STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Dramatis Personae" (fka "Ritual Sacrifice") #40511-418 Written by Joe Menosky Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION FEBRUARY 24, 1993 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Dramatis Personae" 03/15/93 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Dramatis Personae" CAST SISKO ENSIGN KIRA GUARD ODO KLINGON QUARK VALERIAN BASHIR DAX O'BRIEN COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES ALIEN N.D. SECURITY GUARD N.D. BAJORAN ENSIGNS STAR TREK: DS9 - "Dramatis Personae" - 03/15/93 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Dramatis Personae" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE AIRLOCK CORRIDOR CARGO BAY FOUR WORMHOLE COMMANDER'S OFFICE (KLINGON SHIP) CORRIDOR INFIRMARY OPS QUARK'S SECURITY OFFICE SISKOIS QUARTERS RUNABOUT STAR TREK: DS9 - "Dramatis Personae" - 03/15/93 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Dramatis Personae" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE DOLAMIDE DOLL-uh-mide DURANIUM der-RAY-nee-um FAHLEENA fah-LEE-nuh HON-TIHL hon-TEEL KALEANS kal-EE-uns MARIAH muh-RYE-uh MODELA moe-DELL-uh PHORETIC FORE-ah-tick PISTRES PISS-trees RAZALIN RAZ-zuh-lin SALTAHINA SAL-ta-nuh SHERVAL DAS shur-VAL das TEL-PEH TELL-puh TERYON TER-ree-on TOH'KAHT TOE kot TOLTON TOLL tahn TRITANIUM TRY-tay-nee-um TULAMAK TOOL-uh-mok ULTIMA THULE ULL-tih-muh THOOL VALERIANS VUH-lair-ee-uns DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Dramatis Personae" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. 2 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE The door CHIMES -- SISKO glances up from his computer. SISKO Come in. KIRA steps inside the room. She's angry but she's keeping her emotions under control. KIRA Commander, I just received word that a Valerian transport has requested permission to dock here at the station. SISKO (a sympathetic smile) Let me guess. You're here to recommend we deny their request. KIRA The Valerians ran weapons-grade dolamide to Cardassian forces during the occupation of Bajor. SISKO I'm aware of that... KIRA I believe they're continuing to ship weapons to the Cardassians... weapons that could eventually be used to attack Bajor. SISKO I share your concern, Major. But unless we have proof to back up those charges... DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: KIRA The proof is on the ship. Let me conduct a search and if I find any dolamide, we can confiscate it. SISKO I'm afraid it's not that simple. Dolamide is used for power generators, reactors, in short-range transports... KIRA And for weapons. SISKO Only if it's extremely pure. Kira sighs in exasperation. KIRA So we're going to do nothing. SISKO I didn't say that. But we can't just board their ship and start tearing it apart. KIRA Then what can we do? SISKO You bring me evidence that the Valerians are dealing in weapons- grade dolamide and I promise you the Federation will use every kind of diplomatic pressure to stop them. Kira considers for a beat. KIRA You think that'll work? SISKO (smiling) It will if the Valerians want to keep trading with the Federation. Kira nods. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (still not totally convinced) All right, we'll try it your way. SISKO Good. Then you'll see to it that the Valerian ship is cleared for docking. KIRA (still doesn't relish the thought) Yes, sir. She EXITS. Sisko goes back to work, satisfied he's done the correct thing. 3 INT. OPS - CONTINUOUS Kira continues into Ops. DAX is at her post; BASHIR is working at a console; several Supernumeraries go about their business. DAX Chief, I have a subspace message for you from your wife. They've arrived safely on Bajor. 3A CLOSE ON O'BRIEN who looks up from one of his engineering monitors. O'BRIEN Imagine, taking eleven bored schoolkids on a visit to the grain processing center at Lasuma. I'm glad it's not me. 3B ANGLE THE TURBOLIFT as ODO exits into Ops. ODO (to Kira) Here's the information you wanted on the captain of the Valerian ship. He hands her a PADD. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - TEASER 3A. 3B CONTINUED: KIRA Let me know if you find anything else. 4 DAX glances up from her console. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: DAX Sensors are reading elevated neutrino levels at the wormhole... Something's coming through... KIRA On screen. As everyone reacts -- 5 OMITTED 6 INT. OPS - CONTINUOUS - INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The wormhole opens and a KLINGON BIRD OF PREY comes blasting through. DAX (off instruments) It's the Klingon vessel Toh'Kaht. Sisko emerges from his office. KIRA They're not due back for another month. SISKO Open hailing frequencies. Suddenly the Klingon vessel EXPLODES. The station is rocked by a shockwave. OFF reactions -- O'BRIEN I'm reading a transporter signal. Someone must have beamed off the ship just as it exploded. 7 IN FRONT OF THE OPS TABLE (OPTICAL) A KLINGON OFFICER begins to MATERIALIZE -- but is unable to solidify and remains frozen in a Transporter state. The Klingon beam is washed in a strange violet light. SISKO Mister O'Brien -- ? DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - TEASER 5. O'Brien jumps into action, rushes to the Transporter panel and quickly works the controls. O'BRIEN Something's interfering with the rematerialization process. Dax hurries over to help. DAX Lock onto him with our Transporter signal. Try boosting the annular containment field. O'BRIEN I'm already there... The figure of the Klingon starts to solidify... O'Brien keeps working the controls and the Klingon fully MATERIALIZES -- collapses against the Ops table. Bashir is the first to his side -- running his tricorder over the alien's battered and scorched body. BASHIR He's been hit by weapons fire. It's severe. We've got to get him into cryo-stasis. The Klingon suddenly pushes himself away from the table, stares around the room with a wild, toothy grin. KLINGON Victory... He shudders and his eyes close, his hand slipping off of Bashir. The doctor takes a reading from the tricorder, then looks up. BASHIR He's dead. OFF the reactions. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 8 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE Establishing. SISKO'S VOICE Station log, Stardate 46922.3. We have identified the dead Klingon -- his name was Hon-Tihl, First Officer of the Toh'Kaht. Why he died, and the cause of his ship's destruction, is still unknown. 9 INT. OPS Bashir and Dax are briefing Sisko, Kira, O'Brien and Odo. BASHIR I found tritanium alloy fragments in his chest and upper arms. If that was all, we could have saved him. But those weapon burns were too severe. SISKO Is there any way to identify the kind of weapon used? BASHIR (nodding) I'm running a microtissue analysis right now. We should have the results in a couple of hours. KIRA The Klingon said "victory" before he died. I wonder what he meant. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT ONE 7. 9 CONTINUED: DAX According to the Klingon high command, the Toh'Kaht was in the gamma quadrant on a routine bio-survey mission... O'BRIEN "Victory"... during a bio-survey... ? A beat as everyone considers this. ODO As I recall the Toh'Kaht put in for a maintenance check. SISKO Ask around the station, see if you can learn anything about this bio- survey. Odo nods. Sisko turns to Dax and O'Brien. SISKO (continuing) I'd like the two of you to take a Runabout and try to find the Toh'Kaht's mission recorder. I want to know what caused that ship to explode. O'BRIEN Aye, Sir. Everyone stands... except for Dax who seems lost in thought, a small smile on her face as if she were laughing at some private joke. O'BRIEN Lieutenant... DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT ONE 8-9. 9 CONTINUED: (2) Dax looks up, still smiling... DAX Yes... O'BRIEN You coming? Dax gets up. DAX I'm sorry, I was... nevermind... She accompanies O'Brien to the Turbolift. 10 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) A runabout leaves the station. 10A thru OMITTED 11 12 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) (VPB) Kira is at a workstation quickly working the controls, viewing a series of numbers on a monitor. A small light suddenly registers on the console. She reacts to the light. KIRA Dammit. Not yet... She reluctantly hits a control and turns toward the viewscreen. A VALERIAN suddenly appears on the viewscreen -- he is a humanoid with minimal prosthetic. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: VALERIAN Deep Space Nine, this is Valerian vessel Sherval Das. We are entering the Bajoran system, clear us for docking. KIRA Negative, Sherval Das. There's going to be a slight delay. The Valerian is not happy. VALERIAN We are in need of maintenance. It has been a long journey. KIRA I'm sure it has. But we've got our own problems. You'll just have to wait -- SISKO (O.S.) Stand by, Sherval Das. 13 INCLUDE SISKO as he steps into frame and touches a control on a console -- the Valerian disappears. He turns to Kira, puzzled. SISKO I'd like an explanation. She indicates her workstation. KIRA I'm not finished running the background check on their ship. SISKO We agreed there'd be no delays in the docking procedure -- KIRA (interrupting) They just visited Fahleena Three and Mariah Four -- the same two stops they used to make when they were running dolamide to the Cardassians. The last stop would be the purification plant on Ultima Thule. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT ONE 11. 13 CONTINUED: KIRA If I can place them there, we'll know they're carrying weapons-grade material. A beat as Sisko considers her. He turns, hits a control on the console and the Valerian reappears. SISKO (to Valerian) Your ship is cleared for docking. VALERIAN Thank you, Commander. Sherval Das out. The Valerian touches a control in front of him and his image DISAPPEARS. Sisko turns to Kira. SISKO No delays... Sisko turns and heads toward his office. OFF Kira's face -- the anger just below the surface. 14 INT. QUARK'S QUARK is behind the bar, playing the "good" bartender to an Alien patron who looks down in the dumps, slumped over his drink. QUARK Isn't it always the same old story? I hear it day in, day out. She takes you for granted. She doesn't appreciate your... finer qualities. The Alien just stares at his drink -- if he has any finer qualities, they aren't readily apparent. QUARK (continuing) The cut of your jib... The twist of your tulamak... Still nothing but silence from the patron. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT ONE 12. 14 CONTINUED: QUARK (continuing) The way you turn a phrase... (beat) What does she want? The Alien shrugs, pushes away from the bar, shuffling off. Quark watches him go with as sympathetic a smile as he can muster, then glances down and sees two TINY COINS next to the empty glass. He's furious. QUARK (continuing) Two Pistres? For all my compassion? (calling after alien) You call that a tip? No wonder she left you! You piker! Quarks snatches up the coins as if to hurl them -- then tucks them into his pocket. 15 INCLUDE ODO as he steps up to the bar. ODO Trouble, Quark? The Ferengi brushes off his anger and is quickly back to normal. QUARK Nothing I can't handle. The Ferengi makes himself a drink. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT ONE 13. 15 CONTINUED: ODO I heard you had some problems with the Klingons the last time they came through... QUARK Spare me from beings who think pain is pleasure. (rethinking) In small doses, perhaps. But the Klingons? They're rough on the holosuites. They break the furniture. He indicates the holosuites. QUARK (continuing) I'm still fixing the walls in Holosuite Six. (confidentially) I'm not saying they don't spend big. I'm just saying by the time you figure in the damage, I'm lucky to break even. ODO They do tend toward bluster, don't they? Throwing their weight around. Bragging... Quark nods in agreement. QUARK This crew was worse than the last. "Our glorious mission." I asked them, "what's so glorious about a gamma quadrant bio-survey?" A beat. ODO (casual) And what did they say? Another beat. Quark suddenly realizes. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT ONE 14. 15 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Crafty tonight, aren't we, Odo? Looking for clues about the fate of the Klingons. If I tell you what I heard, what do I get in return? ODO Chances are, what you heard won't help. So why should I give you something for it? QUARK Because otherwise, I heard nothing. A beat. Odo indicates the back of the bar. ODO Those damaged holosuites. Work crew seven is probably doing the repairs, am I right? QUARK (suspicious) Yes... ODO Well, it looks as though I might have to put in a priority request for work crew seven. The bulkheads in security could use a little shoring up. Quark scowls, giving in. QUARK They said they were coming back through the wormhole with something that would "make the enemies of the Klingon Empire tremble." ODO Their exact words? QUARK A direct quote. Odo considers this. Quark polishes off his drink. ODO You've been most helpful. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT ONE 15. 16 FOLLOW QUARK as he disposes of the glass. QUARK (ruefully) Don't let it get around. No response from Odo. Quark turns to look at him. 17 INCLUDE ODO (OPTICAL) who is now gripping the bar with both hands, apparently in great pain. Quark is stunned. QUARK Odo? Odo cries out in anguish, grips the bar, reels backward in pain, HIS HEAD SUDDENLY SPLITTING IN TWO for a long terrible moment, then coming back together. Odo slumps on to the bar, unconscious. Quark is horrified. He goes running for the door. We can see the Infirmary in the b.g. QUARK Doctor Bashir! Doctor Bashir! OFF Odo's stricken face... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 18 INT. INFIRMARY Odo is on his back on a bed, Bashir hovering over him with a medical diagnostic instrument. Odo's eyes are closed. They suddenly open with a start. BASHIR Welcome back, Constable. Odo sits up. A beat as he collects himself. ODO How am I? BASHIR How do you feel? ODO Fine. BASHIR Good. (indicates instrument) Because I've got no way to know. Your body chemistry defies analysis. ODO I don't remember anything... Odo stretches a bit, seems to be satisfied with his condition. ODO (continuing) But, I'm back to normal? BASHIR Like I said -- you tell me. I don't know what caused it, and I couldn't tell you if it'll happen again. There's really nothing more I can do here. ODO Then thank you for your time, Doctor. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT TWO 17. 18 CONTINUED: Odo gets down from the bed. Bashir starts putting away his instruments -- a CURIOUSLY COLD, CALCULATING TONE TO HIS VOICE. BASHIR Tell me Odo, do you share my concern about this Valerian situation? Odo reacts -- not sure what Bashir is getting at. ODO Concern? Again, the CALCULATING TONE from Bashir. BASHIR I think you know what I mean. ODO (patronizing) Why don't you tell me and then you can be sure I know. A beat. Bashir nods. BASHIR Just don't be surprised if the uneasy alliance on this station starts to show a few cracks... Odo's puzzlement grows. ODO What "uneasy alliance"? BASHIR Commander Sisko and Kira. Mark my words, there's going to be trouble. ODO Exactly what are you basing all this on, Doctor? Bashir is about to answer... but he catches himself and chuckles appreciatively. BASHIR Very clever, Constable. (a conspiratorial nod) You're probably right. It's still too early to commit oneself either way. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT TWO 18. 18 CONTINUED: (2) Odo reacts. A beat. ODO Are you finished with me? Bashir smiles, appears back to normal. BASHIR Unless you'd like to pour yourself through my phoretic analyzer -- I'd love to see the results. ODO Another time, perhaps. Odo heads for the door. OFF Bashir as his smile fades, replaced by an ominous coldness in his eyes... 19 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko is at his desk, drawing carefully on a large blueprint- like large PADD. We are unable to make out what he's working on. The door suddenly opens and Kira ENTERS. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT TWO 19. 19 CONTINUED: KIRA I've got them! Sisko looks up from his blueprint which he folds over to hide from Kira's eyes. SISKO Who? KIRA (of course) The Valerians. Their ship was at the Ultima Thule station one week ago. That confirms it. They're definitely running dolamide. SISKO So... ? Kira reacts. KIRA So I've got an armed team ready to board their vessel. We confiscate the material and send them back where they came from. Frankly, I'm half tempted to take them to Bajor and press charges. Sisko is extremely calm. SISKO By whose authority? Kira reacts, surprised. KIRA You're not going to do anything about this? SISKO I'm not. And neither are you. It's a tone of dismissal -- but Kira won't be put off so easily. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT TWO 20. 19 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA That ship is acting against Bajoran interests. (beat) This station is Bajoran property. Sisko slowly stands. SISKO (firm) Commanded by a Federation officer. Commanded by me. Are you challenging that, Major? Kira looks away -- hiding the anger in her eyes. KIRA No, Sir... IT'S A STRANGE, UNCHARACTERISTIC MOMENT between them -- a weird undercurrent of potential violence. Then Sisko is suddenly completely calm. SISKO Good... (beat; almost friendly) Now is there anything else I can do for you? Kira looks down at the covered blueprint but refuses to admit her curiosity. She EXITS. Sisko waits until she's out the door. Then, pleased to be alone, unfolds the blueprint and continues to work. 20 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien and Dax at the controls. The Runabout is at impulse speed. DAX Short-range sensors are picking up some debris. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT TWO 21. 20 CONTINUED: O'Brien checks his instruments. O'BRIEN Looks like duranium alloy. Probably pieces of the Klingon's secondary hull. DAX It's possible their mission recorder is somewhere in the debris. The magnetic field from the duranium could be masking it. O'BRIEN Let's get a little closer... O'Brien adjusts course. A couple of beats go by. THERE'S A CALCULATING, MACHIAVELLIAN QUALITY TO O'BRIEN'S VOICE WE HAVEN'T HEARD BEFORE. O'BRIEN Major Kira's been awfully aggressive toward Commander Sisko lately... about station policy. DAX (shrugs) An honest difference of opinion. O'Brien works the console. O'BRIEN We're within a thousand meters... Secondary hull fragments, pieces of the bulkhead... Still no sign of the recorder. DAX I'm taking us closer... Dax works her controls. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT TWO 22. 20 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN What if it's more than a difference of opinion? What if Kira thinks the Bajorans don't need us on DS Nine? It is their station. DAX That would be suicidal. Without a Federation presence Bajor would be vulnerable again to the Cardassians. O'BRIEN That doesn't mean there aren't plenty of misguided Bajorans who think they can go it alone. Dax smiles, she seems to DRIFT A BIT, ABNORMALLY, LIKE AN INCOMPETENT DRAWING ON APHORISMS AND CLICHE. DAX Isn't it always like that? Bitterness is the coin by which generosity is repaid. (remembering) I once helped the Federation deliver rain-inducing technology to Kelton Four. The end of the drought was the end of contact. Talk about fair weather friends -- O'Brien cuts Dax off, as if not listening to her -- AGAIN, THE CALCULATING TONE. O'BRIEN You've become quite friendly with Major Kira, haven't you? DAX (vague) Have I... ? Well, yes, I suppose I have... if you say so... O'BRIEN Well, I wouldn't get too friendly with the natives if I were you. Remember where your loyalties lie. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT TWO 22A. 20 CONTINUED: (3) DAX Of course. Benjamin and I have been close for a long time. Hand and glove. I'm on his side -- no question about it. (smiles, aimlessly) That reminds me of the time we found ourselves -- O'BRIEN (interrupting) Good. Because anyone against Sisko is against me. O'Brien suddenly reacts to his console. O'BRIEN I'm picking up a weak subspace transponder signal. He quickly works the controls, then looks up at Dax. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT TWO 23. 20 CONTINUED: (4) O'BRIEN (continuing) It's the mission recorder. OFF their reactions. 21 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Odo is working at a console. The door opens and Kira steps inside. KIRA Constable... Odo glances up -- her visit is unexpected. ODO Can I help you, Major? Kira moves closer, her attitude is relaxed. She smiles. KIRA IS SLY, SEDUCTIVE AND SENSUALLY MANIPULATIVE -- NOT AN ATTITUDE WE'VE SEEN BEFORE. KIRA You always manage to help me, Odo. In fact, I'd say we work pretty well together -- you and I. Odo turns back to the console. He reacts to her overtures with caution -- not quite sure where she's going. ODO Yes. I suppose our relationship has always been... cooperative. KIRA Exactly. And that's just what I need right now -- your cooperation. Odo is listening. KIRA (continuing) I'm convinced the Valerians have dolamide on board. But the evidence is still circumstantial. I need solid proof. (beat) I want you to slip past their security systems and into their cargo bay. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT TWO 24. 21 CONTINUED: Odo looks up, surprised. ODO I heard Commander Sisko was adamant about not interfering with the Valerian ship. Has he changed his mind? KIRA (too quickly) Yes. ODO How odd. A beat. Odo doesn't believe her. He stands. ODO (continuing) Very well. I'll keep the two of you informed of my progress. KIRA That's not necessary. The Commander's busy -- no sense in bothering him. A moment between them. Odo isn't buying and she knows it. Kira laughs. KIRA (continuing) I can't fool you, Odo. ODO (can't believe it) You wanted me to go behind Sisko's back, didn't you? She studies him -- decides not to push any further. KIRA (casual) Forget it. It was a bad idea. Kira heads for the door, then pauses. AGAIN, THE STRANGELY SEDUCTIVE MANNER... DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT TWO 25. 21 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (continuing) What if you had to choose sides? (warm smile) Just remember who your friends are. Kira is out the door. OFF Odo's face -- what the hell is going on? FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 22 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE The Valerian transport is docked at the station. O'BRIEN (V.O.) Personal log, Miles O'Brien. Stardate 46923.1. We've managed to retrieve a portion of the Klingon Officer's journal. Of course, Major Kira heard about it immediately. She must have spies everywhere. 23 INT. OPS - INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Dax and O'Brien are briefing Sisko, Kira and Odo. Sisko seems distracted, only barely tolerant about being there. Dax works a panel and the viewscreen displays a shaky recording of the Klingon who beamed aboard and died. (We will not hear his entire speech. Only underlined words. It is important that we do hear the reference to the energy spheres.) KLINGON I believe the Captain has gone insane. He has executed two more crew members, charging them with attempted mutiny. Medical Officer Kee-Bhor came to my quarters insisting the violence is being caused by those telepathic energy spheres we brought back from Saltah'na. Believing he's the Captain's spy, I slit his throat. The image fritzes out. SISKO (bored) I've seen enough. ODO REACTS, STUNNED AT SISKO'S ATTITUDE -- EVERYONE ELSE SEEMS TO TAKE IT IN STRIDE. O'BRIEN There's more. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT THREE 27. 23 CONTINUED: KIRA The Klingon's mission must have failed... and that failure caused problems on board... SISKO I couldn't care less what happened to a Klingon ship. O'BRIEN The Klingons might want to know. Dax and I are setting up a data interpolation to fill in what's missing -- but it'll take some time... Dax gives a distant, BLANK SMILE -- again, as if an incompetent functionary. DAX The search itself is often reward enough. (to Sisko) Benjamin, do you remember that wild goose chase back on Elanu Four... ? Sisko gives a tolerant half-smile, cuts her off. SISKO Fine. Do whatever you have to do, but don't bother me with it. Sisko turns and heads for his office. O'Brien starts working at the console; Dax goes to her station; Kira scowls and EXITS. Odo is left with a troubled expression on his face. 24 INT. QUARK'S Dax is at the bar; Quark is setting a vibrantly colored drink in front of her. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT THREE 28. 24 CONTINUED: QUARK Here we are. A Modela aperitif. It's bright and sweet. (leering) Much like yourself, Lieutenant. (beat) I'll put it on your tab. KIRA (O.S.) The bad flattery is on the house. 25 INCLUDE KIRA as she steps up to the bar and sits next to Dax. QUARK The two loveliest creatures on DS Nine. I must be living correctly to be so... blessed. What can I do for you, Major? KIRA Get lost. Quark reacts, insulted. QUARK As you wish... He moves further down the bar and starts putting away some glasses. 26 KIRA AND DAX Kira turns to Dax -- her attitude is casual and friendly. KIRA How are you, Lieutenant? DAX (weary) You know what they say -- put the shoe on the right foot first, but put the left foot first into the bathtub. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT THREE 29. 26 CONTINUED: Kira doesn't know what the hell Dax is talking about but she nods supportively anyway. KIRA I understand. Kira smiles -- again, she's SEDUCTIVELY MANIPULATIVE in a way that's far out of character. KIRA (continuing) But what I really meant was... (beat) Are you happy? Dax shrugs, returning the smile. DAX That's not a question I get asked too often. Kira moves a little closer, more intimate in her manner. KIRA Oh, but it should be. In my opinion, you're the most valuable officer on this station. (indicating drink) May I... ? DAX Please. Kira takes a sip of Dax's drink, then sets it back down in front of her. KIRA Not bad. For Quark. They both share a laugh. Dax picks up the drink, takes a sip, then sets it down. DAX It is good... DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT THREE 30. 26 CONTINUED: (2) The physical tension between them goes up a few notches. KIRA I couldn't imagine running this station without you. Dax looks at her for a moment -- thinking seems difficult for her. DAX Are you trying to tell me something? A beat. KIRA My disagreement with Sisko about the Valerians is no secret. You know how he gets once he makes a decision. Dax smiles, looks DISTANT... DAX Like talking to a stone. (muses) I remember a time on Rochani Three... We were cornered by a party of Kaleans who were not at all happy to see us. But Benjamin -- KIRA (interrupting) -- You told me that story this morning. DAX Oh. (remembering) I suppose I did... KIRA If you were to talk to Starfleet Command... tell them how displeased the Bajorans are with Sisko's handling of this... I'm sure they'd listen to you... Dax is quiet for a moment, remembering. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT THREE 31. 26 CONTINUED: (3) DAX (sweetly) I was decorated on my very first assignment. The Admiral was a Vulcan... So during the presentation ceremony -- Kira interrupts. KIRA Dax. We have to keep the Valerians here. Until we can search their ship and confiscate the dolamide. You've got to convince Starfleet -- it's for the good of Bajor and the Federation. A beat. Dax knits her forehead. DAX (fondly) I've been friends with Benjamin Sisko for many years... In many ways, he's like a son to me. Or at least a nephew... (getting lost) Some kind of close relative anyway... KIRA (impatient) Listen to me, Jadzia... She leans closer to Dax and the threat in her voice is unmistakable. KIRA I'm getting rid of Sisko... one way or another. Don't force me to get rid of you as well. Dax isn't so far gone that she doesn't know she's being threatened. And as she reacts in fear, we hear the sudden SOUND OFFSCREEN of clinking glass. Kira whips around at the noise. 27 INCLUDE QUARK close enough to eavesdrop -- which is clearly what he's been doing. In a smooth motion that is still somehow sensual, Kira stands, GRIPS QUARK BY THE COLLAR, and pulls him to her. He cries out in pain. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT THREE 32. 27 CONTINUED: KIRA (mock sweetly) Would you like to join us? QUARK Let me go! KIRA What did you hear? QUARK Nothing! Nothing at all! Kira is still smiling, as she violently tosses him over the bar and onto the floor. KIRA Good. Quark struggles to his feet, rubbing his neck. Dax gets off her chair and joins Kira and the two of them leave the bar. OFF the anxiety and anger on Quark's face as he watches them go... 28 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Odo glances up from his workstation to see Quark hurrying inside. A brightly colored NECKBRACE can be seen inside his jacket. ODO (re: neck) Is this a Ferengi fashion I'm not aware of? QUARK Kira tried to tear my head off. I want to file charges. Odo is immediately attentive. ODO Tell me about it. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT THREE 33. 28 CONTINUED: QUARK I heard her plotting -- ODO Go on. QUARK (nodding) She was trying to convince Dax to take her side against Sisko. ODO Did Dax seem persuaded? QUARK What difference does that make? I was attacked! ODO Answer the question. Odo is firm -- Quark shrugs. QUARK I couldn't tell. She was on the fence. Odo thinks for a moment, taking this all in. ODO Doesn't Kira's behavior seem a little out of the ordinary? And the others... At the staff briefing Sisko was bored -- as if he couldn't be bothered about running the station. (remembering) And Bashir... since when is he so concerned with station politics. Odo suddenly stares at Quark a bit doubtfully. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT THREE 34. 28 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Don't look at me like that. I'm perfectly normal. ODO I suppose you are. (a beat) It's time I had a talk with Sisko. Odo heads for the door -- Quark reacts. QUARK Odo... wait! No response. QUARK (continuing) Odo! I want satisfaction. Odo is out the door. 28A INT. OPS - OPTICAL Odo ENTERS Ops, sees Dax staring at a monitor displaying a Klingon journal entry. The quality has been improved, but it's still damaged. Odo watches for a few beats. Once again we only hear the underlined words of the Klingon's journal. KLINGON We have lost the battle for decks five through twelve. The armory remains in the hands of Captain Tel- Peh, who demands my death. But I remain confident that I can gain control of this ship. Dax seems entranced but without much comprehension. ODO Sisko... ? DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT THREE 35. 28A CONTINUED: Dax dully indicates the Commander's office. Odo heads for it. 29 OMITTED 30 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) O'Brien is working a computer console -- the Klingon First Officer is on the screen -- a different journal entry from Dax's monitor. The door CHIMES. KLINGON First officer's mission journal... day twenty-three... O'BRIEN Come in. There's a dropout in the recording. O'Brien works a console to fix the problem as Odo steps inside -- is surprised to find O'Brien settled in -- LIKE HE OWNS THE PLACE. ODO Where's Commander Sisko? O'BRIEN (lightly) In his quarters. Where he's safe. Odo isn't quite sure how to respond. So he doesn't. O'Brien gets the recording working again. The Klingon appears on the monitor. Of the little we hear of the following, it's important that the words "energy spheres" be understood. KLINGON I am weakened by my wounds. I sense my enemies are closing in. Still, I was able to hide the thalmerite device under a crossbeam near the reactor core on deck twenty-six. Rather than be taken prisoner, I will blow up this ship and transport to safety. Perhaps medical officer Kee-Bhor was right. All our trouble began when we opened those energy spheres. All I know is that Captain Tel-Peh must die. (beat) Journal closed. O'Brien stops the image. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/16/93 - ACT THREE 36. 30 CONTINUED: ODO It sounds like there was a power struggle on board. Some kind of attempted takeover. O'BRIEN (shrugs) Management by mutiny. That's standard operating procedure on a Klingon vessel. ODO But awfully unusual for a Federation- run space station... O'BRIEN Don't worry, if Major Kira tries anything we'll be ready. Odo stares at him for a moment -- decides not to pursue it. ODO When will the other log entries be available? O'BRIEN (checks console) At the current rate of processing -- at least seven more hours. But the computer's taking it one entry at a time. I'll set it up so you can access as it goes. ODO Thank you, Chief. O'BRIEN Of course, Constable. Don't the Commander and I always try to make you happy? O'Brien flashes a big smile -- it's SINISTER AND COLD, NOT O'BRIEN AT ALL. Odo self-consciously tries to return it... DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT THREE 37. 31 INT. CORRIDOR Odo is hurrying up the corridor, looking like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. He gets to a door -- is surprised to find TWO FEDERATION SECURITY GUARDS FLANKING IT. ODO What are you doing here? GUARD Chief O'Brien's orders. Odo considers for a moment, then touches a door panel. 32 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS The door CHIMES. Sisko is at a desk, working on his blueprint. The design drawing has become more complex. He doesn't look up. Again, the CHIMES. He still doesn't look up. But he's not pleased with the interruption. SISKO Come in. The door opens and Odo steps inside. Sisko keeps working. ODO Commander... Sisko continues working, never looking at Odo. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT THREE 38. 32 CONTINUED: SISKO Hello, Constable. How are you today? ODO Concerned, Sir. SISKO On such a fine afternoon? How inappropriate. SISKO IS WEIRDLY MELLOW, ALMOST OPIATE-LIKE IN HIS FASCINATION WITH THE DRAWING. ODO Commander, I think something might be wrong with -- (cautiously) some of us. Ever since the Klingon ship exploded, and their First Officer beamed over... certain behaviors and attitudes have been... abnormal. A long silent beat as Sisko keeps drawing. Odo plunges ahead. ODO (continuing) There appears to have been a mutiny on the Klingon ship. I wouldn't go so far as to say the same thing is happening on DS Nine. But I find some disturbing parallels -- Sisko interrupts. SISKO -- If something's bothering you, Odo, tell it to Mister O'Brien. That's what he's there for. Sisko puts down the drawing pen and proudly holds up the blueprint PADD. SISKO (continuing) What do you think? It's a design for an elaborate timepiece, with hands and wheels and cogs and springs in profusion. Odo glances from the drawing to the Commander -- THIS IS NOT THE SISKO HE KNOWS. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT THREE 38A. 32 CONTINUED: (2) ODO What is it? SISKO It's a clock. Fascinating, isn't it? OFF the look on Odo's face -- he feels very much alone. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 33 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE The Valerian ship is still at its dock. 33A thru OMITTED 34 35 INT. SECURITY OFFICE (OPTICAL) Odo ENTERS, is startled to find Kira is waiting for him. She's kicked back comfortably, feet up, relaxed -- even more seductive than we've seen her before. KIRA It's not nice to keep a friend waiting. Odo is cautious. ODO Did we have an appointment? Kira laughs. KIRA When have I ever had to stand on ceremony with you, Odo? She takes her feet down, stretches. KIRA (continuing) I need your help. (beat) I just took care of the Valerians. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 35 CONTINUED: Odo reacts. ODO What do you mean? KIRA I locked down the docking clamps. That ship isn't leaving until I say it is. (beat) O'Brien will need at least a day to do anything about it. (beat) By then, it won't matter. Kira takes her feet down, smiles wickedly at Odo. ODO You're going after Sisko. KIRA And O'Brien. Either we get a more reasonable commander from Starfleet -- somebody we can control -- or we go it alone. Kira stands, moves over to him, standing close by. KIRA (continuing) With me running this place, you'll be able to do what needs to be done. If you want to toss Quark out on his ears -- toss him out. If you want to proclaim martial law on the Promenade -- proclaim it. This station will be yours to protect -- with no interference. ODO What's your plan? Kira studies him for a moment -- Odo's face is completely unreadable. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 35 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Odo, I trust you more than anyone on this station. Because you can't be corrupted. (beat) But this is a dangerous time. I can't take any chances, even with you. Kira steps even closer, stares into Odo's eyes. KIRA (continuing) When the moment comes, you'll know it. I'll be counting on you. Kira heads for the door. Odo watches her go. ODO Computer, open a channel to Starfleet Headquarters. COMPUTER VOICE Subspace communication to Federation territories is currently unavailable. Odo reacts. ODO Why? COMPUTER VOICE By authority of Major Kira. Odo thinks for a moment. ODO Open a channel to the Bajoran Council. COMPUTER VOICE Communication to Bajor is currently unavailable. ODO By authority of Chief O'Brien? COMPUTER VOICE That is correct. Odo sits back in his chair. He thinks for a moment, then taps a few commands on his console. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 35 CONTINUED: (3) ODO Computer, are you finished reconstructing the journal of the Klingon First officer. COMPUTER VOICE Data interpolation is complete. ODO On screen. A STILL FRAME image of the dead Klingon appears on the monitor. ODO Computer... (beat) Scan the journal for mention of contact with any alien race. COMPUTER VOICE One entry found. ODO Play it. The Klingon appears on the monitor. But he doesn't look happy. KLINGON First Officer's journal, day twenty- two. Our exploration of the fifth planet has turned out to be a waste of time. This world is not worthy of a Klingon colony. All we found was a collection of energy spheres which possessed some type of telepathic archive. The spheres described an ancient power struggle that destroyed a race called the Saltah'na. Odo reacts. KLINGON We will forward these results to our science divisions. He taps the console -- freezing the image. Then he quickly heads for the door. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 36 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko is seated at the desk, fiddling with a TIMEPIECE -- the constructed version of his blueprint, which is nearby. He is attaching some final piece to the mechanism. O'Brien is pacing nearby, agitated. O'BRIEN Kira has already locked down the Valerian ship. And she's diverted half the station's systems to her control. Sisko's eyes grow cold. SISKO Since when? O'BRIEN An hour ago. I've heard some disturbing rumors from our people on the Promenade. (beat) I think she's going to make an attempt on your life. Sisko sets down the pen, looks up. SISKO I want you to arrest them. Kira and every Bajoran officer on this station. I want the names of every sympathizer -- O'BRIEN (interrupting) -- That's not a good idea, sir. There are a lot more of them than there are of us. If we tip our hand, it could work against us. SISKO (cold) What can we do? O'BRIEN Leave the station. Sisko is suddenly on his feet -- exploding with rage. SISKO Never. Get me a phaser. I'll get rid of Kira. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 36 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (calmly) Hear me out, sir... We leave the station. Raise a Federation attack force. And return. (beat) And on that day we'll get rid of all your enemies. Sisko looks at him -- grows again completely calm -- ALMOST PATHOLOGICALLY SO. He smiles and sits back down. SISKO How do we proceed? O'BRIEN I need a few more hours to free up the Valerian ship. I've already talked to their Captain. He's more than happy to take us back to Federation space. Sisko finishes attaching the pendulum. SISKO Call me as soon as you're ready... He gives the pendulum a tap with this finger -- it starts to swing back and forth. 37 thru OMITTED 40A 41 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir is handing a tiny, palm-held DEVICE over to one of the BAJORAN N.D. Ensigns seen before in OPS. BASHIR It'll take effect in two minutes. Plenty of time for -- Odo steps in. Bashir and the Ensign react as if caught in the act -- but Bashir keeps his cool. BASHIR (to Ensign) -- For you to get a good night's sleep. ENSIGN Thank you, Doctor. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 41 CONTINUED: And with a nod to Odo, he EXITS the room. Bashir turns to Odo. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 41 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (re: Ensign) Chronic insomnia. I think it's hormonal. (beat) So how are you? ODO I take it you've completed your autopsy of the Klingon. BASHIR Of course. (conspiratorially) You know, Odo, events have been moving rapidly since our last conversation. I'd advise you to choose sides or risk finding yourself without any friends at all. ODO The Klingon, Doctor, what did you find? BASHIR (dismissive) He's still dead, if that's what you mean. Bashir turns away from Odo, who grabs him and pushes him up against the wall. ODO I don't have time for jokes. Bashir's eyes widen in fear. Odo doesn't release his grip but he does soften his attitude toward Bashir -- speaks to him as a fellow conspirator. ODO Your findings could determine who controls this station. Bashir's interest is peaked. BASHIR How? Odo gives Bashir a knowing smile. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 41 CONTINUED: (3) ODO All in good time... First, tell me about the Klingon... BASHIR I found nothing very unusual. The columnar cells in his brain stem... the membrane permeability was off... ODO (pressing) What could cause that? BASHIR Any number of things. ODO Could it have something to do with telepathy? The Klingons were studying the telepathic archives of an ancient race. Bashir thinks for a moment. BASHIR If those archives were contained within a self-sustaining energy matrix, it could explain the changes in the Klingon's brain. Odo nods. It's finally starting to make sense to him. ODO Could that energy matrix have somehow caused them to re-enact the power struggle that destroyed the Saltah'nans. BASHIR (curious) Possibly. What are you getting at? ODO Doctor, I believe the Klingon brought the matrix with him... and everyone in Ops was affected except me... without a humanoid brain, my system rejected it. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 41 CONTINUED: (4) BASHIR (a beat) An interesting theory, Constable... but I'm certainly not behaving out of the ordinary. Odo reacts, but plays along. ODO Of course not. (a beat) But what if you and I are the only two who aren't affected. A look of cold realization crosses Bashir's face. BASHIR I see... and you think we can use that to our advantage. ODO Exactly. BASHIR Tell me your plan. ODO The first thing we have to do is figure out how to remove the field from everyone affected. BASHIR But then we'd lose our advantage. ODO Would you rather someone blew up the station? BASHIR I see your point. ODO The power to control the energy matrix is the power to control this station. BASHIR If I could determine the natural resonance frequencies of the field, I might be able to generate an interference signal of some kind which could force it out. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT FOUR 49. 41 CONTINUED: (5) ODO Do it. I promise, Doctor, you won't regret it. Bashir nods, heads for a workstation. Odo takes a deep breath, then goes to join him. 42 OMITTED 43 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) O'Brien and Dax are working at a station -- the monitor displays a schematic of the station and the docked Valerian ship. DAX (distant) This reminds me of a game I used to play... It had a maze... What was it called? O'BRIEN I'm through level two. See if you can isolate the security blocks on three. A beat. Dax isn't responding. She smiles at a memory. DAX The Winter Garden... DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT FOUR 50. 43 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Lieutenant. DAX (glances up) Oh. I'm sorry. I must have been drifting. O'BRIEN (patronizing) Try drifting over here when you get the chance. 44 INCLUDE SISKO stepping onto OPS from his office. SISKO What's taking so long, O'Brien? O'BRIEN Almost there, Sir. We've got one more level of security lockouts to break through and the Valerian ship will be ready to go. Sisko scowls, starts heading back to his office. Dax glances up from her work -- exchanges a meaningful look with the N.D. Bajoran Ensign last seen leaving the Infirmary. The Ensign picks up a PADD and intercepts Sisko. ENSIGN Commander, I have the report you asked for on those weapon scanners. SISKO Give it to Mister O'Brien. But the Ensign holds out the PADD to Sisko. ENSIGN I really think you should see this, sir. And in his other palm, we see he's hiding the tiny DEVICE he got from Bashir. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT FOUR 50A. 45 thru OMITTED 46 47 O'BRIEN notices Dax, who can't help but steal a glance at the Ensign's progress. A look of suspicion crosses O'Brien's face. 48 THE SCENE Everything happens in a flash. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT FOUR 51. -- The Ensign slowly brings the Device up toward Sisko's back. -- O'Brien leaps to his feet, shouting. O'BRIEN Commander! -- Sisko whips around, grabbing the Ensign's wrist, sees the Device, then swings the man violently around, throwing him over a console. -- Dax stands in a panic, hitting a companel. DAX (to COM) Dax to Kira! -- O'Brien backhands her, knocking her out. He dashes for the transporter controls. -- Sisko continues after the Ensign, blind with rage. SISKO Is it Kira?! He hauls the Ensign to his feet, holding him up with one hand and backhanding him with the other. SISKO (continuing) Did Kira put you up to this? ENSIGN (fearful) No... Another blow. SISKO (continuing) I want the truth. The Ensign doesn't have a chance to answer before he's struck again. SISKO Is that clear? Sisko spots the Ensign's DEVICE now on the floor a few feet away. He hauls the nearly unconscious man over to it, picks it up and prepares to inject him with it. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT FOUR 52. 48 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Let's see how this works... 48A PHASER BLAST (OPTICAL) hits the console next to them -- stopping Sisko cold. 49 INCLUDE KIRA standing at the door, phaser raised, flanked by two armed guards. Sisko just looks at her. KIRA Put it down... Sir... Kira aims her weapon straight at him. OFF the tension of the moment. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT FIVE 53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 50 INT. OPS - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) The face-off continues. Kira motions toward Sisko and O'Brien with her weapon. KIRA (to guards) Take them. O'Brien suddenly DIVES for a Transporter control -- he and Sisko DEMATERIALIZE. Kira fires at Sisko -- the phaser blast goes harmlessly through Sisko's body. Dax struggles to her feet, dazed, as Kira rushes to the workstation. KIRA You were supposed to deactivate the transporter! DAX (groggy) I forgot... 51 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Sisko and O'Brien have just beamed in (we do not see them materialize). O'Brien reacts -- unhappy about finding themselves in the corridor. O'BRIEN Damn it. Kira must have set up a force field to keep us from beaming onto the Valerian ship. The Transporter rerouted us here. SISKO We've got to get to that ship. O'BRIEN Odo's our only chance. He may be able to override the field. He goes to hit his combadge... Sisko stops him. SISKO You're sure we can trust him? DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT FIVE 53A. 51 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I don't see where we have any choice. A beat. Sisko knows O'Brien's right. SISKO (touches combadge) Sisko to Odo... INTERCUT: 52 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir and Odo are at a workstation. Odo reacts to the urgency of Sisko's voice. Bashir reacts at hearing Sisko still alive. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 52 CONTINUED: ODO (to COM) Odo here. SISKO (to COM) Kira has moved against us. She has Dax on her side... We need your help, Constable. You've got to clear us a path to the Valerian ship. ODO (to COM) Take Crossover Bridge One to the Cargo Bay entrance into Docking Port Four. I'll keep it open for you. SISKO (to COM) Right. Sisko out. Sisko removes his combadge. SISKO (continuing, to O'Brien) Leave your combadge here. They remove their combadges. O'Brien looks troubled. Sisko notices, slaps him on the back. SISKO Don't look so worried, Chief. She hasn't beaten us yet. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 52 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Yes, Sir. And they quickly head up the corridor. 53 OMITTED 54 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) (VPB) Kira and Dax at the workstation. DAX They're still in the Airlock Six Corridor... KIRA What could they be doing in there? DAX Maybe they've given up. KIRA Sisko would rather die... which is fine with me. (a beat, then Kira smiles as she figures it out) They must have taken off their combadges. That's all right. They won't get far. Dax glances at a monitor display of the station, reacts with alarm. DAX Somebody's taking out our forcefields... KIRA Whoever it is knows how to override the security codes. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 54 CONTINUED: She hits her combadge. KIRA (to COM) Kira to Odo. INTERCUT: 55 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir and Odo still at the workstation, both of them working away at their consoles. ODO (to COM) Go ahead, Major. KIRA (to COM) Whose side are you on, Constable? ODO (to COM) Yours, of course. KIRA (to COM) Really? Then why are you helping Sisko escape? ODO (to COM) On the contrary. You'll find him trapped in Cargo Bay Four. Consider it my gift to you. A beat. Kira smiles, she can taste victory. KIRA (to COM) My apologies. We'll see you there. Kira out. Bashir to Odo. BASHIR Well done... you certainly fooled her. ODO (impatiently) Doctor, we're running out of time. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 55 CONTINUED: BASHIR (attention focused on his console) I'm just about done. I've set up an ionic interference signal in Cargo Bay Four. It's calibrated to lock onto the resonance frequencies of the telepathic field and drive it out of those affected. ODO What will happen to it then? BASHIR It'll remain suspended as long as the interference is in effect. Odo quickly punches some buttons into his console. ODO That's all I need to know. Let's go. He and Bashir EXIT. 56 INT. CARGO BAY FOUR Sisko and O'Brien rush into the Cargo Bay. Various containers are stacked about the large room; on a far wall is another ENTRY DOOR; on another wall is a large AIRLOCK. O'Brien hurries to the Entry Door -- it doesn't move. SISKO What's wrong? O'BRIEN (puzzled) It won't open. O'Brien pops a panel off the doorframe and works the controls inside. O'BRIEN (continuing) It's completely locked down. Someone's activated a level five security protocol. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/17/93 - ACT FIVE 58. 56 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN There's only one person on this station besides yourself who has that kind of access. Sisko doesn't need to be told who that someone is. SISKO (angry) Odo! KIRA (O.S.) Relax, Commander... 57 thru OMITTED 59 60 INCLUDE KIRA, DAX, AND GUARD as they step through the same doorway Sisko and O'Brien had used, weapons drawn. KIRA ... he'll be here any minute. O'Brien steps away from the door panel, looks to Sisko, hoping he has some kind of card to play. But Sisko only gives a bitter laugh, as he slowly glares around the room. SISKO So... this is where it all ends. KIRA For you. A beat... and when Sisko speaks, it's with great dignity. SISKO You know what disturbs me? The ingratitude. I offered you my help... my kindness... my leadership... and how do you repay me? With betrayal... But you won't get rid of me so easily. You see, unlike you, I understand history. Time will be my greatest ally. (passionately) My name will blaze like a comet across the stars long after your petty treacheries are forgotten. DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/22/93 - ACT FIVE 59. 60 CONTINUED: KIRA But you won't be here to see it. Kira aims her phaser at Sisko... but just as she's about to fire... her attention is diverted by the sound of a door WHOOSHING open and... ODO (O.S.) Major, wait... 61 ODO AND BASHIR step through the door O'Brien was working on. KIRA I'm glad you two could make it. She turns back to Sisko, raising her weapon as... DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - 3/15/93 - ACT FIVE 60. 62 THE SCENE (OPTICAL) ODO (shouting) Computer! Execute Odo One! The door closes behind him as a LOW HUM is suddenly heard, building quickly in intensity. As it does, a transparent RIPPLE EFFECT starts to distort the air in the room. Everyone drops their weapons, reacting in pain -- save for Odo who watches the scene. At the peak of their anguish, a VIOLET-GLOW seems to bleed out of their heads, coloring the ripple effect in the air around them. Their faces start to clear -- the pain fading away, they look disoriented, as if waking from a dream... SISKO (dazed) Constable... ? ODO (urgently) Everyone grab hold of something. They all do as told. Odo hits a control on a panel. THE AIRLOCK OPENS A CRACK. The air starts to rush outside, causing everyone in the room to hold on for dear life. The violet-colored empathic field ripples toward the airlock, and is sucked out into space... As soon as it disappears, Odo again hits the controls and the AIRLOCK CLOSES, air hissing back into the cargo bay. Everyone slowly lets go of their support holds. They exchange looks, confusion giving way to relief. Odo watches with approval. ODO (to all) Welcome back... And off their weary smiles... DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/22/93 - ACT FIVE 61. 63 thru OMITTED 64 65 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The Valerian ship is no longer there. SISKO (V.O.) Commander's log; Stardate 46924.5. With nothing to contain it, the telepathic matrix has dispersed in space. 66 INT. OPS Business as usual. Dax and O'Brien (who is going over some business with Odo) are at their stations. Supernumeraries, including the Ensign as needed. Kira is headed toward the Commander's Office. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) Meanwhile I'm happy to report everything and everyone aboard DS Nine has returned to normal. 66A INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko at his desk contemplating his very alien timepiece. The door CHIMES. SISKO Come in. Kira ENTERS, feeling a little self-conscious. She looks over at the clock. KIRA Did you really build that thing? SISKO Apparently so. KIRA Why? SISKO (simply) I have no idea. He waits a beat to her what's on her mind. When she doesn't speak... SISKO Major? DEEP SPACE: "Dramatis Personae" - REV. 3/18/93 - ACT FIVE 62. 66A CONTINUED: KIRA I know that none of us were really responsible for our actions... but I still feel like I owe you an apology. SISKO For attempted mutiny. KIRA Well... yes. Sisko smiles. SISKO I think we'll let it go... this time. Kira returns his smile -- there's a moment of camaraderie between them. She nods and heads out the door. OFF Sisko's smile as he turns back to studying the timepiece... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END