Vulcan Bill of Rights which guarantees the fundamental personal freedoms of every Vulcan citizen... QUARK Same thing exactly. May I propose a toast? SAKONNA Is this another cultural idiosyncrasy? QUARK Yes. He raises his glass... Sakonna follows suit. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT THREE 32. 31 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK You know I can't describe the honor I feel at this moment... it's rare that a Ferengi and a Vulcan can overcome their inherent differences to see eye-to-eye as we're doing... I've always had the greatest respect for Vulcans... even though the few I've met haven't exactly felt the same way about me. You are a noble people and I salute you. He drinks, she nods in appreciation, drinks... QUARK Now then, what kind of business proposition do you have in mind? She reacts, ah, it's time. SAKONNA I wish to procure weapons. QUARK I beg your pardon? SAKONNA Guns, phaser banks, photon torpedoes, troop transports and a number of cobalt-thorium devices... my list is quite extensive. QUARK You're a gun runner? SAKONNA I'm prepared to pay in latinum and I will very likely need a continuous supply for the foreseeable future. Quark leans back, the wind out of his sails... QUARK You're... you're not like other Vulcans, are you... She raises an eyebrow... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/10/94 - ACT THREE 33. 32 EXT. VOLAN COLONY - DAY (MATTE) establishing this Federation colony situated in Cardassian territory on Volan Three... 33 INT. VOLAN COLONY MEETING HOUSE - DAY As Sisko and Dukat ENTER, Cal Hudson and five colonists stand talking to an angry GUL EVEK (NOTE: Evek is a character originally created in TNG's episode, "Journey's End"). He is Hudson's Cardassian counterpart. Hudson is tough but diplomatic, doesn't back down. Two of the Federation settlers are more confrontational. One is a woman: KOBB. Another is AMAROS, an earnest, hardworking man. Of the three remaining settlers, one is a male Vulcan, one is an N.D. Federation alien and one is a 24th century American Indian. One Cardassian colonist with a PADD is watching from nearby. Picking up in mid-argument... GUL EVEK The Federation merchant ship refused to be boarded! AMAROS So, your ships just decided to open fire... GUL EVEK It was clear the Federation ship was carrying weapons through the Demilitarized Zone... HUDSON (weary) That ship was carrying medical supplies to Soltok Four... They see the new guests arriving... HUDSON Ben, what are you doing here? Sisko is measuring the situation... SISKO (evenly) I'm not sure yet. Gul Dukat asked me to accompany him. Evek has no love for Dukat. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT THREE 34. 33 CONTINUED: GUL EVEK Dukat. No one informed us that you were coming. GUL DUKAT I decided an impromptu visit would be preferable... so you wouldn't be bothered with special preparations... GUL EVEK (cool) I see. HUDSON Commander Sisko, do you know my counterpart in the colonies, Gul Evek? Sisko nods to him. GUL EVEK (to Sisko) I'm glad you're here to listen to this, Commander. SISKO We monitored the attack on our way in... GUL DUKAT Yes, "monitor" is the proper word because none of the ships would respond to our hails... the Cardassian pilots even refused to acknowledge me. GUL EVEK (an excuse) A strange voice from a Federation runabout... GUL DUKAT I gave them my security identification. GUL EVEK Well, obviously they had their hands full... KOBB With an unprovoked attack. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/10/94 - ACT THREE 35. 33 CONTINUED: (2) GUL EVEK (smug) "Unprovoked," was it? Do you deny that the Federation is engaging in organized terrorist activities against the Cardassian people? Deliberately attempting to undermine this treaty? SISKO The Federation does not conduct secret wars. GUL EVEK Perhaps, then you can explain where the Federation ship came from, the one that was outfitted with photon torpedoes... ? Sisko looks at Hudson who shakes his head, doesn't know either... but throws it back at Evek... HUDSON How about explaining why your ships were armed with Galor-class phaser banks? GUL EVEK They have the right to defend themselves against these organized terrorist activities. SISKO I haven't heard any proof yet of "organized terrorist activities"... AMAROS Because there is none. Evek exchanges a glance with Dukat... Dukat knows what's coming... GUL EVEK On the contrary, we have the confession of the Federation terrorist responsible for the destruction of the Bok'Nor at your station, Commander... A slow push into Sisko as the impact hits him... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/10/94 - ACT THREE 36. 33 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO Confession? The Cardassian colonist hands Evek the PADD... as he reads... GUL EVEK (reading) A forty-three-year-old male human, William Patrick Samuels, born Bergan, Norway, Earth... AMAROS We know who he is... what have you done with him... GUL EVEK (continuing, ignoring the question) ... came to the Federation colony on Volan Two twenty years ago... married, wife's name Louise, two female children aged fourteen and twelve. He was quite cooperative once we apprehended him from Deep Space Nine... Sisko, who is getting caught flat footed on all of this, glances at Dukat who chooses not to make eye contact... Evek nods to the Cardassian colonist, who then hands a data clip to Amaros... Amaros inserts the data clip into a console... 34 ON DESKTOP MONITORS (OPTICAL) Samuels speaks in a medium closeup... he has been washed up for this video, looks fine at first glance but his eyes are dead and he has the pallid expression of a prisoner of war who has been tortured. He reads from a statement. SAMUELS My name is William Samuels. I am being held for crimes against the Cardassian people. I have been well treated. I have confessed that, as a member of a well-armed anti- Cardassian force organized by Federation colonists, I set an implosion device that destroyed the freighter Bok'Nor. I deeply regret participating in this arbitrary attack that led to the deaths of over seventy- five crewmen. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/10/94 - ACT THREE 37. 34 CONTINUED: SAMUELS (Cont'd) To my wife and children, I'm sorry and I love you. The confession ends... 35 RESUME HUDSON We'll want to talk to him ourselves. You'll make him available, of course... Evek hits a combadge... GUL EVEK (to com) Bring him in. AMAROS He would have confessed to anything after you were through with him... GUL EVEK On the contrary, he confessed quite early in the interrogation procedure... far sooner than we expected. I believe he truly felt remorse. Two Cardassians ENTER carrying a body bag on a stretcher... GUL EVEK Unfortunately, he committed suicide in his cell. Reactions. Sisko zips back the top of the body bag and reveals the dead face of the man we just saw on the recording. Amaros suddenly explodes, charges Evek and grabs him with two hands at his throat, choking him... Evek falls backward, Amaros goes down on top of him... Hudson moves in first as everyone pulls them apart... finally, they succeed... but it seems like a war might break out in this room... the Cardassians and Federation colonists look at each other with bitter hatred. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT THREE 38. 35 CONTINUED: SISKO (to Dukat, re: Cardassians) Get them out of here. Dukat acknowledges... as Hudson coaxes the colonists out another door... two of them take the body with them... HUDSON We'll talk later... KOBB ... We can't let them get away with this... HUDSON ... We'll talk later... go on now... And they're out. Sisko and Hudson are alone... as they exchange a dismal look... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - 02/04/94 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 36 EXT. VOLAN COLONY - DAY (MATTE) Re-establishing. 37 INT. VOLAN COLONY MEETING HOUSE - DAY Except for Sisko and Hudson, the council chamber is now deserted... the quiet in the large room now echoes the loneliness of these two men's positions... Hudson paces slowly, quietly bitter... HUDSON I knew him... Bill Samuels was a farmer... he cultivated his land for twenty years... raised two kids on that land... he made something out of that land... and the Federation told him he had to give it all to the Cardassians... well, he wasn't willing to do it... SISKO (arguing the Federation position) And it was people like him who made both sides realize that some accommodation had to be made for these colonies... so they could stay... HUDSON The Cardassians have no intention of letting these people stay, Ben... they'll drive them out or kill them... it's already started... not a day goes by without some random act of violence against our people. Every Federation colonist knows you never go out alone at night... can you imagine living in that kind of fear... ? SISKO If you're saying the Cardassian authorities are not enforcing the laws, we can... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 40. 37 CONTINUED: HUDSON (overlapping) Enforcing the laws? The Cardassian "authorities" were part of a mob that stoned two of our colonists on the streets of Ropal City three days ago... SISKO That's something the Federation can take up with the Cardassians at the highest levels... HUDSON (shakes his head, sarcastic) I'm sure that'll help. The word is the Cardassian High Command is arming their colonists to the teeth... SISKO You really think they'd risk sending weapons into the Demilitarized Zone and breaking the treaty... HUDSON I think they'd find a way to do it that wouldn't be so obvious... Sisko thinks a moment, nods... SISKO Not long ago, we caught the Cardassians shipping weapons to Bajoran extremists through a third party -- the Yridians... HUDSON That sounds about right. (beat) Could the Bok'Nor have been transferring weapons to someone else to bring in here? SISKO If it was, the transfer was made before the ship reached the station... the cargo holds of the Bok'Nor were empty... Hudson nods grimly... a beat... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 41. 37 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO You think he did it? HUDSON Samuels? (sighs) I don't know. They could have forced him to make a false confession and then killed him. SISKO I don't think Dukat would drag me all the way here unless he knew he could prove this... HUDSON Then, maybe Bill did do it, I don't know. (beat) Damn... I gotta go see his wife... what am I gonna tell her... He sighs, smiles sadly to Sisko... HUDSON Makes you kind of pine for the dull old days at New Berlin, huh... sausage and beer all around, when everyone's idea of a good time was the Mazurka Festival... SISKO Jennifer and Gretchen had a ball together there, didn't they... HUDSON I'll never forget the sight of you in those lederhosen. SISKO I still have the hat. Hudson tries a laugh, it doesn't quite make it. A long beat. SISKO (continuing) Is there something larger going on here, Cal... are these colonists organizing some kind of terrorist campaign? DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 42. 37 CONTINUED: (3) HUDSON They sure as hell aren't going to tell me about it if they are. (beat) But I'll tell you something just between us, Ben, these people have a right to defend themselves. Once the Federation said good-bye to them, they were left with no other choice. Hudson EXITS, leaving Sisko a beat to think to himself... 38 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as the craft travels along at impulse power... 39 INT. RUNABOUT Sisko pilots... Dukat sits next to him... they're returning from Volan Three to Deep Space Nine... they haven't said much to each other... a fact Dukat picks up on... he's quite satisfied with himself... GUL DUKAT You're very quiet, Commander. SISKO (quietly angry) You knew about Samuels before we left... GUL DUKAT I knew about his confession yes. I didn't know he was... I was as surprised by his death as you were... SISKO No one's going to buy your suicide story. Dukat uncharacteristically holds his tongue... a beat... SISKO (contained fury) I don't care what he did... this kind of barbaric disregard for life will gut this treaty... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 43. 39 CONTINUED: GUL DUKAT (quietly) If it means anything, I entirely agree. I told Evek that he was a fool to let Samuels die. (beat, deliberately moving away from the genuine personal connection of the previous line) A good interrogator doesn't allow his subject to die. You lose the advantage. SISKO That's all you're interested in, isn't it. The "advantage." GUL DUKAT Now, don't go spouting off your holier- than-thou Federation fair-play dogma... I apologized, didn't I? And lest we forget, your man was responsible for the deaths of seventy- eight innocent crewman. SISKO (beat) What was the Bok'Nor transporting? GUL DUKAT The Bok'Nor had delivered fourteen metric tones of Golside ore to the Regulon system prior to its arrival at the wormhole... SISKO You're sure it wasn't carrying weapons... GUL DUKAT Weapons? To whom? SISKO To the Cardassians in the Demilitarized Zone... GUL DUKAT The route of the Bok'Nor didn't take it anywhere near the Demilitarized Zone. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 43A. 39 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO It could have rendezvoused with someone else... with the Lissepians, maybe... transferred the weapons to them... and they could have taken the weapons to... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 39 CONTINUED: (3) GUL DUKAT Commander, I know you'd love to find a justification for this mass murder to ease your Federation conscience. But if the Bok'Nor had been carrying weapons, I would know... and on the lives of my children, I swear to you, it was not. Sisko knows what a Cardassian's children mean to him. He has to sense that Dukat is telling the truth. He chooses to leave the subject alone. Without any particular interest... SISKO I didn't know you had children. GUL DUKAT Seven. And they ride on in silence. 40 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 41 INT. QUARK'S Except for a few lonely customers, Quark's is at low tide. Sakonna ENTERS, moves to the bar... SAKONNA I received your message. How soon will it be available... QUARK My source can have everything ready tomorrow... say, by fourteen hundred hours... SAKONNA That's not soon enough. I must leave the station tonight. QUARK You're leaving so soon... ? SAKONNA My plans have changed. Can your source have the materials ready by tonight? DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 41 CONTINUED: QUARK (disappointed) I guess he'll have to. SAKONNA I have your latinum. If you'd like to count it... QUARK (joking) Are you trustworthy? SAKONNA (not joking) I'm a Vulcan. QUARK Of course. It was just a little joke. I'm sure that it's all... well, it wouldn't hurt to give it a quick count, I suppose... SAKONNA I'll have it brought to your quarters. QUARK (nods, with regret) I was... looking forward to showing you more ways to mix business with pleasure... And in a vaguely Vulcan affectionate way... SAKONNA Perhaps in the future. I find you... intriguing, Quark. She EXITS. After a beat, to himself, pleased -- QUARK "Intriguing." 42 INT. PROMENADE as Sisko and Gul Dukat step out of the airlock... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 42 CONTINUED: SISKO (coolly) You can stay in the guest suite on Level H-Two while you arrange for transport back to Cardassia. I'll have a security guard sent to meet you there. GUL DUKAT (also coolly) Starfleet security, if you don't mind, Commander. Some of the Bajoran deputies were around in the good old days when I was in charge. SISKO I understand. GUL DUKAT If there's anything else I can do to assist you in your investigation... SISKO I think I can handle it from here. They separate and go their own ways... 43 INT. OPS As Sisko arrives on the Turbolift... Kira and O'Brien are at their stations, other supernumeraries as needed... SISKO Chief... ? O'BRIEN Yessir... I've got answers for you... but I'm not sure you're gonna like them... SISKO (guessing the truth) It was an implosive device... O'BRIEN Yessir and not only that... SISKO Not only that, it was a Federation implosive device. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/15/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 43 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (reacts at Sisko's foreknowledge) Yessir. The traces of mercassium we found were from the casing of the device itself. It had to be a Federation design. Sisko is just as unhappy as he can be about all this. As he storms into his office, yelling to no one in particular... SISKO Get me Starfleet Command on subspace. Kira and O'Brien exchange a look... 43A INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko ENTERS (or has just entered) moves to his computer terminal... hits a few panels... containing his anger and frustration at all the events... Kira ENTERS a beat later... KIRA Commander, is there... anything you want me to communicate to the Provisional Government? SISKO You can tell them some reckless Federation colonists in the Demilitarized Zone blew up the Bok'Nor... there's no further threat of Cardassian reprisals to Bajor... KIRA (acknowledges) I'll advise all of our outposts to stand down... She almost leaves. A beat. All this is incredible to her... KIRA Sir, are you, are we... facing the prospect of war here? SISKO Not if I can help it. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 47A. 43A CONTINUED: KIRA Is that what the colonists are after? SISKO I'm not sure they know what they're after, Major. I just know they have to be stopped. And it's Starfleet's job to stop them. KIRA (beat) Sir, I know this is none of my business... SISKO ... but you're going to give me your opinion anyway... KIRA I don't know what the Cardassians told you but... SISKO They played a confession from the man who planted the bomb... a man they very likely tortured to death... KIRA And you don't think you might be playing into their hands... ? SISKO (angry) I've got people out there killing people, Major... you suggest I turn a blind eye to that? KIRA Don't they have a right to defend themselves... SISKO ... they've crossed the line... KIRA ... if Starfleet is unwilling to defend them in the neutral zone... SISKO ... they chose to live with the Cardassians... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 47B. 43A CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Well, I didn't. (beat) But I lived with them for twenty-six years before liberation came. Every Bajoran lived with them... in constant fear. I know what those colonists are going through. Most of all I know the Cardassians can't be trusted to keep their side of the bargain in this treaty... SISKO So, you'd suggest the Federation shouldn't keep our side of the bargain either... perhaps by arming these colonists... KIRA I can't answer that, Commander. But I can tell you one thing for certain -- the Cardassians are the enemy, not your own colonists. And if Starfleet doesn't understand that, then the Federation is more naive than I already think it is. She EXITS, leaving Sisko with his thoughts... 44 INT. HABITAT CORRIDOR A Starfleet Security Officer (N.D.), standing guard outside one of the closed doors... Sakonna and an N.D. Security officer (NILES) approach the guard... Niles will position himself so the guard turns away from Sakonna... NILES (to guard) I've been sent to relieve you... GUARD (confused) There must be some mistake. I just reported for duty an hour... As the Guard looks at Niles, Sakonna renders him unconscious with a NECK PINCH. Niles catches him, drags the guard away (O.S.)... Sakonna hits the bell and in the time, it takes Dukat to answer, Niles returns. Through the door -- DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FOUR 47C. 44 CONTINUED: GUL DUKAT (O.S.) Yes? NILES (pretending he's now Dukat's guard) Sorry to disturb you, sir, but there's a message here from Commander Sisko... A beat, then the door OPENS... Gul Dukat looks out on his two visitors. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/14/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 44 CONTINUED: SAKONNA We've been asked to escort you to Airlock Eleven, sir. GUL DUKAT Is there a problem? NILES A Cardassian freighter has just arrived. Apparently another bomb has been found and disarmed. Dukat reacts and follows them... 45 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) The airlock seems deserted... Sakonna, Dukat and Niles ENTER from the station... Dukat looks into the airlock, doesn't see Sisko... GUL DUKAT Where's Commander Sisko? AMAROS'S VOICE (from behind Dukat) Comfortably asleep in his quarters, I hope. Dukat turns... REVEAL Amaros, one of the Federation delegates from Volan Three, as he steps out of the shadows with an N.D. Federation Settler... AMAROS Remember me? Amaros stands in front of Dukat... Sakonna, Niles and the N.D. Federation settler now surround him... Dukat realizes what is happening... GUL DUKAT (nods at airlock) I take it we're not about to board a Cardassian freighter... Amaros nods to his colleagues who take firm hold of Dukat... but suddenly Dukat knocks two of them to the ground as he makes one quick attempt to escape... Niles fires his PHASER, hitting Dukat in the torso... Dukat crumbles. Niles and the N.D. Settler quickly drag him aboard... Sakonna follows... Amaros brings up the rear, looking to make sure no one has witnessed this abduction... he EXITS into the airlock... the airlock CLOSES... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 46 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-Establishing. 47 INT. OPS All senior officers (including BASHIR) are waiting at the table for Sisko who can be seen in his office but not heard talking intensely to his monitor... he's angry, defensive, arguing, defending, nodding, shaking his head... As they watch this -- BASHIR What do you think they're telling him... KIRA (dry, worried for Sisko) With two kidnappings and a ship exploding in the course of a week, I'm sure they've got a few things to say... ODO It's their own fault... I've been warning them from the beginning... That rubs O'Brien the wrong way... O'BRIEN What are you talking about, their fault... you're in charge of Security... And Odo's right back in his face now... ODO You let me be in charge of Security and I'll give you a safe station. You people tell me to do my job and then give me a Federation rulebook on all the things I can't do. Untie my hands before you start to blame me, Mister O'Brien... DAX I'm sure no one meant to blame you, Odo... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FIVE 50. 47 CONTINUED: ODO (ignoring her, full of steam) Give me the right to set a curfew, let me do more searches of arriving passengers, give me fifty more deputies... KIRA And this station will be just like it was during the occupation... ODO Say what you will, it was safer then. KIRA Unless you happened to be a Bajoran. In his office, Sisko drops his head as the command transmission has ended. He tries to control his fury, but can't. He calmly picks up the monitor, lifts it over his head and slams it to the floor in frustration... the officers react... he comes out, boiling but controlled... SISKO I want a complete review of all security measures on board this station. ODO I'd be delighted to accommodate you. SISKO What do we have from the guard? KIRA He's given us descriptions of the two who assaulted him -- a Vulcan female and a human male in a Starfleet officer's uniform... ODO We're trying to locate anyone they might have contacted here... SISKO How many ships left the station during the night? DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FIVE 51. 47 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Only two, sir: a Bardeezan merchant ship... and a Galador freighter ... SISKO What were their destinations? O'BRIEN The Bardeezans went through the wormhole. The freighter is operating on a trade route between Galador Two and Farius Prime. SISKO (muses, then... ) I'm guessing these people wouldn't take Dukat through the wormhole... they'd head back to the Demilitarized Zone with him. Dax, check the Galador ship's registry and make sure it's in order. Chief, see if you can identify its warp signature from our sensor records... Dax and O'Brien work their panels... O'BRIEN No problem, Commander... I've got it... SISKO Last known course? O'BRIEN (beat; checking) The computer's showing it was on a bearing of two-one-six, mark one- seven-seven... as it went out of our sensor range, it was still headed for Farius Prime... Sisko considers that a beat, then shakes his head... SISKO Major, send a message to Farius Prime... if that ship shows up, and I doubt it will, I want to know about it right away. O'BRIEN I can send out the warp signature over subspace. DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/14/94 - ACT FIVE 52. 47 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN Make it a general transmission. If they did change course, someone might spot them... SISKO Do it. Dax reacts as she finds something... DAX It's a phony. Reactions... Sisko moves to her station... DAX The Galadorans don't have any ships in this sector... the registry is forged... That's enough for Sisko... SISKO Doctor, Major, you're with me... Odo, send a message to Commander Hudson at the Volan Colony that I'm moving in his direction on the assumption that Dukat will be taken to the Demilitarized Zone... give him the warp signature of the ship... Sisko is ready to leave but Kira is picking up something on her console... KIRA Commander, we've just received a general subspace transmission from somewhere in the Demilitarized Zone. A group there is taking credit for the kidnapping of Dukat. They're calling themselves... the Maquis. Off reactions... 48 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as a Runabout departs, speeding away from the station... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 49 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) At warp. Kira pilots. Sisko sits next to her. Bashir sits in one of the other chairs... a bleep and O'Brien's face appears on the monitor... O'BRIEN Commander, a Klingon freighter two light years from the Demilitarized Zone has I.D.'ed the warp signature... the ship did change course just as you predicted... SISKO Transmit their last known coordinates and heading to us, Chief... On the monitor, we see O'Brien work his console... a beat... KIRA (eyeing console) Acknowledged. SISKO Let us know if anyone else picks up their signature. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. O'Brien out. SISKO (to Kira) Set a new course, Major. KIRA Yes, sir. (glances up) Their heading would take them into the Badlands... BASHIR Badlands? KIRA A stretch along the Cardassian border that ships try to stay away from... a lot of plasma storms in the area... SISKO A couple of ships have been lost there over the past year or two... DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FIVE 54. 49 CONTINUED: BASHIR (grim smile) Sounds like the perfect place for a hideout... (beat) Excuse me, sir -- but what do you plan to do if we catch up with them? After all, these Maquis are Federation colonists... SISKO We're going to get Gul Dukat back by any means necessary. BASHIR Even if we have to fire on our own people... Sisko's determined expression says yes. KIRA Long range sensors are picking up the warp signature... it leads to an M-class asteroid... SISKO Take us there. 50 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) traveling through a plasma storm... it approaches a large asteroid... 51 INT. RUNABOUT As before. Kira presses panels... KIRA Scanning the surface... I've located the ship... BASHIR (reading monitors) Those are human life signs... SISKO Is there a Cardassian among them? DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, I" - REV. 02/07/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 51 CONTINUED: BASHIR (checks) No, sir... Sisko reacts unhappily... but he's still determined... SISKO (to Kira and Bashir) Prepare to beam down... 52 EXT. JUNGLE - DAY (OPTICAL) Sisko, Kira and Bashir TRANSPORT into the scene, phasers ready... widen to show a small temporary camp near a cliffside... inside the camp stand a half-dozen Federation colonists (including Niles, the settler who masqueraded as the Starfleet Security Officer back on DS9, and the American Indian we saw earlier at the Volan Colony Meeting House). All hold phaser rifles, the rifles aimed at Sisko, Kira and Bashir... HUDSON (O.S.) (with friendly regret) I'm glad to see you didn't have too much trouble finding us, Ben... He moves into their view and signals to the others to disarm the officers... they do... Sisko offers no resistance... HUDSON It seems that one disaster after another keeps bringing us back together again. Hold on Sisko's reaction... TO BE CONTINUED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE