STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Armageddon Game" #40512-433 Story by Morgan Gendel Teleplay by Morgan Gendel and Ira Steven Behr & James Crocker Directed by Rick Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION November 8, 1993 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Armageddon Game" CAST SISKO NYDROM KIRA SHARAT ODO E'TYSHRA QUARK JAKIN BASHIR DAX O'BRIEN KEIKO Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. KELLERUNS N.D. T'LANI STAR TREK: DS9 - "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Armageddon Game" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE OPS COMMANDER'S OFFICE MUNITIONS CRUISER QUARK'S O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS T'LANI THREE OPS SURGERY GANGES RIO GRANDE RUNABOUT RIO GRANDE RUNABOUT GANGES T'LANI MUNITIONS CRUISER LAB BRIDGE T'LANI THREE MILITARY COMMAND CENTER STAR TREK: DS9 - "Armageddon Game" - 11/12/93 -PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Armageddon Game" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALTERIAN all-ter-EE-an ANABOLIC an-uh-BALL-ik BAJORAN bah-JOR-an CARDASSIAN car-DASS-ee-en E'TYSHRA uh-TISH-ruh GANGES GAN-Jeez KELLERUN KELL-er-un NUON MOO-on NANO-BIOGENIC NAN-oh bi-oh-dEg-ik NYDROM NIE-droz PALIS DELON PAL-is DEH-lon RIO GRANDE RE-o grand SHARAT sha-ROT T'LANI tuh-LA-nee UTTABERRY OOT-uh-bear-ee ZYDROLIAN ZIE-droe-lee-uhn DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Armageddon Game" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - T'LANI MUNITIONS CRUISER (OPTICAL) The Runabout Ganges and a much larger T'Lani Munitions Ship are in synchronous orbit around a small planet, T'Lani Three. BASHIR (V.O.) Chief Medical Officer's log, Stardate 47529.4. For the past week Chief O'Brien and I have been helping scientists from the Kellerun and T'Lani races find a way to eliminate their stockpile of Harvesters... a deadly biomechanical gene disrupter used by both sides in their centuries- long war... 2 INT. T'LANI MUNITIONS CRUISER - LAB BASHIR hovers over a TRANSPARENT HALF-DOME filled with a pale green liquid -- a genetic bath. He's surrounded by a joint team of T'Lani and Kellerun scientists. (In looks only, the T'Lani should be to the Kelleruns like the Vulcans are to the Klingons... the T'Lani look like the more peaceful race.) A T'Lani scientist named NYDROM is among the group; he wears the loose-fitting, colorful garb common to all the T'Lani we will see. In another part of the room, O'BRIEN sits working at a monitor. He pauses to sip from a MUG OF COFFEE, which he sets down next to him. O'Brien, Bashir and the others appear to have been working around the clock for the past week. Everyone seems tired but determined. (NOTE: A transporter pad and panel should inconspicuously be part of this lab.) BASHIR Doctor Nydrom, how's our muon charge? Nydrom moves to a circuit control station, which is off to the side of the room. He checks the readings. NYDROM Coming up to full power. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: Bashir then nods to an N.D. Kellerun scientist. The scientist picks up a glass canister of Harvesters -- a DAY- GLO ORANGE GEL. The scientist carefully fastens the canister onto the top of the domed genetic bath. BASHIR (to computer) Computer... this is Harvester test sequence three hundred and seventy- five. NYDROM (still at control station) Muon generator now at full power. Bashir looks down at the genetic bath control panel, stares at it along with the other scientists. O'Brien turns toward them in his chair, aware of how important the next few moments will be. BASHIR (wearily) Once more into the breech... I hope this works, because frankly I'm running out of ideas. NYDROM It took ten years to perfect the Harvesters. We've only been trying to eliminate them for a week. BASHIR Is that all it's been? It feels like we've been working nonstop for a month. I've never seen a nano- biogenic weapon so resistant to broad spectrum radiation... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (eyeing muon bath; thinking out loud) It's all a matter of finding the right combination of muon frequencies... (beat; to Nydrom) It should be simple... but it's not... O'BRIEN (letting out some tension) Doctor, start the sequence... or we will be here a month. BASHIR Right, Chief. (announcing) I'm introducing the Harvesters into the genetic bath... 3 CLOSE ON GENETIC BATH The orange Harvester canister is lowered into the bath. BASHIR (V.O.) Beginning muon influx now... BLUE MUON RAYS begin crackling throughout the genetic bath... after a long beat, the canister rises back up. The gel inside has been changed from a fiery orange to a placid green. 4 RESUME SCENE Bashir and the others are quietly stunned. BASHIR (softly; to Nydrom) Doctor, would you please check for any gene-disrupter phasing... Nydrom moves back to the circuit control station, checks the readings. NYDROM The genetic integrity of the sample is holding steady. I'm not reading any genetic disruption at all. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: BASHIR (quietly hopeful) Are you sure? Run the sequence again... NYDROM (works panel; rechecks readings) The results are identical... O'BRIEN (wondering) What? Did it work? (beat) Somebody say something... ! BASHIR (grinning) It worked all right... NYDROM (victorious smile) The Harvesters have been destroyed. A beat. Smiles all around, weariness giving way to triumph. Nydrom slaps Bashir on the back; the Kellerun and T'Lani scientists congratulate each other. Bashir turns to O'Brien, who gives him a "well-done" smile. Amidst the celebration, the Kellerun Ambassador, SHARAT, ENTERS the room. An elderly wisp of a man with long black hair, he calmly observes the others. SHARAT Good news, I take it... NYDROM (a bit formally) Ambassador Sharat. I'm pleased to inform you that we've found a way to eliminate the Harvesters... Sharat smiles, begins shaking hands with all the scientists, Kelleruns and T'Lani alike... SHARAT Excellent. Well done. I knew if our people stopped killing each other and worked together, we'd put an end to these horrible weapons... this is a symbol of the new future we have embarked upon...  DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - TEASER 4A. 4 CONTINUED: (2) NYDROM Yes. And let's not forget, we never could have done this without the help of our friends from the Federation... SHARAT (to Bashir and O'Brien) At first we had questioned Doctor Nydrom's decision to bring in outside help. But obviously it was the right thing to do. We're all grateful for your assistance. BASHIR (modestly) It was our pleasure, I assure you. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: (3) SHARAT (to Nydrom) But eliminating the Harvesters is only half the task. We must make certain that all scientific data concerning them is wiped out as well. Nydrom and Bashir look to O'Brien... O'BRIEN (confirming) I've purged every file in the T'Lani and Kellerun data banks pertaining to the Harvesters. If anyone gets it in their head to build these things again, they'll have to start from scratch. NYDROM Then it's finished. SHARAT Not quite... He turns and faces a wall behind them... and for the first time we reveal the full Harvester STOCKPILE: it's an entire wall LINED WITH CANISTERS, each filled with the bright orange Harvester gel. SHARAT (continuing) We shouldn't rest until the entire Kellerun and T'Lani supply of Harvesters has been destroyed... Everyone eyes the stockpile with an ominous respect... BASHIR We'll begin immediately. Pull into the stockpile, death in every drop... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/12/93 - ACT ONE 6-7A. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 5 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE - ESTABLISHING (OPTICAL) 6 OMITTED 7 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE SISKO works on a PADD. KIRA'S COM VOICE Commander, I have Doctor Bashir for you on subspace. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT ONE 8. SISKO In here. 8 TIGHT ON SISKO'S MONITOR (OPTICAL) Bashir and O'Brien APPEAR, speaking to Sisko from the T'Lani Munitions Ship Science Lab. BASHIR Commander, we have some good news to report... INTERCUT: 9 SISKO WITH MONITOR (OPTICAL) SISKO (with a smile) I've already heard. BASHIR (mildly disappointed) You have? SISKO I received a message from both the T'Lani and Kellerun ambassadors, informing me of your success in neutralizing the Harvesters. Congratulations, gentlemen. O'BRIEN Thank you, sir. The Doctor here deserves the bulk of the credit. BASHIR Actually, it was a team effort... O'BRIEN The Doctor's just being modest. He was the one who came up with muon rays as a possible solution. BASHIR (shrugging) Luckily, it worked. SISKO When can we expect you back? DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT ONE 9. 9 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Soon, I hope. SISKO The ambassadors said something about a celebration on T'Lani Prime... BASHIR Yes... it's planned for tonight. But the Chief is anxious to return to the station. O'BRIEN (to Sisko; re: having been with Bashir) It's been a long week. SISKO Still -- I think we can spare you for another day... BASHIR (brightens) I agree... if that's okay with you, Chief. O'BRIEN (not thrilled) I suppose another day won't kill me... BASHIR That's the spirit. SISKO Then we'll expect you back the day after tomorrow. (more for the Chief's benefit) Enjoy yourselves. You've earned it. Bashir's smiling... O'Brien manages a halfhearted grin... they disappear from the monitor. End intercut. HOLD on Sisko, both pleased and amused by the conversation... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT ONE 10. 10 EXT. SPACE - T'LANI MUNITIONS CRUISER AND THE RUNABOUT GANGES (OPTICAL) Re-establishing, both craft still in orbit around T'Lani Three. 11 INT. T'LANI MUNITIONS CRUISER - LAB Almost ceremoniously, Nydrom removes the final Harvester canister from the now emptied stockpile. He brings it over to the genetic bath and holds it out for Bashir. (The T'Lani and Kellerun scientists from before are present. O'Brien is off to the side, watching from the circuit control station.) NYDROM The last cylinder... I believe you should have the honor, Doctor. Bashir carefully takes the cylinder from Nydrom. BASHIR My pleasure. NYDROM (to Bashir) It's ironic that the war would finally come to an end up here, above T'Lani Three... a planet whose entire population was decimated by the Harvesters... (beat) I hope this will be a lasting peace. Bashir nods in agreement, then fastens the Harvester canister on top of the dome. The canister is entirely immersed into the genetic bath... the light effect begins... 12 NEW SHOT of the entrance to the Lab. TWO KELLERUN SOLDIERS, armed with PHASER RIFLES, ENTER through the doorway. Their weapons are pointed at the scientists. 13 ANGLE ON BASHIR AND NYDROM (OPTICAL) both surprised by the intruders. Nydrom steps forward. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT ONE 11. 13 CONTINUED: NYDROM What is this? You know weapons aren't allowed in here... The lead Kellerun soldier SHOOTS him dead. They bring their weapons to bear on the rest of the scientists... 13A TIGHT ON THE TWO KELLERUN SOLDIERS (OPTICAL) as they OPEN FIRE directly into the camera. 13BA ANGLE - O'BRIEN 13BA As he ducks behind the circuit control station. 13B ANGLE - BASHIR as he dives for cover behind a table. Three of the scientists are already down... 13C ANGLE - SOLDIER ONE as he advances on Bashir, who crouches helpless before him. 14 ANGLE - O'BRIEN as he springs into action, leaping at Soldier One as he aims his rifle at Bashir. O'Brien grabs hold of the soldier's phaser rifle and butts him in the head, gaining control of the weapon. 15 WIDER ANGLE (OPTICAL) Soldier Two has FINISHED OFF the remaining scientists, then FIRES at O'Brien, who ducks behind the genetic bath... 16 BASHIR (OPTICAL) Seeing Soldier Two advance on O'Brien, charges him from behind. He grasps the soldier's arms... The soldier's phaser rifle GOES OFF, EXPLODING the genetic bath and the Harvester canister still in it... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT ONE 11A. 17 ON O'BRIEN ducked down behind the genetic bath, now ducking further, covering his head with his arm to protect himself from the flying glass... 18 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN'S ARM still protectively over his head... a small blotch of muddy orange gel hits him on the forearm... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT ONE 12. 19 ANGLE ON BASHIR AND SOLDIER TWO Bashir swings the soldier around and punches him in the face, dropping him unconscious to the ground. 20 BASHIR picks up the phaser rifle and moves to the scientists. He takes out his tricorder, begins taking readings from the inert bodies... BASHIR They're all dead... O'Brien rushes to the door, presses a wall panel to CLOSE the door, then smashes the panel with the butt of his rifle. We hear an ELECTRONIC FRITZ, signaling the door mechanism has been disabled. O'BRIEN We will be, too, if we don't get out of here... (hits combadge) O'Brien to Ganges. Computer, activate remote transporter sequence. Nothing happens. O'BRIEN (hits combadge again) O'Brien to Ganges... No response. O'Brien and Bashir share a concerned look. BASHIR They must be jamming communications with the runabout... We hear MORE KELLERUN SOLDIERS as they start BANGING ON THE DOOR from the other side. O'BRIEN Well, we sure as hell can't stay here. (sees transporter pad) We'll have to beam down to the surface... He crosses to the transporter panel and begins activating it. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT ONE 13. 20 CONTINUED: BASHIR But they'll be able to follow us... O'BRIEN (still working) I'm programming the system to overload thirty seconds after we transport... (finishes; grabs Bashir) Let's go... Both of them step onto the pad, carrying their phaser rifles. They DEMATERIALIZE as the BANGING on the door continues... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 21 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Sisko sits at a table, ordering from a Ferengi waiter. SISKO I'll have a cup of Alterian chowder... uttaberry crepes... and a slice of... KIRA'S COM VOICE (interrupting) Kira to Sisko. SISKO Go ahead, Major. KIRA'S COM VOICE The T'Lani and Kellerun ambassadors have just arrived on the station. They're asking to see you. SISKO Are O'Brien and Bashir with them? KIRA'S COM VOICE No, Commander. And the ambassadors refuse to speak to anyone but you. SISKO Show them to my office. I'll be right there. (to waiter) I'll have to cancel that order. He EXITS Quark's... 22 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sharat and his T'Lani counterpart, AMBASSADOR E'TYSHRA, a woman, have just revealed the purpose of their visit to a stunned Sisko. SISKO Are you saying both of my officers are dead? DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT TWO 15. 22 CONTINUED: E'TYSHRA (nods sadly; speaks for both Sharat and herself) Along with some of our greatest scientists. SHARAT We're sorry you have to share in our misfortune. SISKO What happened? E'TYSHRA It was... She can't find the words to describe... Sharat finishes the sentence for her. SHARAT ... a terrible accident. It appears one of your officers -- Chief O'Brien, I believe -- inadvertently tripped a security device. A lethal pulse of radiation flooded the room, killing everyone... E'TYSHRA Ambassador Sharat transported off the ship only minutes before the accident occurred. SISKO (wanting more information) This security device... E'TYSHRA It was built into the lab's computers decades ago... we didn't even know it existed. SISKO (trying to make sense of it) If there were no survivors, how do you know Chief O'Brien caused the accident? DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT TWO 15A. 22 CONTINUED: (2) SHARAT I was able to return to the ship almost immediately after the accident. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 16. 22 CONTINUED: (3) SHARAT (Cont'd) The first thing I did was to check the internal security sensors. They recorded the entire incident. (hands Sisko a data clip) We assumed you'd want to see for yourself. SISKO (taking clip) Thank you. An awkward beat of silence. E'TYSHRA Commander, I just want you to know we don't blame Chief O'Brien for what happened... SHARAT On the contrary, both he and Doctor Bashir will always be considered heroes to both the T'Lani and the Kelleruns. Without their help, we would never have destroyed the Harvesters. E'TYSHRA Please extend our sympathies to their families. SISKO (sad but resigned) I'll do that. The T'Lani and Kellerun ambassadors solemnly rise, nod and EXIT. Sisko ponders the data clip in his hand... 23 EXT. T'LANI THREE - DAY - A CITY (MATTE SHOT) A bombed-out husk of a city. Dimly lit. Totally deserted. 24 INT. MILITARY COMMAND CENTER - DAY Bashir manually forces the door open, ENTERS. He looks around the dusty but well-stocked room... smiles... he's hit paydirt... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT TWO 17. 24 CONTINUED: BASHIR (calls out door) Chief! Chief, in here! Bashir's about to open one of the crates, when O'Brien ENTERS and pulls him up by the shoulder... O'BRIEN Wait. Don't touch anything... BASHIR (confused) Why not? There's food, medical supplies... O'BRIEN They could be booby-trapped. The Cardassians used to rig the supplies they left behind with pressure grenades. I've seen more than one soldier permanently lose his appetite that way... Bashir looks at his cache of found "treasure" in a new light. O'Brien scans the room with his tricorder. BASHIR Find anything? O'BRIEN (still scanning) It looks all right... O'Brien scans a moment longer, then closes his tricorder. BASHIR Good. Bashir opens the crate, pulls out a packet of T'Lani field rations. BASHIR At least we won't starve... He tosses the packet to O'Brien, who eyes it with distaste. BASHIR What's the matter, Chief? I thought you loved military rations... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 18. 24 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Federation rations. I've had enough T'Lani food this past week to last me a lifetime... BASHIR Still, you want to keep your strength up. We're going to have to find some way to warn the T'Lani's that the Kelleruns have broken the treaty... O'Brien has begun his own survey of the room, looking in corners, checking the contents of crates, eyeing a dusty work station... O'BRIEN (thinking out loud) I still can't figure it -- why would the Kelleruns wait until the Harvesters were destroyed before they made their move? BASHIR Maybe they didn't turn over all of their Harvesters for destruction... O'BRIEN Or maybe they're convinced they can defeat the T'Lani with conventional weapons. BASHIR Whatever the reason, we need to get moving. O'BRIEN Listen to me, Julian... the Kelleruns are going to expect us to be on the move... we start running and their sensors will pick us up before we've gone a kilometer. If we stay still... maybe, just maybe it will take them longer to find us... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 19. 24 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN The way I see it, we have only one chance to survive this thing... that's to stay alive long enough for Commander Sisko to find us. BASHIR But that won't be for at least another day... he thinks we're celebrating on T'Lani Prime... O'Brien shoots him a "That's your fault, pal... " look. O'BRIEN I said it was our only chance, I didn't say it was a good one. O'Brien comes to a small console next to which, built into the wall, is a companel. The monitor facing has a crack in it, the panel's smudged, the readouts are unlit... all in all, it looks like it's been through a war. O'BRIEN What do we have here? (wipes grime off panel) Some kind of com system... maybe we can contact the T'Lani from here... BASHIR (joining him) You think you can get it working? O'BRIEN I'll have to open it up... see if there's a backup power supply... O'Brien finds Bashir almost breathing down his neck, curious about the communications system... O'BRIEN Why don't you have a seat, Doctor? BASHIR I thought maybe I could help... I took the engineering extension courses at Starfleet Medical... O'BRIEN Extension courses... ? DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 19A. 24 CONTINUED: (4) BASHIR They were actually quite informative... O'BRIEN (enough already) Julian... BASHIR Hmmm? O'BRIEN You really want to help? DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 20. 24 CONTINUED: (5) BASHIR Yes. O'BRIEN Then let me do my job. BASHIR (a little disappointed) Of course. (looks around) I'll inventory the supplies. O'BRIEN (already starting to work) Fine... you do that... Bashir nods, heads for a small section of crates... 25 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko, Dax, ODO and Kira watch the visual record from the T'Lani Munitions Cruiser on the monitor. 26 ON THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) In the Lab, Nydrom brings the final Harvester cannister over to Bashir, who stands at the genetic bath with the other scientists (just like in Act One.) O'Brien, however, is not standing at the circuit control panel. He now sits working at the monitor he was working at in the Teaser. The MUG OF COFFEE is in its same place next to him. (NOTE: The security- sensor record is a single WIDE MASTER, supered with T'Lani TIME INDEX.) NYDROM (ON SCREEN) (to Bashir) The last cylinder... I believe you should have the honor, Doctor. Bashir carefully takes the cylinder from Nydrom. BASHIR (ON SCREEN) My pleasure. He fastens the Harvester cannister on top of the dome. The Harvester orange gel is pumped into the genetic bath. As in the Teaser, BLUE MUON RAYS begin crackling around the orange gel... they gradually restore the dome's contents to its original green color... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 21. 26 CONTINUED: NYDROM (as before, a pronouncement) The Harvesters have been destroyed. The room erupts in CHEERS, weariness giving way to triumph. Nydrom now turns to look at O'Brien, still at his monitor. NYDROM We must make certain that all records of their existence are wiped out. O'BRIEN (ON SCREEN) (confirming) I've purged every file in the T'Lani and Kellerun data banks pertaining to the Harvesters. If anyone gets it in their head to build these things again, they'll have to start from scratch. NYDROM Then it's finished. O'Brien nods, picks up his mug of coffee and sips from it, then sets the mug back down. He continues working at the monitor, finishing up, when he notices something odd... O'BRIEN Hold on... what's this? An ALARM sounds. BASHIR Chief... ? O'BRIEN I don't know. Closing the last file seems to have activated some sort of security program... (starts working the panel) It looks like it's part of the original operating system... I can't shut it down. (as Nydrom comes over) You know anything about this? DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 22. 26 CONTINUED: (2) NYDROM (eyeing monitor) No... maybe you should try cutting the power... O'BRIEN (working at panel) It's not responding... Suddenly, the screen WHITES OUT. The T'LANI TIME INDEX keeps running in the corner... 27 RESUME SISKO AND THE OTHERS An uncomfortable quiet as the senior staff stares at the monitor, mourning their loss. Finally: ODO I've heard of security weapons like this. A radiation pulse that vaporizes any intruder who doesn't enter the proper code. KIRA I'm surprised the Chief didn't detect it. DAX It must've been buried very deep in the system. KIRA (with some bitterness) I'd like to talk to the head of security for that ship... ODO So would I. SISKO Remember, they lost people, too. KIRA But the T'Lani were responsible for O'Brien's and Bashir's safety... they should have known about that device and deactivated it... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 23. 27 CONTINUED: SISKO (quietly solemn) That'll do, Major. (knowing there's nothing to do but go on) Major, I'd like you to get in touch with Bajoran medical officials. We'll need a doctor to be temporarily assigned to the station... until Starfleet can send us a replacement for Doctor Bashir... Kira nods, torn but accepting. SISKO (continuing) Dax, inform Starfleet about the accident... tell them we'll need a new medical officer and a new chief of operations. DAX Would you like me to go with you to see Mrs. O'Brien? SISKO No, I'll take care of it. Find out how I can get in contact with Julian's family... (beat) Major, inform the crew we'll be holding a memorial service tomorrow evening at eighteen hundred hours. KIRA Yes, sir. SISKO All right, people. I know the next few days are going to be hard. But we all have jobs to do. The others slowly leave. Sisko watches after them, sharing their loss... 28 INT. MILITARY COMMAND CENTER - DAY O'Brien has taken the cover off the companel and is working on its insides, using some makeshift tools he's found. By the look on his face, he's not having much success. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 24. 28 CONTINUED: He pauses, seems to be a little weary, then sighs and resumes his work. Bashir holds the phaser rifle, stationed by the entrance to the center... BASHIR So... having any luck? O'BRIEN (pauses again; getting frustrated) I wish you'd stop asking me that... BASHIR I'm sorry, it's just... all this standing around... at least you're doing something constructive... O'BRIEN Just keep your eyes open for any Kellerun soldiers... BASHIR Don't worry, I will. O'Brien wipes the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand, then surmises the problem he's having inside the companel... O'BRIEN It's a real mess in here... BASHIR You'll get it working, Chief. This is the kind of challenge you live for... O'Brien rolls his eyes, continues working. A beat. BASHIR (musing out loud) You know, I was really looking forward to that celebration on T'Lani Prime... I don't know if you've noticed, but the T'Lani women are quite attractive... O'BRIEN I'm not blind, Julian. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 25. 28 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR Of course not. (wry smile) But you are married. O'BRIEN Just because you're married doesn't mean you stop looking at women. BASHIR As long as you don't let your wife see you look. (beat) For me, tonight's celebration would have been an adventure. The most you could have hoped for was... a good meal. O'BRIEN Women. That's all you ever think about... BASHIR No, it isn't... (beat) Though I do think about them a lot. O'BRIEN Just wait until you fall in love with one. BASHIR I did once. O'BRIEN Didn't work out? O'BRIEN Close. Not quite. I don't know. Somehow marriage doesn't seem fair... O'BRIEN Fair? BASHIR Fair to them. I mean look at us... Our lives are constantly in danger. There's enough to worry about without worrying about the wife and kids back home worrying about us. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 25A. 26 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR (Cont'd) (off O'Brien's reaction) Sorry, Chief. That's the way I feel. It's the way a lot of career officers feel. O'BRIEN Well, all of you "career officers" have no idea what you're missing. BASHIR (smiles) Really? Well, maybe so. But I look at you and Mrs. O'Brien and I... He stops himself. O'BRIEN (tempter stirring) What about "me and Mrs. O'Brien?" BASHIR Nothing. O'BRIEN What? BASHIR Nothing. Absolutely nothing. (finally, off O'Brien's look) It's no secret that being assigned to the station hasn't been conducive to your marriage. O'BRIEN (really looks at him) Say that again? BASHIR Let's just forget the whole thing. O'BRIEN (beat) That's the first intelligent thing you've said since we got here... Rather offhandedly, O'Brien reaches over for a folded-up tarp and swings it around his shoulders. Yet he's still sweating. Bashir watches him a beat. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT TWO 25B. 26 CONTINUED: (4) BASHIR Are you cold? O'BRIEN (working) Aren't you? BASHIR No. In fact, it's quite warm in here... Curious now, Bashir moves to O'Brien, studies him. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT TWO 26. 26 CONTINUED: (5) BASHIR You're looking a little pale... O'BRIEN I'm fine... O'Brien shivers suddenly. Bashir takes out his medical tricorder, scans O'Brien. BASHIR Your blood pressure's low... and you're running a fever... you better sit down. O'BRIEN I don't feel like sitting down. I've got work to do... Bashir, continuing to scan O'Brien, stops and holds the tricorder in the vicinity of O'Brien's forearm. BASHIR (with concern) Roll up your sleeve. O'BRIEN Why? BASHIR Just do it. O'Brien begins to roll up his sleeve... 29 INSERT - O'BRIEN'S FOREARM as the sleeve is rolled up, revealing a small, dark splotch on his forearm... 30 BACK TO SCENE Bashir uses his tricorder on the splotch, looks up at O'Brien with even more concern. BASHIR You were behind the genetic bath when it shattered, weren't you... O'BRIEN (reacting to Bashir's serious expression) If you've got something to tell me, Doctor... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT TWO 27. 30 CONTINUED: BASHIR (beat) You've been infected by the Harvesters... Off O'Brien's sweat-stained, quietly shocked look... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 31 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 32 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS KEIKO is seated, working on a botany experiment. She nudges tiny plants into a container of soil with a long-handled tool. The door CHIMES. KEIKO Come in. The door opens and Sisko ENTERS. Keiko's a little surprised. KEIKO Commander Sisko... SISKO Keiko. She stands to greet him, but is slowed by the look on his face. It's the moment every soldier's wife dreads... KEIKO Something's happened to Miles... SISKO (gently) There was an accident... Off Keiko's look of concern... SISKO Both your husband and Doctor Bashir were involved... A beat. Keiko doesn't have to be told what's coming. KEIKO They're dead... SISKO (confirming) I'm sorry. Keiko holds onto her composure. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT THREE 29. 32 CONTINUED: KEIKO Tell me what happened. SISKO The T'Lani security sensors recorded the entire incident. KEIKO (steeling herself) I want to see it. SISKO I'll have it sent to you. (beat) Miles was a fine officer and a fine man. I'll miss him. KEIKO (nods) Thank you, Commander. I'd like to be alone now. SISKO (with simple sincerity) If there's anything you need, just let me know. He EXITS. She stands there a moment, staring blankly off into space, then turns and sits back down at her botany experiment. She picks up the tool, works the soil aimlessly for a beat. Then she slowly lowers her head... (NOTE: We cut away before she starts to cry.) 32A INT. MILITARY COMMAND CENTER A pale, sweating, frustrated O'Brien is still struggling with the companel. A concerned Bashir watches him from his position at the door. O'Brien suddenly winces, drops a tool, shakes his hurt finger... O'BRIEN Damn T'Lani circuitry... (sucks hurt finger) The way they have everything packed in here... BASHIR (comes over, re: finger) Let me take a look at that... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT THREE 30. 32A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (gruffly) I'm fine, Doctor... go back to your post... Bashir goes back to the door. O'Brien peers up into the companel, at the problem that's annoying him... BASHIR (beat) Look, Chief... about you and Mrs. O'Brien... I didn't mean to imply... O'BRIEN (cutting him off) I'm trying to work here, Doctor... He shakes his head a little, as if trying to clear the cobwebs. BASHIR Maybe you should rest a bit... O'BRIEN (annoyed) I'm fine. Just give me another one of those anabolic supplements. Bashir eyes him a beat, then goes to a T'Lani medical supply kit, takes out a T'Lani hypospray. He administers it to O'Brien's arm. O'BRIEN (exaggerating) Ahhh, that's better. O'Brien picks up the tool, resumes working. A beat, then he has to stop. He wipes his brow, rubs his eyes. Staring into the companel, he squints slightly. With renewed determination, he starts working again... pauses... squints harder at the companel. BASHIR Chief... ? O'BRIEN (hates to admit it) It's my eyes... getting a little fuzzy... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 30A. 32A CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (softly) You better sit down. I'll take over here. O'BRIEN What makes you think you can fix this thing? BASHIR Because you're going to talk me through it. Now have a seat... A beat, then O'Brien hands him the tool. O'BRIEN Maybe just for a minute... O'Brien drops heavily onto a crate, steadies himself... O'BRIEN (forcing a grin) ... or two... Bashir turns to the companel, sizes it up like a battle that needs to be won... BASHIR All right, Chief... tell me where you left off... O'BRIEN Do you see that dark blue coil in the upper right hand corner? BASHIR (looking) No. O'BRIEN It's right next to the green cylinder... (remembering; seeing it in his mind) Behind it a little bit... BASHIR (finds it) Yes, I see it. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 31. 32A CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN You have to lock the base of the coil into that tiny receptor right below it... Bashir reaches inside with the tool, starts struggling... realizes it's harder than it appears... applies more effort... O'Brien watches him quietly... 33 thru OMITTED 34 35 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Kira and Dax sit at a table, still thinking about O'Brien and Bashir. DAX You know, I just remembered... I still have Julian's medical school diaries... KIRA He let you read them? DAX He felt they would make me understand him better. KIRA How? By reading about all the women he went out with? DAX They're not about that. When he gave them to me, he told me they were about his innermost thoughts... his struggle to graduate at the top of his class... his dreams of a career in Starfleet... his constant fear of failure... KIRA (a little impressed) Really. And did you understand him better? DAX (guiltily; with sadness) I never got around to reading them... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 31A. 35 CONTINUED: DAX (beat) I suppose I should send them to his parents. KIRA You could keep them... DAX (hoping) Really? KIRA (smiles) I think he'd like that. He... cared about you a great deal. DAX I know. I cared about him, too. QUARK approaches with three drinks, sets two of them down on the table. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT THREE 32. 35 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (respectful of the moment) These are on the house. KIRA How come? QUARK I thought we'd have a toast to the memory of Chief O'Brien and Doctor Bashir. Both women are surprised and a little impressed by Quark's sensitivity. DAX That's very thoughtful, Quark... QUARK (looks at a doubting Kira) I can be thoughtful. He holds up his glass. Dax joins him. Kira reluctantly holds up hers. QUARK (making toast) To our dear departed comrades... we may have had our differences, but I'll say this for them -- and there's no higher tribute I can think of... (heartfelt) They were good customers. They always paid their bar bills on time. KIRA That's it? QUARK I'm not done yet. (continuing toast) At times like these I'm reminded of the Fifty-Seventh Rule of Acquisition: "Good customers are as rare as latinum -- treasure them." Quark drinks. Kira and Dax share a glance as they sip their drinks, oddly touched... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT THREE 33. 36 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 37 INT. OPS Kira and Dax are back at their stations. N.D. Supernumeraries as needed. Keiko ARRIVES on the Turbolift, holding the T'Lani data clip. She approaches Kira, looking quietly determined. KIRA (surprised at Keiko's presence in OPS) Mrs. O'Brien... ? KEIKO Major, I have to see Commander Sisko. It's important. KIRA I'll tell him you're here. (before she alerts Sisko) I just want you to know how sorry I am... (including Dax) ... how sorry we all are... KEIKO Thank you. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 34. 38 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE - TIGHT ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) We see the T'Lani ship's lab... we are watching the visual record of the accident that Sisko, Dax, Odo and Kira watched before. The T'LANI TIME INDEX is plainly seen in the corner. KEIKO (V.O.) Watch -- it's coming up in just a few seconds -- On the monitor, we see O'Brien talking to Nydrom. O'BRIEN (ON SCREEN) ... If anyone gets it in their head to build these things again, they'll have to start from scratch. NYDROM (ON SCREEN) Then it's finished. O'Brien nods, picks up his mug of coffee and sips from it... KEIKO (V.O.) Computer, freeze image. O'Brien is frozen on the screen, the mug at his lips. 39 WIDER ANGLE to show Keiko, Sisko, Kira and Dax watching the monitor. KEIKO There. Do you see it? SISKO I see the Chief drinking coffee... KEIKO Exactly. Now, look at the time index. 40 INSERT - MONITOR (OPTICAL) - FAVORING TIME INDEX The index reads: 0015:28:33:12. KIRA (V.O.) Fifteen hundred hours... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 35. 41 RESUME SCENE Keiko turns to them, nodding excitedly. KEIKO That's right. Late afternoon. (beat for emphasis) Miles never drank coffee in the afternoon. It kept him up all night. SISKO Maybe he made an exception this time. He was working long hours, under a lot of stress... KEIKO I know my husband. He never drank coffee that late in the day. KIRA Maybe he's not drinking coffee. (nodding at the monitor) Maybe it's tea... KEIKO (shakes head) I checked the data clip and it contained a spectroscopic analysis. The liquid in Miles' cup consisted of vegetable-based oils and caffeine... it's coffee all right... SISKO (exploring the possibility) You're saying this recording has been tampered with... KEIKO Yes, I am. And I'd like to know the reason why. So would Sisko. SISKO (to Dax) When were you planning on bringing the Ganges back from T'Lani Three?  DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT THREE 36. 41 CONTINUED: DAX Tomorrow. SISKO I don't see any reason to wait, do you? DAX I'll leave right away. SISKO Good. I'll come with you. (to Keiko) Mrs. O'Brien... if this recording has been altered, we'll find out why. Keiko nods slightly, with a tentative glimmer of hope... 41A INT. MILITARY COMMAND CENTER Bashir has a few parts from the companel scattered on the console. He's checking a transceiver assembly. In the b.g., O'Brien now sits on the floor propped against the crate. He has the blanket from before around his shoulders. As he watches Bashir through half-mast eyes, his breathing is slow and audible. BASHIR You were right, Chief... the contacts on the subprocessor are corroded... O'BRIEN (a little raspy) They need to be cleaned... BASHIR I think there's some sterile pads in the med kit... Bashir crosses to the kit, rummages through it briefly, comes out with an enclosed sterile pad... BASHIR Here we go. Returning to the console, he tears the pack open, takes out the sterile pad, begins cleaning the contacts... he glances at O'Brien, who looks like he's fading... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 37. 41A CONTINUED: BASHIR Stay with me, Chief... I still need your help... O'Brien shakes his head to keep himself awake. O'BRIEN Don't worry... I'm not going anywhere... He forces himself to stay alert. O'BRIEN Who was she? BASHIR Who... ? O'BRIEN "Close. Not quite." BASHIR (smiling at the memory) Palis. Palis Delon. She was a dancer. A ballerina. She had exquisite feet... O'Brien chuckles... BASHIR (continuing) I'm serious... it's very important for a dancer to have good arches... (a beat) She was gorgeous... not to mention brilliant... I'd watch her on stage... I couldn't believe anyone could be that graceful... O'BRIEN And she was crazy about you... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 38. 41A CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR We were crazy about each other. I thought, "Julian, you lucky devil -- you've found the perfect woman." We used to finish each other's thoughts... Having cleaned the contacts on the assembly, he shows it to O'Brien. BASHIR What do you think? O'BRIEN Good. Now put it back in the panel... Bashir takes the assembly over to the open companel, inserts it in its place. A few LIGHTS flicker to life. Bashir reacts, pleased. BASHIR Looks like we have some power anyway... He tries working the console. BASHIR (continuing) Still no response from the transmitter... O'BRIEN Try retuning the R-F oscillator... Bashir begins to make these delicate adjustments. A beat of silence. O'Brien's eyeing Bashir curiously... O'BRIEN So what happened? (off Bashir's questioning look) With you and Palis? BASHIR What happened is I graduated... her father was the top administrator for a medical complex in Paris... he offered me a job there... promised I'd be chief of surgery within five years... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 38A. 41A CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN But that meant giving up your career in Starfleet... BASHIR (ruefully) You have no idea how close I came... (beat) But... here I am... O'BRIEN You made your choice... BASHIR Yes... though sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I think to myself... will I ever find anyone that wonderful again... ? A beat, then Bashir shakes off the memory. He examines the companel... BASHIR The oscillator's working, but the frequency's still fluctuating... O'Brien takes this opportunity to get back to the problem at hand. O'BRIEN Let me take a look at it... He tries to push himself up... but then slides back down to the floor. Bashir comes over, concerned... BASHIR What is it? O'BRIEN (labored breathing) My legs... hard to move... (beat; looks up at Bashir) I can't feel them anymore... HOLD on Bashir, realizing time is running out... 42 thru OMITTED 44 FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 45 INT. RUNABOUT RIO GRANDE - IN MOTION Dax pilots the craft, Sisko sitting next to her. DAX (checking panel) We're approaching T'Lani Three. Establishing a synchronous orbit along side the Ganges. SISKO Open a channel to the T'Lani cruiser. Dax works the panel... 46 INCLUDE MONITOR (OPTICAL) E'Tyshra appears on the screen from Bridge of the T'Lani ship. E'TYSHRA Commander Sisko -- what a pleasant surprise. I take it you're here for your runabout... SISKO That's right. E'TYSHRA We were about to leave for the memorial service on T'Lani Prime. You're welcome to accompany us... SISKO Perhaps we will. But first I'd like to see for myself where the accident took place... E'TYSHRA (sympathetically) Of course. The transmission ends. DAX While you're on the cruiser, I think I'll beam over to the Ganges and take a look around. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 46 CONTINUED: SISKO Good idea. 47 EXT. T'LANI THREE - DAY - THE CITY (MATTE SHOT) Re-establishing. 48 INT. MILITARY COMMAND CENTER Bashir is tinkering in the companel. O'Brien's still seated where we last saw him... his vision is dimmed to the point he can only make out shadows. Bashir moves to the console, presses the panel... BASHIR (reacting) Chief... Chief! It's working... (continues working the panel) The signal's very faint... O'BRIEN (voice weak) You'll have to shift... to a higher carrier frequency... go back into the companel... reset the actuators... on the chambers coil... Bashir goes to the companel, follows O'Brien's instructions. He returns to the console, presses the panel. BASHIR (eyeing panel) That's better... it's still pretty weak though... Bashir's fingers fly across the console. BASHIR I'm sending a distress signal. I've set it to repeat every two minutes... (crosses to O'Brien) Let's hope the T'Lani find us before the Kellerun do. O'BRIEN They better get here soon... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 47A CONTINUED: BASHIR Don't worry, Chief... I'm going to get you home... Bashir checks O'Brien with the tricorder, but at this point there is very little he can do, and they both know it. O'BRIEN In a box, maybe... BASHIR (forcing himself to be optimistic) Nonsense. Don't go giving up on me now... O'BRIEN I'm not giving up... I'm dying... listen to me, Julian... you have to tell Keiko and Molly... BASHIR (interrupting) You'll tell them yourself... A beat. O'BRIEN You know, you're wrong... about marriage. BASHIR (placating) Whatever you say, Chief. O'BRIEN (insistent) Listen to me, Julian. You're always talking about adventure... well marriage is the greatest adventure of all. It's filled with pitfalls and setbacks and mistakes, but it's a journey worth taking... because you take it together. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 47A CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (a beat) I know Keiko's been unhappy... about our coming to the station... we still argue about it... But that's all right... because at the end of the day, we both know we love each other. And when you get right down to it, that's all that matters. A beat. Bashir nods, touched by O'Brien's words. BASHIR You'd better get some rest. The T'Lani should be here soon... O'Brien closes his eyes. HOLD on Bashir watching him... 48 thru OMITTED 50 51 INT. T'LANI MUNITIONS CRUISER - LAB Sisko moves around the room with a tricorder as E'Tyshra matter-of-factly observes. SISKO (studying tricorder) I see there's still residual traces of the radiatiopulse... E'TYSHRA That's to be expected, given the pulse's intensity. But it poses no danger. Sisko walks over to where O'Brien was sitting, looks at the now-blank monitor. SISKO Tell me, Ambassador -- have you been able to learn more about the fail- safe device that caused the accident? DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 43. E'TYSHRA Not yet, Commander, but we're working on it... SISKO It was Ambassador Sharat who brought you the data clip... E'TYSHRA That's right. SISKO I suppose he showed it to you as soon as you arrived... E'TYSHRA (why shouldn't he?) Of course. SISKO Could the clip have been altered before you saw it? E'TYSHRA (innocently wondering) Why would Ambassador Sharat alter the data clip? SISKO I have no idea. Sisko's combadge BEEPS. He taps it. SISKO Sisko. DAX'S COM VOICE Commander, when you're through there, could you join me on the Ganges? SISKO (to Dax) I'll only be a few more minutes. E'TYSHRA Commander, the T'Lani and Kellerun have finally made peace. That peace cannot survive unless both sides trust each other... HOLD on Sisko, absorbing this... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 52 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES (OPTICAL) Dax is at the console as Sisko MATERIALIZES on the Transporter pad. SISKO What've you got, Dax? DAX It looks like someone has erased five seconds from the Ganges's computer log -- SISKO (approaches her) Show me. DAX At first I thought it was just some kind of power fluctuation... but when I checked the log's memory core, it showed traces of a remote transport command... SISKO Did you find any indication of transporter activity at that time? DAX No. SISKO And you're saying somebody erased it later on... DAX (nods, then gestures at monitor) Look at the time index when the call for transport came in... Sisko looks at the monitor (which we don't have to see.) SISKO (off monitor) At fifteen thirty four... that's a full three minutes after the accident on the T'Lani cruiser. DAX Which means if either Chief O'Brien or Julian made that request... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 45. SISKO (finishing her sentence) ... they would've been alive after the fail-safe device went off... Sisko and Dax exchange knowing looks. SISKO Good work, Lieutenant. Dax permits herself a small smile... 52A INT. MILITARY COMMAND CENTER Bashir, holding the phaser rifle, is on guard at the door. O'Brien, who appears to be sleeping, begins to cough. The cough builds into a violent hacking. He gasps for air. Bashir races over, grabs a hypospray, injects him in the neck. O'Brien continues to gasp. Bashir pulls him up into a straight position... BASHIR Come on, Chief... don't leave me... breathe... ! O'Brien finally is able to take air into his lungs. He inhales and exhales greedily, wheezing. BASHIR That's it... you're doing it... O'Brien calms a little, nods... he can breathe again... O'BRIEN Tell me, Julian... you ever talk to that ballerina of yours... ? BASHIR Not since I left Earth... O'BRIEN (after a beat) Maybe you should... BASHIR (beat) Maybe one day I will. Suddenly both of them hear the sound of FOOTSTEPS moving outside. Bashir takes up the rifle, aims it at the door as... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 53 thru OMITTED 54 E'TYSHRA AND TWO T'LANI SOLDIERS step through the door. Bashir approaches her, immensely relieved, feeling the cavalry has arrived... BASHIR Ambassador E'Tyshra... am I glad to see you. Chief O'Brien was infected by the Harvesters when the Kelleruns attacked your ship... they killed all of the scientists... 56 ANGLE - SHARAT as he ENTERS behind the T'Lani's, accompanied by three Kellerun soldiers. SHARAT Not all of them... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 56 CONTINUED: Seeing Sharat and his soldiers, Bashir stands next to E'Tyshra. BASHIR You're too late, Sharat... Sharat smiles at him. Bashir wonders why he's so confident. He looks to E'Tyshra, who also smiles at him, coldly. E'TYSHRA No, Doctor -- he's right on time. Bashir realizes E'Tyshra and Sharat are in this together. BASHIR But why kill Nydrom and the others? E'TYSHRA To ensure that the peace agreement between our two races will last. BASHIR But we'd already destroyed the Harvesters... there was no need for more killing... unless... The truth dawns on Bashir... SHARAT It's not enough to simply destroy the Harvesters. We have to make sure no one can ever recreate them. E'TYSHRA The only way to do that... was to eliminate everyone who possessed such knowledge... (sadly) ... including the two of you. BASHIR But we have no use for such a horrible weapon... SHARAT As long as the knowledge exists, there's a danger it may be used. That's a risk we refuse to live with. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 56 CONTINUED: (2) E'TYSHRA I truly am sorry, Doctor... but at least you have the consolation of knowing your deaths will be for a noble cause. As the T'Lani and Kellerun soldiers raise their weapons, HOLD on Bashir, standing defiantly... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 57 INT. MILITARY COMMAND CENTER - CONTINUOUS ACTION (OPTICAL) The T'Lani and Kellerun soldiers have their weapons trained on Bashir... O'BRIEN (in a croaked voice) Wait... E'Tyshra raises a hand, stopping the soldiers. E'TYSHRA (re: O'Brien) Let him speak. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) Help me up... want to die... on my feet... Bashir goes over and lifts O'Brien, supports them as they stand side-by-side... BASHIR I'm sorry I couldn't get us home, Chief... O'BRIEN Did... best you could... been an honor... serving with you... Bashir is surprised and honestly touched... BASHIR Thank you, Chief... that means a lot to... Bashir's interrupted as both he and O'Brien DEMATERIALIZE... they are transported out of the scene... 58 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES (OPTICAL) Bashir and O'Brien MATERIALIZE on the transporter pad... Sisko's there to greet them... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 49A. 58 CONTINUED: BASHIR (surprised and relieved) Commander... am I glad to see you... Sisko helps Bashir support O'Brien, who has slipped into unconsciousness. As Sisko lowers him into a chair, Bashir darts to the back of the runabout and returns with a medical kit. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 58 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR Chief O'Brien will be dead within an hour unless we get him back to the station... SISKO What happened? BASHIR He was exposed to the Harvesters... Bashir takes out a Federation hypospray, administers it to O'Brien... BASHIR (continuing) That should keep him stabilized for a while... DAX They told us you were both dead, Julian... BASHIR We would have been, if the T'Lani and Kellerun had their way... they're killing everyone involved with the Harvester project. DAX (checking panels) The T'Lani cruiser's coming this way... they're hailing us... SISKO Ignore them... send out a general distress signal on all Federation subspace frequencies. DAX (tries) They're blocking all subspace communications with a broad band inversion. (a beat) They're hailing us again. SISKO (thoughtful) Is the inversion field affecting sensors as well? DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 50A. 58 CONTINUED: (3) DAX (confirming) All short range sensors are useless... SISKO (forming a plan) Which means... theirs are useless too... 58A EXT. SPACE - T'LANI MUNITIONS CRUISER AND THE TWO RUNABOUTS (OPTICAL) The three ships are in close proximity. A beat, then one of the runabouts suddenly turns and veers off... the T'Lani cruiser starts off after it... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 59 INT. T'LANI MUNITIONS CRUISER - BRIDGE A T'Lani captain, JAKIN, is at the bridge controls. As E'Tyshra and Sharat ENTER... JAKIN (to E'Tyshra) Ambassador, Commander Sisko is attempting to escape... we are in pursuit... SHARAT (to E'Tyshra) Can we overtake them? E'TYSHRA Their runabout is no match for this ship. (to Jakin) Fire a warning shot. Jakin works panels. We hear the SOUND of the T'Lani phaser firing. JAKIN (off panel) Confirmed... (a beat) Commander Sisko is hailing us... E'TYSHRA I thought he would. She nods to Jakin, who taps a console panel... 60 ANGLE TO INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as Sisko APPEARS, defiantly angry. SISKO By firing on this vessel, you've committed an act of war against the Federation. E'TYSHRA Commander, we have no quarrel with the Federation or with you... but we must insist you turn over Doctor Bashir and Chief O'Brien. SISKO Why? So you can murder them? DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 60 CONTINUED: SHARAT Unfortunately, Commander, your officers are the only two people left who have seen the data concerning the development of the Harvesters. SISKO They have no intention of ever using that knowledge. You have my word... SHARAT Their intentions are irrelevant. The fact is, the threat remains as long as the knowledge exists... E'TYSHRA I know this is painful for you, Commander. It wasn't easy for us to order the deaths of our own people. But it is necessary... SISKO And if I refuse to turn them over? E'TYSHRA You can't outrun us and you can't fight us. We can destroy your runabout at any time. SISKO But Lieutenant Dax and I know nothing about the Harvesters... are you willing to kill us, too? SHARAT We'll do whatever we have to do to ensure our safety... E'TYSHRA Commander... you're running out of options... you have one minute to turn over Doctor Bashir and Chief O'Brien... SISKO You want them? You're going to have to take us all... Sisko DISAPPEARS from the Viewscreen. SHARAT (to E'Tyshra) He leaves us no choice... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 60 CONTINUED: (2) JAKIN (off panel) The runabout is turning... it's heading back in our direction... E'TYSHRA Full stop. Jakin works panels. JAKIN (off panel) He's preparing to fire. E'TYSHRA Employ shields. JAKIN (working panel) Shields employed. E'TYSHRA Put the runabout on screen. The Runabout appears on the VIEWSCREEN, heading straight toward the cruiser (the camera)... SHARAT He must know his phasers can't hurt us... Two PHASER BLASTS from the Runabout hit right into camera, causing a very slight SHIP SHAKE... JAKIN (off panel) He's aimed his vessel straight for us. SHARAT The man must be crazy. E'TYSHRA (to Jakin) Fire phasers. 61 CLOSE ON T'LANI CRUISER'S VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as PHASER BEAMS from the cruiser fire at the Runabout, BLOWING IT UP... 62 ANGLE ON E'TYSHRA AND SHARAT as they react. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 62 CONTINUED: SHARAT It's over. E'TYSHRA (to Jakin) Head back to T'Lani Three. Prepare to take the other runabout in tow. Jakin nods, works the panel. JAKIN (nonplussed) Ambassador... sensors indicate the other runabout is no longer in orbit... E'TYSHRA Then where is it? JAKIN I don't know... It's gone. SHARAT It can't just have disappeared. E'Tyshra and Sharat consult the monitors which show an Okudagram of T'lani Three -- there's no ship in sight. JAKIN I'm picking up a warp signature. E'TYSHRA (grimly realizing) Sisko... Maybe he and the others weren't on that runabout we destroyed. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/09/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 62 CONTINUED: (2) JAKIN They could have transported to the other runabout while our sensors were down. E'TYSHRA And then piloted the first ship by remote navigation. SHARAT But we saw them die. E'TYSHRA (numb) Did we? HOLD on E'Tyshra and Sharat as they look at each other, the bad news sinking... 63 thru OMITTED 65 66 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 67 INT. SURGERY O'Brien is convalescing in a bed as Keiko hands him a colorfully painted coffee mug. O'BRIEN What's this? KEIKO Something Molly made for you. She painted it herself. O'BRIEN (the proud parent) It's lovely. She's got real talent... DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 67 CONTINUED: Bashir ENTERS, smiling. BASHIR How's my patient? O'BRIEN Better. Can I go home now? BASHIR You should be out of here by tomorrow. (beat) I want you to know, I really appreciated what you said back on T'Lani Three. O'BRIEN (a little suspicious) What did I say? BASHIR (touch of pride) That it was an honor serving with me... O'BRIEN Oh... right. BASHIR I'd like to return the compliment, Chief -- it's been an honor to serve with you, too. (to Keiko) You know, Mrs. O'Brien -- they say when two people face death together, it creates a bond that can never be broken... I never believed that until... O'BRIEN (starting to get annoyed) Julian... BASHIR Hmm? (misunderstanding) Oh, yes -- of course. You want to be alone. I understand. He EXITS, smiling. O'Brien looks after Bashir, disgruntled. DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 67 CONTINUED: (2) KEIKO (re: O'Brien's expression) He saved your life, you know. O'BRIEN And he's never going to let me forget it. Keiko knows full well O'Brien's mixed feelings for Bashir. She's amused by it and can't help egging him on a bit... KEIKO So what was it like... spending all that time alone with him? O'BRIEN (good-natured exasperation) It was... hell. You can see for yourself -- the man never stops talking. They share a smile. O'Brien eyes Molly's cup. O'BRIEN You know, I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee right now... KEIKO (surprised) Miles -- you never drink coffee in the afternoon -- O'BRIEN Sure I do. KEIKO You do? Off Keiko's stunned look. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END