STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Blood Oath" (fka "The Beast") #40512-439 Written by Peter Allan Fields Directed by Rick Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION January 25, 1994 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Blood Oath" CAST SISKO KANG KIRA KOR ODO KOLOTH QUARK ALBINO BASHIR GUARD DAX Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. GUARDS N.D. DABO GIRLS STAR TREK: DS9 - "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP-SPACE NINE "Blood Oath" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE OPS DAX'S QUARTERS BIRD OF PREY HOLOSUITE QUARK'S/UPPER LEVEL SECARUS FOUR INFIRMARY REPLIMAT COMPOUND PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL SECURITY OFFICE/HOLDING CELL FOREST BIRD OF PREY COMPOUND/SECURITY COMMAND CENTER STAR TREK: "Blood Oath" - 01/26/94 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Blood Oath" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BAAKONITE BAH-ko-nite BAHGOL BAH-gol BAT'LETH BAT'leth BECHT BECHT BRESHTANTI bresh-TANT-i CARDASSIAN car-DASS-ee-en CHERON CHE-ron D'AKTURAK dak-TUR-ak DAHAR da-HAR. DAYOS DA-yos DLORN dl-ORN GALDONTERRE gal-dont-AIR GALVINATOR GAL-vin-ay-tor GHOPTU GOP-tu K'PEKT k'PEKT KAH'PLAHT kah-PLAKT KAHIXSS KAY-less KAJUNPAK'T ka-JUN-pak't KANG KANG KLACH D'KEL BRAKT klac d'kel BRAKT KOLOTH KO-loth KOR KOOR KORVAT KOR-vat KUTTARS kut-TARS KYAMO ki-YA-mo N'YENGOREN n'yeng'O-ren P'TACKT p'TAKT QIVON KEE-von RACHT RAcht RIDDINITE RID-in-ite SECARUS sec-A-rus DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Blood Oath" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S ODO and QUARK ascending the stairs to the second level. QUARK (anxious, mid- conversation) ... only paid for one hour... and he's been in there for three... fighting the Battle of Klachdachbrach or some such thing over and over... ODO The Battle of Klach D'kel Brakt was a legendary Klingon victory over the Romulans almost a century ago... QUARK Well, he's been losing it all afternoon and he says he's not coming out until he wins... I banged on the door, he sealed himself in. I threatened to shut off the power, he threatened to kill me. 2 SECOND LEVEL - OUTSIDE HOLOSUITE # As Odo and Quark approach the closed holosuite door, we'll hear (from within) the wild laughter of one (o.s.) Klingon (KOR), and the sound of warrior blades clashing in combat -- then: KOR (O.S.) ("You'll be remembered with honor; now die!") Battlda-Kow-loo-takh. DaH Hegh! And finally, the death scream of a vanquished foe, as: KOR (O.S.) ("Success!") Kkhap-LA! ShusH-kin'Hurra! DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: Throughout the above: ODO Since when did you add ancient Klingon battles to the holosuite programs? QUARK The Captain of the last Klingon ship that went through the wormhole sold some to me. I know, I know -- it's brutal, it's violent, it's bloody but to the Klingons, it's entertainment. ODO Shut off the power. QUARK (scared) He'll kill you. ODO No, he said he'd kill you. Shut it off. Quark produces a simple, pencil-shaped metal "key" -- inserts it into a single small hole in the wall alongside the door -- turns the key... Long beat, before: KOR (O.S.) ("What's going on?") chay'pen Aha'bA? 3 ANGLE INCLUDING KOR Another beat before the door is wrenched open manually from within -- and the elderly Klingon former-warrior KOR bursts out to confront Odo and Quark. He's big, broad and a naturally effusive, good-natured slob. Right now, he's very drunk. In one hand, he holds a transparent bottle which is four-fifths empty. (Not being in very good health, he'll be plagued throughout the episode by an intermittent COUGH.) He explodes from the doorway in a rage... DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: KOR (senseless threatening roar) AR GOT K'NEL D'KULLUH MARG RAH GOL LOOOOOOOOW!!!!! Quark shrinks behind Odo... who cooly lets the Klingon blow off his steam... KOR (continuing) You dare interrupt the Battle of Klach D'kel Brakt, you Ferengi k'pekt! While Quark is, of course, cringing, Odo remains relaxed; implacable. He simply takes the bottle from Kor; holds it up to confirm for himself, and us, that it's almost empty. ODO The battle has been won. The people are waiting to celebrate your victory. KOR (stopped in his tracks) They are? Fine. And, not realizing that he's actually preceding Odo down the stairs... KOR Lead the way then! 4 MAIN LEVEL as Kor descends -- eyes the crowd. KOR (loudly; to all) Hear me! (blustering) I am Kor! Dahar Master of the Klingons! The crowd gives him the fish-eye, just another day at Quark's... but he smiles and embraces their glance as if it were a standing ovation. And now turning to his new aide-de-camp, Odo... DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: KOR And now I need somewhere to rest. ODO I have just the place. KOR No, this will do just fine. And, stiff as a board, he capsizes forward to fall out of SHOT... As we hear the (o.s.) crash... 5 OMITTED 6 INT. SECURITY OFFICE - ON A MONITOR (OPTICAL) to see Kor in a holding cell asleep, his loud snoring can be heard from the holding area... pulling back to find Odo at his desk working, frowning at the bothersome sound... the door to the Promenade is open... pushing in close on his face... taking the time to stay there a beat... and then suddenly Odo senses a presence nearby... his head wheels and he sees -- 7 ANGLE - ANOTHER KLINGON (KOLOTH) The Klingon is, perhaps, even older than Kor. But, in contrast, Koloth is still ramrod straight and has kept himself in obvious fighting trim. Koloth has not chimed for entry, nor knocked on the door. He's just standing there. Waiting. His entire being has the look of coiled spring steel. The man seems to have appeared out of thin air. Odo springs to his feet ready to defend himself... ODO How did you get in here? Dry, calm, cool -- KOLOTH I am Koloth. ODO That doesn't answer my question. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - TEASER 5. 7 CONTINUED: KOLOTH Yes. It does. Odo raises an eyebrow, if he has one, to that. Motioning toward the sound from the back room -- KOLOTH What are the charges against him... ODO Charges? No charges. He's today's guest of honor. KOLOTH (with a very cold threat) You must be a very brave man to attempt humor at the expense of a Klingon Dahar Master. Odo measures this strange old man and does something rather incredible -- ODO I... apologize. No offense intended. It's a rare moment, but somehow Odo realizes it was the necessary and correct thing to do. Koloth barely acknowledges... strides back into the -- 8 INT. HOLDING CELL - CLOSE ON KOR'S FACE Still out cold. KOLOTH Kor! Kor stirs -- tries to get rid of the foul taste in his mouth -- will finally open his eyes (squinting against the light and the usual hangover headache) to focus in on who's disturbing him. 9 ANGLE INCLUDING ODO & KOLOTH Koloth looks through at Kor with disdain and disgust. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - TEASER 6-6A. 9 CONTINUED: ODO (to Kor) Sir, if you'll wake up, I'll release you into your friend's custody. At recognition of Koloth, Kor huffs and puffs to a sitting position on the bunk (still a little loaded) and, with slack- jawed grin: KOR Koloth! (sentimentally) wIj jup... My old friend. I knew you'd be here. KOLOTH (to Kor) You disgrace yourself and our purpose. I do not go into battle with one whose honor is washed away in Breshtanti ale... (to Odo) Keep him. And that's that. Koloth does a brisk, crisp 180, and strides out. Kor looks after him -- sadly -- and then plops heavily back down on the bunk -- probably asleep again even as he hits the headrest. Odo considers the curious events... 9A thru OMITTED 9B 10 INT. OPS DAX and KIRA at their stations. Odo arrives on the Turbolift with a PADD... moves to Kira and hands it to her... ODO The security reassignments, Major. I'm sorry it took so long. It's been a Klingon afternoon. KIRA A "Klingon afternoon"? ODO Every time Klingons come to the station, I wind up with a Klingon afternoon. But this was definitely one that I'll cherish forever. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - TEASER 7. 10 CONTINUED: ODO There's a drunk Klingon in my holding cell who must be a hundred years old singing battle songs. Even his best friend who's probably a hundred and fifty years old won't have anything to do with him... so I get the pleasure of listening to his repertoire. "Kor! Dahar Master of the Klingons." Dax's face goes pale... DAX Did you say "Kor"? ODO That's what he announced right after he won the Battle of Klach D'kel Brakt in Quark's... She rises... DAX (to herself) What's he doing here... did you get his friend's name, Odo? Was it Kang? Odo reacts to her recognition... ODO No, it was... DAX & ODO ...Koloth. She moves to the Turbolift... DAX Come with me, Odo. Odo exchanges a curious glance with Kira, follows Dax... 11 INT. HOLDING CELL (OPTICAL) As Dax ENTERS with Odo, Kor, still a little tipsy, is still singing his song: DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - TEASER 8. 11 CONTINUED: KOR (singing) B'aski't Kor, B'askr'ip Kor, KoHman-a-ti, B'aski't Kor. She looks at him with a certain affection mixed with the look that seeing someone who has gotten very old brings... plus in the back of her mind is a concern for why he's here. DAX Hello, Kor. KOR I'm thirsty. DAX Let him out. ODO Lieutenant... DAX I'll take responsibility. Beat -- Odo DEACTIVATES the forcefield. KOR I am very thirsty. DAX Kor, do you remember Curzon Dax? KOR Curzon? My dear friend Curzon? I lift my ghoptu to Curzon Dax! DAX And I, who was Curzon Dax lift my ghoptu to you. (off his look of disbelief) Scorcher burn on your fourteenth rib, and your left QiVon aches every time your ship hits warp eight. Kor not only recalls, but will work himself into beaming, expansive joy, during: KOR Dax! My Curzon! After eighty-one years I find you a Kyamo-looking woman. Kiss me! DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - TEASER 9. 11 CONTINUED: (2) DAX How about just a nice, big hug... He literally envelopes her in his happy bear-hug. KOR Curzon; my beloved old friend! DAX (gasp) I'm... Jadzia now. KOR (whatever) Jadzia; my beloved old friend! DAX Come on, Kor, let's go find Koloth. KOR (foggy) Koloth's here too? They EXIT. Off Odo's look -- 12 INT. REPLIMAT Koloth is seated, still ramrod straight. With calculated precision, he slices downward with an ornate, deadly but small Klingon knife... 13 CLOSE - KLINGON (DISGUSTING) FOOD ... As it is cut exactly in half. 14 RESUME - SHOT Koloth studies the exactitude of his slice. 15 INCLUDING DAX & KOR as they arrive, with: KOR (to Dax) Look at him. He practices cuts and thrusts even with his food. (at Koloth) Little children do that! DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - TEASER 10. 15 CONTINUED: KOLOTH A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye. KOR (to Dax) It's been forty years since even his good eye was sharp. (to Koloth) It is luck when you hit the plate! KOLOTH (re: Dax; disdain) I see the Federation insults us by sending a Lieutenant to greet us. DAX (with a different but still affectionate response) You never did have much use for the Federation, did you, Koloth? Koloth narrows an eye toward her. "Do I know you?" his look seems to say. She smiles evenly, nods... DAX (continuing) I used to call you D'akturak. "Ice man." Because no proposal, no matter how reasonable, no matter how much it favored the Klingon Empire would satisfy you. You were the hardest man I ever faced across the negotiating table. KOR (delighted at Koloth's confusion) Do you not recognize our old friend Dax? KOLOTH Dax? DAX Curzon is dead. But Dax is alive as part of me. Koloth studies her a long beat, then turns to Kor. Cool and remote. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - TEASER 11. 15 CONTINUED: (2) KOLOTH This is a mistake. Kang must not have known. KOR (flirting) But what a beautiful mistake. DAX Then Kang is coming? KOR Of course, he's coming. He's brought the four of us back together after eighty-one years... DAX Could it possibly mean that he's... KANG (O.S.) Yes. That is exactly what it means. At the sound of the (o.s.) voice, everyone turns... and even the coolly distant Koloth rises instantly, in automatic respect. 16 FAVORING KANG as he reaches them from the Promenade in b.g.. Despite his advanced years, Kang's pride and prowess are evident in his bearing. But he doesn't boast the usual Klingon swagger. If he has lost anything with the passage of the years, it is pomposity. He is a leader -- albeit a melancholy one. KANG I have found the Albino. HOLD on his somber face, until we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT ONE 12. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 17 OMITTED 18 INT. DAX'S QUARTERS As the door slides open and Dax leads the way in. Kang is in first and he studies the surroundings, uncomfortable with Jadzia, considering what to do about her in his mind. Meanwhile, she is drawing entirely on Curzon's experience to guide her... and yet there is already an internal conflict forming within her between Curzon's commitment to these three and Jadzia's concern about the mission she knows they are here to pursue... DAX May I offer you some warm Bahgol... the replicators are Cardassian but we've been upgrading their... KANG (interrupting, remote) That will not be necessary. And nothing is simple here, this signals a clear reservation from Kang about Jadzia and she understands, doesn't move away from the confrontation... DAX Would you dishonor me by refusing my offer? Kang stares at her a moment, then nods... KANG Very well. She nods with a diplomatic victory and before she moves to the replicator, she casually moves one chair in the room to a dominant position and indicates it is for Kang. DAX Would you sit, Kang? These are big things. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT ONE 13. 18 CONTINUED: KANG I would. He moves with a stoneface to the chair and sits... the others sit in lesser positions. Koloth and Kor briefly bump each other going for the seat at Kang's left but Koloth easily wins that battle and Kor settles for a seat facing Kang. The weakest position, at Kang's right, is left open for Dax. Meanwhile, she is pleased they are seated and as she moves to the replicator... DAX (to replicator) Four Bahgols. Warm. The replicator lights up and she pulls out a tray with four small saki-like glasses containing the juice. Moving back... DAX Do you remember the first time we sat together over Bahgol, Kang? It was at the Korvat colony. The Federation and the Klingon Empire were still enemies... KANG I have never sat with you before today. And this is clearly a setback for Dax... and it requires a strong, confidant response. DAX I am Dax, the godfather of your son. KOLOTH You are no one's godfather. Kor cringes at the taste of the juice. Dax never takes her eyes off of Kang. DAX (repeating for emphasis) I am Dax, the godfather of your son. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT ONE 14. 18 CONTINUED: (2) KANG (refusing to accept) So, you are the same Dax who took a blood oath with us to seek vengeance... Dax wants to avoid discussion of her blood oath for the moment because she doesn't know how she feels about it. DAX Don't mistake a new face for a new soul, Kang. I feel at one with your family. Just as I felt eight decades ago. A long look between them. DAX (continuing) I hope in time you will embrace me as a brother again. KOLOTH (scoffs under his breath) Brother. Ha! KOR Brother, sister... what's the difference. We're here now. Speak to us, Kang. Where is he? Where did you find the Albino? Do you have anything stronger perhaps? The last is said to Dax without pause... KOLOTH You drink another klorn of ale and I will open a hole in your belly to drain it out. KOR Your eyes cannot even see my belly. Kang waves a hand to shut them up as he still stares at Dax then turns his attention to his story... KANG Seven years ago, on Dayos Four, I met one of the Albino's discarded wives. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT ONE 15. 18 CONTINUED: (3) KANG I fed and clothed her and told her the story of our sons. She still feared him too much to tell me anything. But three months ago, she died. A week afterwards, an amulet that she wore around her neck arrived by messenger. Inside: the location of the Albino's sanctuary. KOLOTH You're certain he's still there? KANG I have confirmed it with traders who supply him. It is on the fourth planet in the Secarus System. He has been hiding there for almost a quarter of a century. KOR Hiding from us, no doubt. We almost had him at Galdonterre... His speech is interrupted by coughing, which continues through his next line. KOLOTH I've worried for years that he might die before we found him again. KOR Or that we might... KOLOTH What is your plan... KANG I am told his compound is protected by only forty men. Apparently, he has grown careless in his waning years. KOR The fool. DAX I wouldn't count on reports from traders. The Albino may have told them what to say if anyone asked questions. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT ONE 16. 18 CONTINUED: (4) KOLOTH She's right. These traders may have already warned him that we're coming. KANG (evenly) They will warn no one ever again. (a beat) This time, nothing will prevent us from reaching the Albino. (continuing, to Dax) And when we do, I will cut out his heart and eat it as he watches me with his dying breath. On Dax. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/27/94 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 19 OMITTED 20 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Moving with Kang and Dax, who walk slowly. Kang looks at the floor thoughtfully. He is slightly more casual than before. But only because he knows he is going to dump her. After a long beat. KANG I did not know of course. DAX About Curzon... ? KANG (nods) I was unwilling to risk contacting you by subspace. DAX I don't blame you. That's how the Albino learned we were coming to Galdonterre... KANG His ears reach across the galaxy. I don't know how. (beat) Tell me about my friend Curzon. Did he die an honorable death? DAX (sighs, shakes her head) In a hospital room. Yelling at the doctors and friends who were trying to keep him alive for one more miserable day. KANG A pity. He was a good man. He deserved to die in battle. It pains me that I will not see him again in this life. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT TWO 18. 20 CONTINUED: DAX Curzon was decorated often for his diplomatic achievements... but no honor touched him as deeply as yours. For a Klingon to choose a Federation official to be the godfather to his son... KANG Curzon Dax opened the door to peace. He was the first Federation diplomat I ever met who seemed to... truly appreciate the Klingon nature. DAX (with a grin) Well, there was always a bit of the Klingon nature in Curzon. Kang smiles, nods. Dax takes a beat, ready to approach the subject she's not sure how to feel about... DAX His blood oath with you was very important to him. KANG (casual) Would you eat from the heart of the Albino, Jadzia Dax? She doesn't answer right away and he doesn't give her time to think about it. KANG I learned about Trills during my long friendship with Curzon. And I know that each new host has no obligation to past commitments. DAX And I know that a Klingon blood oath can never be broken. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT TWO 19. 20 CONTINUED: (2) KANG (dismisses that) The old Klingon ways are passing. When I was a young man, the mere mention of the Klingon Empire made other worlds tremble. Today, warriors open restaurants to serve racht to the grandchildren of men I slaughtered in battle. Nothing is what it used to be. Including a blood oath. DAX I know you, Kang. You don't believe that. KANG What I believe is no longer relevant. You are released from Curzon's oath. You owe nothing to any of us. He moves away from her... on her uncertain face... 21 INT. OPS Kira and Dax working together at the table. Only one Supernumerary. KIRA (checking sensors) Are you still reading that plasma leak in Lower Pylon One... ? I can't seem to find it now... DAX It's been intermittent... let me do a high-resolution scan... She presses some panels... much on her mind, trying to be casual... DAX Kira... KIRA Hmm... DAX How many people did you kill? DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 20. 21 CONTINUED: KIRA (reacts) What? DAX While you were in the underground... Kira is promptly uncomfortable about discussing it... still feels the guilt of the violence... KIRA Too many. DAX Were they all just... faceless Cardassians or did you know who you were killing? KIRA Why are we talking about this? DAX If it bothers you, we can stop. KIRA (irritated) It bothers me. DAX Sorry. Kira shakes her head at this, tries to lighten up... joking -- KIRA (lightly) Why, are you thinking about killing somebody? DAX (looks up, smiles, good try) Me? DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 21. 21 CONTINUED: (2) And just like that Kira knows... she does a double take then grabs Dax's arm and pulls her away from the table to a more isolated spot in Ops. KIRA Tell me. DAX I don't know what you're talking about. KIRA Tell me. DAX (beat, sighs) Eighty years ago, there was a band of depredators, led by an Albino, raiding Klingon colonies. Three Klingon warships were sent out to stop him. One of the captains was a close friend of Curzon's. The mission was successful. Most of them were captured. But the Albino escaped. In his last message to the Klingons, he promised to take his revenge on the firstborn of each of the three captains. A few years later, he kept his word. Somehow, he infected three innocent children with a genetic virus that killed them. One of them was my godson. KIRA (sympathetic) I'm sorry. But Jadzia, that was Curzon's godson. Dax looks up, refusing to separate herself from Curzon... DAX I took a blood oath to revenge his death. KIRA Curzon took a blood oath. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT TWO 21A-22. 21 CONTINUED: (3) DAX (a tear rolls down her cheek) I can still remember the boy's funeral. (softly) He was named Dax. For me. KIRA (beat) You've found this Albino? DAX We know where he is. The three Klingons came here to tell me... KIRA Look; you've said yourself that every new life for a Trill has to be new. If not you'd wind up paying off old debts forever. These Klingons can't possibly expect you to keep this oath. DAX No, they don't. That's just it. They say I have no obligation to them. But I do. I know it. I feel it. (beat) If not to them, I owe it to Curzon. She starts to move away... KIRA Jadzia... (Dax stops) Your questions... about my experience with killing... If you're wondering what it's like... (beat) When you take someone else's life, you lose a part of your own as well. Dax exchanges a somber look with Kira and EXITS... 22 INT. QUARK'S Kor sits at a table. Drunk. TWO DABO GIRLS (human) on his lap, supported by both of his widespread arms. A huge flagon of gamzian wine on the table before his huge frame. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT TWO 23. 22 CONTINUED: Except for his intermittent nagging COUGH, a very merry, carefree time for all... As Dax approaches from b.g.. KOR (eyeing flagon) I need another arm! Or am I doomed to choose between... (re: girls) ...perfection... (re: flagon) ... and palate. As Dax arrives and reaches to bring the flagon to his lips, during: DAX Let me spare you that terrible decision. KOR (to Dax; "Well done!") majQa'! To the rescue. Dax, may I present these, uh... (snuggling) ... two students of Klingon history. DAX (to Dabo girls) Will you excuse us for a minute? The two Dabo Girls disengage -- rise -- will EXIT, as: KOR (to Dabo Girls) Only a minute, my students! (to Dax) Well, you certainly don't share Curzon's priorities. DAX About going after the Albino I do. Kor gets more serious. Evasively drinks. DAX (sits) Kang and Koloth don't want me to come with you. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT TWO 24. 22 CONTINUED: (2) KOR (semi-occupied with girls) Kang thinks too much; Koloth doesn't feel enough. DAX Where do you stand? KOR Of course you should come! The splendor of fighting and killing; a bloodbath in the cause of vengeance; who wouldn't want to come! DAX Will you speak to them about it? It means far more to me than I thought. KOR Koloth spends his time practicing in the holosuite; he listens to no one. And if Kang's made up his mind, there is nothing I can do. DAX And you call yourself a history teacher? What of your own history? You are Kor, Dahar Master. They cheered you at Klach D'kel Brakt. Your voice weighed heavily on the course of Klingon events. KOR You shame me. DAX (quickly; earnestly) No, no, please don't feel that... KOR (wryly) The only weight I carry now, dear comrade... is my own bulbous body. I was once, if you remember... (re: his belly) ... far less than you see, and... (recalls sadly) ... far more than I have become. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT TWO 25. 22 CONTINUED: (3) KOR (beat) I'm sorry. DAX (rises; gently) My memories are still of Kor... a great warrior. And Dax moves off the way she came. Beat -- then Kor forces himself to perk up again and bluster his frivolity, with: KOR Quark, you devious little Ha'DIbaH! ("animal!") Bring wine! 23 OMITTED 24 INT. HOLOSUITE A dark, neutral b.g., with everything shrouded in fog. And in the middle of it stands Koloth -- practicing ("tai-chi"- style) Klingon swordplay with his bat'leth (a semicircular curved blade which branches to four points. About three feet wide. It is held by two handles on the mid-exterior of the blade. It can be used as either a shield or a sword -- see TNG episode "The Reunion.") His every moves seems a step out of some deadly ballet. He pauses an instant after every change in footing and each sweep or slice of the blade -- gauging the perfection of the move just made. His focus is so intense that he seems to be totally unaware of... 25 DAX as, moving into visibility out of the fog, she moves slowly forward to watch... 26 KOLOTH ... still "practicing" his deadly art. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 26. 27 DAX & KOLOTH She comes from BEHIND CAMERA, which will now be looking OVER HER SHOULDER, at Koloth. He gives no hint of knowing she's present. Yet, suddenly, he executes a quick simultaneous change in direction of both feet and his overhead chopping lunge with the blade. It sweeps around to speed downward toward Dax's head -- stopping abruptly only a couple inches from her skull. She doesn't even flinch. 28 ANOTHER ANGLE They stand for a moment as they were: He facing her with blade two inches from her head -- she, totally unafraid and unflinching, still just standing there looking him straight in the eye. DAX (finally) Nice of you to stop. (off his silence) I'm going with you. Koloth lowers his blade -- moves out of attack position. KOLOTH Curzon Dax was a politician. It was a diplomatic ploy to bond himself to us in a blood oath. DAX (calmly) That's a lie. She's again just risked getting her head chopped off. For just an instant, and almost reflexively, Koloth tenses for the kill. But again, her calmness -- and her facial expression that tells him she's speaking the truth -- cause that charged instant to pass. But he's still not thrilled with being called a liar. KOLOTH (deadly) I am practicing here. Leave while you can. DAX When you agree that I can fulfill my part of the oath. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 27. 28 CONTINUED: KOLOTH Your presence would only jeopardize the rest of us. Leave me. 29 FAVORING DAX (OPTICAL) DAX Computer. I want a Klingon bat'leth: tip to tip one hundred and sixteen centimeters, weight five-point-three kilos with exterior handgripping diameter of five centimeters. Blades of composite Baakonite. Dax holds her hands out in the proper bat'leth gripping position, and the specified weapon MATERIALIZES in her grip. 30 DAX & KOLOTH KOLOTH (re: her bat'leth) A warrior's configuration. (condescending) Now what do you do with it? DAX I fight you with it. His condescending tone spreads to include a condescending little smile. KOLOTH If my hand should slip, and you should die? DAX Your hand would never slip... unless you've become old and feeble. That's incentive enough for Koloth. Instantly, he assumes the initial battle position. Dax then does the same. Let the games begin... DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 28. 31 SERIES OF SHOTS - THE BAT'LETH DUEL They feel each other out with a quick series of tentative lower blade thrusts and parries. Then the switch to a sudden upper blade sweep by Koloth, parried with an equally speedy upper blade parry by Dax. Another lower Koloth thrust; a switch by Dax fast enough to execute her lower blade parry... Physically more powerful, Koloth will begin to drive Dax backward -- to continuing defensive postures... 32 E.C.U. - DAX'S FACE Intense concentration -- being forced into almost constant defense... DAX Come now, Koloth... surely you can take me down... 33 E.C.U. - KOLOTH'S FACE Implacable; unflappable -- but having to work a lot harder than he'd anticipated -- and for a longer time as well... He's in total command, but can't put her away. 34 RESUME - SERIES OF SHOTS as the battle continues. We now hear (somewhere beyond our view in the fog) the holosuite (o.s.) door close. And OVER the clanging of the bat'leths, we may hear the (o.s.) footsteps of... 35 KANG & KOR They become discernable through the fog as they get closer to the action... and stand watching it. 36 FULL SHOT Now with an audience, the one-sided duel goes on with ferocity. Koloth still can't put her away -- and it's evident to the observers. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 29. 37 KANG ... his scrutiny of the duel intense, sees that she's bending but not breaking. He's testing her heart and resolve with his eyes, even as Koloth is overmatching her with the blades. 38 E.C.U. - KOLOTH'S FACE Has the upper hand, of course -- but now sweating to maintain it. 39 RESUME - FULL SHOT Suddenly, Dax finds one chance, one fleeting opening in his attack, and reverses her footing -- driving forward on the attack... KOR There's tension on your face, Koloth. You ought to drink more. Koloth finally stifles her attack, and... perhaps annoyed by Kor's remark; perhaps being "embarrassed" enough to become over-adrenalized, Koloth executes a "windmill" attack, the defense against which puts Dax off balance. As quickly as with every other move of the duel, Dax goes flat on her butt. 40 CLOSE - KOLOTH Weapon raised for the final death blow; face contorted by the blood-rush of deadly combat; it appears for a fraction of a second that his very momentum itself will carry him through to that final, actual, death blow. 41 DAX Breathless as she sits there, waiting to die or not to die at his hands. But still unflinching and bold-eyed. 42 RESUME - FULL SHOT Koloth stops himself -- lowers his bat'leth. Both of them badly out of breath: DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 30. 42 CONTINUED: KOLOTH Stand up. Dax rises. KOLOTH (to Dax) Your presence against the Albino will honor our cause. Dax nods with honor. KOR (happily) Now that's a surprise from the great stone face. KANG (to Dax) Releasing you from Curzon's oath was not enough; I can see that now. KOR (expansively happy) It is agreed then! KANG No. As all eyes turn toward leader Kang: 43 ON KANG - CLOSE There is a hard finality in his expression. KANG (beat; to Dax) I tell you now that you will not be a part of this quest. HOLD on Kang's uncompromisingly hard face, until we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT THREE 31. ACT THREE FADE IN: 44 INT. QUARK'S - UPPER LEVEL - OUTSIDE HOLOSUITE Dax, Kang, Koloth and Kor emerge from the (o.s.) holosuite. Kor's COUGH seems worse than it's been. KOR (to Kang) Why do you dismiss her like some useless t'ooho'mIrah? (abruptly starts COUGHING) KANG (to Kor) We cannot go into an enemy stronghold with your sickly chest announcing us. KOR There is nothing wrong with my chest. KOLOTH Nothing that won't get us killed before we reach battle. Come. (hand on Kor's arm) KOR (shrugs off hand) I need no nurse's hand. As Kor is being escorted away by Koloth, Dax never takes her eyes off Kang, a long beat. He looks away from her stare, uncomfortable with all this, moves to a table and sits. Dax follows. 45 DAX & KANG now seated facing each other. Kang sullen, trying to be remote... but there is more going on here than we understand yet. He does not want her to go... but not for the reasons he says. DAX (quiet but firm) You can't deny my right for vengeance. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT THREE 32. 45 CONTINUED: KANG You try to speak as a Klingon but the words do not fit in your mouth. DAX You've said that to me before. Remember, Kang? KANG I do not care to discuss it further. DAX The Korvat colony. The first day of negotiations. I walked out on you that day. Right in the middle of that long-winded speech of yours. You should have seen the look on your face. Nobody ever had the kajunpak't to show his back to the great Kang until Curzon did. Kang relaxes slightly into the memory, enjoying it. KANG I almost killed Curzon that day. DAX (grins) I know. I half-expected to feel a Klingon dagger in my back before I reached the door. I was afraid you could hear my knees knocking together. KANG (smile) Is that what that noise was? DAX I knew I had to get you very very angry if my mission was to succeed. Getting you angry at me was the only way to begin to create the bond between us. KANG Curzon understood Klingons. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT THREE 33. 45 CONTINUED: (2) DAX And he understood what he was doing when he took a Klingon blood oath. Kang frowns, looks away. DAX You can't expect me to stay here and not avenge my own godson's murder. You can't ask me to live with that dishonor. KANG I cannot dishonor myself by permitting you to die in Curzon's place. DAX Who's talking about dying. I have no intention of dying. Without realizing it, Dax has moved too close to the truth... Kang stands, moves away from the table, stands overlooking the Promenade... Dax rises, speaks to his back.. DAX You dishonor yourself already, Kang... by placing your own honor above mine. No Klingon warrior would leave a comrade behind while he goes off to battle. Perhaps you're right. Klingon honor isn't what it used to be. He turns, furious. KANG You wish to anger me again! You think the old trick will work twice?! DAX (evenly) I understand Klingons. KANG (even more angrily) Fine then! Let it work! Come and fight with us. Come and be damned. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 02/08/94 - ACT THREE 34. 45 CONTINUED: (3) Kang storms off, leaving... 46 DAX looking after him -- relieved to have won her argument; perplexed at the extent of his anger. HOLD on her for a long beat. 47 OMITTED 48 INT. DAX'S QUARTERS Dax begins to pack some essentials into a duffel bag. It continues during the scene. A chime. DAX Come in. SISKO ENTERS. Dax realizes that Kira has talked to him. DAX I was just about to come see you. SISKO No. DAX No what. SISKO No leave of absence. DAX Kira shouldn't have told you. SISKO She's my first officer. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 02/08/94 - ACT THREE 35. 48 CONTINUED: Sisko grabs Dax by the shoulders, firmly but gently, and pulls her away from her packing chores... DAX I don't have to tell you what this oath meant to Curzon. SISKO Jadzia Dax took an oath too... when she joined Starfleet. You're subject to orders, Lieutenant. DAX Don't do it, Benjamin. Don't make me disobey a direct order. A beat. Frustrated, Sisko moves away... SISKO I never understood this. I mean, whatever else he was, Curzon did have a fundamental morality. He wouldn't condone murder any more than I would. And yet he swore to kill this Albino. And now you plan to go out and kill in his name. What about the laws of the Federation? DAX The Klingons have their own set of laws, Benjamin... this is justice to them... SISKO And to you... ? DAX I've chosen to respect their codes of honor in this matter, yes. She finishes packing. SISKO (softer) You really think you're capable of this? A slow push to Dax... a beat... DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 02/08/94 - ACT THREE 36-38. 48 CONTINUED: (2) DAX I don't know. There's only one way to find out, isn't there. SISKO Let's say you are. Let's say you even survive this insanity. You expect to just come back here and resume your duties as though nothing's happened... ? DAX I guess that'll be up to you. She picks up her bag, and EXITS. 49 thru OMITTED 50 FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 51 EXT. SPACE - BIRD OF PREY (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Establishing. Traveling at warp. 52 INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE (VPB) Dax (no longer in Starfleet uniform), Kang, Koloth and Kor around console with a graphic representation (which we needn't see in exact detail) showing the Albino's lair and surrounding terrain. KANG The compound is constructed of riddinite. Several walls separate the main residence from the rest of the grounds... (pointing) His main power source is here... that's an armory there... KOLOTH Any information about the position of the sentries? KANG (acknowledges) They're posted at standing intervals, seventy-five meters apart, along the perimeter. DAX Standing? No patrols? KANG That's what I was told. Dax shakes her head, that's hard to believe. KOR Perhaps he thinks we are already dead and have stopped chasing him. DAX Or perhaps he has made his defenses look weak for our benefit. Koloth thinks about it, turns to Kang. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 02/08/94 - ACT FOUR 40-40A. 52 CONTINUED: KOLOTH She may be right. DAX We have to assume the guards patrol the perimeter... but at seventy-five meters apart, they'd be out of eye contact with each other... KOR He wouldn't be that stupid. We should expect them to be no farther than fifty meters apart. KANG (impatient) Fine. It makes no difference... DAX Doesn't it? If we accept that he has adequate defenses, with a minimum of fifty guards, then we ought to use a N'yengoren strategy. KANG No! Kang rises, raging... pacing... inspiring. KANG I will not sneak into his bedroom and murder him like a kah'plakt. I want him to see us coming for him. He moves back to the display... KANG I say we attack here... a bold assault right at the main threshold. The guards will be too scattered to respond in time. We will overwhelm the defenders and fight on to a glorious victory. Koloth rises, committed. KOLOTH Or to a glorious death. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 02/08/94 - ACT FOUR 41. 52 CONTINUED: (2) Kor rises, smiles, committed. KOR It is a good day to die. Koloth and Kor look to Dax, but Kang does not... he turns away from her look... she finally rises, softly adds her quiet but firm voice to the pledge. DAX It is a good day to die. Koloth looks to Kor... KOLOTH Come on, old comrade. For the last time, we'll sharpen our blades. They exit, leaving Dax alone with Kang... who still avoids her look. DAX So. We're talking about dying again. KANG A Klingon warrior is always prepared to die. DAX Yes. But to invite death with a direct assault against a superior force... ? (he avoids her look, a beat) What are you doing, Kang... What is really going on here... Kang is silent, avoids her look. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 02/08/94 - ACT FOUR 42-42A. 52 CONTINUED: (3) DAX (continuing) Loyalty blinds Kor and Koloth, but not me. This is not a plan for battle -- it is a plan for suicide. If it were someone else, I would almost think you'd been paid to lure us here. KANG (devastated) How can you say that to me? I took a blood oath with you. DAX Is this the reason you didn't want me to come? Because you knew you were coming here to die? A long silence. Softer -- KANG (almost desperately) When the amulet arrived with the location of the Albino, I went to the Secarus system to see if it was true. Somehow, the instant I arrived the Albino knew I was there. DAX (reacts) How did you know? KANG He contacted me. He sent an invitation... to one last glorious battle. He said he is tired of this lifelong pursuit. He swore to send forty of his strongest and most skilled guards against us in honorable combat. And I agreed. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 02/08/94 - ACT FOUR 43. 52 CONTINUED: (4) DAX But why? KANG This is our last chance. If we cannot reach the Albino, we can at least die an honorable death trying to reach him. A death a Klingon Dahar Master deserves! A long beat. Dax shakes her head, deceptively casual, changing the formality of all this stuff. DAX You know what, Kang? You Klingons embrace death too easily. You treat death as a lover. I think living is a lot more attractive. I think an honorable victory is a lot better than an honorable defeat. KANG I know the Albino's defenses. There is no chance of victory here. A long beat. Dax considers the dilemma... slowly formulating a plan... DAX What if they had no phasers. That might make our odds a little better, don't you think? KANG (unconvinced) How do you intend to disarm them all? A beat as she finishes formulating the plan on her feet... nods, it would work... DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 52 CONTINUED: (5) DAX Once we establish a low orbit, we modulate your disruptor banks to bombard the compound with tetryon particles... every directed energy weapon will be neutralized... KANG You're certain such a thing can be done? DAX If Curzon were here, you'd be out of luck. But Jadzia Dax is a science officer. Kang takes a moment to realize the consequences of this. KANG We would also be unable to use our disruptors. But who among them could match our skills with the bat'leth? DAX Not many. He studies her with new appreciation. DAX We're forty minutes away from the Secarus System. I suggest we cloak and then you and I, old friend, should sharpen our blades too. As he smiles with new confidence... KANG Perhaps... it is a good day to live! 53 EXT. SPACE - BIRD OF PREY (OPTICAL) Traveling at warp. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 54 EXT. SPACE - SECARUS FOUR (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Establishing. 55 EXT. COMPOUND - DAY (ESTABLISHING) MATTE SHOT (OPTICAL) Several alien guards with ominous masked faces (perhaps akin to Ninja masks) on patrol. 56 EXT. FOREST SITE #1 Dax, Kang, Koloth and Kor under cover. The three Klingons wear d'k tahg knives and bat'leths. Dax is reading the lay of the land with her tricorder... DAX You say he promised you an honorable battle... KANG That's right. DAX Hand to hand combat at the main threshold... ? Kang acknowledges. Dax hands him the tricorder. DAX (continuing) Take a look at this. As he does... DAX That looks like a gravitic mine planted under the main threshold. KOLOTH He plans to detonate it the moment we enter the compound. KOR That's what you get for making a deal with the devil, Kang. Kang frowns at his error in judgement. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FIVE 46. 56 CONTINUED: DAX On the other hand, this gives us an advantage we wouldn't have had otherwise. He's expecting us at the front door. KOR How do we know he's even inside? DAX Good question. KOLOTH (getting up) Wait here. KOR Where are you going? KOLOTH To find out if he's inside. KOR How do you intend to do that? KOLOTH (shrugs) Ask someone. He disappears. Kang refers to a PADD with a map display -- KANG We would be wise to shut down his sensor array before we attack. (pointing to the PADD) It's controlled from this power station... KOR Yes, but a power failure will signal our presence. At the same time you shut down the sensors, I will create a diversion at the armory to misdirect their response... DAX A good strategy. But whoever creates that diversion will have to run all the way across this field to escape... DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FIVE 47. 56 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (Cont'd) ... with all due respect, none of you are as quick as you once were. I'll volunteer for that job. KANG Agreed. 57 EXT. COMPOUND - DAY - CLOSE ON FIRST LOOKOUT On a small cleared rise, a First Lookout (face partially covered by a thick veil) sits relaxedly staring out across the forest. The very tip of a bat'leth ENTERS FRAME to very gently brush his shoulder -- and then pull back again OUT OF FRAME. Absently, the First Lookout brushes his hand across the spot where the slight itch was created. Beat -- then the bat'leth ENTERS FRAME again; this time to touch his shoulder just a bit harder. The First Lookout quickly stares up at the source -- and his mouth drops open. As we follow his gaze, PULL BACK and WIDEN to discover Koloth -- his bat'leth now against the First Lookout's throat. 58 EXT. FOREST SITE #1 - DAY Dax, Kang and Kor still poring over the map layout on a PADD... KANG It seems our best entry would be here... They react as the camera moves to find Koloth beside them... KOLOTH I encountered a helpful lookout. The Albino is inside. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FIVE 48. 58 CONTINUED: KOR His overconfidence will be the death of him. Pointing to the map of the house's interior... KOLOTH This is where he is now. But when the attack begins, he will move to a secured command post... here... KANG It will be midday in one hour... can you create the diversion at the armory by then... ? DAX I think so... KANG We will be in position at the power station... She nods... as Kang holds out his hand and the others put theirs on top of his... KANG May Kahless guide us on this day of vengeance. They separate... Dax going one way, the Klingons another... (Dax takes a small knife but hands her bat'leth to one of the others... she needs mobility... ) 59 OMITTED 60 GUARD moves along an outer wall of the power center... as he reaches a corner, he is engulfed with Klingons, knocked back with the force of Kor's bat'leth blow... they quickly move toward the power center... 61 ANOTHER LOCATION NEAR THE ARMORY - ANOTHER GUARD DAX (O.S.) Excuse me... DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FIVE 49. 61 CONTINUED: Revealing her as he reacts confused... DAX I seem to be lost. Which way to the tennis courts? And hey, she's an attractive young woman, how's he supposed to know, and it only takes that moment of hesitation for Dax to do a quick Trill karate move with her elbow to his neck and he folds to the ground... 62 EXT. COMPOUND & OUTBUILDING (FROM OUTSIDE WALL) 63 DAY MATTE (OPTICAL) HOLD... Long Beat... Then suddenly the (largely o.s.) armory building blows sky high. ON UPPER BALCONY The doors burst open from within -- and through the smoke, we see the ALBINO -- an all-white humanoid in good physical shape for a man of a hundred -- come rushing onto the balcony... people are yelling, scurrying about, confusion reigns... he is stunned -- and angry. 64 EXT. COMPOUND - DAY Dax races across the clearing from the explosion site toward the (o.s.) compound building. 65 ANGLE - SEVERAL GUARDS appear on the walls behind her... they raise their phaser rifles to fire at her... but the weapons don't work... they adjust them, try again... nothing... on their confusion... 66 DAX makes good her escape... 67 INT. COMMAND POST - DAY (VPB) Massive iron-like main doors, a bank of security monitors with graphic displays we don't have to see. An archway leads in from an o.s. corridor. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FIVE 50. 67 CONTINUED: Through the archway, the infuriated Albino rushes in. Angry as he is, the Albino is nonetheless a cold, calm customer. He's smart and there's no panic in him. ALBINO Report. He moves to study the monitors... GUARD The armory's been sabotaged... I'm diverting the forward patrols to that area... ALBINO Cancel those orders... move all guards to the inner defense line... make sure the power station is secure... The head guard nods to another guard who goes off to carry out those orders... GUARD None of the phasers are functioning... ALBINO (reacts) Not functioning? GUARD We're running diagnostics now... ALBINO (urgent) Use long range sensors to check for interference from a cloaked ship in orbit... In the meantime, have the guards fix kuttars to their rifles and prepare for hand-to-... Suddenly the banks of monitors go to static... the lights in the room go out... a few emergency light cells come on... on their reactions... DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FIVE 51. 68 EXT. COMPOUND - AREA INCLUDING STEPS TO POWER STATION Kang, Koloth and Kor barge out of the station -- leaving billowing smoke emanating from the structure behind them. Two guards arrive late. Koloth and Kang take them out with their bat'leths with ease. Dax arrives at a corner and joins them (takes her bat'leth back)... they move toward the house. 69 INT. COMMAND POST - DAY As before. Guards arriving from various places... lots of scurrying... fixing really deadly looking bayonets to their rifles... the head guard trying desperately to make the security system work again... shakes his head... GUARD I can't make contact with the power station... ALBINO They must have already broken through the inner defense line. Move the perimeter guards into the house... GUARD Sir, without power, we have no communications... The Albino rages for the first time, grabs his aide and pushes him roughly toward the door... ALBINO Then get out there and tell them yourself. I don't want that Klingon filth to get in this... He never finishes... 70 ON MASSIVE CLOSED DOORS (LOW ANGLE) Suddenly, the massive doors are literally blown inward. As the debris and some of the smoke clears -- backlit by the diffused light playing on the smoke -- loom the silhouettes of the legs-apart, ready-for-action quartet of Dax, Kang, Koloth and Kor. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT FIVE 52. 71 REACTIONS The Assistant and guards are stunned into momentary immobility by the sudden explosion and being faced with the spectre of these (o.s.) half-mad seeming Klingons. 72 KANG takes one step forward... to the Albino -- KANG Look upon your executioners, killer of children. 73 THE ALBINO ALBINO Get them! 74 DAX, KANG, KOLOTH & KOR Rush forward, in slightly varying directions, to take on all comers. 75 VARIOUS GUARDS Reacting -- moving forward now to meet the challenge. 76 WIDE ANGLE Dax, Koloth, Kang and Kor have engaged the guards. Bat'leths, kuttars and knives start clanging. 77 THE ALBINO moves back away from the fight... 78 KANG & THE HEAD GUARD square off... 79 SERIES OF VERY QUICK SHOTS (ALL AS ONE FLUID SEQUENCE) The 1st guard thrusting; DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/27/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 79 CONTINUED: Kor's bat'leth arcing down through the air; The 2nd guard's face contorting with pain; Koloth's ever-cool face moving to the side, avoiding the thrust of a blade which passes his ear. The 3rd guard reeling backward, on his way down BELOW FRAME; Dax reversing the blades of her bat'leth to parry a thrust from... A 4th guard who's giving it all he's got, but can't put her away... she feints, he stumbles... she nails him in the jaw with a Trill karate forearm move and he goes down... another guard engages her immediately... (and please note, Dax goes out of her way not to kill anyone, but to defend her comrades, protect herself and disable the adversaries... ) 80 FAVORING KOLOTH An extraordinary display of defensive skill... as he fights off and puts away one... two... three guards in quick succession... but then a fourth gets him from a three-quarter rear angle in his flank... he goes down, badly wounded.. 81 ANGLE - KOR sees Koloth go down to one knee in pain... his adversary raising his arm in a death blow... KOR Koloth! He kicks the guard he's fighting in the stomach, shoving him into a collision with the guard who was about to kill Koloth... the two of them turn at Kor and charge back at him... and he smiles... KOR That's right. Gang up on the fat old man... And he's back at Klach D'Kel Brakt again... he's twenty again... and with his lightning quick bat'leth he fights, the two younger guards retreat under the assault -- back, back, back... an incredible flurry of moves until they fall over backward in unison over a table, hitting their heads on the floor... Kor quickly moves to check on Koloth... DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FIVE 54. 81 CONTINUED: KOLOTH (ruefully) I didn't see him coming... KOR Even you can't have eyes in the back of your head, my friend... quiet now, rest... I still have work to do... Another guard engages Kor... 82 WIDE to show Dax and Kang pushing the guards protecting the Albino deeper into the room... 83 THE ALBINO seeing the battle turn against him, now retreats quickly, looking to escape, but he is met by Kang, who blocks his exit... the Albino raises his weapon, ready to fight... ALBINO You will die far quicker than your son did, Kang. Their fight begins. 84 KOR reacts, his eyes popping wide with the surprise of a wound (which evokes a YELL of rage); he swipes at his assailant and puts him down... but then sags near the dying Koloth... 85 KOR & KOLOTH - CLOSE Kor runs his big paw soothingly across his friendly-enemy's forehead. KOLOTH I will not die before you, you thunderous bulk. KOR The story of your courage will never die... I will sing the story... the children of all Klingons will know of this day...  DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/27/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 85 CONTINUED: Koloth looks at Kor a last time -- a gleam of real friendship in his eyes... and then his head slumps over; dead. 86 DAX driving another opponent backward, the last guard still standing... 87 KANG AND THE ALBINO in a furious fight up the stairs... two old men, tired, weakening... neither seems to have the death blow left within him... The Albino is an excellent fighter... but Kang is driven beyond reason... and finally Kang gets the upper hand and the Albino is forced back and seems beaten when Kang swings the bat'leth and it hits the banister and the sword breaks in half... there is just an instant of shock and vulnerability on his face as he realizes he is defenseless and in that moment the Albino thrusts his bayonet through Kang's chest and pulls it back out... Kang goes down... his eyes look up with hatred at the Albino who doesn't laugh or even smile but looks down and simply says... ALBINO No vengeance today, Kang. He turns to escape and suddenly a bat'leth strikes the weapon out of his hands, leaving him defenseless. 88 REVERSE ANGLE - DAX stands there blocking the Albino's escape. 89 DAX & ALBINO Dax faces him with a bat'leth at-the-ready. 90 ON KANG Lying mortally wounded, he looks up at the final confrontation. 91 DAX & ALBINO She's armed, he's not. And she blocks his exit with the bat'leth at his chest. But all he shows is sarcastic confidence. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FIVE 56. 91 CONTINUED: ALBINO And who are you, girl? DAX You knew me as Curzon Dax. ALBINO The Trill. Of course. (re: bat'leth) You're far too young and lovely to sport such a deadly weapon. A beat. A huge moment of conflict for her. She seems to droop a bit in her resolution and he picks up on it... impatiently prodding her -- ALBINO All right, then, use it if that's what you came to do. Kill me in cold blood. Run me through the belly and cut out my heart... isn't that what your blood oath promised? (beat) Or have you lost your appetite, my dear. 92 ON THE ALBINO He smiles... And, suddenly, we realize that the smile, and the Albino himself, have stiffened and become frozen in place. Like a toppling tree, he falls stiffly forward. And as he falls we see the Klingon knife sticking out of his back... and behind him, still standing, the weak, dying Kang. He looks evenly at her, nods, it's okay that she couldn't bring herself to kill him. KANG (weakly) Thank you... for saving the death blow for me... you have honored me, one last time... godfather to my son. Kang sinks weakly down. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FIVE 57. 93 thru OMITTED 95 96 KOR begins to move over, holding his wounded side... 97 OMITTED 98 ANGLE - KANG on his back, close to death. Kor moves to him... kneels... KANG Koloth... ? KOR ... He's dead. As Dax moves closer to him... kneeling too... he looks at her and smiles... KANG I was right, Dax. It is a good day to die. DAX But never a good day to lose a friend. DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FIVE 58. Kang nods weakly, closes his eyes at peace and at rest. Dax gently puts the hand down, lowers her head in a silent moment, controlling great sorrow... Kor moves to look down at the dead Albino, begins to CHANT a sacred Klingon funereal dirge... KOR (chanting, repeat as needed) Ki-naH-naH, lo-maytoo; Ki-nah-nah, lo-maytaH; ko-no-ma... Ko-no-mayy... And as he puts his hand on the knife from his BELT (but doesn't draw it), staring down at the chest of the Albino... 99 EXT. FOREST AND COMPOUND -- DAY ... his voice ECHOES across the expanse before us... KOR (O.S.) Ko-no-ma... Ko-no... MAAAY... 100 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Re-Establishing. 101 INT. OPS Kira, Sisko and N.D. Supernumeraries at their work. The Turbolift arrives bearing Dax... back in uniform. Cleaned up. She solemnly, clearly affected by what she's participated in, walks to her station -- resumes her own work. She exchanges a look with Sisko. Sisko looks at her with hard disapproval, doesn't want to know. He simply walks into his office. 102 ON KIRA She looks over at Dax a long beat. Dax doesn't look at her. 103 FULL SHOT Kira and Dax and everyone else working away as usual. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END