Episode Trivia

James Sloyan makes his first of two appearances as Dr. Mora Pol in this episode. He reprises the role in the fifth season episode "The Begotten".
This episode justifies the claim Odo made in "The Forsaken", where he told Lwaxana Troi that he modelled his hairstyle after his mentor Dr. Mora Pol.
The planet Khosla II was the place of residence of the Ferengi entrepreneur Plegg in the late 24th century, who is largely credited with the invention of holosuite technology.
In 2370, Odo informed Quark of Plegg's whereabouts when Quark attempted to defraud customers into buying counterfeit desiccation discs allegedly containing Plegg's remains.
Plegg was a great Ferengi orator and entrepreneur. Quark said of him that "he took a computer chip and turned it into the modular holosuite industry, bringing holographic entertainment to the most remote parts of the Alpha Quadrant, creating profit centers from societies that could barely afford to feed their own people".
The Ferengi death ritual consists primarily of preserving a Ferengi body after death by means of vacuum desiccation. The process results in the Ferengi's body being reduced to a near powder, which is often stored in a set of 52 disks, marked with the Ferengi Seal of Dismemberment, and sold as a collectible on the Ferengi Futures Exchange.
The trip from Bajor to Deep Space Nine takes five hours.
Aractean gin is a beverage served at Quark's.