Episode Trivia

Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #47 and #109 are quoted:
#47: "Never trust a man wearing a better suit than your own."
#109: "Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack."
The Bajoran War Orphans Fund was a charitable organization established on the planet Bajor following the Cardassian withdrawal from that world and the end of the Occupation of Bajor. (see also "Ferengi Love Songs", "In the Cards".)
Club Martus was a casino located on Deep Space 9's promenade opposite Quark's. It was opened and owned by an El-Aurian named Martus Mazur in 2370 and contained numerous gambling devices.
Naming Day is the day on which male Ferengi are formally introduced to the world outside their family and one of the first opportunities for a young Ferengi to acquire property or make a profit. It is one of the few Ferengi traditions that involve the giving of gifts. On Rom's Naming Day, his brother Quark replaced his gifts with old vegetables and sold the gifts for a profit.
The Plygorian mammoth is an extremely large animal. After having being unable to play an effective game of racquetball, Julian Bashir once stated that he couldn't "hit the broadside of a Plygorian mammoth."
The Pythrons are the inhabitants of Pythro V. Con artist Martus Mazur defrauded an elderly Pythron couple in 2370 by getting their financial access codes and investing their money in his business, which promptly failed. The couple filed a complaint against him with Odo, who arrested Mazur.
Solar neutrinos are a type of particle emitted by stars. Usually, half of solar neutrinos in an area spin clockwise and the other half spin counterclockwise. In 2370, Martus Mazur's probability altering gambling machines caused more than eighty percent of solar neutrinos in Deep Space 9 to spin clockwise.
The Vlugtans are a space bound species, whose currency is the isik. They controlled a asteroid belt that was rich in minerals. In 2370, the Vlugtans accepted a bid by Alsia to begin mining the asteroid belt, although she was told to conduct a survey on the effects the mining would have on "intersystem navigation".