STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Emissary" #40511-721 Teleplay by Michael Piller Story by Rick Berman Michael Piller THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department REV. FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION. AUGUST 10, 1992 STAR TREK: DS9 "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - C STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Emissary" CAST BENJAMIN SISKO PICARD JAKE SISKO CON OFFICER MILES O'BRIEN TACTICAL OFFICER KIRA NERYS OPS OFFICER ODO VULCAN CAPTAIN NOG MONK #1 QUARK MONK #2 KAI OPAKA JENNIFER JULIAN BASHIR FERENGI PIT BOSS JADZIA DAX A LIEUTENANT KEIKO FEMALE TRANS. CHIEF GUL DUXAT CHANCELLOR (ON MONITOR) CARDASSIAN OFF. #1 COMPUTER VOICE CARDASSIAN OFF. #2 FEMALE COMPUTER VOICE BATTER ALIEN GUL JASAD CARDASSIAN OFFICER BAJORAN BUREAUCRAT (ON MONITOR) DORAN, WOUNDED WOMAN Non-Speaking CARDASSIAN OFF. #3 FERENGIS 2 YEAR OLD (Mollie) SEVERAL BAJORANS Non-Speaking Non-Speaking SEVERAL CARDASSIANS BAJORAN DEPUTY ALIENS CURZON, DYING OLD MAN STAR TREK: DS9 - "Emissary" REV. FINAL- 08/10/92 SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Emissary" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE AIRL0CK PROMENADE THE SARATOGA MONASTERY SISKO'S QUARTERS BAJOR CITY OPS COMMANDER'S OFFICE BEACH ASSAYING OFFICE CARDASSIAN WARSHIP SECURITY OFFICE JAKE'S ROOM QUARK'S RUNABOUT INFIRMARY (MEDICAL FACILITY) LABORATORY BRUTAL TERRAIN CORRIDOR RUNABOUT GARDEN MEDICAL FACILITY OPERATING ROOM BAJOR CITY ASTEROID BELT TEMPLE MONASTERY THE WORMHOLE CHAMBER BENEATH MONASTERY BASEBALL FIELD BEACH PARK THE SARATOGA BRIDGE FISHING POND CORRIDOR SISKO'S QUARTERS USS ENTERPRISE BORG SHIP ESCAPE POD HOL0DECK (FISHING POND) CORRIDOR USS ENTERPRISE OBS. LOUNGE O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS BEDROOM MAIN BRIDGE TRANSPORTER ROOM CARDASSIAN WARSHIP CORRIDOR BRIDGE STAR TREK: "Emissary" - REV. FIN. 08/25/92 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP-SPACE NINE "Emissary" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE KIRA NERYS KIH-ruh nar-EES ODO OH-doo KAI OPAKA KI o-PAH-ku BASHIR bah-SHEER JADZIA DAX jahd-ZEE-uh DAX QUARK Kwark GUL DUKAT gull du-KOT GUL JASAD gull jahs-SAD KYUSHU kee-OOSH-ooh KUMOMOTO koo-moh-MUH-toh BAJORAN bah-JOR-an BAJORA bah-JOR-uh CARDASSIAN car-DASS-ee-en LOCUTUS low-KEW-tus UTOPIA PLANITIA yew-TOH-pea-uh plah-NIM-shee-uh KAI TALUNO XI tah-LOO-noh IDRAN IH-drahn DENORIOS dohn-OHR-ea-uhs CURZON KIHR-zahn GILGO GIHL-goh DABO DAH-bow LAPOLIS lah-PO-lis MORAVIAN mohr-A-vee-ahn SETLIK SET-lik ROLADAN rohl-AH-dun FRUNALIAN frow-NAY-lee-an RIO GRANDE REE-oh GRAND YANGTZEE KIANG yang-se key-an BAJOR BAY-jor DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - TEASER 1. DEEP SPACE NINE "Emissary" TEASER FADE IN: 1 WHITE LETTERS ON BLACK: On Stardate 43997, Captain Jean- Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise was kidnapped for six days by an invading force known as the Borg. Surgically altered, he was forced to lead an assault on Starfleet at WOLF 359 FADE TO BLACK. AFTER A BEAT: PICARD/LOCUTUS (V.O.) You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. HARD CUT TO: 2 CLOSE UP OF LOCUTUS (VIEWSCREEN) (OPTICAL) PICARD/LOCUTUS You will disarm all weapons and escort us to sector zero zero one. If you attempt to intervene, we will destroy you. 3 REVERSE ANGLE - INT. BRIDGE - THE SARATOGA (OPTICAL) A Battle Bridge... a male Vulcan Captain, a burly male Bolian tactical officer (Lieutenant rank), female humans at Con and Ops (Ensign rank)... our primary attention is on Lieutenant Commander BENJAMIN SISKO, the first officer, a rugged, charismatic man in his late thirties... they react to the viewscreen pronouncement... Sisko is monitoring signals on a panel... SISKO Sir, Admiral Hanson has deployed the Gage, the Kyushu and the Melbourne... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: CAPTAIN Move us to position alpha, Ensign... CON OFFICER Aye, sir... CAPTAIN Load all torpedo bays... ready phasers... 4 EXT. SPACE - THE SARATOGA (OPTICAL) fires phasers and photons as the Borg ship sends out a cutting beam at the Melbourne... when the Melbourne's shields fail, there is a massive explosion. The Borg ship immediately turns its attention to the Saratoga... sending out another tractor beam... 5 INT. SARATOGA - BRIDGE A shake... TACTICAL OFFICER The Borg are attempting to lock on to us... CAPTAIN Evasive maneuvers... delta pattern... 5A EXT. SPACE - THE BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) LOCKS ON TO THE SARATOGA 5B INT. SARATOGA - BRIDGE CON OFFICER Delta pattern initiated... OPS OFFICER (interrupting) They've locked on... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - TEASER 3. 6 EXT. SPACE - THE SARATOGA (OPTICAL) caught in the Borg tractor beam... two more Starfleet ships come to the rescue... fire several rounds at the Borg without success... 7 INT. BORG SHIP - LOCUTUS - (OPTICAL) watches the battle on a viewscreen with dispassion... 8 INT. SARATOGA BRIDGE As before... OPS OFFICER Our shields are being drained... sixty-four percent... forty-two... CAPTAIN Recalibrate shield nutation... TACTICAL Modulation is having no effect... OPS OFFICER Shields have failed. CAPTAIN Full reverse... maintain... He is interrupted by a huge explosion on the Bridge... that obliterates our view... and when it clears there is smoke and fire... and massive damage... the forward consoles are spitting sparks... emergency lights come on... Sisko has been thrown to the floor, his forehead is cut... he tries to regain his bearings... SISKO Damage report... No answer... SISKO Damage report... The tactical officer is the only other one alive in the room and he's hurt worse than Sisko... he struggles to his feet to read his console... TACTICAL OFFICER Direct hit... decks one through four... Sisko has checked the dead Captain and other officers... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - TEASER 4. 8 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Damage to warp core. Containment failure in four minutes... The Tactical Officer is still trying to make something on his console work... SISKO Let's get the civilians to the escape pods, Lieutenant... The Tactical Officer acknowledges, follows Sisko out... 9 INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) engulfed in fire... yelling and cries in the background... stabilizers are failing, and everything is leaning left just a little bit... we find a Turbolift door opening and Sisko and the Tactical Officer come out... react to the sight... they fight their way through the fire... find some injured civilians, trying to gather personal possessions in their arms to take with them... Sisko is alert, professional... SISKO Leave everything... Go to your assigned evacuation area now. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Damage to warp core. Containment failure in three minutes... He reacts as they come to a wounded woman struggling to get down the hallway... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - TEASER 5. 9 CONTINUED: SISKO Doran... She leans exhausted into him... the Tactical officer lifts her... TACTICAL OFFICER I'll take care of her... go on... SISKO (to the woman) Have you seen Jennifer... She looks at Sisko with mournful eyes... and his heart jumps into his throat... he moves down the hallway with more focus... comes to a door that is jammed open... smoke is billowing out... 10 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Destroyed... an explosion has ripped a hole in the floor... fire and smoke is streaking up through it... outside the window we can see evidence that the battle with the Borg ship is continuing... Sisko enters, sees his wife buried in rubble... He urgently pulls things away to get to her... he uncovers the upper part of her body... beside her is an unconscious nine year old boy... SISKO (calm, controlled) It's gonna be okay... I'll get you out of there... you're gonna be okay... But he can't lift the wreckage that has crushed her lower half... his calm demeanor is betrayed by... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/31/92 - TEASER 6. 11 HIS HANDS desperately trying to lift heavy debris... 12 RESUME as he ignores the pain... but fails to make any headway, so he returns to the front and tries to pull the boy free... he's small enough to be eased out... he moves slightly, barely conscious, but not hurt critically... SISKO Okay, Jake... we'll just get your Mom now and get outta here... Jake is still very groggy, doesn't respond... 13 ANGLE the tactical officer ENTERS... TACTICAL OFFICER (let's go) Commander... SISKO Help me... The officer moves in... examines Jennifer's lifeless body with his tricorder... quickly determines she's dead... TACTICAL OFFICER Sir, we have to get to the... He stops, reacting as he sees -- 14 SISKO'S HANDS incredibly bloody and burned... 15 SISKO glances numbly at the hands... SISKO Just help me get her free... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - TEASER 7. 16 RESUME as the Tactical Officer picks up the boy... TACTICAL OFFICER She's gone. There's nothing we can do... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Damage to warp core. Containment failure in two minutes... Sisko shakes his head... takes her hand in his... SISKO You go ahead, Lieutenant. Take the boy. His voice is calm and reassuring and another man might leave him behind... but as a security man sticks his head in the door, making one last check through the quarters, the tactical officer hands off the boy to him and firmly pulls Sisko to his feet... TACTICAL OFFICER Now, sir... His calm is undermined by the force he uses to resist the tactical officer's attempts to pull him out... the officer needs all of his Bolian strength to force his commanding officer to leave... Sisko is without emotion, tight... he feels no pain from his hands... and yet he holds them up above the elbow level like a beggar... SISKO Dammit... we can't leave her here... And they're out... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - TEASER 8. 17 INT. ESCAPE POD (OPTICAL) as the tactical officer leads in Sisko... where the security officer is seated holding Jake... along with a dozen others in cramped lifeboat fashion. The tactical officer presses panels... the door slides shut and then without ever cutting outside, there is a woosh and a shake and in the window, we see the Saratoga as our pod shoots away from it... and Ben Sisko never takes his eyes off it... and we may see other pods as we get further away... and other wreckage of broken ships... and notice the flashes of lightning from continued warfare with the Borg not far away... but we stay inside the pod... and then the Saratoga explodes... and the light fills Ben's face... FADE TO BLACK 18 SUPER WHITE LETTERS: STARDATE 46421 THREE YEARS LATER HARD CUT TO: 19 CORK ATTACHED TO A FISHING LINE (DAY #1) bobbing in the water... SISKO (O.S.) Jake? And move to find twelve year old JAKE SISKO holding a fishing pole, sitting on a rock... and we're 20 EXT. FISHING POND - DAY (OPTICAL) Jake's trousers are rolled up to the knees, his bare feet dangling in the water, his shirt unbuttoned... he turns to the sound of the voice... and a moment later, Sisko appears, dressed in his Starfleet uniform, a full Commander now... he smiles at the vision before him... SISKO There you are... The boy gives him a reluctant grin. Sisko comes over, sits beside him on the rock... SISKO How they biting? DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - TEASER 9. 20 CONTINUED: JAKE Small fries. Threw 'em back. You want to go for a swim? SISKO Don't have time. We've got to get ready. Jake frowns. Sisko notices. SISKO It won't be so bad. I've heard Bajor is a beautiful world... JAKE So why can't we live on the planet instead of some old space station? SISKO Well, it's what Starfleet decided... JAKE You promised we'd stay on shore duty. SISKO (defensive) The station is in orbit of Bajor, Jake. It'll be just like shore duty. JAKE Will there be kids there? SISKO Absolutely. Lots of kids. Sisko hopes he's telling the truth. FEMALE COM VOICE Bridge to Sisko. SISKO Yes, Captain... FEMALE COM VOICE We're approaching Deep Space Nine, Commander. We'll be docking in seven minutes. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - TEASER 10. 20 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Acknowledged. (puts his arm around Jake) C'mon, we'll take the pond with us. The boy is not happy and doesn't give his father the satisfaction of a smile. SISKO Computer, end program. And the yellow grid of the Holodeck walls replace the woodsy setting... and as Jake carries his incongruous fishing pole... 21 INT. CORRIDOR (NOT THE ENTERPRISE) (OPTICAL) They exit the Holodeck, Jake carrying the pole over his shoulder... and as they come to an observation window... they pause as they see outside... JAKE Is that it? Sisko acknowledges with a nod... and we move with them to see what they see -- the strange, intriguing shape of the alien space station designated Deep Space Nine by Starfleet... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT ONE 11. ACT ONE FADE IN: 22 EXT. SPACE - DS9 (OPTICAL) Establishing. In this angle, we can see the Enterprise and a few other ships are docked. SISKO (V.O.) Commence station log, Deep Space Nine, Commander Benjamin Sisko, Stardate xxxxx.x. At the request of the Bajoran provisional government, Starfleet has agreed to establish a Federation presence in this system following the withdrawal of Cardassian occupational forces. 23 INT. AIRLOCK - CLOSE ON MILES O'BRIEN his face straining with physical exertion... sweating... pulling back to find him working inside an open panel manually working the levers and gears... this is not Starfleet technology by any means... as he struggles, the airlock slowly opens to reveal Sisko and Jake standing there... they ENTER... O'BRIEN Sorry about that, Commander... all the interlock servos in this airlock were stripped by the Cardassians... He sticks out his hand to shake then realizes that it is covered with sludge from the panel he was just in and pulls it back... O'BRIEN Miles O'Brien, your chief operations officer... Sisko is cordial... but throughout the first three acts, there is a grudging subtext... he's doing his duty but he doesn't want to be here. SISKO We would've transported aboard if we'd known you were having problems, Chief... A Bajoran supernumerary manually closes the door behind them as O'Brien leads them down the corridor... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT ONE 12. 23 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN That wouldn't have been possible either, sir. We've got some stray nucleonic emissions that have to be tracked down before we can safely reinstate transporter operations. It's a junkyard the bloody Cardies left us with, if you ask me... They EXIT and... 24 INT. PROMENADE As they enter from the Airlock Gate... they react with shock to what they see... and we move with them to reveal our first look at this extraordinary setting.... The striking Cardassian/Bajoran architecture is mysterious and impressive... and we can see how exciting a locale this could once have been. But now it is almost deserted... and it has been ravaged by vandals... storefronts have been broken out... trash and broken stock from the stores litter the thoroughfare... phaser blasts have burned scars on the walls... a statue has been toppled... 25 SISKO reacts... his jaw tight... this is worse than he could have possibly imagined... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT ONE 13. 26 MOVING WITH THEM along the devastation... in one store, a Bajoran woman cleaning the mess glances up at them as they pass... they go by an outdoor cafe where only one despondent man is having a drink... O'BRIEN I'm told the Cardassians decided to have some fun the day they left... four Bajorans were killed trying to protect their shops... They pass by the Bar... looking inside, they can see QUARK, the Ferengi proprietor and a couple Ferengi AIDES are packing up gambling and bar equipment... SISKO (tight) Why hasn't anybody cleaned this up... O'BRIEN We've got all available personnel assigned to repairing primary systems, sir... the Cardassians took every component of value, we have virtually no defenses... I discussed it with Major Kira, the attache assigned here by the Bajoran government and we decided... SISKO Understood. But what about the civilians who operated these shops... ? O'BRIEN A lot of them lost everything... a few are trying to rebuild, but most are packing up to leave... 27 ANGLE to see ahead of them a Bajoran Monastery badly damaged by vandals, but repairs are clearly underway... and as they approach a strange old MONK (male) appears at the doorway... his eyes lock onto Sisko's as they approach... it's an eerie moment... 28 AT THE MONASTERY MONK #1 Welcome, Commander. Please enter. The prophets await you. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT ONE 14. 28 CONTINUED: Beat. Sisko feels uncomfortable with the Monk's stare... SISKO Another time, perhaps. They move on... And the camera lingers as the Monk's gaze follows him a mysterious beat... MONK #1 (beat) Another time. 29 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS As they ENTER... it is dark and grim with a huge outrageous looking Cardassian master bed. The room doesn't raise Sisko's spirits... O'Brien notices... O'BRIEN When my wife, Keiko, saw our quarters, she started talking about visiting her mother in Kumomoto... Sisko examines the strange bed... as Jake goes and looks into an adjoining bedroom... O'Brien takes the opportunity alone with Sisko to say quietly -- O'BRIEN Sir, I wouldn't allow the boy to go roaming... we're still having some security problems... JAKE (O.S.) Dad... ! Appearing at the door... JAKE There's nothing to sleep on in here except a cushion on the floor! O'BRIEN We can get you a real bunk off the Enterprise... (to Sisko) Oh, and I almost forgot, Captain Picard wants to see you as soon as possible. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT ONE 15. 29 CONTINUED: SISKO (eyes off O'Brien, a throwaway) He does... O'Brien wouldn't notice an attitude, but we do because we know of Sisko's experience with Locutus... a beat, as Sisko deliberately ignores the urgency of the request... SISKO Any word on our science and medical officers? O'BRIEN They're expected tomorrow. Sisko acknowledges. SISKO Jake, I want you to stay here until I come back... JAKE Is this the food replicator? O'BRIEN (pained) I'm afraid they're all off-line... there's plenty of emergency rations... I could send some down... JAKE (I hate this place) Dad... SISKO We're just gonna have to rough it til we get things up and running, Jake... okay? JAKE (not okay) Okay. SISKO (this isn't going to work, but I'll try to make it look that I really think it will, smiles) Okay. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/17/92 - ACT ONE 16. 29 CONTINUED: (2) He looks at O'Brien and they EXIT. Jake frowns... 30 INT. OPS Sisko and O'Brien ENTER from a Turbolift... the multi-tiered facility lined with computer and life-support systems, tactical controls, a master communications panel and transporter pad. It is in disarray... panels are open... noticeable gaps appear where machinery has been removed... conduits hang out of panels... several Bajorans and a couple of Starfleet supernumeraries are busily working on various repairs... A beat as they move deeper inside, Sisko looking around... O'BRIEN I'd like to ask the designer what he was thinking about when they built this place... I still haven't been able to find an O-D-N access... that's the Prefect's office up there... Sisko looks up... 31 ANGLE The office is on the mezzanine with a balcony like Mussolini might have designed for himself... Sisko shakes his head... SISKO So all others have to look up with respect. Cardassian architecture. O'BRIEN Yessir. (awkward) Major Kira has been using it... They exchange a look. Sisko starts to move toward the office... SISKO Is it my imagination or is it unusually warm... ? O'BRIEN The environmental controls in Ops are stuck at thirty-two "C"... we're working on it. As they reach the office... SISKO I guess it's time to meet Major Kira... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT ONE 17. 31 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Sir, have you ever served with any Bajoran women? SISKO No. Why? O'BRIEN (I warned you) Just wondering, sir. Sisko nods... and walks up the stairs to his office... as he reaches the door which is open... he can hear her raised voice in a conversation... KIRA... ... YOU'RE THROWING IT ALL AWAY... ALL OF YOU... BAJORAN BUREAUCRAT... (MONITOR) ... You're being a fool... 32 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) Seeing Major KIRA NERYS for the first time... a striking Bajoran woman in her early thirties... dressed in a Bajoran military uniform... ending her conversation to the Bajoran official on the monitor... KIRA (fuming) ... THEN DON'T ASK FOR MY OPINION NEXT TIME! She turns off her monitor with a slap of her hand... looks immediately to Sisko at the door... KIRA Yes? SISKO I'm Benjamin Sisko... KIRA (without a beat) I suppose you want the office. Sisko does a take... suppressing an incredulous smile... ENTERING... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT ONE 18. 32 CONTINUED: SISKO Well, actually I thought I'd say hello first and then take the office... but we could do it in any order you'd like. KIRA (exaggerated) Hello. SISKO Is something bothering you, Major? KIRA You don't want to ask me that, Commander... SISKO Why not? KIRA Because I have a bad habit of telling the truth... even when people don't want to hear it. SISKO (pleasant) Perhaps I want to hear it. A beat. All right, fine... KIRA I don't believe the Federation has any business being here. Sisko nods, takes a beat, then... SISKO The provisional government disagrees with you... KIRA The provisional government and I don't agree on a lot of things... which is probably why they've sent me to this god-forsaken place. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT ONE 19. 32 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (beat) I have been fighting for Bajoran independence since I was old enough to pick up a phaser... finally, we drive out the Cardassians... and what do our new leaders do... call up the Federation and invite them in... SISKO The Federation is only here to... KIRA AND SISKO (in unison) ... help us/you. KIRA (continuing) ... yes, I know. The Cardassians said the same thing sixty years ago. SISKO Major, when I was ordered here, I requested a Bajoran national as my first officer. It made sense. It still does. At least to me. Now, you and I are gonna have to... An alarm goes off... Kira reacts... presses some panels... moves to a companel... a map of the station comes on the monitor... with a signal flashing at a certain location... she hits a panel... the monitor changes to a closeup of ODO in the security office. Odo has an unfinished face without distinct features. We'll learn why later on. KIRA Odo, are you reading something at A- fourteen? ODO My security array has been down for two hours... I'll meet you there... The monitor goes back to standard feeds... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT ONE 20. 32 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA (on the move) We've been having a lot of break-ins lately... no need to come along, Commander... But he ignores that and follows her out... 33 INT. ASSAYING OFFICE A nervous teenage Ferengi (NOG), watching guard at the door, glances back... NOG Hurry up. Following his look to see the interior of the office is burned out... finding a huge, hideous looking adult alien looting a safe of some valuable mineral samples... putting them into a pouch. And as he moves toward the door... 34 INT. PROMENADE ... they EXIT... react as they see Odo arriving... ODO All right, just stand where you are. The thieves turn the opposite direction and take a few steps before they see Kira and Sisko arriving, cutting off that route of escape too... Nog knows he's caught, gives up (NOTE: He doesn't put up his hands) but the other alien takes out a knife-like weapon... and throws it at... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT ONE 21. 35 thru OMITTED 37 38 ODO (OPTICAL) who twists his entire mid-section out of shape... and the weapon flies by harmlessly and embeds itself in a wall... meanwhile, the alien tries to sprint by him but Odo reforms... 39 WIDER (OPTICAL) ... and grabs him roughly... the alien's bulk makes him difficult to contain... and it looks like it could be a long fight but before it even gets started, they are interrupted by a phaser blast above their heads... they both react and turn to see -- 40 SISKO holding a phaser... SISKO That's enough. ODO Who the hell are you? KIRA This is our new Starfleet Commander, Odo. ODO (unimpressed) I don't allow weapons on the Promenade. That includes phasers. QUARK (O.C.) Nog? What's going on? They turn to see Quark arriving (we saw him earlier in the bar). ODO (to Quark) The boy's in a lot of trouble. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT ONE 22. 40 CONTINUED: The boy looks away from Quark's inquiring look... Quark turns to Sisko... QUARK Commander, my name is Quark. I used to run the local gambling establishment... this is my brother's boy... surely you can see that he only has a peripheral involvement in all this... we're scheduled to depart tomorrow... if we could be permitted to take him, I promise you he will be severely... Sisko's mind is working... Interrupting -- SISKO That won't be possible. (to Odo) Take him to the brig. Odo acknowledges, leads Nog and the alien away as Quark stares bitterly at Sisko... then follows the others... KIRA (shakes her head) Quark probably sent the two of them here to steal the ore samples in the first place... SISKO (thoughtful) Major, there's a Ferengi legal tradition... it's called Plea Bargaining. I might let the boy go... but I want something in exchange from Mister Quark... something very important... She looks at him curiously, before she can ask what he's talking about... O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE O'Brien to Commander Sisko. SISKO (presses his combadge) Go ahead. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Sir, the Enterprise hailed us again. Captain Picard is waiting to see you. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT ONE 23. 40 CONTINUED: SISKO (frowns) Acknowledged. (tight, to Kira) This won't take long. He leaves toward the airlock... as she watches him go... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT TWO 24. ACT TWO FADE IN: 41 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) docked at DS9. 42 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Bajor is visible in the window... Picard sits at the end of the table, going over some information on a PADD... a chime... PICARD Come. The door opens and Sisko ENTERS... Picard rises to greet him warmly... PICARD Commander, come in. Welcome to Bajor. Picard shakes his hand. SISKO It's been a long time, Captain. Picard looks at him curiously as they sit. PICARD Have we met before? SISKO Yessir. We met in battle. I was on the Saratoga at Wolf 359. Picard blinks, acknowledging that Sisko has said something entirely inappropriate. He chooses to move on... but there is a definite subtext that runs through the scene... Picard is curt, remote... Sisko is Starfleet attentive but his eyes are cold and angry... PICARD I assume you've been briefed on the events leading to the Cardassian withdrawal. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT TWO 25. 42 CONTINUED: SISKO Yessir... I understand they've spent the last half century robbing the planet of every valuable resource... before abandoning it... PICARD (nods) They've left the Bajorans without any way to be self-sustaining... the relief efforts we've been coordinating are barely adequate. He stands, deliberately putting distance between him and Sisko, looks out the window at the planet in the distance... PICARD I've come to know the Bajora. I'm one of the strongest proponents for their entry into the Federation. SISKO Is it going to happen? PICARD Not easily. The ruling parties are at each others throats... factions that were united against the Cardassians have resumed old conflicts... SISKO (with an attitude) Sounds like they're not ready. Picard turns and looks at him sharply. PICARD Your job is to do everything short of violating the Prime Directive to make sure they are. Sisko defensively acknowledges. Picard moves closer. PICARD Starfleet has made me aware of your objections to this assignment, Commander. I would think that after three years at the Utopia Planitia yards, you'd be ready for a change. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT TWO 26. 42 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (not backing off a bit) I have a son that I'm raising alone, Captain. This is not the ideal environment. PICARD Unfortunately, as Starfleet officers, we do not always have the luxury of serving in an ideal environment. SISKO I realize that, sir. And I'm investigating the possibility of returning to Earth for civilian service. Picard reacts, studies him, doesn't like him. PICARD Perhaps Starfleet Command should begin to consider a replacement for you. SISKO That's probably a good idea. A beat. PICARD I'll look into it. In the meantime... Sisko rises... interrupting... SISKO In the meantime, I'll do the job I've been ordered to do to the best of my ability, sir... thank you for the briefing. He waits to be dismissed, locking eyes with Picard. Obviously, Picard hadn't intended to end the discussion here... but finally after a long beat... PICARD Dismissed. Sisko EXITS and... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT TWO 27. 43 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (DAY #2) 44 INT. SECURITY OFFICE - STARTING ON QUARK who is sitting... SISKO (O.S.) It's really quite simple, Quark, you're not going to leave. Moving to reveal Sisko who is leaning against a wall, casually... Odo's sitting at his desk... Odo reacts, looks at Sisko... QUARK (reacts) Not going to leave... But we're all packed and ready to... SISKO Unpack. QUARK Why would you want me to stay? ODO (looking to Sisko) I'm curious myself. The man is a gambler and a thief. QUARK I am not a thief. ODO You are a thief. QUARK If I am, you haven't been able to prove it for four years... Sisko moves to the door, looking out to the Promenade... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 28. 44 CONTINUED: SISKO My officers, the Bajoran engineers, all their families depend on the shops and services of this Promenade... but if people like you abandon it, this is going to become a ghost town. We need someone to step forward and say, "I'm staying"... "I'm rebuilding"... we need a community leader... and it's going to be... you, Quark... QUARK Me? A Community Leader? He glances at Odo... who sort of leans back in his chair and grins, kind of liking this situation that Quark finds himself in... ODO (why not?) You have all the character references of a politician. QUARK How could I possibly operate my establishment under Starfleet rules of conduct? SISKO This is still a Bajoran station. We're just here to administrate. You run honest games, you won't have any problems from me. ODO (grumps) 'Honest' games, hmph... A beat. Quark shakes his head. QUARK Commander, I've made a career out of knowing when to leave. This Bajoran provisional government is far too provisional for my taste. And when governments fall, people like me are lined up and shot... SISKO Well, there is that risk... but then you are a gambler, Quark... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 29. 44 CONTINUED: (2) ODO ... and a thief... SISKO (preparing to leave, overly "sincere") That poor kid is about to spend the best years of his life in a Bajoran prison. I'm a father myself. I know what your brother must be going through. The boy should be with his family... not in a cold jail cell... (beat) Think about it. He EXITS. Quark is stunned... turns and looks at an amused Odo... ODO You know, at first I didn't think I was gonna like him. On Quark's reaction... 45 INT. PROMENADE Kira lifting heavy fragments of a broken wall, putting them in a trash bin... usually far too mundane a job for an officer. Sisko arrives, reacts. SISKO Major... ? KIRA (shrugs) Everyone else is busy repairing the primary systems... She pauses to make a point. KIRA (challenging) I suppose Starfleet officers aren't used to getting their hands dirty... Sisko raises an eyebrow, moves to pick up a nearby fragment... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 30. KIRA In the refugee camps, we learned to do whatever had to be done... it didn't matter who you were... And as they start to load the fragments into the bin... two passersby react to the odd sight... SISKO (changing the subject) I was just talking to our good neighbor Quark... he's laying odds the government's going to fall... KIRA Quark knows a sure bet when he sees it. (off Sisko's reaction) This government will be gone in a week... and so will you... SISKO What happens to Bajor then? KIRA Civil War.... SISKO You think it's inevitable... KIRA (nods)... The only one who can prevent it... is Opaka. SISKO Opaka? KIRA Our spiritual leader. She's known as the Kai. Our religion is the only thing that holds my people together. If she would call for unity, they would listen. 46 TWO SHOT She kneels to pick up some smaller pieces, Sisko kneels down next to her and helps... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 09/03/92 - ACT TWO 31. 46 CONTINUED: KIRA (continuing) Leaders of all the factions have been trying to get to her... but she lives in seclusion and rarely sees anyone... But on that line, a shadow falls over them and they look up to see -- 47 LOW ANGLE - THE OLD MONK standing above them looking down... a long beat. MONK #1 Commander. It is time. He moves away... 48 SISKO'S FACE reacts curiously and he stands... 49 WIDE as he finds himself drawn to follow the Monk. On Kira's reaction... 50 EXT. BAJOR CAPITOL CITY - DAY - ESTABLISHING (MATTE) Like Berlin after the war. Devastated... wreckage... burned out buildings... what remains is a mystical looking skyline with rounded domes and spherical shapes -- ancient architecture that has somehow survived... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT TWO 32. 51 INT. MONASTERY - DAY Dark, shadows... light streaming through cracks and holes in the walls... close on a Monk (#2) who chants in mournful three part harmony... as another, who is hobbled by injuries, makes repairs to the building... moving to find Sisko who is shocked by the damage before him... the desecration is appalling... windows smashed out... walls crushed... statues beheaded... KAI OPAKA (O.S.) Commander Sisko... Sisko turns toward the shadows of an entry way to see 52 THE FIGURE OF A WOMAN And as she emerges from the dark... we see a strange looking, middle aged Bajoran dressed in a colorful sheath... there is a centered calm in her, she seems to exist on a higher plane. Yet there is a deep sadness in this woman who carries the pain of her people. She has been hurt... her face is badly bruised... her scalp has a small bandage... a cane supports a bad limp... KAI OPAKA I apologize for the conditions in which we greet you... SISKO (knowingly) The Cardassians... ? Opaka acknowledges, leads Sisko deeper into the Monastery... they reach a sacred area featuring a lovely reflecting pool in the center... Opaka sits not on a pulpit but in a casual area side by side with Sisko on a wooden bench... KAI OPAKA (continuing) Your arrival has been greatly anticipated. Sisko reacts, good, maybe this will be easy... and he can make a quick exit... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 33. 52 CONTINUED: SISKO I'm glad to hear that. If Bajor can join the Federation it will bring stability... KAI OPAKA (interrupting) I do not speak of the Federation. I speak of your arrival... SISKO Mine? Opaka doesn't respond but reaches out with a hand and gently cups one side of Sisko's face like a grandmother studying the face of a child... KAI OPAKA Have you ever explored your pagh, Commander? SISKO Pagh? Opaka's hand moves to Sisko's ear... a finger runs down the outer rim slowly... KAI OPAKA A Bajoran draws courage from his spiritual life... our lifeforce, our pagh, is replenished by the prophets... An inner calm coming to her eyes, a witness to a miracle... terribly moved... Opaka squeezes the earlobe... surprising Sisko who's head jerks with pain... KAI OPAKA (knowingly, with sympathy) Breathe. SISKO (uncomfortable) Kai Opaka, if we could discuss your role in the post-Cardassian transition... KAI OPAKA Breathe. And begins to run her fingers back up the edge of the ear... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT TWO 34. 52 CONTINUED: (2) KAI OPAKA Ironic. One who does not wish to be among us is to be the emissary. Sisko reacts, the emissary to Bajor? What did she mean? Is his lack of interest so obvious? Her face studies every microridge... finally she is finished. KAI OPAKA Please come with me... Opaka abruptly stands and Sisko reacts, rises ... as well... she takes a tiny remote control out of her pocket and when she touches it... 53 ANGLE - THE REFLECTING POOL (OPTICAL) Disappears... it was a hologram... revealing a carved stone stairway. Sisko follows her down... 54 INT. A SECRET CAVERN DEEP BELOW THE MONASTERY Dark... mysterious... lit by candles... the... stairway leads into a small dark cellar... Opaka, using her cane, leads Sisko down the stairs... KAI OPAKA You are correct that Bajor is in grave jeopardy... but it is the threat to our spiritual life that far outweighs any other... SISKO Perhaps, but I'm powerless until I have a unified... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 35. 54 CONTINUED: KAI OPAKA I cannot give you what you deny yourself... SISKO I'm sorry... ? KAI OPAKA Look for solutions from within, Commander... Sisko tries to figure that one out as Opaka moves to an ark and opens it... 55 ANGLE (OPTICAL) Inside, there is a mesmerizing sight... floating within a forcefield is a strange, floating orb, shaped like an hour glass... glowing green, transparent... Opaka steps away... 56 CLOSE ON SISKO as he moves forward, studying it, his face green with the reflected light... SISKO What is it? 57 ANGLE to see Opaka behind him... KAI OPAKA The tear of the prophet. She disappears behind a rockface, and as Sisko reacts, turns... 58 REVERSE ANGLE (OPTICAL) to see the orb's forcefield disappear... and suddenly the green light spins out and envelops Sisko, like a whirling cyclone, blinding out the surrounding chamber... and when it clears... he's standing just as before, but he's no longer in the chamber and no longer in his Starfleet uniform... instead he finds himself on... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 36. 59 EXT. BEACH - DAY wearing a bathing suit, holding a tray of three drinks... he's fifteen years younger... looking around him... SISKO What... the hell... Opaka? Some passers-by give him an odd look... after a second, he realizes that 60 HIS FEET are burning on the sand... SISKO (re: his feet) Ahh... He prances on his tip-toes looking for some relief... 61 ANGLE Looking rather silly, finally, because he just has to do it... he jumps on a stranger's blanket... inadvertently kicking sand on a woman who is laying on her stomach... JENNIFER Hey! SISKO I'm sorry... it's just that the sand was burning my... He stops as she turns over, holding the loose bra to her breast... she's wearing 24th century sunglasses... he is stunned as he looks at her... doesn't say a word... as he kneels down and reaches out... and she recoils a bit as she doesn't know what he's doing... and he takes her sunglasses off... SISKO Jen... Jennifer... ? JENNIFER (unrecognized blinks) Yes... ? I'm sorry... did we meet last night at George's party... ? SISKO George? Jennifer... wait a minute, this is impossible. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 37. 61 CONTINUED: He stands up... looks around in nightmarish confusion... JENNIFER Are you okay? SISKO (looking around, stunned, to himself) I know this place... This is Gilgo Beach. Where we met. JENNIFER We've met here... before? SISKO I was carrying... He looks at the three lemonades. SISKO ... three lemonades... She looks at him uneasily... ties her brassiere on... SISKO (continuing) My feet were burning... I stopped here... do you understand how incredible this is? No of course you don't. Jennifer. He looks at her trying to contain the emotions... there are so many things he wants to tell her... but all he can get out is -- SISKO Have a lemonade. JENNIFER Sorry, I don't accept drinks from strange men on the beach... She looks at him with vague amusement, gets up, starts to walk briskly along the water's edge... he gets up, follows her... 62 ALONG THE BEACH as he catches up... they continue to walk... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 38. JENNIFER Tell me the truth. Did we really meet before? A beat. Sisko looks at her... how does he tell her... what can he tell her... finally, he decides to tell the "truth"... SISKO No. JENNIFER (smiles, shakes her head) So how did you know my name? SISKO I... (beat) George told me... at the party... JENNIFER Are you going to tell me your name? SISKO Oh. Sorry. Ben Sisko. I... I just graduated from Starfleet Academy... I'm waiting for my first posting... JENNIFER A junior officer. My mother warned me to watch out for junior officers... SISKO Your mother's going to adore me. JENNIFER You're awfully sure of yourself. SISKO It's not every day you meet the girl you're going to marry. That stops her in her tracks... she laughs at his impudence. JENNIFER Do you use this routine a lot with women... ? DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 39. 62 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO No. Never before. And never again. JENNIFER Sure... SISKO How about letting me cook dinner for you tonight... my father was a gourmet chef... I'll make his famous aubergine stew. JENNIFER I don't know... SISKO You're supposed to say yes... 63 ANGLE (OPTICAL) The Orb is floating in the air above the beach... only he can see it... he reacts... she looks at him and smiles, shakes her head... JENNIFER I'll probably be sorry... SISKO (urgently) Jennifer... The green light spins out of the orb... The light envelopes him... The light clears... he is back in... 64 INT. CHAMBER UNDER THE MONASTERY (OPTICAL) As the experience has ended... he... sees Opaka standing there... closing the ark, the orb inside... he is shaken by the experience, his legs tremble... his attempt to disguise the emotional impact of the event is far short... SISKO (softly) Is it some kind of holographic device? DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 40. 64 CONTINUED: KAI OPAKA No. What you experienced barely begins to reveal its powers... This orb appeared in the skies over ten thousand years ago. Eight others have been discovered since. Tradition says they were sent from the Celestial Temple. What they have taught us has shaped our theology. She lifts the ark and hands it to Sisko... it is a meaningful, spiritual moment for Opaka... Sisko reacts with curiosity... KAI OPAKA It will lead you to the Temple. SISKO Excuse me... ? KAI OPAKA (with greater emphasis) You must find the Celestial Temple and warn the prophets. SISKO (beat) Warn "them" about what? KAI OPAKA The Cardassians took the other eight orbs. They will stop at nothing to decipher their powers... even if it means discovering where they came from. If they do, they might destroy the Celestial Temple itself... which could mean the spiritual disintegration of Bajor. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT TWO 41. 64 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO To expect me to go off on some sort of... of quest... KAI OPAKA I cannot unite my people until I know that the prophets have been forewarned. She looks at him -- it's as simple as that. Do this or I cannot help you. A slight sympathetic smile crosses her face... The Kai looks at him knowingly... KAI OPAKA You will seek the prophets. In the end, not for Bajor and not for the Federation... but for yourself, for your own pagh. It is, quite simply, Commander, the journey you have always been destined to take. Off Sisko's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT THREE 42. ACT THREE FADE IN: 65 EXT. SPACE - DS9 (OPTICAL) Establishing. The Enterprise is still docked. 66 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Dark as he ENTERS... he moves through the first room without turning on the lights into... 67 JAKE'S ROOM where the boy is asleep in his clothes on the floor on the cushion, looking uncomfortable... we might see some 24th century teenage paraphernalia to establish that the kid has had something to do in his room all this time... Sisko looks down at him and grins, kneels to pull a blanket over him... finds that he has to remove a catcher's glove containing a baseball from the boy's hand... Sisko studies the boy's face... after a beat, the boy's sleepy eyes open and see his father looking down at him... JAKE (sleepy) What? SISKO (softly) I was just thinking how much you look like your mom. The boy smiles in his sleep and Sisko strokes his hair once and stands... and as he puts down the glove and baseball on a table and... moves out of the room... KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to Sisko... Sisko closes the door behind him before responding... SISKO Go ahead, Major. KIRA'S COM VOICE Sorry to disturb you, Commander. But there's something on the Promenade you might want to see. Off his reaction... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT THREE 43. 68 INT. PROMENADE On a Turbolift as Sisko arrives... reacts to what we don't see yet... but we do hear alien music and as he leads us there, we reveal that Quark's is open for business... and it is a beacon for the otherwise unlighted thoroughfare... people are arriving... we can see smiling faces for the first time... 69 INT. QUARK'S - CLOSE ON A SPINNING VERTICAL WHEEL an alien version of roulette... moving to find the Ferengi Pit Boss running the game... PIT BOSS Fortune's fates are with you today, friends... prompt wagers, please... I'm sorry, Madame, Quark's does not accept travelers' vouchers... gold or hard currency, please... final wagers... And as we continue to move to see a crowded, smoky gambling facility... various gaming tables, some games we recognize, some we don't... at one table, a voice yells -- FEMALE VOICE Dabo! And everyone at the table groans like someone lost big... we continue our move to see an alien musician playing a strange instrument... past the stairs, where a couple is being escorted up by a Ferengi... finally coming to the entrance where Sisko is ENTERING from the Promenade... glancing around... he moves toward the Bar... 70 AT THE BAR Quark moves to him... QUARK What'll you have, Commander? SISKO How's the local synthale? QUARK You won't like it. (off Sisko's reaction) I love the Bajorans... such a deeply spiritual culture... but they make a dreadful ale. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT THREE 44. 70 CONTINUED: QUARK Don't ever trust an ale from a god fearing people... During the above, Quark has been drawing an ale from beneath the bar... and as he places it front of Sisko, with punctuation... QUARK (continuing) ... or a Starfleet Commander who has one of your relatives in jail. Over Sisko's even reaction... PIT BOSS VOICE (O.S.) Dabo! 71 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (DAY #3) The Enterprise still in dock. Another ship arriving. SISKO (V.O.) Station log. Stardate xxxxx.x. The Enterprise has been ordered to the Lapolis system. They're scheduled to depart at zero-five hundred hours after offloading three runabout class vessels. Meanwhile, our medical and science officers are arriving... and I'm looking forward to a reunion with a... very old... friend. 72 INT. PROMENADE Sisko and Kira ENTER from the Airlock Gate accompanied by two officers in Starfleet blue uniforms... one is DOCTOR JULIAN BASHIR, human, male, mid-twenties, wide-shouldered with a boyish face, cocky with a little too much confidence. He carries a shoulder bag. The other is LIEUTENANT JADZIA DAX, late twenties, very attractive with a serene manner and a dry, affectionate sense of humor... KIRA Commander, if you'd like me to give them a tour of the station... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT THREE 45. 72 CONTINUED: SISKO You and Doctor Bashir go ahead... I'm afraid I have to put Lieutenant Dax right to work... As she begins to lead him toward the Promenade, Bashir turns to Dax trying not very successfully to disguise a deeper interest with a casual invitation -- BASHIR Maybe we could get together later, Jadzia... for dinner or a drink... DAX I'd be delighted. Sisko raises an eyebrow at Bashir's interest... and they separate. We stay with Dax and Sisko as they move down a thoroughfare... There's a quick, familiar repartee to their exchanges... SISKO He's a little young for you, isn't he? DAX (slightly amused) He's twenty-seven. i'm twenty- eight. SISKO Three hundred and twenty-eight, maybe. Did you tell him about that slug inside you? Meant and received as an affectionate insult that only one's closest friend would make. She smiles. DAX Yes, Benjamin, he knows I'm a Trill. He finds it fascinating. He's never met a joined species before. SISKO I wonder if he'd've been as fascinated if you still looked the way you did the last time I saw you. DAX (teasingly) Perhaps not. A beat. Sisko grins, shakes his head... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT THREE 46. 72 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO This is going to take some getting used to. DAX Don't be ridiculous. I'm still the same Dax... (a beat) ... more or less... They walk into a Turbolift. 73 INT. INFIRMARY Kira leads Bashir inside a small, examining room type facility... one table... some panels... major damage has been done by vandals... KIRA I'm afraid we've had some security problems... looks like looters got in here... Bashir looks around... rather than being depressed by the size or lack of equipment... there is an excitement in his eyes... BASHIR This'll be perfect... real... (searching for the right description) ... frontier medicine... KIRA Frontier medicine? BASHIR Major... I had my choice of any job in the fleet... Noting the arrogance... KIRA Did you... BASHIR (gung-ho) I didn't want some cushy job... or a research grant... I wanted this. The farthest reaches of the galaxy. One of the most remote outposts available. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT THREE 47. 73 CONTINUED: BASHIR This is where the adventure is. This is where heroes are made. Right here. In the wilderness. KIRA (dry) This wilderness is my home. BASHIR (reacts) I didn't mean... KIRA (sharp, with sarcasm) The Cardassians left behind a lot of injured people, Doctor... you can make yourself useful by bringing some of your Federation Medicine to the "natives"... you'll find them a friendly, simple folk... She EXITS... on his reaction... ... 74 INT. LABORATORY - CLOSE ON THE ORB (OPTICAL) behind the forcefield... SISKO We do have one advantage. The monks have been studying these things for ten thousand years... I've had our computers set up to interface with their historical data banks... DAX That should give us something... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT THREE 48. 74 CONTINUED: SISKO (acknowledges) Soon as possible, Dax. The eight other orbs are undoubtedly in some Cardassian laboratory... being turned upside down and inside out... She nods. He begins to leave... DAX Benjamin... (he pauses) I was happy when I heard you'd accepted this assignment... I'd been worried about you... He looks at her evenly. With affection -- SISKO It's good to see you too, old man. She smiles and he EXITS. Dax takes a thoughtful beat, where to begin?... moves to a console... DAX Computer, create a chronological data base for all historical references to the orbs... plus... (thinking, shrugs, why not) ... all reports of any unexplained phenomena in Bajoran space... including all supernatural occurrences recorded in Bajoran mythology... COMPUTER VOICE Time parameters? DAX Ten millenia. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/31/92 - ACT THREE 49. 74 CONTINUED: (2) COMPUTER VOICE Initializing data base. Requested function will require two hours to complete. Dax nods, leans back... stretches, takes a deep breath... she looks at... 75 ANGLE - INCLUDE THE ORB (OPTICAL) behind the forcefield... and as she studies it, her curiosity cannot be denied... she stands... walks over and after a beat, presses a panel... and the forcefield disappears... and the green light swirls out and envelops her... and when it disappears she is no longer in the laboratory but in... 76 OMITTED 77 INT. OPERATING ROOM - DAY Dax is on an operating table, dressed in a hospital gown, reacts to the sudden change. She tries to get her bearings. Beside her on another table is a very old man (CURZON) who is dying... DAX (recognizes him, surprised) Curzon... ? The old man reaches out a frail hand and take her hand and squeezes it, smiles weakly at her... in the background, we can see glimpses of people standing (no faces) as though some kind of ceremony is taking place... 78 ANGLE - TWO SHOT to see the old man's table in the background of Dax's table... as a dripping wet worm-like symbiont is guided by a pair of hands out of an orifice in the general area of the human navel... and as the hands lift it, another pair of hands uses ritual gold surgical scissors to clip an umbilical connection to the old man... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT THREE 50. 79 ANGLE - DAX'S STOMACH ... when the worm is placed on her stomach, it burrows its way into her orifice... and as it does... 80 DAX'S FACE is filled with an enlightenment... a wonder... an excitement... new wisdom... new peace... 81 ANGLE (OPTICAL) to include the orb in the shot... and as the green light begins to swirl... the light envelopes her... and when it clears... she is back... 82 INT. LABORATORY (OPTICAL) As before... as she stares at the orb.... 83 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) docked at the station... 84 thru OMITTED 84A DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/7/92 - ACT THREE 51. 85 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The Turbolift opens... O'Brien comes out, walks along the aft stations looking at command which is on nightwatch lighting, manned by supernumeraries... a Lieutenant glances over and sees O'Brien looking around... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT THREE 52. 85 CONTINUED: LIEUTENANT The Captain's in the ready room, Chief... Should I tell him you're here? O'BRIEN (a beat, shakes his head) That's okay. Thanks. After a last sentimental look around, O'Brien EXITS to the Turbolift. 86 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien ENTERS... a female transporter chief is waiting... O'BRIEN Transport me to the Ops pad, Maggie... TRANSPORTER CHIEF Yessir. O'Brien moves to the pad when a voice behind him, stops him... PICARD (O.S.) Mister O'Brien... 87 ANGLE O'Brien turns to see Picard ENTERING... PICARD I believe I just missed you on the bridge... O'BRIEN Yessir... I didn't want to disturb you... Picard motions for the transporter chief to leave... she does. PICARD Your favorite transporter room, isn't it... ? O'BRIEN Number three, yessir. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT THREE 53. 87 CONTINUED: PICARD (nods) You know, yesterday, I called down here... and asked for you without thinking. It won't be quite the same... O'BRIEN (shrugs) It's just a transporter room, sir. Picard nods, they grin at each other, knowing the sentiment that comes with leaving your old station... it's about as much sentiment as O'Brien can handle. O'BRIEN Permission to disembark, Captain... ? PICARD Permission granted. 88 ANGLE (OPTICAL) O'Brien climbs onto the pad. Picard moves to the console. They look at each other a long beat. O'BRIEN Energize. Picard presses the panels and O'Brien DEMATERIALIZES... on Picard... 89 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moves away from the docking position... and after a beat, it warps away... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT FOUR 54. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 90 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE (DAY #4) Sisko presses a control panel on a monitor and watches a recorded transmission from a university chancellor on Earth... CHANCELLOR (MONITOR) Just a follow-up, Ben... that old house you asked about on Moravian Lane is available... it's yours if you want it... we look forward to hearing your decision. A panel appears noting the end of transmission. Sisko stares at the screen. KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to Commander Sisko. A Cardassian warship has just entered Bajoran space... He rises... SISKO On screen. Walks out to his balcony... 91 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) O'Brien is at his station... Kira is at the command center... some Bajoran supernumeraries are continuing repairs... on the viewscreen: a huge Cardassian warship moves toward them... O'BRIEN Message coming in from their commander, Gul Dukat... KIRA Dukat. He used to be the Cardassian Prefect of Bajor... O'BRIEN He's requesting permission to come aboard... to greet us... (sarcastic) Surely a coincidence that the Enterprise just left... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/31/92 - ACT FOUR 55. 91 CONTINUED: They look to Sisko for orders... as he studies the screen -- SISKO Mister O'Brien, tell Gul Dukat I look forward to meeting him. And we push into him... as he awaits his first confrontation with the Cardassians... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/31/92 - ACT FOUR 56. 92 OMITTED 93 INT. PROMENADE showing the Gestapo-like arrival of a dozen Cardassian officers. The officers move toward Quark's. 94 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko is at his desk... Dukat ENTERS without knocking. DUKAT Good day, Commander. SISKO (nods a greeting, rising) Gul Dukat... DUKAT Excuse my presumption, but this was my office only two weeks ago... He sits down... he is overly cordial as classic bullies can be... DUKAT So, have you been able to get the food replicators to work properly? SISKO Frankly, no. DUKAT Neither could we. That's one technology you have over us. You do know how to make a perfect onion soup. He stands up again, uncomfortable... DUKAT I'm not used to being on this side of the desk. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FOUR 57. 94 CONTINUED: He stands up, looks out at the Ops area below that used to be part of his domain. DUKAT I'll be honest with you, Commander. I miss this office. I wasn't happy about leaving it. SISKO Drop by any time you're feeling homesick... DUKAT You are very gracious. And allow me to assure you that we only want to be helpful in this difficult transition. You are far from the Federation fleet, alone in this remote outpost, with poor defense systems. Your Cardassian neighbors will be quick to respond to any problems you might have. SISKO We'll try to keep the dog off your lawn. Dukat looks at Sisko, measuring him. Abruptly changing the subject... DUKAT So what did you think of Kai Opaka? Sisko looks at him evenly for a beat... Dukat barely pauses... DUKAT Oh, I stay informed... I know you went to the surface to see her... I understand you brought back one of the orbs. We thought we had them all. Perhaps we could have an exchange of information, pool our resources. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 09/15/92 - ACT FOUR 58. 94 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I don't know anything about an orb. Dukat takes a beat and nods, okay, if you insist on this game... DUKAT We will be in close proximity should you wish to reconsider my suggestion. In the meantime, I assume you have no objection to my men enjoying the hospitality of the Promenade. (nods, goodbye) Commander... And he EXITS. On Sisko's reaction... 95 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The Cardassian ship station moves about a kilometer away from DS9. 96 INT. LABORATORY Sisko ENTERS to find Dax at a computer station... she's working panels... reading off monitors... DAX What do you know about the Denorios Belt? SISKO Your basic charged plasma field... nobody gets anywhere near it unless they have to... DAX (summarizing what she's reading) In the twenty-second century, a ship carrying Kai Taluno was disabled for several days in the Denorios Belt... where he claims he had a vision... SISKO Let me guess -- he saw the Celestial Temple of the Prophets. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 09/15/92 - ACT FOUR 59. 96 CONTINUED: DAX Not quite, but he did say "the heavens opened up and nearly swallowed his ship... " SISKO Are we reduced to chasing metaphors to solve this? She punches up some data on the monitor... DAX That's not all. At least five of the orbs were found in the Denorios Belt... Calling up another reference on the monitor... he sits beside her... DAX (continuing) ... There have also been twenty-three navigational reports over the years of severe neutrino disturbances in the same area... Pressing another panel... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FOUR 60. 96 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (continuing) And thirty-two years ago, a vessel of unknown origin appeared there, carrying a single lifeform, a species never encountered before. I've correlated all these reports in one analysis grid... 97 ANGLE To include the monitor so we can see it... the three dimensional grid creates and emphasizes a small delineated area in space... DAX (lightly) Our Celestial Temple? SISKO (shrugs) Worth a look... 98 RESUME Sisko stands... thoughtful... SISKO We've got a Cardassian on our back doorstep... we need to get by them undetected... A thoughtful beat... 99 INT. QUARK'S Lots of action... a roar from the tables as the Cardassians win... they have accumulated a lot of gold... moving to find Kira and O'Brien ENTERING the door, she glances around, picks up a metal mug and bangs it loudly on the Bar... gets the attention of the room... KIRA Can we have your attention, please... this establishment is being closed... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FOUR 61. 99 CONTINUED: Groans from the crowd... 100 ANGLE TO FIND QUARK as he explodes in a rage... moving to confront Kira... QUARK What do you mean? You can't do this. O'Brien moves to block his accostment of Kira... O'BRIEN If you have a problem, sir, you'll have to take it up with Commander Sisko... QUARK I intend to. This is outrageous... my apologies friends... a minor misunderstanding that will be rectified shortly... People start to leave... Quark sees the Cardassians with all the gold before them... to one of his female croupiers... QUARK Give them something to put their winnings in... The croupier acknowledges, moves a short distance away, reaches under a table and pulls out a knapsack... As the Cardassians begin to load their gold into the knapsack, we may catch a glance passed between Quark and a deadpanned Kira and O'Brien... 101 EXT. SPACE - THE CARDASSIAN WARSHIP (OPTICAL) 102 INT. CARDASSIAN WARSHIP - CLOSE ON THE KNAPSACK being carried by a Cardassian officer down a corridor... CARDASSIAN OFFICER #1 (O.S.) ... because we were winning too much, of course... Group laughter... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT EIGHT xx. 102 CONTINUED: CARDASSIAN OFFICER #2 (O.S.) Leave it to Starfleet to ruin a fine day... We never see who's talking as the knapsack is placed... 103 INSIDE THE LOCKER (OPTICAL) And the door is shut... a beat later the knapsack begins to lose its shape... 103A thru OMITTED 103C 104 INT. CARDASSIAN SHIP - ON THE LOCKER (OPTICAL) Panning down to the floor to see an odd substance, the same color as the knapsack, oozing out of the cracks of the locker... a pool of it forming on the floor and then... 105 ANGLE (OPTICAL) the pool reshapes and grows into Odo... who looks both ways and moves quickly down the corridor... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT FOUR 62A. 106 INT. RUNABOUT Dax and Sisko ENTER, take their positions... SISKO (to com) Rio Grande to Ops. Initializing pre- launch systems... KIRA'S COM VOICE Confirmed. 107 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) A hatch in the habitat ring opens and a runabout class ship comes up on an elevator... 108 INT. OPS Kira and O'Brien at master control... O'BRIEN Major, scanners are picking up fluctuations in the Cardassian's energy distribution net... Kira checks her panels... reacts, delighted...  DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT FOUR 63. 108 CONTINUED: KIRA Their computer's crashing... shields and sensors are down... Odo's done it... Ops to Rio Grande... SISKO'S COM VOICE Go ahead. 109 INT. RUNABOUT Sisko and Dax in the cockpit, going through pre-flight routine... KIRA'S COM VOICE We're in business. SISKO Beginning launch sequence. 110 INT. OPS KIRA Maintain visual blackout. Set audio to secure channel three-five-zero. 111 OMITTED 112 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) is launched... 113 INT. OPS A signal flashes on the master control panel... KIRA Odo's reached the transport site... O'BRIEN Trying to lock on... A short delay... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT FOUR 64. 113 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I've never done this with a Cardassian Transporter... O'Brien presses more panels... nothing... O'BRIEN Dammit, what's the problem... Finally, he kicks the control panel and... 114 ANGLE (OPTICAL) to include the Transporter pad... as Odo MATERIALIZES... KIRA Nice work, Constable. Odo acknowledges with a simple nod... 115 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) races past the camera, the space station in the background... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FIVE 65. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 116 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as it moves at impulse into the Denorios Belt marked by streaks of blue space dust... 117 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Dax and Sisko take readings... the plotted grid analysis is on her monitor... DAX Approaching grid perimeter... SISKO Slowing to one quarter impulse. A beat. They check their sensors. DAX (reacting to something) Computer, give me visual at bearing two-three, mark two-one-seven, range thirty-one hundred kilometers... The monitor display looks routine... off Sisko's look -- 118 INT. OPS Kira and O'Brien listening... monitoring the ship on sensors... Bajoran supernumeraries man other stations... DAX'S COM VOICE (curious) Sensors are picking up unusually high proton counts... SISKO'S COM VOICE Setting a new course to those coordinates... 119 thru OMITTED 120 DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FIVE 66. 121 OMITTED 122 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) moving deeper into the belt... 123 thru OMITTED 124 125 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Dax working panels with both hands... checking multiple read- outs... DAX (hard to believe) All external wave intensities are increasing rapidly but... checking... confirmed... there is no corresponding increase inside the cabin... how is that poss... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT FIVE 67. Suddenly there is a lurch... a hard shift... an incredible burst of light through the windows... 126 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) going into a giant rip in the fabric of space... 127 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Sisko and Dax trying to maintain control... SISKO Sensors are not functioning... DAX (trying a panel) We've lost all contact with the space station... 128 INT. OPS O'Brien at his station... O'BRIEN Scanners are reading a major subspace disruption at their last known coordinates... Kira moving to join him... KIRA What the hell is happening out there? O'BRIEN I don't know, sir. They're just... (beat) ...gone. 129 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) inside the wormhole now... an incredible light show surrounds the small craft... 130 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Sisko is frantically checking readings... hitting panels... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT FIVE 68. SISKO (reacting) Are your navigational readings going crazy? DAX (calm, confirming) I'll recalibrate them when I have a moment. SISKO (hanging on for dear life) Take your time. Another lurch and suddenly they're out... into clear space... 131 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) coming out of the other side of the wormhole... which disappears behind them... 132 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) SISKO Can you get a fix on our coordinates... ? DAX (checking) There's a star just under five light years away... no M class planets... Computer, identify closest star system... COMPUTER VOICE Idran... a ternary system consisting of a central supergiant and twin O- type companions... SISKO (reacts) Idran... that can't be right... DAX Computer, basis of identification... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FIVE 69. 132 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Identification of Idran is based on the hydrogen-alpha spectral analysis conducted in the twenty-second century by the Quadros-One probe of the Gamma Quadrant. SISKO (stunned) The Gamma Quadrant. Seventy thousand light years from Bajor? I'd say we just found our way into a wormhole... DAX (checking panels) It's not like any wormhole I've ever seen. There were none of the usual resonance waves... A beat as they take this all in... SISKO Could this be how the orbs found their way into the Bajoran system? DAX Not an unreasonable hypothesis. SISKO If it's true, that would mean this has been here for ten thousand years. We might have just discovered the first stable wormhole known to exist. As they exchange a glance... DAX You may want to wait until we get safely back before you put your name in the history books, Benjamin... SISKO Our names, old man, our names... bring us about, Lieutenant... 133 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) comes around and moves forward... and the wormhole illuminates into view again... the Runabout moves back in... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 09/03/92 - ACT FIVE 70. 134 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) A light show in the window again... Dax works her panels... DAX I'm modifying the flight program to compensate for the spatial discontinuities. We should have a smoother ride this time. The shaking subsides a bit. SISKO (noticing something) Did you reduce impulse power? DAX No... SISKO We're losing velocity... 135 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) in the wormhole... slowing down... 136 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Reactions. Checking panels... DAX (confused) Power output is still constant... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FIVE 71. 136 CONTINUED: SISKO Increasing impulse reactor output... He does... nothing... DAX (shakes her head) Forward velocity down to one twenty kph... He reacts... rechecking his controls... SISKO (incredulous) Engine output is running seventy percent above normal... DAX Down to eighty kph... COMPUTER VOICE Warning, impulse system overload... auto shutdown in twelve seconds... SISKO (working) Disengaging engines. DAX Velocity is twenty kph. (reacts) I'm picking up an atmosphere, Benjamin... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT FIVE 72. 137 ANGLE to include the windows... filled with bright light... SISKO Inside a wormhole? DAX Capable of supporting life... Suddenly, there is a bump... a reaction... checking readings... glances at Dax... DAX We've just landed... SISKO On what? Off reactions... 138 EXT. RUNABOUT - DAY Close on the hatch as it pops open... and Sisko comes through first, holding his phaser... as he comes out and looks around... move with him to reveal -- 139 EXT. BRUTAL TERRAIN - DAY (OPTICAL) Rock cliffs, dark, strange electrical storms, winds swirling around him... 140 EXT. RUNABOUT - DAY Angle back on the hatch as Dax comes out... holding a tricorder... and as we move with her, we reveal the same setting to be -- 141 EXT. GARDEN - DAY And Sisko is standing in the garden with her... but of course he doesn't see it at all... DAX It's beautiful. He glances at her... and as we change 142 ANGLE TO FAVOR HIM we're back in the rugged terrain... storms everywhere...  DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT FIVE 72A-73. SISKO You have a strange eye for beauty... 143 ANGLE TO FAVOR HER in the garden... DAX You don't think this is one of the most idyllic settings you've ever seen... ? DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT FIVE 74. 144 ANGLE TO FAVOR HIM in the rugged terrain... SISKO (sarcastic) It can't beat the sulfuric mine pits of Hadas Four... DAX How can you say that? The colors... all the flora... And now he begins to realize there is something more than meets the eye... SISKO I don't see any flora, Dax... She reacts... 145 ANGLE FAVORING HER In the garden. DAX We're standing in a garden... 146 ANGLE FAVORING HIM (OPTICAL) in his rugged terrain... SISKO We're standing on a rockface... (beat) Do you see the storms? 147 ANGLE FAVORING HER In the garden. DAX Clear as a summer's day. Their eyes are caught by... 148 ANGLE (OPTICAL) still in the garden... an orb appears floating twenty yards ahead... they both react to the appearance... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT FIVE 75. 148 CONTINUED: SISKO You see it too... DAX Yes. 149 ANGLE - FAVORING HIM (OPTICAL) in the rugged terrain... the orb sends out a scanning green beam that probes these new entities from head to toe... Dax checks her tricorder... DAX Low level ionic pattern, it's probing us... SISKO Someone's idea of shaking hands, maybe... The probe seems to stutter and change to uneven color as it reaches her abdomen... and then the scanning beam shuts off... Sisko takes a step forward to speak... 150 ANGLE - FAVORING HER (OPTICAL) in the garden, as Sisko takes another step... SISKO I am Commander Benjamin Sisko of the United Federation of Planets... But suddenly the orb sends out a cutting blade of light which splits the reality in two... and for a brief instant we see both of Dax's and Sisko's perceptions as their universes are literally torn in half... and Sisko and Dax are thrown apart... 151 DAX (OPTICAL) Her garden collapses around her into a spinning orb- like ball of green light on a blank background with only residual traces of the garden's color... 152 SISKO (OPTICAL) being sucked into an incredibly bright, white light... winds and storms crash around him... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FIVE 76. 153 HIS P.O.V. (OPTICAL) he sees the orb forming around Dax... but there is nothing he can do about it... she is completely wrapped by the orb and suddenly it is flung into the sky as... 154 SISKO (OPTICAL) disappears into the light... 155 EXT. SPACE - THE WORMHOLE (OPTICAL) illuminates into view and the orb containing Dax comes out... 156 INT. OPS O'Brien at his station... Kira at master... Bajoran supernumeraries at various stations... O'BRIEN (reacting to sensors) Another neutrino disruption... KIRA Scanners are picking up an object near their last known coordinates... it isn't a ship... O'BRIEN (checking) Major, there's something inside it... some kind of lifeform... More information in from the sensors. KIRA Are the Cardassian sensors picking it up? O'BRIEN They should be back on line by now... We have to assume they know everything we know... Kira takes a moment to consider the consequences... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT FIVE 77. KIRA Yellow alert... secure Ops. Beam it aboard Mister O'Brien, but put it in a level one security field... O'BRIEN Aye, sir... locking on... He presses some panels... 157 ANGLE ON THE TRANSPORTER PAD (OPTICAL) As the orb MATERIALIZES... and the orb disintegrates into spinning light and disappears revealing Dax. Off reactions. 158 WHITE SCREEN (OPTICAL) Discovering a state-of-the-art optical effect to be determined... that suggests Sisko in an altered state... no reality we've ever experienced... it may be just his eyes in some disengaged fashion... for this draft, it will be described as "WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES." A heartbeat and breathing the only sounds... suddenly -- 159 RUSH OF IMAGES (OPTICAL) Five separate shots, each less than a second: --Jennifer looking up at the beach... --Sisko's bloody burned hands... --A baseball landing in a catcher's mitt... --Locutus on a viewscreen... --Jennifer's lifeless hand on the Saratoga... 160 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) As before. Heartbeat... breathing... SISKO Who are you? No response... only -- DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT FIVE 78. 161 ANOTHER RUSH OF IMAGES (OPTICAL) Five, each less than a second -- --Jennifer and Sisko kissing on a picnic blanket... --A newborn baby crying... --Kai Opaka looking at Sisko as she cups her hand to his face... --Jake fishing at the pond... --Doran's mournful eyes in the burning corridor of the Saratoga... 162 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) As before. The heartbeat... the breathing... SISKO Who are you? 163 EXT. BEACH - DAY As we saw it in the first orb sequence... Jennifer is looking up, holding her brassiere, but it is not Jennifer, it is alien, remote... (NOTE: In this, and all "alien" sequences, extras beyond 50 feet of camera position will be considered atmosphere and continue normal activity... all extras within 50 feet will be considered aliens and will stop whatever they're doing and display curiosity about Sisko and what he's saying... ) JENNIFER ALIEN (observing him) It is corporeal... a physical entity... 164 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) SISKO What... what did you say... 165 INT. ENTERPRISE OBSERVATION LOUNGE - PICARD As we saw him in Act Two, except it is not Picard, it is alien... PICARD ALIEN It is responding to visual and auditory stimuli... linguistic communication... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT FIVE 78A. 165A REVERSE ANGLE - SISKO IN THE OBSERVATION LOUNGE stares at Picard, understands that he is not really Picard but an alien... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FIVE 79. 165A CONTINUED: SISKO Yes, linguistic communication... are you capable of communicating with me? A woman's hand cups his face and turns him to... 166 INT. MONASTERY - DAY And it is Kai Opaka who has his face in her hand... as we saw in Act Two... but it is not Opaka... it is alien... making eye contact with him, talking to him, not about him... KAI OPAKA ALIEN What are you? 167 thru OMITTED 169 DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/26/92 - ACT FIVE 80. 170 REVERSE ANGLE - SISKO SISKO My species is known as human. We come from a planet called Earth... 170A EXT FISHING POND - DAY JAKE ALIEN Earth? Sisko groping for definition... motions to the surrounding environment... SISKO This... this is what my planet looks like... Jake alien looks around with no appreciation... A beat... this is getting nowhere... SISKO You and I are very different species. It will take time for us to understand one another. JAKE ALIEN Time. What is this? Time... A reaction from Sisko as he realizes the magnitude of the situation he's in... 171 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) As before. Heartbeat. Breathing. 172 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (DAY #5) Establishing. 173 INT. OPS At the master control table... Kira, Odo, Dax, O'Brien and Bashir... planning a rescue attempt... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT FIVE 81. 173 CONTINUED: DAX It's not an ordinary wormhole. My analysis suggests it isn't even a natural phenomenon... BASHIR Not natural... you mean it was constructed... ? DAX (acknowledges) It's very possible that whoever made the orbs also created this wormhole. O'Brien is monitoring sensors on his panel... reacts as he sees something... O'BRIEN The Cardassians are leaving their position... on a course toward the Denorios Belt. Kira frowns... stands... KIRA (beat, to O'Brien) What would it take to move this station to the mouth of the wormhole? O'BRIEN This isn't a starship, Major. We've got six working thrusters to power us and that's it. A hundred-sixty million kilometer trip would take two months. KIRA It's got to be there tomorrow. O'BRIEN (reacts) That's not possible, sir... KIRA That wormhole might just reshape the future of this entire quadrant. The Bajorans have to stake a claim to it... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FIVE 82. 173 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (beat, character movement) And I have to admit that claim will be a lot stronger if there's a Federation presence to back it up. DAX (calm, to O'Brien) Couldn't you modify the subspace field output of the deflector generators... just enough to create a low-level field around the station... A beat. O'Brien begins to get her logic... O'BRIEN So we could lower the inertial mass... DAX (nods) If you can make the station lighter, those six thrusters would be all the power we'd need. O'BRIEN (a beat, it might just work) This whole station could break apart like an egg if it doesn't work... DAX Even if it does work, we're going to need help from Starfleet once we get there... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FIVE 83. 173 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN The Enterprise is still the nearest starship... it would take them two days to get here... DAX Advise Starfleet that we will require their assistance. O'Brien acknowledges. KIRA You have Ops, Mister O'Brien... (on the move) Lieutenant, you're with me... you too, Doc, time to be a hero... BASHIR Yes, Sir... As they EXIT... hold a beat on Odo, thoughtful... 174 INT. CORRIDOR Kira, Dax and Bashir on the move... after a beat, Odo moves up behind them, keeping step... Kira reacts to his arrival... KIRA Constable... ODO (anticipating, right on top of her voice) This is a security matter... I'm in charge of security... KIRA ... security here, on the station. She stops. KIRA (continuing) I can't justify taking you into this wormhole... we don't know what we're dealing with in there... it could be hostile... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FIVE 83A. 174 CONTINUED: ODO Major, I was found in the Denorios Belt. I don't know where I came from... no idea if there are any others like me. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT FIVE 84. ODO All my life, I've been forced to pass myself off as one of you... always wondering who I really am. The answers to a lot of my questions may be somewhere on the other side of that wormhole. He walks ahead... ODO You coming? She reacts, glances at the others... and after a beat, they follow... 175 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as the Runabout is launched and runs by the camera into space... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SIX 85. ACT SIX FADE IN: 176 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) Heartbeat. Breathing. 177 INT. ENTERPRISE OBSERVATION LOUNGE - SUBJECTIVE POV - ECU OF PICARD as we saw him in Act Two... but it is an alien Picard... PICARD ALIEN The creature must be destroyed before it destroys us. 178 INT. SARATOGA BRIDGE - VIEWSCREEN - SUBJECTIVE POV - LOCUTUS (OPTICAL) LOCUTUS ALIEN It is malevolent. 179 EXT. BASEBALL FIELD - SUBJECTIVE POV - DAY - BASEBALL PLAYER in a batter's box, dressed in a Chicago Cubs uniform of the early 1920s... BATTER ALIEN Aggressive. Adversarial. 180 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE PICARD ALIEN It must be destroyed. INTERCUTTING: 181 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) SISKO I'm not your enemy... I've been sent here by the people you contacted. PICARD ALIEN Contacted? DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/24/92 - ACT SIX 181. 181 CONTINUED: SISKO With your devices. Your orbs... PICARD ALIEN We seek contact with other lifeforms... not corporeal creatures who would annihilate us... SISKO I have not come to annihilate anyone... 182 thru OMITTED 183 184 INT. SARATOGA BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Locutus on the viewscreen. Growing tension... voice upon voice... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/26/92 - ACT SIX 87. 184 CONTINUED: LOCUTUS ALIEN Destroy it now... Sisko sees that there is a growing danger here, moves to encounter it head on... Aggressively -- SISKO My species respects life above all else. Can you say the same? The aliens study him... Sisko is making progress... SISKO I do not understand the threat I bring to you. But I am not your enemy. Allow me to prove it. 184A INT. CHAMBER BENEATH THE MONASTERY - OPAKA ALIEN KAI OPAKA ALIEN Prove it? SISKO (a beat, mind working) It can be argued that a human is ultimately the sum of his experiences. You obviously have access to mine. 185 EXT. FISHING POND - DAY JAKE ALIEN "Experiences" - what is this? DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT SIX 88. 185 CONTINUED: SISKO Memories... events from my past... like this one... JAKE ALIEN Past? SISKO Things that happened before now... Jake Alien looks at him blankly... SISKO (mostly to himself) You have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. JAKE ALIEN What comes before now is no different than what is now... or what is to come. It is one's existence. SISKO (beginning to understand) Then, for you, there is no linear time... 186 EXT. BEACH - DAY JENNIFER ALIEN "Linear time" - what is this? SISKO My species lives in one point in time. And once we move beyond that point, it becomes the past. The future... all that is still to come... does not exist yet for us... JENNIFER ALIEN (alarmed) Does not exist yet? SISKO That is the nature of a linear existence. And if you examine it more closely, you will see that you do not need to fear me. A beat as Jennifer alien studies him and... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/17/92 - ACT SIX 89. 187 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) Breathing. Heartbeat. A long beat. 188 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing... 189 INT. OPS - MOVING WITH O'BRIEN Bajoran supernumeraries in the background... with much urgency... lights dip and thrum... a definite strain to the reactor sounds... O'BRIEN Dammit! Computer... analyze subspace field integrity... COMPUTER VOICE Power frequency imbalance is preventing field closure... O'BRIEN Add reactor three to the power grid... 190 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) to see the warp field struggle to zap into place but reaches only about ninety percent of the station... 191 INT. OPS As before. COMPUTER VOICE Partial field established. Instability at twelve percent. O'BRIEN (reacts) Partial field. (a beat, dammit) Is the station's inertial mass low enough to break orbit? COMPUTER VOICE Procedure is not recommended. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT SIX 90. 191 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Dammit, I didn't ask for an opinion... just tell me whether or not we can get enough thrust with only a partial field established... COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. O'BRIEN All right. Initiate transit mode, three-axis stabilization. Engage thrusters. 192 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Close on the thrusters firing... the huge structure rumbles... 193 ANGLE - LONG SHOT (OPTICAL) as the station breaks orbit, gaining velocity... 194 OMITTED 195 INT. OPS O'Brien moving along his console... checking readings... a klaxon rings... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Field integrity declining. Instability at twenty-one percent. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT SIX 91. 195 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (on the move, to supernumeraries) We've got to close that gap in the field... or we're going to tear ourselves into a million pieces. COMPUTER VOICE Warning - Subspace field collapse in sixty seconds... The vibrations continue... O'Brien moves to his console, searching for an answer... looking at the Cardassian symbols... after a beat... yells to the room-- O'BRIEN Does anyone here know if the inertial dampers can feed the deflectors? The Bajoran supernumeraries look at him with blank stares... O'Brien's on his own... he sighs, turns back to the console... ? O'BRIEN (to himself) A good time to find out. Starts working panels furiously... O'BRIEN Computer, transfer energy from the inertial dampers to reinforce the subspace field... COMPUTER VOICE Procedure is not recommended. O'BRIEN Dammit... transfer the energy! COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. Level One safety protocols have cancelled request. O'BRIEN (reacts) Cancelled it... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT SIX 92. 195 CONTINUED: (2) COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Subspace field collapse in thirty seconds. O'BRIEN (yelling to supernumeraries) I'm gonna transfer it manually... (to one) On my mark, redirect the flow to the deflectors... (to another) Keep the power balanced... COMPUTER VOICE Field collapse in fifteen seconds... O'BRIEN Now! O'Brien and supernumeraries look like a trio of pianists playing three baby grands... hitting panels, flipping busbars... the lights dim again... the whine changes... O'Brien looks up, did it work... 196 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as the field zaps completely into place surrounding the station... 197 INT. OPS The vibration stops and the whine disappears... COMPUTER VOICE Field energy now within flight tolerances. Everybody reacts... O'Brien smiles weakly at the others and then mutters... O'BRIEN Computer... you and I have to have a little talk... 198 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As it moves through space... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT SIX 93. 199 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Kira and Dax in the pilot and co-pilot seats (left and right respectively)... Odo behind Kira, Bashir behind Dax... DAX The Cardassian warship is in visual range... KIRA On screen... On monitors, the Cardassian ship appears... checking readings... confirmed... KIRA (sighs, angry) They're going right to it... Kira taps her fingers, thoughtfully... BASHIR They've got to listen to reason, haven't they? When we warn them what could happen if they go in there... ODO (forever cynical) Doctor, most people in my experience wouldn't know reason if it walked up and shook their hand. You can count Gul Dukat among them. Kira presses some panels... hailing the Cardassian ship... KIRA This is the Federation ship Yangtzee Kiang... Major Kira Nerys in command... Some beeps and the image of Gul Dukat appears on the monitors... DUKAT Yes, Major... KIRA Gul Dukat, we know you're headed for the wormhole... DUKAT Wormhole? Which wormhole is that? DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SIX 94. 199 CONTINUED: KIRA I strongly suggest you do not proceed. We encountered a hostile lifeform inside... DUKAT Perhaps they would be less hostile to Cardassians than to humans... ODO (wearily impatient) Dukat, you know I won't lie to you... and I know you probably won't listen to me... but these people are trying to save you from a lot of trouble. DUKAT (sarcastic) Really... I suppose you'd also tell me these are not the lifeforms that sent the orbs... or that your Commander Sisko is not negotiating for their technology... (beat) Thank you for your concern. But I think we'll see for ourselves. The monitor returns to the Cardassian ship moving through the Denorios Belt... Odo glances at Bashir -- ODO So much for reason... 200 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) Heartbeat. Breathing. 201 EXT. PARK - DAY And Jennifer alien and a younger Sisko are on a picnic blanket... a basket of food spread out... she's wearing a flowered spring dress... they are reclining, she's laying, cradled in his arm... JENNIFER ALIEN (identifying herself) Jennifer. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SIX 95. 201 CONTINUED: He takes a moment to realize where he is, reacts... quickly detaches himself from her... sits across from her... a beat... SISKO Yes, that was her name. JENNIFER ALIEN She is part of your existence. SISKO She is part of my past. She's no longer alive. JENNIFER ALIEN But she is part of your existence. SISKO Yes, she was a most important part of my existence. But I lost her some time ago. JENNIFER ALIEN "Lost" - what is this? SISKO In a linear existence, we can't go back to the past to get something we left behind... so it's lost... JENNIFER ALIEN (come on, you've got to be kidding) It is inconceivable that any species could exist in such a manner... you are deceiving us... SISKO No, this is the truth... Standing, taking in the setting... SISKO This day... this park... it was almost... fifteen years ago. Far in the past. It was a very important day to me... a day that shaped every day that followed. That is the essence of a linear existence... each day affects the next... She studies him intently... we pan to follow her look as she sees -- DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SIX 96. 202 ANGLE (OPTICAL) An exact duplicate of the setting we were just in... a second set of Sisko and Jennifer are reclining on the ground... in each other's arms... playful children's voices are way in the background... this is a replay of the actual experience... Jennifer Alien and Sisko watch their doubles... SISKO #2 (enjoying the moment) Listen to it... JENNIFER To what? SISKO #2 The sound of children playing. What could be more beautiful... JENNIFER So you like children... ? SISKO #2 (beat) That almost sounds like a domestic inquiry... 203 ANGLE - TWO SHOT Losing Jennifer Alien and Sisko. JENNIFER I've heard Starfleet officers don't want families because they complicate their lives. SISKO #2 Starfleet officers don't often find mates who want to raise families on a starship... JENNIFER That almost sounds like a domestic inquiry... SISKO #2 (smiles, the question in his eyes) I think it was... Her answer to him is a deeply felt kiss... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT SIX 97. 204 SISKO AND JENNIFER ALIEN She reacts curiously to the kiss... the emotional impact is heavy on Sisko but he watches... tries to remain the detached instructor... SISKO As corporeal entities, humans find physical touch to cause pleasure... JENNIFER ALIEN "Pleasure" - what is this? SISKO Good feelings... happiness... ... but the words get lost in his throat as the moment finally hits him... rack focus as Jennifer alien turns to observe him... Sisko turns his eyes away and finds himself looking at -- 205 DORAN, THE WOMAN IN THE FIERY CORRIDOR with the mournful eyes, except she's an alien... and suddenly he's back on the Saratoga... 206 REVERSE ANGLE - INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) as he looks around... sees the Bolian Tactical Officer (an alien) next to him... he reacts... he does not want to revisit what is at the end of this... the aliens notice the reluctance... he looks down the corridor toward his quarters... does not want to go... DORAN ALIEN (what's the problem?) This is your existence... SISKO Yes. But... it is difficult to return here... more difficult than any other memory... TACTICAL OFFICER ALIEN Why? And this is hard for him, analyzing the death of his wife, standing by the flames that killed her... impossible to stay detached from the emotions this raises... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SIX 98. 206 CONTINUED: SISKO Because this was the day... I lost Jennifer... (beat, exhausted) ... And I don't want to be here... And now he looks up to see the incongruous arrival of Jennifer alien in her bathing suit... moving cooly down the fiery hallway to him... JENNIFER ALIEN Then why do you exist here? SISKO I... I don't understand... JENNIFER ALIEN (confused) You exist here. He looks at her... feeling miserable, confused... but before any further explanations can be attempted... something startling occurs... the images freeze and begin to melt away... INTERCUTTING: 207 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) SISKO What's wrong... what's happening? But like an optical version of film getting caught in a projector and burning, the effect continues, accompanied by an eerie shrill sound we've never heard before... 208 EXT. SPACE - THE CARDASSIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) is at the mouth of the wormhole which illuminates as the ship goes into it... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/17/92 - ACT SIX 99. 209 INT. SARATOGA CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) As it completely MELTS away... 210 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) heartbeat... breathing... The shrill alien sound grows louder as... 211 EXT. SPACE - THE CARDASSIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) in the wormhole, being shaken badly by the turbulence... after a beat, it comes out the other end into the Gamma Quadrant, a piece of the ship clearly damaged by the experience... 212 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) Stronger heartbeat... heavier breathing... the shrill sound growing... 212A INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As before... DAX We should be reaching the wormhole coordinates in two minutes... KIRA Slowing to one-third im-... Suddenly in the windows there is a huge explosion... 213 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The wormhole shattering into a million points of light in front of them... 214 EXT. SPACE - THE CARDASSIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) as the shattering continues behind them... leaving them stranded... 215 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) The shrill sound ends abruptly. Stronger heartbeat... heavier breathing... 216 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as the last sparks of the collapsed wormhole blink out... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SIX 99A. 217 INT. RUNABOUT The turbulence ends... off reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT SIX DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SEVEN 100. ACT SEVEN FADE IN: 218 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (DAY #6) still in transit, moving into the Denorios Belt... 219 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) seeing the Runabout crew on screen... O'BRIEN Are you sure it collapsed... it could have withdrawn deeper into subspace... Dax is working furiously, pressing panels, taking readings... DAX We haven't found any indication of that, but we're still checking. O'BRIEN Should I turn this thing around and go back? INTERCUTTING: 220 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien on monitors. KIRA What's your position? O'BRIEN I'll be at your coordinates in less than three hours... KIRA Maintain your course. We'll rendezvous here... by then our scans should be complete... O'BRIEN Aye, sir. (beat) By the way... we've been getting queries from the Cardassians since their ship disappeared from the sensor field... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT SEVEN 101. 220 CONTINUED: KIRA I'm sure you have. ODO (without humor) They'll see Gul Dukat in about sixty or seventy years if he starts back right away. O'Brien acknowledges and... 221 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as it continues to search for some trace of the wormhole. 222 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) Heartbeat. Breathing. SISKO Talk to me. Are you still there? What just happened? 223 EXT. BEACH - DAY - JENNIFER ALIEN (OPTICAL) walking along the shore as seen in Act Two... JENNIFER ALIEN More of your kind. INTERCUTTING: 224 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) SISKO Another ship... in the wormhole? JENNIFER ALIEN "Wormhole" - what is this? SISKO It is how we describe the kind of passage that brought me here... 225 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE PICARD ALIEN It is terminated. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SEVEN 102. 225A REVERSE ANGLE - SISKO IN THE OBSERVATION LOUNGE SISKO Terminated... PICARD ALIEN Our existence is disrupted whenever one of you enters the passage... 226 INT. SARATOGA BRIDGE CONN OFFICER ALIEN Your linear nature is inherently destructive. OPS OFFICER ALIEN You have no regard for the consequences of your acts. SISKO That's not true. We're aware that every choice we make has a consequence... CAPTAIN OFFICER ALIEN But you claim you do not know what it will be... SISKO We don't... 227 EXT. FISHING POND - DAY - JAKE ALIEN JAKE ALIEN (interrupting) Then how can you take responsibility for your actions... SISKO We use past experience to help guide us. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT SEVEN 103. SISKO (beat) For Jennifer and me, all the experiences in our lives prepared us for the day we met on the beach... helped us recognize that we had a future together. When we married, we accepted all the consequences of that act, whatever they might be... including the consequence of you. JAKE ALIEN Me? SISKO My son, Jake... 228 INT. STARSHIP SICKBAY - CLOSEUP ON A NEWBORN BABY BOY and Sisko finds himself holding his child in his hands for the first time... as a Starfleet doctor and nurses, all aliens, tend to Jennifer in bed... who looks up in her post labor flush... JENNIFER ALIEN The child with Jennifer. SISKO Yes. JENNIFER ALIEN (beginning to understand) Linear... procreation... ? SISKO (acknowledges) Yes. Jake is the continuation of our family... JENNIFER ALIEN (remembering) "The sound of children playing." 229 CATCHER'S MITT as a bat swings and misses a ball as it pops into the glove. Pan up to find Jake Alien is the catcher... and a batter stands in front of him, both dressed in Chicago Cubs uniforms of the early 1920s... BATTER ALIEN (accusing) Aggressive. Adversarial. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/17/92 - ACT SEVEN 104. 230 REVERSE ANGLE - EXT. BASEBALL FIELD - DAY Sisko is standing on a pitcher's mound, wearing a Cubs cap circa 1923... and his Starfleet uniform... in the background, the rest of the Cubs' team works out... playing catch, hitting fungos, fielding... a few spectators and reporters in straw hats mill about... SISKO (correction) Competition. For fun. It's a game... that Jake and I play... on the Holodeck... it's called baseball. And Jake alien stands out of his crouch and as he takes off the mask and looks at it curiously... and then looks around at the environment... joining Sisko on the mound... JAKE ALIEN "Baseball" - what is this? SISKO I was afraid you'd ask that... A beat... How the hell do you explain baseball to an alien... he takes a deep breath, well, here goes... SISKO I throw the ball to you... and this other player stands between us with a bat, a stick... and he... he tries to hit the ball in between these two white lines... Jake alien blinks with confusion, Sisko pauses... regroups... getting another idea... his delivery growing with confidence as he continues... SISKO The rules aren't important... what's important is -- it's linear. Every time you throw this ball a hundred different things can happen in the game... he might swing and miss, he might hit it... the point is you never know... you try to anticipate, set a strategy for all the possibilities as best you can... but in the end it all comes down to throwing one pitch after another... and seeing what happens. With each new consequence, the game begins to take shape... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SEVEN 105. 230 CONTINUED: BATTER ALIEN (grasping the meaning) And you have no idea what that shape is until it is completed... SISKO (beat) That's right. In fact, the game wouldn't be worth playing if we knew what was going to happen. JAKE ALIEN (flabbergasted) You value your ignorance of what is to come? SISKO (acknowledges, driving home his point) That may be the most important thing to understand about humans. It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching... not just for answers to our questions... but for new questions. We are explorers... we explore our lives day by day... and we explore the galaxy, trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge. And that is why I'm here. Not to conquer you either with weapons or with ideas. But to co-exist and learn. 231 JAKE ALIEN studies him curiously for a beat... 232 SISKO waits hopefully for a response... reacts as he looks down at 233 HIS HANDS bloody and burned as they were at the Saratoga. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT SEVEN 106. 234 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS and he's back on the Saratoga... his quarters in flames... his wife dead... his son unconscious... standing with the Tactical Officer... TACTICAL OFFICER ALIEN If all you say is true... why do you exist here? Sisko reacts, confused and... 234A THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) Heartbeat. Breathing. 235 INT. OPS - VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Three huge Cardassian warships approaching. 236 REVERSE ANGLE to see Kira at Master watching... with O'Brien, Dax, Odo and Bashir at various stations... KIRA Mister O'Brien, can you establish a high energy Thoron field before they get into sensor range... I don't want them to be able to scan our defense systems... O'BRIEN Aye, sir... DAX They're hailing us. KIRA On screen. 237 ANGLE - INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The Cardassian Commander, GUL JASAD, appears, in his ready room. KIRA This is First Officer Kira Nerys. JASAD (arrogant) May I speak with the Starfleet Commander? KIRA He's not available. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/26/92 - ACT SEVEN 107. 237 CONTINUED: JASAD I'm not used to talking to Bajoran Majors. KIRA I'm all you've got. A beat. He studies her. JASAD I am Gul Jasad of the Cardassian Guard, Seventh Order. Where is our warship? KIRA With any luck, they're in the Gamma Quadrant. On the other side of the wormhole. JASAD (explodes) What wormhole? Our sensors show no indication of a wormhole in this sector. KIRA That's because it just collapsed. DAX We believe it was artificially created. That may be why our sensors never picked up any of the usual quantum fluctuation patterns... JASAD (furious) You expect me to believe that someone created a wormhole... And now conveniently disassembled it? He cuts transmission... his ship reappears on the viewscreen. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SEVEN 108-109. 238 ANGLE - LOSING THE VIEWSCREEN DAX They're flooding subspace with anti- lepton interference... it'll cut off our communications with Starfleet... O'BRIEN ... They're powering up their forward phasers... KIRA Red alert. Shields up. O'BRIEN What shields? Kira reacts but before she has any time to pursue the matter... DAX They're hailing us again. KIRA (beat) Open the channel. 239 ANGLE INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) JASAD We do not accept your explanation. Somehow you have destroyed our warship... KIRA Gul Jasad, I assure you... JASAD We demand the unconditional surrender of this station. Or we will open fire. A beat. Kira glances at O'Brien, his last warning about the shields in her mind... back to the viewscreen. KIRA (playing for time) I'll need at least a day to make the necessary preparations... JASAD You have an hour. He signs off... his ship reappears... on reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT SEVEN DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT EIGHT 110. ACT EIGHT FADE IN: A240 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) B240 INT. OPS As before. O'Brien on the move to his station... O'BRIEN I can transfer all available power to establish partial shields around critical areas... but if they hit the docking ring we'll sustain heavy damage... KIRA (to Odo) Constable... if you would coordinate moving all personnel to safer locations... He acknowledges, EXITS... turning to Dax -- KIRA What was the last reported position of the Enterprise? DAX At least twenty hours away... KIRA We've got to hold out till they get here... BASHIR I can't believe the Cardassians would ever attack a Federation outpost... O'BRIEN Doctor, you ever studied your military history of the border wars? Ever heard of the Setlik Three massacre? KIRA I assume, Mister O'Brien you would agree that surrender is not a preferable option... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT EIGHT 110A. B240 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN You know what they do to their prisoners, sir... Kira nods silently a beat... thoughtful... glances at Bashir... KIRA Did I mention, Doctor, that heroes often die young? Off his reaction... C240 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) Heartbeat. Breathing. 240 INT. SARATOGA - SISKO'S QUARTERS As before... Sisko and the Tactical Officer alien... the fire and smoke billowing up around them... SISKO What is the point of bringing me back again to this? 241 ANGLE - JENNIFER ALIEN AND JAKE ALIEN are there (Jennifer is dressed in her park costume, Jake is wearing his fishing pond costume)... standing by Jennifer's dead body and Jake's unconscious body still on the floor... JAKE ALIEN We do not bring you here. JENNIFER ALIEN You bring us here. TACTICAL OFFICER ALIEN You exist here. Sisko blinks, not entirely understanding... but is impatient to be done with it... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT EIGHT 110B. SISKO Then give me the power to lead you somewhere else. 242 ANGLE - KAI OPAKA ALIEN is there... KAI OPAKA ALIEN We cannot give you what you deny yourself... Sisko reacts, looks at her... as she says the familiar words... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT EIGHT 111. 242 CONTINUED: KAI OPAKA ALIEN Look for solutions from within, Commander... SISKO #2 (O.S.) Just help me get her free... Sisko turns to see -- 243 THE SAME SETTING and a replay of the actual events (as we did with the picnic in the park)... Sisko and the alien versions of Jake, Jennifer, Opaka and the Tactical Officer watch Sisko #2 and the duplicate Tactical Officer... TACTICAL OFFICER She's gone... there's nothing we can do... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Damage to warp core. Containment failure in two minutes... Sisko #2 takes his dead wife's hand... SISKO #2 You go ahead, Lieutenant. Take the boy. The security man ENTERS and the Tactical Officer gives Jake #2 to him... The real Sisko watches, his eyes glued to the horror, his mouth dry as cotton... SISKO I was ready to die with her... TACTICAL OFFICER ALIEN "Die" - what is this? And it is Jennifer Alien who answers... as understanding begins to grow... JENNIFER ALIEN The termination of their linear existence. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT EIGHT 112. 244 JENNIFER ALIEN AND SISKO (OPTICAL) As she studies him and sees his pain... and then reaches out and places it on his shoulder with comfort... he reacts to the touch of her hand and looks into her eyes... and they aren't so alien anymore... it is the first overt physical contact they have made with him... a link... an understanding... she looks back at the scene -- TACTICAL OFFICER Now, sir... As the Tactical Officer lifts him by the shoulder... He continues to pull him out of the room... SISKO #2 Dammit... we can't leave her here... During the above, Sisko is beginning to make a realization... SISKO I've never left this ship... JENNIFER ALIEN You exist here. SISKO I... exist here. The Tactical Officer leads Sisko #2 out... Sisko steps slowly forward and moves to his dead wife taking the place of his double... picks up her hand... SISKO (to the aliens) I don't know if you can understand. I see her like this every time I close my eyes... in the darkness in the blink of an eye, she's there... like this... JENNIFER ALIEN None of your past experiences helped prepare you for this consequence... Sisko shakes his head, slowly... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT EIGHT 113. 244 CONTINUED: SISKO (softly) And I've never figured out how to live without her. JENNIFER ALIEN So you choose to exist here. He nods, unable to speak... she moves closer... JENNIFER ALIEN It is not linear. And of course it is so simple in its truth... SISKO No. It's not... linear. Sisko gently places down the hand of his dead wife... and as he accepts that this is really the end of their life together, tears roll down his cheeks, and he begins to truly grieve his loss. After a beat, he stands, turns... and Jennifer alien is no longer there. He understands, exchanges a meaningful look with the remaining three aliens (Tactical officer, Opaka, and Jake). In this moment, two species have finally come to understand one another... to learn from one another... it is the end to the conflict... and the beginning of a shared future. There is something of a compassionate smile from Jake alien that seals it... and as Sisko returns his smile with an appreciation for what they've done... 245 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) thoughtful, showing the impact of what has occurred... heartbeat... breathing... 246 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as before. 247 INT. OPS Kira, O'Brien, Dax, Bashir... O'Brien and Dax at their stations... DAX Their lead ship is hailing us... Gul Jasad wants an answer... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT EIGHT 114. KIRA (acknowledges, a beat) Are you ready, Mister O'Brien... ? O'BRIEN Yessir... when they penetrate our Thoron field, it should raise a few eyebrows over there... KIRA All right, then, let's give them our answer. Fire six photon torpedoes across Jasad's bow... O'BRIEN (reacts) We only have six photons, Major... KIRA We're not going to win this battle with torpedoes, Chief. O'BRIEN Aye, sir... 247A thru OMITTED 247B 248 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) launches six torpedoes... that explode off the lead ship's starboard bow... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT EIGHT 114A. 249 INT. OPS O'BRIEN An urgent hail from Jasad. BASHIR I guess we got his attention. KIRA On screen. 250 ANGLE INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Jasad is incredulous, but calm. JASAD This is your answer... ? DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT EIGHT 115. 250 CONTINUED: KIRA You don't think Starfleet took command of this space station without the ability to defend it, do you? JASAD Defend it? Your space station could not defend itself against one Cardassian warship... A beat as she steps forward to the viewscreen... KIRA You're probably right, Jasad. And if you were dealing with a Starfleet officer, they'd probably admit we have a hopeless cause here... but I'm just a Bajoran who's been fighting a hopeless cause against Cardassians all her life... So if you want a war, I'll give you one. Jasad shakes his head, cuts off transmission and the screen returns to the Cardassian ships... O'Brien studies her with a trace of admiration... O'BRIEN Major, remind me never to get into a game of Roladan Wild Draw with you... Off her reaction... 251 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) with the Cardassian ships. 252 INT. CARDASSIAN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Jasad studies the space station on a viewscreen... his officer ENTERS... CARDASSIAN OFFICER #3 They were using a Thoron field to block our sensors but we were able to penetrate it... JASAD What are their defenses... ? DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT EIGHT 116. CARDASSIAN OFFICER #3 According to our scans, an estimated 5000 photons... integrated phaser banks on all levels... He hands Jasad a padd with information on it... JASAD When did they receive these armaments? How did they install them without our knowledge? Jasad throws the padd across the room... the officer reacts... JASAD Somehow they've created a massive illusion of duranium shadows... CARDASSIAN OFFICER #3 But if it is not an illusion... JASAD It is! CARDASSIAN OFFICER #3 Why risk a confrontation? The Fourth Order can be here in a day... JASAD And so can Starfleet. A beat on Jasad as he thinks and... 253 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) The Cardassian ships on the viewscreen... the crew waits for a response... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT EIGHT 117. 253 CONTINUED: Dax is checking readings... DAX The lead ship is sending out a subspace message asking for reinforcements... BASHIR Yes... KIRA (watching the screen) Too soon for a victory celebration, Doctor... Mister O'Brien... ? O'BRIEN The ships are being deployed into a standard attack formation, sir... The mood quickly shifts... KIRA (quietly) Battle stations. 254 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as the Cardassians open fire... several charges explode off the docking ring... 255 INT. PROMENADE Emphasis on Jake among civilians, who have crowded onto the main street... The area shakes with the impact of the explosions... 256 INT. OPS Shaking... O'BRIEN They may just be testing us... I could run a pulse compression wave through the phaser banks, put out a blast that'll make them think twice... KIRA Do it... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/31/92 - ACT EIGHT 118. 257 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) firing a huge phaser blast... connecting with a Cardassian ship that sustains some damage... but the Cardassians' fire shows no sign of letting up, connects with a lower deck... 258 INT. OPS A major shake... KIRA Damage report... O'BRIEN Direct hit... level fourteen... empty storage bays... no casualties... DAX Shields are down to twenty-seven percent... 259 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The firing continues... the Cardassians connect with a fuel depot... there is a huge explosion... and a series of three smaller ones along a fuel line moving toward... 260 INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) where an underground line ruptures and the fire shoots through the floor... people scatter as Bajoran supernumeraries move quickly with 24th century fire gear to contain the damage... Jake quickly moves out of the path of the surging crowd... 261 INT. OPS DAX (reacts) A fuel conduit has ruptured on the Promenade... KIRA (to O'Brien) Can you divert the main power flow... O'BRIEN (trying in vain) Controls are locked... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/31/92 - ACT EIGHT 118A. 261 CONTINUED: ODO'S COM VOICE Odo to Ops... KIRA Go ahead. 261A INT. PROMENADE Odo tending to the wounded... ODO (barking) I've got wounded people down here. Have you seen that doctor of yours anywhere? 261B INT. OPS BASHIR (reacts) I'm on my way... He EXITS onto a turbolift as the station is rocked with more explosions... O'BRIEN (on the move) I'm gonna have to shut down the primary power flow or the whole promenade will go up... (beat, to himself) Bloody Cardies... we just fixed the damned thing... He swings down into the hole and begins to work on a console... 261C EXT. DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The Cardassians continue to pummel the station with phaser shots... 261D INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) The lights go out... Jake and others react with alarm... the shaking continues... moving to find Bashir arriving carrying a medical kit... he moves to Odo who is with a civilian Bajoran woman who is seriously hurt... her neck is bleeding... Bashir takes a quick tricorder reading, his eyes narrow with concern... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT EIGHT 118B. 261D CONTINUED: Bashir grabs Odo's hand, surprising him, guides his finger to the woman's neck.. BASHIR Press there... hard... ODO (awkward) Look, Doctor... maybe I should find you someone... BASHIR (fully in command) Hold it there... And Odo blinks, obeys... Bashir uses a laser-like device on the woman's neck as he holds her head firm with his free hand (3 hands are clearly required... ) his eyes determined to save her... the lights come back on... reactions... 261E INT. OPS O'Brien still in the hole... O'BRIEN That should do it for awhile... He climbs out of the hole as another blast rocks the station... DAX Shields at eighteen percent and falling... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT EIGHT 119. 261E CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I might still be able to give you one more phaser blast, Major... A beat. Kira knows it's hopeless... there's nothing else to do... KIRA No. Signal the lead Cardassian ship that we will proceed with the... DAX Major... I'm reading a huge neutrino disturbance... fifteen kilometers off the forward docking ring... (beat) It's the wormhole... KIRA On screen... 262 ANGLE TO INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) in time to see the wormhole explode into view... 263 REACTIONS interactive lighting from the screen... 264 INT. CARDASSIAN BRIDGE - JASAD (OPTICAL) As he reacts to the viewscreen displaying the wormhole... behind the space station... KIRA'S COM VOICE What did I tell you, Jasad... There's your wormhole... 265 EXT. SPACE - THE WORMHOLE (OPTICAL) to see an incredible sight... the tiny Runabout towing out the huge Cardassian warship, at the end of a tractor beam, fifty times larger than the Starfleet vessel... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT EIGHT 120. 266 INT. OPS SISKO'S COM VOICE Rio Grande to D-S Nine. KIRA On screen. Go ahead, Commander. 267 ANGLE INCLUDING VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) SISKO Sorry to be so late. I didn't know we were having company. Clear me for docking, Mister O'Brien. O'BRIEN Aye, sir... cleared for pad "C"... On the elated reactions of the crew... 268 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as the Runabout moves in for a landing... 269 INT. PROMENADE As Sisko walks out of the Airlock gate... he sees the damage to the promenade, reacts, begins to move perceptibly faster... and he has to be wondering about Jake... he finally finds Odo and Bashir tending to the wounded... The Bajoran woman is lying nearby, conscious, holding hands with a member of her family... SISKO Casualties... ? BASHIR Thirteen injured, Commander... No fatalities... And Sisko's face eases immediately... as he looks up to motion in the crowd and Jake pushes to the front... smiles as he sees his father... Sisko grins back with love... and as the boy runs to him, Sisko lifts him up and carries him on his hip... and as they move down the thoroughfare... FADE TO BLACK. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/13/92 - ACT EIGHT 121. FADE IN: 270 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (DAY #7) Revealing the Enterprise arriving... SISKO (V.O.) Station log, Commander Benjamin Sisko, stardate xxxxx.x. The lifeforms who created the wormhole have agreed to allow safe passage for all ships traveling to the Gamma Quadrant. With the arrival of the Enterprise, the Cardassians have left the area... 271 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE there is no hostility from Sisko this time... Sisko has finished briefing him as we cut in... PICARD (dry) I suspect the sight of their warship being towed back by a Starfleet runabout took the heart out of their fight... SISKO We're not done with the Cardassians yet. Not with the strategic importance that wormhole brings... PICARD It seems you've put Bajor on the map, Commander. This will shortly become a leading center of commerce and scientific exploration... (beat, with purpose) And for Starfleet, one of our most important posts... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT EIGHT 121A. 271 CONTINUED: SISKO (beat) Captain, regarding our conversation about someone to replace me... PICARD I'm sorry, I haven't had the time to communicate it to Command... SISKO I would prefer you ignore it, sir. PICARD (a beat, not so easy) I'm not sure I can, Commander... are you certain this is what you want? Because we can't afford to have someone in command here who... SISKO I'm certain, sir. A beat, Picard studies the man, quite a different man than the last time they met. He nods... shakes his hand... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT EIGHT 122. 271 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Good luck, Sisko. And Picard EXITS... a beat on Sisko... 272 EXT. BAJOR - MATTE SHOT - ESTABLISHING (OPTICAL) 273 INT. MONASTERY - DAY (OPTICAL) Pulling back on the ark as it's placed in a shrine... moving to find Opaka is doing it... and that Sisko is with her... SISKO Fourteen planets have already contacted us about opening trade routes through Bajoran space... KAI OPAKA (nods) The prophets have been generous... SISKO I have a lot to tell you about your prophets, Opaka. KAI OPAKA Does it surprise you that I do not wish to hear? Sisko reacts, not really. KAI OPAKA Perhaps that is why a disbeliever was destined to seek them -- one should never look into the eyes of his own gods... SISKO (wanting to share at least this much) It was... quite a journey. KAI OPAKA It was only the beginning of your journey, Commander. On Sisko's reaction... DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 09/14/92 - ACT EIGHT 123. 274 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) 275 INT. PROMENADE Moving to find Bashir walking with Odo... BASHIR So, where can someone practice with his phaser around here... ? Losing them as they pass by Quark's, where the camera picks up Kira and Quark coming out of the door... QUARK New rules... ? KIRA You're can't cheat every customer who walks through your door anymore, Quark... you're a community leader now... Quark puts his hand on her hip in an awkwardly intimate move... QUARK Very well. Very well. Perhaps we could discuss these new rules over a drink... KIRA If you don't take that hand off my hip, you'll never be able to raise another glass with it. She gives him a hard look, moves away... as Quark watches... QUARK I love a woman in uniform... And he gasps as he sees Dax pass in her uniform with O'Brien... and we stay with them as they walk to greet Sisko arriving from the Turbolift... DAX Benjamin, three Frunalian science vessels are requesting permission to dock... O'BRIEN Problem is we've been retro-fitting the Airlocks, sir. DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 09/14/92 - ACT EIGHT 124. 275 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Half of them were damaged during the move... and most of the others when the Cardassians blew out the... And during the above, they move away out of earshot as we pull back for the wide shot of the activity... 276 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as the three ships arrive... FADE OUT. END OF ACT EIGHT THE END