STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Whispers" #40512-434 Story by Paul Coyle Teleplay by Paul Coyle and Michael Piller Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION November 16, 1993 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Whispers" CAST SISKO DECURTIS KIRA ADMIRAL ODO COUTU QUARK BASHIR DAX O'BRIEN KEIKO MOLLY JAKE COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D SUPERNUMERARIES BODYGUARD STAR TREK: DS9 - "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Whispers" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE AIRLOCK COMMANDER'S OFFICE RUNABOUT CONDUIT CORRIDOR GAMMA QUADRANT HABITAT CORRIDOR INFIRMARY WORMHOLE O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS O'BRIEN'S BEDROOM OPS PROMENADE PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL STOREROOM RUNABOUT ALIEN COMPOUND CORRIDOR CHAMBER STAR TREK: DS9 - "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Whispers" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BAJOR BAY-jor BAJORAN bah-JOR-an BOLIAN BOH-lee-ahn CARDASSIAN car-DASS-ee-en DECURTIS deh-KUHR-tihs FRICANDEAU FRIK-ahn-doe GUPTA GOOP-tah MEKONG MAY-kong PARADA pah-RAH-dah PARADAN pah-RAH-dahn PARADAS pah-RAH-dahs DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/17/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Whispers" TEASER FADE IN: A1 EXT. SPACE - GAMMA QUADRANT (OPTICAL) of the wormhole as it flashes open and a runabout roars through... B1 INT. RUNABOUT Close on O'BRIEN... tense, a little sweaty, breathing a little hard, his eyes showing the strain of recent incredible events that he hasn't yet figured out... with urgency... O'BRIEN Computer, set heading one-four-zero mark three-two... COMPUTER VOICE Course laid in. O'BRIEN Maximum warp. Engage. We hear the sound of the warp engines take hold. O'BRIEN Time to the Parada system. COMPUTER VOICE One hour, fourteen minutes. He sags a little into his chair, sighs... wipes his brow... shakes his head the craziness of it all... as he stands up, moves toward a replicator -- O'BRIEN Create a new file, Computer. O'Brien personal log. Stardate 47581.2. (beat, how to start) I've gotta try to set the record straight about the last fifty-two hours. I don't know who's gonna hear this. I don't even know if I'll be alive by the time this log is recovered. I figure they'll be coming after me. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - TEASER 1A. B1 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (Cont'd) If I'm right about all this... they won't want me to warn the Paradas. (to the replicator) Coffee. Jamaican blend. Double strong. Double sweet. We hear the replicator make the coffee, he pulls it out and drinks. He moves back toward his seat. O'BRIEN I wish I could tell you who they are. That's part of the puzzle I haven't figured out. Part of the puzzle, hell. None of this whole damn thing makes any sense. (he sits) I'm trying to remember the first time I noticed that things were... wrong. It seems to me... yeah... 1 INT. O'BRIEN'S BEDROOM Dark. O'Brien reaches out for Keiko in his sleep. His hand falls on an empty pillow. His eyes open as he reacts. Where is she? O'BRIEN (V.O.) (continuing) ... it had to be the first morning after I got back to the station... 2 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS KEIKO and MOLLY are sitting at the table eating breakfast as O'Brien comes out of his room wearing a robe... O'BRIEN What are you two doing up so early... ? Keiko is vaguely remote but casual... she was really hoping to get out before he woke up... she looks tired... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - TEASER 1B. 2 CONTINUED: KEIKO Oh, I just have a lot to catch up on at school. Thought I'd get an early start... O'BRIEN At five-thirty in the morning? (to the replicator) Coffee... Jamaican blend... double strong, double sweet... We hear the replicator working... KEIKO I have a dozen essays to read. O'Brien comes to sit down... stops on the way to give a morning kiss to his daughter... O'BRIEN Didja have sweet dreams, darlin'... ? But Molly turns her face away as he leans over... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: (2) MOLLY Go away. O'BRIEN Hey, don't I get my morning kiss? MOLLY No. She clearly wants nothing to do with her father. She gets up from the table and runs into the other room... O'BRIEN What'd I do to deserve that? KEIKO It's just a phase, Miles. She doesn't mean it. O'BRIEN Huh. KEIKO Don't let it bother you. There's just a slight subtext under all of Keiko's conversation... a tension. She gets up from the table... takes the dishes to the replicator for disposal. O'BRIEN What time'd you get to bed last night? KEIKO I don't know. Late. I didn't want to wake you. O'BRIEN (acknowledges) I was tired. I guess the trip really took a lot out of me. KEIKO What did they have you doing? O'BRIEN The Paradas? Oh, they put me through basic training on all the security measures they want in place for the peace talks... Odo would have had a field day... I wish he could have been there... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (3) He catches Keiko studying him, a quick beat that passes... KEIKO I'd better get going... O'BRIEN I'll drop Molly off at day care on my way to Ops... KEIKO No, that's okay. I'm taking her with me. (calling) Molly... O'BRIEN To school... while you try to read? That doesn't make a lot of sense... Molly comes back in... KEIKO There's something I wanted to show her... a Vulcan program that teaches basic problem solving skills... Keiko picks Molly up... O'BRIEN (smiles, incredulous) At five-thirty-five in the morning... what's gotten into you? On their way out, Molly looks intently at O'Brien... KEIKO I want to do it while her mind is fresh. O'BRIEN (shrugs) If you say so. KEIKO We'll see you later. They EXIT. O'Brien drinks his coffee. Off his perplexed expression... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - TEASER 4. 3 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Consoles are torn up... as O'Brien ENTERS, reacts... Ensign DECURTIS, a competent and take-charge young engineer, finishes an adjustment... O'BRIEN (re: the work) What's this? DECURTIS Just getting a head start, Chief... O'BRIEN Head start. Everybody seems to be getting a "head start" on me today... DECURTIS Sir? O'BRIEN DeCurtis, I appreciate your bushy- tailed enthusiasm... but I wanted to wait until Odo came back from Bajor to do this. We have to realign the entire security net for the peace talks. The Constable might have a few things to say about it all... DECURTIS Commander Sisko didn't feel we should wait for Odo... O'BRIEN (reacts) Sisko gave you permission to start this... without checking with me first? I don't think so... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: DECURTIS (in an awkward spot) You... might want to check with him, Chief. I'm only following orders. This really makes O'Brien curious... and ticked. O'BRIEN Oh, I'll check with him all right. He starts to leave... DECURTIS Mister O'Brien... ? DeCurtis motions to the room, the mess... should I continue? is implied... O'BRIEN Carry on. He EXITS. 4 INT. PROMENADE O'Brien walks along the thoroughfare... slowly stops, reacts as he sees... 5 HIS POV Keiko and SISKO stand engaged in intense conversation outside the school... Sisko nods and moves on without ever seeing O'Brien... Keiko moves inside the school... 6 BACK TO O'BRIEN who moves out of the line of sight, behind a kiosk and reacts... wondering what the hell is this? FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode titles fall over opening scenes.) 7 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) at warp. 7A INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien in his chair... exhausted... finishes his coffee... O'BRIEN Computer, how much longer to the Parada system... ? COMPUTER VOICE Fifty-three minutes... O'BRIEN Direct sensors back toward the wormhole. Scan for other warp signatures on this heading... COMPUTER VOICE One warp signature found. O'BRIEN Display on monitor. 7B ANGLE - THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) Like a 24th century radar blip... shows a ship moving away from a graphic representation of the wormhole subspace disruption... O'BRIEN Can you identify... COMPUTER VOICE Identification confirmed. Starfleet runabout Mekong. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 6A. 7C RESUME - LOSE MONITOR ANGLE O'BRIEN (sighs, nods unhappily) I figured as much. They'll wait until I drop out of warp and then... (sighs) Well, we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it, won't we? COMPUTER VOICE Please restate question. O'BRIEN Disregard, computer. Continue personal log. A little bleep from the computer tells us it's on. O'BRIEN Okay, so it was all a little curious... but who could've guessed at that point... 8 INT. OPS On O'Brien as he arrives on the Turbolift... O'BRIEN (V.O.) I mean, the way they were acting, they might've been trying to pull off one of those surprise parties that I can't stand... only my birthday's not until September... and believe me, as it turned out, I had nothing else to celebrate. BASHIR is talking to KIRA at the table, DAX is at her station, Sisko in his office... various Supernumeraries elsewhere... and it all looks like business as usual. Bashir looks toward O'Brien... smiles casually... BASHIR There he is now... I've been waiting for you, Chief... O'BRIEN (not in the mood) What is it, Julian. BASHIR (with humor) No excuses this time. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 6B. 8 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Excuses... BASHIR I want you in my office in one hour... O'BRIEN For what? BASHIR Your physical. You can't put it off any longer... O'BRIEN This isn't a good day... BASHIR It's a perfect day. Commander Sisko has arranged to have you covered and... O'BRIEN What are you doing going to the Commander about my check-up? DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 7. 8 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I just know how you are about... O'BRIEN Well, forget it... I've got things to do... BASHIR (without humor) I'm afraid I'll have to insist. If I have to order you as your superior officer, I will. It's turned into a bit of a scene suddenly... O'Brien looks at Bashir who isn't fooling the least bit... glances incredulously at Kira and Dax who are decidedly not paying attention. Off camera, the commander's door opens and Sisko comes out... SISKO (O.S.) Is there a problem? 9 ANGLE to reveal Sisko... BASHIR Mister O'Brien says he's unavailable for a physical. SISKO (casual but firm) Make yourself available, Chief. O'BRIEN Commander... SISKO Doctor Bashir's annual report on the senior staff is due next week at Starfleet. We've all had to go through this. O'Brien takes a beat to study Sisko, finally to Bashir. O'BRIEN Fine. Fine, I'll be there in an hour. Bashir exchanges a quick, awkward glance with Sisko, nods and EXITS. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 8. 9 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Can I talk to you for a minute, Sir? Sisko acknowledges and they go into his office... 10 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS SISKO Ensign DeCurtis mentioned to me you were a little upset... O'BRIEN Not upset, exactly... SISKO No, no, you had every right to be... I'm sorry I assigned him without advising you... I dropped the ball on that one... O'Brien relaxes a bit, Sisko seems reasonable enough... O'BRIEN (smiles) I guess I just felt... a little out of the loop, you know... SISKO Understood. (sitting down) I've looked through your report on the Paradas... they seem unusually preoccupied with security... O'BRIEN (acknowledges) They may be a little paranoid. But I suppose we would be too if we'd been in a civil war for twelve years... SISKO (nods) Anything else I should know about them... any unusual protocols they might observe when they get here... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 9. 10 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Nothing too out of the ordinary. It's all pretty much in my report. SISKO (leans back) Tell me something that isn't in the report. O'BRIEN Sir? SISKO You know, the kind of things we don't include in reports... but might help me in these talks... O'BRIEN (thinks a beat) I'll have to give it some thought. There was one thing I noticed -- I don't know if it means anything or not -- but the Paradas have an odor, from some kind of skin excretions, I'd guess... and it changes with their mood... when they're upset, it can get pretty strong actually. SISKO I'll try not to get them upset. O'BRIEN Good idea. SISKO Their leaders have been in regular contact with us. I've assured them that we'll be following all of their security recommendations to the letter. O'BRIEN I'll see to that... SISKO Well, I certainly want you to check everything before they get here... but the upfront work can be done by the Engineering crews... I have bigger problems for you... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: (2) And O'Brien wonders: bigger than preparing security for a peace conference? O'BRIEN Bigger? SISKO All three upper pylons are down again. O'BRIEN That's impossible... I went over the repair work yesterday... the pressure locks seemed to be at maximum efficiency... SISKO You'd better check again... we had to tow a Bolian freighter to a lower dock this morning... O'BRIEN It can't be anything that serious... I rebuilt that entire subsystem myself... I'll get on it right away... He rises... SISKO (with a smile) After your physical. O'BRIEN Yessir. (beat, pauses by the door) By the way -- I noticed you and Keiko... out in front of the school... talking this morning. Anything wrong? SISKO Oh... Jake's having some problems with his grades. O'BRIEN (nods) Sorry to hear that. Keiko's very fond of the boy. I'm sure she'll work that much harder to help him, sir. SISKO Yes, I'm sure she will. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT ONE 11. 10 CONTINUED: (3) And O'Brien goes. 11 INT. INFIRMARY (VPB) O'Brien lays on his back on a partially raised examining table in a gown. Above him a bank of diagnostic monitors blinks and displays graphics of tech medical data -- vital signs, X rays, brainwaves: the whole gamut. Bashir painstakingly examines him with med tools. All the dialogue is done as the examination continues... O'BRIEN Are we nearly finished? I believe you've poked into every orifice of my body... and created a few new ones. BASHIR Any dizziness... oversleeping... lack of energy... euphoria? O'BRIEN Yes. All of them. Especially euphoria. Lots of euphoria. BASHIR Seriously. O'BRIEN If you're determined to keep me here until you find something wrong with me, I'll see if I can't grow a hangnail. BASHIR Eye problems? Hearing? Headaches? O'BRIEN Headache. There you go. As a matter of fact, I'm getting one right now... BASHIR (making notes on a PADD) Short temper... flies off the handle under slight provocation... (smiles, an aid for O'Brien's benefit) Perfectly normal behavior. O'BRIEN I'm glad you're enjoying this. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 12. 11 CONTINUED: BASHIR Sorry. I know how you feel about doctors. O'BRIEN It's not doctors I have problems with... O'BRIEN & BASHIR (in unison) ... it's you, Julian. BASHIR Well, your sense of humor seems normal enough... O'BRIEN I don't have a sense of humor. BASHIR Cough. (O'Brien does) And how's your sex life? O'BRIEN I don't have a sense of humor. BASHIR Cough. (O'Brien does) Everything okay in that department? O'BRIEN That department is none of Starfleet's business. Or yours. BASHIR Mother and father in good health? O'BRIEN Come on, Julian, you knew my mother died two years ago. BASHIR (checking a PADD) Did I? O'BRIEN You don't remember me telling you when my Dad remarried last spring... me blathering on about this woman I've never met... ? DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 13. 11 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir studies him... of course he remembers, and what's important to him is that O'Brien remembers... this was a little test on his part. The audience can't and shouldn't understand that at this moment. It throws more suspicion on Bashir than anyone. BASHIR Of course. Now, I remember. O'BRIEN Are you finished? BASHIR Not quite, I do want to run a few more tests on... O'Brien is irate, gets off the table... O'BRIEN This is insane. I haven't had a physical take this long since I was born. Pulling off a wire or something that Bashir's attached to him... O'BRIEN Now unless I'm dying or something, I think it's about time I -- A thought suddenly strikes him. It gives him pause. O'BRIEN That isn't it, is it? I mean -- is there something wrong with me? Is that why everyone seems so... It almost seems as if Bashir is surprised himself at the diagnosis -- Bashir interrupts: BASHIR Relax, Chief. I'm giving you a clean bill of health. You can get dressed now. O'Brien shakes his head at the waste of time of it all... and moves into the other room to get dressed... 12 INT. PROMENADE O'Brien, dressed, comes out of the Infirmary, walks with the gait of a man who is trying to catch up on lost time... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 14. 12 CONTINUED: JAKE (O.S.) Hey, Chief! He pauses, turns to see JAKE arriving... O'BRIEN Hello, Jake... JAKE I need a favor... O'BRIEN Sure. What is it. JAKE I'm working on a subspace transceiver for my science project but I can't seem to figure out how to get the emitter crystal to work. O'BRIEN (smiles) A subspace transceiver model. I used to build them when I was your age... I'll be glad to help... JAKE You don't think it's a conflict of interest or anything... you being married to the teacher... O'BRIEN We'll clear it with Keiko... but I don't think she'll mind. After all, it's a chance to help you get those grades back up, right... ? Jake is already happy and is on his way, the grades line is a throwaway -- JAKE Oh, my grades are great. I just want to keep them that way. Thanks, Chief! He's gone. And on O'Brien's curious reaction to Sisko's lie... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/17/93 - ACT TWO 15. ACT TWO FADE IN: 13 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) O'BRIEN (V.O.) Sisko was telling the truth about one thing... the upper pylons had failed again. It didn't make any sense... 14 INT. AIRLOCK - BY CIRCUIT PANELS O'Brien has it opened, working through with tech hand sensors... O'BRIEN (V.O.) (continuing) ... because the new pressure locks I'd installed seemed to be working just fine... so it had to be an entirely new problem. I realized it wasn't going to be a quick matter to track it down after all. And I couldn't help thinking how this was going to keep me occupied while the security arrangements for the Paradas were underway. His face shows the concern and curiosity... 15 INT. HABITAT CORRIDOR DeCurtis is checking the insides of a manual control panel beside a door to quarters as O'Brien arrives... O'BRIEN How's it coming, DeCurtis... DECURTIS Chief. I thought you had your hands full with the upper pylons. O'BRIEN I do. Thought I'd take a break and check in on your progress. DECURTIS Everything's on schedule here. We've done a complete sweep of all the quarters assigned to the Paradas. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT TWO 16. 15 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (wanting to go inside) Open it up. I'd like to look things over... DECURTIS I can't, Chief... O'BRIEN (angry) That's an order. DECURTIS Sir, the security seal was activated the minute we left. Only Major Kira knows the access codes. O'Brien, frustrated, hits his combadge... and there should not be intercuts, I think... O'BRIEN O'Brien to Kira. KIRA'S COM VOICE Go ahead, Chief. O'BRIEN I need the access codes for the Parada quarters. SISKO'S COM VOICE Chief, what are you doing down there... O'BRIEN Commander, I spent a week with the Paradas going over these arrangements. I really feel the need to be... SISKO'S COM VOICE I want those upper pylons operational, Chief. That's your priority. Understood? O'Brien glances uncomfortably at DeCurtis... O'BRIEN Yessir. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/17/93 - ACT TWO 17. 15 CONTINUED: (2) A bleep tell us the transmission is cut off. O'Brien is really angry and he storms out of the corridor... DeCurtis takes a long beat, waits to be sure O'Brien's gone, then presses a combination in the manual panel and the door slides open and he walks in... 16 ANGLE at the end of the corridor to see that O'Brien never went beyond the corner, and has seen DeCurtis enter the door that "couldn't be opened"... now he's really suspicious that something isn't normal. 17 INT. PROMENADE O'Brien walks with his mind working, trying to figure out what he's going to do, whom to trust, what it all means... JAKE Chief! Jake moves to him, carrying an inverter component of a model for his science project... JAKE Is this the right inverter for a subspace transceiver? O'Brien refocuses... takes the module, almost smiles... O'BRIEN Where'd you get this? I haven't seen one of these since I was a kid. JAKE I replicated it... I found a design in a really really old data file in the library program... O'BRIEN Really, really old, huh... JAKE I didn't mean... O'BRIEN Don't worry about it. Why don't you just come by my place after dinner tonight and we'll see if we can add the rest of the pieces... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT TWO 18. 17 CONTINUED: JAKE Great. Jake starts to move... but O'Brien, senses with relief that Jake, at least, is normal... O'BRIEN Hey, Jake... did anything unusual happen here at the station while I was in the Gamma Quadrant last... KIRA (O.S.) Jake. 18 UP ANGLE - FEATURING KIRA She's standing above them on the next level, leaning over the railing. KIRA Your Dad's been looking for you. I think he's back in your quarters. It may be important. JAKE (to O'Brien) See you later. He trots off. O'Brien looks up at Kira who smiles at him. KIRA Everything under control, Chief? O'BRIEN Under control, Major. She nods and moves on... 19 INT. AIRLOCK - BY CIRCUIT PANELS O'Brien has taken them apart... O'BRIEN (V.O.) I worked on the pylon controls the better part of the day. "Needle in a haystack" wouldn't do this job justice. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT TWO 19. 19 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN When I finally found the crack in the R-F power conduit, I couldn't imagine how it could've occurred so deep in the system... unless someone had broken it deliberately. 20 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS As he walks in, tired and worn out... Keiko is preparing supper... she notices... making the smallest talk necessary... KEIKO Hard day? O'BRIEN You could say that. KEIKO You want to lie down before dinner? O'BRIEN No. Jake's coming over in a little while. I'm helping him with his science project... KEIKO Commander Sisko just called. Jake can't make it tonight. He isn't feeling well. O'BRIEN (reacts, suspicious) Really? He seemed fine a few hours ago. KEIKO Well, you know how it is with kids -- he probably ate too much junk on the Promenade after school. He notices there are only two places set at the table... O'BRIEN Where's Molly? KEIKO Oh, she's spending the night over at the Fredricksons. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT TWO 20. 20 CONTINUED: And this seems oddly timed to O'Brien too. After a thoughtful beat, he moves to his wife in the dining area and hugs her from behind, it is done half with hope that it will be normal, half as a test... O'BRIEN (lightly seductive) Just the two of us, eh? There is a subtle tension evident from her... she smiles and pulls away... KEIKO We should eat while the food is warm. Pursuing her again with physical intimacy... O'BRIEN The replicator can keep it warm. And I can keep you warm. He moves in and kisses her... and as we see his face, it's real and it feels good... but as his eyes open... 21 REVERSE her eyes are open... not at ease... and she breaks the kiss and pulls away... O'BRIEN What's the problem... KEIKO No problem. I'm just not in the mood. I had a hard day too. A beat as he studies her, disguising his confused disappointment. O'BRIEN (measured) Okay, we'll eat. As she brings a casserole to the table... O'BRIEN What is it... The camera moves with the stew, intercutting with O'Brien's eyes, studying it... KEIKO Fricandeau stew. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT TWO 21. 21 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN You don't like Fricandeau stew. KEIKO But you do. O'BRIEN Yeah, but... She takes it to the table... the camera continues to emphasize the relationship between O'Brien and the stew. And there's absolutely no reason to be suspicious about it. Except now, he's suspicious about everything. The salad's already on the table... KEIKO I just thought you'd appreciate one of your favorite meals. I know how you hate all the strange foods when you're away... a little endive salad... sweet flan for dessert... O'BRIEN How... thoughtful of you... She serves the stew to O'Brien... takes none herself... O'BRIEN Aren't you having any? KEIKO I just feel like having a little salad... O'BRIEN Not very hungry... KEIKO (acknowledges) I had a late lunch. O'Brien nods... fork is in his hand... he looks at -- 22 THE STEW his fork plays in the gravy... 23 O'BRIEN looks at... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT TWO 22. 24 KEIKO who's decidedly not paying any attention to anything but her salad... she takes a bite... looks up... KEIKO How is it? 25 O'BRIEN looks at his... 26 STEW the fork picking up a chunk, coming up toward his mouth... 27 NEW ANGLE - CLOSE UP on the fork with the stew with O'Brien's mouth out of focus in the background... 28 NEW ANGLE - CLOSE UP on the fork with the stew with Keiko out of focus in the background, looking up... 29 ANGLE - O'BRIEN finally decides... puts the fork down... O'BRIEN You know, maybe I will lie down. KEIKO But you haven't eaten a bite... O'BRIEN I just don't seem to have an appetite right now. There's a beat as they study each other... O'BRIEN (V.O.) I don't know if there was anything wrong with the stew or not. When I went back later to check, she'd already put it into the disposal. But all I could think of, as I looked at her... was that this was not my Keiko. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT TWO 23. And as he rises and EXITS into the other room... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 30 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) At warp. 31 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien, exhausted, his eyes closed... takes a deep breath... the computer bleeps... O'BRIEN What's that, computer... COMPUTER VOICE Incoming hail from Starfleet Runabout Rio Grande. O'BRIEN Tell them no one's home. COMPUTER VOICE Please repeat request. O'BRIEN Refuse their hail. COMPUTER Confirmed. O'BRIEN How much longer to the Parada System now? COMPUTER VOICE At current speed, twenty-three minutes, forty seconds. O'BRIEN Can't sleep now. Gotta stay on top of things. He stands up, shakes his head... starts humming the tune from "The Wounded"... then breaks into song... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 24A. 30A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN "The minstrel boy to the war is gone... In the ranks of death you'll find him... His father's sword he hath girded on, And... " He stops in mid-line, thinks. Energized by the song, O'Brien smiles and barks at the computer -- O'BRIEN Computer, open a channel to the Rio Grande... audio only... COMPUTER VOICE Channel open. O'BRIEN (heartily) "The minstrel boy to the war is gone... In the ranks of death you'll find him... His father's sword he hath girded on, And his wild harp slung behind him... Land of song, said the warrior bard, Tho all the world betrays thee, One sword at least thy rights shall guard, One faithful harp shall praise thee." (as he hits a panel) End of transmission. He laughs a little too hard. Sits back down. Calms down. A long beat. O'BRIEN Computer, open O'Brien personal log, play back last sentence. O'BRIEN VOICE ... But all I could think of as I looked at her... was that this was not my Keiko. O'BRIEN (slightly punchdrunk from fatigue) You're right. She wasn't. (sighs, depressed anew) Continue log. (beat) I didn't get much sleep that night... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/23/93 - ACT THREE 24B. 31 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS Night lighting. O'Brien intently working on his computer... O'BRIEN (V.O.) I waited for Keiko or whoever she was... to go to bed... and I started my search... I had no idea what I was looking for. Something odd, something not quite normal -- anything to explain what might be going on. COMPUTER VOICE Scan complete. No unknown microorganisms detected. O'BRIEN Check for traces of any chemical agents with bioactive properties. COMPUTER VOICE No chemical agents with bioactive properties detected. O'BRIEN Any unknown chemical agents? COMPUTER VOICE Negative. O'Brien sighs... O'BRIEN Access internal E-M sensor grid. COMPUTER VOICE Ready. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT THREE 25. 31 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Scan for any evidence of sub-harmonic transmissions... COMPUTER VOICE Scan complete. No sub-harmonic transmissions detected. O'BRIEN Any unusual neural wave patterns... COMPUTER VOICE Negative. Frustrated, last resort... O'BRIEN Any telepathic activity on board... COMPUTER VOICE Negative. O'Brien sighs... taps his fingers in thought... O'BRIEN Computer, display all arriving vessels from Stardate 47550 to 47571. The computer lists about ten ships with various registries. We don't need to see them. O'Brien studies them... O'BRIEN None from the Gamma Quadrant? COMPUTER VOICE No ships arrived from the Gamma Quadrant within time parameters requested. He shakes his head, rises... goes to the replicator... O'BRIEN Coffee. Jamaican blend. Double strong. Double sweet. We hear the replicator making it... he pulls it out... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT THREE 26. 31 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (to himself) You're drinking too much of this stuff, O'Brien. (an arguing opinion) Anything to stay alert, O'Brien. He drinks... stretches his back... stands over the computer, wondering what to do next... finally sighs... O'BRIEN Okay, Computer... play back station logs chronologically, starting with Stardate 47550. COMPUTER VOICE Identify which officer's logs are to be included. O'BRIEN (shaking his head, wishing it weren't so) All officers. COMPUTER VOICE Vocal or transcribed? O'BRIEN Vocal. On speaker -- SISKO (V.O.) Station log, Stardate 47552.9. Admiral Gupta has arrived to personally assess the Cardassian movements along the border. Several Federation colonies in the demilitarized zone have complained of... And we begin a series of highly stylized DISSOLVES... with overlapping audio sources blending together, O'Brien in a variety of positions... growing more weary as the long night continues... 32 thru OMITTED 33 34 ANGLE DAX (V.O.) ... discovered a new lifeform previously unreported... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 27. 35 ANGLE SISKO (V.O.) ... lost in a shuttlepod somewhere in the vicinity of... 36 ANGLE KIRA (V.O.) ... a request by the Chamber of Ministers that I find absolutely ridiculous... 37 ANGLE DECURTIS (V.O.) ... were completed at seventeen-hundred hours and seem to be functioning with no further... 38 ANGLE SISKO (V.O.) ... and the Admiral seemed satisfied that the Cardassians would not violate the treaty. A bleep. COMPUTER VOICE Access denied. And that wakes up O'Brien in a hurry... O'BRIEN Denied? Access denied to what? COMPUTER VOICE Station logs after Stardate 47569.4 are restricted. O'BRIEN (to himself) The day I got back... (beat) Describe the restrictions. COMPUTER VOICE Access restricted to level one security clearance. O'BRIEN I am level one. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 28. 38 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Please enter security verification. O'Brien frowns and types in some information. COMPUTER VOICE Access denied. Off O'Brien's reaction. 39 INT. OPS O'Brien comes off the Turbolift and slowly approaches his workstation... a few Supernumeraries are working on night shift... they look up and casually acknowledge him... O'Brien moves into the pit... pulls out a console, begins to run a bypass... suddenly DeCurtis appears above him... DECURTIS Anything I can help you with, Chief? O'BRIEN Naw... just making sure those upper pylons are in working condition by morning... DECURTIS (smiles, with humor) You're an inspiration to us all. O'Brien grins without conviction and DeCurtis moves away... O'Brien goes back to work. O'BRIEN (V.O.) There were several traps laid into the computer subroutine, no doubt to let someone know if I'd penetrated their security lockout. I wasn't fooled for a minute and released the protected files without any problem. 40 INT. HABITAT CORRIDOR O'Brien returning from Ops... passes a Supernumerary, nods an acknowledgement... looks over his shoulder to see if the crewman is looking at him. He's not. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 29. 41 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS He moves quickly back to the computer... presses several buttons... and information we don't have to see begins scrolling on the screen... O'Brien looks it over intently... slow push in to his face... O'BRIEN (V.O.) What I found in those hidden logs didn't answer all my questions... but it sure as hell confirmed what I'd been afraid of. They were analyzing and reanalyzing everything I had put in my report about Paradan security. They'd even broken into my personal logs to see what they could find in there. I hope they enjoyed reading the sexy letters to my wife. There were several entries by Sisko about secured messages from the Parada system but no indication what those messages were about. Maybe they were afraid I'd get into their files even with the security lockout. Smart people. 42 INT. AIRLOCK Where a Bajoran transport has just docked. The doors roll open and a couple of passengers, including ODO, disembark... 43 ANGLE - O'BRIEN is waiting for him... moves to him... ODO (a greeting) Chief. O'BRIEN (urgent) Odo, we've got a problem. I've got to talk to you. ODO (dry, curious) It's good to see you too... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT THREE 30. 43 CONTINUED: O'Brien takes him by the arm and pulls him away from the others, down a corridor and out of view... TIME CUT TO: 44 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR O'Brien has already told his story and has calmed down since bursting out the tale. (This is truly the first time Odo has heard any of this.) O'BRIEN Aside from Jake, not one of them was... I don't know... real. I'm not sure who we can trust on the station at this point... ODO (concerned) Do any of them know you're suspicious... O'BRIEN Probably. I've asked a few questions, been a few places that might tip them off. They'll be keeping close tabs on me... (beat) I'd call Starfleet but what would I tell them... my wife doesn't seem like my wife... Sisko's making security arrangements without consulting me... ODO They might even call Commander Sisko and start asking questions about you... O'BRIEN That's what I was afraid of... ODO When are the Paradas due? O'BRIEN Thirty-eight hours. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 31. 44 CONTINUED: ODO I don't want them coming anywhere near this place until we've got this cleared up... O'BRIEN Agreed. ODO Go on about your business. Don't do anything that might get their attention. In the meantime, I'll do some investigating. If I can confirm your suspicions, we can go to Starfleet and the Bajoran authorities at the same time. A beat. O'Brien's feeling some relief for the first time in days. O'BRIEN I'm glad you're back, Odo. ODO (assuring) We'll get to the bottom of this. They EXIT. 45 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS As he ENTERS, checks to make sure no one is home... paces, tries to relax, can't... O'BRIEN (V.O.) I felt better than I had for a long time. I finally had an ally. Now, all I had to do was wait. (beat) I like to think I'm a man with many talents. But waiting isn't one of them. He goes to a tool kit... opens it and takes out several tiny components and starts to assemble them with a mini-tool... 46 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL O'Brien sits at a table, impatiently waiting and watching the pedestrians below... as though an answer to this mystery might walk by... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 32. 46 CONTINUED: QUARK (O.S.) The odds are against you, O'Brien. Moving to include QUARK... O'Brien reacts... O'BRIEN Against me, what are you talking about... Quark sits down... QUARK You know what I'm talking about... you look tired... have you been getting enough sleep... A beat. O'Brien grabs him with a fist to the shirt and pulls him over the table, Quark reacts... O'BRIEN What are you talking about, Quark... QUARK (diminutive) Racquetball? The rematch with Bashir next week? We never finished the first one, remember? O'Brien studies him a beat, then pushes him away... QUARK My, we are jumpy, aren't we. O'BRIEN Change the subject. QUARK Fine, we'll change the subject. (beat) So. Tell me about the Paradas. And now, O'Brien turns and stares at him... suspicious anew... QUARK (continuing) They're going to be here, when, tomorrow? O'BRIEN Why would you want to know about the Paradas... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 33. 46 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in your door. O'BRIEN Yeah... ? Which Rule of Acquisition is that? QUARK Oh, one of the high numbers... one ninety-four, I think... O'Brien stands... O'BRIEN You're gonna have to find out about the Paradas from someone else. ODO'S COM VOICE Odo to O'Brien. O'BRIEN (still staring at Quark) Go ahead. ODO'S COM VOICE Can I see you in my office... O'BRIEN I'm on my way. He moves away, glancing once more suspiciously back at Quark... 47 INT. SECURITY OFFICE ON O'Brien ENTERING... joining Odo who sits behind his desk. ODO (knowingly) I see what you mean. O'BRIEN (reacts) What did you find out? ODO Sit down. (O'Brien does) How much do you know about the Paradan rebels... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 34. 47 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Don't ask me to explain the politics of the situation there... but I know they've been fighting the government forces for twelve years... why? ODO I'm just trying to understand the players involved here... O'BRIEN (mind working) Odo, Sisko's logs indicated that secret messages have been coming from the Parada System... could those messages have been from the rebels? ODO (measured) As a matter of fact, they were. O'Brien stands... O'BRIEN That's already a breach of the security agreement we made with the Paradan Government... and it's a good enough reason for us to cancel these peace talks... ODO That... still might be premature... O'BRIEN What are you talking about... we've got more than enough to... He stops himself... stares at Odo who stares at him... and O'Brien realizes that Odo's no longer an ally... O'BRIEN They got to you. ODO Don't be ridiculous. I'm just trying to... O'BRIEN No, they did. They got to you. He starts to back up... turns to see -- DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 35. 48 ANGLE - SISKO, BASHIR AND KIRA ENTER, cutting O'Brien off from leaving. Sisko and Kira hold phasers. Bashir holds a hypospray. SISKO Why don't we all calm down and have a talk... O'BRIEN Who the hell are you... KIRA We're not going to hurt you. BASHIR This will help you relax... O'BRIEN Thanks just the same. On that, O'Brien reaches under his cuff and pulls out 49 INSERT - THE SMALL GADGET he was assembling... 50 RESUME (OPTICAL) He smashes it to the floor. A BLINDING FLASH occurs. Inasmuch as O'Brien was prepared and shields his eyes, he is unaffected. It temporarily disables everyone else. O'Brien shoves Bashir hard into Sisko, grabs Kira's phaser and pushes her out of the way as runs out the door. 51 INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) O'Brien comes tearing out of Odo's office with Kira's phaser in his hand -- and runs smack into two N.D. Security Officers waiting outside just in case they were needed. (The rest of the Promenade in this area had been cleared in advance.) O'Brien fires at one officer, knocking him down... the other fires at him just as O'Brien ducks to the floor, the shot missing him, and comes up firing and nails the other and scrambles into the airlock entrance and is gone... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 52 INT. CORRIDOR Nearly continuous action from when O'Brien fled the Promenade. This is a frantic, sweating, hunted Miles O'Brien, finger tight on the trigger of the phaser in his hand -- his mind racing on overtime. Pausing at a corner, he hits his combadge... O'BRIEN Computer, lock on to my combadge, initiate emergency transport to runabout Rio Grande... COMPUTER VOICE Unable to complete request. Please contact station commander for assistance. He curses to himself, rips off his combadge, pitches it one way... then runs in the other direction... 53 NEW CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) as O'Brien comes around the bend he sees a forcefield activate in front of him... he reacts, retreats to -- 54 AN ENGINEERING WALL PANEL featuring a monitor. His fingers work speedily, jabbing panels... 55 ANGLE - INCLUDE MONITOR (VPB) We see a graphic display of DS9 emphasizing the route to the runabout docks... forcefields blink in several locations... O'BRIEN Making it tough for me, huh... fine... you want forcefields, I'll give you forcefields... He presses panels feverishly... and... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/17/93 - ACT FOUR 37. 56 ANGLE - O'BRIEN (OPTICAL) A cascade of forcefields activates down the corridor behind him... 57 THE MONITOR (VPB) shows hundreds of blinking forcefields all over the graphic... O'BRIEN There. You want to get to me now... you'll have to release them all. A beat later... all the blinks disappear... we hear the sounds of forcefields zapping off... O'BRIEN Thank you very much. He takes off... pausing to be sure the field is off and once he's determined that it is... moves quickly ahead... 58 INT. HABITAT CORRIDOR As he moves down... at the end of the corridor, a door opens, O'Brien pauses, prepared to retreat until he sees Jake comes out... Jake sees him, reacts, surprised, tentative... O'BRIEN Jake! Are you okay, lad? JAKE (casual) Yeah... O'BRIEN Good. Listen to me. Something isn't normal here. Your dad, the others -- something's happened to them... you and I are the only ones who can help... But Jake has moved casually to a companel on the wall... and now he hits it... JAKE (into companel) Jake Sisko to Security. He's here! Level H-two, section five! DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FOUR 38. 58 CONTINUED: O'Brien reacts... Jake immediately retreats away from O'Brien... JAKE (to O'Brien) It's gonna be okay... just surrender to them and you'll be fine... And takes off... O'Brien looks behind him... realizes he can't go back and can't go forward now that they know exactly where he is... so he opens a conduit panel and crawls inside... 59 INT. CONDUIT As he closes it behind him, covering him in darkness... he tries to catch his breath for a second... outside we can hear the sounds of arriving personnel... O'Brien holds his breath now... ODO'S VOICE (O.S.) Spread out... check all quarters... advise people to stay where they are... and not to let anyone in... The sounds of people move past... O'Brien tries to breathe silently... looks up... begins to climb in the gloomy crawl spaces above... and this begins a climbing sequence... unlike most of our crawlspace sequences, which are horizontal... this one is mostly vertical... 60 DARK VERTICAL CRAWLSPACE as he climbs higher and higher... 61 ANOTHER LEG OF THE VERTICAL CLIMB He's sweating heavily now... using every bit of strength to stay where he is... as his grip slips and he bangs against the side of the wall, almost falling, his phaser drops from his belt and we hear it clanging far below... he continues up... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 62 DARK HORIZONTAL CONDUIT as he climbs into it... exhausted... moves several feet... comes to a grill... 63 thru OMITTED 64 64A INT. CARGO BAY O'Brien kicks out the grill... climbs down on top of cargo... moves across the room to a transporter pad... he presses several buttons and gets on the platform and a beat later, the transport light begins to come on... 65 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) O'Brien MATERIALIZES on the transporter pad... he moves quickly to a control panel by the closed door and presses several panels... we can HEAR servolock docking mechanisms release... he presses several other panels and then moves to the pilot seat, presses even more panels... we hear the engines and power initialize... after a beat Sisko's face appears on the monitors... SISKO Shut down your engines. O'BRIEN Sorry, Commander... I have no intention of doing that... SISKO You will not be allowed to leave. I repeat, shut down your engines. O'BRIEN (intense) If you check your systems, you'll find the mooring clamps are already unlocked and your tractor beams are off-line. O'Brien out. He cuts transmission... the monitors go to whatever they go to... as he powers up engines... O'BRIEN Shields up! DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 66 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) As the runabout takes off, the station fires several phaser blasts at it. 67 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As one connects... and shakes him up... he's constantly pressing panels... O'BRIEN Are the shields holding, Computer... COMPUTER VOICE Shields at seventy-one percent... Another blast rocks him... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Shields at forty-nine percent... O'BRIEN Transfer emergency life support power to shield generators... COMPUTER VOICE Transfer complete... O'BRIEN Shield status... COMPUTER VOICE Shields at ninety-three percent... Another phaser hit... lighter than the rest... O'BRIEN Full impulse... heading four-one mark three-three-zero... COMPUTER VOICE Confirmed. O'BRIEN Open a subspace channel to Starbase four zero one. Priority one. Admiral Rollman. COMPUTER VOICE Stand by. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/17/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 67 CONTINUED: After a beat, the ADMIRAL'S picture comes up on the monitors... O'BRIEN Admiral -- Miles O'Brien, Chief of Operations, Deep Space Nine... ADMIRAL I know who you are... O'BRIEN I have to apprise you of an emergency situation on the station... there has been some sort of... takeover... a conspiracy... I believe it has something to do with the Paradan peace talks... ADMIRAL Listen to me very carefully. Return to D.S. Nine immediately. O'BRIEN Admiral, you don't understand... I believe Commander Sisko and all the senior officers have fallen under the influence of something that... ADMIRAL Turn the ship around and go back. You will not be harmed. O'Brien stares at the monitor, can't believe they've gotten to her as well... what kind of nightmare is this? He slaps the console, cutting off transmission... shakes his head... O'BRIEN (V.O.) It seemed almost unbelievable to me. Had someone or something started to infiltrate all of Starfleet? O'BRIEN Computer, new heading. One-eight- zero mark three-one. To the wormhole. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 68 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) goes into the wormhole. 69 EXT. WORMHOLE - THE RUNABOUT GOING THROUGH (OPTICAL) O'BRIEN (V.O.) I decided the only alternative left was to go back to the Parada system... to warn them... and maybe... to find some answers. 70 EXT. SPACE - GAMMA QUADRANT (OPTICAL) The shot we started with as the Runabout comes out of the wormhole... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 43. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 71 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) at warp. 72 INT. RUNABOUT - CLOSE ON O'BRIEN (VPB) showing the wear from this ordeal... standing by the replicator... O'BRIEN Coffee. Jamaican blend. Double strong. Double sweet. The replicator makes the coffee... he reaches down and takes it out... takes a drink... O'BRIEN Time to Parada system, Computer... COMPUTER VOICE One minute, twenty seconds. He moves to a monitor displaying a space grid with the blip of other ship... O'BRIEN How much lead time do we have on the Mekong... COMPUTER VOICE At current speeds, seven minutes, four seconds... O'BRIEN That's gonna disappear in a hurry once we drop out of warp... (beat, an idea) At least I get to choose where they catch up... He sits down... O'BRIEN Computer, identify the largest planet in the Parada system... COMPUTER VOICE Parada Four... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT FIVE 44. 72 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Adjust course to approach Parada Four... COMPUTER VOICE Confirmed... O'BRIEN How many moons around Parada Four, Computer... COMPUTER VOICE Seven... O'BRIEN (smiles) Lucky seven. Display their coordinates... They're listed... he studies them... we don't need to see... COMPUTER VOICE Approaching the Parada system. O'BRIEN Drop to impulse... He hits some panels... 73 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) At impulse approaching a mammoth planet toward the polar region... 74 INT. RUNABOUT (VPB) Keeping the "radar" graphic alive... O'BRIEN Status of Mekong... COMPUTER VOICE Mekong has dropped out of warp and has adjusted course to identical heading... O'BRIEN Perfect. How much time have they made up on us... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 45. 74 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE At current speeds, the Mekong is two minutes, one second behind this vessel. O'BRIEN Adjust our speed to let them catch up to us in... (figuring, checking sensors) ... thirty seconds. On that cue, he hits a panel and one monitor or console display begins a digital countdown from :30... COMPUTER VOICE Dropping to point-four-impulse. 75 ANGLE - EMPHASIZING THE MEKONG ON THE MONITOR'S GRAPHIC (VPB) O'BRIEN (to the ship) Come on... come on... I'm waiting for ya... Elements within the graphic begin to fritz and break up... the timer (which is internal to the runabout and doesn't fritz) is down to :15... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Entering polar magnetic field. Sensors will be nonfunctional for twenty-seven seconds... switch to manual navigation... O'BRIEN Switching. The graphic completely fritzes out... move to see the timer hit :05 - :04 - :03 - :02 - :01... O'BRIEN Computer, full impulse, engage! As O'Brien hits panels, the ship veers hard to the right, O'Brien reacts to the centrifugal force... COMPUTER VOICE Confirmed. Manual navigation in effect. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 46. 75 CONTINUED: And O'Brien is intently watching through the window as he pilots... 76 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) approaches a moon and goes out of view behind it... 77 INT. RUNABOUT O'BRIEN Shut down engines, all main power systems. Maintain silent running status. COMPUTER VOICE Confirmed. He stands and moves to a monitor... 78 INSERT - THE GRAPHIC (OPTICAL) shows the planet's polar region... the magnetic field... and the blip of the ship coming out of the field... after a beat, it stops... O'BRIEN (pleased with himself) Yeah... where did I go? Now you see me. Now you don't. (beat, waiting for them to commit) What's it going to be, fellas? I can play hide and seek with the best of them. The blip suddenly accelerates out of the display... O'Brien reacts... O'BRIEN No time for games, huh... Computer, identify Mekong's new heading. COMPUTER VOICE Four-one mark two-zero-one. O'BRIEN Probable destination? COMPUTER VOICE Parada Two. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 47. 78 CONTINUED: He hits a few buttons to pick up a new graphic... to see the blip of the ship go into orbit of another planet... O'BRIEN (to himself) Parada Two. What's on Parada Two? (beat) Computer, monitor all transporter activity to and from the Mekong... An overlay onto the graphic... after a beat an indicator flash from the Mekong blip... COMPUTER VOICE Mekong transporter has been energized. O'BRIEN They beamed to the surface? COMPUTER VOICE Confirmed. O'BRIEN How many people? COMPUTER VOICE Three people. O'BRIEN Anyone left on board? COMPUTER VOICE Negative. O'Brien goes back to his chair... O'BRIEN Set a course for Parada Two... take us into a synchronous orbit above their location on the surface. 79 INT. ALIEN COMPOUND - A REMOTE CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Deserted... below ground. After a moment, O'Brien MATERIALIZES... ready for action, phaser in hand and another one holstered... he untenses only slightly when he sees he's alone. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 80 CLOSER ON O'BRIEN Withdrawing a tricorder, he scans for life signs... proceeds cautiously with heightened senses... 81 AT THE END OF THE CORRIDOR he reaches a door... the tricorder tells him there are humans inside... he takes a breath, hits the door panel... it opens, he rolls in, gun drawn... 82 INT. CHAMBER A rough, rebel meeting room with a door to an adjoining room. Sisko and Kira are meeting with a rebel Paradan leader, COUTU... there is an armed Bodyguard who reacts too late to stop O'Brien... they all turn at O'Brien's dramatic entrance... O'BRIEN Having a little unscheduled negotiation with the rebels, are we? SISKO You don't understand... put down your weapons and we'll explain... O'BRIEN I've got a better idea... you put down yours first. Do it. Sisko nods to Kira and they drop their phasers... the armed guard hesitates... O'BRIEN You too. The guard drops his holstered weapon. COUTU Everything you need to understand is behind this door. O'BRIEN Sure. Like a squadron of rebels, maybe? The rebel leader moves slowly toward the door... COUTU No. If you'd just permit me... DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 82 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Just stay where you are. KIRA Listen to him. He's not your enemy. We're not your enemy... O'BRIEN No. COUTU Please. This will explain everything... O'BRIEN I don't want to hurt you... Coutu makes the decision, moves decisively for the door, O'Brien frowns, swings his phaser at Coutu but as he does... 83 THE BODYGUARD (OPTICAL) reaches behind his back, pulls out a hand weapon, fires it at O'Brien, who takes it full in the chest... he drops the phaser and goes down to his knees... mouth open like a fish gasping for air... he looks up in shock... at the same time, the rebel opens the door... SISKO (moving toward O'Brien) Doctor, we need you! 84 OMITTED 85 ANGLE - OVER O'BRIEN'S SHOULDER through the open door to see Bashir working over a cot and an unseen patient... he looks up, reacts as he sees the wounded O'Brien and rushes out to help... and a second later, the patient in the bed lifts himself up to see and it's another O'Brien... a bit battered and bruised... he reacts as he sees -- DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 75 O'BRIEN still on his knees, reacts as he sees his double in the other room... then falls on his side... as the Doctor approaches, kneels beside him... taking tricorder readings... Sisko and Kira move closer... 76 O'BRIEN#2 FROM THE ROOM (OPTICAL) limps into the room, and kneels next to his double. O'BRIEN ... He's perfect. He looks just like me. KIRA Apparently he thought he was you. COUTU No doubt they thought that would make him more convincing. 88 RESUME And as they talk over him, the dying "O'Brien" listens incredulously... COUTU (continuing) We believe there was a triggering mechanism programmed into him that would have taken over during the peace talks. The government scientists have learned to do remarkable things with replicants. Bashir tells them by shaking his head that there's nothing he can do... O'BRIEN What was he programmed to do? COUTU We're not entirely sure. Assassinate someone at the peace talks, we think. Perhaps our entire delegation. SISKO (to O'Brien) They were tipped off by one of their informants in the government. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 88 CONTINUED: SISKO There was a rumor you'd been abducted and replaced by a replicant. COUTO We've had people looking for you ever since. BASHIR We had no way to prove he wasn't you. He passed a physical exam with flying colors. He sure knew his way around the station. O'BRIEN (nods) They had more wires connected to my head than you could count. Now, I know why. KIRA We were trying to shut him out of every sensitive security area while they were searching for you. I'm sure he wondered what the hell was going on with all of us. BASHIR By the time we learned you'd been rescued, he'd already gotten away from us and was on his way here. COUTU I wonder why he was coming back... O'BRIEN If it was me, I'd be trying to warn somebody that something was terribly wrong at the station... SISKO (agrees) Maybe, in a strange sort of way, he was just trying to be a hero... The fake O'Brien, near death, reaches up and grabs O'Brien's arm... struggles to talk... "O'BRIEN" Keiko! O'Brien glances at the others. DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 51A. 88 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN What about her... ? "O'BRIEN" Tell her... I love... He never finishes... slumps. And as he dies, OFF reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END