STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Second Sight" #40512-429 Story by Mark Gehred-O'Connell Teleplay by Mark Gehred O'Connell and Ira Steven Behr and Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by Alexander Singer THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION September 28, 1993 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Second Sight" CAST SISKO FENNA KIRA NIDELL ODO PIERSALL QUARK SEYETIK BASHIR DAX O'BRIEN JAKE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. STARFLEET STAR TREK: DS9 - "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP-SPACE NINE "Second Sight" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE COMMANDER'S OFFICE AIRLOCK CORRIDOR PROMETHEUS OPS HABITAT RING CORRIDOR PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL PROMENADE SECOND LEVEL - QUARK'S PYLON CORRIDOR SCIENCE LAB SECURITY SISKO'S QUARTERS UPPER PYLON AIRLOCK PROMETHEUS BRIDGE GUEST QUARTERS SEYETIK'S QUARTERS STAR TREK: DS9 - "Second Sight" - 09/29/93 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Second Sight" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALTRINA ALL-tree-nuh ANDORIAN an-DOOR-ee-uhn BAJORAN bah-JOR-an GIDEON SEYETIK GID-ee-uhn SAY-yet-ik BHUTO SALASSI BOO-toe suh-LASS-ee CHIRALTAN chur-ALL-tan FENNA FENN-uh G'TROK guh-TROK GREMISH GREM-ish HALANA huh-LAN-nuh HUMAT WHO-mot KALO KAL-oe LIGOBIS li-GO-bis LUKERI loo-KEER-ree NIDELL ni-DELL OCCIPITAL ock-SIP-eh-tull PIERSALL PIER-saul PROMETHEUS pruh-MEE-thee-us RUMALL roo-MAL TEROSA tuh-ROW-suh TIET tee-YET VILLUS THED VILL-us THED WAROON WAR-roon DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Second Sight" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing the station. The only ship in port is the PROMETHEUS, a Federation science vessel, not in any way noteworthy or obtrusive. SISKO (V.O.) Personal Log, Stardate 47329.4. I finally realize why I've had trouble sleeping the last few nights. Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of the massacre at Wolf three five nine... the fourth anniversary of Jennifer's death. 1A INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Light are low. SISKO is sitting on the couch. There's a chess problem laid out on the three-dimensional chess board that sits, forgotten, in front of him. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) I'm not sure what bothers me more. The date itself... or the fact that it almost passed unnoticed. 1B NEW ANGLE As a pajama-clad JAKE steps out of his bedroom. JAKE Dad... what are you doing up? SISKO I was about to ask you the same thing. JAKE (no big deal) I had a weird dream. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - TEASER 1A. 1B CONTINUED: SISKO Why don't you get a hot chocolate and tell me about it? JAKE Nah, it's nothing. But he sits down next to his father and we see that he needs some comfort. Sisko throws a comforting arm around his son's shoulder. SISKO So tell me about this "weird" dream. JAKE it's stupid. SISKO Maybe so, but the thing about dreams is, if you talk about them, they kind of go away faster. JAKE Okay, but don't laugh. SISKO I promise. A beat. Jake has to reassemble the path of the dream. JAKE I don't know... I was... on the station somewhere, but I'm not sure where... and I kept trying to get back here... but I couldn't find my way. Every time I thought I saw a familiar corridor, it kind of twisted off in some other direction... (trails off) See? I told you it was stupid. SISKO You got me interested. JAKE Well... then... (embarrassed) I guess I got a little scared and started looking for you... but I couldn't find you... Somehow I ended up in Ops... but you weren't in your office. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - TEASER 1B. 1B CONTINUED: (2) JAKE (Cont'd) And then it was like... the floor started sloping down... and I couldn't keep my balance... and all I wanted to do was find you... Sisko gives him a friendly hug. SISKO And here I am. A long beat. Jake is glad to have his father there. JAKE Dad... (almost apologetic) I love you. SISKO (smiles) I love you too. Sisko kisses his son on the forehead. JAKE I have a calculus test in the morning. SISKO Then you better get some sleep. Jake gets up and heads for his room, but stops by the door. JAKE Dad... I miss her. SISKO Me too. Jake nods and EXITS. 1C CLOSE ON SISKO Glad that he could help his son, but still feeling the weight of his own melancholy. He picks up a chess piece... then puts it back down. He's lost interest. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - TEASER 1C. 2 INT. PROMENADE - AFTER HOURS The Promenade is dark and relatively quiet. There's just enough activity being played out in the shadows to make an observer wonder what unfolds while the station sleeps. 3 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Sisko walks along the upper level. He stops at a viewport and stares into the depths of space. 4 CLOSE ON SISKO Watching the stars burn in the endless darkness. FENNA (O.S.) Beautiful, aren't they? Startled, Sisko turns around and sees... DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - TEASER 2. 5 NEW ANGLE An unconventionally attractive alien woman, FENNA, standing behind him. Off Sisko's questioning look, she looks out the viewport with wide-eyed amazement. FENNA I don't think I've ever seen the stars shine so brightly. Sisko reacts. He really wanted to be alone, but there's something about Fenna that intrigues him. SISKO (re: the stars) The Bajorans call that constellation the Runners. (a beat) I can never figure out if they're running toward something or away from something. FENNA (studying the stars) Does it really matter? Sometimes it just feels good to run. SISKO I never thought of it that way. Sisko turns back toward Fenna. He studies her for a second, then... SISKO My names Benjamin Sisko. I'm the Commander of this station. FENNA I'm... (there's the slightest pause before she says her name) Fenna. (smiles) I'm sorry. You must be very busy. I didn't mean to bother you. SISKO You're not bothering me at all. FENNA Good. I'm glad. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - TEASER 3. 6 NEW ANGLE They begin walking along the upper level of the Promenade. FENNA (continuing) Commander of the station... that must be very exciting. All those ships coming and going... Every day must bring something new. SISKO (agreeing) It has its moments. (a beat) In some ways, though, I prefer times like this the best... when everything is quiet... And... Sisko can't quite put his feelings into words. FENNA (finishing this thought) And you can feel a kind of anticipation in the air... like something wonderful's going to happen... but you don't know what it is... Fenna catches herself, and smiles at her own enthusiasm. FENNA (continuing) I guess that sounds pretty silly, doesn't it? SISKO Not at all. That's one of the great things about this station. You never know what's going to happen next... They reach a crossover bridge near one of the spiral staircases. SISKO (continuing, smiles) Or who you're going to meet. Fenna returns the smile. There's something curious about this woman. Sisko wants to learn more about her. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - TEASER 4. 6 CONTINUED: FENNA I like it here. I wish I could stay longer. SISKO Where are you going? FENNA (thinks for a beat, then) I'm not really sure. So I guess I'll just keep going... (glances at the stars) Like the Runners. 7 CLOSE ON SISKO who glances over the railing down at the Promenade, where Morn is shuffling off to bed. SISKO I'll tell you what, before you run any farther, why don't I show you around the station... If you have the time? There's no answer from Fenna. Sisko turns back toward her... 8 NEW ANGLE And Fenna is gone. SISKO Fenna? Sisko looks around. The upper level of the Promenade is now completely deserted. Puzzled, Sisko moves to the top of the spiral staircase and looks down. He's too late... there's no one there. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - TEASER 5. 9 CLOSE ON SISKO As he thinks about going to look for her, then decides against it. Hold on Sisko for a beat as he surveys the empty Promenade with a mixture of curiosity and surprise, then... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 10 INT. OPS KIRA at the Ops Table, O'BRIEN at work in the pit, various N.D. Supernumeraries at the other stations. 11 NEW ANGLE As Sisko ENTERS from the Turbolift, looking chipper. He spots O'Brien in the pit. SISKO Good morning, Chief. O'Brien doesn't look up from the endless maze of circuitry he's working on. O'BRIEN (mind on his work) Morning, Commander. SISKO (nodding at the circuitry) Is this maintenance or repair? O'Brien actually has to stop and think about that one. O'BRIEN Right now it's maintenance, but five will get you ten it'll end up being repair before I'm through. O'Brien was only half-joking, but Sisko smiles. SISKO Admit it, Chief... If you were on a station where everything worked, you'd be miserable. O'Brien continues probing the circuitry. O'BRIEN You may be right, sir. The electronics give off a bright spark. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT ONE 7. 11 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (almost to himself) But I'd be willing to give it a try. Sisko smiles and shakes his head, leaving O'Brien to his endless "maintenance." 12 FOLLOW SISKO As he goes to the replicator, passing Kira at the Ops Table. SISKO Good morning, Major. (to the replicator) Chiraltan Tea, with a double twist of lemon. 13 ANGLE ON KIRA Looking curiously at Sisko as he removes his tea from the replicator. He sips it, finds it to his liking, and joins her at the operations table. 14 ON SISKO as he sits down, he notices Kira's questioning gaze. SISKO Something wrong? KIRA (covers her curiosity) No, nothing. SISKO Major, if something's bothering you... I want to hear it. KIRA It's just... every morning for the last year, I've seen you walk in here and start your day with a raktajino. SISKO I like raktajino. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT ONE 8. 14 CONTINUED: KIRA (that's no surprise) I know. You never even talk to anyone until you've had your first cup. SISKO (acknowledging) I'm not awake until I've had my first cup. KIRA (re: cup) Then how come you're drinking Chiraltan Tea? Sisko looks at the cup, thinks about it. SISKO I guess I felt like having something different. (kidding her) That is all right with you, isn't it? KIRA Of course. You can drink whatever you want. SISKO (amused) Thank you, Major. Your support is appreciated. DAX'S COM VOICE Dax to Sisko. SISKO (taps his combadge) Go ahead, Lieutenant. DAX'S COM VOICE Professor Seyetik and I are in the science lab, if you'd like to meet him. Sisko's been looking forward to this. SISKO On my way. Sisko EXITS. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT ONE xx9 15 ANGLE ON KIRA O'Brien joins her at the Ops Table. O'BRIEN The commander seems to be in an especially good mood this morning. KIRA (distracted) He is... isn't he? O'BRIEN Something on your mind, Major? KIRA No... it's just... (a beat) You work with someone for a year or so... You think you finally have them figured out... and then... (mystified) They go and order Chiraltan Tea. Hold on O'Brien, waiting for the punchline. 16 INT. SCIENCE LAB Sisko ENTERS and is met by DAX. SISKO Lieutenant... (looks around) Where's our guest? DAX (matter-of-fact) Inside the flux generator. SISKO (surprised) What? 17 NEW ANGLE Sisko looks over at a door with a small window at eye level. The door provides access to a glowing chamber that throbs with energy. It's obviously not a good place to walk into. SISKO What's he doing in there? He could be killed. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/29/93 - ACT ONE 10. 17 CONTINUED: DAX (nonchalant) That's what I tried to tell him. SISKO And he went in anyway? DAX Have you ever met a terraformer? SISKO No. What's that got to do with it? DAX You can't tell a terraformer anything. It's an amazing talent... bringing dead worlds to life. But humility and common sense aren't exactly part of the job description. 18 ANGLE ON THE GENERATOR (OPTICAL) Just then, the door opens and a large figure emerges, haloed by the flashing glow of the generator. The figure, dressed in some sort of futuristic protective gear, passes through a forcefield, steps into the lab and the door closes behind him. 19 NEW ANGLE GIDEON SEYETIK removes his protective headgear. He's a huge, grizzled lion of a man. SEYETIK There you go, Lieutenant. That should increase your generator output by at least five percent. Seyetik notices Sisko, and steps forward with delight in his eyes. SEYETIK (continuing, with gusto) You must be Commander Sisko. Gideon Seyetik... It's a pleasure to meet you. Seyetik shakes Sisko's hand aggressively. His voice and smile fill the lab. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 10/07/93 - ACT ONE 11. 19 CONTINUED: SISKO Professor... I'm a great admirer of your work. SEYETIK Excellent. A man of intelligence and taste. I can tell we're going to get along famously. Sisko can't help but smile. Seyetik is a piece of work all right. SISKO My son and I visited Blue Horizon on our way to Deep Space Nine. I was impressed. SEYETIK (used to compliments) Of course you were. I created the place and even I'm impressed. (a beat) How'd you like Da Vinci Falls? SISKO I'm afraid we didn't get to see them. We were only on the surface for a few hours. Seyetik shakes his head sympathetically. SEYETIK Then you missed Blue Horizon's crowning glory. (passionate) Imagine... Water cascading off cliffs the height of Mount Everest and thundering through continuous rainbows, straight into an ocean the color of Sapphire Wine. I'll have to take you there one day... (a half smile) By God, I wouldn't mind seeing it again myself. SISKO (amused) I may take you up on that. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 10/07/93 - ACT ONE 12. 19 CONTINUED: (2) SEYETIK But first... Epsilon One-Nineteen. SISKO I understand the initial surveys look promising. SEYETIK Promising... They look magnificent... Think of if... Reigniting a dead sun. Bringing new life to an entire solar system. Next to that, terraforming planets will look like child's play. DAX Let's hope it works. Right now, it's only a promising theory. SEYETIK Of course it'll work. I never fail... (confidentially) Well, I did once, but I found it didn't agree with me, so I swore not to do it again... and I never break my word. (a beat) You should be glad you're coming with me, Lieutenant. This will be my crowning achievement. (savoring the thought) Giving birth to a star. Even I'll have a hard time topping this one. SISKO (amused) Maybe we should go over your proto- matter containment procedures. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT ONE 13. 19 CONTINUED: (3) SEYETIK A splendid idea. I think you'll find it fascinating. (a beat) After all, I designed the containment capsule myself. Sisko grins. Dax rolls her eyes. 20 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station and the Prometheus. 21 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL - QUARK'S Sisko and Dax are at one of the tables outside of Quark's. Sisko's finished eating and is watching the passing traffic on the second level of the Promenade. Dax is still finishing her sizable dinner. DAX Benjamin, you're not going to let that last piece of Andorian tuber- root go to waste, are you? SISKO Why do you ask? DAX Because it's delicious, that's why. (unable to resist) May I? SISKO Be my guest. Dax helps herself to Sisko's leftovers. Sisko's attention goes back to checking out the passing throng. DAX I'm going to need the extra calories to keep up with Seyetik. The man works almost as much as he talks... (realizes Sisko isn't paying attention) Benjamin? DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT ONE 14. 21 CONTINUED: SISKO (still looking off) What? DAX Looking for someone? Sisko turns his attention back to Dax. SISKO I'm sorry. What were you saying? Dax studies Sisko. She senses something's going on, but she knows Sisko will talk about it when he's ready. DAX Nothing important. (she gets up, changes the subject) I have to meet with Chief O'Brien. We're boosting the maximum speed on Seyetik's ship to warp nine point five. If his experiment fails... and that sun goes supernova... we're going to want to get out of there... fast. SISKO I'll see you back in Ops. She EXITS. Sisko continues to watch the crowd, takes a final sip of his Raktajino and gets up. 22 ANGLE ON THE VIEWPORT Sisko strolls over to where he last met Fenna. He gazes out at the stars, for a beat, then realizes he's being a little foolish, and turns to leave... 23 NEW ANGLE And is startled to find Fenna standing behind him. FENNA Benjamin... I was hoping to see you again. SISKO (pleasantly surprised) I was just thinking about you. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT ONE 15. 23 CONTINUED: FENNA (happy) Were you really? I've been thinking about you, too. SISKO Where did you disappear to last night? FENNA (apologetic) I had to go. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to rush away like that. (a beat) Does your invitation still stand? (off his questioning look) To show me around the station? SISKO Of course. What would you like to see? FENNA Everything. SISKO Everything? That's going to take some time. FENNA I don't mind, if you don't. She takes his arm and they begin walking down the Promenade. 24 INT. UPPER PYLON AIRLOCK (OPTICAL) A view of Deep Space Nine that we've never seen before. A high angle shot looking down from one of the upper pylons. The Station is a vast glowing jewel against the darkness of space. SISKO (V.O.) What do you think? 25 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Sisko and Fenna stand in front of the airlock and look down at the spectacular view. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT ONE 16. 25 CONTINUED: FENNA It's wonderful. SISKO (pleased) I'm glad you like it. FENNA You must come here all the time. SISKO Not really. And when I do, there's usually a ship blocking the view. FENNA I wish we'd brought a picnic basket with us. SISKO (amused) Here? FENNA (enthused) What better place? SISKO (half-serious) Well, there's always tomorrow. FENNA Is that an invitation? Sisko thinks it over. He's surprised to realize it is. SISKO Sounded like one to me. FENNA Then I accept. Fenna once again looks out over the station. SISKO Good... (a beat) Come on. There's plenty left to see. In fact, I doubt we can see it all in one evening. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT ONE 17. 25 CONTINUED: (2) FENNA Then you can show me the rest after our picnic tomorrow. Sisko realizes how much he's enjoying himself. SISKO Do you always do that? FENNA Do what? SISKO Say exactly the right thing. FENNA No one's ever told me that before. SISKO (smiles) There you go again. A long beat as they stare at each other, both aware that this is one of those magic moments when two people hit it off together without even trying. SISKO So... tell me all about yourself. FENNA (self-effacing) There's not much to tell. SISKO Well, whatever there is, I want to hear it. FENNA (nervous) I can't. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT ONE 18. 25 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO (not following) Can't what? Fenna is looking as confused as Sisko. FENNA I can't tell you. SISKO Why not? FENNA I'm sorry, Benjamin. But I have to go. Fenna turns and hurries out of the airlock. SISKO Fenna... wait. Sisko follows Fenna out into... 26 INT. PYLON CORRIDOR Sisko ENTERS from the airlock just in time to see the turbolift doors close. 27 CLOSE ON SISKO Who reacts to Fenna's retreat with disappointment and curiosity. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 10/07/93 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: A28 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Jake and Sisko are eating breakfast. Or at least, Jake is. Sisko's barely touched his. He seems distracted... his mind's elsewhere. JAKE So then Tiet looked down at Altrina's lunch and said, "Klingon food? Those are worms." And Altrina vomited all over the table. (good humored laughter) It was pretty disgusting. Sisko's only half-listening. SISKO That's nice, Jake. JAKE Nice? (thinks his dad didn't get it) She threw up. SISKO Huh? Oh... I'm sorry. I guess I was thinking about something else. A beat as Jake studies his dad. JAKE Dad, are you in love? That gets Sisko's attention. SISKO What? JAKE You know... with a woman. (defending his supposition) You're showing all three of the signs. SISKO Signs? DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT TWO 19A. A28 CONTINUED: JAKE The ones Nog told me about. Loss of appetite. Daydreaming. Smiling all the time. SISKO You've been talking to Nog about women again? Which they both know doesn't answer Jake's question. JAKE I just want you to know that if you are in love... it's okay with me. Sisko smiles. It's not like he needed his son's "permission," but it's nice to hear. SISKO Thanks, Jake. JAKE What's she like? SISKO (thinks about it) She's... really... interesting. JAKE (disappointed) Interesting, huh? (beat) So... when do I get to meet her? SISKO It might be a little early for that. JAKE Why? She likes you too, doesn't she? SISKO I think so. JAKE Then what's the problem? Sisko tries to figure out how to put this in words. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT TWO 19B. A28 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO It's just that... (knows this sounds strange) She keeps disappearing. Off Jake's reaction. 28 INT. SECURITY ODO is standing by the "wanted posters" giving instructions to two Bajoran Deputies, one male and one female. ODO Above all, stay alert. If the subspace transmission I received is correct and Villus Thed is en route to the station, I want to be notified the moment he arrives. Keep him under constant surveillance, but remember, he's a short-range telepath, so stay at least five meters away from him at all times. Sisko ENTERS the office and catches Odo's eye. ODO (to the deputies) That's all. The deputies EXIT. ODO (continuing) What can I do for you, Commander? SISKO (a little awkward) I have a favor to ask... of a personal nature. ODO Go on. SISKO I'm looking for someone... a woman. Odo sits at the console and opens a new case file. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT TWO 19C. 28 CONTINUED: ODO (all business) Name? Sisko's uncomfortable asking Odo to help him with this kind of thing, but he's already committed himself. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 10/04/93 - ACT TWO 20. 28 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Fenna. ODO First or last? SISKO I don't know. ODO Species? SISKO I don't know... Humanoid. ODO What ship did she arrive on? SISKO (realizing how little he knows) I don't know. Odo gives just the barest look at Sisko. The commander's not making this one very easy. ODO All right. What can you tell me about her? SISKO Let's see... I'd say she's about one point six meters tall... brown skin... dark hair... the last time I saw her she was wearing a... (trying to remember) Dark red bodysuit. Odo enters this information into his console. ODO Well that's something, anyway. SISKO So do you think you can help me? ODO (with a bit of irony) I don't know. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT TWO 21. 28 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO I need to find her, Constable. I think she may be in some kind of trouble. ODO What kind of trouble? (before Sisko can answer) Let me guess... You don't know. (sees he's right) This isn't much to go on... but I'll do what I can. SISKO I appreciate the help, Odo. Sisko EXITS. Odo looks at the scant information he's compiled and harumphs. 29 INT. OPS Kira, Dax and O'Brien are at their stations. Sisko ENTERS, deep in thought, and is immediately intercepted by Dax. DAX Benjamin, do you have a minute? SISKO In my office. Sisko gestures toward his office... "After you." 30 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko sits on the corner of his desk. SISKO What's on your mind, Dax? DAX I was hoping you had something to say to me. SISKO I don't follow you. DAX (mock hurt) You really have no intention of telling me, do you? DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT TWO 22. 30 CONTINUED: SISKO Telling you what? DAX (playful) Come on, Benjamin... I saw you with her last night on the Promenade (off Sisko's reaction) What's her name? SISKO (with some reluctance) Fenna. Believe me, Dax... there's nothing to talk about. DAX You used to tell Curzon everything. SISKO (smiles) Not everything. DAX You know what I mean. (a beat) It's because I'm a woman now, isn't it? SISKO Don't be ridiculous. Dax thinks she's hit home. DAX I understand, Benjamin. It's not easy talking man to man with a woman. SISKO That has nothing to do with it. DAX (not letting go) Then tell me what's going on DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT TWO 23. 30 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I will. As soon as there's something to tell. Which isn't good enough for Dax, but she knows, for now, that's all she's going to get. 31 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) With the Prometheus still in dock. SISKO (V.O.) Personal Log. Supplemental. So far Odo has found no new information about Fenna. In the meantime, Professor Seyetik has invited me and the senior staff to dinner aboard the Prometheus. 32 INT. PROMETHEUS - SEYETIK'S QUARTERS Seyetik is holding court to a rapt audience of Sisko, Kira, Dax, BASHIR and O'Brien. SEYETIK To be a great terraformer. You need the green thumb of a gardener, the eye of a painter, the soul of a poet... and it doesn't hurt to be a raging egomaniac. KIRA Which makes you eminently qualified. SEYETIK (delighted) Of course. BASHIR Terraforming is amazing enough, but I still don't understand how you intend to reignite a dead sun. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 10/07/93 - ACT TWO 24. 32 CONTINUED: SEYETIK (his favorite subject) Basically... I'll use a remote-piloted shuttlepod to deliver proto-matter into the dead star, which'll start a cascade effect transforming the star's carbon and oxygen into elemental hydrogen. Then we'll just stand back and watch the fireworks. DAX Of course, if anything goes wrong, it might be the last thing we ever see. Seyetik shoots Dax a disapproving look. SEYETIK Come now, Lieutenant, nothing of any worth was ever created by a pessimist. SISKO I don't know about that. Van Gogh... Beckett... Y'Raka... I wouldn't exactly call them optimists. SEYETIK Precisely. And look at their work. Dreary, dark and depressing. Art should be an affirmation of life. Take for instance... my own work in the field. BASHIR I once saw an exhibit of your paintings at the Central Gallery on Ligobis Ten. They were certainly memorable. (a beat) I don't think I've ever seen such huge canvasses. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT TWO 25. 32 CONTINUED: (2) SEYETIK Doctor, no one's ever accused me of understatement. DAX Certainly not anyone who's ever read your autobiography. SEYETIK Nine volumes and counting. I always said I wanted to write as many books as I've had marriages. (a beat) Which reminds me... wait until you taste the food my wife has created for you today. None of that replicated nonsense you're used to. Each dish was prepared entirely by Nidell's own sweet hands. KIRA (who's had about enough of this) I can't wait to meet her. SEYETIK And so you shall. She should be just about done. I'll go get her. Seyetik EXITS. 33 NEW ANGLE As Sisko and the others watch him leave. KIRA You think he'd notice if we weren't here when he got back. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT TWO 26. 33 CONTINUED: SISKO (good-naturedly) Don't even think about it, Major. I've probably had dinner with two dozen Bajoran ministers by now. I think you owe me this one. Besides, Seyetik is one of the Federation's greatest minds. KIRA I know. He told me. BASHIR Well, I for one, find him remarkable entertaining. O'Brien gives Bashir a look that says he's not surprised. 34 ANGLE ON THE DOOR As Seyetik returns. SEYETIK Friends... I'd like you to meet my wife and my inspiration... (genuine affection) Nidell. NIDELL ENTERS. She's a beautiful woman, stunningly dressed... and she looks exactly like Fenna. She glances past Sisko without the slightest hint of recognition. 35 ANGLE ON SISKO AND DAX Sisko is stunned and he and Dax both notice the undeniable resemblance. DAX (aside, to Sisko) Now we have something to talk about. And as Sisko reacts to Nidell, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 10/07/93 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 36 INT. PROMETHEUS - SEYETIK'S QUARTERS Sisko, Kira, Dax, Bashir and O'Brien are finishing dinner with Seyetik and Nidell. Nidell's shy and retiring, without the playfulness of Fenna. BASHIR I can't eat another bite. O'BRIEN (to Nidell) That was delicious. Do you think I could get the recipe? NIDELL That's up to Gideon. It's his creation. SEYETIK (taking the stage) It took me years to perfect it. The secret is to sear the Kalo roots slightly before layering them over the slices of roasted Waroon. And as Seyetik begins to elaborate, Nidell shrinks back into her shell. 37 ANGLE ON SISKO AND DAX As Seyetik gives his recipe, Sisko and Dax watch Nidell and talk quietly between themselves. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 10/07/93 - ACT THREE 28-28A. 37 CONTINUED: SISKO SEYETIK She acts like she (overlapping) doesn't recognize me. But the most important thing is the broth. One DAX liter of clear Rumall (thinking about it) stock. A tumbler and a It is the same woman, half of Gremish, two isn't it? clusters of Vulcan redspice, half a dozen SISKO minced Humat pods, and a She looks the same... dash of ice salt. 38 NEW ANGLE While Dax and Sisko have been talking, Seyetik's been explaining how their meal was prepared. SEYETIK (continuing) Then you reduce it in a Andorian boiler at exactly five hundred degrees Kelvin and pepper to taste. Any questions? O'Brien and the others have gotten lost in the maze of Seyetik's incredibly complex recipe. O'BRIEN Maybe you should write it down. Seyetik laughs and gives O'Brien a good-natured pat on the shoulder. SEYETIK Of course. No trouble at all. (to all) Now, why don't we continue this conversation in the other room. We'll be more comfortable there. They get up from the table. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 10/07/93 - ACT THREE 29. 38 CONTINUED: Nidell begins to clear away the dishes as O'Brien, Seyetik, Bashir and Kira EXIT to the next room. 39 OMITTED 40 NEW ANGLE Dax follows, leaving Sisko alone with Nidell. Nidell notices him standing there, watching her. NIDELL (as she continues to clean up) Can I help you with anything, Commander? SISKO (a small smile) I hope so. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT THREE 30. 40 CONTINUED: Nidell isn't following. SISKO (continuing) It would have been a lot easier if you'd told me you were married. NIDELL I don't understand. SISKO (thinks she's being coy) Yesterday... on the Promenade... You had plenty of opportunity. Nidell looks at Sisko in total confusion. NIDELL Commander, I don't know what you're talking about. I never met you before tonight. Sisko's hurt by her denials. SISKO I suppose you never told me your name was Fenna? She reacts. Sisko's touched a nerve, but Nidell tries to cover up. SISKO (with a forgiving smile) Would you like to talk about it? Nidell resumes clearing the table. NIDELL (coldly) Commander, you've obviously mistaken me for someone else. Sisko's not convinced, but he's reluctant to push it any further. SISKO Seems that way, doesn't it? DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT THREE 31. 40 CONTINUED: (2) Nidell EXITS with a handful of dishes, leaving Sisko wondering what's just transpired. 41 INT. OPS Dax and Sisko ENTER from the Turbolift. Supernumeraries man the various stations. SISKO I'm telling you Dax, it was the same woman. The face... the voice... It was Fenna. DAX Maybe you ought to talk to her when her husband isn't around. SISKO Dax, she's a married woman. DAX (shrugs) That would never have stopped Curzon. Sisko ignores her. He's obviously been deeply affected by his experience with Nidell. SISKO It's just that this was the first time since Jennifer's death that I've felt... really drawn to someone. 42 NEW ANGLE Odo ENTERS from the opposite side of Ops. ODO Commander, may I have a word with you? (Sisko nods) I thought you should know... I checked this week's docking and transporter logs and there's no record of anyone fitting the description you gave me. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT THREE 32. 42 CONTINUED: SISKO Thanks, Odo... but you can call off the search. I already found the woman I was looking for. Odo is both surprised and extremely curious about this latest development. ODO Did you? (has to know) Where was she? If you don't mind my asking. SISKO Aboard the Prometheus. ODO (not satisfied) The Prometheus? Are you sure? SISKO We just left there a few minutes ago. ODO But that's impossible. SISKO (surprised) What do you mean? ODO I checked the de-embarkation logs as part of my search. Except for Professor Seyetik, no one has left the Prometheus the entire time it's been at the station. Sisko and Dax react to this latest mystery. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT THREE 33. 43 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Sisko waits by the viewport. His stance and his attitude says he's been waiting a long time. QUARK (O.S.) Commander? 44 NEW ANGLE Sisko turns around and sees QUARK, standing behind him. It's not really what he was hoping for. Quark offers him a drink. QUARK I thought you could use this. SISKO Thanks, but I was just leaving. QUARK Stood you up, didn't she? (off Sisko's reaction) When you've worked in a bar as long as I have, you get to recognize that look. (confidentially) I've even seen it in the mirror... (covering up) Once or twice. SISKO I'd better be getting home. QUARK If you'd like, we could go down to the bar and talk... You know... about women. SISKO I don't think so. Sisko walks away. Quark calls after him. QUARK Don't forget, the holosuites are always open. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/29/93 - ACT THREE 34. 45 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Sisko returns alone to his quarters. 46 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Close on Sisko as he ENTERS. FENNA (O.S.) (excited) Benjamin. Sisko turns. 47 NEW ANGLE And sees Fenna standing in the corridor at the open doorway. She ENTERS his quarters and hugs him. FENNA I missed you. (senses his confusion) Is something wrong? SISKO I just had dinner with someone who looks exactly like you. FENNA Like me? How strange? SISKO Then you're telling me that your name isn't really Nidell and you're not the wife of Gideon Seyetik. FENNA (totally honest) Of course not. I'm Fenna. You know that. Sisko stares at her and sees in her eyes that she's telling the truth. SISKO (bewildered) Right now, I'm not sure what I know. (grasping for straws) I don't suppose you have a twin sister. Fenna smiles. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT THREE 35. 47 CONTINUED: FENNA (joking) Not that I know of. SISKO (after a beat, serious) Fenna... I need to know where you came from... what you're doing on this station. FENNA Does that matter? SISKO Of course it matters. I need to know who you are. FENNA You do know me, Benjamin. 48 CLOSE ON FENNA AND SISKO (OPTICAL) Fenna slips into Sisko's arms and looks up into his eyes. FENNA When I came here, I thought I was looking for a place... somewhere I belonged... but I was wrong. I wasn't looking for a place. I was looking for a person. I was looking for you. She kisses him. And finally, Sisko allows himself to give in to the moment. He returns the kiss. She smiles... And then, a look of fear comes over her face. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT THREE 36. 48 CONTINUED: FENNA (terrified) Benjamin... And she slowly fades out of existence. 49 CLOSE ON SISKO As he looks in disbelief at the place where Fenna used to be. Hold on him, lost, confused, and alone, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 50 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Dax is checking with O'Brien, who has finished his final prep of the Prometheus before it departs on Seyetik's mission. O'BRIEN All right, Lieutenant. I've got the warp drive on the Prometheus purring like a kitten. It'll do nine point six in a pinch but I wouldn't take it any faster... DAX I thought the theoretical maximum for those engines was warp nine point five? O'BRIEN (understated pride) It was. 51 NEW ANGLE Seyetik sticks his head out of the Prometheus's airlock. SEYETIK Must I remind you, Lieutenant, that some of us only have one lifetime. DAX I'll be right there. 52 BACK TO SCENE O'Brien gives Dax an encouraging smile as Seyetik ducks back through the hatch. O'BRIEN Good luck, Lieutenant. O'Brien EXITS, passing... 53 SISKO who ENTERS the corridor. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FOUR 38. 53 CONTINUED: DAX Come to see us off, Benjamin. SISKO Not exactly. I'm going with you. After all, how often do you get to see a star reborn. Dax doesn't buy that explanation for a second. Not that Sisko was really trying to bluff her anyway. DAX You sure this is a good idea? SISKO (after a beat) I need answers, Dax. And the key to Fenna's disappearance could be on that ship. Sisko and Dax board the Prometheus. 54 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Prometheus heading toward its destination at warp. 55 INT. PROMETHEUS - BRIDGE The Prometheus is a science vessel with a small crew. A human Lt. Commander (PIERSALL) in charge, plus four N.D. Starfleet officers. Dax is working with Piersall at a console. PIERSALL Your chief of operations did some amazing things with our engines. We should reach Epsilon One-Nineteen well ahead of schedule. (a beat) Have you finished loading the proto- matter device into the shuttlepod? DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 55 CONTINUED: DAX All set. The containment field is holding up fine and the remote guidance systems are fully operational. Piersall nods in approval. 56 NEW ANGLE Sisko and Seyetik ENTER the bridge. SEYETIK (finishing a story) I'm telling you, Commander, by the time I was through with New Halana, it was a paradise. (a beat) How are we doing, Mister Piersall? PIERSALL We'll be initiating preliminary scans in a few hours. Seyetik seems somewhat melancholy. When he responds, it's with less enthusiasm than might be expected. SEYETIK Let me know when we get there. SISKO You must be eager to get started. What did you call this? Your crowning achievement. SEYETIK (somber) Don't remind me. (off Sisko's look) Commander, my whole life has been a series of escalating triumphs. It's what I live for... knowing that no matter what I achieve, there's always another challenge waiting for me. SISKO And now? SEYETIK Are you familiar with the Klingon poet G'trok? DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FOUR 39A. 56 CONTINUED: SISKO A little. "The Fall of Kang" is required reading at the Academy. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 56 CONTINUED: (2) SEYETIK (quoting) "So honor the valiant who die 'neath your sword... " SISKO (completing the quote) "But pity the warrior who slays all his foes." SEYETIK A little obvious perhaps, but true nonetheless. Seyetik shrugs off his black mood. SEYETIK (continuing) So what were we talking about? SISKO You. SEYETIK (brightening) Of course. My favorite subject. Where was I? SISKO (leading him on) You had just finished terraforming New Halana. SEYETIK Ah, yes. Well, you can imagine how grateful the Halanans were. There were endless parades and receptions. It got to be a bit of a bore actually. (a beat) But then, I met Nidell. She was the daughter of a local dignitary. She was utterly infatuated with me from the start. I can't say I blamed her. The first time she saw me, I was surrounded by a cheering crowd, unveiling a statue they'd commissioned in my honor. Seyetik smiles at the memory. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 56 CONTINUED: (3) SEYETIK (continuing) I could tell right away she was someone special. She'd never been offworld before she met me. I promised to show her the galaxy... I'd've given it to her if I could've. Hearing Seyetik rhapsodize over Nidell is not doing much for Sisko's spirits. SISKO She must love you very much. SEYETIK (reflective) She does, Commander. Don't ask me why. But she does. Sisko reacts. 57 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Prometheus enters orbit around Epsilon One-Nineteen, a cold, dissipated ember of a sun. 58 INT. PROMETHEUS - OUTSIDE SEYETIK'S QUARTERS Sisko reaches the door to Seyetik's Quarters. He stands there for moment, marshalling his resolve, then presses the chime. He waits a beat, then... NIDELL'S COM VOICE Yes. SISKO Nidell, it's Commander Sisko. Can I talk to you for a minute? NIDELL'S COM VOICE I'm sorry, Commander. I'm not feeling well at the moment. SISKO Is there anything I can do? DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 58 CONTINUED: NIDELL'S COM VOICE No, thank you. Maybe you could come back later? SISKO (disappointed) Of course. Sisko stands by the door for a moment longer, then walks away. 59 INT. PROMETHEUS - GUEST QUARTERS Sisko ENTERS his room, and is surprised to find... 60 FENNA Sitting on his bed, waiting for him. SISKO Fenna? FENNA (happy) Benjamin. I'm so glad to see you. She hugs him. Sisko is happy to see her, but this time he's determined to solve the mystery. SISKO (to com) Dax, report to my quarters immediately. DAX'S COM VOICE On my way. Fenna pulls back, confused by Sisko's dispassionate response. FENNA Benjamin... What's wrong? Sisko can't believe she's really here. SISKO The last time I saw you, you... vanished. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 60 CONTINUED: FENNA I'm with you now. And I'm never leaving you again. SISKO I wish I could believe that. FENNA You have to, Benjamin. 61 NEW ANGLE As Dax ENTERS and reacts to Fenna. She looks to Sisko for an explanation. SISKO Dax, this is Fenna. Dax, who's tuned in to the weirdness of this whole situation, takes out her tricorder and scans Fenna. FENNA (flinching away) What's she doing? SISKO (gently) It's all right. She's not going to hurt you. Sisko gives Dax a questioning look. DAX (re: the tricorder) I'm not reading any cellular structure, no DNA patterns, just... pure energy. FENNA Benjamin... what's she talking about? DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 61 CONTINUED: Sisko makes up his mind and gently takes hold of her hand. SISKO I think it's time we found out. Sisko leads Fenna out of the quarters... 62 INT. PROMETHEUS - OUTSIDE SEYETIK'S QUARTERS Sisko, Fenna and Dax arrive at the open door to Seyetik's quarters. They enter. 63 INT. PROMETHEUS - SEYETIK'S QUARTERS Seyetik is bent over the body of his wife, who is lying, collapsed on the floor. SEYETIK Help her. Sisko and Dax rush over. Fenna hangs back. SEYETIK (panicky) She won't wake up. Dax takes a quick reading with her tricorder. DAX She's in shock. Respiration is shallow. Heartbeat irregular and falling. Her blood pressure is dropping. (urgent) She's dying, Benjamin. SEYETIK (to Dax) You've got to do something. DAX I'm not sure I can. Seyetik looks desperately at Sisko and Dax... and finally notices... DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 64 FENNA Who is staring in shock at Nidell. 65 INCLUDE SEYETIK As he reacts to Fenna. SEYETIK (stunned) Fenna. I should have known. 66 ANGLE ON SISKO As he realizes that Seyetik recognizes Fenna. Which is the last thing he expected. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 46. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 67 INT. PROMETHEUS - SEYETIK'S QUARTERS (CONTINUOUS) As before. Seyetik looks accusingly at Fenna. SEYETIK (appalled) You can't be here. Nidell promised me you'd never come back. FENNA (flustered) I don't know what you're talking about. SEYETIK (re: Nidell) Just look at her. 68 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Fenna approaches Nidell's unconscious body and looks at her double in amazement. FENNA (stunned) She looks like me. SEYETIK Of course she looks like you. She is you. The real you. SISKO (to Seyetik) Professor, what the hell is going on here? SEYETIK (re: Fenna) That thing over there isn't real. She's an illusion, created by my wife's unconscious mind. FENNA That's not true... (looking for support) Benjamin, you know he's lying. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 47. 68 CONTINUED: Sisko places a protective arm around her, but he fears that Seyetik is telling the truth. SEYETIK (to Sisko) Nidell is a psychoprojective telepath. And Fenna is just another one of her projections. SISKO (looking for confirmation) Lieutenant? Dax continues analyzing Nidell with her tricorder. DAX I've never seen readings like these. Her occipital lobe is giving off enormous amounts of energy. I don't see how she can survive like this more than another hour or two. SEYETIK (frantic) She's dying. You have to help her. DAX There's nothing I can do. SISKO (taking control, to Dax) Take Fenna to my quarters. SEYETIK No. He lunges for Fenna, but Sisko holds him back. SISKO Get her out of here, Dax. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 68 CONTINUED: (2) FENNA (not wanting to be separated from Sisko) But, Benjamin, I want to stay with you... SISKO (gently) It'll be all right, Fenna. I just need to talk to Seyetik. Fenna hesitates, then allows Dax to lead her from the room. 69 OMITTED 70 ON SISKO AND SEYETIK After Dax and Fenna EXIT, Sisko takes a calming breath and releases Seyetik. SISKO Alright, Professor. If what you're saying is true, Nidell's psychoprojective abilities are killing her... and I need to know why. Seyetik slumps and suddenly he looks every bit his age. SEYETIK Nidell doesn't even know this is happening. During times of deep emotional distress... Halanans can lose control of these abilities. And I'm afraid my wife... is very emotionally distraught. (a beat) She's done this once before. Three years ago, on Terosa Prime. It almost killed her then. She swore to me it would never happen again. SISKO Obviously it has. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 70 CONTINUED: SEYETIK (regaining his panache) You may have noticed I invoke strong reactions from people, Commander. Especially my wives. They all start out loving me, but a few years of togetherness soon cures them of that. (a rueful smile) My other wives all had the sense to leave. SISKO Why can't Nidell? What keeps her with you. SEYETIK Halanans mate for life. She can never leave me, no matter how much she might want to. Seyetik looks away, unwilling to meet Sisko's eyes. And off Sisko's reaction... 71 OMITTED 72 INT. GUEST QUARTERS Sisko has just finished telling Fenna everything he learned from Seyetik. FENNA Benjamin, I've never seen Seyetik or that woman before. I don't know why he's saying those things about me... but they're lies. I'm as real as you are. Sisko hopes she can prove Seyetik wrong. SISKO I want to believe that. Just tell me where you came from... (as she hesitates) How you got to the station? He can see that she has no answer. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 72 CONTINUED: SISKO (reluctantly) Can you tell me a single memory of your life before we met on the Promenade? FENNA Benjamin... I'm so frightened. He holds her tenderly, but he knows what needs to be done. SISKO (gently) Nidell's dying. She only has a few hours left. FENNA If she dies... what happens to me? SISKO You can't exist without her. But you might be able to save her. Give her back the life she's given you. FENNA I don't know how. SISKO You can go back to her. I've seen you do it three times. FENNA (feeling the weight of her situation) But even if she lives, I'll die. And everything you and I have will die with me. Sisko knows this and it's killing him. SISKO Fenna, what we have is a dream. (a beat) I wouldn't trade it for anything... but it's still just a dream. Nidell's dream. FENNA And she won't remember any of it, will she? DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 50A. 72 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (infinite regret) There's no way to be sure. Fenna knows Sisko's right. She has to save Nidell. But that doesn't make the choice any easier. FENNA (she moves closer to him) I love you, Benjamin, and I always will. They kiss. It's a farewell kiss. Fondness mixed with the bittersweet knowledge of what might have been. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 72 CONTINUED: (3) DAX'S COM VOICE Commander, you'd better come to the bridge, right away. SISKO What is it, Dax? DAX'S COM VOICE It's Seyetik. He's launched the shuttlepod toward Epsilon One- Nineteen... And he's onboard. SISKO On my way. 73 OMITTED 74 INT. PROMETHEUS - BRIDGE Dax at a console. DAX (to Piersall) He's opening a channel. PIERSALL On screen. 75 ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Seyetik appears. He barely fits inside the tight, cramped interior of the shuttlepod, but he's brimming with his old self-confidence. We intercut as needed with the bridge of the Prometheus. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 52. SEYETIK (hits some controls) I hope this transmitter is working. I'd hate to go to all this trouble without an audience. PIERSALL Professor, what do you think you're doing? SEYETIK Making history. (a beat) You might want to record this. For posterity and all that. DAX He's about sixty seconds away from impact. 75A NEW ANGLE Sisko and Fenna ENTER. SISKO Seyetik, you don't have to do this. We found a way to save Nidell. SEYETIK I had the feeling you would, Commander. But this is the only way to truly set her free. I owe her that. (brightening) Besides, this will be my crowning achievement. Remember "The Fall of Kang." Well, you're looking at one warrior who refuses to be pitied. PIERSALL What's he talking about? SISKO Klingon poetry. DAX Thirty seconds until impact. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 52A. 75A CONTINUED: SISKO (to Seyetik) Professor, I want you to turn that shuttlepod around. That's an order. SEYETIK Too late, Commander. I've already entered the gravity well of the star. SISKO (to Piersall) Engage the tractor beam. PIERSALL He disabled it before he left. SEYETIK Commander, when this is over, you'll find a case with my personal belongings. There's something in there you need to find. SISKO What is it? SEYETIK My obituary. I wrote it myself. (a beat) After all, I couldn't trust such an important document to some stranger. Do me a favor and see to it that it's sent to the Daystrom Institute for publication. (beat) Which reminds me, I didn't get a chance to update it before I left. Let the record state "He sacrificed himself on the alter of science." DAX Ten seconds. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 75A CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I'll be sure they get it. SEYETIK I knew I could count on you. DAX Five seconds. (checks his instruments) Keep you eyes on the viewscreen, Commander. You'll never see anything like this again... (a devilish grin) Let there be light. 76 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) As we see the shuttlepod disappear into the dead sun. A beat and with a gigantic explosion, the sun flares into blinding new light. 77 INT. PROMETHEUS - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The new sun blazes forth on the Viewscreen, bathing the bridge in it's light. 78 CLOSE ON SISKO As he turns to Fenna. 79 CLOSE ON FENNA (OPTICAL) Who looks lovingly up at Sisko... a single tear sliding down her cheek... And she slowly fades away. 80 BACK TO SCENE Reactions from all. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 81 CLOSE ON SISKO As he says his silent goodbye. 82 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. The Prometheus is back in dock. SISKO (V.O.) Station log, supplemental. Epsilon One-Nineteen continues to burn brightly, a fitting memorial to a brilliant man. Meanwhile, I'm happy to report Nidell has made a complete recovery. 83 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL (THE NEXT DAY) Sisko is back at the viewport, contemplating the stars. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) Unfortunately, she has no memory of Fenna's experiences. NIDELL (O.S.) Benjamin... 84 NEW ANGLE Sisko turns to face Nidell. For a moment he can almost imagine it's Fenna, but he knows better. SISKO Nidell. How'd you know I was here? NIDELL Lieutenant Dax told me. He smiles. A beat. SISKO So... when does the Prometheus leave? NIDELL Soon. I just wanted to say goodbye... and thank you. Sisko acknowledges her thanks. There's an awkward silence. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 84 CONTINUED: NIDELL (with a slight smile) It'll be good to get home. SISKO How long do you plan to stay on New Halana? NIDELL For the rest of my life. I've been away too long as it is. Another awkward silence. NIDELL (continuing) I wish I could remember Fenna... what she did, how she felt... (a beat) But I can't. Sisko gives her a bittersweet smile. NIDELL (continuing) I'm sorry. SISKO That's all right. I can remember for both of us. She nods, accepting this and knowing it's his final gift to her. She starts to leave, then turns back with one last thought. NIDELL Tell me one thing... SISKO If I can. NIDELL What was she like? SISKO Fenna? She nods. He looks into her eyes one last time. SISKO She was just like you. DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 84 CONTINUED: (2) A beat, she acknowledges this with some sadness, and then turns and walks down the spiral staircase, disappearing from view around the final turn. 85 ON SISKO He watches her go, then turns back and looks for solace in the stars. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END