Episode Quotes

Kira: "Got a better idea... ?"
Dax: "I'm a science officer. It's my job to have a better idea."
Alixus: "But perhaps a lie can lead to a more important truth. Would any of you have learned who you truly are, at the core, if you hadn't come here? Joseph, you would have been a repairman all your life. Cassandra, you would have been a technical clerk in some closed-in room. And Stephen. My friend, you probably would have been in prison by now. Look at yourselves! Look at what you've become! What you've achieved here has redefined your potential — the potential of man. Just as I knew it would. You are the living proof."
Sisko: "What if it had been your son who was sick? Would you let him die too?"
Alixus: "Yes. For the sake of the community. I did it all for the community."
Joseph: "Miles, this is our home. Whatever Alixus may be guilty of, she did give us our community. I'm not sure if we'll leave the device on or off now that we know it's there. And we'll have to decide if we want to establish contact with the outside world. But Alixus is right: We have found something here that none of us is willing to give up."
Alixus: "Now that's the first core behavior I've seen from you since you arrived."
Sisko: "Core behavior. Does that chapter come before or after sexual procurement?"
Sisko: "It's just that you never had much use for technology, did you? It's interesting you happened to crash on a planet that fits your... philosophy of life so well."
Alixus: "I agree. In fact, I've started writing a book about our experiences. I've been wondering if in the ancient religions of man, there aren't some new truths to be found... something to explain how fate sometimes delivers us exactly where we need to be."
Sisko: "Perhaps one day, you'll even feel the hand of God on your shoulder. "
Alixus: "We all work for our supper. You'll be surprised how much sweeter it tastes when you do."