STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Storyteller" #40511-414 Story by Kurt Michael Bensmiller Teleplay by Kurt Michael Bensmiller and Ira Steven Behr Directed by David Livingtson THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION FEBRUARY 2, 1993 STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Storyteller" - 02/02/93 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Storyteller" CAST SISKO FAREN O'BRIEN HOVATH BASHIR SIRAH DAX VARIS KIRA WOBAN JAKE THE CROWD ODO WOMAN QUARK NOG Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES Villagers STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Storyteller" - 02/02/93 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Storyteller" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE OPS DOCKING RING PORT SEVEN - PLANET BAJOR CORRIDOR COMMANDER'S OFFICE VILLAGE SQUARE PROMENADE REPLIMAT RUNABOUT TURBOLIFT QUARK'S A BACK ROOM RUNABOUT SECURITY OFFICE RUNABOUT VARIS'S QUARTERS SIRAH'S CHAMBER STAR TREK: "The Storyteller" - 02/04/93 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Storyteller" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE PAQU PAH-coo NAVOT nah-VOT VARIS SUL VAIR-is sool WOBAN WOE-ban TETRACH TE-trark FAREN FAIR-in SIRAH suh-RAH GLYRHOND GLEER-hund BUCK BOKAI buck BOW-kai HOVATH HO-vath DAL'ROK DAL-rock DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - TEASER xx1 STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Storyteller" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. SISKO (V.O.) Station log, Stardate 46729.1. The Bajoran government has asked me to mediate a dispute between two rival factions, the Paqu and the Navot. At issue is a land dispute which could trigger a civil war. 2 INT. OPS SISKO EXITS his office. KIRA, DAX and O'BRIEN are at their stations; Supernumeraries as needed. KIRA Commander, the Paqu delegation has arrived at docking bay six. SISKO Let's welcome them aboard. Dax, any word on the Navot? DAX They should be here within the hour. Sisko and Kira head for the Turbolift. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Excuse me, Commander. 3 NEW ANGLE as O'Brien comes down from Engineering to join Sisko and Kira at the Turbolift. SISKO Chief, I thought you'd be on your way to Bajor by now. O'BRIEN We're due to leave any moment. (ill at ease) Sir, I was wondering if perhaps Ensign Boyer could take my place on this particular mission. After all, I'd be little more than a chauffeur, and Boyer can pilot a Runabout as well as I can. SISKO Has something come up that requires your presence on the station? O'BRIEN No, Sir. Everything's running smoothly, for a change. But around here, you never know... Just then BASHIR ENTERS from the Ops doorway. BASHIR Ah, there you are Chief. All set to go? O'BRIEN Yes, Sir. Sisko and O'Brien exchange a look. Sisko now understands the reason behind O'Brien's reluctance. Bashir doesn't pick up on any of this. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/05/93 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: BASHIR Commander, did the Magistrate give any indication regarding the nature of this medical emergency? SISKO (shaking his head) Only that his village was in danger of extinction. BASHIR In that case we better be on our way. Sisko and Kira enter the Turbolift. SISKO (to O'Brien) I agree. O'BRIEN Yes, Sir. SISKO (to comm) Docking port six. The Turbolift begins its descent. O'Brien and Bashir head for the door. BASHIR You know Chief, in a way I'm really looking forward to this mission. O'BRIEN Why's that? BASHIR I see it as a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know one another. As they EXIT out the door, O'Brien glances back at Sisko. He's not a happy camper. 4 INT. TURBOLIFT On Sisko and Kira. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: SISKO (to Kira) I'd like you to set up a preliminary meeting with both sides for later this afternoon. Make sure they know that this is an informal session. I just want to get them talking to each other. KIRA Just getting them to sit down at the same table will be an accomplishment. (beat) Sir, about these negotiations... SISKO You have some advice for me? KIRA There's an old saying on Bajor, "the land and the people are one." Well, the land inhabited by the Paqu and Navot is some of the harshest on the planet. SISKO Relax Major. This isn't my first time up at the plate. KIRA (doesn't get the baseball reference) Sir... As the Turbolift doors open... SISKO (smiling) Besides, I'll have you by my side to help me avoid making mistakes. And they EXIT. 5 INT. DOCKING PORT SEVEN - CORRIDOR Moving with Sisko and Kira as they reach the airlock door. SISKO What can you tell me about the Paqu Tetrarch? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - TEASER 5. 5 CONTINUED: KIRA Not much. The Paqu choose to avoid contact with outsiders. The airlock doors OPEN and out steps a Paqu advisor. He steps aside to allow another figure to emerge from the passage: a hard-bitten fifteen-year-old girl (VARIS SUL). VARIS Commander Sisko? Sisko nods, somewhat confused. SISKO Yes? VARIS I am Varis Sul, Tetrarch of the Paqu. As Sisko and Kira react we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/11/93 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (Note: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 6 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Traveling at impulse. 7 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien in the pilot seat. Bashir, feeling ignored, is seated behind him. Hold for a beat a silence. Then... BASHIR (a beat) Chief, may I ask you a question? O'BRIEN (all business) Of course. BASHIR And I'd like an honest answer. O'BRIEN You'll get one. Bashir hesitates a moment before speaking. BASHIR Do I... annoy you? O'BRIEN (looking over his shoulder) Annoy me? What kind of question is that? BASHIR Well, the thing is, we've just spent two hours alone together in this runabout and you hardly said a word to me the whole time. O'Brien turns back to the controls. O'BRIEN Really? I hadn't noticed. BASHIR Oh, I see... DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/11/93 - ACT ONE 6A. 7 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I suppose I was too busy... thinking. BASHIR Thinking? O'BRIEN That's right. A beat as Bashir mulls over O'Brien's answer. Then... BASHIR About what? O'BRIEN What? BASHIR What were you thinking about? I'm just curious. O'Brien does a slow burn but he refuses to allow the young doctor to see how annoyed he's getting. O'BRIEN Let's see... I was thinking that when I get back to the station, I'll have to run a level one diagnostic on the phase coil generators. (a beat) Satisfied? BASHIR (nods) I guess so. O'BRIEN (case closed) Glad to hear it. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT ONE 7. 7 CONTINUED: (2) But Bashir isn't willing to let it go just yet. He's determined to empty his pockets. BASHIR I mean, the only reason I brought it up is because your opinion means a lot to me, and I'm aware I have a tendency to run off at the mouth sometimes. O'BRIEN Is that a fact. BASHIR I suppose it's a nervous habit. I hope you don't hold it against me. O'BRIEN Not at all, Sir. Bashir nods to himself. This has gone better than he thought, though he still suspects O'Brien isn't being totally up front with him. He decides to take it one more step. BASHIR Oh, and one more thing. O'BRIEN And what would that be, Sir? O'Brien steadies himself. He figures next he'll have to listen to stories from Bashir's childhood. BASHIR I don't think it's really necessary for you to call me "Sir." O'BRIEN (surprised) What should I call you? You're my superior officer. BASHIR How about Julian. O'Brien flinches, but quickly recovers his laconic poise. O'BRIEN Is that an order? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT ONE 8. 7 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Of course not. I'd simply prefer it if you called me by my first name. O'Brien considers a beat then... O'BRIEN (checking console) All right. We've achieved stable orbit around Bajor. We can beam down any time... Julian. And we notice just the slightest edge in his voice as he says the name. Bashir notices it as well. Hopes he's mistaken. 8 EXT. VILLAGE SQUARE - DAY (OPTICAL) Bashir and O'Brien MATERIALIZE in the middle of a plaza. A few villagers are cleaning up some debris. Nearby is a large raised platform. Bashir takes out his medical tricorder. Takes readings. BASHIR (re: tricorder) No sign of any airborne infections, the soil appears free of pollutants, and the ground water's clear of bacterial contamination. FAREN (O.S.) Gentlemen... 9 NEW ANGLE to include FAREN, a Bajoran official. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT ONE 9. 9 CONTINUED: FAREN I am Faren Kag, the village magistrate. BASHIR I'm Doctor Bashir and this is Chief O'Brien. FAREN This village is in great jeopardy. I only hope you're not too late. He leads them toward a large stone building. 9A INT. SIRAH'S CHAMBER Faren leads Bashir and O'Brien into the room where an old man (THE SIRAH) lies asleep in a bed. (NOTE: The Sirah wears a bracelet, set with a green stone, around one of his wrists.) HOVATH, a young Bajoran of twenty-four, sits watching over him. FAREN Has he shown any sign of improvement? HOVATH None. FAREN (to Bashir) You must help him. BASHIR How many others are sick? FAREN Others? O'BRIEN You said the entire village was in jeopardy? FAREN It is. (looking down at the old man) If he dies, we all die. Off O'Brien and Bashir's reactions... DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT ONE 9A. 10 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) 11 INT. QUARK'S - A BACK ROOM Sisko, Kira, Varis, and WOBAN, the large, gruff Navot leader, are seated at a table. Woban munches on some hors d'oeuvres. WOBAN I'll say this for the Cardassians. Their replicators make a fine larish pie. VARIS (to Sisko) I didn't come here to eat, Commander. SISKO Then let's talk. The official negotiations won't begin until tonight, but I thought it might be a good idea for us to meet informally to see where we all stand. Sisko consults his PADD. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT ONE 10. 11 CONTINUED: SISKO According to the treaty that has existed between you for the past ninety years... (reading) "... the border separating the Paqu and the Navot shall forever be the river Glyrhond." WOBAN That's correct. Varis nods curtly. KIRA (an attempt at levity) Well, at least we all agree on something. SISKO Now, as I understand it, during the occupation the Cardassians diverted the river for use in their mining operations. As a result the Glyrhond now flows twenty kilometers west of its former position. WOBAN Twenty kilometers into Navot territory. VARIS It's Paqu territory now. (to Sisko) You read the treaty Commander. The river is our common border. WOBAN The treaty says nothing about stealing land. If your father was alive he'd give us back what was ours. VARIS My father would have done no such thing. Besides, I'm Tetrarch now. (coldly) I will not be pressured into betraying my people. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT ONE 11. 11 CONTINUED: (2) Before Sisko can respond, the tension is cut by the arrival of an upbeat QUARK, who carries a tray of drinks which he distributes around the table. QUARK Let's see, one glass of Gamzian wine, two Bajoran synthales... (to Varis) And a Trixian bubble juice for the little lady. Varis grabs the glass and, rising, splashes the contents in Quark's face. VARIS I'm not a little lady. She storms away. Quark wipes his face then turns to Sisko. QUARK I'm still charging her for that drink. But Sisko and Kira have other concerns. 12 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL JAKE and NOG are seated at their usual spot. Jake is wearing a baseball glove. JAKE Nog, we've been sitting here over an hour. Let's go play some ball in the Holosuite. NOG No. JAKE Why not? NOG Because baseball is slow and boring... JAKE And you can't hit my curve ball. NOG It's a stupid game that even humans stopped playing hundreds of years ago. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT ONE 12. 12 CONTINUED: JAKE Maybe. But you still can't hit my curve ball. Before Nog can protest... ODO (V.O.) Mister Sisko... 13 NEW ANGLE As ODO advance toward the boys. ODO Nog, I thought I told you no dangling over the Promenade. JAKE We're not gonna fall, Odo. NOG We can see things better from down here. Odo peers over the railing. ODO And what, may I ask, is so important to see? JAKE Nothing. ODO In that case, you can see "nothing" just as well from up here. (an order) Now, on your feet. The boys scramble to a standing position. ODO Thank you. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT ONE 13. He continues his rounds. The boys wait until he turns the bend, then sit back down. JAKE Are you gonna come to the Holosuite with me or not? We can have Buck Bokai hit a few out to us. He was the greatest hitter of all time. (a beat) I'll even let you use my glove. NOG (a moonstruck grin) I've never seen anything so beautiful. Jake stares at the glove. Maybe he's missing something. But Nog isn't talking about some worn piece of leather. He points below to the Promenade. 14 THEIR POV Varis and her advisor are passing beneath them. 15 BACK TO SCENE Both boys check her out carefully. JAKE (nothing special) She's all right. NOG All right? (determined) I have to meet her. Jake stares at his lovesick buddy. Yeah, Nog's serious. 16 EXT. SPACE - THE PLANET BAJOR (OPTICAL) 17 INT. SIRAH'S CHAMBER Bashir is finishing up his examination of the Sirah, who remains asleep. O'Brien is seated in a chair on the other side of the room. Hovath looks to the doctor for reassurance. But Bashir has none to give. Whatever he's picked up on the medical tricorder isn't good. Suddenly the Sirah begins to stir. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT ONE 14. 17 CONTINUED: SIRAH The Dal'Rok... He attempts to sit up. Bashir lays a restraining hand on him. BASHIR Easy now. Try not to exert yourself. The Sirah looks around. Spots Hovath. SIRAH Hovath, the time... ? HOVATH Still two hours before nightfall. SIRAH You should have woken me. Help me get dressed. Hovath moves to the bed but Bashir motions him away. BASHIR I'm afraid you're in no shape to go anywhere. The Sirah sizes up Bashir. SIRAH The prophets sent you, didn't they. BASHIR I beg your pardon? The Sirah smiles, takes hold of Bashir's hand. The smile fades. SIRAH (troubled) No... Something's wrong. It must be your companion. O'Brien, who has been seated in the b.g. listening with only half an ear, suddenly begins to pay closer attention to the conversation. BASHIR (baffled) You mean Chief O'Brien? SIRAH Bring him to me. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT ONE 15. 17 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR Why? SIRAH Because you are not the one I've been waiting for. That doesn't exactly clarify matters, but Bashir turns to O'Brien. BASHIR Chief... he wants to see you. O'Brien rises. The Sirah waves him over. SIRAH Come closer. O'Brien looks to Bashir, who gives a "don't ask me" shrug. O'Brien approaches the bed. The Sirah grabs hold of his hand then smiles with satisfaction. SIRAH (to O'Brien) I knew the prophets wouldn't fail us. (a beat) You may leave now... (to Bashir) Both of you. Bashir is about to argue, then thinks better of it. BASHIR (to Hovath) See that he stays in bed. As Bashir and O'Brien head for the door. O'BRIEN What was that all about? BASHIR I haven't a clue. They EXIT. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT ONE 16. 18 EXT. VILLAGE SQUARE - CONTINUOUS Bashir and O'Brien are met by an anxious Faren. FAREN The Sirah... how is he? BASHIR I wish I had better news. He's suffering from systemic organ failure brought on by an accelerated rate of cellular decay... his body is surrendering to old age. FAREN (hopefully) Is there anything you can do? BASHIR I can keep him comfortable and relatively free of pain. Other than that, it's only a matter of time. (a beat) I'm sorry. So is Faren, who refuses to accept the diagnosis. FAREN But we need him. The Dal'Rok will be here soon. O'BRIEN What's the Dal'Rok? FAREN It's a terrible creature that lives in the woods just north of the village. Every year at the end of harvest it appears. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT ONE 17. 18 CONTINUED: BASHIR And you say it's coming tonight. FAREN (nods) Yes, it always comes for five nights. This will be the fourth. And only the Sirah is strong enough to defeat it. BASHIR Right now, the Sirah isn't strong enough to get out of bed. Faren stares off in the direction of the woods. FAREN If what you say is true, this village will be destroyed tonight. And off Bashir and O'Brien's reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 19 OMITTED 20 INT. HABITAT RING Jake and Nog come down the corridor. JAKE You're sure this is the place? NOG You saw the readout. There's only one female her age visiting the station, and these are her quarters. They approach the door. NOG Well go ahead. JAKE What? NOG Ring the bell. JAKE Me? You're the one who wants to meet her. NOG Are you afraid? JAKE (insulted) Of a girl. NOG Then ring. JAKE You ring. Nog gives Jake a friendly push. Jake pushes back. NOG You are afraid. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT TWO 19. 20 CONTINUED: JAKE No I'm not, you are. A good natured shoving match ensues. Suddenly the doors open and Varis stands before them. They freeze! VARIS What are you doing? Nog steps forward. NOG My name's Jog... I mean Jake. Jake moves to rescue his flustered friend. JAKE He's Nog. I'm Jake Sisko. The boys walk past her into the room. A flicker of interest crosses Varis's face as she recognizes the surname. VARIS Sisko... 21 INT. VARIS'S QUARTERS Varis sizes up the two boys. JAKE We're kinda the unofficial welcoming committee around here. NOG That's right... (at a loss) Welcome to DS Nine. VARIS Thank you. I'm Varis Sul. JAKE Would you like a tour of the station? There's a Klingon freighter leaving for the Gamma Quadrant in a little while. We could watch it go through the wormhole. NOG Good idea. STXTÇ ¥ DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT TWO 19A. JAKE 21 CONTINUED: Thanks. (to Varis) So, how about it? You wanna come? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT TWO 20. 21 CONTINUED: (2) Varis gives it a moment's thought before answering. Spending some time with Jake could possibly give her valuable insight regarding Commander Sisko. VARIS I've never seen the wormhole. NOG Then you're in luck. We know the best spot on the station for wormhole watching. JAKE Unless you're too busy or something... VARIS Not at the moment. JAKE Then let's go. And she EXITS, leaving the boys to follow. Jake and Nog exchange grins behind her back. They realize she's a little older, a little more mature... so to have her consent to hang around with them is a real boost to their egos. 22 EXT. SPACE - THE PLANET BAJOR (OPTICAL) (STOCK) 23 EXT. VILLAGE SQUARE - NIGHT The Sirah, in ceremonial clothes, is led into the square by Hovath. Bashir and O'Brien are with them. BASHIR Listen to me, Sirah. You must return to bed. To be out here... in your condition... SIRAH Your concern touches me, Doctor. (looks over at O'Brien) But I'm in the hands of the prophets. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT TWO 21. 23 CONTINUED: They arrive at the platform, which is surrounded by a group of villagers, including Faren, who stand motionless, softly mumbling a religious chant. Hovath helps support the Sirah up the platform stairs. In unison, the villagers lift their eyes to the darkness. A light wind begins whipping around the square. O'Brien pulls out his tricorder. O'BRIEN Strange. I'm not registering any atmospheric disturbance... The Sirah, feeble as he is, suddenly spreads his arms wide, meeting the full force of the wind which has picked up considerably. SIRAH The Dal'Rok wakes. CROWD The Dal'Rok... the Dal'Rok... SIRAH We are ready. CROWD Yes... we're ready... the Dal'Rok... SIRAH In the shadows of the night he hungers... With the hatred of the ancients he rages... From the twisted pit of chaos he approaches... 24 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) The Dal'Rok, a large ominously rolling energy cloud, appears in the sky above the square. CROWD (fear building) The Dal'Rok... the Dal'Rok... it's here... 24A ANGLE - BASHIR AND O'BRIEN once again checking the tricorder. BASHIR Is it alive? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT TWO 21A. 24A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN The tricorder's still not registering anything. BASHIR Could it be some kind of holographic image? O'BRIEN I'm not picking up any power source. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT TWO 22. 25 BACK TO SCENE (OPTICAL) The Sirah shouts to be heard above the crowd. SIRAH The Dal'Rok's anger is like a wave crashing down on the village. CROWD Yes... the anger... a wave... we feel it. SIRAH The weight of its fury threatens to crush us all. The Dal'Rok thinks the village is powerless to defend itself. Strange lightning flashes begin emitting from the Dal'Rok, exploding in the sky above the village. Bashir and O'Brien look around them. The crowd's panic is almost palpable. The Sirah is nearing exhaustion but he continues to play his audience for all he's worth. SIRAH But the Dal'Rok is mistaken. The village is strong. Much stronger than the Dal'Rok can ever imagine. CROWD Yes... the village... the village is strong. 26 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Particles of shimmering white light behind rising up from the village and begins shrinking the Dal'Rok. 27 thru OMITTED 29 30 ANGLE - THE SIRAH Struggling to finish the story. SIRAH Our strength... our unity... shall drive... the Dal'Rok... The Sirah suddenly collapses. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT TWO 23. 31 NEW ANGLE BASHIR AND O'BRIEN Bashir heads for the stage as the crowd dissolves into chaos. CROWD The Sirah... Is he hurt... Look out... The Dal'Rok... 32 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) Sure enough the white lights disappear from around the Dal'Rok, which fires another energy bolt toward the village. 33 ANGLE ON A BUILDING (OPTICAL) A chunk of a wall explodes. 34 ANGLE ON O'BRIEN As the crowd cries out in alarm. O'BRIEN Bloody hell. And on his reaction to the destruction, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 35 EXT. VILLAGE SQUARE - THE PLATFORM - NIGHT 36 CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Bashir administers to the Sirah, as interactive lighting and sound remind us that the Dal'Rok is still raging overhead (though no more damage is seen). The Sirah begins to stir. BASHIR Chief, help me get him down from here. The Sirah forces himself to his feet, Bashir lending support. SIRAH Where is my successor? O'Brien and Hovath step onto the platform. HOVATH Sirah... But the Sirah ignores the youth and holds a hand out to O'Brien. SIRAH The one the prophets sent. The Sirah grabs hold of O'Brien's hand. O'BRIEN Wait a second, you've got the wrong guy. SIRAH (an urgent whisper) Say as I say... the village shall not be destroyed. O'BRIEN What? SIRAH Quickly. O'Brien looks over at Bashir, who's just as perplexed as he is. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT THREE 24A. 35 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (feeling foolish) The village shall not be destroyed. SIRAH Louder. So they can all hear. O'BRIEN (to the crowd) The village shall not be destroyed. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT THREE 25. 35 CONTINUED: (2) The Sirah keeps a tight grip on O'Brien, summoning up every last bit of strength to get through this crisis. SIRAH (a whisper) Despite our fears, we stand our ground and face the Dal'Rok. O'BRIEN (to the crowd) Despite our fears, we stand our ground and face the Dal'Rok. 36 ANGLE THE VILLAGERS watching the battle with newfound hope. CROWD Stand fast. Face the Dal'Rok. 37 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As once again the shimmering particles of white light begin shooting up at the Dal'Rok. ANGLE THE PLATFORM 38 The Sirah is rapidly whispering to O'Brien who repeats the words for all to hear. O'BRIEN The village is strong. CROWD The village is strong. O'BRIEN More powerful than the Dal'Rok. CROWD More powerful than the Dal'Rok. O'BRIEN Together we use that power to drive it away. CROWD Drive it away. O'BRIEN Drive it away! DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT THREE 25A. 38 CONTINUED: CROWD Drive it away! 39 ANGLE - THE SKY (OPTICAL) The white lights have completely encircled the Dal'Rok. A beat and then both the Dal'Rok and the lights fade away. O'BRIEN (V.O.) The Dal'Rok is defeated. 40 ANGLE THE PLATFORM (OPTICAL) Still taking his cues from the Sirah. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT THREE 26. 40 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN The village is safe. The villagers cheer wildly. CROWD The village is safe. All thanks to the prophets. The Sirah. The Sirah. The Sirah drops O'Brien's hand and slumps against him. O'Brien and Bashir lower down to the floor of the platform. Bashir leans over to examine him, but there's nothing he can do. The villagers fall silent. BASHIR He's dead. Hovath drops to his knees in mourning, but Faren leaps onto the stage and addresses the villagers. FAREN The Sirah has left us. Faren waits a beat or two, and then throws a welcoming arm around O'Brien. FAREN But the prophets have sent us his successor. The villagers erupt with thunderous cheers. FAREN (continuing) A new Sirah to tell the story. CROWD A new Sirah... the story... All thanks to the prophets. FAREN A new Sirah to protect the village. The villagers roar their approval. 41 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN too astonished to even protest. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT THREE 27. 42 OMITTED 43 INT. QUARK'S Not very crowded. Kira ENTERS and sits down at the bar. Quark hurries over. QUARK Major, what a pleasant surprise. I always look forward to one of your infrequent visits. KIRA Spare me the small talk and get me a star drifter. Quark begins gathering the ingredients. QUARK So, how are the negotiations coming along? KIRA Better make it a double. Quark nods sympathetically. 44 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko studying a PADD. The door chimes. SISKO Come in. Varis ENTERS. VARIS You asked to see me. SISKO Please, sit down. Varis doesn't move. VARIS I just spent the last five hours sitting at a conference table. SISKO Yes, five long, unproductive hours. VARIS Woban is an obstinate fool. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT THREE 28. 44 CONTINUED: SISKO Woban is here to talk. What are you here for? VARIS I would think that was obvious. To defend the interests of my people. SISKO How? By starting a war? Varis bristles at the suggestion. VARIS I object to your tone, Commander. SISKO Because if that's what you want, if you'd rather fight than talk, then we're just wasting our time. VARIS That land belongs to the Paqu. SISKO The Navot don't agree. VARIS Then they'd better be ready to die for it. I am. Or don't you believe me? SISKO (frustration showing) I believe in people working together to find reasonable solutions to their problems. I hope you do as well. It takes a moment for Varis to control her temper, and when she speaks, it's with a cold, flat anger. VARIS What you "hope" is no concern of mine. Now, anything else you wish to say to me can be said tomorrow across the conference table. She turns to leave. SISKO Varis... DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT THREE 29. 44 CONTINUED: (2) She turns back to Sisko. SISKO Are you sure your people are as ready as you are to die for that land? Varis stares at Sisko for a beat. EXITS. Hold on Sisko, who's not looking forward to tomorrow. 44A EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) 44B INT. PROMENADE - DAY TWO Jake and Nog are checking the premises for Varis. NOG Where do you think she is? JAKE I guess if she's not here, we can try again at her quarters. NOG When we find her, I want you to let me do the talking. JAKE She asks me questions... I answer them. What's wrong with that? NOG Just remember, I saw her first. (a beat) She's mine. 45 INT. PROMENADE STAIRS As the boys climb to the second level. JAKE Then, how come you can barely say two words to her without getting tongue-tied? NOG That's a lie. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT THREE 29A. 45 CONTINUED: JAKE I've never seen you so nervous. You must really like her. NOG I never said that. 46 INT. SECOND LEVEL Jake and Nog reach the landing. They both stop short as they see Varis seated at their hangout, her feet dangling over the edge of the walkway. She looks pretty miserable. 47 NEW ANGLE As an embarrassed Nog bumps into Jake, he hopes she hasn't heard them. NOG Uh... we were... uh... just... JAKE Looking for you. VARIS (subdued) I've been... busy. Jake and Nog sit down on either side of her. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT THREE 30. 47 CONTINUED: JAKE (picking up on her mood) Is something wrong? You seem a little depressed. VARIS (a beat) It's nothing, really. (wanting to talk) It's just... there are these people... who want something I have... and I refuse to give it to them. Nog perks up. Here's a chance to help the girl of his dreams. NOG How badly do they want it? VARIS Very badly. NOG Is there anything they have that you want? VARIS That I want? NOG Maybe this isn't a problem. Maybe it's an opportunity. Varis considers for a moment. VARIS Maybe... JAKE When I have a problem I can't figure out, I ask my dad. NOG (determined not to be outdone by Jake) I ask my dad, too. VARIS It helps, doesn't it? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT THREE 31. 47 CONTINUED: (2) JAKE NOG Yes. No. JAKE My dad's a pretty smart guy. NOG Mine, too. (off Jake's look) In his own way. VARIS My parents are dead. They were killed by the Cardassians. JAKE I'm sorry. My mom was killed during an attack by the Borg. There's a moment of mutal sympathy between Jake and Varis. JAKE Isn't there someone you can talk to? Someone you trust? VARIS I don't trust many people. JAKE My dad says... NOG Could we please talk about something besides your father? VARIS (to Jake) You admire him very much, don't you? JAKE (smiling) I trust him. ODO Mister Sisko... DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT THREE 31A. 48 NEW ANGLE as Odo heads towards them. Varis hides her face so that Odo doesn't recognize her. She wants her relationship with Jake kept hidden from Sisko. NOG (uh-oh) Odo... JAKE We were just leaving. Jake and Nog pull Varis to her feet and head for the hills. 49 CLOSE ON ODO not bothering to pursue. He allows himself the smallest trace of a smile at the fear he inspires in Jake and Nog. 50 OMITTED 51 INT. SIRAH'S CHAMBER - DAY O'Brien pacing the room. Bashir gazing out a window. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/11/93 - ACT THREE 32. 51 CONTINUED: BASHIR (musing) I wonder what was controlling those energy creatures. O'BRIEN One thing's certain, it wasn't me. BASHIR Try telling that to the villagers. They saw the Sirah choose you as his successor. O'BRIEN He made a mistake. BASHIR But you saw how he greeted you when we arrived. It was as if he were expecting you. (upbeat) I'll tell you, Chief, I'm glad you came along on this mission. If it wasn't for you, I'd have just done what I could for the Sirah and left. Look at what I'd have missed. O'BRIEN I'm glad you're enjoying yourself... Julian. BASHIR Don't worry, Chief, I have faith in you. O'BRIEN (not inspired) Do you? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/11/93 - ACT THREE 32A. 51 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (a throwaway) For all we know, you really were sent by the prophets. That raises O'Brien's hackles. O'BRIEN I was sent by Commander Sisko. (a beat) That Dal'Rok... or whatever... will be returning tonight... and everyone's counting on me to stop it... Only trouble is I don't have the slightest idea how I'm supposed to do that. 52 NEW ANGLE Faren, Hovath and some villagers ENTER carrying various presents (food, jewels, clothing). FAREN These gifts are for you, Sirah. The offerings do not improve O'Brien's mood. O'BRIEN Well tell them I don't want... BASHIR (interrupting) Bring them right in. Put them wherever you like. The villagers do as they're told, all the while gazing respectfully at O'Brien. O'BRIEN Now look... Julian... DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT THREE 33. 52 CONTINUED: BASHIR We're visitors here, Chief. It wouldn't be polite to refuse our hosts. The villagers file out, leaving behind Faren, Hovath and three beautiful Bajoran women, whose eyes never leave O'Brien. O'BRIEN (uncomfortable) How can I help you ladies? BASHIR (way ahead of him) I think they're the ones offering services, Chief. The women smile modestly at O'Brien. O'BRIEN (appalled) Now look here, there's been a serious misunderstanding... FAREN Is there a problem, Sirah? O'BRIEN No, they're not... well, yes... they're quite... Look, I have a wife and daughter back at DS Nine. FAREN (no problem) Of course. Faren gestures to the women, who EXIT. FAREN (to O'Brien) You must send for them. O'BRIEN Why? FAREN So they can live here with you. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT THREE 34. 52 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (that takes the cake) You're missing the point. You see, I'm not staying. Faren just doesn't get it. FAREN Then who will tell the story? O'BRIEN You'll just have to find someone else. FAREN But there is no one else. The Sirah chose you. BASHIR He made a mistake. FAREN But what about the Dal'Rok? Without your protection, he'll kill us all. O'BRIEN Look, Faren, I'd like to help, really I would, but I don't know how. FAREN You must tell the story. O'BRIEN (sees there's no point in arguing) As simple as that, is it? Faren nods. Secure in his faith. FAREN May the prophets grant you victory, Sirah. O'BRIEN Let's hope so. Faren EXITS. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT THREE 35. 53 ANGLE HOVATH about to follow. He pauses to stare unobserved at O'Brien. It's a jealous, hateful stare. 54 NEW ANGLE Hovath turns and EXITS, leaving O'Brien and Bashir alone in the room. BASHIR Now what do we do? O'BRIEN The way I see it, there's only one way out of this mess. We have to find out exactly what this Dal'Rok is, and destroy it... before it destroys us. Bashir nods in agreement as we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 55 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) SISKO (V.O.) Station Log supplemental. We have completed a second day of talks between the Paqu and the Navot. So far, we're no closer to finding a solution than we were when negotiations began. 56 INT. VARIS'S QUARTERS A thoughtful Varis is seated at a table studying a monitor displaying a map of the disputed border. The door CHIMES. VARIS Enter. 57 NEW ANGLE Jake and Nog tramp in, their happy-go-lucky attitudes in sharp contrast to Varis, who shuts off the monitor. JAKE Hi, you want to do something? VARIS I'm sorry. Not right now. Nog's disappointed, but Jake sees that she means it. JAKE Okay, we'll stop by later. He turns to go, but Nog isn't ready to admit defeat. NOG Is there anything we can do to cheer you up? VARIS (appreciates the concern) I don't think so. NOG You're sure? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT FOUR 37. 57 CONTINUED: Jake takes hold of Nog's arm and leads him toward the door. JAKE (quietly) Let's go, before you embarrass yourself. But before they exit... VARIS Wait. Nog pulls away from Jake. NOG (to Varis) Yes? Varis is clearly uncomfortable asking for help from Jake and Nog. But at the moment, she truly feels she has no one else to turn to. VARIS You remember that... opportunity we were discussing yesterday? NOG Yes. VARIS How can you be sure that an opportunity is worth the risk? Nog smiles. At last he's on familiar ground. NOG Instinct. The Ninth Rule of Acquisition clearly states "opportunity plus instinct equals profit." VARIS (half to herself) Instinct. JAKE (to Nog) That's not gonna help. But Varis brightens a bit. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/03/93 - ACT FOUR 38. 57 CONTINUED: (2) VARIS I think it does. Thank you, Nog. Nog smiles, delighted to have been of assistance. NOG Good. Let's celebrate. And as Varis considers the request... VARIS Celebrate... ? Nog reaches into his pocket, pulls out a Cardassian computer chip. NOG I took one of my uncle's security rods. JAKE What are we gonna do with that? NOG I don't know... (an idea) We could swipe Odo's bucket. JAKE Are you kidding? VARIS A bucket? NOG (to Jake) We'll give it back. JAKE Yeah, but... NOG It'll be funny. JAKE But we can't just walk into security... NOG Watch me. He heads for the door. Varis and Jake, who is not convinced this is such a hot idea, follow after him. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 58 thru OMITTED 59 60 INT. PROMENADE - THE REPLIMAT as Jake, Nog, and Varis arrive. Nog looks inside the Security Office, then motions to the others to wait for him. Before Jake can protest, Nog disappears into an alcove near the Security Office. VARIS (to Jake) I still don't understand what's so funny about a bucket. JAKE Odo lives in it. Off Varis's surprised expression... JAKE (continuing) He's a shape-shifter. Every sixteen hours he has to change back to his original form. VARIS Inside a bucket? JAKE He turns into some kind of liquid. 60A THEIR POV The Security doors open. Nog stands inside. Waves them over. 61 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Jake and Varis join Nog inside the semi-dark office. JAKE (to Nog) Maybe this isn't such a good idea. NOG (ignores the warning) Watch the front door. I'll be right back. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT FOUR 39A. 61 CONTINUED: Nog EXITS into a back room. Jake checks the Promenade. VARIS Jake, you're sure this is all right? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 61 CONTINUED: (2) JAKE (trying to convince himself) Well... it's not like we're really stealing anything. Nog, carrying the bucket, comes running in from the back room. NOG Found it. Suddenly he trips. A thick goo spills out of the bucket. JAKE (panicked) Odo! Nog cracks up. NOG It's oatmeal. I filled it from the replicator. JAKE Very funny. NOG You should have seen your face! Nog continues to laugh. A beat then Jake joins in. Even Varis smiles. It's the first real smile we've seen from her. It's endearing, she finally looks like a kid. 62 NEW ANGLE as the front door opens and Odo ENTERS. Spots Nog with the bucket. ODO I believe that belongs to me. Caught red-handed, Nog hands the bucket to Odo. But the moment Odo grabs it, Nog darts out through the open door. 63 INT. PROMENADE Nog comes barreling out of the security office only to run right smack into Sisko, who catches hold of him. SISKO What's the rush? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 63 CONTINUED: Nog isn't about to say. 64 SISKO'S POV as he spots Odo in the doorway with Jake and Varis. 65 ANGLE SISKO HOLD on his surprised reaction. 66 EXT. SPACE - THE PLANET BAJOR (OPTICAL) 67 EXT. VILLAGE SQUARE - DAY Bashir watches O'Brien check the damaged building with his tricorder. O'BRIEN There's some residual neutrino levels in the microstructure of the building material. BASHIR But if the Dal'Rok has no physical substance, how can it leave a neutrino trace? O'BRIEN I didn't say it made sense. But this wall didn't just spontaneously blow itself to pieces. BASHIR Lucky for us, you were able to stop it before it did anymore damage. O'BRIEN All I did was repeat what the Sirah told me. BASHIR All right, then how did the Sirah stop it? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT FOUR 42. O'BRIEN Good question. Maybe there's some kind of controlling mechanism hidden somewhere. O'Brien begins examining the platform. 68 NEW ANGLE A WOMAN, carrying an infant, approaches. O'Brien intent on his search, tries to step around her. O'BRIEN Excuse me, miss... She blocks his path. WOMAN Please Sirah, for the baby... O'BRIEN What about her? BASHIR I think she wants you to bless the child. O'BRIEN Me? WOMAN (heartfelt) It would mean so much. O'Brien, at a loss, pats the infant on the head. O'BRIEN I'm sure she'll make you very proud. WOMAN Thank you. She walks off, thrilled by the encounter. O'BRIEN You're quite welcome. 69 NEW ANGLE as more villagers come forward. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 69 CONTINUED: BASHIR Looks like some more of your followers are requesting an audience O'BRIEN This won't do. You continue looking around here. I'll check the Sirah's room. O'Brien EXITS. Bashir intercepts the villagers. Flashes his most boyish grin. BASHIR I'm afraid the Sirah is busy at the moment. Perhaps I can be of service. 70 NEW ANGLE to include Hovath in the crowd. 71 INT. SIRAH'S CHAMBER O'Brien searches the room. Looks up to find... 72 HOVATH standing in the doorway. O'BRIEN (no time for interruptions) Look, I could use a little privacy. HOVATH There are more gifts outside. O'BRIEN (no time to argue) All right, bring them in... He's about to resume his search, but gets an idea and turns back to Hovath. O'BRIEN Hold on. You worked for the Sirah, didn't you? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT FOUR 43A. 72 CONTINUED: HOVATH I was his apprentice. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 72 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Did he ever reveal any of his secrets? How he controlled the Dal'Rok, that sort of thing? Hovath regards O'Brien with surly contempt. HOVATH Why ask me? Surely the Sirah taught you all you need to know. O'Brien can see that Hovath isn't willing to help. O'BRIEN All right, have it your way. But don't blame me when that creature goes rampaging through your village. O'Brien resumes exploring the room. 73 NEW ANGLE As soon as O'Brien turns his back, Hovath removes a dagger hidden in his shirt. Raising up the blade he advances on O'Brien who, at the last moment, senses the danger and turns just as Hovath lunges at him. They struggle, O'Brien trying to wrest the knife away from the youth, whose pent up anger makes him a formidable foe. 74 ANGLE BASHIR as he ENTERS the room. BASHIR Chief! He runs over and tries to pull Hovath away. Enraged, the youth turns his attack on Bashir. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) Careful, don't hurt him. But it's Hovath who's getting the better of Bashir, the knife point moving ever closer to the doctor's chest. BASHIR I'll try not to. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 74 CONTINUED: O'Brien grabs hold of Hovath, making it a three-way tussle. O'BRIEN That's enough. BASHIR Tell him that. O'Brien finally manages to extract the knife from Hovath's grip and shove him against the wall. O'BRIEN I said that's enough. Now you mind explaining why you tried to kill me? HOVATH You are not the true Sirah. O'BRIEN You won't get any argument from me. BASHIR (to Hovath) If he's not, who is? HOVATH (simply) I am. And off their reaction, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 46. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 75 INT. SIRAH'S CHAMBER As before. HOVATH For five years, I studied with the Sirah, learning the secrets of the storyteller. (to O'Brien) Only to have you come along and take my place. O'BRIEN Look friend, as far as I'm concerned, the job's yours. BASHIR (to Hovath; re: O'Brien) But if you were supposed to take over, why did the Sirah pick him? HOVATH (ashamed) It was his way of punishing me. BASHIR Punishing you? HOVATH Three nights ago, the Sirah allowed me to tell the story. But when the Dal'Rok appeared, I was unable to control it. Several people were injured. O'BRIEN Control it? How? Hovath crosses to a table and picks up the Sirah's bracelet. HOVATH With this. O'Brien and Bashir examine the bracelet. HOVATH The stone is said to be a fragment of an orb from the celestial temple. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 47. 75 CONTINUED: BASHIR We had one of the orbs aboard our station. We're aware of how powerful they are. HOVATH Many years ago, this village was deeply divided by hate and mistrust. The first Sirah knew that unless he could find a way to unite the people, the village would destroy itself. So he used the orb fragment as a catalyst to give their fears a physical form. O'BRIEN So the villagers' thoughts create the Dal'Rok. HOVATH But they don't know that. It's a secret passed from Sirah to Sirah. O'BRIEN Why do they need a storyteller? HOVATH The story helps focus the villagers' thoughts... BASHIR (putting it all together) And enables them to defeat the Dal'Rok by creating the shimmering lights. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 47A. 75 CONTINUED: (2) HOVATH (a beat) I know if I had another chance, I could control the Dal'Rok. O'Brien looks Hovath in the eye, sizes him up, then hands him the ceremonial clothes. O'BRIEN Well son, it looks like tonight you're going to get that chance. Hovath smiles gratefully at O'Brien as he drapes the Sirah's clothes around himself. FAREN (O.S.) What is this? 75A NEW ANGLE Faren stands in the doorway. FAREN (to Hovath; outraged) You have no right to wear those clothes. HOVATH I have every right... FAREN You had your chance to prove yourself... you failed. HOVATH It won't happen again. FAREN That's right... because you won't be allowed to endanger the village a second time. Now take off those robes. A beat and then Hovath removes the garment and hands it back to O'Brien. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT FIVE 47B. 75A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Hold on... FAREN (to O'Brien) Sirah, it's time you were getting ready. The people have assembled to hear the story. O'Brien sighs. He's not looking forward to this. 76 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) 77 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Varis stands before Sisko. Her usual combative attitude is nowhere in evidence. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 77 CONTINUED: VARIS I want you to know Commander, that I take complete responsibility for what happened in the security office. SISKO I think there's more than enough blame to spread around. Jake should have known better. VARIS I'm afraid he and Nog were just trying to impress me. SISKO That's not much of an excuse. VARIS Didn't you ever do anything foolish to impress a girl? Sisko has to concede the point. SISKO I may have. VARIS Jake's a nice boy. So's Nog, in his own way. I enjoy their company. SISKO I suppose you don't get much of a chance to be with people your own age. VARIS True. But that's not why I wanted to be with them. (off Sisko's reaction) I wanted to learn about you. Sisko can't help but be impressed. Beneath all the bad attitude, this is one savvy girl. SISKO And... ? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 77 CONTINUED: (2) VARIS Jake think's very highly of you. He... trusts you. SISKO (smiling) That's always nice to hear. Varis takes a seat. For the rest of the scene, her words are spoken softly and with great thought behind them. VARIS Hearing Jake speak of you reminded me how much I miss my own parents. My father was a great man. A great leader. SISKO I'm sure he'd be very proud of you. VARIS I try to be strong... the way he was strong... but it's... difficult. SISKO From what I've learned about your father, he wasn't afraid to compromise. VARIS That's because he knew the Navot feared him. If I were to make concessions, Woban would think I was weak. SISKO I doubt he would be that foolish. (a beat) But he is determined to get back that land. VARIS I'm not afraid of Woban or the Navot. SISKO I never said you were. (a beat) So your answer is still no. VARIS You don't lose by saying no. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 77 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO Maybe. But a great leader... like your father... is one who's willing to risk saying yes. Sisko's words hit home. It's the final push that Varis's needs to take this next great step. VARIS Commander, I believe I know of an... opportunity... that could allow both sides to say yes. That piques Sisko's interest. 78 thru OMITTED 80 81 EXT. VILLAGE SQUARE - NIGHT O'Brien (dressed as the Sirah), Bashir, Faren and Hovath approach the platform passing villagers bowed in meditation. O'BRIEN (out of the side of his mouth) I thought you wanted this job. HOVATH I do. O'BRIEN Then why don't you fight for it. But Hovath's mind is made up. HOVATH No, Faren is right. The people will never accept me as Sirah and without their support, I could never control the Dal'Rok. O'BRIEN And you think I can? HOVATH You have to. As they reach the steps... BASHIR Good luck. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 81 CONTINUED: O'Brien mounts the steps as if on the way to a hanging. 82 NEW ANGLE As O'Brien reaches the platform, the wind begins kicking up. O'Brien is unsure how to proceed. The crowd begins to grow restless. CROWD Speak... The story... Speak... Tell the story. O'Brien looks to Faren, Hovath and Bashir. No help there. Resigned to the fact that there's no way out, O'Brien addresses the crowd. O'BRIEN (ill-at-ease) Once upon a time, there was a Dal'Rok. He lived there... (points) In the woods... and he hated the village... and all of the villagers... and wanted to see them destroyed. 83 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) The energy cloud appears in the distant sky. CROWD The Dal'Rok... it's here... the Dal'Rok. 84 ANGLE BASHIR Both impressed and curious. Maybe O'Brien can actually pull this off. 85 ANGLE O'BRIEN feeling the pressure. O'BRIEN Yes... the Dal'Rok has arrived... and it's... it's... O'Brien is at a loss for words. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 52-53. 85A ANGLE ON BASHIR Silently rooting him on. 85B BACK TO O'BRIEN No choice but to go for it. O'BRIEN ...hungry. But... the village is prepared to fight. 86 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) The Dal'Rok keeps coming. But there's no sign of the sparkling energy lights. 87 ANGLE BASHIR AND HOVATH HOVATH Something's wrong. BASHIR What's wrong is O'Brien's not the Sirah. You are. 88 ANGLE O'BRIEN fiddling with the bracelet as he tries again. O'BRIEN The village is strong... and powerful... and unafraid... to face the Dal'Rok. 89 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) The lights still haven't made an appearance. The Dal'Rok is almost overhead. 90 ANGLE BASHIR AND HOVATH The doctor is giving the kid the full court press. BASHIR Did you ever think maybe the Sirah planned all this? DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 90 CONTINUED: BASHIR He knew the villagers had lost confidence in you, so he chose O'Brien as his successor, knowing you'd have to rescue him. (urgent) Don't you see? This is your chance to prove once and for all that you're the true Sirah. As this sinks in with Hovath... 91 ANGLE O'BRIEN Eyes locked onto the Dal'Rok, still not ready to give up. O'BRIEN All right, let's really focus on this one and send the Dal'Rok a message... Okay, let's send that message... (searches the sky) Where the hell are those lights? 92 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) The Dal'Rok swipes at the air. 93 ANGLE O'BRIEN (OPTICAL) The impact knocks him to his knees. 94 ANGLE PLATFORM As the villagers panic, Bashir and Hovath race over to a dazed O'Brien and help him to his feet. 95 ANGLE HOVATH Hovath grabs the bracelet off O'Brien's wrist, puts it on, and addresses the crowd. HOVATH Wait, there's no need to run. A new voice appears to challenge the Dal'Rok. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/11/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 96 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) Sure enough the sparkling energy light begins flying up toward the Dal'Rok. 96A ANGLE O'BRIEN AND BASHIR (OPTICAL) reacting to the arrival of the lights. O'BRIEN It's about time. 97 ANGLE THE PLATFORM Hovath is gaining confidence by the second. HOVATH The Dal'Rok is a fearsome enemy. The mountains shake with its fury. But our prosperity is its misery. Our unity is its vulnerability. Our strength is its doom. (a beat) Look... the Dal'Rok trembles. It fears our strength. It fears our determination. It knows it cannot stand against us. 98 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) The lights close around the Dal'Rok, shutting it from view. A beat and then the energy display fades back into the night. 99 ANGLE THE PLATFORM HOVATH There... see for yourselves, the Dal'Rok is defeated. The village is safe for another year. CROWD The Sirah... Sirah. 100 ANGLE O'BRIEN AND BASHIR as the villagers cheer their new Sirah. O'Brien removes the ceremonial robe and lays it on to the platform. Then he grabs Bashir and leads him away. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/11/93 - ACT FIVE 55A. 100 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Let's get out of here before they change their minds. Bashir doesn't need to be told twice. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 101 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) - DAY THREE 102 OMITTED 102A INT. PROMENADE - THE TURBOLIFT The doors open and Sisko and Varis step out, on their way to another round of negotiations. SISKO Nervous? VARIS Not at all. (admission) Maybe a little. Do you think Woban will accept my proposal? SISKO It's very possible. It does give the Navot back their land. VARIS And free trade access to both sides of the river would mean a lot to my people. SISKO (smiling) It's a reasonable compromise. 102B ANGLE QUARK'S Jake, Nog and Odo are waiting for them by the entrance. JAKE (to Varis) We thought we'd wish you good luck with your meeting. VARIS (touched) Thank you. She leans over and kisses Nog on his cheek. VARIS For all your help. DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 102B CONTINUED: And if a Ferengi could blush, Nog would be beet red. 103 NEW ANGLE As Sisko leads Varis into the conference room, Odo places a hand on the boys' shoulders. ODO All right, let's go. You two are going to clean the Security office until it shines. The boys nod, ready to accept their fate. He leads them away as we pick up... 104 ANGLE O'BRIEN AND BASHIR exiting the Promenade airlock, having just returned from Bajor. BASHIR You know Chief, this is going to make a fantastic story to tell around the station. O'BRIEN No thanks. I've had my fill of storytelling for the time being. BASHIR Well, I hope you won't mind if I mention it. O'BRIEN Suit yourself... Julian. Bashir nods. But there's still one more pocket he needs to empty. BASHIR Oh, and Chief, on second thought, you don't really have to call me Julian. O'BRIEN (poker-faced) Right you are... Sir. And as they pass out of range, O'Brien lets slip a private (yet satisfied) grin. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END •