STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Paradise" #40512-435 Story by Jim Trombetta and James Crocker Teleplay by Jeff King and Richard Manning & Hans Beimler Directed by Corey Allen THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION November 24, 1993 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Paradise" - 11/30/93 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Paradise" CAST SISKO ALIXUS KIRA CASSANDRA DAX JOSEPH O'BRIEN STEPHAN VINOD COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D SUPERNUMERARIES MEG N.D. COLONISTS STAR TREK: DS9 - "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - SETS STAR TR&K: DEEP SPACE NINE "Paradise" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE OPS COMPOUND COMPOUND COLONY SHIP FIELD ALIXUS'S CUBICLE SISKO'S CUBICLE FOREST MEDICAL FACILITY RIO GRANDE RIO GRANDE ORINOCO ORINOCO STAR TREK: DS9 - "Paradise" - 11/30/93 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Paradise" PRONUNCIATION GUID ALIXUS ahl-IHK-suhs ASTETINE AHS-teh-tihn BAJORAN bah-JOR-an BODAY boh-DAY CARDASSIAN car-DASS-ee-en DUONETIC doo-oh-NEH-tihk FUNGI FUN-jeye GALLAMITE GAHL-uh-mite GASKO gahs-KOH GEMULON GEHM-you-lahn GOLANGA goh-LAHN-guh MITSUYA miht-SOO-yah ORELLIUS ohr-REHL-ee-uhs SETLIK SEHT-lik SLEEGER SLEE-juhr STEPHAN STEE-vihn VINOD VIH-nohd XUPTA ZOOP-tuh ZYDROLIAN zi-DRO-lee-ahn DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Paradise" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - RIO GRANDE (OPTICAL) At impulse. SISKO (V.O.) Station log, Stardate 47573.1. We're getting more and more requests for information about setting up colonies in sectors close to the wormhole. So, Chief O'Brien and I have set out to survey near-by star systems for M- Class planets. 2 INT. RIO GRANDE SISKO sitting. O'BRIEN standing by a console studying some sensor readouts. SISKO If it's an imposition... O'BRIEN Nossir, it'll be fine... SISKO You're sure. O'BRIEN I'm sure, Commander. Jake's a good fella. I'll enjoy working with him. SISKO I don't want you to make it easy for him, Chief. He's got to know what it takes to make it in Starfleet. O'BRIEN I'll have him up to his elbows in thorium grease, sir. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: SISKO (concerned) It's not going to be easy for him. He placed in the lower third of his age group in mechanical aptitude... O'BRIEN Good for him. So did I. SISKO (reacts) You. Come on... O'BRIEN No, it's true. It wasn't till I got to the Cardassian front that I found out I had talents I never knew I had... SISKO At the front? O'BRIEN It was a matter of figuring out how to get a field transporter operational in ten minutes or wind up a Cardassian prisoner of war. Now, I didn't know a transporter from a turbolift in those days... but somehow, in nine minutes and fifty-three seconds, I got that thing to work. Got thirteen men safely off the surface of Setlik Three. Next thing I know I'm tactical officer on the Rutledge. That's how I got the gold suit. SISKO (acknowledges) Well, Jake's ready for a new suit too. The boy seems to grow a centimeter a week... (sentimental) He struck me out with a curve ball the other day. First time. O'Brien has spotted something on his sensor readouts... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN They grow up in a hurry, don't they, sir... SISKO That they do. O'BRIEN Hey, I think I found one... Computer, set a new heading four-one mark three- zero-one... COMPUTER VOICE Confirmed. Sisko checks his panels... SISKO It's M-Class all right. One hundred and sixty million kilometers from Orellius Minor. Should be a perfect place to set up a colony... O'Brien still taking readings... has found something else... O'BRIEN Uh huh. Only it looks like someone's beat us to it. SISKO You're reading life forms? O'BRIEN Human life forms. Sisko reacts. O'Brien moves to his seat... presses panels... as Sisko studies readouts... SISKO I don't see anything on the books about a colony in the Orellius system... O'BRIEN Trying all hailing frequencies. SISKO (as he presses panels) Moving into synchronous orbit. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - TEASER 3A. 2 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN No response. (reading sensors) I'm picking up some sort of low level duonetic field down there... it might be interfering with communications. A curious beat. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (4) SISKO Why don't we introduce ourselves to our neighbors... O'BRIEN Computer, ready transporter. A bleep from the computer acknowledges as they rise... 3 EXT. FOREST - DAY (OPTICAL) Sisko and O'Brien MATERIALIZE amidst lush, dense foliage. They start to scan the area with their tricorders until they realize something's wrong... Sisko reacts, glances at O'Brien's tricorder, sees it's not working either... SISKO Yours too? O'BRIEN Self-diagnostics aren't even working. It's just plain dead. Sisko taps his combadge. No chirp. He reacts, tries anyway... SISKO Sisko to Rio Grande... (beat, nothing) Computer, respond. O'Brien has his phaser out now... tries firing it, nothing. O'BRIEN I'd say we have no E-M activity down here at all... SISKO Any idea why? O'BRIEN I'm not sure... it might have something to do with the duonetic field our sensors picked up. SISKO Well, I hope you can find a few more of those talents you never knew you had, Chief. Or we're gonna have a hard time getting off this... From behind -- DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: VINOD (O.S.) Don't move! WIDER to include a rugged bowman (about thirty) -- VINOD -- behind them, his longbow pulled taut, an arrow pointed at their backs. VINOD And put your hands up. With Vinod is a physically strong man, O'Brien's age, JOSEPH. All are human and dressed in homespun clothes (Note: some might be in Federation clothes that were built to last... or might be in some patched-up Federation-type clothes)... 5 ON SISKO AND O'BRIEN as they slowly raise their hands... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (Note: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 6 EXT. FOREST - DAY - CONTINUOUS Everyone standing as they were: Sisko and O'Brien with their backs to their captors. Vinod and Joseph cautiously approach. VINOD Turn around -- slowly. Sisko and O'Brien obey. Their captors examine them from head to toe -- Joseph is the first to break into a warm smile. JOSEPH They're from Starfleet! SISKO That's right. Mind if we lower our hands? Joseph gestures for Vinod to lower his weapon. JOSEPH The uniforms have changed -- (chuckling) -- or have I just forgotten what they looked like? (shaking hands) My name is Joseph. Vinod's the one playing with the sharp object. SISKO (cordial) Benjamin Sisko. This is Miles O'Brien. VINOD (friendly) How'd you get here? O'BRIEN I was just going to ask you the same question. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT ONE 7. 6 CONTINUED: SISKO We were surveying for habitable planets when our sensors picked up your lifesigns... there was no record of a human colony here... JOSEPH (nods) Our group was on its way to settle on Gemulon Five over ten years ago when our ship developed life support problems and we had to land for repairs. VINOD Once we got here, all our systems failed, nothing worked anymore... O'BRIEN So we've seen... JOSEPH We've been stuck here ever since. I guess you are too now... SISKO We have a ship in orbit... it shouldn't take our people long to find us... O'BRIEN We'll be able to get all of you out of here... JOSEPH (smiles) After ten years, this has become home... O'BRIEN But you said it yourself -- nothing works. JOSEPH We still do. Come on, we'll show you. Vinod, run ahead and tell your mother we have guests. Vinod nods, RUNS OFF. Joseph leads Sisko and O'Brien through the foliage. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT ONE 8. 7 EXT. COMPOUND - DAY Joseph, Sisko, and O'Brien make their way into the compound... it is a formidable sight... a Federation ship has been converted into a shelter, creating a huge backdrop... a rough- hewn town square has been cleared in front of the ship... it is bordered on one side by the beginnings of a farmers' field... with corn and other vegetables growing... people are harvesting the fields... in the square, they grind corn into flour... a carpenter fixes a tool... One by one, the colonists notice Sisko and O'Brien -- the first strangers they've seen in a decade -- and react with surprise, awe, and friendly smiles. No fear. A few stop what they're doing and timidly approach the newcomers. One of them is an attractive woman, (CASSANDRA) about 30. 8 ON O'BRIEN AND SISKO eyeing the ship. SISKO Erewon-class personnel transport... JOSEPH Commissioned the "Santa Maria." Now, we just call it "the cabin." ALIXUS ENTERS, from the ship, Vinod at her side. Alixus is a handsome, happy-eyed, smiling, glowingly charismatic woman, about fifty. Her smile broadens into a wide, infectious grin. ALIXUS After all this time... visitors! Welcome to our community. Are there others? SISKO Just an empty runabout in orbit. Hopefully, it'll attract some attention. JOSEPH (hungry for news) "Runabout." Is that some kind of new Starfleet vessel? DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT ONE 9. 8 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (realizing he wouldn't know) Yeah, they commissioned the first ones two years ago... they're short- range interstellar craft... about a quarter the size of your... "cabin" here... JOSEPH (explaining his interest) I was the engineer aboard the Santa Maria... And immediately the bond between O'Brien and Joseph is established... ALIXUS (encouraging the bonding) You and Miles will have a lot to talk about, Joseph... I'm sure we'll all have questions for our guests... VINOD Who won the soccer matches this year... is Golanga still playing? Laughter... SISKO He hurt his knee four years ago. They replaced it with a bio-implant but he wasn't the same after that. (to O'Brien) Who was it that won last year anyway... I never can remember... O'Brien doesn't know either... CASSANDRA (to Sisko) What are women's fashions like back home now? Sisko reacts, thrown by the question... SISKO Chief, you're the married one... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT ONE 10. 8 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (not sure) Keiko, my wife... she's been replicating longer dresses lately... CASSANDRA Oh no, that means I'll have to alter everything I own... More laughter. O'BRIEN (trying to be helpful) ... but it might just be the Bajoran styles she sees on Deep Space Nine... JOSEPH Deep Space Nine? ALIXUS (interrupting) I'm sure Ben and Miles will be happy to tell you everything you want to know. There'll be plenty of time for that later. O'BRIEN (to Joseph) Actually, the first thing I'd like to do is to try and get some kind of response from the E-M systems... ALIXUS We gave up any hope of that years ago... SISKO We noticed a low-level duonetic field in this area before we transported down... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT ONE 11. 8 CONTINUED: (3) ALIXUS (acknowledges) The same thing appeared on our sensors when we were landing. Our engines failed almost the instant we hit the surface. JOSEPH Without a functional tricorder, it was virtually impossible to track down the source. ALIXUS We do know that the marshes all around us are filled with astatine deposits... that's the only explanation we have... (beat, with pride, to the others) But we've done pretty well without our tricorders and E-M converters and comlinks... haven't we? The group beams with pride. She moves to take in the full view of the community they've built. ALIXUS (continuing) After all, the human body is a powerful tool. It can plow the fields and harvest the crops... construct walls for protection from the wilderness, weave clothes we need to stay warm. In a way, we've rediscovered what man is capable of doing without technology. It hasn't been easy. We've had some bitter winters. We've lost some friends. But we're proud of what we've accomplished here. SISKO (admiring) You have every right to be. CASSANDRA Are we all going to leave when the others come to rescue them? DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT ONE 12-13. 8 CONTINUED: (4) ALIXUS That's something each of us is going to have to think about, isn't it... CASSANDRA Are you going to leave, Alixus? ALIXUS Speaking for myself... (pauses for dramatic effect) ... no, I'll never leave. And I'll never want to change what we have here in our community. It means too much to me. The impact of this thought is quite emotional on these people. It gives everyone a lot to think about. ALIXUS (to Sisko and O'Brien) While you're with us, you're welcome to everything our community has to offer. The only thing we ask is that you contribute. We all work for our supper here. You'll be surprised how much sweeter it tastes when you do. SISKO We'll be happy to do our part. ALIXUS Joseph, find them some bunks... Joseph acknowledges and leads Sisko and O'Brien away... we stay with Alixus and she watches them go, smiling maternally, then wandering away separately with Vinod. ALIXUS Two more strong, healthy men, Vinod. That could mean a lot to this community. And as she considers that for a beat, they walk away and we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT TWO 14-16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE - ESTABLISHING (OPTICAL) 2 INT. OPS KIRA and DAX at their stations. N.D. Supernumeraries as needed. Kira is picking up a message on her panel. KIRA Do you know an Admiral Mitsuya... DAX Best poker player in the fleet. Next to me. KIRA Well, he's diverting the Crockett to stop at DS Nine the day after tomorrow to "talk about Cardassian foreign policy"... DAX That's just an excuse to get Benjamin in a game... Mitsuya cleaned him out last year. We better hail the Rio Grande and get them moving back this way... As Kira presses panels... DAX I've worked on Benjamin's poker for two lifetimes... he just can't learn to bluff... KIRA That's odd... DAX I know... you'd think a man like Benjamin... KIRA No. The Rio Grande. It's not responding to our hails. OFF their curious reaction... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT TWO 17. 11 INT. COLONY SHIP - SISKO'S CUBICLE Room for a bunk, not much more. Within the ship, the only light anywhere comes from homemade candles. Hand-woven mats and rough clay vases filled with native flowers give the area a primitive, yet warm, comfortable and lived-in ambience. It's about an hour since we last saw Sisko. He's sitting on his bunk, curiously reading a bound (but thin) "old- fashioned" book... one of several that have been left on his nightstand... there are no doors. O'Brien looks in, ENTERS... SISKO Come in, Chief. I was just reading one of the books written by our host. Alixus is quite a prolific author... O'BRIEN (re: picking up one) Yeah, a bunch of these were left in my room too... I haven't had a chance to look at them... what does she write about? SISKO (dry) She has something to say on just about... everything! O'BRIEN (smiles, leafing through a book) Yeah? SISKO Economic analysis. Political commentaries. Literary critiques. She says she's spent her life examining the human condition. O'BRIEN And what's her prognosis? SISKO Not very good. She says we've become fat and lazy and dull. O'BRIEN My wife told me something along those lines just last week. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT TWO 18. 11 CONTINUED: SISKO (reading) "The common conceit that the human species has evolved over the last several centuries is ludicrous. What gains we have made have come at the cost of our own core identities. Man has lost touch with his true power." O'BRIEN Sounds like it took a crash landing for her to find her paradise. Sisko nods, puts the book down and they EXIT. 12 EXT. COMPOUND As they come out of the ship... several colonists are working on their various daily chores... SISKO Have you found anything in their ship that might help us restore contact with the runabout? O'BRIEN (shakes head) There's nothing to find. Waveguides, panels, conduits, baffle plates -- you name it, it's gone. The ship looks like it's been through a Ferengi junkyard. SISKO What happened to it all? JOSEPH (O.S.) We threw it away. 13 NEW ANGLE to see him moving to them... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT TWO 19. 13 CONTINUED: JOSEPH Since none of it worked, to us it was merely useless junk taking up space. And... SISKO (having read the book) ... Alixus felt its presence was a constant reminder of who you used to be. JOSEPH (acknowledges) We all had to abandon our dependence on technology. Removing every trace of it made the transition easier. O'BRIEN As an engineer, you must've had some problems with that... JOSEPH (smiles) I was the last convert. But as time passed, I realized Alixus was right. She was helping us discover a new philosophy of life together. Because we needed one to survive. And I'll tell you -- every one of us is better for it. We're more committed to each other. We're truly a part of each other's lives. We've renewed the sense of community that man left behind centuries ago. Cassandra comes out of the ship... upset... CASSANDRA Joseph, Meg's fever is getting worse... Joseph reacts, turns to Sisko and O'Brien... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT TWO 20. 13 CONTINUED: (2) JOSEPH Either of you have medical training? SISKO Just the basics all Starfleet officers get. JOSEPH I can use all the help you can offer... 14 OMITTED 15 INT. COLONY SHIP - MEDICAL FACILITY - CONTINUOUS There are shelves with dozens of labeled bottles and jars of herbs. On a bunk lies MEG, an unconscious woman, burning up with fever. One of her forearms is swollen up and discolored, bathed with herb leaves. Alixus is holding her hand, looks up as they ENTER. Joseph examines the arm... JOSEPH The new herb doesn't seem to be helping at all. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT TWO 21. 15 CONTINUED: SISKO May I see? Sisko inspects her arm, checks her pulse at the neck, feels her forehead for temperature. Under this: ALIXUS There's an insect here that transmits a disease we haven't been able to cure. We've lost three to it already. SISKO Have you found anything in the forest that's like the sleeger fungi? JOSEPH We've searched everywhere for the right fungus or root that would draw out the infection. SISKO If it keeps spreading, she'll be dead before the rescue team finds us... O'BRIEN (frustrated) The medical kit in the runabout could probably take care of it in a second. SISKO (nods) We've got to find a way to restore the com link to the transporter... Alixus is disturbed by this talk... ALIXUS That will only be a waste of time... O'BRIEN (thinking on his feet) This duonetic field inhibits energy flow... but a duonetic field is a form of energy too... so, maybe there's a way to modify our communicators to run off the field itself... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT TWO 22. 15 CONTINUED: (2) JOSEPH Do you really think you could... ALIXUS (overlapping) No. (reactions) If you want to put your efforts to good use, search the forest for something else we might use... SISKO This is medicine from the dark ages. You can't expect to save her if... ALIXUS (interrupting, controlled) Ben, may I see you outside, please. Sisko and O'Brien exchange a look... Sisko follows her out... 16 EXT. COMPOUND She never loses her calm, but she's angry in a corporate sort of way... ALIXUS Talk like that isn't constructive. SISKO I'm talking about saving the life of one of your followers. ALIXUS (smiles without warmth) You don't understand us yet. No one follows me. They follow their own hearts. SISKO My heart tells me to try and get to my ship. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT TWO 23. 16 CONTINUED: ALIXUS I'm sure it does. But if we'd had that attitude for the last ten years, we wouldn't have been doing what was necessary to survive here. To find the plants and herbs and molds that cure disease. We've conquered seventeen illnesses with the most powerful resource man has. His ingenuity. SISKO It's an interesting philosophy, and while we're debating it, a woman is dying. ALIXUS I won't have you disrupting everything this community has worked for, Ben. SISKO I don't intend to stay any longer than necessary. ALIXUS That's another thing. Let's not bring up the Starfleet rescue party again. Until they come... if they come... you'll have to do things our way. (a beat, one final thought) I'd strongly advise getting rid of those uniforms... by midafternoon, it gets hot in the fields. She walks away... on Sisko's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 17 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) 18 INT. OPS Kira and Dax as before. With urgency. Supernumeraries. DAX The Rio Grande's been spotted. Kira moves to Dax's station... KIRA Where... DAX The details are coming in from Starfleet... "the Romulan vessel Gasko reported seeing an abandoned runabout... markings NCC seven-two- four-five-two... " KIRA That's our ship all right... DAX "... traveling at Warp Two through sector four-zero-one... " KIRA (reacts) At warp, with no one on board? DAX Command wants to know if we can send someone to investigate... Dax presses some panels... Kira is already on the move... KIRA Signal them affirmative. Dax is right behind her... DAX I already have. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT THREE 24A. 18 CONTINUED: KIRA (to computer) Runabout Pad "C." And they EXIT on the Turbolift. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT THREE 25. 19 EXT. FIELD NEAR COMPOUND - DAY At the edge of the compound, Sisko, still in his uniform, and Vinod work the field under the hot sun. In b.g., O'Brien and Joseph do the same. It's backbreaking work; they're all sweating profusely. VINOD You have a talent for this, Ben. Sisko glances at Vinod... doesn't like being called Ben, doesn't like this place... but there's no point in being rude either... SISKO My father was a chef. He grew all his own vegetables. My brothers and I were sent out to the garden every day. Sisko even allows himself to smile as the memory hits him. VINOD (eager to make the philosophical connection) So, this is a way for you to get back in touch with your core identity. (Sisko chooses not to acknowledge) There's nothing like eating what you've picked with your own hands, is there... SISKO (has to admit) That's true. VINOD Most of the others had only eaten replicated food before they got here... the flavor of the foods we prepare -- it was quite a surprise to them... SISKO (investigative) ... but not to you? VINOD (laughs) No, my mother wouldn't ever let me eat replicated food. Sisko nods, takes that in, stores it for further use... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT THREE 26. VINOD Are you as good a chef as your father? SISKO Not even close. VINOD You're being modest. We ought to get you into the kitchen, Ben... you could provide a real service to the community... I'll talk to my mother about it... He smiles, decidedly friendly, moves off... Sisko considers him, thoughtfully, takes a spoon of water from a pail... 20 ON O'BRIEN AND JOSEPH also working... O'Brien can't help laughing... JOSEPH What? O'BRIEN I can't help thinking what my wife'd say if she saw me doing this... JOSEPH Why? O'BRIEN Because around my house, I'm known as The Black Thumb. I'm just one of those people, you know? The only way I could get anything to grow was to marry a botanist. JOSEPH A botanist. Really? O'BRIEN You should have seen the arboretum she grew on the Enterprise. That's where I asked her to marry me. She'd love it here, that's for sure... JOSEPH Maybe you'll bring her someday... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT THREE 27. 20 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Trouble is she'd never want to leave... JOSEPH That's okay too. The creaking sound of metal attracts their attention to -- 21 SISKO AND O'BRIEN'S POV - METAL PENAL BOX In the center of the compound is a 4'x4' metal box. The box has a few narrow breathing slots and has been placed strategically so as to remain in the hot sun for the longest possible time. A casual glance might suggest it's just a storage bin of some sort. Two colonists are opening it, removing a prisoner -- STEPHAN. He's emaciated, too weak to stand unaided. Joseph moves over to examine him... JOSEPH Get him into the shade. As they carry him to some shade... 22 ON SISKO AND O'BRIEN thunderstruck, exchange a glance. Move to observe... Joseph has opened a jar, that was sitting near the shed for just this purpose, containing some water and artichoke type leaves. JOSEPH Here, Stephan, chew these. They'll help you regain your strength. O'BRIEN What did he do to deserve this? JOSEPH He stole a candle. O'BRIEN One candle? SISKO How long was he in there? JOSEPH Since this morning. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT THREE 28. 22 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN In that hellbox? Alixus arrives. Sisko confronts her... SISKO Is this part of your philosophy of life too? ALIXUS You're a Starfleet Commander. I'm sure you've had to discipline members of your crew... SISKO Discipline is one thing. Torture is another. ALIXUS The first thing this community accepted was the need to establish rules of conduct. All of us, including Stephan here, approved this form of punishment as necessary and fair. Alixus turns away from Sisko, faces Stephan, takes his hand in both her own. Her demeanor is kind, caring: ALIXUS (continuing) How are you, Stephan? STEPHAN (genuinely contrite) I'll be all right. I'm sorry Alixus that I... let the community down... ALIXUS The matter is closed. Go inside. Get some rest now. STEPHAN Thank you, Alixus. Stephan EXITS with help from Joseph. Alixus sees that Sisko and O'Brien are looking daggers at her. She is unshaken in her faith that what they're doing is right. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT THREE 29. 22 CONTINUED: (2) ALIXUS Stephan will never steal a candle again. And neither will anyone else who saw him here today. (beat) In time, you'll understand that this is a simple, effective way to maintain law and order in our community. And she walks away... after a beat... O'BRIEN (curious) Sir, I get the distinct impression that she expects us to be here for a while... SISKO (acknowledges) If there's a way to adapt the energy in the duonetic field to get us back to the runabout, I want you to find it, Chief. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. They separate. 23 INT. COLONY SHIP - SISKO'S CUBICLE - NIGHT Sisko is preparing for bed. His clothes are off... a plain serape tied around his waste... there is a small clay basin of water which he uses to clean himself... his muscles are aching... and he rubs his shoulders, trying to get a little extra relief... Cassandra looks in... she carries a small clay jar... CASSANDRA Is there anything you need? Sisko reacts as the woman moves in without consideration for his undressed state... SISKO No, I don't think so. She notices his discomfort, smiles warmly... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT THREE 30. 23 CONTINUED: CASSANDRA I'm sorry... Alixus doesn't believe in doors... we all take it for granted now... you'll get used to it... SISKO (casual, even) Hopefully, I won't be here long enough to get used to it... CASSANDRA (disappointed) You don't like it here, do you... SISKO (beat) It's not what I'm used to. CASSANDRA (nods) Alixus has reminded us all that it wasn't easy for us at first either. She's told us to be patient with you. Sisko raises an eyebrow to that, again it sounds like she's expecting them to stay. He files it away... CASSANDRA (re: the jar) I know your muscles must be sore from all the work today... this is an oil extract from the Xupta tree. It's wonderfully soothing. SISKO Thank you... I'll try some. CASSANDRA Would you like me to give you a massage with it? SISKO I... don't think so. Thanks anyway. CASSANDRA It'll make you feel a lot better. And Sisko studies her... wondering why she's here... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT THREE 31. 23 CONTINUED: (2) CASSANDRA Here let me show you... She dips her fingers into the oil and rubs her hands, facing Sisko, looking into his eyes with sexual undertones growing more obvious and just as she's about to touch his shoulders, he grabs her hand gently, stopping her... SISKO (gently) Did she send you here? A beat. Cassandra's eyes narrow slightly... in apparent puzzlement. SISKO Did she send you here to make love to me... Cassandra's face tells the truth even if she can't... 24 INT. COLONY SHIP - ALIXUS'S CUBICLE - NIGHT A cubicle no more luxurious than Sisko's. Alixus, still fully clothed, is at her table, writing. Sisko ENTERS, dressed in his uniform again. ALIXUS Ben... come in, I was just writing about you and Miles in my journal... I understand you're quite a chef... Sisko slams the journal shut... she reacts... but keeps her poise... almost pleased... ALIXUS Now, that's the first Core Behavior I've seen from you since you arrived... SISKO Core Behavior. Does that chapter come before or after "sexual procurement?" ALIXUS (beat) I have a lot to say about sexuality, Ben. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT THREE 32. 24 CONTINUED: ALIXUS (Cont'd) I have a feeling it might shock someone as repressed as you seem. I assume you're talking about Cassandra... SISKO Did you send her to my room? ALIXUS Yes. SISKO I think you're contemptible. ALIXUS (unfazed) Interesting. Contemptible. (beat) Try to see it through our eyes, Ben. Just for a moment. Cassandra came to me... worried because she sensed you weren't happy. SISKO She's right about that. ALIXUS She's concerned that all you see here is work and hardship. She wanted you to share in our joy as well. SISKO So you sent her to win my devotion to your cause... ALIXUS I suggested she could make it easier for you to become a member of the community... the choice was hers. (a smile) Cassandra really likes you, Ben. Sisko has taken all this in... steps away from the confrontation, quietly angry... he leafs through one of her thin books... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT THREE 33. 24 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO It's fortunate all these books of yours weren't on PADDS like all the other reading materials the colonists brought. ALIXUS I used to print them myself. SISKO (nods) I'm not surprised. And Vinod told me you never ate replicated food before you came here... ALIXUS I'm not sure I see the connection... SISKO Just that you never had much use for technology, did you. It's interesting you happened to crash on a planet that fit your... philosophy of life... so well. ALIXUS I agree. In fact, I've started writing a book about our experiences. I've been wondering if in the ancient religions of man, there aren't some new truths to be found... something to explain how "fate" sometimes delivers us exactly where we need to be. SISKO (evenly) Perhaps one day you'll even feel the hand of God on your shoulder. She stares at him. Finally smiles. ALIXUS You are wonderful. You won't give a millimeter, will you. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT THREE 34. 24 CONTINUED: (3) They look at each other a long beat. ALIXUS Look at you. Still wearing your uniform. Wanting so badly to get back to your station with its artificial gravity and its sterilized air. You are so disconnected from your core identity, Ben. (beat) There is a better way. How can we help you to see it. Perhaps good, hard work is the answer. (softly calling o.s.) Vinod... Vinod ENTERS... ALIXUS Ben will be standing watch tonight. Sisko says nothing, shows no defiance, just a willingness to endure what he must. Sisko EXITS, with Vinod following. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT FOUR 35. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 25 EXT. COMPOUND - MORNING Sisko moving back toward the ship from the perimeter after standing watch all night... tired... there's an outdoor buffet of fruit... others are lining up to get some for breakfast... O'Brien moves to greet him... O'BRIEN You all right, Commander... ? SISKO Just a little tired... I'll be fine... any luck at your end? O'BRIEN (shakes his head) This duonetic field is still a mystery, sir... I can't believe it's being generated by the astatine deposits in the stream beds... Alixus, moving out from the ship... ALIXUS Good morning, Ben... ready for breakfast... there's some lovely fruit here... try this... (offering a piece to Sisko, he takes it) We found it growing along the riverbank a few years ago... some kind of native pear... good isn't it? Sisko only nods... picks up a plate, moves to get some more fruit for himself... ALIXUS Oh, will you be able to work your normal shift in the fields today? O'BRIEN What are you talking about... you just had him up all night standing watch... Sisko motions for him to stop... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT FOUR 36. 25 CONTINUED: ALIXUS Of course, if you'd like to be relieved of your duties today, all you have to do is ask. SISKO I'll work my shift. ALIXUS Good. We're so shorthanded out there. But you really should do yourself a favor and change into more comfortable clothes... (starts to leave, pauses) Oh, by the way, you'll be pleased to know that Meg seems better this morning. Joseph is very optimistic about a new combination of herbs he's tried. She moves away, greets others... Sisko ignores her. O'Brien stares at her, even more motivated to find a way out of there... 26 EXT. SPACE - ORINOCO (OPTICAL) Traveling at warp speed. 27 INT. ORINOCO Kira at the controls, Dax working the console. DAX We're picking up a ship ahead. It's the Rio Grande -- moving at warp one- point-three. KIRA Plotting an intercept course. Once we're abeam, match our speeds exactly and I'll transport over. DAX Like hell you will. KIRA Sorry, I'm the ranking officer... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT FOUR 37. 27 CONTINUED: DAX At warp, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to volunteer. (shakes her head) If Chief O'Brien were here, maybe... without him, either one of us would wind up a subspace particle field off the Rio Grande's stern... KIRA Got a better idea... ? DAX (standing and moving to a rear panel) I'm a science officer. It's my job to have a better idea. She starts, pressing panels... KIRA What are you doing? DAX Trying an old rope trick I learned on Earth once. KIRA A rope trick. DAX A very talented Hopi I knew did things with rope you wouldn't believe... it's an old West American artform... she could throw a lasso around Curzon on the dead run from ten meters away... KIRA You're suggesting we try to "rope" the Rio Grande at warp... DAX (acknowledges) With a tractor beam. KIRA When we pull it back to impulse, isn't there a risk that the strain will rip both hulls apart? Returning to her seat -- DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT FOUR 38. 27 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (shrugs) I suppose. KIRA (insistent) "I suppose?" DAX I suppose... there's a risk. KIRA You're a science officer. It's your job to know if there's a risk. DAX Okay. There's a risk. If the ship assembly teams back at the yards did their jobs really well, we'll probably make it. If they had an off day, we're gonna have a problem. But it's our best shot. Unless, as ranking officer, you have a better idea... Kira looks evenly at Dax. KIRA We're within tractor range. Locking on. DAX Engaging impulse engines. They feel a hard jerk, hear a creak... the ride gets bumpy but... 28 thru OMITTED 29 DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 30 EXT. SPACE - RIO GRANDE AND ORINOCO (OPTICAL) as both ships come out of warp... 30A INT. ORINOCO As the rough ride settles down... DAX (low key) Remind me to send a thank you note to the assembly teams. Pressing panels -- KIRA All stop. (as they rise and move to the transporter) Computer, ready transporter... A computer bleep and... 31 EXT. FIELD NEAR COMPOUND - DAY High noon. Hot sun. An extremely exhausted Sisko is working the field with a small digging tool. O'Brien is not in view. Sisko moves to the clay bucket for a drink... he gets one spoonful but as he goes for another... Cassandra comes by and takes the pot... CASSANDRA I'm sorry... Alixus has just put water rationing into effect for today... no one is to get more than one cup... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 31 CONTINUED: SISKO Rationing. I thought you had a constant supply of fresh water... from the streams... CASSANDRA We do... SISKO Why is she doing this... CASSANDRA Because we've failed you, Ben... we've failed to help you and Miles find your place here in the community... She moves away... Sisko takes this in... after a beat, he begins to jab the tool into the ground again, furious at the punishment that all have to share for his actions. From the compound, a bell rings... it's a call. People begin to move from whatever they're doing to the center of the compound... Sisko gets up, exhausted, moves into the compound... when all have gathered... we may note that Vinod and O'Brien are not present... ALIXUS Meg has died. Gasps... some begin to cry... all are somber... ALIXUS It happened suddenly, quietly. Her suffering has ended. (beat) No one was prouder of what we've accomplished here than Meg was. I can remember during some of our most difficult days... hearing her distinctive laugh echo across the field... and it would make me smile and give me hope. I wish I could hear that laugh now. (beat) Her dedication to this community, to us was an inspiration. Which is why I find myself so troubled today by an act that by its very nature defiles her memory. (calling) Vinod... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 32 ANGLE - TOWARD THE SHIP to see O'Brien, being led out by Vinod and another man... Vinod using his arrow as a weapon at O'Brien's back... Sisko reacts... moves to him... ALIXUS All of us have welcomed our new arrivals with open arms... but they continue to reject us. Despite their agreement to respect our fundamental way of life, this man has committed the worst offense that can be committed against this community. He has selfishly wasted precious time that could have been put to productive use. Miles was discovered attempting to activate his technological devices... so he could return to his ship... Vinod hands Alixus a disassembled tricorder as evidence... JOSEPH Alixus, I'm sure he only wanted to get to the medical equipment that might have saved Meg's life... Alixus moves on Joseph... ALIXUS Thank you, Joseph. I knew you would feel that way and I'm glad you said it. So all of us could see the true danger these two represent. Our own Joseph defending what he knows is wrong. He knows if we had spent our energy all these years trying to escape, we would all be dead today. (shakes her head sadly) This is good. This is a test of our convictions. And we will survive. To honor Meg and the others who have died to create this community. To honor the living who believe in this community. We will survive. Speaking now to Sisko -- DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 32 CONTINUED: ALIXUS I know your prejudice prevents you from seeing us as we are. In time, you will understand. And perhaps even embrace us. In the background, we hear the creak of the metal box... 33 ANGLE - TO SEE THE BOX BEING OPENED BY ONE OF THE MEN Sisko moves to Alixus... SISKO You're not putting him in there. ALIXUS No, Ben, I'm not. You're his commanding officer. I hold you responsible for his actions. I'm putting you in there. And now, it's O'Brien who struggles and is held back from moving to Sisko's defense... Sisko and Alixus hold each other's eyes for a long beat, and then Sisko turns, pushing Vinod out of the way and walks without threat to the box... turns once more to look at Alixus... and gets in. The metal door CLANGS shut behind him... and is barred. Reaction shots of O'Brien and Alixus and as we HOLD on the penal box, baking in the hot sun. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FIVE 43. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 34 EXT. SPACE - RIO GRANDE AND ORINOCO (OPTICAL) Parallel in space. 35 INT. RIO GRANDE Kira and Dax are on board. KIRA (checking console readings, curious) No sign of resistance. None of the onboard weapons have been fired... DAX But their logs have been erased. Someone else must have been here... KIRA Maybe Sisko and O'Brien beamed off before the ship was boarded... (beat, second thought) But then why would someone send the Runabout off at warp... why wouldn't they keep it or destroy it... DAX (checking panels) I think they were trying to destroy it. KIRA How can you tell... DAX The hull's been exposed to high temperatures and intense gamma radiation... (punching panels) ... if we retrace the Rio Grande's course... it takes us right back to... (reaction as she gets the results, looks at Kira who sees them too) DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT FIVE 44-44A. 35 CONTINUED: KIRA (reacts) An F-type star... DAX (nods) Orellius Minor. There's only one way this ship could be coming straight from Orellius Minor... and that's if someone had tried to destroy the ship by flying it into the star. KIRA (understands) ... and missed! DAX (nods) If the trajectory had been slightly off, the star's gravity flux would have deflected it in a new direction. Computer, run a tractor beam to the Orinoco and prepare for warp tow... (beat) With a little luck, we'll be able to find the warp signature the engines left when they were fired up... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT FIVE 45. 35 CONTINUED: (2) COMPUTER VOICE Tractor beam in place. KIRA Course laid in for the Orellius system. Engaging warp engines. 36 EXT. SPACE - RIO GRANDE AND ORINOCO (OPTICAL) The flip of the previous shot. The Rio Grande leading the Orinoco in the opposite direction at warp. 37 OMITTED 38 INT. COLONY SHIP - ALIXUS'S CUBICLE - DAY Alixus is waiting. Vinod and Sisko ENTER. Sisko stands, almost weaving on his feet -- and too parched even to speak. Alixus nods to Vinod, who EXITS. 39 ON ALIXUS handing Sisko a towel to wipe his sweat-drenched face. Alixus is genuinely troubled. She gestures for him to be seated. He remains right where he is, in defiance. Alixus pleads: ALIXUS (continuing) Please. She means it. Sisko sits on the edge of her bunk. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT FIVE 46. 39 CONTINUED: ALIXUS (continuing) This is painful for me, too. I want so much to give you water... let you lie down... sleep. But I can't. Not without your help. Sisko tries to speak, but can't. His throat's too dry. ALIXUS (continuing) I know it's too difficult to speak right now. Just rest. She pours herself a cup of water. There's no hint of spitefulness or cruelty on her face as she does so. ALIXUS (continuing) Change doesn't come easily to you; I realize that. Believe me, I'm not expecting a sudden, miraculous conversion. The change'll come by itself... if you're open to it. She picks up a neatly folded homespun shirt and trousers. ALIXUS (continuing) But you do have to show us that you are open to it. She unfolds the clothes and holds them up before Sisko. ALIXUS (continuing) A good start would be to get rid of that uniform. A long beat. Sisko makes no response. Alixus lays the clothes out across her bed. ALIXUS (continuing) I'll leave you these clothes... Alixus pours a full cup of water and sets it down on the table. (But she'll take with her the flagon whence it came.) DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FIVE 47. 39 CONTINUED: (2) ALIXUS (continuing) Once you've changed, you can have this cup of water. And when you drink, everyone will be allowed to drink... She moves to the doorway. ALIXUS (continuing) Join us, Ben. And she EXITS. 40 CLOSE ON SISKO His lips are parched; his throat aches. He can't take his eyes off: 41 ANGLE - THE CUP OF WATER full to the brim in the center of the table. 42 EXT. COMPOUND - COLONY SHIP - DAY Alixus is kneeling with a worker, patting her on the back with encouragement... as the worker glances past her and Alixus turns to see -- 43 ANGLE - SISKO come out of the ship... still wearing his uniform. he silently staggers by Alixus without acknowledging her... 44 ALIXUS eyes barely narrow as she follows his movement... 45 ON SISKO walking toward the penal box. His weakened legs fail him and he falls. O'Brien instinctively rushes toward him -- but a hard look from Sisko stops him. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 45 CONTINUED: Sisko gathers his inner strength and struggles to his feet. Dusting himself off, he walks with enormous dignity through the courtyard back into the box. 46 THE COLONISTS all look to Alixus... who tries not to betray the impact of this... small, but significant defeat. 47 ON O'BRIEN filled with pride and admiration for his commander. O'Brien's previous doubts and uncertainties have vanished; he knows what he must do. TIME CUT: 48 EXT. JOSEPH'S WORK STATION - CLOSE ON HANDS as they break two rocks together... making a sliver... he picks up one... 48A WIDER As O'Brien examines it. He has a phaser on. JOSEPH (O.S.) What are you doing here, Miles... Revealing Joseph arriving... O'Brien knows he'll never get away now without Joseph's assistance... O'BRIEN I... need a little help, Joseph... JOSEPH With what? O'Brien's eyes meet his... Joseph's expression drops... JOSEPH There's nothing I can do. Please don't ask me... O'BRIEN I've got to try and track down where this duonetic field is coming from... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/01/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 48A CONTINUED: JOSEPH We told you... there are astetine deposits... O'BRIEN That's not what's causing it... if it were, I'd've had that transmitter working and we'd all be out of here already... it's something else... and I've figured out a way that might get me to the source of it... JOSEPH (understanding) You want me to look the other way while you leave... O'BRIEN She'd put you in the box, wouldn't she... Joseph looks down silently... O'BRIEN (continuing) Then, do me a favor and just look down at this hematite deposit I just found... He indicates the base of the cave wall... JOSEPH Miles... O'BRIEN I can do it so it won't hurt at all... Joseph and Miles share a long look... finally, Joseph drops his head as though to examine the deposit... off camera, O'Brien does something with his hand... like a flick of the wrist... we hear Joseph slump o.c. O'BRIEN I owe you one my friend... He looks around and slips away and we see Joseph lying there... DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 49 OMITTED 50 EXT. FOREST - DAY - INSERT On a cup with water... a needle sticking up from the center and a piece of tree bark pivoting on the top of the water. He places a sliver of the rock on the bark... it begins to quiver as it picks up the duonetic field source. We hear the sound of running water in the background. 51 WIDER O'Brien examines the cup... follows the direction it indicates and disappears into the woods. TIME CUT: 52 EXT. FOREST - DAY O'Brien has reached a small clearing in the forest. He looks at his compass -- 52A INSERT - CLOSE ON THE CUP The needle is quivering as he gets closer to the source. 52B O'BRIEN continues to move... more carefully now... 53 INSERT - CLOSE ON THE CUP The needle is going berserk -- spinning wildly. 54 ON O'BRIEN reacts, drops to his knees and begins digging. The soft soil is displaced easily. Before long, he finds what he's been looking for -- 55 CLOSE ON a black metal box suggesting huge underground adjuncts... a panel shows high-tech electronics... and assorted working indicators. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FIVE 50A. 55 CONTINUED: O'Brien leans back, reacts, thinks about this remarkable discovery... 56 ON O'BRIEN really confused at first at his find. But it slowly comes to him what's going on... but before he can do anything else -- an arrow THUNKS into a tree, inches from his head. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 57 WIDER TO INCLUDE VINOD the archer, reaching in his quiver for a second shaft. O'Brien takes flight in the opposite direction, disappears into the thick foliage, 58 ON VINOD as he rounds the bend. With careful eyes he scans the vegetation -- 59 VINOD'S POV of the all-too-still forest. Then he sees it -- part of O'Brien's uniform is visible through the thicket. 60 ON VINOD letting his shaft fly -- the arrow hitting its target with a THUNK. He moves closer to examine... and sees the empty uniform stuck by the arrow into the base of a tree... and as he reacts... 61 ANGLE O'Brien in his shorts and t-shirt swings down from a tree and kicks Vinod with a swift punt to the chin, putting him down immediately. O'BRIEN Well, you finally got one of us out of our uniform. O'Brien then picks up Vinod's bow and unstrings it. 62 EXT. COMPOUND - PENAL BOX - DAY O'Brien, dressed again in the slightly damaged uniform, has used the bowstring to tie Vinod's hands in front of him, pulls Vinod along into the compound clearing. The colonists stop to gape. O'Brien heads for the penal box, passing Cassandra: O'BRIEN Get her out here! Cassandra rushes toward the colony ship. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 63 ANGLE ON O'BRIEN (OPTICAL) O'Brien strides to the penal box -- draws his phaser -- and FIRES at the locking bar, destroying it... The colonists GASP at the sight of a working phaser. 64 NEW ANGLE as O'Brien helps a much-heartened Sisko from his metal prison. O'Brien then addresses the colonists: O'BRIEN Get him some water. And he's the man with the gun. A colonist quickly brings the jar with the water and artichoke leaves and feeds them to Sisko... O'BRIEN (continuing) Do you know why this phaser works now? 65 ANGLE TO INCLUDE ALIXUS & JOSEPH EMERGING from the colony ship. O'BRIEN Because I shut down the duonetic field that was keeping it from working. The artificially created duonetic field. The colonists react with shock, look to Alixus for explanation. Alixus knows the game's up, but stands impassive, head held high. ALIXUS (re: Vinod) Untie him, please. He's not to blame. O'Brien won't have any part of it... O'BRIEN The young man just fired a couple of arrows at me. In my community, that's a crime. 66 ON SISKO touching his combadge. It CHIRPS, functioning again. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 66 CONTINUED: SISKO Sisko to Rio Grande. Computer acknowledge. ALIXUS Your ship is no longer in orbit, Ben. I destroyed it. SISKO I assume that means -- you control the duonetic field. ALIXUS I helped to invent it. (a beat) You'd be surprised how many scientists are sympathetic to my philosophies. I met a quantum physicist at the Delta Six station who was investigating how certain radiation inhibits electromagnetic flow. I immediately saw the potential of his work. JOSEPH Then... it was no accident that we developed life support problems near this planet... ALIXUS No. We were always on our way here, Joseph. I chose it months in advance... it was far away from any trade routes... completely isolated. It was perfect for our ideal community. I hoped when we landed here that we would never leave. CASSANDRA You lied to us. You've been lying to us for ten years. But Alixus is far from defeated here... she connects with the stunned eyes of her community... ALIXUS Yes. But perhaps a lie can lead to a more important truth. Would any of you have learned who you really are at the core if you hadn't come here? DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 66 CONTINUED: (2) ALIXUS Joseph, you would have been a repairman all your life. Cassandra, you would have been a technical clerk in some closed-in room. Stephan, my friend, you would probably be in prison by now. Look at yourselves. Look at what you've become. What you have achieved here has redefined your potential... the potential of man. Just as I knew it would. You are the living proof. SISKO (simply) And what of the dead. This is where there is no escape for Alixus and she knows it. SISKO (continuing) What of Meg and the others? They wait for her response. ALIXUS (softly) Only my son knows how I suffered as I watched each of them die. SISKO (evenly) You were willing to let them die to prove your theories. You're going to have to answer for what you've done. ALIXUS (softly) I'm prepared to go with you. (to her people) Casualties were inevitable. I had to accept that from the start. O'BRIEN A philosophy of life was worth more to you than life itself. SISKO If it had been your son who was sick, would you have let him die... ? DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/24/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 66 CONTINUED: (3) ALIXUS (sincere) Yes. (beat) For the sake of the community. I did it all for the community. But everyone has lost friends, loved ones... they are not forgiving... and as she looks around at their faces, she knows she's lost them. 67 ON SISKO as his combadge CHIRPS. KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to Sisko. Are you all right, Commander... SISKO Everything's under control, Major. Stand by to begin multiple transports. KIRA'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. O'BRIEN We've got room for all of you on the runabout... if you have anything you need to bring with you, you ought to go get it now... Nobody moves... they look at each other... O'Brien and Sisko exchange a glance... After a beat... JOSEPH This is our home, Miles. Whatever Alixus may be guilty of... she did give us our community. I'm not sure if we'll leave the device on or off now that we know it's there... and we'll have to decide if we want to establish contact with the outside world. But Alixus is right. We have found something here... that none of us is willing to give up. DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT FIVE 56. O'Brien acknowledges, understands. And so Alixus has a victory after all... she smiles at her community... ALIXUS It's time for those of us who don't belong here to leave, Ben. Sisko has to agree, hits his combadge... holds her arm with his hand... O'Brien does the same with Vinod... SISKO Four to beam up, Major. And as they DEMATERIALIZE... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END