Episode Trivia

This is the first reference to the Cardassian name of Deep Space 9, Terok Nor, and also the first time hostility between Elim Garak and Gul Dukat was hinted at.
Elim Garak appears for the second time in the series. His first appearance was in "Past Prologue".
This is the first time since the pilot that Gul Dukat has visited DS9.
Exarch was a Cardassian military rank in use during the Occupation of Bajor. Kotan Pa'Dar was Exarch of a Cardassian settlement on Bajor.
Garak enjoys Rokassa juice, claiming it soothes his nerves. It is known to have a pungent odour.
The Tozhat Province is a province of Bajor and the location of the Tozhat Resettlement Center.
Zabu are native animals of Cardassia with a green colored meat when cooked. Keiko made Miles and Rugal Zabo stew during Rugal's stay in 2370.
Bashir likes to drink Tarkalian tea.
Molly O'Brien is staying with the Peterson family.