Episode Trivia

The unnamed Ennis/Nol-Ennis penal camp is located on a moon orbiiting the sixth planet of a binary surround system and is surrounded by an advanced satellite detection web.
The penal colony is located in an uncharted binary star system containing an unspecified number of planets with approximately twenty-five moons and an asteroid belt. The sixth planet has three moons, the third has one and the seventh has none.
The prisoners have a biomechanical "presence" at the cellular level which directly controls all metabolic processes. The artificial microbes responsible are environment specific meaning the people affected can never leave the moon but can never die on the moon.
Kai Opaka has never left Bajor before this episode.
The distance between DS9 and the Gamma Quadrant is again given as 70,000 light years (as in "Emissary", cf "Captive Pursuit".)
The fastest Starfleet vessel would take over 67 years to get to the Gamma Quadrant without the use of the Wormhole.
Opaka claims that even though she has to stay on the penal colony moon, her and Sisko's pagh will cross again.
The Runabout Yangtzee-Kiang is written off in this episode.