STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Invasive Procedures" #40512-424 Story by John Whelpley Teleplay by Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION July 29, 1993 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Invasive Procedures" CAST SISKO VERAD KIRA MAREEL ODO TIKAR QUARK YETO BASHIR DAX O'BRIEN Non-Speaking Non-Speaking STAR TREK: DS9 - "Invasive Procedures" - 08/06/93 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Invasive Procedures" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE AIRLOCK DOCKING BAY DOCKING BAY AIRLOCK DOCKING RING CORRIDOR HABITAT RING INFIRMARY OPS PROMENADE QUARK'S RUNABOUT AIRLOCK SURGERY STAR TREK: DS9 - "Invasive Procedures" - 08/03/93 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Invasive Procedures" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ANASTASIA ANN-a-STAY-zee-a ANDORIAN an-DOOR-ee-an BAJOR BAY-jor BAJORAN bah-JOR-an BOLE BOWL CARDASSIAN car-DASS-ee-en DELGORIAN dell-GOR-ee-an EKINA eh-KEY-nah KHEFKA KEF-kah KUSTANOIVCH koo-STAHN-oe-vich LATINUM IAT-i-num MAREEL muh-REEL ORINOCO OR-eh-NOE-koe PELIOS PELL-ee-ohs SENARIAN seh-NAIR-ee-an SYMBIONT SIM-bee-ont T'GLA TIG-la T'KAR tuh-KAR TOBIN TOE-bin VERAD ver-RAD YETO YEH-toe DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Invasive Procedures" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Energy discharges crackle off the station as DS-9 is buffeted by a plasma wave front. SISKO (V.O.) Station log, Stardate 47182.1. DS- Nine has been temporarily evacuated due to a violent plasma disruption in the Denorios Belt. Until the disturbance ends, we'll be forced to maintain the station with a skeleton crew. 2 INT. OPS KIRA and DAX are at their stations. Otherwise, Ops is deserted. SISKO ENTERS from his office. SISKO How are we holding up? KIRA So far, so good. I'll say one thing for the Cardassians, they built this place to last. DAX (playful) And just in case it doesn't, I've got the Orinoco prepped and ready at Pad "C." SISKO Any word from Chief O'Brien? DAX He and Odo checked in about an hour ago. They sealed off the airlocks in the upper and lower pylons and were moving on to the docking ring. SISKO (into com) Sisko to O'Brien. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE O'Brien here. SISKO What's your status, Chief? 3 INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR O'BRIEN is working on a panel... ODO's a little further down the corridor, looking around. (Intercut as needed with previous scene.) O'BRIEN (into com) Almost done, Commander. We've sealed all the airlocks on Levels Twenty- One, Twenty-Two and Twenty-Three, but we still have to check the outer bulkheads to make sure there hasn't been any crystallization from the plasma discharges... Shouldn't take much longer. SISKO'S COM VOICE I thought you might like to know... we received a message from Bajor just before the plasma storm cut off communications. The shuttle with your family aboard arrived safely. O'Brien wasn't expecting any trouble, but he's relieved anyway. O'BRIEN Yes, sir. Thank you. O'Brien out. While O'Brien has been talking to Sisko, Odo's been looking around at the far end of the corridor, near an airlock. ODO Did you hear that? O'BRIEN Hear what? Odo moves over to an airlock door. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: ODO I could've sworn I heard something. Odo hits the door control and the airlock opens revealing... O'BRIEN (reacts) Quark. 4 ANGLE ON QUARK Who stands up from where he's apparently been sitting inside the airlock. ODO (accusatory) What are you doing here? You're under strict orders from Sisko not to leave the bar. QUARK I'm not a prisoner, Odo. I volunteered to stay and help you protect the station. ODO The only reason you "volunteered" was because there wasn't any room on the evacuation shuttles for six hundred bars of gold-pressed latinum. (beat) Which still doesn't explain what you're doing out here in the docking ring. QUARK (with dignity) I was saying good-bye to my brother. ODO Your brother? His shuttle left three hours ago. QUARK (crushed) Funny, it's only been three hours... and I'm already lost without him... DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: ODO Oh, please. Don't try to tell me you've been sitting here all this time pining for Rom. QUARK I know, I know. He couldn't find a cup of water if you dropped him in a lake... but even if he is an idiot, he's still my brother... ODO And you'd betray him in a second if it suited your interests. QUARK But that doesn't mean I don't love him... (to O'Brien) Chief, do you have any brothers? O'BRIEN (not sure what Quark is getting at) As a matter of fact, I have two... QUARK And did you ever have to say good-bye to them? O'BRIEN Sure, when I joined Starfleet... QUARK And did it bring a tear to your eye? O'BRIEN (thinking back) I suppose it did. QUARK (triumphant, gestures to Odo) Well try explaining that to him. Quark walks off with wounded pride. O'Brien and Odo exchange a look, then follow him down the corridor. We stay behind, then move into... DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - TEASER 5. 5 INT. AIRLOCK Where Quark has hidden a strange-looking Ferengi device. A small red light on the mechanism flashes ominously. Hold on the light as we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 6 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The storm rages on. 7 INT. OPS Sisko, Kira, and Dax are at their stations. DAX (off sensors) The storm's intensity is up thirty- seven percent. KIRA Is there any way to tell how long it'll last? DAX Your guess is as good as mine. Plasma storms are extremely rare. (off Kira's frown) But look on the bright side, this gives us a great opportunity to study one. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT ONE 7. 7 CONTINUED: KIRA (mild sarcasm) Lucky us. 8 NEW ANGLE As BASHIR ENTERS from the Turbolift. BASHIR You should see the view from the Promenade. Simply amazing. SISKO I assume the Promenade is secure. BASHIR Yes sir. I've struck the sails and battened the hatches... so to speak. Dax's attention is brought back to her panel by a flashing alarm light. She studies it carefully. DAX Benjamin... (off reaction) You'd better look at this. Sisko joins Dax and checks her panel. DAX I'm detecting a small vessel headed this way at one quarter impulse. KIRA They're hailing us. SISKO On screen. Kira operates her panel. KIRA I can't get a visual. She patches the signal through audio only. The signal is distorted, with frequent dropouts. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT ONE 8. (Underlined words can be heard clearly, the rest is garbled.) VERAD (V.O.) (through static) ... cargo ship Ekina. We've been caught by the storm. Our engines have been severely damaged. We need emergency assistance. Can you read me? Repeat, this is the cargo ship Ekina... The static grows worse until it totally drowns Verad out. 9 OMITTED 10 BACK TO SCENE Kira tries in vain to regain the signal. KIRA I've lost it. SISKO Can you get a transporter lock on the crew? Kira tries, but it's no use. KIRA There's too much interference. SISKO Engage the tractor beam. Bring them into the closest docking bay. KIRA (operates controls) It's not working. The plasma storm is dispersing the beam. DAX Maybe if we modulate the frequency of the beam... Dax takes over the operation at her own panel. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT ONE 9. 10 CONTINUED: DAX (worried) I've got them. But I don't know how long I can hold on. SISKO Bring them into docking bay five. BASHIR There might be casualties. I'll get down to the Infirmary. SISKO (nods to Bashir; to com) Sisko to O'Brien. 11 INT. PROMENADE (Intercut as needed) The Promenade is empty. O'Brien is in foreground; Odo is in the background, talking to Quark. O'BRIEN O'Brien here. SISKO'S COM VOICE We've got some storm victims coming into docking bay five. They may be in need of assistance. O'BRIEN I'll have to release the emergency seals on the airlock before they can board the station. (beat) On my way. 12 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) A tractor beam holds a beat-up alien cargo ship. 13 INT. DOCKING BAY AIRLOCK Odo and O'Brien ENTER. The hatchway of an alien ship fills the far side of the airlock. O'Brien checks the ship's hull and locates an emergency hatch release. O'BRIEN Stand clear. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT ONE 10. 13 CONTINUED: Odo moves back a little and O'Brien opens the door. Smoke pours out of the hatchway and a woman staggers into the airlock. The woman, MAREEL, is a tall humanoid alien, attractive yet capable-looking. She coughs spasmodically from the smoke. O'BRIEN (concerned) Are you all right? Is anyone hurt? While O'Brien is distracted by Mareel, a grizzled Klingon mercenary, T'KAR, emerges from the smoking hatchway and aims a disruptor at O'Brien's head. T'KAR Not yet. Mareel stops coughing and points a phaser at Odo. O'BRIEN What the hell do you think you're doing? T'KAR (gestures toward the airlock door) No questions. Into the corridor. T'Kar shoves O'Brien through the airlock. 14 INT. DOCKING BAY O'Brien and Odo ENTER the docking bay, followed by Mareel, T'Kar and two other gunmen. One of the gunmen, YETO, is also Klingon, younger and less battle-scarred looking than the first. His eagerness and excitability make for a sharp contrast to T'Kar's professionalism. The other, VERAD (seen earlier on viewscreen), is slight and nervous looking. Leopard-like spots on the side of his head identify him as a Trill. Like Mareel, he is equipped with Federation equipment. He carries a strange high-tech box under one arm. O'BRIEN This is a fine way of showing your gratitude. We just saved your lives out there. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT ONE 11. 14 CONTINUED: T'KAR (to Yeto) You see? The ever-helpful Federation. So predictable. O'BRIEN Listen here, friend... in case you haven't heard, the Federation and the Klingon Empire are allies now. T'KAR (spits) The Empire is governed by doddering fools and frightened old women who aren't worthy of the name Klingon. (to the woman) Mareel, the combadges. Mareel takes Odo and O'Brien's combadges and tosses them to T'Kar. T'Kar puts on O'Brien's badge and hands Odo's to Verad. Mareel gives Odo the once over. MAREEL (re: Odo) This one must be the shape-shifter. Yeto gives Verad a little shove. YETO (impatient) Go on, what are you waiting for? Verad, who has been hanging back, comes forward and places the high tech box at Odo's feet. O'BRIEN (to Verad, surprised) You're a Trill. Verad avoids O'Brien's gaze and, shielding his work with his hand, types a code into a panel on the side of the box. The box unfolds like a flower. T'KAR (re: the box) Inside. ODO (outraged) And what if I refuse? DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT ONE 12. 14 CONTINUED: (2) VERAD (jumpy) Please. Do as he says and no one will get hurt. Odo studies Verad carefully. He is middle-aged, a little out of shape... nervous... and very, very scared. Verad averts his eyes. Whenever Verad talks, he avoids making eye contact. T'KAR Now, shifter. (re: O'Brien) Or this one dies. 15 ON ODO (OPTICAL) Odo gives T'Kar an icy stare, clearly not intimidated, then MORPHS into liquid and pours himself inside the box. 16 BACK TO SCENE Verad retreats fearfully from the liquid-filled box. Seeing that Verad will no longer approach it, Yeto snorts in disgust and taps the panel. The box seals itself shut. T'Kar prods O'Brien with the muzzle of his disruptor. T'KAR Let's go... (sarcastically) Ally. 17 INT. SURGERY Bashir's readying the Surgery Area for business when O'Brien steps into his peripheral vision. BASHIR Were there any casualties? Bashir turns and sees the four intruders. T'Kar has O'Brien at gunpoint. T'KAR That depends on you. Yeto gestures with his disruptor for Bashir to raise his hands, while Mareel tears Bashir's combadge off his uniform and tosses it to Yeto, who puts it on. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT ONE 13. 17 CONTINUED: T'KAR Yeto, get the Ferengi. Yeto leaves. BASHIR (with an edge) You mind telling me what this is all about? T'Kar shoves his disruptor into Bashir's face. T'KAR Any more questions? VERAD (alarmed) Don't hurt him. T'Kar glares at the Trill with disgust. T'KAR Mareel, the box. Mareel comes forward with the box. T'KAR (to Bashir) Put it in your stasis chamber. Bashir hesitates. T'Kar aims his disruptor at the box. T'KAR Now. Or I will destroy it. BASHIR (doesn't get it) Is that supposed to be some kind of threat? O'BRIEN They've got Odo in there. BASHIR (registers surprise) I see... In that case... Bashir opens a small stasis chamber used for storing samples. He places the box containing Odo inside and seals the chamber. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT ONE 14. 18 INT. OPS Sisko, Dax and Kira are gathered around Dax's station. They look worried. DAX I'm still not getting a response from O'Brien or Odo. SISKO Run a level three security scan. T'KAR (O.S.) Don't bother. Sisko and the other look up to find T'Kar, Verad and Mareel at one of the entrances to Ops. Their weapons are out and they're using Bashir and O'Brien as human shields. VERAD (extremely nervous) Please... take your hands away from the controls. Sisko, Dax, and Kira react in surprise, but keep their hands where they are. 19 CLOSE ON T'KAR (OPTICAL) As he fires his disruptor into the air. T'KAR Now. (gestures with his disruptor) To the center of the room. Kira and Dax look to Sisko. Sisko weighs the situation, then... SISKO (reluctantly) Do as he says. 20 CLOSE ON VERAD AND MAREEL As Sisko, Dax and Kira move down to the Ops table, Mareel takes Verad's free hand and gives it a loving squeeze. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT ONE 15. 20 CONTINUED: MAREEL Don't worry, Verad. Everything's going to be all right. Mareel removes the combadges from Sisko, Dax and Kira and equips herself with one. 21 BACK TO SCENE T'Kar gives O'Brien a shove. T'KAR Get with the others. O'Brien gives T'Kar a defiant look, then he and Bashir join the others. T'KAR (to Verad) Your turn, little man. Mareel and Verad immediately move to the consoles and begin operating the controls. VERAD (to Mareel) Don't forget to disable the backups as well as the primary systems. Verad and Mareel work the controls as if they've carefully rehearsed ever step. 22 ANGLE ON SISKO AND THE OTHER CREWMEMBERS As they watch Verad and Mareel shut down the station's controls... O'Brien talks quietly, bringing the others up to speed. O'BRIEN It's my fault, Commander. They took us by surprise. Somehow, they must have neutralized the security systems in the docking ring. SISKO And how did they manage that? DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT ONE 15A. 22 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I'm not sure. (a beat) But I've got a pretty good idea. We ran across Quark in an airlock a little while ago. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT ONE 16. 22 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA When this is over, Quark and I are going to have a little "talk." 23 ANGLE ON SISKO He notices that Dax's eyes are locked on Verad. SISKO (off her stare) Do you know him? Dax shakes her head. She looks a little worried. She suspects she knows why Verad is there, but she still doesn't want to admit it, even to herself. 24 INT. QUARK'S Quark's placing small vials of liquid into a padded case. He picks one up and holds it up to the light. He's just about to put it into his pocket, when he notices... Yeto looming in the doorway. Quark's a little nervous. It's never easy doing business with Klingons. They tend to be unpredictable. QUARK (walking on eggshells) Ah, Yeto... It's such a pleasure doing business with Klingons. You're so... punctual. Quark notices the vial in his hand and slips it into the case. QUARK (continuing) I see that your ship was "rescued" according to plan. I've got your merchandise right here... but I don't see any latinum. YETO (shakes his head in disgust) You Ferengi... you think you're so clever... but you're stupid. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT ONE 17. 24 CONTINUED: QUARK Now, now. There's no need for name calling. If you don't want these liquid data chains, I'm sure I can line up dozens of other buyers. YETO Go right ahead. Quark is taken aback at first, but then decides this is just a typically heavy-handed Klingon negotiation ploy. QUARK (chiding) Yeto... this is no time to haggle for a better deal. Where else are you going to get data chains of this quality for such a reasonable price? YETO You can keep your data chains... QUARK Don't be ridiculous... You expect me to believe you've come all this way, braved the storm, just to tell me the deal is off? Yeto aims his disruptor at Quark. YETO (contemptuous) Stupid Ferengi. And as Quark quakes in his boots... 25 INT. OPS Verad and Mareel complete their work, while Sisko approaches T'Kar. The Klingon raises his disruptor. T'KAR I said no one moves. SISKO (not backing down) I'm the commander of this station. What's your business here? DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT ONE 17A. 25 CONTINUED: T'KAR You'll have to ask my employer. To everyone's surprise, T'Kar looks at Verad. 26 ANGLE ON VERAD Mareel joins him and stands protectively by his side. Verad is jumpy and extremely agitated. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT ONE 18. 26 CONTINUED: VERAD I... I'm sorry about this. If everyone would just cooperate, I promise this will all be over soon. SISKO What will be over soon? 27 ANGLE ON THE TURBOLIFT Yeto and Quark ENTER Ops. Yeto shoves Quark out of the lift. QUARK This is an outrage. I demand that you release me at once. YETO Enough of your whining. 28 NEW ANGLE Yeto pushes Quark into Kira and O'Brien. QUARK Who are these people? What do they want with us? Kira grabs Quark by the lapels. KIRA Funny, I was just about to ask you that. Quark pulls away from her. Kira goes after him. Quark retreats, accidently bumping into Mareel, who pushes him away and raises her phaser. MAREEL That's enough. Sisko approaches Verad. SISKO (to Verad) I agree. Now tell me what you want here. Verad averts his eyes, trying not to meet Sisko's gaze. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT ONE 19. 28 CONTINUED: VERAD (softly) Dax. (stronger) I want Dax. Sisko glances at Dax. She looks like she was half expecting this. SISKO (protectively) She's not going anywhere with you. Verad tries to look at Dax but can't bring himself to do it. VERAD No, no. I... I don't want the girl. I only want what is rightfully mine... what should have been mine years ago. I want Dax. 29 ANGLE ON DAX The only person who really understands what is going on here. She's resigned. This is just what she was afraid of. DAX The symbiont, Benjamin. He's come to steal my symbiont. And on reactions, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 30 INT. OPS (CONTINUOUS) The crew reacts to the declaration that Verad has come to take Dax's symbiont. Sisko hides his anger behind a calculated calmness. O'Brien, Kira and Quark are stunned. Bashir is outraged. BASHIR (to Verad) You can't remove Jadzia's symbiont. If you do, she'll die. SISKO (calm) He knows that, Doctor. VERAD I'm sorry. Please believe me, I wish I didn't have to do this. SISKO Then don't. When Verad becomes upset his nervousness gets even worse. VERAD I don't have any choice. I spent my whole life trying to qualify for the joining. I studied constantly... every day... every waking hour... (beat) I sacrificed everything... And then I went before the Symbiosis Evaluation Board... and they reduced my entire life to one word... "Unsuitable... " DAX (almost sympathetic) That's nothing to be ashamed of. Neither of my parents or my sister underwent symbiosis. And they lead happy and productive lives. Only one Trill in ten is chosen to be joined. VERAD That's easy for you to say. They chose you. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT TWO 21. 30 CONTINUED: DAX I was one of the lucky ones. MAREEL And now it's Verad's turn to be lucky. KIRA But why Dax? There are thousands of symbionts on Trill. Why her? VERAD (defensive) I did research... I worked it all out... The Dax symbiont is the best match for me. We have mutual interests in science... diplomacy... SISKO There's another reason, isn't there? Verad looks surprised at his question, but doesn't answer. SISKO The wormhole. (a beat) Once you've stolen the symbiont, you plan on escaping into the Gamma Quadrant, don't you? MAREEL Can you think of a better place to start a new life? DAX (to Verad) I understand your frustration... But there could be dozens of reasons why the Board didn't select you for symbiosis. They have to be very careful. An improper joining can cause permanent psychological damage... to both the symbiont and the host. They were just looking after your best interests. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT TWO 22. 30 CONTINUED: (2) VERAD Your best interests, maybe... but not mine. All they've done is condemn me to a life of mediocrity... Well, I refuse to accept it. I won't spend the rest of my life dreaming about what I could have been... what I should have been. I deserve more. And I'm going to get it. MAREEL (to the Klingons) Yeto, T'Kar. It's time. Mareel grabs Dax and roughly pulls her away from the others. Yeto takes Bashir's arm, but Bashir pulls himself free. BASHIR I'll have no part in this. VERAD I... I understand. 31 ON VERAD (OPTICAL) Verad appears to deflate, but then he turns and fires his phaser at O'Brien, hitting him in the shoulder. Sisko goes to check on O'Brien. Bashir tries to follow. VERAD Keep away from him. Verad menaces O'Brien with his phaser, forcing everyone to retreat. VERAD (to Bashir) There. You see? I've taken the first step. Even if I don't get what I want, my life is over. So either you help me... or you and your friends will die. It's your choice. 32 ON DAX As she appears to come to a decision. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT TWO 23. DAX He'll help. (to Bashir) I don't want anyone else hurt because of me. (to Verad) But you have to give me your word that no one else on the station will be harmed. VERAD I promise. (turns to Bashir) Doctor. 33 BACK TO SCENE Bashir still hesitates. DAX Do as he says, Julian. Please. This is an incredibly hard decision for Bashir... maybe the most difficult in his life, but finally... BASHIR Let me treat Chief O'Brien's phaser wound first. (sees Verad's reluctance) It won't take long. Verad nods his permission. BASHIR (to T'Kar) There's an emergency medical kit under that console. T'Kar looks under the console and takes out a small case. He opens it and checks the contents, then hands it to Bashir. Bashir takes a tricorder from the case and scans O'Brien's wounded shoulder. BASHIR Hold still. Bashir takes out another instrument and plays it over the wound. The damage disappears (off camera). BASHIR There. There should be no permanent damage. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT TWO 23A. 33 CONTINUED: Bashir gives the instrument to Kira. BASHIR Apply this every twenty minutes or so. It'll help the wound regenerate. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT TWO 24. 33 CONTINUED:(2) T'KAR Enough stalling. (to Yeto) Take them to the Infirmary. Bashir looks like he still won't cooperate. SISKO (quietly) Do as he says, Doctor. This is no time to be a hero. Bashir goes with them. 34 NEW ANGLE Dax hangs back, lingering near Sisko and Kira for a second. KIRA This isn't over, Dax. I promise you that. Dax smiles slightly, letting Kira know she appreciates her support, then turns to Sisko. SISKO Dax... DAX (anticipating what he's going to say) I know, Benjamin... you'll do all you can. But just in case it isn't enough, I want you to know... (beat, searches for the words, smiles) It's been fun. Sisko nods, too torn with emotion to respond. Dax allows Yeto to lead her out of the room. Bashir follows her, as does Verad. Mareel stops Verad as he heads for the door and kisses him softly on the forehead. MAREEL Good luck. VERAD (proudly) It won't be long now. And then you'll see. Everything will be just as I promised. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT TWO 24A. MAREEL I know. They share a moment together and then Verad EXITS. Mareel exchanges a silent look with T'Kar and the two of them take up firing positions to cover Sisko and the others. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT TWO 25. 35 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Plasma bolts flash around the station as the storm continues. 36 INT. SURGERY Bashir prepares the instruments necessary for the surgery. Dax and Verad are lying on operating tables, with Starfleet surgical platforms covering their abdomens. Bashir brings a small device over to Verad and starts to place it on his forehead. Verad stops him. Verad's sudden movement puts Yeto on alert. VERAD (panicky) What's that? BASHIR It's a delta wave inducer. It will keep you asleep through the surgery. It also increases your body's natural endorphin production to help accelerate the healing process. Bashir starts to place the device on Verad, but the Trill stops him again. VERAD I don't want it. BASHIR I strongly advise that you use it... the surgery will be much easier on you if you... VERAD (cuts him off) I don't need your advice. I want to be awake. Use a neuro-electrical suppressor. And set up a monitor so I can watch the procedure. That way, if you run into any "trouble," I'll be able to assist you. (beat) Now let's get started. BASHIR And if I refuse. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT TWO 26. 36 CONTINUED: Verad activates his stolen combadge. VERAD (to com) Verad to Mareel. 37 INT. OPS Mareel answers her communicator. (Intercut as necessary) MAREEL (to com) Is there a problem? 38 INT. SURGERY As before. (Intercut as necessary) VERAD (to com) That's up to the doctor. (to Bashir) Will you cooperate? Or do I tell Mareel to shoot the hostages? Who should she start with... The Bajoran... or maybe your commander... BASHIR (defeated) No. That won't be necessary. VERAD Good. No more games. If I don't survive this, neither will they. (to com) Did you hear that, Mareel? MAREEL'S COM VOICE I heard. Mareel out. VERAD (to Bashir) Now, Doctor... Crestfallen, Bashir takes the delta wave inducer and brings it to Dax. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT TWO 27. 38 CONTINUED: BASHIR I'm sorry, Jadzia. DAX Don't blame yourself, Julian. You did all you could. BASHIR (at a loss for words) I... (re: the wave inducer) This will help you sleep. DAX Thank you. This whole situation is killing Bashir. He reluctantly puts the inducer on Dax's forehead and she slowly slips into unconsciousness. BASHIR (whispers) Forgive me... 39 INT. OPS T'Kar and Mareel keep watch over the hostages... Quark sits by himself, looking dejected, playing with a latinum coin... Sisko, Kira and O'Brien are seated on the other side of the room, talking quietly among themselves. KIRA (whispering) How long can Jadzia survive without the symbiont? SISKO Once the symbiont's removed, the host usually dies within hours. But Jadzia's young and healthy... Bashir will do all he can... (beat) She'll make it through the night. O'BRIEN That still doesn't give us much time... T'KAR No talking. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT TWO 28. 39 CONTINUED: T'Kar brutally kicks O'Brien in his wounded shoulder. O'Brien goes down. Sisko charges T'Kar. They struggle. 40 NEW ANGLE Mareel goes to help the Klingon, but Kira intercepts her. They fight and to Kira's and the audiences surprise, Mareel cleans Kira's clock, using some kind of intricate martial arts maneuver to put her out of commission. 41 ANGLE ON SISKO AND T'KAR Sisko is getting the best of the Klingon when Mareel places her phaser barrel against Sisko's back. MAREEL I don't want to kill you, Commander... but I will. Sisko reluctantly lets go of T'Kar, and walks away. T'Kar lets out a Klingon growl and starts to go for Sisko, but Mareel stops him. MAREEL (to T'Kar) You had your chance. T'Kar backs off while Sisko helps Kira to her feet. 42 INT. SURGERY Bashir removes the symbiont from Dax. As we saw in "The Emissary," the symbiont is connected to Dax by an umbilical- like cord. Bashir takes a surgical tool and brings it up to the cord... and pauses. This is the hardest thing he's ever had to do... his face is pained... but finally, he cuts the cord. 43 NEW ANGLE As Bashir takes the symbiont and places it on Verad's abdomen. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT TWO 29. 44 CLOSE ON VERAD Verad's face is filled with ecstatic enlightenment as the symboint burrows into him and he is flooded with knowledge... peace... and wisdom. 44A INT. OPS (FORMERLY SCENE 51) The mood is grim. Sisko tends to O'Brien under the watchful eye of T'Kar. Mareel's across the room, lost in her own thoughts. No one's talking much. 44B INCLUDE QUARK AND KIRA (FORMERLY SCENE 52) Sitting off to one side. Quark absentmindedly plays with his latinum coin, flipping it into the air, spinning it on the deck, walking it over his knuckles, just killing time. Finally, he can't take it anymore. QUARK (harsh whisper) This is ridiculous. Don't you realize they're going to kill us? What are you people sitting around for? Do something. KIRA (quietly) Do you have any suggestions? Kira's never exactly full of warmth toward Quark, but now she's even colder to him that usual. QUARK Why should I have any suggestions? I'm not the military mastermind. I'm just a victim of circumstances. KIRA A victim? Really? Then maybe you'd like to tell me how four armed terrorists got past the docking ring security grid. QUARK Security grid? I don't know what you're talking... KIRA (cold burn) Save it, Quark. You've crossed the line this time. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT TWO 29A. 44B CONTINUED: KIRA You sold us out, and Dax may die because of it. Whatever happens next, one thing's certain... You're through here. Kira walks away from Quark, leaving him alone. Quark watches her go, then looks at his latinum coin, turning it over an over again in his fingers, lost in thought. 45 NEW ANGLE Kira rubs her rib cage, grimacing at the pain. Mareel looks at her with mild concern. MAREEL Are you all right? KIRA I'll live. MAREEL Don't try that again. I don't want to have to hurt anyone. KIRA Tell that to Jadzia. Mareel is stung. MAREEL (defensive) That's different. KIRA (sarcastic) Do you really believe that? MAREEL You heard Verad. They didn't leave him any other choice. KIRA (skeptical) That's his reason. What's yours? MAREEL I owe him. I grew up on the streets of Khefka Four. I never would've made it out of there without Verad. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT TWO 29B. 45 CONTINUED: SISKO What was he doing on Khefka Four? MAREEL He was the communications clerk for the Federation consulate. He used to come by the accommodation house where I worked. I'd help him relax. When he got recalled to Trill, he asked me to go with him... we've been together ever since. KIRA So that's it... He got you out of a bad situation and now you're willing to kill for him? DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT TWO 30. 45 CONTINUED: (2) MAREEL He's an unhappy man. And if there's anything I can do to make him happy, I'll do it. Sisko sees an opportunity, but plays it cool. SISKO (almost a throwaway) Even if it means losing him? MAREEL Losing him? SISKO After the surgery, Verad won't be just Verad anymore... He'll be a blending of Verad, Dax, and all the previous hosts. Their memories, their knowledge... even their personalities. Mareel shakes her head in dismissal. MAREEL Verad told me you'd say things like that. (a beat) I know he'll change... he'll be smarter, more confident... but in all the important ways, he'll be the same. SISKO I'm sorry, but if he told you that, he's lying. When a Trill is joined, it's like a rebirth. He'll be an entirely different person. MAREEL If you think I'm going to betray Verad, you're wrong. It doesn't matter what you say. I love him... and I'm going to stand by him... no matter what. VERAD (O.S.) (quietly) I never doubted it. Mareel turns around and sees Verad, who entered while she was speaking. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT TWO 31. 45 CONTINUED: (3) MAREEL (happy to see him) Verad. She embraces him. He holds her for a moment, then moves her gently away. 46 CLOSE ON VERAD A changed man. The differences are undeniable. There's a look of confident serenity on his face. He stands taller, carries himself better. The nervousness is gone and when he speaks, he now looks people straight in the eye. VERAD (gently) No. Not just Verad. (beat) I'm Verad Dax. 47 ANGLE ON SISKO AND KIRA Hold for a beat as they react to the new Verad, and Sisko ponders what to do next, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT THREE 32. ACT THREE FADE IN: 48 INT. SURGERY While Yeto stands guard, Bashir tries feverishly to save Dax. She's on the 24th century version of complete life support, and all the indicator lights on the equipment are in the red. From Bashir's expression, it's easy to tell that Dax is in serious danger. Bashir runs a dermal regenerator over Dax's wounded abdomen. It doesn't seem to be helping. BASHIR (to Yeto, indicating the device) Take this. Yeto looks at Bashir in disbelief. BASHIR (with authority) Come on, we haven't got much time. Just move it back and forth over the wound in slow even strokes. Bashir continues to operate the instrument himself, demonstrating it. YETO Why bother? She'll be dead in a few hours anyway. BASHIR (firm) Not if I have anything to do with it. Now help me. YETO (dismissive) Why should I? She let herself be slaughtered like a mindless t'gla. If she wanted to live, she should have fought back. BASHIR She did what she did to save the rest of us. YETO Then she's a fool and deserves her fate. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT THREE 33. BASHIR (ticked) Now listen here, Yeto, or whatever your name is... I don't care about your warrior ethic, or your Klingon philosophy. This woman's dying and you're going to help me save her. Now take the instrument. Yeto is impressed, but he tries not to let it show. YETO (smiles) So the little human's got some spark after all. He takes the instrument and operates it sloppily while Bashir prepares a hypospray. Bashir notices his poor technique. BASHIR I said smooth, even strokes. Yeto grumbles, but he tries a little harder and evens out his stroke. Bashir finishes preparing the hypo. He injects Dax and checks... 48A THE MONITOR (VPB) The indicator lights are still in the red. BASHIR (waiting for the hypo to take effect) Come on... come on... As the medication takes hold, some of the indicators slip down into the yellow, but most stay red. 49 CLOSE ON DAX As her eyelids slowly flutter open. Her expression is pained, confused. She finally focuses on Bashir. DAX (very weak) Julian... BASHIR Thank God, I thought I'd lost you. DAX The symbiont... it's gone... DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT THREE 34. 49 CONTINUED: BASHIR (bitterly) Everything went perfectly. The operation was a complete success... DAX I feel so... alone... Without the symbiont, Dax is somehow softer, more vulnerable. Bashir's obviously devastated by what has happened. BASHIR (trying to keep both their spirits up) I... I've got you stabilized. If we can just get the symbiont back in time... DAX Julian... I'm scared. Dax closes her eyes. She's slowly losing consciousness. BASHIR You're not going to die. Do you hear me? I won't let you die. DAX (as she drifts off) I've never felt... so empty... Dax falls asleep. Bashir holds her hand tightly as the lights on the monitor hover in the red. 50 INT. OPS The tension in the room is still strong. Kira and O'Brien talk quietly while T'Kar and Mareel cover them with their weapons. Quark sits apart from the others, looking depressed, playing with his coin. Sisko, having formulated a plan of action, approaches Verad. SISKO Dax? VERAD (with his newfound strength) That's right, Benjamin... It's me... DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT THREE 35. 50 CONTINUED: SISKO Curzon, Tobin, Jadzia... all the others... they're part of you now. Sisko's open, nonthreatening, almost admiring of the change in Verad. But underneath, he's calculating his every move. VERAD (nods) It's amazing. So many ideas... so many memories... SISKO (seductive) Eight lifetimes of memories. It must be incredible. VERAD (looking Sisko in the eye) It's better than I ever imagined. SISKO This station must look entirely different to you. VERAD (looks around) It does. I... (thoughtfully) I know this place. (looks at Sisko and smiles) And I know you... Benjamin. And, on some level, he also knows Sisko's up to something. But he wants it so bad, Verad can't help going along. SISKO Of course you do. Remember when we first met... VERAD (remembering) Pelios Station. SISKO Anastasia? Verad smiles fondly at the memory. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT THREE 36. 50 CONTINUED: (2) VERAD (playing top-that- memory) And that trip we took to the cliffs of Bole. SISKO (getting into it) And all the months we served aboard the Livingston? VERAD (laughing) Science officer Kustanovich. What was it... eight helpings of Andorian Redbat? Mareel and the others are listening, but by now they're totally lost. SISKO I've never seen anybody eat like that. (the best of times) Remember my wedding? VERAD I remember your bachelor party. Some of it, anyway. SISKO (looking to top that) And the time we discovered the wormhole? VERAD (uncomfortable) One of Jadzia's proudest moments. SISKO (simply) And now that woman is bleeding to death in the Infirmary. For the first time, Verad Dax can't look Sisko in the eye. VERAD (soft) I'd rather not discuss that, Benjamin. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT THREE 37. 50 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO (lightly) You have to discuss it, Dax. You know as well as I do that we can't let her die. VERAD But she's not going to die. She'll live on, in me. SISKO Jadzia's memories will live on. But Jadzia herself will die. You'll have killed her. VERAD (remorseful) You think I don't know that. I'll never be able to forget it. (beat) But I promise you, Benjamin... I'll do all I can to make up for it. I'm not going to the Gamma Quadrant to hide. There're entire worlds which can benefit from my knowledge and experience. I can help them... and I will. SISKO I've got a better idea. (strong) Help Jadzia. Come down to the Infirmary with me. Put the symbiont back where it belongs. Verad considers it for a beat. Mareel watches him with concern. Finally... VERAD I can't do that, Benjamin... even if I wanted to. Don't you see... it's too late. The integration is already under way. SISKO But there's still time to stop it. Jadzia's life can still be saved. Mareel interrupts before Verad can answer. MAREEL (to Verad) Don't listen to him. He's just trying to confuse you. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT THREE 38. 50 CONTINUED: (4) VERAD It's all right, Mareel. (to Sisko, conciliatory) Benjamin, the symbiont's still weak from the operation. If we attempt another joining so soon, it might not survive. Are you willing to risk that? SISKO I am. The question is... are you? Mareel approaches Verad, trying to draw his attention away from Sisko. MAREEL Why are you wasting your time with him? VERAD (snaps at her) Because he's my friend. Now go watch the others. Mareel steps aside, but you can tell from her surprised expression that Verad has never, ever spoken to her like this before. Sisko sees it, too. VERAD (ignoring her, to Sisko) We are still friends, aren't we Benjamin? SISKO I hope so. Come down to the Infirmary with me and prove it. Part of Verad wants to say yes, but he hold himself back. VERAD (guiltily) I can't do that. SISKO Then you're not the Dax I know. And our friendship's over. Sisko walks away. Hold on Verad, standing by himself, isolated and feeling guilty as charged. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 51 INT. OPS Tensions are high. T'Kar watches over Sisko, Kira, and O'Brien. O'Brien still doesn't look too good. Verad's in the Commander's Office, working. Quark sits alone, still playing with his latinum coin. 52 INCLUDE MAREEL Who takes a bowl of steaming liquid out of the replicator, and brings it to O'Brien. MAREEL Here, drink this. 51B NEW ANGLE O'Brien takes the bowl and looks skeptically at the contents. O'BRIEN What is it? MAREEL Senarian Egg Broth. It'll keep your strength up. O'Brien still hesitates. MAREEL (shrugs) All right, don't drink it. It makes no difference to me. She reaches out for the bowl. O'BRIEN Hold on. He sniffs it, then takes a sip. O'BRIEN (reacts) Not bad. Thanks. She nods, but she's preoccupied. She looks over to the Commander's Office, where Verad sits, brooding. Sisko notices and approaches. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT FOUR 39A. 51B CONTINUED: SISKO (reading her mind) He even looks different, doesn't he? (off her reaction) The way he stands, the way he moves... talks... MAREEL He's better than he was. SISKO I'm glad you think so. MAREEL I do. SISKO Really? The way he dismissed you before... I'm sure Verad never did that. MAREEL He's under a lot of stress. SISKO (shrugging) Verad was under stress from the minute he stepped onto this station. But he never turned on you... did he? MAREEL (temper flaring) What's your point, Commander? SISKO I think you know. MAREEL You're trying to turn me against Verad. SISKO Verad no longer exists. You know that better than I do. MAREEL All right then, Verad Dax. But it won't work. (re: Verad) Nothing's changed between us. SISKO You really believe that? DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT FOUR 39B. 51B CONTINUED: (2) Mareel hesitates and looks up at the Commander's Office. MAREEL Yes. SISKO (a beat, smiling) Then make me believe it. (off her look) Go in there and talk to him. MAREEL Talk to him... About what? SISKO I don't know... whatever you want. You must have a lot to say to one another. A beat. Mareel can't make herself climb the stairs to the office. MAREEL I don't want to disturb him. SISKO Why not? MAREEL (with an edge) Because I don't want to. SISKO (with a gentle urgency) But look at him... sitting there... all alone. He needs you. Mareel moves away. MAREEL (fed up) That's enough. Sisko follows after her. SISKO Why are you being so reluctant? This is a perfect time for the two of you to get reaquainted. Mareel turns and points her phaser at Sisko. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 51B CONTINUED: (3) MAREEL (loudly) I said... that's enough. VERAD (V.O.) Mareel. They turn to see Verad standing on the balcony outside the Commander's Office. VERAD Is anything wrong? Mareel hesitates. VERAD (impatient) Well? Mareel looks at Sisko, blaming him. MAREEL (to Verad) No. Everything's fine. VERAD (stern) Good. (then softening) Be careful. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. She smiles at him, but he's already turned and walked back into the office. 52 ANGLE ON QUARK Who watches Verad return to the Commander's Office, thoughtfully fingering his latinum coin. He looks over to... 53 T'KAR Keeping an eye on Kira, Sisko, and O'Brien. Suddenly, a metal on metal sound catches T'Kar's attention. He looks down. 54 CLOSE ON QUARK'S COIN Rolling slowly across the deck. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT FOUR 40A. 55 RETURN TO SCENE T'Kar watches the coin, puzzled... and Quark jumps him. QUARK I got him. Quark leaps onto T'kar's back and scrambles to get a lock around the Klingon's windpipe. 55A NEW ANGLE Sisko and Kira move to help him, but Mareel alertly aims her phaser at them. MAREEL Stay back. 55B ON T'KAR Who's almost amused as the Ferengi futilely attempts to strangle him. Quark realizes this was a very bad idea. QUARK Maybe we should talk about this? Without a word, T'Kar hurls Quark into the Ops table. 56 CLOSE ON QUARK As he curls up in pain, holding onto... QUARK (groaning) My ear... 56A BACK TO SCENE Verad emerges from the office to see what's going on. Quark clutches his ear and moans in pain. He's clearly very badly hurt. T'KAR Pathetic. Quark continues to moan pitifully. VERAD (bigger fish to fry) Mareel... take him to the Infirmary. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 08/06/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 56A CONTINUED: Mareel reluctantly complies. 57 INT. SURGERY Quark sits in a chair, moaning in pain. Dax's unconscious body can be see in the background, surrounded by the 24th century equivalent of full life support. Mareel and Yeto escort a reluctant Bashir away from Dax. BASHIR (his mind's still on Dax) What is it now? QUARK (holding his ear) Please, it hurts... BASHIR (exasperated) All right. Just hold on. Bashir grabs his medical tricorder and scans Quark's ear. BASHIR (confused) The damage appears to be fairly superficial. 58 ANGLE ON BASHIR Bashir looks thoughtful. Clearly something's not right here. Quark makes eye contact with him. Bashir clues in and quickly covers up. BASHIR Ferengi ears are incredibly sensitive. I'd better run some further tests. Bashir looks up to see if Mareel has caught on to Quark's game, but she's lost in thought. 59 INT. OPS On Verad at Dax's science station. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 59 CONTINUED: VERAD The storm's intensity's dropped another twenty percent. (to Sisko) I know this has been hard for you, Benjamin. It's been hard for both of us. But it's almost over. Mareel ENTERS Ops. MAREEL Good. I'm tired of waiting here. Mareel approaches Verad. MAREEL How're you feeling? VERAD Better than ever... thanks to you. (stroking her hair) I couldn't have done this without you. I would've spent the rest of my life a mediocre man... only dreaming of what might've been. (beat) You know what you have to do. MAREEL (nods) You just worry about getting through the wormhole. The Klingons and I'll make sure that no one stops you. VERAD Remember, I don't want you staying here any longer than you have to. Give me an hour, then head for the wormhole. The runabout's on Pad "C." MAREEL The sooner you leave, the sooner I can follow. And the sooner we can be together. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 08/06/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 60 ANGLE ON VERAD He stands there, and though he returns her hug, it's with a stiffness that she can sense. She looks up at him, studies him for a beat, then... MAREEL It's going to be all right, isn't it? VERAD (with a reassuring smile) Just wait for me at the rendezvous point. 61 CLOSE ON MAREEL As Verad moves to kiss her and, for just an instant, she hesitates, her eyes still locked on him, but it passes in a flash and she returns the kiss. 62 ANGLE ON SISKO who picks up on Mareel's hesitation and ponders its significance. 63 INT. SURGERY Bashir's still working on Quark, who's whimpering pitifully. Yeto watches impatiently. Dax can still be seen in the background, unconscious and on life support. YETO (to Quark) Stop whining or I'll put you out of your misery. BASHIR (defending Quark) It's not his fault. He's got a deep contusion of the auricular lobe and a possible dislocated malleus. In a Ferengi, either condition can be fatal. Quark groans horribly. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT FOUR 43A. 63 CONTINUED: BASHIR (holds out a medical tool) If you want him to stop, then give me a hand with this. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 08/06/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 63 CONTINUED: (2) YETO I'm not your nurse. BASHIR Look, let's not go through that again. Just hold this against his ear... The Klingon takes the instrument and brings it to Quark's ear. Quark moans loudly. BASHIR Not too hard. Bashir makes up a spray hypo. BASHIR Just another second... There. He finishes the hypo, but this time he injects the Klingon. 64 ON YETO Who looks and surprised as the medicine takes effect. Yeto wobbles, then collapses across Quark's shoulder. 65 OMITTED 66 BACK TO SCENE Quark immediately stops moaning and shrugs off the Klingon. QUARK Thank you, Doctor. I feel better already. Bashir takes back his combadge. Quark grows serious and looks over at Dax's unconscious body. QUARK How is she? Bashir opens the stasis drawer containing Odo's box. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 66 CONTINUED: BASHIR I've got her stabilized. But there's no telling how much time she's got left. We have to get the symbiont back before it's too late. Bashir takes out Odo's box and places it on the counter. QUARK What are you doing? BASHIR Odo's in here. QUARK (intrigued) He is. BASHIR Yes, and we have to get him out. QUARK Are you sure? BASHIR (exasperated) Quark. Quark is properly chastised. Bashir turns back to the box. BASHIR (continuing, worried) If we only knew the access code... Quark interlaces his fingers and cracks his knuckles... loudly, then rubs his fingertips together like a safecracker. QUARK (confident) Allow me. 67 CLOSE ON QUARK (OPTICAL) Quark studies the access code pad for a beat, then punches in a code. Nothing happens. He studies it again... punches in another one... still nothing. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT FOUR 45A. 67 CONTINUED: QUARK Hmmm, your standard Delgorian locking mechanism. Sophisticated but vulnerable if you know its weak points. (pointing across room) Hand me that laser scalpel. Bashir dubiously hands Quark the instrument. Quark plays the laser across the keypad, cutting away the face. He removes it and fiddles with the inner workings, until... CLICK. The box opens. Bashir looks at Quark in amazement. QUARK (shrugs) It's a gift. 68 INT. OPS As before. T'Kar is monitoring readings from the plasma disturbance at O'Brien's station. T'KAR The storm's decreased another fifteen percent. VERAD Excellent. That should be more than enough to allow safe passage to the wormhole. Verad hits his combadge. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 68 CONTINUED: VERAD (into com) Verad to Yeto. There's no response. VERAD Verad to Yeto. Verad looks at T'Kar, who uses his own communicator. T'KAR Yeto, report. There's still no answer. VERAD The doctor must have overpowered him. T'KAR (doubtful) The doctor? Impossible. (realization) Unless... VERAD The shape-shifter. He must've freed the shape-shifter. (decisive) T'Kar, get me to the ship. MAREEL (curiously flat) You better take a hostage, just in case. Sisko steps forward. SISKO I'll go with you. Verad looks at Sisko and there's true sadness in his voice. VERAD I'd love your company, Benjamin. But somehow I don't think you have my best interests at heart. (to Kira) Kira, I hate to inconvenience you, but... DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 68 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (confident) That's all right. If Odo's free, there's no way you're getting off this station. T'Kar leads Kira out of Ops. Verad starts to follow, then suddenly stops and turns. VERAD Mareel... MAREEL (with finality) Good luck. Verad looks at Mareel strangely, then tries to give an encouraging smile, but his mind is already on his escape. He turns to Sisko. VERAD Well, Benjamin, I guess this is good-bye. Not many friendships last over two lifetimes. (beat, there's some honest regret here) I wish we could have made it three. Sisko looks at Verad coldly. SISKO You'll be seeing me again, Verad. Verad looks at Sisko with surprise, and maybe, for the first time since his joining, there's the slightest trace of fear in his eyes. Verad quickly EXITS. 68A CLOSE ON SISKO We hold on Sisko's determined expression for a beat, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 69 INT. OPS Mareel keeps a perfunctory watch over Sisko and O'Brien, but her mind's clearly elsewhere. SISKO So where's this rendezvous going to be? Mareel doesn't want to talk about it, but Sisko's hard to ignore. MAREEL You don't really expect me to tell you? SISKO (softly) No, but I hope you like it there, because you'll be waiting for Verad a long time. Mareel tries to keep up a good front, but she knows Sisko's right. MAREEL How would you know? SISKO You told me yourself. (a beat, off her reaction) I saw the look on your face when he asked you to wait for him... Mareel expression remains hard, but, slowly, the facade cracks. She's really hurting. MAREEL The plan was that he was going to get there first... That he would wait for me... not the other way around. SISKO (playing devil's advocate) I suppose it could've been an honest mistake... a slip of the tongue... DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 07/30/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 69 CONTINUED: MAREEL (realistic) No. He lied to me. (a beat) He's never lied to me before. He's not coming. He doesn't need me anymore. SISKO (sympathetic) You're wrong. He does need you... now more than ever. MAREEL (knows what he's getting at) You never give up, do you. I told you, I'm not going to betray him. SISKO I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you to save him... to help us save him. MAREEL (doesn't buy it) All you care about is Jadzia. SISKO That's right. And you care about Verad. And we can save them both. Sisko sees Mareel wavering and goes in for the kill. SISKO Don't you see, Dax and Verad were never meant to be joined. We've got to remove the symbiont while there's still time. Mareel wrestles with her conscious, then haltingly, she hands Sisko her phaser. MAREEL If you hurt him, I'll kill you. Sisko takes the phaser and gives her a reassuring smile. SISKO I don't doubt it. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 70 INT. DOCKING BAY Verad, T'Kar and Kira arrive at the docking bay. Verad rushes into the airlock... 71 INT. AIRLOCK Verad moves by an unobtrusive tool cart and reaches the far side of the airlock. He hits the door control, but nothing happens. He looks outside. 72 NEW ANGLE (VERAD'S POV) Verad's ship isn't there. 73 INT. DOCKING BAY Verad emerges from the airlock. VERAD (still in control) The ship... it's gone. 74 ANGLE ON AIRLOCK Before T'Kar can react, Odo (who was the tool cart) rises up into frame behind T'Kar accompanied the oozing sound of a morph. ODO That's because I released the docking clamps. 75 ANGLE ON KIRA Who uses the opportunity to attack T'Kar. 76 ANGLE ON VERAD (OPTICAL) Who fires wildly at Odo and makes a run for it. 77 NEW ANGLE The phaser fire distracts Kira, giving T'Kar an opening. He backhands her against a wall and brings up his disruptor to shoot her, forcing Odo to choose between chasing Verad and saving Kira. He chooses Kira. Odo jars the disruptor out of T'Kar's hand, then knocks him back toward... DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/06/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 78 KIRA Who finishes him off. 79 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Verad runs down a corridor. He looks back for pursuit, but there's no one behind him. He turns a corner and sees the airlock leading to Runabout Pad "C." The way is clear. He enters... 80 INT. RUNABOUT AIRLOCK And finds Sisko waiting for him, blocking his way to the Orinoco. Both men react quickly, aiming their phasers at each other, only a few feet apart in the tight quarters of the airlock. SISKO Looks like that "goodbye" was a little premature. Verad looks over Sisko's shoulder. He can see the doors to the runabout. Freedom is almost within his reach. 81 CLOSE ON SISKO Sisko keeps a steady aim on Verad. The two men remain locked in place for a beat, each waiting for the other to make the first move, until... VERAD Don't be ridiculous. You're not going to shoot me. SISKO What makes you so sure? VERAD This is Dax you're talking to, Benjamin. We both know that if you shoot me, even on stun, you risk killing the symbiont. Sisko's aim never wavers. SISKO If I let you go, Jadzia dies. DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 08/06/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 82 CLOSE ON VERAD His face is sad, regretful. He looks genuinely sorry for what has happened. VERAD But Dax will live. What's one girl's life, compared to eight lifetimes of knowledge and experience? Verad is honest, open, and convincing. VERAD You're not going to shoot me. You know that... and so do I. Verad lowers his phaser, leaving himself open to Sisko... confident that Sisko won't fire. VERAD (smiles serenely) Goodbye, Benjamin. Sisko never lowers his phaser, but Verad confidently steps around him and heads for the Runabout door. 83 ANGLE ON SISKO Not about to give up now. SISKO Verad... 84 CLOSE ON VERAD Who hesitates, then turns around to find... 85 SISKO (OPTICAL) still aiming his phaser. SISKO Don't call me Benjamin. And Sisko, who knows what he has to do, shoots Verad with the phaser. 86 INT. SURGERY Close on Verad as he regains consciousness. He looks up and sees... DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 87 MAREEL Looking down with concern. Verad looks around in a panic. 88 INCLUDE THE WHOLE INFIRMARY Sisko is standing nearby, watching Verad. Across the room, Bashir is reviving Dax, who is still stretched out on the examining table. VERAD I feel strange. So... (realizes what has happened) Empty. SISKO It's over Verad. The symbiont is back where it belongs. VERAD (shattered) So close. I had it. I had it and now... I'm alone... Verad's speech becomes more and more halting, until he trails off completely. MAREEL You're not alone, Verad. I'm here. I'll always be here. Mareel tries to comfort Verad, but nothing helps, and he sinks further and further into despair. VERAD (to Mareel) I can't remember any of it... the knowledge... the confidence... (incredible sadness) It's all gone. 89 CLOSE ON SISKO As he reacts to Verad's loss. BASHIR (O.S.) Commander? DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - 07/29/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 90 BACK TO SCENE Sisko turns and sees that Jadzia is sitting up, apparently recovered. SISKO (excited) Jadzia. He goes to her and hugs her enthusiastically, surprising everyone, himself included. SISKO (concerned) Are you... DAX I'm fine... 91 CLOSE ON DAX As she looks at Verad. DAX (reflective) I remember it all, Benjamin. Everything he thought... everything he did... and it's so... sad. (looks away) I guess he'll always be with me now... 92 CLOSE ON VERAD Verad's stares blankly into the distance and rocks back and forth slowly... Hold on Verad's eerily empty stare for a beat, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END